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Module 1: Gaining Experience

Module 2: Customer
Module 3: Products and
Module 4: Job Interviews and

4.1 About business-Getting a job
Tell a partner about a holiday job you did. What did you do? How did
you find it? Did you have an interview?
B Read the first three paragraphs of the blog opposite and answer the questions.
1 What was Lenny's dream job?
2 How did he find the job?
3 What risk did he take?

FOR SOME PEOPLE, family connections can help them get their dream job, like Stella McCartney or Ivanka Trump
Others, like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, create their own dream. But some people just get lucky, and I guess I'm
one of those. My name is Lenny, I'm 28, and this is how I got my dream job with Google.

I was working in an insurance company in Brussels when I read about a virtual job fair - a website where candidates
can 'meet' recruiters online. I was bored with my job, so I logged in and looked around: jobs with banks, insurance
companies, and then ... Google! Working for an Internet company was my dream, so I opened a chat window and
talked to someone called Julie from Human Resources. The opportunity that really got my attention was in New York.
It was exactly what I was looking for!

I think I made a good impression because Julie asked for my CV. She told me to wait for someone from New York
called Annie to contact me. Well, I didn't want to wait for a call. I did some research and found Annie's full name and
an article she had written. I emailed her, commented on her article and said I was looking forward to talking to her.
Some people say I took a risk, but I think it's important to get the employer's attention.
H Read the first three paragraphs again and choose the correct answers.
1 Lenny a) had family connections b) started a company c) just got lucky.
2 Lenny contacted Julie a) by email b) by online chat c) by telephone.
3 Julie told Lenny to a) email Annie b) call Annie c) wait for a call from Annie.
4 Lenny a) wrote to Annie b) phoned Annie c) waited for Annie to phone.
D Read the last three paragraphs of the blog and number the events in the correct order.
□ Annie phoned Lenny twice. □ Lenny attended interviews in California.
□ Lenny answered Annie's questions. □ Lenny thought about the questions.
□ Annie sent Lenny some questions. □ Lenny got the job.
□ Lenny returned to Brussels. □ Lenny attended an interview in Dublin.
I was delighted when Annie replied. She sent me more details about the job and some questions to
answer. I took a few days to think, then wrote a very careful reply. I wanted to impress Annie and show
that I was passionate about the job. She seemed satisfied. A week later, we had two phone interviews.
They went well. Annie asked me to attend an interview in Dublin, so I was confident that my name was
on the short list.

The interviews were at Googie headquarters in Mountain View, California. I had six interviews, some
with one interviewer and others with four or five people. I also played volleyball and swam in the pool.
Google believe in a creative approach to work, play and life! That evening I was exhausted but happy: i
was 99% sure that the job was mine.

I didn't wait long for an answer. As soon as I got back to Brussels, they offered me the job. It was
difficult to leave my family and friends, but the idea of living in New York was incredibly exciting. I
didn't hesitate - after all, it was my dream job!
B Read the last three paragraphs again and choose the correct answers. Sometimes more
than one answer is correct.
1 Lenny took his time to answer Annie's questions because
a) they were very difficult
b) he wanted to make a good impression
c) he was passionate about his work.
2 Lenny was sure he was on the short list when he had
a) an interview by phone
b) an interview in Brussels
c) an interview in Dublin.
3 At Google headquarters. Lenny
a) played volleyball
b) b) had interviews
c) met four or five people.
4 Lenny received the job offer
a) in California
b) b) in New York
c) c) in Brussels.
B 1:52-1:54 Listen to three people tafking about how they got their jobs. Complete
the table
1 How difficult is it to get a good job in your country at the moment?
2 What are your plans for getting a job?
3 Are you prepared to work abroad?
3 Are you prepared to work abroad?
B 1:52-1:54 Listen to three people tafking about how they got their jobs. Complete
the table

Army Rob Denise

1 How difficult is it to get a good job in your country at

the moment?
2 What are your plans for getting a job?
3 Are you prepared to work abroad?
3 Are you prepared to work abroad?
FOR SOME PEOPLE, family connections can help them get their dream job, like Stella McCartney or Ivanka
Trump Others, like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, create their own dream. But some people just get lucky,
and I guess I'm one of those. My name is Lenny, I'm 28, and this is how I got my dream job with Google.

I was working in an insurance company in Brussels when I read about a virtual job fair - a website where
candidates can 'meet' recruiters online. I was bored with my job, so I logged in and looked around: jobs
with banks, insurance companies, and then ... Google! Working for an Internet company was my dream, so
I opened a chat window and talked to someone called Julie from Human Resources. The opportunity that
really got my attention was in New York. It was exactly what I was looking for!
FOR SOME PEOPLE, family connections can help them get their dream job, like Stella McCartney or Ivanka Trump Others, like Steve
Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, create their own dream. But some people just get lucky, and I guess I'm one of those. My name is Lenny,
I'm 28, and this is how I got my dream job with Google.

I was working in an insurance company in Brussels when I read about a virtual job fair - a website where candidates can 'meet'
recruiters online. I was bored with my job, so I logged in and looked around: jobs with banks, insurance companies, and then ...
Google! Working for an Internet company was my dream, so I opened a chat window and talked to someone called Julie from
Human Resources. The opportunity that really got my attention was in New York. It was exactly what I was looking for!

I think I made a good impression because Julie asked for my CV. She told me to wait for someone from New York called Annie to
contact me. Well, I didn't want to wait for a call. I did some research and found Annie's full name and an article she had written. I
emailed her, commented on her article and said I was looking forward to talking to her. Some people say I took a risk, but I think
it's important to get the employer's attention.

I was delighted when Annie replied. She sent me more details about the job and some questions to answer. I took a few days to
think, then wrote a very careful reply. I wanted to impress Annie and show that I was passionate about the job. She seemed
satisfied. A week later, we had two phone interviews. They went well. Annie asked me to attend an interview in Dublin, so I was
confident that my name was on the short list.

The interviews were at Googie headquarters in Mountain View, California. I had six interviews, some with one interviewer and
others with four or five people. I also played volleyball and swam in the pool. Google believe in a creative approach to work, play
and life! That evening I was exhausted but happy: i was 99% sure that the job was mine.

I didn't wait long for an answer. As soon as I got back to Brussels, they offered me the job. It was difficult to leave my family and
friends, but the idea of living in New York was incredibly exciting. I didn't hesitate - after all, it was my dream job!
1. Match the questions 1-6 with the answers a-f.
1 Where were you born?
2 Where did you go to school?
3 What did you do when you left school?
4 What did you study at university?
5 Did you do an internship?
6 What are you doing now?

a) I worked abroad for a year to earn money and improve my resume. □

b) Yes. I did a work placement in my third year. I was an intern at EDE □
c) I was born in South Africa, but I grew up in England. □
d) I'm a management trainee with an engineering company. Q
e) I went to primary school in the country and high school in London. □
f) My degree was in geography. I graduated two years ago. □
2. Match the words in bold in Exercise 1 with the definitions below.
1. changed from a baby to an adult
2. completed my studies
3. a school for children aged 5 to 11
4. a course of study or university qualification
5. the American word for CV
6. a student who works in a company
7. someone who is learning a job or profession .
8. a school for children aged 11 to 18.
9. a job that a student does to get experience (two expressions) another country
a) I worked abroad for a year to earn money and improve my resume. □
b) Yes. I did a work placement in my third year. I was an intern at EDE □
c) I was born in South Africa, but I grew up in England. □
d) I'm a management trainee with an engineering company. Q
e) I went to primary school in the country and high school in London. □
f) My degree was in geography. I graduated two years ago. □
3. With a partner, take turns to ask and answer the questions in Exercise 1 about your own CV.

Describing personality
4. What kind of employee are you? Take the personality test to find out.
5. 1:55 Listen to two people talking about the test. Which points do they talk about?
Which adjectives describe the woman?
6. With a partner, compare your own answers and give examples.
I'm optimistic about the future. I'm rarely pessimistic - except at exam time!
Reading and vocabulary
Read the article below. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
1 It isn't important if your first job is not very exciting. □
2 It's best to contact as many employers as possible. □
3 Interviewers are only interested in skills and qualifications, not in how you look. □
4 It's best just to answer the interviewer's questions. □
At the beginning of your career, the most important thing is to find a job, any job where you can gain
experience and develop your skills. Not many entry-level jobs are really interesting, but they all allow you to
take the first step on your career path to promotion and management positions.
Don't just send your CV to every company in your region. Read the job ads in newspapers, magazines and
online. Visit job fairs to see what sort of jobs employers are offering and what kind of people they are
looking to hire. And tell everyone you know that you're looking for work - a personal recommendation can
really help.
An interview is the opportunity for the company to get to know you, and for you to make a good
impression. Always dress smartly when you attend an interview. Almost every interviewer will ask about
your strengths and weaknesses, so be prepared to talk about what you're good at and what you can
improve. Prepare some questions, too: the employer is interviewing you, but you are also interviewing the
Reading and vocabulary
At the beginning of your career, the most important thing is to find a job, any job where you can gain
experience and develop your skills. Not many entry-level jobs are really interesting, but they all allow you to
take the first step on your career path to promotion and management positions.
Don't just send your CV to every company in your region. Read the job ads in newspapers, magazines and
online. Visit job fairs to see what sort of jobs employers are offering and what kind of people they are
looking to hire. And tell everyone you know that you're looking for work - a personal recommendation can
really help.
An interview is the opportunity for the company to get to know you, and for you to make a good
impression. Always dress smartly when you attend an interview. Almost every interviewer will ask about
your strengths and weaknesses, so be prepared to talk about what you're good at and what you can
improve. Prepare some questions, too: the employer is interviewing you, but you are also interviewing the
8. In each set of five below, match the words 1-10 with a-j to make collocations. Then check
your answers in the text.
1 job a) experience 6 attend f) weaknesses
2 gain b) a good impression 7 get g) an interview
3 career c) to hire 8 job h) jobs
4 make d) path 9 entry-level i) ads
5 look e) fairs 10 strengths and i) to know
8. In each set of five below, match the words 1-10 with a-j to make collocations. Then check
your answers in the text.
1 job e) fairs
2 gain a) experience
3 career d) path
4 make b) a good impression
5 look c) to hire
6 attend g) an interview
7 get j) to know
8 job i) ads
9 entry-level h) jobs
10 strengths and f) weaknesses
9. Complete the sentences with the collocations from Exercise 8.
1 I read all the………in the newspapers and visited three………, but I didn't find a job.
2 Many companies………new graduates with the potential to follow a………to management.
3 Almost any………will allow you to………and be promoted to a better position.
4 As soon as I was asked to………, I started to prepare for questions about my……… .
5 The first interview is to………the candidates' if they………, they get a second interview.
10. 1:56-1:60 Listen to five people describing their job. Match the people with the jobs below.

□ Training Manager □ Personal Assistant □ Public Relations Officer

□ Sales Representative □ Finance Manager
11. 1:56-1:60 Listen again and complete the sentences.
1 I'm..........for taking orders, presenting new products and taking .......... of customers.
2 I .......... events and I .......... with journalists.
3 I .......... a team of business analysts.
4 I .......... letters, email and phone calls and I .......... the Director's office on a day-to-day basis.
5 I .......... after the development needs of all departments. I .......... with external course providers.
12. With a partner, roleplay a conversation between a student and a careers adviser.
Student A: look at page 117.
Student B: look at page 120.
GRAMMAR-Past continuous
5. Match the sentence beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f.
1 I was working in an insurance company
2 His phone rang early in the morning
3 She was driving and talking on her mobile
4 I first met Magda
5 Were you already working here
6 What did they eat

a) while I was working in Germany,

b) while they were waiting to be rescued?
c) when I decided to look for a new job.
d) when she had the accident,
e) while he was taking a shower,
f) when Philip left the company?
6. With a partner, take turns to ask what you were doing when:
• the alarm clock rang • the fire alarm rang
• the bus arrived • the lights went out
• the telephone rang • the boss arrived
• the lesson began • you met your best friend

A: What were you doing when the alarm clock rang?

B: Oh, I was dreaming about a fantastic job in California.
7. With a partner, take turns to ask what you did while you were:
• waiting for the plane • waiting to be rescued from the lift
• staying in New York • recovering in hospital
• waiting for the exam results • waiting for the interview
• looking for a job • sitting in the bus .

A: What did you do while you were waiting for the plane?
B: Oh, I texted my friends and listened to music.
8. Look at Mark Zuckerberg's lifeline. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
8. Look at Mark Zuckerberg's lifeline. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
8. Look at Mark Zuckerberg's lifeline. Complete the sentences below with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets.

1 Zuckerberg wrote 'Zucknet', his first messaging program, when ... (live)
2 Zuckerberg was captain of the fencing team while ... (attend)
3 Before Zuckerberg went to Harvard, ... (refuse)
4 Zuckerberg met Priscilla Chan at a party while ... (study)
5 Zuckerberg's Facemash program was becoming extremely popular when ... (close down)
6 Soon after Zuckerberg moved to California, 5.5 million people ... (use}
7 Zuckerberg became a philanthropist like Bill Gates after Time™ magazine ... (name)
8 Facebook became a public company one day before he... (marry)
El Draw your own lifeline, real or imaginary. Present it to a panner and answer their questions.
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