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Virginia Evans

For the revised Cambridge

ESOl CAE Examination


Express Publishing
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o Virginia Evans, 2009
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First published 2009

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ISBN 978· 1·84679-756·9

We would like 10 thank alllhe staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to the production of this book. Thanks for
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teachers who piloted the manuSCllpt, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the completion of this book.

The authors and publishers also wish to thank the following for their kind permission 10 adapt copyright material: p 7 from " Notes
From a Big Counlry' , from 'Notes From a Big Country' by Bill Bryson, Black Swan 1999, C Bill Bryson 1998; p 9 from 'My job: Andrew
Baker, sports fealure writer, Dally Telegraph ', Press Gazette Journalfsm Today, 17 September 2007, C 2007·2006 Wilmlngton
Business Information: pp 10·11 from ' Unfrozen Tundra', Time Magazine 25 September 2006, Cl Tlme Inc.: p 12 from 'Step back in
time', The Guardian 24 September 2008, Cl Guardian News and Media Umited 2009; p 15 from 'Malcolm Tait's top 10 wildlife books',
The Guardian 16 August 2006, C Guardian News and Media Umited 2009; p 19 from 'Gift of the Nile', Focus November 1995; p 27
tram review of Wall E, Empire online , Cl Bauer Consumer Media; p 28 from ' No Courses at RADA are easy', y.'; p 29 from
'A Utop ian fantasy', The GuardIan 3 June 2002, C Guardian News and Media Limited 2009: pp 30-31 from 'Here be dragons', The
Independent 30 October 2004, C Independent News and Media Limited 2009; p 32 from 'Who's that girl?', The Independent 16
Seplember 2006, Cl lndependenl News and Media Umited 2009; pp 35-36 from '00 try this al home', The GuardIan 13 October 2006,
Cl Guardian News and Media Umited 2009: p 39 from ' Dyslexia "can be identified alone day old"', Guardian Weekly 26 August 1999,
Cl copyright Sarah Boseley, The Guardian Weekly; p 40 from 'Antarctic tourism and non-governmental expeditions: a summary of
currenl activities' 10 May 2000, C Commonwealth of Australia. Used by kind permission: p 41 from 'Aexible answer to life In space',
Focus November 2000; p 49 from 'What the teachers taught the judges' , The Guardian 13 October 2006, Cl Guardian News and
Media Limited 2009; p 50 from 'Going 10 work on general English' , Guardian Weekly/BBC world service 20 June 1999 Cl John
Hughes, The Guardian Weekly ; pp 52-53 from 'Voluntary service underseas', Wanderlust February 2007, C Wanderlust; p 54 from
'Alpha couple', Vogue Ailstralia September 2008, Cl 2006 New Magazines Ply Ud; P 57 from 'Daring to be different', The Guardian 16
April 2005, Cl Guardian News and Media Limited 2009: p 60: p 62 from ' Penguins in peril', The Guardian W~ 4 April 1999, C The
Guardian Weekly; p 70 from 'Weird or wonderful? A weekly look at alternative therapies' , The Guardian 7 March 2000, C Guardian
News and Media Umited 2009; p 74 from 'Thought crime', The Guardian 23 October 2008, Cl Guardian News and Media Umited 2009:
p n from 'The eccentric's guide to London', The Guardian 19 November 2006, Cl Guardian News and Media Umited 2009: p 60 from
'Your get·ahead guide to powerspeak', Fair Lady 19 July 2000 Cl Fair lady Magazine; p 90 from 'Hire educalion', The Guardian 13
August 2007, Cl Guardian News and Media Umiled 2009; p 91 from 'ThIs column will change your life', The Guardian 15 November
2006, Cl Guardian News and Media Umited 2009: p 92 from 'Aquaseiling: sparkling water, on the rocks', The Telegraph 16 November
2006, Cl Telegraph Media Group Limited 2009: P 94 from 'Season of mists and unwanted guests' , The Guardian 6 October 2002,
C Guardian News and Media Umiled 2009; pp 97-98 from 'Top girls' (parts one, two & three)', The Guardian 30 September 2003,
Cl Guardian News and Med ia Limited 2009; p 102 from 'Take a bough', Homes and Garriens February 1997 (pp 107-108), Cl 1997
Homes and Gardens; p 103 from 'Dubai: hot city seriously cool ', Fair LlIdy Inspirations Summer 2000, C Fair Lady Magazine: pili
from 'Household robols', ScienCentral News , 14 June 2007, C ScienCentraI2000-2007; p 1131rom " Chore Wars,' where 'World of
WarcraJt' meels toi let cleaner' , cnet News , 19 October 2007, C 2009 CBS Interactive Inc. : p 114 from 'On the chilli trail In Assam,
India', The TImes 15 November 2008, Cl 2008 Times Newspapers Ltd,; p 116 from 'ling Tlngs are looking up for Katie White and J ules
De Mattlno', The TImes 21 November 2006, C 2006 Tlmes Newspapers Ltd.: p 123 from 'Office karma', Fair Lady 12 April 2000, Cl Fair
Lady Magazine: p 124 trom 'Ash Thursday', Focus October 1996:

Photograph Acknowledgements
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p 93 aquaseiling,

The authors and publishers are also grateful to the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndlcale lor permission to reproduce the
sample answer sheets on pages 147- tSO and the information on pages 5-6 in both the Student's and Teacher's books.

Every effort has been made 10 Irace all the copyright holders but if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers wilt be
pl~ to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity,
Introduction ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. p. 5

CAE Test 1
Paper 1 . Reading p. 7
Paper 2 . Writing .......... ..... .... ... ........... . .... . ............... . p.16
Paper 3 - Use of English ...... . . .... . . . . . ........... . . . .... . . . . ..... . p. 18
Paper 4 - Listening . ................•............ .. .........•....... . . . p.23

CAE Test 2
Paper 1 . Reading p.27
Paper 2 . Writing ................ . ... . ..... • ........... .• ........... . ... p.37
Paper 3 - Use of English p.39
Paper 4 - Listening . ......... . p. 44

CAE Test 3
Paper 1 - Reading p.49
Paper 2 - Writing ...... . .... .• ......... • ....................... . .... . ... p. 58
Paper 3 . Use of English ...... . . ... . . .. . .... . ......... . .............. .. . . p.60
Paper 4 . Ustening .................... .. . p. 65 •

CAE Test 4
Paper 1 - Reading p.69
Paper 2 . Writing ................... . .............. .... ...... . .. . .. ... .. p. 78
Paper 3 - Use of English ......... ..... .............. . ............... . .... p. 80
Paper 4 - Ustening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. p. 85

CAE Test 5
Paper 1 - Reading p.89
Paper 2 - Writing ............. . ..... .. ......... . .. . . . .. .... . . . .. ... . ... . p.99
Paper 3 - Use of English ......... . .• . ........•..• • ....... . . . ....... .. ... . p. 101
Paper 4 - Ustening ......... . . ... . . . . .. . .... . . .. . ... .. . .. .. ..... . ... . ... . p.l06

CAE Test 6
Paper 1 . Reading p. 111
Pape r 2 - Writing .......... • . . . . . •• .. •... • •. . .•.•..• . . .. • .. • .. • • .. . ... • p. 121
Paper 3 - Use of English .. .. .. • ............. • ......... • ........... • ..... . p. 123
Paper 4 - Listening .. . .. ..... .... . .. . ..... . •.. . ..... . • . ........ .• . ... . . . p. 128

Further Exam Practice - Use of English . . . .... . •......... . .... . .....•.... ... p.133

Speaking Tests .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . ....... .. . . . . .... . .... . ..... . . . . . . . p.145

Sample Answer 'S heets . .... • . ........... •• .........•...........•....... p. 157

Appendix 1 - Word and Preposition Combinations .... . . •. .. . ....•. • •........ p. 161

2 - Collocations and Idioms .............. . . • •.......•. • •........ p. l64
3 - Word formation tables ....... , . , ... , . , , ' • . . ... , . • • •• . . ... • , . . p. 166
4 - Pu nctuation and spelling . , .. , ........... , . , , .... , . ' • • .. , .. , .. p, 169
5 - Functional Phrases for the Speaking Test .... , • .• . . • . • • • , .••• . . . p. 170

Model Answers for Writing p. 171

Suggested Answers for Speaking Tests . . p. 181

Tapescripts ... . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . . ...... .. ........... . p. 196

CAE Practice Tests contains six complete tests About CAE
designed to help students to prepare for the
CAE is the fourth level in the Cambridge ESOL five-
University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations
level series of examinations and is design~ to offer
Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) examination. an advanced qualification, suitable for those who
The tests offer comprehensive practice in all five want to use English for professional or study
papers of the examination and reflect the most recent purposes. The CAE examination can also serve as a
CAE specifications (introduced for December 2008), useful step in the development of the language skills
thus providing students with the tools to develop the necessary for the CPE examination.
skills required to succeed in this examination and
obtain the CAE qualification. The CAE examination can be used as proof of the
language level necessary to work at managerial or
CAE Practice Tests includes a wide range of stimulating, professional level or to follow a course of study at
authentic texts in examination format, listening texts
with authenticated recordings and a variety of Cambridge Level Five
accents, and full-colour visual material for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)
Speaking Paper.
Cambridge Level Four
The book provides a detailed overview of the CAE
Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
examination, with a description of all the sections of
each paper, exam guidance sections and further exam Cambridge Level Three
practice for Paper 3 - Use of English followed by First Certificate in English (FCE)
useful Appendices as well as Sample OMR Answer
Cambridge Level Two
Sheets at the back of the book.
Preliminary English Test (PET)
Tests 1-4 contain helpful exam tips and reminders,
while Tests 5 and 6 are like real exam papers, with no Cambridge Level One
guidance, for further exam practice. Key English Test (KET)
The Teacher's Book contains all the Student's Book .. ..
univeTSlty. CAE 15 recognised by most Bntish wuVersJties
material, together with over-printed answers, model for English language entrance requirements.
written answers for the Writing Paper, tapescripts of
the recorded material for the Listening Paper, and
guidelines for the Speaking Test.

In CAE there are five Papers as shown below:

Paper 1 (1 hour 15 mins)
Reading 4 parts 40 marks

Paper 2 (1 hour 30 mins)

Writing 2 parts 40 marks

Paper 3 (1 hour)
Use of English 5 parts 40 marks

Paper 4 (approximately 40 mins)

Listening 4 parts 40 marks

Paper 5 (approximately 15 mins)

Speaking 4 parts 40 marks
'tOTAL 200 marks

READING (J Ilour 15 mw) USTENING (ApproximJJl,ely40 minuies)
ThiI paper hae four parta with 34 Questiona drawn from This paper has rour parts with 30 questiona All parts are
reading texts which contain about 3,000 wordl in total. heard twice.
Part f Part 1 •
Three themed textl with 2 multiple-choice questions on each Th.ree short unrelated exchanges with two multiple-cboioe
ten. quettions ror each.
Tesl{octa."detail. opinion, toM.~ main idea, implication, Test focus: feelin&, altitude, opinwn, purpose, function,
attitutk, tut organiaation features. tic aareerrumt, gist, etc
Part 2 Part 2
A gapped text with 6 missing paragraphs. A monologue with 8 lentence completion queat.ions.
Test foe'": text $1rudure, cohesion and coherence Test {ocus: 'p«i/ic in{ormaJicn, slated opinion
Part 3 Part 3
A text foUowed by 7 four-option multiple-choice questions. A conversation between 2 or more speakers with 6 multiple
Test focus: detail, opinion. tone, PUI"[J<J«, main idm, impIification. choice quett.ions.
athtuck, tut orgallUalion ftaturu TaJ {ocua: oUitlUk and opinion
Part 4 Part 4
A text prec:eded by 16 multiple-matdring questions. A seriet or five short extracts with two multiple matching
Te.sJ focus: 3pecifjc information, chtail, opinion and altitude ""u.
Teat {ocus.: gUt, altitude, main point., interpreting contat
WRmNQ (J hoor 30 miM) PAPER 5
This paper bu two parte. Part! requires 180-220 words SPEAKING (ApproximoJ.ely 15 minutes)
and Part 2 requires 220-260 words. This paper contains rour parts, and is taken by the
Part 1 candidatea in pairs with two examiners present. One or
One compulsory task based on given input.
Test (ocra: mGy iru:lutk eualuating, t:ZplTUing opinimu,
hypotMsuing, ilUtifying, comparing. T«.Ommending.
the euminera acta ... Interlocutor and the other one as

Part 1
supporting, tIc. Ta.s.u will aiwaYl incluck an ekment of
A conversation between the Interlocutor and each candidate.
Part 2 TaJ {OCIU: g4!Mral intera.ctionoJ and socuul4nguoge
One task from a choice of four. Question 5 is alway1I ba&ed Part 2
on set text.. Individuall minute ' long turn' ror each candidate with brier
Test [OCU8: comparing, giving opinions, p€raUllding,ju8tifying. 30 second response rrom 2nd candidate. Each candidate is
giuing aduice, cUscnbing, evaluating, hypothesi8ing, judging given S visual stimuli with questions.
prioritiea (2 or fTl()re of t~ a& .p«ifUd in tod) Test focua: orgoniJing a larger unit o{ di8course, comparing,
dacribing, t::qJtUling opinioru, ~ng
PAPER 3 Part 3
USE OF ENGUSH (llwur) Two-way conversation between the candidates. The
Thi.a paper has five parts with a tota1 or 50 questions. candidates are given spoken instructions with written and
Part 1
visual stimuli, which are used in a decision-making task.
A multiple-choice elote or approximately 200 words
T~Bt {ocus: exchanging Uktu, upTftSing and justifying
containing 12 gaps and rollowed by 12 rour-option multiple-
choice anawera. opinions, tJ81tting and/or, .uggating. 'p«u1oting,
Test foeus: luice - grammalicallle:cical reaching a ckci8ion through negotiation, ttc
Part 2 Part 4
A modified open elote or approximately 200 words A conversation between the candidates and the Interlocutor
containing 15 gaps. related to the topic introduced in Part 3.
Teat {oc1U: grammaJiooJIkxioo - grommolicol Test {OCIU.' upre"ins and justifying opinion.s, OjJreeing andJ
Part 3 or disagreeins
One text or up to 130 words each. Words muM. be rormed to
complete 10 gtlJ» using the given prompt words.
Tnt focla: laKolIk:xioo - grotTIJTtLJtico
Part 4
Five sets or S sentences with gaps to be completed with the
same word.
Teat (ocuI.. luicol
Part 5
Eight key word transrormation sentences.
Test foelU: luical and gramffl4lical

Test 1
PART 1 (1 hour 15 minutes)

Exam~ You gOing to read three extracts which are all '
Don't forgel that questIons 1-6, choose the answer (A B CO DJ ch~nhcerned I," some way with sports. For
text. " r W le you think fits best accortling to Ihe
three of the answers
are there to distract
you from the correct
one. There may be
small but significant
differences in
meaning in the
answer sentences If the traditional sports are losing their they now hurtle down at speeds reaching
so read carefully J!,\sp,arkle and you feel the need to risk life 70 mph (115 km/h). And to make it even
and make sure you I more risky, the use of brakes is strictly
understand how forbidden! These riders are not ashamed
one sentence differs i to take pleasure in risking everything in §J
from another. if you do feel you have the courage to pursuit of an adrenaJin buzz.
give it a whirl, it is bound to get your pulse You might be wondering how they stop-
racing. before they hit that brick wall that Ir?\
Street luging bears little relation to its approaches at speeds usually only seen ~
wintry counterpart, ice luging, and wiU on motorways? Well, it's down to gravity
probably never be recognised as an and a sturdy pair of leather or Kevlar
Olympic sport. Street luge riders lie down boots. Perhaps you've heard of Kevlar -
flat on their backs and try to steer a it's the material that bullet-proof vests are ine 30
street1uge board, which is very similar to made of. This is a sport that, as long as
the good old skateboard. It doesn't sound you survive and are able to walk away
too hazardous, does it? The real danger with no broken bones, will have you
comes from the steep, winding road that ooming back for more!

1 Accor~ing to the writer, street luge riders

A believe the sport sh Id b
B have seen the sport~ e aCknowle~ged at an international level.
© . ecome progressIvely more dangerous
se~m to thnve on the danger involved in the sport .
o beheve the sport is often unfairly labe/ed as too d~ngerous.

2 ®Wh Y does the writer mention bullet-proof vests (line 30)?

A to show what is needed to stop when moving at hi s ee h
B to recommend clothing suitable for street luging g p d
C to reassure readers that street luging is safe
o to emphasise the risks the riders are taking


~\)V"" ~~
~ People somelines os!< me, '\\Mt is the
difference between baseball and cricket?' ~
The answer is simple, Both are games of greot sI<II
i1voM1g boIs and bafs, but with this crucial difference;
boseballs exciting and wIlen you go home at the end of tne
day you know who won,
I'm joking, of course. Cricket Is a wondeffuI game, fUI of deIcIoloIy
scattered micro-morTle1 Its of rear action. If 0 doctor ever Instructs me to
fake a complete rest and not get over-exclted. I shaH become a fon at once.
" the fl'18Q111me, howe""" I hope you wI undeIstond wIlen I tal you that my
heart beIOI ogs to baseboI.
In what r grew up with , what I played as 0 boy and that of course ts vital to any meaningful
appredotlon of a sport. I hod this brought home to me many years ego n England
when I went out onto a foolbol pIIch with a ccq>Ie of guys to knocI< a bel around.
I had watched foo~ N and thought t had a fair Idea of """'at was required. so when
one of the~ ban n my direcllon , I decided to tick tt casually Into the
with my head, the way I hod seen KeIIIn Keegon do tt.1 thought that tt would be
like heading a beochban - that there wou1d be a gentle 'ponk' sound and
that tne ban would IIghIly leave my brow and dlIft In a pIeosIo I\l arc Into the
net. SUI of COllSO tt was 11<. heading a bowing bel. I hove never ten
onvthi"lg so stortt!ng!y not lI<e I thought tt would feel. I walked
around 'Of 'our hours on wobI>y legs with 0 big red c'cia
and the word MITJlE inprhted on my fOfeheod, and
vowed never again to do anything so
foolish and poInf\J.
M / I;V /.I" (lffll4r/

3 The writer compares baseball and cricket in order to

@ explain his preference for one over the other.
B emphasise the pointlessness of cricket.
C show how different they are to each other.
o explain his reasons for liking them .

4 The writer believes that he once had a bad experience while playing football
because V
® his expectations of playing differed to the reality of it.
S he chose to head the ball instead of kicking it.
C he had overestimated his sporting talent.
o his opponents didn't take into account his lack of experience.

Test 1 .....

What's it like being a sports feature writer

on a national newspaper?
Andrew Ba~er shares his e~perience of sports journalism. c<AU;- (MII 0 I
HQe;V~IJ{;t() 'I-d c!Pwlvb': 1{j1t41t1;1,( l etHl t l(l("'{ (
To be a successful sports journalist, you need It isn't necessary to hold a journalism
the same curiosity, perseverance and literacy as degr" but a degree of some kind is beneficial,
any other journalist, but also specialist knowledge be;a:se you will have experience of
if you wish to cover one sport in particular; marshalling your thoughts under pressure. In
diplomacy and humility if you need to cover many an ideal world, all journalists would have an
sports (you will need to ask a lot of questions). essay-based degree and a postgraduate course
Also, the ability to write sensibly under extreme in journalism, especially important for knowing
pressure is essential if you aspire to cover major the nuts and bolts of sub-editin and how to
events live. avoid legal howlers.

Perhaps the best part of being a sports

journalist is travelling to interesting places and
meeting interesting people. Often, these are not
the PR-protected megastars, but the passionate
individuals who can tell you what is so special
about their sPOrt and, if you are lucky, give you
some first-hand experience. In my case, I've
messed about on Ellen MacArthur's boat al 3am
in a Brazilian harbour, had a special driving
lesson from an F1 star and done a lot more fun
stuff that had better not be recorded.

5 According to the writer, one of the main benefits of obtaining a qualification in

journalism is
A becoming skilled in writing good quality essays.
B learning how to express ideas quickly and clearly.
©gaining knowledge of the practical details of journalism.
D learning how to deal with the stress associated with journalism.

6 What aspect of sports journalism is the writer emphasising in the third

A the chance to meet famous people
B the necessity of personal participation ~ J
©the satisfaction gained from contact with enthusiasts IV
D the fervour and dedication of some people he meets

You are going to read an extract from a magazine article. Six paragraphs have been removed from the extract. ChOOl.,j
from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (1-12). There Is one extra paragraph which you do not need

From 30,000 ft. in the air, the Greenland ice cap seems Oahl-lensen at the NEEM camp in Greenland. NEEM
Impregnable, nearly 800 trillion gallons of frozen water stands for North Greenland Eemlan Ice Drilling (the
locked safely away. But get doser and the ~cks begin acronym is Danish, as are the leaders of the project), and
to emerge. Dandng by helicopter above the mouth of the the scientists are digging deep into the Greenland ice -
Jakobshavn Glader, near the western coast of Greenland, more than a mile and a half deep to be precise - to try
you can make out veins of the purest blue melt water to understand its pedigree.
running between folds of ice.
It's like tree rings but for dimatic hiStory. -In order to
predjct the future, we have to understand the past,· says
Those Icebergs are spat out into Di';. Ba~iIIiOn
metric tons' worth every year, where ey loom bove Minlk Rasing, a geologist at the University of
the tiny fishing boats th~ deep, co d waters. Copenhagen. NEEM is focused on the Eemian stage, a
Sail dose and you'll find ~ese seemingly permanent period from about 11S,OOO to 130,000 years ago, right
cathedrals of ice, some 200 ft. to 300 ft. high, are leaking before the last ice age, when the worid was warm - quite
water like broken pipes. They're fighting a war and they warm, about 9 "F hotter in Europe than it is today.
appear to be IOSI,' ?
la I G
Oahl-Jensen believes that with enough information,
If all the lee on Greenland were to melt tomorrow, they wlll be able to project forward and understand just
global sea levels would rise more than 20 ft. - enough to how vulnerable Greenland is to future melting. · With 10
swamp many coastal cities. Though no one thinks that ~ars of Intense researCh, [ think we can reach a reUable

will happen anytime soon, what keeps gladologists estlmate for that tipping point, - she says.
awake at night is that thinking is not the same as
knowing - and no one can say with certainty what
Greenland's fate will be. -
I watch as a plume of mist fills the air where the
D Iceberg once was, while the fjord chums on. And then I
wonder, just how much time do Greenland and the rest
I got a firsthand look at such heroism this summer of us have before it's too late? That may be up to us -
when I joined a team of international researchers led by and the heroes we choose to follow.

Test 1

A Given that the U.N.'s Intergovernmental sheet, are considered a hero for the
Panel on Climate Change estimates that environment. His work there involves
temperatures could rise 3.24 ' F to 7.2 ' F decoding the island's dimatic history. He, Look for any
over the coming century, the Eemian along with numerous other scientists, grammatical or
could offer a model for the effect such activists, financiers and political leaders logical clues
thermometer swings will have on display a passion for the planet that just which can
Greenland's ice. A full dimatic record of
the Eemian has never been constructed,
might save it. 'h I
.J; 'g~, J
help you place
the missing
paragraphs In
but over the next several summers, the E It's that type of confidence that serves as
Jt)!1~ ~ght gaps.
NEEM researchers hope to harvest cores our light in the dimatic darkness, living
that will help them track the state of the proof that hope hasn't vanished. You
ice throughout that era, when Greenland need that comfort when you're standing
was warm enough to actually be green. on a rocky hilltop in Greenland, watching
! ~ "'&p " 'I' the ice disappear. As Jakobshavn gives
B Depth fS time and the lower you go, the way to the dium-size Iceberg
further back in history you travel. As ice sudde implodes, isintegrating like a
formed in Greenland, year after cold collapsing s scraper.
year, bits of atmosphere were trapped
in the layers. Drilling into the ice and F What you can't at height, is
fishing out samples - ice cores - that Jakobshavn' inexorable de toward
contain tiny bubbles of that andent air the sea at 65 ft. to 115 ft. a day - an
can reveal the temperature, the alarming rate that has accelerated in
concentration of greenhouse gases, recent years. As the glacier nears the
even the ambient dust from the year coast, it breaks off Into e Ilullssat
that layer was formed. fjord, a stream 0 churnin Ice that
might have birthed t e monster that
C It's easy to misunderstand all of this.
Oimate change itself isn't a bad thing ;
sunk the Titanic. ~ 1(( r
It isn't even unusual. Take a geological G Sadly, Greenland is the front line in
step back, and you can see that our humanity's battleV against climate
climate has always changed, alternating change. The warming - that IS easy to
just within the past several hundred dismiss elsewhere is undeniable on this
thousand years between ice ages, when 860,000-sq.-mi. isJand of fewer than
glaciers covered much of the Northern 60,000 people, More and more of
Hemisphere, to eras warmer than our Greenland, whose frozen expanses are
own. a livIng remnant of the last Ice age,
disappears each year, wIth as much as
o That's why researchers like Dorthe Dahl- 150 billIon metric tons of glacier
Jensen, stationed on a barren speck of vanishing annually.
land near the heart of Greenland's ice

You are going to read a magazine article. For questions 13-19. choose the answer (A. B. C Of 0 ) which you thi~k
best according 10 the text.

~tep back in time

Historicol biographer Antonia Fraser reveals the pleasures af studying a bygone era.
Gibbon was inspired to write The Decline and Fall of of Or Johnson's wise dicwm: "A man wilt tum over half a
the Roman Empire sitting on the steps of the Capitol ;It libnry to make a book..
Rome one evening, listening to the sound of monks And what about those fabled things boasted of on
chanting. My own Inspiration to become a historical blurbs: hitherto unpublished doc.umentsl Obviously it is
biographer came in rather less elevated circumstances, as f!'iery researcher's dream to discover such papers. and
a teenager one rainy Oxford afternoon: I began to read their discovery once apin may make a protect commercial
Lytton Strachtis EmlnentVtctorians. and was in particular which would not othefWise be so. At the same time I
fascinated by his essay on Cardinal Manning.This was going would issue a caveat about hitheno unpublished
to be the life for me! Once back at school I plunged into documents. HUDs are not in themselves more valuable
further research in the library. A very different picture than the princed sources - it's a historical coincidence that
cf3) emerged. Gradually as r pursued the topic. I became aware Ofl@ set has become known early on, the other not One
~ of Strachey's daring sallies into -artistic truth- (as opposed needs to evaluate them even more closely. Here I speak
to historical truth). N~rtheles$ I neyer forgot my original from personal experience. A series of chances led me to
sense of oong transported into a world more vivid than discovering some hitherto unpublished letters of Ollver
my own. Cromwell JUSt as I was finishing my manuscript I bbzoned
An mlity to coovey this sensation is., I believe. at the my finds across the text only to realise at the proof stage.
n.('heart of the matter. ~ the biographer; don't thrill to that they might be unpUblished but they were not very
~your subiect. you can hardly in all fairness expect the important In the grand scheme of things ._ an expensive
reader to do so. In a sense (not of course the commercial mistake.
sense) the choice of subject is irrelevant so long as it Where the perils and pleasures of writing historical
21 meets that requirement You could say that I was extremely biography are concemed, there are two perils which seem
lucky to choose Mary Queen of Scots for my first foray to me to raise points of principle.The first is me peril of
since there proved to be a world-wide public for the anachronistic judgements. For example, in the 16th century 6ne
troubles of the ill-fated Queen. But you could argue equally more or less f!'ierybody tOOk astrology seriously and more '@>
that I made my own luck. since I had always been obsessed or less everybodY enjoyed a lolly aftemoon out to see the
by Mary's story from childhood, Nor was success fore- bears baited. It's no good dismissing the former as
ordained. It was, after all, the leading publisher Mark meaningless and aingfng from the latter as disgusting.
Bonham-Carter of (men) Collins who $aid to me when I
I would further cite. the peril of hindSight We may know
115'! confessed my project, ''They say that all books on Mary that Henry VIII Will marry six times. but he didn't, and he
"-'. Queen of Scots sell and no books on South America do-,
would have been amazed if it had been predicted at the
before adding with a laugh, "Perhaps yours will be the
time of his first marriage to Catherlne of Aragon.
And the pleasuresl Manifold! Principal among them
Nevertheless I did have luck. In the 60s, so-called
however is the opporwnity
IUrrative biography was said to be OUt of fashion. Mary
to lead a life less ordinary,
Queen of ScOts was an early from the fact that
As a biographer; I can rule
me public continued to have an for it. so long as
over kingdoms. lead the
the research was felt to be,~!~:~""" cavalry Into battle, patronise
the great artists of the past
and all without leaving my
not Scracheyesque chair.
that biographers discover for themselves the reality

Test 1

13 What did the writer learn while researching a historical figure as a teenager?
A There was a surprising amount of information available.
Read the text
oxtremely carefully ® It was not possible to take everything she read as fact.
In order to C It was difficult to interpret the true meaning of what she read.
distinguish between o It was necessary to consult a wide range of sources.
opparently similar
viewpoints, 14 What does 'that requirement' in line 21 refer to?
outcomes or A the reader's response to a writer's subject
B the correct choice of subject
C the commercial appeal of the book
@ the writer's ability to communicate their enthusiasm
15 What did Mark Bonham-Carter believe about the writer's choice of subject?
A Her long-standing interest in it may ensure her book's success.
® It did not guarantee her book's success.
C There are already too many books written on it.
o It was a wise choice for her first biography.

16 The main point that the writer is making in the fourth paragraph is that
A a biography is more likely to be successful if it contains new information.
B researchers must be careful to check all facts thoroughly.
C research material can include inaccurate information.
@ extensive reading is crucially important.

17 What warning does the writer give to biographers about unpublished documents?
A They are difficult to obtain as their discovery is down to chance.
® Their overall significance to the book must be carefully considered.
C Their use could result in diminished commercial success for a book.
o It should not be assumed that they are authentic .
(£\I.f.~~O lW31,lf
18 An example of an 'anachronistic judgement' (line 64) that the writer gives is
A not being able to imagine oneself living in the sixteenth century.
B being uninformed about sixteenth century customs and practices.
© viewing the sixteenth century from a twenty-first century perspective.
o focusing only on the negative side of life in the sixteenth century.

19 In the article as a whole, the writer implies that her main motivation for becoming an
historical biographer was th e chance to
A carry out extensive research.
® become immersed in history.
C discover unpublished documents.
o establish historical truth.


You are going to read some reviews of wildlife books. For questions 20-34, choose fro
the reviews (A.-G) . The reviews may be chosen more than once.
Read the questions
first and uoo
the key word
In which review are the following mentioned?
that you kn()1
exactly what
looking for in
feelings of inad~uacy In relation to others 120 I C
the fact that the reviewer does not apologise for selecting the book 121 I F
a failLffft 10 respond suffidenUy to an OPQASU, 1221 F
the fact that an author openly reveals details of a personal nature 123 1A
readers being able to Identify with an author's line of thinking
1241 Cl

an authors successful exploration of the most central aspects

of a matter
-. -._- -
the successful portrayal of an instincbVe connection

an ignorance of deeper meanings, which later became apparent

a well.arganised and aesthetically pleasing book

a reviewer's changed reaction 10 a creature since reading the book

the book provokes a reaction even if readers' opinions differ from

those of the author's

a suggestion that a book was not an obvious choice for a reviewer 1311 G
an a~4~a lost ~oseness with the ~~t~~1 wo~
an assurance that knowledge acquired will enhance a reader's
appreciation of nature
- .- -. -
multiple descriptions of the same thing

Test 1

a :-,

M,lIcolm Tail, editor of Going. Going, Gone?, an illustrated

mmpilation of 100 animals and plants in danger of extinction,
It'\liews his favourite wildlife books.

A: Nature Cure by Richard Mahey

If the best wildlife writing reveals as much aboullhe writer as the
h ..,lIdllllr, itself, then this is the best of them all. Mabey is brutally
IhJt nature and his fear
' ~~:;;~~~~~~~~':hi;"=depression,
for him. The more he
disconnected from the world he
his path out of despair, as he finds a

~::~~~!~:~'~~iand fire up the of

: book, written inwild bits richly
it's painful too:

IhlCure, out

R: The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling

Kipling.. r think, was where much of it began for me. r adored his
iUlirnaltales as a lad, such as the idiosyncratic, rock ing-chair-by- E: The Future of life by EO Wilson
the-fireside fables of the Just So Stories an d the heroic and Here's a fascinating book which is a great example of
~uspense-filled Rikki·tikki-tavi. But it was The Jungle Book that conservation-based writing. The ecological debate will always
('I r(,.llly gripped me, a rite of passage yarn in which the vicissitudes rage on - should mankind continue to experiment with new
' of life were represented by the forces of nature. Of course, I sciences and discoveries, or are we destroying our world and
didn't understand all this at the time I just loved reading about ourselves in the rocess - ',~~~;;:;;;~~~~;-;~;T,~~
l!.aloo, Bagheera and all and singing along to the songs of the ar umenls u rbl , iven by a
Disney version - but I now realise that I grew up with Mowgli, which we planet.
.md that I've been going back to the jungle ever since. I i I

C: How to be a Bad 8irdwatcher by Simon Bames F: The World's Vanishing Animals by eyril LiHlewood and DW
You know the feeling: you're reading a book, and as you turn every OVenden ~
Q~ page you're nodding i.n agreement. as if the writer has popped into An unashamedly nostalgic choice. Published in two volumes
your head and committed your own thoughts to paper. This is one <mammals and birds) in 1969, this was my introduction to the
of those books. It's about being a normal birdwatcher, reasonably idea that extinction wasn't just for dinosaurs and dodos. I used to
knowledgeable, constantly passionate, but often a bit confused as to pore over Denys Ovenden's illustrations of familiar polar bears
~O what you've seen or heard, and INith the vague feeling that everyone and black rhinos, and less familiar takahes and nyalas, and
" else you're with knows so much more. It's the book for those of us wonder whether I could do anything to help. Published by the
who find birdwatching pleasurable, not competitive, and it's terribly Wildlife Youth Service, part of Peter 5cott's WWF i 11
funny to boot. I ahvays smile, now, when I see a sparrowha..w. I urge action for young folk. Trouble is. we haven't fully listened to it.
you to read this book to find out why. ~ The book's dustjacket records that about 1,000 animal species
were faced with extinction at time of publication: today, the
0: Field Guide to th e DTagonflies an d Oamselfties of Great World Conservation Union's Red Ust of animals about which to
Britain and Northern Ireland by Sieve Brooks and Rit:hard be concerned contains over 16,000 entries.
You can't have a list of wildlife books without including a guide G: The Peregrine by lA Baker ~
~~ book. I've gone for this excellent little number, partly because it's The last in my list is. perhaps oddly, a book I haven't yet read. I've
"-\ dearly written and well laid out, partly because it's superbly included it because I've only recently heard about it, I can't wait
illustrated, but mainly because a whole new world has opened up to read it, and I don 't see why I can't find something new in this
for me since buying it. If you've never looked closely at nature list, as well as you. By all accounts, the book is a reminder of the
631 before, this book will set you in the right direction, and I wildness of England (it was published in 196n, and a tour de
",- guarantee that as you get to know these fascinating creature~ force of language as Baker ~~~-!-~!.:!!!j~¥:::~~:!,~~
you'll have new marvels to understand and enjoy every time you grippingly and compellingly,
take a summer walk.. Sounds superb.
PART 1 (1 hour 30 mins)
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 180..220 words In an appropri
Exam ~ style.

Both parts of Paper 2 1 You are a student at an international school. The principal of the school is looking for
take the same venue for this year's end-of-term party and has asked you to write a proposal suggesti
number of marks, so a suitable one.
spend the same
Read the memo below, on which you have made some notes, the notes you made aft
length of time on
hearing students' comments about last year's party and the advertisements fort\ovo possib
each one. venues. Then. using the information appropriately, write your proposal for the princi
explaining why you think a different venue should be chosen this year. recommencfing
of the venues in the advertisements and explaining why it may cost more this year.

.,.., em
fo' ,,¥U;~ n, f><.Ip with ~
n",1o '/'"
",9';~" of jj,;~ .".,,~ ooJ-~ po""!,

lA,I. '/'" t.ll '"~ what ~ ~tv~ jj,..g.t ( No, because ... ) Notes from Students'
of Ixt .".,,~ po,,",? c..,.I• ...e oM- ~ <>ou ... " comments
-,~ ',9;' jj,;~ .".,? 0. pm'~ ,,~ of ~
• not enough food - only
\'t:.tIlleI; '" fhe:. iiJlIe+"'fi~ I'~ ~
wOllld ~e,. MOn:. S:lJitable? Yes, probably. nlbblesl
(give reasons)
• hotel Dj's music unoriginal
A-I~, do ~OV thill/:::. that ;all~ adJitioll;a/ fi";a~ • 'movie stars' theme
( wHl ~ '"1!';...d fo' jj,k .".y'~ ~? successful
• hotel venue a bit
n,,~ 'I"" ',9;"
( formal/impersonal
(S<.hool Fn"'"P'i)

'IIII~ Need a venue for Q reception,
Paradise Club conference or party?
8eachslde Nightclub & Restaurant
We offer hot or cold buffet, resident DJ,
Available tor hire now for new ·Hawaiian
speclof price for earlv bookings
Barbeque' night. Uve band on request-
CoIl Gory ftJ!toes at

Call us on 5984857 ~ G._... ParIc M""", on 987-4231

Write your proposal. You should use your own words as far as possible.

Test 1


Exam ~ Write an answer to one of the of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260
words in an appropriate style.
Make sure you have
2 You see the following announcement in a music magazjne:
covered all the
points from the
question in your

We are re searching for a special feature for our magazine about the
Influence music has on Individuals and on society. " you are Interested
in helping us, please write to us answering the following questions:
• How important is music in your life?
• How does music influence the world
in which we live?
• What would the world be like without music?

Write your competition entry .

3 An international travel magazine has asked its readers to send in a review of two
popular tourist attractions in th eir country. Write your review in which you compare the
two attractions, describing what each has to offer and saying which one you would
recommend for a family with children and why.

Write your review.

0., Fm" Wllld
We are pbWng to publish 0 new book about technology and its role in the future
of our W()(1d. If yoo woold like to contribute to the book. write to us, telling us;
in what moin ways yoo think technology will change oor world in the next
fifty years.
what the advantages and disadvantages of these cho~s will be.

Write your contribution to the book.

5 Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the books you have read.

(a) Write a review of the book for your college magazine saying why people should or
shouldn't read it.
(b) Choose one character in the book and write an essay about how this person
changes in the book and why.


PART 1 (1 hour)

Exam~ For questions 1- 12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fit~
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Remember that all
four options could o A method ®process C way D procedure
be similar in
meaning, but only
one can be used in Example: IL0,-,--I_-'6=--_-'-1="""-0,-,=,,,,-,1
the context.

The (0) ... prQq.~~~.... ~f making rain is simpler than you might think; As warm, moisture-laden air (I) .r.l~ ...........
from the surface of the earth, it cools and some of the air (2) v!p..n.l. ..(~~to tiny droplets thalb~~~l1y become
clouds. These droplets form around the microscopic particles such as dust and smoke which are (3) ..<f.~n.!1J in the
ai, _ 0.1/ \ Tr -p{""l
T he science of weather modification is now big (4) .. !?.+.1.. ~.I...l1.~ Usin~.f<1ar ant' sensitive equipment that
(5) .................. atmospheric changes, weather modifiers fly above or below the clouds and spray them with billions of
minute particles known as seeding agents. These particles either fall into clouds c:r.r re.:afled into them from below by warm
(6) .cM.Cr..t.Y.7.t .
They then 'attrac!' tiny water droplets which (7) ......t!InJIT. around each onc.
When enough droplets are attached, precipitation - the third and final (8) .,<. ........
in the process which returns
waler 10 the earth's surface - occurs, and it rains. I t may take as many as a million dr~plets to fonn a single raindrop. If the
clouds contain ice crystals, Ihe results are similar, but now snow will fonn instead of rain. ~
Current weather manipulation technology only allows scientists to 'encourage' a cloud that is (9)J41/,":d. . ~ . ;,.Jeavy to
produce rain: Some m~r~ scientists (10) ; . Lv:C.~~ a day when they will be able 10
.. (l lfw.utv.J..........
from blue skIes, but tlllS IS stIll In the far (12) .. fulure.

""ill '-,rc y,J" h3 J {"'MJ,

UffldJ urc""I'cI! 1,'I1Z· B raises C lifts @ rises

)'1 "J:! G,
1 A gmws
dlf 2 @) condenses B evaporates C transforms o gathers

,,"J l
f. 3 A gliding
4 A commerce
B flying
B industry
© floaling
C trade
o hanging
@ business
'I;.fi!~"JI 5 A takes off ® PiCkSUp C catches on 0 puts across
6 A ffows B draughts © currents 0 tides
7 @) gather B fasten C converge 0 stick
8 A division @ slage C period 0 level
9 @) sufficiently B specifically C splendidly 0 satisfactorily
10 A forecast B prophesy C guess @ foresee

, 11 ® manufacture B supply C conjure 0 reveal

, . 12 A detached @ distant C isolated 0 remote


lxom~ For questions 13-37, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use
only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0) . •
I'ftr In mind the
. noral sense of the Example: 0:....LI__T:..:o'------'-I=
1..:1 ==.o:..===--,I
talliage in order to
Mllde what the
lllslng words are.

. --
oms of them may
I grammatically,
ut may not make THE NILE RIVER .--
Inse in the context.
The Nile allowed the first Egyptians (0) ... ~~ .. settle
successfully in the otherwise very dry part of North ........,...

Africa. The great river provided a dependable source

(13) ............ of ........ ...... water that was used for
everything fro~ansport, cooking
drinking, hunting and fishing (14) ... .. ....~~ .. .. .
G:aste~ (1S) ........... ¥J!.W~py~ .......... its
river, Egypt would have been no more than an
un.forgiving desert. Instead, it became the most
fertile land in the whole Mediterranean.
(16) . ... . .!!J.~~.~.~lP.~.~ ...... to its position and
many natural resources, Egypt was able to remain
an independent country for 3,000 years.
(17) .. .... .. ... .................. ....... the deserts were used
for their valuable minerals, they were uninhabitable.
The narrowness of the belts ~rt ile la:;' 00
( 18) ..... .. ~.~~I].~~~~~t!....... side of the Nile prevented expansion f( Dt/ I{ (".;01)
( 1.9) ......... ~~~r.. ~ .~~ .......
the east or west . Villages were situated
(20) .. ... ... .....~(C?~!1. ......... ... the river (2 1) ............. ..!!~.~ ..............@~
Agriculture in ancient Egypt relied completely on the annual flooding between July and
October. (22) .. ...... IIJ.~~.~{.!.IJ.~ ........ flood waters cleaned the land and laid down a thick
layer of hlghly fertile silt. (23) ... .... .........~.~ ............... an added bonus, fish were left in the
fields (24) .. ...... ~!!.l!.~l~..rJ.~~....... the water levels had fallen , and they were dried and
smoked for future consumption.
As Egypt relied totally on the Nile, it is (25) ...... ..... not ... ......... surprising that the
water level was closely watched at (26) .. ...... a/l .... .... ..... . times. Too high, and the
water would flood the towns; too low, and there would be food shortages, unrest, and
perhaps (27) ......... .. ...~~~n ........ .... the downfall of a dynasty.


Exam ..!TI/"eP' For questions 28-37, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of SOl
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same tine. Tbere is an example at '
First identify what part beginning (0).
of speech is given as
a prompt word and
then think about what Example: 10 1EXPANSION 1=0=1
sort of change(s) you
need to make.

Teaching Vacancies
Due to the (0) .... ~~P~(!~!.t?IJ.... of our sixth form department, we are currently
recruiting teachers with a(n) (28) .... ~p~~l~U~~.(~~.'J. ..... in 'A' level Physical
Education, Psychology, law or Italian, or a (29) ......t;,Qm!?;.t:!~'l.qn...... of
SI Hilda's College Is a(n) (30) .... )r:!~IJ.P!f!.nC!.~fJ.L ... day school for girls with
a mission to provide high-quality (31) ........~.'-~Qm:t.~!Y. ........ education to
pupils aged eleven to eighteen.
Applicants should have a(n) (32) ........... p.X9Y.'-n............ track record In
teaching at 'A' level, although we would also welcome applicalions from
(33) ............ qualified teachers. Experience in the development
and delivery of (34) .... .. )n.t:J.9.1(~.(iy.~...... m curriculum programmes would be a INNOVATE
teistinct advantaAA ")
I1 is highly (35) .. ...... .d..r:.$}r.l1.Qf~ ......... that applicants should be self-starters as
well as team players and (36) .... ........ WiWn9 ............ to participate in extra-
curricular activities. For further information and an application form, please
contact Mrs Jessica Beaumont on: 0208-427·n21 . The (37) ...... ~.I.9.~i!f.lg .......
date for applications is May 15th.


Exam~ For questions 38-42 think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three
sentences. Here is an example (0). •
HOod sentences
vttry carefully o She commented that it was about ...... Jfp~ ........ she started helping more around
hocause there the house.
will be clues People's eating habits have drastically changed over ...... Jfm~ ........ .
rogarding We took. .. .fim.~ ... .... to stop and admire the view on our journey.
moaning and
word class.
38 I can't buy any new clothes at the moment; I'm completely br.Q~~....... .
The vase ..... J~!'9.~~....... after the cat knocked it off the shelf.
TIm broke
' Iost everyth'Ing w hen h'IS company went ............... ......... .

39 Eventually it ......~!-!m~JL ... out to be a beautiful day.

Brian ......'yrr~.f?{L .... to his father for support after his terrible accident.
Sorry about your T-shirt; it ..... .tU.t:O~.« ...... green in the wash!

40 Sally wasn't ........ ~W~ ........ whether she would be going to the party or not.
I expected John to call me that night and ........~UnL ...... enough, he did.
Be ........$Mr.~ ........ to lock the door when you leave the house.

41 Apparently, Jim and Mary's house is .......w.9.rth ....... twice what it was when
they bought it.
He told her that it wasn't .. .. ...~.q,~~ ....... getting so upset over something so
small .
The storm caused thousands of pounds' .......'!'(.9.r!.~ ....... of damage to
people's homes.

42 The noise had been getting on Samantha's ......~~.t:Y.~~...... all morning.

Tom often goes jogging to calm his ......~~r.v:~~ ...... before making a
He damaged some of the . .... !?~.ty~.~...... in his hand in the accident.

, .
" 21

Exam ~ For questions 43-50 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use betw
three and six words, induding the word given. Here Is an example (0).
If your Idea
doesn't fit
naturally into 3-6 o He always gives the Impression that he's very confident.
words, don't ACROSS
force it. tt's He always .................. _.......•....•...........•...................................... very confident.
probably wrong.

Example, I I 0 COMES ACROSS AS BEING = I 0 = I

43 I'm sure Sarah didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
I'm sure Sarah .............lIa!;(.n.Cl.intf:n.til1ll.l1f.h.ui1iog: ............. your feelings.

44 Andrew's behaviour was unforgivable.

There's ....................nll. ~~!;.u~~..tl1r. tlluv.lIY. .................... Andrew behaved.

45 We need the public's support for the project to work.

Whelher Ihe project .... ...... ..wi!l..$.u!< lQr..n.Q.f). JI.'p~J)JIL ......... on the
public's support.

@ I usually drink a cup of coffee first thing In the morning.

I am ...~IJJIJ~..I.F~k~U~.U!.r!.tJ.I:c.~ng ... a cup of coffee first thing in the morning.

47 'Why don't you go to the dentist's, Steva?' saki his wife.

Stave's wife .... ......... .. ..~l:!g.!l~.~.~~~J(IJ~!1.!J.~. g~ .................. to the dentist's.

48 Could you please pass me my book?

Would ..................... y.'?y .p.~..~~..~~!!~ ..................... . as to pass me my book?

49 Thera isn't much chance that Sue will win the race.
Sue's ......... ... .. .. p.rg.~p.~.C;.~~. 9.r .~!.'J.I]!rgJt:!~J~.c;,~. ~.~~................. quite slim .
~ Ken's lies completely deceived me.
I ...... .............. .....!f~.$. . f.~~mP.!~t~!ylJ~.I:c.~njn ..~.Y. .......................... Ken's lies.

Test 1
PART 1 (Approximately 40 minutes)

Exam~ You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which
fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. •
fl oad through the
questions very
carefully before you EXTRACT 1
Usten and think about
You hear two people on a radio programme talking about a new film with the actor
what you are being
Greg Vanderbilt in it.
nsked to listen for e.g.
the speaker's purpose,
IUtltudes & opinions or
1 What is the woman's opinion of Greg Vanderbitt's role
in the film?
I 1 IB
what two speakers
ngree on. A She thinks it shows how adaptable he is as an actor.
B She believes it reflects his true talent.
C She wonders if he was wrongly cast.

2 What do the two speakers agree about? 12 le

A the originality of the script
B the unpredictability of the ending
C the complexity of the plot


You hear part of an interview with a former athlete called Jenny Price.

3 Why did Jenny give up her athletic career?

A She felt it was the right move at the right time.
13 lA
B She was keen to fulfill another ambition.
C She had sustained too many injuries to continue.

4 Regarding the way she ex:ercises now, Jenny feels

A somewhat anxious about putting on weight.
14 IB
B content with a gentler, more private kind of workout.
C committed to staying as fit and healthy as she was.


You hear a radio discussion in which two writers are talking

about their careers.

5 What does the man say about the short stories he

used to write? 15 le
A They were not intended for a wide audience.
B They weren't well received by the critics.
C They helped to kick-start his career.

6 What do the two speakers agree about?

A Their success as novelists is mainly down to lucky breaks. 16 le
B Other jobs have given them valuable experience.
C Their income as writers is not dependable.

" 2,

You'll hear an artist called Fraya Norton talking about her worK For ql:estlons 7-14,
Exom ~
You will be able to read
complete the sentences:~·tfltfI"".··.. 0
and listen to the
Instructions. They will give
you a good Id.. of II1e
context of the recorded
infonnatlon and also
explain the listening task.

Freya reoalls that at school not only did she enjoy the art class but she also

'-____m_._d_e_ "_ie_n_d_s_____--'1_7-'1 there.

Seeing lL..._ _ _ _li_v'_

·n_9_s_t_._tu_e_s_____--'I_s-'1 with painted bodies reminds
Freya of an incident that happened in her art class.

The artist Ro" Hams' 1 drawing style 191 was a great inspiration to Freya.
l b_u_m_ _ _ _ _...Lll_0...J1 on paintings by
Freya tells of a mUSician who based his LI_ _ _ _S_O_IO_ . _
Edward Hopper.

Freya says that she teels that her L...I_ _ _ _ _s_tU_d_IO

_ _ _ _ _ _...Lll_l-'1 is like a retreat that she can
escape to.

Freya says that she has been using LI_ _ _d_i_

' e_n_t_m
_. _
te_'_i._IS____--'-11_2....JI , namely wax and sand, in
her most recent work.

Freya tells us that her parents are no longer L...I_ _ _ _ _c_o_n_c_e_

rn_e_d______1...11_3-'1 about her living thE
Ine ot an artist.

She says that n was a(n) LI_ _ _ _e_X

_ '_
·o_n_ _ _ _ _...Lll_4...J1 that changed her parents' perception
of ber career.

exam~ You will hear part of a radio interview in which a travel writer, Owen Grifiths, is talking about
his career. For questions 15~20, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits bes't according
Uon'! choose an
to what you hear.
lioswer based on an
I..alated word. Read
1110 sentence and
15 Why does Owen feel well suited to a career as a travel writer?
lTIake sure you
ullderstand the A He beHeves he has the desire and determination to succeed.
Dverall meaning. ® He finds it easy to adjust to living in different places.
C He feels he has both the right character and skills.
D He doesn't 1eel ready to senle down in one place.

Why d id Owen work for a newspaper after leaving university?

A to gain writing experience
B to follow in his mother's footsteps
© to finance his novel writing
o to please his parents

Why was Owen's first travel piece published?

A The paper had been planning a piece on that region.
B He was the only writer able to meet the deadline.
© It solved a problem for his boss.
o His boss wanted to reward him.

According to Owen, what quality must a travel piece possess?

® It needs a balance between information and opinion.
B It has to appeal to all readers of the newspaper.
C It should be constructed like a short story.
o It must convey the writ er's enthusiasm for the place.

What criticism does Owen make of his own writing?

® He sometimes struggles to produce original pieces.
B He often ends up leaving out the best parts of his journeys.
C He believes his ideas could be better organised.
o He sometimes writes to please himself more than his readers.

According to Owen, what is the ultimate aim of travel writing?

® to present an accurate picture of places around the world
B to enco urage the readers to visit certain places
C to challenge wrong ideas people have about places
o to engage the reader on an emotional level


Exam ~ You will hear five short extJacts In which people are talking about the use of technol
In their work.
Make sure you read
both tasks before While you listen you must complete both tasks.
you listen the first

For questions 21·25, choose from the list (A-H) the job each speaker does.

A coach driver

B paInter Speaker 1 E 121

C bank clerk Speaker 2 F 122

0 security guard Speaker 3 H 1 23

E policeman Speaker 4 G 1 24
F hotel receptionist Speaker 5 C 1 25
G travel agent

H a photographer


For questions 26-30, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker expresses.

A colleagues' reluctance to use technokJgy

B a successful transfer of his or her new skills

Speaker 1 A 26 1
C a dislike of other peoples' aniludes
Speaker 2 8 27
0 changes In consumer habits affecting business
Speaker 3 H 28
E apprehension about career prospects
Speaker 4 D 29
F a desire to change wori<ing practices
Speaker 5 E 30
G a dislike of staff training

H their preference for a traditional way of wo~ing

Test 2

PART 1 (1 hour 15 minutes)

You are going to read three extracts which are 'all concerned in some way with film and

Exam ,~ theatre. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you mink fits best
according to the text.
Oon't spend too
much lime on any
one part of the
paper. There may

be three texts here
but these make up
one part of the
paper so keep that
There's no earthly reason why a studio of Pixar's haft should make a film like
In mind and allocate
WAU.. E. Luxuriously in the black on every film they've ever made, they have many
lime accordingly.
delighted shareholders and a new boss to keep happy now that they're officially part of
the Disney empire, and a trusting audience whose largesrcomplaint to date has been
that some of their films have failed to be instantly classic and merely managed 10 be very,
very good. In the animation world they're unparalleled in witty dialogue and nice
shiny textures, and everyone would probably be happy to devour more iD
of the same for years to come. Well, thank goodness that Pixar
appears to have lost some of its business sense, and made a film
that's like nothing we'd expect, except in its quality. - -

That WAll- E is such a triumph sets a new precedent for Pixar.

If they are to stick their necks out with a film that veers from their
comfort zone and pays great dMdends - assuming it's the hit it
deserves to be at the box
This an unqualified success,
means that a simple buddy comedy, even one as
intelligently and expertly crafted as Ratatouille, might seem
unambitious as a follow-up. We'll now expect surprise as well
as delight. You've raised the bar, Pixar: now jump it again.

1 The writer implies that the decisioA to make WALL-E was taken
A in response to criticisms of previous Pixar films.
B because Pixar could afford to take such a financial risk.
© for reasons other than to satisfy the demands of the market.
o in an attempt to produce a film of a higher quality than usual.

2 In the second paragraph, the writer suggests that Pixar

A may find it difficult to make a film as good as WALL.E again.
@) need to maintain a high level of originality in their next film.
e may be risking too much with films that are so artistically experimental.
o should put all their efforts into making a sequel to WALL-E.

To become an actor, stage manager, (echnician, designer or director takes nOl

talent but dedication, commitment, energy and lime. All our srudenlS work long
hours and most discover physical, mental and emotional reserves they never
knew they possessed.

The rewards are great - the mastery of a craft. the confidence of self-expression,
the sense of being a vital part of something bigger than yourself - but they may
nor come quickly. Our students frequentlv auain overnight fame. but Ih:u is nOl~
our goal: we W'.ml our graduates stIli to be applving their RADA-training long
after they have left us.

We've been training first class theatre-makers for over a hundred years, but we
haven't stopped inquiring how we can do it better. Our teachers draw upon their
experience of the past and present to give our students the expertise to shape the
drama of tomorrow. We cannOt give you the deSire to be the best in your field,
if you have il, our slaff will help you nurture, focus and refine it.

3 It is hoped that RADA students will

A focus on discovering who they are rather than attaining success.
B achieve success quickly and maintain it long-term.
© avoid valuing the attainment of success above everything else.
D develop a persistent determination to succeed no matter what.

4 What is the writer emphasising in the third paragraph?

A the drive and ambition necessary for students to succeed
B the pride the school takes in its achievements
© the school's belief in personal and professional development
o the qualities necessary to become a skirted actor
Test 2

Chicken Shed
Ten years ogo, researching 0 feature for a Sunday newspaper, I sow the only piece of drama
I've ever seen which achieved whot many would argue Is the theatre's ultimate ambition: to
change profoundly the way we look at the world. The play, The Attraction, was a muslcalloose/y
based on the myth of Beauty and the Beast wrttten and performed by 0 then little-known outfit
coiled Chicken Shed.

It would be dishonest to pretend that the commission filled me wfth glee. Chicken Sheet I was
briefed, was 0 theatre company thot P'JrrxxtsP to futly-lntegrote the disabled and able- ' \
bodied, and The Attraction was their biggest project so for. To be truthful, I expected, at best, a®
pooffy-wrttten, poorty-perfooned piece of community theatre; and , at worst. on excruclotion /
which patronised the disabled by affecting to Include them In on activity from which their
bodies prevented them playing any more than a purely passive role.

What I sow thot night was something guile different. something so extraordinary ,hot to this dOy".®
I con remember not Just the plOt. the performers and even some of the tunes, but also how I felt
- on oddly complex cocktail of emotions ranging from astonishment. wistfulness and a sense of
heightened humUity to extreme excitement. surging optimism and sheer joy.

5 Why was the writer unenthusiastic about seeing the performance?

A He didn't believe such an amateur company could pull it off successfully.
B He had been previously disappointed by community theatre.
C He believed it would be too difficult to judge it by normal criteria.
@ He didn't believe it could achieve what the theatre company claimed.

6 The writer suggests that the performance ultimately

A proved the experts wrong regarding the ambition of theatre.
B provoked in him feelings of confusion and self-doubt.
©far exceeded his personal expectations.
o caused him to feel ashamed of himself.


You are going to read an extract from a magazine article. Six paragraphs have been removed from the extract. Ch"""1
from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (7-12). There is one extra paragraph you do not need to

There is a dragon in the lavatory. It is a gianl: nine feet 110 I c
long and broad shouldered, with its dark, scaly head. It is L._~.L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '
drinking from the bowl and [urns in a series of lumbering Not only this. but it can also be very treacherous. ~I heard
movements towards me, ils forked tongue stabbing al tbe about large rcrries being sucked under here,· says a
air. It is staring at me through tiny, reptile eyes; I am biting German backpacker. "There was no warning, they were
my lip to check I'm still awake. After travelling for three just dragged down by the currents and swallowed up." It
days,l have had my first experience of a Komodo dragon, doesn't sound like good news, but all the same we sit on
in a Third World public convenience. deck in the sunshine, watching as Komodo slides past our
'Tpe adults take longer to arrive, trundling out of the forest
in a slow swagger. The dragons rely on their highly toxic As we settle down uDder turquoise skies 10 watch the
saliva to kiU their prey, and as they waddle towards the dragons, every bumpy minute of the journey seems
kitchen, strings of drool dribble from their dinosaur jaws. worthwhile. AJlhough protected by the Komodo National

le I B
Park, Rinca and Komodo are under pressure. The islands'
human population has increased 800 per cent in the last six
And so tbey drink from the lavatory instead, It is an decades and poaching of some of the dragons' favourite
incongruous, but sensational sigbt. Now all but confined to prey is putting the giant reptiles in peril. Once stranded al
the tiny neighbouring islands of Komodo and Rinca, the the ends of the earth, tbe Komado dragon must
2.500 remaining dragons are like _f)_ouam from another era, increasingly compete with humans, and the outcome is far
living fossils in the weirdest, most wonderful sense. from certain.
"Over here!~ shouts the ranger. ~In the bushes, quick! ~ He t serious. however, and within an hour, we are
is standing in the shadow of a smaU copse, with a gigantic a ard Ihe liule plane, buzzing back west towards the
dragon an arm's length in fron t of him and his heavy burger bars of Bali. It is 9am, and somewhere, 30,OOO-feet
wooden stick braced defensively berween them. It is lying below, the dragons a re once again following the smell of
motionless in the pool of shade, but its eyes are as cold as frying eggs to a group of tourists.
an arctic gale, and its body is tense. As J lean forward to
take a photograph, 1 feel like I'm staring down the muzzle
of a gun· and I'm loving every minute of it.

- Test 2

........................."............................................................................................ ~EXam tip

Iwv hOU(3 latcr and we are standing al tropical air. The young dragons, jumpy After reading the
Iht, liummit of a hilI overlooking the and excitabl~barely a foot long, incomplete text,
IUnger station and the pretty bay our look carefully at the
have already been attracted by the
information which
hlMI is moored in. Up here, the giant cooking smells, and dart betwee n trees as comes before and
u'ptilcs are never far away. They lie in they close in on the ranger station. after each gap. Pay
wlt;1 for water buffalo. the dragons' special attention to
luvt)urite prey, and strike with breakneck F Named Flores (which means 'flowers') words which refer to
' IH:ed when they stray within range . by the Portuguese who once settled here, people, time and
this wild, volcanic island is one of places.
'Wc don't feed them, but they come Indonesia's most spectacular. Rundown
duwn here every morning anyway," says Labuhanbajo is little more than a chaotic
the ranger. ~Even uwe did share our mishmash of wood and tin, but its
1\ltxJ, the big ones weigh 70kg and can setting, around a dramatic bay filled with
(;,1 80 per cent of their body weight in a islets, is absolutely stunning.
~l l1 glc sitting - it's not like an omelette's
~\l ing to satisfy them." G Back on Flares, the buses east are
bumpier than ever. But by the time we
!l,e journey from tl.!.~ frenetic streets of have checked into a hotel room in the
Kut8 in Bali began three days earlier, in eastern town of Maumere, with a plane
the back of a coughing bus. Rinca and ticket back to Bali on the bedside table,
Kumodo are best reached from the large, we feel like we have returned to the 21 st
n:mote island of Flares - where, it was century. But there is one final reminder
revealed this week, archaeologists that we are at the untamed end of the
ill.scovered the skele tal remains of linle
modern worl"d;.~w~a~;t~;n~ggl;O~,~~~~
humans. For 21st-century Homo sapiens, back to BaIi, ~
tht! slow trip east i(i)am~of four
huses and three ferries.

Wc dock in a liny cove on Rinca's

northern shore, a postcard setting as
evocative of prehistoric times as a trip
thro ugh Jurassic Park. Rinca is the
~ maller of the dragons' two island
habitats, but chances of seeing the
re ptiles here are higber. Only a
handful of tourists visit tbe island, and
we have the ranger station 10
ourselves, with an invitation 10
breakfast thrown in.

I': It is breakfast time on the tiny

Indonesian island of Rinca, and the
sme ll of frying em hangs in the soggy


You are going to read a newspaper article. For questions 13-19 choose the answer (A , S, C or D) which you fhink
best according to the text.

Who's that girl?

Actress Gina McKee , the star of Donmar's 'lvanov: is nothing like the women she portrays.
Alice J ones meets her.
Elegant, alabaster4pale and with a measured murmur of a landed a pan on the child ren's show Quest of Eagles in 197
voice, Gina McKee is, initially at least, regally mysterious. But On leaving school. McKee was all sella sludy Iheatredesign:J
every so often you catch a chi nk in the aClresSs calm exterior. art college. kBu t at the eleventh hour I gOl on a midnight bu
More than once she breaks orr from one of her thoughtfully to London.~ There, she applied to and was re' ted b th
evasive: answers to say, with a strong hint of a Geordie aca:nt, drama schools- Bristol Lamda and Central. "To be fair Central
3 "blether, bletherD or '" don't want to sound \00 posh .. ~. When said come back next year. when you're 18. But by the time I
I walk into her opu lent hotel suite, she is standing looking was 18, I was working. I think those three schools recognised
mulitatively out of the window In a neat purple cardigan, that 1 wasn'l going to settle down there:, Maybe it wou ld have
knee-length black silk skin and ballet pumps, bUl, as she helped. I was a bit on the back foot -I wasn't very good about
turns, she crams a biscuit into her mouth and mumbles hello advertising myself. 11 was a slow bum,"
Ihrough a mouthful of crumbs. Lau=r, when there is a knock at
Slow bum or nOl, she soon landed partS in Auf Wiedersehen,
the door, she leaps up to open it and sprints girlishly down the
Pet and Inspector Morse and eventually Our Friends in the
North, with a cast including Daniel Craig. In her Safts-winning
This ability to combine a star qualhy with that of a down-to- turn as Mal): McKee aged from 181052. Now 'loi years old,
eanh every woman in her penonnances, which oITet only the does ageing concern her? "No. It's great being in your forties. 1
mildest of hints at the emotion swi rling beneath a coolly feel like I've got enough history to learn from and enough
restrained sunace, have made McKee. one of Britain's most fU lure 10 enjoy." That said, when I ask her later about one of
respected actresses. McKee's first Chekhov role in Ivanov pits her credits on the movie websiLe IMDb, she launches inLO a
her opposite Kenneth Branagh as the tubercular wife of Ivanov good-humoured rant. "They've got my age wrongll'm younger
(Branagh), Anna's physical and mental health disintegrates as than , halo 1 was born in 1964, nOt 1961 . I don't think I've got
her husband indulges in a mid-life crisis. ·Somebody asked me anyone else's 01. But l 've gOt somebody else's age. One of my
at work, 'is this the first Chekhov play you've done?' And I agents tried to change it and they won't - I suppose they think
(f4l nearly said 'nu I don't even know wh)( she admits. You can see every actress is trying to pretend they're younger. ....
'"'<. wh)\ though. McKtt and Chekhov would seem to be a match So having worked with prelty much every Sign ificant name in
made In heaven - all wan suffering and overwrought emotions
British film , does Gina McKee hankerahera Hollywood career,
bubbling under the sunace.
like that of her erstwhi le colleague Cra ig? "I'm ch uffed to bits
So does all this repressed emotion burst out of her when she for But it's nOt an obvious <o,m,.';;"'".
stops working? " I was IlIming Mike Le:igh's Naked and I was
really immersed in it. I went to a dinner pan)' and one of my
friends asked, 'do you nOI bring it home with you?' 1 said, 'no'
and, at exactl y the same time, my husband said 'yes: She . i i
smiles ruefull y, As a rule, McKee likes to keep the boundaries i not I to stay for school and all thaLBut
strictly drawn between home and work. Of her husband, she the whole big-time Hollywood thing. it's incredibly unlikely.
says vaguely; -He's been in the industry but he's nOI now. isn't itr
What's great is that he understands how it works:' She's aware
Would she feel adrift in LA, away from her Northern rootS?
that she has previously come across as frosti ly guarded on
McKee thinks hard for a moment before giving a t ical1
(f5) personal matters. ~There's a way of negotiating how you
ambiguous answer. "where 1 grew up in the Nonh-easl, the
"" nra our rivale life ublicl that I've never had the .
community there, and the way people relate to one another,
to do ~ she confesses. "In the be innin I was sli hll clums
goes very deep. But I don't define myself as a Northerner in
about it.~
that I don't live in the North, So what does that make me?" she
Far from being a precocious child star, as a teenager McKee ponders. ~ I suppose I'm a bit of everything, like a \\bolwonhs
spotted a poster for a youth drama workshop in a shop picn'mix."
window an;t joined up. She was spoiled by a TV scout and

32 •
. Test 2

Ixom~ 13 What is the writer emphasising about the actress in the first paragraph?
Alllrst read only the A her manner of speaking
!lllftbllons , without B her serious, contemplative air
11 .. options. This will C her graceful, elegant appearance
, Ittlp you to read
muro effectively
@ her contradictory charaC1eristics
14 In the second paragraph, we learn that Gina McKee
A always plays the same kind of character.
® h!ls the perfect QlJalities for her Cl !repnt role.
C is very ordinary behind her facade.
D is quickly rising to unexpected stardom.

15 What point does the writer make about the actress' personal life?
® It is a difficult topic of discussion for her.
B Her husband sometimes cannot empathise with her.
e She appears somewhat cold and Insensitive on the subject.
o It is something she refuses to talk about publicly.

16 It is implied that when Gina McKee was trying to start her acting career,
A others didn't believe she would make il.
® the odds seemed stackecj against her.
e she almost gave up several times.
o she did all the wrong things.

17 When talking about her age, Gina McKee reveals that

A others are more concerned about it than she is.
B she is often encouraged to pretend that she is younger.
@) others may believe that she is uncomfortable with il,
o her career could be affected by it being wrongly reported.

18 When the writer asks Gina McKee about her Mur@ rationj)he says that
A she is willing to make personal sacrifices for the sake of her career.
® she is open to possibilities without having unrealistic expectations.
e she is keener to fulfill personal ambitions than to achieve greater success.
o she is detennined to prove wrong those who have tried to put limitations on her.

19 Gina McKee's answer to the writer's final question

® could be interpreted in more than one way.
B doesn't necessarily reflect her true feelings.
e failed to answer her question adequately.
o changes her original impression of her.


You are going to read an article about the results of a review writing competition. For questlc
20-34, choose from the section (A-H) . The sections may be chosen more than once.
Note: When more than one answer Is required, these may be given in any order.
Don't waste time Which lectlon of t he article mentions
reading the whole
text several times in reViews of one genre unexpectedly having something In I 20 I D
detail. Read once
carefully, then try to
loom in on what the fact that an entrant may have a bright future as a writer? I2 1 I F I
answers the
questions. an overall satisfaction with reviews in a category?

an observation made by an entrant that was overlooked I23 I C

by others?

an Initial uncertainty regarding how to spot quality entries? I24 IA

the necessity of critics maIntaining a persistent approach? I 25 I A
a wor1< which was considered together with wider factors I 26 I G
that relate to it?

an entrant who showed passion for a genre and such tasks? I 27 I F

the fact thet entrants paid attontlon to an Impof1ant suggestion? 1 28 1 B

the fact that sometimes reviews that writers have tried to

perfect do not stand out in the end?

an entrant who won only after a debate between Judges? I 30 I c

an entry prol/Oklng a Judge's Inte",st in a work despite the 131 1 D 11 32 1 H
fact he or she wasn't familiar with it?

an appreciation of • review, despite the fact thet there were 1 33 1 E

many reviews of the same work?

the fact that a judge was pleased by an obseNaHon made by I 34 I B

some entrants?

, .
34 •
try this at home
Balman, booting lokes, the sound of dying
werewolves Ihe tnlries (0 our young critics

competition wen' full 01 surprises. AJ1S etiuor'

Melissa Denu n!W.'ols who won.

A Wben we launched our young critics

6?l competition this summer, we weren't.
~ entirely sure what we were after. After all.
what makes a great piece of criticism and
a really persuasive critic? We started by C Judges A1exis Petridie and Lauren
asking our own writers to explain, in 400 Laverne were united on the 14-18 pop
words. what they were doing d&,y in, day winner: Hannah Ehrlicb, 15, who reviewed
out. Even they weren't sure. Nancy Banks- SpirituaJized" Songs in A&E. Petridis ~~
Smith, TV critic for nearly 40 years, wrote: thought she'd spotled something the /
"Anvbody who can write can be a TV critic professionals missed: that Spiritua.lized's
focus on drugs and redemption was

ror 8 month. Af' that. you need stamina."
Adrian Scarle, our art critic, said there was anotber fonn of "macho hedonism". In the tm
really only one rule: "Look, look armin. and under.14s, thE' judw argued about what?
keep on looking. If you don't like looking, they were looking for. but our winner was
don't write about art.. There were eight 13,yearoQld Robert Hardy's review of the
categories, split into two age groups: under Big Gig in Bromley, London - because,
14 and 14-18. said Lavcme, "it'. got spirit",

B Artist Gavin Turk, who belped judge Lhe D There was a surprisingly cynical tone to the J9
TV reviews but also a lot ofspritely writing.
visual art category, was delighted by the
popularity of Martin Creed's Work No 850, Olivia McCarthy, 12, won for her review of
in which athletes sprint. through Tate ~ 8BC2's Thames Shipwrecks; in the older
Britain. He liked how you found the ? group, Nancy BanbSmith felt IB-year-old
humour in it, noticing that people giggled Annie Hodson', take on &ris Johnson's
Offi as the runners went by, And you aH Who Do You Think You Are? was "amusing
G:..... seemed to heed SearIe'sadvice. You looked and readable - way ahead of the others",
and looked again -at Vivienne Westwood's Fellow judge David Attenborough agreed: tifI
ball gown, at Tratey Emin', short filmI. her voice was strong enough to make him?
Our winner was Tim Davies, 16. who think about the programme, he said. even
wrote vividly about the roofl.op though he hadn't seen it.
lake at the Hayward gallery's Psycho
'••-Buildings show in London.


try this at home
E Heath Ledger's brilliantly evil Joker G Our judges found something to like in...@
caught. ,the imagination of our young ewrv architecture review. The pme
f'um critics. Seamus ConJon, 18, won for went to Louise Naylor, 16, for her piece
bis review of The Dark Knight.: -re about Leeds Market: ~detailed c::arvings
Burton's Batman; he wrote, -Jack of dragons and dates, still meticulous,
Nicholson did a very good job of being having braved the acid rain~. Both
Jack Nicholson. Here Ledger completely Jonathan Glancey and Zaha Hadid ~
destroys everything of Nicholsoo's admired the wav Louise's wrilingP
clown.· While director Beeban Kidron -meandered through the building" while
tf.b and critic Peter Bradshaw grumbled still placing it in its larger context...
~about the sheoer number of Batman
reviews. lhey f."njoyed Seamus's close H Shakespeare dominated theatre.
reading of the pple. In the older age Magdalen Christie, 12, won for her
grouP. 16·year-old Ellie Wh.ittaker's review ofTimon of Athens at tlle Globe. ta
review of Mamma Mia! took ftrSt. place. Playwright Rov Williams didn't know?
Bradshaw found Ellie the funniest writer the plav ~but Magdalen made me
- crucial when it. comes to a film, as EUie curious-. In the older category, the
put it, ·whose storyline IS constructed winner was 17-year.old Tilly Spencer's
solely around the bits of a shiny spandex- review of Hamlet at Stratford-upon-
clad 70s band from Sweden·. Avon. Our critic Miebael Billington
praised her ~good descriptions of the
F In the classical music category, judge tlU\iOr performance6-.
Myleene Klass thought Kathryn What did we learn? That first. and last
Buckley's review of the CBSO Youth lines are bard, however old you are.. That
t.i'1) Orchestra showed -maturity - she has ·incredible· and "amazing" are a dead
~ fantastic potential-, But she was end when it. comes to getting to t.he heart
outvoted by Guardian critics Tom of what makes something wonderful. 6Q
Service, Erica Jeal and Andrew That the best reviews aren't always the.,Ft'
Clements, who plumped for Ben Weaver- most polished: wherever you bad fun, we
Hincks' review of an EM! recording of had fun, too.
Stabat Mater. In the dance category.
Amelia Tearle's review of Romeo and It's been an adventure. Let's do it all
Juliet at the Royal Opera House again nexLyear. And remember: keep 00
&to. triumphed. "She clearly loves the ballet looking.
~ and enjoys writing,~ said judge and
choreographer Richard Alston of Ameli..
..,00 16.

Test 2

PART 1 (1 hour 30 mins)

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 180-220 words in an appfopriate style.

1 Last summer you had a job with an intemabonal company that promotes films. Your
,1\". sure you read friend Eddy has written to you asking about it. Read the extract from your friend's
,1111111 information letter and from your diary below. Then, using the information appropriately, write a
11.,.." 10 you in the letter to your friend saying whether or not you would recommend the job to your
,+till of lists, notes friend and giving your reasons.
" ,lOmments, as
,..... form the basis
f·" your answer. The
'I tn of language ... ~ wNt do 'I"" thi.lo? ~ thi"5-1 ""'''' .-t ;.; n, ~ Ioo.k of
... tttl ln presenting
I\<-W film<; .od ~ ....&" c-09I foY • holiJo,. I'd >ko r- n, ~ '"'1
t.. Information
),,,un will help you
~io;h .od ff'+ ~ ~I """*- ~eo= of the. ~ ti.....
11",,!de how formal
.. If,formal your
I,,_wer shou ld be.
~ .

e 6thjuly
Nm: a Im: to do. Sat around answering the phones all day. TIle onlY exciting
thing was getting to run up and down the stairs to deliver a few mps mge5

e 9thjuly
Things are improving. Got to see some new films on the OffIce OVD p/Qyer.
Even got to speak to an American film director on the phone!

e 13thjuly
Got paid today. The money isn't bad but 1 need to spend less by making
my own sandwiches and walking to work.

e 19th july
Great day. Got invited on an all-expenses-paid trip to the Venice Film

Write your letter. You do not need to include postal addresses.

Exam Tiinr~
Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer In 220-260 w4
In an appropriate style.
In order to write 8
report or a proposal,
2 A friend of yours has applied for a job as an activities coord1Oator at 8 summer cam~
children and you have been asked to provide a reference. The advertisement for th
you will need to use stated that the SI 'OCeSsful candidates would have relevant skills 10 offer in the Bte
relevant vocabul8!Y. sport. music or the performing arts (drama. dance ate) as well as haVIng ex
You need to use organisaUonaJ skills
formal language You should include Information about your friend's personality, character and skills' j
and wnte In 8n relevant previous experience and reasons why you woukt recommend them for the
Impersonal tone.
Write your re'erence.

3 You are entering an essay-writing competition. You must wnte an essay wrth the I
'Many schools today are Investing heavily In new technology. How important do you tt-
this is?'

Write your essay.

4 You work part·tlme at a sports centre and have received this memo from your boss

I\( 'I''' ""....., "'" .,.'" \«.0 , ~ dO'Df i. ~if ~ ;rl- n....
th&~. I _kI k ~, if 'JO" ...kI....nn. ... , ....,..t ..tfi.i~
... wh>t beli........ th& ~~ .od _~ of th& ~.
Plea«- ~ wh>t th& ~ 'blj . - - f..- th& dO'Df i. ~if
.... .od <>~ ~ale ""'1' '" ""'" -fj,~ rh,...·

Write your report.

5 Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the books you have read"

(8) Choose one character in the book and write an easey comparing the relatlonshl~
he/she has with two other people In the book.

(b) Write an article based on an imaginary InteMew with one of the characters from lt1
book for B magazjne.

Test 2

PART 1 (1 hour)

am Ti-r":;' For questions 1~12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or 0) best fits
each gap. There Is an example at the beginning (0) .
..m ~ being tested,
• !or structural o A endure 8 experience © suffer o bear
~n, I~e prepositions,
kAl t\l'e needed to
loOt the meaning Example, IL..:0:...LI_--=c_--LI===.o'-'==-.JI
_~ the situation.

"Ilproximately five per cent of the population develop dyslexi" ._This is cx5itin,.news as early identification
till .. _~.f!t!.'!..t:. ... from dyslexia. The (1) .....0:«.(.{.2.~ . of and (8) .. ..J.nK.fY..O:1h:.f..r.I. make early instruction
the disorder is unknown and il i~ (2) .co..rn.J.11.p.J.1Jrgund possible, perhaps avoiding later problems altogether.
In people of olhe~ normaJ, }nlcUcctWJI abilit/. The The research learn has identified (9) ..... I/
nmdilion is (3) .. f)r.Lta.r..~ .~l1. a~VSevere reading differences between the brain ( 10) .....w..<l.r...~ ............ .
Mficullies. with dyslcxics frequently confusing tellers or patterns of dyslexics and those of better readcr&. AU8china
W1'rds. They may. {or example, read ~fjwrile letters. words electrodes 10 the heads of babies just 36 hours old, Jt)ey
uf5Cnlences in the wrong (4) •.... .o.r.ft1.!.C........ Although measured the size and speed of their brain resP9~ 10
Ihe problem can be (5) .. ,Q.J/.l.rC:Q..m :i--with intensive selected stimuli. The children were (11) ...~..~.~,1.·.1l..[1. ,
Ithlruction, sufferers usually continue 10 read and write and given IQ and comprehension tests every two years, AI
poorly throughout tbeir lives. eight, reading tests were administered 10 idenlify Ihose who
I'ruditionally, diagnosis has been mad~ b1.leading experts, were dyslexic. More than 90 percent diagnosed as dyslexic
,.,hlch means that man~J (6) .. ca:.?5.9.......... are not could have been singled out at bin~.
tnrmally (7) .. 1J.L.~K.!.k!...fd. .P ntil a child is around len This research is still in its (12) ..{~:f.,~.!1.f.~ bUI may result
~CUr5 of age. ~ow. however, a group of psychologists in the in a future in which dyslexia no tonget causca lifelong
United States believe that they have found a way of distress.
Identifying in their first days of life children who will

1 ® cause B reason C result 0 explanation

2 A naturally ®commonly C customarily 0 actually
3 ® characterised B distinguished C marked 0 Identified
4 A arrangement B series C sequence ® order
5 A defeated B surpassed @overcome 0 conquered
6 A instances ® cases C times 0 occurrences
7 ® picked up B noted down C shown up 0 puldown
8 A interference B Intrusion @ IntelVenlion 0 recognition
9 A frank B evident ©dlstinct 0 precise
10 A pace @wave C pulse 0 signal
11 ® monitored B viewed C followed 0 Inspected
12 A beginnings @Infancy C outset 0 origins


Exam n~ '-~ For questions 13--27. read the text below and think of the word whlcn oes! ms eacn gap. 'i
only one word in each gap. There Is an example at the beglnmng (0). I
Anumbet' 01 the
missing words are Example: LI0:....LI_=-
=-T,-,H':"""'.J..I= =.0",=",,-,1
usually prepositions
or articles.

At present, the easiest
way to (0 ) •. b.9..t!1 .•..
see and experience the
Antarctic is by ship.
Tourists travel, eat
and sleep on the sh;p
and are normally
landed via innatable
boalS.( l J) .. _.... " .. ~.tliD. .... .... vanoos locations (Of a few hours. This has the
added advantage (14) ..•.•• .•.9,f ......••. __. limiting the t"OVironmental impact
of tourism in the region. Usually, tourists stop at two or three sites a day,
dependent (15) ..............QO... ,....... weather conditions.
Ships departing (rom southern South America typically concentrate
(16) ...... ,......9.0. .............. activities around the Antarctic P!piosuJi, in the west.
(1 7) ............ wJtb ............. ils "buning nf wildlife, c;eeCiacu'w w orry and
concentration of scientific r~earch stations. On the other hand, visits to East
Antarctica are limited (18) ............. JQ .............. ships from Australia and New
All voyages, regardless of (19) .......... .f.l1!#ir............. point of origin,
(20) .......... m.p.~fL......... use of visits to sub-Antarctic islands en·route in order
10 break the voyage. There is also a growing trend to provide 'lid ' such
~ sea-kayaking. scuba-diving, overnight stays ashore and brief

mountaineering . ex pod'l' I Ions to afasc!
II I \w
¥-I . ............ t h e more
.... . . .

The only (22) ........... 9.1.b.@l.. ......... possibility is to travel by air. Mountain
climbers. skiers, trekkers and (23) ._ ,_...~~~!'L.... "... ordinary tourists fly
from Chile to a summer camp in Patriot Hills. from here, flights are made to
a variety of places for mountain climbers and to localions
(24) ..ft~9tJ9/.~t9..l:I.m!. .. the southern coasts, (25) .......... w.tUW~ .......... tourists
can see penguin coIontes. (26) ....~Itt1.QM9fL_ ... costs are high, ~ ; ·illllriIi!il.
are tailored to (2n ~uitlmee.t1yfJucIJJJ.1e .·s. specifIC requirements.

Test 2 I

I .om Tin r-~ For questions 28-37, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
•Ia from both beginning (0) .
.",Ience and
'nlll OS a whole if
11 fuutor or a plural Example, I 0 IPROBLEMATIC I =0=

HllOce travel is actually a lot more

CO) .. P.fR~/f!.'!J.~~~f? ... than we assume; for example,
wlluld you sleep inside a(n) (28) .....ioflat«t?I~..... INFLATE
hllllooo? That, in essence, is what astronauts at the
It,lernational Space Station' could be doing in the not too distant future.
~'nced with the problem of less than (29) .... ~p..~r#.QJ!!L .. living and SPACE
working compartr:nents, ins:enious Hcien~ists ~e up wit~ 8(n)
newtaea. 'ire
(!JO) ...C{ . ifranSlt HabitatiOn Module IS made CONTROVERSY
from (31) ....... .fIIXible........ wtich, whe,: packed up, can fit snugly
inside the space shuttle for 32)$polfatJ.Qo . When it is fma11y
I>osilioned in space, it expands like a balloon la double its volume. Woven
rrom the same (33) ... y.~g~~.~~~9.~~ .... fibres that are used to make ~r, BREAK
worn by police officers and soldiers, the modules are strong enough to
withstand most space (34) .... (;.QIIi.$i.Clf.l.$. .... . Folding floors and walls lock
into position to provide instant (35) ..~~.~g!J.l.m.Q.g!!.t~gn .. . Sleeping ACCOMMODATE
quarters are double-walled, and the gaps are filled with water. This
protects (36) .. m.IJ~9.!'~.IJ~.~... from radiation as weU as keeping the noise to INHABIT
II (37) .... .... . The final module is amazing - tt; S"HiM . of
space technology. -


Exam ~ For questions 38-42 think of one word only which can be used appropriately In all I
sentences. Here ls an example (0).
Oon't worry If you
don't know all o She commented that it was about ...... J{m.~ ........ she started helping more arG
three meanings
the house.
of the word. If
People's eating habits have drastically changed over ...... J!m.~ ........ .
you're sure of
one or two It's We took ...... J!m.~_ ... _... to stop and admire the view on our journey_
probably the right
word for the third
as wall.
Example: o TIME = 0=1
38 Sarah badly ......... f.m.........
her leg while scrambling over the rocks.
TIm wanted to get home quickly so he took a short ......... g.'!.f......... across tli
I need to lose weight so I'm going to •........ ~~......... down on desserts.

39 The charity hopes to ........f.~.~~.f!. ....... a lot of money to help their cause.
I was a difficult child and it wasn't easy for my parents to ....... r.~!~!!........ me.
It is believed they will soon be able to ...... ..t:~!~~ ....... the Titanic from th
ocean bed. I
40 It was a ..... J9Y.9f:L .... decision but I finally sold my sports car.
I'm sorry, I can't eat this steak ; it's too .......t~!!ll!L .... .
Don' t worry about the toy; it's very ..... J~!!.9!J. ...... and won't break.

41 An appeals court ruled that it hadn't been a ....... ..f.i!.~~......... trial.

She has a beautiful ........ .f.~JL ....... complexion.
It's ••..... ..f.~~L ...... to say that food prices are on the increase.

42 With the buses ..... r!:mf.1.~r.9. .... every ten minutes, it won't be a problem gettin'!;
there on time .
....~y.r:!~.~t:t.S1. ... a successful business requires a lot of determination.
Sam waited with the engine ... .Jy.o.nlO'9..... while I popped into the post OffiCE
to buy some stamps.


IMumJ!RS? For questions 43-50 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
'hll IIOolnnin9 of between three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (O).
'I .. "I)(lond
,'hilce will o He always gives the impression that he's very confident.
Ifl1ltlhnes help ACROSS
'Iul ltclde what
He always .................................................................................. very confident.
1l1t1 IlIro Is used
'If 1111010 gap.

Example: o COMES ACROSS AS BEING = 0 =

43 These vegetables can go off if you leave them out of the fridge.
These vegetables ..............n.CJ."!(f#. . f!.J~mt.~{JJ.;yJQ.............. go off if you leave them
out of the fridge.

44 He continued by saying how happy he was to see us all there.

He .............. ~~ntgn. ~9.. ~.c;ty. ................ that he was happy to see us all there.

45 He didn't forget any of his lines on stage.

Not .................. ..(~'f.~!J.J..<?;f!.t?~. ~~~..':'.~. t~r.9~.~ .................... his lines on stage.
46 UOon't go near the water, " Tina told her daughter.
Tina ................. ~~rr..~~ t:r.~r..~~.l:'.g.':'.,~t!J.t;?!..~~.... .............. go near the water.

47 He usually makes a lot of spelling mistakes in his essays.

;s 1:".nrone
He ............. to making
•...•...•••..•••.••••.• .••• ••..••• •.• •• a 10t 0 f spe 11·Ing mls
. ta k es In
. h·IS essays.

48 He eventually accepted his divorce.

He eventually .......................C?~P.~. ~9.. ~~.r!!."!~ ..~!.(t:! ........................ his divorce.

49 Mary phoned before leaving home in case they had cancelled the meeting.
In case the meeting ............... ~.~.r!.. !?r;;~f!. .~~.~~r;;~ .~!!. ................. , Mary phoned
before leaving home.

50 lucy doesn't mind whether she goes to France or Italy as long as she goes on
It makes ..... !J.~ ..r!.W~~~.t:'.~.f:! ~~ ~~t?y ....... whether she goes to France or Italy
.. ..
as long as she goes on holiday.

PART 1 (Approximately 40 minutes)

Exam~ You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A. B or C)
which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.
Answer all
questions. Never
leave a blank.
You may nol be
sure of the
correct answer
but you might You hear a woman telling a friend about her encounter with a snake while she was on holiday.
have understood
more than you What did the woman do to avoid the risk of being bitten by the snake?
A She followed advice she'd heard . " fA' cl
B She trusted her first instinct.
C She made a noise to scare it away.

2 How does she feel about her response to the incident?

A annoyed with herself for being frightened Nt
B proud of the way In which she reacted Cl ng1. 5 0" I2 I B
C disappointed that she had not tried to kill the snake


You hear two friends talking about their gap year experiences.

6) 3 Sarah didn't go to India because

A she didn't feel she could cope with the living conditions there.
B she didn't meet the requirements for the project there.
C she decided the project in Africa was more suitable for her.

4 How did Paul feel before he went to South America?

A worried about his parents' attitude towards him going
B hesitant about going so far away from home
C confident about the benefits of taking a gap year


You hear a student and a professor discussing an essay the student wrote.

5 What do the student and the professor disagree about regarding the essay?
A the accuracy of the argument
B the way the argument is presented 15 I c I
C the lack of evidence supporting the argument. v'

6 What is the student's attitude towards his essay after talking with the professor?
A He stili has a higher opinion of it than the professor.
B He sees it as a learning experience. 11 Is I B
C He teffis less disappointed about it now.


You will hear the commander of an emergency response team tafk to his team In preparation
Exam Ti~r''''>
for a rescue situation. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences.
Before listening , read
through the set of
sentences and think
about the type of
information that is
misslng. Remember
that most answers will
be nouns or very short
noun groups e.g.
adjective plus noun.

According to Initial lnfannation about the earthquake, the most damage

and victims are on the LI_____e_B_s_t_sl_d_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _I_7

During the night, authorities have been trying to find and help victims and to make sure routes to

' -_ _ _ _h_O_Sp_ft_B_'_S_ _ _ _ _--11_8...J1 are clear.

The command9f' emphasises the importance or opening a command post within

60/sllC/y minutes

He says that the location of special relief '--_ _ _ _ _t_e_n_ts_ _ _ _ _ _ _.L11_0...J1 needs to be
decided on as soon as possible.

The commander Informs the team that all evacuations will be carried out by a

specla' teBm 111 I.

He says that LI_____h_e_fi_co-'p:...t_e_'_s_ _ _ _ _--'-11_2...J1 will help rescue those who we serious!y

The team is Instructed to report actions they have taken and their

results 1131 to avoid problems as much as possible.

The commander stresses that c l_ _ _ _ _ t_e_B_m_w_o_'k______.L11_4...J1 is the key to doing a good )ob
during the rescue operation.


Tesl2 .


Exom ~ You will hear part of a radio Interview with Judy Simpkins who works with Northbrook
Children's Theatre. For questions 15-20, choose the answer (A. e , C or D) which fits best
Read just the according to what you hear.
questIons. Ignoring
!he answer options,
before listening the 15 What initially attracted Judy to the acting life?
first time. Listen for
A her many enjoyable childhood visits to the theatre
the answer In the
script, then try to 8 her parents' positive tales of working in the theatre business
match this to the © her observation of some actors' colourfullifestyte
closest option. o her desire to travel and avoid a conventional work routine

16 Why didn't Judy leave her previous job sooner?

A She was waiting to hear whether she had got into drama school.
@ She wanted to finish something she was involved in there first.
C It took time for her to realise she had chosen the wrong career.
D Her mind was focused on preparing for a local theatre production.

17 Why did Judy prefer playing secondary roles to lead roles?

A There was a greater choice of roles close to home.
@ She really didn't enjoy being the focus of attention.
C She found them generally a more rewarding experience.
D They were easier to get but still paid adequately.

18 How did Judy feel about becoming a director?

A grateful for the opportunity to try something new
B unenthUSiastic about taking on more responsibility
©resigned to making the best of a bad situation
D anxious about her ability to do the job well

19 Regarding her present production, what is Judy particularly pleased about?

® the attitude of the cast members
B the originality of the script
C the cooperation between cast members
D the energetic atmosphere at rehearsals

20 According to Judy, what is one advantage of working with child actors?

A They always do exactly what she tells them to.
B They work very hard as they always want to be the best.
C They are generally more enthusiastic than adults.
@ Their main concern is the success of the production.


Exam ~ You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about using differ ent modes
of transport.
The speakers may
not use the same While you lislen you must complete both tasks.
words as in the
questions. Usten for
different ways of TASK ONE
referring to the
items listed. For questions 21-25, choose from the list (A-H) the person who is speaking

A a lorry driver

B a student Speaker 1 D 21

c a photographer Speaker 2 A 22

0 an athlete Speaker 3 F 23

E a scientist Speaker 4 B 24

F a parent Speaker 5 H 25

G a bus conductor

H a taxi driver


For questions 26-30, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker Is expressing.

A regret about the changing nature of his Of her daity interactions

B his Of her intention to try to improve a situation soon

C an antiCIpatIOn of reducing his Of her travelling time Speaker 1 C 26 1

0 anxiety about the Mure Speaker 2 H 271

E resignation to a situation that he or she doesn't Speaker 3 E 28 1

consider ideal Speaker 4 F 29 1
F enjoymef1t of a daily routine Speaker 5 A 30 1
G a reluctance to change his or her habits

H appreciatloo of an unexpected aspect of his Of

her job/situation

Test 3

PART 1 (1 hour 15 minutes)

Exam ~ You are going to read three extracts which are all concerned in some way with teaching
and learning. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B , C or D) which you think fits best
These may only according to the text.
be short extracts
but you should
treat them as you . . . . , .... , • • C..... hu...' .... ~••
would any
comprehension Shirley Wiffiams is chair on the Teaching
and pay very Awards national judging panel. She was
close and careful talking to Mira Katbamna.
attention to the
The things that stand out in a special
text. teacher are enthusiasm and innovation;
the teacher who talks to the pupils, not
down to them. and who talks to them as
people who have something to
contribute. Someone w ho realises
teaching is a mutual thing. and not just
the handing down of knowledge from on
We now have a very "mathematical" tends to limit children's innovatory
idea of what makes a good education. capacity by being too dosety tied to tests.
which is about how learning shows up in So what you are left with is something
statistics. The Teaching Awards are about that is slightly stultifying. What we are
recognising and rewarding precisely not looking for are tea(he~ who refuse to be
that kind of teacher. It's not about the stultified. .J A "'I}M .(~If:1
person who goes through the obvious What I find sad is thatl.children start out
routine. but the one w ho brings a sense of all bright and shiny in primary school and
excitement to it. I think excitement is very then "shades of the prison-house begin to
much at risk in education at the moment. dose upon the growing boy". Inspirational,
The really good teacher is somebody exciting teachers - people who make
who makes learni ng something pupils think "this is an exciting place to
challenging and fulfilling . Obviously, the be" - are critical in breaking that cycle.
national curriculum is quite a corset and

1 What is the writer emphasising in the first paragraph? 5 ,//VI t1} (j~~' Iv
@ the value a teacher should place on the input of their students Cf} V1 (i 11 ki f' .
B the need for teachers to focus on developing students' communication skills
C the importance of improving relationships between students and teachers
o the benefits of teachers adopting a collaborative approach to teaching

2 In this piece generally, the writer is communicating her concern that

A there are a lack of teachers who can bring out the t>eSt in their students.
® the school system is stifling students' creativity and passion for learning.
, C the school system isn't focused enough on quantifiable results.
o innovative and enthusiastic teachers are not being sufficiently rewarded.


Working on your .
General English
/ _ "'"' • ~me \\hen ~!!'!I Q',," $iUs, sudI os gM,,!! •
/ """I'l"'l' ...."..,••- Of <Mgrisitlg . _~ wm: the Il:!!iIOQ! of business
- fIl&!ilil -t in<oo1pany 11''';''''8' • •h<:)! are a re.ture
Th<ese days, _
~ dHCfjfob bnt in mm' Endsh ~ hotts 5-dt t blurriDl of !be
di\i$jms "",. ! ' ,bo,lli, tnd ~... fnIllisb Is "".d."",!I>at _IS now
• ~~.. E..gIi'sII' """"'" '" ~ them 100' lire t i well .. - ' t.
m~ «sa ",,~,~) ~ haYe - . quid to ,_Id
... !!Iis ~ in dem>nd, ~!h the pmdudion 01 ...... books 01 the '&¥ish
100' w.n' -'eIy. This Is i n _ ... . . - the needs 01 the .......... ,,"" \-.ts
_ bosit ~sh """'~ sIa'1Is 100' - ' t .m the business """""We
"""'" g<»I Is '" ..-.d the ""'...... 01 his Of .... Ies'sons ~ the '*"'"
,00000000I .......·Ots.m ~ . . . ..-.
"""" ..-..., 01. shift in .ttitudes c.... "" ....... in "'" new """"'inations 14'1
~ by ttrtol. ex.."...'''''' """rei.. """'" Wanls i!ll uwall»?
tt.. CZ' ¥.l!jy!: by natun::.and inlr9datt nrew eXAmS oot,ythtrlbt wjtef Ms bi:f:n
~ "" '" """". c....... ftlge's _ ..... E..gIi'sII Oertl""".... ,._ _
l~ &l8fisl, Oertl"""", .m 11.....0.' Oertl""""" "'" i_We !hot ...,.,

:s The ....... uses "'" pi. " "1*IrI'irI!I cl "'" dN' · .. IS' I,1inIos ~ to
" "'" tltlosiI
..... .. _ boot" ... , two ~ cl B'glisl!.
8 _ _ _ 111_' -
@ th!: ~ ........... cl BIQlisII..,...,..,.,
D th!: lad< cl .. _ """"'"" in _ _ _

i4 The _ _ _ ., ...... , ... _ _ _

8 g11ldually.


Despite the outside chill, the sun always brought out the pessimist in
was just a little too bright as it cut her and at tbis moment it was ...®
across the classroom and Leab difficult to shake the feeling that
decided to pull the blinds down this move to a school. so far from
before the children arrived. anywhere she might ever have
Standing on a rather time-worn caJled home. was one move too
chair on a floor that had definitely many and one move loo far. But
seen better days and vainly tugging she had needed to get away. Her
at an uncooperative cord, she caught hometown had been weighing down
her reflection in the glass of the on her with its unfulfilled
window and mentally shuddered expectations for too long; the faces
with distaste. She had never liked and buildings were reminders of
her appearance, being somewhat how far she had not come, how high
taller than average in height and she had stubbornly refused to
somewhat skinnier than even the climb.
(5) catwalks of Milan would approve of. After getting down without
i f ' " Her self-styled 'lankiness' and the achieving much in the way of shade
nerves of a firsHime teacher now for the over-bright classroom, she
line 19 put her in mind of certain Italian found she had about five minutes of
towers built on uncertain terrain and relative calm in which to gather her
overreachi ng in their ambitions. thoughts and prepare for her first
Changes, however insignificant, ever class.

5 The writer mentions Italian towers in lines 19·20 in order to emphasise

A Leah's hopes for the future.
S the height at which Leah now finds herself. I
© Leah's lack of confidence in her new situation. t fA r' C-
D the magnitude of the change Leah has made to her life.

6 Inthe second paragraph, the writer focuses on Leah's

A regret concerning mistakes she has made in the past.
a uncertainty that her feelings of depression will disappear.
C frustration concerning the negative way she reacts to change. /)J
@ doubt regarding her decision to leave her hometown. b Vt( J0.'() r/-{ -V


You are going to read an extract from a newspaper article. Six paragraphs have been removed from the eJdrl,.I
Choose from the paragraphs A.Q the one which frts each gap (7-12). There is one extra paragraph which you do
need to use.

V oluntary Service Underseas

Under threat from global wanning. over-fIShing and careless flippers, coral reefs face an uncertain
future. But in the balmy waters off Thailand, one project is training vo/ullleefS to col/ecl data vital
to their survival. Dan Linslead reports.

After three da)'S AAOrkelling along coral reefs in the Gulf Nument lndicator Algae." Ab. It was clearly time to go
of Thailand, counting riSh in the name of science. 1 had back to the textbooks.
aJready compiled a number of y indmgs. ne: rceffLsh
exhibit a vexing habit offliltmg In your face mask,
ducking behind anal and suddenly joining up with schools Soon we were zipping away from a wonky red jetty aboard
of their neighbours - it's almost like they don't want to be the Moby D ick, As we bounced across the waves, we
counted. Two: if you choose 10 survey one SpcciflC 5rn volunteers discussed the task ahead, " I reckon I can
corridor of reef, the fISh )'Ou are interested in - that big- definitely tell the difference between soft cam! and a fish
beaked parrotfiSh, say - will invariably i'KM':r lern outside now," said Gigi, a 64-year.-old grandmother from Oregon.
that corridor, rendering them officially uncountable. Pe~nally. I was still struggling with the technical
distinction between rock and rubble - but by now it was
too late. We were bobbing 50m from the Bounty-ad island
Afler a sleepless night speed·reading my 120-page of Ko Wai, our prow noddi ng towards a neat semicircle of
expedition dossier, I duly enrolled in FiSh School. As reef. Wc flopped in.
brown mullet ~ploshed lazily in the fishpond beneath us,
we huddled around our resident marine bjologist , Kim
Oberrocyc.r. and tried to concentrale. "y The tra nsect itsetf less complex than it

Is I c had,...see.u!ed on land. The tape measure unfu rled clearly

over the reef, and it wasn't that hard (and only a bit weird)
"OK. grab the tape measure and thal Coke bottle," said 10 write on a clipboard underwater. My task that dal. was......
Kim. clearly feeling the need for action, too. "Let's do a to count invertebr1lt~ and with only Diadema sea urchins
transect in the garden." Ah, the transect I had read about in evidence, I managed fine.
this in my briefing, accompanied by complicated diagrams
of the sea floor covered in cross-hatching and contour
lines. But as Kim rolled out a lOOm tape along Iheground, Grand p lans. and having devoted our time to the cause, we
it emerged that the 'transect' was basically science·speak all felt entitled 10 n certain self·satisfaction. But as Moby
for 'a straight line'. The Reef Check approach to the global Dick sped back {Owards the harbour
coral crisis was pleasingly simple: we were going to swim in after a final day spent among
a suaight line scribbling noles on a rusty clipboard. Easy the reefs denizens. I had to
enough, surely? be honest with myself. Had I
I1IlNy volunteered my time
19 I B for science? Or had I just
Finally, we were' gomg to make notes <ka the type of cornl spent a frankly enjoyable
we found along the transect. Kim raised one hand and week fli tting between
waved his fingers, frond·like. '''That's the sign for soft paradise islands? I could no
coral". Got it. Then he clenched h is list into a punch, longer tell the d ifference.
-rhat's rock." OK. Then he crossed his fingers. ''That's

52 ' .

Test 3 '

A What all these fish had in common was

D ~"ighlS are what had brought me
~Exam Tip
a profound disinterest in being ~Q,ang, a mountainous, jungle- Look for links at the
counted. They lurked on the edge of festooned Thai island near the beginning and the
the transect; they flitted and fidgeted; Cambodia border. Along with six end of the
missing paragraphs
as subjects, they were frankly olher volunteer snorkellers and divers,
as well as before
unprofessional. But at Ko 1bong Lang I had signed up for a 'research
and after the gaps.
and other reefs over the next week we expedition' run by the conservation
persevered, noting down coralf1sh and organisation Earthwalch. Our mission?
estimating the size of clams - knowing To help conduct fieldwork on the local
it really was in their best interests, reefs - and maybe learn a bit of
whether they knew it or not. biology in the process.

B "Right, now imagine that coconut's a E (ii;Ahrills here were far more Finding
bumphead parrotfish," said Kim, ~~ than Jaws. Hanging motionless
gesturing at the ground next to the in the bath-warm water, the soap
unfurled tape. "That's an Indicator opera of reef life scrolled before my
Species. That means their presence - eyes. A 300-strong school of rabbit-
or absence - is a measure of the reefs and parrotflSh nibbled furiously at the
health." He made !I mark on the coral and swarmed on. The velvet.
clipboard. "After the fish, we're also collagened lips of giant clams pursed
lookmg for Invertebrates - urchins, sea up as I wafted my hand in front of
cucumbers, lobsters. Look, there's a them. That l20-page dossier had come
giant clam! And we need to know how gloriously to life, and only the snorkel
big they are - you can use the edge of champed in my moutll stopped me
your clipboard to gauge that, but from exclaiming " Wow". ~ '"
remember that underwater everything /ilIA/ID M
will look 25% bigger." F A Turner sunrise - all ISty reds
ochres - was daub' g the ho rizon as
C "The problem with reefs," Kirn our pickup drew into tbe ramshackle
explained, " is that tbere are hundreds fishing village of Salak Phet a couple
of them. not much data, little funding of days later. We'd watched our Fish
for conservation and very few ID videos. We'd practised our hand
scientists. Coral, it seems, is truly signals. It was time to put OUT training
fighting for survival: 16% of worldwide into action.
coral has been lost in the past five years
alone, and a further 21% is in "serious G At the end of every day, the totals from
trouble n • The delicate polyp, from our elipboards'Toine(1tlieoarn-rt'Om
which the whole coral ecosystem Reef cncck 'teams worldwide: adding
springs, likes things a certain way: up 10 an increasingly comprehensive
clean water, a narrow band of sea bank of reer information. It was a nice
temperature (25-29°C), a certain feeling, being part of this scientific
salinity. Ranged against that are a community - but would it actually
legion of man-made - or at least make a difference? "Absolutely," Kim
human-influenced - threats, from insisted. He is already working with
rising sea temperatures to fishermen local fishermen, dive shops and the
using cyanide or dynamite to bag their mayor of Salak Phetto encourage more
catch. sustainable practices. Ultimately he
aims to take his data to the Thai
government to lobby for more robust
conservation legislation.


You are going to read a newspaper article. For questions 13-19 choose the answer (At B. C 0( D) which you thir'k.~
best according to the text.

Far from terrifying, this literary power duo 18 serious tun.

Everyone is 'frightened of Paul Auster. He is too clever Hustvedt's latest, The Sorrows of an American, ..
for comfort. His books are so original (a question that wonderful too, a deeply human account of one's san
tAl comBS up frequently: is he the writer or his subject7) that of family, place, love and loss that centres around the
' " on a bad day, a tired day, when you're feeling less Ihan endeavours of a brother and sister, Erik OaYklsen and
sparldlng, it's best to put his books In a drawer and Inga, to dig .up and digest the reasons their dE!lf
watch sitcoms. And as for his wife, she is equally departed father did the things he did. Along the wa,.
brilliant. Siri Hustvedt's third novel. What I lOVed, is so Davidsen falls in love with his Jamaican lodger, and
moving that It demands to be read in 2O-mlnute stints Hustvedt, after embodying the art historian Leo for WhIt
between sobs. 1 LOVed, once again writes from the point of view of •
The Austers are by all accounts conviviaf hosts - Lou male protagonist 'I've been writing as a man for ten
Reed Is a regular dinner guest, Peter Carey is a mate yearsl ' she whoops. 1
and lan McEwan too - but if you haven't a prestigious
_ literary prize to your name, meetinQ them both together
~s sur!>' one of life's more terrifYing prospects. So it How do these two start their stories? ~~~~;~
throws you off to dIscoVer the pair is enormous fun : starts by forming a picture in his mind.
funny and bright, full at enthusiasm and questions. They novel, Travels in the Saiptorium, .~~~!!!.;~~:'!.!!! ~
have a habit of finishing off one another's sentences, an old man sitting on his bed in hIs pyjamas. The kernel
and are clearly having a ball hitting the literary circutt for Sorrows began with a dream. 'When the book was!
together (they are in Sydney after headlining at the first coming to me I had this Image of a girl lyIng In her
Adelaide Festival Writers' Week) . 'It's much nicer to go coffin, out in the country and sitting up in her coffin, like
to a festival with Paul. this Is our fourth,' smiles being born again,' says Hustvedt. She then launches
Hustvedt. 'I WOUldn't go alone; it would be intolerable,' into a discussion of the magical moments in the book,
deadpans her beau. the most important invoMng mystical tales of Jamaican
Auster is up to his old tricks again with Man in the ghosts, and a chiid in a coma (I won't say more, or I'll
Dark, published this month. tt's a novel within a novel, give the ending away).
jumping from the poignant musings of bed·ridden When I started writing the book I knew my tether was
septuagenarian widower August Brill to the surreal dying. My father's family were immigrants, my mother's
adventures of his creation, OWen Brick. They are both in too, and the book is set in New York, and I've known
the dar1<, but Brick is having the more confusing time of Jamaican immigrants ... and I began to think of It as new
it, locked as he is in an alternative AmeMca. Brill's themes chasing one another. So that t~t _dlnerent stories J
Imaginings have dragged Brick from his semi-ordinary are succinct but they reverberat~ With ono another in the
life and thrust him Into a nutso paraltet one. The ending text l or it was my idea that they shouldl" They do, of
packs. powerful punch that linge,. long after you put course. With Aus1er as hor fll&1 rt I'd I , ,he couldn't get
the book down. away with anyth,ng less

•' !
54 •
00 not choose
13 In the first poragoaph, the _or savs _ Pall ..."".s
A have. a simit8I etrect on the reader as ti;s;; wife"$..
oPtions which
B may be too depo WIg far some - . . .
tound likely but for
which there ls no © can be vory demandirlg ..... the .e.ador. fj<J l-
evidence in the text. D deliberately try to confuse \tie . -.

14 The writat' implies that. when he Iirst met the k t ISo, he tell
A sorprised by the way they inI_ wiII> ......... _ .
B under-qualffiad tor the job of interuiS44i11IQ them.
c fortunate to haw the chance k) illter~iew them IIltogetl_h<
® more comfortable in their pr
" ..
1le~ 1o. --tv. (O()J
JI- ''f!!'1.
:In ~'/A/!

15 What does the writer tell us about the main characteIs in Paul ~~ ~ ~
rftl. r.I~ J 7'11. ,;),
A Their paths cro5S """"""",odIy.
® One is d;recting the OIher's destirly. tI
C Neither is aware of the other's existence..
D They are bolh Irappod .. an Onaginary wOOd.

16 In paragraph four. Auster suggeslS that on& way in which he: ~ Ns: witfts
writing is by
A maldng suggestions rogatd;ng her pIoIlines.
8 hEHping her to form wen·rounded male and femate charact8fS..
C encourag;ng her 10 constantly evaluate her writing. -Iv f t( 1/111 f1P I

® preventi"\j he, !mm writing _ an <MIrIy female par.;pectNe.V 10

17 One similarity between Paul Auster's and Sin Hustvedt's novets is
® the source of the inspiration for them. V
B the types of lI1emes lhalthey expIo<e.
C the way they begin their opening chapters.
o the extensive use of imagery in them.

18 In the final paragraph, Siri Hustvedt summarises her latest novel as

A an alternative interpretation of common themes\)
® a collection of stories echoing similar themes.
C a series of interwoven biographies.
D a tribute to her immigrant family.

19 Overall, the writer portrays the Austers as

A intellectuals who have a large f~lowing .

B novelists who write for particular readerships.

C partners who collaborate to produce their won<. V'lIA
® writers who are equally successful. t1 {I TV' I


Exam~ You are going to read an article about applying for Jobs. For questions 24~30 , choose from
the sections of the article (A-G). The sections may be chosen more than once.
It may be useful to Note: When more than one answer is reauired, these may be Qiven in any order.
go through each
section of the text in
turn and match the In which section of the article Is the following stated?
questions which
refer to it.
The type of business this is means that staff in different
positions have something in common.

Our company has an advantage compared to others of a

different type.
1211 D

Distinguishing themselves from other applicants will help

1221 A 11231 D
candidates get noticed. 1241 E I
Job applicants may struggle to demonstrate their possession I 25 I C
of a particular skill effectively.

Job applicants should not hold back from making employers 1 26 1 G

aware of important accomplishments.

Companies are keen to recruit candidates able to do something 127 1A 11 28 1B

not considered easy.

Candidates should make sure they don't appear too different. 129 1G
Candidates should not allow a sense of self-Importance to
prevent them from benefitting from early failures.

Accomplishments of a particular kind are valued in a

candidate but not considered essential.
131 l E

Candidates should not include unnecessary information

when applying for a job.

Employers want candidates to prove that they have shown

initiative over a particular kind of problem.
1331 c

Appllcants show that they are aware of certain requirements

of employers when applying.

Daring to be Different
Being unusual can clinch a job. Karen Hainsworth has seven ways of jumping off the page for applicants.

Most organisations search for employees who will fit in with applications. "We get boxes of chocolates and letters in
the company cullUre and keep things running smoothly. smoothie botUes. Somebody even drove all the way from
~ Ilowever, showing that they have skills and qualities that are Devon to deliver a cake shaped like one of our row delivery
t un usual could put them at the lap of the pile whcn it comes vans. Doing these unusual things might seem over the top,
to the screening process. "Valuing diversity in others is but the do make a cand'dat out from the crowd. "If
something that candidates wouldn't necessarily lhink to you work for a smal entR:prene . I company, creativity
mcnlion,w says Julia Knight, chartered occupational and initiative are very Important "We are alwa lookin for
psychologist. who designs recruitment tools and assessment ideas and we can implement these the next daYz unlike a big
procedures for large organisations. MBu! companies. corporation. where it may take months. Such qualities help
particularly global companies, look for people who have you see beyond the logical and limited solution when it
worked with others who are different from themselves. comes to problem-solving."
"That difference could be as obvious as ethnicity, but oould
also include those who have dissimilar educational level or E Though you'd think a (!fanagement consul cy and..
et! national culture. "Working with others who have alternative technology company would look for welQhundoct
,perspectives and very different ways of thinking is very individuals with an IT interest., you wouldn't necessarily
difficult M she says. "which is why organisations are looking expect them to appreciate people who enjoy saving the
for this abil ity in job candidates. world. But individuals who mention that they have done
some charity work at home or abroad, which most
o Leadership skills are obviously not unusual but specific candidates haven't. do draw our attention, says Annabel
types of leadership can be. And Michael Nathan, a Nichols, graduate recruitment manager. "Although we don't
recruitment manager for a large retail store describes a kind actively seek this experience. we do find it attractive and
of extreme people-focused ~ch in his managers. 'The unusual," she says. "It shows that candidates are using their
~ company I work for is ~usiness and staff who skills in chaUenging ways. It takes a certain kind of
=<.... work on the selling floot1ITias much an owner as the individual 10 take time out and work for the benefit of
chai M Therefore, the style is very inclusive, very others. l think. that's commendable."
empoweii and it is, he says, "about getling people to enjoy
681 ed by you". This is no simple task, as it requires F "No-one can do a job right on their 6rst day, and there's
'candidates to possess an exceptional level of maturity and so usually a steep learning curve that involves misLakes.~ says
graduates who can demonstrale this are highly desired. Michacl. "But strong graduate trainees can learn from these
and de.,1 with the feedback in a mature and confident way
C "lllis can be a difficult one t et ac . well" sa Juliu and not let ego get in the way." Show you have the ability to
about the ability 10 manage confl . And understandablv. learn about yourself as well as your new tasks, he says.
as a candidate you may not feel confident in describing
when you've fallen out with someone. "Though the tenn G ~,,*~"'-lQek differem, but you don't want

~ ~~~JU~I~ia~s~u~gg~~~~~m~e~n~tio~n~i~ng
'conflict management' has the potential to sound very
negative, it is nevertheless an important skill. "Organisations i
today are constantly changing and evolving in order to stay same
ahead of the competltion," she says, "but you don't get had that has helped you
change without some level of disagreement: What about it. "I have come across graduates who have done great
~recruiters look for is an ability to deal with this and examples things but [orgctlo menlion them," she says. The key is to
where you have taken it upon yourself to son il oul. be enthusiastic about unusual achievements and skills, but
make sure lh tie in with what's useful for your prospective
"We put a k>l of emphasis on lniLiative and creanvdv,tt says employe.. lid wrest ers nWl not apply.
dSronte Blomhoj, I1R
manager ara soff'drinks company.
~And candidates tend 10 lake this 10 heart in their

PART 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 180-220 words in an appropriate style.
1 You had seen the following advertisement for a new sports and fitness centre in the
Decide which parts 01 area where you live. You became a member of the centre but were not entirely
the given information satisfied with the facilities. Read the advertisement and the notes you have made.
you want to use in Then, using the information appropriately, write a letter to the sports and frtness
your answer. Then centre with your comments.
organise the notes
coherently. Use the
information in the
written texts to
support the points
you need to make.
• gym - fully equipped with the latest machines, personal trainers on hand
• squash, b adminton & basketball
• aerobics - regular high and low impact classes to suit all abilities
• children's creche - free for centre users
• cafe and juice bar - good variety of healthy homemade food available all day

Open: 7 am - 10 pm Monday to Friday, 9 am - 7 pm Saturday and Sunday

Write your letter. You do not need to include postal addresses.


Exam~ Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words
in an appropriate style.
When you write an
article, you can 2 You have seen this announcement in an intemational magazine.
draw on personal
experience or
opinion on a
general topic. Have you faced a dilemma recently? In other words, you found yourself in a
difficult situation in which you had to choose between two or more courses
Remember your
of action? If so, we would like you to write us an article telling us:
target audience and
• what the dilemma was exactly & what the possible courses of action were
make it as
• what you decided to do and why
interesting as • what the outcome of your decision was
We will publish the best articles.

Write your article.

3 You have just received a letter from your pen-friend, who is thinking of studying at a
college in your country next year. Write a letter to your pen-friend recommending two
or three courses that he/she might want to take and suggesting any preparations they
could make before they go.

Write your letter.

4 You have seen this advertisement in an international magazine.

Committee members wanted for

International Book Festival
Do you love books? Do you have bright ideas and good organisational skills?
We need young people to be involved in planning and organising this year's
If you are interested in Joining our committee, please write and tell us:
• why you think books are important and what kind of books you like reading
• what would make you a good member of the committee
• two or three ideas you have for the festival

Write your letter of application.

5 Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the books you have read.

(a) Write an essay about what we can learn about life and society from reading this

(b) Write an article about one of the main events in the story for an imaginary

.•'.' newspaper or magazine .

PART 1 (1 hour)

Exam1!e5'r For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Many of the missing

words are parts of set
o A valued ® worth C merited o deserving

If a picture is (0) ..... ~.9.r.n.L. ....... a thousand words, the seventy-three scenes of the Bayeux Tapestry speak
volumes. The tapestry narrates. in pictorial (J) .........}f~r.mT ......................,
William, Duke of Normandy's invasion and
conquest of England in AD 1066, when he (2) ........ (!:!i{' ..'?!.U.L ..................... the Saxon forces of King Harold at Hastings.
Historians believe that the work was (3) ......... &r..(.. 4Jd......................
in England, probably around AD 1092, and that it
was commissioned by Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, WiIliam's half brother, who ensured his fame by figuring (4) J~;~~'~:~~:'~;~P
in the tap,estry's later 45~ ........ "..(£.14J4.... . .. Legends connecting It wIth William's WIfe i have been
(6) ........4,.~5.lJ?Y.~L .................... QII1,(ltJ,t (.( {A.CItj"tt-tt
The Bayeux tapestry is not, (7) ....... ~.A. ~
..tff.i.. . ........................
speaking, a tapestry, in which designs are woven into the

plain linen . The threads, in (8) ............ 1 ...~lut t:

fabric, but rather a crewel fo rm of embroide;l; Ate pictures being made by stitching woollen threads into a background of
..... _..................................
.red, y ellow, blue and green, must
(9) .............. Jh1..J1.. ........................ have been jewel bright, but have ( 10) .............. ~ ...•L .. :!........................ light brown with age.
Moreover, one end of the now 20 inch (50 cm) broad and 231 feet (70 m) long cloth is missing.
You can view the Bayeux Tapestry in the William the Conqueror Centre, Bayeux, Normandy, France. An enduring
~~~~~.;;~~.~!~! .~.~:l~~~.~~~.o~f;l~ ~~;~~~y~s as valuable a (12) .......p.!.LU.............................. of evidence for the

1 A fashion B type e design @ form

2 ® defeated B won e defended D invaded
3 A originated B invented © created D manufactured
4 ® prominently B strongly e powerfully D sufficiently
5 A views @ scenes C frames D pictures
6 A disowned B d ispersed C disgraced @ discounted
7 A normally @ strictly e truly o sincerely
8 A colours B shadows © shades D varieties
9 ® once B then e before D earlier
10 A changed @ turned e transformed D developed
11 A witness B confirmation © testimony D proof

• i:'
, 12 A segment B part © piece D portion

Test 3

Exam~ For questions 13-27, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use
only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
~ook for any clues
which are not Example: LIO,-,-I_.::B.::Ec..IN.:.cG::.....I...,="",-,o'-'=""-l1
obvious or which
come much earlier
or later in the

Have you noticed the spate of bank
mergers (0) .... ~~!!'!.9. ...... reported in J
f'H"~<J I
the financial pages? The names change, :,/ '" w,lA-4 I I1
'.3 ..

:::;~:.ra;;:;~~~~~~;;~,:~~~: ~~ ;~q; ;
jobs. U you thought this was all
(14) .................~~.................. the name of increased profit margins, think again.
The banks themselves are eI).gaged in a struggle (15) .............. JC!L .............. .
, TI,a ':J (.j I.C.JI
their very survival. Their nemesis? The Internet, of course.
The Internet proved, in just a (16) ............... !.f!.~ ................ short years, that it can
transfonn (17) ................~t!.~ ................ very way that commerce is conducted.
Customers can pay for goods and services on-line, and settle
(18) ...... ,.... J!!.~.~~..... ".. "." accounts on the Internet. (19) ..............§.~~~............ ..
direct transfers could conceivably spell the end (20) .................r:?t. ............... ..
money as we know (21) ................ !.~ ................. today. Cash, cheques and credit
cards will give (22) ................~~y......... ,... ,.. , to e-currencies, some fonn of
'Internet only' money.
What fonn will these new 'e-currencies' take? Perhaps some kind of credits or
(23) ............-::~~.~ ............ vinual money. Some Internet sites are already using a
system called beenz' whereby you can earn credits, or beenz'. by visiting
partlClpating .
sUes, which/that
(24) ................................. can th en be used to purc has e
items on-line. Also, consumers will soon be able to download credit onto
smartcards to be used to (25) ...........~.~~~............ purchases in the real world.
(26) ......... ,~!!.~~~!':~r.. .. ,...... fonn such e-currencies ultimately take, the only
thing we can be sure of (27) ................. ~~.................. that counting out coins for
bus tickets will soon be a thing of the past.


Exam ~ For questions 2 8-37, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap In the same line. Write the new word in the
You may have to correct box on your answer sheet. There is an example at the beginning to).
make more than
one change to the Example, 10 I GROWING I= 0= I
prompt word to
make it fit the

- U
. INS \ , , .

IN ••
Penguins, whose torplKjo-.shaped boQLe!f~~tfimportant waddles
we adore, are the latest on a (0) ... 9.~~~~!J.g ... list of species
threatened by changing (28) ........... ~.(~m~~J.<? ........... conditions. This
(29 ) ... ... ... #J~mAPJ~~!J... ....... in climate is being brought about by DISRUPT
heatwaves and floods in places as far (30) ............ ..f:!H~.~t;!............. . FIELD
as Texas and India. ••
Suc h (31) ... .. ........... ... ...·x....... .In wea th er pa"erns
" has b een
increasing In (32) ....... .Jr.~qy.~!f.~y. ........., although the reasons for
this are not yet fully understood. As a result, ocean currents that bring ••
the nutrients to feed plankton are being disrupted and because
plankton feeds the krill which form the basis of the penguin's diet, the
penguin Is fast becoming a casualty. The (33) ............ ~~~Jt!. ............ DEAD
rate of penguin chicks is soaring and could ultimately prove
(34) .. .. .. .... ~.i~J!!.~t.~gpt!~f. .......... to the entire species. The one CATASTROPHE
positive aspect of all this lies in its potential to force people to examine
the (35) .. .... }~q.m.~l]g ........ threat posed to the fragile Antarctic eco- LOOM
system. The (36) .... ..... r.~.~!!.~.~~~qn ......... that we could lose one of REALISE
the most (37) ........ ... ..J!?~~./;ll~.............. creatures on the planet LOVE
should be a wake-up call for all 01 us.


For questions 38-42 think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three
Exam~ sentences. Here is an example (0).
Sometimes you
read one o She commented that it was about .... ..Jfm~ ........ she started helping more around
sentence and the house.
think the word is People's eating habits have drastically changed over ...... J~~~ ........ .
obvious. Make
sure you check
We took ........~m.~ ........ to stop and admire the view on our journey.
all three
sentences before Example: o TIME
settling on this
38 Oavid was singing in the shower at the .. .......~~p. ......... of his voice.
Mika's new single went straight to the .... ...)!?P......... of the charts.
They deaned the house from ....... J!?P......... to bottom.

39 Tom aims to set a new ...... ~9.~~~...... record in the long jump at the championships
this summer.
Jane thinks the .......~~r.~~ .......
of her nephew; she would do anything for him.
Andy's not listening again; sometimes he's in a ....... w.~r[~ ...... of his ownl

40 After the terrible argument, they really needed to ....... fi.(~~r. ....... the air.
The water was as ....... ~/'!.~r. ....... as crystal.
The waiter came to ....... ~!.~~~ .......
our dishes from the table.

41 What she said was so shocking that I was completely ....... ~~.~~'}....... aback.
You must have .......y~.~f!.~....... leave of your senses to quit your job.
I've """"'tIy ..... ..!~.~.e.n........ up playing goll.

42 My doctor believes I need a ..... ~.?!!!.~f:...... of physiotherapy.

They're on " ... £~.'!.~.~.f!. ..... to finish the project by tonight.
Joseph did a three-year ......'?9.~!nl.f!. ..... in Mechanical Engineering at university.


Exam~ For questions 43-50 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to thl
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must USI
Remember that between three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0) .
the word given
may be followed o He always gives the impression that he's very confident.
by a different
preposition or be
He always ................................................................................ very confident.
part of a different
verb pattern than
in the first
Example: o I COMES ACROSS AS BEING 1= 0 = I
43 He didn't notice any money had been stolen until the end of the day.
The theft of the money only .........'?~~.~ . ~.'?J!~~~ .~~......... the end of the day.

44 Julia grew up with her aunt and uncle in the countryside.

J u Ila was brou"ht
" .......................... M' •••••••un bvI .......... her aunt an d uncI"
r. .... e In t he coun t"d
rySI e.

45 I haven't been to the cinema for ages.

It ........................ J~
..~9.~.~ . ~!!'J.t?,~It!~.~~ .... .......... _........ been to the cinema.
46 Watt has great difficulty in cooking for himself.
Wait ..................... J!!'J.~~ ..~~ .~ ..~~~.~~~~.9.~..~t?.'?.t;?~.~ ...................... for himself.
47 No one could believe how successful Adam's first art exhibition was.
The success of Adam's first art exhibition ..~~.'?~. ~.y.f!.ry.C?!?~l~~~.ry!?C?~yJ?y...

48 Everyone blamed Danny for the accident.

Everyone .................. P..!-!qt!.~ . !?/~IJ?~ . ~!.'. .................. Danny for the accident.

49 There is no way that I would ever shop there again.

Under ............ !.'.~..~!~.c::.~p.~~~!'J.t?,~~..'!"f.t;?~/~. !..~~~r. ............ shop there again.
50 How likely is it to rain today?
What .................... ~.~~..~t!~.. ~!J!~.!?~.f!.~ . ~~. r.~~r?!~tr.~m.~Q.9..... ............... today?
Test 3

PART 1 (Approximately 40 minutes)

:xam~ You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C)
which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.
)u many not be
)Ie to answer
e two questions
order as the EXTRACT 1
formation You hear part of an interview with a guitarist called Rick Evans.
leded could be
different parts How did Rick feel when he was performing at the concert?
the script. A pleased that he was playing well
B overwhelmed by the occasion
C intimidated by the large audience B

2 What is Rick's attitude towards becoming a better musician?

A He believes it will happen automatically if he practises enough.
B He is happy to simply maintain the level he has already attained.
C He realises that he needs to practise more to further improve. I2 A


You hear part of a radio interview with well-known interior designer, Fiona Sharpe.

3 Flona says that she feels disappointed by her job when

A clients don't seem to appreciate her hard work.
S a client doesn't communicate what they really want.
C her design skills are not fully utilised. c
4 What does Fiona do to try to ensure that her clients are happy with her work?
A She adapts her designs if necessary.
B She discusses every detail of a design with them.
C She totally puts aside her own preferences. I4 I A

You hear a man and a woman discussing an incident in which the man got caught speeding.

5 Why does John disagree with so many speed cameras being installed?
A He believes they can actually make the roads more dangerous.
B He doubts the motives of those who installed them.
C He thinks the money needed for them could be better spent. 15 B

6 John and Pam agree that

A strict speed limits are sometimes necessary.
B the system is not always fair.
C there should be fewer cameras . B


Exam ~ You will hear a herbal therapist called Chris White talking about his work. For questions
7-14, complete the sentences.
Do not try to paraphrase
information that you
hear. The answers are
always actual words
from the recording.

As Chris was growing up, he learnt that plants were often used as medicine by


His father also used different plants to keep LI_ _ _ _'_"n_s_e_c_'_s____ILs---.J1

away from the vegetables in his garden.

Chris used the plants he grew in the garden to treat various

I medical problems I 9 I.
He made ll_ _ _ _ _':..:e:..:a:..:s_ _ _ _111_0:.J1 out of some of the plants he grew,

such as Echinacea and Feverfew.

When he started LI___.:g=-a_r_d_e_m_"n.:g~_-LI_ll...J1 after moving

back to Devon, he rediscovered his interest in healing herbs.

In order to recommend a I suitable remedy 1121, he finds

out a lot about a patient first.

...J'. says that by using plants as medicines. some I side effects 1131
can be avoided .

As a herbalist, he believes that the body has a I natural ability 1141

• i;!


Exam~ You will hear an interview with a man who is a police diver. For questions 15-20 choose the
answer (A, S, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.
Don't spend too
much time on
anyone question
15 What led Michael to a career as a police diver?
even if you are
having difficulty A He was already a competent diver.
with it. Move onto B His uncle had followed this same career.
the next question. C His superiors recommended him for it.
® He had a desire to do something different.
16 What did Michael find difficult about his training?
® diving in sometimes ve ry harsh conditions
B having to work shifts, especially at night
C coping with the heavy clothing and equipment
o getting used to the behaviour of his team mates

17 What is Michaef sometimes unable to avoid while working under water?

A losing his way
® suffering minor injury
e causing damage to evidence
o mistaking other debris for evidence

18 What limitation of the undersea robot does Michael mention?

A It is not able to descend to a great depth.
® It can't always retrieve items easily.
e It can take too long to sUbmerge.
D It moves more slowly than divers.

19 How has Michael's choice of career affected his relationship with his mother?
A It has encouraged a better understanding between them.
® He now feels obliged to keep some things from her.
e She now constantly puts pressure on him to give up his job.
o She has become his main confidante regarding work issues.

20 For Michael, what is the most fulfilling part of being a police diver?
A helping to make society a safer place
® seeing the direct results of his work
e using the different skills he has acquired
o being involved in saving lives

Test 3


Exam~ You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about learning a foreign
Uslen to the
speaker's tone of White you listen you must complete both tasks.
voice. What is
his/her attitude?


For questions 21.25, choose from the list (A-H) the maln reason the person gives for
learning a new language.

A They make frequent visits to another country.

Speaker 1 C 21
B They want to become a translator.
Speaker 2 G 22
C They have migrated to another country.
Speaker 3 F 23
0 They have a natural ability for languages.

E They needed to pass a college exam. Speaker 4 D 24

F They were compelled to learn it at school. Speaker 5 A 25
G They enjoy a leisure activity that Is related to the language.

H They want to learn their family's native language.


For questions 26-30, choose from the list (A-H) what aspect each speaker focuses on.

A the cost of learning the language(s)

B their sense of satisfaction at having learnt the language(s) easily

C the advantages of learning in a class

0 the level of difficulty of a/some particular language(s) Speaker 1 B 26
E the necessity of practising the language(s) frequently Speaker 2 F 27
F the regret they feel about not learning the language(s) Speaker 3 D 28
Speaker 4 H 29
G the importance of learning the grammar rules of
languages Speaker 5 A 30
H the improved career prospects they have as 8 result of
knowing the language(s) well.


Test 4
PART 1 (1 hour 15 minutes)

Exam~ You are going to read three extracts which are all concerned in some way with alternative
health therapies. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which yoa think fits
Read through the best according to the text.
whole text first to
get a general idea
01 what the writer is
saying. The
question sometimes
asks about the
writer's general
attitude/opinion/tone. Chapter One

Call me a traditionalist but theGf wonders for his wife. With more than a little
alternative therapies had always eluded scepticism, I was persuaded to give it a go.
me; however, years of unsuccessfully The address I was given proved to be a
trying to stop smoking and the advent of a smal, terraced house on .8-E!linfully
(f) son had made me realise that a stand co~ventionat.~of high stteet;o>When
~ needed to be made and hard decisions the door opened after my rather
j tt: e V1 v~ . r{Jj1 taken. It wazt , the new arrival; I'd
eta rap, my feelings were hard to
V1 ( ~ tI. (M/ done some h calculations and the a. Short, over-feelings and under-
f (jJ ()Jt t.44;H«. .sum total of money spent, not only on the shaven, this was not how I had imagined
, (" cigarettes themselves but also the patches an acupuncturist and considering the fact
and gums that almost inevitably had that it was the middle of the afternoon, the
proven useless, had all the appearance of pyjamas did seem a little out of place. ! 2
a minor king's ransom. Strictly spe
this wasn't what hurt, it was the shee
waste that made me strlTclaerwithShame:--
suddenly felt that this wasn't the man for
me but as I turned to beat the hastiest of
retreats, I thought of my son. So, steeling

A friend of a friend had recommended myself for the worst, I crossed the
acupuncture as it had, apparently, worked threshold.

1 In the first paragraph, the writer tells us that when he was trying to give up
A he became progres~jvely disheartened about his chances of success.
B he was embarr~d that he was finding it so hard.
© he reached a point when he knew re~action was needed. f«
t.L-( 0 /
ohe was more concerned about the cost of his habit than anything else

2 What affect did the sight of the acupuncturist have on the writer?
A It made him realise how desperate he was.
® It made him reluctant to keep his appointment. V
C It caused him to leave his house immediately.

o It caused him to abandon some of his doubt.

Colour 'Therapy::
Weird o r Wonderful?
I must confess to some tImidity as I She's seen this before. Physical ailments.
knock on Pauline Wills's door. Colour she believes. are rooted in emotional
therapy. I think: she could well be ~y) ones . And over her twenty odd years as
She may well insist that I wear only an alternative therapist Pauline has
flame red, or paint my kitchen green . become an excellent counsellor.
The calm, middle aged woman who I honestly can't say whether colour
greets me, however, does not look therapy is effective or not. Pauline takes
crazed. As she sits me down in her a plastic implement that looks like the
neutrally decorated therapy room I injecting aevice from Star Trek . She fits
', reaUse she's alreadv got me pegged. an orange filter onto it. switches it on
·Colour therapy. · she tells me sternlv. and holds it to the side of my foot.
-is about the properties of light It is not Finally, she suffuses my feet with orange
about pigment.· It isn't then. about then blue light from two large lamps.
how YOU paint your lounge? "No. it's This is for general a 11 over well-being.
about energy: colour is the visible part If you're not persuaded by colour
of the electromagnetic spectrum .· This therapy it's worth remembering that
means that it's somewhere between hospitals often treat Jaundiced
radio waves and X-rays. Apparently, premature babies with blue light (it
Hippocrates. Paracelsus and the ancient destroys the excess bilirubin that the
Egyptians all used colour for healing. I'm immature liver can't remove). So if
no physicist, but there could be more to you 're willing to believe that other
colour than meets the eye. colours can do similar things, and don't
Pauli~ rubs my feet asking sensitive mind having your feet rubbed, then
questions about my life and health. colour therapy could do you the world
Before long. I'm dying to unburden of good . Apart from anything else,
myself of every worry I've ever had. Pauline Is a wonderful listener.

3 What does the colour therapist realise about the writer upon meeting her?
® She has misconceptions about cok>ur therapy.
B She feels apprehensive about the meeting.
C She is unconvinced of the value of colour therapy.
o She has low expectations 01 the meeting. -
In I<M- ~ JJQ(I,
4 In this piece overall, the writer is fJ" t' ~-Q\ J
A impressed by the therapist, but generally negative about co ur Ih~ey .
B progressfvely more convinced about the Ineffectiveness of colour therapy.
© open to the possibility that colour therapy can be useful.
,," o more or less persl..aded that colour therapy does what it claims.

'Other Options,' the magazine for those interested in exploring the
many other path~ to e-Qisical and mental perfection is proud to
announce the~auguratfo.nlof w'hat will hopefully be its annual young
writer award. If you are under 18 and feel you have a talent for words,
we would like to hear from you. The magazine is looking for articles of
around 600 words on the subject of alternative medicine.

(5) Articles should have a strong a1temative therapies. Remember

" factual basis with evidence that though that the winning article will
you have thoroughly researched be printed in the magazine.
your subject. If you want you can Therefore, as regular readers
get your information from the know, we prefer our articles 10 be
library or, alternatively, surf the Net informative in tone, showing a !fJ
fO( anything that might be of use. - mature Llnderstanding of issues
My references must be included and perspectives, whilst st ill
in the text or acknowJedQ,ed addressing the general reader in a
accordingly in the bjb1Logr~... AI' warm, friendly manner. Closing
facts will be checked. date for entries is 31 st August. The
winning entry will be published in
The editor is looking for a piece of the November issue of Ihe
writing that communicates the magazine.
passion the magazine feels for

5 Before sending their entry into the magazine. young people must have
A shown evidence in the bibliography of having used the Internet.
B consulted a number of specialists in the area.
©ensured that all the information in it is correct. U pt 50 U\ {/
o checked all facts against several sources. U

6 The winning piece of writing must

A be written in a formal style.
B clearly reflect the w riter's stand point.
© show a solid grasp of the subject.
o concentrate on straightforward ideas.


You are going to read a short biography. Six paragraphs have been removed from the text. Choose from the
paragraphs A·G the one which fits each gap (7-12). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

~ G
Perhaps one~~~:~~~~ After Joe left in 1917, the band broke up. Times were
the twentieth-century was Armslrong, the hugely-
smil ing trumpeter, vocalist and co~se~His creativity tough, and, like many other musicians, Armstrong held a
and lechn)que, along with that a ema k smile and variety of jobs, including driving a coal cart and later
gravel~vdice, have made him the most recognisable jazz a milk wagon. He continued to play comet in a number of
rhu1ician in the world. bands, sometimes filling in for other perfonneTS as he
gtaduMly-built up his reputation. He also played on the
o r~erbo~lS, then plying their trade up and down the
Mississippi River.
Louis ArmstroQg's creativity changed all this. His
individual virtuosity led to increasing calls for solos, c
which eveOiiIany doomed the old traditions and led to the
development of jazz as we know it today. He established lil Hardin, the band's classically trained pianist, worked
the pre-eminence of the virtuoso soloist with Armstrong during this time and, with her
encouragement, he left Chicago to join the Aelcher
181 ~lf'/\ '" A Henderson band. He returned to New Orleans the
following year to form his own band. It was also at this
child, he would follow brass bands as they paraded lime that he switched from cornet to trumpet, For the
the streets f New Orleans. He also listened to orchestras next three years he made a series of recordings, including
outside. as children were not allowed to enter music halls. 'Polato Head Blues', and 'HOlier Than ThaI', many of
At the time, orchestras would frequently play outside for which are today considered masterpieces of tone and
a short time in order to draw people inside - a marketing range.
strategy that the young Louis took considerable advantage
of. F

E Although his presentation style continually evolved,

Armstrong remained faithful to the sound that had first
I1 was during one of these expeditions with this group that established his reputation. The tonal beauty of his
he was arrested and sent to the Home for Coloured Waifs playing, his instrumental range and melodic variation, all
for a time. This episode proved fateful as it was in this helped to cement his fame as a master trumpeter.
i~~ that Armstrong received his first music lesson However, it was his humour and extroverted style that
rand voea''lraining. Joining the brass band, he played the helped bring his name - and his panjcular approach to

!irie and drums before being introduced to the jazz - to a wider audience. He died in N,w York on July
orne His expertise led to his promotion to band leader 6th 1971, leaving his music and itS innovations to a new
. ITSt featured perfonnance. generation in recording..'1 and films.
--- -----------
Test 4


A Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong was born in New Orleans E He started 10 liSlen to the instruments being played
around the turn of the century, although the exact on the streets and in church, distinguishing the
date is in d~ Ihal as it may, Armstrong's first various instruments and taking nOte of how they were
years were predominantly spent with his mother and played. He also studied the playing styles of many of
maternal grandmother in an impoverished these pioneers. At this time, he started to sing on the
neighbourhood of New Orleans. His grandmother in streets as a tenor in a quartet - his first paying job as
particular was a strong influence on his life, instilling a musician.
in him the strong system of values which he carried
throughout his life. F During his lifetime, Louis Armstrong helped to
popularise the rhythmi ~ approach to jazz. He is
B From the late 19205, he appeared in musical shows, credited with being the inventor of 'sca,)ocals', in
often as a featured perfonner. Gradually, he started which conventional words are abandoncil In favour of
moving away from his role as a jazz artist., becoming a a series of meaningless syllables which reproduce the
more popular entertainer. He became a band leader, a spirit of instrumental improvisation. Armstrong
solo variety attraction, a film star and a comedian. In made a number of vocal recordings using this style,
1947, he fanned the fU'St ofa series of small bands that wbich was extensively imitated by jazz singers such as
he called the 'All Stars', His frequent conquest of the ElIa Fitzgerald.
popular market was envied by his contcmIX'raries.
G Onlea'ling.1he o-:p!!!.nage at the age of founeen, Louis
C At this tim~ _ theacknowledged leader of jazz music had various jobs playing the cornet. He formed his
wasJoe 'King' Oliver. He was Armstrong's friend and own orchestra with his friend Jac Lindsay, a
mentqr~ presenting him with his fic!f cornef:yt was drummer. The band played on the street, advertising
also Oriver who gave Annstrong his first real break. upcoming events, and at funerals.
He sent for him to play cornet in Oliver's Creole Jazz
band in Chicago in 1922. This resulted in a series of
recordings, starting with 'Chimes Blues' the following
year. ,
.. (0.: ..... '

D Jazz music has often been called the only uniquely

American art form, growing out of a combination of
early black musical traditions. Fully- developed jazz. as
we know it today, is thought to have originated in New .'.- .
'. 4" •
Orleans. Today known as Traditional, or Dixieland
jazz, it was based on a three-instrument front line
consisting of clarinet, trumpet and t~~
Individual talents were subordinated to the ensemble
as a whole.


You are going to read a newspaper article. For questions 13-19, choose the answer (A, e , C or D) which you think
fits best according to the text.

As he revisits the fractured antihero of two previous novels. James Sallis talks to Chris Wrt'and
about writing crime fiction, I -.1 ',',., pqp
'liD ~
W( (elt like I was stumbling, groping around in the darIc. book with characters that walk right into my own lif~ then
Didn't know where J was going in the next paragraph; somewhere around the fifth or sixth chapter the plot kicks

didn 't know what I was doing in the next chapter. But J in - and all Ihat falls into the background. I want that line ~
somehow found my way." Speaking softly and slowly, with surround LO remain in the foreground." KQ~('( r ~(h h!~)
the slightest Deep South twang, James Sallis is on the line H does th " od" 11 k' the.) , and '(
fro Phoe' d' h' ~SaIR J 'lhe e alsurrou very we , evo mg gnl WI
m m~ 1,0 ~ IS ~cw nove t rver. t S of rural southern life with ease (Sallis grew up in Helena,
.oortcsI of his ~S "1&lY , slim talhe.o: to da t~ bul took: the a small town on the banks of the Mississippi). He has an
longes! to wnte. a IIS says e s re lytng more on ~ I h-fro wisdo . h h' h
improyisation and abandoning "the certainties with which ear or s ec'?'i oorc. nl m. WIt . IS C aracters
I began writing." As Sallis recalls Ihis struggle (or often swa'?Plng stones 10 lhe soun.d of cicadae on long
' 'h ds I'k h' I 'h Turn H summer mghts. Were there books In Ihe house when he
d lrectJon, e soun I e 15 ost anll era, er. e ? ~ ' fro low -cl the tock," he
. troduced th exist tiaI delective · Cyp G A was young. e re m er ass, sou m s
In • e en to ress~. says. "My dad was fairly typical, hard-working, blue-collar
sequel, Cnpple Creek, followed. Now Salt River - h ' on weeke~
unung _.4.. t:.....:_ ,_._----
UAl.IIg IdWIUllUWCrs ...
M y brot her
rompIeles the Turn er trilogy-
Sallis presents Turner as a man defined and haunted by
what he no longer is: a soldier, a cop and a convict.
Episodes from his former lives are scattered through the
were science fiction."
So were the first things Sallis wrote.
stories to magazines then made a .
and I devdoped this love for books. The first thin,&'i: I read
(I a(M I 0

e began to sell
ging move 10
fr r~

books as flashbacks. "Turner is a man whose life has gone London in his early 20s to edit ndbreaking sci-fi
4 through abrupl changes," Sallis explains. "I felt that the magazine New Worlds with Michael Moorcock: al the end
novels' structures should reflect this.. It's a technique that
is al odds with the thumbnail sketches favoured bv crime of the 60s. Working alongside Mooroock opened Sallis's
writers inlent on establishi",!: a nOvel's cast auickIY before eyes 10 hard-boiled crime fiction: "Mike introduced me 10
cracking on with the plot. \ >\ t.. I • t\ b {~ l'-lT {". books by Raymond Clutndler and Dashiell Hammetl,
{(, 1-10 fly-/I tU..IIl!J X. which I had never found here in the Stales oddly enough." ~
If he takes his time when it comes to characterisatioft"!- we When Sallis began to wrile his own crime novels, critks ~
don't learn Turners firsl name until midway through the distinguished him as a supposed rare breed -the "literary
second book. - Sallis also has a laKfback approach to story. crime writer". Sallis finds the tag "useless and foolish" but
1be barely-there storylines in Salt River almost evaporate his novels have an undeniable inlellectualism that remains
on the page. You don't get lost in his plots. they tend 10 rare in the gcnre. ~.r C; lA ~~
lose themselves. "Plots are a oontrivance - our lives are
Sallis gives me the skinny on the next novel: "'The major
plotless - yel they're necessary, I think, 10 literary form." characters are a contract killer, a 12-year-old whose
explains Sallis. "My way of dealing with this has been 10 parents have disappeared a nd who goes on living by
\ move the plot offstage a bit, to write around it." Is this why, himself in the family bowe, and a pair of detectives, with
when I think. of SaIlis's books, I'm hit by smells of home- the point of view shifting among them chapter to chapter."
brewed roffee and wild magnolia rather than anything that
actually happened? Long-legged Ay and Cypress Grove started out as
standalones, so who knows if this will launch another
:"'Those are the parts of the world that we own, what comes
series. As Sallis says: "I never know I'm jumping in the
back 10 us about times in our own lives when we think of river, I always think I'm just sticking my feet in.-
the pas!,. he insists. "AJI too often I'm reading this great
74 •
Exam~ 13 What does James Sallis suggest about his latest novel in the first paragraph?

Most of the answer

@ He adapted it as he went along.
B The main character is based on himself.
options are referred
C It caused him to doubt his writing ability.
to in some way or
other in the text, so o He struggled to portray the main character.
you need to check
14 In the second paragraph, SaWs implies that his novels differ from those of many
each one carefully.
other crime writers in that
A the events in the storylines are not in chronological order.
@ he prefers his characters to feature prominently throughout.
C his storylines are based mainly on flashbacks.
o the plots are rather slow to develop.

15 In paragraph three, the writer wonders if his reaction to Sallis' novels are due to the
fact that
@ the plot is not the central focus.
B the storylines are hard to follow.
C the writing style is very descriptive.
o the storylines mirror human experience.

16 What does 'all that' (line 42) refer to?

A the intricacies of a plotline
® aspects of a novel that a reader can identify with
C detailed descriptions of characters
D the elements of a novel that set the scene

17 According to the fourth paragraph, one way in which 8allis' upbringing is reflected
in his books is through
A his poetic writing style.
B the themes he explores.
C a focus on characters from the lower class.
@ some of the dialogue between characters.
18 What do we learn about Sallis in the sixth paragraph?
A He was heavily influenced by collaboration with other writers.
B He doesn't see himself as an exceptionally good crime writer.
© He is dismissive of the way he is defined as a writer.
D He wanted to take an established writing style a step further.

19 In the final paragraph, what does 8allis conclude about his writing projects?
A He always starts with the basis of a novel and then sees how it develops.
® He doesn't envisage them being ambitious projects at the start.
C He enjoys not knowing what direction they will eventually take.
D He doesn't base his expectations on previous results .



EXOm ~ You are going to read about some unusual places In London. For questions 20-34, choose
from the sections (A¥F) . The sections may be chosen more than once.
Have you selected Note: When more than one choice Is required, these may be given in any order.
all the sections at
least once?
Which place(s}/bu8Ines8{es)

has an external appearance whICh doesn't distinguish itself

in any way?
120 I F

offers a custom-made s8fVice? 121I D

made changes after acknowledging an influx of a partlcular
kind of customer?
1221 E

does not house anything made In large quantitIes? 123 1E

have little room that is left unaccounted for?

seems to prefer keeping a low profile?

124 1A 11 25 1B
can be found close to many other similar ptaces/businesses? 127 1E
may not be open to visitors for much longel'? 128 I F
houses a collection which Is worthy of being attributed
greater importance?
129 1B
offers visitors something that probably far exceeds their
130 I Cl

hosts unpubliclsed events? 131 1E

may be able to offer a member of the public expert assistance? 132 1Cl
may cause an inclMdual to k$e their enthusiasm for using
133 1D

houses a feature whose 1ntrinsic qualities make a deeper point? 134 1F

The Eccentric's Guide to London
Mat Osmon is the editor of Le Cool London, a weekly cmoil dedicated 10 digging up the best o/what
London has to offer. Some saJ ;I:r the best Ustitlgs collection in the cUy, alld this year Ihey've pub/bolted
one DJ Ihe most ««ntr;c guidebooks about Wndon. Here art a few !av,mrile erUrie.\,

A The Wapping Project D: The Jukebol Showroom

• doeMl't show up on taxi ciMB' radaB, and tile webslte doesn't Ovef 20,000 old recOfds in blank cardboard sIeeYes Ine the back
Ml dui W'I iCI)1tq IS . . . . . . IS lI'Iiddress or • phOoe number. room 01 Ray and Steve's JukeboK Showroom 1f)'Oll buy one 01
"" n', almost ID those runnirI9 !he W!pp!Ml Protect don't wan( 't?J !heir VII'Uge boQS you can fill! WIffl ~hitever you 11\8 - and for 61\
10 find It - but Ihat'd be I 5hamI because IhIs Is a famasbc t3.SO. pop they'. even get ¥O!! 13'tOUntP IlJne bwlSlelled to vInYl ?
gallery. like a baby Tate Modem, the gallery Is set In an old ~ Brothet's SteYe and Ray have been dOOg this for 12 years
~ industn31 space. but unlil<e ItS big sister It's still crammed With - they buy 'em, mend 'em and seU 'em on, so the shop feels more
"'"<. m!Ch!nery and eve!\' Inch has been used On a recent VISit, the like UUllt home than a showroom Pop Ill, gel SIeve to make you a
roof had been IIooded and • smaI boa! was rTlQOf9d OY8I»okiIlO cup of tea (he makes a mean brew) and crank out SuspICIous
IhI Thames as IhI _ l<nca~ _ _ """ ~ on 1he old Seetuv 200; after the <*t beast cractdes Into ife
spsa1tefs. Downstairs In VIe boier house in entirI forest had been IOd tiIs the room wilt! its huge, wann sound.
recreated and towemg trees scraped the beams of the ceiling The
turbine haI's tile was busy wrth VISItors eating dinner .. !he IIg/lt
of candles dotted 0Wf the old machines, and mn the !TeeS
0IJtWI were IIA1WIed wilt hundreds of yellOw silk umbrellas. E: NOG
I:s been

8· Krlstin 8aybars
"ThIs Is not a toy shop.- It slates on the cobwebby door IIn I
tlat row of shopS by Gospel Oak station And Ifs not It IS a
~ lJtputian wor1d 01 doI's nooses and fumrture, rface
~ ctMred WICh 40 years wont! of tIrrt works of at! - coal s .
pia'" ~ food. pe~ .... _ • Is IhI personoI _ d
K!Isbn ,..".. ... has - ' 40 '"'" moidng _ _ by """
and is SUI fuI 01 !he wonder 01 _ all: aM It Is a 'NOtkshop, ~~~~~~~iIIl~~.~...j!art COYerBd wG'I tIntastic
ShOwroOm and fTlJseum. And 11 Is also one of the ITIOSI oddly wor1c. tom from nocetM:ris the sheI\teS 11'1 IYI of W1y one-person
beautrhi places 11 London. Ftaruong 10,000 intricately crafted larlZlne5 Youl find tiny 000CIIea next to InI1Icate sprawling
househok:Iltems. atT10gId across rooms and benches aod display ~. and wor1<s by unknOWn students S/tIJng next to K1m
~cases, Hthis were an art~ 11 wooId bit anabooal~, Gordon's chWlOgS What you wonl find is any!htno dull, or !!!!lV'''', i
on display In the Tate Of the Bnttsh Museum lnstead ~'$ here on ~ or amply. lO19 We NOG
Mansfield Road, betund a cWap!dated dOOr 00 whiCh hangs I
helpful ,., remmdlng you what ~ is 001
F Phllght
OutsIde youl be sure you're In the wror'l'll place.
(j{j) C· Postclrd re••
"'"\.11:'5 I surprise to ~ any kind ~ barpai'! on New BCW'Id Street. let
alone london's best cup of tea tor a YfItY reasonab6e £l.SO But
Postcard Teas Isn't your lvetage kind 01 place Brainchild at tea·
lover extraordinalre, IJaveflef and aII-rouod good egg TImothy
d'Offay, !he bny shop is 00mI to all kinds 01 tatlleas from your
~ ooIong to your chaJ n)'Oll get !kno!hy IimseIf seMng you {and
~ kwId of !hen Itu little like
I PicII: a P.IC1 one and you can even send It oIt 1$
• IhI """'" own _ inside

PART 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)

Exam ~ You must answer this question. Write your answer in 18().220 words in an appropriate styfe.

While writing your You are a primary school teacher who recently took your class to an art gallery. A few
days later you read this 'letter to the editor' in a local newspaper. Read the extract from
answer, avoid
the letter below with your handwritten notes and the extract from the letter from a
copying from the
member of the public as well as the pupils' comments. Then, using the Information
original more than Is
appropriately, write your own letter to the editor of the newspaper, expressing your
necessary. Although disagreement with the contents of the 'letter to the editor' that you read.
you are not
expected to add
ideas of your own,
Ik-~ """'~
you should use your _-/heir.-l<H; W..f
own words as far as
possible. wen, "'""
....don't get me wrong. I'm not against school parties visiting the gallery. However,
during my visit last week I was suddenly surrounded by a horde of eami insolent
children. T id no attention halSCle\'ef to the works on display, lacked discipline
and obviously saw the trip as an excuse to miss school.

The teachers did nothing to counter this behaviour, which was completely inappropriate
for our town's finest pllery. Art requires peace and quiet to be lruly appreciated.
Ch;Idren(pUSh;ng ~ not create an atmosphe<e condutive to that end.

"'""" <i<f .,
!.to fM,o<

Plea9C: find enc:lo&ed a photo I took of one of yc'IU' pupll~ next: to • V., GorJ't.
May I ~try how j.~ I wr.; with the roy [n the: photo. He we oIMou&ly
~joyine hi& viM t;O the gallery very m.JCh N 1'1.11& extremely polite CO my
Il'IOther at"Id my&elf. We a l&o very I1'1JCh ~joyed l1eaine nlm tell U!t everything
he IW t• ..".,J al>out the p""""",,

It was great to see paintings which I'd

only seen in books before.

lleamt loads. I'll definitely go againl

Write your letter. You do not need to Include postal addresses.

Exam~ Write an answer to one of the of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260
words in an appropriate style.
Information leaflets
need an appropriate 2 You are a member of your university orientation committee. You have been asked to
layout. They should write an information leaflet describing a selection of leisure facilities available at your
be eye-catching and university. You should give a brief description of each club, outline their main activities,
reader-friendly. The and give any other information you think is relevant to new students.
information needs
10 be presented Write the text for your leaflet.
clearly_ Headings
and sub-headings
should be included. 3 There have been a number of complaints recently from students living on your college
campus. They complain of littering on the campus as well as graffiti on buildings and
Use a direct and
other cases of vandalism. The students have held a meeting to discuss ways of
friendly style.
improving the situation. You have been asked to write a report for the college principal
outlining the problem and suggesting ways of improving the situation.

Write your report.

The Tourist Information Board is publishing some new material to encourage more
tourists to visit your country this year and is asking for articles persuading tourists to
visit your area. Write your article, giving some background information about your
area, describing two of your favourite local tourist spots and explaining why tourists
might enjoy visiting your area.

Write your article.

Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the books you have read.

(a) Your teacher has asked you to write an essay saying which character in the book
you find most interesting. You should describe this character and say why you think
he or she is the most interesting character in the story.

(b) A bookshop website has invited its readers to send in a review of a book. You
decide to write a review one of the books you have read, briefly outlining the plot
and saying whether or not you recommend it to other readers and why.

PART 1 (1 hour)

Exam~ For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A. B, C or D) best fits
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Make sure the word
you choose fits the
style of the text, which
0 A says B does © delivers o announces

may be formal or fairly

informal. Example, LIO---,-I__C_ _-,I-,==--O-,='"'-'I

Plcture t he scene, lOll ,re.m, a m~tmg . an dh t e mark· delivers
etmg manager stan ds up an d(O) .................................
listen (1) ..... /1.. .h<.M.J.I .. I,(.U..Y,. ................ , hanging onto her every word, but slowly your mind
a speec.

(2) .......... ,w..fU1 .. .£.(,)........... '1:/ ••••• and you find yourself planning the weekly shop. You don't mean to be impolite,
but you're not quite up to the mark on the most recent power sp eak. Her talk of "fishing where the fish swim" and
"making significant inroads in~'Je~~ailing" leave you (3) .........W.fI...l1..rAlt.;.'.. I1.y. ......... why you're the only person who
hasn't got a(n) (4) .................. ~ .................... what's going on. Don't panic, you've just been subjected to the latest
barrage of business 'bu~ords'. g() (0/1< 0(1 f{ ({{f 11
(5) ............ .c{Ji.a..c.L~J .................. shows that up to 75% of office employees engage in the use of such meeting.
room jargon to give the (6) ...../ .h1..j!I./.0:1.JO'14........... that they have power. If you're not te you m;y find
that you are no longer taken serious{y by your colleal ues. power speak is a game completely (7) ...... (J..O.k!. ..!1.L ......... .
up with group idcp.tificativ/ and the (8) ......... ..l.'(...r&M..5...U?./!.J ............. of outsiders who don't know the language.
As (9) ...........cK{{r.?.r.J:] ..{............... as its usage may be, not everyone is impressed by it. Many find it irritating and
(10) ............... /..l..j..a. .r::.v.J ................... those who indulge in it as pretentious and }Omewh3) ridiculous.
Nonetheless, pO>ker speak is here to stay and the Internet has (11) ..... .//l1...kf..ttd.. f1. ........................... its part in
providing a wealth of newYl cabulary. We can now 'down load' (share ideas) «:'ith cotfeagues, make 'guesstimates' or if
all else (12) ............t< .~ .l.{............................., experience a 'hard·drive crash' (nervous breakdown). Don't fee l
downhearted if mosfbf this goes over your head. It is estimated that 20% of people who use jargon don't know what
it means either.

1 A precisely ® attentively C accurately D conscientiously

2 A walks B strolls C races @ wanders
3 ® wondering B thinking C imagining D reflecting
4 @ clue B hint C idea D indication
5 A Inquiry B Examination C Study @ Research
6 A feeling ® impression C sense D effect
7 A mixed B caught © bound D made
8 A elimination B prevention © exclusion D separation
9 A sizeable B elevated C inflated ® extensive
10 ® regard B mention C note D observe
11 A taken B run © played D done
12 A falls @ fails C breaks D goes

Test 4


Exom~ For questions 13-27, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use
only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
There may be more
than one correct Example: I0 I ABOUT I=0= I
answer, but do not
write more than one
word in each gap.

i Bridging
the Gap_
_v C/NI YJ 1/,(
o r-l,.,...
You're just (0) . ... 3~P.~YL ....
to finish seh or university, or
you've se ed (U) .... J'!.~~~~~.~ ..... a job that just isn't doing it for you - now what?
Some big decisions are looming. Do you step straight (14) ........9f.1.(g........ the
conveyor belt of more academic education? Do you plunge headlong into a career-
for-life? Perhaps you're not quite prepared to go down that road just
(15) ......... .Y.~t. ......., or at least (16) ......... m?t. ....... directly.
Finishing school is a unique time (17) ........ ..In........... anyone's life. Options are
virtually limitless and responsibilities are relatively few (18) .... .....I!.IJ#. ........ far
between. It's the perfect time (19) ......... J9. .......... pursue those things you've
always wanted to do. You could travel, learn another language, do conservation
work, or teach in another country. (20) ........ I~~ ......... possibilities are endless.
Every year, more and more people are deciding that the conveyor belt is not
(21) ......... 1.9.(. ......... them, including (22) ....... ~n~~y........ people who are already
(23) ..........9.r!. ......... it. Instead, they are opting to (24) ....... J~.~~ ........ some time
out for themselves, to do some exploring, gain a (25) ........ !!m~ ........ life experience
and find (26) .........9.~.t ........ where their interests lie. They're deciding to take a gap
year and discover for themselves (27) ........~.~~t ...... really matters and where their
true place in the world will be.



Exam~ For questions 28-37, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
When you have of the lines to form a word that frts in the gap In the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
finished, read
through the text
with the words
inserted, to see if
Example: I0 I DISAGREEMENT I= 0= I
it makes sense.

l:.E'r $l.EEPiNQ
00 bears hibernate? Although this question may never have
occurred to you, it is a subject of (0) ...~!.~.~~L among AGREE
scientists. (28) ....... .I:!H~J1m~JigD. ... _... is characterised by the HIBERNATE
(29) .........r.e.d.uc.tio.o ......... of body temperature to almost O· C, as REDUCE
well as a much slower heartbeat and (30) ......... b.r.e.a1hillg........ . BREATH
rate. Bears have the second of these characteristics, having a
heartrate that slows less than half its normal rate during their
prolonged period of wint'" (31) ........ dQl.mal!c~.: .. ..However. DORMANT
their body temP0f81ure undergoes relatively (32) ....!9!i19mfl.C.g.11.L . SIGNIFY
changes during this time, dropping just)l-~ qegrees. Also, bears
are more (33) ..... _.......f~~.~Uy.............. ~ from their sleeping EASY

==:: ::~I~g=;:; ~~~.~~~~7~~~.~~~~::

during the Wj~;;r Some scientists, however. hold the

(35) ............./;?'U~t ............. that bears do in fact hibernate. They BEUEVE

point out that their massive bodies do not lose as much
(36) ..............n.~~L ............ as the much smaller bodies of fellow HOT
hibernators. and that is why their body temperature remains
(37) y.rJ{;lJ.~r.C!.~.(IJ.r.~~f!r;.~Uy high. Whether bears are really CHARACTER
hibernating or not. however, one thing is for sure - bears will
continue to sleep away the winter.

Test 4

Exam ~ For questions 38-42 think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three
sentences. Here is an example (0) .
The words before
or after the gap o She commented that it was about ....... .f!r!J.~ ........ she started helping more around
will usually tell the house.
you if the word People's eating habits have d rastically changed over .. .... J!m.~ ........ .
you are looking
for is part of an
We took ...... Jtm.~ ........ to stop and admire the view on our journey.
Example: o TIME l ~o~1

38 All the toys in the shop are made individually by .......~.~m!. ....... .
Sarah promised her mother that she would give her a .. ... . .lJJW.ct .... . with the
housework after school.
The students have been told that they must ....... !J.~nC!. ....... in their essays by

39 Why don't we go for a ....... ~~f'!!~........ along the coast this afternoon?
I paid them more than I expected; they .. ..... d(('r~........ a hard bargain!
Sorry but this music is going to ...... J:J.t:!.I(~........ me mad!

40 The teacher waited for the class to .......~~m~ ....... down before she began the
It took Anna a few months to .......~.~f!l~ ....... into her new school.
I'd like to ....... ~~.~!~....... my account, please.

41 James leaned over to .. .... .../'~g............

hI the candle on the table.
It was just getting ...... )~g.IJ.L ..... outside as June left the house to go to work
that morning.
New evidence came to ...... Ji9.0L ...... in the case after months of
investigation .

42 The news reporter .... £.t;?~~t~~ .... the story from start to finish.
The forest fire .....~9.'!!~.t:~~ .... an area of nearly five square miles
He .....t;.9.'!!~.t:~~ .... his face with his scarf to protect himself from the icy wind.


For questions 43·50 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given . You must use between
three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).
Look at the word
given and run
through different o He always gives the impression that he's very confident.
ways in which it ACROSS
can be used 10 He always .................................................................................. very confident.
see if any of
these uses will fit.
43 As well as burning the steaks, I also overcooked the potatoes!
Not ..... 9.':!!y...r:J.!~IP.~mJ!.J.~ ~.~~~~.~ ..... , but I also overcooked the potatoes.
44 The novelist is just about to sign a million pound contract.
The novelist is ........9.n. .~n~ .y.~r9~..qf. .~/gD/I]9. ....... a million pound contract.

45 Steve's parents were not surprised by his exam results.

Steve's test results ...............~~m.~ . ~.~. J1!? .~Y.'J?r{~~Jq............... his parents.

46 Because it's raining so heavily, the match will have to be cancelled.

In ..........¥..~~¥'!.. 9.Uf.1.~ ..f.1.~!!.'(yJ~lrJ ......... , the match will have to be cancelled.

47 My girlfriend doesn't really want us to go out tonight.

My girtfriend ..................!l.t.f.1.~r.. '!!(~..g;#.(O.................. go out tonight.

48 I couldn't write the report because my laptop craShed.

I ... w.~.~. p.r.~y.~! . w.r.Wng ... the report because my laptop crashed.

49 The police arrested the man because they suspected he had carried out
several burglaries in the area.
A man was arrested .... ~r.'..~y.~p.!~l.9.n. .qf..~~r.tym.g . g,HL . several burglaries
in the area.

50 Bill didn't think that Michael could fix his car.

Bill didn't think that Michael .............. f:J.~~fJh~..~PH~w.JqJ~~ .............. his car.

Test 4

PART 1 (Approximately 40 minutes)

Exam~ You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A. B Of C) which
you think fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.
Make sure you take
full advantage of the
preparation time by
reading through EXTRACT 1
each question and
You hear an interview with advertising executive JamBS Alexander.
thinking about the
situation you are 1 Why does James compare himself to a car?
about to hear. A to demonstrate how he channelled his energy
B to explain how he changed his attitude
C to emphasise the fast pace of his life
11 Is
2 Looking back, how does James see his first job?
A as a lucky break
B as a necessary hardship 12 lA
C as a waste of time


You hear two friends talking about a sailing trip.

3 How did the girl persuade her brother to go on the trip?

A She promised him that the trip would be short.
B She assured him that he would enjoy himseH. 13 le I
C She convinced him that it would do him good.

4 What mistake did the girl and her brother make?

A They didn't listen to the weather forecast.
B They didn't thoroughly check the boat. 14 IS
C They steered the boat incorrectly.


You hear an interview with a product designer Paul Roberts.

5 What does Paul aim to do when designing new products?

A to take inspiration from others' successful designs
B to ensure his designs reflect who he is 15 le I
C to come up with original designs

6 What does Paul find most rewarding about exhibiting his work?
A meeting the challenge of putting an exhibition together
B seeing first hand the reactions of the public to his work
C realising that there is a demand for his products
16 IS


Exam~ You will hear part of a radio programme about genetically modified food. For questions
7-14, complete the sentences.
Always make sure
that your answer fits
grammatically and
makes sense.

Europeans have a(o) L-________s~U~S~P~/~·C~iO

towards genetically modified food.

At present. acres of genetically modified crops in the USA

number I 76 million Isl·
By the year 2100 the majority oflL_______n_o_n_-_w_il_d..:p_l_a_n_ts_ _ _ _ _.l1_9.J1
will be genetically modified.

Only u_n_e_m
L _______ -'- __e_n_t__________.l1_1_0
p_/o-'yc..m Iis considered a more pressing
issue than GM foods by residents of some nations.

Allergic reactions are caused by a small number of ....:..p::.r.::o.:.te~i.n:.:

LI _ _ _ _ _ _ :. s______....L11.:..::.;1I
in foods.

This could be avoided through I (clear) labelling

the prod UCL.

Weeds may be able to resist weed killers

Genetically modified plants are only different in that they better display
1 (the) qualities 1141 that humans consider impor tant.

---:;;';-4 . . .

Exam~ You will hear part of a radio interview in which an actor, Harry Jones, is talking about his
career. For questions 15-20, choose the answer (A, e , C or 0) which fits best according to
Narrow down your what you hear.
choices after
listening for the
first time.
15 How does Harry view the media attention he is receiving?
@ He sees it as a temporary intrusion.
S He sees it as being beneficial to his career.
C He sees it as a tiring distraction.
o He sees it as a measure of his success.

16 What did Harry find difficult about his latest role?

@having to learn a new skill
B adapting to the demanding schedule
C working with a large number of people
o wearing awkward costumes and heavy make-up

17 Harry attributes much of the criticism of his perfonnance in his new

role to the fact that
A he is older than his character is supposed to be.
e he was relatively unknown before he was given the part.
© viewers need time to get used to him playing the role.
D the actor who played his character previously was very

18 What did Harry appreciate about working in the theatre?

A working nearer to home
@ having time for family holidays
C going on tour
D having a shorter wor1<ing day

19 What does Harry believe would help him to become a film

A his contacts in the film industry
@ his reputation as an actor
C his increasing knowledge of the film business
o his experience of producing in theatre

20 Why does Harry want to combine producing and acting?

A He wants to enjoy the advantages of both careers.
B He believes he would enjoy the variety.
C He thinks he is equally gifted at both.
@ He believes this is the best way to become better at both.


Exam ~ You will hear five short extracts in which students are talking aboul their academic life.

When listening for While you listen you must complete both tasks.
the second time,
complete the
answers you missed 1
as well as
confirming the For questions 21·25, choose from the list A-H the subject each stud ent is studying.
answers you
completed during
A Law
the first listening.
B Psychology
Speaker 1 D 21
C Physics H 22
Speaker 2
0 Journalism
Speaker 3 B 23
E Economics
Speaker 4 F 24
F Art
Speaker 5 G 25
G Information technology

H Fashion design


For questions 26-30 , choose from the list A-H what aspect of their studies each
speaker focuses on.

A improving their general career prospects

B an area of weakness that he/she needs to Speaker 1 B 26

work on
Speaker 2 H 27
C their enthusiasm for the subject
Speaker 3 C 28
0 their reasons for choosing the course
Speaker 4 F 29
E learning to juggle various responsibilities
Speaker 5 A 30
F enjoying the student lifestyle

G the different pressures of their course

H getting their work noticed by others

Test 5
PART 1 (1 hour 15 minutes)

You are going to read three extracts which are all concerned in some way with work. For
questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the

For a week she enjoyed her liberty teaching. Sewing she resolved not to
heartily, then set about finding try until all else failed; and, after a few
something to do. Her wish was to be a more attempts to get writing to do,
governess, that being the usual refuge she said to herself in a fit of humility r'21
for respectable girls who have a living and good sense: I'll begin at the ?
m to get. But (hristie soon found her beginning and work my way up. I'll put
" \ want of accomplishment a barrier to my pride in my pocket, and go out to
success in that line, for the mothers service. Housework I like, and can do
thought less of the solid than of well, thanks to aunt Betsey. I never
ornamental branches. and wished their thought it degradation to do it for her,
little darlings to learn French before so why should I mind doing it for
English, music before grammar, and others if they pay for it? It isn't what I
drawing before writing. want, but it's better than idleness, so
So after several disappointments. I'll try it!
(hristie gave up on the idea of

1 Why was Christie not suitable for a job as a teacher?

A She had no previous teaching experience.
S The parents found her low-class background unacceptable.
©Typical positions required skills she did not have.
D She disagreed too much with the demands of the parents.

2 Regarding Christie's decision to become a servant in a house, we learn that she

A made it mainly for economic reasons.
@ saw it as preparation for her future.
C wasn't sure if she was suitable for such a job.
o resented the fact that it was her only choice.


Job ads are written in a strange, impenetrable of job ads no normal person con understand, written in
language. LeJ A/ice WignaJ/ translate. some kind of · recruilmentese- .
Honesriy, how hard con it be to pen 0 quick od and
As 0 lowly job hunter, one could be forgiven for feeling then sit back and wait for the flood of hopeful responses
o little bitter. There you ore, 0 hard-working and talented to arrive? Quite hard, apparently. For one thing, no
individual, simply trying to escope the misery of your company wants 0 flood of applications. It IDJ es time and
current job, and we all know what 0 Herculean task that energy to deal with them and 011 the spelling mistokes ore
con be. But do would-be employers ease your just really depressing_ The fewer the better - so long os
despair? Why nol the few ore 011 brilliant candidates. -The true skill behind
They plunge you good recruitment is to captivate the right people with the
even deeper inlo "
it, via the

~nf,f;;;;;;;~' course, once you are you

'01 and turned into gloves, i
speaking , but that is a problem for when you've got the
job. Before then, you need to learn to read berween the
lines, to make sure you get the right role and the
company. 6 C VVI d t4 ~
A(I(V.aJ, IiIIIU?j~ ti. ,;r','r;1J~

3 According to the writer, employers write job ads in a particular style in order to
A hide the downsides of the job.
B attract only serious applications.
C test the intelligence of applicants.
@ attract the perfect candidate for the job.

4 In the third paragraph , the writer makes a comparison between the job hunter and
a rabbit in order to emphasise
A the difficulty job hunters have in finding the right position.
® the effort that employers must make to entice the right candidate.
C the attitude that job hunters should have towards potential employers.
o the advantage that recruiters have over job hunters.

Test 5

How to be ha I .I

Many of us like to think our ideas of success are

sophisticated: we understand happiness isn't all about
money, work or being the best. We prize ~balance~ or,
if we're relentless workers, tell ourselves we do it for
fulfilment, not cash . But, according to Harvard
Business School professors Laura Nash and Howard
Stevenson, we're kidding ourselves if we think this will
make us hapPf'- Our new definitions of suc.cess, they
write in their book Just Enough. can be more
problematic than the old ones.

It's easy, for example, to mock prescriptions for

happiness based on ever greater wealth: we know that people who make £1m just end up
wanting £10m. But the focus on cash is only half the problem. The other is the infinitude
- and consequent unachievability - of the goal. ~Am I making the most of my life?~ Nash
and Stevenson point out, is just as infinite a question as, ~Am I rich enough ?~ albeit more
spiritual-sounding. Set it as a target. and you'll never get there.

The obvious objection is that such goals aren't meant to be completed, but to propel us
ever forwards. Yet in Nash and Stevenson's interview-based studies, the truly happy
weren't locked in constant striving after a single goal, even that of ~making the most of
your life~. Nor, though, were they living in ftwork-life balance~. That, the authors write, l§
another unattainable target. Our multiple goals will naturally dash, and seeking a static,
permanent, clash-free state is a recipe for misery. For Nash and Stevenson's happy
people, by contrast, the secret of success was that there was no single secret. They had
I I i 11

into place and they could say they'd done it.

,- " Ufl
5 What is implied about happiness in the first Dalraarao,h?
A It comes from having a balance9 approach to life.
B It can't be achieved through anyone thing.
People still hold wrong beliefs about it.
o Few people manage to find it.

6 On the whole, Nash and Stevenson believe that happiness is achieved by

® focusing on the ongoing process of achieving goals.
B achieving one goal and then moving on to the next.
C completing as many goals as possible in a short time.
o each individual finding their own personal goals.


You are going to read an extract from a magazine article. $(X paragraphs have been removed from the extract.
Choose from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (7-12). There is one extra paragraph which you
do not need to use.

~~Jdi~ water, on tha rocks

Turn on the cold water in a power shower and stay my footing and swing sideways into a cu rtain of water.
there for 10 tortuous minutes 10 get some idea of how I feel as if I am back under the power shower as
numbingly nippy it is abseiling down a waterfall in the freezing spray is forced inside the collar of my wet suit
Lakeland fells. Then slip on a wet suit and try it for and out again through the tops of my boots. I have
real- because aquaseiling, as this invigorating pursuit now lost sight of Gray.
is known, is worth adding to the list of action sports
you really ought to try. A
E Even if I had frozen with fear or caught the fingers of

While fIxing an ~irectlY over a scudding

my gloves in my abSeil device, I would have been in no
danger. Gray could have simply tied me off, found out
cascade is something most experienced cl imbers
what was wrong, then lowered me away. I regain my
religiously avoid, others with a thirst for adventure
precarious footing. My body temperature is rising fast
have been doing it for fun for about a decade. Even in
inside the wet suit, so I no longer notice quite how icy
the water is. I am feeling strangely pleased with
Thus harnessed and roped up, I edge backwards F
towards the lip of my first "nurserY' waterfall in Church
Does he have occasional dramas? "People have
Beck in the Coppermines Valley, near Coniston in
dramas in their own heads. It is one of the more
Cumbria. My guide is Steve Gray, who is methodical
dangerous outdoor activities, but it is well-managed,"
and thorough. He checks and re-checks the belay or
he says.
anchor points. ropes, harness and karabiners, leaving
nothing to chance. More accidents occur when
abseiling than when climbing. But most are due to
human error and are avoidable. "Up here, there's the added exposure and height that
you don't experience abseiling in a narrow beck," he
D says, as he sets up the anchor points. "We're plenty
high enough up here and this is a perfect little
I feel my way over the edge, where knee-high water
waterfall. This is where you'll really find out what
deluges down the near-vertical slabs. Suddenly, I lose
aquaseiling is about." Lordy.

Test 5 '

A "It's a bit slippery," he bellows, trying not 10 laugh

too much as my smooth-soled plimsolls slither in all
directions. Fortunately I am attached to a safety
F The sudden' mersion has stimulated a tidal wave
of endorphins cl I am grinning rather than
groanmg when, finally, I plop into the neck-deep
rope so, even if I .were
, .
IQ let go, I would simply pool at the fool of the drop. Although previous
experience certainly helps, it is not mandatory. "I
take groups on a dry run before we start, to make
B Less than an sure they understand the rope techniques," says
clothes and asce
;:;;n""'''"a' ,;;rack to Lo,¥ Water Tarn in Gray.
the shadow of the grassy flanks of Coniston Old
Man, southemmost of the major central Lakeland G Cold-water therapy improves your circulation and
fells. We trace the edges of Low Water Beck, which boosts your immune system, but the idea of being
flows from the tarn towards the cliffs, and we rest immersed in an icy torrent for several minutes at a
where it crashes over the edge. There are three 100ft time sounds Jjke masochism. Yet, strangely, once
pitches between us and thc valley floor. We have cocooned in wet1tn\ helmct, neoprene gloves, boots
lunch, then climb into our wet suits once more. and ~id. I feel supremely prepared.

C A tremendous sense of panic suddenly gripped me.

Having volunteered to try the new sport of
aquaseiling. I am now seriously regretting having
such a foolhardy thirst for adventure. The water was
freezing. Even though I am kitted out with a harness
and a helmet, it is a small comfort as I hang there,
unable to regain my balance.

D Gray is shaven-headed beneath his helmet, but

doesn't feel the cold. " I'm used to it," he yells above
the thunder of the water. "Now, just step to your
right and enjoy yourself." Gray is always looking for
new aquaseiling descents in the Lakes or in the
Yorkshire Dales. He takes groups of up to eight
people (aged at least 18) on day-long, mini-
expeditions whenever weather conditions allow.

G quaseiling is not to be confused with its close

cousin. canyoning, which is 20 years old. Canyoning
invo lves shding, jumping and swimming down
ravines along the course of youthful streams.
Aquaseiling is about negotiating waterfalls with

You are going to read a newspaper article. For questions 13-19, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you •
think fits best according to the text.

·Unwanted Guests
New York is the perfect city for a mini-break, says rim Geary. Just don " stay at my place.

I hate early autumn. I hate its deep blue skies and late Because they travel like refugees, seemingly with their~ne 39
summer winds, its new plays and films, its alluring beauty. life's possessions, my apartment looks like a check-in desk
J hate it because it means one thing: houseguest season in al Miami airport over spring break. And it is my wife,
New York. That doesn't mean I can hunt them (I wish), Sarah, and I who feel like the travellers. While my parents
but that they're here to visit. These guests never take on sleep in the bedroom, we clamber over bags and wrestle
~ January's biting winds or the swelter of mid-August. They with the springs of the sofa bed I chose for ils lack of
p(prefer to spoil the beautiful months. They want to torture inviting comfort. As I watch the VCR's clock blink into the
me now. Since I moved to New York from England in small hours, I can hear the snores from the bedroom's
1989, I have become accuslomed to chirpy midsummer well-padded mattress.
calls setting up visits in the fall. 'It's been loo long!' an old The daylight hours are yet worse. Houseguests claim-
friend will begin. I know what's coming next: 'So we they are keen to see how we live, yet they have no interest
thOUght we'd come to New York!' 'Great!' I long to reply. in which grocer's mango is 20 cents cheaper or where to
'Come for coffee. Ay in, fly out, I'm busy.' And yet, find a dry cleaner that will protect your buttons with foil.
because this man was my tennis partner in college or that Instead, visitors expect to be presented with a New York
woman gave birth to me, I agree to have them to stay, that isn't our own. They want to take cabs, not subways; to
knowing as I speak the error of my ways. meander along leafy streets, not be asked to jaywalk across
The truth is that houseguests have no place in New four-lane avenues; to run into Woody Alien at the ~
York City. More to the point, they should have no place Carnegie Deli, not your chiropractor at the local diner.
but they usually do - mine. Over the next three months, I They want to know when the Circle Line leaves or which
have twelve people coming to stay. I feel like the manager clubs offer techno on Mondays. If you don't know the
~ at the Plaza, only less well dressed. It isn't that I'm mean. answers, they look at you as if you don't belong. The truth,
R I know the pleasure found in staying with friends in Dallas of course, is that New Yorkers take no interest in the
or Seattle. I appreciate being collected from the airport things tourists crave. We want to know where our
and chauffe ured around my friends' cities. I recognise the chiropractor buys his mangoes. -
luxury in spreading out my clothes across the floor of a tidy Occasionally, perfect houseguests do appear, stopping-
spare room. by for a nighl or two to show the others up. They pack
But in New York there are few spare rooms. We live in lightly. They are not vegetarians or insomniaes-...TheyJjke .Jfil\
tiny apartments. We rarely have cars. We work at jobs that your cilS:'""They buy wine and milk and don't have long ~
don't permit leisurely lunches. More important, New showers on their vacation, at least not in your apartment.
Yorkers choose a pace that is exclusively our own, finding And they leave when they promise, or sooner. But they are
/ neighbourhoods and jobs and lovers to suit that style. rare.
Houseguests. with their lazy hometown ways, arrive in our From next year on, I'm just going 10 say no. I realise
apartments at a different speed. Like the specks of dirt that while it is said that houseguesls, like fish, stay fresh for If9l
I \ that get stuck between the grooves of a CD, they interrupt only three days. in New York their shelf life is much ?
I 'the sound and rhythm of our days. shorter. Like bagels, they need only a few hours before
As any adult with parents knows, nothing interrupts a they become very stale indeed.
life more Ihan having your fol ks back in it. My parents,
whom I love deeply from afar, are slaying with me now .

Test 5-;11

13 What does the writer say in the first paragraph regarding visits from family and
A They intrude on the precious time he reserves for his family.
B They disrupt his routine at a particularly busy time of year.
© They ruin for him what would otherwise be a pleasant season.
o They force him to be hospitable to people he doesn't know well.

14 Regarding the twelve people coming to stay with him, the writer says that he
A doubts that they will be appreciative of his hospitality.
® understands their motives for wanting to stay with him.
e thinks that it would be better for them to stay in a hotel.
D hopes that he will be able to stay with them in return.

15 The main reason why the writer believes houseguests are not for New York is that
A most New Yorkers live in very overcrowded conditions.
B they expect a level of attention that New Yorkers cannot give them.
C New York's residential neighbourhoods are not visitor-friendly.
@ they interfere with the unique lifestyles of New Yorkers.
16 The writer mentions refugees in line 39 to emphasise
® the amount of luggage his parents travel with.
B the extent to which his parents' visit inconveniences his life.
C the lack of space in his apartment for visitors.
o the feelings he has towards his parents when they visit.

17 In the fifth paragraph, the writer criticises houseguests for the fact that
A they have no respect for the way New Yorkers live.
B they have many misconceptions about New York.
© they lack the desire to experience the real New York.
o they are not interested in meeting real New Yorkers.

18 In the sixth paragraph, the writer describes a good houseguest as being one who is
A honest.
B unconventional.
C easy-going.
@ unobtrusive. V
19 In the final paragraph, the wriler concludes that
A New Yorkers should refuse all houseguests.
the novelty of being a houseguest in New York soon wears off.
New Yorkers should limit houseguests 10 a three-day visit.
houseguests quickty outstay their welcome in New York.


You are going to read a newspaper article about four women and their different careers. For
questions 20-34, choose from the sections (A-D) . The sections may be chosen more than
Note: When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order.

Which woman/women

says people in her field should be willing to look at their work

with a critical eye?

has come to be considered a specialist in her field?

wants to plan how to ~ad range of people to consider

an issue to be importan .
1221 A 1

A. The Barrister

believes in the importance of the public's perception of 1231 A 1 B. The TV Director

people like her?

----------------------------------------------------------------------- C. The Marketing

describes how she feels when she sees the results of her

D. The Scientist
desires a future project to cause people to experience
conflicting emotions?

6~w rk on omething new at what seemed to be a risky time? I 26 I c I
I --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
talks about her satisfaction with the point she is at in her career?

mentions currently feeling overwhelmed by the importance of

her job?
1281 A 1

mentions the way people react to her when they meet her?

believes that some different concerns are more similar than 1311 A 1
people might think?

has devoted a lot of time to bringing two different groups of

people closer together?
1321 D 1

mentions issues that have made people more uncertain
about the reliability of others?
1331 D 1

was headhunted for a position?


. Test 5

Women today are making their mark on the A: Barrister: Shami Chakrabarti
working world. Libby Brooks introduces four
women on their way to the top. Shami Chakrabarti readily admits that her new position as
="::'==~. the country's foremost human rights

'The more per'sor,,1
But I think i

I adds
Chakrabarti was called to the bar in 1994, after studying
law at the London School of Economics. She says that she
has always been fascinated by politics, and that she sees
the law as a political matter, not a rigid set of rules to apply.
"I'm most passionate about the relationship between the
individual and the state, i
individual with wider community interests and realising
that the two are not in as stark opposition as is often
suggested." Top of her "to do" list is making the
organisation more proactive. "Uberty has always had to
B: TV Director: Minkie Spiro react, and we've got such a high profile because we're one
of the few organisations that is prepared to do so.
Minkie Spiro got a first-class degree from Central St Martins
College of Art, worked as a photographer for four years, then
got a masters in film directing from the Royal College of Art. She
has made award-winning documentaries such as Lock Up Your
Daughters and received a Bafta nomination for directing Holby
City, which she finds "hilarious," She has just finished directing
the drama No Angels for Channel 4.
Minkie starts filming this week on a big budget drama for BBCl
called Hustle. Her ultimate dream is to make a feature film -

i i i
suddenly everything comes together: il is aOOut: a
team putting their heads together to create a piece of art. What
I love most is the moment when you turn words into pictures.
I get a script, 1 have a vision, and when it's translated into a
C: Marketing Director:
Chrys Philalithes

The daughter of a classical pianist and fashion

entrepreneur, Philalithes had a successful career as new
manager at top advertising agency WCRS

as the dotcom bubble burst and many Internet

businesses were failing, was recently valued at more than
[lOOm and now employs more than 200 staff. In her
en three years working at the company, Philalithes has
"-'\. garnered a reputation as a marketing and new media
~ speaking at prestigious conferences around the
world. She is also a keen flamenco dancer.
Having recently launched Espotting in 10 European
Q-fl countries, Philalithes maintains she is very happy where
"""\ she is just now, thank you very much. Launching her own
company in the future is not out of the question,
however. "1 was the only woman in the Espotting
management team for two-and-half years and it didn't
D: Scientist: Kathy Sykes
bother me. I don't see being a woman as a benefit or a
hindrance. I'm a firm believer that what matters is ~sykes has spent her professional life trying to
whether someone has good ideas. bridge the gap between the scientific community
and the general public. She started out as a
physicist, completing a PhD in biodegradable
plastics, but was drawn increasingly to question
how scientists can best interact with their local
community. In addition to her work at Bristol
University, she also presents the BBC's Rough
Science, now into its third series.
Sykes has another year of tenure at Bristol, then
says that she'll be "looking for some boats to rock".
Her current priority is trying to influence the way
that the government uses science and scientists.
"I'm paSSionate about sharing information with the

a crucial time
mechanisms for involving them
decisions we're makingI:. ~~~""=~~~~~~
~ , - ,- .
Test 5
PART 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)

Vou must answer this question. Write your answer in 180-220 words in an appropriate style.

1 You are a student at an international college. Your course includes an optional period
of work experience in the UK, from which you have just returned. The editor of the
English language newspaper at the college has sent you an email asking if you could
write an article about your experience, describing what you particularly enjoyed about
it, any problems you had and why you would encourage other students to participate
in the programme.
Read the extracts from the emails from the editor and from the owners of the business
where you did your work experience as well as the original college advertisement on
which you have made notes. Then using the information carefully, write the article as
requested by the editor.

we are hOping that you will write an article about your work
~perience in the UK (or the college newspaper. ~'~ ~rite about
the positive ana the negative aspects~ while lceepll19 111 mll1a ~at ~e
would like to encourage more students to participate 111 thIS

... Iw.,j~ to h<-ae feom 'JOv. W~ 'Iwa~ <t'i0~ h,vi~ w~,~ vi~ifl>~ fl> h~/r
witJ, 1h<- daffodil ricki~
Yove ~i~h i~ _~ good ,."" we ncrliud how mv,""
moe~ <enfidurl- ~ov W<W~ .~ 1h<- .... of 1h<- tne~ ~. Picki~ f/~
van ~ diffivv/t wo'*' ,."" 'JOv got on witn it <-hu-Yfvll~ ~rit..1h<- ~'"~-ti'"es
'rr'/Ii~ Bem~h weath«1

All homegrown food Less than I


VelY comfortable ./

~ Wod< Experience in the-U-K-7-~,.i.

Free board and lodging and a small weekly payment
in return for helping out on a farm five days a week.

Not much to
do, but...
Weekends free to explore the local area.
You will only have to pay your travel costs.
For more information call 0208 659 7789.
I Expensive

Now write your article. You should use your own words as far as possible.


Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answers in 220-260 words
in an appropriate style.

2 Your college magazine needs new contributors - item writers and photographers. Write
an article, explaining the aims of the magazine and inviting new people, whether
experienced or inexperienced, to join the team. You also need to briefly outline the
duties involved and explain that training will be given where necessary.

Write your article.

3 An international travel guide has asked its readers to send in a review of two or three
different modes of transport in their countries, commenting on:
• reliability • comfort • price

The review should also recommend a mode of transport which would suit tourists wishing
to travel in your country.

Write your review.

4 You are on a summer English language course. The principal of the school has asked
you to write an Information sheet about the school, which will be given out at an
international student conference. In the information sheet, you should include:

• brief introductory details about the school e.g. history, location, size
• a description of the courses & facilities on offer
• an outline of the main benefits to students of studying at the school

You should also include any other information that you consider to be relevant.

Write your Information sheet.

5 Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the books you have read.

(a) Imagine that a television series has been made ofthe book you read . Write a review
of the first episode briefly outlining the plot and saying whether or not you would
recommend it to other viewers and why.

(b) A literary magazine has a monthly column. It has asked for essays from readers with
the title 'This book will still be important in 100 years' time.' Write an essay briefly
outlining the plot of the book you read and saying why you believe it will still be
important in 100 years' time.

Test 5

PART 1 (1 hour)

For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or 0) best fits
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

o A drains @filters C runs o strains

Example: IL..:0:. . LI_....:B=--_J..21===.:0:===.J1

For some time scientists have known that the brain (0) .... .......... !.~ff.~!.~.......... ..... out non-essential data in order to
(1) ... Vt12 ...f1t.1........ :/ informat ion from a ~ stimuli. Now new evidence is ar ;arin g from research
(2) .... ~.f.r...l.jJI ...... at the University of ~ia, San Diego, that (3) .... /U ,~·.I4 .... ;?............. to a more

r. '. . .
intimate connecti/~ between the senses of hearing and sight than was formerly thought. It seems that what people see
is (4) .. .... .If r(..~ ..... influenced by what they hear, the research suggesting that an object is seen more clearly
Pfe~~a sound. In a(n) (5) ...t." . IN.rI.~ .H:fJ ... reROrt1 in the science journal 'Nature', thirty-three
:/ja.;. li . . . . . . . . .
(6) ... ...~;!JJ~t~ .. ,.. ,were asked to indict te when a (7) light appeared immediately after
'h,y had h",d a wund. Th, ligh' and wund w,~ 'j{H...... l .... , ;,h"on 'h, sam,o' on Mf",n' s;d"
of them, and the light was more (9) .. A. t .~ .f4... r~ ...( . . identified when it came from the same side as the sound.
Hearing a sudden sound, therefore, appears to r capacity to perceive visual stimuli located in the same
place. During the test, the subjects' brain (10) .. r.:~ .bt.,n.. ~ ......... to the light and sound were recorded too, to
discover whether focusing on the sound affects the vist al r::j f.the....bra in. Although still in its (11) ... tA~ ...... .
stages, the San Diego research may be able to (12) ...... ~ . .. ........~ light onjental illness, brain di rders and
attention span problems.

1 ® process B manufacture C develop 0 manage

2 A taken up ® carried out C handed over 0 looked up
3 A indicates B shows @ points 0 leads
4 ® greatly B extremely C mostly 0 abundantly
5 A research B survey © experiment 0 investigation
6 A constituents C conscripts @ plunteers
7 A weak C dull o low
8 A performed B displayed © presented o shown
9 A rightly ® accurately C genuinely o really
10 A pulses B replies C waves @ responses
11 A premature B first © early 0 developing
12 A bring @ Shed C toss D pour

r Ift·T 101

eif 4 0r questions 13-27, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use
(J only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Example: IL0-,-I_M_O_RE_",-,I===.;0,-,=",,-,1

As a gardener, I can', think of a (0) .m.Qr~. cheering

sight than (13) ............. Jh~t. ............ of the winter-
~wering cheny. Atthis lime of year the pale pink
. ~ opening into C1u~ (14) ................ Qf... ............. .
cream flowers make you realise that Spring is not
(15) .............. .J~t. .............. away.
A tree, much (16) .............•m~.~ . . . ,. . . . a sculpture.
provides (fOCal in the gard~n. Ye~, unlike a
stone sculpture it . will change with the seasons.
Planted alone, in the centre . of a lawn or
(17) ................~L ............ the end of a path, a tree will
always draw (18) ............m~ ............
eye. It adds to the
character of a garden (19) ........... )~y. ............. giving
an unstructured look.
If you plan to make a feature out of a tree, select
(20) .............. 9.~~............... with potential. Spring and
Autumn are the times when trees have the
(21) ............... !!!.~.~~................ to offer. The pink and
white~~ of the ornamental ~ppPe
(22) .................... H. ................
brighten up a garden in
Spring, while the golden foliage of the maple wanns
up the landscape in winter. The choices are endless, and
(23) .........~n.~.~~ .....
are just a (24) ........ ..f.f!.YY. ......... .
examples. However, in my opinion, (25) ......... !19.......... .
.winter garden should be (26) ..'~!.~tJ.Q~...... a
witch ha:ze.J. It is a slow grower but can flower
(27) .................~L .............. just a metre high and the
fragrance is unbelievable.

Test 5


For questions 28-37, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap In the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0).

Example: 1o ILOCATIONSI =0= I

There are many (0) .. J9.~~t~~p.n~ ..... where LOCATE
luxury goes hand in hand with the exotic;
one such resort is Dubai which is fast becoming
one of the top holiday destinations in the world
and (28) ...+!n.q~t.~~~.'1.r!.~.~.'Y so. A city with UNDERSTAND
ancient markets (29) ....... P.~r~fy .. ".... minutes BARE
away fro@JaO) ......... ~~~.~y.$.f¥~ ......... . EXCLUDE
boutiques packed with designer goods at
(31) ...~.ft9r.q.~Pl~ .... prices, Dubai has on AFFORD
obvious sense of style and o(n) (32) J!'J.r!.9.~~~~,!(~ INNOVATE
vision that makes it a must for any
(33) .... f}J!.v.~n~Mr.9.Y.$. .... traveller. The Bur] AI ADVENTURE
Arab Hotel, situated on a man-made islet, soars
like a (34) .....~!.~~~.~!.1J.9 .... sail above perfect BILLOW
white sands. This opulent hotel Is an example of
luxury at its most simple. From Its marbled foyer
to the (35) ...... .~.t1~~~~~ ....... design of the top- ART
floor rest~LJI4 nt, It mirrors the style of Dubai. For
a city s~ .. , ~o.~~.IJ~m~.g,y ... enjoying its ASHAMED
oil and trading wealth, there's a layer of
(37) . J~~.o.q.l:'.f'my .. and quality that guards


For questions 38-42 think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three
sentences. Here is an example (0).

o She commented that it was about ....... Pm~ ........ she started helping more around
the house.
People's eating habits have drastically changed over ...... J!m~ ........ .
We took ...... J!m.~ ........ to stop and admire the view on our journey.

Exam ple: o TIME =0=1

38 The club ........~~.~.t. ...... the best team in the league and won the cup .
........~~.~L ..... the eggs for a couple of minutes and then add them to the
My heart skipped a ....... k~~! ........ when the dog started barking.

39 Teenagers often think that they know ........~~.~.~ ........ .

I did my ........~~.~.~ ........ , but unfortunately I still failed the exam.
When friendships break up, it can sometimes be for the ...... J~~.~.L ...... .

40 He ... J!r.t?pp~f1. .... a hint that he wanted an MP3 player for his birthday.
My dad ... J!.~!?P'P'~.g .... me off at the station on his way home.
Profits ... J~r.9.PP'~r.!. .... last year by 10%, so the management cut some jobs.

4 1 The film was so sad that it ..... mq'!(~.g ...... me to tears. ~

We ..... m~.¥.l!.g...... out of London three years ago to escape tt(~
Sarah ......~g.I(~.{:f...... the glass away from the edge of the table.

42 The noise ...... )~~P..t ...... David awake all night.

I ........~~p.t ....... in touch with Andrew for several years after he went to work
I called out to Sarah but she ........~~pL ...... walking and didn't look back.


For questions 43·50 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

o He always gives the impression that he's very confident.

He always .................................................................................. very confident.


43 The police believe that the two crimes are linked.
The police believe that JI]~.~~}~ .~..'?~n'1~.C?~~~.'.l. . p.~~~.~~.. the two crimes.

~wwant video players these days.

There is ................ .J!.t!.~~ ..t!~.f!.1.~ry.g. f.9L ................. video players these days.

® Men outnumber women by two to one in high level positions.

There are ........ ~!~.~ . ~.~ ..~~.rJ.y.. p~n .~~ ........ women~n-;)
(9 Charles and Wanda had a disagreement about where to go on holiday.
Charles and Wanda had .. ...~~ff.~t~.'.f.~~..~!. .~P..~I)!.C?I) .......... about where
to go on holiday.

0) couldn't find my watch anywhere.

My watch .............................. ~~.~. n9.~~~.~~. J~..~~............................... found.

48 You don't appear to have any milk left.

You appear ...............................~~..~~.~~J~t:!. ~~~..t?~ ............................ .. milk.
@ he little boy didn't pay any attention to his mother.
The little boy .........................~~.~~..~~..'.f.~.~~~e of

50 Do you mind if I close the window?

- ................... his mother.

Do you .......... ............~~i.~~~ .~~ ..'!!.~f~.r. .~!~.~~':!f!. ...................... the window?
PART 1 (Approximately 40 minutes)

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or Cl
which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.


You hear two people talking about a writer's new book.

1 According to the woman, how is the writer's new book different from his first one?
A The focus wasn't entirely the same.
B , It has not been so well received by readers.
C The writing style was less descriptive.

2 The two speakers agree that the new book

A contains too much dialogue.
B has a slower-paced plot.
e should be adapted into a film.


You hear part of an interview with a successful jewellery designer called Jenny Vickers.

3 How does Jenny feel about the release of her new collection?
A eager to move onto the next project
B irritated by all the promotional work involved
C apprehensive about the risk she is taking

4 What did Jenny think about jewellery designing before she got involved in it?
A She didn't see herself as being well suited to it.
B She considered it to be suitable for a hobby but not a career.
C She imagined the business was too competitive to be successful in.

Test 5 ..J


You hear part of an interview with a successful businessman Rabert Peters.

5 When Robert first started running his own business, he was

A grateful for the advice of his family.
8 initially overconfident about his ability. 15 I B
C determined not to ask for help.

6 Aobert attributes the success of his company to

A the employees he has had supporting him.
B the clever sales strategy he came up with.
C the fact that he started it at the right time.


You'll hear a scuba diving instructor called Dave Black talking about his work. For questions
7-14, complete the sentences.

Most of Black's clients are I beginners

Black will not allow a client to take any of his courses

unless they are sufficiently I fit IS I.
The first thing Black informs his student of are the

risks 19 Iassociated with scuba diving.

Black always makes sure that he provides his students with

o_w_le_d...:g::.e_ _--11_10-'1 to solve any technical difficulties they may have

L _ _ _k_n_
with their equipment.

Black says that some of his clients who are aiming to improve existing skills would
like to be 1 instructors 111 I.
Students begin their course in a LI____c_la_s_s_'_o_o_m___LI1_2...J1 .

Black says that he must see that a student is in control during the

Iswimming pool sessionsl13 Ibefore he will let them advance with the course.
Black says that most students' main motivation for doing the course is to get
a certificate 1141 from it.
Test 5


You will hear a radio interview in which a tree sculptor talks about his work. For questions
15-20, choose the answer (A, B, C or 0 ) which fits best according to what you hear.

15 What does Danny find most fulfilling about his work?

A creating sculptures that people want to buy
B creating sculptures that surprise people
@ creating sculptures that people enjoy
o creating sculptures that are unique

16 According to Danny, what is an important consideration when beginning

a sculpture?
A how best to protect it as a living organism
® how long it may take for it to develop
C where it will be on display in the end.
o how it will look when the tree is fulty-grown

17 What does Danny believe about art galleries?

A They lack understanding of tree sculpture as an art form.
e They are too interested in making a profit.
© They are not the right place for tree sculptures.
o They can help him to find the right settings for his work.

18 What initially inspired Danny to become a tree sculptor?

® a chance observation
B another tree sculptor's work
C a desire to protect nature
o a desire to be different

19 According to Danny, why is dense woodland unsuitable as a setting for

a tree sculpture?
A These areas are often inaccessible to the public.
B The tree needs room to be able to develop.
© The tree would be easily hidden by others.
o The trees in these areas are often too old.

20 How would Oanny like peoples' attitudes to change?

® He would like them to value nature more highly.
B He would like them to become more environmentally responsible.
C He would like them to become more optimistic about the future.
o He would like arbor sculpture to be taken more seriously.

Test 5

You will hear five short extracts in which various people are talking about reading.

While you listen you must complete both tasks.


For questions 21-25, choose from the list (A-H) the type of reading material each
speaker is referring to.

A fantasy novels

B magazines Speaker 1 F 21
c scientific journals Speaker 2 D 22
D classic novels Speaker 3 A 23
E short stories Speaker 4 H 24
F comics Speaker 5 B 25
G cookery books

H biographies


For questions 26-30, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker is saying.

A I appreciate reading many different genres.

B Reading has many benefits.

Speaker 1 C 26 1
c I disagree with a commonly held view.
Speaker 2 D 271
D I believe in reading this genre in a certain way.
Speaker 3 G 28 1
E I don't like reading without a purpose.
Speaker 4 E 29 1
F My reading tastes have changed over the years.
Speaker 5 H 30 1
G Reading is a means of escapism for me.

H I read in a way that suits my lifestyle.

Test 6

PART 1 (1 hour 15 minutes)

You are going to read three extracts which are all concerned in some way with household
chores. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text.

In a robotics lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology eMIT), the p of a
robot grabs a box and holds it out to a roboticist as he cleans up the lab. We may
consider it mindless work, but Aaron Edsinger says it takes intelligence for this robot
named Domo to lend a helping hand with household chores. "Our big goal is to have
the robot adapt to the world instead of having the world adapt to the robot," he says.
This is key, he says, because robots without artificial intelligence can currently
perform very complex tasks, like assembling an automobile; but they must be
taught beforehand exactly what to do. "A lot of the reaUy advanced robotics that
you see particularly coming out of Japan right now, these robots are very pre-
saipted," says Edsinger. ''The actions they're going to take are sort of figured out
beforehand. You hit play, and it sort of does the same thing over and over

Edsinger has been getting Doma to work in domestic settings, exposing

the robot to objects it hasn't seen before. "Adaptivity is going to be critical as
soon as we want robots to come out of the car factory and into our homes, into
our daily lives, because we can't r ram it with eve hin it needs to know" 2
says Edsinger. For example, he says, household robots must be able to
distinguish the countless objects within our home. "A car factory can be very
well understood and predicted ahead of time. Your kitchen and all your dishes
in the kitchen sink are much harder for a robot to understand," he says.

1 The aim of the roboticists at the MIT is to develop robots which

® can perform tasks without being shown how first.
B are programmed to perform a large variety of tasks.
C can perform more and more complicated tasks.
o remove the need for humans to do household chores.

2 Aaron Edsinger compares a car factory and a kitchen in order to demonstrate

A how a household robot will deal with its environment.
B in which room a household robot will face its greatest challenge.
© what main limitation a household robot will have.
o why a household robot needs a particular skill.

hlerre sweet ¥.terre
We are all too used to the way mother kept the house.
We remember the days on which she did the !aun ~ry, the
specific cupboard the clean sheets were kept in, t e way
the evening meal was planned and executed well before
father returned home. She seemed to do it all so calmly
and so efficiently without any of the blood, sweat and,
tears that goes along with present day attempts to tidy the
domestic domain. It seemed that in the old days an 3
Englishman's home was indeed his castle - with an
attendant that protected the walls from the world outside.

Surety with both husband and wife nowadays sharing

the housework the job is ba1wad? In reality we rarely have
the time even to wash the plates after dinner let alone
tackle the week's washing that is piling up perilously in
the baby's room. The mass of appliances that seem to be
constantly switched on barely _ _ the ever-increasing
number of chores that must be done.

Part of the blame lies in the role of appliances. We tend

to believe they will liberate us to lead more fulfilling and f!J
productive lives. This doesn't happen. We fill time we 4
would otherwise have spent handwashing our clothes
~ In front of the television, brains fixed firmly on
stand-by as we are brainwashed into believing we need
that new fridge .

3 The writer mentions a castle in the first paragraph to emphasise
A that running a household required more effort in the past.
® how well mothers ran a household in the past.
e how men and womens' roles in the home have changed.
o how important running a household was considered in the past.

4 In the writer's opinion, many chores are left undone these days because
A we don't have enough appliances to do them all.
B appliances are not as efficient as we think.
e our lifestyles have become much busier.
@ we do not use our time constructively.

• Test 6

Chore Wars, a game created by noted game developer Jane McConigal, gives
users "experience" points for various household chores. Collecting those points
then lets you advance your profile in the online game. ~~ the floor twice a
week and get 20 points for charm, that sort of thing. You can also play for virtual
gold doubtoo~ These can be exchanged for rewards, inside your own circle of
friends. Earn 200 doubloons and you can receive a get-out of-cleaning-the garage
card. Or if you are the low scorer for a month, you can be dwbbeQ ,a scapegoat
put up for adoption.
I Who cares if some guy
in Texas slew 200 yards of PVC pipe in putting together his new SfJ1 iiikh!t system
and got 1,000 doubloons. Still, you can get a sense of the value that other people
put on certain tasks to get a sense of the value of your own. There are different
roles you can play - apprentice, dUi lgm'n master (DMs have full administrative
power) and adventurer.
The idea behind all of this is to make real life more appealing. Virtual worlds are
actually more appealing than reality to a growing segment of the population. The
~ ~~!.21!..!~~!2..!!.!l!~~1!!!!!!L!t~~~~~~'!'::'~ . 'Some people care
more about their avatars than their real lives," McGonigal said.

5 The writer says that players of the game Chore Wars generally
A try to work their way up to becoming a dungeon master.
B focus on exchanging rewards and roles with their friends.
C keep a close eye on other players' scores.
@ develop a strategy based on how their friends are playing.
6 According to the writer, some people prefer their virtual world to their real life
® they feel life is more straightforward there.
B they feel life is more meaningful there .
C they feel they have more freedom there.
D they feel they can achieve more there.


You are going to read a newspaper article. Six paragraphs have been removed from the extract. Choose from the
paragraphs A·G the one which fits each gap (7.12). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

On the chilli trail

Killian Foxjourneys to a place where Assam's wise
men - and elephants - fear to tread:
the home of the hottest chilli in the world

When you mention Assam, most people think of tea.

Those on more familiar terms with the state - on the
"Seven Sisters" ~ Ia that jutS"" out from the
northeast corner of India - will think of its beautiful A
national parks, aburidant wildlife and the vast
Our journey to Guwahati, Assam's largest city, took
Brahmaputra river.
us four days. In the mornings, we'd disembark. We
spent a few hours in a village called SualkuchL tracing
c the silk-making process from worm to loom. At
I went to Assam ~ to unwind and ~ r the Guwahati's Kamakhya temple, we got a dark thrill
tranquil delights of the region, but the bhut jolokia (or from witnessing goats being sacrificed to -'8ti, the
ghost chilli) wasn't far from my mind when I booked wife of Lord Shiva. Our chilli hunt was less successful:
the trip. Ever since I was tricked into eating a tiny we scoured every market for bhut jolokia, but to no
specimen in a Malawian food market, aged 17, I've avail. In the evenings we gathered in the sakN);o for a
been perversely fascinated by the powerful pepper. drink with the captain, who offered me a tip for
surviving the bhut jolokia experience: "Eat lots of
18 I G sugar cubes."
As I looked down from my room, I could see fireflies
dancing on the riverbank below and soon we were
sitting down to a simple Assamese meal. It was The next day we reached Jorhat and set out for a
delicious, but not spicy enough for my tastes. I asked district where we had heard there was a chance of
if they had any bhut jolokia. Our host laughed at me. finding some ripe specimens. We came upon a whole
"No," she said. ''I'm afraid not." "Do you eat bhut field of bhut jolokia. As I held the monstrous, 9 ~d
jolokia?" Bertie, my travelling companion, asked. fruit in my hand, my chilli quest began to seem like a
More laughter. Our host explained that most bad idea. But it was too late for second thoughts, so I
Assamese will put no more than a couple of drops of took a big bite, crunched the seeds between my teeth
chilli-infused oil in a big pot of curry. That is as close and swallowed.
to eating the ghost chilli as she is prepared to get.
The worst of it was over within 20 minutes, but for
The park also has tigers and leopards and a huge the next few hours I wondered if my mouth and head
variety of bird life, but I was more interested in the would ever feel the same. The only consolation was
ghost chillies we discovered growing at a nearby that Bertie finally SWWMbed to temptation and took
Mishing tribal village. They were not yet ~ - green a bite. Assam, easy-going and hospitable, is a gentle
flesh with ominous traces of red - but it was our first introduction to the delights of India. As for the ghost
sighting and even Bertie, who would "under no chilli - the scourge. of elephants, the bane of the
circumstance" be sampling the bhut jolokia, was unwary traveler - I think once is probably enough.
getting excited.

A Our next move was to hunt chilli down river and in the E From there we drove north, staying overnight at the
afternoon we boarded a handsome passenger ship eco camp adjoining Nameri National park. Here we
that looked like a 1'etIt from the Raj. It usually learnt that ghost chillies, when burnt in b~ of
accommodates 24 passengers, but as this was the final dried grass, scare elephants away from crops. If the
journey of the season, we were the only guests. mere smell of bhut jolokia sends the pacbyderms
packing, what chance did I have?
B Our conversation was interrupted by a ~g
sound from the far bank. Kaziranga National Park, F The bhut jolokia registers an incredible 1,041,427 on
just across the river from the lodge, is home to two- the Scoville Heat Unit scale, more than double the
thirds of the world's great one-horned rhinos, and score of the previous world record-holder (the red
three of them had come to say hello. We could only savina habanero). You'd think the locals would avoid
make out the indistinct grey of their ~, but early it like the plague, but it has been used for many
next morning, from the back of an elephant, we saw generations as a cure for any number of stomach
lots more of them - an awesome sight. aches, pains and illnesses.

C Assam is indeed a charming place, as serene as it is G My introduction to Assam could not have been more
lush and green, but it also harbours something so relaxing. The first night, after a rre~t ic stopover in
fearsome, so fiendishly powerful, that even the Calcutta, was spent at Diphlu River Lodge, a
elephants fl ee from it in terror. There is nothing at all collection of comfortable thatched cottages standing
serene about the bhut jolokia, the hottest chilli on high on bamboo stilts overlooking a slow-moving
earth. 200 times hotter than Tabasco sauce, when you fTiblbtmy>of the Brahmaputra.
bite into a bhut jolokia, there is no pain at first, only
a smoky flavour with an intense apple-like sweetness.
Then, after about 20 seconds, your mouth explodes. I
know this because I was foolish enough to try one.

D For some reason, I thought I would be able to

weather the chilli with digoity. Instead, I became a
storm of flailing limbs and strangled protests. My
hands scrabbled for the sugar cubes; I tried to douse
the agony with water, which was a terrible idea
because water only spreads the heat. It wasn't helping
that Bertie, who had been filming me, was qujYering
with laughter.


You are going to read a newspaper article. For questions 13-19, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think
fits best according to the text.

Band of the Year - The Ting Tings

At the far end of the l-shaped dressing room at the Mronef On hearing the news, De Martino, 34, gave up playing music and
venue in UIIe, Katie White's crimping tongs won't reach more installed himself in the Islington Mill - a studio-cum·arts
than 3ft from the plug. Which means that. where we're sitting, c9fDplex in Manchester - with a view tOfocUsing his talents on
we can hear the ling Tings' singer but we can't see her. None of production. While at the Mill, he subsidised his overheads by
which prevents her from bellowing at the Ting Tings' male half. hosting parties. Here White, 24, picked up De Martino's beloved
Jules De Martino. -Tell him about Michael Paliol- she shouts. 1978 electric guitar and bawled the first thing that came to
So he does. Six months ago, having just released their mind, while De Martino swapped his guitar for drums.
maiden chart-topper That's Not My Name, White and De Increasingly, people started coming just to hear the noise that
Martino performed the SOl19 on Later . .. Signing in beforehand she and De Martino made. Initially the name they gave to their
in the BBC re<eption area, De Martino noticed that also waiting club nights, ling ~s also became their calling card.
to be collected was Palin. his hero. -I ran up to him and just Sometimes-your perception of events is influenced by the
shouted, 'Micnael1' At which point he grabbed his bag, thinking point at which you enter the story. I spent the first few months
3 we were his chaperones. It was only when I started gabbling on of the ling lings' success harbouring a nagging suspicion about
about travel r rammes that the nn dro . ~He had to their motives. The impassive older male at the back; the surly
think of something to say. so he goes, 'Well. keep on watchin' blonde frontwoman a relentless ticker tape surge of attitude.
16 'em they get better.' ~ What comes through here is the polite The lransvision Vamp throwback in the video to That's Not My
17 if frantic back·pedalling of a cornered celebrity. But De Martino's Name was barely recognisable as Dear Eskiimo, whom I had seen
having none of that. -N01 It was greaW he insists. ~He was propping up the bill in a Camden pub. ·You saw usr White
really charming!- exclaims. ·You're the first journalist we've met who ever saw
Which pretty much tells you not only something about what Dear Eskiimo. What did you think7" I tell her that she w
sort of a year the ling TIngs are having - the simultaneous No nothin like the wa she is now' that she stood 5tit aemurel
, single and album in the UK, the increasing Stateside ubiquity singing pop tunes that. while pleasant. lacked convl
and let's not forget the iPod ad - but also the air of amused raison d·~tre. "It was pretty awful," White concurs. "Our
are manager brought an agent to check us out. And he said that she
had her fingers in her ears the whole time."
the ~deluxe· version of their debut While others were hailing the genius of That's Not My Name,
, out this week, contains DVD content I couldn't help wondering if it amounted to one last craven liS
and rerecordings, but no new material. Perhaps they're attempt at stardom. The irony is, of (ourse, that they had already?
saving that for the tricky second album? done that. This time, they were just being themselves - and
Finally peering out into view, White explains, ·We haven't that's why it worked. Indeed, it was only when White joined the
any songs for a second album. I mean, when we've been artistic community at the Mill that her inhibitions fell away.
checking, one of us might come up with something Visiting bands such as Ariel Pink and the Gossip dearly made
but we've not been recording any of it.· If truth be told, their mark on the ideas that became That's Not My Name and
Ith",'re not sure that's wise. But then, the ling lings are a band Fruit Machine. As De Martino puts it, -She used to be in the lake
a pathological aversion to programming. Th~ have That fan club. Fundamentally her sensibilities are pop, but she
the possibility of not making a second album - embraced other ideas - whereas j've travelled in the other
right now, White thinks that she. and De Martino direction."
for a~oject. -That's when The only exception to the band's no-planning rule, it seems,
at your most creative,· she says. -When you have to work is the families they are keen to see after a year of touring. The 9
i what you've got.- concern De Martino's rents felt this time last ear at his lad: of
lhe two have more reason than most to believe in a · proper· job has now turned to incredulity that his schedule

serendipi~.Two years ago they had all but given up on making
music together after their old band Dear Eskiimo were dropped
by Mercury before they even got around to making an album.
keeps him from seeing them at all. Three weeks off at Christmas
will help. Until then, however, the novelty doesn't seem dose to
wearing off.
. .
Test 6 . '

13 The writer uses the phrase J><>lite if frantic back-pedalling' in lines 16-17 to describe
A De Martino's reaction when a celebrity didn't recognise him.
B how De Martino dealt with an embarrassing situation.
© the way De Martino's hero reacted to a case of ~taken identity.
o a celebrity's reaction to De Martino's excitement about meeting him.

14 What does the writer suggest about the band's recent success in the third
A They are not sure how to deal with it.
B They have not changed their plans because of it.
C They have a humble attitude towards it.
@ They had not planned for it.
15 Which of the following best describes the Ting Tings' attitude towards the future
of the band?
® They are.!eeping their options open.
e They are not interested in attaining more success.
C They want to take the band in another direction.
D They are excited about the possibilities.

16 What point does the writer make about the way the ling ling's became known?
A It was mainly due to a change in strategy.
B Their determination to succeed was the key.
© It was more. by chance than by design.

D The new name of the band was an important factor.

17 What did the writer notice had changed about White from the first time he saw her
A her appearance
® ~~tage presence
C her confidence
D her professionalism

18 The writer suggests that the song That's Not My Name was a success because
A the band threw all their energy into making it so.
B the band followed advice from other bands.
C the band members allowed each other to be themselves.
@ the ban~ had stopped trying so hard to make it so.
19 What does the writer imply about De Martino's parents?
A They haven't yet understood just how popular his band has become.
® They are ~rprised by the speed at which his band has attained success.
C They are upset about the fact that he doesn't have much time to visit them.
D They are only now persuaded that his efforts have been worth it.


You are going to read an article containing reviews of films about focusing on the
environment. For questions 2()"34, choose from the reviews (A-F). The reviews may be
chosen more than once.

About which of the films Is the following stated?

A combination of factors make it essential viewing. 120 IB

It uses up-ta-date technology to present a possible scenario.

It intensifies discussion of a subject about which people have

different views.
--_ .. _-------- ._-----_.. - ._------------- "------------------------------
It intentionally sets out to get a reaction from the audience.

It boldly highlights the connection between environmental

damage and a crucial search.

Part of it explores a personal journey of discovery. I 25 1 B I

--------- ._--------_. -----------------------------------------------------
Intellectual discussion fails to make up for a lack of originality. 126 1 0 1
It was made after producers became aware of a demand for 127 1 0 1
such films.

A character in it seems to be someone who people don't

warm to easily.

It explores people's reasons for doing something in an

understated, humorous and clever way.
It is supposed to make people think about the hardships some
others experience.
1301 E 1
-------_._--------------------- ------- -------- --------.----------------
People found fault with the way something was dealt with in it.

It contains traditional elements of a genre.

Test 6

8eth Platt reviews some films with a 'green' conscience.

® The Day after Tomorrow

~ There's nothing Hollywood likes better than a good old-
fashioned disaster movie - tragedy and spectacle being what
the cinema does best. Here the repercussions of
environmental exploitation and attendant global warming
result in a huge ice storm that plunges the world into a new ice
f1) age. This hugely entertaining film takes the big what-if and,
"'\ with state-of-the-art CGI, puts it all up there on the big screen.
Forget the humans struggling to survive and revel in nature's
revenge. A huge hit when it came Qut, it soon attracted a lot of criticism for its treatment of the facts, but then again, this is not a
documentary - it's a big budget Hollywood movie that delivers on all its promises. "&j)

® An Inconvenient Truth © Local Hero

Any consideration of eco films has to mention this ground- Years ahead of its lime, this was considered a light, if
breaking documentary. Bringing the plight of the planet to entertaining comedy at the time of its release. The simple
the big screen and fueling (in an environmentally friendly tale of an oil executive's attempts to buy a small Scottish
way!) the global warming debate, AI Gore is at his village and replace it with a refinery has become something G3
charismatic best as he takes us from his early days, through of a cult classic over the years. Its longevity, is down 10 a ~
his political and environmental awakening 10 his current number of factors: the excellence bf'ffle script; the precision
position as the foremost green spokesman we have. But of the casting; the warmth of the performances and the ~
this is not really about AI. At every step of the way, he prescience of the film's themes. It's a witty yet sublle~
hammers home the terrifying reality of a world under threat meditation on the motivatiens of both the corporate
with a series of slides and graphs. Less a movie than a incomers wanting 10 bUY, and the locals willing to sell. The
Ifc) lecture, you might think that it would be dull and dry, but the magic of the setting is as inspiring as its message of
1"'"\ strength of his arguments allied with a sincere and heartfelt sustainable development and this little gem of a film is one
presentation make this a landmark documentary that that you'll return to again and again.
should not be missed.

® The 11th Hour

67J With the success of Gore's Inconvenient Truth, film

",,",studioS realised that there was an audience for thought-
provoking films and this is one of the most recent of a
rash of reality film-making to address the planet in peril
scenario. However, for all the celebrity value of having
Leonardo DiCaprio act as narrator this is something of a
letdown. The problems of overpopulation, pollution and
imminent environmental catastrophe are effectively fore-
grounded as they need 10 be in a film of this ilk, yet
somehow it doesn't all gel. It's a great shame because
the film-makers have gone to a lot of trouble to assemble
many of the world's greatest thinkers and commentators,
~ yet depth of knowledge cannot compensate for a dearth
'"\. of fresh ideas in a documentary that you could just as
well see on TV every night.

® Gorillas in the Mist

® Medicine Man
34l Sigourney Weaver excels in her portrait of the naturalist There are few thin s more im orIant than findin a cure for
~Dian Fossey in this stunninglv shot biopic. The film works cancer and this film bravely allies that guest with the
best when it charts Fossey's relationship with the gorillas destruction of the Amazonian rainforest. Lorraine Bracco is
she works so hard to save. The film is less successful, the biochemist sent 10 pull the plug on Sean Cannery's
however, in its depiction of the human relationships. This is research deep in the heart of the South American jungle.
perhaps not the fault of the director and more the defects of The film highlighlS the tragedy of deforestation in that high
Qffi Fossey herself; for all her noble intentions she comes up on the trees hides the long-sought after cure, but the
~ across as a difficult person to like and her single- trees are being cut down for a new road. If the central
mindedness tends at times to slip over into unhealthy romance between the two leads fails to convince, the film
obsession. Filmed on location on the mountains of has more success in getting its message across about
~ Rwanda, the film is a timely reminder of the struggles fa~ unthinking development and its ultimate consequences, not .:
by those prepared to sacrifice themselves for something just at the local, but also at the global level. The final ima
they believe in. of the forest in flames are deliberately provocative and
rightly so. If only a small proportion of the audience is
inspired 10 do something, then the film will most certainly
have triumphed .


Test 6
PART 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 180-220 words in an appropriate style.

1 The international college you attend recently started a sports club, which 150 students
have joined. The club has its own indoor gym but it does not have any outdoor sports

The Club Secretary has asked you to write a report on two sports centres in the area
that are willing to make their facilities available to club members. Read the note from the
Club Secretary below and the notes about the centres which he has given to you. Then,
using the information appropriately, write your report comparing the two centres,
recommending one of them and explaining the reasons for your choice.

",dESESC " h .. h' ............. ~l. . __

~ This is who! club members have said

they ore interested in doing:
Swimming 57
Diving 18
Footboll 43
Cricket 20
Athletics 39
The nearest sports centres ore The
Olympia and The Arena. both of which
ore on bus routes fr~~..~~..~~~~.
• • • • • • n n U __ • ____ •

Arena Sports Centre OLYMPIA

Athletics: Six-lone, full competition, 400 SPORTS CENTRE
metre synthetic trock and pitches for Swimming pool - Olympic size (50
field events
metre, 6 lanes)
Grass Pitch: There is a gross Diving pool 20m x 20m x 4.9m deep
pitch In the centre of the (2 springboards & 4 platforms)
athletics track.
Underwater viewing gallery
outdoor Swimming pool:
Floodlit Astroturf available for a
25-metre pool (covered
variety of sports - can be subdivided
and heated In winter)
into three separate pitches.
Changing Facilities: A large Cricket nets for indoor or outdoor use
changing biock provides
necessary facijities for users Spacious changing facilities with
of the outdoor areas. hot/cold showers
Sauna available (charged extra)

Write your report. You should use your own words as much as possible.


Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words
in an appropriate style.

2 You have seen the following announcement of a contest in an international news

magazine and you have decided to enter.

Journalism Contest
We are offering our readers the chance to win £1,000
and to see their work in print.
All you have to do is write an interesting article expressing your views on a
recent current affairs issue. You wiiJ need to briefly explain the issue as well as
support your opinions.
We will choose the best entry and two runners-up and publish them in our
January issue.
Deadline for entries is 23rd December.
News Weekly Magazine, IPM House, Fleet Street, London.

Write your competition entry.

3 You are a member of a committee organising a charity event in your community. The
committee has asked you to write an article about the event for the local newspaper in
order to persuade people to participate. Write your article explaining what the event is and
what charity (or charities) will benefit, when and where it will be held, what activities will be
included, how people can participate and why you believe they should.
Write your article.

4 You would like to start a new club or extra-curricular activity at the summer school where
you are studying English. You have decided to send a proposal to the principal of the
school asking for permission and support. Include the following:
• a brief description of the club/activity you want to start
• reasons why you want to start it
• what support you would need from the school
Write your proposal.

5 Answer one of the following two q uestions based on one of the books you have read.

(a) Your teacher has asked you to write an essay saying which character in the book
you (ead you find most interesting. You should describe this character and say why
you think he or she is the most interesting character in the story.

(b) A local bookshop has invited readers to send in a review of a book to be posted on
their new website. You decide to write a review of the book you read briefly outlining
the plot and saying whether or not you recommend it to other readers and why.

PART 1 (1 hour)

For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, S, C or D) best fits each
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

o A intended B imagined @supposed D said

Example: LI0,--,--1__c=---_-'-=~=-o'_'~'=-.JI

00 you remember when technology was (0) ....~.~pp.~~.~~,. to bring about big changes in the wornplace,
improve the working ~Vironment and increase leisure time? Well, you'll also recall that it failed to bring about
such desired (1) ..(l ... cmJ. ...,
for most of us at least. In fact, many of these technolo ical advancements
fed to various health 2) .. J.)1.~......... , like eyestrain and back problems. And th -extra isure time all the
experts promised us never became a reality.
Luckily, there does appear to be some good news. Some employers f av. become enlightened enough to
ri3f) ..f1.l..11..y:rJ.f.?<t.t,at happy, relaxed employees are more (4) ..... r4. ..L't/fH./ and friendly thary those
~ are bu~t-out and undervalued. Therefore, many businesses are a empting to (5) .. U.JJf.r(l.~.U heir
work environments in a way that promotes a positive/ ,calm work place. The principles of u/e ancient Chinese
art of 'Feng Shui' are being applied t~..llf.kJ ......... harmonious environments in many workplaces.
For instance, as a calming (7) aquarium of fish can be placed in any '9orkspa.C) ~rt?
../.f:1/'f1JJ.r.!.. Yhn
chunks of amethyst can be placed next to workers' computers to help neutralise (8) ..'
radiation and relieve stress.
Next, the furniture and office fixtures in the workspace affect the people who work in it. When employees are
comfortable p~~are provided with quality equipment, they feel better and take greater pride in their work. It
is (9) ... U.L..tJM........... for people to feel as though they are an integral and valued part of the company.
To sum up, when ~o~are treated as individuals and not merely as dispensable Qieces of equipment. they
are more (10) ... .Gti.~ ............
to give their best. (11) &fIt.t:.ll1./. ...
employees incentives in the shape of
bonuses, regular pay i reases, holidays, etc. are all e~lIent wa{ s to (12) ... i.!.1.('.£.l...1!'.Uproductivity. So
go on, give it a try and see how your work environment can become more positive and energised!

1 ® reforms B alterations C variations o corrections

2 ® issues B aspects C factors o disputes
3 A connect B relate C associate @ recognise
4 A rapid B hasty © efficient D immediate
5 ® upgrade B advance C boost D increase
6 A cause B bring C put ® create
7 A eftecl ® influence C result D impact
8 A destructive ® harmful C hurtful D wounding
9 A urgent B compulsory © vital D basic
10 A surely @ likely C happily D readily
11 ® Offering B Providing C Serving D Presenting
12 A multiply ® increase C advance D enlarge

co rn p( a C( VI CA.(
OVle i fJ -£e~ U

For questions 13-27, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. USt
only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Example: I0 I LlTILE

Volcanoes threaten the lives of SOO million people, but scientists still know so (0) .. !!.~!.~
about them. If we consider (13) ........... J~~.L .......... mankind first recorded a volcanic
eruption in a wall painting dating (14) ............P.~~.~ ............ more than 9,000 years, we
still treat them (15) ............ :~~~l~./.J. ............. extraordinary complacency. While
(16) .............. .!.L ............. is true that scientists now understand how many- of the
different types worK, they (17) ............. ~.~!!!.............. don't understand all the factors that
ultimately lead (18) ............. J9. ............... the eruption itself. Despite technological
advances, they can't even predict, closer than to within a few hours or days, when a
volcano is going to erupt, and nor (19) ............. ~.~~.............. they forecast its behaviour.
(20) ............ ~¥.~.~ ............ if we could isolate all the forces that could conceivably
trigger an eruption, we would still have difficulty in understanding the signals
.-r-> in
(21) .................................. advance.
A volcano's history of eruptions, the pattern ~~qUakeS, ground
deformation and the esca e of vanous oxide gases are
(22) .............. !~.u. i cativ of future eruptive activity, but are not
always easy to read early (2 ......... ~n9.y!J!J. ......... for appropriate steps
to be taken.
VOlcan~logists calculate that they have a one (24) ............... ~~................
ten chance of accurately predicting an eruption. This highlights need
for moving people (25) .......... J~~~ ............ the Yicinity of active
volcanoes but this is dismissed by residents who live near
volcanoes and officials (26) ............~.~~~~............. It is
suspected that no such steps will be taken
(27) ............ ~~m an eruption kills at least a
Test 6 ,;.l

For questions 28-37, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0).

Example: I0 I EMPLOYER

Q£1' Off 1'0 A QOO!) S1'All1'
You managed to survive the interview and got the job. You are thrilled,
but a little anxious, too. Now it's your first day in the new job and you are
desperate to impress your new (0) ............ ~!"p.'"re.r. ........... ; so how EMPLOY
can you (28) .............. ~.~~.~~~, ............. that everything runs smooth~ SURE
Well, keep your eyes and ears open - that way you11 soon piCfliilof)
C~ (29) ..........~~~~~~ behaviour and ~ ACCEPT
learning through mistakes doesn t do anything for your
(30) ......... ,~~~t~~",~£~ ......... ! CONFIDENT
Being a shy person surrounded by an office full of extroverts may reduce
your (31) ........~rt.~~~!~!!~~~~ ........ in the work place. On the other EFFECT
hand, (32) .............~~f.~~.~~ ............. isn't always a bad thing. Shy SHY
people are often good (33) .......... ..!.(~,~.n~~§ ............. and this is a LISTEN
much ~~ted aualitY.
Also, be friendly. A smile can make you seem less
(34) .... ".~"p.p.r."".~f1.~I>./e. ...... And ~you attend a meeting, by APPROACH
to show that you are paying (35) ........... ~.~.~~.~~~~............. . ATTEND
Finally, don't forget that people who give the
(36) ........ }'Ep.r.~!}.~(~.'1.......... of being oonftdent are just as IMPRESS
likely as the rest of us to feel (37) .......... .!.'J.~~.f?,~~~ .......... . SECURE
at times.



For questions 38-42 think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three
sentences. Here is an example (0).

o She commented that it was about ...... Jtm.~ ........ she started helping more around
the house.
People's eating habits have drastically changed over ...... Jfm.~........ .
We took ...... J!m.~ ........ to stop and admire the view on our journey.

Example, L_O---'--_ _ _T_IM_E_ _ --'-I_=

38 As soon as it started to get dark, Sandra ....... ~~~.~ ....... the curtains.
....... money out of the bank in order to pay for her new furniture.
She .. ......~r.~~
The policeman ....... .t!.~~.l!'!. ....... my attention to the 'No Parking' sign.

entered . .
+ ({,OX hl ~' ,Y}
39 It never ........................ my mind that Angela might be too busy to go ut.
The singer ..... ~!.'.~~.~~.'!. .... the auditorium to the audience's loud applause.
I've .....~r!.~~r.~~..... competitions before but I've never won anything.

40 Bill ..... P~~~.~.~ ..... the pile of books to Mr. Green.

We ..... P..~~~~.'!. ..... through the village of Harbingdon on our way home
Jim ..... P..~~~.~.'! .. .. a remark about how much weight Fiona had lost when I
saw him last week.

41 There was very little ......'?~~.~~~..... that Tim would get into university after he
did so badly in his exams.
chance to travel the world.
Many peop Ie never get t he ........................
I saw Tony by ......'?~f!.'J.~~..... while I was walking the dog this afternoon.

42 Tim disagreed with the ....... P~!.'?L ..... Mr Jones made at the meeting.
There's no ...... p.g.~nt ..... in going to the cinema now; the film will have already
point ..
Sarah an d J ane d rove home t hroug h town so t hat Sarah cou Id ......................
out her father's new shop.

For questions 43-50 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

o He always gives the impression that he's very confident.

He always .................................................................................. very confident.


@ She said she'd never seen a better exhibition than that.
Sh e sal'd th at th e exh'b" by far the best
I Itlon was ...................................... h h d ever seen.

44 The professor told Tim he had written an excellent essay.

The professor . q.~rr!P.Um.~m~#.. nm.Jm. .h~.v.~l]g. written an excellent essay.

45 They think that my brother broke the window.

My brother .....~~ . ~.'!.~p.~.C?~~.~. ~t~:!t~.C!.~~f}.g/~.t!.~~r:'.9..':~r.'?~~.r:'. ..... the window.

46 He was so pleased, he bought us all dinner after we finished work.

He was so pleased, ....~~J~~.~~~.~ . ~.~ .~!U'? ... dinner after we finished work.

Global temperatures are higher now than ever before.

Never before .............. ~.~~~ ..9.~~.'?~r .~~f}'!p~r.i!~.'!.~~.~.. ~~.~f}..~'? ... ......... high.

~hO left first yesterday?

Who ............................. ~~~..~~~.. ~~r.~~J~.!.f!.~~~ ............................ yesterday?
49 I had to wait for half an hour before the dentist arrived.
The dentist ......... )r.~mlJ.gJ~r. ......... half an hour before he arrived.
50 The doctor said that she was perfectly healthy.
The doctor said that there ...~~.~J~.':?~~~~!~~yV:~~?~I]!.'.l.9 ..~~~.r:'.9..~~~~... her.

PART 1 (Approximately 40 minutes)

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C)
which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.


You hear part of an interview with a man who is about to open a restaurant.

1 What happened after the man first decided to open a restaurant?

A He encountered a problem that he hadn't been expecting.
a He started to have second thoughts about his decision.
1 lA
C His family and friends tried to talk him out of it.

2 What does the man say regarding the recruitment of his head chef?
A He would offer a higher salary to the right person.
a His main concern is employing someone he can work well with. 12 C
C He is willing to take his time to find the fight person.


You hear two people talking about a novelist called Mark Stein.

3 What is the man's opinion about Stein's second novel?

A It will only appeal to those who liked his first novel. B
S It is not up to the standard of the first novel.
e It will not appeal to a wide readership.

4 What do the speakers agree about?

A the superficial characterisation
B the fast speed at which the novel was written B
e the lack of originality in the themes


You hear an interview with a music critic.

5 Brian did not continue as a recording artist because

A he had a disagreement with his fellow band members.
B he was no longer making enough money. Is c
C the style of music he played lost its popularity.

6 Why was Brian displeased when he was first asked to write for a music magazine?
A His manager suggested him for the position without asking
him first.
Is c
S He saw it as confirmation that he had failed as a musician.
C He thought his ability was being called into question.


You will hear a wildlife photographer called Leanna Marson talking about her work. For
questions 7-14, complete the sentences.

Leanna describes the emotion she experiences when she

takes a good wildlife photograph as


She feels that photography is not simply about

I(the) technical elements la I.

leanna says her work involves predicting an animal's

movements 19 I.
leanna considers it a(n) LI_ _ _--'P_'_iv_i_'e_g:..e____IL'_0...J1 to be able to take pictures of wildlife.

She says that she needed to be LI_ _ _ _Iv_e_IY_1_t_,_u_st_in_g, -_...11_'...J1 on one particular occasion.

On a recent trip, Leanna was away for 7/seven months

Leanna finds L _ _ _-'-p_a_

c_k_in..:g=--__J.I_'3--'1 the worst part of going on a trip.

She feels that travelling has become ,-_ _s_e_c_o_n_d_n_a_t_u_,e I1_4...J1 to her.
_ _L

Test 6


You will hear part of a radio interview in which a French food writer and actress, Nicole
Lambert, is talking about her career. For questions 15-20, choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.

15 Why did Nicole include recipes in her autobiography?

® She understood the limitations of writing about food.
B She was keen to promote regional cuisine.
C She wanted to communicate her passion for food.
D She hoped that it would help sell the book.

16 What led to NicoJe writing about food in a newspaper?

A She could not find any work as an actress.
B It was a good way to supplement her low income.
e She hoped the publicity would help her acting career.
@ A colleague recommended her for the job.

17 How did Nicole feel after she took the role in the play 'Ph8dre'?
A worried about her financial situation
B regretful that she hadn't taken another role instead
C hopeful that it would kick-start her career
@ uncertain about the decision she had made

18 According to Nicole, why do some people eat at expensive restaurants?

A They haven't discovered cooking for themselves.
B They believe the food is better quality.
© They believe it's fashionable.
D They are deceived by external appearances.

19 What is Nicole's attitude towards her native region of Normandy?

A She feels that she doesn't know it well enough.
B She doesn't want to give a wrong impression of it in her books.
C She feels it is underrated by visitors.
® She feels that she owes her success to it.
20 Why did Nicole want to be involved in a documentary about Normandy?
A She felt by doing so she would be helping her own family.
B It would give her another opportunity to revisit her childhood.
© She considers herself part of the problem it addresses.
D She feels she has a unique viewpoint on the problem.

Test 6

You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about their pets.
While you listen you must complete both tasks.


For questions 21-25, choose from the list (A-H) the main reason the speaker gives for
choosing their pet.

A the result of unforeseen circumstances

B the chance to learn a new skill

C the personal qualities that can be developed by Speaker 1 l e 121

owning it
Speaker 2 I E 122
0 the pleasure it would give to a member/members
of their family
Speaker 3 I A 123
E the potential benefits it would bring to their health
Speaker 4 I G 124
F the incentive to exercise
Speaker 5 I D125
G the prospect of entering competitions

H the recommendation of a friend

For questions 26-30, choose from the list (A-H) how each speaker feels now.

A grateful for the companionship their pet provides

B surprised at how much they like their pet

Speaker 1 D 1 26
C reluctant to get another pet
Speaker 2 F 127
0 anxious over the cost of keeping their pet
Speaker 3 A 1 28
E annoyed by their pet's behaviour
Speaker 4 G 129
F keen for oth,ers to experience what they have
Speaker 5 B 1 30
G disappointed with their pet

H concerned about their pet

5 Hostilities between the two warring nations
1. Collocations and Vocabulary ceased over the festive perlod/tlme.
6 There wasn't a trace/track of blood on the
Study the following sentences and underline the murder weapon.
correct alternative. 7 She apologised to her boss for last week's mix up/
mels-up over his travel arrangements.
A 1 There are several good quality hotels in the 8 We spent the entire holiday indoors as the rain
proxlmlty/VIclnlty of the railway station. was unrelenting/unforgiving .
2 He's trying to project an Image/Impression of 9 The lagged/spiked rocks pierced the wooden
being wealthy. hull of the boat.
3 The locals claim the volcano is passive/ 10 The old woman stumbled/hobbled down the road
dormant. with the aid of a stick.
4 MOon't speak to me in that shade/tone of voice!"
5 The increase in oil prices caused a decline/
recession in Europe. D 1 There wasn't much evidence/proof against the
6 The explosion generated/trlggered an avalanche. accused.
7 He's a versallle/Varled actor, capable of a range 2 The town councillor plays a(n) prominent!
of roles. outstanding role in local govemment.
8 The lead ballerina gave a(n) 3 His flat is sparsely/sparingly furnished and the
enthralling/capturing performance as Odette. walls and floors are bare.
9 Many people become depressed in the winter 4 When she was a child she was often Insulted/
when the nights widen/ lengthen. teased about being overweight.
10 If you wanted to pass the exam, you should have 5 The government is afraid the weapons might
read/ studied harder. drop/fall into enemy hands.
6 The manager saw/took a dim view of his
repeated absences from work.
B 1 A lot of companies are levelling down/downsizIng 7 She has to give personal/private lessons to
their workforce these days. increase her meagre salary.
2 The passengers mounted/boarded the plane by 8 If he doesn't slow down, he'll burn/fire himself
the rear exit. out!
3 The lead/chief actor has a very commanding 9 Years of experience in the field had sharpened/
presence on stage. honed his skills to perfection.
4 Her dazzling beauty blew/took his breath away. 10 One of the disadvantages of working abroad is
5 The herb is said to have healing properties/ that you may lose touch/connection with family
effects. and friends.
6 Mary believes the sport should be acknowledged!
admtttad at an intemationallevel.
7 Her endless excuses are wearing thin/slim. E 1 John reaJly enjoyed his day at the wildlife pari<; it
B The salesman gave me a spiel/slang about the far exceeded/overtook his expectations.
benefits of having a private pension. 2 Let's forget our personal differences and focus/
9 Beds are at a premier/ premium in already centre on the task in hand.
overcrowded hospitals. 3 The human cost of the earthquake and its
10 Leading a balanced/proportional life is a key to aftermath/after-effects may never be known.
reducing stress. 4 Digital cameras and televisions are all the rage/
trend at the moment.
5 I was just within hearing/earshot of their
C 1 Software companies must be strong enough to conversation and overhead everything that was
survive in today's market share/place. said.
2 The dofendant exuded/emitted an air of 6 The bonus payable was an added motive/
confidence throughout the trial. Incentive for the workers to increase production.
3 Margot doesn't dress fashionably but she has 7 Polar bears are greatly under rlsk/!h!!!! from
her own •• nl./feellng of style. global warming.
4 The heir to the throne may not marry a citizen/ 8 Tim said he and Sue split up because they had
commontr· nothing In common/alike any more.
9 Pesticides and industrial waste are entering the 11 Complete the sentences with the correct
food chain/string by way of factories. answer a, b, c, or d.
10 The sales manager is .9M!!9fholdlng a presentation
in the auditorium. A 1 A person who sits in front of the TV all day is
sometimes called a .. P. .. potato.
a) hot cl sweet
F 1 The government needs to tackle/strike the b) couch d) jacket
problem of youth unemploym~ 2 It was an exciting election campaign, with the
2 Since he lost his job he just sits at home all day two main candidates ..9. ...
wringing/twiddling his thumbs. a) level headed cl level pegging
3 Andy is meeting/facing the biggest challenge of b) levelling off d) level-crossing
his life. 3 The defendant was a ..fL petty thief.
4 Americans taking their pets to psychologists a) self-assured c) self-controlled
have set a trend/fashlon that is unlikely to be b) self-consumed d) self-confessed
followed by pet owners in the UK. 4 At the end of the letter she put a ..~ ..
5 The article reflects/ mirrors the author's strong a) post-mortem c) postmark
views on green issues. b) post box d) postscript
6 Sue came from an ordinary, working class 5 When in polite company, you must ..~...
background/ backdrop. a) hold your tongue
7 Her refusal provoked a range/spread of emotions b) keep the peace
in him. c) mind your p's and q's
8 The artist's music was heavily atfected/lnfluenced d) mind your own business
by jazz. 6 A ..~... at the beginning of a word will change its
9 The bazaar featured a stall selling homemade/ meaning.
handmade snacks. a) preface cl prefix
10 They erected a statue in memory of the late/ b) prefab d) prefect
departed prime minister. - 7 Adam gets an adrenaline ..~.. from doing
extreme sports.
a) buzz cl hit
G 1 The new wireless infrared computer saves space/ b) feeling d) ring
place in the office. 8 Owners may leave their belongings in the left
2 Clive is in work/at work at the moment, but I'll luggage office .. il ..
take a message for him. a) at their own risk clan their own initiative
3 This Ming vase is unique and absolutely worthless! b) off their own bat d) in their own interest
priceless. 9 Can you help me think of a good title for my
4 Herb Bernstein's latest film presents/features essay? Two ..~... are better than one!
several new, talented actors. a) minds cl heads
5 No admission/Inclusion to unauthorised b) ideas d) opinions
personnel. 10 Helen at Frances angrily when she heard
6 The teacher was very Impressed/lnsplred with her speaking badly about Simon.
the behaviour of her class at the museum. al glimpsed c) glanced
7 When cooking, it helps to have the right utensils/ b) glared d) gazed
8 Sitting in front of the TV all day is a(n) profitless/
unprofitable pastime. B 1 Both parties must agree to abide by the c . of
9 You should have known better than to trust such the agreement.
a shadowy/shady character. a) rules c) terms
10 The new computer game was in such high b) regulations d) qualifications
demand/request that it sold out at five shops in 2 You've got your sweater on .. 9. ...
a single day. -( a) upside down c) back to front
b) back to back d) the wrong way up
3 The parcel containing glassware was marked .P....
a) 'frail' c) 'fragile'
b) 'delicate' d) 'febrile'

4 I need to call a technician; I can't . ,~ .. to the 9 The actor insisted that the reporter keep his
Internet. remarks .. !=: ..•
a) connect c) link a) off the cuff c) off the record
b) join d) attach b) off the deep end d) off the beaten track
5 All .. ff .. for this position will be interviewed by the 10 Newton's theory on gravity came to him .Jt.
manager. when an apple fell on his head .
a) representatives c) contestants a) out of the blue c) by the way
b) entrants d) candidates b) on the off-chance d) in the near future
6 The museum is free of ..~ .. on Sundays.
a) cost c) expense
b) entrance d) charge o 1 Electricity is cheaper at ..~ .. hours.
7 That new TV series had viewers ..!=: .. to their a) off-season c) off-hand
screens. b) off-duty d) off-peak
a) screwed c) riveted 2 Ben Afleck's new film has received JL reviews.
b) fixed d) nailed a) wild c) vigorous
8 Anna was so embarrassed about her mistake b) rave d) keen
that she couldn't make eye ..~ .. with her boss. 3 Alex was at a .. ~ .. for words when Sam accused
a) contact c) connection him of stealing from him.
b) communication d) association a) loss cl lack
9 Smoking can .. !=: .. to many serious diseases. b) failure d) need
a) result c) lead 4 The filmstar's marriage was a .. q.. secret for a
b) connect d) follow number of years.
10 Jason has incredible energy - he is always ..P. .. . a) well-read c) well-known
a) on the mend c) on the tiles b) well-meant d) well-kept
b) on the go d) on the make 5 I can't tell you a what the population of
Jamaica is, but if you wait a minute I'll look it up.
a) off-hand cl off-chance
C 1 Sarah's mum doesn't ..~ .. of her new boyfriend . b) off-beat d) off-balance
a) favour c) commend 6 It took us two hours to cross the .. ~.. between
b) approve d) support the two countries.
2 Citizens over 65 are ...ct to a half price bus pass. al line c) limit
a) obliged c) pennitted b) border d) boundary
b) licensed d) entitled 7 Sarah fell over so many times while skiing that
3 A company car is just one of the 3~.. of the job. she was .. ~ .. by the end of the holiday.
a) prizes cl enjoyments a) black and blue c) in bits and pieces
b) profits d) perks b) head over heals d) burnt out
4 The sales manager was ...... after he lost the 8 So you don't like the play, but when you are
company thousands of pounds. given complimentary tickets to the theatre you
a) dismissed c) discounted shouldn't ..f"- .
b) disengaged d) disaffected a) look a gifthorse in the mouth
5 Stores are now selling goods at .. ~.. prices. b) look for a needle in a haystack
a) bottomless cl rock bottom cl cry for the moon
b) bottom line d) the bottom of d) take the rough with the smooth
6 Once we get to Rio, the rest of the journey 9 Rag finally ..!=: .. his redundancy and stopped
should be JL feeling so depressed about it.
a) calm waters c) easy riding a) made the best of cl came to terms with
b) plain sailing d) travelling light b) gave up on d) got the hang of
7 Jake winked and gave them a ..~ .. look. 10 The student grant was not enough to ..~ ...
a) worthwhile c) telling a) make ends meet c) meet his match
b) comprehending d) knowing b) make or break d) hang by a thread
8 Earthquake-proof buildings are meant to ..~.. all
but the strongest quakes.
a) avoid c) oppose
b) withstand d) support
2. Useful Expressions/Accepted Phrases 7 They rounded off/up the meal with coffee.
8 Jane was surprised at/from Paul's rude
Underline the correct alternative in the following behaviour.
sentences. 9 He was acting out/on the advice of his
accountant when he took the case to court.
1 Sacrificing your free time and working hard are ~ 10 The surgeons are operating on/ln the patient now.
and parcellthe be all and end all of being a
successful business owner.
2 ¥ou know, I'm really not in the mood for/frame of B 1 Exhausted, Geoff fell into an armchair and dozed
mind for an argument right now. out/off.
3 The letter for Mr Smith was opened at 'auMn error. 2 Some new curtains in bright colours would liven
4 The dangerous criminal was known to be still In the ~/in the room.
running/on the run. 3 I'll sound out/down my father to see how he
5 It was later discovered that the minister was hand feels about the scheme.
over fist/hand In glove with the conspirators. 4 Sometimes we all need a person to lean against/
6 This portrait of my grandfather doesn't really do him on.
justice/serve him right. S A few unscrupulous traders profited from/for the
7 Can you move your van? It's in the way/on the way. financial crisis.
8 People who are In the act/In the know say that the 6 The moon blocked up/out the sun for several
president will resign. minutes during the eclipse.
9 What a wonderful couplel They get on like cat and 7 You were unwise to confide on/In her, as she is
dog/a house on fire. such a dreadful gossip.
10 It was htt and miss/touch and go as to whether the 8 It is the herd instinct which makes people
competitor would be disqualified. . conform to/Wtth a group identity.
11 What a lovely day! Spring is in the air/on the air. 9 Many people have home alarms installed to
12 According to the big bang/big deal theory, the safeguard them towards/against burglary.
universe was the result of a huge explosion. 10 I'm going to audition at!for the lead role. Wish
13 We're going to have to tell them the truth sooner or me luck!
later/by and large.
14 They say he's got pneumonia, sort of/or something
like that. C 1 Oerek didn't partiCipate in/at the discussion, but
15 He apologised for his behaviour and that was the just sat watching.
end of it/that'lI be the day. 2 The deputy chairman presided at/over the
3 The young prince succeeded to/at the throne on
the death of the king.
3. Word and Preposition Combinations 4 The sentry remained In/ at his post throughout
the night.
Study the sentences below and underline the 5 Sheila disposes from/of her old clothes by
correct alternative. giving them to charities.
6 Ronald deals With/In antiques and fine art for a
A 1 Everyone congratulated Rebecca In/on her living.
success In the exam. 7 The man in the black Stetson hat dealt out/up
2 Shall I apply to/for the post advertised, then? the cards.
3 The Bakers loaded the car ~/out with luggage 8 Heather didn't feel at/by ease at the party; in
and set out for the seaside. fact, she felt very uncomfortable.
4 Contestants are requested to abide to/~ the 9 The personnel officer narrowed off/down the
rules; the judges' decision is final. candidates on the short list to three. "
S Bigways Stores do not charge for/wlth home 10 Not all patients respond to/for this alternative
delivery of groceries. therapy.
6 We will have to speed ~/away if we want to
finish the project on time.

,. Paper 3 Use of English

11 Fill the gaps with the correct prepositions. Passengers are asked to smoke only ... JtJ......
designated areas. .
A 1 I was heartened .. )~y. ..... the fact that I wasn't 8 The unattractive building was at odds ...~!m its ....
alone in finding the test difficult. idyllic surroundings.
2 The advertising campaign had a major impact 9 Sarah was finding it difficult to cope ... ~~~~ ... her
.... g!L .. the sales of the product. increasing work load .
3 Oh, let's not squabble .C!x~r/~.1:!!J.1!J which film to 10 Showbusiness is so competitive that those who
watch; I really don't mind what we see. don't have drive and ambition just fall .... I1Y.....
4 There ought to be safeguards ~g!!!.'J.~.~ computer the wayside.
hackers. h
5 Journalists bombarded the politician .. x~.l.L ..
questions about the latest scandal.
4. Phrasal Verbs
6 She's determined ... JP. ..... win the trophy.
Study the sentences and underline the correct
7 The government ought to take steps to put an
end ... ..t.9. ..... football hooliganism.
8 The band's style reminds me .... 9.L ... the A t Deborah wanted to pick up on/brush up on her
Beatles. Spanish before the holiday.
9 Combatants wear camouflage to blend in 2 Half the class have gone off with/gone down
...~.i.~fJ. ... their surroundings. with flu this week.
10 He is a strong advocate ............ for . cap1'taI
3 The children polished off/polished up all the
punishment. chocolate cake at the party.
4 I would never pass up/ pass over an opportunity
B 1 We should replace him if he's not .... YR ... to the to work abroad.
job. S He passed himself on/off as the minister's son.
2 She doesn't like delegating ... J9...... her 6 I'd like to take you out on/up on that offer of
colleagues. dinner.
3 I'd hate the life of a travelling salesman; you're 7 Every time Sam deals with bureaucrats, he says
always .... .CJ.')..... the move. it's like coming into/coming up against a brick
4 You can always talk to me about your problems; wall.
don't suffer .....~~ ..... silence. h a Russell's so indisciplined that he can't hold up/
5 She's a loyal friend. She's stuck by me ~~r.~.~9 .. hold down a job.
thick and thin. 9 You see that the total sum has been carried
6 Please keep an eye .... g.'!. .... the children while I forward/carried out onto the next page.
go into the bank. 10 Jo always wins arguments; she never backs
7 Oil prices are spiralling ....CJYL . of control. away/ backs down.
8 If you want to make a good impression ... Jm.....
the interviewer, maintain eye contact. B 1 ~elieve that while the vandals were
9 My suggestion of holding a staff meeting didn't efacin property, people Just looked up/
go ..~~w.n. . well with the boss. loo ed on and did nothing.
10 She's happy to fit in ...wW:t .. our plans for the 2 OK you can have the party, but you'll have to
weekend. clear off/clean up afterwards.
3 The lawyer drew up/drew off a document for
C 1 I wish you wouldn't contradict me ... )1J.. ..... them to sign.
publici 4 He saw the burglar draw out/draw back a gun.
2 The public are in opposition ... J~..... privatising S Who would have believed that Tony would walk
the postal service. In on/Walk out on his family?
3 When he explained where he'd been, it all fell 6 An observer looked in on/sat In on the entire
... {m~L . place. .--, experiment, from beginning to end.
4 He decided to opt ... l~r... .. the smaller lV as it 7 The latest model goes with/comes with a two-
was cheaper. year guarantee. .
5 I'm wary .....'?L .. people who don't look me in a They were surprised when Arnold pulled off/
the eye when they're talking to me. pulled on the multi-million business deal.
6 Tom sits around watching lV all day; ... JQ. ..... 9 Shirley soon went off/came off the idea of a
other words, he's very lazy. camping holiday.
r 3 Use of English

,. After 45 years of working hard, Ray just wants to 11 Complete the sentences below using the verbs
sit down/sit back and enjoy life. in the box In the right form.

C 1 The gardener cut back/cut off the plants with be (x2) know finish take wait
secateurs make them grow. charge lose sl1 tell
2 Don't ay any attention to the twins; they're
always showing off/showing up.
1 If I ........ ~~r~......... you, I wouldn't trust him.
3 Women who put out/put off having a baby until
2 Passing exams is great. It's ....... ~~~!!?g. . . . . . . . them
their 30's often make better mothers.
that most people dislike.
4 Dustin is terribly bossy, always laying up/~
3 I .......~~n~.C!. ....... for them outside the cinema for an
down the law to everyone else.
hour and then left.
5 "Slugger" Brown was knocked back/knocked
4 Ten to one she won't have .... ..fjn.~~.IJ.f!JL ... the work
out in the final round of the match.
6 After a while, the side-effects of the medicine will
S I can't find the scissors; who ....IJ.{I:$: .f!1~~n..... them?
wear out/wear off.
6 If you haven't seen the film, I .....w~mJ. .fe.U..... you
7 I'm sure George will think out/think up some
about it, so as not to spoil it for you.
excuse not to accept the post.
7 If Dave ...t:!{tJf.!m.Q.w.'.'I.. .. about the public transport
S On second thoughts, let's put out/leave out that
strike, he would have taken his car.
a If only it ... J!o:'-$l We.nL .. springtime!
9 You go ahead and I'll catch you out/catch you

,. ~ in a few minutes.
Frances and Peggy just didn't hit It off/hlt It away
with each other.
9 The burglar ~a:;lha~ .tHfftn..c;PfI.r.gftf! with breaking
and entering.
10 I don't know whether I ... {!J.iI.VJ~1.fg~L . my purse or
just mislaid it.

5. Verb forms - Auxiliary verbs III Complete the sentences with the missing
auxiliary verb or modal verb.
Complete the sentences below using the verbs
In the box In the right form. A 1 A proposal .'((!Hi/.fm.~..Q.~.f!.n. submitted to suggest
widening the road instead of constructing a new
place eal leave play want bypass.
bake have pass 1ake win 2 The man had a solid alibi, so he couldn't
........~~r.~ .........
committed the crime.
1 I'm tired of ...... JUltin9 ....... the same fast food every Oo
3 Try ringing hIm; he ..........
could1 mightlma
u ll b ea1
.... 1.•... i1f. Sl JO

day. home. ~
2 Paul is happy because at last he 4 "Don't move or I ..........wi!f... ....... shooW yelled
his driving test. the police officer.
3 The doctor asked the nurse ..... .t.Q..(ake........ the S I wish you ..... rf.~!-!!!!n~ .... slam the door like that!
patient's temperature. 6 Ci/nJ.C.gJ!!~/M~Y I borrow that new cookery book
4 Johnny ....... ~~~~~ ........ to be a footballer when he of yours?
grows up. 7 ..........WHL ...... he agree to sign the contract
S The hit-and-run driver ........ Jf!.11 ......... the scene of now that we have altered it?
the accident before anyone could take down his a Yes, of course I ........ J;~m.......... swim; Ileamt as
numberplate. a child.
6 Don't tell me that the children are still ..... p!~Y..!ng .... 9 If only I ....... 9J!.I!.~C!. ........ be rich and famous!
outside at this late hour.
10 Peter .........h.~.C!. ......... never visited the F<!.r East
7 After . wl!J!Jl(!g/.f).i!.~t'1g . '#9.1J. the race, Sam did a
before and was enjoying every minute of it.
victory lap.
a I would rather leave my homework until later but I
......... hil.fJ. ......... better finish it now.
9 If I'd known you were coming, I '91w.m!'9. !mJ(~ .I;ffl~~d B 1'. you help me to move this piano?
a cake. 2 If I cook the meal, ......... ~!~~ .......... you wash up?
10 Students ~~h¥.!'t~P.'~~.~ in the appropriate class 3 Oh, there you are! I ... t!~y!'! . 1?~.~I] .... looking for
after their placement tests have been marked. you everywhere.

,- Paper 3 Use of English ,..I
4 The aeroplane .......~~.~.':l::t ...... taken off yet because 9 ...~ .... you submit your dissertation before the
it hasn't received clearance from the control tower. deadline, it will be accepted.
S The teacher gave Billy a detention because he a) As soon as c) As far as
n.~.~n l ...... done his homework. b) As long as d) As welt as
6 Stan hates .......~~y.~~g ....... to work overtime as 10 Laurence will be back ... k.... you get here.
he would rather be at home. a) until c) while
7 I ..... !J!~.'(.f!....... never had any intention of giving b) by the time d) as long as
in to their threats, no matter what they say. 11 ... P.... the dreadful weather, we were determined to
8 §l!9!-!.I.C!J$tm!!.. I lock the door when I leave, or make the most of our visit.
do you not want me to? a) Although c) As far as
9 Geraldine !it1.Q.I!lC!JwHUm~yJmi.ghf. have her hair b) Despite d) Nevertheless
cut before she goes for her interview. 12 The bus had already left, ... ~ .... Pamela had to walk
10 You ..........wH!... ....... switch the TV off before you to work.
go to bed, won't you? a) so c) because
b) indeed d) as
13 the old dial-up Internet system was very slow ....C? ...
6. Linking words and phrases broadband brings up information in seconds.
a) nevertheless c) whereas
b) therefore d) in spite of
Complete the sentences with the correct option
14 It was only ... ~.... he had signed the contract that he
a, b, c, or d.
changed his mind.
1 The match was cancelled ... k.... bad weather. a) later c) after
a) on behalf of c) by reason of b) then d) since
b) due to d) as to 15 Nobody has seen Deborah ...~ .... last night.
2 ... !;.... the position you applied for has now been a) for c) by
filled, we shall keep your details on file for future b) since d) from
a) However c) Although
b) Despite d) Nevertheless 11 Underline the correct Item In order to complete
3 Not only does working from home increase productivity the sentences.
but it ... ~ .... cuts the cost of overheads.
a) equally c) also 1 The party has been cancelled, but J wasn't going to
b) too d) likewise go besides/anyway.
4 I'll be in the office all afternoon .A .... 5 o'dock, but 2 Incidentally/Generally, have you given any more
after that I'll be at home. thought to my proposal?
a) by c) around 3 He's a very good worker. BesldeS/Nevertheless,
b) for d) until we're going to have let him go.
5 The prosecution tried to prove their case ...~ .... the 4 Believe It or not/Needless to say, she's twenty-five,
defendant was acquitted because of lack of though she looks much younger.
evidence. S You made a few spelling errors, but furthermore/
a) but c) after other than that it was a perfectly good composition.
b) and d) so 6 By and large/At the same time, it's a really good
6 Despite numerous reminders from our department, school, but I'd rather it wasn't so exam orientated.
the outstanding bill has .. JL .. not been paid. 7 I realise it was an accident; stili/even though, it was
a) yet c) still rather careless of her.
b) even d) already 8 Remember I told you I might be going on a
7 .. .!it... fire, break glass to sound the alarm. business trip? Well/So, it's been cancelled.
a) In case of c) In the situation of 9 Carla rang while you were out. She's not coming
b) On the occasion of d) In event of over tonight after all/eventually.
8 ...~ .... his latest novel not only published but also a 10 You'd think she'd have replaced it. At long last/At
success, Matthew was feeling pretty pleased with the end of the day, it was her fault.
himself. 11 We'll be back in a week ~/or such.
a) For ejAs
b) With d) Because
· .' .• Paper 3 Use of English

12 ApparentlY/Approximately, the store isn't going to 5 The escalating oil prices sent Europe into a
press charges against them. .......r:~g~~~!~m...... . (recess)
13 Then, when we got there, we couldn't find our 6 She demonstrated dedication and .... g~mmf~m.~(!f...
tickets. In a word/To cut a long story short, we to her career. (commit)

,. missed the performance altogether.

No, I hadn't forgotten it was our anniversary.
7 The measures that were taken to prevent
hooliganism were very ....... ~!!.~S.~~¥.f!......... (effect)
On the whole/As a matter of fact, I thought you 8 ... ~9.~~~P.!:?r."J'~~... with the enemy during wartime
had. was punishable by death. (collaborate)
15 Firstly/At first, I would like to thank the committee 9 His .....".'.'YmpJ'9.'L. .. that they wouldn't come was
for inviting me here today. based on the fact that they hadn't replied to his
invitation. (assume)
10 The workforce showed their ......'?p.R.~~!y~.IJ. ..... to
7. Word Formation/Prefixes and Suffixes the merger by going on strike. (oppose)

Add a prefix to the words In brackets in order

to form a negative word to fill In the gaps. III Add a suffix to the words in brackets in order to
Make any other necessary changes. form a word to fill the gaps.

G) Sh was Iy convicted and proved it was a 1 Her biggest ...... ~~~~11~~~ ...... is that she gives up
...m~sc:~rr.~~g~ .... of justice. (carriage) too easily. (weak)
2 My parents always ......c!}~!!pp.r.'!.~.I!... .... of my choice 2 Many patients are rejecting drugs in favour of
of music. (approve) ..... J~!!.f!.m~!!!f~....... medicine. (alternate)
3 Unfortunately, their road trip turned out to be 3 Excessive alcohol .... ~!?fJ.'.l.!.tJ:Ipf!~.~..... can seriously
..~~.~~.c!!.f!.~!~!.~~.~. and full of problems. (adventure) damage your health. (consume)
4 ....
Melissa giggles all the time; she's so .... .imm~.~f.J.r.' 1 4 I can't study unless there are no ..... #!~!r.~f?~!!?!J.~..... .
(mature) around me. (distract)
5 The article on his early life in Kenya was terribly 5 When teaching children, you have to adopt an
..... .lfJ.".r;.r;.Hr~y!... .... . (accurate) .... .!m.<!g~IJ~,,¥.~ ...... approach. (imagine)
6 There's no use offering to buy me another one. That 6 The company has shelved plans for further
vase was ... !r.~~p!~.c;.~.~.t;J.~~ ..... . (replace) ...... .li~~n.~Q.~(CJ.(L ..... (expanse)
~ I find his habit of staring at me without blinking 7 I wish she was more .. J,~p..f!lJJ.f{.!!1!!L.; I can't rely on
rather ........I.!.fJ.r:!~!r!g....... . (nerve) her for anything I (depend)
8 That particular fragrance has been 8 They survived a ........ I1.'xIl911.$......... journey through
... !!J.~.c;.C?IJW'~~.c!. ... because it wasn't selling very the frozen tundra of Antarctica. (peril)
well. (continue) 9 Tom is always so charming and ..... fg.IJ~.~c!.f!.!~!.f!..... .
® Their opening hours are very ... .!!J.r;.CJ.I1¥.~I1!~!J.t... .
of other people. (conSider)
10 Sally made a special ...~[r.'-Q.g~m.I;t.Q.L to have a
~ The clothes he was wearing were ...~I}!!PP~Pf!.i!.~~ .... private Spanish lesson with her teacher every two
for such a warm day. (appropriate) weeks. (arrange)

11 Add a suffix to the verbs In brackets In order to IV Add the prefix 'dls' to the words in brackets and
form a noun to fill In the gaps. form words to fill In the gaps. Make any other
necessary changes.
1 You shouldn't pass .... .JY.t!gtNJJ..f!tJ.L .... without
knowing all the facts. (judge) 1 Dampness had ... A!~~~!.Q.I!.[~g ..... the walls and
2 You don't want to give the interviewer the ceiling of the old cottage. (colour)
......~IJ.lp.r!!.~.IP.r:L .. that you're desperate for the job. 2 When he toid her he couldn't marry her, she looked
(Impress) at him in ........ gf~~.'!.f!.L ..... . (believe)
3 The country's ....9."¥.ft/9Ii'm~mL has been hindered 3 The captain announced that A~~f!.m~~r.~~.~~~!! ...
by the fact that the government has run up huge would commence shortly and apologised for the
debts. (develop) delay. (embark)
4 We need to find new ways of lowering the crime rate 4 They say he was .... .!!l.,.C;.IJ..{l.r:g.~.C!. ...... from the navy
since .... fmRrJ.'.Qnm...nL. is no longer such a
on medical grounds. (charge)
deterrent. (Imprison)

5 The victims were paid compensation but the actual 5 She's very ......mfttf).9.Q{f(~,...... in METHOD
sum has not been ....... rI#ir;IR.~.t:.(I. ....... . (close) her research and records every
6 The w orce expressed their ..... Jll.~f.Q.lJ.f~nL .... finding in detail. I
at th m a re ay rise by going on strike. (content) 6 We measure .....~.(mg~p.h~r~~ ..... ATMOSPHERE
pressure with a barometer, not a
7 Most people are in favour of ... ....Qi:l~rmjf)9. ....... the
world of nuclear weapons. (arm)
7 If you need some time on your
8 I'm becoming rather ....q!~~O~h~.rJ.("9..... with living own, my flat is at your ... JH~p'g.~.i;J.L . DISPOSE
in the countryside; it's so boring! (enchant) 8 When Sarah was a young child
9 Andrea felt very .....Q/:l(;QUr.a.9flq..... after failing her she had an ..... )ffi~g!m~ly. ....... IMAGINE
driving test for the second time. (courage) friend.
10 Perry has done a .... 9.!~~p.p..f!.i!.t:,~g..... act. We can't 9 Sarn's father gave him a look of
find him anywhere! (appear) ......C!.~~."p.Jm~.I(~!...... from across APPROVE
the table.
V Add a prefix and a suffix to the word In brackets
10 A weU-read individual is usuaUy
..~t;I;~~{~~9.f!J.!l.P.f~... about a variety KNOW
to form a word to fill the gaps.
of subjects.
(Y It is .... }':1.i!.~M~.i!.~!~ ...... to go swimming just after
you have eaten. (advice)
2 She was .... )m:f!r.f!.~.(IY. ..... to blame for the accident.
8. Gapped Sentences
She should never have taken him there. (direct)
3 It's .... 9.!~gr.~.~.f!.{I!.L . that some managers give
Complete the sentences with one word that can
themselves such huge pay rises. (grace)
be used appropriately In all three sentences.
4 He was sacked because of his ..... .in!.~..~iP.iJ.~ty...... .
He refused to work even the odd evening or 1 The dentist told me the effects of the injection would
weekend. (flexible) ........ Wflilr. ........ off soon.
(@)The house was ....v.(lf"f1"Pi~~~~~ .... when we first I tend to .........W!HIf.. ....... out my shoes before I buy
moved in, so we practically had to rebuild it. another pair.
(Inhabit) What do you intend to ... .... ..Wftilf... ...... to the party
6 His rudeness was .....v.lJ.fgrgiy.~.~l~ .....1 I'll never tonight?
speak to him again. (forgive)
7 The fact that he wasn't married could be 2 The police caught the burglar in the ..........!I.~~......... .
.q{f.'-w.'-IJ.~g.f:9.!-t~. to his political career. (advantage) of climbing out the window.
8 That story she told about being lost at sea for a The psychiatrist told her to .......... i!.~L ....... out her
week was totally .....I.J.Ot?~!!~.I(~t?!!~...... (believe) frustration.
9 There's a very .. .J:f{~~gr."i!.t?!~..... odour coming The toddler was warned by its mother not to
from the cellar. (agree) ..........~~t ......... up.
flO) There seems to be an .... ..!rr.~g!-!!i!r.i.t:y. ...... . Let's
V check the figures again. (regular) 3 All the teachers ........ .1001<:.. ...... up to the headmaster.
My grandparents always ........ .Iook......... back
nostalgically on their childhood.
VI Complete the sentences with a word formed Bill must have done something wrong because
from the word In capitals. Alison gave him a dirty ......... IQ.o.k. ....... .

1 They hired him because of his

4 Annie helps everyone because she's got a
........tK.QIUtl$.f. ....... in that particular EXPERT ........ h.t:./ llf ........ of gOld.
field of archaeology.
The actors obviously hadn't learnt their lines by
2 "So what, in your opinion, makes a
...... }!~~~ ........ as they kept forgetting the words.
good .......'-ffiRIRY!I.f L ..... ?- EMPLOY
She opened her ........ h.fI.~rL ..... to him and spoke
3 I will no longer tolerate his bad
honestly about all her troubles .
......b.• ~~.(Q"r....... . BEHAVE
4 They W6fe arrested on ..... $J.(spJ.~IQIl ..... SUSPECT
of drug trafficking.

5 The delay in taking off was ......... ........ down to 13 Sally ........(:.CJ.m@..•.•... up with some great ideas for
bad weather conditions. Dad's birthday present.
We ......... P.:~L ....... my cousin up for a week Much to my disappointment, no volunteers
because he couldn't afford a hotel. ........Ir.«mft ........ forward.
I couldn't quite ......... p.yL ....... my finger on it but I When his uncle died, Gary ........~.~.m~........ into a
knew something was wrong. small fortune.

6 We ........ ..rfU'J.......... up against several problems 14 We'd finished all the work so we decided to
when booking the tickets. ..........~.~.~L ...... it a day.
Guess who I ........ Bm.......... into the other day? If you have some free time, why don't you
The manager ......... Xf.!!1. •..•••.•. through the work we ..........t:;.f ll. ......... in later?
needed to do. Looking at those dark clouds, I think we'll have to
......... ~~",.......... off the picnic.
7 Sam found it difficult to ........ !!~~P.. ........ up with the
runners in front. 15 The twins are so similar I can't ......... .!!;!.I. ......... them
They had to ........ lfft.flP.. ........ to the right side of the apart.
escalator. She's very sensitive and if you .......... ~~W ......... her
The students were encouraged to ........ kftfUL ..... . off, she'll start to cry.
track of their own progress. Only time will ......... J~U .......... whether the decision
was correct or not.
8 The two cars are completely different - they're
worlds ....... Jm~rt ........ . 16 Don't turn your .........~~~(C ...... on me when I'm
The book fell ........ IIR.f rt ........ after she dropped it in talking to you.
the water . Cast your mind .........~~~~ ........ to your first day at
........ Apart ....... from the problem with your ankle, school.
how do you feel? Going .........~.{I.I;.t. .... .. to the office after two weeks'
holiday is a nightmare.
9 When the computer crashed, we had to .. ...... ..f~!.I. ..
back on pencil and paper. 17 She won't want to go to the Indian restaurant as she
If the plans .......... tllll... .... ... through, we'll have to doesn't .........f;.~.@ ......... for spicy food.
arrange something else. When you're young, you don't have a ...... .. .<::IIr.e........ .
Be careful you don't .......... fllll. ......... into the hands in the world.
of the enemy. I couldn't .........<::IIf!t...... ... less about your problems.

10 I don't understand. What are you ...... g.' .«i09....... at 18 The escaped prisoners are back .......I?.~t!~r!~...... .
exactly? bars .
..... J~@"!!J9o ...... around town at rush hour can be a I must finish this project tonight because I don 't
challenge. want to get .......~~fi!np. ...... with my work.
We enjoy ...... 9.~~!ng....... away at the weekend. I don't know what's happening because
discussions are being held .......~."I:!i(!f!... .... closed
11 That law is outdated and should have been doors .
..... .. JJ.Q.IJ.fL ..... . away with years ago.
My day was so exhausting that I'm completely 19 The plot was so confusing I couldn't ...... .1.;9oI,/J"'....... .
........ d.Qfl.t ........ in. out what was going on.
Getting my parents to agree to that is easier said A ....... !.I9oI,I.f.fL ..... in old fashioned clothes appeared
than ........ ~g~!L ...... . in the doorway.
Don't take it seriously; it's just a ...... Ji9.Hf.f!........ of
12 There's no way I can do ...... ~lthrJ.~f ...... my mobile speech.
Oan accepted the job offer ...... ~~~~~~.... ... a
second thought.
You must be here on time ...... w.m~.C?.I!.L. ... fail.

-. .. ,' Paper 3 Use of En fish

20 The road was a dead ........ JU'1r:!.•.....•.. and went 28 Frank was frt to ....... ..'$.(9P. ........ after running the
nowhere. marathon.
I'm at a loose ......... ~nc( ........ this evening. Want to You must ........ q.'.9.p. ......... me a line when you next
go out? come to town.
If we keep driving in this direction. I don't know Sales of suntan lotion usually ........ !!.r.9.P......... off in
where we're going to ........ JH~.C! ......... up. the winter.

21 If you ........P.rln9. ........ up the subject of pocket 29 We think ........~.~Q.rJg........ the same lines which is
money one more time. I'll scream. why we have such a good relationship.
Looking after a pet will ........P.rln9. ........ out the best You can sing ........~.~9.rJg ........ to all your favourite
in a child. hits.
If I ........P.r.~tJ9. ........ off this deal. I'll have enough Getting ........~.l.9.rJg ........ as a family is not always as
money to retire. easy as it sounds.

22 That kind of book is right ......... PP............ my street. 30 We must get together and ........C?:~!~f? ........ up on all
Anybody in the building after hours is probably the news.
.......... '-!P..... ....... to no good. I was so busy I didn't have a minute to ........ ~~.~~~L ....
The baby was burning ......... .fUL ........ with fever my breath.
and we had to call the doctor. Be careful you don't ........~~,~f?........ your sweater
on that nail!
23 I just need to ........ l!.9.fL ....... out some small
problems in the proposal.
The time is right so let's strike while the ....... jr.Q.~L. ......
is hot. 9. Key Word Transformations
I ought to ........ .!tQ.rJ ......... a shirt for the wedding.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a
24 The flat is to ......... .!~!.. .......... but only to the most similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
suitable applicant. word given. Do not change the word given. You
Mary was devastated when Danny ......... .!~.r.. ....... .. must use between three and six words,
her down so badly. Including the word given.
We couldn't go out as the rain didn't .......... !.f!L ........
up all day. 1 She had no intention of helping with the meal.
25 Can you just ....... ~f?f!.C?~........ over these figures? I'm She ..............(!~~~!'J~~~n!!.f!.r!.J9...I).fJ.IP. .............. with
not sure they're correct. the meal.
The number of stray dogs on the streets should be 2 You can try to start the engine with that key, but it
kept in ....... ~h~.C?~......... won't work.
You must ....... ~f?~.C?L ..... in at least two hours POINT
before your flight. There's ............ n.9.p.f!lnUmUrrfn9............. to start
the engine with that key.
26 If we're driving all that distance, I'll need to 3 John and Anna appear to be very different.
fII........... up the tank.
.......... .!.. COMMON
aill had had his .......... .fl.lL ........ of the poor pay and John and Anna appear to .... tu~~~. U~{f~jf!9.r.MJ!lL ..
quit his job. .......... o9,tft .IQt.Jf.J..9.QmmJw .......... with each other.
Could you .......... ..1.............
fII out the form and put 4 The electrician was fixing the lights when I got
your signature at the bottom? home.
27 G ·•ve your b ro Ih er a ·......................... WI'Ih carrying
. The lights .w."(~. ~~/)JI . f!'-~fJ.~*-~t;li1.t)J .
the luggagel when I got home.
I have to ........ f!.2!.'JJJ.. ....... it to you. it was a ;Ob well S This matter has nothing to do with you.
Manchester United had the upper ....... ,tmn!!. ........ in This matter ............ i~ . mjl..c.9.0t:f~r.o . Qf. ........... yours.
the second half.

6 Bill is very proud of his footballing skills. 19 The loss of his father has seriously affected him.
Bill .......... 1.~.~.f#.$. Jm~.q.1J1~ . ' px!~~. f.tJ.. .......... his The loss of his father has .IJ.~.cta .$.ftric.f.J.$..fl..ttftc.tfr n. ~
footbatling skills. ...................... him.
7 The referee will have to postpone the match if the 20 Harry doesn't feel like going out tonight.
rain continues. MOOD
OFF Harry isn't ............ .iRthft.fflQOu.IQL ........... going
The match will have .......... JQ. . P~..q.~.~~f!.~(9.f! .......... . out tonight.
if the rain continues. 21 We ought to discuss the location of the end-ot-term
8 Uving in the countryside does not suit me. party.
I'm ..................... r1.Q.( . ~Y1..Q.Hrt.Q.r:. .................... living We ought to ....I)."v.~.." .9.{~p.u~~{rm.lH,.9.utwn.fl..~fL .
in the countryside. we are going to hold the end·of·term party.
9 It wasn't David's fault that the dinner was late. 22 Mr Jones concluded that he should retire.
David ....................w~~m:U9.. ~l.~m.fJ.l~r... ................ . Mr Jones ...... ~ilm.~..tQ.1b.e..f<on.t;J.I.!.$<I.L ... he
the dinner being late. should retire.
10 Dad doesn't mind if I stay out late as long as I 23 The weather is both wet and windy.
phone. ONLY
OBJECT Not$.................... also
Dad doesn't .......9:~j~~UQ. . m~/.t;J:Iy. .~to!ly~~g ....... out windy.
late as long as I phone. 24 ~You broke the vase, ~ said my father.
11 Not once did Henry suspect that his dog would bite ACCUSED
him. My father ....~~~~~~!1. .~~. ~t. .~r~~.~!.r!g .... the vase.
OCCURRED 25 Fiona can see the mountain quite well from her
It never ...........Q.m::9..9.r;.t;.l.!.m:.r!..ff?.I:fftnly. .......... that bedroom window.
his dog would bite him. A
12 She never gave me the impression that she was Fiona has ..............QUit.fl..aJl09.rJ. .vi.ftW..QC ....... the
generous. mountain from her bedroom window.
ACROSS 26 Is this the room where the meeting is going to be
She never .... f~m.fJ. .~~r9.~.~ ..~.~..l1,fJ.!~g..... generous. held?
13 If you buy that car, you'll be wasting your money. PLACE
WASTE Is the meeting .......... .
It would ..........~~.!!..W.~~!.~..9.(m.C?f.1.~y.. ~~........... buy this room? .
that car. 27 Excuse me, but do you know if there is a pet shop
14 I hadn't expected the book to be that bad. in the area?
The book .t~Il . (fflliw.ayJ . shclf. cl .my. expectations. Excuse me, but .......... ar.e..YQu.awar.e..Qt.ilny......... .
15 Gerry had to leave his job dLle to ill health. pet shops in the area?
RESULTED 28 I haven't seen your keys since yesterday morning.
III health ...... r.~~l.!.n~Jl.ifJ..~.~~ry. !J.i1.t(jfJg ...... to leave LAST
his job. The ..................... '~~f. 1im.e.J~~w. ..................... your
16 Very few people came to the opening nightot the play. keys was yesterday morning.
HARDLY , 29 Barry can only see with the aid of his glasses.
There .... Wftr.e. .11ltr.Q/y. .MY. ftftCp(e. .af/wlts .hlll"'r. ... INCAPABLE
.... anJ(on.e..aL the opening of the play. Barry is ....... !n.c;.~P..~~I~ . g.t~fJ.~!!!g..W!~.fJ.9.HL ..... his
17 Jamie will have a carpenter put up her shelves. glasses. -
BE 30 She'd rather cook her own food than buy ready-
Jamie's shelves .............. Wm .~~ . P.Y.tHP...~Y. ............ . made meals.
a carpenter. PREFERS
18 He took no notice of the 'No Entry' sign She ......... p..~~f~!~..<?;9.!l.~!ng. l!~r. .c?'~'1 . f!lp.t;I. .~!l......... .
PAID buying ready-made meals.
He ............. Jufid. n.Q .aN~n.tiQn. t.Q ....................... the
'No Entry' sign.

Part 1 1(3 minutes)

• How long have you been studying English?

• What do you enjoy most about learning English?
• What do you like to do In your spare time?
• What's the most exciting experience you've ever had ... (Why7)
• If you could live In another country, where would you choose? ... (Why?)

Part 21(4 minutes)

c.ncfkIaCe A: Look at the pictures below, Compare two of the pictures, and say what situation each
woman might be In, and how she may be 'eellng.

• What situation might each woman be in?

• How might each woman be feeling?

c.ddMe a Which picture shows the 18881 stressful situation for these women to be In? ... (Why?)

~. ~ Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say what challenges
each person might be facing In their lob and how each person might be feeling.

• Who! challenges might MOh porIOn be faclng In IIleIr job?

• How might MOh porIOn be tooling?

c.d.t\I• .k Which of these people can leave their wort< behind and not think about It again until
the next day? ... (Why?)


Part 3 I (4 minutes) pahwork

Here are some pictures showing different things you might include in a time capsule to teach future generations about
our lives today. First, talk to each other about how these items influence our lives now. Then, decide which item you
would like to be stili using in the future.

• How does each item influence your life?

• Which item would you like to be still using in the future? ... (Why?)

Part 4 (4 minutes)

Discuss the following questions together.

e •. Do you think it is a good idea to have a time capsule? Why?/Why not?

• What might future generations be able to learn about us from the items found in the time capsule?
• . 10 what other ways can we share the past with future generations?
• . What Inventlon' from the twentieth/tWenty-flrst century stands out the most for you? Why?

Part 2 Part 3
Candidate A Asking for opinion & suggesting
• working mother; career woman; single mother; • What about/How about ... (newspapers etc)?
housewife; child minder • What do you think about ... ?
• hectic day; plastic washing basket; spend quality • I don't think that's a good idea because ...
time with child; look of concentration; young toddler • Wouldn't ... be better?
under arm; have one's hands full; demanding - • Why would you choose ... ?
children require constant attention/supervision;
• Yes, I (definitely) agree (because)
• feels, guilty/sad; happy; harassed; stressed; content
• Absolutely!
• That's not a bad suggestion.
Candidate B
• You are absolutely right!
• farrT}er; doctor; carpenter
• That's true, but ...
• sheer hard work; loading bales of hay; strained look
on face; strength; racing against time; draw on Disagreeing
extensive medical training; correctly diagnose; work • I'm not sure I agree with that because.
long hours; physically/emotionally/mentally challenging; • I don't think that would be a good idea because .. .
hold patients' lives in her hands • I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you there because .. .
• pressurised; tired/exhausted; proud; concemed; anxious; • I'm not certain about that. It might
; confident • that's, but ...


Part 1 1 (3 minutes)
• Where are you from?
• What are your interests and what leisure activities do you take part in?
• What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
• If you had an opportunity to learn something new, what would you choose? ... (Why?)
• How might you use your English in the future?

Part 21 (4 minutes)
Candidate A: Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say why people might
do each of the extreme sports shown and how the people doing them might be feeling.

• Why might people do each of the sports?

• How might the people be feeling?

Candidate B: If you had to do one of these extreme sports, which would you prefer? (Why?)

Candidate B: Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say why the elderly
people in the pictures might be doing these activities and how important a part the
activity might play in their lives.

• Why might the elderly people in the pictures be doing

these activities?
• How important a part might the activity play in their lives?

Candidate A: Which of these activities appeals to you the most? ... (Why?)

I AKIN 11 ,
Part 1 1 (3 mlnut••)

• Where are you from?

• What do you enjoy the most about learning another language?
• What do you like to do at weekends?
• Do you prefer to follow a routine or do you like to be spontaneous?
• What would your dream Job be? ... (Why?)

Part 21(4 minutes)

Candidate A: Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say why the people
might be choosing to get their food In this way, and how the atmosphere might be
different in each situation.

• Why might the people be choosing to get their food In this way?
• How might the atmosphere be different in each situation?

Candidate B: Which of these people do you think are enjoying their activity the most?

Candidate B: Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say why the people might
be in each situation and how they might be feeling.

• Why might the people be in each of the situations shown?

• How might the people be feeling?

Candidate A: Which of these situations would you least like to be in? Why?


Part 3 I (4 minutes) pairwork

Here are some pictures showing a number of people in stressful situations. First, talk to each other about how stressful
each situation is. Then, decide which situation would be the most stressful to be in .

• How stressful is each situation?

• Which situation would be the most stressful to be in?

Part 4 I (4 minutes)
Discuss the following questions together.

• How do you cope with stress?

• What do you think people can do to avoid stress in their lives?
• Do you think our lifestyles today are more or less stressful than those of your grandparents? Why?
• Will there be more or less stress in our lives in the future? Why?
• Do we learn to cope with stress more successfully as we get older?

Part 2 Part 3
Candidate A Evaluating
• supermarket; street market; allotment/garden • I believe the most stressful ... because.
• convenience; busy lifestyle/hectic schedules; one- • For me, the most difficult situation would be .
stop shop; financial incentives; loyalty cards; • I would never want to be .
stressful ; farming co-operatives; fresh , locally • If we assume ... then the obvious choice would be ...
grown prod ~ce; good exercise; organic vegetables; • Looking at the expression on her/his face .. .
growing your own vegetables; stalls • His/her body language says ...
• personal satisfaction; relaxed; content;.calm; hectic;
hustle and bustle
• It really depends on your situation, however
• In terms of everyday situations ...
Candidate B
• ... is obviously the most difficult, because.
• automobile/car; check-in queue at airport; hitchhiking
• There's no doubt that.
• road map; lost their way; arguing; blaming one
another; waiting in check-in queue; delayed ; bad · Agreeing
weather conditions; business people; car break • I'm inclined to agree with you .. .
. down; fall out with travel partner • That is true, and furthermore .. .
• anxioustworried; frustrated; annoyed; angry; confused; • I see what you mean but what about ...
tired; hot; fed up; afraid • Yes, and we mustn't forget.


Part 3 I (4 minutes) palrwork

Imagine your school wants to organise a weekend trip. Here are some of the types 01 trips that have been sugges
First, talk to each other about how suitable each option would be for the trip. Then, decide which kind of trip wc
be the best option for the students' weekend away.
• How suitable would each option be for the school trip?
• Which kind of trip would be the best option for the students' weekend away? (Why?)

Part 4 I (4 minutes) .

Discuss the following questions together.

• Do you believe school trips are beneficial to students? Why?Nlhy not?

• How does travelling abroad benefit people In general?
• Can you learn more from reading a book about a place, or going to that place and experiencing It first hand?
• What was your favourite school trip? Why?
• If you could travel to any place, where would you go? Why?

Part 2 Part 3
Candidate A Evaluating
• whlta..water rafting; diff Jumping; skydMnglparachuting • What one person sees as fun , another sees as ...
• excitement; challenge; be pushed to one's limits; • True, but on the other hand ...
brave; form of exercise; sense offreedom; dangerous; • It must appeal to your interests/abilities ...
excitJng; exhilarating; enjoy nature; adrenalin rush; out • I suppose it depends what the aim of the trip is. If
of the ordinary; adventurous; requires skill; dMng in It's ...
formation • The cost could be ott-putting ...
• crash; lose control; break Ieg/arm/etc; concussIon; • As for the possiblllity of spending the weekend ... ,
faU from great height; slip and faU; equIpment failure I think ...
Candidate B Selecting
• golf; gardenIng; snooker/bllllards/pool • So, do we both agree that ... would be the best
• physical activity; sOOa/ I~.; staying in shape; mentally option?
alert; gentle form of exerdse; not afraid of hard work; • It is hard to say ... they all have their benefits ...
lawn mower; not too strenuous; mental agllJty; • Selecting only one is difficult ...
hobby, companionship; being young at heart; • I think the best choice would be ... because ...
looklng/feellng good/younger; longer life; quality of • It's hard to choose, but I think ... would be the best
life choice because ...
• central to theIr lives; become the focus of one's day; • There is no doubt that students would .. .
the one thing the person looks forward to ffNery day


Part 1 1 (3 minutes)

• What do you enjoy most about learning English?

• How important is sport and exercise in your life?
• What do you do to relax?
• What kinds of holiday appeal to you most? ... (Why?)
• What do you like doing at weekends?

Part 21(4 minutes)

Candidate A: Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say why these people
might have chosen to eat in this way, and how the atmosphere might be different in each

• Why might these people have chosen to eat in this way?

• How is the atmosphere different in each situation?

Candidate B: Which of these three types of situations do you prefer eating in? Why?

Candidate B: Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say what you think each
person is using the computer for and how it might benefit their life.

• VVhat do you think each person is using the computer for?

• How might it benefit their life?

, Candidate A: Which of the pictures best reflects what you most commonly use a computer for?


Part 31 (4 minutes) paJrwork

Here are some pictures showing some facilities found In a city. First, talk about how each of these things make life ~
more pleasant for city residents, Then, decide which would be the two most Important for residents In a big city to
have close by.

• How does each of these things make life more pleasant for city residents?
• Which would be the two most Important for residents in 8 big city to have
close by?

Part 4 1 (4 minutes)

Discuss the fonowlng questions together.

• What do you enjoy doing In your free time?

• Where do you and your friends like to hang out?
• How do you get from one place to another in the city?
• In your opinion, what Is the most convenient aspect 01 living in the city? Why?

Part 2 Part 3
Candld.le A Talking about benefits
• eating at home; eating In the park; meal In a restaurant • One of the good things Is ...
• on the run ; family time; eatlng on the go; treat for the • The/A ... makes everyday life ... (easier etc) ...
children; special occasion; elegant; relaxed; rushed; • People of all ages can enjoy .. .
celebration; convenient; Inexpensive; part of daily • It's important to have ... In cities so that ...
routine; relaxed; Informal/formal; sound of traffiC/ • ... are great places for .. .
voices In background; customers chattlng/laughlng
quietly; soothing ; calm; pressurised
• You are absolutely rightl I couldn't agree more ...
• That is the most important thing, I would say
Candidate B
• I can't imagine what you would do without it.
• airport lounge; computer lab/school; home
• I agree it isn't essential to have .'" however ...
• on the go; use every moment productively; sending
• It just makes every day life so much easier to ...
emall; communicate with family/colleagues;
developing skills; 'COntacting clients; researching on Disagreeing
the Intemet; organisation; playing games • I'm sorry, but I disagree. I couldn't do without ...
• overworked; catch up on work; under pressure; • Are you sure about that?
make life more hectic; enthusiastic; make learning • But having said that, .. .
fun; easier to find information; save time; • I would not choose ... because ...
preparation time • The/A ... is not something I would say ...


Part 1 1 (3 minutes)

• What do you do?

• Who has had the greatest influence on your life? ... (Why?)
• What makes a good friend? ... (Why?)
• How do you like to spend tIme with your friends?
• What kinds of books do you enjoy reading? ... (Why?)

Part 21(4 minutes)

Candidate A: Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say why the people
might be doing the activity shown and what skills/qualities these activities require.

• wtr; might the people be doing the _ shown?

• What skills/qualities do these actIVltles~r~eq

Candidate 8 : Which of these people do you think are enjoying their activltlty the most?

Candidate B : Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say how the animals' lives
might be affected by humans and what coold be done to ensure the well-being of the
animals in each situation.

• Havv might the animals' lives be affected by humans?

• What could be done to ensure the well-being of the animals?

Candidate A: Which picture do you find most upsetting? Why?


Part 3 I (4 minutes) pairwork

Here are some pictures showing different ways of protecting the environment. First, talk to each other about how the
methods shown help protect the environment. Then, decide which pictures show the two methods that would make
the biggest difference in protecting the environment of your local area.

• How do the methods shown in these pictures help protect the environment?
• Which two methods would make the biggest difference in protecting the environment of your local area?

Part 4 (4 minutes)

Discuss the following questions together.

• What do you think is the greatest threat to the environment in the area/country in which you live?
• What are some of the things you or your family and friends have done in order to protect the environment?
• Would you be prepared to be inconvenienced somehow, for example by a longer journey to work, in order to
protect the environment? Why?Nl/hy not?
• To what extent are you concerned about the future of our planet?

Part 2 Part 3
Candidate A Discussing, Evaluating
• weightlifting; yoga; volleyball • Unleaded petrol reduces emissions of/leads to less
• participate in a competition; training; relieve stress; carbon monoxide ...
enjoy challenge of pushing body to limit; tournament; • Cleaning up rubbish can really help ...
skills; solo; relaxation; spiritual well-being; exercise/ • Bicycles and cycling lanes are a solution to .. ./if
get fit; stay active more people cycled, then ...
• high levels of fitness and strength; determination; • I think that ... (e.g. recycling) is something that
balance; concentration; calmness; suppleness of everyone can get involved in.
body; speed; team work; sheer power; focus your • Tree planting/Reforestation restores the natural
mind and body balance by.

Candidate B Selecting
• horse; panda; cows; show jumping; circus tricks; • I believe that would be the most successful
mass production because ...
• well looked after; sustain injuries; entertainment; • It seems to me that we should choose ... because.
trapped/caged; cramped milking shed; hit horse • In my opinion, ... above all else since .. .
with riding crop; push horse to its physical limits; • They all have their plus points ... however, for me ...
out of natural habitat • The popularity of ... must mean that ... so I think
• tighten laws; run spot-checks; obligatory to let animals • OK, so we'll choose ... then.
out into a field; ban/bOycon


Part 1 (3 minutes)

• Where do you live?

• What do you do here/there?
• Would you consider studying/living abroad? .. ryvhyfWhy not?)
• Which countries would you most like to visit? ... (Why?)
• Where do you usually spend your holidays?

Part 21 (4 minutes)
Candidate A: Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say why each of these
events might be taking place, and how the people might be feeling.

• Why might these events be taking place?

• How might the people be feeling?

Candidate B: Which of these events would you most like to attend? (Why?)

Candidate B: Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the pictures, and say how much natural
ability is required for each activity, and how the people might be feeling.

• How much natural ability is required for each activity?

• How might the people be feeling?

Candidate A: Which of the people do you think are enjoying themselves the most?


Part 3 (4 minutes) palrwork

Here are some pictures showing different aspects of banking. First. talk to each other about how each of th ~se
modern banking methods have made life easier for the customer. Then, decide which picture best reflects the world
of modern banking.

• How have each of the banking methods made life easier for the customer?
• Which picture best reflects the world of modern banking?

Part 4 (4 minutes)

Discuss the following questions together.

• What is your opinion of credit cards?

• Is it important to save and invest money? Why?fWhy not?
• Would you ever consider using phone/online banking? Why?f\Nhy not?
• What is your preferred method of payment; cash, cheque or debit/credit card?

Part 2 Part 3
Candidate A Discussing, Evaluating
• parade; brass band; community event; commemoration; • The appearance of cash machines/ATMs has meant
festival; charity event that ...
• special day in the community; day of fun for the • One-to-one personal banking services have always
whole family; tradition; take place on same day been available, however .. .
every year; in memory of an event (coronation of • Saving plans are something that ...
king/queen, mark special date in history); solemn • Handing over a credit card insteaq of pash is ... even
occasion; dressed up; take place annually; raise though ...
money for charity • Phone/Online banking is ...
• proud; tired; hot; relaxed; happy; informal atmosphere • More and more banks are giving customers the
option to ...
Candidate B • It is really convenient to be able to ...
• tennis match; balancing children on feet; playing
acoustic guitar
• I think that the instant availability of cash
• teamWOf1<; observational skills; agility; aim; balance;
• Since we are talking about modern banking, then
born with a talent; energy; hours of pratice; play by
• If we are to assume that ... then the obvious choice
heart; musical ear; read music; creative; oompose/
is .. . because ...
play songs; natural skilVability
• Technology has certainly paved the way for .. .
• invigorated; competitive; energetic; relaxed; content;
• We are becoming more and more dependent on ...
enjoying time with children; proud

ESOL Examinat ion.
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Rub 0U1 any you wI,h 10 cllangt' Candidate Answer Sheet

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·~;:.:. Sample Answer Sheets


V ESOL ExaminaTions
"----------~==============~ " ......
Can didate Name

Centre No.
. . (:AI'IT...... _ _ _

Candidate Signature Candidate No.
Euminatkm TrUe Examination

• _ _ _ .ABSENT·" WITHDRAWN _ _
Candidate Answer Sheet
Instructions .........
Use a PENCIL (8 Of HB).
Rub out any answer you wish to change using an eraser. .........
Parts 1, 3 and 4 : Par1 2 : .........
Mark ONE letter for each question. Write your answer clearly in CAPITAL LETTERS
For example. if you think B Is the
right answer to the question, mark
your answer sheet like this:
Write one letter or number in each box,
If the answer has more than one word, leave one
box empty between words. .........
• c
Turn this sheet over to start. .........
":7----------------------------------------------------------------------------:::::" ...
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