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5e Nyxad

Ability Scores: a Nyxad has +2 Dexterity +1 Intelligence

Darkvision: Thanks to your mixed divine and nymph blood, you have superior vision in
dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness,
only shades of gray.

Divine Nymph: Nyxads are the descendents of the Sacred union between the goddess
Nyx and the Sylph Evelyn, their types are humanoid and fey, and though some exist on
the material plane, they originate from the Shroud, the Dark Space between planes

Age: Nyxads reach physical maturity at 24 and cease to age upon reaching physical
maturity. They do not possess a maximum age.

Slight Build: Nyxads are Medium Creatures. a nyxad is between 4'8" and 5'5"(4'5"+3d4")
and weights between 83 and 128 lbs (80 lbs plus additional pounds equal to extra
inches x1d4)

Energetic: Nyxads don't need to sleep as long as most other races. Instead, they sleep
for 4 hours a day. While sleeping in this fashion, they gain the same benefit as a human
long resting for 8 hours and dream normally. If you sleep this way during a long rest,
you finish the rest after only 4 hours. You otherwise obey all the rules for a long rest;
only the duration is changed.

Normal Speed: a Nyxad has a base speed of 30 feet

:Keen Senses, a Nyxad is proficient in the Perception skill.

Shadow Blending: Being creatures that come from things dark and shrouded, a Nyxad
has the ability to blend in with darkness, making her harder to find . She can attempt to
hide when is in an area of dim light or darkness even if that is the only obscurement she

Languages: Common, Sylvan

Nyxads are Lithe and Nimble from their slight statures combined with their enhanced
senses increasing their reaction speeds due to their lack of size decreasing space
between neurons and reducing neural travel time allowing faster processing of
information and quicker reflexes
they Learn Quickly due to their prolonged youth, learning new skills as swiftly as a
toddler learns their first tongue and they are also Endearing at heart due to their
seemingly harmless nature combined with thier slight stature making them come across
as cute and vulnerable; evoking a reaction like that of a kitten or a rabbit.

a Nyxad depends heavily on her senses as the core of her survival tactic as well as her
ability to glean information anywhere. In other words, their reason for surviving is their
ability to perceive, process, learn and adapt. As the fey descendants of the goddess
Nyx and the Sylph Evelyn, they are cutesy shadow aspected minor nymphs

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