Assessment Acitivity - Lesson 1

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BPO 302

Language Responsibility
Purpose: To use language which takes rather than avoids responsibility

a) "it" vs. "I" statements

It isn’t finished vs I didn’t finish
: It is not ready yet vs I am not ready
b) "you" vs. "I" statements
Sometimes you make me angry vs Sometimes I get angry
: You are of no help at all vs I feel unappreciated and overwhelmed when you
don’t help me out
c) "but" statements
It’s a good idea but it won’t work
: I studied for the test, but I don't think I did well.
d) questions vs. statements
Do you think we ought to do that? vs. I don’t think we should do that.
: Do we need his approval? vs We don’t need his approval.

1. Read the sentences in the chart.
2. Identify the type of language responsibility problem shown by writing the type of language in
the left column.
3. Then re-write the sentences with language that takes responsibility in the right column.

Type of language Lacking responsibility Rewrite using responsible language

You vs. I You irritate me with your I feel irritated when I’m driving and
singing in the car. listening to your singing.

"but" statements There's no reason why it might not work,

There’s no reason it won’t but we don't have the funds.
work, but we don’t have the

questions vs. I don’t think we could go to a Chinese

statements Do you think we could go to restaurant rather than a pizza place.
a Chinese restaurant rather
than a pizza place?
"it" vs. "I" I have a feeling that this is not a good
statements It’s not a good idea. idea.

"you" vs. "I" I am really upset when you drive like

statements You really get me upset that.
when you drive like that.

Purpose: To practice replacing abstract statements with behavioral

1. Read the following abstract statements.
2. Rewrite each using behavioral descriptions.

You always get more help from the folks than I do.

A. Who is involved?

B. In what circumstances?
One time, when you couldn’t pay your tuition last semester

C. What behaviors are involved?

paying tuition for you

D. Clearer statement:
Mom paid your tuition last semester.

E. Advantages or disadvantages to using the clearer statement:

In a discussion with my sister, it limits the scope of what sounds like an attack on
her. There is something concrete for her to respond to. The scope of my
resentment is narrowed. The “fact” is presented, rather than a vague statement.
F. Impact on you of having to think through the three questions:
I had to stop and think of what I really meant and what the “facts” were that I was
basing my broad attack on. I had to ask myself what the problem really was and
stop exaggerating it.

1. School is so easy for you.

A. Who is involved?
: Teachers and Parents
B. In what circumstances?
: School works and house responsibilities
C. What behaviors are involved?
: responsibilities that I should consider everyday
D. Clearer statement:
: My teachers and my parents expected me to fulfill my responsibilities as a
student and as a daughter every day.
E. Advantages or disadvantages to using the clearer statement:
: It limits the scope of what appears to be an attack on my teachers and
parents. There is something concrete to which I can respond. My resentment is
becoming more focused. Rather than an ambiguous statement, the "fact" is
F. Impact on you of having to think through the three questions:
: I had to pause and consider what I truly meant, as well as the "facts" on
which I was basing my strong attack. I had to quit exaggerating the problem and
ask myself what it was truly like.

2. The workload around here sure isn’t fair.

A. Who is involved?
: Myself
B. In what circumstances?
: Additional workloads that isn’t supposed to be mine.
C. What behaviors are involved?
: Negligence of some workmates
D. Clearer statement:
: I have additional workloads to consider because some of my workmates
are negligent.
E. Advantages or disadvantages to using the clearer statement:
: It limits the scope of what appears to be an attack on myself. There is
something concrete to which I can respond. My resentment is becoming more
focused. Rather than an ambiguous statement, the "fact" is conveyed.
F. Impact on you of having to think through the three questions:
: I had to pause and consider what I truly meant, as well as the "facts" on
which I was basing my strong attack. I had to quit exaggerating the problem and
ask myself what it was truly like.

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