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20211101. MON. Bree. 第二次段考複習.

GB Grammar Practice.
1. Playing video games is __________________(fun). However, traveling is much
__________________ (fun).
2. Of the two glasses, the right one is __________________ (yummy).
3. Which is __________________ (pure), the papaya juice or the guava juice ?
4. In his family, John is __________________ (handsome).
5. Kathy is less __________________ (worried) than any other child.
6. Linda is __________________ (honest) than her sister, Kelly.
7. Of the three clowns, the one with green gloves is __________________ (funny).
8. The boat trip is the least __________________ (expensive) of all.
9. The famous church is much __________________ (far) than the department store.
10. The bus station is __________________ (far) of the three.
11. Who is __________________ (pretty) of the two girls ?
12. I hope that my hair will be as __________________ (beautiful) as yours.
13. You are reading __________________ (noisy) than the others. Please ne quiet.
14. The question looks __________________ (easy).
You can solve the __________________ (easy) question __________________ (easy).
15. No one can sing as __________________ (beautiful) as Jane.
16. The __________________ (much) we know about the war, the ___________________ (worried)
we will be.
17. I am ________________ (true) sorry about what happened to you. You deserve to know the
_______________ (true) story.

1. Please speak slowly to these children with hearing problems so that can read your lips
__________ and understand much ____________.
(A) easier : well (B) more easily : better (C) easier : better (D) the easiest : best
2. Jo likes summer the ________ because she has trouble _________ in the summer heat.
(A) least : to sleep (B) latest : to sleep (C) latest : sleeping (D) least : sleeping
3. I think the road ends here : it won’t go any ________. Shouldn’t we turn back ?
(A) fartherly (B) farther (C) furtherly (D) further
4. The boy who is running ___________ in his class is also __________ swimmer of all.
(A) slowest : slowest (B) the most slowly : less
(C) the most slowly : the slowest (D) most slowly : the most slowly
5. My sister cooks more ____ than my parents. She cooks _________ of the three.
(A) terribly : worst (B) badly : the worst (C) worse : the worst (D) worse : worst

20211101. MON. Bree. 第二次段考複習.

6. We used to get there more ____ than they ________.

(A) early : did (B) lately : were (C) quick : were (D) often : did
7. Sara dances the most ______ in her class. No one else can dance _______ than she.
(A) beautifully : better (B) poorly : more beautifully
(C) best : more beautiful (D) terrible : more poorly
8. Ken looked _________ because he got _____ gifts than his sister.
(A) sadder : little (B) sadly : fewer (C) saddest : least (D) sad : fewer
9. The apple is the largest in the world, but I wonder _________.
(A) that it’s the most delicious fruit of all
(B) what does it taste like
(C) whether it tastes good or not
(D) how many people can finish eating them together
10. Jay runs more ______ than Andy or Leo. He runs the most ______ of the three.
(A) badly : badly (B) faster : fastest (C) slower : slowly (D) often : often
11. Ann : Lisa is __________ student in her class.
Mia : Do you mean she studies _____ than any other student in her class ?
(A) happiest : happier (B) most happily : happier
(C) the happiest : more happily (D) the most happily : more happily
12. Jay sang the most ____ last night. He could not find any other singer with a _____ voice than he.
(A) badly : worse (B) terribly : worse (C) wonderful : better (D) best : better
13. With the coming Christmas, most consumers are getting ___________. They are ________
planning what to buy for their friends and families.
(A) more and more excitedly : excitedly (B) excitedlier and excitedlier : excited
(C) excited : more excited (D) more and more excited : excitedly
14. Do you know _____ to take a trip to Germany, France and the UK ?
(A) how much it costs (B) how long does it take
(C) how much money he’ll spend (D) how much time he’ll spend
15. Jill : Are you a _________ driver than your parents ?
Leo : Sure. I drive ______ of the three.
(A) more careful : the most carefully (B) the more careful : the most carefully
(C) worse : best (D) better : most poorly
16. Of the two, math is _________ subject for Jack. He can always learn math ____________ than
other students.
(A) the easier : much easily (B) the easiest : much easier
(C) the easiest : much more easier (D) the easier : much more easily
17. The poor boy seemed __________ because he looked ____________ at these hamburgers.
(A) hungrily : hungrily (B) hungry : hungrily (C) hungrily : hungry (D) hungry : hungry

20211101. MON. Bree. 第二次段考複習.

18. ______ on the basketball team is fatter than John though he is not on the team.
(A) All the players (B) Anyone else (C) Many players (D) Every player
19. Choose the CORRECT sentence.
(A) Tom is heavier than you three times.
(B) I like fishing as much as my father.
(C) David is much handsomer than his brother.
(D) Lisa has as more brothers as I do.
20. The ________ you go down to road, the __________ shops you will find.
(A) farther : more (B) more farther : less (C) further : more (D) much farther : less
21. The _________ they waited for the doctor, the _________ patience they had.
(A) longest : more (B) longer : least (C) much longer : much (D) longer : less
22. No other ___________ in the class ________ faster than Philip.
(A) more student : is (B) any student : is (C) students : are (D) the students : are
23. Everyone ___________ at Robert who jumped ______ than the other students.
(A) was surprisingly looking : higher (B) surprisingly was looking : higher
(C) was looking surprisingly : more highly (D) was surprised looking : more highly
24. Kathy didn’t have time _______ dinner with us because she has worked _______ than before.
(A) having : busier (B) to have : more busily
(C) having : more busily (D) to have : busier
25. As Christmas gets ________, the shops get ____________.
(A) closely : crowder and crowder (B) closer : more crowdedly
(C) more close : more and more crowded (D) closer : more and more crowded
26. If you look _________ at it, you’ll find there’s something wrong with it.
(A) close (B) careful (C) closely (D) hardly
27. You can ask Mr. Davis for some suggestions before _________ for Japan. He’s ________ there
several times.
(A) you leave : being (B) leaving : been (C) left : been in (D) leaving : been to
28. George : Have you and your brother _________ to the new zoo yet ?
Frank : Yes. We ________ there last week. We had fun __________ some many animals.
(A) gone : went : learning (B) been : have been : to learn
(C) gone : been : to learn (D) been : went : learning
29. Sorry. Oliver isn’t in Taiwan now. He ____________ France for business.
(A) been in (B) has gone to (C) went to (D) has been to
30. Mia : _____ your brother found his smartphone yet ?
Sam : Yes, he _________ it half an hour go.
(A) Did : find (B) Did : found (C) Has : has found (D) Has : found

20211101. MON. Bree. 第二次段考複習.

31. Have you ____________ ?

(A) been to any good movies these days
(B) gone to one of the famous countries
(C) finish painting oil paper umbrellas
(D) read the famous novel for several times
32. Their brother, Hank, __________ already.
(A) has not gone there (B) have visited the zoo
(C) has done the homework (D) are going to move to New York
33. My dad ________ the USA. He’ll get back in a few days.
(A) have left for (B) have got to (C) has gone to (D) has been
34. Our pet dog, Money, _________ yet.
(A) wasn’t fed (B) isn’t being fed (C) won’t feed (D) hasn’t been fed
35. When we got out of the train station, many flowers __________ to those who _________ by.
(A) have been given : passed (B) were being given : passed
(C) were giving : were passing (D) were give : were passed
36. ________ our car ____________ in the automobile repair shop at the moment ?
(A) Has : been fixed (B) Was : fixed (C) Is : being fixed (D) Does : be fixed
37. Susan : _________ Andy ___________ to clean his room by his mother then?
Peter : Yes, he was. His room was just too messy.
(A) Was : being told (B) Has : been told (C) Was : told (D) Did : was told
38. Linda : How many years ________ since we last ______ each other ?
Jane : About twenty years !
(A) have been passed : met (B) passed : have met
(C) have passed : met (D) were passed : had met
39. I haven’t seen you for a long time! How _______________?
(A) have you done (B) were you doing (C) have you been done (D) have you been
40. Choose the CORRECT one.
(A) People who get up the earlier have the most time to plan for today.
(B) Jeremy did as well as the others on the test.
(C) Linda washes the windows quicker than her mother.
(D) Mr. Jones is a more carefully driver than Mr. Davis.
41. The weather _______ rainy and cloudy in the last few days. We don’t know _______ it will get
better in the near future.
(A) has been : if (B) was : that (C) has been : X (D) would be : whether
42. Arizona is much bigger than _____________ in Taiwan. (不同範圍)
(A) all the other cities (B) any other city (C) any cities (D) all the cities

20211101. MON. Bree. 第二次段考複習.

43. Boiling eggs sounds _______________ of the four ways.

(A) most interested (B) the most interesting
(C) more interestingly (D) the most interestingly
44. Mr. Jackson’s stomach doesn’t feel _________. Maybe he ate something ______ last night.
(A) right : badly (B) rightly : badly (C) rightly : bad (D) right : bad
45. No other students in the class are better than Bill.
(A) Bill is the best student in the class.
(B) Any other student in the class is better than Bill.
(C) Bill is as good as any other student in the class.
(D) Bill is better as any other student in the class.

TB Grammar Practice.

1. 昨天動手術的那位醫生是一位專業的外科醫生。



2. 那些住在城鎮邊緣的工人們直到 12 點前都不能離開。



3. 他是一位大老遠從 Albany 來的醫生。



4. 那些昨晚尋找珍貴寶藏的強盜犯(robbers)已經被逮捕了。



5. 那位開門的經理跑向那位暈倒的老婦人。



6. Peter 昨天給我那本我一直都很想看的書。

20211101. MON. Bree. 第二次段考複習.



7. Andy 是那兩個兄弟中較聰明的那一個。



8. 全世界的粉絲都很喜歡看這位來自英國的舞者跳舞。



9. Sam 是唯一一位還沒有跟老闆講過話的員工。



10. 許多之前受夠通車的人已經開始開車上班。



11. 你曾經想過如何形容一個你已經認識 20 年的嗎?



12. 昨晚被穿著一件黃色西裝的男子打破的那個花瓶很貴。(介係詞片語)



1. Sarah, one of my aunt’s friends, just told me that she______________ for twenty years. How can
I believe it! She looks even younger than my mom.
(A) married (B) been married (C) has married (D) has been married
2. Peter enjoys reading storybooks, especially those _________ are about ghosts.
(A) who (B) which (C) x (D) ones
3. Sue: I can’t believe a big boy like you _______ afraid of spiders.
Tom: Because they are covered with thick hair.

20211101. MON. Bree. 第二次段考複習.

(A) is (B) are (C) am (D) be

4. God helps those who _______ themselves.
(A) helps (B) help (C) helping (D) to help
5. Two boys _______ glasses are Carol’s students from Korea.
(A) who wears (B) who wearing (C) that wear (D) who is with
6. A: I can’t eat beef. Can you give me another sandwich _____ any beef inside? B: Sure.
(A) which don’t have (B) that don’t have (C) that doesn’t have (D) which without
7. The comic books ____.
(A) which are bought by me last Sunday are interesting
(B) which have many pictures in it is mine
(C) that are sold out
(D) you have bought for years now cost a lot
8. Choose the correct one.
(A) Is this book on the table his?
(B) I have to stay at home and do my homework, and so have my brothers.
(C) Follow me, I will show you to the place which you want to go.
(D) One of the boys who stands in the back of the classroom is my brother.
9. Choose the correct one.
(A) I don’t believe that he told me.
(B) The cellphone he’s using is his sixth in the past three years.
(C) Feeding the homeless is not the only thing that keep this girl busy.
(D) The woman who Mr. Wu loves her is standing by the window.
10. Look! The women in blue _______ the trash on the beach. Let’s join them to make our world a
better place.
(A) is picking up (B) picks up (C) are picking up (D) pick up
11. The boy _______ in Australia has made 1300 Teddy Bears for the sick children in the hospital.
His act of kindness lasts for four years.
(A) was born (B) who was born (C) who born (D) who is born
12. Sandra likes collecting stones. Of all the stones, the one _______ she found on her last trip in
Meinong is her favorite.
(A) that (B) X (C) which (D) All of the above.
12. Amy: Do you know _______ the girl standing under the tree is?
Tracy: You mean the one _______ the bakery? She’s Lisa.
(A) X; next to (B) that; behind (C) who; in front of (D) where; beside
13. That’s the bike _______ from the store on the corner yesterday.
(A) they have bought (B) was bought (C) buying (D) Dad bought
14. Jasmine’s never been to Europe, and _______.
(A) neither is Aaron (B) so is Aaron (C) Aaron has, too (D) Aaron hasn’t, either

20211101. MON. Bree. 第二次段考複習.

15. Choose the CORRECT sentence.

(A) All that we need is money.
(B) I see the girl and the cat which are standing at the school gate.
(C) The rose was planted in the garden which Mr. Wang built in.
(D) Look! There is a black dog is lying on the street.
16. Choose the INCORRECT sentence.
(A) The book I am reading is a gift from my best friend.
(B) He owns the car which parked in the parking space.
(C) The boxes that are on the floor are mine.
(D) The only stories I told are the ones I heard from you.
17. The number of the gifts for children's home can't be wrong. I have counted ________.
(A) dozen time (B) a dozen of times (C) dozens of times (D) dozen times
18. Mike _________ the school far away from the city yesterday ________ quite a few books to the
school library next week. 
(A) visited; will give (B)who visited; is going to give
(C) visited; that will give (D) that will visit; gave
19. Rex: Cindy, what type of apartment do you want to buy?
Cindy: I want to buy ________ provides 100 square meters with a big balcony that I can plant
flowers on.
(A) it (B) it which (C) the one that (D) that
20. People enjoy using the social network ________.
(A) which provide useful information you need
(B) Mark Zuckerberg created in 2004
(C) has a long history
(D) that can type and post any thoughts you want to share on it
21. Karen, ____________ a red dress, ____________. 
(A) wears; stands across from the parking space 
(B) that likes to wear; across from the parking space 
(C) who is wearing; is across from the parking space
(D) is in; across from the parking space
22. Lisa was one of the kids _______________in this car accident. Everyone at their school felt
really sad for their death.
(A)that were dead (B)that was dead (C)that has died (D)that have died

23. Which is correct?

(A) It’s honest for you to say that I can’t be even slimmer even though I drink only water without

20211101. MON. Bree. 第二次段考複習.

eating anything.
(B) The song singing by the famous singer has been popular for months.
(C) The girl who Jack talked last night is very beautiful and kind. 
(D) The movie I saw yesterday was so boring, so I fell asleep in the cinema.
24. Which is correct?
(A) The Wang family was not enough rich to help all the homeless.
(B) As soon as the rain is going to stop, I will bring packages back to you soon.
(C) People who I haven’t heard of for a long time can easily find me on a social network.
(D) Over the course of his life in Africa, Dr. Albert Schweitzer helped the sick people.
25. Do you know who the second astronaut __________landed on the Moon is?
(A) who (B) which (C) that (D) whose


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