Chapter 2

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Management Accounting determination of tax

● Involves the accumulation and consequences of certain

communication of information for proposed business endeavors.
use by internal users. ● Preparation of tax returns. Failure to
● Preparation of specifically tailored pay tax returns results in a penalty
management reports. and imprisonment of not less than 6
● Required by the management to aid years but not more than 10 years.
them in performing their ● Preparation of tax advice.
management functions. ● All businesses are required to file tax
Government Accounting ● Some taxpayers may require the
● Refers to the accounting for professional advice of a tax
government and its instrumentalities, practitioner regarding the
focusing attention on the custody of management of taxes.
public funds.
● General record keeping and
preparation of financial reports for Cost Accounting
the government and its agencies. ● Systematic recording and analysis of
● Also includes the preparation of the costs of materials, labor, and
budgets and accountability reports. overhead incident to the production
● of goods or rendering of services.
Auditing ● Analyses of cost of products or
● Involves the inspection of an entity’s services.
financial statements or business ● Businesses use cost accounting to
processes to ascertain their analyze the cost of their products or
correspondence with established services and the effect of those in
criteria. cost in, among others, earning and
● Expression of an opinion on the pricing policies.
correspondence between
management assertions and Accounting Education
established criteria. ● Refers to teaching accounting and
● The most common form of an audit accounting-related subjects in an
opinion is the Independent Auditors organized learning environment.
Report which is attached to audited ● The teaching of accounting and
financial statements. related subjects.
● Businesses with gross annual ● Required by business students,
sales or receipts exceeding business owners, accounting
3,000,000 pesos to required to have professionals in their Continuing
their financial statements audited by Professional Development (CPD),
an independent CPA. and other interested parties.

Tax Accounting
● Preparation of tax returns and
rendering of tax advice, such as the
Accounting Research assets and loans to finance the
● Pertains to the careful analysis of business.
economic events and other variables
to understand their impact on PARTNERSHIP
decisions. ● A business that is owned by two
● Accounting research papers, or more individuals who entered
articles, and similar publications. into a contract to carry on the
● Required by business owners, business and divide among
professional organizations, and themselves the earnings.
other interested parties. ● Business owners are called
Form of Business Organizations ● Registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
A business is an activity where goods or
services are exchanged for money. ADVANTAGES :
1. Better business decisions can be
A businessman or entrepreneur is a made because “two heads are better
person who is engaged in business. than one.”
2. Share the business risk and
Sole or Single Proprietorship responsibility of running the
● A business owned by only one business with your partner.
individual. 3. Only a contractual agreement
● The simplest form of a business between partners is needed.
organization. 4. Greater capital compared to a sole
● The business owner is called the proprietorship.
“sole proprietor.” 5. The lower extent of government
● Registered in the Department of regulation compared to corporations.
Trade and Industry.
ADVANTAGES: 1. Making economic decisions may
1. You are the boss and you keep all give rise to conflict among the
the profits. partners.
2. Decision making is simple 2. Limited life and can easily be
3. The lower extent of government dissolved.
regulations and lower taxes. 3. Lesser capital
4. It is a tax like a corporation

1. You assume all the risk of loss.

2. You take all responsibility and
rely mostly on yourself in making
3. Difficult to raise capital because
you rely mostly on your personal
Corporation 3. A greater extent of government
● Owned by more than one regulation and higher taxes.
individual. 4. You have to wait for the board of
● Created by operation of law rather directors to declare the dividends
than contract. before you can get your share in
● Represented by a share of stocks. the profit.
● The owners are called
stockholders or shareholders. COOPERATIVE
● In the eyes of law, a corporation is ● Owned by more than one
like a person separate from its individual.
owners. ● Formed by the Philippine
● Also has a judicial personality. Cooperative Code of 2008.
● The incorporators of a corporation ● The owners of a cooperative are
shall not be less than but not called members.
more than 15 individuals. ● Association of individuals who
● Registered with Securities and joined together to contribute
Exchange Commission. capital and cooperate to achieve
certain goals.
ADVANTAGES : ● Members need to patronize the
1. Limited liability of the owners cooperatives’ goods or services.
because stockholders are liable for ● Registered in Cooperative
corporate debts only up to the Development Authority.
amount they invested.
2. Unlimited life in the sense that the ADVANTAGES :
withdrawal, retirement, death, or 1. Your “say” on cooperative affairs is
insanity of one doesn’t dissolve the not affected by the number of shares
corporation. you own.
3. If listed, you can reality transfer 2. Entitled to only one vote.
your shares to other investors by 3. Exempt for paying taxes and may
selling them in the stock market. receive assistance from the
4. Greater capital and ease in raising government.
additional funds. 4. Easier and less costly to form
because of fewer business
DISADVANTAGES : requirements.
1. Your “say” on corporate affairs 5. Limited liability.
depends on the number of shares 6. Unlimited life.
you own. Those who own MORE
enjoy a LARGER SHARE of the
corporation’s profit. 1. Prone to poor management.
2. More difficult and more costly to 2. Influential members tend to
form because there are more formal dominate the election process.
business requirements.
3. Election officers may be inclined ADVANTAGES
to act on their interests and will 1. You may need a lower capital.
lead to corruption. 2. You can take advantage of price
4. The cooperative code put some fluctuations.
restrictions on the distribution of 3. Lower cost of quality.
a cooperative profit to its 4. You don’t need expert skills to
members. start a merchandising business.
5. Difficult to sustain growth.
6. Restriction on the transfer of a DISADVANTAGES
member’s shares. 1. You need to have a retail store to
display your goods and the store
TYPES OF BUSINESS must be in a strategic location for
it to attract more customers.
2. Less flexibility in managing costs.
3. Keeping track of inventory is
● Offers services as its main
product rather than physical
Manufacturing Business
● Buys raw materials and
● May offer professional skills,
processes them into final
expertise, advice, lending service,
and similar services.
● Changes the physical form of the
goods it has purchased in a
production process.
1. You don’t need to worry about
inventory, warehousing, and
distribution costs because you have
1. You have high growth potential.
no inventory.
2. Opportunity to establish a brand.
2. You may only need small capital.
3. Self-satisfaction is high.
3. You are perceived as an expert in
4. Have a better pricing policy.
your chosen field.
5. Greater flexibility.

1. You may not have flexible personal
1. You may need high start-up
2. Services businesses normally suffer
2. Conceptualizing a viable
first from a decline in demand during
manufacturing business is
times of economic difficulty.
3. Your business’ success depends on
3. You need to be continuously
your credibility.
innovative and abreast of
changes in technology.
4. Warehousing and logistics costs
● Is one that buys and sells goods
can be high.
without changing their physical
5. You rely on raw materials
Accounting is constantly changing ● Economic events are recorded in
and new concepts are continuously the period in which they occur
emerging. rather than at the point in the time
when they affect cash.
● The business is viewed as a 6. PRUDENCE
separate person, distinct from its ● The accountant observes some
owners. degree of caution when
● Only transactions of the business exercising judgments needed in
are recorded in the books of making accounting estimates under
accounts. conditions of uncertainty.
● It is necessary so that the financial ● The accountant needs to choose
position and financial performance of between a potentially unfavorable
the company can be measured outcome versus a potentially
properly. favorable outcome, the accountant
chose the unfavorable one.
● Assets are recorded at their 7. TIME PERIOD
acquisition cost. ● The life of the business is divided
into series of reporting periods.
● Business is assumed to continue to ➢ Series of equal short periods.
exist for an indefinite period of time. ➢ Usually 12 months.
● Measuring assets at historical cost. Calendar Year Period
➢ Starts on jan1 end on dec31 the
CONCERN - the business intends to Fiscal Year Period
end its operations or if has no choice ➢ Covers 12 months but starts on a
but to do so. date other than Jan 1.

● Measured at a net selling Interim Period

price. ● A period that is shorter than 12
● Some costs are initially recognized 8. STABLE MONETARY UNIT
as assets and charged as expenses ● Assets, liabilities, equity, income,
when the related value is and expenses are stated in terms
recognized. of common unit measures.
● Guides the accountant when ● Concepts and principles are those
applying accounting principles. that are not specifically
● An item is considered material if its mentioned in the foregoing but
omission or misstatement could aee customarily used because of
influence economic decisions. their general and longtime
● Materiality is a matter of acceptance within the
professional judgment and based on accountancy profession.
the size and nature of an item being
10. Cost Benefit STANDARDS (PFRSs)
● The cost of processing and
communicating information ● Are Standards and Interpreations
should not exceed the benefits to adopted by Financial Reporting
be derived from the information’s Standards Councils.
use. ➢ Philippine Financial
Reporting Standards
11. Full disclosure principle ➢ Philippine Accounting
● Both the concepts if materiality Standards
and cost-benefit. ➢ Interpretations
● Information communicated to
users reflects a series if Standards
judgmental trade offs. ● Serves as guide when recording and
communicating accounting
12. Consistency Concept information.
● Requires a business to apply ● Provide more detailed application
accounting policies consitently , concepts.
from one period to another. ● Prescribe which principle is most
● Accounting policies used this appropriate for specific economic
year shallbe the same accounting transactions.
policies used last year.
Generally Acceptable
● Standards has been estalbilished
ACCOUNTING STANDARDS by an authoritative accounting
standard-setting body
EXPLICIT CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES ● Principle has gained acceptance
● Specifically mentioned in the due to practice over tine and has
Conceptuak Framework for been proven to be most useful..
Financial Reporting and in the
Philippine Financial Reporting
Standards (PFRs)
● Tasked with regulating Qualitative Characteristics
corporations including ● Traits that determine whether an
partnerships. information os useful to users.
● Requires corpotaions and
partnership to file audited financial Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics
statements. ● Make information useful to users.


● Tasked in collecting national ● Information is relevant if it can
taxes and administering the affect the decision of the users.
provision of tax code. a. Predictive Value - if it can help users
to make predictions about future
● Tasked in regulating banks and b. Confirmatory Value - if it can help
other entities performing banking users confirm their pst predictions.
functions. c. Materiality - depends on the facts
● Influences the selection and abd circumstances surrounding a
application of accounting policies specific entity.
by these businesses .
Faithful Representation
COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT ● Information is faithfully represented
AUTHORITY (CDA) if its is factual , meaning represents
● Tasked in regulating cooperatives. the actual events that have taken
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK a. Completeness - all information
● Prescribes accounting concepts necessary for users have to be
that are relevant to the complete understanding of financial
preparation of financial information
statements. b. Neutrality - information is selected or
● Not a standard. presented without bias .
● General frame of reference un c. Free from error - is not materiality
developing or applying the missated.
Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics
● Support fundamental
● Enhance the usefulness of

● If it can help users to identify
similarities and differences in
between different sets of
● If different users could reach a
general agrement as to what the
information intends to represent.
● If it available to users to be able to
influence their decisions.
● If it is presented in a clear and
concise manner.

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