Rima Kalinauskaitė: Kaunas University of Technology Institute For Social Research

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Rima Kalinauskaitė



Summary of Doctoral Dissertation

Social Sciences, Sociology (05S)

Kaunas, 2007
The research was carried out at Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of
Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, in 2003-2007.

Scientific supervisor:

Prof. Dr. Habil. Gediminas MERKYS (Kaunas University of Technology,

Social sciences, Sociology, 05S).

Council of Sociology Science Trend:

Prof. Dr. Algis KRUPAVIČIUS (Kaunas University of Technology, Social

sciences, Sociology, 05S) - Chairman;
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosita LEKAVIČIENĖ (Kaunas University of Technology,
Social sciences, Psychology, 06S);
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vylius LEONAVIČIUS (Vytautas Magnus University, Social
sciences, Sociology, 05S);
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena LUOBIKIENĖ (Kaunas University of Technology,
Social sciences, Sociology, 05S);
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arūnas POVILIŪNAS (Vilnius University, Social sciences,
Sociology, 05S).

Official opponents:

Prof. Dr. Habil. Arvydas Virgilijus MATULIONIS (Institute for Social

Research, Social sciences, Sociology, 05S);
Prof. Dr. Gintautas MAŽEIKIS (Siauliai University, Humanitarian sciences,
Philosophy, 01H).

The public defence of the dissertation will be held at 2 p. m. on 18th January 2008
at the public session of the Council of Sociology Science trend in the Rectorate
Hall of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio g. 73, room No. 402).

Address: K. Donelaičio g. 73, LT-44029 Kaunas, Lithuania.

Tel. (+370) 37 300042, fax. (+370) 37 324144; e-mail mok.skyrius@ktu.lt

The Summary of the Doctoral Dissertation was sent out on December 18th 2007.

Dissertation is available at the libraries of Kaunas University of Technology

(K. Donelaičio g. 20, Kaunas) and the Institute for Social Research (Saltoniškių g.
58, Vilnius).


Rima Kalinauskaitė


Daktaro disertacijos santrauka

Socialiniai mokslai, Sociologija (05S)

Kaunas, 2007
Disertacija rengta 2003-2007 metais Kauno technologijos universiteto Socialinių
mokslų fakultete, Sociologijos katedroje.

Mokslinis vadovas:

Prof. habil. dr. Gediminas MERKYS (Kauno technologijos universitetas,

socialiniai mokslai, sociologija, 05S).

Sociologijos mokslo krypties taryba:

Prof. dr. Algis KRUPAVIČIUS (Kauno technologijos universitetas, socialiniai

mokslai, sociologija, 05S) – pirmininkas;
Doc. dr. Rosita LEKAVIČIENĖ (Kauno technologijos universitetas, socialiniai
mokslai, psichologija – 06S);
Doc. dr. Vylius LEONAVIČIUS (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, socialiniai
mokslai, sociologija – 05S);
Doc. dr. Irena LUOBIKIENĖ (Kauno technologijos universitetas, socialiniai
mokslai, sociologija – 05S);
Doc. dr. Arūnas POVILIŪNAS (Vilniaus universitetas, socialiniai mokslai,
sociologija, 05S).

Oficialieji oponentai:

Prof. habil. dr. Arvydas Virgilijus MATULIONIS (Socialinių tyrimų

institutas, socialiniai mokslai, sociologija, 05S);
Prof. dr. Gintautas MAŽEIKIS (Šiaulių universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai,
filosofija, 01H).

Disertacija bus ginama 2008 m. sausio 18 d. 14 val. viešame Sociologijos mokslo

krypties tarybos posėdyje, kuris vyks Kauno technologijos universitete, Rektorato
salėje (K. Donelaičio g. 73 – 402, Kaunas).

Adresas: K. Donelaičio g. 73, LT-44029 Kaunas, Lietuva.

Tel. (+370) 37 300042, faksas (+370) 37 324144; el. paštas mok.skyrius@ktu.lt.

Disertacijos santrauka išsiųsta 2007 m. gruodžio 18 d.

Su disertacija galima susipažinti Kauno technologijos universiteto (K. Donelaičio g.

20, Kaunas) ir Socialinių tyrimų instituto (Saltoniškių g. 58, Vilnius) bibliotekose.

Last decades could be seen as prolongation of organization‘s revolution:

changes in organizational profiles, development of new organization types, new
concepts of business processes, development of work relations. As organizations
are becoming very flexible and traditional hierarchy , functions and even
geographical place are loosing borders, employers‘ and employees‘ perceptions
and thinking is also changing (Sparrow, 1994; Sparrow & Gaston, 1996).
Recently coordination of organizational behaviour is base on management of
perceptions and psycho- social borders or „soft“ methods such as individual‘s
standing, tasks, politics, identity, relations between employer and employee,
perceptions among work colleagues (Hirschhorn & Gilmore, 1992). Demographic
tendencies in different continents attract attention of politicians, economists,
management and marketing specialists, representatives of health and social
spheres. Influence society‘s aging to organizational environment, possible threats
and strong alteration in labour market has become the object of various science
spheres. Many of such researches concentrate on management of human
resources, ability to manage different generations, possible impacts of such
demographic changes to organizations and important processes of organizational
behaviour as motivation, work satisfaction, etc. (Barnett, 2005; Branine &
Glover, 1997; Chodacki, 2005; Davis & van den Oever,1981; Huculak, 2005;
Yun & Lachman, 2006; Jorgensen, 2003, 2005; Joseph, 2005; Kanfer &
Ackerman, 2004; Killian, 2005; Lahey, 2005; McConatha, Schnell, Volkwein,
Riley & Leach, 2003; Schwartz & Kleiner, 1999; Scott, 2004; Smola & Sutton,
2002; Teh, 2002).
Scott (2004) argues that generation conflicts arise because of populations’
aging and reformation of social welfare takes place. Organizations also face these
problems and have to react faster to demographic changes. The following
question could rise: to what extend intergenerational, different age groups
relations effect processes in organizations – groups’ interaction, relations among
individuals, perceptions of work environment. Are macro level parameters such a
sage, intergenerational relations, tension between generations, important in
evaluation of organization‘s environment and its processes?
Important characteristics of work environment are usually called
„climate“, which measure individual‘s perception of organization changes
(Patterson, Payne & West, 1996; Patterson, Warr & West, 2004). Anderson and
West (1998) state that during last three decades the concept of organizational
climate has been under consideration of psychologists and organization
sociologists. Research of organizational climate has become substantial in
business, spheres of industry, organizational psychology, management and
sociology (Anderson & West, 1998; Ashforth, 1985; Burke, Borucki & Kaufman,
2002; Downey, Hellriegel ir Slocum, 1975; Furnham & Drakeley, 1993; Glisson
& James, 2002; Young & Parker, 1999; Jackofsky & Slocum, 1988; James &
Jones, 1974; James & Sells, 1981; James, 1982; Johnstone & Johnston, 2005;
Joyce & Slocum, 1984; Payne, 1990; Patterson, Warr & West, 2004; Patterson,
West, Shackleton, Dawson, Lawthom, Maitlis, Robinson & Wallace, 2005;
Schneider & Bowen, 1985; Smith-Crowe, Burke & Landis, 2003; Sparrow &
Gaston, 1996; Tenbrunsel, Smith-Crowe & Umphress, 2003).
Organizational climate construct is unique in its connection of micro and
macro parameters in organization. Often it is name as „intervening“ variable
representing subjective individual‘s evaluations as well as mezo (groups) and
macro (organization‘s structure) processes, shared and coherent perceptions
towards work environment. Climate is as resultant of individual behaviour and
organizational structure that cohesives mentioned elements. Thus climate is very
informative and eloquent diagnostic variable characterizing many organizational
qualities. It should be noted that in research field climate does not have clear
objective identity and managerial approach prevail in distinguished climate
dimensions. On the one part such pragmatic approach brings clarity in climate
measurement (distinction of dimensions, origin of climate types). On the other
part established research tradition limit wider analysis of construct: how climate
is effected by processes taking place beyond organization, mentioned above
cultural, society‘s formation, age effects, level of organization competition, etc.
It should be noted that measurements of climate are base on coherent,
shared perceptions which represents processes in organization are formed not
only in organization‘s but also in social environment and structure. From
sociological approach climate could be analyzed as construct encompassing not
only distinguished micro and macro elements and processes in organizational
level but also as a resultant of society‘s processes (e.g. society‘s stratification,
culture, relations between generations and other).
There are many empirical studies grounding the idea that attitudes are not
incidentally spread in population. Attitudes, values, views vary systematically
with demographic variables. Sociological research registered ways in which some
social conditions are connected with different age cohorts (Worchel, Wood, &
Simpson, 1992). Analysis of relations between demographic variables and
employees’ behaviour, attitudes has a continuous tradition in psychology of
industry and organization. Age together with other demographic characteristics
(education, gender, race and others) is related with work results (fulfilment of
tasks, promotion decisions, employees’ fluctuation, etc.) (Tsui, Egan, & O’Reilly,
1992). During last fifty years there is huge increase of professional employees in
labour market (Vincent, 2003), proportion of status, power and age has also
experienced changes. Status in organization became less dependent on age,
especially in private sector where executive level positions are not restricted to a
particular age. There are changes among separate age groups –younger teach
older (Jorgensen, 2005), new organizations’ profiles emerge – “same age” staff or
young persons are in top positions.
Researches seek to describe methodologically changes and adaptation
phenomena in organizational and inner organizational levels (Sparrow & Gaston,
1996). Researches related to age variable are becoming more relevant during fast
demographic changes. Aging population is becoming a problem even on
governmental level in some continents. Age is one of primary social and cultural
categories (Settersten & Mayer, 1997), attracting researchers’ attention both as
independent (socio demographic) variable and as social phenomena
(intergenerational relations, cohorts, stages of life, etc.). Such scientific interest is
determined by intergenerational tension, increasing gap between generations.
This is conditioned not only by demographic changes, longer work age but also
shorter generation periods. New generations are formed faster because of new
technologies and information influence.
Tension and conflicts between different age groups arises not only because
of different values but also because of different interests and available recourses.
Conflicts of symbolic recourses recur in wider generation context – labour
market, income, professional status (Turner, 1998). It should be noted that in
generations and age researches value measurement dominate. In organizational
environment attention is paid to age influence on motivation, attitude to work,
work satisfaction and other. Organizational climate construct is related to good
relations, pleasant work atmosphere and fulfilment of work and its productivity.
So climate and its factors research is relevant to social science researches as well
as patricians – managers, human recourses specialists.
In recent years intergenerational differences and their affect on work
power strategies are highly discussed in organizational and managerial literature.
But it should be noted that most of research on intergenerational effects,
organizational behaviour has been carried in USA. Most of organizational
behaviour concepts were developed by American scientists. Detailed analysis of
more than 11 000 articles published during eight decade in 24 managerial and
organizational journals showed that 80 percent of the research was carried out in
USA (Adler, 1983). Later research proved the fact that in these research
peculiarities of cultural differences were not distinguished. Robbins (2003) argues
that because of this fact not all theories and concepts could be applied universally
and especially there where labour values are different from ones in USA.
The same could be said about intergenerational age effects research. USA
has a very clear generation distribution and this distribution is used in scientific,
human recourses and marketing contexts. Analysis of age effects and generations
research allows to make one more important conclusion – most of such research
are carried out in USA. There is no unified definition of “young” or “old”
employee in laws, scientific works or organizational literature.
Organization is a specific structure with its own rules, objectives,
hierarchy, so society’s generation distribution is conditional when applied in
organizational environment. Research on generation is difficult to generalize
because of different approaches and different disciplines involved in studies
(anthropology, culture, political sociology, social inequality) (Corsten, 1999).
Organizational climate is affected by many factors – managerial style, mutual
relations, organizational structure, demographic variables and it is dimensioned
by diver numbers of dimensions. A group of scientists analysed demographic
variables (age as well) and climate connections (Forte & Hansvick, 1999; Sveiby
& Simons, 2002; Kirkcaldy & Athanasou, 1999; Johnstone & Johnston, 2005;
Hicks-Clarke & Iles, 2000; Karen, Clint & Sherry, 2002).
Not all of the research revealed the same tendencies linked with age
variable but it is proved that older employees express more moderate opinions
about actions in organizations. Connection and effective usage of different
groups’ recourses in work environment are very relevant for researches and
especially practicians. In literature for practicians the following questions of
management and effectiveness are analyzed: how to manage “The X generation”
(Tulgan, 1996), how to satisfy needs of young employees (Allvin & Sverke,
2000; Lowe & Rastin, 2000). These studies are based on approach that
generations are members of social group with similar altitudes and behaviour
characteristics (Corsten, 1999).
During recent years more attention is paid to generation analysis in
organizational literature: what kind of politics is needed to solve arising
problems, how employees mutual relations are going to change, etc., but many of
these discussions are based on assumptions than on empirical conclusions
(Jorgensen, 2003).
Listed above arguments and circumstances encouraged the theme of this
dissertational research analysing connections between organizational climate and
intergenerational relations in diagnostic approach.
The scientific problem of the dissertational research could be described
by the following questions requiring special scientific analysis:
 How could sociological identity of organizational climate and
intergenerational relations (especially interdependence between the phenomena)
research manifest?
 What are particular dimensions and indicators descriptive organizational
climate and intergenerational relations?
 What are the correlation between organizational climate and
intergenerational relations?
 Is organizational climate affected and whether is affected by age
variable (independently and together with other sociodemographic variables
(gender, education)); is manifestation of organizational climate depend on
sociodemographic structure of organization and its subdivisions?
The aim of the research – to analyze interdependence between
intergenerational relations and organizational climate.
The object of the research – intergenerational relations (generations, age
effects) in organizations.
The subject of the research – organizational climate as a manifestation
form of intergenerational relations and diagnostic indicator.
The aims of the research:
1. to analyze research on organizational climate carried out by other
authors, paying special attention to the following analysis parameters: a)
construct approach, b) methodological approach, dimensionality, particular
measurement instruments, c) significant factual results (correlates, correlations
with sociodemographic variables)
2. to analyze scientific studies about intergenerational relations in society
and organizations paying special attention to the following aspects: a)
phenomenon approach (generation phenomenon and its social outcomes), b)
particular methodological approaches and research results.
3. to create organizational climate measurement instrument1 and verify its
methodological quality characteristics (factor validation, control of internal
validity, criterion validity, control of construct’s stability and validity using test-
retest analysis).
4. to choose particular intergenerational tension measurement in
organization instrument from existing diagnostics, to adapt it and test in
Lithuanian culture conditions.
5. to reveal manifestation of organizational climate, intergeneration
relations’ tension and links existing in organizations between the two constructs
mentioned above.
6. to project and define further intergenerational tension in organizations
and organizational climate research guidelines.
Main hypotheses
H1: There is a statistical correlation between organizational climate and
intergenerational tension in organizations.
H2: Age as socio demographic variable has significant systematic and
statistic association with various dimensions of organizational climate.
H3: Intergenerational relations could be approached as separate dimension
of organizational climate and diagnostic indicator.
Theoretical bases of the research: definition, conceptualization and
dimensionalization of organizational climate, climate’s differentiation from other
constructs, climate’s factors and correlates, levels of analysis and measurement
instruments; concept of generation, generation and age stratification, age effects,

Organizational climate test (Merkys et al. 2005, 2007) was created by group of authors:
Kalinauskaitė, R., Eitutytė, D., Beniušienė, I, Vveinhard, J., Kamarauskienė, S., Urbonienė, R.,
Darulienė, E., Pranevičienė, V., Samulienė, M. (supervisor - prof. G. Merkys). The author of this
dissertation accomplished these tasks:
1. Items formulation (collegially);
2. Dimensionality (logical and factor validity);
3. Design of the questionnaire;
4. Statistical analysis.
research on intergenerational relations in organizations.
Methodological bases of the research: quantitative approach in social
research, survey testing, classical test theory (true score theory). In some research
stages was used a phenomenological approach (creating and developing
organizational climate dimensions and primary items).
Research methods: the analysis of scientific literature, standardized
anonymous survey of employees in a written form (two questionnaires:
Organizational climate test and Intergenerational tension questionnaire),
statistical methods (psychometric statistics, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA,
regression analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling).
Empirical base. Analysis of the results is based on three samples. The
first sample consists of 573 respondents of three different Lithuanian
organizations. The sample is used to find correlations between organizational
climate and intergenerational tension. The second sample consists of 2124
respondents form 46 organizations. This sample are used to find out how age as
demographic variable influence perceptions to organizational climate and also to
show age influence together with gender’s and education’s variables.
Respondents represent 249 different organizational units in business, public and
statutory organizations. The third sample consists of 1299 respondents from 36
Lithuanian organizations (147 units). Cluster analysis is used “to find” typical
groups in organizations considering socio-demographic characteristics of
employees (age, gender, education). This new methodological approach let to
define how socio-demographic structure of organizational unit influences
evaluation of organizational climate. Organizational climate test has 137 items
(20 dimensions). Short version of the questionnaire has the same dimensional
structure and consists of 67 items. The final version of adapted questionnaire of
Intergenerational tension has 7 dimensions (32 items).
Scientific novelty of the dissertation.
 From theoretical hypothetic approach significantly connected constructs
„intergenerational tension“ and „organizational climate“ , especially their link as
independent research object, according to the data are analyzed for the first time.
It is statistically validated that intergenerational relations in organization is one of
the manifestation means of organizational climate. In this case the character of
intergenerational relations is one of organizational climate dimensions and
empirical indicators. There are some new empirically – statistically validated
organizational climate dimensions and diagnostic indicators.
 Revealed typologically existing statistical relations between
organizational climate and other theoretically significant, hypothetically possible
constructs and socio demographic variables in various Lithuanian labour
organizations. Unclosed systematic dependence of manifestation of
organizational climate with age variable and employees socio demographic
 Created and successfully tested a new statistic research strategy based
on combination of cluster analysis and disperse analysis. It allows to analyze the
dependence of organizational climate on labour subdivisions and teams’ socio
demographic structure, especially employees age connection to other variables
(gender, education).
 Carried out theoretical and methodological reflection of social research
on organizational climate and intergenerational relations state. The latter factor
allowed to identify and form further research guidelines.
 Created and tested according to methodological quality approach,
standardized questionnaire of organizational climate evaluation, adapted tested
according to methodological quality approach standardized intergenerational
tension evaluation in organization questionnaire.
Theoretical significance of the dissertational research
 Expanded and complemented scientific constructs of the dimensioned
structure of organizational climate. Specified conception of organizational
climate, developed theoretical- hypothetical explanation why there is no existing
unified dimensioned structure of the construct in the science;.
 revealed sociological identity of organizational climate research,
indicated the significance of analyzing organizational climate phenomenon from
sociological approach (organization sociology, group sociology);
 disclosed problematics to create any possible “general”, universal or
unified (applicable everywhere) structural model of generations. The developed
idea is that usually results interpretation dysfunction is formed by research of
social attitudes and social perceptions (including studies done in labour
organizations). It is always unclear whether individual’s mind and ontogenetic
behaviour change (psychological development approach) or belonging to a
generation, shared group experience (sociological cultural approach) is
responsible and explains age effect to attitudes and social perceptions.
Practical significance of the dissertation
 developed organizational climate test and adapted intergenerational
tension questionnaire have high methodological quality characteristics, these
instruments could be applicable in research projects of other social researches,
applied research and organization consultation (in a wide sense) practice.
 Generalized research data provides information and particular incentives
for human recourses management politics, strategy and practice in labour
organizations of the country.
 During the dissertational research cumulated theoretical, methodological
and factual data could be used in studies of organizational sociology, society’s
social structure and labour market, individual’s personal development, human
resources management and similar courses and modules in higher education
institutions as well as preparing graduation theses.
The structure of dissertation. Dissertation consists of the following
parts: introduction, theoretical, methodological, empirical parts, and conclusions.
Conclusions, references and appendix follow the three main parts.
In CHAPTER 1, “Organizational climate and intergenerational
relations: conceptualisation and interdependence”, in subchapter 1.1.
“Conceptualisation of organizational climate and its diagnostic using qualitative
methods” a review of the researches on organizational climate is presented. This
subcharter also present: definitions and conceptions of organizational climate,
research instruments, problematics of construcs’ dimensionalization, climate
diagnostics and practice according to quantitative methods, differentiation
between climate and other similar constructs (as culture, work satisfaction,
psychological climate).
Subcharter 1.2. “Definition of generation and empirical studies” presents
the notion of generation and empirical studies pointing out age stratification and
generation distinguishing practice in research linked to age; review of research of
age effects and generational differences in organizations, peculiarities of age as
psychosocial variable, traditions of generations’ research, especially researches
concerning generations at work are reviewed as well.
Subcharter 1.3. “Interdependence of intergenerational relations and
organizational climate” is designed to discuss organizational climate and its
correlates, factors influencing perceptions to work environment and social
relations, especially influence of sociodemographic variables. In the subchapter
there are assumptions for analysis of intergenerational relations in organization
via the construct of organizational climate defined.
In CHAPTER 2, “Interdependence between intergenerational relations
and organizational climate: research design” measurement instruments used in
this research and research’s samples are presented. Research analysis is grounded
by data gathered using two instruments: Organizational Climate Test and
Intergenerational Tension Questionnaire. Organizational Climate Test is created
by a group of Lithuanian scientists (Merkys et al., 2005, 2007). Intergenerational
Tension Questionnaire is adapted version of Australian questionnaire (Teh,
2002). Data analysis is grounded by three different samples: N=573, N=2124,
N=1299. Totally respondents represent 46 different organizations (and 249
subunits or work teams).
In CHAPTER 3, “Results of diagnostic research on organizational
climate and intergenerational relations” psychometric characteristics
(reliability, factor loadings, item to total correlation, results of secondary factor
analysis, hypothesis of normality and other) of the Organizational climate test and
Intergenerational tension questionnaire are presented. First subchapter presents
results of statistical correlations between intergenerational tension and
organizational climate construct. The second subchapter presents the results of
influence of age as independent variable. The third subchapter present a new
strategy built on coordination of cluster analysis and factor analysis of variance.
The method was used to analyse how sociodemographic structure affects the
organizational climate.


1. Analysis of theoretical resources and analysis of level of problem

distinction allowed to form the following conclusions:
1.1. The scientific analysis of organizational climate has deep traditions.
It is related with works of social sciences scholar Kurt Lewin, pathfinders of
organizational climate Tagiuri’s, Litwin’s, Stringer’s works. Despite of seventy
years of history and work in this field today we still face particular problematic
questions. Studies of organizational climate started and developed as empiric and
pragmatic (oriented into consultation of organization) research. Contrary to many
other constructs developed by means of empiric research, organizational climate
does not have unified theoretical approaches and models, and remains empirically
analyzed construct.
1.2. A characteristic feature of much organizational climate research is
lack of clear academic construct analysis; it is not always clear from which
academic discipline or theoretic approach - psychology, sociology, management –
organizational climate is analyzed. Usually the only motive of such research is
not fundamental and full analysis of the phenomena but simple acquisition of
knowledge necessary for expeditious consultation of organizations, development
of their efficiency. Such pragmatic empiric approach contributed to climate
research spheres (formation of dimensions, existing climate’s types, serve to form
measurement instruments). This pragmatic approach to study organizational
climate limited wider analysis of the concept, especially from sociological point
of view, e.i. how climate is affected by macro level processes (generation
conflict, gender, ethnic identity, etc.); how climate is related to other psychosocial
phenomena - conformance and non conformance, competition, conflicts, social
integration, etc.
1.3. Organizational climate becomes attractive and meaningful research
object from sociological point of view because of several substantial factors.
Organizational climate is a phenomenon (and construct) encompassing
parameters of macro, mezzo level and individual social behavior parameters.
Organizational climate exists in processes developing in society, organization,
group and individual inner state reality (social structure, culture, values of society
and organization). Research of organizational climate requires multidisciplinary
approach. In turn organizational climate appears in various social researches
(management, psychological, sociological) as dependent and independent, and
intermediate variable. From empiric point of view organizational climate is
approached as “coherent” and shared perceptions (or group perceptions) among
members of an organization about processes, social relations, and working
environment in the organization. These shared perceptions reflect processes
developing in the organization and are formed not only in organizational
environment but also in social environment, disposals of individuals’ inner states
(values, emotional intelligence, mentality and other).
1.4. Researches analyzing climate have offered various climate
dimensions. There is no unanimous agreement concerning content or number of
dimensions. In this case the idea of organizational climate as shared perceptions
of its members assumes metatheoretic status because in organization’s activity
context there are many various potential aspects and components. This is the
basic problem why scientists cannot reach the agreement concerning content or
number of dimensions.
1.5. Organizational climate is a multidimensional, very informative and
descriptive indicator. Analysis of organizational climate exposes many facts
about the organization. Organizational climate can be analyzed using traditional
instruments of empiric social research -standardized questionnaires, tests, etc.
Usually these standardized questionnaires and tests have methodological
(psychometric) quality characteristics which lead to important methodological
conclusion for reliable analysis of an organization – if it is problematic to analyze
empirically any aspect of organization; it is purposeful to analyze corresponding
and shared perceptions of organization members concerning this particular aspect.
1.6. Research analysis of age as independent variable, effects,
generations, allows concluding that most of this research as also organizational
behavior studies, were carried out in the USA. Most of organization and its
behavior concepts were developed by American scientists and further research
confirmed that these studies did not take into account different cultural
peculiarities. Not all theories and concepts can be moved and universally adopted,
especially where society’s and organizational culture as well as work values
differ from analogue parameters in the USA. This particularly applies to
intergenerational, age affects research. In the USA there is a clear distinction of
generation segregation and this distinction is applied in social research practise
and in human resource or marketing context.
1.7. Age stratification is not unified in time and space. It mostly depends
on particular culture and time. Structure of age is seen as a problem in analyzing
organization as there is no unified definition what is “young” or “old” employee
in laws, human recourse management practice, customs, scientific works or
organizational literature. The try to develop general, unified generations’
stratification theoretic model is problematic. Development of unified, everywhere
applicable generation stratification model is problematic because sociologic
generation stratification (contrary to biomedical, psychological) depends on a
particular country or geopolitical region historical cultural context. Generation as
social phenomenon and theoretical construct of social sciences has
multidimensional nature. It integrates various and “overlapping “parameters (life
state, particular generation, “trauma”, shared and “common” experience,
belonging to cohort, etc.). More or less contextualized adequate generation
“phenomenographic” model should be developed by social researches,
philosophers, historians, cultural anthropologists of a particular country, culture
or geopolitical region.
1.8. Contrary to most of psychosocial constructs (identity, values,
organizational culture) which have exclusive latent origin, age (implicitly
generation) has clear objective manifestation. Objective age indicators could be
age according to passport and measured individual’s age by biomedical
(biometric) tools. This factor allows to escape the contention of many scholars
what is generation.
1.9. Gender problems in post-industrial society are not so challenging
and from structurally functional and prognostic approach are not socially risky as
the age problems rising in the same society (society’s aging, generation conflict).
It is paradoxical that gender studies in humanities and social sciences are
established as separate research field, and age studies still lack that. It is
reasonable to state that in near future age research will boom.
2. Conclusions resulting from methodology and methodic:
2.1. Newly developed and used in this research organizational climate
test dimensions extend climate conception. The following new dimensions are
introduced: “rumours, slanders, hypocrisy”, “relations among different age
groups”, “formation of non-formal groups”, “induction and resigning”,
“verbal” and “non verbal” communication. These dimensions have high
psychometric quality characteristics. Together with other approved dimensions in
research practice they form one (general) factor in secondary factory analysis.
The third hypothesis proved out intergenerational relations can be considered as a
separate dimension of organizational climate.
2.2. Intergeneration tension questionnaire is valid (from the point of
view of language and logics) for measuring intergenerational tension in work
environment but dimensional structure of the adapted instrument did not reiterate
in analyzed Lithuanian organizations. Version of adapted questionnaire has high
methodological characteristics. But “older“employees sample has lower
indicators (internal consistency, factor loadings, explained variance, item to total
correlation etc.). This fact indicates that “younger” employees evaluate more
equally, purposeful and more structured in comparison to “older” employers.
Analysis of seven primary factors yielded one secondary (general) factor in both
(“younger” and “elder” employees) samples. In both cases the high indexes of
factor analysis were achieved. This shows that intergenerational tension is a
complex phenomenon that make one scale and in the analysis process could be
used not only separate dimensions (factors) but also its total index.
2.3. Analysis of age as independent variable in organizations requires
variable triangulation of age. In order to avoid overlapping of generations, it is
purposeful to group age in different intervals. This enables to control statistical
artefact and let to avoid the risk of incorrect interpretation of results. Other
important methodological aspect of organizational research – parameters of
samples and diversity of organizations. Age as independent variable has
significance only in large and various organizations samples. Otherwise it is not
clear whether age (and/or generation) is a significant factor or obtained results
correspond to organization’s characteristics and specificity. On purpose to
disclose consistent patterns about the influence of sociodemographic
characteristics to perceptions to work environment there it is essential to have
large and various organizations samples.
2.4. Methodological experience of this dissertational research allows to
form the following conclusion: in order to reveal more “sensitive” age as
independent variable affect on members’ perceptions about various organization’s
characteristics it is advisable to relate age variable to other socio demographic
characteristics as education, gender, etc. In this case various independent variable
combinations are obtained: ”young, without higher education, men”, ”mixed”
age, with higher education, women” and so on. It should be noted that analysis of
separate socio demographic variables, their affect on dependable variable is not
high lighten but statistically and theoretically significant affect is fixed when
some of the mentioned above socio demographic characteristics are combined
3. Results of the empirical research allow to form the following
3.1. Intergenerational tension in work environment systemically affect
organizational climate. Regression analysis, intercorrelation shows the existence
of theoretically and statistically significant interdependence between separate
climate and intergenerational tension dimensions. The first hypothesis proved out
- organizational climate and intergenerational tension in organizations statistically
significant correlate. Conditionally stronger as it was theoretically hypothetically
expected, intergenerational tension correlate with organizational climate
dimension “relations among different age groups” (0.59 “younger” employees,
0.52 “older” employees). Total indexes of both tests (organizational climate and
intergenerational tension) have conditionally high and statistically significant
correlation - 0.58 (“young” employee population) and 0.57 (“older” employee
population). Generally, correlation between dimensions of “organization climate”
and “intergenerational tension” are lower in “older” employee samples. These
facts show that “young” employees have more constituent attitudes to
intergenerational relations and social reality is felt more sensitive. This fact
corresponds to the fact that in “young” employees’ population intergenerational
tension indicators are conditionally higher.
3.2. The second hypothesis proved out that age as independent variable
(indirectly generation) systemically affects organization’s members’ perceptions
to work environment and social relations in the organization. 12 of 20 climate
dimensions (subscales) statistically significant correlate with age variable. The
following subscales (dimensions) should be mentioned: “man and women
relationship”, “humour”, “relations with managerial staff”, “motivating
creativity and initiativeness”, “information sharing”, “rumours, slanders,
hypocrisy“, “interrelations”, “formation of non-formal groups, fractions”,
“management style”, “environment disharmonising relations and efficiency”,
“control” and also organizational climate total index.
8 of 20 organizational climate dimensions do not have statistically
significant correlation with age: “security, psychological comfort”, “verbal
communication”, “non verbal communication”, “conflicts”, “openness,
tolerance”, “generation relations”, “induction and resigning”, “values and
culture”. Paradoxical research fact is that age variable does not have statistically
significant correlation to such climate dimension as “generation relations”
though research results indicates that age affects manifest. Hypothetically it could
be explained: a) latent origin of analyzed construct; b) respondents’ reactivity
when answer should be forthright.
Younger age employees tend to evaluate state of organizational climate
conditionally more negative. Gender as independent variable does not affect
evaluation of organizational climate. Testing hypothesis of average equality there
is no statistically significant difference between men and women.
3.3. Age with other sociodemographic variables (gender and education)
statistically significant affects perceptions to organizational climate. “Younger”
men” and “younger” women” tend to evaluate climate more negative respectively
than “elder” men” and “elder” women”. Such tendency obtains regarding
cohesion of education and age variables. “Younger” without higher education”
and “younger” with higher education respondents tend to evaluate climate more
negative comparing with “elder” without higher education and “elder” with
higher education employees.
3.4. Statistical strategy built on cluster analysis and one factor analysis
of variance served the purpose to analyse influence of sociodemographic structure
to organizational climate. This strategy involves two steps of the analysis. Cluster
analysis was used to form particular groups of employees characterized by
particular homogeneous sociodemographic structure (by age, educational level
and gender). Afterwards these groups were described as independent grouping
variable. Differences between such groups were analysed using analysis of
variance. This strategy allowed to analyze dependence of organizational climate
on factual sociodemographic (age, gender, education) structure of subunits and
groups. As the calculations indicate organization’s sociodemographic structure
affects perceptions to work environment: climate is evaluated conditionally lower
in groups where there more “young” and/or “mixed” age employees than in
departments with “older” employees. Analogical regularity (when climate
evaluated conditionally negative) is in groups of employees where “women” or
“mixed” gender, “without higher education” dominate.
3.5. The research proved the assumptions that intergenerational relations
could be approached as independent dimension of organizational climate as well
as factor affecting perceptions of work environment. A particular approach
variant should depend on chosen theoretical position (model).
4. Recommendations concerning research succession:
4.1. Tension and conflicts between different age groups arise not only
because of differences in values but also because of differences in organization’s
members’ interests, life (career) plans and expectations, available resources and
not equal possibilities. Conflicts of financial and symbolic resources in macro
level reiterate in labor market, income, professional prestige and others. It should
be mentioned that measurement of values dominates in research of generations,
age when research of different generations employees’ interests are not assessed.
4.2. Research coherent to age effects usually face a hardly solvable
problem and dysfunctions of result interpretation. Stating age as independent
variable affect to any perception or approach construct it is almost never clear
what a) individual’s mind or behavior changes ontogenesis (development from
psychological approach) or b) belonging to generation, shared group experiences
(sociological cultural approach) explains age affect on approaches and social
perceptions and factual behavior. It is hypothetically possible that both these
factors can have effect of interaction – they both could be the reason affecting
individual’s perceptions and approaches. Multidisciplinary, longitudinal
researches are required to find out indicators or arguments segregating socio
cultural generation effect from ontogenesis factors.
5. Recommendations concerning modern management practice.
5.1. On the basis of the results of the research from managerial
perspective it is possible to make the following supposition: it is advisable to
form same age work groups and collectives. But the problems of intergenerational
relations’ tension will be solved only for the present moment. Management of
generations should not be separation of age groups, but contrarily on the basis of
multidisciplinary research effective mutual interaction models, management
models and decisions how to “disconflict” age differences in organization should
be developed, individuals’ differences, different generations’ interactions should
be changed to organizational strength and strategic advantage. Pilot research are
needed (social psychology, organization psychology, sociology) for development
of activity models to help organizations to overcome intergenerational conflict.

Publications in research journals recognized by the Science Council of

1. Kalinauskaitė Rima; Merkys, Gediminas. A Cross-cultural Validitation of
the Intergenerational Tension Questionnaire: the Case of Lithuania // Social
Sciences = Socialiniai mokslai / Kaunas University of Technology. - ISSN 1392-
0758. - Kaunas. - 2007, Nr. 4 (58). In press.

2. Merkys, Gediminas; Kalinauskaitė, Rima; Eitutytė, Daina. New test for

organizational climate assessment: validation and test-retest
analysis // Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai = Management of
organizations: systematic research. - ISSN 1392-1142. - Kaunas. - 2007, Nr.
42, p. 57-67.

3. Merkys, Gediminas; Kalinauskaitė Rima; Beniušienė, Ineta; Vveinhard,

Jolita; Dromantas, Mykolas. Organisational climate test for Lithuania work
organisations: validation and correlation with team work test // Social Sciences =
Socialiniai mokslai / Kaunas University of Technology. - ISSN 1392-0758. -
Kaunas. - 2005, Nr. 3 (49), p. 39-51.

Conference proceedings (ISI proceedings):

1. Kalinauskaitė, Rima. Differences between generations: measuring
perceptions to organizational environment // Changes in Social and Business
Environment: proceedings of the 1st international conference, November 17-18,
2006, Lithuania / Kaunas University of Technology, Panevėžys Institute,
Martinther University, University of Tartu. Institute for Social Research. -
ISBN 9955-25-156-5. - Kaunas, 2006, p. 81-84.

Other publications:
1. Kalinauskaitė, Rima. Does generational conflict at work exist? Theoretical
and empirical strategies to measure generational differences // Two years after the
EU enlargement: social, political and economic implications for the Baltic sea
region: materials of the Fifth Baltic Readings held in Riga, 21 October, 2006: the
collection of abstracts. - ISBN 9955-531-21-5. - Vilnius, 2006, p. 8.

2. Kalinauskaitė, Rima; Darulienė, Evelina. Organizations’ microclimate

measuring characteristics // The Baltic societies after EU accession: new
possibilities, new controversies: materials of the Third Baltic Readings held in
Tallinn, 29-30 October, 2004: the collection of abstracts. - ISBN 9955-531-11-
8. - Vilnius, 2004, p. 8.

Rima Kalinauskaitė

Academic background:

1997-2001. Bachelor degree (diploma with honour) in Applied Ecology,

Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Lithuania.
2000-2003. Master degree (diploma with honour) in Sociology, Kaunas
University of Technology, Lithuania.
2003-2007. Doctoral studies at Kaunas University of Technology (Sociology).
2005 April-September – Socrates/Erasmus exchange program in Konstanz
University, Germany.

Research interests:

Organizational climate, intergenerational relationships, organizational behaviour,

social research methodology.

E-mail: rima.kalinauskaite@stud.ktu.lt

Disertaciniame darbe nagrinėjami organizacinio klimato ir

tarpgeneracinių santykių sąryšiai. Nors nėra vieningo klimato apibrėžimo, tyrėjai
sutinka, jog klimatas – tai sąlyginai pastovi organizacijos savybė, kuri a) yra
išgyvenama jos narių, b) įtakoja organizacijos narių elgseną ir c) gali būti
apibrėžiama tam tikru rinkiniu konkrečių charakteristikų. Organizacinis klimatas
įvardijamas „tarpiniu“ kintamuoju, kuris atspindi tiek subjektyvius individų
vertinimus, tiek mezo (grupių) ir makro (organizacijos struktūros) procesus,
pasidalintas ir koherentiškas percepcijas į darbo aplinką. Klimatas – tai tarsi
individualios elgsenos ir organizacijos struktūros „atstojamoji“, surišanti
individualią elgseną su socialine organizacijos struktūra (objektyviomis
organizacijos savybėmis). Klimatas yra multidimensinis konstruktas ir savyje
talpina daugelį organizacijos charakteristikų. Tai, kokie veiksniai ir kas lemia
klimatą visuomet domino organizacijų tyrėjus. Šiame darbe keliama prielaida, ar
makro parametrai, kaip amžius, karta, gali įtakoti percepcijas į darbo aplinką ir
socialinius santykius organizacijoje. Siekiant atskleisti ar tarpgeneraciniai
santykiai, amžiaus kriterijus turi įtakos suvokiant klimatą, šiame darbe yra
nagrinėjami amžiaus, kaip nepriklausomo kintamojo (tiek atskirai paėmus, tiek ir
sąryšyje su kitais sociodemografiniais kintamaisiais), skirtingų amžiaus grupių,
sociodemografinės organizacijos (padalinio) struktūros poveikis organizacinio
klimato konstruktui. Kyla klausimas, kiek ir kaip tarpgeneraciniai santykiai
įtakoja procesus vykstančius organizacijose – grupių sąveiką, santykius tarp
individų, percepcijas į darbo aplinką, konfliktus ir konkurenciją. Ar makro lygio
parametrai, kaip amžius, tarpgeneraciniai santykiai, įtampa tarp kartų apskritai
yra svarūs vertinant organizacijos aplinką ir joje vykstančius procesus?
Disertacinio tyrimo mokslinis problemiškumas gali būti apibūdintas
šiais klausimais, reikalaujančiais specialių mokslinių tyrimų:
 Kuo ir kaip gali pasireikšti organizacinio klimato ir tarpgeneracinių
santykių (ypač jų sąryšio) tyrimų sociologinė tapatybė?
 Kokios konkrečios dimensijos ir indikatoriai apibūdina organizacinį
klimatą ir tarpgeneracinius santykius?
 Kokio pobūdžio sąryšiai egzistuoja tarp organizacinio klimato ir
tarpgeneracinių santykių?
 Ar organizacinį klimatą paveikia ir kaip paveikia amžiaus
kintamasis (tiek atskirai paėmus, tiek sąryšyje su kitais sociodemografiniais
kintamaisiais – lytimi, išsimokslinimu); taip pat ar organizacinio klimato raiška
priklauso (nepriklauso) nuo organizacijos ir jos padalinių sociodemografinės
Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti tarpgeneracinių santykių ir organizacinio klimato
Tyrimo objektas – tarpgeneraciniai santykiai (kartų, amžiaus efektai)
Tyrimo dalykas – organizacinis klimatas kaip tarpgeneracinių santykių
raiškos forma ir diagnostinis indikatorius.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Išnagrinėti kitų autorių atliktus tyrimus apie organizacinį klimatą,
ypatingą dėmesį skiriant šiems analizės parametrams: a) reiškinio (konstrukto)
traktuotei, b) metodologinėms tyrinėjimo prieigoms, dimensionalizacijai,
konkretiems matavimo instrumentams, c) reikšmingesniems faktiniams
rezultatams (koreliatai, sąryšiai su sociodemografiniais kintamaisiais).
2. Išnagrinėti egzistuojančias mokslines studijas apie tarpgeneracinius
santykius visuomenėje ir organizacijose. Ypatingą dėmesį skirti šiems analizės
aspektams: a) reiškinio traktuotei (kartų fenomenas ir jo socialinės pasekmės,
tarpgeneraciniai konfliktai ir įtampa, amžiaus struktūravimas), b) konkrečioms
metodologinėms nagrinėjimo prieigoms, tyrimų rezultatams.
3. Parengti organizacinio klimato matavimo instrumentą2 ir patikrinti jo
metodologines kokyės charakteristikas (faktorių validacija, vidinės konsistencijos
kontrolė, validacija išoriniais kriterijais, konstrukto stabilumo ir patikimumo
kontrolė pakartotinių matavimų metodu).
4. Iš jau moksle egzistuojančių diagnostinių priemonių pagrįstai
pasirinkti konkretų tarpgeneracinės įtampos matavimo organizacijose
instrumentą, jį adaptuoti ir metodologiškai patikrinti Lietuvos kultūros sąlygomis.
5. Statistinės analizės ir duomenų interpretacijos būdu atskleisti
organizacinio klimato raišką, tarpgeneracinės įtampos raišką, taip pat nustatyti: a)
sąryšius, egzistuojančius organizacijose tarp dviejų minėtų konstruktų, b) sąryšius
tarp organizacinio klimato ir darbuotojų sociodemografinių kintamųjų bei
organizacijos sociodemografinės struktūros.
6. Numatyti ir nubrėžti tarpgeneracinės įtampos organizacijose ir
organizacinio klimato tolimesnių tyrimų kryptis bei gaires.
Pagrindinės hipotezės:
H1: Darbo organizacijose tarp organizacinio klimato ir tarpgeneracinės
įtampos egzistuoja statistinis sąryšis.
H2: Amžius kaip sociodemografinis kintamasis sistemingai ir statistiškai
patikimai asocijuojasi su įvairiomis organizacinio klimato dimensijomis.
H3: Tarpgeneraciniai santykiai gali būti traktuojami kaip atskira

Organizacinio klimato testo (Merkys et al. 2005, 2007) kūrimas buvo realizuojamas grupės autorių:
Kalinauskaitė, R., Eitutytė, D., Beniušienė, I, Vveinhard, J., Kamarauskienė, S., Urbonienė, R.,
Darulienė, E., Pranevičienė, V., Samulienė, M., vadovaujant prof. Merkiui. Šio disertacinio tyrimo
autorė atliko tokius instrumento kūrimo uždavinius:
1. testo stimulinės medžiagos, klausimų suformavimas (kolegialiai);
2. testo žingsnių dimensionalizacija (loginė ir faktorinė validacija);
3. klausimyno dizaino sukūrimas;
4. statistinė duomenų analizė.
organizacinio klimato dimensija ir diagnostinis indikatorius.
Tyrimo teorinį pagrindą sudaro: organizacinio klimato
konceptualizacija, dimensionalizacija, klimato atskyrimas nuo kitų giminingų
konstruktų, klimatą veikiantys veiksniai ir koreliatai, klimato matavimo lygmenys
ir matavimo instrumentai; kartos/generacijos samprata, kartų išskyrimas ir
amžiaus stratifikacija, amžiaus efektai ir tarpgeneraciniai santykiai
Tyrimo metodologinį pagrindą sudaro: šiuolaikinių socialinių mokslų
metodologinis mokymas apie kiekybinį tyrimą (ypač standartizuotą apklausą),
klasikinė testų teorija. Atskiruose tyrimų etapuose taip pat buvo remiamasi
fenomenologine prieiga (kuriant ir formuluojant organizacinio klimato
instrumento dimensijas bei pirminę stimulinę medžiagą).
Darbui atlikti naudoti šie metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė,
apklausos raštu naudojant standartinius klausimynus (Organizacinio klimato
krizės testą ir Tarpgeneracinės įtampos klausimyną) statistinių duomenų analizė –
aprašomoji statistika, analitinė statistika (koreliaciniai ir regresiniai metodai) bei
daugiamatės analizės metodai (faktorinė analizė, klasterinė analizė, daugiamačių
skalių metodas).
Tyrimo empirinė bazė. Tyrimo rezultatų analizė remiasi trimis
skirtingomis imtimis. Pirmoji imtis apima 573 respondentus iš trijų Lietuvos
organizacijose. Šios imties duomenys panaudoti tarpgeneracinės įtampos ir
organizacinio klimato sąryšiui nagrinėti. Antroji imtis apima 2124 respondentus
iš 46 skirtingų Lietuvos organizacijų. Šios imties duomenys naudoti nustatyti
amžiaus, kaip demografinio kintamojo, įtaką percepciniams organizacinio
klimato vertinimams. Respondentai atstovauja 249 skirtingus padalinius verslo,
viešojo sektoriaus, taip pat statutinėse (muitinė, policija) organizacijose. Trečioji
imtis apima 1299 respondentus iš 36 skirtingų Lietuvos organizacijų (147
padaliniai). Šios imties duomenys naudoti siekiant nustatyti organizacijos
(padalinio, darbo grupės) sociodemografinės struktūros įtaka percepciniam darbo
aplinkos (organizacinio klimato) vertinimui.
Pilna Organizacinio klimato testo versija turi 137 požymius, kurie
sudaro 20 dimensijų, sutrumpinta versija išlaiko tą patį dimensijų skaičių ir turi
67 tiriamus požymius. Tarpgeneracinės įtampos klausimyno adaptuota versija turi
7 dimensijas ir matuoja 32 požymius.
Tyrimo mokslinis naujumas.
 Teoriniu hipotetiniu požiūriu prasmingai susiję konstruktai -
„Tarpgeneracinė įtampa“ ir „Organizacinis klimatas“, ypač jų sąryšis, kaip
savarankiškas tyrimo objektas, turimais duomenimis, beveik nenagrinėti.
Empiriškai statistiškai pagrįsta, kad tarpgeneraciniai santykiai organizacijoje yra
viena iš organizacinio klimato raiškos formų. Tokiu būdu tarpgeneracinių
santykių pobūdis yra viena iš organizacinio klimato dimensijų ir empirinių
indikatorių. Be to, rastos ir empiriškai-statistiškai patvirtintos kai kurios kitos
visiškai naujos organizacinio klimato dimensijos bei diagnostiniai indikatoriai:
„gandai, apkalbos, veidmainiavimas“, „atėjimas į organizaciją ir išėjimas iš jos“,
„kartų santykiai“, „klikų, neformalių grupių susidarymas“, „verbalinė ir
neverbalinė komunikacija“.
 Atskleisti tipologiškai įvairiose Lietuvos darbo organizacijose
egzistuojantys statistiniai sąryšiai tarp organizacinio klimato ir kitų teoriškai
prasmingų, hipotetiškai tikėtinų konstruktų ir sociodemografinių kintamųjų.
Atskleista sisteminga organizacinio klimato raiškos priklausomybė nuo amžiaus
kintamojo ir darbuotojų sociodemografinės struktūros.
 Sukurta ir sėkmingai išbandyta nauja statistinio tyrimo strategija,
paremta klasterinės analizės ir dispersinės analizės derinimu. Ji leidžia nagrinėti
organizacinio klimato priklausomybę nuo darbinių padalinių ir komandų
sociodemografinės struktūros, ypač nuo darbuotojo amžiaus sąryšyje su kitais
kintamaisiais (lytimi, išsimokslinimu).
 Atlikta teorinė ir metodologinė socialinių tyrimų apie organizacinį
klimatą ir tarpgeneracinius santykius būklės refleksija. Pastaroji aplinkybė įgalino
atpažinti ir konkrečiai suformuluoti labai aktualias tolesnių tyrimų kryptis.
 Sukurtas ir metodologinės kokybės požiūriu patikrintas naujas
standartizuotas Organizacinio klimato vertinimo klausimynas, adaptuotas ir
metodologinės kokybės požiūriu patikrintas standartizuotas tarpgeneracinės
įtampos vertinimo organizacijose klausimynas.
Disertacinio tyrimo teorinis reikšmingumas pasireiškia tuo, kad:
 išplėsti ir papildyti iki šiol egzistavę moksliniai vaizdiniai apie
organizacinio klimato dimensinę struktūrą. Patikslinta organizacinio klimato
samprata, rastas teorinis-hipotetinis paaiškinimas, kodėl iki šiol moksle nerasta
(ir, matyt, apskritai negali būti rasta) vieninga konstrukto dimensinė struktūra;
 atskleista organizacinio klimato tyrimų sociologinė tapatybė,
parodyta, kodėl aktualu ir reikšminga tyrinėti organizacinio klimato reiškinį
sociologijos (ypač organizacijų sociologijos, grupių sociologijos) mokslo
 atskleistas problemiškumas (ir netgi negalimumas) sukurti kokį nors
„generalistinį“, universalų ir invariantišką (visur galiojantį) kartų struktūravimo
teorinį modelį. iškeliama idėja, kad socialinių nuostatų ir socialinių percepcijų
tyrimai (taip pat ir tokie, kurie yra atlikti darbo organizacijose) paprastai sukuria
rezultatų interpretacijos disfunkciją. Praktiškai visuomet lieka neaišku, kas –
individo sąmonės ir elgesio pokyčiai ontogenezėje (raidos psichologijos požiūris)
ar priklausomybė generacijai, pasidalintos kolektyvinės patirtys (sociologinis
kultūrologinis požiūris) – yra atsakingi ir paaiškina amžiaus poveikį nuostatoms ir
socialinėms percepcijoms.
Tyrimo praktinis reikšmingumas pasireiškia tuo, kad:
 Sukurtas Organizacinio klimato klausimynas bei adaptuotas
Tarpgeneracinės įtampos klausimynas pasižymi aukštomis metodologinės
kokybės charakteristikomis, todėl minėti instrumentai gali būti taikomi kitų
socialinių tyrinėtojų moksliniuose projektuose, taikomuosiuose
(užsakomuosiuose) tyrimuose bei organizacijų konsultavimo (plačiąja prasme)
 Apibendrinti tyrimo duomenys suteikia informacijos ir konkrečių
paskatų kryptingai žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo politikai, strategijai ir praktikai
šalies darbo organizacijose.
 Disertacinio projekto metu sukaupta teorinė, metodologinė-metodinė
ir faktinė medžiaga gali būti panaudota aukštosiose studijose dėstant organizacijų
sociologijos, visuomenės socialinės struktūros ir darbo rinkos, žmogaus socialinės
raidos, žmogiškųjų išteklių vadybos ir kitus panašaus pobūdžio kursus bei
modulius, taip pat rengiant baigiamuosius darbus.
Disertacijos struktūra. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, teorinė,
metodologinė, empirinė dalys ir išvados. Įvade pristatoma tyrimo problema,
apibrėžiamas darbo tikslas, uždaviniai, nurodomas mokslinis naujumas, teorinis ir
praktinis reikšmingumas.
Pirmoje disertacijos dalyje „Organizacinis klimatas ir
tarpgeneraciniai santykiai: konceptualizacija ir sąryšis“ pristatoma
organizacinio klimato bei kartų darbo aplinkoje tyrimų apžvalga. Šiame skyriuje
pateikiama organizacinio klimato konceptualizacija, dimensionalizacija, tyrimų
instrumentai, aptariama klimato diagnostika kiekybiniais metodais, taip pat
trumpai pristatomi tyrėjų rezultatai ir teoriniai samprotavimai apie klimato ir kitų
giminingų konstruktų (kultūros, pasitenkinimo darbu, psichologinio klimato)
atskyrimą. Atskiras poskyris nagrinėja tyrimų apie kartas darbo aplinkoje ir
organizacijose problematiką – pristatoma generacijos samprata bei empirinės
studijos, įvardijant amžiaus struktūravimo ir kartų išskyrimo praktiką, pateikiant
amžiaus efektų ir generacinių skirtumų organizacijose tyrimų apžvalgą, amžiaus
kaip psichosocialinio kintamojo tyrimų ypatumus. Šioje dalyje taip pat
nagrinėjami klimatą veikiantys veiksniai, klimato sąryšis su sociodemografiniais
kintamaisiais (amžiumi, lytimi, išsimokslinimu). Nurodomos prielaidos nagrinėti
tarpgeneracinius santykius organizacijose naudojant organizacinio klimato
Antrojoje disertacijos dalyje „Tarpgeneracinių santykių ir
organizacinio klimato sąryšis: diagnostinio tyrimo dizainas“ pristatomi darbe
naudojami matavimo instrumentai bei tyrimo imčių ir duomenų normavimo bazės
charakteristikos. Darbe naudojami du klausimynai – tai Organizacinio klimato
testas ir Tarpgeneracinės įtampos klausimynas.
Trečiojoje disertacijos dalyje „Organizacinio klimato ir
tarpgeneracinių santykių diagnostinio tyrimo rezultatai“ pristatomos darbe
naudojamų klausimynų metodologinės kokybės charakteristikos bei pagrindiniai
tyrimų rezultatai. Šioje dalyje nagrinėjamas organizacinio klimato ir
tarpgeneracinės įtampos sąryšis, amžiaus kaip nepriklausomo kintamojo sąryšis
su organizaciniu klimatu. Taip pat pristatoma nauja tyrimo strategija, paremta
klasterinės ir dispersinės analizės derinimu. Ši metodika leidžia nagrinėti
organizacinio klimato priklausomybę nuo darbinių padalinių ir komandų
sociodemografinės (amžiaus, lyties, išsimokslinimo) struktūros.
Disertacijos darbo pabaigoje pateiktos išvados, literatūros sąrašas, taip
pat su disertacijos tema susijusių publikacijų moksliniuose leidiniuose sąrašas.

UDK 316.354(043)

SL 344. 2007-12-13. 1,75 leidyb. apsk. 1. Tiražas 70 egz. Užsakymas 628. Išleido
leidykla „Technologija“, K. Donelaičio g. 73, 44029 Kaunas. Spausdino leidyklos
„Technologija“ spaustuvė, Studentų g. 54, 51424 Kaunas.

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