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This unit is prepared for students to gain knowledge on the importance of rhythmic activities, the
role it plays in the development of nationalism, and the preservation of our cultural heritage. It will
help the students to improve self-expression through dance interpretation, creating and
performing simple movements. Rhythmic activities are combinations of physical movements with
sounds, beats, or music. Rhythmic activities rely on an internal or external rhythm used for self-
expression, exercise, demonstration of physical ability, socialization, and expression of culture.
• Identify the important terms and use the body effectively as an instrument for performance with
attention to areas including, but not limited to basic fundamental steps.
 Identify the different important terms in dance and rhythm.
analyze the elements of rhythm while performing rhythmic activities.

Lesson 1: D A N C E

Dance is a series of movements set to music wherein organization, structure, and pattern are
Dancing is a means of expressing one’s emotions through movements disciplined by rhythm. It is
an act of moving rhythmically and expressively to an accompaniment. The word dancing
originated from the German word “damson” which means to stretch. All dancing is basically made
up of stretching and relaxing movements.

 Dancing has been used to worship God.
 Throughout history, dancing has also played a role in courtship.
 Some primitive peoples believe that dances bring them magic powers.They danced to bring
victory, or to restore health to life.
 Dance gives beauty, meaning, and inspiration.
Dance serves many other purposes. For many people, dancing provides one of the most personal
and affective means of communication.


Dance as an art that tells a story, sets a mood, or expresses an emotion. It conveys successive
groups of bodily motions felt through music timed and steps that are rhythmically performed.
It can be traced that dance as an art started the moment it was harnessed to a rhythm, probably
the stamping of the feet and clapping of the hands. It is an art ever present in the performer’s
bodies till they die. It was only recently that the movements of dances were recorded and used in
films and in television shows.

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