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Enterprise Java Beans

Tom Valesky
What is Enterprise JavaBeans?
• Not really JavaBeans
• Component architecture for distributed
• Framework for creating middleware
Roles in EJB
• Enterprise Bean provider
– creates and sells EJBs
• Application assembler
– uses EJBs to build an application
• EJB Server provider
– creates and sells EJB server
• EJB Container provider
– creates and sells EJB containers
– server provider will likely provide containers
The EJB Architecture
• EJB servers
• EJB containers
• EJB clients
• Enterprise Java Beans
• Auxiliary systems
EJB Architecture

EJB Server
EJB Client EJB Container

EJB Server
EJB Servers
• Analogous to CORBA ORB
– server software
– provides naming and transaction services
– makes containers visible
EJB Containers
• Interface between EJB Bean and outside
• Client never accesses bean directly; access
is done through container-generated
methods, which in turn call the bean’s
EJB Clients
• Find EJB containers via JNDI
• Make use of EJB beans
Enterprise Java Beans
• Session beans
• Entity beans
Session vs. Entity Beans
• Session • Entity
– associated with a – shared by multiple
particular client clients
– created and destroyed – persist across multiple
by a client invocations
– do not survive system – survive system
shutdown shutdown
• EJB server has the right to manage its
working set
• Passivation -- saves state of a bean to
persistent storage, then swaps it out.
• Activation -- restores state of a bean from
persistent storage, then swaps it in.
• Applies to both session and entity beans.
Stateless vs. Stateful Session
• Stateless • Stateful
– no internal state – possess internal state
– do not need to be – need to handle
passivated passivation/activation
– can be pooled to – one per client
service multiple clients
Persistent session beans
• Session Beans can be saved and restored
across client sessions.
• To save, call the session bean’s getHandle()
method; returns a Handle object
• To restore, call the Handle object’s
getEJBObject() method.
Entity Bean persistence
• Container-managed • Bean-managed
– Container is – Bean is responsible for
responsible for saving saving its own state
state – Container doesn’t need
– In deployment to generate DB calls
descriptor, specify – Less adaptable;
container-managed persistence is hard-
fields coded
– persistence
independent of data
Writing an EJB Client
• Locate the bean container
• Allocate a bean, if necessary
• Use the bean
• Dispose of the bean
Client Example
//An idealized EJB client
import tom.ejb.restaurant.*;
public class EJBClient{
public static void main(String[] argv){
//get JNDI naming context
javax.naming.Context initialContext = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
//use context to look up EJB home interface
RestaurantHome rh = initialContext.lookup(“RestaurantHome”);
//use home interface to create a session object
Restaurant r = rh.Create(“Burger Heaven”);
//invoke business methods
//remove session object
Writing a session bean
• Create remote interface
– must extend javax.ejb.EJBObject interface
– must give prototypes for business methods
– class needn’t say “implements”; this is handled by the container

• Create home interface

– must extend javax.ejb.EJBHome interface
– create() methods, remove() methods

• Implement create methods

– called by container at creation time

• Implement the SessionBean interface

– ejbActivate() - called when bean is activated
– ejbPassivate() - called when bean is passivated
– ejbRemove() - called when bean is destroyed
– setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) - called by container to give bean a context
Session Bean Example
package tom.ejb.restaurant.server;
public class OrderBean implements SessionBean{

private transient SessionContext ctx;

private String order;

//can have many create methods

public void ejbCreate () throws Exception {
//initialization of class variables here
//business method
public boolean order(String order) {
this.order = order;
System.out.println("order received for " + order);
return true;
//these methods are required by the SessionBean interface
public void ejbActivate() throws Exception {
public void ejbDestroy() throws Exception {
public void ejbPassivate() throws Exception {
public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) throws Exception {
this.ctx = ctx;

Writing an Entity Bean
• Implement the EntityBean interface
– ejbActivate() -- called on activation
– ejbPassivate() -- called on passivation
– ejbLoad() -- tells bean to load state from database
– ejbStore() -- tells bean to store state in database
– ejbRemove() -- called when client calls remove()
– setEntityContext() -- called by container when instance has been created
– unsetEntityContext() -- called by container before removing the instance
– must also implement ejbFind() -- allows client to look up EJB objects

• Optionally implement create() methods

• Create remote interface
– must extend javax.ejb.EJBObject interface

• Create home interface

Entity Bean example
package tom.ejb.entity.server;
public class ExampleBean implements EntityBean
private transient EntityContext ctx;
//notice: no finder method -- generated at deployment time by container provider
//can have multiple create methods
public void ejbCreate () throws Exception {
//business method
public boolean doSomething () {
//required methods for EntityBean interface
public void ejbActivate() throws Exception {
public void ejbDestroy() throws Exception {
public void ejbPassivate() throws Exception {
public void ejbLoad() throws Exception {
public void ejbStore() throws Exception {
public void setEntityContext (EntityContext ctx) throws Exception {
this.ctx = ctx;
public void unsetEntityContext () throws Exception {
this.ctx = null;
Deploying EJBs
• EJBs deployed as .SER files
– serialized instance
• Manifest file used to list EJBs
• Must also provide a “deployment
– serialized instance of EntityDescriptor or
EJB-Jar manifest
• Sample entry
– Name: tom/RestaurantDeployment.ser
– Enterprise-Bean: True
• “Name” line
– describes a serialized deployment descriptor
• “Enterprise-Bean” line
– indicates whether the entry should be treated as
an EJB (not all entries need to be EJBs)
Deployment Descriptors
• Serialized instances of a class
• Used to pass info to container about bean’s
deployment needs and preferences
• Created by EJB provider
Auxiliary Systems
– Java Naming and – Java Transaction
Directory Interface Service
– Used to allow clients to – Used to provide
find EJB beans transaction support in
EJB-to-CORBA bindings
• Uses COS naming for object lookup
• Uses OTS (object transaction service) for
transaction support
• Specifies IDL mappings for EJB objects
Who’s announced EJB support?
• WebLogic • Forte
• IBM • Progress
• Oracle • Novell
• GemStone • Novera
• BEA • Borland
• Borland • Informix
• Netscape • IONA
• Lotus • More...
For further information
• Sun’s Enterprise Homepage
– http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/index.html
• My EJB resources page:
– http://www.patriot.net/users/tvalesky/ejb.html
• WebLogic’s Tengah pages
– http://www.weblogic.com

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