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2 Dealing with customers Discussion IE What can shops do to attract more customers? Think about the shops that you lke to go, {to.and discuss the questions with a partner. 1 What is your favourite shop and why? 2. How often do you go there? 3 What do you like to buy there? 4 Doyou shop in department stores? Why? Why not? Vocabulary EZ Below are some of the customer services and benefits that shops can offer their customers. Put each one into the correct column below. 5 ‘ustomer parking money-off vouchers childcare alteration services ’ “private fitting rooms store card beautysalon special offers gift wrapping hhome delivery refunds hairdressers Ties services Tinandal services & benefits ‘customer parking Reading for detail Ed Scan the article about the German department store Breuninger to find answers to the questions 1 Where does Breuninger have department stored? 2. Which departments in paragraph 2 would you go to if you wanted to find the following: soap and shampoo, coffee cups, a handbag, a yoga mat? 3 Which customer services and benefits from the iss in 2 can you find inthe text? Put a tick | (¥) next to them, 4. Find atleast five more customer services and benefits ithe text: Add them tothe lists in 2, Read the ast paragraph about the luxury personal shopping service and answer the questions 1 What things can customers do before they come tothe store? 2 What two services can customers use whilst atthe store? 3. What wo services can customers use after they leave the store? 4 Doyou think that Breuninger do eventing posible to create «haxury shopping | experience? Can you think of anything else they could da? Listening for detail EBD 1:24 Listen to Rafael Fernandez, an expert on luxury customer services in retail and complete the sentences. | 1 Luxury consumers want products that are high quality and 2 Sales assistants have to give luxury consumers lots of 3 Luxury consumers want to know the things they are baying are 4 Ifluxury consumers are pleased with the servic the receive they Discussion Semenforme tomers FY Work with a partner. You run the sports and leisurewear department ina succesful, tay releom | department sore, Your manager bas told yu that he department must improve is customer ee service and develop a luxury personal shopping service. Decide with your partner on six new services and benefits you are going to offer. Present these tothe class. 18 TheBusin sino @ BREUNINGER The beautiful things in life BREUNINGER ie «cain of upmaterdgpacment sors in stoe cn Card bere diese bythe mame the eh Crew at a cto sanded fuser des tny sh opel teacher were voce tad car. Th compy, faded 1881 by Eduanl Branoge, pct on al ira ov conn ofs fais evn Stipend wfunberikiness Today te wots Ido econ range of wna ian ee ue Asides ae bes ots Tie Sigh afer “Te es ai at a ee pe as CGE SIA GIRE cckoe ater ak ere re pene ale an ae feelers ae ne epee yal aren eee eee eee aes things ini? The toes hemes ae clezns | 7 yn Dee ered deat acinar ga seeing ps teettet ea eee ee 9 Perea eet ‘ofthe-range items from labels suchas Burbery, || (21807177 26)))) unique shopping experince; the opporanity settee ne ene eee DOOR oy here hous ers with room Ielices dart se conan comimnent. | ACARI" aventon fom specallyenine!consian pie anerte needs ae Gog dispersal Deming seorpingtpeicce mesa (MMMM oats acetic ms Breuninger have akways had an eye for the ee e ‘nd the colour and ses cy like wo the tre comfort and convenience of their customer. ‘ «before leaving home, The consulta then se “They were the fist department storein Germany thisinformacon to chodsesuitabeclches When 1 co introduce lifts and escalators in the late 1940s nd the frst to axurycastomerarrivsat the store theyre guided one ofthe VIP provide customer parking afew years huer Heine Breuinger, rscrved parking spaces where one ofthe constants meets them. At ‘grandson of Eduard, brought back the idea of providing a ear theprinatefiingromschampagneor expres areavalble whilethe park for his customers fim a trip to America inthe 1950s. In customer choose fom the latest colleios rom famous designer 1959, Breuninger was the fist German department store co Breuninger ako offer made to-meisire services, fre tailoring and ss offer store card. This forward-thinking decision enabled the _lusuyshopperscancven ake thecothes homer ty hemon, When customers to pay without cas, long before itwas normal ohave ll of the shopping i fnshed the dates can be gifewrapped and a credic card. Today, over 700,000 customers own a Breuninger " “. co your how usinese 19 2 Dealing with customers Steps to worsoponnytpanage | The Seven 1 GREET THE CUSTOMER, rm) eRe eee ed Discussion [El With a partner discuss the questions. 1 When was the lst time you telephoned « company call centre? Why did you cal -to solve a problem, make an enquiry for another reason? 2. What was the result ofthe phone call? Were you happy with the service? Reading and vocabulary EX Read tie antcie and complete the information about how to deal with customers on the phone. Use Customer: ‘My mobile phone the words inthe box to help you ‘won't make outgoing calls" Helpline operator: Do you have hangup discount answer the phone with you, sir? lose your temper agree ona solution Customer: “Yes, It using it now. exchange deal with cll back Helpline operator: ‘Well, the put through —interupt hone ts working fine, sit. You Just called me ‘cal fom a dissatisfied ‘customer you need to goa them in warm mannee Thank the customer for Cling. Remeroer that when a customer cals to tl that someting s wrong ks 2 ASK WHAT THE PROBLEM IS. You n003 10 fr out why thoy a0 | callng, Simply ask wnat the problem ane ham exlan, You may not beable wa the problem. on’ say ‘im sor, ean’ hap, nea expan to the cistomer tel you cannot hal them and ask for har tsephone numbers that somebody can @|_____ them _. Sometimes the customer may want to walt le you (@)__— them _. to the correct danartment. LISTEN CAREFULLY, Peromte the customer may saya ot. You noe to stan and try otto (9)|__. An angry customer may take ong time to explain what tha probiem is and so very important that you stay coi ard that you don' Iti a good lea to take notes co tat you {are 100% cleer abou al fhe deal, Ask questiens i they are not elng you the Infomation you nees to know. DEFINE THE PROBLEM. Once the customer has fnisd wong the rebiem, use your notes to check you Pave undestcod the prblem correct SUGGEST A SOLUTION. Now that you know al ofthe estas of re broblem youcan suggest a saluion, Don't ae anther daperment. Make an ‘sp0i0gy and suggest soliton. The customer may as yout relund ther money, ‘hey may ask ora (7|___on thar next oder ox they might ask to {8|____ the goods that hey bought or oer ems. You also must be reat Dont promise to dav 10,000 new pats or next weekiftcannot be done. The customer wil be en angtiar nxt week when the parts don't ar, CONFIRM THE SOLUTION. Once you ard tho customer o. ‘nf 6 thet you both undrstand what ha been decd Maka eure hat he customer krows exactly what you are going todo and when you are going to dot. B i END THE CONVERSATION. Now hat ho customerishappy you can nd the conversation, Thank th custome agan fr caling isa good ia to let the customer (10) frat as tis ges them a nal chance to ad aryting. Search forthe keyword castomer sone to find more information about how to dal with Listening EXD 125-127 Liston to three telephone conversati dissatisfied customers and answer the questions 1 Whiy are each ofthe customers calling? 2. Which of the ‘seven steps’ from the article opposite do the customer service assistants forget when they answer the call? s between customer service assistants and Telephone language EX Match the beginning withthe correct ending to make questions about telephoning 1 What’ the longest you've ever been put a) on hola for? 2 Have you ever hung ») through to the wrong person? 5 Have you ever been put ©) long should it take them to answer the phone? 4 Doyou always ask people to confirm) your temper when you are talking on the phone? 5. When you cal a company, how ®) up on somebody? 6 Doyoulose 1} arrangements that you make on the phone? ‘Work with a partner. Take it in tums to ask and answer the questions. Reading and discussion EF Read the advertisements below for customer service jobs. “| A friendly, polite telephone manner is, essential to this role, but you'll need good listening skills and the ability to be reassuring. You will be naturally sympathetic and be able to handle often sensitive conversations. Could you be there with the right answers? | For this role y eur) { Peer ers about our { eae rcet { Seen Cee aes { oueete j Which do you think is fora healtheare company and which for an insurance company? Gl Match the words in bold in the advertisements to the definitions below ‘to make someone agree to do something (v) relationships between you and other people (two words) caring and open to understanding other people's problems (ad) the way you speak on the phone (two words) the ability to listen (two words) making someone feel less worried (ad) if you have this you are friendly and enjoy talking to people (two words) EA Work with a partner. You need to find someone for a job as a helpline operator for your School, university oF workplace. They will be responsible for dealing with new customers and Potential students. Decide what five essential skis and qualities they need to have and ereate a job advertisement. Compare your advertisement with another pair's Business 21 _ 2 Dealing with customers countable nouns Singuran pla frm countable none rome nate some see ropa form dente computers? ‘eet ny ate, uations ana neasives with both ond ot Some ies sre mising peste sentences th Beth ypes of nouns sete tes gota foto reports toute She gave mea ot of Sood adic peste sentences for beth kina of noune mucha How much water How many computer sretiere? moc se fr veronith Uncoutabe nouns mony 388 fr uerionsith Sintabl nen pole requests anor cod ae aed formating pote teats Ty re simor the ame. Howeve coulda le more poite Would you mind very followed by ver + ng fen Do you wane would te me to + wer ar pole ways toting ooo something Test yourself: countable and uncountable nouns. [Ell Are these nouns countable or uncountable? Put them into the correct columns inthe ‘able below. ‘company customer money news information accommodation Progress research equipment phone ali helpline overtime employee ‘Countable nouns ‘Uncountable nouns progress [Ei Use the words from the table above and much /many or a lot to complete the sentences 1 Human Resources wants us to reduce our head count: how there currently in this department? 2 We've spent____of on office equipment this year 3 Yimworried about the long hours you have been working, How. youd last month? 4 The director wants an update onthe repair work to the building. How have the builders made? 5 Thecompanyis doing of market custome reall thinks ofthe new product line ——aa We want to know what that Test yourself: Polite requests and offers Ei complete the telephone conversation with can or would you mind and the verbs from the box help _putmerthrough ask calling back give Receptionist Niven and Sellars. How (1)___1 (2) _ you? Carles: Good morning.(3)__you (a)_ to Marco Grela, please? Re One moment, (@)___1(6)_whe’sealing? © My name's Carlos Torres FR: Putting you through now, Mr Torres. Oh, Mr Gralla’ line's bus (7) @____ inten minutes? © No, that fine. (9) ___you (10) _me his direct number, please? FR: Certainly his extension number is 357 Thank you. Goodbye R: Goodbye, IG fad the statements Below and respond with oes and requests. Use Do you want/ Would you ke me to for effers (I=) and Word you mind sng for requests (5-6) es cold in here (Ghut / window) [think we have run out of photocopier paper. (order more). “These books are heavy! (ary for you) "have left the report on my desk. fetch). ‘Werneed to take a break, (make us coffee) |We ate going ta be late for our next meeting, (drive us tation) ‘Search for te keywords polite requests to fears ‘more about making the. Accustomer survey EA Complete the customer service dialogue using some / any / much / many and the verbs in | brackets in an appropriate form. | i} | |A, Hello, this is Ame Schumann from Mainstream Motors, Would you mind (1). @) questions about the ear you bought from us last month? (answer) B:' Well, how (3). time is this going to (4). (take)? I'm in a bit of a hurry. ‘A, Ttwont tke ong, onlf bout Sve mines. There arent very (9}_—- questions. | Baht then ‘A: First like (6) __ information about the salesman. On a scale of one to ten, how | (7)_.___ marks would you (8). (give) him for friendliness? | & Braga ‘8: Good. And how @)___mar for competence? Bi: What do you mean By competence? {A Forexample, hen ou nested (10, advice about which make or model cart buy, was hecho wghvek? | B: Oh, Ise, js, he was very good. He gave me (11)___ really stfu advice Pa give hi ten at es et pte ie cela eee tance lle ‘A: Thats good to heat You bough theca four weeks ago ean you tel me approximately how (22) llores youve driven in tha time? | Bi: Ohy nor) The week ae Bought the cay 1 broke ye A: Oh, Tam soeyfo Hear tht. Are there (14) othe diversi your household? 3: My wt an ive but se cart Hel Sbe any hee are foo (25) herders on the road these days. | ‘A: [nd ial are thee (16)____ questions you'd ike to ak us? | Bi: Nota the moment | A: Wel than you fo your tie, godt Roleplay Gi Work witha partner. You are colleagues who work inthe same office. You are both about to ‘20 on holiday tomorrow and you need each other's help to finish your work. Tae it in turns to make requests and offers. Student A + You need Student B to check your accounts. There ia mistake you can‘ find! You both need to change some mones: The bank closes in half an hour. + Your passport is at Student Bs house + Youneed to make a conference call to Chine but you can’t remember how to do it | Student B | + You need Student A to give you last month’ sale figures for your report | * You both need to check your flight departure times but Student A has no Internet connection atthe moment, | Your suitase is broken. | ‘You need to write six different emails in English about the project you and Student A are | working on,

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