Question:Justify The Title "The Garden Party"

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Question:Justify the title “The Garden Party”

Aonkon:Good morning.I am Ashiq Tanvir Aonkon.

Prottasha:And I am Shahanaz Sharmin.
Aonkon:Thank you very much to be here for listening us.
Prottasha:Today we are going deeper into a question “why do an author
Katherine Mansfield choose a title “The Garden Party” for her short
story?”and also trying to find out the answer.
Aonkon:Hence,at first ,we will connect this attractive title with the life
of an author “Katherine Mansfield”,because we know that the short story
is nothing but a reflection of life.
Prottasha:So,when Katherine Mansfield was born in New
Zealand,unfortunately it was under British influence.And she became
evident of the class discrimination across the society.The very upset
moment was when they could not efface the dirty spot of British
influence after being free.Therefore, the society was divided into
higher class community and lower class community.
Aonkon:Interesting thing is the title “The Garden Party” contains a
hidden meaning.Have you ever thought that how can lower class
community afford any party?The lower class community who struggles
for having a small piece of bread, will be ever able to arrange a
party????So,ultimately,another question arises.
Prottasha:Party is a social gathering of invited guests.People with their
happy faces come to meet, shake hands, have expensive and delicious
foods and show their fake appearance putting on heavy makeup and
expensive dresses.We can see the real purpose of having party,don’t we?
The purpose is to impress other people and showoff how rich they
Aonkon:As Katherine Mansfield belonged to a prominent higher class
family,she also faced this issue.At that time,people used to organize the
ball dance party for dating.That’s why Katherine’s parents did decorated
a party for her younger daughter.But a sensitive author’s mind captured
the fakeness rather than charming faces.
Prottasha:Finally,we get the connection between the life of an author
and her short story.Now,we will depict the point of view of author to
choose this title by going more deeper into the story.
Aonkon:In this process ,we will recognize the human psychology of
higher class community.Why do they arrange the party and How do they
behave with lower class people during the party?At the very beginning
of the story,the beautiful roses get praised because of its ability to
impress people.How insensitive they are! They don’t even regret for
avoiding the beauty of roses.
Prottasha:However,the character of protagonist “Laura” is
noteworthy.She is different,a sensitive one among those insensitive
upper class people.Hence,when she gets an opportunity to arrange a
party,the upbringing of her and her feelings create an internal conflict
and it reveals the vile thoughts of upper class family.
Aonkon:In their opinion,the lower class people are always taken for
granted as inhuman,insensitive and uneducated dirty slaves.It’s a matter
of sorrow that neither their arrogance disappears nor the lower class
people raise their voice.Here,the party brings a very good chance to
humiliate the poor people in a respective way.
Prottasha:On the other side,how can those arrogant people let the idea
of showing wealth forget?There is no wonder why Mrs. Sheridan
chooses various kind of lilies instead of other flowers or almost
everyone is busy with their appearance and outfits.
Aonkon: Especially ,the hat holds the symbolical prestige of an
aristocratic family.When an empathetic “Laura” tries to convince her
mother for stopping the party ,her mother gifts her a hat .Why does Mrs.
Sheridan do it?? Because she wants to remind Laura her position in the
society.Eventually she succeeds and Laura also gets sweet compliments.
Prottasha:No matter what higher class community do to create
difference in the society,the death is equal for everyone.The dead body
of Mr. Scot symbolizes the real position of every human being.
Aonkon:In the end,we all get to understood what massage the author
wants to provide us.A title ‘The Garden Party” represents the class
discrimination,the dominance ,the hightest desire and attachment
towards money and expensive things, which lead them to corrupt their
soul.That’s all.Thank you
Prottasha:Thank you very much.

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