3000 Words For Writing - Level 2

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Overv iew A mi Food we eat for breokfost, Yummy food lunch & dinner, utensils Pet names, homes, food. Lovely pets appearance, body ports, character & things they do ae Daily routine, after-school Our activities a = coctivities, leisure activities ‘Happy school life * Our bodies = Yummy fui Themes *Intereting jobs = Waiting fur + Festivals ond celebrations + Save our Earth * Counties round the world __# The world of science * Good manners © Describing people ‘Traveling ebrocd # DIY isn * Inthe news At the hospite * We love actives! © Fantostc food + Post and present Is emtertoiement time * Lets have fun in Hong Kong & Mecaul ‘The places eround me + My schoo! year Free ime fun Eating out © Things in my home # My clotmatee # Lethcolebrate © Once upon a time *# Our things * Beautfulnature ___# What are we doing? ‘My schoo! Story The very hungry baby swan Description: [Me and my family Description: My pet Story: A busy Postcard: ‘My holiday scrip ion: “My favourite weather 7... (Contents Our activities 39-46 Se Fascinating weather 47-54 Glossary When we talk about our school, we can talk about: places in the school what we do in these places rules in these places teachers) eat room) It The is on the ground floor. We all have lunch there. We must wait for our turn. We can wash our hands in the but we mustn't play with water. computer) oom ris (ground floor) We can rest in the when we don't feel well. It is on the ground floor. We can buy exercise books at the on the first floor. We can call our parents there too. | draw on the | blackboard Paul is having an English lesson in the We must sit stil! when His teacher is drawing on we have an assembly in : the hall, the blackboard. We in read a lot of books in ee ry. We must keep quiet Susie is drawing a picture in the . She likes Visual Arts lessons. We can surf the Net in the We have Music lessons in the We mustn't 7 | We sing songe‘and play computer games there. listen to music. feed the animals John and Tammy are reading books in Bobby and Sarah are looking at the the reading corner. They like reading. animals in the nature corner, They They can learn lots of things. like the animals very much, @ roundabout There are some children in the playground. Mandy and Ted are I playing on the slide. Danny is waiting for his turn. look at the keep off flowers and plants fig the grass catch © | climb up butterflies P&G the trees 5 like going to the at recess. We can look at the flowers and plants there but we mustn't pick the flowers. Wren We can use the words and sentences on pp. 1-8 to write about our school. My school My school has four floors. There is a library, a school hall, a computer room, a music room, an art room and a nature corner. My classroom is on the second floor. My favourite place at school is the music room. It is on the third floor. There is a piano in the music room. I sing and listen to music there. We must keep the room clean. We mustn't run around because we may break something. I have fun at school every day. I love my school. ca] Ear) eV Ta) Bs place at school Ta Cone ig Se) About your school © How many floors are there? © What places are there? © Where is your classroom? About your favourite place at school © Where is it? © What is in there? © What do you do there? Rules © What must you do there? (Why?) 2 What mustr’t you do there? (Why not?) What you think about your school © How do you feel about your school? 10 What do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? oe What utensils do you use when you eat? ATTA sg - _____ chocolate*milk} =~ Lusually have a sandwich and some juice for = breakfast. Today I have a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Sometimes I have tuna fish sandwiches. They are yummy! Sitar) (Tom having a big breakfast. There are two eggs, some sausages and some cherry tomatoes on my plate. There is.also some bacon. Ihave a glass of chocolate milk too. cherry} baby) tomatoes ED) sausages <=> cS ee ey “992 1h Yummy food ers. ° drumsticks g : noodles os yy) ; és é chicken = chicken ae) = y/ “ legs) wings) vegetables, Th = For lunch I like eating 8 chicken and salad. I also ** ‘like drinking cola. Yummy food some pie some ice cream J \_ some pudding chopsticks) S a,teapets ae a,mug) — a glass, John is having lunch. He is Naney has fish and rice for dinner. She eating rice with ks. uses a knife and a fork to eat her food. We can use the words and sentences on pp. to write a story. Zs os |@ |! @ @@e 9299| Mi WS ati S San you thineof an = Who is in the story? ending for the story? = me © What does the character look like? © How does the character feel? © What does the character do? Ending (Picture 3) © What happens in the end? © How does the character feel? P The very hungry baby swan Susie is a baby swan. She has brown feathers. She is very hungry! On Mondays Susie eats a baby carrot. On Tuesdays she eats two sweet potatoes. On Wednesdays she eats three tomatoes. On Thursdays she eats four mangoes. On Fridays she eats five cucumbers. On Saturdays she eats six apples. On Sundays she eats seven potatoes. Susie eats a lot of food every day. One day Susie looks in the water. She does not have brown feathers. She has white feathers. She is La beautiful. Susie is happy! When we talk about people around us, we can talk about: » 4 © who they are ~~ © where they live © places they go « their jobs ga ange daughter) 3 3 be. parents. granddaughter) grand: isons Thave an elder brother anda younger sister. Thave two uncles and an aunt. Fi Thave a cousin too. a @ child. ) _ Thave no brothers or | sisters. 1am an only I Ae LL CJ The New Territories and the Outlying Islands Kwai Chung Teuen Wan Tuen Mun Tin Shui Wai Yuen Long Sheung Shul Fan Ling Tai Fo Sha Tin Ma On Shan Lantau Island Tseung Kwan O Sai Kung Tung Chung Kowloon 23 Tsim Sha Toul 31 Lok Fu 24 Mong Kok 32 Wong Tai Sin 25 Sham ShuiPo 33 Diamond Hill Hong Kong Island 26 Cheung Sha Wan 34 Chol Hung 44 SheungWan 19 Quany Buy 27 Lai Chi Kok 35 Kowioon Bay 15 Central 20 Shau Kei Wan 28 Mei Foo 36 Kwun Tong 46 Wan Cha 21 Chai Wan 29 Shek Kip Me! 37 Lam Tin 17 Causeway Bay 22 Aberdeen 30 Kowloon Tong 18 North Point aE Tlive in Aberdeen. My cousin lives in Tuen Mun with his parents. A My grandpa and grandma live in a small flat on Laniau Island. 18 People around me see a doctor E a police, “station, go shopping a restaurant In my neighbourhood, there is a restaurant, a school, a police station, a department store and a bank. My family sometimes go shopping at the department store at weekends. We sometimes watch a film at the cinema. We go to these places by bus. Tf we are ill, we go to see a doctor at the hospital. We go there by taxi. People around me My father works in the supermarket. He goes to work by Light Rail. My mother works in the cafe. She goes to work by minibus. I go to school Shave aftamoon tea have lessons_» afire station a supermarket} buy groceries a news-stand) ea &. uy newspapers and magazines 7 20s Boyce buy meat and vegetables _ In our neighbourhood, there is a stand, a clinic, a market and a fast food shop. We go to the every day to buy groceries. We usually go by bicycle. When we don't cook our lunch, we buy takeaway food at the fast food shop. 20 People around me People in my neighbourhood waiter) a waitress) a) he take orders / serve food to customers a bus driver) a fireman, afi inewoman, put out fires rescue people save animals My neighbour Mrs Lau is a firewoman. She puts out —— fires and rescues people. She saves animals too. People around a guard) take letters to guard / protect sell things people @ building ‘a,teacher) a housewife a helper, ra ob re We an a policemen) a policewoman © rer catch thieves eee protect people Mr Wong lives next door. He is a policeman. He is a strong man. He ~— is brave too. He catches thieves. He sometimes helps lost children. “Model Writing ye. We can use the words and sentences on pp.17-22 to write about our family Me and my family Lam Sandy Wong. I am eight years old. I have one brother. My family and I live in a big flat in Kowloon Tong. There is a train station near our building. My brother and I go to Joyful Primary School in Kwun Tong. We go to school by school bus. My father is a vet. He treats sick animals. He works in Diamond Hill. He goes to work by car. He is hard-working. He works from Monday to Sunday. My mother is a housewife. She looks after the family. She is kind. We are a happy family. People around me How old are you? What is your name? How many brothers and sisters do you have? What is your mother’s job? How does she go to work? What is she like? Pe Roe Cat Where do you live? What is there in your neighbourhood? What is your father’s job? How does he go to work? What is he like? Which school do you go to? How do you go to school? When we talk about a pet, we can talk about its: « type « home ~ food © appearance ~ body parts ~ character ~ actions a bird ee’ i SH.2 guinea pig) a,fish) aclown wn fish) ~, qu BB ——_ aturi eS, a) ca ~= riley Kiko is my pet. She is Thave a pet rabbit. ie pet is a parrot kitten. I love her. Her name is Sugar. © 1s called Solo, 25 My dog sleeps in a ae My cat sleeps in a basket. ‘He eats rice, meat and é Her favourite food is He does not like 1 a J} \ tiny’ //small) 24, J J My rabbit Dodo is cute and My bird Bibi is tiny and beauti'ul. cudaly. I sometimes watch TV She sings every morning. She with him. I sit on the sofa and has a lovely voice. put him on my lap. eM oars a sharp beak} colourful long whiskers, acurly tail) - feathers a aay sharp claws, wide, wings soft fur, SOOT Wide Wwinge) a afin) Ep ae My cat Kitty likes to touch me with her furry paw. Her fur is soft. Her tail is curly. Reo Vs) " FR clever friendly = a> naughty = L- 2-2 noisy = > obedient = playful = shy = My cat is playful. She likes to chase her tail. She is friendly too. She likes playing with my friends. Coco is a noisy bird. He sings and talks all day. He is very clever. He can answer my questions! learns quickly makes friends easily does not like to ee bad makes a lot of aes does what you say likes to play nervous with new people e Lucky is an obedient dog. He does what I tell him to do. He is never naughty. ‘Are you clever? Yesl Yes! Bee YOU NQUGHEY? ee ne lick chew sing bark his tail when My chinchilla Chilli is naughty! Hed eee oe She chews my books. She even 1e iS in chews my shoes! My neighbour thinks my dog Max is noisy because he sometimes 5arks at night. I hope he can keep quiet. 30 We can use the words and sentences on pp.25-30 to write about our pets. My pet My pet is a dog. He is called Max. He sleeps in a kennel in the garden. He likes bones best. Max is big and furry. He has a long tail. I groom him every Sunday. My mum thinks Max is naughty because he jumps on her bed. I don’t think Max is naughty. I think he is playful. He likes playing all day and digging holes in the garden. I love Max very much. Reo Vas) a % : $ Paragraph 1 What type of animal is your pet? \ What is his | her name? q Where does he / she sleep? What does he / she like to eat? Paragraph 2 What does your pet look like? (e.g. colour, body parts) Paragraph 3 What is his / her character? Give examples (e.g. naughty — jumps on the bed playful — likes playing all day; digs holes in the garden) 2 « We can help at home in many ways. Do you do any housework? What do you do? dust the shelves acloth | @ vacuum * cleaner Sarah is a reve girl. She often helps her mum with the housework. ' floor every week. She also uses a cloth to F the living room. 33 — —— Paul sets the table before dinner every night. He puts forks, knives and plates on the table mats. s 1 wipe, the, table) My brother is tidy. He always puts away Fm, | his toys after he finishes playing. My big sister is untidy. She never makes her bed. 34 cook meals, detergent a sponge ~~ a washing machine eT) Every weekend, help my mum ‘Alan : How do you help at home, Betty? wash the dishes after breakfast. || ‘getty I wash the clothes and hang up Iam careful when I do it because % the washing. also fold the clothes I don't want to break anything. when they are dry. Helping at home water, the plants a watering a pot @ opray a plastic a rubbish can plant. bottle ba bin take care of, the pets walk the dog throw away the dog's waste feed the hamster fC 7 bath the dog clean the bird cage Wi {@ is Susie : Iam very good at taking care of my dog. Gary : Really? What do you do? Susie : I feed and walk it every day. I sometimes bath it and clean its kennel too. Pecos Model) Writing gy. pam oe We can use the words and sentences on pp.33-36 to write a story about doing housework. Jf Can you think of an ending for the story? ping at home Ss2...... (Picture 1) © How does Snow White feel? © What is she doing? Middle (Pictures 2 and 3) © What do the dwarfs do? © How do they help? © What do they use to help? Ending (Picture 4) © What happens next? © What do the characters do / say? © How do they feel? © What happens in the end? A busy day Snow White is ill. She is having a rest in the bedroom. The dwarfs are worried. The dwarfs help with the housework but they use the wrong things. They are careless too. Sneezy uses a basin to water the plants. Grumpy uses a broom to clear the table. Happy uses a washing machine to wash the dishes. Snow White wakes up. She is surprised because the house is messy. ‘We're sorry,’ the dwarfs say. ‘Never mind. Let's tidy the house together,’ Snow White says. Everyone works together. The house becomes tidy again soon. = ——_ °>0V0—-0—0—_™_=_ When we talk about things we do, we can talk about: our daily routine our after-school activities © our leisure activities ims a ~ Le ; i 4 aoe teeth wash’ my face get change Ga 6:15 A.M. Betty gets up at six fifteen every morning. 5 ALM. She goes to schoo! at (a) quarter past seven. S:45 P.M. She does revision at five forty-five in the evening. &:45 P.M. She watches TV with her family at (a) quarter to nine. {0:30 P.M. She goes to bed at around ten thirty at night. have, a Ks breakfast)” + go to¥school have’a’recess L LON Seren iicy Dance Club Gardening Art and Kung Fu Club Club Craft Club | Club From Monday to Friday ™ Storytelling class Tgo to the Maths Club on Thursdays. Igo to a storytelling class on weekdays. Igo to the Chess Club every Tuesday. I go to an English class from Monday to Friday. VS) = < a ces Children’s Centre join our activities! Weekend activities | Saturday 10-11 a.m. Sunday 2-3 p.m. Join our Choir! Every Saturday 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Brownies and Cub Scouts Join us on every Saturday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Join our Orchestra! Saturday and Sunday 4pm-6 p.m. Thave a table tennis class every Saturday morning and a basketball class every Sunday afternoon. I go to Cub Scouts at weekends too. LON gerai eT aC play volleyball = Ss I it games, f 7 — : My brother plays a lot of sport and music in the summer holidays. He plays tennis and volleyball in our clubhouse. He sometimes practises the violin and the piano. He studies hard too. He studies with his tutor every Tuesday. watch films and go shopping on Saturdays. We go to church on Sunday mornings. On Sunday afternoons, we often go to the beach and have a picnic. gel iad We can use the words and sentences on pp.39-44 Se. ‘to write about things we do on our holiday. SS fi Le eee rsd eres 3rd August 20XX Hi Maisy, I am visiting my grandma in Beijing this summer. It is my third week here. I am having Eee) eer) On weekdays I get up at seven o'clock in the morning. I have breakfast at half past : seven. After breakfast, I go to the market with | Maisy Man Grandma. I play board games with my cousins Flat 10A, 3/F in the afternoon. We sometimes play football Floral Building too. I go to bed at nine o'clock at night. 34 Greenland Road On Saturday mornings my uncle and aunt Sai Ying Pun take my cousins and I to the park. We fly kites and have a picnic there. On Sundays we go Hong Keng swimming. Let me show you some photos when I am back. Our activities What time do you have breakfast? What time do you get up? CULT] What do you do at the weekends? What do you do in the morning / afternoon / evening? What time do you go to bed? When we talk about weather, we can talk about: ~ things we see / feel © things we wear or use © activities we do as nn Rainstorm: Warning Signals Itis today. I put on my : y = hat and sunglasses when I go When itis rainy, Sarah and her bor outside to play. usually wear raincoats and rain boots. They use their favourite umbrellas too. 47 Fascinating weather Typhoon Warning Signal No. & ___ Itis very windy today because there is a tyohoon. There are strong winds and heavy rain outside so we have to stay home. Fascinating weather | a cotton T-shirt m a,fleece™ jacket) a coat} 4 v/ p 5 7 a down jacket, = 49 Fascinating weather ~e a It is hot today. Iam wearing a vest, a skirt and sandals to keep cool. Warm weather makes me happy. I can wear my favourite T-shirt and shorts. — \dals | eB sandals) i cat a Tlike cool weather. I usually wear a woolly jumper when itis cool. | a jumper) ——— On cold days, I wear a thick coat, a hot, a scarf and mittens. They keep me warm: mittens ak, B eS . AB 50 Fascinating weather at, the flowers summer a Le 408g nuk = e avenin ring = goto, a goto, the beach) gniteming pool swienming am trunks eat ice lollies It is often boiling hot in summer. Tlike going to th ch. Ian play with the sand and Pity BO Si drink hot chocolate it 1e heater, white. snow, falls drink hot chocolate _sit by the heater, ike auiturnn because Fan go When it is chilly in winter, hiking and have a barbecue at ] Isit by the heater and le couiyy pork: | read my favourite books. 52 o* Model) Writing ee. We can use the words and sentences on pp.47-52 to write about our favourite weather j favourite weather y and hot weather. The bright Lp 1e hay ce IPPY- Pad hot. My sister and I wear our favourite swimsuits and bring our swim rings and erie goggles. We bring our beach toys too. We +4 “alia play with the sand and eat ice lollies. | eerie Sometimes we go to the swimming pool in our clubhouse. I enjoy playing on the sli I like summer because the PP hot. Sometimes it rains but o re ead I want it to be summer all hae Fascinating weather Your favourite type of weather © What weather do you like? Why? © What can you see / hear / feel / taste in this weather? Activities you do in your favourite weather © What do you usually do in your favourite weather? © What do you usually wear? More about your favourite weather © In which season can you find your favourite weather? © What else can you say about your favourite weather? ze pp.1-2 p.4 Places at schoo! ground floor first floor second floor third floor fourth floor art room canteen classroom computer room corridor garden hall library lft music room rooftop school office sick room teachers’ room toilets In the classroom draw on the blackboard have lessons achair aclock adesk In the hall sit stil astage In the library borrow books keep quiet read books talk on the phone a bookshelf In the art room clean the table draw paint a brush coloured pencils apen holder a picture l_ Saaay Glossary) KFA ERRLES Le ez a Be DES Be SRRH 2a BANE / HE #2 RES ps ps ps In the computer room drink eat a play computer games 3 his 8 a computer monitor Pia a keyboard a mouse al a mouse pad Bete’ In the music room fiston to music sing songs tum on the CD player maine In the reading corner take offourshoes Ai#= In the nature corer feed the animals #884) litter BLS look atthe animals #854) spit LEE touch the animals #8# 47 In the playground fight TR play ae push 8 run wait for your tun AR climbing frame EE a roundabout wack a sondpit ie a see-saw BRR a slide ae aswing ae In the garden catch butterflies #288 climb up the trees keep off the grass. 7) 95th look at the flowers #727048 and plants pick the flowers RRER walk onthe grass Sith L773 flowers % atree UD Ci acral pp.1 Breakfast baby carrots ALES bacon aA bread butter cheese cherry tomatoes chocolate milk coffee comflakes eggs ham jam juice mushrooms peanut butter porridge sandwiches sousages soya milk tea toast tuna fish Lunch and dinner beef chicken chicken legs chicken wings cola congee drumsticks macaroni noodles pizzas pork pork chops rice solad soup spaghetti vegetables Desserts cokes ice creams jellies pies puddings tarts Utensils a bow! chopsticks acup a fork a glass RIE a jug aA aknife amug DOR aplate mE a saucer FRE spoon RE astraw RE a teapot RE People in my family aunt eS / AS! 8 88 / Be brother RA cousin S/R RI daughter xR father se grandchildren Th / INK granddaughter FAI WRK grandfather BR WAR grandmother 88 SNES grandparents BLS MERE grandsons RF RF husband LA mother ahd nephew $B IMB. niece EAI BR parents Ra sister Ste sister-in-law SiS / EIR son RF uncle BRA) BQ) Rt) RE wife 2F Where my family live Aberdeen Causeway Bay Central Chai Wan Cheung Chou Cheung Sha Wan Choi Hung Diamond Hill Fan Ling a Hong Kong Island #25 Kowloon. Tae Kowloon Bay nee pp.19-20 Kowloon Tong Kwai Chung Kwun Tong Lai Chi Kok Lam Tin Lamma Island Lantau Island Lok Fu Ma On Shan Mei Foo Mong Kok New Territories North Point Outlying Islands Quarry Bay Sai Kung Sha Tin Sham Shui Po Shau Kei Wan Shek Kip Mei Sheung Shui Sheung Wan Tai Po Tin Shui Wai Tseung Kwan O Tsim Sha Tsui Tsuen Won Tuen Mun Tung Chung Wan Chai Wong Tai Sin Yuen Long My neighbourhood a bank get money acafe have afternoon tea acinema watch films aclinic see a doctor a department store go shopping @ fast food shop buy takeaway food a fire station a hospital see a doctor a hotel have a buffet lunch am a market pp.21-22 buymeotand =: HAAR vegetables anews-stand et buynewspapers BR RAS and magazines apolice station report a crime A a post office send letters : 4 a restaurant eat dim sum = Bo a school BR have lessons i a supermarket BRE buy groceries Ree an ambulance Ree a bicycle ae a bus e+ a ferry eR a fire engine wae Light Rail eg a minibus ae a police car ee a school bus Re a taxi At a train AS People in my neighbourhood bus driver +a} drive buses RREt a businessman BBA abusinesswoman XA work in business fi acook 5 cook meals a dentist treat people's teeth 5 a doctor Be treat patients a fireman «a firewoman put out fires rescue people save animals a guard car guard / protect Ti / RES <@ building a helper do the housework fee a housewife look after the family mane a manager lead people aBar onurse i look after patients "8B A a pilot Fee fly planes BTR c policeman Sea a policewoman 2Be catch thieves feRL help fost children FREDRESE HD+) TK protectpeople Ri 9 postman Be take letters to people 31 a salesperson eae sell things Saay a toxi driver aot Blt drive passengers MASA ina taxi a teacher 2a teach pupils / RESE students avet ae treat sick animals BAER NE a waiter See a waitress zee take orders / BEAR! serve food to BEAR ERM customers 4 Lovely pets p.25 p.26 Types of pets abird acat @ chinchilla clown fish adog a fish a frog a guinea pig ahamster akitten a mouse a parrot a puppy a rabbit aturtle Pet homes a basket acage akennel a tank SRR ae Het B > HT = PSR BOS Bikes ‘Sy Sab BOS [IE cl p.27 p.28 p.29 p.30 Pet food bones fish fruit hoy meat pet food rice seeds vegetables worm Appearance beautiful cuddly cute furry huge / big skinny / thin tiny / small Body parts a beak a curly tail afin a furry pow ahard shell a sharp beak atoll owing claws colourful feathers long whiskers scoles sharp claws soft fur whiskers wide wings Character clever friendly lazy naughty noisy obedient playful shy Actions bark catch chase chew By (FO) Sa BROS ae climb #re crawl wer drink eat 0, hop BEE lick By play Kt run ie sing a sleep ae swim ik wag i (BB) yeti pp.33-36 Housework bath the dog BHR clean the bird cage ja38.% AE clean the windows an gloves clear the table whas cook meals a @ frying pan Pew apot Raa a saucepan RAR a stove dry the dishes REDIR a towel = 1m dustthe shelves mA ta#9Rb Hae a duster HER feed the hamster #isl@ a foldthe clothes 2B 7 AR hang up the washing Hck apeg iron the clothes Bae an iron 4 make the bed SER a pillow aH a sheet Re mop the floor Fath a bucket A a mop citi polish the furniture #ARA acioth Eu putawoy the toys WititA a toy box TAA set the table ERLE a toble mat a2 sweep the floor #1 6 Our acti pp.39-40 Daily routine @ broom BR a dustpan SORE take care of the pets SR8RE 2 take out the rubbish a eee a plastic bag BS a rubbish bin SRE throw away the HeHRE dog's waste tidy the bookshelf S232 #22 vacuum the carpet Seears avacuum cleaner Re walk the dog 8 alead BAROAR wash the clothes / t7eAR do the washing awashing machine ‘teil washing powder tc} wash the dishes ic Baa detergent SR a sponge tad water the plants #44847 #82k a pot plant & a spray bottle = a watering can BE wipe the table RAF [33 arrive at school BE BAR brush my teeth Flat do exercise (GE 5) do my homework 23 do revision ae get changed KB get off the school bus F get on the school fa ge get up go to bed LER go to school L# have a bath Be have a recess as have a shower é have a snack Be “stg, have breakfast 9g RE have dinner Oe aR have lessons im have lunch eae leave school RRS play games Sai pp.41-42 pp.43-44 Ua gah) Lue pp.47-48 wash my foce SEH watch TV san After-school activities ArtandCraftClub 232 basketball class SERIE Brownies DRE Chess Club HESS choir aa Computer Club BARE Cooking Club 2aSe Cub Scouts Dance Club Rhee Drama Club ase English class RE football class ERE Gardening Club Bese Kung Fu Club RES Maths Club gee orchestra 2am Science Club pase storytelling class six BRE swimming class TEE table tennis class RSE Leisure octivities go ice-skating EDK go shopping 0 gotoarestaurant ARR a {go to church ERE gotothe beach St have a picnic Se meetup with my S@iRaLRE relatives play bocrd games LAK ABUSE play computer games 5 3 Ast 8% play tennis FT play volleyball FSR practise the piano RE MiGS practise the violin RBH/2aE study wih my tutor visit my 2 NERS grandparents watch films See Weather cloudy 32 grey clouds xe dry ee foggy aR thick fog Re pp.49-50 pp.51-52 humid 2 rainy 2m heavy rain AR light rain OS rain boots BH a rainbow Ral a raincoat te Rainstorm Warning RnR SAS Signals an umbrella ae snowy a8 heavy snow KS a storm SAR lightning os, thunder @ sunny BBE acap Rate ahat a> sunglasses ABR a typhoon RE Typhoon Warning /\S BeBe Signal No. & eR wet windy xB gentle wind /breaze aa strong wind Things we wear / use cold ze cool a hot cass warm ae ‘cardigan (aT 8880) FEU acoat KK cotton T-shirt #84 T til adown jacket PARAS a fon Bt / Bs a fleece jacket CAME AS flip-flops FRAP BE gloves Fe a jumper Beek mittens Bete sandals RE a scart an shorts ae a skirt * Be avest Hd a woolly hat =EMt Seasons autumn ER leaves tur yellow #23 spring BR flowers grow ERER summer BK the bright sun shines ie fe KER winter BR white snow falls A B38 T Activities drink hot chocolate maa eat hotpot eat ice lollies exe fly a kite KAS go hiking mE go sunbathing ARS swimming trunks 3K gotothebeach = AD a swimsuit HR gotothe country AME park go to the park #28 go to the swimming #3k pool goggles KE a swim ring D3 have a barbecue 1845 have a picnic se look at the flowers #7& make asnowman #8. A plant trees ei ride a bike es sitbythe heater AES Acknowledgments We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright photographs: cover: ‘© Srutersoce com / Albert Zecrsnin ‘© Sutersock com Banko ‘© Suttrsoce com Pau 8. 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