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Elaborate the competencies should be possessed by the teacher

2. Mention 1 and elaborate the methods or strategies used in teaching of the following
a. Listening
b. Reading
c. Speaking
d. Writing
3. Write the descriptive text below:
a. People
b. Animal
4. Design the 5 steps of Scientific Approach one skill in teaching materials based on the integrated
5. Explain the metafunction of language
6. Elaborate branch of linguistic
7. What do you know about skills six tasks in KKNI


1. Pedagogic competence is a teacher's competence related to the way of managing the teacher in
carrying out the learning process and understanding of students. Furthermore, this competence
includes the ability to understand students, design learning, carry out learning, assess learning
outcomes and also development
Personality competence is a competency in the form of attitude that must be possessed by a teacher.
The teacher's personality must reflect the profession he is carrying. So a teacher must be able to
reflect personality in a stable, stable, mature, wise, and authoritative manner, to be an example for
students, and noble.
Social competence is related to a teacher's ability to go hand in hand with society. A teacher must be
able to communicate effectively with the community. This includes being able to communicate with
students, other teachers, guardians of students and residents in the school environment.
Professional competence is an ability that is related to the mastery of learning material in the field of
study broadly and in depth which includes the mastery of scientific substances that shade the
curriculum material, as well as increase knowledge as teachers. Essential indicators of these
competencies include: (1) understanding the teaching material in the school curriculum, (2)
understanding the structure, concepts, and scientific methods that are coherent with teaching
material, (3) understanding the conceptual relationships between related subjects, and (4 ) applying
scientific concepts in everyday life.
2. ...

3. a. Observing There are two main activities that should be done to lead to the observing steps. First,
the teachers give students a wide opportunity to do observation. The observation can be done
through reading, listening, or seeing the object. Second, the teachers facilitate the students to do
observation and train the students to observe the important things from the object. There are seven
steps in observing process, (1) determining the object to be observed, (2) determining the purpose,
(3) determining the way of observation, (4) limiting the object, (5) doing observation carefully, (6)
reporting the result of observation, and (7) comprehending the result.
b. Questioning Questioning functions to encourage and inspire learners to actively learn and develop
questions of and for itself; to raise skills of students in talking, asking questions, and the other can
answer logically, systematically using proper and correct grammar; to encourage students’
participation in discussing, arguing, developing the ability to think and draw conclusions; and to
build an attitude of openness to give and receive opinions or ideas, enrich vocabulary, as well as
developing social tolerance in gregarious.
c. Experimenting In experimenting, the steps are preparation, working, and follow up. There are five
activities that can be done in experimenting, (1) Grouping students into several groups, (2) asking
students to discuss, (3) recording the finding, (4) supervising the learning process to ensure that all
learners are actively involved in the discussion, and (5) directing the group that need help.
d. Associating Associating is the ability to analyze and associate the information occurred within the
group. Associating is the process of analyzing the information to find the relationship between one
information to other information and to find the patterns of interrelationship of the information so
that one can make conclusion from the patterns found.
e. Communicating Communicating is the ability to conclude the facts that have been observed and
experimented. There are four activities that can be conducted in communicating steps, (1) asking
the students to read their work to the class, (2) asking each group to listen well and provide
additional input with regard to the work of each group, (3) giving explanation after the group
discussion ended, and (5) structuring tasks and providing opportunities to the students to
demonstrate attitude, skills, and understanding of the substance of learning given.
4. Animal
The cat is a pet animal. It is a pretty animal. It has a lovely round face. It has four legs, two ears, two
eyes and a tail. Its body is covered with soft fur. Cats are different colours. It has sharp teeth and
sharp claws. It walks without making sound. It can climb up a tree and can jump from one roof to
another. It is found all over the world. It is found of milk and fish. It also eats meat, rice and curry.
The cat kills rats. It is very useful to us. It makes a sound “Mew” When it sounds Mew, the rat runs
away and she catches it. It looks like a tiger. Its eyes are bright. The eyes of the cat which are of
gray colour, shine at night. Everybody loves this creature.
I have a cat in my house, the cat is male. I like call him “Papay”. He is an adorable cat, my cat is cute.
His body is fat. He has black and white fur.
I really love to cuddle him because his fur feels soft. Every morning my mother gives a fish, sometime
he usually scratches out my arm when I play with him. He is an active animal. He likes to run
around the house. He likes to chase everyone in my house. When he feels tired or sleepy, he usually
sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometime under the table.
“Papay” often goes out to find for food at night. And sometime he brings a mouse on his mouth. Then
he eats the mouse in the back of my house for himself.
J. K. Rowling is a British novelist who writes the fenomal fantasy book series of Harry Potter. The
books have got worldwide attention. They have become the best selling book series in history. The
books were sold more than 400 milion copies.
Joanne Rowling was born on 31th July 1965 in Yate, Gloucestershire, England. So, she is 53 years old
by 2018. About her physical appearance, her heigh is 165 centimeters and weight 54 kilograms. She
has blonde hair and blue eyes. She has married two times. Now, she has got three children.
JK. Rowling is a terrific and successful novelist that becomes the richest woman in England. In fact,
once she had become unemployed with a destitute life. By writing Harry Potter books which are
loaded with spectacular magic and high imagination, she turns to be very famous and wealthy.

5. Metafunction of language
a. Interpersonal, to enact social relationship, to cooperate, form bonds, negotiate, ask for things,
b. Textual, to link complex ideas together into cohesive and coherent waves of information
c. Ideational, to talk about experience, people and things, their actions and relationships, places, times
or circumstances in which events occur

6. Branch of linguistic
Micro linguistic is narrower view. It is concerned internal view of language itself (structure of
language systems) without related to other sciences and without related how to apply it in daily life.
Some fields of micro linguistic:
a. Phonetics, the study of the physical properties of sounds of human language
b. Phonology, the study of sounds as discrete, abstract elements in the speaker's mind that distinguish
c. Morphology, the study of internal structures of words and how they can be modified
d. Syntax, the study of how words combine to form grammatical sentences
e. Semantics, the study of the meaning of words (lexical semantics) and fixed word combinations
(phraseology), and how these combine to form the meanings of sentences
f. Pragmatics, the study of how utterances are used (literally, figuratively, or otherwise) in
communicative acts
g. Discourse analysis, the analysis of language use in texts (spoken, written, or signed)
Macro linguistic is broadest view of language. It is concerned external view of language itself with
related to other sciences and how to apply it in daily life. Some fields of micro linguistic:
a. Stylistics, the study of linguistic factors that place a discourse in context.
b. Developmental linguistics, the study of the development of linguistic ability in an individual,
particularly the acquisition of language in childhood.
c. Historical linguistics or Diachronic linguistics, the study of language change.
d. Language geography, the study of the spatial patterns of languages.
e. Evolutionary linguistics, the study of the origin and subsequent development of language.
f. Psycholinguistics, the study of the cognitive processes and representations underlying language use.
g. Sociolinguistics, the study of social patterns and norms of linguistic variability.
h. Clinical linguistics, the application of linguistic theory to the area of Speech-Language Pathology.
i. Neurolinguistics, the study of the brain networks that underlie grammar and communication.
j. Biolinguistics, the study of natural as well as human-taught communication systems in animals
compared to human language.

a. Tugas rutin/ Daily routine task
Task given by the lecturer in every meeting
b. CBR (Critical Book Report)
To critisize two or three books in two language, and make it into a review comparing those book, the
advantages and disadvantages
c. CJR (Critical Journal Review)
To critisize national journal or international journal and review it to make it easier to understand
d. Rekayasa Ide/ Idea creation
Making a new idea, creating, updating, modifying an existing idea or think the new idea so it becomes
more efficient than the previous idea
e. Mini Riset/ Mini Research
Small-scale research so that students can immediately practice what they have learned in the form of
research in the field
f. Proyek/Project
Make a project according to the topic that have been learnt at the end of learning process

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