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AI in HR – A technological Framework

AI implementation can be done in HR functions by leveraging various AI tools, from the collection and
processing of big data to improving and developing systems using deep learning and machine learning,
the application of AI could truly revolutionize this sector.

HRIS has been the precursor of AI implementation in Human Resources, HRIS (human resource
information system) is an intersection of HR function with technology through an HR software, the
software enables optimization of HR activities by providing more information than was traditionally
available to HR managers and professionals. It provides scheduling optimizations, reduces errors within
employee information databases and calibrate payrolls, enables speedy onboarding through mobile
accessibility, integrates organizational data to better analyze performance and reduce costs by bringing
together all functions in a single platform and eliminating paper costs.

Now, the involvement of technology in HR has gone one step further with most companies preferring to
implement AI HRM systems in their organizations, but how does AI help HR?

To give a few examples, HR planning could be made seamless with the help of big data analytics and
related data mining tools to build an intelligent decision assistance system which can guide HR
professionals to chalk out their strategy and identify crucial goals and KPIs. Technologies like Natural
language processing and Optical character recognition could help massively in recruitment of employees
by identifying the right resumes and conducting interviews and evaluating candidates on the qualities
that could be most beneficial to the organization.

AI in HR a conceptual framework
Here we identify the benefits of implementation of AIHRM in 6 key HR dimensions:

HR strategy and planning

HR strategy and planning is the beginning point of HRM, AI can be used as a decision making system to
plan and execute strategy. AI gives HR professionals data-backed resources and insights gathered
directly from employees. This then allows HR professionals to take action and deliver the employee
experience the workforce wants and asks for, which as a result boosts engagement and lowers turnover.

To make informed decisions, HR needs to use tools for data mining and knowledge discovery to collect
global human resource data and then compare and combine with the internal data available for the
company and understand the key decision areas for the future. The decision making system
continuously evolves and modifies to give crucial statistical and logical insights and produce reports with
these insights.

Training and Development

The focus of the employee training department of organizations of the modern times is to create agile
and adaptable learning programs that are able to meet the individual needs of employees. Also, they’ll
use data analytics to measure the impact of these trainings on the performance of the firm.

Training and assessment of the level of understanding and evaluating attention can all be done by
intelligent teaching robots and data collected by this robotic system can be used to improve the training
sessions and also introduce teaching methods that will be more effective and time saving.

AI can also do content matching and recommendations for each employee in an organization based on
the available training and performance data thus building a workforce more equipped and aligned to
face challenges thrown at them and maximize company revenue.

AI teaching assistants can also produce personalized learning reports of each employee and give them
recommendations which can help in career growth, AI algorithms can also be used to dynamically
improve the course curriculum and personalize it based on the learning reports for each employee.

AI can also help in building a doubt clearing chatbot based off deep learning and natural language
processing capabilities to provide solutions for the doubts that employees could have not just during
training but even after they’ve completed a particular course. The NLP capabilities will help in making
this a universally accepted tool where the trainees wouldn’t even have to type in their queries but can
speak to the bot in the language they are most comfortable with. The query resolution system can be
continuously enriched with content from across the globe sourced through data mining and extraction
Performance Management

Performance management can system can leverage the intelligent decision making system discussed
earlier in the paper to build a performance appraisal model based upon past performance metrics,
scientific evaluation methods and integrated 360 degree feedbacks from within and outside the
organization. This could reduce the time usually taken for appraisal and be more holistic in terms of
evaluating an employee’s worth.

Deep learning, Big data analytics and NLU could also be used to improve employee engagement by
designing individual performance targets and continuously collecting data and reminding employees on
how much on track they are to achieving the goals set for them, the whole process could be made more
interactive by taking in employee feedback to design or allocate tasks for employees with better

Data visualization tools can be used to prepare customizable dashboards for employees and HR
managers giving relevant information about employee and unit performances and how to improve the
business output by effective realignment of employees. This dashboard can also be used to understand
performance trends and form future performance objectives by forecasting the future trends.


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