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Michael Vince S.


BSEd English – IA

Reading in the Philippine History (GEC03) - Classwork #6

Choose one cultural heritage then discuss its history. Afterwards, examine and
analyze its importance in the present generation.

Banaue Rice Terraces: The Staircase to Heaven

Historical Background

The profound and rich history of the Banaue Rice Terraces can be traced back
approximately 2,000 years ago when the Ancient Ifugaos, a group of indigenous people in
the Northern part of the Philippines, arose into civilization and utilized a unique
agricultural means as a way of survival. Even before the Spaniards came, Filipino natives
already have their way of daily living which can be seen on how prevalent settlements are
in places where there are efficient irrigation and rich soil for growing crops. Thus, justifies
that even during the pre-colonial period, Filipino natives across the entire archipelago are
not necessarily a barbaric group of people or community. Furthermore, we should give
honor and express gratitude to our Ifugao-fellows and ancestors who settled in the
mountainous region Cordillera because if it weren’t for them, we will not have this amazing
gift of cultural identity and heritage. According to the article written by Bonifacio (2013)
entitled ‘Banaue Rice Terraces: A Marvelous Showcase of History and Culture’ – In 1995, the
UNESCO declared the Banaue Rice Terraces as a World Heritage Site. It is being given
utmost protection because it might be on the verge of destruction now that a lot of
environmental issues are arising. Intermittent earthquakes and more frequent typhoons –
a daunting result of climate change – are causing erosion in some parts of the rice terraces.
The Philippine government is currently investing in projects to help conserve the site.


The Banaue Rice Terraces is a concrete example that our nature can be shaped and
go in accordance with how we want it to be as long as we do it in such a way that we take
care and nurture it for the better. It also speaks volume about the essence of indigenous
people in the quest of preserving our nation’s cultural identity because we cannot deny the
fact that nowadays, we tend to look down and ridicule these people just because they do
not adhere to the continuously progressing and advancing society.

However, something that we should all understand is they have the choice to just
drop the farming utensils and equipment if they would like to have higher standards of
living as well - but they won’t. It is mainly because that the Ifugaos have principles and
beliefs that are anchored within their roots. The way they glorify their culture and
traditions with utmost importance, despite of all of the challenges such as lack of
government support, urbanization, and emerging climate problems, is commendable.
Throughout the centuries that passed by, they have proven that even in the face of a
continually prevailing globalization - industrialization and the agrarian sector can co-exist
without hurting another as long as we maintain a balance in between. In addition, the
Banaue Rice Terraces is more than just a tangible heritage of agricultural success, it is a
reflection of outstanding values of persistence, continuity, and endurance of cultural
traditions. In relation to the present generation, who we all know are labeled as digital
natives due to being born in an era where everything comes in handy especially
information, I think something essential we can learn from this is that there is nothing
wrong in getting along with modernization since it is true that not being able to cope up
with it will make as stagnant and less productive as citizens, but what we should also and
must always put in mind our minds is; along with the emerging trends in this
contemporary world, let us not completely steer away from yesterday’s traditions. The
Ifugaos have proven that a productive life in the twenty-first century world is still possible
even without complete reliance to technology as long as we are able to come together as a
community working towards a common goal of social progress and cultural preservation.
This also imparts a lesson about the importance of adhering to our culture does not only
symbolizes patriotism and giving gratitude to our ancestors, but it also a practice of taking
care of our environment amidst the rising challenges we are dealing with in terms of our
duty to the pursuit of protecting the planet we are living in.

Therefore, I conclude that the abovementioned key-learnings about Banaue Rice

Terraces are something that my generation must learn since as a collectivist nation who are
accustomed to taking care not only of our own well-being and individual needs, but also of
those who are around us, it is our moral obligation to cherish the gift of cultural identity
and heritage so once it is time for the next generation to take-over, they will also adhere to
our culture because we led them by example. We must pave the way for the generations to
come so that the cultural heritage that we inherited from our ancestors will pass along and
remain in the blood and soul of our countrymen. Once again, I reiterate that the Banaue
Rice Terraces is not just an agricultural landmark that we should be proud of because more
than that, what we should celebrate about it the most is its symbolic meaning and
reflection to who we are.

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