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Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar

University in Partial Fulfillment of requirement for the degree of
SarjanaPendidikan in English Department

Muhammad Didin




A. Background

Language is a system of arbitrary verbal symbols that is used to

communicate among people. Language is a tool that we use to communicate

with others and to express our thoughts and desires. It's difficult to envisage

people cooperating and getting along if they don't speak the same language.

The importance of communication in human life cannot be overstated. We

must be able to share and communicate our ideas to others. Because

communication is crucial, people should learn how to communicate

effectively. If both the sender and the recipient understand the information

sent, communication will be simple. However, everyone understands that

language is inextricably linked to human life. People require language in order

to communicate with one another.

Globalization is now a reality. English is a highly significant language

for everyone because it used to be a universal language for connecting

individuals from various backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and many other

things all over the world. Many individuals use English media or

communication platforms, which makes it easier for people from different

countries to contact and communicate. English is utilized as one of four

languages in Indonesia for communication, and it has four skills: reading,

writing, listening, and speaking. Reading is one of the four keys to English,
and it is a topic that many students find boring. As a result, they become

stressed and lazy to read. Because some pupils do not understand the meaning

of the material, and because the researcher believes the English teacher's

technique is outdated. Furthermore, a study on reading skills in Indonesia

found that pupils' abilities, notably in reading comprehension, are still lacking.

Reading can simply be defined as the act of receiving and interpreting

information from printed sources. Reading is the process of converting textual

information into meanings, beginning with the textual information and ending

with the reader's gain. Reading makes the reader's brain cells function on a

consistent basis, making them sharper and smarter. Even if some knowledge

can be gained without reading, such as by listening to a teacher, attending a

seminar, listening to the radio, or watching television. Reading can provide

more information than listening. Someone who reads a newspaper, for

example, will learn more than someone who merely watches the news on


Every learning subject always includes reading. To be able to grasp the

information of a book, you must have high reading comprehension.

Comprehension is an active and constructive process of obtaining meaning in

a text by involving the reader's knowledge and experience that is relevant to

the reading's contents (Scanlon, Donna, etc, 2010:276). It may be inferred that

reading comprehension is achieved by integrating the reader's prior knowledge

with new information received while reading in order to maximize the

comprehending process. The value of reading is a requirement for anyone who

claims to be an intellectual. Reading is a must for communication for cultured

and educated people. It suggests that reading abilities are an important activity

that can be used to obtain a better understanding. Because this practice allows

people to draw conclusions from a written content. Students are required to be

more engaged in analyzing existing texts in the 2013 English curriculum,

which might open up students' views about environmental, social, cultural,

historical, and folklore that are fictional or nonfiction through literature. In

order to read the text, Junior High School students are given information

regarding genres. Procedure text is a form of genre that is taught in junior high

school. A narrative is usually fanciful, although it can also be real. Folklore,

fairytales, mysteries, science fiction, romance, and horror stories are all

examples of narratives. According to Anderson in Herlina, a narrative text is a

collection of logical and chronological occurrences from the past that are then

presented in words. The sequence of events is not random. Time, place,

situation, characters, topic, events, and their relationships are all part of the

story. The simplest chronology is made up of a straight line from the first to

the last event. It refers to a story, thus it should have elements that make the

story more engaging for the reader, such as conflict and a satisfying finish.

Based on the writer's experience teaching English at SMPN 2

Bontomarannu's eighth grade, the writer discovered that pupils' capacity to

master English, particularly in terms of teaching reading, was still lacking.

When they had trouble understanding English reading text, many students

expressed their dissatisfaction. The teacher, in fact, did not use a variety of
teaching tactics, causing the students to get bored or unmotivated. The ancient

approach of doing assignments from the students' books was still employed in

schools. In reading comprehension, students were assigned the task of reading

and then answering questions from their book without comprehending the

content. Aside from that, the majority of the students stated that it was

difficult for them to comprehend a book since they lacked a large vocabulary.

As a result, students become perplexed and less inclined to study a material.

Based on the statement above, the writer is going to search about “ The

Effective of Direct Interaction Strategy In Teaching Reading with Procedure

Text at the SMPN 2 Bontomarannu 2021/2022 Academic Year.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, problem statement of this research is: “Is

the use of direct interaction strategy effective in teaching reading?”

C. Objective of The Study

Based on the problem statement above, objective of the study is: “To find

out whether or not the use of direct interaction strategy is effective in teaching


D. Significance of The Study

The result of this study is expecting to give contribution to the world of

education. The contribution is in the form of information and thoughts related

to the use direct interaction strategy in teaching reading. Researcher also

hopes that the result of this research can help teacher to find method in

teaching to improve students’ reading skill.

E. Scope of The Study

The scope of this research focuses on the use of direct interaction strategy

in teaching reading with procedure text.



A. Previous Related Research Findings

The related research has been analyzed and observed by the researcher

related to the technique, approach and etc. Here are the previous researches.

The next previous study was from Pulungan (2015) entitle “Teaching

Strategy on English Second Language Students”. The result showed that the

teachers strategies were very important to be applied in teaching English Second

Language Students. Moreover, Harida (2016) under the title “Englsih Second

Language Teaching” pointed out that English Second Language Students need an

appropriate strategy in teaching reading comprehension.

Another previous study was conducted by Muslaini (2017) under the title

“Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension”. The result of the research was

about the strategies that the teachers should use in teaching reading

comprehension. She said that the more strategies used in teaching reading

comprehension, the result would be better.

B. Reading

According to Grellet (2004:7)reading is a constant process of guessing, and

what one brings to the next is often more important than what one finds in it. In

reading, the students should be taught to use what they know to understand

unknown elements, whether these are ideas or simple words. Most people do
silent reading. They need an isolation environment to comprehend the reading. To

understand the text applying the suitable tool is important to make easier for

students to understand. Because the main point of the reading is not just about

read all of the text but also to get the point of the text and evaluate ideas from


Harmer, (2007)stated that reading becomes important because it will bring

some advantages. By reading, the students will gain a lot of information from

various sources that can add their insights to the world an its development. they

also get more additional knowledge which has not gained from lessons at school

from the teacher’s explanations. Besides that according to Bright and Mc Gregor

(1970:53) argue that reading is the most fun to studying language because through

reading, students are likely to find the words that used to be remembered with

force and point. Finally, reading is a key factor to learn English. To understand

the text, applying the suibtable tool is important to make it easier for students to

understand. Because the main point of reading is not just about read all of the text

and evaluate ideas from material.

Therefore, reading with comprehension is a way for the students to arrive

at what they want to know from the reading material. However, the problem is

how to make them comprehend. Learning English could be fun the students. In

this case, teacher of English should have a good technique and good preparation

in teaching. It is very essential for the teachers to create a good classroom

atmosphere and to avoid students from getting bored. For students from

elementary to university level, reading is something that has to be done. They

have to read their compulsory books or other materials related to their lesson. For

students who are studying language, reading is one of the skills, which has to be

learned and is considered as the most important one because it can influence other

language skill (listening,reading, speaking, and writing).

C. Direct Interaction

Direct Instruction is a teaching method in which the teacher provides the

subject to the pupils verbally. Roy Killen in Sanjaya (2008) named this expository

model with the term Direct Instruction. This model is also known as chalk and

talk phrases since it is frequently used in the act of speaking (lecture and take

notes) All other learning approaches are built on the foundation of lecture and

questioning. The lecture and questioning method is a teaching approach in which

the teacher makes an oral presentation and the students watch or record the

explanation. . Lectures used for explain information in a short time or to start and

explain tasks learning (Mulyatiningsih, 2010). Direct Instruction is designed for

the learning process of students who related to simple declarative knowledge and

procedural knowledge well structured activities that can be taught with a gradual,

step-by-step pattern of activities step by step (Trianto 2012). As a result, in the

concept of Direct Instruction, students are taught to review the material that has

been delivered by the teacher in a sequence of steps that has been simplified, and

mastery of the material that has been taught is a requirement for students to be

able to continue to the next lesson.

D. Procedure Text

1. Definition of Procedure Text

A procedure is a series of activities, tasks, steps, decision,

calculation and other processes, that when undertaken in the sequence

laid down procedures, and then described the result, product or outcome.

The purpose of a procedure text type is to explain how something can

be done.

In our daily lives, we encounter a variety of text types. Typically,

we read a text on how to operate new items, how to prepare or produce

something, how to act in certain situations such as school, company, and

community, and how to get to certain locations. Procedure text is the term

for this type of text.. Mark and Cathy also explain the examples of

procedure text are recipes, itineraries, instruction manuals, and direction

(Arderson Mark, 2003:28). Moreover, procedure text based on Carlene

Walter is the process which is needs to be undertaken to achieve a

successful outcome.Whereas another say that procedure text tells the

reader how to do a particularjob. It tells the reader what tools and materials

are necessary and takes the reader or user step by step through the

sequence of actions necessary to complete the job successfully.18 Based

on those definitions, it is clear that procedure text tells and guides the

reader how something can be done by doing some instructions or sequence

of steps.
2. Characteristic of Procedure Text

Different genres have different features of a particular genre gives

the readers clear point of view from overall meaning of the text so they

know what kinds of the text tells about. Here steps in constructing a

procedure text, as follows:

a) An introductory statement that gives the aim or goal. this can be the title

of the text or an introductory paragraph.

b) A list of material that will be needed for completing the procedure. This

may be a list or paragraph.

c) A sequence of steps in the order they need to be done.

1) The numbers can be showed by using first, second, third, and so on.

2) The sequence can be showed by using signal words such as now, next,

after this, and soon.

3) The steps usually begin with a command such as add, mix, or push.

3. Purpose of Procedure Text

The goal of a procedure document based on Walter is to ensure that

something is done correctly and that the end result is satisfactory. It

signifies that the objective of a procedural text is to convey knowledge,

such as how to produce something, cook something, use something, or

operate something, that is necessary for readers to reach a successful

result. Types of Procedure Text According to Walter, there are different

procedural texts for different purpose, as follows:

a. Texts that explain how something works or how to use

instruction/operation manuals. For example: how to use the video, how to

use the cell phone or how to operate blander

b. Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity. For example: how to

write daily activities

c. Texts that deal with human behavior For example: how to live happily,

how to succeed

4. The Elements of Procedure Text

There are several elements of procedure text, according to Linda Gerot are

follows . a. Social function

A procedure text describes how something is done step by step.

b. Generic Structure

1) Goals. It is the title of the text which shows what the writer would like

to tell to the audience.

2) Material. It is the things which are needed for completing the procedure

(not required for all procedural text)

3) Step. It shows the ways they need to be done in completing the

procedure ( i.e. goal followed by a series of steps oriented to achieve the


c. Significant lexical grammatical features:

1) Use of simple present tense, often imperative such as glue the paper, cut

the paper, pour the flour, and add salt.

2) Use of temporal conjunction that show the sequence such as then,

while, next, now, etc.

3) Use general human agents

4) Use mainly of materials process.

5. Language Features of Procedure Text

Procedure text has some characteristics on it. Mark and Cathy propose

those characteristics. They state that procedure texts can be recognized

based on some language features below:

a. The use of technical language

b. Sentences that begin with verbs and are stated as commands, for

example the usage of word “ open” in the sentence; open the projector

compartment using the screwdriver!

c. The use of time words or numbers that tell the order for doing the

procedure. Time words Is also called sequencers for example first, second,

then, after that, the next step is, next, and finally.

d. The use of adverbs to tell how the action should be done. Adverbs of

manner are frequently used. For instance; Next, gently press the stop

button to shop the washing machine.

E. Theorotical Frame Work

The conceptual frameworks above explain about the process of this

research. This research will used direct interaction strategy in teaching

reading. The subject material of this research focused on procedure text.

F. Hypotesis of The Research

The hypothesis of this research formulated as follow:

1. H 0 (Null hypothesis): There isno effect in teaching reading throught

direct interaction strategy with procedure text.

2. H 1 (Alternative Hypothesis): There is an effects in teaching reading

through direct interaction strategy with procedure text.



A. Research Design

Quantitative research is used in this study. Quantitative research,

according to Gay (2012), is the collection and analysis of numerical data

in order to describe, explain, forecast, or control events of interest.

Quantitative researchers state the hypotheses to be tested and the research

methodologies that will be utilized to carry out the study at the start of the

project. A single group pretest-posttest design involves testing a single

group (O1), exposing them to a treatment (X), and then testing them again

(O2). The treatment's success is measured by comparing the pretest and

posttest scores.Based on the design Gay (2000) shows the one group

pretest-posttest in schema below:

Pretest Posttest Schema

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

O1 X O2
(Gay, 2000:265)

B. Research Variables and Indicators

In this research there are two variables:

1. Independent Variable (X)

Independent variable in this research is direct interaction strategy.

2. Dependent Variable (Y)

The dependent variable in this research is teaching reading with

procedural text.

3. Population and Sample

a. Population

The population of this research is the Eighth Grade Students of

SMPN 2 Bontomarannu. There are two class with total population 30


b. Sample

In this research, the researcher will take one class, which consists

of 15 students of SMPN 2 Bontomarannu as samples.

4. Research Instrument

Pre/post – test

Pre/posttest function is to get the information on the students’ ability

before and after implementing the actions.

5. Data Collection

In collecting data, the researcher follows the procedure as follows:

1. Pre-test

Before doing treatment, the researcher will apply a pre-test tomeasure the

students’ competence before they get the treatment.

2. Post-test

It proposes to find out the students’ achievement and their progress after


6. Data Analysis
To calculate the scores, use the following formula:

Total correct answer

The students’ score = x 100%
The maximum score

(Gay, 2006:320)

To calculating the mean score of students’ pretest and post-test using this




X = Mean

∑x = The sum of all score

N = Total number of subjects

(Gay, 1981:298)

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