Ib Coordinator Description

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International Baccalaureate – Program Coordinator Responsibilities

The IB Coordinator at Nauset Regional High School/ Nauset Public Schools is responsible with and to the
administration for the coordination and development of the IB Diploma Programme. Together with the
administration, the IB coordinator is involved in the whole school/district implementation of the IB
Diploma Programme and is the direct point of contact with the IBO. The following responsibilities are
distinguished by their constituencies.

Students & Parents

• Provide comprehensive information on the IB Diploma Programme, its aims and requirements to both interested
students and students enrolled in the IB Diploma Programme.
 Oversee the student selection procedure in accordance to school policies by guiding teachers, students, and
parents through the IB course selection process.
 Provide comprehensive information on the IB Diploma Programme to interested parents via a handbook
 Recruit and identify students including informational meetings for parents/students
 Communicate with students about the IB Diploma Programme General Regulations
 Communicate with parents about the Diploma Programme, its regulations and complying with IB deadlines
 Advise on ways to promote and monitor academic honesty among students
 Obtain information about students with special educational needs and coordinate with IB
• Monitor the progress of IB students
• Be informed of the development of each IB Diploma student
• Discuss with the student and consult with the IB Diploma staff and/or the homeroom teacher about necessary
changes in subject options and other actions concerning the student’s academic or personal development.
• Accommodate transfer students by liaising with their previous school and\or provide the receiving school with
necessary information
• Organize relevant assemblies and activities to encourage the development and promotion of students in the IB
program including school-wide assemblies.
• Assume primary responsibility for initiating information to diploma candidates about the extended essay and
maintain follow up with teachers supervising extended essays. Arrange dispatch of the extended essays.
• Ensure that candidates meet program and examination requirements and fulfill IB Diploma regulations
• Ensure that candidates are informed of the exam procedures and the services provided by the IBO (early results,
enquiries upon results, legislation) and that the services are executed where necessary
• Ensure that examination transcripts\Diplomas\Certificates are distributed to candidates upon receipt from IBO
• Organize the IB graduation component/Coordinate with Graduation Advisors
• Counsel students (and their parents) about their results from IB assessments
 Convey diplomas, diploma results and certificates to students
• Ensure that parents are consistently informed of the performance of their children
• Maintain open communication with parents throughout the 4 years of high school to ensure that they are aware of
external deadlines, expectations, and student progress

Teachers/ IB Diploma Staff

 Communicate with subject teachers and/or heads of departments including Diploma Programme General
Regulations and Handbook of Procedures
 Monitor and act upon professional development needs
 Inform teachers of professional development opportunities and make necessary arrangements
 Communicate curriculum developments and administrative changes to teachers
 Orient new teachers and inform them about the Diploma Programme
 Organize and chair meetings for IB teachers
 Consult with teachers about IB teaching practices and standards, providing to IB Diploma staff a service of
advice and support
 Ensure that all staff is informed of and adhere to IB Diploma regulations
• Consult with IB staff to monitor the on-going progress of students particularly following progress and semester
reports and mock examinations
• Ensure that all IB Diploma staff has access to relevant publications and updated resource materials and are fully
informed of current program content and subject requirements
• Keep staff informed of current IB Diploma developments as announced in Coordinator Notes, the Handbook of
Procedures and Regulations and correspondence from the IBO
• Administer and be responsible for the ‘Annual Calendar of procedures and major deadlines’ (Handbook of
Procedures and Regulations). Meet all deadlines.
• Ensure that all staff is informed of the relevant assessment procedures
• Together with the staff, make an analysis of the annual examinations
 Coordinate staff professional development and provide opportunities at internal and external IB workshops
• Monitor and keep records of IB staff experience and professional development
 Monitor the construction and delivery of the Theory of Knowledge program
 Liaise with the teacher responsible for TOK to ensure that the program is well administered and incorporated
across the IB spectrum
• In conjunction with the CAS Supervisor/Coordinator, establish the process of monitoring students in their CAS
activities to ensure that all students perform appropriate activities
• Liaise with the Guidance Counselor to ensure that there is adequate information and guidance about further
studies, careers and scholarship opportunities, so that students obtain the appropriate reference and that students’
transcripts are forwarded to universities
• Liaise with the librarian regarding the provision of resource books and other relevant matters
• Inform newly appointed IB Diploma staff of all relevant aspects of the program

 Coordinate all IB Diploma activities at the school
 Contribute to the school calendar
 Write the application for candidacy due April1, 2016 and the application for authorization due April 1, 2017
 Keep copies of all IB Diploma publications on file
 Ensure that accurate student records are maintained
 Respond to and initiate communication with the Regional offices.
 Organize the final examination in addition to orals and mock examinations; take overall responsibility for the
examination facilities, safekeeping of all examination materials, invigilation of examinations and dispatch of all
papers and other examination documents to the appropriate examiners and IBCA/IBO.
 Ensure that textbooks, resources and facilities are available based upon the needs of the IB Diploma program
 Promote the program within and outside the school and communicate with other schools
 Contribute to school publications including the school newsletter and yearbook.
 Ensure that group 1 and group 2 oral examinations are properly conducted
 Follow through with IBO procedures for sending results to universities
 Help candidates design a CAS program and plan group activities with candidates
 Submit CAS information to the regional office
 Contact external supervisors and organizations and maintain records
 Enlist the support of volunteers to help with activities like CAS and field studies
 Act as liaison with offices of the IBO, such as IBCA, the regional office, and sub-regional organizations
 Organize mock/trial written and oral examinations for students and invigilators
 Inform supervisors and students about the extended essay requirement, the guidelines and assessment criteria;
identify supervisors of extended essay; ensure timely mailing of extended essays to examiners
 Arrange for an external visual arts examiner in liaison with IBCA
 Maintain the security of examination papers
 Monitor the receipt of internal assessment forms and candidates’ work for submission to examiners
 Anticipate staffing needs in coordination with administration
 Inform Department Heads and teachers of requirements of internal assessment and guided coursework and
distribute mark sheets as supplied by IBCA for completion.
• Liaise with the Secondary School Principal responsible for the timetable to ensure that the requirements of the IB
Diploma are complied with the different IB Diploma offices
• Liaise with the Secondary School Principal to contribute to the development of the professional development plan
IBO Offices
• Serve as liaison between administration, staff, students, parents, and IBO and thus handle all relevant
communication with the different IB Diploma offices
• Be familiar with all IB Diploma procedures as listed in the Handbook of Procedures and Regulations
• Ensure that administrative procedures be carried out correctly and that deadlines be kept according to IBO
• Keep copies of all correspondence with IBO including forms, documents and reports
• Ensure that conditions for the conduct of the examinations are fulfilled

The IB Diploma Coordinator is responsible for direct communication between the school and the IBO.

• Liaise with the Secondary School Principal to develop and administer the IB Diploma budget
• Notify the Secondary School Principal of IB Diploma payments due, where applicable
• Check invoices, ensure arrival of materials and authorize payment of IBO invoices and direct invoices to the
Secondary School Principal
• Liaise with the Secondary School Principal with regard to IBO workshops, registration and payment

1. Hold a professional certificate as issued by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education appropriate to area of assignment.
2. Master's Degree from an accredited college or university.
3. Experience with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program highly desirable.
4. Classroom teaching experience, preferably in an International Baccalaureate designated
5. Knowledge of school organization, setting goals and objectives with special emphasis on
teaching techniques.
6. Ability to lead a team and build a collaborative culture.
7. Knowledge of materials in field of specialization.
8. Knowledge of current trends and research in field of specialization.
9. Excellent oral and written communication skills.
10. Ability to effectively communicate with diverse communities and effectively work with
diverse populations.
11. Demonstrated proficiency with business technology applications (e.g. Microsoft Office Suite-
Word, Excel, Outlook, and/or PowerPoint preferred).

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