Current Affairs Pre 2011 National Events Constitution Watch

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New Bill to bring CAG under RTI Lok Sabha passes green tribunal Bill
• A new Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) Bill, • The Lok Sabha adopted the National Green Tribunal
likely to be introduced in the Parliament, that will (NGT) Bill, 2009. It envisages the setting up of a national
bring the institution of CAG under the ambit of the tribunal, a judicial body exclusively to deal with
Right to Information Act. environmental laws and to provide citizens a right to
• The new Bill would seek to replace the CAG Act, environment.
1971, and empower the institution to audit accounts • The main Bench of the tribunal will be set up in Bhopal,
of the panchayati raj institutions, non-governmental “the site of humanity’s one of the worst industrial
organisations (NGOs) and public-private partnership tragedies.”
(PPP) entities.
• The Tribunal would have four circuit Benches. It would
Constitutional right overrides practices : deal with all environmental laws on air and water
Speaker pollution, the Environment Protection Act, the Forest
• While allowing the Opposition members to move cut Conservation Act and the Biodiversity Act. With
motions on the demands for grants of various this effort, India would join Australia and New
ministries, which were taken up for adoption without Zealand, which have such specialised environment
any discussion, Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar tribunals.
ruled that “Constitutional right is a superior right • The Tribunal would monitor the implementation of
and it overrides practices.”
environment laws.
• In her observation, Ms. Kumar noted that the right
• Its members would be chosen by a committee.
to move cut motions “is an important right of the
members of the House provided in the Constitution Foreign education institutions Bill tabled
which cannot be curtailed.”
• Amid opposition by the Communist Party of India
• The right to move a cut motion flows from the power (Marxist), the government introduced the Foreign
vested in the House under Article 113 of the Educational Institutions (Regulation of Entry and
Constitution to assent to any demand subject to a Operations) Bill in the Lok Sabha.
reduction of the amount specified in that demand.
This Article or any of the Rules do not make any • The Bill, which seeks to regulate the entry and
distinction between the demands which are operation of foreign education institutions, had been
discussed in the House and those which are pending for the past four years due to stiff
guillotined. Article 113 used the words ‘any demand’. opposition from the Left.
It is thus clear that cut motions can be moved on all
demands submitted to the House under Article 113 • According to the Bill, the enactment of legislation
(2),” Ms. Kumar said in her ruling. regulating entry and operation of all foreign

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institutions is necessary to maintain the standards medicare to workers in the unorganised sector, especially
of higher education in the country as well as protect those below the poverty line (BPL).
the interests of students, and in the public interest.
• The Bill, proposes that the Employees’ State
• The foreign institution shall not impart education Insurance Corporation should participate in the
unless it is recognised and notified by the Centre, Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana to cover BPL
and offers education which is in conformity with the workers in the unorganised sector.
standards laid down by the statutory authority in
India and those offered by it to its students enrolled • The Statement of Objects and Reasons of the Bill said
on its main campus, in addition to maintaining a it also proposed to increase the age limit of
corpus fund of not less than Rs. 50 crore. dependents from 18 to 21 years and provide for claims
for accidents occurring at work or while going to
• The Centre can refuse to recognise and notify an work.The legislation was brought to the House in 2008
institution if it is not in the interest of the sovereignty to replace an ordinance and was then sent to the
and integrity of India, security of the state, friendly concerned parliamentary standing committee.
relations with other foreign states, the public order,
decency or morality; or for reasons of sensitivity of
Bill to regulate clinics
the location. The government can withdraw • The Lok Sabha passed the Clinical Establishments
recognition and rescind the notification on grounds Bill to regulate private hospitals and clinics across
of violation of the provisions of the proposed the country. “It would also ensure that no clinic runs
legislation. unless it has been duly registered in accordance with
• The government also introduced three more bills on the prescribed procedure,” Union Health and Family
higher education including the one that seeks to Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said.
provide for establishment of educational tribunals • According to the Bill, every establishment will have
for effective and expeditious adjudication of disputes to follow minimum standards of facilities and services
involving teachers and other employees and other for registration and continuation of operation.
stakeholders, and to adjudicate penalties for unfair
practices. • The establishments will have to provide the medical
Lok Sabha passes labour welfare Bill examination and treatment as may be required to
stabilise the emergency medical condition of any
• Amidst furore, the Lok Sabha passed, without individual, who is brought to the facility
discussions, a slew of labour welfare measures,
including a Bill to raise the ceiling of gratuity for • The Bill envisages the setting up of a National Council
employees in private sector to Rs.10 lakh from Rs.3.5 for Clinical Establishments and State councils to
lakh. regulate the medical facilities.
• A corollary benefit of the gratuity ceiling • The State councils will be responsible for compiling
enhancement is that the amount will also qualify for and updating the State register of clinical
exemption from income tax. establishments and sending monthly returns in digital
• The Statement of Objects and Reasons of the Bill format for updating the national register.
said the present ceiling of Rs.3.5 lakh was fixed in • A State government will set up district authorities for
1997 and there had been representations from trade registration of health units, with the collector and
unions and individuals to remove or enhance the district health officer as members.
ceiling on the maximum amount of gratuity payable
under the Act. Use of narco analysis, brain-mapping
• Based on the representations and wide consultation unconstitutional: Court
with all stakeholders, it was proposed to enhance • In a major blow to investigating agencies, the Supreme
the ceiling of Rs.3.5 lakh on the maximum amount of
Court held unconstitutional and violation of the ‘right
gratuity under the act.
to privacy’ the use of narco analysis, brain-mapping
• The Lok Sabha also passed the Employees’ State and polygraph tests on accused, suspects and
Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2009, to provide for witnesses without their consent.

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• Article 20 (3) of the Constitution said [No person Nor can he/she be removed on the ground that
accused of any offence shall be compelled to be a the Union government has lost confidence in him/
witness against himself] protects an individual’s her.
choice between speaking and remaining silent,
irrespective of whether the subsequent testimony • The Bench said that as a Governor was neither an
proves to be inculpatory or exculpatory. employee nor agent of the Union government, it was
rejecting the contention that a Governor could be
• The Bench said: “Article 20 (3) aims to prevent the
removed if the Union government or the party in power
forcible conveyance of personal knowledge that is
relevant to the facts in issue. The results obtained lost ‘confidence’ in him.
from each of the impugned tests bear a testimonial • Writing the judgment, Justice Raveendran said, “What
character and they cannot be categorised as material
Article 156 (1) of the Constitution [under which a
Governor holds office during the pleasure of the
• Narco analysis technique involves the intravenous President] dispenses with is the need to assign
administration of sodium pentothal, a drug which reasons or the need to give notice, but the need to act
lowers inhibitions on part of the subject and induces fairly and reasonably cannot be dispensed with by
the person to talk freely. The other two techniques Article 156(1).”
measure changes in aspects such as respiration, blood
pressure, blood flow, pulse and galvanic skin • The President, in exercising power under Article
resistance. The truthfulness or falsity on part of the 156(1), should act in a manner that is not arbitrary or
subject is assessed by relying on the records of the unreasonable. In the event of challenge of withdrawal
physiological responses. of the pleasure, the court will necessarily assume that
it is for compelling reasons. Consequently, where the
Court won’t stop admissions to deemed aggrieved person is not able to establish a prima facie
varsities instance of arbitrariness or mala fides in his removal,
the court will refuse to interfere.
• The Supreme Court declined to restrain the 44 deemed
universities recommended by the Tandon Committee Supreme Court allows mining in undisputed
to be de-recognised, from making fresh admissions Obulapuram areas
for the academic year 2010-2011.
• Giving a major relief to the Reddy brothers, the
• A Bench of Justice Dalveer Bhandari and Justice Gyan
Sudha Misra did not accept the argument advanced Supreme Court has allowed mining in Obulapuram
by the Centre that no fresh admissions should be mines in the reserve forests bordering Andhra Pradesh
permitted as that would cause prejudice to the and Karnataka. A Bench of Chief Justice K.G.
students. Balakrishnan and Justices Deepak Verma and B.S.
Chauhan allowed mining operations within 150 metres
Nothing unconstitutional about MPLAD
of the border.
scheme, rules Supreme Court
• The Supreme Court held that the Members of
• This order was passed on an Andhra Pradesh
Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) government appeal against an order of the Andhra
Scheme, under which every MP is allotted Rs. 2 crore Pradesh High Court allowing mining by the
a year for constituency development, was intra vires Obulapuram Mining Company. The Supreme Court
the Constitution. earlier stayed mining activities and ordered a survey
by the Survey of India (SoI).
Governors can’t be removed at Centre’s whims,
says Court • The SoI, in its report, alleged discrepancies and
overlapping in the lease sketches of six Obulapuram
• The Supreme Court held that a Governor cannot mines, including three belonging to the Reddy
be removed on the ground that he/she is out of brothers. It suggested that the entire lease sketches
sync with the policies and ideologies of the Union be reviewed and that no mining be allowed during the
government or the party in power at the Centre. demarcation work.

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Supreme Court upholds quota in local bodies Court issued a stern notice to the Haryana Government
for its response to a petition highlighting their plight.
• The Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity
of Articles 243 D (6) and T (6), providing for reservation • Mirchpur, about 150 km from Delhi, is a large village
of seats in any panchayat or offices of Chairpersons comprising about 1,700 Jat (dominant caste)
in panchayats and municipalities in favour of backward households, 250 Balmiki families, 350 Chamar, 25 Dom
classes. and a handful of Brahmin households.

• A five-judge Constitution Bench upheld Articles 243 Inclusion in select list is no guarantee of
D (4) and 243 T (4) reserving chairpersons’ posts in appointment : Supreme Court
local bodies, irrespective of whether the beneficiaries • A person whose name appears on the select list does
are SCs, STs and women and even if it is a single post.
not acquire any indefeasible right of appointment, the
These Articles were inserted by way of Constitution
Supreme Court has held.
73rd and 74th Amendments. The Bench disposed of
appeals challenging these amendments as also the • Writing the judgment, Justice Chauhan said: “Mere
Karnataka law in this regard. inclusion of a candidate’s name in the select list does
not confer [on him] any right to be selected, even if
• Writing the judgment, the CJI said, “The nature and
some of the vacancies remain unfilled. The candidate
purpose of reservation in the context of local self-
cannot claim that he has been given a hostile
government is considerably different from that of
discrimination. The select list cannot be treated as a
higher education and public employment. In this
reservoir for the purpose of appointments, that
sense, Articles 243-D and Article 243-T form a distinct
vacancy can be filled taking the names from that list
and independent constitutional basis for affirmative
as and when it is so required.”
action and the principles that have been evolved in
relation to the reservation policies enabled by Articles • In the instant case, the Orissa government advertised
15(4) and 16(4) cannot be readily applied in the context for filling 15 vacancies of junior clerk in June 1995, with
of local self-government.” an indication that the number might be increased.
Accordingly, the authorities decided to fill 33 vacancies,
• The Bench, however, made it clear that the ceiling of though a ‘select list’ of 66 persons was prepared. Persons
50 per cent vertical reservation in favour of SC/ST/ whose names figured on the list but were not appointed
OBCs should not be breached in the context of local moved the State Administrative Tribunal, which in April
self-government. 2000 directed the government to offer appointments to
• The Bench said, “These chairperson posts cannot be all candidates until the entire ‘select list’ was exhausted.
equated with solitary posts in the context of public • Allowing the State’s appeal and setting aside the orders
employment.” It held that Articles 243-D (6) and T of the tribunal and the High Court, the Supreme Court
(6) “are constitutionally valid since they are in the gave this judgement
nature of provisions which merely enable State
Legislature to reserve seats and chairperson posts in Moily hints at change in judges’ appointment
favour of backward classes.” process
• The Bench said, “As we have considered and decided • The government is thinking of making changes in the
only the constitutional validity of Articles 243-D appointment procedures, as the present practice
(6) and 243-T(6), it will be open to the petitioners or (collegium) does not fully reflect the two Supreme
any aggrieved party to challenge any State legislation Court judgments that led to the creation of the existing
enacted in pursuance of the said constitutional system. India may be among the few countries in the
provisions before the High Court.” world where judges appoint themselves, a practice
Supreme Court notice to Haryana over that started after 1993, replacing the system of
government picking the judges for higher judiciary
Mirchpur Dalits
• The changes could be made either through judicial
• Taking a serious view of 150 Dalit families from
action or legislative method, he said.
Mirchpur village in Haryana’s Hisar district being
forced to leave the village after two of them were killed
allegedly by the dominant Jat community, the Supreme

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IAS PRE 2011 - Current Affairs

Medium: English
Price: Rs. 190/-
Pages: 446
Author: S.A. Majid

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