IPTC 10983 Portable Test Separator (SEPARATRUCK) Alternative of Measurement

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IPTC 10983

Portable Test Separator (SEPARATRUCK) Alternative of Measurement

M.A. Ruiz and L. Arditi, U. of Oriente

Downloaded from http://onepetro.org/IPTCONF/proceedings-pdf/05IPTC/All-05IPTC/IPTC-10983-ABSTRACT/1844854/iptc-10983-abstract.pdf/1 by Ammar Falah on 02 November 2021

This abstract was prepared for presentation at the 2005 International Petroleum Technology
Conference held in Doha, Qatar, 21–23 November 2005.

Exact and reliable production well testing allows to quantify
the volumes of fluids produced and additionally to diagnose
the anomalies on time to carry out early adjustments in the
wells, in order to have a production with the highest
efficiency. The Portable Test Separator SEPARATRUCK
appears like an economic alternative of measurement in wells
production in the Venezuela's Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt. The
project consisted on the elaboration of a design methodology,
based on studies made in the field that allowed determination
of the main faults in the measurement of the production with
the traditional test equipments, establishing specific
considerations for the design of a new, portable and automated
in all its functions measurement equipment. The mass, is the
primary unit of measurement and because it is not affected by
the changes of viscosity, density, electrical conductivity,
pressure and temperature; this parameter turns out to be
simplest and at the moment most reliable to measure. For that
reason, the prototype will be equipped with two mass flow and
density meters, in addition to a radar device able to control
different fluid levels configurations; this, in combination with
technological improvements of the Coriolis measurers, will
provide a wide rank of ability allowing to adapt the
configuration of the system, resulting in an equipment able to
test wells that produce from different reservoirs (different API
gravities) and at variable production rates (different GOR),
diversifying the measurement, making flexible and
popularizing the equipment. The design calculations were
validated by means of numerical simulation, obtaining a
portable test separator able to handle up to 2,500 bbl diluted
heavy petroleum, with water cuts between 0 and 100%, and a
maximum gas rate of approximately 5 MMscfd.

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