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Intro to Anatomy

A. Give your responses to the following:

1. Why is it important for you to learn Anatomy?

Looking from a patient’s perspective, I would rather have a doctor that is knowledgeable
about their patients’ structure. Personally, I believe that learning anatomy is one of the basics
that a science student should know and be well-familiar with. Learning anatomy is important
for me and my chosen course because it will be of importance with my credibility in the future.

2. Define Anatomy.

Anatomy is the study of the different body structures and their relationship with each other.

3. List the Divisions and subdivisions of Anatomy and briefly describe each.

Divisions – in bold Subdivisions – in italic

Gross/Macroscopic Anatomy – Study of parts that is seen with the naked eye.

Regional/Topographical – Study of the relationships of all structures in a particular region of

the body.

Systemic - Study of grouped/individual body parts that has the same structure and related

Surface – Study of the external surface of the body.

Imaging – Study of human body using imaging technologies (e.g., MRI scan, x-ray, etc.)

Endoscopic – Study of the internal part of the body using an endoscope.

Microscopic Anatomy – study of parts that is seen with the help of lenses.

Histology – Study of the different structures of tissue.

Cytology – Study of the different structures of the cell and their function.

Developmental Anatomy – Study of the structural changes in an individual from fertilization to


Neuroanatomy – Study of the nervous system.

4. List the Regions and sub regions of the body

Region – in bold Sub-region – in italic











Upper Extremity






Lower Extremity







5. Enumerate the Methods of studying anatomy

1. Regional or Topographical Anatomy 4. Radiographic Anatomy

2. Systemic Anatomy 5. Applied Anatomy

3. Surface Anatomy

6. What are the 4 basic reference systems in Anatomy?

They are the direction, the fundamental planes, the cavities, and the structural units.
7. Describe the Anatomical Position.

The anatomical position is the position in which a person is standing erect or straight, with
the upper extremity placed on the sides and the palms of the hands is facing forward.

8. Enumerate the different imaginary planes used in anatomy and briefly describe each.

1. The sagittal plane is vertical and splits the body into left and right halves.

2. The coronal or frontal plane is also vertical and splits the body into front and back halves.

3. The transverse plane, also known as horizontal plane, is horizontal. It splits the body into
upper and lower halves.

9. What are the Structural Units of the human body? Describe each.

1. Cell is the fundamental unit to all living things.

2. Tissue is a collection of cells that functions the same.

3. Organ is composed of a group of fundamental tissues that performs a given function.

4. System comprises of a group of organs whose structure and origin are similar to each other
and is united together to perform a given function.

10. Enumerate the 4 Fundamental Tissues of the body and briefly discuss each

1. Epithelial tissue covers the surface of the body and lines the body cavities, ducts, and vessels.
2. Connective tissue serves as a support and helps in the attachment of other tissues such as
tendons, ligaments, etc.

3. Muscular tissue is composed of specialized cells that can contract and/or move. It has three
types namely skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.

4. Nervous tissue constitutes the brain, spinal cord and nerves.

11. Describe the following set of anatomical description: Medial, Lateral; Superior, Inferior;
Distal, Proximal; Superficial, Deep; Ventral, Dorsal

Medial is towards the middle of the body (midline) whereas lateral is the opposite. It (lateral) is
away from the midline; Superior is towards the top of the body while inferior is towards the
bottom of the body; Distal is located farthest from the point of attachment and proximal is
located closest to the point of attachment; Superficial is on or close to the surface of the body
(epidermis) whereas deep is the one farther away from the body (internal organs); Ventral is
the front of the body while dorsal is the back of the body.

B. DRAW the following:

1. Anatomical Position
2. Draw and label the anatomical planes
3. Table showing the different Cavities of the body and their components

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