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Sound system Audi concert

Operating Instructions
You have decided on the Audi Sound System - thank you very much for your
confidence in us.
With this equipment, you are acquiring a high ly deve loped technical system which offers various
choices for entertainment and communication. All the settings can be made centra lly, using an
easy-to -follow menu guide .

We recommend that you carefully read the operating instructions so that you quickly become
completely fam il iar w ith all of the functions arnd possibilities of the system and are ab le to make
full use of them while driving.

Please note that these operating instructions are a supp lement to your vehic le's owner's manua l
and should only be used in conjunction with the current owner 's manual.

Should you have any further questions about the Audi Sound System in your vehicle, please direct
them to your authorized Audi dealer.

We hope you enjoy driving your car!

Table of contents

Table of contents

About this User's Restart in g the radio ..... . .... . 26 Forward / reverse and
previous/next track ............ . 39
Manual ......... . ........... . 4 Additional settings . ..... . ..... . 26
Repea t .............. . ..... .. .. . 39

Listening to the radio .. Shu f fle .................... . ... . 40

Overview . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . 7 28
Scanning a track (SCAN) . .. . . . . 40
Control unit ......... . ..... . .... . 7 Introduction ............. . .... . 28
Scanning a track (SCAN) ..... .. 41
Notes on traffic safety . ... . . ... . 7 System information ...... . .... . 28
Stopping / resuming a drive .. . . . 41
Notes on care 7 Starting rad io operation ...... . 29
Additional se ttin gs 42
A ctivating your sate l lite radio
se rvi ce . .. .... ........... . ..... . 29
Drives 9 Calling 43
Selecting frequency band .. . . . 30
General instructions for CD Selecting a station from the Introduction .................... 43
operation ...................... . 9
station list ....... . ...... ······· 31 Bluetooth™ ..................... 44
General information on memory Satellite sta ti on list ...... . .... . 31
cards 10
Phone book entries ............ 45
Selecting a station . ..... . ..... . 32 Starting telephone mode .... .. 46
CD p layer ................. . .... . 10
Scanning stations ...... . . .... . 33 En t ering a PIN / PUK .. . ......... . 46
Memory card reader . .. ... . .... . 12
Storing stations ..... . .. .... . .. . 33 Dialing a telephone number ... 47
Audi music interface .......... . 13
Selecting a stored station .. . . . 34 Answering / rejecting a cal l .. .. . 49
Aux-in connec t ion .. .. . .. . . . . . . . 17
Moving a stored station ...... . 35 Ending a ca ll ..... . .. . .. . .. .. . . . 50
Additional settings . ..... . ..... . 35 Dialing s to red te lephone
General operation .. . .. . . . 18
numbers ...................... . 50
Switching on and off .. . .. . .. . . . 18 Playing media ...... . .... . 37 Additional se ttin gs . . .. . . ..... .. 50
Principle of operation .... . .... . 18
Introduction ............. . .... . 37
Display . ........... . ........... . 19 Multifunction steering
Starting media mode ......... . 37
Adjusting the volume .......... . 22
Selecting Source ......... . .... . 37
wheel ....................... . 53
Adjusting the sound ........... . 24
Sel e cting a folder ........ . .... . 38 Introduction ................... . 53
Setting time o f day . . ..... . .... . 25
Selecting a track . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . 38 Adjus tin g the volume 53
Listening to the radio .......... 54
Tabl e of c ontents

Playing media .................. 55

Call i ng ......................... 56
Name tag ...................... 59

Telephone voice
operation ......... .......... 60

Introduction 60
General operation . ... ... .. . ... . 61
Name tags .. ... ... ... ... .. . ... . 63

Alphabetical index ...... 66

About this U se r's Manu a l

About this User's Manual

This user's manua l contains important information, tips, sugges-
tions, and warnings for the use of your vehicle. & WARNING
Make sure that this user's m anua l is always located in the vehicle . Text w ith thi s symb ol conta ins important inform ation on safety
This is especially important if you allow other people to drive the and how to reduce the risk of personal injury or death .
veh icle, or if you sell it .
This user's manual describes the equipment range specified for this
model at the editoria l deadl ine date . Some of the equ ipment
0 Note
Text wit h this symbol draws your atten t ion to potential sources of
described here wi ll only be availab le at a later date, or on ly in
damage to your veh icle.
specific mar kets.
Some sect ions in th is user's manual do not apply to all veh icles. In
that case, the range of applicability is given at the beginning of the <£'For the sake of the environment
sect ion, e.g . "Applies to ve hicles : w ith te lephone" . In addition, Text with this sy m bol contains information about the environment
optional equipment is indicated by an asterisk" * " . and how you can he lp protect it .
The deta ils in the illustrations may be diffe ren t from t hose in your
veh icle, and are intended to be viewed as a basic guide . [i ]Tips
You wil l find a table of cont ents at the beginning of this book, which Text with this symbol contains special tips and other information
d isplays all top ics descr ibed in this m anua l in order of appearance . about getting th e most out of your ve hicle and it s feat ures. •
You wil l find an alphabe t ical index at the end of this book.
A ll directions , such as "left", "right", "fro nt", "bac k", are re lative to
the d irection of trave l.
* Optiona l equipment.
Iii- This section continues on the next page .
• Indicates the end of a sect ion.
® Registered trademarks are identified with a®. If this symbo l is
m issing, it is no guarantee that the terms can be used freely.
=>& Cross-reference to a "WARNING!" within a section . For indi -
cat ion with a page number, the correspondi ng "WARNI NG!" can be
found outside of the section .

Fig. 1 Audi concert radio system



Control unit
This overview is to assist you in familiarizing yourself with
• Pay attention first and foremost to your driving! As the driver
the controls and their functions. of the vehicle, you have total responsibility for operating the
vehicle safely. Therefore, when using the Sound System functions,
G) Multifunction steering wheel* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
make certain that you always have complete control of your
0 Driver information system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
© Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
• Traffic today requires your full and continuous concentration.
© On/Off knob As the driver, you bear complete responsibility for safety in traffic.
- Switching on and off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Therefore, to ensure driving safety, settings in the Sound System
- Adjusting the volume ......................... 22 must be performed only when the vehicle is parked.
- Muting (Mute) ............................... 22 • The volume controls on the Sound System should be selected
© CD player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 to ensure that outside signals, such as police and fire truck sirens,
© Radio system controls .......................... 18 can always be heard - danger of accident!

(j) Memory card reader , .. , , .. , ... , ... , .. , , .. , . . . , . 12 • Be sure to follow applicable laws regarding speaking on the
telephone* while driving a vehicle. •

[i] Tips
• Please note that only the Audi radio system and its components Notes on care
are described in this manual. You will find additional information on
operating your vehicle in your Owner's Manual. Cleaning the display
• You can carry out many of your radio system's functions from the
- Clean the display with a soft clean cloth and an LCD
multifunction steering wheel * . •
cleaner .

Cleaning the controls

Notes on traffic safety
- First clean the controls with a small brush to remove
When operating the radio system while driving, be constantly aware dust.
of the current traffic situation and stop the operation when neces- - Then wipe the controls with a clean, soft and slightly
sary due to traffic. When driving, you should use the controls on the
damp cloth.
multifunction steering wheel* => page 53whenever possible.
Ov e rvi e w

0 Not e
• Treat the disp lay with care. Pushing on it with your finger or
touching it with sharp objects can cause dents or scratches.
• Cleaning CDs can damage the drives .
- Do not use clean ing CDs t o clean the drives . •


General instructions for CD operation commercial CD cleaner or isopropy l alcohol. Never use gaso l ine,
paint thinner, or record cleaner since they can damage the CDs.

8cm (3'1 CO Using laser equipment

Laser equipment is divided into safety classe s 1 to 4 in accordance
w ith DIN IEC 76 (CO) 6/VDE 0837. The various types of audio equip -
ment installed meet safety class 1. The laser uses so little power or
is shielded so that there is no danger when used properly.

Read error display

A read error message in the display may be caused by the fol lowing :
Fig. 2 CDs t hat mu st
not be used
Problem Solution

Requirements for good sound quality CD is di rty. Clean the CD.

To ensure good, high -qua lity sound reproduction and to prevent CD is scratched. Exchange the CD for a CD with-
damage t o the d rives, p lease observ e the fol lowing : out scratches .
• Do not used damaged or scratched CDs @ . CD was inserted upside d own . Insert the CD label side up .
• Do not use single CDs (8 cm/ 3 inch diameter) @ . Condensation has formed on
----Wai t until the CD is dry.
• Do not use CDs of different shapes @ . the CD.
• Do not attach labels @ . The mechanism fo r t he drive is Restart the rad io syste m (reset
• Do not use protective rings ® · malfunctioning . ~ page 26), or contact an autho-
rized Audi dealership or autho -
• Do not use dirty CDs.
rized facility.
• Do not use a protective CD fi l m or stabil izer.
• Always keep CDs in a protective sleeve and do not expose them
to direct sunlight. [i ] Tips
• Copyrighted CDs or CD-ROMs t hat do not conform to audio CD
Cl e aning drives and CDs sta ndards cannot be p layed by your CD driv e. Use only CDs having
Never use a cleaning CD to clean the drives . the fo llowing logo on the CD itself "Compact Disc Digita l Audio" .
Clean CDs with a soft, lint -free cloth . Wipe the CD in a straight line • If outside temperatures are extreme ly high or low, playback of
from the center outward. Heavy soiling can be removed wi t h a the navigation DVD may be te mporarily unavai lable. A thermal .,
Driv es

switch has been installed to protect the navigation DVD and the CD player
laser scanner.
• Do not remove the cover . The device contains no parts that can Introduction
be repaired by the consumer . •
The radio system has a CD p layer . Use the [ MED IA ] function button
to operate the CD inserted in the p layer ~ page 37.
General information on memory
The CD player, memory card reader and USB storage device connec -
cards tion support the following features :
Both SD and MMC cards can be used as memory cards.
MP3 Files WMA fil e s AAC fil e s
The memory card reader has been tested with many of the products
Format MPEG-1 Layer 3 Vers ion 7, 8 and 9 MPEG-2 and
available on the market. However, in isolated cases it is possible that
MPEG-2 Layer 3 MPEG-4
indiv idual memo ry cards may not be recogn ized .
Profi le LC - Low Com-
A lways keep the memory card in a suitab le case to protect it from
p lexity
dirt, dust partic les, scratches, and other damage.
Standard/ Memory card reader and USB sto rage device: FAT- or
We recommend not saving the music files direct ly in the ma in d irec-
File sys- FAT 32 met hod
tory of the memory card, but instead, create folders (e.g. put all the
tem CD player: ISO 9660 Level 1 and 2, Joliet (sing le ses-
tracks of a particula r music sty le/an artist in one f o lder).
sion und multisessionl, Un iversal Disk Fo rmat (UDF)
through Version 2.01
0 Note Bit rates 32 to 320 kbits/s and va r iable b it rates
Use on ly sing le-piece SD/MMC memory cards. If you use SD/MMC
Number CD player: max. 512 f iles and subdirectories per d irec -
adapter cards (mu lti -piece memory cards), the memory card can
of files tory
become detached from the adapter as the res ult of vib rat ion while
max . 1000 files and d irectories per m edium
driving. There is a possibility that individua l pieces may become
memor y card reader : max. 512 files and subdirectories
stuck in the drive
per directo ry
max . 2048 files and directories per medium
[i ] Tip s USB storage device: max. 1000 f iles per d i rectory, m ax.
7 subfolders _.,
• Individual types of memory cards may have limited functions.
• DRM music formats are not supported!
• Never store important infor m at ion on the memory card. Aud i
bears no liabi lity for damaged or lost data or files. •
Dri ves

MP 3 File s WMA f iles A A C f iles Loading a CD

Playlists Max. 119 playlists, no more than 1000 entries per play -
Playlist M3U, ASX, WPL and PLS
Sup - CD player: CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW with a capacity of
ported 650 MB, 700 MB and 800 MB
media mem ory card reader: memory cards with a capacity up
to 32 GB
Audi music interface: iPod, USB storage device
Fig. 3 Loading a CD

[i ] Tips Never force a CD into the drive. The CD is pull ed in automat-

• Please follow the instructions for hand ling CDs => page 9. ically.
• When playing MP3 files with a variable bit rate, there may be a - Make sure there is no CD in the CD slot.
discrepancy between the play time disp layed and real time.
- Hold the CD at the hole in the center and the outer edge
• The more playlists or files that are on a medium, the longer it will
take to load the medium. =>fig. 3.
• The CD player will not support ORM-protected files . - Guide the CD straight into the CD slot with the writing
• The maximum number of files per medium may differ if the direc- facing upward. The CD is pulled in .
tory or file names contain many special characters.
CD mode is started and operated through the radio system. •
• For compressing MP3 files we recommend a bit rate of at least
160 kbit/s .
• Please note that music files are subject to copyright law.
• Functionality may be restricted on individual storage devices
due to the variety of blank CD-R/CD-RW CDs and the various storage
capacities. •

Ejecting a CO • The memory card reader has been tested with many of the prod-
ucts available on the market. However, in isolated cases it is
possible tha t individual memory cards may not be recognized. •

Inserting a memory card

Fig. 4 Ejecting a CD

- Press the CD eject button =>fig. 4.

The CD is pulled in again automatically if it is not removed from the Fig. 5 Insert memory
slot within 30 seconds of ejecting it . •

- Slide the memory card in the card reader slot with the
Memory card reader label side up (contact surface down) => fig. 5. The angled
corner of the memory card must point toward the front
Introduction right.
- Then push the memory card into the slot until you feel it
The radio system has a memory card reader. SD or MMC cards can click into place. The memory card is flush with the area
be loaded in the memory card reader. around it. When the MEDIA function is activated, the
The MEDIA function=> page 37 is used to operate an SD/MMC card system automatically changes to the memory card
inserted in the memory card reader . reader and begins playing.
For information on the properties of supported file formats, refer to
The directory structure is read when a memory card is inserted but
=> pag e 70.
not played . If you start playback of the memory card immediately,
the ID3/WMA tag data are displayed for the track currently being
[i] Tips played. •
• Please follow the instructions for handling memory cards
=> page 10.

Removing a memory card

Fig. 8 Audi music

interface: Adapter

Fig. 6 Removing a
memory card G) Interface on Audi music interface
0 Storage slot
Gently push the memory card ~ fig. 6. The card is ® Cover
released from the slot. © Jack for connecting to the Audi music interface

- Remove the memory card. •

© Adapter cable* (such as iPod adapter cable*)
© Removable storage try
0 iPod jack on iPod adapter cable*
Audi music interface @ iPod
® iPod adapter cable *
App li es to vehicles: with Aud i music interfac e @ 3.5 mm stereo jack adapter cable*
Introduction @ Mini USB adapter cable*

Various portable audio devices can be connected to the @ USB adapter cable*

Audi music interface. The Audi music interface is located in the glove compartment . You
can connect a portable audio device (such as an iPod or USB storage
device) to the Audi music interface using a special adapter cable * .
You can purchase adapter cables * from your authorized Audi dealer
or an electronics store.

® 0 Note
Extremely high or low temperatures which can occur inside vehicles
can damage portable audio devices or affect their performance .
Fig. 7 Audi music
interface with iPod
Never leave a portable aud io device in the vehicle in extremely high
adapter cable and iPod or low temperatures. •

Ap pli es to vehicles: with Au di music inte rface an d adapt er cab le

Conn e cting the adapter cable to the Audi

music interface

Open the glove compartment.

- Fold the cover up ® => page 13, fig. 7.
© Fig. 10 Adapter cable:
removing the released
Connect the adapter cable to the Audi music interface jack from the Audi
=> page 13, fig. 7. music interface

0 Note
Requirement: the glove compartment and cover on the Audi
music interface G) => page 13, fig. 7 must be open.
Handle the adapter cable carefully. Do not allow it to be pinched. •
- Press the jack © => fig. 9 into the Audi music interface
App lies to vehicles: with Audi music interface and adapter cab le
while pressing the release catch @ on the jack down. The
jack is released.
Disconnecting the adapter c able from the
Audi music interface Hold the release catch down while pulling the jack out of
the Audi music inte rface @ => fig. 10.

0 Note
• Pull the jack out of the Audi music interface carefully so you do
not damage the interface.
• Handle the adapter cable carefully. Do not allow it to be
pinched . •
Fig. 9 Adapter cable:
releasing the jack on
the Audi music inter-
Dri ves

App li es to ve hi cles: w ith Audi mus ic inte rface and iPod adapter cab le • iPod 6G - sixth generation classic
Connecting an iPod with the iPod adapter • iPod touc h
cable • iPhone
The iPod is connected to the Audi music interface with the Other iPod versions (such as the iPod shuff le) cannot be connected
iPod adapter cable. with the iPod adapter cable . These can be connected as portable
audio dev ices w ith the opt iona l 3.5 mm stereo jack adapter cable*
::::;,page 16.
The Audi music interface does not support the following iPod
• Rating music tracks
• Skipping to a cer t ain place in a track
• Addi ng tracks to the "On -the -go" play list
Fig. 11 Disconnect ing • Disp laying the "Compilations" fo lder. Also, tracks mark ed with
t he iPod jack from th e
"Part of a Compilation" are not ent ered into the artist list if the
compi lation was activated in the iPod.
Connecting the iPod ja c k • Marking v iewed/new Podcasts

- Co nnec t t he iPod adapter cab le t o the i Pod.

[i ] Tips
Dis c onn ec ting th e iPod j ac k • Only the sound from video Podcasts is played. The video image
- Release the catch by pressing the buttons G) =>fig. 11. is not show in the display.
• Prob lems with the iPod can affect operation of t he radio system .
- Carefully pull the jack out of t he iPod ®· Reset your iPod if this is the case (see the iPod ins t ruction manual) .
Place the connected iPod in the storage slot ::::;,page 13, fi g . 7. • You can find additiona l information on operating the iPod
through the radio system in ::::;,page 37.
When the vehicle ignition is on, the iPod battery is charged through
the adapter cable as soon as the iPod is connected to the Audi music • See the iPod instruction manual f or important information on
interface . operating your iPod .
• We recommend updating the iPod software with the latest
The following iPods can be connected to the iPod adapter cab le:
• iPod mini - (versio n 1.3.0 and higher) • Please see your authorized Audi dealer for the most current
• iPod nano 1G, 2G and 3G information on the Audi music interface . •
• iPod 4G - fourt h generation (vers ion 1.2.1 and higher)
• iPod 5G - fifth generation Video
Driv es

Ap plies to vehicles: wi th Audi musi c in terface and USB/Mi ni USB adapter cab le • Due to the variety of USB storage devices and the different
Connecting a portable audio device vvith the capacities, t he funct io n of individual storage devices may be
USB/Mini USB adapter cable limited .
• An iPod cannot be co n nected t o t he Audi m us ic interface with a
You can connect vari ous USB storage devices to the Audi USB adapter cab le* . An iPod adapter cab le* => page 13 must be
music interface with a USB/Mini USB adapter ca ble. used .
Place the connected storage device in the storage slot=> page 13, • You can find current information and software updates on line at
fig . 7. " p3" . •

The Audi mus ic interface supports USB storage devices from "USB
Device Subc lasses 1, 2 and 6". The manufacturer of the storage App li es to veh icles: w it h Aud i mus ic int erface and 3.5 mm stereo jac k adapter cab le
dev ice can prov ide informa t ion about it s "USB Device Subc lass" . Connecting a portable audio device vvith the
The fol lowing USB storage devices are supported: 3.5 mm stereo jack adapter cable
• USB sticks You can connect portable audio devices (such as MP3
• Single card reader players) to the A udi music interface with the 3.5 mm
• Mu lt i-card reader (first used card slot) stereo jack adapter cable.
• USB MP3 p layers that do not require any specia l driver software
- Insert the 3.5 mm stereo jack i n t he headphone socket on
• External USB f lash memory the portable audio player. Audio playback takes place
• Exte rnal USB hard d isks (HDDl - 1", 1.8", 2.5" - drives with an oper - through the vehicle sound system.
ating/continuous current of 500 mA maximum
• MT P player (activate MTP mode on t he MTP player) If the external audio input or Audi mu sic interfa ce is already
selected as t he source , yo u may hea r static whe n connecti ng or
For information on the properties of supported file formats, refer to disconnecting the 3.5 mm stereo jack *. To avoid this static, either
=> page 10. mute the portab le audio device => page 23 or switch to ano t her
aud io source (radio=> page 29, CD) before connecting or discon -
[i ] Tip s nect ing t he device .

• You can decrease the time it takes to search for music files on the
connected USB storage device if you create a central folder for [i ] Tips
music files and playlists and place it alphabetica lly in the first posi - We recommend adjusting the vo lume of the portab le audio device
t ion in the storage device . to approximately 70 percent of the maximum output. The vo lume
• Do not use USB extension cables or adapters. They may affect can be adjusted (for example at the radio volume) => page 42. •
t he functionality .
• Functionality is not guaranteed for portable audio devices that
do not meet the USB 2.0 specification.
Dri ves

Aux-in connection Static can occur when connecting or disconnecting the 3.5 mm
stereo jack . To avoid this static, eit her mu t e the portable audio
Ap plies to vehicles: w it h Aux -in connec ti on device or switch to another audio source {such as radio or CD)
before connecting or disconnecting the device .
You select aud io files us ing the controls on the audio device . You
A p ort able audio device is con nected to the Aux -in can adjust the volum e using the on/off knob => page 22, the input
connection with a 3.5 mm stereo jack. level function => page 42, the multi f un ction steering wheel
=>page 53 or directly on th e audio device .
The Aux -in connector is located in the center armrest . It is compat -
ible with portable audio devices with a 3.5 mm stereo jack . Correct
function of all portable audio devices cannot be guaranteed. & WARNING
Driving requires your complet e and undivided attention . As the
0 Note driver, you have complete responsibility for safety in t raffic. Never
operate a portable audio device while driving because th is
Extreme ly high or low tempe ratures which can occur inside vehic les
can damage portab le audio devices or affect their performance. increases t he risk of an accident .
Never leave a portable audio device i n the vehic le in extremely high
or low temperatures.
[i ] Tips
• We reco m mend adjusting the vo lume of the portab le audio
[i ] Tips device to approximat ely 70 percent of the maximum ou t pu t. Adjust
For inf ormation on operati n g the audio device, see the manufac - the volume o n t he portab le aud io device bef o re adjusting it thro ug h
turer 's instructions. • the veh icle sound syst em .
• The vehicle battery discharges when the eng ine is stopped and
the audio device is switched on . •
Ap plies to veh icles: wit h Aux-in connection

Connecting a portable audio device

Requirement : The rad io is on =>page 29 .

- Co nn ect the audi o dev ice with a 3.5 mm ste reo j ack* and
insert the exte nsion cable in the Aux -in co nnection .
- Press t he [MEDIA] func t ion button.
- Rotate the control knob to AUX and press t he knob.
Ext ernal audio source is active will appear in the display
when t he device is recognized successfully .
G e n e ra l o p e ra t ion

General operation

Switching on and off the control knob on the radio, the radio turns itself off again auto -

[i ]Tip s
With the engine not running and a low battery charge, the radio is
switched off automatical ly. •

Principle of operation
The radio functions are performed by pressing the
Fig. 12 On/O ff knob
buttons and rotating and/or pressing the knobs on the
Automatic op e ration
- To turn t he radio on, insert the ignition key in the ig nition
lock . The menu for the last selected main function is
displayed, and the last selec t ed aud io sou rce is sw itch ed
on .
- To turn the radio off, remove the ignit ion key. Your 1
settings are saved .

Manu a l o p e ra ti o n Fig. 13 Butto ns on th e

radio .,_
- Press the On/Off knob briefly to turn the radio on.
- To turn the radio off, press the On/Off kno b until the radio
switches off.

A radio that has been turned off manually, is not automatically

turned on again the next t ime the ignition is switched on.
With the ignition off, the radio can still be used for about 10
minutes . If you do not press any function button, control button or
General operation

If you press and hold the(@) button or (BJin Media mode, fast
rewind or fas t forward is activated .

G) Return button
Press the IRETURN] butt o n to cance l a se lection you have not yet
confirmed or to return to the next higher menu leve l. •

Fig. 14 Assigning th e
control butt on to th e
butt on symbol in th e Display

"Standard " menus

G) Fun c tion button s
Press a function button to start an operating mode . For examp le, I
start the FM/AM operating mode by pressing the IFM /A M Ifunction '1 •
Using t he [SETUP I f unct ion bu tto n, you can o pen add iti o nal
settings for the active operating mode.

0 Control buttons
To access the function shown in one of the four corners of the
d isplay, press the contro l b utton corresponding t o this display
corner. For example, the control button in the upper left corre - Fig. 15 Setup Radio
sponds to the upper lef t display cor ner =::>f ig . 14.

© Control knob
To select a m enu item hi g hlighted in the dis pl ay, rotate the contro l
knob to the left or right and press the contro l knob.

© Arrow button s
To select the previous or the next radio station, press the(@) or the
To se lect the next track on a CD or memory card, press the (BJ Fig. 16 Radio
b ut t o n. If you press the(@) bu tto n w it hin 10 seconds af t er a track submenu

has started to play, playback jumps to the beginning of the previous

t rack. After you press a function button G) =::>page 18, fig . 13, a menu
appears in the display.
General operation

Symbol/ Symbol/
Legend Descrip- Explanation Legend Descrip- Explanation
tion tion

A menu item you have selected has a Tells you about a selected option (e.g.
0 Selected text @ Subtitle
radio station preference).
white background.
Operating mode selected (e.g. FM/AM Is operated by rotating and pressing
@ Control wheel
the control knob.
=> page 19, fig. 161.
Setup display: Setup menu for the Cancelled
operating mode selected (e.g. Setup @) loudspeaker Active audio source is muted.
0 Title line FM=> page 19, fig. 151.
On vehicles with a telephone*, the cell

phone operator and, where applicable,
the roaming symbol ~ will be dis - Speller
You enter telephone numbers using the speller.
@ Cursor Shows a line selected in a menu.

© Options box Options for the menu item selected.

Points to additional options or possi-
® Arrow
ble settings.
© Set air conditioning* temperature.
Bluetooth Cell phone is connected via Bluetooth Fig. 17 Number
0 symbol to the cell phone package. speller : Telephone
number entry
II Cell phone connection quality, or
Signal PIN: Enter PIN=> page 46
© strength bar* PUK: Enter PUK =>page 46
SIM: Insert SIM card
® Time of day Set time => page 25 .
Show selectable functions.
You perform the functions using the
Display cor-
@ ners
control buttons. The top right corner
of the display corresponds to the top
right control button.
General operation

Legend Descrip- Explanation

© Switches from number to letter entry.

0 Cursor Marks the current editing position .

Fig. 18 Letter speller:

Telephone number
© Entry field Shows the current entry.

entry Shows the character selected with the

® Entry ring
selection arrow enlarged.
In telephone * mode, you are required to enter letters or numbers.
For you to do this, the number speller=> page 20, fig . 17 or the letter
speller => fig. 18 appears in the display.
While you are making your entry, you can switch as needed from

Switches from lower case to upper
Shows a list containing suggestions.

numbers to letters or from letters to numbers by rotating the @ 0-9 Switches from letter to number entry .
control knob 0-9 @ => fig. 18 or A-Z ©=> page 20, fig. 17 and
@ Space Inserts a space in the entry field.
pressing the knob .
The symbols for entering letters and numbers are explained in the List with sug - Lists suggestions in alphabetical
@ gestions order .
table below :

IIsymbol/ @) ..... Refers to additional list entries .

Legend Descrip- Explanation
Entering lett e rs , numbers and symbols using
Puts a white background behind the the speller
G) arrow
selected element and shows it
enlarged in the entry ring.
- Mailbox sym-
You can find an overview of the speller on:::::;,page 20.
@ Call mailbox .
bol Entering numbers, letters, and symbols

© + Deletes the character to the left of the

white highlighted cursor .
- Rotate the control knob w ith the selection arrow G) to
the letters, the number or the symbol. Your selection is
Moves the cursor forward/backward in shown enlarged in the entry ring ® ·
© ~~ the entry field .
- To accept the letter, the number or the symbol, press the
© OK Confirms the entry. control knob. Your entry appears in the entry field @ . ~
G e n e ra l o p e ra t ion

- When you have entered all the digits, rotate the contro l Swit c hin g di s pl a y on
knob to OK © and press t he knob. - Press or rotate the control knob, or

D e le ting numb e rs, le t te rs, and s ymbols - Press a function button, or

- Rotate the contro l knob with the selection arrow to + @ . - Press a contro l butto n, or
- To delete the last digit in the entry field, press the control - Press the ( RETURN I button.
- To de lete all the digits in t he en t ry field, hold the control [i ] Tips
knob down unt il no digits show in the entry fie ld. After the display is sw itched off, you can sti ll change radio stations
or find a selected audio source using the arrow buttons. •
In some cases the selection of letters is limited by logica l exclusion .
This means that you can select on ly the letters which are possible at
this place in a word.
Adjusting the volume
Enter specia l characters (e.g. hyphen or period) using the number
speller . • Active audio source
You con adjust the volume or mute the audio sources
Switching display on / off using the On/Off control knob .

Fig. 19 Swit ching Fig. 20 Adjusting radio

display off volum e

Swit c hing displ a y off Adju sting th e volum e

- Press the control button Display in a setup menu. - Rotate the On/Off knob to the left or the right . The volume
will be adjusted. ~
- Rotate the control knob to Switch off display ~ fig . 19
and press the control knob. The disp lay is switched off .
General operation

Muting (Mute) Additional audio sources

- Press the On/Off knob br iefly . The active audio source is You can adjust the volume for entertainment suppression
muted or an active CD drive will be stopped (Pause Func- individually.
tion). A loudspeaker symbol with a slash through it
appears in the display.

Canceling mute
- Press the On/Off knob briefly, or
- Rotate the On/Off knob to the right. The loudspeaker
symbol with a slash through it disappears in the display.

Audio sources, navigation announcements and the telephone each Fig. 21 Volume
have their own volume settings. The stored audio source volume is settings
automatically limited when the radio system is switched on.
• If the stored volume is lower than the permanently set minimum - In an audio or setup menu, press the control button
volume level , the volume is increased to the set minimum level. Sound.
• If the stored volume is above the permanently set maximum - Rotate the control knob to Volume settings.
volume level, the volume is decreased to the set maximum level.
- Press the control knob. The Volume settings => fig. 21
• If the store volume is between the set minimum and maximum
volume levels , the stored level is maintained. menu appears in the display.

In MEDIA mode, playback is stopped for as long as the source is - Rotate the control knob to the menu item Entertainment
muted. suppr ..
- Press the control knob. Now you can adjust the volume
[i] Tips for the selected menu item .
• The telephone and traffic announcement switch -on volume is - Rotate the control knob to the desired volume.
not limited.
• You can also adjust the volume using the right thumb wheel on - To save your setting, press the control knob.
the multifunction steering wheel* without taking your hands from
the wheel => page 53. • [i] Tips
Using Entertainment suppr. *, you can adjust the volume for the
active audio source while the Audi parking system* is active. •
General operation

Adjusting the sound - To save your setting, press the control knob.

The following sound adjustments are possible:

Basic settings
• Treble


rv· If j r, I I 11 j t •

B_a n -

Balance : Adjusts speaker control left/right
Fader: Adjusts speaker control front/rear
IL1·.·. @

1 Tuning


( ,;\[ ,\

12 :00 AM
Fig, 22 Selecti ng

GALA (speed dependent vo lume adjustment)
DSP PREMIUM* => page 24
Volume settings fo r additional audio -sources => page 23
treble Treble, midrange, and bass settings are valid for the mode you are
currently in. The balance and fade settings are independent of the

-- Presets FM
.:1 mode. •

Ap pli es to vehicles: with DSP Prem ium


1 - Tuning
rnin niax

Fig, 23 Adjusting

- In an audio or setup menu, press the contro l button

Sound =>fig. 23.
- Rotate the control knob to a menu item (e.g. Treble
~ fig . 22). Fig . 24 DSP PREMIUM

Press the control knob. The selected menu item is shown Displaying DSP PREMIUM menu
enlarged in the display ~ fig. 23.
- In an audio or setup menu, press the control button
- To adjust the sound characteristics, rotate the control Sound ~ fig. 24.
knob to the right or the left.
Gen e r a l op e ra t ion

- Rotate the control knob to DSP PREMIUM and press the Setting time of day
knob. The DSP PREMIUM ~ page 24, fig . 24 menu
appears in the display.

( • Time mm AM
- Rotate the control knob to Surround and press the knob .
- To switch Surround on, rotate the cont rol knob to on.
- To save your setting, press the control knob . Surround
Sound is only active for a selected CD or SD source.

1 12 :00 4
I Fig. 25 Se tt ing t im e

- Rotate the control knob to GALA and press the knob . Op e ning the time setting menu
To adj ust t he level of volume equa lization, rotate the - Press the (SETUP ] function button .
control knob to one of the seven st eps and press the - Press the control button Time / Date . The time setting
knob . menu ~ fig . 25 appears in the display .
- To switch the fu nction off, rotate the control knob to off
and press the knob. Setting time of day
- Rotate the control knob to Time and press the knob . The
- For t he system to automatically adjust the volu m e to
hour disp lay is shown in the display highlighted in white .
compensate f or the ambie nt noise , rotate the control
knob to auto and press the knob . • - To set the hour , rotate the contro l kno b to the left or right
and then press the contro l knob . The minute display is
shown in the display highlighted in white .
- To set the minutes, rotate the contro l knob to the left or
right .
- Save the t ime of day entry by pressi ng the control knob .

Setting the date

- Rotate the co ntro l knob to Date and press the knob . The
year display is shown in the disp lay high lighted in white . IJ)l,
G e n e ra l o p e ra t ion

- To set the year, rotate the control knob to the left or right Restarting the radio
and then press the knob . The month display is shown in
the d isp lay highlighted in white . The functionality of the radio is restored through the
On/Off knob.
- To set the month, rotate the control knob to the left or
right and then press t he knob. The day d isplay is shown
in t he display highlighted in white.
- To set the day, rotate the control knob to the left or right.
- Save the date entry by pressing the contro l knob .

Setting th e tim e f o rmat

- Rotate the control knob to Time format and press the
contro l knob . Fig. 26 On/ Off knob

- Rotate the control knob to 24h or AM / PM.

- Press and hold down the On/Off knob => page 22, fig . 20
- To save your setting, press the control knob. until the radi o restarts.

Setting th e dat e format

- Rotate the control knob t o Date format and press the
[i ] Tips
If problems arise during system reset, p lease consult your autho -
contro l knob. rized Audi dealer. •
- To adjust the date format "Day.Month", rotate the control
knob to DD.MM and press the knob.
Additional settings
- To adjust the date format "Month/Day", rotate the control
knob to MM / DD and press the knob . Menu language

[i ] Tips - Select: Function button [SETUP]> control button

If you enter a new time zone with your veh icle, you have to adjust Settings > M enu language .
the time display manually to local time. •
You can change the information in the display and in the driver
information system.
English, French, Spanish and German are available . •
General operation

Measurement units Version information

- Selec t: Funct ion butto n [SETUP]> co nt rol bu tton - Selec t: Fun ction button [SETUP ] > co ntrol bu tton
Settings > Measurement units . Settings > Version information.

The measurement units i n the radio disp lay, in the driver informa - This function shows the hardware and software vers ion f or t he
tion system and in the climate control system display can be radio . •
changed .
The fol lowing units can be selected: Display brightness
• distance (km o r m iles)
• speed (km/h or mph) - Selec t: Function button [SETUP] > cont rol butto n Display
• tempe rat ure (°C or °F) > Brightness .
• pressure (bar or psi) • By rotating the contro l wheel to the right or left, you can adjust the
b ri ghtness of the display . •
Factory settings

- Selec t: Funct ion butto n [S ETU P]> co nt rol bu tton

Settings > Default settings .

The following funct ions can be reset to the default factory sett ings :
• MMI settings
• Sound sett ings
• Radio
• CD
• Telephone*
After selecting t he funct ions, rotate the contro l knob to Reset
systems. Confi rm yo ur entry by rotating t he co nt ro l knob t o Yes and
pressing it.
Yo u can also reset all of the functions listed to the facto ry default
setti ngs by act ivat i ng t he Select all opt ion . •
Listening to the radio

Listening to the radio

Introduction Amplitude modulation (AM)

You have to update the AM station list manually => page 29, fig. 29.
When you leave the reception area, the stations on the list continue
to be displayed but reception is no longer guaranteed .

Satellite Radio (SAT)*

The Sirius* channel list is updated dynamically from the Sirius*
service provider. Non selectable channels are automatically passed
over when searching channels and are not shown in the display
=> fig. 28.

Fig. 27 FM station list

[i] Tips
To receive satellite programs, you must contract the Sirius* service
provider => page 29. •
158 ORL -TSP
Url,1r1tlr, \/\ 1t•,1!!11·r T<irT1fJ,1 Tr,111
()rl;--ir)cl() \\/,,.-:ith1>r LHTifl.-1 Tr,--df App lie s to vehicles: with Satel lit e Digita l Aud io Radio Service

System information

The following system messages can be displayed:

Fig. 28 Sirius station
System mes- Meaning
The radio has three frequency bands: AM, FM, and SAT* (satellite
radio). The receivable stations are shown on a radio station list and ANTENNA No antenna is connected to the tuner, or
can be selected directly. You can select the next receivable station there are loose plug contacts on the
by pressing a button or playing all stations for a few seconds antenna cable.
(SCAN). You can also save your favorite stations on a preset list in LINKING The tuner is presently not receiving any
any order. satellite signal.

Frequency modulation (FM)
The FM station list is updated automatically=> fig. 27. You can also
update the station list manually.
Listening to the radio

App li es to ve hi cles: w ith Satelli te Digi tal Audio Radio Service

Starting radio operation
Activating your satellite radio service
In order to be able to receive satellite programs, this
service must be enabled .

,:~ 1
Fig. 29 Frequency

Requirement: The radio is on ::::,page 18.


_l :,.; . . 1 2 :00 ""'

, ,, , ,
Fig. 30 Receiver serial
- Press the [ FM/AM VISAT) function button. The list of
stations or the most recent active radio menu appears in
the display. In order to have the service enabled at your provider, you
need the electronic serial number of the tuner. To show the
The menu that was open the last time you listened to the radio is electronic serial number in the display:
shown in the display. Press the [ FM/AM V1SAT] function button
again when in rad io mode to call up the station list . • Sirius channel list
- Press the [ SAT] function button . The station list is
- Turn the knob to 000 Sirius ID and press the knob .

Setup menu
- Press the function button [SETUP) in the Satellite Radio
- Select Receiver serial numbers by rotating the control
knob and press the control knob. The electronic serial
number will appear on the Display ::::,fig. 30.

This number is a 12 character alphanumeric number .

Listening to the radio

Via control button Band

[i ]Tips - In AM/FM mode, press the=> fig. 31 control button Band .
• Objects such as buildings, tunnels, bridges, terrain, other veh i-
cles or objects on the roof of the vehicle can result in decreased - Rotate the contro l knob to the desired frequency band.
- To select the frequency band, press the control knob . The
• Satellite Radio reception is not available in Alaska and Hawaii. •
current frequency band is shown in the title line in the
display, or
Selecting frequency band - Press the [SAT]* function button to activate satellite
radio*=> fig. 32.
The radio has the three frequency bands: Frequency
Modulation (FM), Amplitude Modulation (AM), and satel- Via RADIO function button
lite radio (Sirius)*.
- To select the frequency band, press the [FM/AM] func-
tion button until the desired frequency band appears in
the display.

[i ]Tips
You can select the frequency band and the radio stations in the
instrument cluster display using the multifunction steering wheel*
~ page 54. •

Fig. 31 AM/FM
frequency bands

158 ORL -T SP
( ) • I, Ir • ( j r , \. ·,.•, ·, l ! I 11 r 1, Ir 11 11, 1 1 r, 1 1I

l l r I, 1 r ( j ( , '•\I, · , t ' 11 • r 1 tr 1 1i 1 1 1, , , f I

Fig. 32 Sirius
frequency band

Requirement: The radio is on =>page 29.

Listening to the radio

Ap pli es to ve hi cles: w ith Satelli te Digi tal Au d io Radio Service

Selecting a station from the station
list Satellite station list
The receivable stations for the selected frequency band The available stations are listed in the satellite main
are displayed in the station lists. menu.

lJ, I II d1, ~'\, ._1t!)I I lcllTq,si fr !11
l ) r I, 11 ' ( j l J \. \I 1 •• j 1'11 I 1'j r T f ! 'j ' r l I f

Fig. 34 Radio: Sirius

satellite radio station
Fig. 33 FM station list

Requirement: The desired frequency band is selected - Press the [ SAT] function button.
=:>page 30 and receivable radio stations are shown in the - Select the desired radio station in the main Sirius radio
display ~ page 29. menu with the control knob.
- To update the station list , rotate the control knob to If you are not in the main satellite radio menu (Radio Sirius) after
Update station list =:>page 29, fig. 29 and press the knob. pressing the function button, you can change the frequency band
- Rotate the control knob to the desired radio station. by repeatedly pressing the ISAT) function button .
Operating the control button Presets displays the preset list. You
- To select the station, press the control knob.
may store stations from the FM, AM and satellite radio (Sirius)
bands ~ page 33.
[i] Tips The explanations for the sound settings start with section
Did you know that you can also perform this function using the ~ page 24.
multifunction steering wheel *~ page 54? •

[i] Tips
• The stations that are displayed in the station list can be filtered
according to your personal desires as to type of program ~ page 36.
• If you operate the IRETURN l button in a sub menu , the satellite
radio main menu will be displayed. •
Listening to the radio

Selecting a station - Rotate the control knob to TUNE (Tuning) => fig. 35 and
press the control knob.
- To select the station, rotate the control knob to the left or
- To save the selected station, press the control knob.

Entering a channel number (satellite radio)

- Press the control button Tuning in the satellite radio
Fig. 35 Manual station
search (FM band) - By rotating the control knob, select Ch. (Channel)
=> fig. 36 and press the control knob.

- Presets Sirius
P it.Jazz / Jazz -Cls

~- Channal
--1 - To select the station, rotate the control knob to the

Briefly pressing the control knob selects the next available station.
l_.t, -~ If you hold the control knob down, the available stations will

-"'() !":,
advance or back up more quickly .

Tuning 12 :0 QAM ·-
Fig. 36 Satellite radio:
Channel number
[i] Tips
• When in the Sirius band, use the >I (Seek up)/1< (Seek down) func-
Requirement: A frequency band is selected=> page 30. tion to switch to the next/previous station in the station list.
• You can also press the arrow buttons on the MMI terminal briefly
Next receivable station to switch to the previous/next station in the station list => page 18. •

- Press the control button Tuning.

- Rotate the control knob to >I (Seek up) or I< (Seek down).
- Press the control knob. The next receivable station is

Adjusting the frequency manually (FM/AM band)

- Press the control button Tuning.
Listening to the radio

Scanning stations - To stop the SCAN function, press the control knob again.
The currently scanned station is selected.
Using the SCAN function, the receivable stations are
played for a few seconds. Taste SCAN
- Press the [ SCAN] button to start the scan function
=>fig. 38 .
- Press the [SCAN ] button again to stop the scan function .
The last active station is selected.

If activating the scan function opens the station list, you can also
select a station from the list. To return to the control wheel display,
press the Tuning control button again. •
Fig. 37 FM radio SCAN

Storing stations
The preset list can contain up to 30 stations from all
frequency bands.

- Presets FM
88 .3 --~
Banc ffl

Fig. 38 Taste SCAN Hb ---

~...~ H,.-

Requirement: The desired frequency band is selected ~tot i on

=> page 30. 12 :QQ AM

Fig. 39 Storing
Tuning Sound
SCAN in the control wheel
- Press the control button Tuning.
- Rotate the control knob to SCAN.
- To start the SCAN function, press the control knob. The
station list appears in the display.
Listening to the radio

From the control button Presets

- Press the control button Presets.
- Rotate the control knob to Store Station name => fig. 40.
- Press the control knob. The selected station is stored in
an open position on the preset list.
- To change the position on the preset list, rotate the
Fig. 40 Storing
control knob to the left or the right.
- To store the station to the selected position on the preset
Requirement: A station is selected => page 32. list, press the control knob.

From the control knob

- Press and hold the control knob until the station is
[i] Tips
You can delete an individual station or all stations from the preset
displayed in an open position in the preset list.
list => page 35. •
- To change the position on the preset list, rotate the
control knob to the left or the right.
Selecting a stored station
- To store the station to the selected position on the preset
list, press the control knob.
Requirement: A station is stored on the preset list
From the control button Tuning => page 33.

Press the control button Tuning. - Press the control button Presets. The preset list is
- Rotate the control knob to STORE (Store station)
=> page 33, fig. 39. - To select a station from the preset list, rotate the control
knob to the station .
- Press the control knob. The selected station is stored in
an open position on the preset list. - Press the control knob. The station is selected.

- To change the position on the preset list, rotate the

control knob to the left or the right. [i] Tips
Also try selecting a stored station using the multifunction steering
- To store the station to the selected position on the preset wheel* ~ page 55. •
list, press the control knob.
Listening to the radio

Moving a stored station - Select: Function button [FM/AMI> function button

(SETUP]> Delete radio presets> Single station or All
Requirement: A station is stored on the preset list stations.
=> page 33.
Single station
- Press the control button Presets. The preset list is By rotating and pressing the control knob, select Single station and
displayed. then the station to be deleted.

- Rotate the control knob to Move Station name and press All stations
the control knob. Select All stations by rotating and pressing the control knob. •
- To change the position on the preset list, rotate the
control knob to the left or the right. Ap plies t o vehi cles : wi th Satellit e Digit al Au d io Rad io Serv ice

- To store the station to the selected position on the preset Station info
list, press the control knob. •

Additional settings

Displaying radio text

Requirement: The FM frequency band is selected

=> page 30. Fig. 41 Setup Sirius:
Station info
- Select: Function button (FM /AM]> control button Tuning
> TEXT (radio text). Requirement : Satellite radio is activated => page 30.
Radio t exts are additional information transmitted by some stations - Select: Function button [ SETUP I> Station info.
(e.g. station name, artist or track!. •
If you have switched on Station info, two -part information is
displayed in the satellite radio main menu . For example, the names
Deleting memory entries of the artist and song are displayed for a short time in a window that
opens separately=> page 31, fig . 34. •
Requirement: A station is stored on the preset list
=> page 33.
Listening to the radio

Ap pli es to vehi cles: w it h Satelli te Digi ta l Au dio Radi o Servi ce If you select the option Switch off all filters , all filter options are
Sorting stations deactivated and all available channels are displayed in the satellite
station list . •
Requirement: Satellite radio is activated => page 30 .
- Select: Function button [SETUP]> Station sort. Delete radio presets

Channel no. Requirement : A radio station is stored in the preset list

The stations are listed by channel number in ascending order. => page 33.
Channel name - Select: Function button [SETUP] > Delete radio presets >
The station categories are li sted in the main menu in alphabetical Single station or All stations.
Single station
Category and channel No. By turning and pushing the control knob, first select Single station
The stations are listed by category and than by channe l number . followed by the radio stat ion you wish to delete .

Category and chan. name All stations

The stations are listed by category and than by channe l name . By turning and pushing the control knob, select All stations. •

[i] Tips
The stations that are displayed in the station li st can be filtered
according to your personal desires as to type of program
=>page 36. •

Ap pli es to vehi cles: w it h Satellit e Digi tal Audi o Radi o Service

Category filter

Requirement : Satellite rad io is activated=> page 30.

- Select: Function button [SETUP]> Category filter.

The stations that are disp layed in the station list can be fi ltered
according to your personal desires as to type of program. The se lec-
tion of program categories depends on what your provider offers .
Playing media

Playing media

Introduction Selecting Source

You can start and operate the CD player, the memory card reader
and a portable audio device (such as an iPod or USS storage device)
through the radio system . Various functions are available
depending on which drive is active and which storage medium is
inserted. For example, you can select individual tracks or folders
directly, play the tracks in random order or display information
stored in an ID3/WMA/AAC tag with the current track (such as the
artist, album or title). •
Fig. 42 List of avail-
able drives
Starting media mode
Requirement: a drive contains an audio file.
Requirement: The radio is switched on => page 61. - Pressthe[MEDIA ] function button.
- Press the [MEDIA] function button. The source overview Press the control button Source.
or the track that was played the last time media mode
was active will be shown in the display. - Rotate the control knob to a media drive.

Press the Source control button if no source or - Press the control knob . The track list or a folder structure
track/folder overview appears in the display. for the selected audio source is shown in the display.

When you connect a por t able audio device (such as an iPod or USS Possible sources are => fig . 42:
storage device) to the Audi music interface * , the interface * is auto - • CD in the CD player
matically selected as the source and playback begins .
• Memory card
• Audi music interface* (such as an iPod) or AUX •
[i] Tips
• You can switch between audio sources by pressing the ! MEDIA)
button repeatedly.
• Playback will be interrupted with traffic announcements if traffic
radio is switched on => page 35. •
Playing media

Selecting a folder Selecting a track

The folders of an active audio source are shown in the The track with the play time is shown in the display.

Fig. 44 List with CD

Fig. 43 List of tracks of
a folder
Requirement: A CD => page 37 or a folder => page 38was
Requirement: A source was selected => page 37. selected.
- Press the (MEDIA] function button. The folder structure - Rotate the control knob to a track => fig. 44.
for the selected source is displayed=> fig. 43. - To select the track, press the control knob. The track will
- Rotate the control knob to a folder and press the knob. play.
The tracks in the folder are displayed.
[i] Tips
[i] Tips • You can scroll through long lists of tracks quickly by rotating the
• To reach the overview of possible audio sources, press the control knob . The scrolling speed depends on the number of tracks.
Source control button. • Did you know that you can also operate this function with the
• To reach the highest level in the folder structure, press the multifunction steering wheel * => page 55? •
IMEDIA l function button.
• To reach the next highest level, press the I RETURN Ifunction
button or rotate the control knob to the Up folder and press the
• You can scroll through long lis t s of folders quickly by rotating the
control knob. The scrolling speed depends on the number of
folders . •
Pl a ying m e di a

Forward/reverse and previous/next If you select "Previous" within 10 seconds after a track has started
to p lay, the previous track will star t playing . If it is pressed after
track playing fo r 10 seconds, it jumps to the start of the current track.
You can move forward or backward within a track and
jump from one track to the previous or next track on a CD [i ] Tips
or a in a folder. You can fast forward and reverse wi t hin a track by pressing and
holding the arrow buttons ~ page 78 on the radio system . Pressing
the arrow buttons briefly will jump to the previous/next track . •


Fig . 45 Forwa rd
- Media
Rock With U
liai So~rce ;

~,-)--,,~ -~

Requireme nt: A t rack is playing ~ page 38.

/ reverse
Press t he control button Control.
1 Control
~~ f.ti tl
o pt1 ono
\ -~·
12 :00 ""' -
Fig. 46 Repeat

- Rotate the contro l knob to >> (Forward) ~ fi g. 45 or <<

(Reverse) and keep the control knob pressed. Requireme nt : A CD, a memory card~ page 12o r a portable
audio device* was selected as a source.
Previous / next tra c k - Press the control button Control .
- Press t he co ntrol button Control.
- Rotate the co ntro l knob to RPT (repeat) and press the
- Rotate the contro l knob t o >I (Next t rack) ~ fig. 45 or I< knob.
(Previous track) .
- Rotate t he co ntrol knob to t he range to be repeate d and
- To jump to the previous/next track, press the control press the kno b.
knob . The track w ill play.
The f ollowing func t ions can be selected for repeat:
To jump from one to the next track one after t he other, press and • off - the repeat function is switched off .
hold the contro l knob .
Playing media

• Medium - the tracks on the CD, memory card or portable audio - To start shuffle play, press th e con t rol knob.
device t hat is playing wi ll be repeated.
• Track - the current track playing will be repeated . Shuffle depends on the settings you have selected for Repeat
~ page 39.
• Folder - the tracks in the current folder list playing will be
repeated. If the tracks on an MP3/WMA CD, a memory card or a • Repeat off - the tracks in the current audio source are played in
portab le audio device are repeated, you can also select the with random order and then the tracks in the additional audio sources
subfolders function. The tracks in the subfolders will also be are.
repeated. • Repeat Medium - the tracks in the current medium are played in
• Playlist - if a playlist was selected, the tracks in the current play - random order.
list wi ll be repeated . • Repeat Folder and Playlist - the tracks in the current play list are
• all playlists - all playlists wi ll be repeated. played in random order. •

[i] Tips Scanning a track (SCAN)

Shuffle also depends on the repeat settings ~ page 40. •
The SCAN function plays each track on the CD or memory
card for a few seconds.
You can play the tracks in random order.

- Media
Rock With
liij . ·
U --~
Source ~

I () '",('
If), Fig. 48 Scanning a

1 Control 12 :00 AM

Fig. 47 Shuffle

Requirement : A track is played => page 38.

- Press the control button Control.
- Rotate the control knob t o MIX (Shu ffle) => fig . 47.
Pl a ying m e di a

Scanning a track (SCAN)

The SCAN function plays each track on the CD or memory
card for a few seconds.

- Media
Rock With
U --~
Source ;

Fig. 49 Taste SCAN

1 ( l =--:,f-;

Requirement : A track is played => page 38.

in th e co ntrol wh ee l
Press the control button Control.
1 Con tr o l

12 :QQ •M

Fig. 50 Scanning a
tr ack

- Rotate the control knob to SCAN => fig . 50. Requ irement : A track is played => page 38.

To start the SCAN func t ion, press the control knob . The - Press t he control button Control.
track list appears in the disp lay. - Rotate the co ntrol knob t o SCAN =>fig. 50.
- To stop the SCAN function, press the contro l knob again. - To start the SCAN funct ion, press the control knob . The
The track currently playing will be selected . track list appears in the disp lay.
SCAN button on th e ra d io system - To stop the SCAN function, press the control knob again .
- Press the [ SCAN] button to start the scan function The track currently playing w ill be selected. •
=> fig . 49.
- Press the [SCAN] button again to stop the scan function. Stopping / resuming a drive
The currently scanned track will be played .
Requ ireme nt: A t rack is played .
Once act ivat ing the scan function opens the track list, you can also
selec t a track from the list . To ret urn to the contro l wheel display ,
Stopping a driv e
press the Tuning control button again. •
- Press the On/Off knob briefly, or
- Rotate the On/Off knob counter-clockwise unti l the mute
symbol appears in the status line . _,.
Pla yin g m e dia

Res umin g a dri ve File n ame

- Press the On/Off knob briefly, or The name of the file wil l be d isplayed w ithout any fi le extension. •

- Rotate the On/Off knob clockwise. Playback resumes .

Track information

[i ] Tip s Requirement: A track is playing =:>page 38.

You can also operate this function without removing your hands
from the steering wheel ~ page 56. • - Select: [MEDIA] fu nction button> [SETUP ] function
button > Track informat ion.

Additional settings If information for t he current track (such as the artist, album or
track) is available in an 1D3/WMA/AAC tag , the information is
displayed in a pop-up window when this function is activated .
Track information (INFO)

Requirement : An MP3/WMA CD or memory card=:> page 12 [i ] Tip s

is being played. The Track inf orma tion function is not available for iPods and
portab le audio devices that were connected with the AUX-in
- Select: Function button [M EDIA]> control button Control connector . •
> INFO (Info).

Information stored in the 1D3/WMA tag for the current track (e.g. Ap pli es to veh icles: with Audi mus ic inte rface or Aux-in connection
artist) is displayed. • Input level

Track display Requirement : A portab le audio device is connec t ed wit h the

3.5 mm stereo jack adapter cab le* =:>page 16.
Requirement : An MP3/WMA CD or memory card=:> page 12 - Selec t: [ MEDIA]func t ion butt o n> Audi music interface or
is being played. AUX source> [SETUP] funct ion button> Input lev el.
- Select: Function button [MEDIA]> function button Adjust the volume of the portable audio dev ice at the radio system .
[SETUP]> Track di splay. We recommend adjusting the vo lume of the portab le audio device
t o 70 percent of t he maximum output . •
Tr ac k na me
Information about the currently played track is shown by using the
function INFO (track information) ~ page 42(e.g . artist, album). The
informat ion must be stored in the 1D3/WMA tag .

Ap plies to vehic les: with cell phone package
& WARNING (conti n ued )
• Pay attention first and foremost to your driving ! As the driver,
A cell phone is connected to the cell phone package and you have total responsibility for operating the vehicle safely.
operated using the radio system, the multifunction Therefore , when using the funct ions, make certain that you have
steering wheel*, or the telephone voice operation. complete control of your vehicle in all traffi c situations!
• The telephone voice operation * should not be used in emergen -
The f actory- instal led cell phone package in the vehic le allows you to
cies, since the voice can change in stressful situations. The result
connect particu lar GSM or CDMA cel l phones via Bluetooth
can be that the desired telephone connection does not go through
~ page 44.
under certain circumstan ces or does not go through quickly
You operate your cel l phone using the radio system, the multifunc- enough . Dial the emergen cy number manually.
tion steering whee l*~ page 53, or the telephone voice operation
~ page 61.

The active audio source is muted during an incoming/outgo ing call

0 Note
and the dr ive is sto pped . After t he call is ended, the audio sou rce is • Observe al l app licable laws for making te lephone cal ls in vehi -
restored to the previous vo lume level. cles.
• Switch off your cell phone in areas in which the use of cel l
To use the telepho ne function of your radio system, a cel l phone
phones is proh ibited.
must be connected to the cel l pho ne package ~ page 44 .
• Switch off your cell phone in locations where there is a danger of
exp losion. These locations are not always clearly identified . They
_& WARNING inc lude, for example, filling stations, storage or transportation faci l-
ities for fuel or chemica ls; locat ions where the re is fue l vapor in the
• Med ical expert s w arn that cell phones can interfere w ith the
air (e.g. escaping propane or fue l vapors in vehicles or buildings) or
fun ction of pacemaker s. Always maintain a minimum distance of
locat ions where there are chemi cals or large quantit ies of dust
20 centimeter s between the cell phone antenna and the pace-
part icles (e.g. from flour or wood) in the air. This also app lies to all
maker .
other locations where you normal ly switch off your car's engine.
- Do not carry the cell phone in a pocket directly over the pace-
maker w hen the phone is swit ched on.
- Switch the cell phone off immediately if you suspect it may
[i ] Tip s
be interf ering w ith the pacemaker. • The phone functions depend on whether your mobi le phone is
compatible with the cell phone package and whet her yo ur cell
• M ake sure that all persons maintain a minimum distance of 6
phone provider supports these functions.
in (15 cm ) from the antenna , in accordance with the certification
guideline for mobile HF tr ansmitter s. • Reception may be impa ired in screened areas, for examp le, in a
tunnel or an underground parking garage. .,_
C a llin g

• There may be regions without network coverage from cell phone - On the cell phone, select the appropriate menu optio n
operators. Your telephone cannot be used in these areas. that searc hes for Bluetooth-enabled dev ices (cell phone
• You can find current information about the cell phone package package).
online at "" or at an authorized Audi
dealer . • - Connect the cell phone to the cell phone pac kage . Your
cell phone package calls the ce ll phone using the name
"Audi UHV".
Ap plies to vehi cles: w ith cell phon e p ackag e
- Enter "1234" as the Bluetooth PIN for the cell phone
Bluetooth™ package withi n 30 seconds.
Bluetooth technology sets up a cordless connection from - Wait until your cell phone displays the message ind i-
the cell phone to the cell phone package. cating successfu l bonding. The Bluetooth symbo l G)
~ fig . 51 appears in t he display .

To protect yours elf from outsid e access to your cel l phon e, you
should change the Bluet ooth PIN ~ page 51.

A m ax imum o f four ce ll p h o n es
You can connect up to four cell phones to the cell phone package .
However, only one cell phone at a time is actively connected to the
cel l phone package . If a fifth cell phone is bonded to the cell phone
Fig. 51 Bluet oot h package , the device which has not been used in conjunction with
the cel l phone package for the longest time is disconnected.

The cell phone 1 l must be bonded one t ime to the cell phone M ak in g a nd br eak in g a co nn ec ti o n
package in the vehicle. Depending on t he cell phone be ing An operational cell phone which has been bonded to the cel l phone
used, various steps are required f or this procedure: package is automatically connected after the ignition is switched
on. For some cell phones you have to confirm the connection.
- Make sure that no othe r cell phone is connected to the
cell phone package through a Blue t ooth con nection. The Bluetooth connection is disconnected after the ignition key is
removed unless there is a cal l in progress .
- Switch on the ignition and the radio system .
R a n ge
The Bluetooth connection from cel l phone to cell phone package is
limited to the interior of t he vehicle . It depends on loca l condit ions,
such as obstacles between the devices, and on interference from
11 Please make sure that the ce ll phone to be bonded supports the hands-free ot her devices. If your cell phone is in a pocket for examp le, it can
profile. affect the quality of data transmission. .,_

The last four phone books loaded into the cel l phone package are
& WARNING saved. After a fifth cell phone has been inserted in the cel l phone
During air tr ansportat ion, th e Bluetooth fun ction f or th e cell phon e
package, the phone book from the cel l phone which has not been
used the longest is deleted. Up to 500 total phone book entries can
package mu st be switch ed off by an authori zed Audi dealer or
oth er qualifi ed wo rkshop.
be saved each time .

Re c o n ne c ting th e c ell phon e

[i J Tips With an identical SIM card the telephone book entries are already
You can find instructions on how to operate your cell phone in the saved in the cel l phone package . You can use the phone book after
appropriate owner's manual. • a brief waiting period .
The system checks the phone book entries for changes and loads
them into the memory automatically .
Ap plies to ve hi cles: with cell phon e package
Phon e b o ok e ntry di spl ay
Phone book entries
The phone book entries are shown in alphabetical order and are
The phone book entries for the SIM card and the cell labeled by category, e.g. SIM cards, home, work, cell phone and
pho n e add ress boo k are sto red au tomatically in the cell phone symbols~ fig. 52.
phone p ackage.
[i J Tip s
• If you use a GSM cell phone, the entries available on the SIM card
and in the cell phone address book are saved in the cel l phone
• If you use a CDMA cell phone, the available cell phone address
book entries are saved in the cell phone package . •

Fig. 52 Searching
entry in t he t elephone

Lo a d in g the phone b o o k e ntrie s

As long as the cell phone supports this function, the phone book
entries are automatica lly loaded into the cell phone package
memory after the ignition is sw itched on . This loading process can
last several minutes and dep e nds on the number of entries in the
phone book.
C a llin g

Ap pli es to ve hi cles: wi th cell p hone pac kage • You can select different telephone functions in the instrument
Starting telephone mode cluster display cluster via the multifunction steering wheel*
=>page 56.
• The t elephone functions described depend on the compatibility
of the cell phone with the cell phone package, and whe t her or not
your cell phone service prov ider supports these functions . •

Ap p lies to ve hicles : w ith cell p ho ne packag e, GSM cell p hone and m ult if unctio n steering
whee l

Entering a PIN/PUK
Fig. 53 Speller for
entering a phone

Requirement: The radio is on ~ page 18.

Press the (TEL] function button . The speller for PIN
~ fig. 54 or phone number input~ fig. 53 or the last
act ive te lephone menu appears in the display .

The menu that was opened during the most recent call is shown in Fig. 54 Telephone:
the display. You open the speller by pressing the [TEL)function Ente ring PIN
button in telephone mode .
- Press the (TEL] function button .
[i ] Tips - Enter the PIN using the spe ll er~ fig. 54.
• The active audio source is muted during a telephone call.
- Co nfi rm the entry in t he speller with OK.
• There may be technical interference with cell phones, which can
impair the performance of the device. Please read the User 's Guide PIN (Per s onal Iden t ifi ca tion Number )
for your cell phone for more information in this regard. The personal identification number (PIN) consists of four to eight
• Reception may be impaired in covered areas, such as, for characters and protects your SIM card from misuse .
examp le, in a tunnel or an underground garage.
You will receive the PIN along with the SIM card from your cell
• There may be areas without network coverage from cell phone phone service provider . If you enter a PIN incorrectly three times 2l _,,
providers. Unfortunately, the telephone cannot be used there .
• In order to use the telephone , you must have a contract with a
cell phone provider. 21
The numb er of att empts dep ends on t he SIM ca rd .

in a row, the SIM card is b locked and a message appears in the Dialing a telephone number
display .
Ap p li es to veh icles: with cell p hone p ackage
PUK (Person a l Unblocki n g Ke y)
A blocked SIM card is unblocked wi t h an eight -character persona l
Dialing directly using the speller
unblocking key (PUK). The speller can be used to enter a phone number directly
You w ill receive the PUK along with t he SIM card from your cell as a series of numbers or letters .
phone service provider . If you incorrectly enter the PUK ten times 21
in a row, please contact your cell phone service provider .

[i ]Tips
• When entering a PIN, only asterisks('*) are shown in the disp lay
in the p lace of numera ls.
• PIN is not shown in the display in every instance, it depends on
the cell phone being used and the cell phone provider. If the cell Fig. 55 Entering t ele-
phone used is not compatib le with the cell phone package , then it phone numb ers using
th e numb er speller
is possible that this note wil l not be displayed .
• Depending on the cell phone being used, it may be necessary to
enter the PIN on the cell phone. In this case, you are not shown a
request to enter the PIN in the Display .
• For additional information, please see the User's Guide for your
cel l phone.
• When the ignition has been switched on, a warning message will
appear when the speller is used for the first time while driving .
Please read the warning message careful ly and follow the Fig. 56 Entering tel e-
instructions . • phone numb ers using
th e lette r speller

Requirement: Telephone mode is active => page 46 and the

spe ll er is shown in the disp lay=> fig. 55.

Entering telephone numbers using a number

- Enter the phone number using the spe ller.
C a llin g

- Confirm your entry by rotating the speller to OK and then • You can also make phone calls using the multifunction steering
pressing it, or whee l* . •

- Press the control button Dial. After t he connection has

Ap p lies to ve hicles: w ith cell pho ne package
been made, the audio source is muted .
Dialing from a list
En te ring t e le phon e numb e rs using a le tter
s e qu e nce
- Enter an area code e.g. 1 BOOusing the speller ~ page 47,
fig . 55.
- To change to the letter speller, rotate the speller to A-Z G)
~ page 47, fig. 55 and press the control knob . The letter
speller appears in the display => page 47, fig. 56.
- Use t he speller to enter a series of letters , e.g . AUD/SER- Fig . 57 Dia ling a phone
VICE=> page 47, fig. 56. numbe r fro m a list

- Confirm your entry by rotating t he speller to OK and then Requirement: Telephone mode is act ive ~ page 46.
pressing it, or
- Press the control button Dial. The entered telephone Sear c hing and calling t e le phon e numb e rs in a
number is dia led. list
- Press the co ntrol button Memory .
If a telephone number has been entered incorrectly , you can press
on the [R ET URN l button to completely de lete the telephone number - Rotate the control kn ob to Dialed number s, Call mailbox ,
you entered in the speller . Phone book, M issed calls, or Received calls.
- Press the control knob. The telephone numbers of the
[i ] Tips selected list appear in the display.
• DTMF tones are entered directly through the speller or loaded - Rotate the contro l knob to the des ired telephone
from the stored te lephone numbers => page 48.
• The active audio source is muted during a telephone call.
• You can initiate a phone call directly from your cell phone. Read
- Press the contro l knob . Th e selected t elephone number is
the Owner's Manual of your cell phone to find out how t o do this. copied to t he speller.
• If you make calls on your cell phone , it is possible that the tele- - To ini tiate the call , rot ate the speller to OK and pr ess t he
phone number will not appear on the MM I Display . control knob, or .,_

- Press t he co ntrol but ton Dial. Applies to vehicles: wi th cell phone package

Answering / rejecting a call

Quick displ a y of the Dial e d numbers list and
c alling a number
- Press the [TEL] function button. The spe ll er is d isp layed
in the display. The re is no te lep hone number in the ent ry
field of the speller.
- Press the co ntrol button Dial. The Dialed numbers list
appears in the display.
- Rotate the co ntro l knob to the des ir ed telephone
Fig. 58 Answ ering an
number . incoming call

- Press t he contro l kn ob . The selec t ed telep hone numb er is

copied to t he spell er. Requireme nt : A n in coming call.

- To ini tia t e t he call, rot ate the speller to OK and press the Answering a call
contro l knob, or - Rotate the control knob to Answer and press t he contro l
- Press the co ntrol button Dial. knob, or
- Press the co ntrol button Answer .
[i ] Tips
• The te lephone functions depend on the cell phone serv ice
Rejecting a call
provider and the cell phone you are using. You can obtain more - Rotate the co ntro l knob t o Reject and p ress the cont rol
information from your cell phone service provider . kno b, or
• Depending on the cell phone being used, it may happen that no
- Press the control bu tton Reject .
phone book entries and no entries f or the "Dia led numbers",
"Received calls" and "Missed calls" functions are shown in the MM I Depending on whether the caller has been stored in the phone book
Display . • and whether the number is available for viewing, the Name, the
Phone number or Unknown appears in the disp lay.

[i ] Tips
• The audio source is muted during an incoming/outgoing call. ..,_
C a llin g

• A call can also be answered /r ejected using the multifunction - Press the co ntrol butto n M emory .
steer ing wheel ~ page 58. •
- Rotate the control knob to Phone book ~ fig. 59.

App li es to vehicles : with cell p ho ne package

- Press the control knob . Search for ent ry appears in the
display and a listing of stored entries appears at the
Ending a call same time .

Requireme nt : There is an active call. - Rotate the control knob to Search for entry ~ fig. 59 and
press the contro l knob. The speller appears in the display
- To end a phone call or to cancel dialing, press the control where you can enter names, or
button End call.
- Rotate t he control knob to a name from the list and press
the control knob.
[i ] Tips
A call can also be ended using the multifunction steering wheel
- Confi r m your entry by rotat ing the speller t o OK and then
~ page 58. •
press ing it, o r
- Press the control button Dial. •
Ap plies to vehi cles: with cell phone package

Dialing stored telephone numbers Additional settings

Simply dial a telephone number from call lists or the
App lies to vehicles: with cell pho ne package
phone book.
Options during a call

Requirement : Ongoing telepho ne call ~ page 47.

- Select: Control button Option s> Swit ch off microphone .

Sw it c h in g the m ic rop h on e o ff a n d o n
When the microphone is switched off your te lephone partner
cannot hear anything from your phone. However , you can hear your
Fig. 59 Searching
stored te lephone
telephon e partner. Muted is shown in the display.
Repl aci n g a ca ll

Requireme nt : The telephone is switched on ~ page 46 and When there is an incoming call during an ongoing telephone call,
the Replace and Reject functions appear in the display . .,.
contains at least one stored telep hone number.

Replace is used to rep lace the active te lephone call by an incoming on - An incoming call is answered automatical ly. As long as the call
cal l. Reject w ill reject the incoming call. has not yet been answered automatical ly, this can be rejected using
Reject .
The display may st ill remain visib le for severa l seconds, depending
on the cel l phone used. If you use the Replace or Reject functions off - An incoming call is not answered automatical ly. •
wh ile its disp lay is stil l v isible, t he current te lephone cal l wil l be
App lies to veh icles: w ith cell phone package

Mailbox number
[i ] Tips
To be alerted to an incoming call during an active cal l, the function - Selec t: Func t ion button[TE L)>function button[SETUP)>
Call waiting must be activated in your cel l pho ne. The call options Mailbox number .
depend on the cell phone and service provider. •
The mailbox nu mber is entered using the spel ler and stored with OK
in the spe ller.
App li es to veh icles: w ith cell phone package

Telephone settings Using + in the spel ler, the mailbox number is deleted and
confirmed with OK.
- Select : Funct ion button [T EL]> f unction button [SETUP]> After these are saved, the mailbox can be called up using the control
Phone settings . b utto n Memory .

Blu et o o t h PIN
The Bluetooth PIN is f actory set to 1234. This funct ion is used to
[i ] Tips
change the Bluetooth PIN. You must set up and act ivate this service in the cell phone network
in advance. You can obtain more information from your cel l phone
Fac tory s etting s provider. •
The cell phone package is reset to defau lt settings. The stored
phone boo ks=> page 45, bonded Bluetooth devices=> page 44 and App lies to veh icles: w ith cell phone package
mailbox numbers are de leted. •
Calling mailbox

App lies to vehic les: with cell phone package - Selec t: Function button [TEL)> contro l button Memory >
Call options Call mailbox .

- Select: Function button [T EL]> function button [SETUP]> The mailbox number must be high li ghted => page 57 . This service
must be set up and activated in advance in the cell phone network .
Call options > Auto answer.
You can obtain more information from your cel l phone service
prov ider. _,,,

[i] Tips
The mailbox number can also be called up using the speller
~ page 20. •

Ap pli es to vehi cles: w ith cell p hone package

Memory settings

- Select: Function button[TEL]>function buttonlSETUP]>

Memory settings.

Resort call lists

The telephone numbers in the call lists are sorted according to the
time they called. Switching on this function will sort them in the
opposite order .

Memory used
• SIM - SIM card entries are loaded in the cell phone package and
shown in the display.
• Tel. - Directory entries of the cell phone are loaded in the cell
phone package and shown in the display.
• All - SIM card ent ries and direc t ory entries of the cell phone are
loaded in the cell phone package and shown in the display.

[i] Tips
Depending on the cell phone, either the SIM card entries or the cell
phone add ress book entries might not be available . Further infor-
mation about the cell phone package is available on line at or at an authorized Audi dealership. •
Multifun ct io n stee r ing wh ee l

Multifunction steering wheel

Ap plies to vehicles: wi th a mu ltifunc tion steer ing whee l • The telephone voice operation * is activated by pressing the talk
Introduction button G). Pressing and holding the talk button cancels voice oper -
Using the multifunction steering wheel, you can operate • Roll ing the right thumbwheel © up/down increases/decreases
selected radio, media and telephone* functions quickly the vo lume.
and easily . • Pressing the right thumbwheel @ will mute the radio system or
cancel mute .

[i ] Tips
• The trip computer is also displayed in the driver information
system. Comprehensive inf ormation on this topic can be found in
the Owner's Manual of your vehicle.
• If systems are not available in the vehicle, the b utton on the
Fig. 60 Contr ols on t he steer ing whee l assigned to that system has no function. •
mu ltifunction stee ring
w heel

Ap plies to vehi cles: wi th a mu ltifu nctio n st eering w hee l

The multifunction steering wheel => fig. 60 allows you to operate
selected functions for the radio , media and telephone * without Adjusting the volume
taking your hands off the steering wheel. The volume of the active audio source and the telephone
The functions are shown in the driver information system voice operation* is adjusted using the multifunction
=> page 54, fig. 61. Additionally, you can turn the telephone voice steering wheel .
operation* on and off as well as change the vo lume using the multi -
function steering wheel. Requirement: The radio is sw itched on ~ page 18.
It is operated by pressing and rolling the buttons CD
to © => fig. 60.
In c reasing and decreasing the volum e
• Pressing the [ MODE] 0
button multip le times changes between
- Roll the righ t thumbwheel @ ~ fig. 60 up/down .
the Telephone * and the active audio source. The function is also
displayed in the driver information system => page 54, fig. 62. When
a submenu is displayed in the driver information system, the Muting (Mut e)
submenu can be exited again by pressing the [ MODE] button . - Press the right thumbwheel © ~ fig . 60 to mute t he
• Rolling the left thumbwheel CD
selects a function that varies rad io sys t em or t o cance l mute, or
depending on whether radio, media and telephone * is selected .
Multifunction steering wheel

- Roll the right thumbwheel G) downward to mute; a App li es to vehicles: wi th a mu ltifunc tion steering wheel

crossed-out speaker symbol will appear in the status bar Selecting the frequency band
of the display. If the drive is active, it will be stopped.
The three frequency bands: FM, AM, and SAT* are
- Roll the r ight thumbwheel up to cancel mute . The drive displayed in the upper part of the driver information
that was stopped will start playing again. • system.
Requirement: The radio menu is displayed =>fig. 62.
Listening to the radio - Roll the left thumbwheel (D =:>page 53, fig . 60 down to a
frequency band.
Ap plies to ve hi cles: with a mu ltifu nct ion stee ring wheel

Selecting the radio - To select the frequency band, press the left
thumbwheel. •

App li es to vehicl es: with a mult ifu ncti on ste ering whe el

Selecting a station from station list

Fig. 61 Frequency
band list

Requirement: Radio mode is act ive==>page 29.

- Press the (MODE ) ==>page 53, fig. 60 button unt il the
radio menu appears in the driver information system Fig. 62 Radio menu

=>fig. 62. •
Requirement: The radio menu is displayed =>f ig. 62.
- Roll the left thumbwheel (D => page 53, fi g . 60 down/up
to a rad io station.
- To select the station, press the left thumbwheel. •
Multifunction steering wheel

Ap p lies to vehic les: wi th a mu ltif u nction ste ering wh eel Would you like to learn more about playing media in your vehicle?
Selecting a stored station You wil l find a detailed description in => page 37.

Requirement: The radio menu is displayed ::::,page 54, [i ] Tips

fig . 62 and a station is stored in the preset list ::::,page 33. Characters and symbols that are not part of the IS0 -8859-1 or IS0 -
- Roll the left thumbwheel G)::::,page 53, fig. 60 down/up 8859-15 st anda rd are not displayed in t he driver infor mat ion
to Presets. system . •

- Press the left thumbwheel. The radio preset list is

App lies to ve hi cles: with a mu ltifu nction steerin g w heel
displayed .
Selecting a folder
- Roll the left thumbwheel to a radio station and press the
lef t thumbwheel. The rad io station is selected. •

Playing media
Ap p lies to vehi cles: w ith a mu ltifu nct ion steerin g w heel

Selecting a Source

Fig. 64 List of track s of

a folder

Requ irement: A folder is displayed in the driver informat ion

system ::::,fig. 64.
- Roll the left thumbwheel::::, page 53, fig. 60 to a fo lder
and press t he left thumbwheel.
Fig. 63 List with CD - Roll the left thumbwheel to the desired track .
- To select the track, press t he left thumbwheel.
Requirement: Media mode is active::::, page 37.
- Press the (MODE )::::, page 53, fig. 60 button until a li st [i ] Tips
with tracks ::::,fig. 63/::::,fig. 64 appears in the driver infor - A d rive is selec t ed using the radio syst em=> page 37. •
mation system .
Mul t ifun ct ion st ee ring wh ee l

App lies to vehicles: with a mult ifunc ti on stee ring wheel

Please wa it ... The connection from cel l phone to vehicle is
Selecting a track
being established.

Requirement: A list with tracks=> page 55, Please The SIM card is not in t he cell phone.
fig . 63/=> page 55, fig . 64.
SIM card.
- Roll the left thumbwheel =>page 53, fig . 60 to a track. Please The PIN has not been entered yet :=>page 46.
- To select the track, press t he left thumbwheel. enter
the PIN.
An externa l call is being received. If the
[i ] Tip s Tel. call
name/telep ho ne nu mber of the call er is sent, it
A drive is selected using the radio system => page 37. • w ill also be displayed.
Busy The selected number is busy.
App lies to vehicles: with a mult ifunct ion steer ing wheel
Phone is The telephone is switched off.
Stopping/resuming a drive swit ched
off .
Requirement: A track is playing => page 37. Conne cting ... The connection is being estab lished.
- To pause the track, rotate the rig ht thumbwheel all the The connec t ion is ended.
way to the bottom .
No ent ries The phone book does not contain any entries or
- To continue track playback, rotate the right thumbwheel available. the phone book entries have not yet been read
upwards . • into the cell phone package* ~ page 45.
Phone not The telephone is not connected w ith the vehi -
connected or cle . Please establish a Bluetooth connection .
Calling plugged in.

Ap plies to vehicles: with multifunction stee r ing wheel and cell phone packa ge Would you like to learn more about opera t ing t he telephone in your
Introduction vehic le? You wi ll find a detailed description in:=> page 43.

Calling in the vehicle has become an everyday activity . You can [i ] Tips
operate all of the relevant telephone f unctions saf ely and easily • The basic telephone functions are available on the multifunction
using the multifunction steering wheel. steering whee l if your telep hone equ ipment was insta lled at the
The fol lowing messages could appear in the dr iver informatio n factory. ~
Multifunction steering wheel

• The telephone functions displayed in the instrument clus t er Displaying phone bo ok entries
depend on whether your cell phone is compatible with the cell The phone book entries are shown in alphabetical order and are
phone package *, and whether your cel l phone provider supports labeled by category , e.g. SIM cards, home , wo rk, cell phone and
these functions. • phone symbols => fig. 66. •

Ap plies to vehi cles: w ith m ult ifun ction st eer ing whee l an d cell phone package Ap plies to vehicles: w ith m ult ifu nct io n steer ing wheel an d cell pho ne package
Selecting telephone Dialing a telephone number and ending a call
Telephone numbers stored in the phone book and in the
call lists can be dialed.

Fig. 65 Telephone
Fig. 66 Dialing a tele-
Requirement: The cel l phone package => page 44 has been phone number from
the phone book
- Press the [MODE] => page 53, fig. 60 button until the tele - Requirement: The telephone menu is displayed =>fig. 65.
phone menu appears in t he driver information system
=> fig. 65. Calling
- Roll the left thumbwheel => page 53, fig. 60 to Dialed
Telephone menu:
numbers , Phone book, Missed calls, or Received calls.
• Dialed numbers : contains the telephone numbers dialed most
recen t ly. - Press the left thumbwheel. A list with entries appears in
the driver in formation system =>fig. 66.
• Phone book: contains t he ent ries of the SIM card and/or the
directory entries of the cell phone => page 52. - Roll the left thumbwheel to an entry .
• Missed calls : contains th e most recent calls not receiv ed .
- Press t he left thumbwheel. The telephone number is
• Received calls: contains the most recently received calls. dialed .
You can dial th e desir ed te lephon e number directly from each of
these lists .
Multifunction steering wheel

Ending a call Depending on whether the caller has been stored in the phone
book , and whether his number is avai lable for viewing, the Name,
Roll the left thumbwheel to End call and press the left
the Phone number or Unknown appears in the driver information
thumbwheel. system.
The radio system=> page 47 is used t o enter a telephone nu m ber
that has not yet been stored. [i ]Tips
With an incoming/outgoing call, audio source muting is activated
[i ] Tips automatically . •
The multifunction steering whee l can only be used to dial stored
telephone numbers . Dial a new telephone number on t he radio Ap pli es to vehicle s: w ith mu ltifuncti on steering w heel and cel l pho ne package
system => page 47. • Options during a call

Ap p lies to ve hicles: wit h m ult if uncti o n steer ing whee l an d cell pho ne package When there is an incoming call during an ongoing telephone call,
Answering / rejecting a call the functions Replace and Reject appear in the driver information
Replace is used to replace the act ive telephone call by an incoming
ca ll. Reject will reject the incoming call . A call on hold remains in

[i ] Tips
In order to be alerted to an incoming call during an ongoing t ele-
phone call, you have to activate the " Call waiting" func t ion in your
ce ll phone. Read the Owner's Manual of your cell phone for
Fig. 67 Incoming call information .•

Requirement: A call is coming in.

Answering a call
- Press t he left thumbwheel => page 53, fig. 60.

Rejecting a call
Roll the left thumbwheel to Reject and press the left
Multifunction steering wheel

Name tag
Appl ies to vehicles: with mu lt ifunct ion stee r ing wheel and telephon e vo ice o perat ion

Switching the telephone voice operation on

and off

Fig. 68 Multifunction
steering wheel : Talk

- Press button G) => fig. 68.

Press button G) again and ho ld it until you hear the
announcement Cancel.

A chime will confirm when the system is ready for dialog. Then the
desired functions can be selected using voice commands.

[i] Tips
You can find a detailed description about voice operation in chapter
=>page 60. This button does not operate on vehicles without tele-
phone voice operation. •
T e le phon e voi ce op e ration

Telephone voice operation

Ap plies to vehi cl es: w ith Telephone vo ice op eration • Only use the system from the driver 's posit ion since the hands -
Introduction free microphone is orient ed toward that position .

Telephone functi ons can be operated by voice operati on. Th e Fun ct ion is not possibl e
If the system responds with Function not possible, check the oper -
Fun c ti o n s ating status of the te lephone voice operation
In conju nction with hands-free operat ion it is not necessary to p ick
• Is the key in the ignition?
up the ce ll phone . The telephone voice operation recognizes
commands and number sequences regardless of the person • Is the cel l p hone connected to the cell phone package through
speaking. Bluetooth?

The voice operation offers you the fo llowing functions: • Is the phone swi t ched on and the PIN entered?
• Are the phone book entries fro m the cel l p hone be ing loaded
• Creating name tags=> page 63
into the cel l phone package=> page 45?
• Entering and dialing a phone number => page 62
The d ialog is ended immediately when an incomi ng ca ll is received.
Unr ec o g nized v oic e c o mm a nds • Please devote your full attent ion to driving! As the driver, you
The systems reacts to your input wit h aud ible feedback . If a voice hold complete responsibility for safety in traffi c. Only use the func -
command is not recognized, the system asks Sorry? and asks you to ti ons in such a wa y that you alway s maint ain complete contr ol
repeat the command . After the th ird fa iled attempt, the response over you vehicle in all traffi c situation s.
Cancel is given and the dialog is terminated. • Because the voice can change in stre ssful situat ions and it may
not be possible to recognize number s being said, the voice opera-
For the sy stem t o under stand y ou
ti on system should not be used in emergen cies. The desired tele -
• Speak clearly and distinct ly at a norma l volume. Speak louder
phone connection " may not occur quickly enough or at all under
when driv ing faster . cert ain circum st ances. Dial the emergen cy call number manu ally
• Stress your statements evenly and do not leave long pauses . in emergencie s.
• Do not speak when the voice operation is responding.
• To reduce ambient noise, close the doors, the windows and t he
sunroof". Make sure tha t passengers ar e not speaking wh en you are
[i ] Tips
• The Telephone voice operation is not availab le on convertib le or
giving a vo ice com mand .
roadster mode ls.
• Do not direct th e air vents toward the hands -free microphone
• You can adjust the volume of t he telephone voice operation via
t hat is cl o se to the front inte rior lights .
the right thumbwheel on the multifunct ion st eering wheel
=> page 53. •
Telephone voice operation

App li es to ve hi cles: with te lephone voice operat ion

General operation
Adjusting the volume
Appl ies to vehicles: w it h Telephone voice operat io n

Switching on / off Requirement: The telephone voice operation is switched on

~ page 61 and an announcement is made by the system.
Voice operation is activated using the talk button on the
multifunction steering wheel*. - Roll the right thumbwheel of the multifunction steering
wheel @ ~fig. 69 upward ~/downward , or

- Rotate the On/Off knob on the radio system ~ page 22to

in crease/decrease the volume. •

App lies to veh icles: with te lep hone voi ce opera tion

Help function
Fig. 69 Multifunction
steering wheel: Talk The telephone voice operation offers you two help func -
button and right thum- tions: help commands and system-guided help.

Requirement: The ignition is on and you are not making a

phone call.

- Press the talk button [0 -»)on the multifunction steering
wheel (D ~ fig. 69.
- Say the desired command. Fig. 70 Possible
Help commands
- Say the command CANCEL, or
When the telephone voice operation is on~ page 61, you can say
- Press the talk button [0 -»Jon the multifunction steering the command HELP. Possible commands are shown in the display
wheel (D ~ fig . 69 and hold it until you hear the ~ fig . 70 and are read by the system. ..,_
announcement Cancel . •
T e le phon e voi ce op e ration

Sys t e m -g uid e d h e lp PIN is entered three times in a row, the SIM card is locked . The SIM
When the te lephone vo ice operation is on => pag e 61 and you do not card can be un locked by using your personal unlock code, PUK. The
say a command, the system asks Sorry?. If a command is not given, unlock code can only be entered from the ce ll phone key pad, not
t he system offers possible commands. through voice operation. •

Example of system -guided help (Dialing a number from the te le-

phone voice operation phon e book} Ap plies t o v ehi cles: wit h te lep ho ne vo ice o pe ratio n

Dialing a telephone number

Oper a tion / Announ ce m e nt
C o mm a nd s t e lephon e voi ce o per a tion
Requirement : t he telep hone vo ice operat ion is o n
Press talk button brief ly Chime: Beep =:> page 61.
DIAL NUMBER The number , please ?
Di a l numb e r
e.g. ZERO, ONE, TWO,
Zero , one, two , three - Say the command DIAL NUMBER . The telephone voice
operation prompts you to enter t he phone number .
No comman d given Sorry ?
Important comm ands are:
- Say t he ind ividual numbers of the desired phone number
one after the other (e.g. two, three) or in groups of
Dial numbers. After each sequence of numbers, the numbers
No command given
Repeat are repeated.
• - After entering the last number, say the command DIAL.
The phone number is dialed.
Ap plies t o v ehic les: wit h te lep hon e vo ice o pe rat io n

Entering a PIN S e le ct name

- Say the command SELECT NAME.
Requirement : The telephone vo ice opera ti on is o n
- After being prompted say a previously stored name tag
=:> page 61.
=:> page 64.
- Say t he comma nd ENTER PIN or ENTER PIN CODE.
- Say the command DIAL. The phone number is dialed .
- Say the indiv idual numbers of your PIN code.
Play phone book
- Say the command STORE.
- Say the comma nd PLAY PHONE BOOK. The name t ags are
When a PIN code longer than 8 numbers is entered, the system played . ~
annou nces The PIN is too long . The system announces the entry of
an incorrect PIN code w ith The PIN code is incorrect. If the wrong
T e le phon e v oi ce o p e r at ion

- Press the talk button while a name tag is being said to Name tags
dial the phone number for t he spoken name tag.
App lies to vehicles: with te lephone voice op erat ion

[i ] Tips Introduction
• Voice tags are user -dependent and are best recognized with the Name tags are stored in the telephone voice operation
user who assigned the voice tag. phone book.
• The commands REPEAT, BACK and DELETE can be used during
Gener a l inform at io n
the dialog. •
The te lephone vo ice operation phone book contains 50 memory
locations . You can use it independently of t he ce ll phone. The
Applies to vehicles: with te lephone voice operation entries are stored in the te lephone vo ice operation phone book.
Redial In the telephone voice operation phone book, you can store spoken
names for entr ies in the cell p hone package phone book. You can
Requirement: The telephone voice operat ion is on also store spoken names with their corresponding spoken phone
=> page 61. numbers, regardless of t he phone book entries in the cell phone
package =>page 64.
- Say the command REDIAL. The number last dialed will be
dialed again. If you have stored name tags in the telephone voice operation
phone book, they can be dia led by voice operation .

[i ] Tip s En t ry
• On some ce ll phones, the number dialed last in the cal l list is put You should choose the spoken names so that they can be clear ly
in last p lace. The redial function of the telephone voice operation recognized by t he te lephone voice operation .
cannot be used in this case. When entering phone numbers, t he numbers Z ERO to NINE are
• The commands REPEAT, BACK and DELETE can be used during recognized. Enter the te lephone numbers as a continuous string of
the dialog. • numbers (complete telep hone number), as a sequence of nu m bers
(separated by short pauses) or by numbers spoken individually.
After each sequence of numbers (separated by a short pause in
speech), the numbers recognized are repeated by the system . The
system does not recognize comb inations of numbers, for exam p le,
twenty three, only numbers spoken individua lly (TW O, THREE ).
When TWO is spoken, it is easier for the system to recognize the
If more than 20 numbers are entered, the system responds with The
numb er is to o long. A Plus( +) can also be placed in front of the 20
digits. •
Telephone voice operation

Ap pli es to vehi cles: wit h te lepho ne vo ice ope rat ion - Repeat the name after being prompted. The name tag for
Storing a name tag for phone book entry the selected phone book entry is stored in the telephone
Store a name tag for a phone book entry displayed in the voice operation phone book.
driver information system. If a name tag was stored for a phone book entry, this phone book
entry is displayed in the driver information system with a G)
~ fig. 71 symbol. •

Ap plies to vehicle s: wit h telep ho ne voi ce o perat io n

Storing a name tag with telephone number

Name tags consisting of names and associated telephone
numbers can be stored.
Fig. 71 Phone book
entry with name tag Requirement: The telephone voice operation is on
=> page 61.
Requirement: Entries are stored in the phone book. - Say the command STORE NAME .
- Press the [ MODE] button on the multifunction steering After being prompted, say the name under which this
wheel=> page 53 until the Telephone menu=> page 57, phone book entry should be stored.
fig . 65 is displayed in the driver information system.
- Repeat the name after being prompted.
- Roll the left thumbwheel on the multifunction steering
wheel to Phone book => page 57, fig. 65 and press the left - Say the individual numbers of the desired phone number
thumbwheel. The phone book entries are displayed. one after the other (e.g. two, three) or in groups of
numbers. After each sequence of numbers, the recog-
- Roll the left thumbwheel to the desired phone book nized numbers are repeated.
- After entering the last number, say the command STORE.
- Press the talk button [0~) on the multifunction steering The name tag is stored in the telephone voice operation
wheel (D => page 61, fig. 69. The chime Beep sounds. phone book.
- Say the command STORE.
The voice tags that are stored in the telephone voice operation
- After being prompted, say the name under which this phone book using the STORE NAME command, are not shown in the
phone book entry should be stored. driver information system. ~
Telephone voice operation

Deleting a name tag

[i] Tips
- Say the command DELETE PHONE BOOK .
For sim ilar sounding names, additiona l designations (e.g. first
names) should also be stored. • - After being prompted, say NO . The name tags are played.
- Press the talk button while the name tag to be deleted is
Ap pli es to vehicles: wit h te lepho ne vo ice o peratio n being read out .
Deleting a name tag vvith telephone number
- After being prompted, say YES. The read name tag is
Requirement: The te lephone voice operation is on
=> page 61. As long as the telephone voice operation phone book is being
played, additiona l entries can be deleted by pressing the ta lk
- Say the command DELETE NAME.
button. •
- After being prompted say a previously stored name tag
=> page 64.
- After being prompted, say YES to delete a name tag
previously stored in the voice operation phone book. The
name tag deletion is confirmed.

If the user answers NO, the system responds with Cancel and the
dialog is ended . •

Ap plies to veh icles: wit h telephone voi ce o peration

Deleting a phone book

Requirement: The telephone voice operation is on

=> page 61.

Deleting the entire phone book

- Say the command DELETE PHONE BOOK.
- After being prompted, say YES.
- Say YES after being prompted to delete the entire phone
Alphab e ti c al ind e x

Alphabetical index

A Call lists
Mul t ifunct ion steer i ng wheel . .. .. .. . 57
Contro ls . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 18

Ac ti vat e yo ur satellite rad io service . . . . . 29 Rad io system .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 D

Adjusting the vo lume Call options .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . ... . ... . 51
Mu ltifunction steering wheel .. .. .. . 53 Delete radio presets (sate llite radio) 36
Radio system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Multifunction steering wheel . .. .. .. . 56 Dial te lephone number
Te lephone vo ice operation . . . . . . . . . 61 Radio system .. . ... . ... . ... . .. .. .. 43 Mu lt ifunction steering wheel ... . ... . 57
Adjusting volume .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 Te lephone voice operation ... . .. .. . 60 Dialed nu m bers
Answering/rejecting a call Call ing mailbox . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 51 Mu lt ifunction steering wheel .. .. .. .. 57
Mu ltifunct ion st eeri ng wheel .. .. .. . 58 Radio system .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 48
Care instructions
Radio system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 CD .. .. .. . ... . ...... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 9 Dialing a te lephone number
Aud i mus ic interface memory card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O Rad io sys t em .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. . 47, 48
Connect ing the adapter cab le . .. .. .. 14 Te lephone vo ice operat io n .. .. .. .. .. 62
Category filter (sate llite radio) . .. .. . ... 36
Starting .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 13 CD
Dialing stored telephone numbers ...... 50
Aud i music interface adapter cable . ... . 14 Ejec t ing a CD .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Dialing telephone numbers
Aux -i n connection Loading a CD .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... 11 Radio system .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 50
Connecting a portable audio device . . 17 Repeat CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Disp lay
Operating at the radio system ....... 17 CD player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O Brightness .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 27
Speller .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 20
Cell phone
B Programming . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 Standard menus
Switching on/off
. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 19
... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 22
Cell phone package
Balance ...... . ...... . ... . ... . .. .. .. 24 Drives
Call i ng (multifunction steering whee l) 56
Bass . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 24 Calling (radio system) .. . ... . .. .. .. . 43 Audi mus ic inter f ace . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 13
Bluetooth .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . 44 Entering a PIN . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 46 Aux -in con nect ion .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 17
Bluetooth PIN .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 51 CD player .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 10
Cha nne l n umber (satellite radio) .. .. . .. 32
Brightness of the display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Memory card reader . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 12
Cleaning (CD) . .. .. .. . ... . ...... .. .. .. . 9
Buttons . .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 18 DSP PREMIUM .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. 24
Connecting an iPod .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15
DTM F tones ......................... 47
Connect ing USB storage device . . . . . . . . 16
C Contro l button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Call answer ......................... 51 Contro l knob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Alphabetical index

Instructions for handling memory cards . 10 MP3 files ... . ... . ... . ... . ...... . ... . . 10
MP3 player .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 16
Ending a ca ll L Muting
Mu ltifunction steering wheel .. .. .... 57 Multifunction steering wheel ........ 53
Radio system ..................... 50 Laser equipment . .. . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... 9 Radio system ......... .. .. .. .. .. .. 22
Entering a PIN ....................... 46 Last calls
Multifunct ion steering wheel ........ 57
Entertainment suppression . ........... 23
Radio system . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 48
External audio devices ................ 16
Listen ing to the radio Name tags .......................... 63
Mu ltifunction steering wheel ........ 54 Deleting .......................... 65
F Radio system . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 28 Dialing a number .............. .. . . 62
Factory settings ................... 27, 51 Listening to the phone book ... .. .. .. 62
Fader .. . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . ......... 24 M Storing . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... .. .. .. 64
Folder structure Next radio stat ion .................... 32
Mailbox number . ...... .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 51 Notes on care
Mu ltifunction steering wheel .. ..... . 55
Radio system .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. . .. 38 Memory (radio) Display .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . ...... 7
Delete stations .. . ...... .. .. .. .. .. . 35 Drives . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . . 7
Forward within a track . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 39
Moving station .. .. .. ...... . ....... 35 Radio system ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . .. 7
Frequ ency .............. .. . ... . ... . . 32
Select station ..................... 54 Note s on traffic safety . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
Function button ...................... 18
Selecting station . .......... .. .. 33, 34
Storing stations . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 33
G Memory card reader ... . ... . ...... . ... 12
Inserting a memory card ............ 12 Options (cell phone package) ........ 50, 58
GALA .. .. .. .. . .......... .. .. ........ 24
Removing a memoiry card .. .. .. . ... . 13

H Memory settings .................... . 52 p

Memory used (radio system) . ... . .. .. .. 52
Help function of the telephone voice Menu lang uage . ... . .......... . ... . .. 26 Phone book
operation ... . ...... . .......... .. 61 Mult ifunction steering wheel . .. .. . .. 57
Midr ange .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 24
Radio system ......... .. ...... .. .. 48
Missed calls
Telephone voice operation .......... 63
I Multifunction steering wheel ........ 57
Phone book entries .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 45
Radio system . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 48
INFO (MP3 CD) ... . .......... .. .. .. .. . 42 PIN
Moving stored station . . ... . ...... . ... 35
Input leve l .......................... 42 For Bluetooth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 51
MP3 ................ . ............... 12
Ins tructions for handling CDs ........... 9 Telephone voice operation . . ... . ... . 62
Alphab e ti c al ind e x

Playing Radio system SCAN

CD .. .. .. .. .. ......... .. .. .. .. .. . 37 Overview .......................... 7 Radio stations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 33
iPod .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. 37 Restarting ........................ 26 Track . ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . 40, 41
Memory card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Switching on and off .............. 18 Seek (radio) . .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 32
USB storage device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Radio text . .......................... 35 Selecting source .......... .. .. .. .. .. . 37
Playing media Read error d isplay (CD), .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 9 Selecting the frequency band
Mu ltifunction steering wheel .. .. .. . 55 Received cal ls AM ...... . ... . ... . ... . .......... . 28
Radio system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Multifunction steering wheel ..... .. . 57 FM ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 28
Programming us ing Bluetooth . .. .. .. .. 44 Radio system .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 48 Mu ltifunction steering wheel ... . ... . 54
Receiver seria l number .. ...... . ...... 29 Radio system .. . ... . ...... .. .. .. .. 30
R Redial SAT . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 28
Rad io system .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 Setting date ......................... 25
Te leph o ne voice operat io n . . . . . . . . . 63 Sett i ng lang uage .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. . 26
Category filter (sate llite radio) .. ... . . 36
Repeat ............................. 39 Setting the volume
Channe l number (satellite radio) . .. .. 32
Replacing a call Mu lt ifunction steering wheel ........ 53
Delete radio presets (sate llite radio) .. 36
Multifunction steering wheel ........ 58 Radio system .. . .............. .. .. 22
Sate llite station list .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 31
Radio system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Setting time of day . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25
Sorting stations (satel lite radio) .. .. . 36
Station info (satel lite radio) .. .. .. .. . 35 Reset .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 26 Setup rad io
System information (Satel lite Radio) . 28 Resort call lists ...................... 52 Activate yo ur satellite rad io service . . 29
Restart (Radio system) .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... 26 Category f ilter (sate llite radio) . .. .. .. 36
Radio station list (radio) .. . ...... .. .. . 28
Reverse withi n a track .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... 39 Delete radio presets (sate lli te radio) .. 36
Radio stations
Sorting stations (satel lite radio) . .. .. 36
Frequency .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 32
Moving . .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 35 s Station info (satellite radio) ... . .. .. .
Sh uffle . .. .. . .. ... . .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. 40

Next station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Scanning . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . 33 Safety notes ........ ................. 7 Software version ..................... 27
Seek .. .. .. . .................. . .. 32 Safety when ca ll ing .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 43 Sort ing stat ions (sat ellite radio) . .. .. .. . 36
Selecting from memory (multifunction Sate llite Dig ital Audio Radio Service Sound
steer ing whee l) . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 55 Activate your satell ite rad io service .. 29 Basic set t ings .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 24
Selecting fro m memory (rad io system) Category filter . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 36 DSP PREMIUM . . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 24
34 Delete radio presets .. ............. 36 Vo lume settings . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. 23
Selecting from the station list . . . . . . . 31 Sorting stations (satel lite radio) . . ... 36 Speller ............................. 20
Storing .......................... 33 Station info ...................... 35 Starting radio operation .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 29
Station li st ....................... 31 Starting telephone mode (radio system) . 46
A lph a b e ti ca l ind e x

Station info {satellite radio) .. . ......... 35 Track information {MP3 CD) .. .. . ... . ... 42
Station list {radio) Traffic radio . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 23
Select station .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. 54 Traffic safety .. .. .. . .......... .. .. .. .. 7
Selecting station .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 Treb le .............................. 24
Updating ......... . ............... 31
Stereo jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Stopping/resuming a drive
Mu ltifunction steering wheel .. .. .... 56 Units of measurement .. .. ..... .. .. .. . 27
Radio system .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 41
STORE {Radio stations) ... . ...... . ..... 33 V
Surround Level .............. . ....... 24
Version information .. .. .. .. .. . ...... . 27
Switching on/off
Vo ice co ntro l .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. . 60
Radio system .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 18
Te lephone voice operation .. .. .. .. . . 61
Switching the microphone off/on (cell phone w
package) . ...... .. ...... . ........ 50
WMA f iles . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . 10, 12
System information (Sate ll ite Radio) .. .. 28

Ta lk button on the mu ltifunction steering
whee l . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 59, 61
Te lephone settings .. .. . ... . ... . ... . .. 51
Te lephone vo ice operation .. .. .. .. .. .. 60
Help .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 61
Switching on/off .. . ...... . ... . . 59, 61
TEXT {Rad io ) . .. .. .. .. . .. ... . .. .. .. .. 35
Time ......... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. 25
Next/previous .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. 39
Scan .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. 40, 41
Select ........................ 38, 56
Trac k information . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 42
© 2008 AUDI AG "Audi" and the four rings emble m are registered trademarks of AUDI
It has always been Audi's po licy to continuously improve its prod -
ucts . Audi, t herefo re, reserves the ri ght to ma ke changes in design Ed itorial deadline : 11/ 04/ 2008
and specifications, and to make additions or improvements in its
prod ucts, wi t hout inc urring any obligation to instal l them on prod-
ucts previously manufactured . [i ] Tips
Th is owner's man ual is on ly valid in conjunction with the owner's
Text, illustrations and specifications in this book are based on the
manual for your vehicle .
most up -to -date informat io n avai lab le at t he t ime of pr inting.

All rights reserved . May not be reproduced or translated in whole or
i n part withou t the writte n consent of AUDI AG. Specifications are For the sake of the environment
subject to change without notice . Pri nted on environmentally friendly paper (bleached w ithout chlo-
rine, recyc lable).

Sound system Audi concert

Operating Instructions
Englisch Nordamerika 1.09
292.566 457.21

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