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019 Design of Ocean Systems

Lecture 11

Drift and Slowly-Varying Loads and Motions (II)

March 14, 2011

Example of Slowly-Varying Drift Motion

Excitation: Fx (t) = f0 cos(ωt) + 0.1f0 cos(0.1ωt)
d2 x
Equation of Motion: M d t2 = Fx (t)
½ ¾
f0 0.1
So u o o
Solution of motion:
o o x((t)) = − cos ωt + cos((0.1ωt))
M ω2 0 12
= − {cos ωt + 10 cos(0.1ωt)}
M ω2
Responses of Floating Structures in Ocean

Natural Frequency: ωn = (M +Ma )

• For surge, sway, and yaw: hydrostatic restoring coefficients C11 , C22 , C66 = 0

→ ωn = 0

Large-amplitude responses can be excited by slowly-varying excitations.

• For structures with small water-plane area such as semi-submersibles, the

hydrostatic restoring for heave, pitch, and roll are small, the natural
frequencies are small. In this case, large-amplitude responses can also be
excited by slowly-varying excitations.

• In general, very little wave energy at low frequency is present in the ocean. Thus
low freqquencyy wave excitation (based on linear wave theory)
y) is small. Thus,, from
linear theory, no large-amplitude slowly-varying responses can be caused by the
action of waves!!
• Source of slowlyy-varyying
g excitations:
–Nonlinear wave structure interaction
–Wind loads
Source: Faltinsen, O. M. Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures.

Cambridge University Press, 1993. © Cambridge University Press.

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Commons license. For more information, see

Slowly-Varying Wave Force/Moment

Incident wave: z
ηI = A1 cos(ω1 t − k1 x) + A2 cos(ω2 t − k2 x) y

Slowly-varying wave force/moment comes from:

(1) 2nd-ord
der h
dynamiic pressure due tto tth
he fifirstt ord
der wave

(2) Interaction between the first-order motion and the first-order wave

(3) 2nd-order potential due to slowly-varying forcing on body surface and free-surface
2nd-order Slowly-Varying Hydrodynamic Pressure
id ttwo simple
i l plane
l progressive
i waves iin d
deep water:
Φ(x, z, t) = − gAω1
1 k1 z
e sin(ω 1 t − k1 x) − gA2 k2 z
ω2 e sin(ω2 t − k2 x)
η (x, t) = A1 cos(ω1 t − k1 x) + A2 cos(ω2 t − k2 x)
P (x,z,t)
We look at the pressure field of the wavefield: ρ = − ∂Φ 1
∂t − 2 ∇Φ · ∇Φ − gz

∇ΦΦ = Φ2x + Φ2y + Φ2z
gA1 k1 k1 z gA2 k2 k2 z
Φx = ω1 e cos(ω1 t − k1 x) + ω2 e cos(ω2 t − k2 x)
Φ2x = · · · + 2ω1 ω2 A1 A2 e(k1 +k2 )z cos(ω1 t − k1 x) cos(ω2 t − k2 x) + · · ·
= · · · + ω1 ω2 A1 A2 e(k1 +k2 )z {cos[(ω1 − ω2 )t − (k1 − k2 )x) + cos[(ω1 + ω2 )t − (k1 + k2 )x)} + · · ·
Difference –frequency Sum-frequency
2 -order (slowly-varying)
In wave amplitude

2ndd-ord t ∼ A1 A2 e(k1 +k2 )z

der sllowlly-varyiing pressure component: )z
[( 1 − ω2 )t
cos[(ω ) − (k1 − k2 )x]
) ]
Integration this slowly-varying pressure component over body surface to give
slowly-varying force/moment
Interaction Between Body Motion and First-Order Wave

F~ (t) = S(t)
P (t)~nds = S0
P (2)
(t)~nds + ∆S(t)
P (1)

der sllowlly varyiing ∆S(t) ∼ A1 cos(ω
( 1 t + A2 cos(ω
( 2 t)
pressure effect P (1) (t) ∼ A1 cos(ω1 t + A2 cos(ω2 t)

Interaction gives 2nd-order

Source: Faltinsen, O. M. Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures.
Cambridge University Press, 1993. © Cambridge University Press.

slowly-varying force/moment

All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative

Commons license. For more information, see

2nd-Order Slowly-Varying Potential Due to Forcing on

Body Surface and Free-Surface

I id t wave:
Incident z
ηI = A1 cos(ω1 t − k1 x) + A2 cos(ω2 t − k2 x) y

Body has a first-order motion resulting from the action of the incident wave, for example, the heave motion:
ζ3 (t) = a1 cos(ω1 t) + a2 cos(ω2 t)
General body boundary condition imposed on instantaneous body position SB(t):
∂Φ dζ3 (t)
( )
∂n = dt · nz = −nz [a1 ω1 cos(ω1 t) − ω2 a2 sin(ω2 t)]
Applying Taylor series expansion of the body boundary condition about the mean body position S̄B
¯ ¯ ¯
∂2Φ ¯
∂n SB ((t))
∂n S̄B
+ ζ3 (t) · ∂z∂n ¯
· · ·

∼ cos[(ω
[( 1 − ω2 )t]
This terms gives slow-varying terms:
∼ sin[(ω1 − ω2 )t]
Similar forcing terms are also obtained on the free-surface boundary condition.

• These lead to a 2nd-order potential: Φ(2) ∼ cos[(ω1 − ω2 )t]and sin[(ω1 − ω2 )t]

From Bernoulli equation, this potential gives a slowly-varying pressure P (2) = −ρ ∂Φ∂t
Determination of Slowly-Varying Wave Force/Moment

ηI = A1 cos(ω1 t − k1 x) + A2 cos(ω2 t − k2 x) y

Fj ( ) J = 1, · · · , 6

Fjsv (t) = A1 A2 {Qjc

12 cos(ω 1 − ω2 )t + Qjs
12 sin(ω1 − ω2 )t} j = 1, · · · , 6

12 (ω1 , ω2 ) and Qjs
12 (ω1 , ω2 ) are the slowly-varying force/moment transfer functions.

How to find the slowly-varying force/moment transfer functions??

• By experiments ⎯ accurate measurement of 2nd-order slowly-varying

force/moment is challenge in laboratory

• By numerical computation ⎯ using WAMIT or other nonlinear computational tools

(state-of-the-are research in this area is still going on….)
Determination of Slowly Varying Force/Moment in Irregular Seas

• Incident wave travels in x direction in deep water:

η I (x, t) = A` cos(ω` t − k` x + ²` )
A` (ω` ) = 2S(ω` )∆ω and ∆ω = (ωmax − ωmin )/N
S(ω) is the spectrum of the irregular waves

• Slowly-varying force//moment on a floating body is given by:

1 XX
N n o
jc js
Fjsv = A` Ak Q`k cos[(ωk − ω` )t + (²k − ²` )] + Q`k sin[(ωk − ω` )t + (²k − ²` )]
`=1 k=1
j = 1, 2, . . . , 6 Q`k = Qjc
and Q`k = −Qjs

• Applying Newman’s Approximation:

`k = Qjc
k` = Q jc
`` + Q jc
kk and Qjs
`k = Qjs
k` = 0

where Qjc
`` and Q jc
kk are the transfer function for drift force/moment, i.e.

F¯j (ω` ) = A2` Qjc

`` and F¯j (ωk ) = A2k Qjc
• Spectrum of the slowly
varying force/moment:

Z ∞
S F j (µ) = 8 S (ω )S (ω + µ)[Qjc
S( `` (ω + µ/2)]2

Slowly-Varying Motion

Moored system in waves: Mass-S

i D h t system:
F (t) sv c
x(t) F sv (t)
( t)

c: mooring line spring equivalent

b: total damping in the system
Equation of motion:
(M + Ma ) ddt2 x(t) + b ddt x(t) + cx(t) = F sv (t) X/f (ω)
In the freq
−ω2 (M + Ma )X(ω) + iωbX(ω) + cX(ω) = f (ω)
f (ω)

X(ω) = [c−ω 2 (M +M a )]+iωb
c ωn ∼ 0.1 rad/s

ωn = M +Ma

Much lower than wave freq. ωn

Spectrum of slowly-varying motion:

SF sv (ω)
( )
Sx (ω) = [c−ω 2 (m+Ma )]2 +b2 ω 2
Variance: Z ∞
σx = Sx (ω)dω
Z0 ∞
SF sv (ω))
= 2 2 2 2

0 [c − ω (m + Ma )] + b ω
Z ∞

≈ SF sv (ωn )
0 [c − ω 2 (m + Ma )]2 + b2 ω 2
= SF sv (ωn )

Source of c: mooring lines

Source of b: (i) related to hull from ⎯ friction,

friction flow separation
separation, current/wind
wave drift damping
(ii) mooring lines
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2.019 Design of Ocean Systems

Spring 2011

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