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OKP for the preparation of hydrchloric acid(0.

02 to 1N) & Its standardization

Process Description Method Information. Machine TG:N/A Reference Number: Dept. Name & Rev. No. 00
OKP for the preparation of ASTM E200 Calibration Number: Section SOP Source:
hydrchloric acid(0.02 to 1N) & Quality Control/IQC
Its standardization Chemical

Operational Key Point

Hydrochloric acid Solution preparation:
1.To prepare a 0.1 N Solution, measure 8.3 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid(Sp gr 1.19) into 1L Volumetric flask & dilute to
the mark with water, mix well , and store in a tightly closed glass container .For the other normalities of HCl solution use the
requirements given in the table-4.
2. Standardize the solution in the following Manner.
Standardization Procedure:
1) Transfer 2 to 4 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate to a platinum dish or crusible, and dry at 250 degree for 4 hour . Cool in
2) To standardize a 0.1 N solution or any normality take weight accurately 0.22 ±0.01 g [From table-5 as per Normality] of the dried
sodium carbonate, and transfer to 500 ml conical flask.
3) Add 50ml of water, swirl to dissolve the carbonate & add 2 drops of a 0.1% solution of methyl red in alcohol.
4)Add the acid slowly from a burette, with constant stirring , until the solution becomes faintly pink.Heat the solution to
boiling,cool & continue the titration.
5) Heat again to boiling & titrate further as necessary until the faint pink color is no longer affected by continued boiling.
Calculation :Calculate the molarity of HCl Solution as follows:
A =B/0.053V
A=Normality of HCl Solution
B=grams of Sodium Carbonate used
V= ML of HCl Solution consumed.
Stability: Restandardize Monthly.

1. Control the room temperature At 25°C .

2. Use safety Mask when chemical is Used.
3. Put on Hand Gloves when clean & chemical used in laboratory.
4. Read and understand all the instructions mentioned in the process manual before the test.

Issue Date: Prepared By Checked By Approved By

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