Nursing Journal

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Nursing Journal

Unang Yakap and Breastfeeding are lifesaving for babies in the Philippines

Summary of Journal Reviewed

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO),
the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and World Food Programme (WFP) today, called
on those involved in the response to the COVID-19 outbreak in the Philippines to emphasize
that the most effective way to save newborn lives is still through the practice of Essential
Intrapartum and Newborn Care (EINC, or “Unang Yakap”) and the promotion and protection of
breastfeeding while strictly following precautions for infection prevention and control.

All the newborn babies need to be with their mothers and start breastfeeding within the
first hour of birth. Placing babies in immediate skin-to-skin contact with their mothers keeps
babies prevent hypothermia, prevents exposure to surfaces in health facilities that may carry
diseases, and helps establish breastfeeding. Babies who drink only their mother’s breastmilk
receive antibodies from their mothers, that can protect them from deadly infections like
pneumonia, diarrhea, and sepsis. In fact, Unang Yakap and exclusive breastfeeding are vital to
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures. With proper IPC, protection from infection
becomes stronger, especially in challenging circumstances and in emergencies.

In addition, according to Dr. Rabindra Abeyasinghe, WHO Representative in the

Philippines, all confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases, symptomatic mothers who are
breastfeeding or practicing skin-to-skin contact or kangaroo mother care should observe hand
hygiene and basic IPC measures. When performing skin-to-skin contact, infected mothers must
use a medical mask, wash their hands properly before and after contact with the child, and
routinely clean and disinfect surfaces which the mother has touched.

The rate of mortality is particularly high when there is a prevalence of communicable

diseases and diarrhea combined with high rates of undernutrition.

Hence, The UN Agencies strongly urge the Department of Health, public health and
clinical experts, professional societies, and all involved in guideline and policy development,
funding, planning, and implementing the emergency response in the Philippines to avoid
unnecessary illness and death by ensuring that EINC and breastfeeding are not sacrificed while
preventing the spread of infection.

The concept of Essential Intrapartum and Newborn Care practice (EINC, or “Unang
Yakap”) and the promotion and protection of breastfeeding by the United Nations Children’s
Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund
(UNFPA), and World Food Programme (WFP) is truly a simple and cost-effective newborn care
interventions that can help to save the lives of newborn babies as well as the mothers.

Placing the baby on immediate skin-to-skin contact over the mother’s abdomen after the
delivery of the baby has a lot of benefits such as it can promote a mother and child bonding, for
breastfeeding success, lymphoid tissue system stimulation, exposure to maternal flora, prevents
hypoglycemia and for thermoregulation.

Moreover, the early initiation of breastfeeding has a different health benefit like it can
increase the rate of defense mechanisms of the baby in fighting the infections, reduce the risk of
diarrhea and increase the survival rate of the baby because the breastmilk contains colostrum, a
nutrient-rich fluid produced by mother immediately after giving birth, is loaded with immune,
growth and tissue repair factors. With the article above, I can say that a breastfeeding and
Unang Yakap are the first defense of the baby against infections and diseases.

Also, The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures is strictly observed during
this pandemic especially to those mothers who are confirmed or suspected COVID-19 carrier by
wearing a medical mask, washing their hands properly before and after contact with their
babies, and routinely clean and disinfect surfaces which the mother has touched to prevent the
transfer of microorganisms that may harm the babies.

Therefore, prioritizing the health of the newborn baby is very vital for their growth and
development by observing proper measures of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), Unang
Yakap and Breastfeeding. With these newborn care interventions, it serves as lifesaving against
the diseases, infections and emergencies like pandemic which can help to lower the rate of
mortality of the babies.


Unang Yakap and Breastfeeding are lifesaving for babies in the Philippines. (2020, April 7).

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