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Pleasant, open-minded and xenophilic to a degree, nyxads are an all female species, short in stature,
roughly the size of a human middle-schooler, and are petite in form. Nyxads are intelligent, agile, and
perceptive. Possessing a pleasant, almost childishly innocent nature that belies a very adult and clever
intelligence, they make friends easily and getting them to hold a grudge is difficult. Easily feeling and
showing frustration they still handle things with intelligence and getting them to be petty, beyond
remarks born of frustration (snarkiness and sass), even childishly so, is a task. Most of the time they are
sweet and wonderful to be around.

Attributes: Control +1, Insight +1, Reason +1

Trait: Nyxad. Can reduce the difficulty of tests to see in darkness, but can suffer increased difficulty
and/or complications from very bright light (nausea and eye pain/headaches are common). They require
a nearly pure glucose diet, and protein is intoxicating to them. Their biochemistry may befuddle
doctors not familiar with their biology. They possess superior healing abilities as those of very healthy
children. Also they are ageless, a medical wonder. They are short in stature, and petite which may cause
problems navigating a galaxy meant for taller, and more mature appearing species, but be it's own
advantage in other circumstances.

The Wings Of A Fairy
Requirements: Nyxad, Character creation only
Some nyxads can manifest "ethereal" wings from their back. A beneficial mutation from inbreeding in
the past. These wings phase through clothing and appear as translucent shadow, possessing varying
texture and shape from nyxad to nyxad, though a common texture is warm viscous wax. As a minor
task a nyxad can manifest their wings and can move vertically as part of their movement. It takes a
minor task to retract the wings.

Reqruirements: Nyxad, lots and lots of practice.
You can sense the emotions of most living beings nearby, and can communicate telepathically with
other empaths and telepaths, as well as those with whom you are extremely familiar. You cannot choose
not to sense the emotions of those nearby, except for those who are resistant to telepathy. It may require
effort and a Task to pick out the emotions of a specific individual in a crowd, or to block out the
emotions of those nearby. Increase the Difficulty of this Task if the situation is stressful, if there are a
lot of beings present, if the target has resistance to telepathy, and other relevant factors.

Focus: "Dusk Empress Dances upon the Shroud of Night": A nyxad martial art that focuses on speed
and aggressive techniques to make up for the lack of nyxad stature and power.

The Sacred Union: The nyxad religion based on the origin story of their species

Physical maturity: 12-21

Reproductive maturity: 8-10
Nyx is the goddess of the shroud, a dimensions between all dimensions. Possessing a sweet, loving
demeanor, and a fondness for mortals, she is the goddess of all things of the night-and all things that
happen during the night: Love, passion, affection. She also has a protective and nurturing, almost
maternal side that when angered, can cause a lot of unwanted death.

Nyx: Goddess of the shroud and the night

• Goddess of Earthly passions
• Love and affection

Evelyn: A sylph that Nyx fell in love with and is the progenitor to the Nyxad race
• Associated with storms and weather because of her sylph nature
• Crops and harvest
• good fortune

there actually 2 Major Mandatory Languages on Nyx that are Taught in thier Public Education System
the Traditional Language: which is very similar to BC Era Pre-Roman Ancient Greek (think Herakles,
Perseus, etc) and a Language that came about in thier Equivalent to a "Renaissance Period" which
Sounds a Lot like High Elven as Mav can put it Umbrie herself had to Learn American English as the
Trade Language of the Federation and well, one of her things, was to come up with proper translations
of her planetary Languages for the Federation Archives. her time spent traveling between communities
within the Shroud Solar System taught her some of the regional dialects of Particular Nyxads, which
she describes as a difference in like a stroke for certain written letters or a difference in pronunciation
for certain key sounds. much like Castillian Spanish Versus Mexican Spanish she probably keeps a
primer of her translations hand written, as well as archived on her pad, in case she ever has to negotiate
with her home planet. she also would have huge files on all the regional high priestesses from before
she left as well as thier children or thier apprentices. up to Mav to define those though. as well as Key
Political figures in an Encyclopedia labeled "How to Please Evelyn." of course, this is part of the
homework she did during her education for extra credit and part of the interviews she answered. very
Extensive info on how to not upset a Nyxad. as well as the best info she can give on the gates, and what
they were used for and how they proved useful in fending off slavers with next to zero Nyxad
casualties. in other words, Umbrie would have spilled everything she could get away with to the
Starfleet higher ups on earth. and answered every question asked as honestly as she could have. Umbrie
has a huge file.

Nyxad Education is definitely Publically Funded Public Education

Skirts are a Religious, Cultural and Combat related thing on Nyx. in fact, a Nyxad Wearing Trousers is
usually seen as a Disrespectful Delinquent that one, doesn't care about martial or police work (either
one is a mandatory community service so often per century period for non-priestesses and most
priestesses serve anyway because looks good on them as priestesses for political reasons), discards the
religion that serves as such an influence in the lives of others, and has no respect for the culture, or the
warriors who fight for that culture, and a lot of the Nyxad combat styles work better with a skirt,
because pants would fuck over the required foot and legwork, because most Nyxad fighting styles use
the lower body, through momentum and footwork, to provide a compensation for lesser upper body
strength. so Nyxad fighting styles are very much like Tae Kwan Do, Capoera or Dervish style as close
parallels, being extremely mobile styles where you want a skirt for each of them. in fact, prior to her
time at Starfleet, Umbrie would have already had her mandatory 10 years of community service on
Nyx for the current century. because the combat training would be useful for adventuring, and she
would have been involved in retreiving the wounded in fending off those slavers. which would explain
her initial disappointment in convincing her not to major security but her aptitude for minoring. despite
her recent love of engineering in the last decade or so. "i'm too small for security? i did just finesies on

bit of Umbrie fleshing

she did military service on Nyx, as community service, because excuse to adventure, and practical
adventuring skills

more Nyx Worldbuilding.

Nyxads not only frown upon Trousers and Associate wearing them with criminal delinquency, much
like 21st century Terrans associated Tattoos with but Nyxads associate bright, vibrant, warm colors like
Red or Gold with Aggression and Energy, typically reserving them as Secondary Colors in a Military
Uniform, Black with Purity, like a blank Canvas, Cool Colors like blue or purple with an inviting,
hospitable, approachable nature, and White with the concept of Loss, so Nyxads mourning lost loved
ones and Nyxad Priestesses doing funeral rites typically dress in white. in fact, even white
undergarments are seen as a sign of mourning, so most Nyxads usually don't wear white beneath thier
skirts when they don't have an attachment they are still mourning. in fact, white undergarments under
non-white clothing is seen as a sign of trying to conceal your grief, usually because a family member
somehow beleives you should have moved on. this is typically the case of Nyxads with "Elena's Curse"
losing an adopted or otherwise non-sexually produced child and lacking the means to fill the gap. in
fact, Nyxads with "Elena's Curse" are more likely to mourn thier lost children for longer and more
likely to conceal it in front of thier families, because the biological disorder has a social stigma. like
"she has the curse." "how do you know?" "who else would wear white panties under a blue dress to
conceal her mourning from her parents?"

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