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Online Learning Vs Face-to-face learning

In the current era, online learning is growing rapidly in the world. Especially since the
birth of virus that is dangerous to human health and very easily infected. This is done because
to avoid the very fast transmission of the virus. Online learning also can help quarantine
ordered by governments in the world.

There are many arguments for and against that occur in the community about online
learning and face to face learning. On online leaning there are so many application and
websites that can be used in the learning process. Examples include the google classroom
application provided by Google, Padlet application, E-learning and so on.

On face to face learning sometimes you can also use the online application provided,
but only occasionally. According to the opinion of many students in Indonesia that face to face
learning is more effective than online learning. There are many complaints about student that
online leaning being carried out at this time, such as not understanding what the teacher

Things that don t want to happen sometimes often happen when online class is taking
place. Such as for students who live in villages, they often have unstable networks. Point of
view of teacher, there are also difficulties in teaching online learning, it is difficult to know the
potential possessed by the student.

So there are many factors that why online learning is so ineffective compared to face to
face learning. There are also many arguments that say that studying in Indonesia even in the
world wants to learn face to face.

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