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September 12, 2017 15:50 WSPC/S0218-5393 122-IJRQSE 1740006

International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering

Vol. 24, No. 6 (2017) 1740006 (11 pages)
c World Scientific Publishing Company
DOI: 10.1142/S021853931740006X

Reliability Improvement of Distribution System by Optimal

Sitting and Sizing of Disperse Generation

Vikas Singh Bhadoria∗,‡ , Nidhi Singh Pal∗,§ , Vivek Shrivastava†,¶

and Shiva Pujan Jaiswal†,
∗Department of EE, GBU, Greater Noida, 201308 UP, India
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†Department of Electrical Engineering

Rajasthan Technical University Kota, Rajasthan 302010, India

Received 15 March 2017

Revised 5 July 2017
Accepted 4 August 2017
Published 14 September 2017

Recent studies have publicized that renewable energy resources are the only answer to
trim down energy crisis and also able to diminish green house gases. Thats why disperse
generation is very significant for sustainable development in power sector. This paper
presents an analytical algorithm to find optimal location and a best suitable size of
distributed generator (DG) to minimize system losses. Authors also prove that scatter
generation is used not only to reduce the gap between demand and supply of power with
minimum amount losses, but it can also improve the reliability of distribution system.
The results obtained from a case study of 34 bus radial distribution system have proved
the efficiency of algorithms for loss minimization and competency of DG to enhance the
reliability indices of the conventional distribution system.

Keywords: Distributed generation; reliability; radial distribution system size and location
optimization of DG.

1. Introduction
Renewable energy generation has been the main area of concern for the policy
makers, governments, industries, researchers and other energy agencies in the era
of lesser fossil fuel and polluted environment. These renewable energy generators
can be used as Distributed Generator (DG) to provide additional support to the
existing system or for the expansion of distribution network. In current scenario,
integration of DG can be opted as a strong substitute over installation of a new

‡ Corresponding author

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September 12, 2017 15:50 WSPC/S0218-5393 122-IJRQSE 1740006

V. S. Bhadoria et al.

substation or feeder during expansion of distribution system. For extracting more

benefits from the installation of DG, its appropriate size and location should be
determined. It has also been proved that several operating characteristics of the
system, such as losses, voltage profile, variation in voltage, reliability of the system
etc. are also dependent on the size and location of DG.1 Out of these operating
characteristics system losses are of main concern for the system planner, utility
providers and researchers because of its direct relation with the profit of the utility
providers.2 Generally, location of DGs is near to load centers but its higher capacity
near the load centers can cause some other problems such as increase in voltage
and losses, lower voltage stability, reverse power flow etc.3 Additional benefits of
DGs, the availability in small sizes, nearness to the load center, lesser installation
time, and reduced investment risk are the main driver parameters for the selection
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of DG in the network expansion.4

Traditional distribution network expansion planning consists of installation of
new substation, installation of new lines or combination of both.5 Installation of
DG is a strong option for distribution network expansion because it has several
advantages like, reduced losses, improved voltage profile, improved reliability etc.
Different types of distributed generators and their impacts are discussed in detail
in Ref. 6. These impacts may be positive or negative depending upon the size and
location of DGs. Configuration of network, size and location of DG, type of DG and
operating mode of DG are the main factors on which effect of DG on distribution
system depends.7 Benefits of the DG can be extracted only if optimum size DG is
inserted in the system at optimum location.
Several researchers have proposed different techniques for size and location opti-
mization of DG with several objectives such as minimization of losses only, mini-
mization of generation cost, improvement of reliability of the system, enhancement
of voltage profile etc. by placing single or multiple DGs. Georgilakis and Hatziar-
gyriou8 classifies these optimization methods as: analytical, numerical, heuristic
and evaluation. In literature, all these techniques, analytical,9–17 numerical18–21
and heuristic22–30 are discussed in detail. A repetitive load flow technique was
used suitable deployment of the DG.9 Objective of the optimization was the min-
imization of total losses of the system. “2/3 rule” proposed in Ref. 10 suggested
that optimal capacity of DG is 2/3 times of the total incoming generation and
optimal location of this capacity is the 2/3 length of the line. Size and loca-
tion of single DG was optimized by an analytical technique using exact loss for-
mula in Ref. 11. A new analytical technique for the determination of suitable size
of DG was proposed in Ref. 12. In this optimal deployment was done by fuzzy
logic. Optimal capacity, location and operating power factor for different DGs were
decided with the help of analytical methods in Ref. 13. An improved analytical
technique was proposed in Ref. 14 for optimal deployment of different and mul-
tiple DGs. Optimum size, location and power factor was decided using analytical
approaches in radial distribution system.15 Analytical methods were derived from

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Reliability Improvement of Distribution System by Optimal Sitting and Sizing of DG

calculation of total power loss, branch current loss and branch power loss. Branch
current losses were minimized by suitable placement of single and multiple DGs
in radial distribution system using analytical method.16 A multiobjective function
based on cost-benefit calculation was optimized, for choosing optimal size, power
factor, quantity of DG to be installed, and site of the installation by analytical
Under the technical and economic limits, maximum energy was extracted from
given area using Linear Programming (LP).18 Suitable placement of single wind
generator was proposed by Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP).19 A
multiobjective function, for reduction of power loss and enhancement of voltage
profile and reliability, with time varying load, was optimized using dynamic pro-
gramming.20 Zhu et al.21 proposed an Exhaustive Search (ES) algorithm for opti-
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mization keeping DG size fixed. Objective of the optimization was to reduce the
power loss or enhancement of reliability. Applications of only Genetic Algorithm
(GA) or combination of GA with other methodologies were also found in the liter-
ature. In Ref. 22, GA was found suitable for fixing the optimum size and location
of DG in radial distribution system. Loss sensitivity approach was used to reduce
the calculation efforts. Highly sensitive nodes were considered for the active power
injection. Optimization problems with economic view point were also solved with
GA. Under constant load, profit maximization of distribution power provider was
done with help of GA.23 GA and fuzzy goal programming (FGP),24 GA and Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO)25 were proposed for optimal sitting and sizing of DG.
In Ref. 24 FGP was used to formulate a multiobjective function, using constraints
and objective function, for reduction in losses and enhancement of voltage profile.
In Ref. 25, PSO was used to decide the size of DG and GA was used in optimal
placement. Only PSO was found useful in multiobjective optimization26 for deter-
mination of optimal capacity, location and contract price of generated power. Only
PSO was implemented by Hien et al.27 in optimal sitting of DG, to enhance the
voltage stability of the system and reduce reactive losses. Some other heuristic tech-
niques such as Cuckoo Search,28 Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO),29 Kill Herd
Algorithm,30 and Modified Firefly Algorithm,31 were also found in the literature.
This paper uses an iterative technique which was used by Bhadoria et al. in
Ref. 9. This technique is implemented on 34 bus radial distribution system. Initially,
size and location of type-1 DG is optimized with iterative technique and reliability
indices of the distribution system are calculated before and after installation of DG.
Reliability indices show that optimal placement of DG for reduction of power losses
and improvement of voltage profile also improves the reliability of the distribution
Remaining paper is organized as follows: Sec. 2 gives the information about
distribution system reliability indices, Sec. 3 discusses problem formulation, and
Sec. 4 gives the information about iterative technique, Secs. 5 and 6 brief about
results and conclusion, respectively.

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2. Distribution System Reliability Indices

Reliability of a distribution system has always been a prime area of concern for
researchers and utility providers and users. This reliability can be measured with
main parameters as average failure rate λ, average outage duration r, and annual
outage duration U . On the basis of these three parameters, distribution system
reliability indices can be calculated as follows32 :

2.1. System average interruption duration index (SAIDI)

SAIDI is most generally used indicator of reliability of a system. It is the measure-
ment of total duration of an interruption in a system in given time interval. It can
be calculated for a month or a year. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:
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Sum of customer interruption duration

Total number of customer served
i=1 Ui Ni
=  n hrs/system customer.
i=1 Ni

2.2. System average interruption frequency index (SAIFI)

It is the measure of number of times a system customer faces failure over a period
of time. It can also be calculated over a month or a year. Mathematically, it can be
expressed as follows:
Total number of customer interruption
Total number of customer served
λi Ni
λ = i=1 n interruptions/system customer,
i=1 Ni
where λ = Failure rate, N = Number of customer, U = Annual Outage time, i =
Load point.

3. Problem Formulation
Electrical power is mainly generated at the distant locations from the load centers.
Afterwards this has to be transmitted and distributed to the customers. During
this transmission and distribution, several losses occurs in the system. Out of these
losses, power losses are of main concern. In any network, total power losses can be
given by the “exact loss” formula given by Eq. (1).33
PL = [αij (Pi Pj + Qi Qj ) + βij (Pi Pj − Qi Qj )], (1)
i=1 j=1
where αij = Vi ij
Vj cos(δi −δj ), and βij = Vi Vj sin(δi −δj ) N = Total number of nodes,

Pi and Qi are the magnitude of injected active and reactive power at node i, Vi and
δi are the magnitude and the angle of the voltage at node i, and Zij = Rij + jXij
is the ijth element of [ZBUS ] = [YBUS ]−1 .

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Reliability Improvement of Distribution System by Optimal Sitting and Sizing of DG

Objective function of the optimization problem is to curtail the total power

losses in the system. Like all optimization problems, constraints of this optimization
problem are listed below:
Voltage at each bus is having minimum and maximum limits. These limits are
as specified:
Vi min < Vi< Vi max . (2)
Minimum and maximum generating capacity of the DG is defined as:
PDG min < PDG< PDG max . (3)
Total generation of active power must fulfill the total demand and losses, i.e.,
PG + PDG = PD + PL . (4)
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4. Methodology
Proposed methodology is an iterative technique which uses the conventional load
flow methods for calculating the losses of the system. Before starting the optimiza-
tion process, losses and reliability indices without DG are calculated. Whole process
of optimization can be explained with the flow chart given in Fig. 1.
In this technique, initially a random size of type-1 DG is connected at any bus
and losses are calculated by the load flow analysis. These losses are calculated and
compared with the minimum losses obtained throughout the process by changing
the location and size of the DG. Location and size corresponding to the minimum
losses are selected as the optimum size and location of DG.
After determination of optimum size and location of DG reliability of the system
with DG is calculated. Size and location of type-1 DG is optimized and landing is
not considered during the calculation of reliability indices.

5. Results
The proposed methodology is tested on 34 bus test Radial Distribution System
(RDS). It has a total real and reactive load of 4.636 MW and 2.873 MVAr, respec-
tively.34 Data for the calculation of reliability indices is taken from Ref. 35. Single
DG is considered for placement and its size varies from 250 kW to 5 MW. DG is
modeled as PV nodes. For calculation of reliability fuses, transformers and isola-
tors are assumed as 100% reliable. Distribution line failure is 0.2 f/km-year and
its repair time is 3 h. For DG, failure rate is 0.2 f/year and its repair time is 12 h.
Initial power losses in the system are 221.72 kW. Detailed result analysis is shown
in Table 1. Results of the iterative technique shows that installation of 3 MW DG
at bus number 8 will result in maximum loss reduction. This installation will result
in 25% loss reduction. Power loss reduction is shown in Fig. 2.
SAIDI and SAIFI of distribution system are calculated with and without DG.
Numerical values of SAIDI and SAIFI without DG are 6.088135 and 1.27333, respec-
tively. Table 1 shows the improvement in reliability indices of the distribution

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Calculate power losses without DG (obj)

Connect DG at node i (except slack bus)

Calculate power losses with DG (PLdg)

If obj>PLdg
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Store Bus No and set obj=PLdg

Check if YES Change the location of DG

i< no of to next bus

Change the size of DG

YES Pdg<

Print Optimum Solution

Fig. 1. Flow chart for optimization.

Table 1. Results of the iterative technique.

Power loss (kW) SAIDI SAIFI

Without DG 221.72 6.088135 1.27333
With DG 167 6.07275 1.27068

system with the installation of DG. Graphical representation of improvement of

reliability indices is shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
As previously mentioned, installation of DG will also improve the voltage profile
of the system. Although improvement of the voltage profile is not considered in
the objective function, installation of DG at optimum location still results in the
improvement of the voltage profile. Voltage profile of the system with and without
DG is shown in Fig. 5.

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Reliability Improvement of Distribution System by Optimal Sitting and Sizing of DG






Losses without DG (kW) Losses with DG (kW)

Fig. 2. Power losses in system with and without DG.

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Without DG With DG

Fig. 3. SAIDI of the system with and without DG.






Without DG With DG

Fig. 4. SAIFI of the system with and without DG.

Fig. 5. Voltage profile of the system with and without DG.

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6. Conclusion
An iterative technique is used for determination of optimum size and location
of DG in 34 bus distribution system. Results show the effectiveness of the algo-
rithm. Improvement in SAIDI and SAIFI shows that optimal installation of DG
also improves the overall reliability of the system. Although voltage parameter is
not included in the objective function during the optimization process, still this
installation enhances the voltage profile of the system. Overall, it can be concluded
that optimum installation of DG not only reduces the system losses but it enhances
the reliability and voltage profile of the system also. This algorithm can also be
implemented for the determination of number of DGs and deciding the operating
power factor of DGs if other types of DGs are considered for the optimization.
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Objective function also may be single objective or multiobjective.

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About the Authors

Vikas Singh Bhadoria, received B.E. (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) and
M.E. (Electrical Engineering) degree from RGPV, Bhopal, India in 2005 and 2009,
respectively. He is currently pursuing Ph.D. from Department of Electrical Engi-
neering, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, India. His research interests
include power system restructuring, power system planning and power system

Nidhi Singh Pal obtained her B.Tech degree in Electrical Engineering in 1996,
M.Tech degree in Control Engineering from REC Kurukshetra in 2001 and Ph.D.
degree from IIT roorkee in 2008. Presently, she is working in Gautam Buddha Uni-
versity as Assistant professor. Her research interests are in the area of optimization,
control and model reduction of large scale systems.

Vivek Shrivastava (M’ 2007) is currently Associate Professor & Associate Dean
(Research) in Department of Electrical Engineering in Rajasthan Technical Uni-
versity Kota since August 2013. He had worked in National Institute of Technology
Delhi as Associate Professor and Academic in charge. He had completed his B.Tech
in Electrical Engineering from RGPV Bhopal (2001) and Ph.D. from Indian Insti-
tute of Technology, Kharagpur (2008–2009).
He had also carried out industrial assignment at SanDisk Semiconductors at
Shanghai and California USA. He has published more than 50 papers on System
Reliability, probabilistic Power System Planning and Test Analysis in reputed Inter-
national Journals and Conferences. He is a member of IETE India and IEEE USA.

Shiva Pujan Jaiswal born in 1982. He had completed his B.Tech and M.Tech degrees
in Electrical Engineering from Faculty of Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational

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Reliability Improvement of Distribution System by Optimal Sitting and Sizing of DG

Institute Agra, and is currently pursuing Ph.D. from Department of Electrical Engi-
neering, UEC, and Rajasthan Technical University Kota, India. His main fields of
research are power system, Flexible AC Transmission systems, HVDC and renew-
able energy.
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