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The Grouch

Christmas Play Script

A play script written

for young performers
aged from 9 to 14!
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Thanks to Prince Padania for the clipart! 1
The Storyline

The story revolves around the town of Bootown, where all the Boos
love Christmas. In fact, they love Christmas so much it is all they talk

However, a mysterious outcast lives to the North of the town; this

outcast hates Christmas and anything to do with the festive time of year.
This outcast is called the Grouch!

The play follows the story of Mary-Boo and her family as they open-up
to the Grouch and try to show him what Christmas is all about. However,
the Grouch has his own plans to ruin Christmas for the town and steals
all the presents on Christmas eve.

He has a change of heart however when he hears the town enjoying

Christmas even though he had stolen all the presents. His heart grows
and he quickly returns the gifts and takes part in all the festivities.

Main Characters Other Roles

The Grouch (37) Johnny Boo (4) Child Mayor (1)

Mary-Boo (23) Jenny Boo (4) Tilly Boo (5)
Lou Boo (11) Jim Boo (4) Lilly Boo (6)
Narrator 1 (11) Shopkeeper (3) Child Martha (0)
Narrator 2 (10) Max (4) Betty (7)
Narrator 3 (10) Rocky (4) Policeman (3)
Narrator 4 (10) Santa (3) Mayor (5)
Narrator 5 (10) Child Grouch (1) Boo Teacher (1)
Narrator 6 (10) Martha (9) Nanny Boo (5)
Drew Boo (8)
Stu Boo (8)

And of course, everyone needs to join in with the class songs!

(Number of lines per character in brackets)

Creative Primary Literacy ©


Lots of Boos are on stage doing Christmassy things – choosing presents,

looking cheery and decorating the Christmas trees, windows and lamp

Narrator 1: Inside a snowflake like the one on your sleeve

Narrator 2: There happened a story you must see to believe

Narrator 3: Way up in the mountains in the high range of Pontoos

Narrator 1: Lay the small town of Bootown, the home of the Boos

Narrator 2: Ask any Boo and they’ll have this to say:

Jim Boo excitedly rushes to the front of the stage

Jim Boo: (says happily) There’s no place like Bootown around

Christmas Day!

Boo choir excitedly get in line in front of the Christmas tree

Jenny Boo: Every window is flocked; every lamp post is dressed and
the great Bootown choir are on their Christmas Best

(Song – Like It’s Christmas – Jonas Brothers)


Lou Boo and Mary-Boo come to the front of the stage, Lou is piling
presents on to Mary-Boo for her to hold, she looks a little bemused

Narrator 4: But every Boo knew from their twelve toes to their snout

Narrator 5: They loved Christmas the most, without a single doubt!

Creative Primary Literacy ©

Lou Boo: Honey, we have lots of presents to buy. A plasma TV for
your brother Stu, a PlayStation 5 for your other brother
Drew, FIFA 32 for grandad Leo and a wooly pink scarf for
your cousin Mateo

Mary-Boo : I think you’re taking this too far Daddy. Christmas is not
about presents!

Johnny Boo comes to the front of the stage

Johnny Boo: It’s only 1152 minutes until Christmas everybody!


Shopkeeper comes on to the edge of the stage

Shopkeeper: For the next five minutes 99% off!

Shopkeeper leaves the stage, and all the Boos follow him excitedly

Narrator 6: Every Boo down in Bootown liked Christmas A LOT!

The lights go off on the stage and all goes quiet, the Grouch sneaks on
to the stage quietly

Narrator 4: But the Grouch who lived just North of Whoville DID NOT!

The lights go on, and the Grouch jumps out at the audience

Grouch: AAAAHHHHHHHHHH! (scares the audience)

(shouts) MAX, ROCKY – HERE!

The Grouch’s two dogs come on to the stage.

Creative Primary Literacy ©

Grouch: I hate Christmas: the singing, the presents, the happiness
and all the Noise!


Dogs can speak Spanish or English to audience

Max: Este tio esta loco! (or This guy is crazy!)

Rocky: Tiene un cerebro de un macaco! (or He has the brain of a


Grouch comes and strokes the dogs

Grouch: Oh, my loyal doggies, you are the only ones who truly
understand me!

Narrators 1, 2 & 3 enter the stage

Narrator 3: The Grouch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas Season!

Narrator 1: Now, please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason

Narrator 2: It could be perhaps that his shoes were so tight

Narrator 3: It could be his head wasn’t screwed on just right

Narrator 1: But I think the most likely reason of all

Narrator 2: May have been that his heart was two sizes too small

Narrator 3: But whatever the reason, his heart or his shoes

Narrator 1: He stood there on Christmas Eve hating the Boos.

Creative Primary Literacy ©

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useful! This resource can be used as a classroom
activity but should not be shared with other teachers
or altered and shared again online.

All the images used are from the following fabulous clip
artist: Prince Padania

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