COLAV Eng 2.09.00

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(User Manual)



March 2009

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0511 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

Rev. 0 Date March 2009

Page 2 (139)


ONN ___________________________________________________________________ 3
11..11 SSIICCOONN _________________________________________________________________________ 3
11..22 CCOOLLAAVV –– W
Woorrkkss AAccccoouunnttiinngg ________________________________________________________ 3
11..33 GGeenneerraall nnootteess ___________________________________________________________________ 3

22 CCO
ONNTTRRAACCTT _______________________________________________________________________ 3
22..11 SSAAPP AAggggrreeggaattiioonn _________________________________________________________________ 3
22..22 M
Meeaassuurree CCooeeffffiicciieennttss _____________________________________________________________ 3
22..33 CCW
WOO CCooeeffffiicciieennttss ________________________________________________________________ 3
22..44 TTyyppee ooff w
woorrkk ____________________________________________________________________ 3
22..55 CCllaauusseess ________________________________________________________________________ 3
22..66 PPhhaassee __________________________________________________________________________ 3
22..77 W
WPP HHiissttoorryy _____________________________________________________________________ 3

M ____________________________________________________________________________ 3
33..11 CCoonnttrraacctt IItteem
mss __________________________________________________________________ 3
33..22 BBaassiicc iitteem
mss -- CCoonnttrraacctt _____________________________________________________________ 3
33..33 W
Woorrkk SSuubb--TTyyppee AAssssoocciiaattiioonn ________________________________________________________ 3
33..44 CCSSOO EEnnggiinneeeerreedd QQuuaannttiittiieess _________________________________________________________ 3
33..55 BBOOQQ EEnnggiinneeeerreedd QQuuaannttiittiieess ________________________________________________________ 3
33..66 DDiissppllaayyiinngg EEnnggiinneeeerreedd QQuuaannttiittiieess ____________________________________________________ 3

44 M
MEEAASSUURREESS _______________________________________________________________________ 3
44..11 CCoom
mmmiitttteedd M
Meeaassuurreess bbyy IItteem
m ______________________________________________________ 3
44..22 CCoom
mmmiitttteedd M
Meeaassuurreess bbyy QQuuaannttiittyy oorr DDiim
meennssiioonnss _______________________________________ 3
44..33 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd M
Meeaassuurreess bbyy IItteem
m ______________________________________________________ 3
44..44 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd M
Meeaassuurreess bbyy QQuuaannttiittyy oorr DDiim
meennssiioonnss _______________________________________ 3

MEEAASSUURREESS _______________________________________________________________ 3
55..11 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd _____________________________________________________________________ 3
55..22 CCoom
mmmiitttteedd _____________________________________________________________________ 3

66 CCW
WOO ____________________________________________________________________________ 3

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Page 3 (139)

66..11 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd bbyy IItteem

m _______________________________________________________________ 3
66..22 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd bbyy CCW
WOO ______________________________________________________________ 3
66..33 CCoom
mmmiitttteedd bbyy IItteem
m _______________________________________________________________ 3
66..44 CCoom
mmmiitttteedd bbyy CCW
WOO ______________________________________________________________ 3

OUUTTSS _______________________________________________________________________ 3
77..11 OOffffiicciiaall PPrriinnttoouuttss _________________________________________________________________ 3
77..22 UUnnooffffiicciiaall PPrriinnttoouuttss _______________________________________________________________ 3
77..33 PPrriiccee LLiisstt _______________________________________________________________________ 3
77..44 M
Meeaassuurreess ______________________________________________________________________ 3
77..55 CCW
WOO __________________________________________________________________________ 3
77..66 M
Meeaassuurreess aanndd RREELL ________________________________________________________________ 3

88 UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS _________________________________________________________________________ 3
88..11 CCooppyy CCoonnttrraacctt ___________________________________________________________________ 3
88..22 DDaattaa EExxppoorrtt _____________________________________________________________________ 3
88..33 M
Meeaassuurree IIm
mppoorrtt _________________________________________________________________ 3
88..44 IItteem
m IIm
mppoorrtt _____________________________________________________________________ 3

99 HHEELLPP ____________________________________________________________________________ 3
99..11 AAbboouutt _________________________________________________________________________ 3
99..22 HHeellpp ___________________________________________________________________________ 3

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Page 4 (139)

11 IIN

11..11 SSIICCO
SICON (Sistema Informativo della CONstruction - Italian acronym for Construction Data Processing
System) is software for the management and control of all phases of specific on-site construction
activities. The areas involved are the following:

a. planning and monitoring

b. materials (warehouse & piping materials)
c. certification and quality control
d. cost control and works accounting

The SICON main menu is shown in Fig.1.1


Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Clicking on the grey button with the mouse gives access to the corresponding SICON module (see Fig.

Fig. 1.2

Communications from the System Administrator are displayed in the “Messages” box (Fig.1.3). Using
the arrow buttons at the bottom, it is possible to move directly to the first, next, previous and last
messages respectively. The “Refresh” button is used to update the message list.


To end the program, click on the "Exit from SICON" button (Fig. 1.4).

Fig. 1.4

Each section of the various SICON modules has a work menu as shown in Fig. 1.5. This menu bar
contains links to all of the operations that can be performed on the databases.


Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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The specific functions of each button are listed below:

Æ Save: saves the changes made.
Æ Clear All: deletes all fields in all tables.
Æ Print: opens the print functions.
Æ Exit: quits the section.

Æ Cut: cuts the selected part.
Æ Copy: copies the selected part.
Æ Paste: pastes a previously cut or copied part.
Æ Edit: allows changes to be made to the selected field.
Æ Display List: opens a pop-up menu that allows certain fields to be filled in by selecting an item
previously entered in another section.

Æ Enter: allows data to be entered to perform a search.
Æ Execute: executes the search.
Æ Cancel: cancels the search.
Æ Last Criteria: enters the last search parameters entered.
Æ Count Hits: shows the number of records found
Æ Fetch Next Set: shows the next set of results

Æ Previous: shows the previous block.
Æ Next: shows the next block.
Æ Clear: clears the fields in the block.

Æ Previous: moves the cursor to the previous record.
Æ Next: moves the cursor to the next record.
Æ Scroll Up: scrolls up the record list.
Æ Scroll Down: scrolls down the record list.
Æ Insert: allows a new record to be added.
Æ Remove: removes a record.
Æ Block: blocks a record against changes.
Æ Duplicate: duplicates a record.
Æ Clear: clears a record.

Æ Previous: moves the cursor to the previous field.
Æ Next: moves the cursor to the next field.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Æ Clear: clears the field.

Æ Duplicate: duplicates the field.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Æ Help: shows details of individual fields (number of characters, size, etc.)
Æ Keys: opens a window containing short-cut keys.
Æ Display Error: opens a window explaining the last error message

Æ Cascade: arranges open windows in a cascade.
Æ Tile Horizontally: arranges open windows horizontally.
Æ Tile Vertically: arranges open windows vertically.

Several buttons are present on the icon menu that function as short-cuts for the more common







Enter Query

Execute Query

Cancel Query

Previous Block

Previous Record

Next Record
Next Block

Insert Record

Remove Record

Lock Record


Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Work windows can have a single screen form or be divided into tabbed forms as shown in Fig. 1.6. To
switch from one form to another, click on the respective tab with the mouse.

Fig. 1.6

When compiling the databases, sections may be found where it is necessary to choose from a list of
available options. The option boxes can have various forms, as shown below:

• Pull-down menu: allows the user to open and scroll through a list of possible options. Only one
choice is allowed.

• Pop-up menu: these are menus displayed by double-clicking on a field or by pressing the F9 key. In
some sections, it is also possible to access these menus by clicking on the button, which may be
found next to certain fields. The menu shows a list of possible choices and allows just one choice to
be made.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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• Checkbox: these are boxes that may or may not contain a ‘tick mark’. They are used to indicate the
presence or absence of a given property. They are not mutually exclusive and it is not compulsory
for at least one them to be active in a group. Therefore, they allow multiple choices.

• Radio button: these are “selection indicators”. They indicate which selection has been made
between different possibilities. They are mutually exclusive.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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There are three types of field in the various SICON modules that should filled in manually:
• Numeric fields: only numeric characters can be entered.
• Alphabetic fields: only alphabetic characters can be entered.
• Alphanumeric fields: both numeric and alphabetic characters are allowed.

Each field has a preset character limit that will be indicated each time.

11..22 CCO
Woorrkkss AAccccoouunnttiinngg
The COLAV module – site works accounting – is used to manage accounting relating to works carried
out, based on contracts.
The contractual types managed by the application are as follows:
• Passive Contracting: Control and Regulation of Site Construction/Assembly works.
• Service Contracting: Control and Regulation of site service work not directly related to
Construction/Assembly activities.

The aim of the application is to provide users with a tool that can adequately meet new market
requirements, with organic, univocal management of the data relating to site management.
The various functions of the application may or may not be enabled by the user, depending on his/her

The COLAV main menu is shown in Figure 1.7

Fig. 1.7

Exit - Quits the COLAV module. The user is returned to the SICON main menu. (Fig. 1.1)

Contract – This section allows the user to manage the project contracts. The various work types and
sub-types are defined, along with clauses and any coefficients to be applied to the calculation of
certain measures or CWO. It also contains a table summarizing the history of WPs issued.

Item – This section allows the user to define and enter the list of items included in a contract.

Measures - In this section the user can record a measure for a previously entered bill item, both at
engineered and committed accounting level.

Tabular Measures - This section allows the user to view and manage engineered and committed
measures organized in tabular form.

CWO - This section allows the user to manage Change Work Orders.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Printouts - This section allows the user to print the data entered in the application

Utilities - This section contains a series of functions mainly concerning data transmission from/by
COLAV by means of files external to the application.

Help - This section allows the user to view the user manual for the module he is operating in, and the
current software version.

Window - This section allows the user to manage how windows are displayed.

11..33 GGeenneerraall nnootteess

a) In “tabular” dialogue boxes, the active line will be highlighted with a light blue background.
b) When viewing the domains relating to a field, the code will be displayed along with the relative
description in the current language.
c) Non-editable fields will be displayed with a grey background.
d) The user will be asked for confirmation before physically deleting any data.
e) Before quitting a dialogue box in which the data has been changed but not saved, the user will be
asked to confirm that he understands the changes will be lost.
f) The date format used will be dd-mm-yyyy.
g) The selected Job, Site and Contract will be active for the entire duration of the work session.
h) All buttons will always be visible, but will be displayed in grey and disabled if they cannot be used.
i) All codes will be stored in capital letters.
j) All codes will be displayed on the map and in the LOV (List Of Values) sorted by ascending code.
k) All alpha/numeric fields will be left-aligned.
l) All numeric fields will be right-aligned with separation by means of a comma "," for the thousands
and a full stop “.” for the decimal point.
m) All the “Description” fields will be Multi Line fields.
n) Generally, the lists of values that take data from the indices relating to types of item and work
phases are filtered based on the value of the obsolete field for the reference job.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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22 CCO
This section allows the user to manage the project contracts. The various work types and sub-types are
defined, along with clauses and any coefficients to be applied to the calculation of certain measures or
CWO. It also contains a table summarizing the history of WPs issued. (Fig. 2.1)

Fig. 2.1

At the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate: once the Job is
selected, the system displays in the ‘Site’ box a list of sites on which the user is authorized to operate.


Code - The code corresponding to the contract is shown in this column.

Description - The description of the contract is shown in this column.
Contract Type - The type of contract is indicated in this column (C = passive contract and S = service
Status - The contract status is shown in this column. (A = Active, D = Deleted)

New - This button allows the user to start the procedure for creating a new contract for the selected
project. A window opens as shown in Fig. 2.2. This dialogue box will be displayed in the foreground and
will have sole control of the screen. The window can only be closed using the buttons provided.

Fig. 2.2

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Contract – The identification code for the new contract is entered in this field.
This field is numeric and has a maximum length of 10 characters.

Description - The description of the contract is entered in this field.

This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 200 characters.

Status - Indicates the contract status. (A = Active, D = Deleted). This field cannot be edited here, but
depends on the selection made using the “Activate” or “Eliminate” buttons described below.

Client Job - The job identification code according to the contractor’s personal code is entered in this
This field is numeric and has a maximum length of 20 characters.

Client Contract – The contract identification code according to the contractor’s personal code is
entered in this field.
This field is numeric and has a maximum length of 20 characters.

Contract Type – Pull-down menu allowing the user to choose the type of contract between C = passive
contract and S = service contract.

Language - Pull-down menu allowing the user to choose the contract language from Italian, English,
French, Spanish and German.

Contractor - Pull-down menu allowing the user to select the contractor for the new contract. (Path:
GENANAGÆ ProjectÆ ProjectsÆ Detail DataÆ Contractors)

Currency - Pull-down menu allowing the user to select the contract currency. (Path: GENANAGÆ
ProjectÆ ProjectsÆ Detail DataÆ Currencies)

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Rounding off – Any rounding off coefficient used for the contract amounts is entered in this field.
This field is numeric and has a maximum length of 40 characters.

Advance – The advance amount stipulated by the contract is indicated in this field. This value is always
This field is numeric and has a maximum length of 40 characters.

Fixed Recovery – any fixed recovery from the sum stipulated as the advance is indicated in this field.
This value may not exceed the value assigned in the “Advance” field, and is an alternative to the
Percentage Recovery Advance defined for the Type of Work. This value is always positive.

Signature – These 3 fields give the names of those who are authorized to sign contractual documents.
This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 50 characters.

Notes - Any notes are entered in this field.

This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 2000 characters.

• Information about the “Client Job” and “Client Contract” is given at the top of all printouts – official,
unofficial and service.
• The descriptions shown in the “Contract Type” field will be in the language of the dialogue boxes.

Exit - This button allows the user to exit without saving the data entered in the window.

Save - This button allows the user to save the information in the window and to update the list of

Detail – This button opens a window where it is possible to view the details of the selected contract.
(Fig. 2.3).
For the description of the individual fields, please refer to the procedure for creating a new contract
illustrated above.

Fig. 2.3

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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When the window is displayed, the fields will show the values for the selected contract.
When the “Status” field = D, the “Save” and “Eliminate” buttons are not active and all the fields cannot
be edited.
When the “Status” field = A, the “Enable” button will not be available.

Non-editable fields:
• Contract Code
• Status
• Contract Type (if a WP has been officialized or “Measures” and/or “CWO” have been recorded)
• Language (if a WP has been officialized)
• Contractor (if a WP has been officialized)
• Currency (if a WP has been officialized)
• Fixed Recovery (if the Advance field is not assigned or if a Percentage Recovery is assigned for a
Type of Work)

Exit - This button allows the user to exit without saving the data entered in the window.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made.

Enable - This button allows the user to set the “Status” field to “Active”.

Eliminate – This button allows the user to set the “Status” field to “D” if data for a contract has been
stored (Items/Measures/CWO/…. ), while if no data has been entered, the contract will be physically

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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22..11 SSAAPP AAggggrreeggaattiioonn

This sub-section allows the user to define the positions used in SAP for payment for the types of work
done. For each position, the maximum SAP amount is entered for the purposes of monitoring payment
status. (Fig. 2.4)
N.B. The folders following the “SAP Aggregation” will only be active if at least one SAP aggregation has
been defined.

Fig. 2.4

SAP Code – The reference SAP code is entered in this column. At least one aggregation must be
assigned for each contract.
This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 4 characters.

Description - The descriptions of the contractual items are entered in this column.
This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 50 characters.

Maximum amount – The maximum amount possible for the contractual item is entered in this column.
The amounts are given in the currency defined in the contract.
This field is numeric and has a maximum length of 40 characters.

Cancel - This button allows the user to cancel any changes made, except for any deletions.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to eliminate the highlighted aggregation. This operation will
only be possible if the aggregation in question has not been linked to a Work Sub-Type.

22..22 M
Meeaassuurree CCooeeffffiicciieennttss

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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This sub-section allows the user to define any coefficients to be applied to the total quantity of the
measures (engineered and/or committed) recorded for an item. (Fig. 2.5)

Fig. 2.5

Coefficient – The coefficient code is indicated in this column.

This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 10 characters.

Description - The description of the coefficient is entered in this column.

This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 2000 characters.

Ass. Value – The absolute value assigned to the coefficient is indicated in this field.
This field is numeric and has a maximum length of 40 characters.

Perc. Y/N - This field indicates whether the coefficient is a percentage value or a value to be summed.

x or + - This field indicates whether the coefficient needs to be multiplied or summed.

Calc. Value – The value of the field is calculated as follows:

• If the “Perc” field indicates “Y”: Calculated Value = Assigned Value/100.
• If the “Perc” field indicates “N”: Calculated Value = Assigned Value

Used - In this field the system indicates whether the coefficient has been applied to a measure (Y) or
whether it is not yet associated (N).

Status - In this field the system indicates whether the coefficient is active (N = Not deleted) or whether
it has been logically deleted (Y = Deleted logically but not physically).

Cancel - This button allows the user to cancel any changes made, except for any deletions.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Eliminate - This button allows the user to eliminate the highlighted coefficient. This operation will only
be possible if the coefficient is not used (“Used” field set to “N”) for a measure (engineered and/or
committed). If it is used, there will be a logical deletion (“Eliminated” field set to “Y”).

22..33 CCW
WOO CCooeeffffiicciieennttss
This sub-section allows the user to define any coefficients to be applied to the total quantity of the
CWO (engineered and/or committed) recorded for an item. (Fig. 2.6)

Fig. 2.6

Coefficient - The coefficient code is indicated in this column.

This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 10 characters.

Description - The description of the coefficient is entered in this column.

This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 2000 characters.

Ass. Value - The absolute value assigned to the coefficient is indicated in this field.
This field is numeric and has a maximum length of 40 characters.

Perc. Y/N - This field indicates whether the coefficient is a percentage value or a value to be summed.

x or + - This field indicates whether the coefficient needs to be multiplied or summed.

Calc. Value - The value of the field is calculated as follows:

• If the “Perc” field indicates “Y”: Calculated Value = Assigned Value/100.
• If the “Perc” field indicates “N”: Calculated Value = Assigned Value

Used - In this field the system indicates whether the coefficient has been applied to a CWO (Y) or
whether it is not yet associated (N).

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Status - In this field the system indicates whether the coefficient is active (N = Not deleted) or whether
it has been logically deleted (Y = Deleted logically but not physically).

Cancel - This button allows the user to cancel any changes made, except for any deletions.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to eliminate the highlighted coefficient. This operation will only
be possible if the coefficient is not used (“Used” field set to “N”) for a measure (engineered and/or
committed). If used, there will be a logical deletion ( “Eliminated” field set to “Y”).

Example: Definition of a Measure coefficient or CWO coefficient should there be a need to set a
corrective coefficient.

Original Unit Cost/UM of the item to which the corrective coefficient will be applied: € 100.00.
Objective: to pay, with the same item, for a measure made with a unit value/UM equivalent to 60% of
the original unit cost/UM.

Define the coefficient code and the relative description.

Set the “Ass. Value” field to “60”
Set the “Perc S/N” field to “S”
Set the “X Or +” field to “X”
The system will automatically define the “Calc. Value”, which in this case will be 0.6
When conducting the Bookkeeping for the given measure to which the corrective coefficient will be
applied, this coefficient will appear in the appropriate coefficient code field. The system will
automatically apply this correction to the accounting.

22..44 TTyyppee ooff w

This sub-section allows the user to define the various types/sub-types of work, and relative data, linked
to a contract. (Fig. 2.7)

Fig. 2.7

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CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Types of Work

Type of Work – The type of work is indicated in this column by selecting it from the relative pop-up
menu. The description appears automatically in the next column.

% Contract Decrease/Increase – This field indicates any percentage increase or decrease that needs to
be applied to the entire cost of the contract.
Value between 0 and 100 with a plus or minus sign in front.

Percentage Guarantee Retention – Indicates the percentage of the total amount that is retained by
way of a guarantee. This figure can be found in the contract.
Value between 0 and 100, without a plus or minus sign (it is always positive).

Percentage Recovery Advance – Indicates the percentage of the total amount constituting the
contractual advance. This figure can be found in the contract and the field can be edited only in the
event that the amount of the advance has been specified in the details of the contract.
This field is an alternative to the “Fixed Recovery” field defined in the details of the contract.
Value between 0 and 100, without a plus or minus sign (it is always positive).

Work Sub-Types

Work Sub-Type - The Work Sub-Type identification code is entered in this column.

Description - The description of the Work Sub-Type is entered in this column.

DB Aggregation - In this field a Work Sub-Type is linked to a Data Bank aggregation, by selecting it
from the default list.

SAP code– An SAP code is indicated in this field to allow linking between the Work Sub-Type and an
SAP aggregation defined previously.

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CWO Flag - By flagging this check box, the items linked to the work type/sub-type in the “CWO” section
are made visible. Once flagged, the flag can only be removed if there are no associations in any CWO.

Cancel - This button allows the user to cancel any changes made, except for any deletions.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to eliminate the selected element. A Type of Work can only be
deleted if there is no association with a Work Sub-Type or Clause, and if it is not used for Items,
Measures and/or CWO. A Work Sub-Type can only be deleted if it is not used for Items, Measures
and/or CWO.

22..55 CCllaauusseess
This sub-section allows the user to define the additional clauses to a Contract and to associate the
contract to a Type of Work with the relative data. (Fig. 2.8)

Fig. 2.8


Clause – The clause identification code is entered in this column.

This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 4 characters.

Description - The description of the clause is entered in this column.

This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 50 characters.

Types of Work

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Type of Work - The types of work covered by the specified clause are indicated in this column, by
selecting them from the relative pop-up menu.

Fixed Value – The fixed recoverable value as set out in the clause of the contract is indicated in this

Perc. Value – The recoverable percentage value as set out in the clause of the contract is indicated in
this column.
The fields “Fixed Value” and “Perc. Value” are alternatives.

Cancel - This button allows the user to cancel any changes made, except for any deletions.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to eliminate the selected element. A Clause can only be deleted
if there is no association with a Type of Work. Deletion of a Type of Work linked to a Clause is always

22..66 PPhhaassee
This sub-section is used to enter the phases (types) of work managed in the Contract. These phases will
be linked to measurements and/or CWO.
The phases are defined in GENANAG and linked to the item by means of the ITEMLIST module; the
designs will then be linked to each phase. (Fig. 2.9)

Fig. 2.9

Phase – The work phase to be linked to the contract is indicated in this field, by selecting it from the
relative pop-up menu. The description appears automatically in the next field.

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Used - In this field the system indicates whether the phase has been applied to a measure (Y) or
whether it does not yet have any associations (N).

Status - In this field the system indicates whether the phase is active and usable (N = Not deleted) or
whether it has been logically deleted (Y = Deleted logically but not physically).

Cancel - This button allows the user to cancel any changes made, except for any deletions.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to eliminate the selected element. This operation will only be
possible if the phase is not used (“Used” field set to “N”) for a measure/CWO (engineered and/or
committed). If it is used, there will be a logical deletion (“Eliminated” field set to “Y”).

22..77 W
WPP HHiissttoorryy
This section allows the user to view, officialize/de-officialize WPs (official and unofficial) for the active
contract. For every WP, the important data will be displayed. (Fig. 2.10)

Fig. 2.10

All the fields shown are not editable.

For each WP the following values are shown:

• WP No. (Sequence number)
• Issue date
• WP gross amount
• WP net amount
• Delta (WP gross amount - WP net amount).
• Cumulative gross amount (∑ Previous gross amounts + Current WP gross amount).
• Cumulative net amount (∑ Previous net amounts + Current WP net amount).

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• Cumulative Delta (Cumulative gross amount - Cumulative net amount).

De-Officialize - This button allows the user to set the “Official” field to “N”. This operation will only be
possible for the last WP officialized.

Officialize - This button allows the user to set the “Official” field to “Y”. After officialization, it will no
longer be possible to change the measures and CWO for the WP.

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This section allows the user to define and enter the list of items included in a contract.
An item identifies an “element” for which a quantity is attributed, with a measurement and a price.
Each item will be identified by a univocal code which can in turn be sub-divided in five levels. The item
can be defined at any level apart from the first. The level identifying the item will be indicated by a
field containing the letter “A”. Intermediate level codes, which are mandatory down to the first level,
will be identified by a field containing the letter “L”.

Fig. 3.1

At the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate: once the Job is
selected, the system displays in the ‘Site’ box a list of sites on which the user is authorized to operate.


Code - The code corresponding to the contract is shown in this column.

Description - The description of the contract is shown in this column.
Contract Type - The type of contract is indicated in this column (C = passive contract and S = service
Status - The contract status is shown in this column. (A = Active, D = Cancelled). If the selected contract
is deleted logically (“Eliminated” field set to “D”) all the fields in the subsequent dialogue boxes will be

33..11 CCoonnttrraacctt IItteem

This sub-section allows the user to view and manage the items associates with a contract. (Fig. 3.2)

Fig. 3.2

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In the “Selection” box, the user can set the filters to search for specific items included in the contract.
The 5 pull-down menus allows the user to search by item level, while by flagging the “Manual Item”
check box, only those items entered manually by the user will be displayed.

The table shows all the contract items corresponding to the set parameters. In detail, it includes:
Eliminated - If this check box is flagged, it means that the item is eliminated logically.
Item Codes – The identification code of the bill item, divided by the 5 levels, is shown in these fields.
L/A - This field indicates whether the code corresponds to a level or to an article.
Lump Sum - If this check box is flagged, it means that the item is a “lump sum”. If unflagged, it means
that it is a “measure” bill item.
Use - This field indicates whether the item is a ‘measure’ bill item (M) or a change work order (E).
Short Description - A short description of the bill item is displayed in this field.

The buttons “BOQ Engineered Quantities” and “CSO Engineered Quantities” will only be active if the
“L/A” field for the selected item indicates “A” and the “Eliminated” field indicates “N”.

New Manual Item - This button allows the user to define a new item.

Detail - This button allows the user to edit the details of an item.

BOQ Engineered Quantities - This button allows the user to change and/or define a revision relating to
the quantities engineered by the home office (BOQ).

CSO Engineered Quantities - This button allows the user to change and/or define a revision relating to
the quantities engineered on site (CSO).

The specific functions of each button are described below.

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Considerations regarding item coding criterion.

The method used by COLAV to display and print the list of items is based on the criterion used when
the data is entered, and is dependent on the criterion used to generate the codes.
The code can be generated using up to a maximum of five fields, each of which in turn is composed of
a maximum of four characters.
The code sorting sequence will be as follows:
Alphanumeric sorting of fields used, i.e. the columns of each single field, with alignment from left to
The number of characters used to codify the field (from one to four), will depend on the number of
items involved. The same criterion will be adopted to define the levels.

Level 1 (code 1): “A”, items involved 50; the correct coding is as follows:
A 01 ***
A 02
A 03, etc.; in this manner, the coding is assured up as far as code “A 99”.

*** where “A” is the first field, “01” is the second field,
“0” the first character from the left in the second field,
“1” the second character from the left in the second field.
In this context, an item with the code “A 1” would be displayed/printed between “A 09” and “A 10”; an
item with the code “A 2” would be displayed/printed between “A 19” and “A 20”; and an item with the
code “A 100” would be displayed/printed between “A 10” and “A 11”, making it somewhat difficult to
The sequence for display/printing is also determined by the blank spaces and special characters used; it
is not recommended to use them, however, due to difficulties in handling them.

33..11..11 NNeew
wMMaannuuaall IItteem
This button allows the user to open a window where he can manually define a new item. (Fig. 3.3)

Fig. 3.3

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In particular, for the definition of a new item, the following fields need to be completed:
Item Codes – The codes corresponding to the levels of the item to be created are entered in these
Eliminated - Non-editable field, set to the default value “N”, indicating that the item has not been
deleted and is active.
Used - Non-editable field, set to the default value “N”, indicating that the item has not yet been used,
i.e. it has not yet been linked to any measurement. If this is not the case, the value will be set to “Y”.
Origin - Non-editable field, set to the default value “M”, indicating that the item has been created
L/A - Non-editable field, set to the default value “A”, indicating that the item being created
corresponds to a bill item.
Lump Sum - This check box is used to indicate whether the item is a lump sum or a measure bill item.
Use – Using this pull-down menu, the user can indicate whether the item is a measure bill item (M) or a
change work order (E).
UM - Using this pull-down menu, the user can select the unit of measurement to be linked to the item.
K SubCMC – The K value to be linked to SubCMC is indicated in this field.
SubCMC - Using this pull-down menu, the user can select the SubCMC to be linked to the bill item
being created. The SubCMCs shown are those that satisfy the “Obsolete” field setting for the job in
Efficiency - the efficiency linked to the selected SubCMC is indicated in this field.

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Type of work - Using this pull-down menu, the user can indicate the type of work to be linked to the
item, buy choosing from the types defined for the contract.
Work Sub-Type - Using this pull-down menu, the user can indicate the Work Sub-Type to be linked to
the item, buy choosing from the work sub-types defined for the type of work selected previously.
Initial - The quantity linked to the bill item is indicated in this field.
Currency – The currency defined for the contract in question is shown in this field.
Labor Price – If specified in the contract, the price only for the work to be done as described by the
item is indicated in this field.
Material Price – If specified in the contract, the price of the material to be used to carry out the work
described by the item, is indicated in this field.
Bid – The bid coefficient is indicated in this field.
Short Description - Short description of the item, maximum 80 characters.
Long Description - Long description of the item, maximum 2000 characters.

Should the user wish to create an item belonging to a level not yet entered, a window will open
automatically asking the user to define the missing levels. The window will appear as many times as
there are levels for which a description needs to be defined. (Fig. 3.4)

Fig. 3.4

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made and to actually create the item. The
system will check that the “Cost” field has been filled in, and the “Type of Work” and “Work Sub-Type”
fields (an error message will appear if they are incomplete).

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

33..11..22 DDeettaaiill ((IItteem


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This button opens a window where the user can display and change the details of an item or level. (Fig.

Fig. 3.5

The information about the bill items are organized as follows:

Item Codes - The codes corresponding to the levels of the selected item are displayed in these fields.
These fields cannot be edited.
Eliminated – Field indicating the status of the bill item. It can be edited using the “Enable” or
“Eliminate” buttons illustrated below.
Used - Non-editable field, set to the default value “N”, indicating that the item has not yet been used,
i.e. it has not yet been linked to any measurement. If this is not the case, the value will be set to “Y”.
Origin - Non-editable field indicating whether the item has been created manually (field set to “M”), or
entered by importing (empty field), or using the basic item entry function “Basic Item Æ Contr.” (field
set to “B”)
L/A - Non-editable field indicating that the selected item corresponds to a level or bill item.
Lump Sum - This check box indicates whether the item is a lump sum or a measure bill item. If the item
is entered in the accounts (“Used” field = Y) this field cannot be edited.
Use - This field indicates whether the item is measure bill item (M) or a change work order (E). If the
item is entered in the accounts (“Used” field = Y) this field cannot be edited.
UM - The unit of measurement linked to the item is displayed in this field.
K SubCMC - The K value linked to the SubCMC is indicated in this field.
SubCMC - The SubCMC linked to the selected bill item is shown in this field.

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Efficiency– The efficiency linked to the selected SubCMC is shown in this field.
Type of Work – The type of work the item is linked to is indicated in this field. It can be changed by
choosing from the various types of work defined for the contract.
Work Sub-Type - The Work Sub-Type linked to the item is indicated in this field. It can be changed by
choosing from the various work sub-types defined for the type of work selected previously.
Currency - The currency defined for the contract in question is shown in this field.
Labor Price - If specified in the contract, the price only for the work to be done on the item is indicated
in this field.
Material Price - If specified in the contract, the price only of the material covered by the item is
indicated in this field.
Bid – The bid coefficient is indicated in this field.
Short Description - Short description of the item, maximum 80 characters.
Long Description - Long description of the item, maximum 2000 characters.

Summary of revisions of BOQ item quantities.
Initial – Initial quantity linked to the item under the contract.
Rev – BOQ quantities revision number.
Updated - Updated BOQ quantity, according to indicated revision.

Summary of revisions of CSO item quantities.
Rev - CSO quantities revision number.
Updated - Updated CSO quantity, according to indicated revision.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. If the item is manual, the system checks
its association with the basic item and, if “Used”, the system will check the “Cost” validity, and the
existence of the Type and Sub-Type of Work.

Enable - This button is available only if the selected item has been deleted logically. The item/level will
be made usable (“Eliminated” field set to “N”), the information will be saved and the “Contract Items”
box will be updated.

Eliminate – If the item/level is used (“Used” field set to “Y”) for measures/CWO, it will be deleted
logically (the “Eliminated” field will be set to “D”).
If the item/level is not used (“Used” field set to “N”) for measures/CWO, it and any quantity revisions
will be deleted physically.

• If the operation involving the “Enable” button refers to an item, all the previous linked levels will be
enabled, but not any items deleted logically.

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• If the operation involving the “Enable” button refers to a level, all the previous levels will be
enabled, all the subsequent levels belonging to the selected level, and all the items for the enabled
• If the operation involving the “Eliminate” button refers to an item, all the previous linked levels will
be eliminated, only if no usable items exist for them.
• If the operation involving the “Eliminate” button refers to a level, all the subsequent levels
belonging to the selected level will be eliminated, and all the items related to the eliminated levels.
If, at the end of the operation, only levels remain, they too will be eliminated.

33..11..33 BBO
OQQ EEnnggiinneeeerreedd Q
This section allows the user to create revisions where he can update the quantities engineered by the
home office for an item. The revision created for an item will be available for all the bill items included
in the contract. (Fig. 3.6)

Fig. 3.6

Details of the selected item appear at the top of the screen, in particular the identification code, unit of
measurement and associated quantity.


All the revisions entered for the quantity of the item in question are shown in this box.
Rev - Revision sequence number.
Updated - Updated item quantity. It can be edited manually.
Date - Revision entry date. It can be edited manually

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User name - Name of the user who created the revision.

Origin – Information about the nature of the quantity entered and the revision date for the specific bill
item. “C” indicates that the quantity entered and the date have been created using the “New Revision”
function without being changed, while “M” indicates that the quantity has been updated manually and
differs from the original quantity, or that the revision date has been changed.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made.

Eliminate – A message will be displayed (“The active revision will be eliminated for all the articles”)
confirming that the revision has been eliminated. If confirmed, the active revision for all the items
linked to the contract will be eliminated.

New Revision - This button allows the user to open a window where he can define a new BOQ quantity
revision for all the items linked to the contract. (Fig. 3.7)

Fig. 3.7

Reference revision - The reference revision for the copy is indicated in this field, by selecting it from
the list of those already entered.
New Revision - The number to be assigned to the new revision being created is indicated in this field.
By default, the system assigns the first available number in progressive order, but this number can be
edited manually.
New Revision Date – The entry date for the new revision is indicated in this field. By default, the
system assigns the current date, but this can be changed edited manually.

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Exit – This button allows the user to close the window without generating any revision.

Run - This button allows the user to automatically generate the new revision for each item (not level).

33..11..44 CCSSO
O EEnnggiinneeeerreedd Q
This section allows the user to update the quantities engineered by the site for an item. The revision
created for an item will be available for all the bill items included in the contract. (Fig. 3.8)

Fig. 3.8

Details of the selected item appear at the top of the screen, in particular the identification code and
the associated unit of measurement.


All the revisions entered for the quantity of the item in question are shown in this box.
Rev - Revision sequence number.
Updated - Updated item quantity. It can be edited manually.
Date - Revision entry date. It can be edited manually
User name - Name of the user who created the revision.
Origin - Information about the nature of the quantity entered and the revision date for the specific bill
item. “C” indicates that the quantity entered and the date have been created using the “New Revision”
function without being changed, while “M” indicates that the quantity has been updated manually and
differs from the original quantity, or that the revision date has been changed.

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Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made.

Eliminate - A message will be displayed (“The active revision will be eliminated for all the articles”)
confirming that the revision has been eliminated. If confirmed, the active revision for all the items
linked to the contract will be eliminated.

New Revision - This button allows the user to open a window where he can define a new CSO quantity
revision for all the items linked to the contract. (Fig. 3.9)

Fig. 3.9

CSO reference revision - The CSO reference revision for the copy is indicated in this field, by selecting it
from the list of those already entered.
Reference revision - The BOQ reference revision for the copy is indicated in this field, by selecting it
from the list of those already entered. The CSO and BOQ reference revisions are alternative.
New Revision - The number to be assigned to the new revision being created is indicated in this field.
By default, the system assigns the first available number in progressive order, but this number can be
edited manually.
New Revision Date - The entry date for the new revision is indicated in this field. By default, the system
assigns the current date, but this can be changed edited manually.

Exit – This button allows the user to close the window without generating any revision.

Run - This button allows the user to automatically generate the new revision for each item (not level).

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33..22 BBaassiicc iitteem

mss -- CCoonnttrraacctt
This section allows the user to select and copy basic items/levels, taken from the “Official Bill Items”
index codified in GENANAG, for the active contract, after choosing the bill, revision and standard. (Fig.

Fig. 3.10

The initial operation consists of choosing the price list in the “Selection” box. A pop-up menu opens, as
shown in Fig. 3.11, showing all the possible combinations of Price List, relative revisions and associated
Standards. Once the choice is made, the details will appear in the relative fields.

Fig. 3.11

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The combinations of Price List, Revision and Standard that can be selected, are only those for which
there exists at least one item, and for which there is a definition in the language of the current contract
and for the standard shown in the combination. The Price List, Revision and Standard are mandatory to
enable selection.
It will then be possible to set filters for the selection of specific items entered in the contract, using the
5 code fields.

The table at the bottom lists those items corresponding to the set parameters.
For each item/level, there is a check box that, if flagged, allows immediate selection and copying, with
the relative data, for the active contract:
• If the active check box relates to an item, the item and all the higher levels related to the item will
be copied.
• If the active check box relates to a level, all the subsequent levels/items and the higher levels
relating to the active level will be copied.

If the presence of levels/items (for the active contract) is detected when copying, they will not be
Once the check box is flagged, it cannot be de-activated; its de-activation would result in the deletion
of the item/level for the contract, which is not permitted in this box.

Articles entered in the contract using this function will be labeled with the letter “B” in the “Origin”
field, which can be seen in the details.

33..33 W
Woorrkk SSuubb--TTyyppee AAssssoocciiaattiioonn
This section allows the user to associate a Type of Work and a relative Work Sub-Type to a sub-set of
items. (Fig. 3.12)

Fig. 3.12

On this screen, using the filters provided, the user needs to select the codes for the items to which he
wishes to apply the Work Sub-Type association. The pull-down menu is used to select the Type of Work
from the various types available, followed by the Work Sub-Type from those available.

Run – When this button is pressed, the Type of Work Code and Work Sub-Type Code (both cannot be
left blank) will be stored only for those items (not levels) that satisfy the set parameters.

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33..44 CCSSO
O EEnnggiinneeeerreedd Q
This sub-section allows the user to change CSO engineered quantities for a revision, define a new
revision or eliminate an existing revision. (Fig. 3.13)

Fig. 3.13

In the “Selection” box, the user can set the filters to search for specific items included in the contract.
The 5 pull-down menus allows the user to search by item level, while by flagging the “Manual Item”
check box, only those items entered manually by the user will be displayed.

By default, the last available revision will be shown in the “Revision” field. All entered revisions will be
available in the pull-down menu.

The table shows all the contract items corresponding to the set parameters. In detail, these are:
Item Code - The bill item identification code is shown in this field.
L/A - This field indicates whether the code corresponds to a level or to an item.
Short Description - A short description of the bill item is displayed in this field.
UM - The unit of measurement linked to the bill item is shown in this field.
Quantity – The new quantity entered for the revision appears in this column, or it can be changed or
added here for the first time.
Date - Quantity revision entry date. It can be edited manually
User name - Name of the user who created the quantity revision.
Origin - Information about the nature of the quantity entered and the revision date for the specific bill
item. “C” indicates that the quantity entered and the date have been created using the “New Revision”
function without being changed, while “M” indicates that the quantity has been updated manually and
differs from the original quantity, or that the revision date has been changed.

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New Revision - This button allows the user to open a dialogue box for defining a new CSO quantity
revision. (Function illustrated in Par. 3.1.4)

Eliminate - A message will be displayed (“The active revision will be eliminated for all the articles”)
confirming that the revision has been eliminated. If confirmed, the active revision for all the items
linked to the contract will be eliminated.

33..55 BBO
OQQ EEnnggiinneeeerreedd Q
This window allows the user to change BOQ engineered quantities for a revision, define a new revision
or eliminate an existing revision. (Fig. 3.14)

Fig. 3.14

In the “Selection” box, the user can set the filters to search for specific items included in the contract.
The 5 pull-down menus allows the user to search by item level, while by flagging the “Manual Item”
check box, only those items entered manually by the user will be displayed.

By default, the last available revision will be shown in the “Revision” field. All entered revisions will be
available in the pull-down menu.

The table shows all the contract items corresponding to the set parameters. In detail, these are:
Item Code - The bill item identification code is shown in this field.
L/A - This field indicates whether the code corresponds to a level or to an item.
Short Description - A short description of the bill item is displayed in this field.
UM - The unit of measurement linked to the bill item is shown in this field.
Initial Quantity - The original quantity assigned to the bill item is shown in this field. It cannot be
changed here.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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Revision Quantity - The new quantity entered for the revision appears in this column, or it can be
changed or added here for the first time.
Date - Quantity revision entry date. It can be edited manually
User name - Name of the user who created the quantity revision.
Origin - Information about the nature of the quantity entered and the revision date for the specific bill
item. “C” indicates that the quantity entered and the date have been created using the “New Revision”
function without being changed, while “M” indicates that the quantity has been updated manually and
differs from the original quantity, or that the revision date has been changed.

New Revision - This button allows the user to open a dialogue box for defining a new BOQ quantity
revision. (Function illustrated in Par. 3.1.3)

Eliminate - A message will be displayed (“The active revision will be eliminated for all the articles”)
confirming that the revision has been eliminated. If confirmed, the active revision for all the items
linked to the contract will be eliminated.

33..66 DDiissppllaayyiinngg EEnnggiinneeeerreedd Q

This section allows the user to display the quantities engineered by the head office and by the site in
the various revisions. The screen is for information only, and therefore it is not possible to make any
changes to the information shown. (Fig. 3.15)

Fig. 3.15

In the “Selection” box, the user can set the filters to search for specific items included in the contract.
The 5 pull-down menus allows the user to search by item level, while by flagging the “Manual Item”
check box, only those items entered manually by the user will be displayed.

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The table shows all the contract items corresponding to the set parameters. In detail, it includes:
Item Code - The bill item identification code is shown in this field.
L/A - This field indicates whether the code corresponds to a level or to an article.
Short Description - A short description of the bill item is displayed in this field.
UM - The unit of measurement linked to the bill item is shown in this field.
Initial Quantity - The original quantity assigned to the bill item is shown in this field. It cannot be
changed here.


All the revisions entered for the quantity of the item in question are shown in this box.
Rev - Revision sequence number.
Quantity - Updated item quantity. It can be edited manually.
Origin - Information about the nature of the quantity entered and the revision date for the specific bill
item. “C” indicates that the quantity entered and the date have been created using the “New Revision”
function without being changed, while “M” indicates that the quantity has been updated manually and
differs from the original quantity, or that the revision date has been changed.
Date - Revision entry date. It can be edited manually
User name - Name of the user who created the revision.


All the revisions entered for the quantity of the item in question are shown in this box.
Rev - Revision sequence number.
Quantity - Updated item quantity. It can be edited manually.
Origin - Information about the nature of the quantity entered and the revision date for the specific bill
item. “C” indicates that the quantity entered and the date have been created using the “New Revision”
function without being changed, while “M” indicates that the quantity has been updated manually and
differs from the original quantity, or that the revision date has been changed.
Date - Revision entry date. It can be edited manually
User name - Name of the user who created the revision.

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CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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44 M
In this section the user can record a measure for a previously entered bill item, both at engineered and
committed accounting level.
A measure is a quantity, with a specific unit of measurement, linked to an item.
This section allows the user to define/change the details of a measure recorded for an item.
The items shown in this section are the ones previously codified in the ITEMLIST module for the
job/site in question.

Fig. 4.1

At the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate: once the Job is
selected, the system displays in the ‘Site’ box a list of sites on which the user is authorized to operate.


Code - The code corresponding to the contract is shown in this column.

Description - The description of the contract is shown in this column.
Contract Type - The type of contract is indicated in this column (C = passive contract and S = service
Status - The contract status is shown in this column. (A = Active, D = Cancelled). If the selected contract
is deleted logically (“Eliminated” field set to “D”), all the fields in the subsequent dialogue boxes will be

44..11 CCoom
mmmiitttteedd M
Meeaassuurreess bbyy IItteem
This sub-section allows the user to view and manage the committed measures linked to an item. The
measures displayed depend on the item selected. (Fig. 4.2)

Fig. 4.2

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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In the “Selection” box, the user can indicate the item directly by selecting it from the relative pop-up
menu, or set the search filters. In particular, using the radio button, the user can narrow the search to
items with measures, items without measures or all items. The respective pull-down menus can then
be used to set the main item, type and area.

The table at the bottom of the screen shows the results of the search, based on the filters used. The
table contains the following information:
Measures - If this check box is flagged, it means that committed measures have been linked to the
highlighted item.
Item - Item identification code.
Description - Description of the item.
Main Item - Indication of main item.
Item Type - Indication of the item type.
Area - Indication of the item area.

If committed measures have already been entered for the selected item, they will be shown in the
table at the bottom. This table contains the following information:
Measure no. - The sequence number automatically assigned to the measure by the system.
WP no. – The number of the WP containing the measure.
Item - Item for which the measure has been entered.
Measure Description - Description of the entered measure.
Total Quantity - The quantity of the committed measure for the item.
Amount - Amount relating to the committed measures in the WP.
Measure date - The measure entry date.

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CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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New - This button allows the user to enter a new measure for the selected item. (See Par. 4.1.1)

Detail - This button allows the user to see details of the measure entered for the selected item. (See
Par. 4.1.2)

New Measure Ref. Data - This button allows the user to set the default parameters for entering new
committed measures. (See Par. 4.1.3)

44..11..11 NNeew
w ((CCoom
mmmiitttteedd M
This button allows the user to open a window where he can define a new committed measure. (Fig.


When the window opens, the fields will be already filled in with the data relating to the highlighted
item and measure. Obviously, all the fields can be edited as required.
The screen contains the following information:
Item - Using the related pop-up menu, the user indicates the item for which he wishes to enter the
measure in this field.

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CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Phase - By filling in this field, it is possible to conduct accounting by drawing. The pop-up menu for this
field will show all the phases, linked to the item, to which a drawing has been linked in the ITEMLIST
module. It will thus be possible to associate an item/drawing phase pairing with the measure being
entered, and indicate the drawing revision number.
Measure no. - The sequence number linked to the measure. It is assigned automatically by the system
and cannot be changed.
WP no. - The number of the WP containing the measure being entered is indicated in this field.
Numbers corresponding to WPs already officialized cannot be entered.
Measure Description - A description for the measure can be entered in this field.
Item Code – The item for which the user wishes to enter the measure is indicated in this field. This can
be done either by selecting the entire code from the pop-up menu or by using a set of filters by level to
look for the desired code. The description of the item will appear in the box at the bottom.
UM - The unit of measurement linked to the bill item.
Measure date - The actual date of the measure is shown in this field.
Entry Date - The measure entry date. It is set automatically by the system and cannot be changed.
User Name - The name of the user who is entering the measure. It cannot be changed.
Type of Work - The type of work the selected item is linked to. It can be changed if necessary.
Work Sub-Type - The work sub-type the selected item is linked to. It can be changed if necessary.
Tcf/Frc - If the contract in question is a type S “Service” contract, this pull-down menu allows the user
to select a temporary cost facilities or a field running cost.
Material Price - Indication of the material price for the selected item.
Labor Price - Indication of the labor price for the selected item.
Bid - Indication of any bid linked to the item.
Coefficient - In this field, using the pop-up menu, a coefficient previously defined in the contract can be
linked to the measure. If coefficients are changed, the amount will be recalculated.
Length, Width, Height - In the case of civil items, the volume dimensions are entered in these fields.
Similar Parts - The number of similar parts covered by the item is indicated in this field.
Divider - If present, a divider is entered in this field.
Tot. Quantity - The total quantity of the measures to be committed is entered in this field.
Amount - The amount for the committed measure, expressed in the contract currency, appears
automatically in this field.

Total Quantity and Amount

For NON Lump Sum items, the Total Quantity can be entered directly or calculated automatically.
Formulae for calculations:
Total Quantity = [(Length 1 + Length 2) * (Width 1 + Width 2) * (Height 1 + Height 2)] * Similar
Calculation of Amount:
Ka = The sum of all the addition coefficients (Calculated Value) present for the measure. If no addition
coefficients exist, the value will be set to Ka = 1
Km = The sum of all the multiplication coefficients (Calculated Value) present for the measure. If no
multiplication coefficients exist, the value will be set to Km = 1
Amount = (Labor Price + Material Price) * Bid * Total Quantity * Ka * Km

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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For Lump Sum items, the Total Quantity assigned must be other than zero, with a value between -100
and +100.
Once the total quantity is assigned, the system calculates the algebraic sum of all the quantities stored,
for the active item, plus the current quantity. The result must be less than or equal to 100, and an error
message will be generated if this limit is not respected.
Amount = (Labor Price + Material Price) * Bid/100 * Total Quantity.
Coefficients are not intended to be used for this type of item.

• All domains are mandatory and, if repeated, are displayed once only.
• All items/levels with the “Eliminated” field set to “D” will not be part of the domain.
• All items with an invalid “Cost” will not be part of the domain.
• All items with “Type of Work” or “Work Sub-Type” not defined will not be part of the domain.
• All “Lump Sum” items with their “Type of Use” set to “E” will not be part of the domain.
• When the Total Quantity is entered, set the Length, Width and Height fields to 0 (zero) and the
“Similar Parts” and “Divider” to 1.
• If the complete item code is selected, the system will automatically display the various parts in the
Code fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
• If the various parts of the item are selected (Code 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) the system will automatically display
the complete code.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the information entered. The program will automatically
update the “Used” field to “Y” for the item code used and the related higher levels, and will update the
“Used” field to “Y” for the selected phase.

Engineered Measures - This button will be active only if there is at least one engineered measure
relating to the selected item.
When the button is pressed, all the engineered measures entered will be shown as domains. (Fig. 4.4)

Fig. 4.4

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The table contains the following information:

Item Code - The item code for which the engineered measure has been entered.
Item - Indication of the item the article is linked to.
Measure Description - Description of the engineered measure entered.
Total Quantity - Quantity linked to the engineered measure.
Description - Description of the item.

Selection - By selecting an item and pressing this button, this window is closed and the user is returned
to the previous window, which will be filled in with the details of the engineered measure indicated,
now ready to be committed.

Exit - This button allows the user to exit without making any changes.

44..11..22 DDeettaaiill ((CCoom

mmmiitttteedd M
The following window allows the user to view and change the data for a recorded committed measure.
(Fig. 4.5)

Fig. 4.5

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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If the measure shown in detail belongs to an already officialized WP, it will not be possible to make
changes to it or eliminate it, while if the WP is not yet official, the user will be able to change the
information entered and delete the measure if needs be.

For the description of the window, please refer to Par. 4.1.1.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. In particular, the fields “Entry Date” and
“Operator” will be updated.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to physically delete the active measure.

44..11..33 NNeew
wMMeeaassuurree RReeffeerreennccee DDaattaa
This button allows the user to open a window where he can set the common parameters for entering
new measures. In particular, the user can define the WP no. and the measure execution date. (Fig. 4.6)

Fig. 4.6

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WP no. - The number of the WP for which the user wishes to enter measures is indicated in this field.
This number cannot be the same as a WP number already officialized.
Measure date - The actual date of the measure is shown in this field.
Clear new measure data – If the value is set to “N”, when the user clicks on the button “New
Committed Measure”, the fields will be filled in with the values for the highlighted measure, while if
the value is set to “Y”, the fields will be empty.

Exit - This button allows the user to close the window and make the data available for the new

44..22 CCoom
mmmiitttteedd M
Meeaassuurreess bbyy Q
Quuaannttiittyy oorr DDiim
This sub-section allows the user to view and manage committed measures. The measures are displayed
according to the Total Quantity assigned, or their Dimensions. (Fig. 4.7)

Fig. 4.7

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In the “Selection” box, the first thing to be indicated, using the radio button at the top, is whether the
user wishes to view the measures by quantity or by dimension. It is then possible to search directly for
a measure using the pull-down menu “Measure no.”, or search filters can be set. In particular, the user
can indicate the item, WP number, article and associated drawing using the respective pull-down

The table at the bottom of the screen shows the results of the search, based on the filters. The table
contains the following information:
WP. Nr. - The number of the WP in which the measure is recorded.
Measure no. - The sequence number linked to the measure. It is assigned automatically by the system
and cannot be changed.
Item – The item for which the measure has been entered is indicated in this field.
Item – The item to which the article is linked is indicated in this field.
Phase - The phase linked to the item is shown in this field. Depending on the choice of phase, the
“Drawing” and “Revision” fields will be filled in accordingly.
Type of Work - The type of work the selected item is linked to.
Work Sub-Type - The work sub-type the selected item is linked to.
Tcf/Frc - If the contract in question is a type S “Service” contract, this field may be used to indicate a
temporary cost facilities or a field running cost.
Measure Description - The description of the measure is displayed in this field.
Coefficient - In this field, using the pop-up menu, a coefficient previously defined in the contract can be
linked to the measure. If coefficients are changed, the amount will be recalculated.

If, using the radio button, the user chooses to show the measures by quantity, the following fields will
be displayed:
Tot. Quantity - The total quantity of the committed measures is entered in this field.

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CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Amount - The amount for the committed measure, expressed in the contract currency, appears
automatically in this field.

If, on the other hand, the user chooses to show the measures by dimensions, the following fields will
be displayed:
Length, Width, Height - In the case of civil items, the volume dimensions are entered in these fields.
Similar Parts - The number of similar parts covered by the item is indicated in this field.
Divider - If present, a divider is entered in this field.
Tot. Quantity - The total quantity of the measures to be committed is entered in this field.
Amount - The amount for the committed measure, expressed in the contract currency, appears
automatically in this field.

• If the active measure belongs to an official WP, all the buttons in the window will not be active
(except for the button “New Measure Ref. Data”) and all the fields will be non-editable.
• Lump Sum items whose Type of Use is set to “M” will be part of the domain only if the active radio
button is for measures by quantity. Lump sum items whose Type of Use is set to “E” will not be part
of the domain.

Save - This button allows the user to save the information entered. The program will automatically
update the “Used” field to “Y” for the item code used and the related higher levels, and will update the
“Used” field to “Y” for the selected phase.

Cancel - This button allows the user to cancel all changes made, except for deletions, and update the

Eliminate - This button allows the user to physically delete the active measure, along with all the
associated coefficients.

Engineered Measures - This button is only active when defining a new measure and if there is at least
engineered measure for the selected item. (See Par. 4.1.1)

New Measure Ref. Data - This button is used to define the data to be used when recording a new
measure. (See Par. 4.1.3)

44..33 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd M
Meeaassuurreess bbyy IItteem
This sub-section allows the user to define, view and manage the engineered measures linked to an
item. The measures displayed depend on the item selected. (Fig. 4.8)

Fig. 4.8

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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In the “Selection” box, the user can indicate the item directly by selecting it from the relative pop-up
menu, or set the search filters. In particular, using the radio button, the user can narrow the search to
items with measures, items without measures or all items. The respective pull-down menus can then
be used to set the main item, type and area.

The table at the bottom of the screen shows the results of the search, based on the filters used. The
table contains the following information:
Measures - If this check box is flagged, it means that committed measures have been linked to the
highlighted item.
Item - Item identification code.
Description - Description of the item.
Main Item - Indication of main item.
Item Type - Indication of the item type.
Area - Indication of the item area.

If engineered measures have already been entered for the selected item, they will be shown in the
table at the bottom. This table contains the following information:
Measure no. - The sequence number automatically assigned to the measure by the system.
Item Code - Item for which the measure has been entered.
Measure Description - Description of the entered measure.
Total Quantity - The quantity of the engineered measure for the item.
Amount - Amount relating to the engineered measure.
Entry Date - The engineered measure entry date.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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New - This button allows the user to enter a new measure for the selected item. (See Par. 4.3.1)

Detail - This button allows the user to see details of the measure entered for the selected item. (See
Par. 4.3.2)

New Measure Ref. Data - This button allows the user to set the default parameters for entering new
engineered measures. (See Par. 4.3.3)

44..33..11 NNeew
w ((EEnnggiinneeeerreedd M
This button allows the user to open a window where he can define a new engineered measure. (Fig.

Fig. 4.9

When the window opens, the fields will be already filled in with the data relating to the item and
highlighted measure. Obviously, all the fields can be edited as required.
The screen contains the following information:

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Item - Using the related pop-up menu, the user indicates the item for which he wishes to enter the
measure in this field.
Phase - By filling in this field, it is possible to conduct accounting by drawing. The pop-up menu for this
field will show all the phases, linked to the item, to which a drawing has been linked in the ITEMLIST
module. It will thus be possible to associate an item/drawing phase pairing with the measure being
entered, and indicate the drawing revision number.
Measure no. - The sequence number linked to the measure. It is assigned automatically by the system
and cannot be changed.
Measure Description - A description for the measure can be entered in this field.
Item Code – The item for which the user wishes to enter the measure is indicated in this field. This can
be done either by selecting the entire code from the pop-up menu or by using a set of filters by level to
look for the desired code. The description of the item will appear in the box at the bottom.
UM - The unit of measurement linked to the bill item.
Measure date - The actual date of the measure is shown in this field.
Entry Date - The measure entry date. It is set automatically by the system and cannot be changed.
User Name - The name of the user who is entering the measure. It cannot be changed.
Coefficient - In this field, using the pop-up menu, a coefficient previously defined in the contract can be
linked to the measure. If coefficients are changed, the amount will be recalculated.
Length, Width, Height - In the case of civil items, the volume dimensions are entered in these fields.
Similar Parts - The number of similar parts covered by the item is indicated in this field.
Divider - If present, a divider is entered in this field.
Tot. Quantity - The total quantity of the measures to be committed is entered in this field.
Amount - The amount for the committed measure, expressed in the contract currency, appears
automatically in this field.

Total Quantity and Amount

For NON Lump Sum items the Total Quantity can be entered directly or calculated automatically.
Formulae for calculations:
Total Quantity = [(Length 1 + Length 2) * (Width 1 + Width 2) * (Height 1 + Height 2)] * Similar
Calculation of Amount:
Ka = The sum of all the addition coefficients (Calculated Value) present for the measure. If no addition
coefficients exist, the value will be set to Ka = 1
Km = The sum of all the multiplication coefficients (Calculated Value) present for the measure. If no
multiplication coefficients exist, the value will be set to Km = 1
Amount = (Labor Price + Material Price) * Bid * Total Quantity * Ka * Km

For Lump Sum items, the Total Quantity assigned must be other than zero, with a value between -100
and +100.
Once the total quantity is assigned, the system calculates the algebraic sum of all the quantities stored,
for the active item, plus the current quantity. The result must be less than or equal to 100, and an error
message will be generated if this limit is not respected.
Amount = (Labor Price + Material Price) * Bid/100 * Total Quantity.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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Coefficients are not intended to be used for this type of item.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the information entered. The program will automatically
update the “Used” field to “Y” for the item code used and the related higher levels, and will update the
“Used” field to “Y” for the selected phase.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to physically delete the active measure.

44..33..22 DDeettaaiill ((EEnnggiinneeeerreedd M

The following window allows the user to view and change the data for a recorded committed measure.
(Fig. 4.10)

Fig. 4.10

For the description of the window, please refer to Par. 4.3.1.

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Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. In particular, the fields “Entry Date” and
“Operator” will be updated.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to physically delete the active measure.

44..33..33 NNeew
wMMeeaassuurree RReeffeerreennccee DDaattaa
This button allows the user to open a window where he can define a default date for entering
engineered measures (Fig. 4.11)

Fig. 4.11

Measure date - The actual date of the measure is shown in this field.
Clear new measure data - If the value is set to “N”, when the user clicks on the button “New
Committed Measure” the fields will be filled in with the values for the highlighted measure, while if the
value is set to “Y” the fields will be empty.

Exit - This button allows the user to close the window and make the data available for the new

44..44 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd M
Meeaassuurreess bbyy Q
Quuaannttiittyy oorr DDiim
This sub-section allows the user to view and manage engineered measures. The measures are
displayed according to the Total Quantity assigned, or their Dimensions. (Fig. 4.12)

Fig. 4.12

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In the “Selection” box, the first thing to be indicated, using the radio button at the top, is whether the
user wishes to view the measures by quantity or by dimension. It is then possible to search directly for
a measure using the pull-down menu “Measure no.”, or search filters can be set. In particular, the user
can indicate the item, article and associated drawing using the respective pull-down menus.

The table at the bottom of the screen shows the results of the search, based on the filters. The table
contains the following information:
Origin - This field indicates whether the item has been created manually (field set to “M”), or entered
by importing (empty field), or using the basic item entry function “Basic Item Æ Contr.” (field set to
Measure no. - The sequence number linked to the measure. It is assigned automatically by the system
and cannot be changed.
Item Code - The item for which the measure has been entered is indicated in this field.
Item - The item to which the article is linked is shown in this field.
Phase - The phase linked to the item is shown in this field. Depending on the choice of phase, the
“Drawing” and “Revision” fields will be filled in accordingly.
Measure Description - The description of the measure is displayed in this field.
Coefficient - In this field, using the pop-up menu, a coefficient previously defined in the contract can be
linked to the measure. If coefficients are changed, the amount will be recalculated.

If, using the radio button, the user chooses to show the measures by quantity, the following fields will
be displayed:
Tot. Quantity - The quantity of the engineered measures is entered in this field.
Amount - The amount for the engineered measure, expressed in the contract currency, appears
automatically in this field.

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If, on the other hand, the user chooses to show the measures by dimensions, the following fields will
be displayed:
Length, Width, Height - In the case of civil items, the volume dimensions are entered in these fields.
Similar Parts - The number of similar parts covered by the item is indicated in this field.
Divider - If present, a divider is entered in this field.
Tot. Quantity - The quantity of the engineered measures is entered in this field.
Amount - The amount for the engineered measure, expressed in the contract currency, appears
automatically in this field.

Lump Sum items whose Type of Use is set to “M” will be part of the domain only if the active radio
button is for measures by quantity. Lump sum items whose Type of Use is set to “E” will not be part of
the domain.

Save - This button allows the user to save the information entered. The program will automatically
update the “Used” field to “Y” for the item code used and the related higher levels, and will update the
“Used” field to “Y” for the selected phase.

Cancel - This button allows the user to cancel all changes made, except for deletions, and update the

Eliminate - This button allows the user to physically delete the active measure, along with all the
associated coefficients.

New Measure Ref. Data - This button is used to define the data to be used when recording a new
engineered measure. (See Par. 4.3.3)

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This section provides a summary of the engineered and committed measures entered for a specific
contract. In this case, the information is displayed in tabular format. The section main menu is shown
in figure 5.1.

Fig. 5.1

55..11 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd
This section allows the user to view and manage engineered measures, organized in tabular format.
The first thing the user needs to do is select the job of interest. (Fig. 5.2)

Fig. 5.2

At the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate: once the Job is
selected, the system displays in the ‘Site’ box a list of sites on which the user is authorized to operate.


Code - The code corresponding to the contract is shown in this column.

Description - The description of the contract is shown in this column.

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Contract Type - The type of contract is indicated in this column (C = passive contract and S = service
Status - The contract status is shown in this column. (A = Active, D = Cancelled). If the selected contract
will be deleted logically (“Eliminated” field set to “D”) all the fields in the subsequent dialogue boxes
will be non-editable.

User Name – The user’s own name must be entered in this field to be able to move on to the next

List of Measures - Clicking on this button opens the list of engineered measures in tabular format. The
top part of the screen shows the list of engineered measures entered for the selected contract, while
at the bottom of the screen there are three sections, the first for measures by dimensions, the second
for measures by quantity and the third for the associated coefficients. (Fig. 5.3)

Fig. 5.3

The table contains the following information:

Measure no. - The sequence number linked to the measure. It is assigned automatically by the system
and cannot be changed.
Item - The item for which the measure has been entered is indicated in this field.
Item - The item to which the article is linked is shown in this field.
Measure Description - The description of the measure is displayed in this field.

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Tot. Quantity - The quantity of the engineered quantity is entered in this field.

The fields below the table show:

Measure date - The actual date of the measure is shown in this field.
Phase - The phase linked to the item is shown in this field. Depending on the choice of phase, the
“Drawing” and “Revision” fields will be filled in accordingly.
User Name - The name of the user who entered the measure.
Lump Sum Total - In the case of lump sum items, the percentage completed with respect to the total is
shown here.

Measures by Dimensions

Length, Width, Height - In the case of civil items, the volume dimensions are entered in these fields.
Similar Parts - The number of similar parts covered by the item is indicated in this field.
Divider - If present, a divider is entered in this field.

Measures by Quantity

Labor Price - If specified in the contract, the price only for the work to be done as described by the
item is indicated in this field.
Material Price - If specified in the contract, the price of the material to be used to carry out the work
described by the item, is indicated in this field.
Bid - The bid coefficient is indicated in this field.

Associated Coefficients

In this field, using the pop-up menu, a coefficient previously defined in the contract can be linked to
the measure. If coefficients are changed, the amount will be recalculated.

Delete Coeff. - This button allows the user to delete the highlighted coefficient linked to a

• All domains are mandatory and, if repeated, are displayed once only.
• All items/levels with the “Eliminated” field set to “D” will not be part of the domain.
• All items with an invalid “Cost” will not be part of the domain.
• All items with “Type of Work” or “Work Sub-Type” not defined will not be part of the domain.
• All Lump Sum items whose “Type of Use” is set to “E” will not be part of the domain.
• The description, in the set language for the contract, is the short description.

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Copy record - This button allows the user to copy a measure. This function will only be available if the
contract will not be deleted logically. A measure cannot be copied when there are lump sum items

Add New Measure - This button allows the user to insert a new measure, by adding an empty line
between existing measures.

Delete Measure - This button allows the user to physically eliminate a measure and its associated

Back - This button allows the user to go back to the previous screen and select a new contract.

55..22 CCoom
This section allows the user to view and manage committed measures, organized in tabular format.
The first thing the user needs to do is select the job of interest. (Fig. 5.4)

Fig. 5.4

At the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate: once the Job is
selected, the system displays in the ‘Site’ box a list of sites on which the user is authorized to operate.


Code - The code corresponding to the contract is shown in this column.

Description - The description of the contract is shown in this column.
Contract Type - The type of contract is indicated in this column (C = passive contract and S = service

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Status - The contract status is shown in this column. (A = Active, D = Cancelled). If the selected contract
will be deleted logically (“Eliminated” field set to “D”) all the fields in the subsequent dialogue boxes
will be non-editable.

WP no. – The number of the WP for which the user wishes to view the measures, and on which he
intends to operate, must be indicated in this field.
User Name - The user’s own name must be entered in this field to be able to move on to the next

List of Measures - Clicking on this button opens the list of committed measures in tabular format. Only
measures for the selected WP will be displayed. If an Official WP is selected, all the fields will be non-
editable and all the buttons disabled. The user can only quit the window by pressing the “Back to
Contracts” button. (Fig. 5.5)

Fig. 5.5

The top part of the screen shows the list of committed measures entered for the contract and the
selected WP, while at the bottom of the screen there are three sections, the first for measures by
dimensions, the second for measures by quantity and the third for the associated coefficients.

The table contains the following information:

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Measure no. - The sequence number linked to the measure. It is assigned automatically by the system
and cannot be changed.
Item - The item for which the measure has been entered is indicated in this field.
Item - The item to which the article is linked is shown in this field.
Measure Description - The description of the measure is displayed in this field.
Tot. Quantity - The quantity of the committed quantity is entered in this field.
Type of Work - The type of work the selected item is linked to.
Work Sub-Type - The work sub-type the selected item is linked to.

The fields below the table show:

Measure date - The actual date of the measure is shown in this field.
Phase - The phase linked to the item is shown in this field. Depending on the choice of phase, the
“Drawing” and “Revision” fields will be filled in accordingly.
User Name - The name of the user who entered the measure.
Lump Sum Total - In the case of lump sum items, the percentage completed with respect to the total is
shown here.

Measures by Dimensions

Length, Width, Height - In the case of civil items, the volume dimensions are entered in these fields.
Similar Parts - The number of similar parts covered by the item is indicated in this field.
Divider - If present, a divider is entered in this field.

Measures by Quantity

Labor Price - If specified in the contract, the price only for the work to be done as described by the
item is indicated in this field.
Material Price - If specified in the contract, the price of the material to be used to carry out the work
described by the item, is indicated in this field.
Bid - The bid coefficient is indicated in this field.
Original Amount - The original amount for the selected item is indicated in this field.
New Amount - A new amount is indicated in this field, calculated based on the bid value.

Associated Coefficients

In this field, using the pop-up menu, a coefficient previously defined in the contract can be linked to
the measure. If coefficients are changed, the amount will be recalculated.

Delete Coeff. - This button allows the user to delete the highlighted coefficient linked to a

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Copy record - This button allows the user to copy a measure. This function will only be available if the
contract will not be deleted logically. A measure cannot be copied when there are lump sum items

Add New Measure - This button allows the user to insert a new measure, by adding an empty line
between existing measures.

Delete Measure - This button allows the user to physically eliminate a measure and its associated

Back - This button allows the user to go back to the previous screen and select a new contract or a new

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66 CCW
This section allows the user to manage Change Work Orders.
It is assumed that an engineered CWO is linked to several items, while during the committing phase it
is the sheets that are linked to an item, thus allowing a CWO to be linked to several items.

Fig. 6.1

At the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate: once the Job is
selected, the system displays in the ‘Site’ box a list of sites on which the user is authorized to operate.


Code - The code corresponding to the contract is shown in this column.

Description - The description of the contract is shown in this column.
Contract Type - The type of contract is indicated in this column (C = passive contract and S = service
Status - The contract status is shown in this column. (A = Active, D = Cancelled). If the selected contract
will be deleted logically (“Eliminated” field set to “D”) all the fields in the subsequent dialogue boxes
will be non-editable.

It will not be possible to record a Committed sheet if the related engineered CWO has not been
defined beforehand.
The folders subsequent to “Engineered by Item” and “Engineered by CWO” will only be active if an
engineered CWO has been defined.

66..11 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd bbyy IItteem

This section allows the user to create engineered CWOs. The starting point for this screen are the items
entered in the contract, to which the user can individually link an engineered CWO (Fig. 6.2)

Fig. 6.2

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In the “Selection” box, the user can indicate the item directly by selecting it from the relative pop-up
menu, or set the search filters. In particular, using the check box, the user can narrow the search to
items without associated CWOs. The respective pull-down menus can then be used to set the main
item, type and area.

The table at the bottom of the screen shows the results of the search, based on the filters. The table
contains the following information:
CWO - If this check box is flagged, it means that CWOs have been linked to the highlighted item.
Item - Item identification code.
Description - Description of the item.
Main Item - Indication of main item.
Item Type - Indication of the item type.
Area - Indication of the item area.

If CWOs have already been entered for the selected item, they will be shown in the table at the
bottom. This table contains the following information:
CWO Code - CWO identification code.
Description - Short description of the CWO
Request Date - The date on which the client requested the CWO.
Requested by - The name of the person requesting the issue of a CWO
Total Amount - Automatic calculation of the total amount for the highlighted CWO.

New - This button allows the user to enter a new CWO for the selected item. (See Par. 6.1.1)

Detail - This button allows the user to view details of the CWO entered for the selected item. (See Par.

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Engineered - This button allows the user to view details of the engineered CWO entered for the
highlighted item. (See Par. 6.1.3)

The “Detail” and “Engineered” buttons will only be enabled if there is at least one CWO for the
selected item.

66..11..11 NNeew
The following window allows the user to define a new CWO. The screen is made up of two sections, the
first relating to the CWO, and the second relating to the items linked to the CWO. (Fig. 6.3)

Fig. 6.3

When the window is displayed, the “Item” field will be filled in with the code for the highlighted item.
The screen contains the following information:
CWO Code - CWO identification code.
Description - Short description of the CWO
Request Date - The date on which the client requested the CWO, which is set automatically by the
system with the current date, but can be edited as required.
Entry Date - The CWO entry date. It is set automatically by the system and cannot be changed.
Requested by - The name of the person requesting the issue of a CWO
User Name - The name of the user who is creating the CWO. It cannot be changed.
Direct hours - The number of directed spent hours.
Indirect hours - The number of indirected spent hours.

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Reason - The reason the CWO was issued is indicated here, by selecting it from the pull-down menu
Closed - This field indicates whether the CWO is closed (field value = “Y”) and therefore can no longer
be changed, or whether it is still open (field value = “N”) and therefore can still be changed.


In this box, it is possible to associate items with the active CWO. When the window opens, the first
field will already be filled in with the highlighted item. It will be possible to add other items to the CWO
at a later stage, using the grey buttons next to each empty field, which open a pop-up menu from
which the items can be selected.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to delete the highlighted item for the CWO, if there are no
committed sheets.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. In particular, the fields “Entry Date” and
“User Name” will be updated.

66..11..22 DDeettaaiill
The following window allows the user to display and change the data for a recorded CWO. The screen
is made up of two sections, the first relating to the CWO, and the second relating to the items linked to
the CWO. (Fig. 6.4)

Fig. 6.4

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The window shows details of the CWO to which the highlighted item belongs. The screen contains the
following information:
CWO Code - CWO identification code.
Description - Short description of the CWO
Request Date - The date on which the client requested the CWO. This is set automatically by the
system with the current date, but can be edited as required.
Entry Date - The CWO entry date. It is set automatically by the system and cannot be changed.
Requested by - The name of the person requesting the issue of the CWO
User Name - The name of the user who is creating the CWO. It cannot be changed.
Direct hours - The number of directed spent hours.
Indirect hours - The number of indirected spent hours.
Reason - The reason the CWO was issued is indicated here, by selecting it from the pull-down menu
Closed - This field indicates whether la CWO is closed (field value = “Y”) and therefore can no longer be
changed, or whether it is still open (field value = “N”) and therefore can still be changed.


In this box, it is possible to associate items with the active CWO. When the window opens, the first
field will already be filled in with the highlighted item. It will be possible to add other items to the CWO
at a later stage, using the grey buttons next to each empty field, which open a pop-up menu from
which the items can be selected.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to delete the highlighted item for the CWO, if there are no
committed sheets.

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Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. In particular, the fields “Entry Date” and
“User Name” will be updated.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to physically delete the selected CWO with the related items, if
for the CWO there is no Sheet belonging to a WP (Committed CWO). If this is not the case, an error
message will appear.

Close - This button allows the user to close the CWO and thus make it impossible to make any further
changes to it.

Open - This button allows the user to open a previously closed CWO and allow changes to be made to
the data entered.

66..11..33 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd
This window allows the user to view details of the engineered CWO entered for the highlighted item.
(Fig. 6.5)

Fig. 6.5

The screen contains the following information:

CWO Code - CWO identification code.
Description - Short description of the CWO
Closed - This field indicates whether the CWO is closed (field value = “Y”) and therefore can no longer
be changed, or whether it is still open (field value = “N”) and therefore can still be changed.
Item - This box lists all the items entered for the engineered CWO.

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The box at the bottom contains a list of the items entered in the CWO. In particular:
Item Code - Identification code for the item entered in the CWO.
Description - Short description of the item.
Quantity - The quantity assigned to the item.
Amount - Amount budgeted in the CWO for that item.
Request Date - The date on which the client requested the CWO.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

New - This button allows the user to add a new item to an engineered CWO.

Detail - This button allows the user to view and update the details of an item entered in a CWO.

66..11..33..11 NNeew
This window allows the user to add a new item to an engineered CWO. (Fig. 6.6)

Fig. 6.6

The screen contains the following information:

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Item Code – The item for which the user wishes to enter the measure is indicated in this field. This can
be done either by selecting the entire code from the pop-up menu or by using a set of filters by level to
look for the desired code. The description of the item will appear in the box at the bottom.
UM - The unit of measurement linked to the bill item.
Request Date - The date on which the client requested the CWO, which is set automatically by the
system with the current date, but can be edited as required.
Entry Date - The CWO entry date. It is set automatically by the system and cannot be changed.
User Name - The name of the user who is creating the CWO. It cannot be changed.
Type of Work - The type of work the selected item is linked to. It can be changed if necessary.
Work Sub-Type - The work sub-type the selected item is linked to. It can be changed if necessary.
Material Price - Indication of the material price for the selected item.
Labor Price - Indication of the labor price for the selected item.
Bid - Indication of any bid linked to the item.
Coefficient - In this field, using the pop-up menu, a coefficient previously defined in the contract can be
linked to the measure. If coefficients are changed, the amount will be recalculated.
Quantity - The measure quantity is indicated in this field.
Amount - The measure amount, expressed in the contract currency, appears automatically in this field.

Total Quantity and Amount

For NON Lump Sum items, the Assigned Quantity must be other than 0 (zero).
Calculation of Amount:
Ka = The sum of all the addition coefficients (Calculated Value) present for the entry. If no addition
coefficients exist, the value will be set to Ka = 1
Km = The sum of all the multiplication coefficients (Calculated Value) present for the entry. If no
multiplication coefficients exist, the value will be set to Km = 1
Amount = (Labor Price + Material Price) * Bid * Total Quantity * Ka * Km

For Lump Sum items, the Total Quantity assigned must be other than zero, with a value between -100
and +100.
Amount = (Labor Price + Material Price) * Bid/100 * Total Quantity.
Coefficients are not intended to be used for this type of item.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. If the item is manual, the system checks
its association with the basic item and, if “Used”, the system will check the “Cost” validity, and the
existence of the Type and Sub-Type of Work.

Eliminate - If the item is used (“Used” field set to “Y”) for measures/CWOs, it will be deleted logically
(the “Eliminated” field will be set to “D”).
If the item/level is not used (“Used” field set to “N”) for measures/CWOs, it and any quantity revisions
will be deleted physically.

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• All domains are mandatory and, if repeated, are displayed once only.
• All items/levels with the “Eliminated” field set to “D” will not be part of the domain.
• All items with an invalid “Cost” will not be part of the domain.
• All items with “Type of Work” or “Work Sub-Type” not defined will not be part of the domain.
• All “Lump Sum” items with “Type of Use” set to “E” will be part of the domain.
• If the complete item code is selected, the system will automatically display the various parts in the
Code fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
• If the various parts of the item are selected (Code 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) the system will automatically display
the complete code.

66..11..33..22 DDeettaaiill

This window allows the user to update the details of an item linked to an engineered CWO. (Fig. 6.7)

Fig. 6.7

For the description of the window, please refer to Par.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

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Page 76 (139)

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. If the item is manual, the system checks
its association with the basic item and, if “Used”, the system will check the “Cost” validity, and the
existence of the Type and Sub-Type of Work .

Eliminate - If the item is used (“Used” field set to “Y”) for measures/CWOs, it will be deleted logically
(the “Eliminated” field will be set to “D”).
If the item/level is not used (“Used” field set to “N”) for measures/CWOs, it and any quantity revisions
will be deleted physically.

66..22 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd bbyy CCW

This section allows the user to create engineered CWOs. The starting point for this screen are the
CWOs, to which the user can individually link items and articles. (Fig. 6.8)

Fig. 6.8

By default, all the engineered CWOs entered for the selected job/site/contract are displayed.
Alternatively, using the “Selection” box, the user can directly indicate the code of the CWO of interest,
or he can filter the selection by “Requested by” and “Reason” for the CWO.

The table at the bottom of the screen shows the results of the search, based on the filters. The table
contains the following information:
CWO Code - CWO identification code.
Requested by - The name of the person requesting the issue of the CWO
Request Date - The date on which the client requested the CWO.
Indirect hours - The number of indirected spent hours.
Direct hours - The number of directed spent hours.

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Page 77 (139)

Reason - The reason the CWO was issued

Description - Short description of the CWO
Tot. CWO - The total amount budgeted by the CWO


In this box, it is possible to associate items with the active CWO. When the window opens, the first
field will already be filled in with the highlighted item. It will be possible to add other items to the CWO
at a later stage, using the grey buttons next to each empty field, which open a pop-up menu from
which the items can be selected.


This box shows the items entered in the selected CWO. The table contains the following information:
Item Code - The code of the item entered in the CWO When a new item is entered, the fields “Type of
Work” and “Work Sub-Type” are filled in automatically, using details taken from the item itself,
provided that they are consistent with the “change work order” flag defined at contract level (by which
work sub-types are enabled for the management of change work orders). In the event of
inconsistencies, these two fields are left blank, and the user needs to edit them manually.
Request Date - The date on which the client requested the CWO.
Type of Work - The type of work linked to the item.
Work Sub-Type - The Work Sub-Type linked to the item.
Quantity - The quantity assigned to the bill item is shown in this field.
UM - Unit of measurement linked to the item.
Amount - The item amount appears automatically in this field, calculated based on the quantity

Associated Coefficients

In this field, using the pop-up menu, a coefficient previously defined in the contract can be linked to
the measure. If coefficients are changed, the amount will be recalculated.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. In particular, the fields “Entry Date” and
“Operator” will be updated.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to physically delete the active CWO along with the related
items, if for the CWO there is no Sheet belonging to a WP (Committed CWO). If this is not the case, an
error message will appear.

Cancel - This button allows the user to cancel all changes made, except for deletions, and update the

Close - This button allows the user to close the CWO and thus make it impossible to make any further
changes to it.

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Page 78 (139)

Open - This button allows the user to open a previously closed CWO and allow changes to be made to
the data entered.

66..33 CCoom
mmmiitttteedd bbyy IItteem
This section allows the user to create sheets linked to committed CWOs. The starting point for this
screen are the items entered in the contract, to which the user can individually link a committed CWO.
(Fig. 6.9)

Fig. 6.9

By default, all the committed CWOs entered for the selected job/site/contract are displayed.
Alternatively, using the “Selection” box, the user can directly indicate the code of the CWO of interest,
or he can filter the selection by “WP no.”, “Sheet No.” and “Item”.

The table at the bottom of the screen shows the results of the search, based on the filters. The table
contains the following information:
Sheet – This check box indicates whether or not sheets linked to the CWO exist.
CWO Code - CWO identification code.
Description - Short description of the CWO
Request Date - The date on which the client requested the CWO.
Requested by - The name of the person requesting the issue of a CWO

If sheets have already been issued for the selected CWO, they will be shown in the table at the bottom.
This table contains the following information:
WP no. - The number of the WP the Sheet refers to.
Sheet – The Sheet number.

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Description - Short description of the Sheet.

Item – The item entered in the Sheet in question.
Phase, Drawing, Revision – The item-drawing phase pairing (with an indication of the drawing revision
number), used for accounting by drawing.
Date - The Sheet issue date.
Total Amount - The sum of the amounts of the individual items defined for the sheet.

New - This button allows the user to define a new sheet. (See Par. 6.3.1)

Detail - This button allows the user to view details of the highlighted sheet. (See Par. 6.3.2)

Committed - This button allows the user to manage the items linked to the selected sheet. (See Par.

66..33..11 NNeew
The following window allows the user to define a new sheet. (Fig. 6.10)

Fig. 6.10

When the window is displayed, the fields will be already filled in with details of the highlighted CWO.
The screen contains the following information:
CWO Code - CWO identification code.
Description - Short description of the CWO
Closed - This field indicates whether the CWO is closed (field value = “Y”) and therefore can no longer
be changed, or whether it is still open (field value = “N”) and therefore can still be changed.
WP no. - The number of the WP the Sheet refers to is indicated in this field.
Sheet - An identification number for the new Sheet being created is indicated in this field.

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Description - A short description of the new Sheet is entered in this field.

Item – The item to be entered in the Sheet is selected from the pull-down menu.
Phase, Drawing, Revision - The item-drawing phase pairing (with an indication of the drawing revision
number), used for accounting by drawing, is indicated in these fields.
Date – The Sheet issue date is indicated in this field. It is set automatically by the system with the
current date, but can be changed.
Entry Date - Date entered automatically by the system, and which cannot be changed, referring to the
Sheet entry date.
User Name - The name of the user entering the new Sheet. It cannot be changed.
Tcf/Frc - If the contract in question is a type S “Service” contract, this pull-down menu allows the user
to select a temporary cost facilities or a field running cost.
Non conformity -

• WP No.: this number may not be the same as an officialized WP No.
• Tcf/Frc code: The “Code” field is mandatory for type “S” (Service) contracts
• At present, the “Non Conformity” field has no domains (free).

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. In particular, the fields “Entry Date” and
“User Name” will be updated.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to physically delete the sheet, if there are no associated items.
If this is not the case, an error message will appear.

66..33..22 DDeettaaiill
The following window allows the user to view and manage an already entered sheet. (Fig. 6.11)

Fig. 6.11

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For the description of the window, please refer to Par. 6.3.1.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. In particular, the fields “Entry Date” and
“User Name” will be updated.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to physically delete the sheet, if there are no associated items.
If this is not the case, an error message will appear.

66..33..33 CCoom
This window allows the user to view details of the committed CWO linked to a sheet, entered for the
highlighted item. (Fig. 6.12)

Fig. 6.12

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The screen contains the following information:

CWO Code - CWO identification code.
Description - Short description of the CWO
Closed - This field indicates whether the CWO is closed (field value = “Y”) and therefore can no longer
be changed, or whether it is still open (field value = “N”) and therefore can still be changed.

The centre box shows the Sheets entered for the highlighted CWO. The information is structured as
Sheet – The Sheet number.
WP no. - The number of the WP the sheet is linked to.
Item - The item entered in the Sheet in question.
Phase, Drawing, Revision - The item-drawing phase pairing (with an indication of the drawing revision
number), used for accounting by drawing.
Description - Description of the Sheet in question.

The box at the bottom contains a list of the items entered in the CWO. In particular:
Item Code - Identification code for the item entered in the CWO.
Description - Short description of the item.
Quantity - The quantity assigned to the item.
Amount - Amount budgeted in the CWO for that item.
Request Date - The date on which the client requested the CWO.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

New - This button allows the user to add a new item to a Committed CWO. If the CWO has been closed
(“Closed” field set to “Y”) or the sheet belongs to an official WP, the button will not be enabled.

Detail - This button allows the user to view and update the details of an item entered in a CWO

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66..33..33..11 NNeew
This window allows the user to add a new item to a committed CWO/sheet. (Fig. 6.13)

Fig. 6.13

For the description of the window, please refer to Par.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. If the item is manual, the system checks
its association with the basic item and, if “Used”, the system will check the “Cost” validity, and the
existence of the Type and Sub-Type of Work.

Eliminate - If the item is used (“Used” field set to “Y”) for measures/CWOs, it will be deleted logically
(the “Eliminated” field will be set to “D”).
If the item/level is not used (“Used” field set to “N”) for measures/CWOs, it and any quantity revisions
will be deleted physically.

66..33..33..22 DDeettaaiill

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CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Page 84 (139)

This window allows the user to update the details of an item linked to the committed CWO/sheet. (Fig.

Fig. 6.14

For the description of the window, please refer to Par.

Exit - This button allows the user to quit the window without saving the information entered.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. If the item is manual, the system checks
its association with the basic item and, if “Used”, the system will check the “Cost” validity, and the
existence of the Type and Sub-Type of Work.

Eliminate - If the item is used (“Used” field set to “Y”) for measures/CWOs, it will be deleted logically
(the “Eliminated” field will be set to “D”).
If the item/level is not used (“Used” field set to “N”) for measures/CWOs, it and any quantity revisions
will be deleted physically.

66..44 CCoom
mmmiitttteedd bbyy CCW

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CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Page 85 (139)

This section allows the user to create committed CWOs. The starting point for this screen are the
CWOs, to which the user can individually link items and articles. (Fig. 6.15)

Fig. 6.15

By default, all the committed CWOs entered for the selected job/site/contract are displayed.
Alternatively, using the “Selection” box, the user can directly indicate the code of the CWO of interest,
or he can filter the selection by “WP No.”, “Sheet No.” and “Item”.

The table at the bottom of the screen shows the results of the search, based on the filters. The table
contains the following information:
CWO Code - CWO identification code.
Description - Short description of the CWO
CWO Total - The sum of the amounts of the individual items defined for the CWO.


This box shows all the sheets linked to the selected CWO, and new ones can be created. The table
contains the following information:
WP no. - The number of the WP the Sheet refers to is indicated in this field.
Sheet - An identification number for the new Sheet being created is indicated in this field.
Date - The Sheet issue date is indicated in this field. It is set automatically by the system with the
current date, but can be changed.
Description - A short description of the new Sheet is entered in this field.
Non conformity -
Tcf/Frc - If the contract in question is a type S “Service” contract, this pull-down menu allows the user
to select a temporary cost facilities or a field running cost.


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Page 86 (139)

This box shows the items entered in the selected CWO. The table contains the following information:
Item Code - The code of the item entered in the CWO When a new item is entered, the fields “Type of
Work” and “Work Sub-Type” are filled in automatically, using details taken from the item itself,
provided that they are consistent with the “change work order” flag defined at contract level (by which
work sub-types are enabled for the management of change work orders). In the event of
inconsistencies, these two fields are left blank, and the user needs to edit them manually.
Request Date - The date on which the client requested the CWO.
Type of Work - The type of work linked to the item.
Work Sub-Type - The Work Sub-Type linked to the item.
Quantity - The quantity assigned to the bill item is shown in this field.
UM - Unit of measurement linked to the item.
Amount - The item amount appears automatically in this field, calculated based on the quantity

Associated Coefficients

In this field, using the pop-up menu, a coefficient previously defined in the contract can be linked to
the measure. If coefficients are changed, the amount will be recalculated.

Save - This button allows the user to save the changes made. In particular, the fields “Entry Date” and
“Operator” will be updated.

Eliminate - This button allows the user to physically delete the active CWO along with the related
items, if for the CWO there is no Sheet belonging to a WP (Committed CWO). If this is not the case, an
error message will appear.

Cancel - This button allows the user to cancel all changes made, except for deletions, and update the

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The various documents issued by the application are sub-divided into five types. Each type offers a
variety of printouts depending on the data the user wants to see.

Official Accounting
• Bookkeeping
• Accounting
• Summary
• Work Progress
• Payment Certificates

Unofficial Accounting
• Unofficial accounting
• Cost Control report
• Analysis by Contractual Article

Price List
• Unit prices and quantities
• Coefficients
• Costs by CMC and SCMC

• Engineered
• Committed

Measures and CWO

• Engineered
• Committed
• Committed by sheet
• Total committed by CWO
• By reason
• CWO index

The use of “Official Accounting” or “Unofficial Accounting” printouts depends on the data the user
wishes to extract and in what order.

For all printouts, unless otherwise stated, the data will be printed in the following order:
1. Type of Work
2. Work Sub-Type
3. Item levels
4. Item

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For printouts involving selection/ordering elements, the data extracted will respect the set filters. If no
filter is set, all the data present will be extracted, and will be ordered according to the request.

77..11 O
Offffiicciiaall PPrriinnttoouuttss
This section includes all printouts of an official nature that are used for the issue of WPs at the end of
the month.

77..11..11 BBooookkkkeeeeppiinngg
This section allows the user to make a printout with the highest possible level of measures. This
printout does not show prices for the items, but only measures. (Fig. 7.1)

Fig. 7.1

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

Data contained in the printout:

• First line: Item, description, dimensions, unit of measurement, total quantity of item.
• Second line: Item, drawing, measure date.
• Third line: description of measure or CWO code/sheet number, quantities relating to dimensions if
present, total quantity of measure.

Choose WP - This button opens a pop-up menu allowing the user to select the WP he wishes to print
out, choosing from all the WPs entered. The number of the chosen WP will appear in the adjacent

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Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Vertical Printout - This button gives a printout with a vertical page layout.

Horizontal Printout - This button gives a printout with a horizontal page layout.

77..11..22 AAccccoouunnttiinngg
In this printout, data is printed at item level, and for each item, the unit cost, quantity and total
amount are shown.
Any causes of a variation in the cost of the item (change in price, change in bid, or application of
coefficients) will be highlighted by printing one or more separate lines with the relevant attributes.
(Fig. 7.2)

Fig. 7.2

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

Data contained in the printout:

• Type of Work, description, total amount.
• Work Sub-Type, description, total amount.
• Level, description and total amount.
• Item, description, unit of measurement and, in the event of a variation in cost, total quantity and
total amount.

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• The following line of details: any coefficients applied with their relative value, price, bid, quantity
and amount.
• Overall total at the end of the printout.

Choose WP - This button opens a pop-up menu allowing the user to select the WP he wishes to print
out, choosing from all the WPs entered. The number of the chosen WP will appear in the adjacent

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Vertical Printout - This button gives a printout with a vertical page layout.

Horizontal Printout - This button gives a printout with a horizontal page layout.

77..11..33 AAccccoouunnttiinngg SSuum

This printout shows the same data as the printout for the Accounting, plus an extra line for each WP in
the set interval, showing the relative quantity and total amounts. (Fig. 7.3)

Fig. 7.3

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized

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Page 91 (139)

to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

From WP no. To WP no. - These buttons open pop-up menus allowing the user to select the WPs he
wishes to use to begin and end the printout, chosen from all the WPs entered. The numbers of the
chosen WPs will appear in the adjacent fields.

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Vertical Printout - This button gives a printout with a vertical page layout.

Horizontal Printout - This button gives a printout with a horizontal page layout.

77..11..44 W
Woorrkk PPrrooggrreessss
This printout is the same as that for the Accounting Summary, but without details of each WP in the set
interval. (Fig. 7.4)

Fig. 7.4

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

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From WP no. To WP no. - These buttons open pop-up menus allowing the user to select the WPs he
wishes to use to begin and end the printout, chosen from all the WPs entered. The numbers of the
chosen WPs will appear in the adjacent fields.

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Vertical Printout - This button gives a printout with a vertical page layout.

Horizontal Printout - This button gives a printout with a horizontal page layout.

77..11..55 PPaayym
meenntt CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee
This printout is used to validate the issue of a WP, which, after producing the printout, will be
displayed in ContractÆ WP History waiting to be officialized. Unlike the printouts seen up to this point,
this printout shows the net amounts and not gross amounts. (Fig. 7.5)

Fig. 7.5

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

The data shown on the printout is organized in sections:

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• Cumulative totals by Work Type/Sub-Type.

• Payment status with the WP number, date, net amount, official or unofficial, and the net total paid.
• Contract decreases/increases, for the cumulative totals by Type of Work.
• Contractual deductions: by advance, for cumulative totals by Type of Work resulting from the
application of contract decreases/increases. By guarantee, for cumulative totals by Type of Work
resulting from the application of contract decreases/increases.
• Other contractual clauses, for cumulative totals by Type of Work resulting from the application of
contract decreases/increases.
• Summary table for payment of the current WP. If the WP is not officialized, the words “NOT
OFFICIAL” appear diagonally across the section.
• Additional sheet containing, for each SAP aggregation, the maximum permitted amount, the gross
amount for all previous and current WPs, and the Current WP gross amount. The amounts for the
SAP aggregations are calculated based on the work type/sub-type.

Choose WP - This button opens a pop-up menu allowing the user to select the WP he wishes to print
out, choosing from all the WPs entered. The number of the chosen WP will appear in the adjacent

WP reference date - The official WP issue date is entered in this field.

If the check box “Final WP” is active, all of the remaining advance will be recovered.

If the check box “Contractual deductions detail” is active, the contractual deductions sections will be
printed with details by Type of Work.

Print - This button runs the printout of the WP requested.

77..22 UUnnooffffiicciiaall PPrriinnttoouuttss

This section includes a series of printouts that are unofficial in nature, allowing various types of data
splitting and analysis.

77..22..11 UUnnooffffiicciiaall pprriinnttoouuttss

This section allows the user to print out measures only, measures with the relative amounts, or
comparisons between engineered and committed measures, with the possibility of splitting the data
more than in official printouts. (Fig. 7.6)

Fig. 7.6

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Page 94 (139)

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

From WP no. To WP no. - These buttons open pop-up menus allowing the user to select the WPs he
wishes to use to begin and end the printout, chosen from all the WPs entered. The numbers of the
chosen WPs will appear in the adjacent fields.

Filters to be applied to the data

The printout data can be filtered using the following parameters:

• Target Function
• Area
• Sub Project
• Main Item
• Item
• Item Type

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

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CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Contractual deductions detail – if flagged, the contractual deductions sections will be printed with
details by Type of Work.

The user can define the order of the data with a split on 2 levels, by:
• Target function
• Sub-Project
• Area
• Item
• Object type
• Drawing

Print Bookkeeping - This button allows the user to print out the measures only, with no indication of

Print with Costs - This button allows the user to get a printout showing the measures and the relative

Compare Planned/Committed - This button allows the user to produce a printout showing a
comparison between planned quantities and committed quantities.

77..22..22 CCoosstt CCoonnttrrooll

This printout uses a series of parameters used to conduct cost analysis. (Fig. 7.7)

Fig. 7.7

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In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

Selection element:
• Revision by updated price list quantities
• Revision by CSO estimated price list quantities

The request map shows the default settings for calculating the differences between the amounts in the
various columns:
• Original BOQ (Rev. 0): Quantity at individual bill item level
• Updated BOQ: Quantity at individual bill item level
• Site Estimate: Quantity at individual bill item level
• Engineered Quantities: Quantity from engineered accounting
• Performed Quantities: Quantity from committed accounting
• Up to End: Difference between “Site Estimate” and “Actual”

The data is printed based on the selected price list detail, and ordered by price list structure. Two
sections are printed: Level, and Item, if requested.

The default settings for calculating the differences, as shown on the map, are as follows:

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Original BOQ, or Initial, column 1: NA

Updated BOQ, column 2: Updated BOQ - Original BOQ (2 – 1)
Site Estimate or Estimated, column 3: Site Estimate – Updated BOQ (3 – 2)
Engineered Quantities or Planned, column 4: Engineered Quantities – Updated BOQ (4 – 2)
Performed Quantities, or Actual, column 5: Engineered Quantities – Performed Quantities (4 – 5)
Estimate to Complete, or Up to End, column 6: Site Estimate – Performed Quantities (3 – 5)

These settings can be changed as required.

77..22..33 AAnnaallyyssiiss bbyy CCoonnttrraaccttuuaall AArrttiiccllee

The purpose of this printout is to highlight, at Article/Item level, the Work Types/Sub-Types for which
quantities have been entered in the accounts, both measure bill items and for the CWO The data is
ordered by Item. (Fig. 7.8)

Fig. 7.8

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

Data displayed in the printout:

A summary is printed of the amounts entered in the accounts, sub-divided by Work Type and Work
Sub-Type for the levels and articles.
For the articles, a total committed amount and engineered amount is produced; this is followed by a
table structured as follows:

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• First line: item, total committed quantity, committed amount, total engineered quantity, and
engineered amount.
• Second line: TW, STW, total committed quantity, committed amount, total engineered quantity,
engineered amount (with as many lines as there are TW/STW involved).
At the end, a table is printed summarizing the TW/STW with their relative descriptions.

Print - This button runs the printout of the requested item.

77..33 PPrriiccee LLiisstt

This section contains a series of printouts allowing an analysis of the costs and coefficients applied.

77..33..11 UUnniitt PPrriicceess aanndd Q

This section allows the user to print out the bill items entered in the contract with various types of
split. (Fig. 7.9)

Fig. 7.9

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

The printout data can be filtered using the following parameters:

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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Page 99 (139)

• Item code with 4 splits

• Type of Work
• Work Sub-Type

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Type of Quantity - Using this pull-down menu, the user can choose whether to print the initial
quantities, the Home Office quantities or the site quantities.

Revision - In this field the user can select revisions entered for Home Office quantities or Site

Type of Printout - Using this pull-down menu, the user can choose the type of printout to produce,
from those available.

Data displayed in the printout:

Print “Unit prices”:
Level, item, description, unit of measurement, price, bid, quantity relating to chosen revision, amount
relating to levels and articles, and the total amount at the end of the printout.
Print “Estimated quantities”:
The choice of revision is indifferent, but it cannot be selected for initial quantities, since they have no
Level, item, description, unit of measurement, Initial Quantity, Initial Amount, revision, revision
quantity, revision amount. One line is printed for every revision. At the end of the printout the total
amount of the revisions appears.

Print - This button runs the requested printout.

77..33..22 CCooeeffffiicciieennttss
This printout is used to display all the coefficients entered for the selected contract, whether they refer
to measures or CWOs. (Fig. 7.10)

Fig. 7.10

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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Page 100 (139)

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

Print – This button prints out the coefficients.

Data displayed in the printout:

• Coefficient code
• Type (multiplication, addition, percentage)
• Description
• Application (measures or CWOs)
• Coefficient value
• Percentage (Yes or no)
• Used (Yes or no).

77..33..33 CCoossttss bbyy CCM

MCC aanndd SSuubbCCM
This section allows the user to conduct cost analyses at Bill item, SubCMC or CMC level. (Fig. 7.11)

Fig. 7.11

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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Page 101 (139)

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

Level of detail - This pop-up menu is used to indicate whether the user wants a printout at bill item,
SubCMC or CMC level.

Revision - This field can be filled in with the letter “O” for a printout of the initial quantities, “P” for
engineered measures, or “C” for committed measures. Alternatively, the revision number can be

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Print - This button runs the requested printout.

77..44 M
This section contains a series of printouts used to analyze the measures, both engineered and

77..44..11 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd
In this section the user can create printouts relating to the analysis of engineered measures. (Fig. 7.12)

Fig. 7.12

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Page 102 (139)

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

The printout data can be filtered using the following parameters:

• Target Function
• Area
• Sub-Project
• Main Item
• Item
• Item Type

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Level of detail - This check box is used to choose whether the levels for an article will be printed or not.

The user can define the order of the data with a split on 2 levels, by:
• Target Function
• Sub-Project
• Area

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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• Item
• Object type
• Drawing

Print Bookkeeping - This button allows the user to print out the measures only, with no indication of

Print with Costs - This button allows the user to get a printout showing the measures and the relative

77..44..22 CCoom
In this section the user can create printouts relating to the analysis of committed measures. (Fig. 7.13)

Fig. 7.13

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
CONFIDENTIAL document property of Snamprogetti. It may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was supplied.

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Page 104 (139)

Choose WP - This button opens a pop-up menu allowing the user to select the WP he wishes to print
out, choosing from all the WPs entered. The number of the chosen WP will appear in the adjacent

The printout data can be filtered using the following parameters:

• Article code, with 5 splits
• Target Function
• Area
• Sub-Project
• Main Item
• Item
• Type of Work
• Work Sub-Type
• User Name
• Drawing

“FROM/TO” dates - The range of dates to be used for the printout is entered in these fields.

Print – This button runs the printout for the committed measures indicated.

77..55 CCW
This section contains a series of printouts used for analysis of Change Work Orders, both engineered
and committed.

77..55..11 EEnnggiinneeeerreedd
In this section the user can print out an engineered CWO. (Fig. 7.14)

Fig. 7.14

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Page 105 (139)

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.
Choice of CWO – The pull-down menu is used to select the engineered CWO the user wishes to print
out. If no CWO is selected, they will all be printed.

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Print – This button runs the printout of the engineered CWO indicated.

77..55..22 CCoom
This section contains a series of printouts used for analysis of committed CWOs.

77..55..22..11 CCoom
mmmiitttteedd bbyy SShheeeett
This section allows the user to print out a single sheet for a committed CWO. (Fig. 7.15)

Fig. 7.15

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Page 106 (139)

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

Choice of CWO - This pull-down menu is used to select the committed CWO the user wishes to print
out. If no CWO is selected, they will all be printed.

Choice of Sheet - This pull-down menu is used to select the sheet for the CWO the user wishes to print
out. If no sheet is assigned, all the sheets present will be printed.

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Print - This button runs the printout of the sheet indicated.

77..55..22..22 TToottaall ccoom

mmmiitttteedd bbyy CCW
This section allows the user to print out an individual committed CWO. (Fig. 7.16)

Fig. 7.16

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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Page 107 (139)

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

Choice of CWO - This pull-down menu is used to select the committed CWO the user wishes to print
out. If no CWO is selected, they will all be printed.

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Print - This button runs the printout of the committed CWO indicated.

77..55..22..33 BByy RReeaassoonn

This button allows the user to print out CWOs sub-divided by reason. (Fig. 7.17)

Fig. 7.17

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Page 108 (139)

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

From WP no. To WP no. - These buttons open pop-up menus allowing the user to select the WPs he
wishes to use to begin and end the printout, chosen from all the WPs entered. The numbers of the
chosen WPs will appear in the adjacent fields.

Short Description - This flag allows the user to choose, when printing, whether to show the short
description (flagged) or the long description (unflagged) of the items.

Type/Sub-Type Detail – Using this flag, the user can decide whether to print details of the Work Types
and Sub-Types.

Article Detail - Using this flag, the user can decide whether to print details of the contractual articles.

Data displayed in the printout:

Three total amounts are printed: Engineered (A), Committed (B) and the difference (A-B).
There is a section for each reason, showing:
• Total Engineered Amount and impact on total engineered amount;
• Total Committed Amount and impact on total committed amount;
The committed amount is in turn split by WP, with the impact on the total amount by reason and on
the total committed amount.

Print – This button runs the printout of the committed CWO indicated.

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Page 109 (139)

77..55..22..44 CCW
WOO IInnddeexx
This section allows the user to print a summary of the CWOs committed for the WP interval indicated.
(Fig. 7.18)

Fig. 7.18

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

From WP no. To WP no. - These buttons open pop-up menus allowing the user to select the WPs he
wishes to use to begin and end the printout, chosen from all the WPs entered. The numbers of the
chosen WPs will appear in the adjacent fields.

Divided by reason - This check box allows the user to choose whether to print the CWOs divided by
reason. If this type of split is not requested, the total engineered amount, the total committed amount
and all the CWOs will be printed.

Print - This button runs the printout of the CWOs indicated.

77..66 M
Meeaassuurreess aanndd RREELL

77..66..11 IItteem

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Page 110 (139)

This section allows the user to print out the bill items according to various types of split. (Fig. 7.19)

Fig. 7.19

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the contract for which he wishes to print out the data.

The user can define the order of the data with a split on 6 levels, by:
• WP No.
• Date
• Measure No.
• Item
• Type of Work
• Work Sub-Type

The printout data can be filtered using the following parameters:

• Type of Work
• Work Sub-Type
• Item
• Measures and CWO
• Target Function

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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Page 111 (139)

• Area
• Sub-Project
• Main Item
• Item
• Item Type

From WP no. To WP no. - These buttons open pop-up menus allowing the user to select the WPs he
wishes to use to begin and end the printout, chosen from all the WPs entered. The numbers of the
chosen WPs will appear in the adjacent fields.

Print Level - This check box allows the user to select whether or not he wishes to print the levels for an

Print Detail - This check box allows the user to select whether or not he wishes to print the details of
the items.

Print - This button runs the printout of the items indicated.

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Page 112 (139)

88 U
The Utilities menu gives access to a series of functions mainly to do with data transmission from/by
COLAV by means of files external to the application.
The section main menu is shown in Fig. 8.1.

Fig. 8.1

88..11 CCooppyy CCoonnttrraacctt

This function allows the user to copy articles, measures and/or CWOs present in one contract for
another contract. This operation will only be possible if the two types of contract are the same. (Fig.

Fig. 8.2

At the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate: once the Job is
selected, the system displays in the ‘Site’ box a list of sites on which the user is authorized to operate.

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Page 113 (139)

At this point, the user selects the contract whose data he wishes to copy in the “Source Contract” box.
The list will include all the contracts entered for the job/site, regardless of the type (passive contract or
service contract).

Once the source contract has been selected, the user selects the contract into which he wishes to copy
the data in the “Target Contract” box. In this case, the list will be limited to contracts of the same type
as the source contract.

Once the source and target contracts have been selected, using the buttons below the user can decide
whether to copy the articles, measures, or CWO.

• In the event that “Measures” or “CWO” are selected, the user will be asked for the reference WP
number, which he can choose from those present in the source contract (official and unofficial). The
selected WP cannot be official in the target contract.
If a similar unofficial WP exists in the target contract, a warning message will appear - “Copying will
delete the elements present in the target contract” - and the user will be asked to confirm the
• An item/level will be copied if the same item/level does not exist in the target contract, and if the
target contract contains a Type of Work Code and Work Sub-Type Code the same as those defined
for the item; the prices for the copied articles will be set to zero, while the bid will be set to 1.
• A measure can be copied if the target contract contains the item with a price other than zero and if
the Work Type/Sub-Type and coefficients associated with the measure are also present.
• A CWO can be copied if the target contract contains the item with a price other than zero and if the
Work Type/Sub-Type associated with the CWO are also present.
• Measures and engineered CWOs will be deleted from the target contract, and all those present in
the source contract will be (always) copied.
• If “elements” are found that are already defined in the target contract for a WP (official or not), an
error message will be generated and no data will be copied.
• Each element not copied will be saved in a log file, which the user can print/view, along with the
check procedure that prevented the copy.

88..22 DDaattaa EExxppoorrtt

This section brings together a series of operations for exporting various types of data to external files,
for a job, site and a specific contract. (Fig. 8.3)

Fig. 8.3

Module code: MDT.GG.QUA.0516 Fg. 01/Rev. 1.94 File code: Data file:colav_eng_2.09.00.doc
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Page 114 (139)

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the one whose data he wishes to export.

File target folder – Using the grey button next to the field, the user opens a pop-up window where he
can define the directory in which to save the export file. (Fig.


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File Format – Using this radio button, the user can choose the format for the export file. The user can
choose between Excel format, Delimited format, and Html format.
If the delimited format is chosen, from the relative pull-down menu the user needs to select the type
of separator to use from the characters ‘;’, ‘|’, ‘#’.

Using the relative buttons, the following data can be exported:

• Bill Items Complete Export: Extraction of item data along with all the related information. A file is
generated, named BillItemsComplete _<ContractCode>_<ExtractionData>, containing the following
Bill Item
L or A
1st Code
2nd Code
3rd Code
4th Code
5th Code
Long Description
Short description
K to SubCMC
Type of Work
Sub Type of Work
Material Price
Labor Price
Bid Var.
Initial Quantity
Lump Sum
Base Bill Item

• Bill Items Partial Export: Extraction of item data, but with less information than the previous type
of exportation.
A file is generated, named BillItemsShort_<ContractCode>_<ExtractionData>, containing the
following information:
Bill Item
L or A
1st Code
2nd Code
3rd Code

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4th Code
5th Code
Long Description
Short description
Type of Work
Sub Type of Work

• Items only: Extraction of data regarding item details. A file is generated, named
ItemsComplete_<ContractCode>_<ExtractionData>, containing the following information:
Type Of Item
Contractor - In this field the export data can be filtered by contractor, chosen from the relative pop-up

• Items, Phases and Designs: Extraction of data regarding item details, with correlated Work Phases
and Designs.
For this export, the check box “Apply Work Phase filter” allows the user to filter the data exported,
limiting extraction to those items that have the work phase specified in the contract.
A file is generated, named ItemPhasesDwg_<ContractCode>_<ExtractionData>, containing the
following information:
Type Of Item
Phase Of Work

• Export Work Type/Sub-Type: Extraction of data relating to the type and sub-type of work, along
with the relative descriptions.
A file is generated, named TypeOfWork_<ContractCode>_<ExtractionData>, containing the
following information:
Type Of Work
Sub-Type Of Work

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• Export Measures: Extraction of data regarding committed measures. For this export, the measures
can be filtered by WP No., chosen from the relative pop-up menu.
A file is generated, named MeasConsSalNr_ <SALNumber> _<ContractCode>_ <ExtractionData>,
containing the following information:
Measure No.
Bill Item
1st Code
2nd Code
3rd Code
4th Code
5th Code
Type of Work
Sub-Type of Work
User Name
Measure Date
Dwg. Rev
Total Quantity
1st Length
2nd Length
1st Width
2nd Width
1st Height
2nd Height
Sim. Parts

As far as the coefficients are concerned - Coefficient1, Coefficient2 and Coefficient3 - the first three
coefficients associated with the measures are extracted.
The grey field below shows information about the progress and outcome of the export procedure.

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Meeaassuurree IIm

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This section allows the user to import measures for items for a specific contract. To do so, the import
file needs to be in Excel format or a delimited text file. (Fig. 8.4)

Fig. 8.4

In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the one for which he wishes to import the measures.

File Type – Using this radio button, the user indicates the format of the file he is about to import.

Select File – Using the grey button next to the field, the user opens a pop-up window in which he can
select the file to import. (Fig.


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Select Spreadsheet – If the user is about to import a file in Excel format, this pull-down menu is used to
select the spreadsheet of the file to import.

Separator - If the user is about to import a text file, this pull-down menu is used to select the type of
separator used.

Name of Log File – This field shows the name of the log file created automatically during the import
phase. By default, the log file will have the same name as the import file and will contain information
about the outcome of the operation, highlighting any errors.

Date Format – Using the relative pull-down menu, the user can indicate the date format to use.

Import Status – This field contains information about the progress and out come of import operations,
allowing the user to see any errors in the data content and to decide whether to execute the import
procedure definitively.

Simulation only - This check box allows the user to choose whether to conduct only a simulation of the
import procedure to see if there are any errors (flagged), or to actually execute the import (unflagged).

Start Import – Once all the necessary parameters have been set, the user clicks on this button to start
the import operations or the simulation.

Procedure execution, checks and types of error

Introduction: measure import does not include measures referring to Lump Sum items, or measures
with coefficients, or change work orders.

Measure import takes place in four distinct steps:

1. Loading of file in a temporary area: this operation involves two different procedures, depending on
the type of file:
Excel, with the extension .xls
Delimited, with the extension .csv
2. Arrangement of drawing data.
3. Data check.
4. Measure update.

In the event of an error or errors in any one of these phases, the procedure is interrupted.

The file structure is as follows:

Contract Code, Measure Number, WP Number, complete item code, 5 separate codes that when put
together form the complete code, Unit of Measurement, Type of Work Code, Work Sub-Type Code,
Operator Code, Measure date, Item, Work phase, Drawing, Drawing revision, Measure description,
Total quantity, length 1, length 2, width 1, width 2, height 1, height 2, Similar Parts, Divider,
Coefficient1, Coefficient2, Coefficient3.

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The complete item code is present for immediate viewing. When loading, the code is recomposed by
putting together its 5 constituent codes, if the first of the 5 codes is present and if the complete code
does not contain the string “DELETE”. The first line of the file contains the column headings, and is not
changed. All the information is entered in the log file, the name of which is shown on the map, and is
the same as the name of the input file, but with the extension LOG.

Loading file in a temporary area.

a) Loading from an Excel file.
During this phase, the file data is loaded into a temporary area within the Database. The import
procedure ends when a line is reached where the contract code is missing. Should an “unforeseeable”
error occur, the following message appears on the screen:
Error reading file Codice e descrizione errore Oracle Codice Articolo Codice Item
The SICON Administrator must be informed.

The following checks are performed:

The contract code must not exceed 10 characters in length.
The WP number must not exceed 20 characters in length.
The measure number must not exceed 20 characters in length.
The complete item code must not exceed 20 characters in length.
Each of the 5 codes that together make up the complete item code must not exceed 4 characters in
The unit of measurement must not exceed 10 characters in length.
The Type of Work code must not exceed 4 characters in length.
The Work Sub-Type code must not exceed 4 characters in length.
The operator code must not exceed 8 characters in length.
The measure date must not exceed 20 characters in length
The item code must not exceed 30 characters in length.
The work phase code must not exceed 6 characters in length.
The drawing code must not exceed 20 characters in length.
The drawing revision must not exceed 5 characters in length.
The description of the measure must not exceed 200 characters in length.
The numerical fields for total quantity, length 1, length 2, width 1, width 2, height 1, height 2, similar
parts and divider must not exceed 100 characters in length.

If any one of these checks is failed, the following error message is entered in the log file:
During Variables assignment. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici splittati Item Item At Line numero di
linea Field Nr. numero della colonne Oracle Code Codice e descrizione dell’errore Oracle.

For greater security, in addition to the previous error message generated during the check phase, the
system can also handle an error situation that could emerge while physically entering the data in the
temporary area of the Database. The error in this case is shown below:
During Insert Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici splittati Item Item At Line numero di linea Field Nr.
numero della colonne Oracle Code Codice e descrizione dell’errore Oracle.

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b) Loading from delimited CSV file.

A preliminary check is carried out to ensure that the file structure is correct in terms of the number of
columns and their order; the structure is then checked to ensure that it is made up of the following
Contract Code, Measure Number, WP Number, complete item code, 5 separate codes that when put
together form the complete code, Unit of Measurement, Type of Work Code, Work Sub-Type Code,
Operator Code, Measure date, Item, Work phase, Drawing, Drawing revision, Measure description,
Total quantity, Length 1, length 2, width 1, width 2, height 1, height 2, Similar Parts, Divider,
Coefficient1, Coefficient2, Coefficient3.

During this phase, the file data is loaded into a temporary area of the DB. Should an “unforeseeable”
error occur, the error is recorded in the log file and the SICON Administrator must be informed.
Error reading file Codice e descrizione errore Oracle Codice Articolo Codice Item dovrà essere notificato
al Sicon Administrator.

The following checks are performed:

The system checks that the separator (typically a “;” semi-colon) present in the file is consistent with
that specified in the map. If this is not the case, an error message appears.
The system then checks that the number of fields specified corresponds with the required file
structure. If this is not the case, the following error is recorded in the log file:
At line numero riga Warning: Bad number of fields found: line not imported.

The contract code must not exceed 10 characters in length, otherwise the following error occurs:
Error during Assign Variables. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici splittati Item Item Contract Code Codice
Contratto At Line numero di linea Oracle Code Codice e descrizione errore Oracle.

The WP number must not exceed 20 characters in length. The user must ensure that this is the case.

The measure number must not exceed 20 characters in length. The user must ensure that this is the

The complete item code must not exceed 20 characters in length, otherwise the following error occurs:
Error during Assign Variables. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici slittati Complete Bill Item Item Item At
Line numero di linea Oracle Code Codice e descrizione errore Oracle.

Each of the 5 codes that together make up the complete item code must not exceed 4 characters in
length, otherwise the following error occurs:
Error during Assign Variables. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici slittati Item Item Splitted Bill Items Codes
At Line numero di linea Oracle Code Codice e descrizione errore Oracle.

The unit of measurement must not exceed 10 characters in length. The user must ensure that this is
the case.

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The Type of Work and Work Sub-Type codes must not exceed 4 characters in length, otherwise the
following error occurs:
Error during Assign Variables. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici slittati Item Item Type or SubType of
Work Codice tipo Codice Sottotipo At Line numero di linea Oracle Code Codice e descrizione errore

The operator code must not exceed 8 characters in length, otherwise the following error occurs:
Error during Assign Variables. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici slittati Item Item UserName
Codiceoperatore At Line numero di linea Oracle Code Codice e descrizione errore Oracle.

The measure date must not exceed 20 characters in length. The user must ensure that this is the case.

The item code must not exceed 30 characters in length, otherwise the following error occurs:
Error during Assign Variables. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici slittati Item Item On Item Code At Line
numero di linea Oracle Code Codice e descrizione errore Oracle.

The work phase code must not exceed 6 characters in length, otherwise the following error occurs:
Error during Assign Variables. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici slittati Item Item Phase Codice Fase di
lavoro At Line numero di linea Oracle Code Codice e descrizione errore Oracle.

The drawing code must not exceed 20 characters in length, otherwise the following error occurs:
Error during Assign Variables. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici slittati Item Item Drawing Codice
Drawing At Line numero di linea Oracle Code Codice e description errore Oracle.

The drawing revision must not exceed 5 characters in length, otherwise the following error occurs:
Error during Assign Variables. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici slittati Item Item Revision Codice
Revisione At Line numero di linea Oracle Code Codice e description errore Oracle.

The description of the measure must not exceed 200 characters in length, otherwise the following
error occurs:
Error during Assign Variables. Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici slittati Item Item Meas. Description
Descrizione misura At Line numero di linea Oracle Code Codice e descrizione errore Oracle.

The numerical fields for total quantity, length 1, length 2, width 1, width 2, height 1, height 2, similar
parts and divider must not exceed 100 characters in length. The user must ensure that this is the case.

For greater security, in addition to the previous error messages generated during the check phase, the
system can also handle an error situation that could emerge while physically entering the data in the
temporary area of the Database. The error in this case is shown below:
During Insert Bill Item Codice Articolo 5 codici splittati Item Item At Line numero di linea Oracle Code
Codice e descrizione dell’errore Oracle.
In this case, errors are generated about the lengths of the fields described above as being the
responsibility of the user.

Arrangement of drawing data.

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In this phase, a series of transformations is performed on the input data, relating to the presence of
drawings, work phases and revisions.

For all the measures the user wishes to update (lines with the measure number field specified), the
system checks the existence and validity of the number. In the event of an error, the following error
messages are generated:
At Line Numero di riga Wrong Number of the measure: not numeric.
At Line Numero di riga Number of the measure specified but not existing.

Once the checks listed above have been passed, the system reads the values entered for the Work
phase, Drawing and revision of the existing measure.
If the phase is specified in the input phase, it is assumed to be the active phase, otherwise, if not
specified, it is assumed to be the active phase (possibly) already present for the previously entered
If the drawing is specified in the input phase, it is assumed to be the active drawing, otherwise, if not
specified, it is assumed to be the active drawing (possibly) already present for the previously entered
As far as the revisioni s concerned, regardless of what is specified in the input file, if the drawing
(mentioned previously) is null, then the revision is set to Null. If the drawing is present, on the other
hand, and the revision is specified in the input phase, it is assumed to be the active revision, otherwise,
if not specified, it is assumed to be the active revision (possibly) already present for the previously
entered measure.

Once the transformation phase described above has been completed, other transformations take
place, for all the measures the user wishes to enter (new, with measure number set to null). For all
measures with the phase specified but the drawing null, the phase and the revision are set to null.

Subsequently, for all measures (both new, i.e. without a measure number, and to be updated, i.e. with
a specified measure number), if the Work phase field is null or contains the word DELETE, the phase,
drawing and revision are all set to null.

Data check.
The relevant checks are performed in this phase. Should an “unforeseeable” error occur, the error is
shown on the screen and the SICON Administrator must be informed. The error map will show the
description of the Oracle error that created the problem.

The steps and checks involved in this phase are described below:

The system checks that the specified contract is consistent with that selected on the map. If this is not
the case, the following error will be recorded in the log file:
At line- Numero riga Letto Contratto diverso da quello selezionato.

If the specified measure number is not numeric, the following error appears:
At line- Numero riga Nr di Misura sbagliato: non numerico.

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If the specified measure number does not exist in the Database, the following error appears:
At line- Numero riga Nr di Misura specificato ma non presente.

If the measure number is specified, the system checks that the input contract is the same as the
contract for the measure. In the event of an error, the following message is reported:
At line- Numero riga Nr. di misura fa riferimento ad un contratto diverso da quello della misura gia
registrata precedentemente.

The system then checks that the measure to be updated does not belong to an officialized WP. If the
WP is official the following error appears:
At line- Numero riga Si vuole modificare una misura di un SAL ufficiale, non consentito.

If the WP number is not specified or is not numeric, the following error appears:
At line- Numero riga Nr di SAL mancante o non numerico.

The system checks that the WP number is not that of an officialized WP. If it is official, the following
error appears:
At line- Numero riga Nr di SAL Ufficiale e non può essere modificato.

If the complete item code contains the word DELETE, the system checks that the measure to be
deleted actually exists.
If it does not exist, the following message appears:
At line- Numero riga Si vuole cancellare una misura inesistente.

The measure the user wishes to delete belongs to an official WP. This is not allowed, so the following
message appears:
At line- Numero riga Si vuole cancellare una misura di un SAL ufficiale.

If the complete item code does not contain the word DELETE, as checked previously, the system moves
on to checks relating to the item, giving priority to the 5 constituent codes that go to make up the item
if the first of the 5 fields is not null, then the complete item code is assumed to be the 5 fields taken

if, on the other hand, the first of the 5 codes is null, then the complete code remains that present on
the input file.
The first check looks at the existence of the item in the contract bill. If it is not present, the following
error is generated:
At line- Numero riga Articolo non trovato in anagrafica.

The unit price is taken from the index, and is calculated as the sum of the labor price and the material
price, multiplied by the bid. If this price turns out to be Zero, the following error appears:
At line- Numero riga Articolo senza prezzo o con prezzo a zero: non consentito.

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The Types and Sub-types of work are also taken from the index. If these are missing from the index, the
following error is generated:
At line- Numero riga Articolo mancante di tipo o sottotipo di lavoro: non consentito.

If the index item is identified as being a Lump Sum, this is not allowed, and the following error message
is generated:
At line- Numero riga Articolo a corpo: non consentito.

The system then checks that the unit of measurement given in the input file is the same as that on the
bill. If this is not the case, the following error message is generated:
At line- Numero riga Unita di Misura diversa da quella dell' articolo.

Once the item checks have been carried out, the system examines the Types and Sub-types of work
given in the input file, to make sure that the types/sub-types of work exist in the contract index. Should
they not exist, the following error message is generated:
At line- Numero riga Tipo e Sottotipo di lavoro non presenti in anagrafica.

The system then conducts a formal check on the measure date, which must be in one of the recognized
formats, and in particular must be consistent with the format chosen on the map. Should the date not
be recognized, the following error is generated:
At line- Numero riga La data delle misura non e' riconosciuta nel formato specificato.

The system then checks on the existence of the item in the items index, as per the construction
itemlist. If it is missing, the following error is generated:
At line- Numero riga Item mancante in Itemlist di Costruzione.

The check on the work phase, if provided (or taken from the data System phase), is divided into two
the first step checks the existence of the work phase in the phases given for the item in the
construction itemlist. If the is missing from this index, the following error is generated:
At line- Numero riga Item/Fase mancante in Itemlist Pianificato di Costruzione.

Once the system has checked for the existence of the phase in the construction itemlist, with positive
results, it is checked that the work phase is one of those planned for the contract, and if it is, that it has
not been identified as eliminated. If the work phase is missing or labeled as eliminated, the following
error is generated:
At line- Numero riga Fase non valida per il contratto.

If provided, the drawing is checked to ensure that it exists in the index of drawings for the item/work
phase, as covered by the construction Itemlist function (no checks are made on the drawing revision).
If missing, the following error message is generated:
At line- Numero riga Item/Fase/Disegno mancante in Itemlist Pianificato di Costruzione.

To make the numerical fields (quantities, lengths, heights, widths, similar parts and divider) visible to
the program as fields containing numbers (and not alphanumeric sequences), they are first

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transformed, replacing if need be the “,” (comma) with the “.” (point). The format must therefore not
contain any separator for the thousands.

The check on the total quantity, if present, is essentially a check that it contains only numbers. If the
field turns out to be non-numeric or if the indicated value contains more than THREE decimal places,
one of the following errors will be generated:
At line- Numero riga Quantità Totale non numerica.
At line- Numero riga La quantità totale ha 4 decimali. Nr. Max permessi 3.

Subsequent numeric fields (lengths, heights, widths, similar parts and divider), are also checked to
ensure they contain only numbers. If they do not, the following error is generated:
At line- Numero riga Uno o più campi delle dimensioni non numerici.

Measures for dimensions are formally checked using the formula

(Length1+Length2)*(Width1+Width2)*(height1+height2)*Similar Parts/Divider (any unspecified fields
are considered to be equal to 1, while if all the fields are unspecified they are considered as being set
to Zero and the check is not carried out). If the result of the check is Zero, the following error message
is generated:
At line- Numero riga Misura per dimensioni con quantita' sbagliata.

Both the dimensions total and the total quantity must be between -9999999.999 and 9999999.999.
Should the figure be outside the above range, the following error message is generated:
At line (by dimensions) - Numero riga – Quantità fuori dal range: da -9999999.999 a 9999999.999.
At line (Total quantity) - Numero riga - Quantità fuori dal range: da -9999999.999 a 9999999.999.

If none of the quantities (either the dimensions totale or total quantity) is specified (or greater than
Zero) the following error message is generated:
At line- Numero riga O quantità totale o dimensioni devono essere specificati.

Each dimensions field is checked to ensure that it is between -9999.999 and 9999.999, both for
dimensional fields and for divider and similar parts fields. Should the figures be outside the above
range, the following error message is generated:
At line (Some dimensions) - Numero riga - Valore per dimensione fuori dal range: da -9999.999 a
At line (Sim.Parts or Divisor) - Numero riga - Parti Similari o divisore fuori dal range: da -9999.999 a

The system checks that coefficients 1, 2 and 3 are not duplicated as a value for the same record.
Should this rule be broken, the following error code is generated:
At line - Numero riga - There is a duplicate coefficient.

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The system checks that coefficients 1, 2 and 3 belong to the set of coefficients defined in the contract.
Should this check reveal an irregularity, the following error code is generated:
At line - Numero riga – Coeff. – codice coefficiente - Coefficient not defined at the contract level.

Measure update.
Should the previous phases be completed without any irregularities, and if the “Only check” field on
the map is disabled with respect to the default setting, the last phase of the measure update
procedure is initiated. The log file will contain a list of all the operations carried out.

The first part of the update phase involves the deletion of those measures containing the word DELETE
in the complete item code field. For each measure deleted, the program will also delete any
coefficients recorded for the measure. Each deletion will generate the following message:
At line- Numero riga La misura e' stata cancellata.

In the second stage of the procedure, the measures will be entered or updated.
If at least one of the fields for coefficients 1, 2 and 3 has been specified in the import file, and
coefficients already exist in the database associated with the measure, then they are deleted and
overwritten with those in the import file.
If the bid during this phase is null, then it is set to 1 to avoid errors in the subsequent phases.
In this phase, bear in mind that, if specified, the dimensions will have priority over the total quantity,
even if the quantity is specified. The prices can be taken from the contract item index.
If the operator is not specified in the input file, the code used (typically in the format SPxxxx) is that of
the operator who is conducting the import.
If the measure date is not specified, the date is taken to be the day on which the import was carried
In the case of an entered measure, the following message is generated:
At line- Numero riga La misura e' stata inserita.
In the case o fan updated measure, the following message is generated:
At line- Numero riga La misura e' stata aggiornata.

88..44 IItteem
m IIm
This section allows the user to import items for a specific contract. To do so, the import data needs to
be stored in a file in Excel format or a delimited text file. (Fig. 8.5)

Fig. 8.5

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In the box at the top of the screen, the user can select the job on which he wishes to operate. Once the
job is selected, the system displays in the “Site” box a list of those sites on which the user is authorized
to operate. At this stage, all the entered contracts will be shown in the box at the bottom, and the user
needs to select the one for which he wishes to import the items.

File Type - Using this radio button, the user indicates the format of the file he is about to import.

Select File - Using the grey button next to the field, the user opens a pop-up window in which he can
select the file to import. (Fig.


Select Spreadsheet – If the user is about to import a file in Excel format, this pull-down menu is used to
select the spreadsheet of the file to import.

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Separator - If the user is about to import a text file, this pull-down menu is used to select the type of
separator used.

Name of Log File – This field shows the name of the log file created automatically during the import
phase. By default, the log file will have the same name as the import file and will contain information
about the outcome of the operation, highlighting any errors.

Import Status – This field contains information about the progress and out come of import operations,
allowing the user to see any errors in the data content and to decide whether to execute the import
procedure definitively.

Simulation only - This check box allows the user to choose whether to conduct only a simulation of the
import procedure to see if there are any errors (flagged), or to actually execute the import (unflagged).

Import Prices, Quantities, Types and Sub-Types of Work – If flagged, this check box allows the user to
also import prices, quantities and types and sub-types of work.

Start Import – Once all the necessary parameters have been set, the user clicks on this button to start
the import operations or the simulation.

Procedure execution, checks and types of error

Contract item import takes place in three distinct steps:

1) Loading of file in a temporary area.
This operation involves two different procedures, depending on the type of file:
Excel, with the extension .xls
Delimited, with the extension .csv
2) Data check.
3) Price List update.

In the event of an error or errors in any one of these phases, the procedure is interrupted.

The file structure is as follows:

Contract Code, complete item code, 5 separate codes that when put together form the complete code,
Indication of whether L (level) or A (article), long description, short description, Unit of measurement,
reference SubCMC, K at the SubCMC, Efficiency, Type of Work, Sub-Type of Work, Material Price, Labor
Price, Bid, Initial Quantity, Lump Sum or not, Usage, Base Bill item code.

The complete item code is present for immediate viewing. When loading, the code is ALWAYS
recomposed by putting together its 5 constituent codes.
The first line of the file contains the column headings, and is not changed.
All the information is entered in the log file, the name of which is shown on the map, and is the same
as the name of the input file, but with the extension LOG. The log file is stored in the same folder as the
import file.

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The user is NOT allowed to add or remove columns on the Excel spreadsheet (in both formats - XLS and
CSV); to do so would cause the fields and their contents to move, giving rise to an erroneous
interpretation of the data.

Loading of file in a temporary area.

a) Loading from an Excel file
During this phase, the file data is loaded into a temporary area within the Database. The import
procedure continues to accept lines from the Excel file until one of the following two conditions occurs:
• the contract code is absent;
• the system reaches line 20000 on the Excel spreadsheet.
The following checks/transformations are performed. Should an “unforeseeable” error occur, the error
is recorded in the log file and The SICON Administrator must be informed (

The contract code must not exceed 10 characters in length, otherwise the following error is generated:
At line <line number> Error: Contract Code greater than 10 characters <Contract Code >.

The complete item code must not exceed 20 characters in length, otherwise the following error is
At line <line number> Error: Bill Item Code greater than 20 characters <ItemCode>.

The Level or Item indication must not exceed 1 character in length, otherwise the following error is
At line <line number> Error: Level or Bill Item greater than 1 characters <L or A Code>.

Each of the 5 split codes that together make up the complete item code must not exceed 4 characters
in length, otherwise the following error is generated:
At line <line number> Error: Code_1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 greater than 4 <The 5 split Codes>.

The long description must not exceed 2000 characters in length, otherwise the following error is
At line <line number> Error: Long description greater than 2000 <Long Description>.

The short description must not exceed 80 characters in length, otherwise the following error is
At line <line number> Error: Short description greater than 80 <Short Description>.

The unit of measurement must not exceed 10 characters in length, otherwise the following error is
At line <line number> Error: UM greater than 10 characters <Unit of Measurement >.

The SubCMC code must not exceed 6 characters in length, otherwise the following error is generated:
At line <line number> Error: SubCMC greater than 6 characters <SubCMC>.

The Type of Work code must not exceed 4 characters in length, otherwise the following error is

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At line <line number> Error: Type of Work greater than 4 characters <Type of Work>.

The Work Sub-Type code must not exceed 4 characters in length, otherwise the following error is
At line <line number> Error: Sub Type of Work greater than 4 characters <Sub-Type of Work>.

The indication of whether the item is a Lump Sum or not must not exceed 1 character in length,
otherwise the following error is generated:
At line <line number> Error: Lump Sum greater than 1 character <lump/Sum>.

The indication of the usage must not exceed 1 character in length, otherwise the following error is
At line <line number> Error: Usage greater than 1 characters <Type of Use>.

The K to SubCMC field is first transformed, replacing any decimal separator “,” (comma) with a “.”
(point), to make it recognizable to the Database as a number. The system then checks that the
transformed field is numeric. If this is not the case, the following error is generated:
At line <line number> Error: K to SubCMC is not numeric <K at SubCMC>.

The Efficiency field is first transformed, replacing any decimal separator “,” (comma) with a “.” (point),
to make it recognizable to the Database as a number. The system then checks that the transformed
field is numeric. If this is not the case, the following error is generated:
At line <line number> Error: Efficiency is not numeric <Efficiency>.

The Material Price field is first transformed, replacing any decimal separator “,” (comma) with a “.”
(point), to make it recognizable to the Database as a number. The system then checks that the
transformed field is numeric. If this is not the case, the following error is generated:
At line <line number> Error: Material Price is not numeric <Material Price>.

The Labor Price field is first transformed, replacing any decimal separator “,” (comma) with a “.”
(point), to make it recognizable to the Database as a number. The system then checks that the
transformed field is numeric. If this is not the case, the following error is generated:
At line <line number> Error: Labour Price is not numeric <Labor Price>.

The bid field is first transformed, replacing any decimal separator “,” (comma) with a “.” (point), to
make it recognizable to the Database as a number. The system then checks that the transformed field
is numeric. If this is not the case, the following error is generated:
At line <line number> Error: Bid is not numeric <Bid>.

The Initial Quantity field is first transformed, replacing any decimal separator “,” (comma) with a “.”
(point), to make it recognizable to the Database as a number. The system then checks that the
transformed field is numeric. If this is not the case, the following error is generated:
At line <line number> Error: Initial Quantity is not numeric <Initial Quantity>.

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The numeric fields are formatted as shown in the table below. Should different formats be used, the
program will generate the corresponding error:

Field Entire part length Decimal part length

K at SubCMC 5 3
Efficiency 5 3
Initial quantity 6 3
Labor Price 11 3
Material Price 11 3
Bid 3 3

b) Loading from delimited CSV file

During this phase, the file data is loaded into a temporary area of the DB. The following
checks/transformations are performed. Should an “unforeseeable” error occur, the error is recorded in
the log file and The SICON Administrator must be informed (

The import procedure carries out the checks described above, plus the following:

The system checks that the separator (typically a “;” semi-colon) present in the file is consistent with
that specified in the map. If this is not the case, an error message appears.
The system checks that the number of fields specified corresponds with the required file structure. If
this is not the case, the following error is recorded in the log file:
At line <line number> Warning: Bad number of fields found: unable to process data.

Data check.
The relevant checks are performed in this phase, based on the choices made on the map, with
particular regard to the “import quantities, prices, etc.” switch.
Should the user NOT wish to import prices, only the new codes will be entered, while the items already
present in the price list will not be changed.
Should an “unforeseeable” error occur, the error is shown on the screen and The SICON Administrator
must be informed (
The program will show the wording DATACHECK, followed by an Oracle message and the code that
generated the error.

The steps and checks involved in this phase are described below.
The first step is to transform the following codes into Upper Case codes:
the 5 split codes that together make up the complete item code;
the Level or Item code;
the SubCMC;
the type and sub-type of work;
the Lump Sum code;
the Type of Use code;

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the base item code.

Subsequently, the complete item code is ALWAYS looked for, by putting together the 5 codes.
For all items defined as a Lump Sum, the initial quantity is set to 1.

If the user has also decided to enter the prices, an update is conducted on all the items that ALREADY
EXIST FOR THE CONTRACT, for which the type of work and sub-type of work have not been specified in
the input file, updating the codes for these items.

All the input items are checked to see whether they are standard items (present in GENANAG). If they
are standard items, the codes and the values for the Efficiency, SubCMC, K to SubCMC and Unit of
Measurement are all taken from the GENANAG index. In the event that the Unit of Measurement is
also null in the Genanag index, the following error is recorded in the log file:
Trying to Impose Um as per standard Bill Item for <Item Code> but found UM as NULL in the standard
Bill Item.

In the event that, for standard items, the value specified in the input file is different from the value
specified in the standard item index, the following messages could be recorded in the log file:
Imposed Um as per standard Bill Item for <Item Code>.
Imposed SubCMC as per standard Bill Item for <Item Code>.
Imposed K to SubCMC as per standard Bill Item for <Item Code>.
Imposed Efficiency as per standard Bill Item for <Item Code>.

If the items are not standard but are already present in the contract index and the SubCMC or relative
K value has not been specified, then they are set as before. No error message will appear in the log file.

For every line of the input file recorded as a level, the following fields are cleared: Type of Work, Work
Sub-Type, Material Price, Labor Price, Bid, forecast Initial Quantity, Unit of measurement, SubCMC, K
SubCMC and efficiency.

If the user has chosen not to load the item prices (new items), the following fields are cleared: Type of
Work, Work Sub-Type, Material Price, Labor Price, Bid, forecast Initial Quantity, Lump Sum, Usage and
base item code.

If the user has chosen to load the prices, then the system checks that the formula for working out the
price of the item is not 0 (zero). Should it be 0 (zero), then the following error is generated in the log
Bill item without price or with price set to zero: import not allowed for <item code>

For every line, the system checks that the code already exists in the contract index. If it exists, the
system checks that the Level or Item identification is the same. If it is not, the following error is
generated in the log file:
Error: Code <Level or Article Code> is marked as <Input L or A code> but it was already present as <L or
A code> esistente.

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For every item specified in the input file, the system checks that, if it exists in the contract index, it is
not marked as “no longer usable” (Deleted). If it is, the line is rejected completely (there are no further
checks) and it is recorded, without constituting an error, in the log file with the message:
Warning: Code <Level or Article Code> is marked as Deleted in the Official Bill Item Index for the
contract, therefore no updates will be made.

The contract code must be the same as that selected on the map. If it is not, the following error
message appears:
Error: Screen Contract <Map Contract Code> is different than the one on file <Contract code on file> for
Bill Item <Item Code>.

The item code must be specified (remember that it is the 5 codes put together). If it is missing, the
following message is generated:
Error: Bill Item not specified

Both the short and long descriptions must be specified. If they are not, the following error message is
Error: Long description is missing for Bill Item <Item code>
Error: Short description is missing for Bill Item <Item code>

The Item/Level field must contain A or L respectively. If this is not the case, the following error is
Error: L (for Level) or A (for Bill Item) has to be specified for Bill Item <Item code>

The content of the Lump Sum field is checked only if the user wishes to enter the prices (the ‘Import
prices’ check box is flagged) and if there is an item. The content can be Y or N or null. If this is not the
case, the following error is generated:
Error: Bill Item Lump Sum Code Must be Y or N for Bill Item <Item code>

If the content is set correctly, the system checks that, in the case of an already existing item, the Y/N
value is the same as that present in the contract index. If it is not, the following message is generated:
Error: For Bill Item <Item code> L/S was set as <index Y/N> can not change to <New value>

If the item is a new item, then the field must be set to Y or N. If it is not, the following message is
Error: New Bill Item <Item code> but Lump Sum is not set <New value>

The content of the Usage field is checked in the presence of an item, and only if the “Bill Item Lump
Sum Code” is set to “Y”. The permitted values are M or E or null. If this is not the case, the following
message is generated:
Error: Bill Item Usage Code Must be M or E for Bill Item <Item code>

If the Lump Sum is set to N, USAGE is ignored.

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In the presence of an item already present in the contract item index and an item marked as a Lump
Sum, the input must be the same as before, or null, in which case it is taken to be unchanged.
Otherwise the following error is generated:
Error: For Bill Item <Item code> Usage was set as <Index Value > can not change to <New Value>

If the item is new, and is a Lump Sum, the contents of the Usage field must be specified, and may not
be null. If it is not specified, the following error is generated:
Error: New Bill Item <Item code> identified as Lump Sum must have a valid Usage code

The value for the Initial Quantity cannot be less than Zero, otherwise the following error is generated:
Error: Negative Initial Quantity Not Allowed Quantity is <Quantity> for Bill Item <Item code>

The value for the Material Price cannot be less than Zero, otherwise the following error is generated:
Error: Negative Material Price Not Allowed Price is <Material price> for Bill Item <Item code>

The value for the Labor Price cannot be less than Zero, otherwise the following error is generated:
Error: Negative Labour Price Not Allowed Price is <Labor Price> for Bill Item <Item code>

The value for the bid cannot be less than Zero, otherwise the following error is generated:
Error: Negative Bid Not Allowed Value is <Bid> for Bill Item <Item code>

The value for the K to SubCMC cannot be less than Zero, otherwise the following error is generated:
Error: Negative K to SubCMC Not Allowed K value is <K Value> for Bill Item <Item code>

The value for efficiency cannot be less than Zero, otherwise the following error is generated:
Error: Negative Efficiency Not Allowed Price is <Efficiency Value> for Bill Item <Item code>

The unit of measurement must be specified for a new item. If not specified or not found in the Unit of
Measurement index, the following alternative errors are generated:
Error: New Bill Item but UM is missing for Bill Item <Item Code>
Error: Wrong Um. Not found in index Um is <Unit of Measurement> for Bill Item <Item Code>

The values for SubCMC and K at SubCMC must both be either null or specified (depending also on the
attributions assigned previously, in the presence of a GENANAG item). At this point, should one of the
two values be missing, the following alternative errors are generated:
Error: SubCMC not specified but k to SubCMC specified for Bill Item <Item Code>
Error: K to SubCMC not specified but SubCMC specified for Bill Item <Item Code>

Only where the user has the choice of importing the prices, checks are carried out on the types and
sub-types of work, which must be present in the contract index. If they are missing/wrong, the
following error is generated:
Error: Wrong Type/SubType of work. Not found in index Type and Subtype are <Work Type Code and
Work Sub-Type Code> for Bill Item <Item Code>

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For all the lines identified as items, the system checks that the SubCMC, if specified, is present in the
SubCMC index. (The SubCMC code is not mandatory and depends on the attributions defined above). If
the code is missing, the following error is generated:
Error: Wrong SubCMC. Not found in index <Item Code> SubCMC is <SubCMC code>

If the code is present but does not correspond to the obsolete settings for the job, then the following
error is generated:
Error: Wrong Subcmc. Not compliant with obsolete settings for current project. For <Item Code>
Subcmc is <Subcmc Code>

The base item code field, although optional, if specified is checked to ensure that it is present in the
GENANAG item index. If it is not, the following error is generated:
Error: Base Bill Item. Not found in index <Base Item Code>

Codification of levels/items is hierarchical. In the hierarchy, an item cannot have successors, while both
levels and items can coexist on the same level. Appropriate checks are carried out that may generate
the errors below. First of all, the checking phase looks at a list composed both of contract index codes
and the codes present in the input file, ideally generating a complete list.
For each code present in the input file, the system always checks for the existence of the first level (not
item). If this is missing, the following error is generated:
Error: First level missing for Code <Input Code>

If the previous check reveals no irregularities, all the codes specifying only two of the five sub-codes
are not checked, because they could refer to both an item and a level, and the first level undoubtedly
In the presence of three out of the five codes, if referring to an item, the system checks that a record
exists with only two codes specified and that it is a level. If it is not, the following error is generated:
Error: Second Level missing for Bill Item <Item Code>

The system then checks that there is not a record with a code hierarchically subsequent to this one
(more than three codes specified, with the first three the same). If such a code exists, the following
error is generated:
Error: In case of Bill Item can not exist a depending code <Item Code>

In the case of a code identified as a level, the system checks that a code does not exist identified as a
second-level item (with only two codes specified). If such a code exists, the following error is
Error: In case of Level can not exist a preceeding Bill Item <Item Code>

In the presence of four out of the five codes, if referring to an item, the system checks that a record
exists with only three codes specified and that it is a level. If it is not, the following error is generated:
Error: Third Level missing for Bill Item <Item Code>

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The system then checks that there is not a record with a code hierarchically subsequent to this one
(more than four codes specified, with the first four the same). If such a code exists, the following error
is generated:
Error: In case of Bill Item can not exist a depending code <Item Code>

In the case of a code identified as a level, the system checks that a code does not exist identified as a
third-level item (with only two codes specified). If such a code exists, the following error is generated:
Error: In case of Level can not exist a preceding Bill Item <Item Code>

The system checks that a record exists with three codes specified and that it is a level (not an item). If
not, the following error is generated:
Error: Third Level missing for Level <Item Code>

In the presence of all five codes, it must obviously be an item. If the code is classified as a Level, the
following error is generated:
Error: This code MUST be a Bill Item, NOT a Level <Item Code>

The system checks that a record exists with three codes specified and that it is a level (not an item). If
not, the following error is generated:
Error: Fourth Level missing for Level <Item Code>

In the case of an item, if intermediate levels are missing, the error message always refers to “fourth
If there are two codes the same in sequence, the content of the last code remains in the DB.

Price list update.

Should the two previous phases be completed without any irregularities, the “Only check” field on the
map is disabled, and the last phase of the price list update procedure is initiated. The log file will
contain a list of all the operations carried out, based on the user’s choice of whether to import prices
or not. The log file will be given a heading as follows:

Log of Modifications made to Official Price List

This will be followed by an indication of the set import status, based on the choice of whether or not to
import prices. If the user has decided not to import prices, the following message will appear:
Prices, Quantities etc, are not imported. Therefore only Inserts will take place, No updates will be done

If in the other hand the user has decided to import prices, the following message will appear:
Complete functionality was requested. Therefore both Inserts and Updates will take place

As mentioned above, all the operations are recorded with the following message:
Inserted code <Item Code>

Or, only in the case of “Complete functionality”, also the following message:
Updated code <Item Code>

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Should an “unforeseeable” error occur, the error is recorded in the log file and The SICON
Administrator must be informed ( In this case the error will be as follows:
Error inserting into Bill Item Index, for code <Item Code> Oracle error is <Code and Description of Oracle

In the case of decimals, the price is rounded off.

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99..11 AAbboouutt
This section opens an ‘about’ window for the COLAV module, showing the current version of the

Fig. 9.1

99..22 HHeellpp
This button opens the module operating manual.

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