The Errors in Cell Cycle: Angelica Rose Y. Remonde Grade 11-Moscovium

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Angelica Rose Y.

Remonde Grade 11- Moscovium

The Errors in Cell Cycle

A cell cycle is a sequence of events that occur in a cell as it divides and grows. The cell

cycle is defined as the length among a cell's subsequent divisions as a biological term.

Throughout that time, the contents of the cell must be monitored thoroughly and accurately

in order to prevent problems within the organism. All organisms depend on the cell cycle and

the cell division for growth, reproduction, regeneration, and the repair of cells and tissues. A

malfunction or absence of one or more regulatory proteins can lead to various diseases, e.g.,

neurological diseases, cancer, growth, and etc.

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurological disorder that is caused by the deregulation

of the cell cycle. The occurs when terminally differentiated neurons, meaning that they

remain in a nondividing, nonreplicating phase, enter the cell cycle. If such neurons enter the

cell cycle, recent evidence has shown that these neurons can initiate, but cannot complete,

cell division and in consequence eventually enter an apoptotic-type neurodegeneration

(Raina et al. 2001; Lee et al. 2009). Profound effects of this disease are the memory loss and

the difficulty in completing everyday tasks, trouble understanding visual images and spatial

relationships, withdrawal from work or social activities, and changes in mood and

personality. Currently, no studies have shown for the causes of AD. Instead, doctors look

more into the risk factors, e.g., smoking, prions, cardiovascular diseases, head injury, etc.

There's no cure for Alzheimer's, but there are treatments that may change disease

progression, and drug and non-drug options that may help treat symptoms.

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are first-line medications for the treatment of Alzheimer

disease, and are associated with mild improvements in cognitive function, behavior, and
Angelica Rose Y. Remonde Grade 11- Moscovium

activities of daily living. Alzheimer disease most commonly affects older adults, but it can

also affect people in their 30s or 40s. When Alzheimer disease occurs in someone under age

65, it is known as early-onset (or younger-onset) Alzheimer disease.


 Hazlewood, S. O. W. B. T. M. A. (2011, June 15). Treatment of Alzheimer Disease.

American Family Physician.

 Alzheimer’s disease - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic. (2021, June 26).




 Moh, C., Kubiak, J. Z., Bajic, V. P., Zhu, X., Smith, M. A., & Lee, H. (2011). Cell cycle

deregulation in the neurons of Alzheimer's disease. Retrieved from

Cancer is a broad term for a variety of illnesses defined by the uncontrollable division of

aberrant cells with the capacity to infiltrate and destroy normal bodily tissue. It is caused by

changes (mutations) of DNA within the cells. Some of the symptoms include fatigue, lump or

area of thickening that can be felt under the skin, changes in weight, skin, and bowel or

bladder habits, persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating, etc. Often, what's known

about cancer prevention is still evolving. However, it's well-accepted that your chances of

developing cancer rely on the lifestyle you choose. The following are considered to prevent
Angelica Rose Y. Remonde Grade 11- Moscovium

cancer: Avoid tobacco, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, protection from the sun, get

vaccinated, and seek regular medical appointments. Treatments for cancer use surgery,

radiation, medications and other therapies to cure a cancer, shrink a cancer or stop the

progression of a cancer. Cancer can be diagnosed at any spectrum of age.


 Cancer prevention: 7 tips to reduce your risk. (2021, February 17). Mayo Clinic.


 Cancer treatment - Mayo Clinic. (2020, June 4).




 Cancer treatment - Mayo Clinic. (2020, June 4).



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