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Republic of the Philippines


Moras dela Paz, Sto. Tomas, Pampanga

Date: Class: BEED 1 A

Time: s Venue: Room 101


Kindness, Generosity and Respect
I. Objectives
At the end of the sixty-minute session, 95% of the students are expected to:
a. defined the meaning of kindness, generosity and respect.
b. to determine the importance of having kindness, generosity and respect.
c. student is able to notice and name acts of kindness, generosity, and respect. 

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Kindness, Generosity, and Respect

Reference/s :

Materials : Power point presentation, video, and cut out pictures.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparation

Good morning, Class!

Good morning, Ma’am!

1.1 Opening Prayer

Everyone, please stand up and let’s
have our opening prayer.

(Name of student), kindly lead the


Please, bow your head and let us pray.

Dear Jesus, please show me how to
spend this day. Sharing your love in
every way. Help me to be kind to
everyone. To play and laugh, to have
fun and have lots of fun. Shining your

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light and giving your grace. Sharing
your joy with a smile on my face. Angel
1.2 Energizer of God, my guardian dear, to whom
Remain standing class, because we God’s love commits me here. Ever this
will do our morning energizer. Make day, be at my side to light and guard, to
sure that everyone will move. Is that rule and guide. Amen.
clear with you, class?

(Teacher will play the music)

1.3 Classroom Management

Great job everyone! You may now go
back on your respective seats. Just a
reminders class, don’t make any noise
Yes Ma’am.
if not necessary. And if you want to
answer during the discussion just
raise your hand. Understand?

1.3 Checking of Attendance

Alright, so class may I know if there
are any absentee’s for today?

Okay, very good! Again, Good

morning, class!

B. Motivation

Before we proceed to our topic for

today, I’ll be showing one video first.
Watch it carefully because I’ll be Yes, Ma’am.
asking a question after. Watch and
observe, okay?

(Teacher will play the video). None, Ma’am.


Alright, what have you observe in

the video? Yes (Name of Student). Good morning, Ma’am.

Very good, another observation?

Yes (Name of Student).

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Yes, Ma’am.

Excellent! Small acts make a BIG

difference in someone’s world, but
the BIGGEST difference comes by
doing kind acts. The video shows
that one way to stem the tide of
negativity is through kindness. When
we show act of kindness, we color
the world. Understand, class?

The video shows that kindness is

C. Presentation/ Lesson Proper

Alright, the reason why we watched

that video because that has
something to do with our lesson for I notice that a person can change the
today. So, today we will be talking mood or vibe of the surrounding by
Kindness and Generosity as well as showing kindness to others.
the Respect. But for now, let’s focus
on Kindness. Okay, let’s define
kindness first. So, Kindness is
defined as the quality or state of
being kind treating people with
kindness and respect. It is the
quality of being friendly, generous,
and considerate. You are showing
kindness when your nice to others
even before they are nice to you.
Kindness might look like being
helpful or showing empathy. It may
mean doing good things without
expecting nice things in return.
When you’re doing intentional and Yes Ma’am.
voluntary acts of kindness it means
you are kind person. Now, the
question is are we allow to show
kindness to everyone even with the
strangers? Yes (Name of Student).

Very good! Yes, we are allowed to

do kindness to everyone. We can
show an act of kindness to our
parents, neighbors, teachers,
classmates and even to a stranger
—people you don’t know, people
different than you, people with
different backgrounds and even
beliefs. We can always be kind.
Remember kids, when you did
something nice/kind with others, a

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lot of good things will be back to
you. What you do unto others,
others will do unto you. Do you get
it, class?

Okay, thank you class. Now, let’s

talk about how can we show act of
kindness to others. Or what are the
actions that are considered as act
of kindness. Here is Ma’am Ashlee
to discuss it.

Teacher Ashlee: Thank you so much for

that impressive start Mam Carla! Okay
class, again good day to all of you. I hope
you are doing fine My name is teacher
Ashlee. Before that I want you to see this

Yes, Ma’am.

Now let me ask you, class. Is the

quotation true? Are you agree?

Great! Remember class that even you just

give a one peso coin or even a piece of
bread still, we consider it as act of
kindness. The help that you are offering to
someone without asking in return will
have a big impact. You’ll never know that
some people around you has a problem.
And the help that you give will change
whatever they are going through.


Let’s proceed. We have here the ways to

show act of kindness.

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Yes Ma’am.

Can you give me one way that you see in

the picture to show kindness? Anyone?

Yes? __________

Are you doing that to the people around


Very good. Another one please.

Yes? ______

Alright, so are you doing that act of

kindness to people around you?

Okay thank you! Last one. Yes Ma’am.

Yes? ______

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Yes, that’s one also. Are you doing that to
the people around you?

Very good class. So there a lot of ways to

show kindness right class. Big, small,
simple. Something like that. Just be kind Yes Ma’am.
cause everyone has their own struggle.

But sometimes class it is just hard to be

nice to someone mostly when they did
something bad to you. Right? It is easier
said than done.

Yes. Sometimes it just not that easy. But

keep in mind class that being kind will not
cost you. Just like in a Filipino saying,

Agree class?

Very good. So why we should be kind

class? Anyone? Ma’am. (Student raising a hand)

Yes? ______ _______ Ma’am.

Okay good. Now class lack of kindness is

the root cause of most of our problems.
We have a difficult time seeing past our Yes Ma’am.
own thoughts, expecting others to think-
act-feel-see things the way we do.

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We should be kind because, Ma’am. (Student raising a hand)

 By being kinder to others you tend

to be kinder towards yourself.
_______ Ma’am.
 You get what you give.
 It makes the world a better place.
 Kindness is a sign of strength.
 Anger is toxic.
 It feels good.
 It’s the right thing to do.
Yes Ma’am.

Understand class?

Ma’am. (Student raising a hand)

Thank you for listening class, let’s go with

the generosity.

_______ Ma’am.

D. Application

Okay children, I know you enjoy the

discussion. now let’s proceed to the topic Yes Ma’am.
of Respect.

What is respect come to your mind?

Wow Very Good!

Respect is in your relationships builds

feeling and trust, safety and wellbeing. It’s
also even when there are different from
you or you don’t agree with them you
accept somebody for who they are.

Why is respect important in our life? Yes Ma’am.

Wow that’s nice, very good!

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Respect is an important aspect of life.
Respect makes a person feel good, and
he or she will respect you in return.
Respect is significant to us because if
someone does not respect others, he/she
will not be admired and will grow up to be
a very unpleasant and insensitive person.
Rudeness and compassion are two more
important aspects of respect. You are
disrespectful if you are rude to people or a
person. You are disrespectful if you are
intentionally harsh or nasty to others.

Thank you for listening,

Now I’ll give a pre-test.

Write True if its Correct and False if it’s


So, the next one is about Generosity, do

you have any idea what is generosity?
Yes Ma’am.

Very good!

Ma’am. (Student raising a hand)

The meaning of generosity is an act of
unselfish, giving her generosity was
appreciated. Do you understand class? _______ Ma’am.
Now, I have here some examples, then
you will be going to identify if it is showing
generosity or not.
1. Ben is helping her mother in household
chores despite of his condition.
2. Sarah baked cookies to give to those
street children.
3. She kissed the hand of her
grandmother whenever she visits her.
So, I think you already understand the
meaning of generosity and we need to
remember class that we need to be a
good person every day.

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You accept somebody for who they are.

Yes Ma’am.

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I think it’s important to show respect
more than to actually feel respect,

Yes ma’am, Generosity is the

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willingness to give or to share.

Yes ma’am.




IV. Evaluation
What does the picture shows? Choose the correct answer from the box below and write it on the


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V. Assignment:

Show 5 ways How to Help Others. You can cut out pictures from an old magazines or
newspaper or you can draw it.

For example:

 Offer a hand to those who fall down

Prepared by:

Cunanan, Carla Mae S.

Gonzales, Angelica A.
Nicdao, Daniela
Ramos, Ashlee T.
Viray, Tricia Nikol D.
Yabut, Emilyn P.

Checked by:

Jervis Gail Gonzales, LPT

Date Signed

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