Knowledge Area: Systems Approach Applied To Engineered Systems Questions Write Your Answers Here

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Knowledge Area:

Systems Approach Questions Write your answers here.

Applied to Engineered Systems
Topics: Individual Activity
• Overview of the Systems Approach 1. What is the systems approach to
engineered systems according to Jackson
et al. (2010, 41-43)?
2. What is the systems approach to
engineered systems according to Senge
2006, and Sillitto 2012?
3. What are those guiding
principles which have been the
foundations of SE that Hitchins proposes?
4. What are the four themes of systems
approach to engineered systems? Describe
5. What are three ways in which SE could
make use of a systems approach:
• Engineered System Context 1. Define NSOI? WSOI? Environment? Wider
Environment? and Meta System?
2. What is a product system context
3. What is a service system context?
4. What is an enterprise system context?
• Identifying and Understanding 1. What did the author say about the phrase
Problems and Opportunities "problem or opportunity"?
2. What are three kinds of questions that
need to be asked to ensure we fully
understand a problem situation according
to Edson (2008, 26-29)? and what can be
answers for each question as described by
the author?
3. What is Jenkins (1969) definition of a
problem formulation approach?
• Synthesizing Possible Solutions 1. What are the purposes of the system
synthesis activity within the systems
2. Describe the synthesis activities.
• Analysis and Selection between 1. What system artifacts can be evaluated in
Alternative Solutions the system analysis activity?
2. Describe the highlights of Effectiveness
3. Give three methods to accomplish a trade-
off study.
• Implementing and Proving a 1. What is verification and validation in
Solution Systems Approach?
• Deploying, Using, and Sustaining 1. Describe each to solve problems:
Systems to Solve Problems Deploying, using, sustaining and
maintaining, and Disposing in Systems
By-partner Activity (Choose your own partner)
Partner’s Name: _____________________
Please answer as best as you can.
SITUATION: For students who have IE 30 this
Semester, think about your research idea and
your conceptualized product/service for your IE
38 next Semester. For the rest of the students
in this class, please think of a product/service
you will possibly conceptualize in your IE 38
course. After reading the Knowledge Area on
Systems Approach applied to Engineered
System, consider your product or service in a
product or service system context and answer
the following questions below:
• Stakeholder Responsibility 1. Identify stakeholders of your
product/service system. Classify them and
describe their roles in the system.
• Applying the Systems Approach 1. What values do stakeholders want/need?

2. What system outcomes could improve this


3. What system can provide these outcomes?

4. How do you create such a system?

5. How do you deploy and use the system to
achieve the outcomes?

6. Do these outcomes provide the expected

improvement in value?

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