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(Continuedfrom page 80)


S.R. Ranganathan

[Prescribes the accommodation of common energy isolates in the last

octave and in the pre-first octave in CC. Enumerates the pre-first octave
common energy isolates peculiar to each of Intellectual, Industrial
and Institutional activities respectively. Recommends the use of the last
octave to accommodate the materials to be used as common matter
isolates, and the accommodation of physical, chemical, vital and value
attributes of material and person, in the pre-first octave as if they were
common matter isolates. Enumerates one set of common personality
isolates to be accommodated in the pre-first octave].

5 Common Energy Isolate

Unlike time or space isolate, every energy isolate is not a common
one. Some are special and some are common. The special energy
isolates should be enumerated separately for each basic class, and,
in some cases, separately even for each isolate in the first round per-
sonality and matter facets. In CC these are accommodated in the
first octaves and in the two of the last octaves got by alphabetical
and chronological devices respectively. In other words, the first
significant digit in their isolate numbers is an Arabic numeral or a
capital letter. The common energy isolates are accommodated in
the last octave derived by the subject device and in the pre-first octave.
In other words, the first significant digit in their isolate numbers is either
a capital letter preceded by a circular bracket or a lower case letter.
These isolates can be enumerated once for all for most of the basic


The use of subject device to represent a common-energy isolate

does not call for any special schedules being constructed. In the past,
this has been called the last octave device. It was taken to represent
a phase relation. It was called aspect or tool phase relation. Our
ideas about phase relation have now been clarified. It IS now seen



that this use of subject device does not constitute a phase relation.
The resulting isolate is only a focus in a facet of the post basic class


Among the common energy isolates to be accommodated in the
pre-first octave, three distinct groups may be recognised:-
1 Common intellectual activities;
2 Common industrial activities; and
3 Common institutional activities.
It will be helpful to enumerate three different schedules of common
energy isolates for the above three groups of activities. Perhaps some
host-subject may demand more than one of these groups. Experience
alone can prove or disprove this. If it is proved, further difficulties
will arise. For example, some notational device will become neces-
sary to indicate the different groups of activities. It is conjectured
however that such a contingency will not arise. Will there be other
groups of activities? If so, these too will require the enumeration
of schedules of common energy isolates of their own.


The following schedule is provisionally suggested for the common
energy isolates in the group of intellectual activities:-

CC Isolate of intellectual UDC No. BC No.

No. activity

a Hypothesis (making) (01 :167' 5) Perhaps there is

b Normative principle (Oi :17'023 '2) no provision for
(enunciating) these common
c Law (deriving) (01 :167'7) isolates, though
d Deductive (01 :168'332) there are places
e Inductive (0 I : 165 . 64 ) for some of them
f as special iso-
g Criticism (01 :165' 65) lates in logic and
h Assumption (01 :167'4) methodology
J Postulate (making) (01 :167'4)
k Definition (01 :168'4)
m Fact (finding) (01 :165'31)
n Observation (01 :165 . 321 )
p Experimentation (01 :167'231)
q Fallacy (making) (01 :168'35)
r Detection
s Correction


The above provisional schedule should be experimented upon and

modified and augmented in the light of the experience gained. The
canon of scheduled mnemonics may with advantage be invoked in
finalising the above schedule, when a detailed schedule is worked
out for the science of thinking or logic. UDC gives some details for
this. But a fuller enumeration has to be awaited in most of the
schemes. UDC secures a number for each of the above common
isolates by its colon device. But I do not know how thay can be
handled in BC.


The following schedule is provisionally suggested for the common

energy isolates in the group of industrial activities. There is no pro-
vision in BC for these as strictly common isolates. But there are
special schedules for particular industries. The BC No. given below
is taken from schedule 21.

BC No. with
CC Isolate of industrial activity UDCNo. comma as con-
necting symbol

a Plan .001 .14 E

b Work on small scale .001.3 B
c Trial .001.41
d Model on full scale .001.72
e Job analysis '004.13
f Routine (Work chart) '004.24 L
g Criticism (01.001.85)
h Preparation .002.1 D
J Production .002.2 K
k Assembly .002.72
m Finishing .002.29
n Testing .001.4 o
p Packing .004 3 V
q Storing .004.4 U
r Transport .004.3 V
s Distribution R
t Use .004.14 o
u Repairing (Servicing) .004.67
v Waste .002.68 Q
w Waste utilisation .004.8 Q
x Discontinuation .004.7
.Y Revival .004.87


ATHAN V 1. N 3

The above provisional schedule should be experimented upon and

modified and augmented in the light of the experience gained. The
experience of production engineers and technologists should be drawn
upon III group discussions. Considerable work thus remains to be
done to finalise this schedule.

The following schedule is provisionally suggested for the common
energy isolates in the group of institutional activities. BC No. is
taken from schedule l4C.

BC No. with
Isolate of institutional activity UDC No. comma as con-
necting symbol

a Object 06.011.3 A
b Policy A
c Constitution 06.013 C
d Function 06.011.3 A
g Criticism
h Organisation 06.012 B
J Agenda (work) 06.053.3
k Meeting 06.053.5
m Minutes (work) 06.053.7
n Report (work) 06.055.1
p Dessemination 06.07 S
q Management 06.04 B
r Exploration
Advice 06.0436
Deliberation 06.042

v Execution 06.041 E
w Administration 06.044 P
x Sanction
y Review

This provisional schedule should be experimented upon and modified

and augumented, before it can be finalised.


6 Common Matter Isolate

Like energy isolate, some matter isolates are special and some are
common. The special matter isolates should be enumerated separately
for each basic class; and in some cases, separately even for each
isolote in the first round personality facet. In CC, these are accommo-
dated in the first octaves and in the two of the last octaves got by alpha-
betical and chronological devices respectively. In other words, the
first significant digit in their isolate numbers is an Arabic numeral or a
capital letter. The common matter isolates are accommodated in
the pre-first octave, and in the last octave derived by subject device.
In other words, the first significant digit in their isolate numbers is a
lower case letter, or a capital letter preceded by a circular bracket.

It was believed till recently that there can be no pre-first octave
common matter isolate. This would mean running the pre-first
octave of a matter facet to waste. This would offend the Law of
Parsimony. The exigetic principle of "lost horse and burnt chariot"
was applied to utilise this unused zone of the first order array of a
matter facet. It has been provisionally decided to accommodate
in this zone physical, chemical and vital attributes when the host is a
concrete entity, as if these were matter isolates. To regard such attri-
butes as manifestations of matter is no doubt artificial. But curiously
in our discussion with various people, we have found that this is not
altogether unacceptable. It gets confirmed by the practice of the
Thesarus also. It lists all such attributes under the heading" Matter".


Assuming that this is permissible in the idea plane, we have
to examine the notational plane. It is proposed to use the analogue
of subject device, by replacing the initial capital letter of the subject
by the corresponding lower case letter. The common isolate number
for a physical attribute will be initiated by C; that for a chemical
attribute will be initiated bye; and that for a vital attribute by g.
These lower case letters may be amplified by Arabic numerals taken
from the corresponding main classes ui: C physics for physical attri-
butes, E Chemistry for chemical attributes, and G Biology for vital
attributes It has to be experimented whether more than one facet



will contribute to' such common isolate numbers. It is conjectured

that they may not. If they do, some special rules will have to be
framed to meet cases of more than one facet.


Consider the following table of examples. In the third column,

the recently established "packet notation" is used to indicate
subject device.

Residual Meaning
New CCNo. Subject Old CC No. of Old CC No.

MM Materials MM Materials
MM;c Physical constants MM :(C) Physics of materials
MM;e Chemical constants MM :(E) Chemistry of ma ter-
FII8 Gold FIl8 Gold
F118;c Physical constants Fl18 :(C) Physics of gold
FII8;c4 Thermal constants FIl8 :(C4) Heat treatment of
FII8;c433 Specific heat Fl18 :(C433) Determination of
specific h eat of
J37 Fruit J37 Fruit
J37;e97 Vitamin content J37 :(E :3097) Estimation of vita-
min content of

In the past the number in column 3 was taken to represent both of the
subjects mentioned in columns 2 and 4. These were called aspect
and tool phases respectively. This phenomenon of homonym was
listed as one of the unsolved problems in need of pursuit. The results
recorded in this paper have resolved this homonym. Neither subject
is not regarded as involving phase relation. Each involves only facets.
The users of the reading materials on the two subjects are not the same.
Therefore the slight separation of the two subjects does not cause as
much unhelpfulness as may appear at first thought. In the arrange-
ment, the second subject will precede the first. This is helpful, as the
first is the result of the second.



The prescription of section 62 will utilise only a half of the pre-
first octave. By analogy, it is proposed to accommodate, in the un-
used half of the pre-first octave, value attributes-such as literary,
linguistic, religious, ethical, aesthetic, mental, emotional, educational,
political, economic, social and legal value attributes. It is likely
that such attributes arise mostly when the host subject represents a
person or a social personality. The construction of the common
isolate number may be analogous to that described in section 62.


Consider the following table of examples. In the third column
the recently established " packet notation" is used to indicate Subject

New CC No. Subject Old CC No. Residual Meaning of Old

CC No.

0-,2J64 Shakespeare. 0-,2J64 Shakespeare. Drama

0-,2J64; n8 Musical quality 0-, 2J64: gO Shakespeare's view of
(N8) music
0-, 2J64; pI Rhythm 0-, 2J64: gO rhythm
0-, 2J64; r5 Aesthetic qualitv 0,- 2J64: gO aesthetics
0-, 2J64; 543 Imagination 0-2,J64:g0 imagination
(S: 43)
0-, 2J64; t Educational value 0-,2J64:g0 education
(T) "
0-,2J64;/ Social value 0-, 2J64: £,0 sociology
(Y) "
In the past the number in column 3 was taken to represent both of the
subjects mentioned in column 2 and 4. These two subjects are surely
totally different from each other. Thus we had to put up with an
unresolved homonym. The results recorded in this paper have re-
solved this homonym.


The use of the last octave to accomodate common-matter isolates
of another kind is suggested as follows. Each basic class or any other
host class may require the enumeration of certain favoured categories
of matter. These will be accommodated in the first octaves and in the
two of the last octaves derived by alphabetical and chronological



devices respectively. These are indeed its special matter isolates, as

stated in section 6. But the host class may also need other materials,
in a subsidiary way. These other materials would have figured in
other host subjects as their respective special isolates. It is proposed to
use for such a subsidiary material a number got by adding to
its original host number the isolate nmber for the material as it is
enumerated in its own schedule. This is no doubt a modified form of
subject device. As the host subject may have facets, it is desirable
to enclose the common material isolate number so derived within
circular brackets. This prescription also awaits being experimented
upon, before it can be finalised,

In UDC common-matter isolates are to be represented by its
colon device. These can not be distinguished from-tool or bias phase.

68 BC
There does not appear to be any schedule of common attribute

7 Cornmon Personality Isolate

The first attempt to use the pre-first octave of the first order
array of a personality facet appeared in the fourth edition of the Colon
classification. The isolates enumerated turned out to be " profession"
and " institutions" of various kinds. Their enumeration was made
before the idea of common energy isolates were conceived. It is now
felt that the enumeration of common energy isolates of the pre-first
octave and that of the common personality isolates of the pre-first
octave should be made mnemonic. This is easily done.

8 Work to be Done
The abstract classification implied in the above discussion solves
some of the difficulties. The schedules given are only provisional ones
to test the usefulness or otherwise of the abstract classification. The
isolates and their helpful sequences should now be established by team
work. Specialists in different regions of knowledge will have to be
taken for help. The files of different offices and industrial concerns
should be used as concrete basis for discussion. This is the work to
be done on common isolates of all kinds considered.


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