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First Term Examination 2021-22

STD 7 ENGLISH Time 1.5hr
Marks 40
Attempt all the questions. Each activity carries 5 marks
Acitivity 1. Reading Comprehension
Read the passage and answer the following questions
A little boy lived in a village situated on the bank of river Ganga. He was an
orphan and used to get his food from the people living in his village. Every day
he used to play in a garden which was situated in his village. One day the boy
sat leaning against the trunk of a tree, cried and sighed, “I am hungry.” “Eat my
fruits”, said the kind tree and it bent down one of its branches. The little boy ate
fruits and felt satisfied.

Many years passed and the boy grew up. Then once again he sat
under the tree with a look of dejection and helplessness. “What is it?”, the tree
asked. “My wedding day is bare a week away and I have nowhere to live”.

“Cut down my branches and build yourself a house”, said the tree. The young
man sat to work immediately. Time passed and now the young man was a
sailor. Once again he sat under the tree with a look of remorse on his face.
Asked what the matter was, he pleaded, “My captain is cruel, so to survive I
must own a ship.” “Cut down my trunk and build a ship”, said the tree.

The sailor grew old but once again he turned to the tree with a laden expression
on his face. It was cold and the sailor leaned on his stick trembling. “Make a fire
of me”, said the stump of the tree. It soon burnt in the fire softly humming a

1. Where did the little boy live?

2. How did the tree help the man before his marriage?

3. How many times did the tree help a single human being?

4. Find from the passage a word similar to “a strong feeling of sadness”?

5. Did the tree remain alive at last? If yes, why/If not, why not?
Activity 2 - Thought

Dasa after cheating the mother, left the scene with sealed pot. What would be
the likely thought of Dasa then?

Activity 3 – Letter Writing

The boy in the story “How Far Is The River?” decided to write a letter to the
village boy with whom he shared his loaf of bread. In the letter he wrote the
wonderful experience he had felt in the lap of nature. What would be the likely
letter? Write a letter

Activity 4

Read the lines from the poem 'The Echoing Green' and answer the
questions below.

The sun does arise,

And make happy the skies.
The merry bells ring
To welcome the Spring.
The sky-lark and thrush,
The birds of the bush,
Sing louder around,
To the bells’ cheerful sound.
While our sports shall be seen
On the Echoing Green.

1. What does the expression ' the echoing green ' suggests?
2. Why were the merry bells ringing?
3.Who tried to sing louder than the sound of the bells?
4. What time of the day is at the beginning of the poem?
5. Which words from these stanza create a cheerful mood?

Activity 5
Read the extract from the story " How Far is the River?" and answer the
questions below.

The thickly forested mountain hid the river, but the boy knew it was there. He
had never seen the river with his own eyes , but from the villagers he had heard
of it, of the fish in its waters and of its rocks . He wished to touch the water and
know it personally.
He stood infront of his house on the hill opposite the mountain,
and gazed across the valley, dreaming of the river. He was about twelve years
old , a sturdy boy with untidy black hair and shining black eyes; he had fine
featuers and a clear brown skin, but his hands and feet were rough and
scratched. He was barefooted; not because he couldnt afford shoes, but because
he liked the feel of warm stones and cool grass.

1. Describe the appearance of the boy.

2. Why did the boy like to walk barefooted?
3. What did the boy hear about the river from villagers?
4. Find a word from the passage which means the same as "strongly and solidly

Activity 6 Editing
Ones(a) there was a King who thought only to(b) himself. He only talked about
her(c) own charms and conquests in the court all day. He wants(d) people to
believe his tales and talk about his great(e) to everyone.
Activity 7
Supply the missing words.
(to, into, of ,in , for, with)
1. He dreamt …………. being a king.
2.Look after the children …………. a while.
3.Put this …………. place of that.
4.The cat is inferior………the dog in intelligence.
5.The situation has grown …………. a big menace.

Activity 8 Poster
Prepare a poster on save environment with slogan.


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