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European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp.

310–319, 2007
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0263-2373 $32.00

Self-service Revisited:
How to Balance
High-tech and
High-touch in Customer
HARALD SALOMANN, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
MALTE DOUS, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
LUTZ KOLBE, University of Göttingen, Germany
WALTER BRENNER, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

In recent years, many companies have infused more 2000). Customers are no longer passive consumers of
and more self-service technology into their cus- a manufacturer’s products and services (Wikström,
tomer relationships. As a result the balance between 1996). Nowadays, customers are engaged in a pro-
high-tech and high-touch has become a key chal- active relationship with a company, making them
lenge of today’s customer relationship management an essential part of the firm’s value-creating network
initiatives. In this paper, we present a cross-case as co-workers, or even co-designers of services and
analysis of two companies that we identified as products (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2000).
‘‘good practices’’ in achieving this balance. From
the case studies’ findings we derive two possible This development was triggered by Clarence Saun-
strategies for service automation: an intimacy-dri- ders in 1916. He founded the world’s first self-service
ven and a personality driven approach. We also dis- grocery store, called Piggly Wiggly, in Memphis,
cuss key success factors that have to be considered Tennessee. It was unlike any other grocery store of
for the implementation of these strategies. that time in which the usual procedure was for shop-
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. pers to present their orders to the clerk. The clerk
then gathered the goods for the shopper and handed
Keywords: Customer relationship management, them over. Saunders recognised that the customer
Self-service, Self-service technology, service was an untapped resource. He came up with an idea
automation unheard of before: customers had to serve them-
selves! Soon after the launch of the first self-service
store, Saunders patented his self-service format and
issued franchises to hundreds of grocery retailers to
Introduction run Piggly Wiggly stores.

The bright demarcation line that once distinguished The Piggly Wigglys of today are companies such as
a company and its employees from the customer is Amazon, Dell or IKEA, but the basic concept is still
rapidly fading. Thanks largely to the emergence of the same: customers themselves perform tasks that
self-service technology, the dynamics of the market- were once done for them by others (Toffler, 1970).
place have completely changed (Bitner, Ostrom and The success of these companies’ business model is
Meuter, 2002; Meuter, Ostrom, Roundtree and Bitner, indisputable. And, more importantly, self-services

310 European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 310–319, August 2007

pay off! For example, Amtrak introduced telephone companies to save costs, but on the other hand self-
self-service by means of an IVR (Interactive Voice service leads to a lack of personal interaction with
Response) system that allowed cost savings of $13 customers. In this study, we also found significant
million; likewise, Royal Mail’s IVR system led to a evidence to support our argumentation that the bal-
25% reduction in its customer service costs (The ance between high-tech and high-touch is the self-
Economist, 2004). Therefore, the combination of service domain’s major challenge.
self-service and technology is believed ‘‘to transform
the service economy in much the same way that mass We present the implications of self-services on cus-
production transformed manufacturing, by allowing tomer relationships in the following paragraph. After
services to be delivered at low cost in large volumes’’ a brief outline of the research methodology we intro-
(The Economist, 2004). duce the results of our cross-case analysis. In this
context, the case studies of UBS and Swiss Re illustrate
However, the infusion of self-service technology into how these companies manage the balance between
customer relationships comes at a price. A study con- high-tech and high-touch effectively as part of their
ducted by the market research company Forrester, in self-service initiatives. From this we discuss intimacy-
which 110 large companies were surveyed, shows driven and personality-driven approaches towards
that IVR systems meet customers’ needs only 18% self-service and the key success factors that have
of the time, which is less than any other type of cus- to be considered for implementing these strategies.
tomer contact (Temkin, Manning, Sonderegger and
Amato, 2004). Likewise, a study by Accenture that
examined the use of self-service in the telecommuni-
cations industry, found that consumers consider tele- The Industrialisation of Service
phone self-service as time consuming, confusing and
impersonal (Accenture, 2004). Therefore, it comes to The service sector’s industrialisation will have the
no surprise that self-services are often blamed for same impact that mass production had on manufac-
the weakening of social bonds (Gremler and Gwin- turing. In the age of industry, scientific management,
ner, 2000; Selnes and Hansen, 2001), loss of client invented by Frederick Winslow Taylor, degraded
control as well as hampered customer retention workers to brainless, interchangeable production sys-
(Mulligan and Gordon, 2002). tem elements. At that time, workers’ tasks had been
broken down into a standardised and fixed sequence
The above facts point to the huge potential, but also of steps, also called ‘‘the one best way’’ (Taylor, 1911).
to the great dangers of the self-service approach.
Through case studies and interviews with the execu- Today, companies have turned away from this scien-
tives behind self-service initiatives, we have learned tific management approach and treat their employees
a lot about self-service-driven strategies and their as their most valuable resource. Peter F. Drucker
likelihood of success. The question arising from this emphasised that people are a company’s only true
is: what differentiates the winners from the losers resource (Drucker, 1999). Consequently, human
in the self-service arena? In order to address this resources concepts, such as job rotation and job
question, we conducted numerous case studies at enrichment, have been developed to increase
renowned European companies over the last eight employees’ motivation. The brainless elements of
years. Based on this extensive case study repository, the industrial age have finally become knowledge
we argue that the balance between high-tech and workers. But the standardised sequence of steps,
high-touch in customer relationships is the key chal- the ‘‘one best way’’, is still there. It has just been out-
lenge faced by the self-service domain. We will illus- sourced to someone else: the customer. Similarly, the
trate our findings by presenting in-depth case studies brainless workers at the assembly line of the past
from two companies where we identified successful have become the self-service customers of today.
self-service practices: UBS and Swiss Re. We chose Customer experience in today’s industrialised ser-
these companies because they represent successful vice economy basically means pushing buttons, mov-
blueprints for either an intimacy-driven or a person- ing mice and talking to machines over and over
ality-driven approach which will allow companies to again. What about job enrichment concepts for cus-
combine both high-tech and high-touch. Further- tomers? This current, technology-driven scenario
more, our research is backed with quantitative- comes close to what Alan Cooper, an expert on user
empirical data collected by means of a survey of interaction, describes as the ‘dancing bear’ phenome-
1,000 executives of renowned companies in Ger- non: a bear dances clumsily, entertaining a circus
man-speaking regions such as Allianz, Deutsche audience and even though everyone knows that the
Bank, and Lufthansa. The goals of this survey were bear is not a good dancer, they are amazed by the
to evaluate the status quo of today’s self-service fact that the bear is dancing at all (Cooper, 2004).
activities with particular regard to critical success Nowadays, self-services in customer relationships
factors and common pitfalls across different indus- largely consist of such ‘dancing bears’.
tries (see Appendix A for sample characteristics).
The main finding was that self-service represents a Why have these ‘dancing bears’ evolved? Part of the
double-edged sword. On the one hand, it allows answer is that executives are more concerned about

European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 310–319, August 2007 311

Profiling Your Self-service

Is your self-service strategy geared towards high-tech or high-
touch? Although this decision is not an either-or choice, the
following five questions help to identify which elements of your
strategy are high-touch and which are high-tech.
High-Touch High-Tech

no Do
Do we
we consider
consider technology
technology as
as the
the key
key enabler
enabler for
for our
our self-service
self-service activities?
activities? yes

no Is
Is our
our self-services’
self-services’ value
value proposition
proposition primarily
primarily based
based on
on cost
cost reductions?
reductions? yes

yes Do
Do we
we involve
involve all
all stakeholders
stakeholders from
from development
development to
to deployment?
deployment? no

yes Do
Do we
we implement
implement customer’s
customer’s feedback
feedback in
in our
our self-service
self-service offerings?
offerings? no

yes Are
Are self-services’
self-services’ functionalities
functionalities aligned
aligned with
with the
the customer
customer process?
process? no

Figure 1 Five Questions for Profiling a Company’s Self-service Activities

the bottom line than about the customer’s experience. In order to avoid the fate of banks and their some-
The business pain that currently hurts executives what ambiguous experiences with ATMs, executives
most is the permanent and ongoing pressure to must reposition their self-service and face up to the
streamline processes and cut down costs. Our challenges ahead. But where should companies begin
research confirms with current data that the primary to look for a competitive advantage? The answer is
reason for executives to introduce self-services is cost pretty simple: since you want your customers to do
reduction (see Appendix B). Furthermore, the partic- the job for you, you should first start listening to
ipating executives see the heavy use of Internet as the them. They ask for simplicity, control, less annoy-
key self-service technology followed by kiosks, tele- ance, higher touch, and easy-to-use technologies. By
phone and video/CD as other enabling technologies infusing personal touch into self-services companies
(see Appendix C). can change the way how customers mentally per-
ceive them. But where should executives start to cre-
Our research findings indicate that most executives’ ate value for their companies? As a useful starting
decisions are based on the belief that self-service tech- point, we recommend examining self-service activi-
nology streamlines processes while simultaneously ties’ status quo in order to determine whether you
saving money. However, this belief has to be critically are on the high-tech or on the high-touch side. Figure
reviewed as the history of ATM shows. The first 1 shows five key questions that have to be considered
ATMs had been installed in the late 1960s. Banks were along this way.
eager to deploy these machines to replace costly live
teller use with ATM transactions. The expectations In the following section, we present two established
at that time were that costs could be significantly low- companies that have been successful at combining
ered. However, none of this has been realised. It costs both high-tech and high-touch in customer relation-
between $15,000 and $50,000 to deploy a single ships – after first profiling their self-service activities.
machine, the maintenance and operations expenses Starting from either a high-touch or a high-tech
range from $12,000 to $15,000 per ATM per year (Stav- perspective, they have been able to overcome the
ins, 2000). Furthermore, although ATM transactions either-or choice. A personality-driven approach allows
are cheaper than those involving a teller, customers companies to successfully complement their high-
use the ATM more frequently because they withdraw tech self-service with high-touch elements as the
smaller amounts of cash during each transaction. UBS case demonstrates. In contrast, starting from a
Thus, the total number of transactions is higher, high-touch position, an intimacy-driven approach as
which eventually diminishes the overall cost savings. adopted by Swiss Re enables firms to introduce
As a matter of fact, banks are losing money on their self-services while maintaining the existing level of
ATMs (Florian, Burke and Mero, 2004). high-touch.

This example raises critical questions that executives

should ask themselves with regard to the automation
of services: What are the potential consequences of Analysis and Discussion of Self-services in
the introduction of self-services for our organisations? Practice
What are the implications for the different stakehold-
ers along the value chain? Is there an opportunity Research Methodology
for us to strengthen our business proposition? How
can we successfully compete and stay ahead of the Our research approach is based on an explanatory
competition in a transformed self-service economy? multiple-case study design. We therein addressed

312 European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 310–319, August 2007

Table 1 Overview of Case Sites

Company Characteristicsa UBS Swiss Re

Description Swiss-based universal bank Swiss-based reinsurer

Total income/revenue 39,896 35,009
Net income/profit 14,690 1,451
Employees (FTE) 69,569 8,882
Business Segments Wealth Management, Property & Casualty, Life & Health,
Business Banking, Asset Management, Financial Services, Corporate Centre
Investment Banking, Industrial Holdings
Analysed Business Unit (BU) Customer Service Center (CSC) Property & Casualty
Approach towards self-service Personality-driven approach starting Intimacy-driven approach starting from a
from a high-tech perspective high-touch perspective
as of 2005; figures in CHF millions; taken from annual reports

the questions related to the ‘‘how’’ and ‘‘why’’ of our cases (i.e. UBS voice and SwiftRe), the primary inter-
research. In this context, we were especially inter- viewee was the senior manager in charge of the self-
ested in ascertaining why self-service initiatives suc- service solution under examination. Consequently,
ceed within companies and how self-services can the case data is primarily derived from interviews
enhance the performance of particular processes. with senior executives. We also had access to internal
The deployment of case studies in order to generate data such as presentations, project descriptions, fea-
explanations follows the research approach proposed sibility studies, and the like. We used these artefacts
by Yin (Yin, 2002). as secondary sources for case information in order to
validate the derived data and to further extend the
The case data were collected in a study of UBS and empirical basis of our case studies. For the case
Swiss Re. These sites were chosen for theoretical analysis, we used both within-case and cross-case
rather than statistical reasons, and selection was analysis of the data (Yin, 2002). The objective of the
based on two criteria: purposeful sampling and a within-case analysis was to build an explanation of
willingness to cooperate (Yin, 2002). By analysing the case by using a deduction and induction cycle.
different approaches to CRM, we adapted different The data’s validity was ensured through the use of
views and consequently gained a more complete pic- multiple sources of evidence, the interviewees’
ture of the possible challenges (Eisenhardt, 1989). reviews of the case interpretations and a chain of evi-
Table 1 provides a brief overview of the case sites. dence provided by the case data. The cross-case anal-
ysis was carried out in order to locate and examine
The structure for the central component, the semi- the similarities and differences across the two cases.
structured interviews, was provided by Senger and The objective was to generalise beyond the data
Österle’s case study method (Senger and Österle, and, through this, discover the challenges that play
2002). Following the business engineering principles, an important role in technology-based self-service.
this method describes three generic steps: (a) the old
situation and the resulting problem perception, (b)
the transformation project as well as (c) the new solu-
tion with discussions relating to the costs and bene-
Does Your Self-service have Personality?
fits. For our research purpose, we customised the – Persona Design at UBS
proposed structure in respect of the topic of how
self-services can be used to enhance a company’s When Swiss-based UBS, one of the biggest financial
products and services. This resulted in the following services conglomerates in the world, decided to com-
key interview questions: plement their touchtone IVR with a voice-based solu-
tion, called ‘UBS voice’, in 2001, they already had a
v Self-service challenges: In which respect are self- high-tech self-service up and running. When profil-
services used to improve your products and ing their self-service, UBS realised that their activities
services? were mainly technology-driven and geared towards
v Self-service impact: Which approach to managing cost reductions. Starting from this high-tech/low-
and designing self-services did you employ to touch position, UBS’s aim wasn’t merely to develop
improve your products and services? an extension to the system that talks to the customer.
v Performance outcome: What are the tangible and This would have been yet another ‘dancing bear’. In
intangible results of self-service initiatives at your order to successfully complement high-tech self-ser-
company? vices with high-touch elements, UBS embraced an
approach called ‘persona design’. In this context, a
To clarify and elaborate on the case descriptions, personality is attached to the technological user inter-
they were reconciled with the interview partners, face that interacts with the customer. By doing so,
and sometimes required further interviews. In both UBS aimed at bringing the customer’s needs to the

European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 310–319, August 2007 313

forefront, thus providing efficiency, availability and to a human. However, UBS voice proves those oppo-
speed without any button use. The goal was to nents wrong. Usability tests showed that customers
develop a persona rather than a machine. relate exactly those characteristics to the machine
voice that the initiators wished to convey. In fact,
The focal point of UBS voice was to create an exciting results indicated that callers really enjoy talking to
customer experience. The customer should have the UBS voice and find the navigation and interaction
impression of talking to a nice, intelligent person, intuitive. Therefore, UBS considers this approach as
who loves her job. But the persona behind UBS voice far more than just an extension of a self-service’s
is much more detailed than that: she is a young, trai- usual design process. Persona design became an
nee broker, is truly money-minded, is a college grad- indispensable element of the self-service develop-
uate, wears funky glasses, has long hair, and lives ment process.
with her artist boyfriend. Furthermore, she likes to
talk on the phone and sees her work as a stepping-
stone to bigger and better things down the road.
How Intimate is Your Self-service?
These characteristics have been used to design the
interaction with the customer and they influence var- – Service Automation at Swiss Re
ious components of the dialogue such as the sentence
structure, pitch, and stream of speech. As a direct out- Starting from a high-touch/low-tech perspective,
come of this persona-driven approach, the computer Swiss Re, the world’s largest reinsurer, established
refers to itself in the first person in order to establish self-service intimacy along the lines of product, mar-
a close connection between the caller and the persona. ket and customer. In 1999, the small to medium-sized
For example, when calling UBS voice, the customer is facultative business at Swiss Re faced a tough choice
greeted with ‘‘How may I help you?’’, and not with triggered by increased cost pressure: either substan-
‘‘What would you like?’’. Another implication of UBS’s tially reduce this kind of reinsurance business –
persona-centric approach is the creation of casual dia- which would eventually mean leaving the business
logues that reflect the straightforward, girl-next-door and market share to the competitors - or cut the
image that the persona’s characteristics suggest. An administration costs substantially. Swiss Re decided
example demonstrating this implication would be a on the latter, and developed an e-business reinsur-
casual ‘‘Okay, what else can I do for you?’’ instead of a ance solution called SwiftRe in order to meet this
rather formal ‘‘Please state your request, now!’’. This challenge. Although the streamlining of processes
persona-driven approach’s overriding principle was and the realisation of cost reduction were drivers,
to make the self-service experience as intuitive as pos- the guiding line during SwiftRe’s development was
sible for the customer. to tailor the online functionalities exactly to the cus-
tomers and markets’ needs. Therefore, Swift Re was
Furthermore, persona design also facilitated UBS developed by experts who know the business and
voice’s development process in two ways. First, a understand the particular needs of the markets and
persona provides guidance throughout a voice-based clients.
application’s design process. How do we design the
interaction with the customer? Formal or casual? Is Swiss Re’s intimacy approach consists of three ele-
it going to be a male or a female voice? Persona ments: market, client and product. First of all, in
design provides answers to these kinds of questions order to ensure the system’s market orientation, the
that are essential for a customer’s perception of the SwiftRe development team closely collaborates with
self-service. Second, the introduction of a voice- the underwriters in the respective countries. By
based self-service solution involves very different means of workshops and during in-depth interviews,
people with heterogeneous backgrounds. Making underwriters explicate their business knowledge,
managers, programmers, interaction designers and which is then implemented in SwiftRe. Furthermore,
the like talk the same ‘language’ is quite a challenge, every system launch involves a pilot phase with lead
as all of them have their own view of ‘the user’ and users to ensure that that the system caters to the mar-
what he likes, dislikes or what she might think of this ket’s specific needs. Secondly, SwiftRe’s online func-
and that feature. In this context, a concrete persona tionalities are tailored to the customers’ needs when
with a detailed background and specific characteris- they manage facultative reinsurance business. The
tics denotes a powerful communication tool that starting point was an analysis of the customers’ pro-
helps to shorten those endless debates. cess and the sequence of steps that they have to per-
form. This served as the basis of the development of
There has been much discussion among practitioners SwiftRe’s functionalities, such as the modification,
and researchers on how much effort should be renewal and cancellation of placements and the like.
expended on making a machine sound human (Yam- This approach resulted in a user-friendly design and
aguchi, Suzuki and Ramamoorthy, 2003). Opponents high usability: data requirements and input fields
of the ‘humanisation of machines’ argue that this have been kept to a minimum; only information
would manipulate the user’s experience, which even- needed for pricing and exposure purposes and for
tually leads to disappointment when the customer accumulation control have to be entered. Moreover,
discovers that she’s talking to a machine rather than apart from the client’s input during the pilot phase,

314 European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 310–319, August 2007

events during which clients have the opportunity to of both worlds leads to success. Depending on their
provide further input and feedback to SwissRe’s starting point, companies can adopt an intimacy-dri-
eUnit team are held on a regular basis. These events ven or a personality-driven approach in order to
also offer the opportunity to present new features to reposition their self-service. By doing so, firms will
the clients and to discuss their implications. This be able to propel their self-service into a lucrative
strong focus on clients’ input and the input’s incor- position that allows them to combine both high-tech
poration into the system’s design, is a major SwiftRe and high-touch (see Figure 2).
strength. Finally, SwiftRe has a clear product focus:
only small and medium-sized facultative business The UBS and Swiss Re experiences reveal the spec-
is placed online in order to reduce inefficiencies. trum of choices available and illustrate the trade-offs
Consequently, self-services are limited to opportuni- involved in each choice. In order to achieve the bal-
ties during which financial benefits can be reaped for ance between high-tech and high-touch, companies
Swiss Re and its clients alike. These benefits are have to consider several critical success factors that
shared between Swiss Re and its clients, which even- will help them to avoid the dancing bear syndrome.
tually means that transaction costs for both parties
are lower. Furthermore, SwiftRe’s clearly defined Involve Your Business Partners End-to-end. Com-
scope has led to more interaction and better relation- panies should strive to integrate all self-service stake-
ships with customers, since underwriters can now holders from the self-service’s development to its
focus on large and complex risks. SwiftRe provides deployment. In this context, Ford provides a caution-
Swiss Re and its clients with more time to jointly ary tale. Currently, more than 80% of Ford’s custom-
focus on complex business approaches and innova- ers browse the company’s Web site before entering a
tive solutions and, consequently, on increasing dealer’s showroom (The Economist, 2005). Conse-
personal contacts. So far, SwiftRe’s results are aston- quently, Ford contemplated an approach that would
ishing by any standards. It is currently available in allow those customers to buy cars directly via its web
more than 40 countries and is used by over 200 site. The major weakness of this otherwise innovative
clients. It has to date transacted more than 20,000 fac- strategy was that the attempted transition to a self-
ultative acceptances, which is up to 30% more of the service company hadn’t involved one major stake-
targeted business than originally expected. holder: its dealers. When the dealers finally learned
of Ford’s plans, they were displeased, as they were
afraid that they would be omitted from the value
Implications for Practice chain. Ford was eventually forced to relinquish its
idea and instead developed a program called ‘Inter-
Most companies consider high-tech and high-touch net Approved’ (Gilbert and Bacheldor, 2000). This
as an either-or choice. However, the examples of time the company collaborated with its dealers right
Swiss Re and UBS demonstrate that taking the best from the start.

Intimacy-driven Approach
Starting from a high-touch position, companies can
successfully introduce self-services by adding high-tech
while maintaining their level of high-touch simultaneously.
This kind of intimacy can be achieved by:
Touch • incorporating knowledge of employees, clients, and
markets as well as
• establishing a clear product focus.

Personality-driven Approach
By complementing their high-tech self-services with high-
touch elements, companies can successfully bring the
customer experience to the forefront. This high-touch can
be created by:
• attaching ‘human’ elements such as intuitive navigation,
opt-out mechanisms to personal channels, and
• applying persona-based approaches rather than thinking

in terms of technology, computers, and machines.


Low High

Figure 2 Strategies for Managing Self-service Initiatives

European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 310–319, August 2007 315

One company that has done a very good job of self-service channel at any time, thereby giving the
involving stakeholders from start to finish is Swiss customer a higher degree of control, is a crucial fac-
Re whose case was presented above. When starting tor in self-service designs. Likewise, offering ‘opt
its self-service activities, Swiss Re’s underwriters in’ options may also leverage opportunities in the
offered the same resistance as the Ford dealers, customer interaction: the latest generation of ATMs
because they thought that SwiftRe would replace is already geared for ‘dialogue’ with the customer.
them. However, unlike Ford, Swiss Re collaborated Based on customer analytics, individual offers are
closely with its underwriters right from the begin- presented to ATM users during waiting time. If inter-
ning. It was made clear to them that SwiftRe sup- ested, the customer may request a phone call or
ported and would not replace their work since the information via email through his ‘dialogue’ with
application focused on one particular part of the the machine.
business: small and medium-sized risks. Conse-
quently, the underwriters became an essential part Start with Your Customers’ Processes, not with
of the development process, providing a valuable yours. More often than not, when analysing how
source for SwiftRe’s business logic. As the Swiss Re firms adopt a self-service approach, we see that they
case showed, underwriters now have even more per- lack a clear understanding of what they’re up to. Suc-
sonal contacts with their clients than before SwiftRe cessful companies fully understand their customers’
was introduced. processes, i.e. the sequence of activities that patrons
perform to purchase and use a product or service.
Don’t Persuade Your Customers – convince them. They therefore develop intuitive user interfaces by
While sending high-gloss brochures that praise the designing self-service functionalities in line with
‘simplicity’ of self-service offerings, or introducing their customers’ expectations. Part of a smartly posi-
charges to steer customers towards the online chan- tioned self-service offering’s appeal comes from
nel, many companies forget that providing added explicitly implementing knowledge from clients
value is the best motivation to foster self-services. and markets by taking an outside-in perspective.
For Swiss Re, the self-service platform provides pro- That’s exactly what Swiss Re did when developing
cess support for both underwriters and customers. its online reinsurance solution. In contrast, compa-
The gained efficiency and time savings are equally nies that primarily focus on the streamlining of
shared between the company and its customers and internal processes and the realisation of cost reduc-
are invested in the customer relationship: innovative tions - as most firms do - fail to tailor their self-
solutions for larger and more complex risks are service products to their clients and customers’ needs.
jointly elaborated and personal contact is minimised
in respect of repeated small transactions. Swisscom How is an outside-in view achieved? The answer is
provides an example of how added value is gener- pretty simple: first start listening to your customers
ated in the business-to-consumer domain. Switzer- and then engage them in a dialogue. Consider eBay’s
land’s largest telecommunications provider offers so-called ‘town hall’ meetings. During these events
its fixed line customers an online billing function. when users are invited onto the website’s message
On Swisscom’s ‘eBill’ platform, customers find a boards, eBay’s executives listen to the users and feel
number of graphic analysis tools with which to mon- the community’s pulse. This provides them with
itor their expenses over time and across different merciless feedback, particularly if something goes
connection types and with which to set cost alerts wrong. With the help of this self-service, customers
and limits. While Swisscom is saving money with have literally become the company’s most valuable
every non-paper invoice, customers obtain support employees.
for their control of costs. These are the mechanisms
that encourage them to use self-services rather than
forcing them to do so.

See Self-service as a Supplement, not as a Replace- Conclusion and Outlook

ment. When thinking about self-service channels,
many companies tend to perceive the contact points Self-services are here to stay. The question is: which
with their customers as conflicting rather than com- approaches will prove to be successful and which
plementing. However, options for integrating self- ones are doomed? The UBS and Swiss Re cases pro-
service channels with personal contact are manifold. vided insightful examples of innovative and well-
Take Lufthansa as an example: although most pas- crafted ways of successfully positioning a self-service
sengers accept the self-check-in terminals, Lufthansa offering. Most companies aren’t self-service innova-
offers personal assistance if passengers have prob- tors. But a self-service does not have to be novel to
lems with the process. DKV, a leading German insur- succeed. To a large extent, the answer to the question
ance company, offers access to a ‘call-back button’ will therefore be influenced by a company’s capabil-
during any step when guiding a customer through ity to manage the trade-offs between the self-service
a self-service process like reporting an accident or environment’s high-tech and the high-touch that cus-
changing contract details. These examples make it tomers require. By avoiding an either-or approach
obvious that offering ways to ‘opt out’ from the and carefully considering the above-described

316 European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 310–319, August 2007

factors, companies can successfully combine high- In the end, it is the customer who decides where to get
tech and high-touch. in touch with a company – the latter will have little
choice in setting priorities in respect of the channels,
What the future will hold when high-tech and high- but must be prepared to always present its value
touch are successfully combined in self-service offer- proposition at a consistently high quality. If done
ings can be witnessed firsthand at Second Life, a 3-D right, self-service seamlessly integrates into the over-
virtual world built and owned by its residents. all customer perception of a company and creates
Founded in 2003 it has become a visionary play- value for both parties. If done wrong, customers will
ground of currently almost 2.5 million people from go their separate ways, as the story of Clarence Saun-
around the world. Each resident can create his own ders illustrates: In 1937, twenty-one years after he suc-
persona adding the necessary feeling of high-touch cessfully launched the first self-service grocery store,
to the virtual high-tech world. Like in the real world Saunders designed a completely automated store,
people can meet other residents, buy land, build called ‘‘Keedoozle’’ (for ‘‘Key Does All’’). Customers
houses or start their own business (Ondrejka, 2004). entering the store were handed a small pistol-like key
Although it is a virtual world, money in Second Life that they placed in the keyhole below the goods they
is real and has already produced a millionaire in U.S. wished to buy. The quantity was determined by the
dollars. Ailin Graef (or Anshe Chung which is her number of times they pulled the key’s trigger. By
persona’s name) made a fortune by developing and being too far ahead of his time, Saunders placed too
selling properties for real-world corporations (Hof, much emphasis on high-tech and lost sight of the
2006). By setting up branches in the virtual world, high-touch that customers require. The machinery
businesses such as Wal-Mart, American Express proved unreliable, particularly at busy times, and
and Intel use Second Life to evaluate new ways of the resulting delays, coupled with high maintenance
developing, designing and marketing innovative costs, eventually set the seal on Keydoozle’s downfall.
products and services. It had been Saunders’s version of the dancing bear.

Appendix A. Sample Characteristics

Other 24% Banking/Financial

Service 35%

IT 2%
Pharmaceutical 2%
Transportation 2% Insurance 17%

Manufacturing 5%
Retail 5%
Telecommunications 8%

Appendix B. Reasons for Introducing Self-service

Motivation for introduction Cost reduction Increase customer Reach new
satisfaction and loyalty customer segments
Percentage of respondents 86% 77% 32%
Ranking 1 2 3

Appendix C. Diffusion of Self-service Technologies

Deployed Technology Internet Telephone/Voice Kiosk/Automat Video/CD
Percentage of respondents 96% 50% 23% 16%
Ranking 1 2 3 4

European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 310–319, August 2007 317

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318 European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 310–319, August 2007


MANN, University of St. University of Göttingen,
Gallen, Institute of Infor- Institute of Information
mation Management, Systems, Chair of Infor-
Mueller-Friedberg-Strasse mation Management,
8, CH-9000 St. Gallen, Platz der Göttinger Sie-
Switzerland. E-mail: ben 5, D-37073 Göttin-
harald.salomann@unisg. gen, Germany. E-mail:
ch lkolbe@uni-goettingen.
Harald Salomann is a
Research Associate at the Lutz Kolbe is a Professor
Institute of Information at the University of Göt-
Management at the University of St. Gallen, Switzer- tingen and holds the chair of Information Management.
land. His research interests include the infusion of Prior to that, he headed the Competence Center Cus-
technology in customer relationships by means of self- tomer Management at the Institute of Information
services as well as issues regarding privacy and trust in Management. His research interests are customer
the field of customer relationship management (CRM). relationship management, security management as well
as strategic information management.
University of St. Gallen, WALTER BRENNER,
Institute of Information University of St. Gallen,
Management, Mueller- Institute of Information
Friedberg-Strasse 8, CH- Management, Mueller-
9000 St. Gallen, Swit- Friedberg-Strasse 8, CH-
zerland. E-mail: mal- 9000 St. Gallen, Swit-
te.dous@ zerland. E-mail: walter.
Malte Dous is a Research
Associate at the Institute Walter Brenner is Profes-
of Information Manage- sor of Information Systems
ment at the University of at the University of St.
St. Gallen, Switzerland. His research focuses on the Gallen and Managing
organisational design of internal client relationships Director of the Institute of Information Management.
between IT and business units as well as on the man- His research focus is on integrated information man-
agement of customer knowledge. agement, customer relationship management and
innovative technologies.

European Management Journal Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 310–319, August 2007 319

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