WED. Alma.

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20211103. WED. Alma.

Sentence Pattern II.

1. How many ____________________(獅子) are there ?

There ____________ ten_________________________.

2. How many ____________________(袋鼠) are there ?

There ____________ two _________________________.

There ____________ one _________________________.

3. How many ____________________(斑馬) are there ?

There ____________ one _________________________.

4. How many ____________________(老虎) are there ?

There ____________ four _________________________.

5. How many ____________________(大象) are there ?

1. 有幾隻熊? (8)



2. 有幾隻獅子? (1)



3. 有幾隻大象? (1)



4. 有幾隻袋鼠? (2)



5. 有幾隻斑馬? (3)

20211103. WED. Alma.



6. 有幾隻老虎? (6)



Sentence Pattern I. ONE.

1. What _______ your brother see ?

He __________ _________ _________________. (4 隻獅子)

2. What _______ Mr. Cooper see ?

He __________ _________ _________________. (2 匹馬)

3. What _______ Annie see ?

She__________ _________ _________________. (8 隻猴子)

4. What _______ Peter and John see ?

They __________ _________ _________________. (3 隻熊)

5. What _______ their mother see ?

She __________ _________ _________________. (2 匹斑馬)


1. 她看到什麼? (六隻袋鼠)



2. 他看到什麼? (五隻老虎)



3. Jack 看到什麼? (兩隻袋鼠)


20211103. WED. Alma.


4. 他們看到什麼? (一隻獅子)



5. 你看到什麼? (一隻大象)



1. ________ Frank ______________ to the museum ? No, he ____________.

2. Where __________ they ______________ ?

They ____________ _____________ to the tea shop.

3. Where __________ Henry ______________ ?

He ____________ _____________ to the park.

4. Where __________ her uncle ______________ ?

He ____________ _____________ to the post office.

5. _________ Susan ______________ to the bookstore ? Yes, she ____________.

6. ________ we ______________ to the bookstore ? Yes, we ____________.

7. Where __________ you ______________ ?

I ____________ _____________ to the zoo.

8. ________ they ______________ to school ? No, ___________ ______________.

9. Where __________ May ______________ ?

She ____________ _____________ to the hospital.

20211103. WED. Alma.

10. ________ George ______________ to the cafe ? Yes, he ____________.


1. Brian 正要去哪裡? (學校)



2. 你正要去圖書館嗎? (X –動物園)



3. 他們正要去哪裡? (郵局)



4. 他正要去書局嗎? (X –公園)



5. 你正要去醫院嗎? (X -紅茶店)



6. May 正要去哪裡? (動物園)



7. Ken 正要去郵局嗎? (O)



8. 你的姐姐正要去哪裡? (圖書館)


20211103. WED. Alma.



1. ________ Mike like cats and dogs ? Yes, he ___________.

(A) Is : is (B) Does : does (C) Is : isn't (D) Do : do

2. _________ you ____________ to school ? No, I'm not.

(A) Are : go (B) Do : go (C) Are : going (D) Do : going

3. How many __________ are there ? There ________ only one elephant.

(A) elephants : are (B) birds : is (C) bird : are (D) elephants : is

4. __________ you ____________ some butterflies on the flowers ? Yes, I do.

(A) Do : seeing (B) Are : seeing (C) Are : see (D) Do : see

5. __________ Uncle Sam going to the park ? Yes, he __________.

(A) Is : is (B) Where is : is (C) Does : does (D) Is : does

6. Where ________ David ____________ ? He's going to the bookstore.

(A) Is : going (B) Does :go (C) Is : go (D) Does : going

7. She isn't __________ to the garden. She's ___________ to the library.

(A) going : going (B) going : go (C) go : go (D) go : going

8. _________ Annie see some dragonflies and beetles ? Yes, she __________.

(A) Does : does (B) Is : is (C) Does : do (D) Is : does

9. What _________ your brother see ? He ____________ a dog and a cat.

(A) Is : is seeing (B) Does : sees (C) Does : sees (D) Is : see

10. ___________ their sisters going to the zoo ? No, they ______________.

(A) Is : isn't (B) Do : don't (C) Does : doesn't (D) Are : aren't

11. What ________ the girls see in the library ? They __________ many books.

(A) are : seeing (B) do : see (C) are : see (D) do : seeing

12. Where are you ___________ ? _________ going to the tea shop.

(A) going : I'm (B) go : I'm (C) going : You're (D) goes : He's

20211103. WED. Alma.

13. ___________ Mr. Jones going to the park ? No, he ____________.

(A) Does : doesn't (B) Is : isn't (C) Does : isn't (D) Is : doesn't

14. _______ there three zebras in the zoo ? Yes, there _________.

(A) Are : are (B) Is : is (C) Do : do (D) Does : does

15. They see _______ elephant and six _____________.

(A) a : kangaroo (B) two : kangaroos (C) an : kangaroos (D) one : kangaroo

16. How __________ students _________ there ?

(A) much : are (B) many : are (C) much : is (D) many : is

17. Michael_________ two lions and one ___________ in the zoo.

(A) sees : giraffes (B) is seeing : giraffes (C) sees : giraffe (D) seeing : giraffe

18. Where _________ Kathy going ? __________ going to the post office.

(A) does : She's (B) is : He's (C) does : He's (D) is : She's

20211103. WED. Alma.

1. 你看到什麼? (5 隻大象)



2. Annie 看到什麼? (2 隻猴子)



3. Linda 看到什麼? (3 隻老虎)



4. 他們看到什麼? (1 匹馬)



5. John 看到什麼? (7 隻袋鼠)



20211103. WED. Alma.


1. 有幾匹獅子 ? (2)



2. 有幾隻老虎? (9)



3. 有幾隻大象 ? (1)



4. 有幾隻小鳥 ? (6)



5. 有幾隻斑馬? (10)



20211103. WED. Alma.


1. 你的姊姊正要去動物園嗎 ? (O)



2. Albert 正要去哪裡 ? (公園)



3. 我們正要去哪裡 ? (醫院)



4. 你正要去嗎超市 ? (X - 圖書館)



5. Mr. Brown 正要去哪裡 ? (郵局)



20211103. WED. Alma.


1. Where _____________ Robert going ?

________________ going to the zoo.
2. How many birds ______________ there ?
_______________ ten birds.
3. What ______________ Andrew see ?
He _______________ some students.
4. ____________ you going to the library ?
No, I __________________.
5. ____________ Jack like chocolate and cake ?
Yes, he _______________.
6 . Where ______________ Kathy and Susan going ?
______________ going to the supermarket.
7. How many elephants _____________ there ?
_________________ one elephant.
8. What ________________ you ________________ ?  
 I __________________ some flowers.
9. _________________ David go to school every day ?
No, he ______________________.
10. ________________ they going to the bookstore ?
Yes, they ____________________.

20211103. WED. Alma.


1. Is Jack ___________ to the supermarket ? No, _________ isn't.

(A) goes : he (B) going : he (C) go : he's (D) going : he's
2. ___________ your grandfather going to the park ? No, he ____________.
(A) Does : doesn't (B) Is : isn't (C) Does : isn't (D) Is : doesn't
3. Kelly _________ two bird, but David __________ ten birds.
(A) seeing : sees (B) see : sees (C) sees : sees (D) sees : seeing
4. What ________ your sister see in the park ? She __________ many flowers and trees.
(A) does : sees (B) is : is seeing (C) does : see (D) is sees
5. _________ Robert see some elephants ? Yes, he __________.
(A) Does : does (B) Is : is (C) Does : do (D) Is : does
6. ________ Jane ___________ to the supermarket ? Yes, she is.
(A) Does : going (B) Is : going (C) Is : go (D) Does : go
7. What __________ Jimmy and Andy see in the zoo ? ________ ________ some tigers.
(A) do : They see (B) are : They see (C) do : They are (D) are : They're
8. Where _________ they going ? _________ going to the post office.
(A) do : They is (B) are : They (C) do : They're (D) are : They're
9. ___________ the students going ? To the library.
(A) What (B) How (C) How many (D) Where
10. Judy sees __________ elephant and two __________ in the zoo.
(A) an : monkey (B) a : monkey s (C) an : monkey s (D) a : monkey


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