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Debate Script

Intro: SHOULD CYBERBULLYING BE PUNISHABLE BY SCHOOLS? Most everyone can agree that internet
bullying is a problem that many students are faced with. The solution to the problem, however, is not as
clear. With the addition of technology to the daily lives of students, bullying can now take place online in
addition to in person. This allows students to bully—or be bullied—on and off school property. Schools
are faced with an issue: should they punish students involved with cyberbullying, even if it takes place
outside of the school? Some schools believe it is within their rights to step in and punish any bullying
that takes place by students, whether on or off school property. Although much of the legal precedent
set in the past decade goes against this belief, many communities are passing laws to allow schools to
punish cyberbullying, regardless of where it takes place. Others believe that the school’s rights diminish
as the student leaves school property, therefore excluding many incidents of cyberbullying from school
jurisdiction. Many on this side of the debate believe that parents should be the ones punishing their
children for participating in cyberbullying.

 Pam Proposition: Cyber bullying should be punishable by school because it effects the students
emotional health. If the problem isn’t resolved then it could just get worse and worse, and the
student could start getting bullied in school if nobody try’s an stop it. The more it happens the
worse it gets and it will just effect the person that is getting bullied more and more. If the school
could punish the cyber bully then it will show that other people can’t get away with it and they
can get in trouble for what they are doing.
 Nova Opposition: I disagree with you because parents should have teach their kids manners and
kindness to other kids. The schools shouldn’t have to but limits to what they can and can’t
punish because not every situation of cyberbullying is going to be the same. Schools are
responsible for their students, therefore they should be able to give their kids punishment.
Cyberbullying should be punished by parents, the school should have set boundaries on what
they can and can’t punish.
 Pam Proposition: I believe that schools should punish students for cyberbullying because it can
seriously affect a student’s ability to do everyday tasks, and keep up with school work. With
technology now it makes it very easy for students to bring bullying home because they can say it
all behind a screen. In many cases, parents don’t pay attention to what their children are doing
on social media or the students hide it from their parents. If the school was to find out of notice
something happening in school, they should check in to make sure nothing is happening outside
of school. It is so important nowadays to make sure students are not only safe in school but that
they are safe outside of school as well. In some cases, children may not have someone at home
looking out from them, and for the school to help protect them could make all the difference in
some situations.

Yes, schools should punish cyberbullies because it effects the student(s) emotionally. Then the
student(s) might not do as well on their school work. Cyberbullying can also lead to worse
Consequences than just not doing well in school.
 Nova Opposition: It happened outside of school so how I think of it is it should be handled is
through something else. The school system for punishment is just wack too so this wouldn’t
benefit anyone in the end. I also found it odd how people take things online so seriously
because it’s super easy to block report and many other things and I think it’s kinds dumb feeling
hurt from random comments online. I really don’t understand how it makes people go suicidal.
That’s probably just me though.
 Pam Proposition: Cyber bullying affects more students than most would think, it affects their
mental health, their self esteem. As some bullying may happen not on school grounds, you
should always still take precautions for cyberbullying and any form of bullying. Cyberbullying
though can happen anywhere at anytime, on school grounds or off even. Teachers should be
aware of what’s happening in their student’s lives especially their school life, and checking up on
them to make sure that nothing wrong is going on that. they may need to talk about just dont
want the person bullying them to find out. So, yes cyberbullying should be punishable by
 Nova Opposition: I don’t think cyberbullying should be punished by schools. It occurs on a
different domain than the one they are responsible for, so it is not their issue to deal with.
Abuse and harassment can be reported on most social media platforms, and other websites as
well. And if that doesn’t work there’s always the block button, or law enforcement if the bullying
extends to threats of violence. Unless the bullying is continued in person on school grounds,
then it is just not the school board’s issue to deal with.

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