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3.0 introduction

This chapter outlines the methodology used in conducting the research. It outlines the research
design, the target population relevant in providing the information of the study, sampling method
and the data collection instruments used in aiding the study.

3.1 Research design

Research design can be defined as a general plan that gives a layout of how data will be collected
and analysed Bryman and Bell (2007). The study used a descriptive cross sectional research
design. The descriptive design allows a researcher to study and describe the distribution of one or
more variables without regard to any causal or other hypothesis.

3.2 Population

A population is the entire group of individuals that the study is interested in. There is an
approximate of two hundred and fifty small businesses in Athi river and therefore the 250 small
businesses will be the target population for the study.

3.3 Sample size

A sample size is a part of the whole population carefully selected to represent the whole
population. From the population of 250 small businesses, the study selected a sample size of 75
businesses to represent the whole population.

3.4 Sampling technique

Sampling is a method used in selecting individual members or a sub set of the population to
make statistical inferences from them and estimate characteristics of the whole population. The
study will use simple random sampling for obtaining information where every individual within
the population has an equal probability and opportunity of being chosen to be part of the sample.

3.5 Data collection tools

Data collection tools refer to the instruments used to collect data. The study will therefore make
use of questionnaires in collecting data which will be used for analysis. A questionnaire is a
research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information
from respondents.

3.6 Data collection procedure

The process of data collection will commence by preparation of questions based on the
objectives of the study and measuring their effectiveness towards the study. The questionnaires
will be distributed to the respondents and be given a time frame of submitting their answers to
the questions provided. The answers from the respondents will be analysed to give feedback for
the study.

3.7 Questionnaire pilot study

From the sample size of 75 respondents, the study will choose 15 respondents to do a pilot study.
The questions in the questionnaires will be administered to the 15 respondents to measure the
extent to which the questions will of value and importance towards reaching the objectives and
to know whether the questions formulated are relevant for the study. The pilot study will be
appropriate in gauging the effectiveness and relevancy of the questions towards achieving the
goal of the study.

3.8 Ethical considerations

The research study will offer an assurance to the respondents that their rights and well being is
adequately safeguarded and the fact that their responses will be kept confidential for the study.
There will be no exposure of the identity of the respondents participating in the study and the
respondents will be kept aware of the objectives of the study.

3.9 Data analysis and presentation

Data obtained from the questionnaires administered to the respondents will be subjected to

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