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Table of Contents

Chapter 301 The Cultivation Center

Chapter 302 Flamegrass

Chapter 303: Strict Demands

Chapter 304: The Silver-haired Man

Chapter 305: The Last Stone Room

Chapter 306: Tang YuLin the Genius

Chapter 307: Yin Ge

Chapter 308: Nonsense

Chapter 309: Selling Oneself

Chapter 310: Gravity Mountain

Chapter 311: Teng ZiYe

Chapter 312: Protector

Chapter 313: Gossip and an Encounter

Chapter 314: Test

Chapter 315

Chapter 316: The First

Chapter 317: Flying Fish Sect

Chapter 318: Strange Man

Chapter 319: Profiting from disaster

Chapter 320: Bird of Pride

Chapter 321: Profound Hatred

Chapter 322: The Netherworld Siren

Chapter 323: Qilin's Sacred Fire

Chapter 324: Life Experience

Chapter 325: Fulfilling a Promise

Chapter 326: Competition Cancelled

Chapter 327: I'm so Nervous

Chapter 328: Nest Egg

Chapter 329: Elemental Essence

Chapter 330: Inheriting Soul Training Technique

Chapter 331: Cultivation

Chapter 332: Zhao DaZhou

Chapter 333: Sneaky Actions

Chapter 334: Return

Chapter 335: The TianXin Sect

Chapter 336: Peach Blossom Village

Chapter 337: More Than Two Groups

Chapter 338: The Captured Young Master

Chapter 339: Forced Confession

Chapter 340: Cudgel One's Brain

Chapter 341: Boundless Sea

Chapter 342: A Familiar Person

Chapter 343: Saliva

Chapter 344: Ugly

Chapter 345: "Coincidental meeting"

Chapter 346: So Hungry and Thirsty

Chapter 347: Fairy Fu Rong

Chapter 348: Bossy Hei Tian

Chapter 349: Beast Transfiguration

Chapter 350: Unfortunately, it's Not Included in the Set

Chapter 351: Causing Trouble

Chapter 352: (Cat) Catching the Mice

Chapter 353: Lies

Chapter 354: Spring Lake

Chapter 355: Each with Their Own Ulterior Motives

Chapter 356: There Were Actually Two

Chapter 357: Friends Turned Enemies

Chapter 358: Lure

Chapter 359: Ling Xiao Strikes

Chapter 360: My wife doesn’t like you

Chapter 361: Conditions for the Exchange

Chapter 362: So, There's Still a Secret

Chapter 363: Different Opinions

Chapter 364: Disturbed Harmony

Chapter 365: The Symbol of A Clan Member

Chapter 366: A Chicken

Chapter 367: A Pessimistic Situation

Chapter 368: Rebirth

Chapter 369: To Catch Off Guard

Chapter 370: Rage

Chapter 371: Identity Exposed

Chapter 372: Sacrificial Blood Rite

Chapter 373: Feng ChiYun Is Kidnapped

Chapter 374: An Auspicious Day

Chapter 375: Sealed Jade Drive

The Legendary Master's Wife Chapter 376

Chapter 377: Setting Off

Chapter 378: Jinx

Chapter 379: Dao Yun

Chapter 380: The Thief God of the Ten Divine Gods

Chapter 381: Family Feuds

Chapter 382: Auction

Chapter 383: The Commerce District

Chapter 384: The Heavenly Cauldron

Chapter 385: Two Young People

Chapter 386: Finale

Chapter 387: Add One More Spirit Gem

Chapter 388: The Man Who Intervenes Once Again

Chapter 389: Dao Yun's Departure

Chapter 390: Departure

Chapter 391: Trouble Caused by Pimples

Chapter 392: Conflict

Chapter 393: Retreat In Defeat

Chapter 394: Money Making Method

Chapter 395: Not Expensive At All

Chapter 396: Metal Swallowing Beast

Chapter 397: Imposter

Chapter 398: Biggest Problem in Life.

Chapter 399: You'll Get Pregnant

Chapter 400: A Rare New Metal


Translation Group - Exiled Rebels Scanlations

EPUB/PDF - RnD Novels Team

Chapter 301 The Cultivation Center
The two most bustling zones of Ward A, one was the arena, and the
other one was a place called the Cultivation Center. The livelihood of
this place was nowhere inferior than the bazaar.

You XiaoMo had to ask some seniors for the location of the arena
and the Cultivation Center. The seniors, guessing that they must be
the freshmen, told them the location without making thing difficult,
and then hurriedly left.

You XiaoMo looked toward their direction and was surprised, "Eh,
are they leaving for the Cultivation Center too?" Quickly leaving after
telling them like that, that was a bit impatient.

Ling Xiao walked over and hugged You XiaoMo's shoulder, "There
might be something fun over there. Let's check the place out."

The two immediately followed them. On the way, they ran into Tong
YueXu and Feng ChiYun.

Tong YueXu and Feng ChiYun were surprised to see their appearance,
since it seemed like they were also going to the Cultivation Center.

After a slight moment of surprise, Tong YueXu gently nodded toward

them, "I didn't see you guys here yesterday, are you going to the
Cultivation Center today?"

You XiaoMo blushed while remembering yesterday event.

Ling Xiao's face was much thicker, he talked as if nothing happened

yesterday, "You went to that place?"

Tong YueXu nodded, "I went there once yesterday. That place is
quite good, although.."

You XiaoMo hastily asked, "Although?"

Feng ChiYun continued the sentence, "Although its restrictive
condition is very stringent. I heard that it wasn't this strict before,
but it seems like something has happened, causing the rule to be
changed abruptly. This started roughly a year ago…"

The Cultivation Center was the most unique feature of Ward A. The
place was a huge circular structured building with numerous stone
rooms. Like Ling Xiao had said before, the deeper one went in, the
more effective it was for cultivation, but…

A year ago, the restriction against the cultivation was not particularly
strict, which was reflected through the point cost for a stone room.
Somewhere around last year, the cost for each room suddenly rose
up a time and a half, for example, a room that cost only four points
before, now needed six points.

For most people, this was a bad news!

Earning a point everyday had always been a very difficult task to

begin with, and with this unexpected rise of cost, a lot of students
felt reluctant.

In the end, the academy’s side also didn’t make an explanation, and
this matter remained unsolved.

Although people couldn’t understand, no one was willing to give up

such a wonderful place for cultivation, therefore, even if the majority
felt reluctant, the place was still packed with an endless stream of
people everyday.

However, this was not the only one restriction.

There was another one that was much more stricter than the
increase of points, which also limited more students, and it was a
condition related to the student's card.

From outside to inside, the Cultivation Center was divided into three
areas, the Black card zone, the Purple card zone and the Red card
zone. As the name suggested, black cards were only able to access
the Black card zone, while the Red card could enter all three.

Yet before, this restriction didn't even exist. As long as one had
enough point, any of the three areas were accessible, of course, not
like many people could afford the costly price for the Purple and Red
card zone.

It was a bit pity, but in contrary, very few people cared about this

Not long after, the four of them reached the destination.

Along the way, they encountered more and more people, some
came individually, but mostly were in a group, and eventually,
everyone stopped in front of a white circular building. Its exterior
design closely resembled the auction house You XiaoMo had gone to.

You XiaoMo gazed afar, “This is the Cultivation Center? What a

majestic building, looks like there are plenty of spirit gems

Tong YueXu was astonished, “What did you just say?”

You XiaoMo quickly shook his head and shifted to another subject,
“Nothing, so when can we go inside?”

Tong YueXu answered, “We can go in right now. But since this is your
first time here, maybe you should check out the Black card zone first
to adapt the energy fluctuation of this place.”

You XiaoMo nodded, “No problem. So, let’s go in.”

Since there were too many people, they needed to line up.
Thankfully it didn’t take much time, and they went with the people
that flowed into the Black card zone.

The stone rooms inside the Black card zone were circularly
distributed. The Black card zone had a total of three passageway.
Despite the fact all three passages belonging to the Black card zone,
there were some differences, as each passage was charged for
differently, there were passageways for two points, three points and
four points respectively.

Tong YueXu and Feng ChiYun used the third passage.

You XiaoMo looked around first, then chose a vacant stone room on
his side. However, he looked at Ling Xiao with glistening eyes,
"Seems like a stone room can hold more than one person. Then, can
we only pay one point, and both of us can come in and cultivate

“Don’t be silly, the academy must have long thought about this
matter.” Ling Xiao immediately shaming him.

You XiaoMo unwillingly made a sound, “Let's try it first and we will

After his sentence, they opened the door. Entering their eyes were
walls on every sides and there was almost nothing inside. The stone
room was empty, but You XiaoMo saw there were four small square
shape white podium dais, each of them was one meter square. In
front of the dais was a small socket, which was used to swipe the

Ling Xiao leaned against the door, interestingly laughed, “Look.”

You XiaoMo pouted, shut the door and came closer.

This dais must be the medium for cultivation. As long as one paid the
points in advance, one would be able use the dais to cultivate.

You XiaoMo asked, “Do you want to cultivate together?”

Ling Xiao indifferently shrugged his shoulder , “Better than nothing.”

Then Ling Xiao picked the dais on the opposite and swiped his purple
card, four points were deducted from his card.

You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao who had crossed his leg on the dais
with curiosity. Seeing Ling Xiao's cultivation situation was no
difference to others, he then averted his eyes away. He took out his
card and looked at the point on it. He nodded satisfyingly, looked like
he wouldn't need to earn points for a meanwhile, the points he
owned was substantial enough for a long time.

After swiping his card, You XiaoMo crossed his leg on the dais. As
expected, he felt an endless surge of energy coming from the dais. It
was a kind of energy that was much more pure than the spiritual
energy and he could feel every pore on his body comfortably
opening up.

You XiaoMo immediately used the Heavenly Soul Scripture, and after
a short while, he opened his eyes with a frown.

Ling Xiao noticed his unusual expression, so he opened his eyes and
asked, “What happened?”

You XiaoMo scratched his head, “The energy absorption speed is a

bit slow, ah wait, it more like, the energy transmission speed is a bit
slow, it can’t keep up with my absorption speed.”

Ling Xiao said, “Then we should switch the other stone room, we
should go to the Purple card zone to try.”

You XiaoMo, “But we only arrived here, if we don’t fully use what we
have paid, it would be too wasteful.”

Ling Xiao put his chin onto his hand, “You don’t like the slow speed,
but you also dislike being wasteful, just say it straight, what do you

You XiaoMo guiltily laughed, “How about we go there tomorrow?

That’s right, how is your cultivation, is it effective?”

Ling Xiao raised his shoulder, “At my level, I can only accumulate bit
by bit, of course, it not like there aren’t any other options, but…”

You XiaoMo asked, “But what?”

Ling Xiao glanced at him, then slowly smirked, “But, you are a level
six mage, you are still unable to satisfy me ah!”

You XiaoMo face went red, why did he feel another meaning in Ling
Xiao’s word. This was definitely the result of being bullied by him
everyday, that was why everytime he heard Ling Xiao say anything,
he would always have a misleading association.

"Can your current level only be increased by relying on magic pills?"

You XiaoMo thought for a moment, then asked Ling Xiao.

“Not necessary, but eating magic pills is the quickest way. As for the
other methods, you could only wait for an opportunity to come by.
Luck also has something to do with it. But luck is something that is
much harder to grasp than fate. Sometimes, it could take thousands
of years to encounter such luck." Ling Xiao said.

“Thousands of years?” You XiaoMo gaped and became speechless,

no wonder Ling Xiao had no hope for luck to arrive. Even himself
wouldn’t want to waste all of his effort onto some illusory luck,
leveling up would be so much faster.

You XiaoMo ensured, “I will work hard to level up.” You XiaoMo
suddenly realized, he finally found his goal, which was to make Ling
Xiao stronger.

Ling Xiao laughed, “Yeah, I believe you.”

Afterward, they really spent a day in this stone room before leaving
this Black card zone for the Purple card zone, and they didn't go back
to their room halfway through. With their current cultivation, eating
had become unnecessary, even the Breatharian pills You XiaoMo had
refined before were not needed. However, You XiaoMo was already
used to eating three meals a day, so occasionally he would treat
himself to some food.

Entering the Purple card zone was the same as the Black card zone,
there were three passages, each passage cost five points, six points,
and seven points respectively.

When they were about to go in, they were stopped.

Chapter 302 Flamegrass
The one who stopped them was an elder that guarded the purple
card zone. Before they entered, the elder suddenly stretched out his
arm, blocking them.

You XiaoMo asked respectfully, "Might I know your name, elder?"

That person said, "My surname is Zhou, you may refer to me as Elder

You XiaoMo again, respectfully asked, "Elder Zhou, may two people
share a card?"

If possible, he wouldn't need to show his card, and he could go with

Ling Xiao to the red card zone together.

But then, Elder Zhou said without hesitation, "No. One card per
person. If you only have one card between you, only one person can

The passersby began to whisper among themselves, hearing You

XiaoMo's words, some even mockingly laughing, like You XiaoMo's
question was funny.

You XiaoMo didn't think his question was funny, and he thought for a
moment before asking, "Can we lend our cards to others, then?"

Elder Zhou cast a cold glance the laughing bystanders, causing them
to fall silent. He then replied, "There are no rules about that."

The reason that there were no rules against that was because no one
was dumb enough to lend their card to someone else in the first

In this world, there was no such thing as an absolute friend, and even
your kin could betray you. That was why the school didn't set rules

against it. Even if people like that existed, they definitely wouldn't be
the majority.

You XiaoMo was delighted, no rules meant no restrictions.

Upon realizing this, he immediately took out his red card.

When the surrounding people saw his red card, sounds of surprise
immediately erupted from the crowd. Everyone's incredulous gazes
also held traces of jealousy, envy, greed…

Elder Zhou's surprise was also clear. He asked, "You don't happen to
be You XiaoMo, one of the two champions among the new students,
do you?"

You XiaoMo was taken aback. "You know me?"

He had only just gotten to Ward A; no matter how big of a reputation

he had, they wouldn't recognize him, right?

Elder Zhou's serious expression softened a little. "Your name is

known to practically the entirety of Ward A."

How could anyone have not heard of Duan QiTian's pupil? However,
the reason why he was identified was because of his red card as the
news had spread on the day of their enrollment. Many people
already knew of how You XiaoMo had defeated an old student and
also how he had a red card.

You XiaoMo scratched his head in embarrassment; he could guess


Elder Zhou soon let them in and the two went for the third passage

It was probably because many people had heard of them, so there

was no lack of curious heads that turned their way, gazes curious.

There were much less people in the purple card zone, probably less
than a fifth of the amount of people in the black card zone. But,
those who could enter the purple card zone were either powerful or
had powerful backers.

The further they walked, the less people there were. They stopped in
front of room number 49, at the end of the hall.

You XiaoMo opened the door, revealing two dais.

There was a specialized lock on the door. If one didn't want anyone
to come in, one could lock it and the people outside would be locked
out. Since there were plenty of rooms, there had never been a
situation where someone couldn't find a free room.

You XiaoMo pushed Ling Xiao inside, closing the door as he walked in
rather fast and separating them from all those gazes.

The rooms on the third hall required seven points. It was a little
expensive, but worth the expense.

You XiaoMo paid seven points, sat down cross legged, and began to
cultivate. Doubtlessly, the influx of energy was far faster than the
black card zone, so it wouldn't have problems keeping up with the
speed at which he took it in; conversely, he might actually be unable
to keep up with it.

Having realized this, You XiaoMo was filled with elation and began to
absorb the energy like crazy.

After half a day, You XiaoMo looked inwardly and found that the
central light green crystal had become fully green. Before, he was
always that much away from changing it, so hadn't been expecting
that he would make so much progress these few hours. The effects
were amazing; no wonder everyone scrambled to get here first.

As he absorbed energy, Ling Xiao had already stopped cultivating,
sitting opposite him and watching him with his chin on his hand.

Though he didn't look like he was cultivating on the outside, but if

one used their sixth sense they would find that the energy from the
dais was really being absorbed, little by little.

In comparison to his uncaring mood, You XiaoMo was frantic.

For him, a day passed in the blink of an eye.

When You XiaoMo next opened his eyes, it was already the third day.
Ling Xiao had helped him swipe his card in the middle, allowing him
to keep cultivating without a disruption for another day.

You XiaoMo didn't know this. He jumped up happily. In these few

days, he could feel himself approaching a breakthrough, having
gained progress that would usually take him half a month.

"Let's go try out the red card zone together tomorrow."

Having tried out the benefits, You XiaoMo' thoughts turned towards
the red card zone.

Ling Xiao said, "You're wrong."

You XiaoMo blinked, "Huh?"

Ling Xiao glanced at him. "Did you forget how it's one card per

You XiaoMo rubbed his nose. "Uh… I did forget. Then what do we

Ling Xiao folded his arms in front of his chest, thinking for a moment
before speaking. "We have two solutions. One, is that we split up.
The other is that we get another red card."

You XiaoMo said, "The second is a little too hard isn't it? To get a red
card you need ten thousand points in your card and pay eight
hundred of them. That's too expensive."

That wasn't all. Ten thousand points was no anthill, especially in

Ward A. Once everyone had gotten enough points, they would come
to cultivate in the Cultivation Center. The amount of points spent
was probably equal to the amount the earned, unless it was a large
power, like one that specialized in selling magic pills. They might be
able to make enough.

Ling Xiao said, "There's got to be another way."

There were less than twenty red card holders in Ward A, but that
was because every year, a bunch of students would graduate and,
among them, there was no lack of red card holders.

There had to be another way of getting a red card. It was just that
they didn't know.

You XiaoMo thought that that was logical, too, and stood up, saying,
"Then let's go. Tong YueXu should know. Let's find him."

So the two stopped cultivating and went to find Tong YueXu.

Unfortunately, they couldn't find him. After entering the Cultivation

Center together, he hadn't come back out and neither had Feng

They couldn't do anything about that, so they returned home to rest.

After an hour, they left again.

This time they headed for the Magic Herb Pavilion, having yet to
collect their rewards for first place.

The Magic Herb Pavilion was in the South East and the security was
just as heavy as the Soul Training and Skill Training Pavilions. The
security measures were almost exactly the same.

After identifying him as You XiaoMo of Block Two, the Elder guarding
the place stared at him for moment before letting him in, and saying,
"Come out immediately after finding the herb you want."

You XiaoMo nodded at once. "Understood, Elder."

Then he went in with Ling Xiao. The elder had never said they
couldn't go in together.

The Magic Herb Pavilion was massive, with transparent barriers

everywhere. Inside these barriers were stalk after stalk of rare and
high levelled magic herbs. Most of them were mid-grade, though
there were a few low and high grade ones.

You XiaoMo was glad that he had spent so much time learning inside
the old geezer's library. He could knew most of the level eight and
nine magic herbs and though some he didn't know much about, he
could still name them
"Heart Blossoms, Twilight Herbs, Demon Grass, Open Spirit Herbs…"

You XiaoMo had to repress the urge to salivate as he named them

each aloud. These were all level eight and nine herbs, and it made his
heart itch, but he knew these weren't to be touched.

Soon enough, he found his target - Flamegrass!

Flamegrass was red all over. Not just the leaves, even the roots were
a vivid fire red. Through the barrier, he could see the slight white
glow of the leaves and stem. This was a mid-grade magic herb and
there was plenty of energy within the leaves and stem. If he soaked
it in spiritual water, it could very well breakthrough mid-grade and
become a high-grade magic herb.

Thinking of this, You XiaoMo immediately took out the badge the
elder had given him and, after swiping it, the barrier disappeared,
exposing the Flamegrass.

You XiaoMo happily picked it up along with the jade box for storing
it. It was most likely for the person who came to collect it anyways.
Before he left, he glanced back at the other herbs with some longing.

"Do you want to take them?" Ling Xiao suddenly cuffed him around
the head.

"… I'm just looking," You XiaoMo replied.

If he didn't look now, he would probably never get another chance,

because these herbs were far too expensive. A level eight magic herb
needed more than a thousand points. Level nine was even more
expensive, topping two, three thousand. He wouldn't be coming back
any time soon. If only they had seeds; those probably wouldn't be
nearly as expensive.

Ling Xiao said, "If you want, we can…"

You XiaoMo hurriedly covered his mouth. "My friend, the walls have
ears. It's better to not say things like that. Let's just go."

Then, he pulled Ling Xiao from the Magic Herb Pavilion. He checked
in with the elder before leaving, returning the badge.

Chapter 303: Strict Demands
After five days, Tong YueXu finally came out of the Cultivation

Yu XiaoMo and Ling Xiao had decided against actively seeking out
information on red cards.

Since even if there was an easier way to get a red card, it definitely
wouldn't be something they could accomplish in a day, there was no
need for them to actively seek out such information.

The two stayed in their room; You XiaoMo occasionally refined pills,
went to the Cultivation center with Ling Xiao or did some speed
training in the dimension, keeping himself busy, all the way until
Tong YueXu came back. Living in the room next to theirs, Tong
YueXu's return was something they were immediately informed of.

Hearing them ask about red cards, Tong YueXu didn't hesitate to tell
them everything he knew, even though he thought it strange.

Tong YueXu said, "In regards to red cards, there are two ways of
obtaining one. You already know the first way: you need ten
thousand points. Very few accomplish this and I doubt you have the
patience, so you can only rely on the second method."

You XiaoMo was elated. "Just as we thought, there's another way.

Quick, tell us."

Tong YueXu said, "The second method is very competitive and you'll
have to mentally prepare yourselves. That method is The Trials."

You XiaoMo was taken aback. "What's that?"

Tong YueXu explained, "The Trials refers to an annual competition

held in Ward A and the rewards are very abundant. The winners can
chose their reward, and one of the rewards is a red card, but…"

You XiaoMo anxiously asked, "But what?"

Tong YueXu said, "But the rules of The Trials are very strict and
demanding; even famous powerhouses that rank high up on the
rankings might not necessarily achieve them."

You XiaoMo was very confused.

Ling Xiao asked calmly, "There are requirements for the top five?"

Tong YueXu continued, "That's right. From what I've heard, there has
never been more than four who could fulfill these requirements in
the past years. Some might rank high, but they might not be able to
fulfill the requirements, and end up with nothing but the ranking.
However, the school would still give some small rewards to
encourage the students."

You XiaoMo held his own chin. "There are so many powerhouses in
the school, yet some can't fulfill the requirement; how hard is it?"

Tong YueXu smiled lightly. "It's just as you say. There are so many
strong people in the school, so there will be many competitors
aiming for the top every year. The school didn't used to have such
high standards and rules, but since the competition was so intense,
there would always be casualties. Some of those casualties really had
potential. So, to prevent students from killing each other, the school
had to establish strict rules. Now, if you want to complete The Trials,
you'll have to rely on teamwork."

Ling Xiao asked, "When are this year's Trials?"

Tong YueXu glanced at him. "It's been five months since the last
Trials, so there's another seven to go. There will be plenty of people
signing up then."

You XiaoMo declared, "No matter what, we should have a try."

"By the way," Tong YueXu suddenly seemed to remember
something, "I forgot to say; the Trials have requirements for signing
up, too, but it won't be hard for Brother Ling. The only requirement
is to be a powerhouse on the Hundred Man Rankings."

Ling Xiao then inquired, "How are the Hundred Man Rankings

Tong YueXu replied, "The latter fifty are ranked by cultivation level.
So long as you're a high enough level, you can get on there
immediately. The first fifty are ranked by strength in battle. If you
want to rank, you have to challenge someone. If you win, you can
take their rank."

You XiaoMo glanced at Ling Xiao. He really wanted to say that that
was too easy.

The rankings for the Hundred Man Rankings were similar to the
rankings in Ward B, very much independent, except…

You XiaoMo noticed a problem. "The Trials you just mentioned

seemed to be for practitioners only; are there none for Mages?"

He had expected Tong YueXu to shake his head, but instead he

nodded, "Of course there is. There was something I hadn't
mentioned yet. The Trials aren't just for Practitioners. In fact, it is a
Trial for Practitioners and Mages as one."

You XiaoMo hadn't understood. "I'm confused. If the competition is

for both, then wouldn't Mages be at a disadvantage?"

Tong YueXu shook his head, "It's not as you think."

Ling Xiao spoke up, "It's a cooperation, right?"

Tong YueXu affirmed it, "You could call it that. Practitioners and
Mages have to rely on one another, so on the competition each year,

each participant has to have a Mage to form a temporary contract
with and will only be released form it when the competition is over,
so the Trials don't just test Practitioners."

You XiaoMo exclaimed in excitement, "That's great!"

And he had been thinking it was a shame he couldn't participate with

Ling Xiao.

Tong YueXu then added, "Regarding the contract, I hear that the
powerhouses on the Hundred Man Rankings have already started
looking for powerful Mages to contract with though the competition
isn't in until seven months later."

These words weren't for Ling Xiao to remind him to hurry and find a
good Mage. He knew that if Ling Xiao participated, then there was
only one Mage he would contract with, and that Mage was You

After Tong YueXu left, the two didn't continue with the topic.

It was still early so Ling Xiao didn't need to hurry into this Hundred
Man Ranking. However, they could only do their cultivation
separately from now on.

On this day, You XiaoMo gave the pills he had refined to Ling Xiao.

Though they had quite a few points stockpiled, but if they kept using
points without earning more, they would be broke soon enough.

Today it was his turn to go to the red card zone, so You XiaoMo
decided to get Ling Xiao to go and sell pills for points.

Ling Xiao had no complaints. It wasn't the first time he had sold pills
in lieu of You XiaoMo. Plus, half the pills would end up in his

The two parted outside their room and You XiaoMo headed for the
Cultivation Center.

To cultivate together with Ling Xiao, You XiaoMo hadn't gone to the
red card zone yet. This was his first time.

Outside the white, circular building, there was always quite a lot of
people entering and exiting. Today, it seemed his luck wasn't very

Just as he prepared to line up like a normal, law-abiding citizen,

chaos erupted in the line in front of him as well as the sounds of

You XiaoMo usually wouldn't get involved in these sorts of things and
prepared to turn away, but it was then that he saw Rong Xuan and
Qin Zhang. The two seemed to be the main acts of this drama. He
walked over curiously.

"Excuse me, do you know what's happening?"

You XiaoMo turned to a young, amused spectator.

The young man didn't recognize him, didn't guess that he was a new
student and wasn't annoyed, he just said, clearly enjoying the misery
of those involved, "Two new students got on the wrong side of Stone
Gate. They're pretty unlucky to have met Stone Gate. Stone Gate is
infamous for being unreasonable."

Stone Gate? Was that an organization in Ward A?

You XiaoMo asked in confusion, "Isn't the Cultivation Center a public

area? Are there also specified areas for different groups?"

Hearing this, the young man scrutinized him, "You're a new student,
too? No wonder you don't know. Though there's no specific
designation for groups, there'll always be people who like to cut in

line and the people from Stone Gate are people who always do that,
unless there's someone stronger."

You XiaoMo then asked, "What sort of background does this Stone
Gate have?"

The young man seemed more than happy to share and said, "Stone
Gate is the sixth most powerful group in Ward A, and there are about
a hundred members. Apparently, their creator was from the Chai
Family of the Four Families of Yan City. Though that guy isn't in the
school anymore, his authority lingers, and I heard the young master
of the Chai Family, Chai Zheng, has arrived."

The Ch-Chai family?

You XiaoMo narrowed his eyes; where these devils everywhere?

Thinking of this, he immediately waded through the crowd and

entered the "area of affect". Those he pushed frowned, but revealed
mocking expressions upon realizing where he was heading. What an
arrogant idiot. He even dared to interfere in Stone Gate's business.

"Brother Rong, Brother Qin," You XiaoMo called out towards their
turned backs.

Hearing the familiar voice, the two turned around in shock. Their
faces split into smiles upon seeing him. They hadn't seen each other
since they enrolled because they lived in different areas.

Rong Xuan smiled, saying, "You've caught us at quite the

embarrassing moment, Fellow You."

Seeing You XIaoMo's unimpressed look, they knew that he had

figured out what happened.

You XiaoMo replied, "Some despicable people just can't leave things
well enough alone; it's unavoidable."

Rong Xuan didn't even have the time to turn his head when Stone
Gate's people became enraged. A guy who looked about twenty five
glared in anger and raged, "Who're you calling despicable?"

You XiaoMo turned his turn to roll his eyes at the man. "I'm talking
about who I'm talk about."

The man's eyes looked like they were about to start spitting fire.
"You brat, do you know who I am?"

You XiaoMo retorted, "I don't know who you are, but I know that
you're one of Chai Zheng's dogs. Is he not here today? That's sad. He
won't get a chance to see you get your ass kicked."

The man didn't know how to reply. He knew who this young man
was now.

Chapter 304: The Silver-haired Man
The arch-enemy of Young Master Chai, Great Master Duan's disciple,
and the winner of Ward B's tournament - You XiaoMo!
The only one who would dare to hurl insults at Young Master Chai in
front of so many was only You XiaoMo.
Even the Young Master Chai was suffering losses at his hands, not to
mention that he was only a little minion. However, he could not
continue to be humiliated, otherwise, there would be consequences
when he returned to the Stone sect.
You XiaoMo totally did not have any interest in their bullshit. He
candidly called Rong Xuan and Qin Zhang over and had walked away.
When the man recovered his senses, the figures of the three had
already walked to the entrance of the Cultivation Center.
The man was about to open his mouth to shout at them to stop, but
when he saw the Elder standing at the entrance of the Cultivation
Center, he involuntarily shut his mouth. Since the beginning, the
Elders had never looked kindly upon students who initiated trouble.
In the midst of the jeers from the crowd, the man could only
furiously walk away, with his group following behind.
After entering the Cultivation Center, Qin Zhang called out
pleasantries to them before leaving for the Black card zone. Qin
Zhang did not have a Purple card. However, Rong Xuan had one
which was exchanged when both were still in Ward B.
At that time, everyone in Yan group spent a good amount of time
and energy in order to save five thousand points for the card.
Therefore, that Purple card actually belonged to everybody,
therefore the two decided to take turns with the card.
You XiaoMo had been amazed by their relationship.

Unless the relations between them were that of sworn brothers or
lovers, it was impossible for their relationship to be so strong to the
extent that both the Purple card and the points inside were shared
between them.
He later found out that although Rong Xuan and Qin Zhang were not
brothers, they had a rapport closer than blood brothers. Rong Xuan
and Qin Zhang were childhood friends who had already went
through trials and tribulations and confronted life and death
Such a pure friendship was very rare!
"Fellow Brother You, are you intending to go to the Red card zone?"
Rong Xuan asked as they walked.
Both had long known that You XiaoMo had a Red card, but there was
no jealousy, only some admiration. Though that Red card was not
gained by his own efforts, with You XiaoMo's strength, he would
have gotten one sooner or later.
You XiaoMo smiled and nodded, "Correct, the cultivation speed in
the Red card zone is faster. Unfortunately, only one person can enter
with a single card."
Otherwise he would be able to bring Ling Xiao inside too.
Rong Xuan smiled, "The relationship between you and Ling Xiao
seems good?"
You XiaoMo's steps stuttered for a moment, "The relationship
between Qin Zhang and you is so close. Ling Xiao and mine can
certainly be the same."
Rong Xuan replied, "That's not what I meant. I just feel that the
relationship between the two of you seems even better than Qin
Zhang and I. Are the two of you brothers?"

You XiaoMo lightly blushed and he recalled what Ling Xiao had said
to him before, 'When other people ask about our relationship, he
could not say that they were friends again'. Although Ling Xiao was
not here now, there was no guarantee that Rong Xuan would not
spill the beans in the future.
He hesitated for a while, before he whispered, "We are not brothers.
But to me, Ling Xiao is a… …very important person, more important
than family."
Rong Xuan was slightly surprised, "You guys are…"
You XiaoMo immediately cut him off, "You don't need to speak your
thoughts about this aloud, just keep it in your heart."
Rong Xuan, "…Okay."
The more Rong Xuan looked at him, the redder You XiaoMo's face
became, and You XiaoMo quickly said, "We've reached the Purple
card zone. You can go inside now, I'm leaving."
When he finished speaking, he ran off.
Rong Xuan was in a bit of a daze. He had never thought that You
XiaoMo and Ling Xiao would have that kind of relationship. Although
it was a little unbelievable, the feeling of them together was not
Only until he could not see Rong Xuan's figure did You XiaoMo slow
down. It was really embarrassing to death, but he finally said it out
loud. To tell the truth, it had not been as hard to say out loud as he
had imagined. On the contrary, it gave him a relaxed feeling of being
relieved of a burden.
Ling Xiao would not be able to have any criticisms about this. You
XiaoMo could not refrain from letting out a small smile when he
thought about it. Waking at a relaxed pace, he arrived at the

entrance of the Red card zone with the surprised gazes of the people
around on him.
The current situation was just like that of the Purple card zone.
Before he could even enter, his way was barred by an elder guarding
the entrance.
"Entry into the Red card zone is only permitted with the possession
of a Red card. If you do not have one, please leave!"
The elder gave a glance to You XiaoMo and soon turned his gaze
away. It was evident that he did not think that You XiaoMo
possessed a Red card. However this was not surprising, as there were
less than ten people who had a Red card within the entire Ward A.
Since the elder was the one regularly guarding the entrance, he
would definitely recognize those few, and it was absurd for those
people to loan their card out to others.
You XiaoMo had long known that this situation would occur, so he
plainly opened his hand. Incredibly, a glowing red crystal card
appeared on the palm of his hand.
The elder's lazy look changed in an instant. His eyes peered at You
XiaoMo's card, and after a long while, he said with an odd
expression, "You can enter now."
You XiaoMo kept his card away, and smiled, "Thank you, Elder!"
That elder looked at You XiaoMo's back, and whispering at a volume
only he could hear, he said, "So this is him ah, he actually looks quite
fair and clear…"
The fair and clear You XiaoMo walked into the area.
The Red card zone was different from the two other areas. There
were a total of thirty one stone rooms arranged in a circle. The
circumference was small and he spent two to three minutes to walk
one round.

However, there was one thing which puzzled him; he had only found
thirty rooms. Tong YueXu had clearly told him that there were thirty
one rooms in the Red card zone, but no matter how many times he
counted, there were only thirty rooms.
You XiaoMo did not believe that Tong YueXu would get it wrong.
There was definitely some reason for this.
Just at this moment, the three stone rooms at his left suddenly
opened. Two men and a woman walked out from each room. The
three suddenly noticed his presence, and were clearly stunned for a
moment, possibly because he was unfamiliar to them.
You XiaoMo was also surprised. All three were handsome men and
women, and their appearances were the extremely good-looking
kind. One of them even had a head of beautiful silver hair. The only
drawback was that his face was somewhat cold. However, Ling Xiao
was still handsome and beautiful when compared to them.
The woman had already gotten over her surprise and she lightly
frowned, "Who are you? Why are you here in the Red card zone?"
Do you really need to ask this question?
Of course he had entered using a Red card. He had seen many
wearing the same expression, but it was true that his situation was
really a bit unbelievable.
You XiaoMo clasped his hands and replied, "Greeting seniors, I am a
new student called You XiaoMo. I would be in your care in the
Once he said this, the three suddenly understood.
The woman had a strange facial expression, "Are the new students
nowadays so capable?"
Without even waiting for You XiaoMo to reply, the silver-haired man
had already walked away without a word. The other male chuckled

before he too followed behind. A subtle hint of anxiety flashed in the
woman's eyes and without even a goodbye, she hurriedly walked
Looking at the silhouettes of the three retreating backs, You XiaoMo
just felt bewildered. But since they were inside here, they were
possibly the one of the best twenty experts on the top hundred
In the end, he was still unable to figure out where exactly the thirty-
first room was.
You XiaoMo could only give up on his search for answers, as he
randomly chose an empty stone room. The structure of the stone
room was a little different from the ones in the two other areas.
There were no low stone daises, instead there were only two stone
It looked like one could sleep here. But…You XiaoMo felt that it was a
little tasteless, as he believed that there would not be anyone who
would deliberately spend twelve points to run over here to sleep,
unless that person's brain had been squeezed by a door.
t/n: squeezed by a door: stupid, or someone with a problem in the
However he forgot that there was someone who might indeed do
You XiaoMo swiped his card at the indentation in front of the stone
bed, and left his card there. The points in his card dropped by twelve
again. This type of spending was really too luxurious.
He had to concentrate on his cultivation now and would certainly
have less time to refine pills as compared to before. The earning rate
of points would naturally slow down, therefore no matter how many
points there were left in the card, he still felt distressed when he saw
it drop.

You XiaoMo crossed his legs and sat on top of the stone bed.
He soon experienced the difference between the Red card zone and
Purple card zone. The difference could no longer be measured in
numbers; instead, it was a qualitative leap.
No wonder Ling Xiao said that the nearer the origin of the leyline, the
faster the cultivation speed.
In just three hours, he discovered that the luminous bodies in his sea
of consciousness were approaching their full capacity. This implied
that he was on the verge of breaking through to become a mid-grade
level six mage.
It was as if You XiaoMo had eaten a stimulant. Not only was the
space between his eyebrows absorbing the pure energy underneath,
even the pores on his skin seemed to have opened up, happily
absorbing the energy.
The passage of time passed virtually unnoticed. You XiaoMo's body
suddenly jolted, a hint of an abnormal flush rose on his cheeks, and a
roaring sound echoed in his consciousness. Something inside his
body seemed to have exploded.
It was only six seconds, then that feeling vanished, and he gradually
felt a majestic spirit power re-agglomerating…
When You XiaoMo opened his eyes, the spirit power surging in his
body had finally quieted down. He spread his palms ad, sure enough,
he had a breakthrough. This time, the time he took to breakthrough
was faster than ever and had broken his own record again.
You XiaoMo jumped down from the stone bed and extracted his card
from the indentation. With one look, he discovered that the points
inside had decreased by thirty six points. Only then did he realize
that three days had passed.

Three days was not considered a long time, when he recalled the
time he went into closed-door cultivation several times for a month
in the TianXin Sect. However, when he thought that Ling Xiao might
be waiting for him, You XiaoMo immediately took his card back and
ran out.

Chapter 305: The Last Stone Room
When he returned to his room, You XiaoMo had assumed that Ling
Xiao would be there. After looking all over, he discovered that Ling
Xiao was nowhere to be found. You XiaoMo intended to go next-
door to ask for his whereabouts, but Tong YueXu and Feng ChiYun
were also not in.
Just as he was puzzling over this, footsteps sounded from outside.
You XiaoMo ran out from the bedroom. Seeing Ling Xiao who had
just entered, he walked over and asked, "Where did you go?"
Ling Xiao had long discovered that You XiaoMo was in the room.
Hearing him ask as such was also not a surprise, and he simply
opened his mouth and replied, "To sell magic pills."
You XiaoMo grew more astonished, "That can't be. I remembered
that I gave you less than fifty magic pills three days ago. You've been
selling them for three days and still haven't finished?"
Ling Xiao replied, "Firstly, this is not Ward B. Secondly, your magic
pills are not famous yet so there would be less people buying.
Thirdly, there are more people in Ward A who are keen on
cultivating, so there's less traffic flow in the sales area as compared
to Ward B."
You XiaoMo could not help but admit that what he said was
reasonable. In the beginning, the reason he was able to sell all his
magic pills in an instant was due to Rong Xuan and Qin Zhang.
Although he was now a little famous by virtue of his connection with
the old geezer, there were very few people buying his wares. It
seems like the growth of the sales of magic pills would still have to
depend on the accumulation of time.
You XiaoMo questioned, "Then have you finished selling them now?"

Ling Xiao poured himself a cup of water, "I still have not. But other
than selling only five pills on the first day, the average amount sold
the past two days has risen, and the rate of returning customers is
more than fifty percent."
You XiaoMo mused over it for a moment. Truth to be told, fifty
percent could not be compared to his previous sales rate, and was
much lower than his rate when he sold in Ward B. However, since
they had just arrived such as result was not too bad.
Ling Xiao said, "Ward A and Ward B are different. Although the
quality of magic pills is not particularly high, it is also not too low.
You'll have to work harder if you want to gain the advantage."
Embarrassment crossed You XiaoMo's features. This is really quite a
Cultivation was currently his priority. Now that he has tasted the
sweetness, he believed that henceforth he would diligently run
towards the Cultivation Center to practice. Thus, he would have less
time to refine pills. If he was to increase the number of times he
distilled his materials, the output quantity of his magic pill would
You XiaoMo thought over it, then asked, "Since it's like this, we
should sell some high-grade magic pills from time to time in the
Ling Xiao indifferently shrugged. He had originally intended to do as
such. Even if others were suspicious, they would definitely not think
in the direction of him having a dimension. The most likely
conclusion they would reach would be assuming he had some
channel for getting high-grade magic herbs.
"Oh yes, the last time Tong YueXu said that there were thirty one
stone rooms in the Red card area. But I looked all over three days
ago and never found the thirty-first room. Could it be that Tong

YueXu got it wrong?" You XiaoMo remembered this and brought it
up in passing.
Ling Xiao replied, "He didn't get it wrong. There are definitely thirty-
one rooms in the Red card area. The location of the room that you
cannot find is well concealed. It should be located in the middle of
the origin of the leyline."
You XiaoMo did a mental calculation of the rooms for a moment.
The center of the origin of the leyline. Then it ought to be
surrounded by the thirty stone rooms. But the placement was really
surprising; no wonder he could not find it.
"So how would we be able to enter?" You XiaoMo inquired.
Ling Xiao looked at him, "The origin of the leyline is of utmost
importance. Entry into that stone room would not be easily
You XiaoMo sighed, "That's really a pity."
He was able to have a breakthrough just by cultivating in the Red
card area for three days. His progress would be even more
unbelievable if he could enter that stone room.
After that, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao exchanged the cards they held
and You XiaoMo transferred seventy percent of the points in the Red
card into the Purple card. Thinking about how much Ling Xiao would
need, he left thirty percent for him.
If it was others, they probably would not be able to calmly accept
this like Ling Xiao.
The next day, Ling Xiao headed to the Cultivation Center alone.
You XiaoMo took out the magic herbs in his dimension. He had
managed to accumulate quite a lot of high-grade magic herbs.
Subsequently, he let SheQiu and the rest plant level six and above

magic herbs in order to conserve his spiritual water, leading to his
harvest today.
Although he was not that familiar with Ward A's market, things like
Beauty pills would always be a lure for girls.
Ten days later, You XiaoMo excitedly walked out from the bedroom.
His expression may have held a hint of exhaustion, but it was still
unable to dampen his pleasure.
After resting for a while, he then remembered that it had been close
to ten days and Ling Xiao had not yet returned. Even though his
attention had always been very focused when he was refining pills,
he would definitely notice Ling Xiao when he reappeared.
However, this the first time that Ling Xiao had disappeared for ten
days to cultivate. Such a thing had never happened before.
Not knowing when Ling Xiao would be back, You XiaoMo packed his
things and decided to head to the sales area by himself.
Ward A's sales area was located in the east, and there was no
distinction of goods. All types of transactions were carried out there.
One could barter for things or exchange them for points, depending
on how the seller wanted to sell.
Leaving the residential area, You XiaoMo headed east. As Ward A
was a large area, it took a full forty minutes of walking to reach his
The sales area was established on top of a ginormous plaza.
You XiaoMo eyed it for a moment. The expanse of the plaza was
nearly five times that of Ward B's magic pills sales area. Crowded
stone tables extended from the entrance as far as the eye could see.
There was an assortment of things on the stone tables and bustling
crowds roved in front of these stalls. Further in, there were less and
less people.

Ward A's stall was slightly different from Ward B.
A lot of points were needed to purchase the stalls with high traffic.
One example was the few stalls that he had seen on the way in which
had the highest traffic.
Only ostentatious people would be able to afford these stalls. Once
the points had been paid, that stall would belong to that person until
they left the academy. This regulation applied not only to individuals,
but also to the groups in the school.
The other difference concerned stalls with the least traffic.
Rent did not need to be paid for those stalls. The academy took into
consideration students who found it difficult to earn points. Thus,
the requirements were lowered in this part of the sales area.
After looking around, You XiaoMo immediately headed for the stall
that Ling Xiao had told him about. But when he reached there, he
found that the stall had been snatched by some people.
He took the plaque that Ling Xiao handed to him and looked at it.
Ling Xiao had clearly said that at every stall, a plaque corresponding
to the stone table would be put on top. If one wanted to continue
using a particular stall, they only needed to take the plaque on the
table. When others saw that there was no plaque on the table, they
would know that there was an owner for the stall. However, the time
limit for holding onto a spot was half a month. Once the time had
passed, others would have the right to use the space. But looking at
the situation now, it did not seem to be that case.
The ones occupying his stall were two slovenly-looking youths.
The two were currently talking. You XiaoMo did not know what they
were talking about, but vulgar laughter was continuously heard from
them. This persisted until You XiaoMo walked up. The two assumed
that he was a customer, and one enthusiastically opened his mouth.

"This fellow schoolmate, what do you want to buy?"
You XiaoMo replied, "I'm not here to buy things."
He looked at the things that the two had put on sale and was
somewhat speechless. There were very few things of value. Most
were low level magic herbs which practically no one wanted in Ward
A. They really showed no shame to sell these things.
The smile on the youth's face instantaneously disappeared, and he
stared at You XiaoMo with impatience, "If you're not buying, get
You XiaoMo showed them the plaque in his hand, "This is my stall. I
recall that the academy has regulations whereby the stall would
belong to whoever holds the plaque."
The expressions of the youths changed, and they immediately stared
at him in fury, "Kid, do you know who we are? I’m advising you to
hand over your plaque, if not I have ways to make your life here
You XiaoMo calmly kept the plaque away, automatically ignored
their words, and calmly said, "Seems like you guys are prepared to
challenge the academy's regulations. In this case, I can only ask the
elders of the academy to be the judge."
One youth quickly shot a glance at the other. That person took the
hint and just as You XiaoMo turned around, the two suddenly
surrounded him.
The youth gave a sinister smile, "We'll be taking your plaque. Let's
see how you complain now."
You XiaoMo had long guessed that they would try this method, and
he felt that they very possibly could be people from the Stone Gate.
Since the animosity between the Stone Gate and him had been
formed, he would not mind it growing further.

Without waiting for the two to attack, You XiaoMo made the first
move. A vast spiritual power erupted from his body, forming into
two fierce tigers which attacked the two.
Although he did not use any skill training techniques, his spiritual
power already possessed a spiritual attack. The two had also thought
that he was just a really physically weak mage, and did not take any
precautions, resulting in them clutching their heads and as they let
out a horrible shriek.
This move did not only deter the two. The large crowd gathered
around was also shocked and were staring at You XiaoMo with fright.
This person was very unfamiliar.
You XiaoMo walked up to one of the two youths, looked down at him
and said, "Hey, take your stuff away."
The two crawled up and packed their things away, and instantly
made their frantic scape. Only until they ran some distance away did
one of the two turn back and maliciously shout, "You had better
watch out. The Stone Gate will not let you off!"
As expected, they really belonged to the Stone Gate. Their manner of
speaking was completely the same as the person he had met outside
the Cultivation Center the last time. This was really similar to the
style of the Chai Family.
You XiaoMo had thought they would bring people over to make
trouble for him. Even though he waited until the sun was about to
set, he still did not see any people from the Stone Gate. Despite his
doubts, he packed his things and left. He was not so stupid as to
deliberately wait for them to come.
However, he did not know that those people had really intended to
return to make trouble for him. In the end, they ran into Chai Zheng
and discovered that the target of their hatred was You XiaoMo, and
they unexpectedly refrained from acting on their impulses.

Chapter 306: Tang YuLin the Genius
You XiaoMo only found out about the matter after it had happened,
but at that time he had forgotten all about it.
You XiaoMo packed his stall up and left the sales area with an
unwavering expression.
Only when he overheard the people around him while he was selling
his pills did he know why they two wanted to occupy his stall. The
reason was indirectly related to Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao did not have any interest in business, but his judgment was
top-notch as the stall he selected had a relatively good amount of
traffic flow. This was also one of the reasons why he was able to sell
many magic pills within three days.
Generally, it was impossible for a new face to immediately have a
hot business unless they found a stall with a good volume of traffic.
The two also took a fancy to the stall which Ling Xiao had his eye on a
few days ago, but they were too late.
The stall had already been occupied by Ling Xiao when the two
arrived. As they were accustomed to behaving arrogantly, they
stupidly ran over to provoke Ling Xiao and the outcome was as one
could imagine.
The two brought over some people and ran over to the sales area to
get revenge on Ling Xiao afterwards, but when they arrived, Ling Xiao
had already packed his wares and left. Thereafter he went to the
Cultivation Center and did not appear again.
The two thought that Ling Xiao had been frightened off, thus they
openly occupied the stall. Until You XiaoMo came over, they had
already been at that stall for nine days.

Ling Xiao was still not back yet when You XiaoMo returned to their
Though a little episode occurred when he set up the stall, the result
was still fruitful.
He had only sold eight magic pills out of the dozens in his stock. The
quantity sold could not be compared with the past, but as the
production cost was zero, coupled with his pills being high-grade
pills, his net profit was more than three hundred points.
This amount was less than his earnings in Ward B. However, most
people were not willing to spend points to buy magic pills unless
necessary due to everyone being obsessed with cultivating.
Therefore the price was pushed lower than normal.
On the second day, You XiaoMo still did not see Ling Xiao. So he
proceeded to the sales area as usual.
In the afternoon, he packed his stall up early and went all around on
the plaza on a shopping spree. He managed to get a good haul at the
stalls selling magic herbs and the seeds of magic herbs.
On the morning of the third day, he did not go out. Instead, he
entered his dimension to plant the seeds of the magic herbs that he
had bought. He only left the room in the afternoon. This time he
merely opened his stall for two hours and had sold just as many
magic pills as he had on the second day.
On the fourth day, he ran off to inquire for information about the
thirty-first stone room in the Red card area.
Thus, close to a month passed in this manner. He sold magic pills one
after another, and the points in his card steadily rose, giving him a
thrill when he looked at it. His sales had also boosted his reputation.
Many people had heard that he was selling high-grade magic pills

and were just attracted over on account of his reputation. However,
his price was too expensive so most were unable to afford them.
On this day, he followed his usual routine, packing his things up and
going back to the room.
Without even stepping into the room, he felt a familiar aura inside.
You XiaoMo could not restrain his delight, and he quickly pushed the
door open and walked in. When he saw Ling Xiao, he immediately
threw himself at Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao clasped his body and beamed, "Did you miss me?"
You XiaoMo momentarily flushed with pleasure, and graciously
admitted, "I missed ah. Why did you take so long to come out? Were
the results of cultivating in the Red card area that good?"
He did not think that Ling Xiao would cultivate for nearly a month
this time. Luckily he had the foresight to retain thirty percent of the
points that were in the Red card, so there was no problem even if
Ling Xiao wanted to go into secluded cultivation for two months.
Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes and replied, "The results are really good.
It would be even better if I could enter the stone room in the
It was truly worthy of being called a ten million year old leyline. Of all
the leylines that he had ever seen, the leyline in Daoxin Academy
was in the top three.
Hearing him say as such, You XiaoMo happily said, "I have made
some inquiries regarding that room. That stone room is not open to
anyone and the reason may be related to the origin of the leyline.
However, there's still a chance to enter inside."
Ling Xiao asked, "How?"
You XiaoMo said, "It's through the Mountain Trials that Tong YueXu
mentioned before. No matter whether they meet the requirements

or not, the top five all have a chance to enter. Moreover, this does
not have any relation to the rewards and seems to be an additional
Ling Xiao stroked his chin, "Looks like we have to meet the
requirements at any cost."
You XiaoMo said, "Anyway, there's still a few months before the
Trials begin. It doesn't matter if we take things slowly."
For a period of time afterwards, Ling Xiao seldomly went back to the
Red card area.
According to him, the results the Red card area gave him were not as
good as before. However, it would be different he could enter the
central stone room, which was not open for use.
You XiaoMo would occasionally head over to cultivate for a few days.
Combined with practice, his level rose like a rocket to the peak of
level six. He only needed a little more before he would advance to a
level seven mage.
Time quickly flowed in this manner. No one from the Stone Gate
came over to create trouble for them, and the two passed time
leisurely until You XiaoMo accidentally encountered an acquaintance
while on the way to the sales area a few months later.
That acquaintance was Tang YuLin, who should have still been in
Ward B.
When he encountered Tang YuLin on the road, You XiaoMo thought
he was just passing through, or he had encountered a twin, until
Tang YuLin took the initiative to call out to him.
You XiaoMo jerked to attention, "Tang YuLin, why are you here?"
Tang YuLin had a blank expression on his face, "I got lost… …"

You XiaoMo absolutely did not believe that he would get lost from
Ward B all the way to Ward A. However, Tang YuLin did not seem like
a liar, so he inquired, "What in the world happened?"
Tang YuLin finally reacted, "You XiaoMo?"
You XiaoMo himself who was being suspected had a face full of black
lines, you dare to notice who I am only now?
This matter was actually quite a long story.
Ever since You XiaoMo left, although Tang YuLin's sales did not
plummet, it was clearly not as good as the past. BaiLi XiaoYu and
Jiang XiaoFeng were busy in secluded cultivation, and in the end, he
returned to the days before where he often had to man his stall for
long hours.
However, now that he had tasted the sweetness, Tang YuLin began
to increasingly miss the days where You XiaoMo was around. Thus he
was determined to rise to Ward A. This way, You XiaoMo would be
able to buy magic herbs from him every day.
Tang YuLin was probably a genius. But since his manner was that of
'go with the flow', his talent did not come to light.
Nevertheless after he had a goal, describing Tang YuLin's
advancement with 'a thousand miles in one day' was not an
exaggeration. Vice Principal Yan Fa made an exception to let him
enter Ward A just the day before yesterday.
As for why he was lost, it was because when he came out for a stroll,
he accidentally strolled too far and forgot how to get back.
Tang YuLin stared at him with two sparkling eyes and said, "I have
arrived. If you need any magic herbs later, you can look for me

The corner of You XiaoMo's mouth twitched. He never thought that
only for the sake of letting him buy his magic herbs, Tang YuLin
would specially rise all the way here.
This Tang YuLin, not only was he a genius in regards to his cultivation
talent, he was also a genius at being slightly adorkable.
You XiaoMo thought over it, "Then you have to be ready. But I don't
need level six magic herbs now. If you have the means, you can help
me get some level seven magic herbs. How about this? I'll get a list of
the herbs I want for you. If you can help me find everything, I'll take
them all, no matter it's a seed, fully mature, or immature."
Tang YuLin immediately nodded his head and replied, "Okay!"
You XiaoMo said, "I'll pass the list to you tomorrow. I'm not in a
hurry so there's no need gather everything on the list now."
Tang YuLin gave him a look over, and nodded his head in clear
After parting ways with him, You XiaoMo returned to his room and
told Ling Xiao about Tang YuLin's situation. Ling Xiao was also
somewhat surprised.
At night, You XiaoMo began to collate the list of magic herbs to be
given to Tang YuLin. Most of the herbs on it were the less commonly
seen level seven magic herbs. He did not have many types of level
seven magic herbs, so he could not indiscriminately use them in the
After Tang YuLin received the list, he ran off to find the herbs until no
sign of him could be found at all, and stopped appearing in front of
him from time to time like a ghost.
A few days later, he really managed to gather together a portion of
the list.

You XiaoMo was dumbfounded. He had only entered Ward A a few
days ago, and unexpectedly he already had social connections.
Tang YuLin and BaiLi TianYi were inseparable ninety percent of the
time. But these days, he did not see BaiLi TianYi circling around Tang
YuLin. When Tang YuLin came over, he curiously asked about it.
Tang YuLin casually replied, "BaiLi TianYi? He's at the Cultivation
You XiaoMo probed deeper, "How did you know?"
Tang YuLin replied, "He told me last night."
You XiaoMo let out an 'oh' that was somewhat profound.
Tang YuLin seemed to only just discover that he had let slip
something that should not be said. He silently looked at You XiaoMo
and blinked, "What did I say just now?"
You XiaoMo beamed and replied, "You said that last night, BaiLi
TianYi spent the night at your place."
Tang YuLin, "… …"
There were certainly only disadvantages when a loose-lipped person
met an eloquent person!
A long while later, Tang YuLin weakly said, "Actually… …it's not like
what you're thinking."
You XiaoMo laughed, "You know what I'm thinking of?"
With that, the plan that Tang YuLin had thought of with much
difficulty for correcting the conclusion in You XiaoMo's head
suddenly disappeared.

Chapter 307: Yin Ge
Half a month later, Ling Xiao began his onslaught on the top hundred
It had been a few months since the two had entered Ward A. Ling
Xiao's advertised level was not low, but as he had never challenged
the top fifty people, his rank remained at the fifty-first rank, never
increasing or decreasing.
Many people had discovered this phenomenon. Those who could be
ousted from the top fifty at any time were even more anxious and
fearful. If they dropped from the top fifty, it would be even more
difficult for them to raise their rank.
Of course, there were also others who were dismissive of this.
They believed that Ling Xiao did not dare to challenge others even if
he was the top student in Block One of Ward B. In Ward A, one had
to obediently submit no matter if they were a dragon or a worm.
Therefore, when Ling Xiao suddenly sent a challenge to the Fiftieth
ranking Tang MengCheng, all the students were in an uproar, and
then each and everyone took on a 'watching a good show' attitude.
"The number two in the Stone Gate, Tang MengCheng. Although the
Tang Family is not very famous in Yan City, they have a very good
relation with the Chai Family. The daughter of head of the Tang
Family, Tang YinYin, is Chai Jun and Chai Zheng's mother who had
married the current head of the Chai Family thirty years ago.
Furthermore, she has retained her status as the head wife, and is an
extremely capable woman. Under her protection, the Tang Family
could be described as flourishing, and no one would dare to offend
them. As the sole heir of the Tang Family, Tang MenCheng's status is
even loftier. It just so happens that his cultivation talent is top-notch
so he is somewhat supercilious and bigoted."

After knowing that Ling Xiao had challenged Tang MengCheng, Tong
YueXu came over to personally deliver the news.
Despite the fact that this current situation surprised him a little,
when he thought of the relation between the Chai Family and the
Stone Gate, such a development was to be expected.
You XiaoMo asked, "How strong is this Tang MengCheng?"
Tong YueXu replied, "Tang MengCheng's is a six star Celestial level
practitioner. You should be careful when dealing with him. He is a
person who will resort to any means to attain his objective."
Resort to any means? No matter how despicable his means were, it
could not be more despicable than Ling Xiao!
Furthermore, until now he had not seen any who had dared to play
tricks in front of Ling Xiao remain safe and secure.
You XiaoMo was not worried about this point at all.
Feng ChiYun abruptly asked, "Why are you guys so certain that Tang
MengCheng will accept the challenge?"
You XiaoMo let out a proud smile when speaking of this and said,
"You wouldn't know this, but I accompanied Ling Xiao when he sent
the challenge. The people from the Stone Gate and I have a little
grudge, and there was someone inside who recognized me. And as
Tong-dage said, this Tang MengCheng is supercilious and arrogant
guy. Faced with a challenge from a person with a lower rank than
him, it's impossible that he won't accept it. Maybe the Stone Gate is
currently setting off fireworks to celebrate Ling Xiao sending himself
to slaughter!"
Feng ChiYun nodded in clear understanding. He had been in closed-
door cultivation so he did not know of these matters.
In the afternoon, an immense crowd flocked towards the arena.

Besides the Cultivation Center, the arena in Ward A's arena had the
highest traffic flow, and there would be a variety of interesting
challenges occurring daily.
Before setting off, You XiaoMo met Tang YuLin who had been looking
for him. Both were surnamed Tang, but they belonged to a different
clan, and based off their characters, Tang YuLin and the Tang Family
were too different.
BaiLi TianYi had followed Tang YuLin over. Ever since Tang YuLin rose
to Ward A, this fella stuck to him wherever Tang YuLin went and was
as sticky as a slug. Tang YuLin was unable to remove him, so he had
no choice but to let BaiLi TianYi follow.
"Yo, everyone!" BaiLi TianYi greeted everyone with a smile.
"Hello!" You XiaoMo politely smiled back. BaiLi TianYi had always
given him a good impression.
"Looks like your destination is the arena. I'm just about to head there
too. Do you want to go together?" BaiLi TianYi shot an unobtrusive
glance at Ling Xiao.
You XiaoMo looked at Tang YuLin, "I'm busy now, why don't we
discuss this when we come back?"
He understood that Tang YuLin would definitely not come over to
look for him if there was nothing, especially after You XiaoMo had
teased him a little bit the last time. Therefore it was very possible
that he came over as he had collected some of the herbs from the
Tang YuLin looked at everyone, and then he nodded.
The group grandiosely headed toward the arena. At the arena, the
scene of people as far as the eye could see made You XiaoMo feel
that the oxygen in the air had been drawn away. His back was nearly
sweating after being pushed all around in the crowd.

There were numerous competition stages in the arena and the duel
between Ling Xiao and Tang MengCheng was at the eighth
competition stage. There was already a large crowd surrounding the
periphery of the stage when they arrived.
On the way, Tang YuLin had been pulled away by BaiLi TianYi.
As a famous expert in the top hundred ranking, there were naturally
many people who sent challenges to BaiLi TianYi. The challenges did
not only come from those who wished to rise into the top hundred
ranking, but also came from those who were in the top fifty rankings
- all for the purpose of rising in rank.
BaiLi TianYi originally did not intend to accept their challenge, but
when he thought of Tang YuLin, he decided to let Tang YuLin see his
valiant and heroic bearing. However, he only accepted one
On the other side, You XiaoMo and his group had reached the eighth
competition stage.
Tang MengCheng had not arrived, but many from the Stone sect
were present.
Seeing that he had arrived, each and every one looked over with
hostile glares, particularly the two who had been schooled by You
XiaoMo at the sales area, and the man who had been mocked at the
entrance of the Cultivation Center. The three looked at him as if he
was the killer of their father.
Feng ChiYun said, "Your ability to offend people is really strong."
You XiaoMo joked, "You can't blame me for that. They were the first
to strike. I couldn't possibly stand there motionlessly and let them
beat and scold me."
Feng ChiYun replied, "That's true!"

Suddenly he the subject changed and asked, "Do you know the three
over there? They seemed to have been looking at us."
You XiaoMo followed his line of sight and peered over. Within the
chaos of the crowd, he saw a head of familiar silver hair, and
abruptly remembered the three he had met in the Red card area.
Although it had been some time since they had last met, he
remembered at once when he saw the silver-haired man.
Ling Xiao leaned over, "You know them?"
You XiaoMo quickly replied, "I don't, I only saw them once at the
Cultivation Center."
Ling Xiao was dissatisfied and said, "Then why were they looking at
You XiaoMo retorted, "How would I know?!" He also wanted to know
At this time, Tong YueXu walked over and stated, "I know those
three. That silver-haired man is number one on the top hundred
rankings, Yin Ge. He is extremely powerful and he rarely puts in an
appearance. He has held the first place for three years and no one
has ever snatched it from his hands before. However, he has a cold
temperament and seldom speaks."
You XiaoMo inquired, "Then the other two ne?"
Tong YueXu replied, "The man who looks very gentle is called Zhan
YuXuan, and he holds the third rank. He is very close to Yin Ge. Many
people have felt that it was strange, as Zhan YuXuan had such a good
temperament, how could he be such good friends with Yin Ge."
You XiaoMo asked again, "Then how about that woman?"
Tong YueXu responded, "That woman is called An YunRui. Her rank is
lower, just falling nicely at the tenth rank. She's the only woman in
the top ten. With her beauty and a pretty good temperament, there

are many chasing after her. However, it is rumored that she likes Yin
Ge, but with Yin Ge's personality, her road to lover is bound to be
You XiaoMo gave Tong YueXu a weird look.
Tong YueXu touched his face, not understanding what happened and
asked, "What?"
You XiaoMo smiled, "I found that you are actually quite gossipy!"
Tong YueXu made a rarely seen outcry and flushed, "This is not
gossiping, many people know these things. If you probe around,
everyone will say as such."
You XiaoMo laughed but he did not tease Tong YueXu anymore, and
continued his questioning, "Do they have a match today?"
Tong YueXu gave a slight sigh of relief, "No they don't. Very few dare
to challenge Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan. As for An YunRui, because
she's a woman, if one challenged her, many would hold them in
contempt. Although everyone wants to enter into the top fifty, they
do not want to shame themselves/lose face."
You XiaoMo asked, "Since they don't have a match, why did they
come here?"
Tong YueXu replied, "Maybe they found a person that caught their
attention? This is especially so for Yin Ge, as he would not come to
the arena if there was no need for it. Therefore there should be
someone who caught his attention."
You XiaoMo let out an 'oh' sound!
You XiaoMo queried, "That's right, who is the second ranking
Tong YueXu was astonished, "Don't you know? It's BaiLi TianYi."

You XiaoMo immediately looked in the direction of BaiLi TianYi's
competition stage, where the latter had already ascended up the
This time there was no need for him to ask as Tong YueXu
automatically explained, "BaiLi TianYi has a sworn enemy that's
ranked fourth on the top hundred ranking. He will send BaiLi TianYi a
challenge every month, but he has never won once."
You XiaoMo laughed, "This poor guy. But I have to say that he really
has perseverance."
Tong YueXu said, "I forgot to tell you, that person is Tong YueXu's
cousin, Teng Yu."
You XiaoMo immediately changed his tune, "This audacious guy! I
really hate this sort of person who endlessly pesters others!"
Tong YueXu, "… …"

Chapter 308: Nonsense
It wasn't until fifteen minutes later that Tang MengCheng and
company arrived.
Chai Zheng hadn't come. You XiaoMo heard that he hadn't left the
Cultivation Center for over a month and counting, putting his all into
Another saying was that Chai Zheng was afraid of being overtaken by
him and Teng ZiXin, so he had no choice but to put his all into
cultivation. Tang MengCheng was an eye-catching figure in the
crowd. He was handsome young man, clothing rich and elegant,
poise regal, gaze sharp and holding the barest hint of disdain.
If it wasn't for Tong YueXu informing them about Tang MengCheng,
then it would probably be very hard to tell how fake this person was.
The two sides watched each other from afar, and sparks seemed to
crackle in the air between them.
Tang MengCheng walked directly onto the arena, looking at them
from above and saying, "My time is precious, let's start."
His tone was light and uncaring, evidently looking down on them.
It might be frustrating to be looked down on like that, but You
XiaoMo and company weren't normal people. They all turned to look
at Ling Xiao.
You XiaoMo whispered, "He seems really confident."
Ling Xiao smiled, replying, "The fifty-first is challenging the fifteenth.
He would be better off dead if he didn't have confidence."
You XiaoMo didn't know how to respond to that. "Good luck, but
don't expose too much of your strength."

Ling Xiao said, "Don't worry, my current 'strength' is Spiritual Level 1
star, how could a Celestial Level 6 star possibly be my opponent?"
You XiaoMo said, "We're civilized people; don't be too hard on him."
Ling Xiao raised an eyebrow. "How hard is too hard?"
You XiaoMo answered, "As long as he doesn't die…"
There were rules in the arena. Casualties were inevitable in the
arena. You could maim, but you weren't allowed to kill.
Ling Xiao gave him a look and smiled with mischief. "You finally said
something I can agree with."
You XiaoMo raised his head to stare at the sky. "…I'm a very kind
Thus, Ling Xiao who had been ordered to be merciful by the
kindhearted You XiaoMo finally walked into the arena. Under the
watchful eyes of the audience, he came to a stop in front of Tang
MengCheng, barely five meters away.
Not many people were truly interested in this match. In the eyes of
most, there was no need for a match. A new student who hadn't
even enrolled for half a year wanting to win the ranked fifteenth
Tang MengCheng? Ridiculous.
Tang MengCheng looked at Ling Xiao coldly, and said sinisterly,
"Don't worry, I won't let you lose too quickly. I'll take good care of
anyone who dares to go against the Stone Gate."
Ling Xiao's eyes narrowed with a hint of a smile. The corner of his lips
lifted as he replied airily, "Then thank you very much for that."
That wasn't a response Tang MengCheng hoped to elicit.
Chai Zheng might be a bit fearful of You XiaoMo, letting his
underlings bother them instead, but he didn't want anyone to think

Stone Gate was weak. So, he was trying to use this chance to punish
You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao.
Tang MengCheng huffed in a very queen-like fashion, becoming a
dark shadow that streaked towards Ling Xiao. In a flash, he appeared
behind Ling Xiao, his fingers clawlike and flashing with poisonous
green like as they darted for Ling Xiao's neck.
These movements were swift, but for Ling Xiao they were at a snail's
pace. The claws approached, but their target had disappeared.
Staring at the lingering afterimage in front of him, Tang MengCheng
was startled by his opponent's reaction speed, but didn't panic. The
spiritual energy on his body struck behind him, baring a sinister air.
"Are you fighting with the air?" The lightly spoken words that rang
out from beside his air held a mocking tone. Tang MengCheng
tensed, gaze coloring with shock. He gave up on attacking, quickly
backing away from the source of the voice.
It was only until he had retreated to a distance he felt safe with that
he looked back at the source of the voice, only to find that Ling Xiao
hadn't moved at all, still standing in the same place and smiling.
Their first exchange, no, it was just simply a round of attacks from
Tang MengCheng's. Ling Xiao hadn't truly acted at all, but Tang
MengCheng was already at an obvious disadvantage.
This situation elicited a wave of surprise from the audience. Though
a single round couldn't predict the conclusion, but it seemed that the
course of this fight would be far from what they had believed.
Tang MengCheng's face was pale. Ling Xiao's performance had
scared him and he didn't dare hold back any longer. He immediately
took out his weapon, a black spear that didn't seem to be made of a
special material.

His figure blurred, dashing towards Ling Xiao even faster than before.
His spear cut through the air to his will, swinging in a half circle. His
spiritual energy rapidly covered the spear, no longer white, but a
light grey that crackled with energy…
In a few rapid movements, leaving behind afterimages, Tang
MengCheng arrived in front of Ling Xiao. The spear was like a razor-
sharp tooth, tearing apart from the very air around them. Arcing in a
strange angle, the imposing energy locked onto Ling Xiao's
surrounding and a sinister force erupted from the tip, heading
straight for Ling Xiao.
Tang MengCheng smiled darkly. "Take this! Moon Shattering Spear!"
Ling Xiao raised an eyebrow. It seemed to be a lower high-grade skill,
pretty powerful by the looks of it.
Moon Shatter Spear was what delivered the Tang family to fame. It
might've only been a lower grade technique, but the power of it had
been closing in on mid-grade, thanks to generations of adjustments
made by the Tang family. All members of the Tang learned it, and it
could count as an ultimate technique.
Tang MengCheng seemed to want to finish this as soon as possible. It
hadn't been long into the battle and he was already taking out the
ace up his sleeve.
Surprise spread amongst the spectators. It seemed like Tang
MengCheng really wasn't going hold back this time; they never
expected for him to do this so soon.
To make it more realistic, Ling Xiao flipped his hand around and a fan
appeared between his fingers.
Seeing the fan, You XiaoMo startled.

Speaking of, he hadn't ever seen Ling Xiao use a weapon before. This
was the first time, and it was a fan as well. It seemed flimsy
compared to Tang MengCheng's spear.
"Lightning Ace!"
Ling Xiao opened the fan and a miniscule spark of red fire that hid
amongst his majestic spiritual energy darted to his fan from the
center of his palm. The silver fan shone blindly. As Ling Xiao waved
the fan, the energy shot out like a blade with the howl of wind as it
tore through the air; a streak of white and red flame entangled
together crashed against Tang MengCheng's Moon Shattering
The scene was like watching a volcano erupt. The shockwaves from
the clash between these two powerful energies rapidly caused the
arena floor to crack and crumble. The crumbling stone was swept up
by the whirling wind, into the sky, and a massive crater was left in
the ground.
The spectators ran for cover as they saw this. Though it was just
crumbling stone, they would still be injured if they got hit.
As everyone ran around in a panic, a sliver of red flame darted out,
heading towards the shocked Tang MengCheng in an arc, and
latching to his body.
Tang MengCheng screamed in pain. He may have been wearing
armor, but it was melted in an instant. The flame shoot into his body
and burned him everywhere it touched. It wasn't until he had been
torched half dead that the flame disappeared without a trace.
Waiting for the dust to clear, the spectators finally were able to see
the situation in the arena.
Upon setting eyes on Tang MengCheng, whose fate was yet to be
revealed, they couldn't help but inhale sharply.

It was really as You XiaoMo had said: as long as he didn't die.
Stone Gate's people's faces were green. They couldn't believe that
the most powerful person in Stone Gate would lose to the ranked
fifty-first. They had been give a harsh slap to the face in front of
"That man is much more than he looks," An XinRui exclaimed with
surprise, her beautiful eyes looking over at Ling Xiao with brimming
Zhan YuXuan smiled. "It's not an unexpected result from a Celestial 6
star going against a Spiritual 1 star. Tang MengCheng
underestimated him because he was a new student. Someone like
that won't get anywhere."
Yin Ge glanced coldly towards You XiaoMo and company, his gaze
void of emotions. Two seconds later, he calmly said to Zhan YuXuan,
"Let's go!"
Zhan YuXuan smiled softly, following. An XinRui bit her lip with
disappointment, following after them closely. She knew that this was
simply how Yin Ge was, but she was left hurt every time.
On the other side, You XiaoMo watched Ling Xiao come down from
the arena with excitement, approaching him first.
You XiaoMo exclaimed, "Ling Xiao, that Lightning Ace you used was
Ling Xiao smiled lazily. "Oh, Lightning Ace?"
You XiaoMo immediately nodded.
Ling Xiao replied, "I just made it up on the spot."
You XiaoMo: "…"
Please don't tell me the truth!

Chapter 309: Selling Oneself
You XiaoMo suffered a huge mental attack with Ling Xiao's words.
He immediately guessed the reason for Ling Xiao's fabrication after
hearing that sentence. Ling Xiao probably did not want to let others
think that he had easily defeated Tang MengCheng, so he
deliberately engaged in such an action, causing him to really think
that Ling Xiao had some secret move called Lightning Ace.
Ling Xiao was amused by You XiaoMo's resentful expression and just
when he wanted to say something, an exclamation of pleasant
surprise sounded from behind him.
"Fellow You, Fellow Ling, you're really here."
The two turned towards the direction of the voice at the same time
and saw a familiar person quickly walking toward them. This person
was none other than the one who pulled some strings for You
XiaoMo at the entry assessment - Gao Yang.
You XiaoMo had thought of going over to look for Gao Yang ever
since he rose to Ward A. However he did not know where Gao Yang
was staying, and with the latter's personality, he was probably at the
Cultivation Center. It would have been a little troublesome to find
him so he put the matter on hold. Who would have thought that You
XiaoMo would meet him here?
You XiaoMo happily cried out, "Gao-dage, it's been a long time since
we last met!"
Gao Yang walked over and nodded to Ling Xiao, "It's really been a
long time. It's a pity that I couldn't personally welcome you guys
when you rose to Ward A."
You XiaoMo replied, "Gao-dage was at the Cultivation Center right?
Then it couldn't be helped. And it doesn't matter whether you could

welcome us or not, it'll be okay if we have an chance to meet
somewhere down the line."
Gao Yang explained, "I wasn't busy with cultivation. At that time I
had received a task which was a little difficult, so I spent a lot of time
on it. But it's finally completed now."
When he finished speaking, he stared at Ling Xiao and gave him a
Gao Yang was pleasantly surprised, "Fellow Ling, I didn't realize you
were this strong, congratulations. We should find an opportunity to
swap pointers with each other."
Ling Xiao glanced at Gao Yang's level and replied, "If there's an
You XiaoMo curiously asked, "Gao-dage, how high is your current
level now? What's your ranking on the top hundred list?" As the
disciple of the Vice-Principal, Gao Yang's strength should be quite
Gao Yang gave a modest smile, "I'm only at the level of a four star
Spiritual Realm, ranking fifth on the top hundred list, slightly behind
BaiLi TianYi and the rest. They're all geniuses and are much stronger
than me."
You XiaoMo patted his shoulder, "Gao-dage, you're already very
strong. I believe that you'll be stronger than them in no time."
Gao Yang burst into laughter, "Then I'll just have to thank you for
your kind words."
Ling Xiao looked at the hand You XiaoMo put on Gao Yang's
shoulder, and faintly narrowed his eyes.
You XiaoMo suddenly felt as if a hole was burned into the back of his
hand. Turning his head, he saw Ling Xiao staring at his hand without

blinking. The sight was so scary that it made him immediately retract
his hand.
Gao Yang discovered this and asked, "What happened?"
You XiaoMo embarrassedly smiled, "Nothing, I was just bitten by a
Gao Yang felt that it was strange but did not ask further. The two
chatted for a while before he left. Gao Yang had just returned not
long ago. If he had not been drawn over by the commotion here, he
would have been on his way to submit his report on his task.
Soon after Gao Yang had left, the victor had been decided in BaiLi
TianYi's challenge.
As Tong YueXu had said, that person called Teng Yu was completely
not BaiLi TianYi's match.
However, this person really had great perseverance. His zeal of
persisting in fighting despite continuous setback was worthy of
You XiaoMo and Tong YueXu parted ways in the middle of the road
going back. Tang YuLin still had magic herbs for him, so he followed
them back to the residential area.
There were many magic herbs on the list that You XiaoMo had
handed to him. It included the ones that he needed now and the
ones that he needed some time later. Anyways, he was pleased that
there was a person willing to do free labor to look for the herbs he
needed, though payment in the form of some points was required.
Thus he got somewhat carried away and wrote down many types of
level seven and eight magic herbs when he wrote the list.
However he did not think that Tang YuLin would actually manage to
find one fifth of the magic herbs on the list in such a short time.

He had said that Tang YuLin could give him seeds or immature magic
herbs instead, and mature level seven and eight magic herbs were
indeed not easy to find, so Tang YuLin really had found a lot for him.
You XiaoMo did a little calculation and transferred four hundred
points over to him.
Tang YuLin took his Black card. He was a little dazed upon seeing that
the points on it had nearly doubled. As expected, it was worthwhile
to deliberately chase him after You XiaoMo, doing business with him
was really the best.
BaiLi TianYi unsympathetically said, "Ah Lin, have you not forgotten
t/n: Ah- is a prefix to name in order to show familiarity.
Tang YuLin instinctively covered his own card, and blankly looked at
him, "What did I forget?"
BaiLi TianYi hated for iron for not becoming steel as he said, "Have
you forgotten the promise we made? We agreed that I would help
you find the magic herbs, but after selling them, we would split the
profits forth-sixty. Are you planning to pocket it all?"
t/n: hate for iron for not becoming steel means to feel resentful
towards somebody for failing to meet expectations and being
impatient to see improvement.
Tang YuLin embarrassedly frowned. He definitely wanted to pocket it
all. Looking at the points on his card, it felt like a piece of flesh was
forcibly scraped off his body for him to give some to BaiLi TianYi.
Tang YuLin murmured, "Sixty for me, forty for you?"
BaiLi XiaoYu lightly laughed, "Wrong, it's sixty for me and forty for

Tang YuLin suddenly had a deadpan expression. If he got forty
percent, he would only get one hundred and sixty points, which was
not even half of the sum he had received. How could he accept this?
Tang YuLin tightly gripped the card in his hands. He clearly wanted to
renege on their promise.
BaiLi TianYi was not surprised. He gently chuckled and leaned over to
whisper in Tang YuLin's ear, "Ah Lin, I'm all right to hand all the
points over to you, but you must agree to one condition of mine."
Tang YuLin thought over it and asked, "What condition?"
BaiLi TianYi whispered, "I want you to move in with me."
Tang YuLin paused, "I won't pay the rent." He knew that the room
BaiLi TianYi was staying in needed two points every day, so it was
necessary to affirm this.
BaiLi TianYi smiled so widely that there were flowers blooming, "Of
After reaching an agreement, BaiLi TianYi impatiently dragged Tang
YuLin off. He will help Tang YuLin move to his room now, lest Tang
YuLin have second thoughts.
You XiaoMo did not hear some contents clearly as they had been
whispering, but he was curious to death about it, so he asked Ling
Xiao. Ling Xiao's strength was high and he should have been able to
hear their dialogue.
After listening to his retelling, You XiaoMo was at a loss for words,
"So he sold himself just like that?"
Ling Xiao held his chin and roguishly grinned, "Exactly, selling himself
just for two hundred points, he's even more stupid than you. At the
least it should be more than two thousand right?"

You XiaoMo was nearly blinded by his pearly grin. Hearing what Ling
Xiao said, he almost subconsciously nodded a 'yes'. Fortunately he
managed to react in time to stop himself.
However, this line of thinking was really similar to his. Ling Xiao really
understood him.
Thinking of this, You XiaoMo righteously stated, "I will not succumb
even if you gave me two thousand points."
"Really?" Ling Xiao obviously did not believe him.
You XiaoMo nodded, "Of course, if you don't believe me, you can
give it a try."
Ling Xiao replied, "Try? Earn two thousand points and then try to lure
you with it?"
You XiaoMo said, "That's not a bad idea."
Ling Xiao looked at him in delight, "Do you think I'm the type to be
duped with just a few words?"
You XiaoMo's eyes glittered and he pretended not to understand
what Ling Xiao meant, "What are you saying? I don't understand
what you're meaning. No one will force you if you don't want to
Ling Xiao said, "I feel that lately you're getting bolder and bolder."
You XiaoMo played the fool and laughed, "How can it be? You should
already know that I'm not bold at all."
Ling Xiao tenderly held his waist and whispered, "Your cultivation
seems to have fallen a lot recently. It's time to resume your training
courses. I hope for your sake that your speed has not dropped too. "

You XiaoMo let out a cry of 'ao-wu', crap!

t/n: ao-wu is an onomatopoeia that describes a wailing or howling

The tragically ravaged You XiaoMo was finally liberated in the dead
of the night.
The next day, his whole body was aching so much that he could not
crawl out of bed. This symptom was the same as the thing they were
doing every night that cannot be seen by children, no, it was even
worse than that. You XiaoMo suddenly had a delusion while lying on
the bed.
Compared to being chased and bitten by the Thunder Flame Leopard
every day, he would rather be pressed down and bitten by Ling Xiao.
At the least he would be able to drink a bit of spiritual water. Ling
Xiao generally did not allow him to drink it when training, saying that
it would weaken the effect of the training. He really did not know if
Ling Xiao was messing with him or not!
In the afternoon, his body was still somewhat sore, but You XiaoMo
did not continue to lie on the bed to rest.
He had not even been to the Gravity Room once ever since he
entered into Ward A. It was mainly because the results from the
Gravity Room were not as evident as the Cultivation Center, and he
did not have the time as he also needed to refine pills.
The Gravity Room in Ward A was in fact a Gravity Mountain. There
was only one such mountain, and it was rumored to be so large it
could accommodate more than ten thousand people. It was truly
poles apart from the Gravity Room that had been used in the
competition before. However, there were less people going to the
Gravity Room every day as compared to the arena and the
Cultivation Center.
Before leaving the house, You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao who was
pretending to be elegant and drinking tea, "I'm going to the Gravity
Mountain. Do you want to come along and take a look?"
Ling Xiao put his tea cup down, "Let's go together then."

You XiaoMo replied, "Then you should hurry up."
The two left the residential area a while later.
The Gravity Mountain was in the same direction as the Cultivation
Center and both were located not far from each other. Thus, there
was a huge crowd in the beginning, however, the number of people
on the road slowly decreased when the road forked.
The two finally reached their destination after half an hour.

Chapter 310: Gravity Mountain
There was a huge difference between the Gravity Mountain and the
Cultivation Center.
The difference was that Gravity Mountain was a part of a series of
mountains, and the only entrance was a dark cavern opening. Two
words were written strongly above that opening - Gravity Mountain!
You XiaoMo said, "I hear that the stone that the Gravity Room is
made of was discovered here and then it was dug out into a Gravity
training area. If that's true, then who knows how big this Gravity
Mountain really is."
Ling Xiao turned his head and said, "The rules seem to be written at
the entrance. Let's go take a look."
The two walked over and, on the right side of the cavern entrance,
there were, indeed, words carved there.
Since there were many people reading the rules, a sea of people
surrounded them. You XiaoMo could only see the word "rules" when
he stood up on his tiptoes.
Ling Xiao lowered his head and spoke into his ear with a smile, "Do
you need me to lift you up?"
You XiaoMo immediately shook his head, "I don't need it."
It would be so humiliating in front of all these people!
It was a good thing that the rules weren't too long-winded and those
at the front quickly finished looking over them, turning to walk into
the Gravity Mountain. It finally came to You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao's
The first rule, you are not allowed to attack anyone else in the
Gravity Mountain. If you were caught, you would be immediately

expelled. It was very strict, so even if you met your father's
murderer, you could only control yourself.
The second, there is no fee to use the Gravity Mountain, so you can
stay inside for as long as you want without worrying about points.
However, to record your information there, you needed to swipe
your card against a special instrument. Of course, you could choose
not to since it wasn't required to enter.
The third wasn't a rule, but a warning. It said that the Gravity
Mountain's pressure increased as you went further in, so don't
delude yourself and think you can make it so far in one go.
After reading, the two went in with the crowd.
The dark space was lit up brightly by tens of shining pearls.
It was an extremely spacious area, like a football field, with a
gathering of over two hundred people. As soon as the two walked in,
they were assaulted by the racket of hundred of people talking at
once, like the yelling in a marketplace. It wasn't until ten doors on
the far wall opened that the noise quietened.
There were always a lot of people, so to avoid everyone crowding at
the door, the school had made ten small doors. Every hour, each
door could let 5 people in at once, so they weren't really very small.
When it came to Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo, the elder next to the
door spoke up and asked, "Would you like to buy Transport Stones?"
You XiaoMo paused for a moment. He knew what transport stones
were, of course. He had thought that the school had finally decided
on being generous and letting people train here for free, but he
hadn't thought there would be this.
After a moment of hesitation, You XiaoMo asked, "How many points
is a transport stone?"
The elder answered, "Five points."

You XiaoMo waved his hand and turned to enter the Gravity
Mountain without bothering to consider it, saying, "Then never
Five points wasn't much, but transport stones wouldn't necessarily
be needed. Plus, if one had a transport stone, they would have an
easy way out and wouldn't be able to achieve the best possible
effects with their training.
The elder didn't reply, watching You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao walk
inside. Smart people wouldn't buy these stones, that was the truth.
Upon stepping inside, You XiaoMo felt a light pressure push against
his body.
This pressure wasn't the same as the pressure inside the Gravity
Room, only having a third of its strength. He could still walk, though
he was slower, about a third of his usual walking speed.
Looking across, the other people were the same as him. Only Ling
Xiao seemed completely unaffected, walking at the same speed as
Ling Xiao asked, "How do you feel?"
You XiaoMo replied, "We can go a little further inside. The pressure
here isn't enough."
Ling Xiao looked over the crowd in front of them. Everyone was
walking further inside, but upon reaching a certain distance, their
speed suddenly fell again, making them even slower than snails. He
looked to the black floor. Thanks to the lighting, he could clearly see
that there was a yellow line drawn there.
He said, "This is probably the first zone of the Gravity Mountain. If
we walk another two hundred meters, we'll reach the second."
You XiaoMo frowned a little. "The Gravity Mountain is separated into
zones? How many are there in total?"

Ling Xiao: "Let's go check."
To keep pace with You XiaoMo, Ling Xiao slowed down. So, to
outsiders, Ling Xiao seemed to be the same as everyone else.
Two hundred meters wasn't much, but by the time You XiaoMo had
arrived at the boundary between the first and second zones, his
forehead was peppered with sweat.
You really couldn't underestimate this Gravity Mountain. Even
training long term in the weakest first zone would probably make
you as dexterous as a swallow, and improve your speed by leaps and
bounds as well.
Thinking of this, You XiaoMo's eyes suddenly lit up.
Ling Xiao, who had been watching him, raised an eyebrow.
You XiaoMo tugged on Ling Xiao's sleeve and said in excitement,
"Ling Xiao, I've had an idea. Next time, we don't need to go to your
pocket dimension for speed training anymore. This is a good training
area for that."
Ling Xiao immediately realized what this was about. Though he
might've come up with this idea to avoid Thunder Flame Leopard's
lightning, it didn't mean it wasn't a good idea. Ling Xiao nodded in
agreement. "We can try it out."
You XiaoMo made a victory sign with his hand, in his mind.
Ling Xiao then continued, "If the effects aren't good though, we'll
continue to train in the pocket dimension."
You XiaoMo replied, "Ok." He definitely wouldn't let that happen.
After dealing with that persisting worry, You XiaoMo felt like his
body had suddenly become much lighter and stepped over the
yellow line with spirits high. A stronger pressure immediately pushed
down against his body.

You XiaoMo held his breath. It was, as expected, increasing by each
zone. The pressure felt in the second zone was twice the first, but he
could still move, though his speed had fallen again. It seemed like the
third zone should have the same pressure as the one they had first
experienced in the competition.
The two continued on towards the third zone. When the pressure
from the third zone came down on him, You XiaoMo was surprised. It
didn't feel the same.
When he had first entered the Gravity Room, he had been
completely unable to move because of the pressure. However, he
seemed to still have enough strength for movement and then some
this time. His body was lighter than before. He informed Ling Xiao of
this strange situation.
Ling Xiao rolled his eyes. "Of course there would be a difference. It's
been months since the competition and during this time, not only
has your cultivation level grown, but you've trained in the pocket
dimension, too. If your physical constitution doesn't improve even
with that, then you might as well as go and kill yourself!"
You XiaoMo was sweating in embarrassment upon hearing those
words. He had forgotten that improving one's cultivation level would
also improve their constitution. In addition, he had been struck by
thunder shocks several times, and his strength had improved in many
ways. A difference was to be expected.
After walking several steps, You XiaoMo could feel the sweat running
down his back.
His braced his hands on his knees, panting uncontrollably. Looking
towards the yellow line 300 meters away, he steeled himself to
continue. He swore he would get to the fourth zone today.
As he swore to himself silently, Ling Xiao suddenly gripped his

You XiaoMo turned his head to look at him. "What?"
Ling Xiao said, "Just train in the third zone for today."
You XiaoMo was confused. "Why?"
Ling Xiao then asked him, "Are you here to train or to test your
You XiaoMo: "Um… To train."
Ling Xiao said, "The current you won't even be able to move if you
entered the fourth zone. Gravity Mountain never existed for
students to use to test their limits. What you need to do now is to
get yourself to the point where you can run in the third zone. Once
you're able to run and jump as normal, you can challenge the fourth
You XiaoMo thought about it carefully. His suggestion was very
Ling Xiao then said, "Also, as you train, you can use your Soul Force
to help you. That way, you can train your physical ability while also
refining your control of your soul force."
You XiaoMo nodded rapidly. If it wasn't for Ling Xiao, he would've
never thought of that.
You XiaoMo immediately drew out his soul force, carefully spreading
it over his body. As expected, he felt much lighter. Seeing Ling Xiao
still standing there, he said, "You don't need to worry about me, you
can go check it out."
Ling Xiao shook his head. "I can't go and check it out. I'll be seen."
A Spiritual one star powerhouse walking to the far end of Gravity
Mountain? There must be something strange about him!
You XiaoMo understood what he was trying to say. "How about you
go back first?"

Ling Xiao replied, "Even if I go back I'll have nothing to do. I'll just stay
and watch you."
You XiaoMo pursed his lips. That would be so embarrassing! But
since Ling Xiao had made a decision, he didn't say anything against it.
"Do what you want."
So, he began to focus on training.
His first goal was to get himself running. Even with the help of his
Soul Force, he could only walk slowly. Every step of his took three to
four seconds. He probably wouldn't be able to get to the point of
walking at normal speed today.
When the sun was setting, You XiaoMo was carried out by Ling Xiao,
soaked in sweat.

Chapter 311: Teng ZiYe
You XiaoMo felt that his vigor was thoroughly restored after getting
out of bed the next day.
Though concrete results may not be seen on the first day of training,
he believed that the results would be beyond his expectations after
enduring it for a long period. Now he felt that walking was very cool
and as easy as the wind.
Before leaving, You XiaoMo specially dragged Ling Xiao to his
dimension to look for the Thunder Flame Leopard to test the results
of the training out. His speed had definitely risen a little. It was not
much, but to have such progress in a day made him more
determined to reach his target. Nevertheless, the most important
thing was that entry into the Gravity Mountain was free.
You XiaoMo headed towards the Gravity Mountain as usual today.
Ling Xiao did not follow him as he had been dispatched by You
XiaoMo to the Red card area of the Cultivation Center.
Feng ChiYun heard that he went to the Gravity Mountain to train
yesterday so he wanted to come along with him to take a look.
Tong YueXu had not been to the Cultivation Center recently, instead
he had been refining pills. As his speed of advancement was too fast
this time, his foundation was not very strong, so he needed to re-
establish his foundation. Otherwise, his success rate of refining pills
would be low in the future.
On the way there, You XiaoMo explained the Gravity Mountain's
rules and the do's and don'ts to Feng ChiYun.
As the two left early, there were not many people inside after they
reached the Gravity Mountain. That Elder had also recommended a

transport stone to Feng ChiYun before they went in, but he declined
the offer.
You XiaoMo walked from the first to the third area like it was nothing
Feng ChiYun blindly follow suit and walked along with him, giving an
impression of doing it skillfully and easily.
You XiaoMo, "Feng ChiYun, your strength is quite good. During the
Gravity Room test, why didn't you persist for a few more minutes?"
Feng ChiYun shook his head, "I feel that it's enough if I just ensure
that I can get into the top ten."
This attitude was really sanguine, no wonder he could remain on top
of the geniuses that were everywhere in DaoXin Academy.
You XiaoMo thought, if not for Teng ZiXin and Chai Zheng's
provocations and the old geezer's threats, it would also be enough
for him to just ensure he could enter into the top ten.
Feng ChiYun had already broken through the sixth level to become a
low-grade level seven mage. Naturally, the qualitative and
quantitative change in his soul force could not be compared to a
level six mage. Therefore the third area was a little more effortless
for him when compared to You XiaoMo.
However, You XiaoMo was also not an herbivore. Every aspect of his
was more powerful than an ordinary mage, and he was able to catch
up to Feng ChiYun before long.
Just at this moment, Feng ChiYun pointed to a person in front and
said, "Look at the fourth area, on the right side. Doesn't the man
wearing black seem a little familiar?"
You XiaoMo followed his finger and looked in that direction. That
was a man with slightly solemn and cold facial features, which were
so handsome that it looked as if it was a perfect masterpiece carved

out by God. He unremittingly walked around even though his cheek
was already covered in perspiration.
His face really looked familiar. If his facial features were softened, he
looked completely like a female version of Teng ZiXin.
Without a doubt, this person should be Teng ZiYe!
Feng ChiYun explained, "In actual fact, between the brother and the
sister, Teng ZiYe is the genuine genius of the Teng Family. It's only
just because Teng ZiXin's talent is slightly better and she has a
powerful master, so outsiders think that Teng ZiXin is the Teng
Family's best genius."
You XiaoMo interjected, "But a true genius does not only need to
have a good talent. It should also be important for them to have a
motivated heart, and be able to put in the hard work and sweat
required ba."
He knew this principle better than Feng ChiYun.
Feng ChiYun smiled but did not continue their conversation.
The two's gaze coincidentally moved away from Teng ZiYe at the
same time. They would not despise him based on his relation as Teng
ZiXin's brother. Rather, time will tell them exactly what type of
person Teng ZiYe was.
You XiaoMo's speed had increased a little after a day of training. He
believed that it would not take long for him to be able to walk
around normally.
After the sun set, the two simultaneously exited the Gravity
Mountain, and their bodies seemed as if they had unloaded a burden
weighing a thousand jin.
t/n: jin is a measurement of weight, equivalent to 0.5kg.
You XiaoMo sighed in relief and he turned back to look at the Gravity
Mountain. Before exiting, he specifically took a glance at Teng ZiYe

who was in the fourth area. He was still persevering on, and did not
even have the slightest hint of the intention of coming out.
"Looks like he won't come out today too."
"It seems that he had been inside for close to two weeks."
"Teng ZiYe is really trying his hardest. Is he not afraid that his body is
unable to endure the strain?"
"I've heard that if he's tired, he'll go back to the third area to rest.
After enough rest, he will continue to train in the fourth area."
The whispered conversations sounded from behind them. It came
from the couple of people who had also come out from the Gravity
Mountain. They appeared to be senior students who were very
familiar with Teng ZiYe.
Teng ZiYe was indeed working hard. However, results will only show
with continued perseverance for the type of cultivation location like
the Gravity Mountain. Thus, You XiaoMo felt that he understood
Teng ZiYe's frame of mind a little.
Both were from a family of geniuses, but they were constantly
compared to their younger sister. Not only that, their sister was also
superior to them. As the elder brother, it was natural that their heart
would feel somewhat uncomfortable.
After returning to his room, You XiaoMo discovered a note from Ling
Xiao on the table in the bedroom.
The note said that he would go into secluded cultivation in the Red
card area for more than a month. He also told You XiaoMo to take
care of himself during this time and to remember to think about him.
You XiaoMo was jubilant. Although three to four hundred points
would be spent to cultivate in the Red card area for more than a
month, he had also sold many magic pills when Ling Xiao had

previously went into secluded cultivation. Each of the two cards now
had more than two thousand points inside. This was considered as a
huge sum of money.
Since Ling Xiao wanted to go into secluded cultivation, You XiaoMo
also planned to go into secluded cultivation at the Gravity Mountain.
He was slightly stimulated by Teng ZiYe's situation. Since Teng ZiYe
could train at the fourth area, he should also be able to do the same.
However, he did not forget Ling Xiao's instructions to train in the
third area until he could run and jump about inside.
Before going to the Gravity Mountain for secluded cultivation, You
XiaoMo went to look for Tang YuLin to inform him that he was going
into secluded cultivation. He also instructed Tang YuLin to hold onto
the magic herbs that he had found, and that the bill would be settled
when he came out.
The next day, You XiaoMo headed over to the Gravity Mountain
together with Feng ChiYun.
Sure enough, they saw Teng ZiYe at the fourth area after they
To tell the truth, if Teng ZiYe wanted to immediately raise his
strength, he could go to the Cultivation Center. This was because the
most important thing for mages was not the physical quality, but the
spiritual prowess.
Feng ChiYun glanced at You XiaoMo who was looking restless and
laughed, "Do you want to go to the fourth area?"
You XiaoMo hesitated for a moment, but he still shook his head, "No,
I promised Ling Xiao that I would train in the third area. I'll wait until
I've advanced to a level seven mage to see if I want to enter the
fourth area."
Feng ChiYun, "Looking at your aura, it appears that you'll advance."

You XiaoMo delightedly crowed, "Yup! That's right, aren't you a level
seven mage? Are you not preparing to test yourself in the fourth
Feng ChiYun took a gander in the direction of Teng ZiYe and shook
his head, "Nope, I like a down-to-earth progress rate."
You XiaoMo excitedly clapped his shoulder, "Your personality is really
There would truly be none who would dislike a down-to-earth
Feng ChiYun did not understand what was there to be excited about,
and after laughing he did not speak again.
After ten continuous days of training and adaptation, You XiaoMo
could walk about normally in the third area. He did not go out once
in these ten days. Feng ChiYun persisted for three days and did not
come back after leaving. Most likely he had gone to the arena or the
Cultivation Center.
You XiaoMo could already trot about after another ten days. Taking
the two yellow lines linking the third area as the start and the finish
line, he ran back and forth while speeding up from time to time.
This scene attracted the attention of many others.
The ones around were all practitioners as mages seldomly came to
the Gravity Mountain.
It was extremely difficult for many to achieve running and jumping
around in the Gravity Mountain. Most people proceeded to the next
area after they had attained a normal walking pace. Few would be
like You XiaoMo who was running and jumping about.
"Who is this person? I've never seen him before."
"He should be able to go into the fourth area with his current
strength. I'm not sure why he wants to persist in training here."

"On the contrary, I feel that his training method is quite good."
Not many in Ward A recognized You XiaoMo. Everyone only knew
that he was a mage. If a mage could accomplish this, there was no
reason for them to not be able to do the same. Thus, without You
XiaoMo's knowledge, a butterfly effect was triggered.
Hearing a hubbub behind him, Teng ZiYe looked back. His cold and
severe gaze was directed towards the source of the commotion.
At a distance of three to four hundred meters away was a youngster
who was trying to run.
Teng ZiYe did not recognize You XiaoMo, but he had constantly been
seeing him for a period of time. His dedication made reminded Teng
ZiYe of himself, so he could not refrain from looking over more often.
Just as he was preparing to turn away, a clamor erupted from that
"Ah, he's going to advance now." An unknown person loudly
Teng ZiYe discovered an extremely strong soul fluctuation coming
from the youngster. This was a sign of advancement which he had
also experienced the same not long before. However, what surprised
him was that the youngster was quite young, and he was actually
about to advance to a level seven mage.

Chapter 312: Protector
You XiaoMo felt like crying but he had no tears. He himself did not
think that his advancement would begin so unexpectedly.
It wasn't that he did not think that he may advance at any time these
past few days, but he had relaxed his guard a little as there was no
activity for twenty consecutive days. Who knew it would suddenly
arrive now.
When that person had shouted that he was going to advance, he
knew he was in deep shit.
He would probably have to advance under the watchful eyes of the
public this time.
The only silver lining was that the academy had stipulated that no
student was allowed to attack another in the Gravity Mountain.
However, he also could not exclude the possibility that his enemies
may throw caution to the wind. He had been absorbed in training so
he did not know if Teng ZiXin or Chai Zheng's people were inside the
crowd surrounding him. In any case, he needed to look for a person
to act as his protector.
Just at this moment, one person walked up to him.
You XiaoMo lifted his head for a look. His heart could not refrain
from stuttering for a moment when he saw the person who arrived.
It turned out to be Teng ZiYe.
Teng ZiYe stared at him expressionlessly, "I'll be your protector."
The brother of his enemy wanted to be his protector, this
development was truly beyond his expectations!
You XiaoMo bitterly swallowed, should he accept the offer or not?
He actually nodded after he met Teng ZiYe's profound and veiled
black eyes, "Thank you!" You XiaoMo did not know how that had

happened, but it must be the work of demons and gods!
t/n: work of demons and gods means an unexplained event crying
out for a supernatural explanation.
He only regained his senses after he spoke. However, there was
nowhere to retreat now.
You XiaoMo was worried that he would suffer a backlash if he did not
concentrate on mediating to advance in rank.
Looking at Teng ZiYe's back, You XiaoMo decided on a bold decision
to take things as they come no matter if he recognized him or not.
Then he soon began his advancement.
There were many in the crowd who had recognized Teng ZiYe. They
could not help but be astonished when seeing that he was acting as a
protector for an unfamiliar mage. Such an event had never occurred
before. Everyone knew that though Teng ZiYe's disposition looked
mild, his temper was actually a little cold. He was quite a
contradictory person and few had seen him take the initiative to talk
to someone, let alone take the initiative to act as a protector for
One person had witnessed this whole scene within the crowd. After
his gaze went back and forth between You XiaoMo and Teng ZiYe
twice, he immediately turned and left the Gravity Mountain.
Half an hour later, that person ran over to shriek loudly outside Chai
Zheng's room, causing Chai Zheng to come out.
Chai Zheng walked out from his room with a black face. He glared at
that person and scowled, "What are you shouting about?! If there's
nothing urgent, you better be prepared to be dealt with."
That man winced. Seeing that Chai Zheng patience was running out,
he immediately blurted, "Young Master Chai, there's some big news.
I just saw Teng ZiYe at the Gravity Mountain, he… …"

Chai Zheng was sullen, "So what if you saw him? How is Teng ZiYe's
whereabouts a big news?!"
The man hastily continued, "No, there's still another person. That
person is You XiaoMo. He was also training at the Gravity Mountain.
He was suddenly about to advance half an hour ago. Teng ZiYe took
the initiative to be his protector."
The last sentence was the most important point.
Chai Zheng was dumbfounded. Teng ZiYe was helping You XiaoMo as
a protector? How could this be?
However this should be true, as he did not think that this person
would dare to lie to him. Could it be that Teng ZiYe and You XiaoMo
were on friendly terms with each other?
The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that this
was possible. All of a sudden, Chai Zheng stood up, pushed the man
away and walked out. He then proceeded to the Cultivation Center
and managed to dig Teng ZiXin out after thirty minutes.
Teng ZiXin who had been bothered while in the Cultivation Center
revealed an annoyed expression.
Chai Zheng was not in the mood to give her a lengthy explanation.
After seeing that she had walked out he said, "Teng ZiXin, did you
know that your brother and You XiaoMo are friendly with each
"Impossible!" Teng ZiXin's first reaction was denial.
Chai Zheng replied, "How is it impossible? Some people from the
Stone Gate personally witnessed it. Your brother is acting as You
XiaoMo's protector in the Gravity Mountain. Based on his
personality, how could he act as the other's protector if the two
were not friendly with each other?"
Teng ZiXin saw that he spoke with certainty, and suddenly hesitated.

In actual fact, the relationship between her and Teng ZiYe was not
particularly good. As they had been compared against each other
from young, this could be one of the reasons why Teng ZiYe had
never been close to her from childhood.
In addition, he was also not very close to Father and Mother, so she
had always assumed that it was probably largely due to Teng ZiYe's
However, no matter how Teng ZiYe's personality was like, she was
still only a woman. Being the eldest son, Teng ZiYe would inevitably
inherit the position of the helm of the Teng Family. She definitely did
not want to see the scene of him being friendly with You XiaoMo
when facing Teng ZiYe who had boundless prospects.
"Are you sure that this is true?" Teng ZiXin was still unwilling to
believe him.
Although Teng ZiYe was obsessed with cultivation, it was impossible
for him to not have heard of the matter between You XiaoMo and
her. They may not be close, but they were still siblings.
Chai Zheng also did not want to believe this. If Teng ZiYe was
standing on You XiaoMo's side, he would have to be apprehensive of
Teng ZiYe's presence when he wanted to make a move in the future.
The two were standing there and letting their imaginations run wild.
However, never did it occur to them that since Teng ZiYe was
obsessed with cultivation, how could he possibly have seen You
XiaoMo before?
Teng ZiYe had been instructed to become a qualified heir from
childhood. No matter what he did, the basis of his actions was
according to what would benefit the family. Therefore he definitely
would not carelessly make enemies with others just because of some
things like jealousy or lust.

If he had been a jealous person, the one who would bear the brunt
of it would be his younger sister Teng ZiXin.
Chai Zheng and Teng ZiXin sent out some people to gather
information in order to investigate this matter.
They soon got their answers without breaking a sweat. After all there
were few who would advance in the Gravity Mountain, and the news
travelled fast as Teng ZiYe was also a small celebrity at the Gravity
You XiaoMo had successfully advanced with the help of Teng ZiYe.
You XiaoMo hesitantly glanced at Teng ZiYe, and took the first step
to say, "Thank you."
Teng ZiYe gave a slight nod, "You're welcome." He finished speaking
and was about to turn and leave.
"Wait a moment." You XiaoMo quickly stopped him. Though he did
not know what Teng ZiYe was thinking, he still wanted to tell him, "I
am You XiaoMo, pleased to make your acquaintance. I owe you one
this time."
Teng ZiYe paused and looked back, "You are the You XiaoMo that
had defeated Teng ZiXin over and over again?"
You XiaoMo gave an awkward laugh. Teng ZiYe's voice was very calm
and he totally could not tell what Teng ZiYe was thinking about.
Teng ZiYe said, "You're really good!" He returned to the fourth area
when he finished speaking that sentence.
What in the world did Teng ZiYe mean?
You XiaoMo stared blankly at his back, but his first impression of
Teng ZiYe was quite good. It was only that he did not know if it was
faked or his personality was just like so.

The feeling that Teng ZiYe gave him was too confusing. You XiaoMo
did not have the desire to remain inside the Gravity Mountain any
longer, so he soon left. He now was a level seven mage. The effects
of the gravity in the third area was no longer enough to satisfy him
after his strength rose, so he could proceed the fourth area at any
However, he was not in any hurry anymore. What he needed to do
now was to inquire about some information. He would not act
shamelessly about the favor that he owed to Teng ZiYe just because
he was Teng ZiXin's brother.
Ling Xiao still had not returned and he was unable to enter into the
Red card area to look for him without a Red card.
After thinking about it, he decided to look for Tang YuLin first. You
XiaoMo had gone into secluded cultivation for close to a month, he
was probably quite anxious now.
Ever since Tang YuLin had ascended to Ward A, he regained his
original nature - not slacking in his cultivation, yet not being
especially zealous.
When You XiaoMo went to look for him, he was in his room as
expected, but… …
In the bright room, Tang YuLin was enveloped in sunlight as he lay on
the ground with a deep blush on his face. A man was pushing him
down, and was caressing/fondling him all over, but this was not the
important point.
You XiaoMo could clearly see that Tang YuLin's outer garment had
been torn away, revealing a pale and white chest with two delicate
red fruits. One fresh and tender red fruit had been sucked into the
man's mouth. The man lifted his head upon hearing a sound, and the
scene of the sparkling and translucent salvia covering the red fruit
was crystal clear.

Oh my God!
Isn't this daytime sex?!
You XiaoMo sucked in a breath of cold air, "I'm sorry, you guys
After loudly screaming these words, he immediately closed the door
with a loud 'bang'. The 'bang' awakened Tang YuLin who had been
teased until he was somewhat lost and delirious.
The adorkable Tang YuLin bewilderedly looked at BaiLi TianYi who
was pushing him down while smiling obscenely. Then he looked at
himself again. Just by lowering his head, he could see his own red
fruits, it was truly quite lewd.

Tang ChunMeng stared for a moment, before he pulled his clothes

up to conceal his naked chest, "You get up."
t/n: Adorkable in Chinese is 蠢萌, and is read as Chun Meng. The
literal translation is stupid and moe. As Tang YuLin is quite silly, the
author made a word play on his name and called him Stupid and
Moe Tang.
BaiLi TianYi bended down and kissed his lips, "No!"
Tang ChunMeng, "XiaoMo is here."
BaiLi TianYi, "Is he more important or am I more important?"
Tang ChunMeng, "He is more important."
BaiLi TianYi fell silent for a moment, before he suddenly gripped Tang
YuLin's semi-erect thing below. Hearing the breathing of the person
below him abruptly becoming heavier, he pulled out his own
erection, lined both up, and rubbed them together in his hand while
saying, "Since he's more important, we should quickly finish our

Tang ChunMeng already did not know how to respond, and was soon
drowned in the violent surge of desire.
This was not the first time BaiLi TianYi had helped him do this, but
every time BaiLi TianYi would make him feel extremely comfortable.
He was a person who liked to go with the flow, and would naturally
accept comfortable things. Thus, he soon forgot about You XiaoMo
who was currently waiting outside for him.

Chapter 313: Gossip and an Encounter
You XiaoMo bitterly grinded his teeth. He had been waiting for
fifteen minutes, and had not even seen any sign of them coming out.
They had actually continued. Under these circumstances, wouldn't
most people immediately come out?
You XiaoMo had overestimated Tang ChunMeng's IQ, and
underestimated BaiLi TianYi's shamelessness.
Half an hour passed before Tang YuLin was helped out by BaiLi
TianYi. The stupid and moe person's legs were completely soft, and
his whole body was hanging off BaiLi TianYi. His complexion was so
rosy that one could almost squeeze dew out of his cheeks, and they
could even tell that he had undergone moisturizing with one glance.
You XiaoMo was not one bit surprised.
It was very easy to eat ChunMeng's up with his personality. If BaiLi
TianYi was still unable eat him up, then he could only be called
However, wasn't thirty minutes too short?
You XiaoMo suspiciously eyed both of them. He absolutely did not
harbor any resentment about the waiting time being too short.
Although he looked a little exhausted, Tang YuLin's eyes were still
bright. He happily told BaiLi TianYi, "Go bring out the magic bag that I
used to store magic herbs."
BaiLi TianYi helped him to the tea table sat him in a chair before he
walked into the bedroom. After a while, he walked out while carrying
a magic bag.
Tang YuLin fished the list out and passed it to You XiaoMo, "I've
already found those herbs with a tick beside its name. The rest are
the magic herbs which are not commonly found, and it's going quite

difficult to gather them together. Just give me more time, I will
definitely find them."
You XiaoMo received the list. Besides ones that have been ticked,
there were also some which were crossed out. Those were the herbs
which You XiaoMo had paid for and left with Tang YuLin. At the side,
there was also an annotation with the quantity he was looking for.
You XiaoMo did some calculations. He had gotten more magic herbs
this time, and though there were still less mature magic herbs, he
still spent more than thousand and five hundred points after settling
the bill.
You XiaoMo was silently distressed upon seeing that there was only
more than a thousand or so points remaining in his card. He
constantly consoled himself that he would doubtlessly be able to
earn it back in the next few days.
It just so happened that he had just advanced and could refine level
seven magic herbs.
After bidding farewell to Tang YuLin and BaiLi TianYi, You XiaoMo
returned to his own room, locked the door and entered his
dimension straightaway.
You XiaoMo walked to the lakeside. There was still only half of the
water remaining in the spiritual lake. In order to conserve spiritual
water, he made SheQiu and the rest help with clearing the weeds
and tilling the soil to make several magic herbs fields. He had them
plant the high-grade magic herb seeds that he had gotten the last
time, and then use diluted spiritual water to slowly cultivate them.
Although the growth rate of the magic herbs was a little slow, with
careful planning, he would be able to use the herbs in the same
manner when he advanced again.
Next, he took a look at SheQiu and the rest who were cultivating.

PiQiu and CatQiu had really become quite obedient ever since he
ordered them to cultivate.
After making a surprise inspection and seeing that they were not
playing around, You XiaoMo then believed that the two really did
listen to his words.
You XiaoMo returned to the small log cabin. He took out the seeds
that he had gotten from the Paradise Realm from a drawer in a
cabinet. He had found some seeds that resembled his in a high-grade
scroll when checking the notes in the old geezer's study.
The surface of these seeds were full of bumps and hollows, and they
were significantly dehydrated. Since they had been left out for so
long, he did not know if the seedlings were able to survive even after
being planted.
You XiaoMo looked for a wooden tub, put the seeds in, and ladled in
a dipper of spiritual water.
As per the content recorded in the old geezer's scroll, the higher the
level of the seed was, the lower the survival rate. He did not know if
there was life in these seeds as once it was ruined, it was less likely
to be successfully brought back to life.
After he was done, he looked at SheQiu and the four at the lakeside
and could not help but think of that demon beast egg.
He did see that egg lying on the grass alone when he had gone with
Ling Xiao to his dimension to train his speed. It was truly a slightly
pitiful sight.
He remembered the time where he had locked PiQiu and CatQiu in
the beast cage. You XiaoMo then decided to get the egg back from
Ling Xiao when he returned.
Half a month later, an event happened to You XiaoMo before Ling
Xiao had returned.

That event was related that Mountain Trials. As the time for
registration was approaching, practitioners on the top hundred
rankings were beginning to pick mages to cooperate with and many
mages had also tossed an olive branch out to the practitioners.
One of the most sensational news was related to two celebrities in
the top hundred rankings.
They were Yin Ge and An XinRui.
It is a known fact that An XinRui fancied Yin Ge. However, there was
a female mage who had recently recommended herself as a partner
to Yin Ge.
The strength of that female mage was quite solid. She was a mid-
grade level eight mage, and had a high level demon beast with a
water attribute. That demon beast was a Scarlet Thunder Heaven
Shark which had a level eight bloodline.
That female mage's qualifications were really good from every point
of view, and she would not be unworthy of Yin Ge when cooperating
with him. It should have been a pairing that would be in favor with
the general public, but An XinRui disagreed as she felt that that
female mage had an ulterior motive.
There was a special rule pertaining to the Mountain Trials.
If the students that were competing honestly did not want to find a
mage to cooperate with, there was an exception that allowed them
to find another practitioner to cooperate with.
But he needed to find a practitioner that was in the bottom fifty
rankings, otherwise the academy would regard it as them voluntarily
renouncing the reward if they won.
An XinRui willingly gave up, but was rejected by Yin Ge.

This matter could be said to have spread till there was uproar in
Ward A, its momentum was no less than what You XiaoMo had
experienced at that time in Ward B.
But the climax was yet to come.
Everyone originally thought that An XinRui would never give up.
Three days later, there was news that An XinRui had picked a mage
to cooperate with. The person she was cooperating with was the first
on Block Two's top hundred ranking, who was also An XinRui's suitor.
When this news came out, many people started booing.
What a fickle woman! Though she may have done it to provoke Yin
Ge, but Yin Ge did not have the slightest reaction even after he knew
of this.
This news was gossipy enough that when Tong YueXu told him about
it, You XiaoMo found it somewhat hard to believe.
He felt that Tong YueXu definitely was a lover of gossip, though Tong
YueXu would never acknowledge it.
You XiaoMo only began to pay attention to the top hundred rankings
for mages after he had heard of this matter. He had just become a
level seven mage not long ago, so he was not on the top hundred
ranking, but… …the academy's sole requirement for the Mountain
Trials was that the participants have to be experts on the top
hundred rankings. This restriction applied not only to practitioners,
but also to the mages that were cooperating with them. Thus he
needed to squeeze into the top hundred rankings before the trials
You XiaoMo started to plan once he thought about it.
The strongest mage on the top hundred rankings was a peak level
eight mage, who was also the male mage that An XinRui was
cooperating with. As the crossing over from level eight to nine was

an immense gulf that many were unable to overcome, that man had
delayed his advancement.
Despite this, his strength was still the strongest.
Further down, the top fifty were mostly level eight mages, and the
bottom fifty were the level seven mages.
You XiaoMo did not need to enter into the top fifty. He only needed
to ensure that he was in the top hundred rankings, and then form a
contract with Ling Xiao when he came out.
A few days later, You XiaoMo went to consult with Tong YueXu.
Tong YueXu was not able to give him any suggestions this time.
Despite being very familiar with most of the happenings in Ward A,
he was not as familiar to the extent where he was a walking
For lack of a better option, he had to put the matter aside and wait
until Ling Xiao came out to revisit the matter.
You XiaoMo was preparing to go to the Cultivation Center on this day
as he had not been there for more than a month.
However, he unexpectedly encountered a person en-route - that
person was Teng ZiYe. It had been more than half a month since the
event which caused You XiaoMo to owe him a favor. Even if they met
at the Gravity Mountain afterwards, they also had not held a
discussion about it.
"Hello." You XiaoMo awkwardly opened. They were almost face to
face this time. He would not be able to justify it if he did not call a
greeting out.
Contrary to his expectations, Teng ZiYe responded to him, even
though it was just a modest nod.
The two walked along the same road. The mood became a little
tense with both not saying a word, so You XiaoMo could only look for

something to talk about, "Are you heading to the Cultivation Center
Teng ZiYe, "Yeah."
You XiaoMo, "What a coincidence. I'm heading there too."
Teng ZiYe stared at him.
You XiaoMo let out a forced laugh. He knew that these questions
were really stupid, but as there was nothing to talk about, it was
normal to have this sort of outcome.
The mood became tense again. A long while later, Teng ZiYe
suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "Are you preparing to
participate in the Trials?"
You XiaoMo was somewhat taken aback, "Yeah, how about you?"
Teng ZiYe, "The Trials can be a good opportunity to train."
This implied that he was preparing to participate, however he did not
seem to be participating for the sake of the reward.
You XiaoMo, "You really go all out."
Teng ZiYe looked ahead, "It'll be no good if I don't go all out."
You XiaoMo hesitated, then said, "You'll need to be in the top
hundred rankings if you want to participate in the Trials. Are you
Teng ZiYe replied, "No. This kind of thing is of no matter to me. But
since it is a requirement, it's enough to just undergo a little test and
appraisal when required again."
He really said it like he was indifferent to it. You XiaoMo really
admired his relaxed and serene attitude. He would be able to
befriend him without any qualms if he was not Teng ZiXin's brother.
It was a pity that life was unpredictable and the one he first met was
Teng ZiXin.

The two separated when they reached the Cultivation Center.
Both were preparing to head to the third passage in the Purple card
zone but they were coming from different directions.
Teng ZiYe took a turn and glimpsed the back of You XiaoMo entering
from the corner of his eyes. Just as he was about to head in, he
suddenly stopped and lifted his head to look at Teng ZiXin who had
long been standing at the entrance of the passage.

Chapter 314: Test
"I knew it. Brother, you're befriending You XiaoMo." Teng ZiXin
looked at Teng ZiYe coldly, waiting for a pause before telling him
what she had witnessed.
She had always thought that Teng ZiYe would cut ties with You
XiaoMo after knowing about the bad blood between her and You
XiaoMo. Yet it hadn't been long and they were already such good
friends. She was honestly very disappointed; after all, it was her who
was Teng ZiYe's sister.
Teng ZiYe looked at her silently.
Teng ZiXin wasn't particularly surprised though, continuing, "Brother,
you know I won't forgive him. Why are you getting close to him? Do
you want to help him?"
Teng ZiYe narrowed his eyes, curling his lips as he said, "In your
heart, getting close to him equals to helping him? I've simply just met
him a few times, we aren't close."
Teng ZiXin paused in surprise for a moment, joy flashing through her
eyes. She hurriedly stifled her excitement and said, "Brother, are
you… Are you getting close to him for me?"
Teng ZiYe didn't confirm or deny it, only speaking quietly as he
brushed past her, "I don't care why you hold such a grudge against
him, but remember, your words and actions all represent the Teng
Teng ZiXin watched him as he left, both red and green faced. With
her intelligence, there was no way she'd misunderstand what Teng
ZiYe was hinting at. He was accusing her of her actions being an
embarrassment to the Teng Family.

But it wasn't all bad; she had managed to confirm that Teng ZiYe had
nothing to do with You XiaoMo, because Teng XiYe didn't lie. If he
said they had simply met a few times, then that must be so.
By the time You XiaoMo departed from the cultivation center, three
days had passed.
He had wanted to go to the red card zone to check if Ling Xiao was
still inside or not, but since he knew he wouldn't be able to get in, he
gave up on that idea.
Leaving the Cultivation Center, he headed directly to his room. As he
approached, he realized that there was someone in the room. Apart
from Ling Xiao, most people couldn't enter without the owner's
That person just walked out of the room when You XiaoMo threw
himself at them without thinking.
Ling Xiao was afraid he would fall and hurt himself, so he grabbed
You XiaoMo around the waist.
You XiaoMo clung onto him, excitedly saying, "You finally came out."
Ling Xiao smiled, replying, "Because I can't bear the thought of
leaving you alone at home."
The corner of You XiaoMo's lips twitched. He didn't think that this
phrase was suited to describe him.
Ling Xiao brushed his hands against You XiaoMo's body, suddenly
saying, "You've achieved a breakthrough. Seems like Gravity
Mountain is doing rather good for your training. Your body seems
more flexible, too. We might be able to try a few positions with a
higher difficulty in the future."
"Don't touch me like that." You XiaoMo was flushed by Ling Xiao's
movements, especially when Ling Xiao stroked his sensitive waist.

However, when he heard the last part, he immediately glared at Ling
Ling Xiao picked him up and into the room, asking with a laugh, "Has
anything happened recently?"
Teng Zi's situation immediately came to mind. You XiaoMo didn't
hesitate, explaining everything to Ling Xiao. "I think, Teng ZiYe must
know about the situation between me and his sister."
Ling Xiao said, "Your whole situation has blown up. It's impossible
that he hasn't heard of it. However, he's different from Teng ZiXin.
He's smart and calm, knowing how to not expose himself. If he were
really to fight you, you wouldn't have a chance. Make sure to stay
away from him in the future."
You XiaoMo nodded. "But I still owe him a favor."
Ling Xiao said, "Do no more than what you can."
You XiaoMo asked, "But what if he asks for something that troubles
Ling Xiao thought for a moment. "If he does do that, then act as if
nothing happened between you."
You XiaoMo looked at him wide-eyed. How could he say that? But, it
did seem like something Ling Xiao would say. If it came to it, he
might actually act as Ling Xiao had told him to.
Next he brought up the Mage's Hundred Man Rankings.
It wouldn't be long until the Trial in the mountains begun and many
people had already found a mage to work with. Some had even
finished their contracts, pairing up and provoking many of the still
"single" people.
Recently, pairs were common over in the arena. Mostly because they
wanted to improve their teamwork.

Ling Xiao asked, "How is the Hundred Man rankings for mages
You XiaoMo said, "I think you have to purify a magic herb in a set
amount of time and they test it for purity at the end. I hear that the
instrument used to test it is much more precise than the previous
ones. The full score is a hundred."
Ling Xiao said, "Then you should find time to take the test."
The Mage's Hundred Man Rankings was similar to that of
practitioners. The first fifty had to be challenged, and the latter fifty
only needed to take the test for purifying herbs. However, they had
to go to the specially set testing area for this. If their score was
higher than the hundredth person, then they would be able to
ascend the rankings.
The following day, Ling Xiao went to the testing area with You
Usually, there weren't many people there, but recently more and
more people were coming to take the test.
By the time the two arrived, there were quite a lot of people at the
testing area already, talking among themselves, mostly about the
Trials and the Hundred Man Rankings.
Not long later, an elder walked out from behind.
With his appearance, everyone quietened down, staring at him.
"I don't think there's any need for me to explain the rules here. We'll
start testing now. Every round ten people will go up and test. You
can pick a stone dais to stand at yourself."
The speaking elder was very straightforward, not bothering to say
anything extra.
You XiaoMo took a look at the crowd around him. There were over
fifty people here. If he waited at the back, it would probably take a

long time before he got to the front, so he informed Ling Xiao he was
going up to the front before heading off towards the nearest dais.
There was a cauldron ready for him at the dais and a level seven
magic herb.
He had seen this herb in the old man's Magic Herb Handbook. It was
a Diamond Herb. It had a very peculiar form; it was golden and both
the stem and leaves were very hard, increasing the difficulty of
You XiaoMo had heard that the school would pick a new herb out of
a group of herbs with a similar difficulty in purification as the
Diamond Herb to test students with. This year it was the Diamond
Herb, the one known as the hardest to purify and the easiest to fail
at among all level seven herbs.
You XiaoMo finally understood why no one had ever gotten a full
It really was very hard. He wasn't even certain if he could get above a
When the hourglass began to run, everyone started to move. The
lowest score on the Hundred Man Rankings was fifty-three, so they
only needed to be better than that to enter the Hundred Man
Rankings. Even if they weren't among the first fifty, it was ok.
Thinking of this, You XiaoMo immediately cleared his mind of
irrelevant thoughts and threw the herb into the cauldron.
The purification of herbs tested a mage's control over his Soul Force.
This, You XiaoMo was certain, he wouldn't lose to anyone in. After
staying in the Gravity Mountain for a month, he was even more
confident about it.
Plus, after experimenting recently, he had learned a faster way of
purifying herbs.

However, this method could, for now, only deal with one herb at a
Thinking of this, You XiaoMo immediately separated his Soul Force
into two and then wrapped them around the Diamond Herb in the
cauldron one after the other. One stick of incense burned, and then
another… By the time half an hour had passed, everyone began to
come to a stop one after the other.
You XiaoMo put the powdered herb into a vial, wiping the sweat
from his forehead. The amount of times he had purified this herb
was both expected and unexpected, because he had managed to
purify it nine times. There was still time remaining. If it wasn't for the
fact that he couldn't manage to clear out any further impurities, he
would want to try for another time.
As the first group finished, the second group quickly followed.
You XiaoMo and the others walked to the side to test their herbs.
The person that was helping him do that was a middle-aged man.
The man had him place the herb into the measurer.
After pressing the button, the instrument began to whine quietly.
When the number on it broke past seventy and continued to rise, a
group of spectators all looked his way, eyes full of surprise.
Seventy was good enough to get into the top seventy of the Hundred
Man Rankings, but this number was still rising. This made everyone
very shocked, especially since You XiaoMo didn't seem very old.
The number was still rising, until it broke past ninety. It jumped a few
times before stopping at ninety-seven. The middle-aged man stared
at the instrument in shock. It had been years since he had seen a
number over ninety, even approaching a hundred.
The crowd around him was cacophonous; the academy hadn't had a
score that was so close to a hundred in a long time.

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man spoke up, saying,
"Ninety-seven points. You're ranked number fifty-one."
You XiaoMo nodded. Now, he no longer had to worry about the
Hundred Man Rankings. As expected, splitting his soul force into two
had a great effect. Though he hadn't managed to reach a hundred,
he was already very satisfied with his score.
After him, none of the others managed a test as spectacular as his.
Though he felt a little like he had reached the sky in one step, You
XiaoMo wasn't very surprised.
Ignoring the curious and startled stares of the crowd, You XiaoMo
and Ling Xiao left the testing area, directly heading for the
registration area for the Trials. A practitioner had to confirm their
temporary contract with a mage before they could apply.
There weren't many people there to register, but they bumped into a
pair who were arguing over something.
You XiaoMo was surprised to notice that he recognized the girl. It
was An XinRui, who he had met twice before. He didn't recognize the
other, but if they were here, they were probably here to apply. He
would've thought she would have struggled for a bit longer.
Ling Xiao looked in the direction of his gaze. "What's so interesting?"
You XiaoMo answered, "An XinRui doesn't seem very willing."
Ling Xiao laughed. "Didn't you say before that she liked someone
else? She obviously wouldn't be willing to contract with someone she
doesn't like. It's probably an attempt to grab their attention."
You XiaoMo nodded.
Just as Ling Xiao's words fell, An XinRui and that mage walked
towards them.

Chapter 315
An XinRui didn't seem to be a very good mood at all, and there was a
heaviness to the set of her brows. The mage following her was
talking to her, head bowed, but she never responded to him, walking
past the two of them.
You XiaoMo only heard one sentence from the mage.
He said, "XinRui, temporary contracts can be cancelled. If Yin Ge
really backs out, I'll cancel the contract between us."
You XiaoMo asked Ling Xiao, who was beside him, "Can temporary
contracts really be cancelled?"
Ling Xiao replied, "If both sides agree, and then pay five hundred
points, then yes."
You XiaoMo mumbled to himself, "No wonder…" He had a feeling
that An XinRui wasn't the type to give up so easily. Now it seemed
that, as expected, she had ulterior motives.
But five hundred points to cancel a contract? That was daylight
robbery! After registering, the mentors made pairs make contracts
there to prevent people from fishing in troubled waters*. Soon
enough it came to An XinRui and the mage she was with. She looked
very much unwilling and after the contract was complete, the male
mage was smiling brightly.
You XiaoMo was suspicious; if Yin Ge really did speak up, would this
mage truly be willing to cancel the contract?
This was a small bet. You XiaoMo felt that he wouldn't.
Leaving the registration, the two returned to their room.
Now all they had to do was wait for the coming of the Trials.

Before sleeping that night, You XiaoMo asked for the demon beast
egg from Ling Xiao. When it was released, the demon beast egg
didn't even get a chance to react before it was stuffed into the
demon beast cage by You XiaoMo.
"Don't think you can run!" You XiaoMo said triumphantly.
The demon beast egg shifted a little, as if taking a look around at his
current situation. Then, it fell still for a while before suddenly
jumping and smashing itself against the bars of the cage.
You XiaoMo jumped, but quickly calmed down again. He reached
inside and picked up the egg, looking it over, only releasing a sigh of
breath when he found no cracks, before putting it down and saying,
"There's no need to struggle anymore. This cage was made for level
six demon beasts, you won't be able to break it with your current
The demon beast egg ignored him, continuing to smash itself against
the cage.
You XiaoMo watched on anxiously, hurriedly saying, "Don't slam it
anymore. If you crack your shell, your shit and piss will flow out too."
The demon beast egg's movements suddenly paused.
Though it quickly recovered, You XiaoMo still caught it.
You XiaoMo said, "It doesn't matter if you keep slamming yourself
against the bars. I'll just buy a higher level one and see if its your
shell that'll break first or the cage."
Maybe it was because the egg really was listening to him that it
suddenly stopped its slamming. The round egg swayed inside the
cage. Who knows what it was thinking?
No matter, at least it had finally settled down.

You XiaoMo sighed, saying, "For the next few days, behave yourself
and stay inside. I'll keep you in the pocket dimension. When I'll let
you out depends on your behavior. If you agree, sway."
The swaying movement of the egg immediately ceased.
You XiaoMo: "…"
You brat, do you really wait to go against me like that?
You XiaoMo lightly stroked the top of the egg, quietly saying, "It's ok
if you don't agree. Later on, I'll have Ling Xiao cook you. By the way, I
think I might've forgotten to tell you, but I actually enjoy eating egg a
lot. In the past, I would have one each day. After coming here, I've
become rather busy and haven't had time…" Before he finished
speaking, the egg began to sway, accepting its fate.
You XiaoMo nodded in satisfaction before sending it into his pocket
dimension with a wave of the hand, while ordering SheQiu and the
others to keep an eye on that egg and make sure it reflected upon its
A few days later, You XiaoMo received a letter from the old man.
The letter said that it'll be a while before he could come back, and
told You XiaoMo to go and self-study in Ward A's Magic Herb
Garden. When he comes back, he'll teach him a new method of
You XiaoMo was excited as he read this.
The old man was finally going to pass the Heavenly Soul Scripture
down to him; he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.
The following day, You XiaoMo headed to the old man's Magic Herb
Garden with Ling Xiao.
The old man had a place in both Wards. The difference was in that
the value of the two were different.

The Magic Herb Garden was the soul and blood of the academy, with
many highly valued magic herbs. And at the heart of it, stood the old
man's other pill room. That was a place not even the elders and
mentors of the academy were allowed into.
The old man's pill room was massive, a combination of a study and a
room for refining pills.
You XiaoMo wandered around for a bit, finding several level seven
magic pill recipes. Apart from that, there was even a drawer full of
freshly refined mid-high grade pills, emitting a herbal scent.
Ling Xiao held his chin as he said, "What do you think of taking this
drawer of magic pills for ourselves?"
You XiaoMo sweatdropped. He knew Ling Xiao would say something
like that.
In the end, Ling Xiao didn't get to do as he wanted.
Not just anyone could enter the old man's pill room. If anything went
missing, they would be the biggest suspects for certain. Plus, the old
man might've said he could enter, but he never said he could take
anything, so You XiaoMo didn't dare take a single thing.
However, the pill room really was a good place to be. From now on
he had another place to go.
From that day on, Ling Xiao didn't return to the Cultivation Center.
Sometimes he would go with You XiaoMo to sell magic pills, but most
of the time he would accompany You XiaoMo as he went to
cultivate. The place they went to most was the pill room, with
Gravity Mountain a close second.
You XiaoMo noticed that after bumping into Teng ZiYe on the way to
the Cultivation Center, he hadn't seen him again, until the start of
the deep mountain Trials.

Since the registration was over, the requirements for different
placements in the Trials had been declared. The first five were, as
expected, very demanding. Just the third place had to capture a
demon beast called Divine Snow Wasps. What was even more
absurd was that it had to be female too.
Divine Snow Wasps were a high grade demon beast. They only
appeared in snowy, icy places. There were definitely ones that were
under level nine, but it wasn't possible that there would be no level
nine and above. In addition, Divine Snow Wasps liked to live in
groups, so the mission was even more dangerous.
At the list of missions, many others were also looking at the top few
missions. He could hear the sighs coming from around him. It
seemed like each year's missions would get harder than the previous.
You XiaoMo pulled on Ling Xiao's sleeve, quietly saying, "Which
mission do you think we should take?"
Ling Xiao's gaze fell on the first five. "Any one is fine."
You XiaoMo suddenly thought of an idea and excitedly asked, "Hey,
do you think they'll give us the rewards for two placings if we
complete two or more missions?"
Ling Xiao looked at him in disdain. "Do you think that's possible?"
You XiaoMo smiled awkwardly. "Ok then, just pretend I'm
Ling Xiao said, "Memorize the first five. We'll just complete
whichever we find first."
Before he left, You XiaoMo saw An XinRui. In the end, she didn't get
what she wanted. However, Yin Ge didn't contract with any female
mage. What was rather surprising was that his partner was Feng

Upon hearing of this, You XiaoMo couldn't believe his ears. Since
when had Feng ChiYun gotten involved with Yin Ge? It had only been
a month since they last saw each other.
On the day of the competition, all the participants gathered in the
You XiaoMo had wanted to find Feng ChiYun to ask him about Yin Ge,
but the other had already left.
When he arrived at the plaza, it took him awhile to find the other.
Feng ChiYun only noticed You XiaoMo waving when he turned his
head. He looked at Yin Ge, who's cold aura seemed to be warning
everyone to not come within a thousand miles of him, and hesitated
before saying quietly, "Sorry, my friend wants to speak to me. I'm
gonna leave for a moment."
Yin Ge glanced at him, responding noncommittally.
Feng ChiYun was used to it, turning and walking away.
You XiaoMo could barely wait, immediately asking when he saw the
other approaching, "Feng ChiYun, what relationship do you have
with Yin Ge?"
Feng ChiYun felt that what he asked seemed a little weird and
replied, "I don't have any sort of relationship with him."
You XiaoMo said, "Liar, if you guys didn't have any sort of
relationship, why would he choose you?"
Feng ChiYun placed a hand to his forehead. "That's a long story. Two
days ago, I went to the testing area, but when I left, I bumped into
Yin Ge and a female mage was bothering him. When I passed by
them, Yin Ge suddenly grabbed me and said he wanted to contract
with me."
You XiaoMo wondered aloud, "And then you really contracted with

Feng ChiYun was a little embarrassed. "Actually, there's a little more
to it. Yin Ge had rejected that female mage multiple times, but she
was unwilling to give up, so Yin Ge had me cooperate with him. At
the time, I thought I was just gonna put on an act to help him out of
a pickle, so I followed him to the registration point and contracted
him in front of that female mage."
"And then he refused to cancel the contract, right?" You XiaoMo
asked, lips twitching.
Feng ChiYun replied helplessly, "That's right. No matter what I said,
he refused to cancel our contract after that, saying that if he did,
then the female mage would come and bother him again."
You XiaoMo said sympathetically, "You have my condolences."
The corner of Feng ChiYun's lips twitched.

Chapter 316: The First
No matter whether Feng ChiYun accepted his fate or not, he was
unable to escape.
To tell the truth, he had not planned to participate in the Mountain
Trials. He had participated in the assessment just to test his own
strength. How would he have expected this sudden and unexpected
disaster? He would have followed Tong YueXu's example if he knew
this was going to happen.
Tong YueXu did not lack actual combat experience, so he had been
going back and forth between the Cultivation Center and the Gravity
Mountain to cultivate.
He was not in the top hundred ranking as he did not go for the
assessment at all, thus he had nothing to do with the Trials. Not long
after, the person-in-charge of the Trials came out. It was Vice
Principal Yan Fa. Gao Yang had also come out with him. Gao Yang
was ranked fifth on the top hundred rankings, and he was
cooperating with was a mage he was familiar with.
After Gao Yang and the mage returned to their positions, Yan Fa
began to explain the rules of the Trials.
The tasks announced by the academy for the Mountain Trials were
ranked based off the difficulty of the tasks. There would definitely be
many people receiving the same tasks as there were not many tasks.
After roughly going over the rules, Yan Fa got some helpers to carry a
table up the stage. Paper and pens are put on the table.
Under the surprised gazes of the audience, Yan Fa announced, "The
Trials this year will be different from the past years. To prevent some
people from fishing in troubled waters, the academy will record the
tasks that you've accepted. Starting from now, come out and report

your names when the tasks are read out. In addition, every team
may only take up one task."
<strong>t/n: fishing in troubled waters means to take advantage of a
crisis for personal gain.</strong>
Everyone burst into an uproar upon hearing these new rules.
If they could only receive one task, this meant that there were no
other chances if they failed.
It was clearly much more stringent than the previous years.
However, as Yan Fa had said, there were people who had used this
loophole in the past. Therefore, they could still fall back on the other
tasks even if they failed one task.
The benefits that could be gained from this were more apparent for
the strong.
Since these rules were to be implemented this year, the odds for the
other participants had greatly increased. Except for the minority who
were unhappy, most were in agreement with the new rules.
However, after hearing the new rules, the unhappiest person was
You XiaoMo.
The hopeful plan that they had just strategized yesterday had been
ruthlessly shattered today.
You XiaoMo asked, "Ling Xiao, which task should we take?"
The teams which received the top five tasks were able to obtain
entry into the thirty-first room in the Red card zone. Logically, they
only needed to choose the fifth task to obtain their objective, but
there would definitely be many who had also thought of the same.
Ling Xiao was strong. There would be no problem even if they took
up the first task. But even if the task was harder, it did not mean that
the rewards would be better as the academy had a rule whereby the
items obtained in the Trials belonged to the individual students. So

they still needed to carefully think over whether the objective of the
task was useful or not.
The objective of the fifth task was a stalk of a level eight magic herb.
Unfortunately, he did not happen to have that particular magic herb.
It was necessary to point out that the objectives of the tasks the
academy listed all had a special trace on it. There may also be people
who would tail them, so it was fruitless to try to use the same item
to bluff one’s way through.
Ling Xiao knew what You XiaoMo was thinking about, and said,
"Which one do you want to take?"
You XiaoMo mused over it for a moment. For the time being, he did
not particularly need any tasks concerning demon beasts. Excluding
that demon beast egg, his Qiu team already had five beasts. If he
added in a pair of Hidden Dipper Stink Bugs, he would have seven
beasts. Though he planned to get a football team or two basketball
teams worth of demon beasts, he was not in a hurry to assemble
His current priority was focused on magic herbs. The magic herbs
required by high grade magic pills were too many to count, and he
did not have much stored away.
"The tasks involving magic herbs are only the first and the fifth task.
The objective for the first task is a level nine magic herb. There
should not be many taking this up, as the fifth task is easier."
You XiaoMo did a little calculation and after taking everything in
account, it appeared that they could only take the fifth task. It was a
little difficult to complete the first task because of Ling Xiao's
'current' strength.
Ling Xiao said, "Then we should… …"
The fifth task had been read out just as they had been talking.

The tasks were read out from the last to the first, and a team only
needed to complete the task for them to receive the reward.
Therefore, there were always more than three teams taking the
same task regardless of which was taken.
The ones who took the fifth task were Teng Yu and Teng ZiYe. In
addition to them, there were also two other teams whose strength
was the top ten in the top hundred rankings. Their strength may be
inferior to Teng Yu, but they were still strong competitors.
As the objective of the fourth task was pertaining to demon beasts,
there were many fighting over it and one of the teams was Gao
The objective of the third task was also related to demon beasts.
Contrary to all expectations, the first to accept this task was actually
Yin Ge. Everyone had assumed that he would take the second task if
he did not accept the first task. No one had predicted that he would
take the third task, and there was a high probability that he would be
able to complete the third task with the level of his strength.
In addition to this, An XinRui had also taken up this task. It seemed as
if she wanted to shoulder the task together with Yin Ge.
The second task was rather strange. The content of the task was to
obtain the life crystal of a Crimson Fire Azure Dragon.
The life crystal was valuable and the energy contained in a small
fragment was extraordinarily huge. It was known as an iniquitous
treasure for rapid advancement and there were no negative side
The Crimson Fire Azure Dragon would produce a life crystal every
hundred years and according to the news that the academy had
attained, it only had one crystal left.
Despite the treasure being very valuable, the Crimson Fire Azure
Dragon was not to be trifled with.

It was said that there was only one Crimson Fire Azure Dragon in the
entire mountain. It was a demon beast that was half a step into the
ninth realm and was very difficult to deal with. However, there were
two teams who took this task - BaiLi TianYi's and Zhan YuXuan's
It was foreseeable that there would be a fierce battle between the
"Eh? The people in the top ten rankings have all chosen their tasks.
Doesn't this mean that there will be no one taking up the first task?"
Some people finally discovered a problem when BaiLi TianYi and
Zhan YuXuan took up the second task.
Never had there been an occurrence where a task had not been
taken up. Taking the last year as an example, the one who accepted
the first task was Yin Ge. However, he had chosen the third task this
year and the rest also knew the limits of their own strength. They
undeniably did not have any way to defeat the demon beast
protecting that stalk of level nine magic herb as a result the task had
been left vacant.
The others had also remembered this after one had raised this issue.
Yan Fa did not forgo the first task just because the top ten had
already accepted a task. While everyone was commenting on this, he
calmly and collectively addressed the crowd, "The last is the first
task. State your name if you wish to accept this task."
When he finished speaking, the crowd fell silent.
Three seconds later, a lazy voice drifted out from the crowd, "Ling
Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and could not help but
be stunned, as they had discovered that this person was actually the
man who had defeated Tang MengCheng. Although he was

courageous enough to dare to take the first task, his strength as the
fifteenth rank was simply not enough to complete it.
Many felt that Ling Xiao was overconfident, but since he wanted to
accept this task, they would not speak further on this. Yan Fa asked,
"Are you certain you wish to take this task?"
Under the eyes of the crowd, Ling Xiao nodded and smiled, "It won't
do if I'm not certain. The competition for the other tasks is too fierce.
Only the first task does not have any takers."
Everyone immediately looked at him as if they were looking at a fool.
To take up the task because no one took it, this person's brain was
surely broken ba!
Yan Fa immediately asked a helper to record Ling Xiao's name down.
To embark on such an action meant that there would be no turning
back. Even if he wanted to turn back, he would be unable to as it
would signify that he would be retiring from this year's Trials.
Seeing this scene, those who were antagonistic with Ling Xiao and
You XiaoMo broke into sneers. It appeared that they would not need
to make any move as these two were going to dig their own graves.
Although there were more procedures to go through before
departing, it did not affect everyone's enthusiasm.
After Yan Fa announced the order to depart, everyone followed him
to leave Ward A.
Ward A was big, but it was not large enough to encircle the
mountains so they needed to walk out of the barrier for the Trials to
The participants walked in a single file, following the road that they
used when they first entered Ward A. After close to an hour of
walking, they finally reached the outside of the barrier. Two hundred
plus people were standing upon a wide plain.

Before the Trials began, Yan Fa said, "As the difficulty of the Trials
this year has increased, the time limit has been extended to half a
month and five days. No matter if the task has been completed or
not, everyone much gather here within this limit. With that, I hereby
declare that the Trials begin now!"
When he finished speaking, Yan Fa went back into the barrier with
the Elders.
The atmosphere relaxed in an instant after their figures were
swallowed by the barrier. Everyone was not in a hurry to get out of
here. Instead, they broke up into twos and threes to converse with
each other.
You XiaoMo tugged on Ling Xiao's sleeves, "What's going on?
Ling Xiao sharpened his hearing, "They're looking for groups to work
together with."
There were some tasks with a high level of difficulty that was hard to
complete with merely two people. Therefore, there would be a
bunch of people looking for others to form a group with. They would
distribute the benefits accordingly, and then reach a collaboration
Just as You XiaoMo wanted to say something, he caught sight of
Zhan YuXuan heading towards Yin Ge. BaiLi TianYi was standing
together with Gao Yang and they seemed to be discussing
something. Looking at them, they may have been making
arrangements to cooperate with each other.
He had been a little depressed, but when he saw An XinRui looking at
Yin Ge with a conflicting expression on her face, he suddenly felt like
he had been cured by her misfortune/suffering. Amitabha, one truly
should not have such a twisted way of thinking.
A few minutes later, the participants successively left the plain.

You XiaoMo saw that after Gao Yang and BaiLi TianYi had finished
talking and seemed to be walking towards him and Ling Xiao. Just as
he was about to wave to them, Ling Xiao suddenly stopped him and
dragged him away.
The figure of the two disappeared from sight a few seconds later.
Not far away, Gao Yang who had been about to call out to them had
his mouth hanging open, unable to speak a word.
BaiLi TianYi stifled his laugh, and patted the shoulder of his old
friend, "Forget about it, they looked like they have a plan of their
Gao Yang helplessly shook his head.
He knew that Ling Xiao's 'strength' was that of a one star Spiritual
level. With their strength, they definitely would not be able to
complete the task. He had planned to discuss the topic of
cooperation with Ling Xiao, but who would have thought that he
would run off. Perhaps they may really have some other plans.

Chapter 317: Flying Fish Sect
The two ran through the dense forest. The rest of the participants
seemed to have intentionally parted so they were able to quickly
throw the others off. The occasional roars of demon beasts drifted
over in the endless forest.
You XiaoMo stood under a large tree and let out a small sigh of relief.
He had just been pulled along while Ling Xiao was running. The
distance they covered was more than several kilometers and could
even be said to have reached ten kilometers. If it was the past him,
he would have been running till he was panting for breath. But it was
as if his whole body was full of energy ever since he trained in the
Gravity Mountain for several months.
"Why are you running so fast?" You XiaoMo turned around and
looked at Ling Xiao, not understanding his sudden move.
Ling Xiao tilted his head glanced at him, slightly narrowing his eyes,
"Could it be that you want to complete this task together with your
You XiaoMo guiltily rubbed his nose, "No, I don't. So where are we
going now?"
Their task was the first one. So as not to let other people discover
Ling Xiao's secret, they certainly could not cooperate with others.
Ling Xiao declared, "Let's familiarize ourselves with the terrain here."
The deep mountains range was exceedingly vast. Moreover, there
may be unforeseeable danger behind every corner, so it was
impossible for someone to know the terrain of the deep mountains
like the back of his hand.
But since the academy had organized the Trails, they naturally would
not set the task at a particularly dangerous and far place, for

example, the Demon Forest Mountain - a high-risk area where the
inhabitants were very much stronger than them.
Ling Xiao had come into the mountains with others before when he
was in Ward B.
However, the scope of activities at that time was just in a small
corner of the mountains, so this was also his first time here.
The only silver lining was that the approximate direction and
toponym was indicated on the back on the content of the tasks
published by the academy. Furthermore, everyone would first go
around gathering some information after deciding on their tasks, so
they usually would not be running around blindly.
However, it was more troublesome for You XiaoMo who had never
been into the mountains as he completely did not know where to
run at all.
"Let's head north first." Ling Xiao said as he took the lead.
Their task was located in the north, but they did not know the
general location. Hence they could only slowly look around for it.
You XiaoMo quickly followed him; it looked like there was no other
He could not help but brood over it, no wonder the school gave them
half a month's time. Apart from giving them enough time to
complete their task, they had probably intended to let the students
train in the mountains.
Besides the large forests, the mountains also had many ranges and
valleys that were connected to each other. Innumerable demon
beasts hid themselves in there, and one moment of carelessness
could cost one their life.
There was a vast mountain range located in the north, the length of
the range covering the entire north side. It was known as the Demon

Forest Mountain and countless demon beasts inhabited the area. It
was doubtlessly the most dangerous place in the mountains.
This was all the information You XiaoMo had gathered before they
He roughly knew why everyone did not choose the first task now.
Without even mentioning that the objective of the task was a level
nine magic herb, the demon beast protecting the herb would
definitely be a level nine demon beast too. It was simply an
impossible task to sneak into the Demon Forest Mountain and steal
the magic herb from a level nine demon beast.
There would be many high leveled demon beasts around these
mountains that were full of danger. It was imperative to gradually
advance cautiously and carefully, as a single misstep could lead one
into entering the territory of a demon beast.
"Let's run there." Ling Xiao who was walking ahead suddenly looked
You XiaoMo was somewhat taken back, but he did not question Ling
Xiao. This was just the chance for him to test out the results of his
training in the Gravity Mountain. Ling Xiao smirked at him, "Do you
need me to carry you?"
You XiaoMo rolled his eyes and without saying anything, he dashed
away. Did Ling Xiao think he was still the old You XiaoMo? No matter
how weak he was, he could not possible have always remained at his
original place. The present You XiaoMo was already incomparable to
the past.
Ling Xiao looked at his back, chuckled, and then caught up to You

Two figures, one ahead and the other behind, speedily dashed
through the forest, occasionally startling a few weak crows that
cawed and flew off to other habitats.
You XiaoMo let Ling Xiao fully witness the results of his training. He
was still going strong after continuing to run for most of the day.
Other than being slightly out of breath, there was generally no
Just as he was jauntily running, shrieks abruptly sounded ahead. A
large flock of birds were frightened in the wake of the snarls of the
demon beasts, and one after another, the dense mass took flight in
all directions.
You XiaoMo stopped on the branch of a large tree with Ling Xiao
following behind.
You XiaoMo hurriedly looked forward, "There's been an attack by
demon beasts so soon?"
Ling Xiao stood beside him, "The ones being attacked probably aren't
students from the academy."
They were moving quite fast and were also the first group to leave
the plain. Although some groups had tasks that were in the north
too, those people should not be that fast.
"Then who are they?" You XiaoMo asked.
"Let's take a look then we'll know." Ling Xiao replied.
With that, the two jumped down from the tree. When they reached
their destination, the strong stench of blood assaulted their senses in
a split second. The ground was filled with mutilated limbs and the
stench of blood was so disgusting that You XiaoMo nearly vomited.
The human practitioners had the most casualties as the battle drew
to a close. Their opponent was a horde of demon beasts whose
shapes resembled shriveled corpses of humans.

You XiaoMo recognized this demon beast. It was a level seven
mummy demon beast. Under sunlight, that is, in places with strong
Yang Qi, its fighting strength would weaken. Likewise, its fighting
strength would increase in dark and damp places.
t/n: Yang Qi means the aspects or manifestations of energy that
are relatively immaterial, amorphous, expanding, hollow, light,
ascending, hot, dry, warming, bright, aggressive, and active. In this
case, it's referring to sunlight.
These people had probably strayed into the mummy demon beast's
territory and were massacred until there was not even half of their
group left.
With more than a hundred mummy demon beasts and many injured
cultivators, a complete wipe-out would occur sooner or later.
You XiaoMo discovered the same symbols placed on their arms,
appearing to belong to the same group. There were more than
twenty people there so they were definitely not students from the
You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao and just as he was about to say
something, one of the people discovered their presence. As if they
had grasped a lifeline, they cried out to You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao for
help without demur.
"That friend over there, we are from the Flying Fish Sect. We would
be very grateful as long as you attempt to save us!"
His words resembled the cries of a person who had been consumed
by despair in the desert but had encountered an oasis, and his eyes
instantly shone with a glimmer of hope.
You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao, "Do you want to save them?"
Ling Xiao was not the type of good-hearted person, so he could not
be sure that Ling Xiao would save them.

"Save, of course we should save them. You wait over here, I'll be
right back." Ling Xiao smiled. It was rare to encounter a group of
outsiders. Considering their disposition of troops, it did not seem
that it was their first time entering the mountains.
When he finished speaking, he threw himself off the slope.
The white figure fell into the horde of mummy beasts, stunning
those who were witnessing this scene. He really ran into the horde of
demon beasts! Without waiting for them to be over their shock, the
white figure had swept out from the horde. Wherever the white
figure passed, the heads of the mummy demon beasts rolled across
the ground one after another, its green blood emitting a putrid stink.
"My God, this person is really powerful!" The people who were able
to take a breather with Ling Xiao's participation, gasped and let out
terrified noises.
"His strength may be comparable to the level eight mummy beast.
And he even killed more than a dozen in a single strike. Even the Sect
master is unable to perform this feat." Zhou Lin had already
disregarded the wound on his shoulder, his eyes closely following the
white figure within the horde of demon beasts.
Less than fifteen minutes later, the circumstances had reversed.
Out of the hundreds of mummy beasts, ninety percent were dead
and the remaining ten percent had retreated after perceiving that
the enemy was too strong.
There was nothing more wonderful than escaping the jaws of death.
The seven who had survived fell to the ground all of a sudden. Their
mental nerves which had been stretched taunt were finally able to
Zhou Lin walked to Ling Xiao and endured his wounded shoulder to
clasp his hands, "Many thanks for your rescue, Sire. The Flying Fish

Sect will remember this kindness of saving our lives as long as we
live. We would be sure to repay Sire in the future."
At this moment, You XiaoMo who had been hiding away saw that the
fighting had finally ended, and quickly ran out from the shadows. The
seven suddenly behaved like birds startled by the mere twang of a
bow as they brought up their guard.
t/n: birds startled by the mere twang of a bow means people who
frighten easily, due to past experiences.
"Who is it?" Zhou Lin shouted as he assumed a combat-ready
position. They were somewhat taken aback when they saw You
XiaoMo standing on the high slope.
"Come here." Ling Xiao opened his mouth and said.
You XiaoMo was about to go over when he suddenly stopped again.
He looked at the ground which hardly had a clean area to step onto
and felt extremely sickened.
Zhou Lin and the rest finally reacted. So they were familiar with each
other. Just as they breathed a sigh of relief, they heard the youngster
speak, and the contents stuck each and every one dumb.
"Why don't you come over instead?"
This youngster did not look very strong and he actually used this type
of tone to talk to their savior! However, what surprised them the
most was that their savior really walked over.
Zhou Lin and the rest could not help but look at each other in
dismay. Although they did not know what the situation was, since
their savior walked over, they too could not continue to stay here. If
they met another pack of demon beasts in their current wounded
states, they would definitely be dead, so they hesitantly followed
after Ling Xiao.

After walking to a clearing, Zhou Lin and the six others began to wrap
their wounds up. Except for two who were heavily wounded, most of
their injuries were not severe and they soon recovered after
consuming a magic pill.
Ling Xiao waited until they were finished before he began to
question them of their origins. As the questions were from their
savior, Zhou Lin naturally answered without any reserve.

Chapter 318: Strange Man
After questioning Zhou Lin for a while, the two had gotten the gist of
their identity and why the were here.
They were people from the Flying Fish Sect, which didn't belong to
any of the powers of Yan City, or rather, they came from a power at
the edge of the Boundless Sea.
The Boundless Sea was at the other end of the mountains, an ocean
about five thousand kilometers from there. It was a sea with no end
that no one knew the size of. At its edge was a town and Flying Fish
sect was a power there.
The town had very little to do with Yan City, but they often came into
the mountains to capture demon beasts, so it wasn't unexpected
that they would bump into each other.
You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao had only recently came to the North, so
they didn't have too much of an understanding about it. It was
natural that they didn't know.
You XiaoMo finally understood why Ling Xiao decided to save them.
If the Flying Fish Sect was a "regular" of the mountains, then they
might know where their target could be found.
Zhou Lin hesitated for a moment, asking, "Are you two students of
the DaoXin Academy?"
You couldn't blame him for his doubt, because Ling Xiao was
extremely powerful. Daoxin Academy was full of powerful people, so
You XiaoMo was definite, but he hadn't seen a student as powerful
as Ling Xiao before.
"That we are. You guys are very familiar with the mountains, right?"
You XiaoMo pressed.

DaoXin Academy's Trials weren't a secret, and with a thought to
what time it was, Zhou Lin quickly guessed their reason for being
here. Seeing that it was You XiaoMo asking, he ok paused for a
moment in surprise before saying, "We often arrange for people to
enter the mountains, so while we can't say we have a complete
understanding of the entirety of the mountains, we're familiar with
most of it. Whatever questions you might have, shoot."
You XiaoMo smiled. Speaking with smart people was always nice.
He asked, "Do you know of an area in the North of the mountains
called Uneven Slope?"
Zhou Lin was stunned. Of course he knew. Uneven Slope was a very
dangerous place in the deep mountains because it was at the
entrance of the Demon Forest Mountain.. Anyone who wanted to
enter the Demon Forest Mountains had to go through the Uneven
Slope, but very few could enter and exit safely.
That was because Uneven Slope was inhabited by many demon
beasts. The slightest commotion would grab the attention of these
demon beasts. If you were surrounded by them, then only death
awaited you.
"I won't lie to you, I do, in fact, know the Uneven Slope, but that's an
extremely dangerous area. If you two want to go, it's best to think it
through carefully," Zhou Lin warned them.
He knew that his savior was powerful, but he still felt like it was too
dangerous. The Uneven Slope wasn't like most places with mid-grade
demon beasts and the occasional high-grade. Instead, the majority of
demon beasts were high-grade, with the occasional mid-grade.
Ling Xiao said, "This isn't any of your business. Just tell me where the
Uneven Slope is."
With such a rude tone, Zhou Lin and the others would ignore him,
usually. But Ling Xiao was their savior, so they didn't mind it.

Zhou Lin immediately took out a sheet of cow leather, handing it
over as he said, "This is a map we, the Flying Fish Sect, drew
ourselves. You can't obtain something like this anywhere else.
Though it's incomplete, the Demon Forest Mountains and Uneven
Slope are both on there. You can definitely find the Uneven Slope if
you follow the map."
You XiaoMo took the cow leather happily. The lack of a map was
exactly what had been bothering him.
Though it was hand-drawn, the places on the map were very clear.
You XiaoMo immediately found the Uneven Slope. There was quite a
distance between here and there. By his speed, they'd probably need
two days to get there.
However, this was with a map. If they didn't have a map, then it'd
probably take several times longer.
With the map, there was no need for them.
However, You XiaoMo got some info on the Uneven Slopes from
them before leaving.
After knowing everything they wanted to know, Ling Xiao
immediately called You XiaoMo to head off.
Zhou Lin hurriedly called them back. "Are you two certain you want
to go to the Uneven Slope?"
You XiaoMo turned his head to smile at them. "Why would we ask
you guys if we weren't going. Ok, see you!"
Zhou Lin felt like the youth's smile had seen through his intentions,
flushing. The words he had wanted to say were stuck, and he could
only watch them leave helplessly. It was only when their figures
disappeared into the forest that he expressed his frustration in his

The other members all exchanged glances. They could guess what
their vice sect leader was thinking, and all had the same hopes.
However, that man was their savior. Using this to exchange a map
was disadvantageous to them. If they asked for another favor, that
would be too shameless, and might even cause the other to react
negatively, making everything worse.
It wasn't until he could no longer see that group of people that You
XiaoMo ran in front of Ling Xiao, walking backwards as he smiled,
"Ling Xiao, do you think they had wanted to follow us?"
Ling Xiao looked at him lazily, saying, "Not just that. Be careful."
"Don't worry!" You XiaoMo then said, "That guy had a good idea in
mind. I think they were trying to postpone our journey to the Uneven
Slope so we could protect them for a while."
"How greedy!" Ling Xiao said with a mocking chuckle.
If it wasn't for the fact that they had some sort of use, the seven of
them would've long since joined their friends. Though there really
was nothing wrong with their desire to live. You XiaoMo held the
map, inhaling deeply and saying to Ling Xiao, "How about be have a
competition and see who arrives first at the Uneven Slope?"
Ling Xiao gave him a meaningful glance. "Are you sure you want to
compete with me?"
"Of course," You XiaoMo nodded, continuing, "However, you can't go
all out. You can only use one percent of your full power."
"One percent?" Ling Xiao's smile didn't falter at all, instead becoming
anticipatory. "I can, but it's rather boring without a bet. How about
this, if you lose, then next time I'll…"
Ling Xiao quietly whispered into his ear the rest of the sentence.
You XiaoMo went red, stammering, "You don't know who's going to
win yet!"

Ling Xiao smirked, licking his lips, "Ah, I can't wait!"
When his words fell, You XiaoMo ran. It wasn't like they agreed that
they had to start at the same time, so it wasn't a violation of the
Ling Xiao smiled, eyes curving. He knew that You XiaoMo would take
a headstart.
At the same time, in a different corner of the deep mountains.
A pair of participants in the trials were currently heading towards
their target, soon finding what they wanted in a dark, wet cavern.
The task they had chosen was the easiest on the list in the first place,
so they hadn't expended much effort.
"Is our target really in this cave?" The male mage quietly, but
excitedly asked.
He hadn't thought they would be able to accomplish their task so
smoothly. It had only been a day since the Trials had started. If they
managed to finish their task within the day, they would be the
fastest team to ever finish the Trials; they would definitely become
"I'm certain. I've prepared for this for a while now. Snow Serpents
like humid caverns, and caverns with Snow Serpents will always have
a white sort of lichen growing on it. Most are in the northeast, so I'm
over ninety percent certain that a Snow Serpent lives here," his
partner said confidently.
"Then when do we go and catch it?"
"After dark. Snow Serpents like to come out and hunt at night, so all
we'll have to do is find one that's alone."
The male mage opened his mouth to reply when a chilling breeze
blew from behind, accompanied by a cold, threatening aura. His
body tensed.

His companion had also noticed it and the two turned their heads
stiffly, widening their eyes in shock.
Three dark, cloaked men had appeared silently behind them. They
didn't know when they had arrived or how much they had heard.
What truly scared them, though, was the intense pressure they felt
from the three. It was a type of absolute suppression that made
them incapable of fighting back against it. Especially the man at the
lead. The scent of death lingered on him.
The two were unable to speak, as if they had suddenly gone dumb.
The man at the head's exposed lower face twisted in an evil smile.
Then he said fervently, "Are you Daoxin Academy's students? I'm
going to ask you a question, and if your answer satisfies me, I'll leave
your corpse whole. In the past two years, have any rather special
students enrolled in the Daoxin Academy?"
The two widened their eyes in shock. These people knew they were
students of Daoxin academy and still dared to kill them?
"Did you hear what I said?" The man's voice was very gentle,
chillingly so.
"Sp-special in what way?" The male mage swallowed thickly, his
voice unsteady. He fully believed that if this man wanted to kill them,
then there was no chance for them to live.
"It doesn't matter what way. Mages, practitioners, anyone." The
man's snakelike gaze landed on him.
The male mage shrunk a little, lips trembling. "I remember there are
a few rather special ones. They all have great potential…" In an
attempt to save his own life, the male mage decided to cough up
everything he knew.
"Among these people, are there any that behave out of the norm?"

"Th-there's… that Teng ZiYe. He's the successor of one of the four
great Families of Yan City, the Teng Family, he strangely likes to be
alone in the academy…"
Without waiting for him to finish, the man cut him off.
"Not that one."
"I know another one…" the male mage's partner suddenly said.
"Speak!" the man's unforgiving gaze immediately switched to him.
"The guy's called Ling Xiao, he's a practitioner. He only joined the
Academy in the last year. He's very powerful, but no one knew of
him before he joined the academy and started making a name for
himself. Recently, he even challenged the fifteenth ranked student as
the fifty-first ranked student and gained an easy victory. Usually he
keeps to himself, and barely talks to anyone else, apart from one
person. That person enrolled with him. He's called You XiaoMo; he's
a mage and he's extremely talented, scaling the cultivation levels like
its nothing. Neither of them come from Yan City," The partner
"That's right, I remember, that You XiaoMo is really quite special. He
always goes to sell magic pills with that Ling Xiao, and would
occasionally sell some high-grade pills. Many people are curious
where he gets the herbs, but he has a level ten mage as a master,"
the male mage added. To live, he could only give up as much
information as possible, hoping that this man would be satisfied and
let them go.
"Ling Xiao? You XiaoMo? High-grade pills?" the man mumbled, "Are
these two also in the deep mountains? Do they have any defining
The two nodded at once, the partner saying fearfully, "Yes, they
accepted a task on the North side of the deep mountains. That Ling

Xiao is always wearing a really ugly mask, so you'll recognize him on
sight. We've told you everything we know, can you let us go now?"
Because it was the first ranked task, they remembered the details
rather clearly.
The man looked down at them, suddenly smiling evilly. "Hm, now,
you can die…"
The two only had the time to widen their eyes before a line of blood
appeared on their throats.
The man kept his promise, keeping their corpses whole, but if any
demon beasts came and ate them, well, it wasn't any of his business
No one knew that two students had already been killed when the
Trials had only just started.

Chapter 319: Profiting from disaster
Two days later, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao finally reached their
destination - the Uneven Slope.
The colossal Uneven Slope resembled a vast 'prairie'. What met their
sight was a sloping 'prairie', of which no one knew what dangers
were hidden in the dense forest. However, the Uneven Slope was
truly the same as what Zhou Lin had described. There were countless
high leveled demon beasts hidden inside. If a completely ignorant
person barged in, the road was only death for them.
You XiaoMo stood on a tree and gazed afar at the Uneven Slope.
They used two days to reach here. They would not need that much
time if Ling Xiao had been the one running. But You XiaoMo had
been depending on his own strength from the start for the purpose
of training.
Midway, they had come across other students from the academy but
You XiaoMo chose to avoid them.
"This place is just too big!" You XiaoMo exclaimed in astonishment.
He had thought that it would be a hundred-meter hill at most. Who
would have thought that the Uneven Slope was dozens of times
bigger than what he had imagined. It would be a nigh impossible task
to look for that stalk of level nine magic herb in such a large area.
Ling Xiao raised his head, "We'll know where it is if we catch a
demon beast and ask them."
You XiaoMo tilted his head and looked at Ling Xiao, "Good idea! Then
when should we catch one?"
Ling Xiao replied, "You stay in the dimension and I'll catch it?"
"No, I want to go with you." You XiaoMo bluntly rejected him. This
was a good opportunity to gain knowledge and experience.

Ling Xiao expected that reply and agreed to You XiaoMo's request.
However, he could not let You XiaoMo travel by his own power for
the next part of their journey. The Uneven Slope had numerous level
nine and ten demon beasts. It would be very troublesome if they
were all attracted over.
You XiaoMo self-consciously climbed onto Ling Xiao's back.
Let the princess carry incident be water under the bridge. Although
he was not able to top Ling Xiao in bed, he did not mind this current
situation. By skewing his thinking for a moment, 'carrying on one's
back' could also be considered as a form of topping.
When Ling Xiao started moving, You XiaoMo silently thought to
himself 'giddy-up' and suddenly felt a notable sense of
The whistling wind was like a blade as it stung against his cheeks. You
XiaoMo promptly buried his face in Ling Xiao's back. In a split second
a comforting and soft fragrance enveloped him.
This was an unusual sense of security. Even if the heavens were to
fall he would not panic because he knew there was someone beside
him who would help him block it.
However, he did not slack off just because he had someone to rely
on. On the contrary, his will to fight rose as he wanted to be
someone who was worthy of Ling Xiao. Therefore, he had been hard
at practice for this year.
Even though his rate of advancement was practically the fastest in
DaoXin Academy, he was still not satisfied because the current him
was merely a level seven mage. His goal was to catch up to and even
surpass the old geezer. Every time he thought about this, he would
wish for an item that could speed time up.
Meanwhile, the other students were hasting to their task objectives.

Their luck was not as good as You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao, who had
met the people from the Flying Fish Sect in the very beginning.
Without a map, they could only rely on the information they had
gathered to slowly search for their targets.
BaiLi TianYi and Zhan YuXuan's luck was better.
There was only one Crimson Fire Azure Dragon and the two
frequently came into the mountains to gain some experience, so
they knew the location of this demon beast very well. Once the Trials
began, it was a race against time as the two teams rushed towards
the Black Cloud Cave, which was the lair of the Crimson Fire Azure
The mage cooperating with BaiLi TianYi was not Tang YuLin.
Although Tang YuLin rose to Ward A, he was no longer obsessed with
cultivation and was not able to squeeze into the top hundred
rankings. BaiLi TianYi had not been able to bring him along, but he
also did not wish for Tang YuLin to take such risks. Moreover, the
reason that he took up this task was for Tang YuLin's sake.
A life crystal could be used to raise one's level by two to three stars
according to one's level of compatibility. However, the lower one's
level was, the greater the increase in level. BaiLi TianYi thought of
this idea so as not to let Tang YuLin's cultivation lag behind. He did
not know how many brain cells had been spent every day for the
sake of his own family's little wife. He would not be able to take it
lying down if he did not defile Tang YuLin.
"BaiLi TianYi, I won't let you have that life crystal." Zhan YuXuan
looked at BaiLi TianYi who was four to five meters ahead of him and
straightforwardly said. His rank may be below BaiLi TianYi, but
combat power did not depend entirely on one's cultivation level.
BaiLi TianYi looked back and grinned, "What a coincidence! I'm also
not prepared to let you have it!"

Zhan YuXuan chuckled, "Then each of us will have to rely on our own
With that, the four put on a burst of speed.
It would be better for them to finish their tasks sooner, as it was
common for unforeseen events to occur. Being seniors, the two
knew about this point, furthermore the Crimson Fire Azure Dragon
was not easy to handle. Just because they were nearing their
destination did not mean that they were going to complete their task
soon. If they really got into a fight with the Crimson Fire Azure
Dragon, it would likely drag on for a long time.
Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan had split up from the beginning as their
objectives were in different directions. There was only Yin Ge and
Feng ChiYun travelling on the road.
Though Feng ChiYun was an obscure and unknown mage in the
academy, he was quite strong. If he had taken the tournament
seriously, perhaps the one in the limelight would not have been Chai
Zheng and Qing Qiu.
Yin Ge's impression towards Feng ChiYun had been slowly changing.
Feng ChiYun was only a level seven mage. Being a level seven mage
was nothing much as they were almost everywhere in Ward A. Yin
Ge had thought that Feng ChiYun was quite frail and would need to
be taken care of, but now he changed his opinion.
Feng ChiYun had never said a word of being tired from the start to
the end. Not only that, but he was even keeping pace with him. It
should be stated that even a practitioner may not be able to keep up
with his speed.
"Yin Ge, how long more before we reach our destination?" Feng
ChiYun finally could not refrain from asking.

"What happened?" Yin Ge looked back. His expression was still cold
and his tone did not have the slightest undulation.
"Do you really think that I'm made out of steel? I'm already feeling a
little tired after continuously running for three days." Feng ChiYun
snapped. He truly suspected that if he didn't propose a break, Yin Ge
would really just keep on heading to the destination. Ah, he just
knew that this was not a profitable transaction.
Yin Ge stopped upon seeing that there was a hint of weariness
showing on his face, "Then let's take a break."
Without raising any objection, Feng ChiYun found a tree to lean
against and then closed his eyes.
In actual fact, the fatigue he was feeling was not physical but mental.
He felt a little tired after using his spiritual power for three
consecutive days. Half an hour later, Feng ChiYun's body
unexpectedly jolted. In the next second, the spiritual energy around
his whole body started to sharply fluctuate.
Yin Ge immediately discovered this phenomenon and raised an
eyebrow in surprise, yet he quickly assumed the role of Feng
ChiYun's protector.
Feng ChiYun could have been said to have 'profited from disaster'
this time. By repeatedly circulating his soul force to the limit and
with him remaining at low-grade level seven for a period of time, the
opportunity to advance came all at once.
However, the speed of advancement may vary. If one's luck was
good, one would be able to advance in a few hours. If one's luck was
bad, one would possibly need a few days.
Feng ChiYun's had better luck. He had just exhausted his supply of
soul force so the circulation speed of his sea of consciousness was
many times faster than usual, leading to an increase in his speed of

advancement. After two hours, the spiritual energy fluctuation in the
area finally calmed and Feng ChiYun opened his eyes.
What entered his sight was the ground completely strewed with
demon beast corpses and a slender silhouette. Silver-colored long
hair refracted the cold and brilliant rays. The scene was somewhat
blood and greatly impacted him. Yin Ge looked back at him.
Feng ChiYun felt as if he had blurred vision. The pupils of Yin Ge's
eyes appeared to be sliver. Did humans have eyes like that? When he
had reacted, Yin Ge was looking at him with a raised eyebrow and his
eyes were black.
"Were all these killed by you?" Feng ChiYun asked after hesitating for
a moment.
Yin Ge gave a minute nod.
Feng ChiYun he had some doubts when he saw the corpses, "Why
were there so many demon beasts?" This location was slightly
remote. It stood to reason that it was impossible for there to be so
many demon beasts.
Yin Ge replied, "When you were advancing, you triggered an
upheaval in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."
Feng ChiYun was somewhat embarrassed. He did not think this
would happen. If it wasn't for Yin Ge, he would already have been
inside the stomach of some demon beast. The resentment from
being forcibly brought into the mountains by Yin Ge had finally
"Thank you!"
"There's no need for thanks, I just did what I ought to do." Since he
brought Feng ChiYun in, he would naturally have the responsibility to
ensure Feng ChiYun's safety. It was unthinkable for Yin Ge to harbor
resentment over being his protector.

"Then, let's keep moving." His soul force had recovered after
advancing and his mind was full of energy as well. It would not be a
problem even if they were going to run for another three days again.
With that, the two set out once more.
However, not long after they left, An XinRui and Chen Zhao finally
managed to catch up as their speed was slower. They were
extremely shocked when they saw the ground full of demon beast
An XinRui paled, after all, she was still a girl, "This is definitely Yin
Ge's work."
Chen Zhao carefully looked at the scene again. Among the corpses of
the demon beasts, he discovered the corpse of a level eight demon
beast, and paled even more than An XinRui. He could not help but
shudder, to actually deal with so many demon beasts by himself, just
how strong was Yin Ge?!
Chen Zhao suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

Chapter 320: Bird of Pride
As one of the big dangers of the deeper mountains, a level ten
demon beast resided in the Uneven Slope.
There was no lack of level nine demon beasts, but they all fell under
that level ten demon beast's command. Rumor had it that the level
ten demon beast was protecting a level ten magic herb, so he
wouldn't set his sights on the magic herbs of other creatures.
So the quickest way of finding that magic herb was through that level
ten demon beast for sure.
With this idea in mind, the two soon found the cavern that the
demon beast had made its home in. The demon beast had already
gained a human form, so You XiaoMo couldn't tell what species it
Ling Xiao explained, "His original form is a Bird of Pride. In human
form, it has a swirling dark miasma around him. Anyone who touches
that miasma will start to rot and eventually die. Normal level ten
monsters aren't a match for him."
"His name sounds like it's part of the seven sins," You XiaoMo
Ling Xiao replied, "Not like, he is a Seven Sins Beast. They're born
from curses, a special kind of demon beast, strength second only to
Emperor Beasts."
You XiaoMo wouldn't dare to even think of getting his hands on an
Emperor Beast, but he could possibly have a Seven Sins Beast of his
Ling Xiao smiled, showing a row of pearly white teeth. "You can have
one, but… You lost the race before. Don't try and get out of it."
You XiaoMo choked.

He had been trying to get out of it, but he was somehow found out.
But thinking of this made him angry. Ling Xiao was tricking him from
the start. At first he let him take the lead, making him excited and
hopeful, but then at the last minute, he overtook him. This was
definitely planned.
After being threatened, You XiaoMo was forced to admit to his
Ling Xiao immediately took You XiaoMo over, not wasting any time.
As one of the Seven Sins Beasts, the Bird of Pride was a demon beast
that knew how to enjoy himself. It could be seen from the cavern
entrance. Where there should've been wildly growing weeds, there
were, instead, quite a few patches of flowers. There were even green
vines hanging across the entrance. It was obviously made that way
on purpose.
"Is that Bird of Pride inside?" You XiaoMo asked.
"No." Ling Xiao checked. It really wasn't there.
Teng ZiYe and Teng Yu had taken on the fifth task. The Demon Beast
that was guarding the herb they needed was only stronger than Teng
Yu by a star, but they stayed in the shadows while the beast roamed
openly. After a day of keeping watch, the Demon Beast finally fell
into their trap and the two worked together to bring it down,
successfully digging up their required herb.
Originally with Teng Yu's ranking, he shouldn't be taking the fifth task
because the difficulty of the task wasn't very high for him. However,
he had to ensure the safety of Teng ZiYe, so he chose this task.
Teng Yu asked, "ZiYe, should we go back now or continue to train

Teng ZiYe was the future head of the Teng Family, so Teng Yu had a
duty to protect him. He knew that Teng ZiYe had come here to train,
but he would prefer it if they went back because there were too
many unknown dangers in the deeper mountains.
"Continue!" Teng ZiYe gave him a very direct answer.
Teng Yu was helpless to do anything but chase after him.
Half an hour later, Teng Ziye suddenly stopped.
Teng Yu asked, confused, "What's wrong?"
Teng ZiYe frowned, not answering him and turning to walk to the
right. When he stopped, two tattered corpses were visible, lying
under a nearby tree. A snow white snake was wrapped around one
of them.
"Aren't those students of DaoXin Academy?" Teng Yu widened his
eyes in shock.
Teng ZiYe remembered, the Academy had a task that was related to
the Snow Serpent, but Snow Serpents were level six demon beasts.
No matter how weak the two were, they wouldn't lose to a Snow
Serpent. Most importantly, the positions of the corpses were wrong.
Teng Yu immediately walked over and killed that snake. A quick
check over the body revealed the two slashes across their throats. As
expected, they hadn't died at the fangs of the Snow Serpent. They
had been murdered, it seemed.
"Seems like something big has happened!" Teng Yu commented.
DaoXin Academy was very famous in the North. No matter how bold
hunters were, they wouldn't dare kill a student of the Academy. He
found that the wound on their necks were very neat, obviously a
death blow. Also, their eyes were frozen in a sort of unbelieving
terror, as if expecting that their killer would kill them.

He had a bad feeling. If this was done by someone they knew, then
things would be serious.
"Let's take these corpses back with us, we have to inform the elders
immediately," Teng ZiYe instantly decided. Their task was finished
anyways and if something bad had really managed to sneak in, the
others were probably in grave danger as well.
At the same time, the target You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao were waiting
on had finally come back.
The Bird of Pride's original form was a tall, well-built man, with a face
full of stubble. No matter how one looked at him, he was a
testosterone-filled person, yet for some reason he…
Seeing him step inside, You XiaoMo was stunned.
The Bird of Pride was stunned, too.
The two were speechless, until the Bird of Pride came back to the
present first.
He didn't immediately demand You XiaoMo's identity. Instead, he
narrowed his eyes, his sharp gaze like needles stabbing into You
XiaoMo. Just as he prepared to speak, You XiaoMo suddenly gripped
his head with both hands and began yelling.
"No, why does the Bird of Pride have such an androgynous persona?"
A buff guy like that was wearing a bright red robe, his fingers held as
an orchid. His long hair even had pretty and romantic little red
hairpin holding it up. It could only be described as tacky.
You XiaoMo pointed at him, trembling. "You're clearly a ladyboy!"
As soon as the word "ladyboy" came out, the Bird of Pride's eyes spat
fire and his expression darkened. What he hated most was when
other people called him a "ladyboy". No matter if it were humans or
demon beasts, the people who dared call him that were no longer on
this world.

Just as he was about to strike, a sigh suddenly rang out, shocking him
to the point where the hairs on his body all stood up, because he
hadn't sensed a second person at all.
The one who made the sound was Ling Xiao, and he sounded rather
You XiaoMo continued to scratch his head. "But, I thought you were
Ling Xiao yelled back, "Idiot! Do I look like someone who
You XiaoMo replied, "Yes!"
Ling Xiao: "…"
"Who are you?" The two's tangent was finally interrupted by the Bird
of Pride's angry yell. He watched Ling Xiao with caution, as if looking
at something terrifying.
It was impossible for him to not be wary, because he couldn't feel
Ling Xiao's presence. That meant that this person's strength was very
possibly above his own.
You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao looked to him. The former with disdain,
the latter with mischief.
You XiaoMo's face was wrinkled. He wasn't against men liking
beauty, but… ladyboys were a bit too much.
Ling Xiao held up two fingers. "Let me give you two choices. One,
contract with him, two, become my servant."
"Is there any difference between the two?" The Bird of Pride's
expression was uncertain.
"Of course," Ling Xiao said with smile. "He's called You XiaoMo. I'm
called Ling Xiao. Different masters."

The Bird of Pride felt like coughing blood. This guy was clearly playing
with him. He would never serve a human. He didn't answer, directly
attacking You XiaoMo, because he was weaker.
Ling Xiao's gaze went cold, flashing in front of You XiaoMo and
blocking the dark energy punch before grabbing him around the
waist and giving chase.
The Bird of Pride knew he was no match for Ling Xiao, so he only
attacked You XiaoMo for a chance to escape. He had succeeded. Ling
Xiao had gone to save You XiaoMo. Though this only gave a few
seconds, it was enough.
His speed was immense. If he was in his original form, he would be
even faster. However, his original form was too large and eye-
catching, so he would be found immediately.
Even if he didn't return to his original form, he was still found.
Several hundred meters in front of him, two white and blue figures
stood suspended in midair.
The Bird of Pride's pupils dilated. He was already extremely fast, but
this man was even faster. Who was he? He had never heard of such a
person in all his years at the Uneven Slope.
The Bird of Pride didn't want to fight this man, about to retreat when
an intense pressure came down on him like a tidal wave,
immobilizing him.
The Bird of Pride widened his eyes fearfully. "This, this is.. an
Emperor Beast… No, if it was… he wouldn't be able to suppress me
with just the force of his presence."

Chapter 321: Profound Hatred
"What is he mumbling to himself?" You XiaoMo asked.
He had faintly heard the word 'Emperor', but he did not manage to
hear the details.
Ling Xiao said, "He said that he was preparing to surrender."
You XiaoMo turned his head and looked at him. Did Ling Xiao really
think that he was a three-year-old child? No matter how lousy he
was, he knew that it was impossible for the Bird of Pride to have said
this. He could not refrain from suspiciously squinting at Ling Xiao,
"What in the world was he saying?"
Ling Xiao opened his mouth.
Just at this moment, the Bird of Pride furiously roared, "You are
definitely not the Emperor Beast!"
You XiaoMo, "… …"
Ling Xiao, "… …"
After quite a while, Ling Xiao helplessly admitted, "Actually he's crazy
in the head."
You XiaoMo was at a loss for words, "We'll have to cure him if he's
crazy ah, if not how will he be my contracted beast? No, wait, I don't
want to contract with a demon beast that's crazy."
Ling Xiao cajoled, "Why don't you go into your dimension first and
come out two minutes later?"
You XiaoMo stared at him, "Why do I have to go into my dimension?
Just put me down, I'll wait there for you."
Ling Xiao hesitated for a moment, "All right, but call SheQiu out."
You XiaoMo would have discovered the problem if he was too

After safely putting You XiaoMo down onto a grassy patch, Ling Xiao
immediately rolled up his sleeves for battle as he prepared to get rid
of the Bird of Pride. Who permitted you to shoot your mouth?
After the Bird of Pride had discovered Ling Xiao's identity, he took
advantage of the time when the two descended to make a hasty
escape. He was not even able to defeat the Emperor Beast, don't
even mention one that was above the Emperor Beast. Though the
Bird of Pride was prideful, he knew when to cut his losses. If one
couldn't beat them then one should run - this was a characteristic of
the Seven Sins Beasts.
However, Ling Xiao would never easily let off someone who had
nearly exposed his identity.
With one figure in front and one behind, the two quickly vanished
into the horizon.
You XiaoMo hid in the underbrush while occasionally sticking his
head out and looking around. He had not planned on calling SheQiu
out. Still, the Uneven Slope was very dangerous and he did not want
Ling Xiao to worry, so he took SheQiu out of the dimension.
SheQiu's level was ever more sophisticated. He immediately noticed
when You XiaoMo's intent arose.
After coming out, he looked at the surrounding situation with no
surprise at all.
"Where's Boss?" SheQiu asked.
You XiaoMo dully supported his chin, "He went to chase the Bird of
Pride. He should be back very soon."
SheQiu was astonished, "The Bird of Pride, one of the Seven Sins
Beasts? Who would have thought that a Seven Sins Beasts would
exist on the Long Xiang Continent?"

You XiaoMo suddenly became very energetic after hearing him say as
such, "What does that mean? Are you saying that the Seven Sins
Beasts are not a local specialty of the Long Xiang Continent?"
A local specialty? The corner of SheQiu's mouth twitched.
All right, this term was not entirely inaccurate.
"The Long Xiang Continent is only a Middle Level Realm. The Seven
Sins Beasts which are only second to the Emperor Beasts were
originally living in a Higher Level Realm, but everything is not
You XiaoMo knew of the Emperor Beasts. To speak frankly, it was
just about the same as the pinnacle of the aristocracy in the human
race. It was only that the Emperor Beasts had a pressure emitting
from its blood and the aristocrats did not have that.
"Is the Higher Level Realm that awesome?"
"Of course, there are two differences in the Higher Level Realm and
Middle Level Realm. The first is in the spiritual energy. For realms on
a higher plane of existence, their spiritual energy would be denser,
leading to a faster speed of cultivation. The second is related to
strength. The Middle Level Realm receives a restriction due to its
location, so the people here will never be able to breakthrough to a
higher realm. You will know this after you go to a Higher Level
"You are so certain that I would go to a Higher Level Realm?" You
XiaoMo saw that SheQiu seemed to be seriously convinced that he
would definitely go there in the future, thus he could not help but be
"Did you not know that the Boss is from a Higher Level Realm?"
SheQiu asked in astonishment.

"No I didn't… …" You XiaoMo replied. But he always had a faint
inkling in the back of his mind so he did not feel too surprised when
he heard SheQiu say as such. You XiaoMo had never believed that
the Long Xiang Continent would be able to produce such a person
like Ling Xiao.
SheQiu did not feel that he had said anything extraordinary and
indifferently stated, "Now you know."
You XiaoMo mused over it before he asked again, "Just now, that
Bird of Pride said this as he looked at Ling Xiao, 'You are definitely
not the Emperor Beast'. Do you know what these words mean?"
SheQiu was taken aback but he pretended to be indifferent so as not
to let You XiaoMo discover any lapses, "It was probably that he didn't
believe that a human practitioner would actually be stronger than
him. He had thought that only the Emperor Beasts would be able to
suppress him, so he felt that this was impossible."
"That makes sense." You XiaoMo accepted this explanation when it
was combined with the fact that the Seven Sins Beasts were only
second to the Emperor Beasts.
SheQiu inwardly wiped away his cold sweat, what a fortunate
The two's conversations had lasted for two minutes. Just as they had
finished talking, the sound of the wind whistling was suddenly heard
approaching from far and the mass appeared to be reaching the
airspace above the Uneven Slope soon.
You XiaoMo thought that Ling Xiao was back and became delighted.
He stood up and was about to walk out when SheQiu abruptly
grabbed his shoulder as his expression slightly changed, "No, wait a
"What… …Hmmph… …" You XiaoMo was just about to ask when
SheQiu covered his mouth.

"The one approaching is not Boss." SheQiu whispered to him while
looking extremely imposing. It appeared that the one approaching
had ill intent. SheQiu was strong. But with how fearful SheQiu was of
the other party, it was evident that that person's strength was above
You XiaoMo immediately quieted down.
As the master, he knew SheQiu's strength best. SheQiu was already a
peak seven star level nine demon beast, who would be able to have a
breakthrough with just a little more time. Although he couldn't
compare with the Bird of Pride, he had no problem traversing the
Long Xiang Continent with his strength.
"Come with me into… …" You XiaoMo was worried about leaving
SheQiu alone.
"Those two hiding there! When do you want to hide until?"
You XiaoMo had not finished speaking before a sinister voice
abruptly interrupted him. The two raised their heads seeing three
figures in the air that had already discovered them. The black robed
man was looking at them with a hint of amusement in his eyes,
giving off an exceedingly disgusting feeling.
There was no other choice since they had been discovered.
SheQiu did not dare to let You XiaoMo enter his dimension at this
moment, as the dimension was his master's secret. If it was known
by this three people, he couldn't guarantee that they would not think
of killing them and stealing the treasure.
"Eh? A mage and a demon beast? Then it shouldn't be these two."
The black robed man began to mutter to himself without waiting for
them to speak. Lifting his head, the man saw SheQiu's guarded
expression, and the corner of his mouth lifted "The little mage at the
back, you are a student from DaoXin Academy right? Answer a

question of mine and I will consider leaving both your corpses
SheQiu's expression became taciturn.
You XiaoMo also did not know what to say.
This man was really arrogant. For such a deal whereby he asked for
answers and a satisfactory reply from the addressee would lead to
him leaving an intact corpse, did he would assume that people would
accept these terms? Could the wires in his head be crossed?
However, the weak are prey to the strong. It was a fact that this man
was very strong, even stronger than SheQiu. He could only be so
arrogant be because of the basis of his strength. However, You
XiaoMo felt that he would not hate it at all if the person who said
this was Ling Xiao instead, at the most he would look down on Ling
Xiao a little. When it was said by this person, he didn't know why but
he felt really disgusted.
The man seemed as if he did not need them to agree to this 'deal' as
he went ahead and asked, "Do you know these two called Ling Xiao
and You XiaoMo? Where are they now?"
SheQiu and You XiaoMo were simultaneously stunned.
"What are you guys looking for them for?" The man's words were
beyond SheQiu's expectations. It just made him even more alarmed,
as one of the two main characters was just behind him.
The man looked at him sinisterly, "Tell me, where are they? You
know it right?"
SheQiu replied, "That's right, I know where they are. But I'm afraid
that if I tell you, you will immediately kill us right?"
The man darkly looked at him and broke into chuckles as he
malevolently said, "It seems that you're very chatty. Are you trying to
buy time to try to escape? Or are you waiting for some person? Ha,

sure enough you're an inferior demon beast. I'll be sure to cut you up
into pieces since you've already lost your last chance."
With that, he then shifted his gaze to You XiaoMo behind, "Little
mage, I'll give you a chance. Where are they? Don't attempt to
answer me half-heartedly. I have many ways to make you beg for
You XiaoMo gave a grieved sigh, "I can tell you, but I have a small
request. You don't even need to lift a finger to fulfill it."
This answer was beyond the man's expectations, "Oh? Tell me about
your small request."
You XiaoMo gnashed his teeth as said with profound hatred,
"Actually, I have a little personal grudge with You XiaoMo and Ling
Xiao. When we were in the academy, they had once embarrassed me
in front of everyone. I hate them so much that I cannot wait for them
to die, so I hope that you could kill us later. I want to personally
watch them die before me; otherwise I won't be reconciled."
SheQiu, "… …"
Hearing this, the man took some interest in him instead, "You look so
fair and clear, yet who would have thought that you are such a black-
hearted person. Not bad, you're really to my liking."
You XiaoMo continued with his con, "This is the Uneven Slope, which
is where the objective of their task is at. They should be reaching
soon with their travelling speed. You only need to wait for about half
an hour before they will deliver themselves to your doorstep."
"Good, I will let you guys live for half an hour more." The man
mercifully stated.
SheQiu suddenly felt like kneeling.
This was the first time he found that his master was such an
awesome person.

Chapter 322: The Netherworld Siren
SheQiu did not dare to reveal the slightest hint of what he was
It would ruin his master's plan if he was discovered by the man. The
only thing they could do now was to wait for Boss Ling Xiao to come
back. He believed that half an hour was definitely enough for him to
SheQiu could probably guess the reason why Boss Ling Xiao was
taking so long to come back.
Boss Ling Xiao was probably teaching that Bird of Pride a lesson for
nearly exposing his identity to his master, SheQiu thought as he
glanced at You XiaoMo.
Time slowly trickled past.
You XiaoMo felt that man's eyes on him and did not dare to reveal
any hint of anxiety too.
The estimation of half an hour was really long, though he believed
that Ling Xiao would not even need ten minutes before he returned.
Yet, he did not dare to give a shorter estimate as it may possibly raise
the man's suspicions. You XiaoMo had stated that he and Ling Xiao
were enemies, so it was impossible for him to be so knowledgeable
of their whereabouts.
The man suddenly jumped down from above after three minutes had
Once he came down, the other two also followed.
The man walked towards You XiaoMo.
You XiaoMo could not help the slight tremble running through his

The man instantly caught this action and he narrowed his eyes. An
indescribable look flashed behind his gloomy and penetrating eyes as
he abruptly picked up his pace.
With a glance at his expression, You XiaoMo gave an inner cry of 'oh
shit!' Had he seen through the bluff?
Just at this moment, a screaming cry echoed from afar through the
The man and his two companions immediately looked in the
direction of the cry and sighted an immense grey shadow flying
towards them. It appeared to be a giant bird cloaked in a terrifying
aura. They could feel this oppressing pressure even before it
The man's chilly and gloomy gaze was as sharp as a needle, "Why is
there a Bird of Pride here?"
Hearing this, You XiaoMo rolled his eyes and tried his best to restrain
his excitement as he explained, "I've heard that there's a level ten
demon beast in the Uneven Slope. It's very likely that it is this Bird of
The Bird of Pride had already flown over while they were speaking.
It was not very obvious from a distance, only when it was near did
they realize that the Bird of Pride's original form was actually so big.
Its humongous body was one tenth the size of the Uneven Slope. Its
feathers were grey, and as Ling Xiao had said, a black miasma twined
around its whole body.
However, where was Ling Xiao?
You XiaoMo could not help but raise his head and look around. My
Boss, where are you ah, quickly come down and help! This little me
cannot hold on anymore!

The Bird of Pride took on a condescending posture and arrogantly
looked down at the people below, "Who are you guys? You actually
dared to barge into this uncle's territory!"
As one of the Seven Sins Beasts, the Bird of Pride naturally was an
existence that many dreaded.
This was definitely a miscalculation as the man totally did not expect
that there would be a Bird of Pride here. But this did not mean that
he feared the Bird of Pride. On a basis of pure strength, he would
end up coming out on top. He did not wish to start a fight with the
Bird of Pride for two reasons. One, the one he was looking for was
coming soon; and two, it may attract the attention of some experts
from DaoXin Academy if they started to fight it out here.
The man took a step forward. A formidable aura that was
comparable to the Bird of Pride was released without restraint.
He was confident that the Bird of Pride knew how to sound out the
difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat, but contrary to his
expectations, he had made a miscalculation again.
The Bird of Pride was somewhat shocked at this man's strength.
Despite living in the mountains for many years, he had only met a
couple of demon beasts in the Demon Forest Mountain and a few
old chaps from DaoXin Academy who were stronger than him. He
had never thought that he would meet two people who were
stronger than him within the same day in the mountains.
The Bird of Pride may probably have really feared him if the man was
the first one he had met.
"Human, this uncle will repeat himself once more. Clear out of the
Uneven Slope. Otherwise you can all remain here forever with this
uncle." The Bird of Pride arrogantly snorted.
In an instant, the man scowled as he malevolently said, "You are only
a mere Bird of Pride. It seems that you've been too comfortable here

for such a long time that you've forgotten a rule. Since you don't
remember it, then you can use your life as payment for me to jog
your memory."
"It's not that he doesn't remember it. It's just that he has a backer…"
Just as the man's voice faded, a lazy voice abruptly rang out from the
Bird of Pride.
The man was surprised, "Who is it?" Was there actually someone
standing on the Bird of Pride?
Without waiting for the owner of the voice to reply, You XiaoMo
excitedly helped him answer, "He is the Ling Xiao you are looking
The man's pupils constricted and his gaze immediately shifted to You
XiaoMo, discovering that he was already dashing to the Bird of Pride
under the escort of the Nine Winged Unity Serpent. Making a
connection to what You XiaoMo had previously said, the man had a
flash of insight and his face darkened terrifyingly in a split second.
"You dare to trick me?!"
He launched a sudden palm strike as he spoke. A fierce and malicious
gale rapidly sped towards the retreating You XiaoMo to attack him.
Even though it was just a casual action from the man, the force of
the strike should not be overlooked.
SheQiu was about to stop to deal with it when a white figure jumped
off the head of the Bird of Pride to stand in front of them. The person
in white easily made the man's attack go up in smoke.
The man's face twisted in anger, yet he did not cower as a result of
this. He viciously expelled a snort of disdain, "You are Ling Xiao?
Then the mage behind you must be You XiaoMo. Your trick was well-
played, very good! No one had ever dared to trick me like this! It
appears that you are the one I am looking for."

You XiaoMo sensed the gloomy and cold gaze that the man directed
at him and promptly hid behind Ling Xiao.
It was a life or death crisis! It was only natural that a little more
effort would be put into acting the trick out.
Though he did not really know how to act, he only had to imagine
Teng ZiXin or Chai Zheng as his bitter enemy to bring the emotions
forth. No matter how lousy he was he still had enough imagination
to do this.
"This big brother here, in actual fact, we don't even know each other.
I think that we have never offended you too. Why are you being
so…overbearing? How would this benefit you at all?" You XiaoMo
could not refrain from asking. Ever since he heard that the man was
looking for him and Ling Xiao, he had always been seeking an answer
for this question. He was confident enough to vow that he had never
seen this guy before, unless he had indirectly offended these people.
But that was not right too, as this person obviously did not recognize
him. If there was resentment between them, how could he not have
looked for his profile beforehand?
The man's sharp piercing gaze fixed onto him, "You don't have to try
to coax answers from me. Since I'm here under orders, I will certainly
be sure to bring you back. None of you will be able to stop me." His
line of sight clearly moved to Ling Xiao when he said the last
"Could this be the doing of the Teng or Chai Family?!" You XiaoMo
exclaimed. Ling Xiao rapped You XiaoMo's head as he finished
speaking. You XiaoMo lifted his head and looked at him with teary
eyes, "Why did you hit me?"
Ling Xiao looked at him in disdain, "It's impossible for the Teng or
Chai Family to be behind this. No matter how deep the pockets of
the two families are, it's inconceivable for them to dispatch two

experts of the Imperial level and one Emperor level expert to snatch
You XiaoMo, "Then who could be behind this?"
Ling Xiao, "Who knows."
You XiaoMo, "…"
Seeing that the two were actually disregarding him to chat with each
other, the man's face was as black as a thunder. He lifted his hand
and motioned to the two behind to attack. The two immediately
flashed over to Ling Xiao at the speed of lightning, appearing to be
like two sharp blades.
Ling Xiao grabbed You XiaoMo's collar and swiftly threw him onto
the back of the Bird of Pride.
You XiaoMo gasped in horror, he wasn't even prepared at all ah!
Won't he be disintegrated by the miasma from the Bird of Pride?
With a 'boom', he landed on the back of the Bird of Pride, scaring
him until his three immortal souls went to the seven mortal forms. It
was only after a long while that he discovered that he was all right!
t/n: three immortal souls went to the seven mortal forms just
means that he was so frightened that figuratively his soul came out
of his body and entered cycle of reincarnation in this context.
SheQiu had long been standing behind him. Dumbfounded, he
performed a face-palm. Sure enough, it must have been an illusion
when he had felt that his master was very awesome before.
On the other hand, without even needing the Bird of Pride or SheQiu
to make a move, Ling Xiao had single handedly ended the man's two
companions. The ease of Ling Xiao's execution belied the fact that
the two were Imperial level experts. He made it look so easy that
even SheQiu did not know they were Imperial level experts.

Seeing his two companions had been killed, the man's expression did
not even have the slightest change. He had the two make a move for
the purpose of probing Ling Xiao's strength.
Such a degree of cold-bloodedness may also be said to be a realm
unto itself!
"You are definitely very strong. Unfortunately you've run into me."
The man's eerie gaze fixed onto Ling Xiao, emitting of a hint of frigid
ambience and was frightfully gloomy.
Ling Xiao raised an eyebrow in surprise. Even when it's come to this,
his tone was so arrogant, seemed like he had a trump card !
The man unquestionably had a trump card. It was his life-contract
demon beast - the Netherworld Siren!
The Netherworld Siren was a high level demon beast that was above
the Seven Sins Beasts. It was the King of the South Seas and could be
said to be an Emperor Beast.
Hereby, one could also tell that the man's identity was something
out of the common run, as not just any person could form a contract
with an Emperor Beast. It was only possible for a talented person
from a Higher Level Realm to do so.
With a glance at the Netherworld Siren, Ling Xiao had more or less
guessed the man's background. A person from the Higher Level
Realm who would specially run down to the Middle Level Realm and
had called You XiaoMo out, saying that he would capture him.
Could it be that the man was coming straight for him?
Though the enormous Netherworld Siren was a tall as a mountain, it
was only a little bigger than the Bird of Pride. Within the immensely
vast mountains, it appeared to be just a drop in the ocean. The entire
body of the Netherworld Siren was navy in color and a trace of
bitterly cold air unceasingly emitted from his body. In addition to

this, there was also a faint majestic pressure which was the
characteristic of an Emperor Beast.
Under the attention of the group, the Netherworld Siren slowly
opened his eyes.

Chapter 323: Qilin's Sacred Fire
The Netherworld Siren's eyes were a deep, watery blue, flashing with
a resplendent shine. Those who looked into its eyes would often lose
themselves within them. Those who didn't understand the
Netherworld Siren would probably be fooled by its tricks.
Netherworld Sirens were Emperor Beasts, his level was at ten, the
same as his owner, but three stars stronger. In addition, the
Netherworld Siren's combat ability was formidable. They possessed
immense offensive capabilities. Amongst the same level, there
weren't many that could match them in combat.
"Dong Shen, you, with your skill, can't even beat a person from the
Middle Level Realm?" A raspy, commanding voice sounded, coming
from Netherworld Siren, his eyes filled with displeasure.
The man, the one Netherworld Siren called Dong Shen, his face
darkened. "I hadn't expected that my target would have a person
whose strength lies above mine with him. I admit that I cannot
defeat him, so that's why I ask for your aid."
An Emperor Beast's pride didn't lose at all to the human practitioner.
If he had lost in the Higher Level Realm, they wouldn't be so enraged
about it. That was because there were plenty of powerhouses there.
Dong Shen might have an Emperor Beast, but so might others.
However, the Netherworld Siren couldn't understand how he had
lost to a person of the Middle Level Realm, and thus didn't hold back
in expressing his anger. Dong Shen knew the thoughts that were
going through the Netherworld Siren's head, leading him to bow his
Emperor Beasts stood at the top of the pyramid of Demon Beasts,
even more noble than human practitioners. He was extremely lucky
to have been able to form a contract with an Emperor Beast.

Hearing this, the Netherworld Siren didn't say anything more,
assuming a human form in the next second. His gaze alighted on Ling
Xiao. He could sense that this man was the strongest and couldn't
help but frown.
"This man's strength is truly above you, and you aren't to blame for
not being able to defeat him, but…"
"But what?" Dong Shen asked.
"He gives me a very strange feeling, a sort of…" Netherworld Siren
trailed off because he couldn't think of how to describe what exactly
he was feeling.
Not being able to think of an appropriate word, Netherworld Siren's
gaze fell to You XiaoMo, who was on Bird of Pride's back. "Are you
certain that young man is our target?"
"His situation is rather special. There's a fifty percent chance it's
him." Dong Shen wasn't very certain either, because the people up
top had only given him very vague information, but this young man
seemed to fit the bill.
"If so, then let's capture and question him," Netherworld Siren made
the decision swiftly. There was plenty of time to accomplish their
task, if they were wrong, they could go and search again.
Dong Shen's had thought alike and said, "I'll leave that man to you,
I'll go and deal with the Bird of Pride."
As soon as the words fell, the man and beast began their own tasks.
The Netherworld Siren attacked Ling Xiao in an attempt to occupy
him, letting Dong Shen go to capture You XiaoMo.
Ling Xiao looked over from the corner of his eyes, his eyes rapidly
filling with murderous intent. Two streaks of cold light flashed in his
sharp gaze, stabbing into Dong Shen who was attempting to pass by
him from above.

Being stared at by these terrifying eyes, Dong Shen felt a chill in his
heart. This feeling… instantly caused his expression to go cold. A
Middle level Realm person wanting to kill me? Ludicrous!
If it was ludicrous or not, would be known only after trying.
Ling Xiao snapped his fingers and in the air above them, a flicker of
purple flame that You XiaoMo had seen last time appeared.
Though the flame was just a flicker, but an immense power rolled
within the tiny flame, its temperature feeling like it would annihilate
everything around it.
You XiaoMo, who lay on the Bird of Pride's back, realized that this
purple flame seemed to burn much hotter than the one he had seen
before. He could feel the heat even from here.
Dong Shen's complexion changed completely upon seeing the purple
Dong Shen immediately stopped his advance and retreated back to
Netherworld Siren's side, commenting in shock, "That's the Qilin's
Sacred Fire?"
Netherworld Siren's expression was ugly.
Qilin's Sacred Fire was the Emperor Beast Qilin's natal flame, it's
temperature burning extremely hot, able to turn almost anything to
ash. It was a method of attack that Qilin's had from birth. The color
of the flame was purple.
The Netherworld Siren was an Emperor Beast, but compared to a
Qilin, he was nothing.
Though Emperor Beasts were the strongest of all Demon Beasts,
there were divisions between them, and Qilins were the kings of
Emperor Beasts. Their blood was far above that of the Netherworld
Siren's. If he met one, he could only flee.

"Who are you? How come you have the Qilin's Sacred Fire?"
Netherworld Siren asked, face stormy. No wonder this man had
given him a strange feeling. He had Qilin's Sacred Fire on him.
It wasn't as if the Netherworld Siren didn't consider that Ling Xiao
might have contracted a Qilin, but he couldn't sense the presence of
one at all. This made him even more suspicious and anxious.
"Who am I?" Ling Xiao chuckled lightly, looking at the two like they
were dead men. "Don't you think it's a little too late to be asking that
question? Anyone who dares to touch what belongs to me should be
prepared to die."
He hadn't even finished speaking when he struck.
The Qilin's Sacred Fire formed two roaring purple Qilins, bearing the
presence of Emperor Beasts and letting out thunderous cries as they
whirled wildly at the two.
If you were touched by these flames, you'd probably end up half
dead if not completely so.
Dong Shen and the Netherworld Siren didn't dare let down their
Seeing Ling Xiao dealing with two of them easily, You XiaoMo put his
chin in his palm, making a contemplative expression. He wasn't that
stupid, quickly taking apart the meaning to the conversation.
SheQiu openly considered You XiaoMo. After all, the two's
conversation had revealed too much. Though You XiaoMo
sometimes acted extremely stupid, but most of the time he was
pretty sharp.
If the Qilin's Sacred Fire was the Qilin's natal flame and Ling Xiao had
it, then there were two possibilities.
One, he had a lifebound contract beast, which was a Qilin; two, he
himself was that Qilin.

You XiaoMo had never seen a Qilin appear by Ling Xiao. Why would
he bother to hide such a thing? If Ling Xiao truly had a Qilin, then he
should've seen it long ago, so…
The answer was obvious!
"SheQiu, you already knew about this, didn't you?"
SheQiu, who had been watching You XiaoMo, heard this, his
expression twisting into something a little unnatural.
However, You XiaoMo evidentially didn't need an answer from him,
and mumbled to himself, "No wonder he didn't want me to eat his
Monster Fruit. Only Demon Beasts can taste them. He had hidden it
from me for so long. Would he have ever told me if I didn't find
SheQiu didn't know what to say, because everything You XiaoMo had
just said was right.
"I had always thought he was human. I never would've guessed that
he was actually…"
This thing was too shocking. In an instant, the words "werebeast"
and with it came a flash of lightning, charring him inside and out.
It was a Qilin that had made love to him all those nights!
It was a Qilin that had pushed him down and had him all those
You XiaoMo withered inside. He once again realized with utmost
clarity that it was impossible for him to ever top Ling Xiao. The idea
of him topping a Qilin made him cringe inside.
"Actually, the boss didn't keep this from you intentionally," SheQiu
said with caution.
You XiaoMo nodded, "I know, he did it purposefully."
SheQiu: "…"

With boss Ling Xiao's… rather evil personality, it might just be true.
As they chatted, Ling Xiao's fight was going strong. However, since
Dong Shen and the Netherworld Siren both feared Qilin's Sacred Fire,
they were being suppressed by Ling Xiao. The two were losing in a
most ugly fashion. They should've ran, but with their target almost in
reach, they would have a hard time getting this close if they missed
their chance.
However, it would only cost them to keep fighting, and such a big
ruckus might attract the attention of other powerhouses. Not long
later, others would arrive.
"Dong Shen, retreat!" Netherworld Siren rapidly made a decision.
Though this was a once-in-lifetime opportunity, they had no chance.
Instead of dying here, they'd rather retreat to live to see another day
and find another chance next time.
Dong Shen gritted his teeth. This was their only choice.
He immediately called on the power within him, and the surrounding
spiritual energy began to swirl chaotically. An overwhelming energy
gathered above his head, and instantly transformed into a chilling
black mist. The pressure of it could be felt from afar.
Within this black mist, a long, thin sword began to condense and
then absorb all the rest of the mist into it.
"Sword of Breath, go!" Under Dong Shen's manipulation, the back
sword began to hum loudly, trembling and forming a streaking of
lightning, darting towards Ling Xiao. The razor sharp energy pierced
open the air, the surrounding space seeming to distort as it passed
After this, Dong Shen and the Netherworld Siren quickly fled.
T/n: Qilin, also known as Kirin in Japanese, is a mythical hooved
chimerical creature known in Chinese and other Asian cultures, said

to appear with the imminent arrival or passing of a sage or illustrious
ruler. It is a good omen thought to occasion prosperity or serenity. It
is often depicted with what looks like fire all over its body.

Chapter 324: Life Experience
Though Ling Xiao had wanted to chase after them, Dong Shen's
Sword of Breath hindered his movements.
The two were good at escaping. By using the Sword of Breath to
block him off, the two had already made a clean getaway when he
had finished dealing with the sword.
However… …
A chilling light flashed across Ling Xiao eyes as two purple flames
shot out from his fingertips, heading towards the backs of the
escaping two. The violet fire sped along whilst carrying a dreadful
pressure and the power to destroy all things. The two soon
discovered the flames pursuing them.
The Netherworld Siren's expression slightly changed. The pressure
from this flame was more threatening than the ones before. It was
fortunate that he would be able to deal with it with his level of
strength, but Dong Shen was not that fortunate.
A fair bit of his spiritual power had been used up since he had
deployed the Sword of Breath. The Qilin Sacred Fire immediately
reached him, and Dong Shen gave a blood-curdling screech as it
climbed up his arm.
The Netherworld Siren rapidly flashed to his side, cutting his arm off
with a swipe of his hand. Then he carried Dong Shen and hastily sped
away. The arm that was cut off fell into the forest below.
Ling Xiao looked in the direction they had run in and coldly snorted,
"They're actually quite fast at escaping." He suddenly looked in
another direction after he said that. A second later, he returned to
You XiaoMo's side, picked him up and said, "Let's go!"

The Bird of Pride took on a human form. Together with SheQiu, he
followed behind as they rapidly left the scene of the battle.
The perception of the Bird of Pride and SheQiu was strong. There
were two extremely powerful people heading over in their direction
from DaoXin Academy and they would arrive soon.
The sound of piercing winds rang out as two figures whistled through
the air, appearing above the Uneven Slopes fifteen minutes later.
They were an elderly man clad in yellow clothes and an elderly man
in black robes, both who were unfamiliar to You XiaoMo.
There were many vestiges of the battle left on the scene as a battle
had just occurred here.
The yellow-clothed elderly man closed his eyes and spread his senses
out. Then he opened his eyes, "Great Elder, the ones here have long
been gone."
The black-robed elderly man faintly nodded. He looked below at the
destruction that caused the Uneven Slope to be riddled with gaping
holes. His mien was somewhat solemn as he stroked his beard, "It
seems that this destructive power does not belong to an ordinary
The elderly man in the yellow robes replied, "That Bird of Pride
seems to be involved too… …"
Traces of the Bird of Pride's aura remained at the scene, but the aura
was awfully faint as he did not take part in the battle. They would
probably know who were fighting if they could find him.
There were not many strong experts on the Long Xiang Continent
and the two knew most of them. However, they both did not
recognize the aura left on the scene. Therefore, the culprits were
either outsiders, or some old guy that was a hidden recluse.

"Though the Trials are still in progress, we'll have to suspend it." The
black-robed man gently sighed. Since they were unable to discover
the origins of the people that had been fighting, it was natural for
the Trials to be suspended as the academy could not let the students
be exposed to unknown dangers.
With that, the two soared away and vanished into the horizon.
Meanwhile, Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo had left the Uneven Slopes far
behind. Only until they could not see the Uneven Slopes did they
slow down.
Ling Xiao turned back to the Bird of Pride, "Return to the Uneven
Slopes and find a chance to bring the stalk of level nine magic herb
The Bird of Pride did not hesitate and left after agreeing. He had
witnessed Ling Xiao's strength so he absolutely would not dare to
play tricks on him.
You XiaoMo patted Ling Xiao's shoulder, "Put me down."
Ling Xiao looked down and saw You XiaoMo staring at him with fixed
eyes. He lightly coughed then he put You XiaoMo down, "We'll wait
for the Bird of Pride to bring the magic herb back before returning.
The old guys at the academy already know of what occurred at the
Uneven Slopes. It's very possible that the Trials will be stopped."
You XiaoMo nodded and looked at him in askance, "Ok. But before
that, is there not something you should tell me?"
Ling Xiao innocently blinked, "What do you want me to say?"
You XiaoMo made a long face, "I want to say what you've hidden?"
Ling Xiao recalled for a moment, "There's quite a lot."
You XiaoMo's charming face was full of spider webs in a split second.
This fellow actually concealed so many things! His mood blackened
and he yelled, "If you have that many then you say them all!"

"Okay." Ling Xiao helplessly raised his hands, "You're the one who
wanted me to say it. To tell the truth, one time we made love on the
bed, I deliberately did not clean your insides oh. I left my sperm
within your body."
You XiaoMo blushed all over, flustered and exasperated, while
kicking Ling Xiao's leg, "How are you so shameless? To actually leave
your spe… …Pei! Who said to talk about these things?! You better
give me an honest account about this Qilin matter."
t/n: Pei = to spit, which is like saying Fuck
You XiaoMo bluntly cut to the main point. Who knew if he would say
something deathly embarrassing again?
SheQiu tried his best to act as if he was invisible on the sidelines.
Boss Ling Xiao still appeared to have the upper hand despite him
being in the wrong. He definitely deserves to be called the Boss.
Ling Xiao laughed, "What's there to talk about for that? Isn't it just
like what you're thinking of?"
"That person said that your purple flame is the Qilin Sacred Fire.
Then what's the red flame? I've seen you using more than one type
of flame." You XiaoMo gave a 'humph!' with his nose in the air, don't
think that he didn't realize it.
"When did you become so smart?" Ling Xiao exclaimed.
"I'm already clever, don't change the subject." You XiaoMo would
not be fooled no matter what was said. This time he must get Ling
Xiao to tell him everything.
Ling Xiao elucidated, "The red flame is the Ancient Demon Phoenix's
natal flame. Although its strength is inferior to the Qilin Sacred Fire,
it is ranked in the top three in the Sacred Fires' power ranking."
You XiaoMo blinked, "You said the Ancient Demon Phoenix. Does it
refer to the Fenghuang?"

t/n: Unlike the Phoenix of Western mythology, the Fenghuang is in
fact two birds - the male (Feng) and the female (Huang). The
Fenghuang also looks different from its Western counterpart in that
a very colorful and fiery plumage and its tail is colored in the five
sacred colors: red, blue, yellow, white, and black. Fenghuang is also
a true immortal bird as it does not grow old and die to be reborn
again, unlike the Phoenix. In context, Ling Xiao said
妖(Demon)凰(Huang), so You XiaoMo was unsure if Ling Xiao
meant the Fenghuang(Phoenix).
Ling Xiao, "You could say that."
You XiaoMo looked at him with an odd expression, "Since you have
the Qilin Sacred Fire and the Demon Phoenix's natal fire. Could it be
that you're a hybrid?"
He had thought that Ling Xiao would refute it, but Ling Xiao
unexpectedly sighed in defeat.
"You're correct. My father is a Qilin, and my mother is an Ancient
Demon Phoenix. Their union led to me, so I have inherited the natal
fires of the Qilin and the Ancient Demon Phoenix."
"That's… …not bad ah." You XiaoMo did not know what he was
resigned about. At the least, he thought that it should be a lot more
awesome to have inherited the ability of two formidable clans unlike
other people ba.
Ling Xiao sighed, "It's not as simple as you think."
You XiaoMo, "What do you mean?"
Ling Xiao explained, "The relations between the Qilin and Ancient
Demon Phoenixes are quite bad. Elite races are very particular about
blood purity, thus the union between my father and mother made
both races dissatisfied. Before this happened, while the relations
between the two races were not particularly close, it also wasn't
particularly bad. But when the affair between my father and mother

was exposed, the relations between the two races thoroughly
You XiaoMo felt that he could guess what had occurred next and
though he could not bear to reopen Ling Xiao's scars, he could not
restrain his curiosity, "Then what happened afterwards?"
"Afterwards ah… …" Ling Xiao sorrowfully recalled, "The Qilin Clan
claimed that it was my mother who seduced my father. The Demon
Phoenix Clan then claimed that my father seduced my mother. They
pushed the blame around and my parents were separated and
locked up by their respective clans in the end. It roughly went like
"Then how about you? You XiaoMo was captivated as he listened to
the sensational story. But this ending was not really good. How was
Ling Xiao born if his parents had been locked up?
Ling Xiao knew what he was thinking, "I was born before my parents
were locked up. The one who brought me up was my father's trusted
aide and he was the one to tell me about my parents' situation. He
allowed me to save them after I grew stronger. However, I presently
don't have enough strength to simultaneously confront the Qilin and
the Fenghuang Clan. Therefore I need to become even stronger and
turn into an existence that the Qilin Clan and Demon Phoenix Clan
are afraid of."
You XiaoMo felt a turbulence of emotions after hearing his story.
He had never thought that the full of mettle and insufferably
arrogant Ling Xiao would have such a tragic life experience. Although
his parents were still alive, it was not much different from them
being deceased.
"Eh… …Don't be sad, you'll become stronger someday. I-I'll help you."
You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao with determination. He did not really
know how to comfort people.

"Really?" Ling Xiao buried his head in You XiaoMo's neck as his
subdued voice slowly echoed out.
"Really, I'll work harder in my cultivation, and then I'll be able to
refine higher level magic pills." You XiaoMo was not used to Ling Xiao
behaving in this way and was somewhat uneasy.
"Then… …can you agree to a request of mine?"
"What request?"
"I want to do it here." Sensing his reservation, Ling Xiao fell silent for
a moment, "We have not done it for five days already. Moreover,
you made a promise before."
Oh my god, don't say such a shameful thing out loud using this grief-
laden tone! If he used such a tone, You XiaoMo wouldn't know how
to reject him. The worse thing was that his heart had already
You XiaoMo had never thought that Ling Xiao would put forward
such a request. This was a wild, mountainous country with demon
beasts all around. Just thinking about a demon beast suddenly
appearing while they were doing it halfway was enough for him to
feel humiliated to death.
But Ling Xiao did not say anything. He had definitely promised after
he had lost in the previous race. Furthermore, the request was also
in line with the on-site conditions, as what he promised that time
was a "battle" in the wilderness!
"But, SheQiu is here… …" You XiaoMo squeaked out.
"I have already put him back into the dimension." Ling Xiao replied.
The heavens had aligned with the right place, time and people. It
seems that it's impossible to disagree.

In the dimension, SheQiu stood in a desolate meadow and
speechlessly face-palmed. Master ah, Master, looks like in this
lifetime, you're destined to be eaten to death by Boss Ling Xiao. With
Boss Ling Xiao's personality, how would be possible for him to have
that sort of sorrowful expression? Did you not see the corner of his
mouth repeatedly rising up?

Chapter 325: Fulfilling a Promise
"Then… okay." As You XiaoMo stuttered out this sentence, Ling Xiao
carried him under a large, thick tree, having him lean his back against
the trunk. The two pressed their foreheads together, their breaths
unusually heated. The heat made You XiaoMo's face redden.
Ling Xiao pushed a leg between his two, the heat of his body seeping
through their clothes. His low voice spoke up once more, "Are you
really certain?"
You XiaoMo lowered his head, his embarrassment turning to
irritation as he yelled, "Shut up! If you're going to do it, then do it."
Ling Xiao actually asked if he was certain for this sort of thing. Didn't
Ling Xiao remember who it was that forced him to this point?
Ling Xiao chuckled lightly, "I was afraid you only agreed out of
This was the so called giving an inch, taking a mile!
It was a shame that You XiaoMo hadn't realized that he was being
manipulated by Ling Xiao. SheQiu knew, but he didn't have the
chance to say anything. Even if he did, he probably wouldn't.
Usually, his laughter sounded heartless, but it was different today.
You XiaoMo's heart had been swayed, so he thought Ling Xiao was
giving a strained laugh.
You XiaoMo gritted out, "Who would feel sympathy for you? Do you
think your backstory could be more tragic than mine? Your parents
are still alive, but mine are dead…" He was talking about this life. This
was what Jiang Liu had told him in the beginning.
If they continued down this road, they might go off topic
The atmosphere he had managed to create would be ruined, too.

Ling Xiao hurriedly turned things back on track. He lifted You
XiaoMo's chin and kissed the words from his mouth. This soft and
tempting taste was something he hadn't had in five days.
Ling Xiao's other hand roamed over You XiaoMo's body. After
training in the Gravity Mountains, the young man's body had become
far more flexible, his skin soft but with an inner strength; he couldn't
get enough.
You XiaoMo's lips were parted, submissively accepting Ling Xiao's
rather rough kiss. It might've been because it was their first time
outside and any man or beast could easily walk in on them, that he
was more excited than usual, his body trembling. He didn't even
notice it when his sash was loosened to reveal his under clothing.
Ling Xiao impatiently tore off his clothes, gaining contact with an
expanse of smooth, tender skin, familiar enough to make him sigh in
pleasure. You XiaoMo's body startled slightly and soon, a tent
formed below.
Ling Xiao felt it, his smile widening and causing You XiaoMo's heart
to skip a beat. He suddenly reached out and took off Ling Xiao's
mask, revealing his uniquely handsome face, enchanting under the
You XiaoMo couldn't help but grind against the leg between his, bold
and open enough that Ling Xiao began to react as well, his breaths
coming out rapidly. He tore off his outer robe and casually threw it to
one side before leading down to bite at those lips again.
You XiaoMo felt a sting, but didn't retreat, instead biting back. This
caused Ling Xiao's delight and desire to rise as one.
It was only until You XiaoMo could barely draw breath fast enough
that Ling Xiao released his lips, gently kissing them. One hand
grabbed his waist, hiking him up against Ling Xiao's own body, while
the other ripped open his inner robe. The delicate pale flesh was

exposed, including the two buds on his chest, tempting Ling Xiao into
lowering his head and taking one into his mouth.
"Ah…" You XiaoMo couldn't help but cry out, his hands tightly
hugging Ling Xiao's head. It felt so intense, making him want to flee
and take more at the same time.
Ling Xiao pressed him heavily against the tree, not forgetting the
other nub. His fingers twisted and pinched at it restlessly, the two
points of stimulation causing You XiaoMo's legs to weaken. It was
much more intense than before…
An hour later, Ling Xiao lay on top of You XiaoMo, panting, the two
hugging each other tightly and basking in the aftermath.
Ling Xiao gently let his legs down and then held You XiaoMo's limp
body up, his voice a little raspy and desire still present in his eyes.
"How do you feel?"
You XiaoMo let Ling Xiao take all of his weight, his legs still trembling.
He said, "I'm never 'battling' in the wild again."
Since his back had been up against a tree, his entire back was
burning, as well as below, soaked. This was too intense; no wonder
Ling Xiao would bet with him. He couldn't take it. One time was
enough for this sort of lovemaking.
"Then that's a shame." Ling Xiao rubbed his head.
You XiaoMo slapped his hand a way. "Not really, no."
Ling Xiao said with a smile, "But didn't you enjoy it greatly as well?
You were more excited than usual."
The flush on You XiaoMo's face had yet to die down, and now it had
deepened, with Ling Xiao's words. He stuttered, "What are y-you
going on about? I-I wasn't."
Ling Xiao picked up the clothes and mask they had discarded. "Go
into your pocket dimension and come out after washing yourself."

You XiaoMo didn't have the courage to appear in this condition in
front of anyone, pulling Ling Xiao into the dimension with him.
By the time they got back out, no traces of their passions were

Chapter 326: Competition Cancelled
"We won't be recognised after we changed clothes, will we?" You
XiaoMo asked nervously. He never thought of this until he came out.
After all, they did train in the mountains. Most couldn't be bothered
to change their clothes during training, but that was not always the
"You think too much." LingXiao replied.
When the moment came, no one would pay attention to how others
dressed. Even if they were discovered, people would hardly mind.
I'm only being careful. You XiaoMo pursed his lips.
At the same time, the Bird of Pride had finally returned. Not only did
he bring back a level nine magic herb, he also returned with a level
ten magic herb that he had carefully guarded. If he was to surrender
and pledge his allegiance, then he would have to show his earnesty.
You XiaoMo bagged the two magic herbs without hesitation. Little
did he know that the level ten magic herb was something that Qiu
Ran had been coveting for a while now. In his preparation of making
a level ten magic pill, that was the only ingredient he was missing.
Unfortunately, due to the Bird of Pride's prowess, Qiu Ran could
never get his hands on it time and time again, only leaving him
defeated with wounded pride.
If only You XiaoMo knew of its value, he would probably have hidden
it away so no one could find it.
After completing the task, all that was left was the Bird of Pride's
Ling Xiao motioned him over to You XiaoMo to establish the

The Bird of Pride did a once over of You XiaoMo's slight frame. He
ultimately resisted the urge to say, "Weren't there two options?" He
would have preferred to become Ling Xiao's servant. After all, a
Seven Sins only submitted to the strongest.
However, seeing how much Ling Xiao cherished You XiaoMo, his
instincts told him nothing good would come out of saying what was
on his mind.
As the Bird of Pride showed no signs of resistance, he was very
cooperative in fact, the contract was established smoothly despite
the large difference in levels.
Next was the naming process.
For every demon beast that You XiaoMo had contracted, none had
ever gotten away with it.
"I want to give you a name that's easy to call and sounds nice." You
XiaoMo stared at the Bird of Pride and spoke solemnly.
"As you wish, master." The Bird of Pride said in an attempt to prove
his loyalty.
Upon hearing these words, You XiaoMo's eyes lit up. "You're so tall
and strong, you'll be great at playing basketball! How about calling
you LanQiu? Man, this name fits you so well! It's settled then!"
T/N: Lan = basket
"…" Could he retract his previous statement?
Ling Xiao was thoroughly amused. He released SheQiu from his
dimension after a while.
You XiaoMo immediately shoved SheQiu in front of LanQiu as he
introduced him. "This is my newly contracted demon beast. He's
your new partner, LanQiu."
Another unfortunate comrade, SheQiu's mouth twitched.

Said unfortunate comrade made a face.
"LanQiu, this is SheQiu. I have a few more Qius in my dimension, do
get along well with each other." You XiaoMo said to LanQiu.
Looks like I'm not the only unfortunate chap here. LanQiu instantly
felt better.
After listening to this horrendous name again, SheQiu has learned to
keep his cool and live with it. Should he not, he would only make life
hard for himself. Yet, after seeing LanQiu seeming to be at peace
with his situation, SheQiu couldn't help the involuntary twitch on his
You XiaoMo placed them back into his dimension. Let personal issues
be dealt with in there.
To be honest, SheQiu genuinely welcomed the new member. With
the new addition, the workload in the dimension would be
distributed among them.
On the other hand, LanQiu looked as if he had seen a ghost after
hearing that You XiaoMo had a pocket dimension of his own.
It was impossible for a mage to create their own pocket dimension,
unless they already had an independent one. Even in the higher
Realms, there was not more than three people who had it. As rare as
it may be, the price to pay seemed too great for one to travel from a
high Realm to a mid Realm just for the sake of a pocket dimension.
LanQiu finally understood why as soon as he laid eyes on the spiritual
lake within the pocket dimension. This dimension had the ability to
accelerate the growth of magic herbs! Should news of this dimension
be leaked, it would drive the strong ones in the high Realm crazy! It
was to die for!
LanQiu wasn’t the only person who had guessed it.

After rounds of deduction, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao could most
definitely say that the other party was after the pocket dimension.
Not many know about You XiaoMo's pocket dimension. Only the two
of them and the other demon beasts. They hadn't told anyone about
it and the other party still managed to track them to Dao Xin
There was only one person who knew where they were.
You XiaoMo didn’t believe that Ye Han-shishu would betray them.
There must be something happening that they weren't aware of. You
XiaoMo felt uneasy. The Tian Xin Sect was a long distance away from
where they were. Even if something were to happen, they wouldn't
catch wind of it.
"What do we do? What if something happened to the Tian Xin sect?"
You XiaoMo looked towards Ling Xiao nervously.
"Probably not a major issue." Ling Xiao's words hadn't meant to
comfort him. The strongest in the Tian Xin Sect was Huang Jing. If
anyone were to engage in a fight with him, no doubt would they lose
unless they made a compromise. Given the current situation,
chances were they most likely chose the latter option.
"You sure?" You XiaoMo asked hopefully.
"…" Couldn't you at least try to comfort me.
The two of them walked for a distance before meeting an elder
looking for them. They had been informed that the competition was
over and were to return to the area outside of the barrier to gather.
With no reason stated, the elder left hurriedly.
It was as Ling Xiao said, the competition was cancelled.
The situation must have been serious to warrant such a drastic
decision. Most likely another student had been killed.

According to Ling Xiao's deductions, the person named Dong Shen
probably knew they weren't at Uneven Slope after hearing from the
murdered students.
It took a three day journey to Uneven Slope and only half a day back
to the gathering point. As they were informed later than the others,
a few hundred people had already gathered at the meeting point
when they arrived.
Most were discussing about the sudden change in events and from
all their talk, You XiaoMo discovered that indeed, students were
murdered. And it was more than two. The current death count was
at six and all six were scattered along the path towards the north. No
doubt the murderer was heading north.
Ling Xiao was speaking with You XiaoMo when he noticed someone
shooting cold, unfriendly looks at him.
When he turned around, he couldn't find the owner of those looks
he got, only to find Tang MengCheng and Chai Zheng in his line of
sight. While those two weren't the most skilled, they still managed to
take on the fifth task. It was a pity the task was completed by Teng
ZiYe's team first, which caused them to fail their mission.
"What are you looking at?" Curiosity had gotten the better of You
"Nothing. Just two fleas." Ling Xiao turned around and smirked.
What's there to look at if it is two fleas, You XiaoMo thought.
A few more hours had passed, Yin Ge's and An XinRui's teams had
also returned. The former looked no different than when they set
off. Judging by the latter's pathetic state, it seemed they had failed
their mission.

You XiaoMo waved happily at Feng ChiYun when he saw him. Feng
ChiYun, in response, notified Yin Ge before walking towards You
"So, you got called back after all." Seeing Feng ChiYun back in one
piece, he let out the breath he had held for so long. It was almost
immediately that You XiaoMo discovered something. "You've
levelled up? Congratulations!"
"I'm just lucky." Feng ChiYun gave a humble reply.
You XiaoMo greatly envied him. Ever since he knew about LingXiao's
history, he desperately wanted to level up.
At this instant, a mini cat-like demon beast hopped off the top of
Feng ChiYun's head onto his shoulder.
You XiaoMo blinked, "Is this your contract demon beast?"
Upon hearing that, Feng ChiYun gave him an odd look before saying,
"It's a type of demon beast called Flaming Lion. It's the target of both
Yin Ge's and my mission. And yes, it is currently my contract demon
"Yin Ge gave this demon beast to you?"
"Mhmm, he said since he previously forced me to join the
competition, this demon beast shall be my compensation."
No wonder Yin Ge chose the third task! He wanted to catch this
demon beast for Feng ChiYun.
Not long after, BaiLi TianYi, Gao Yang and the rest had also returned,
accompanied by a few elders. Seemed like everyone had been found.
Other than the six unfortunate students, most came back unscathed
with the exception of a few with light injuries.
After accounting for the people present, the elders brought them
back within the barrier.

The deputy in-charge of the Dao Xin Academy, Yan Fa, was already
waiting for them at the location where they had first set off.
Everyone looked grim.
"Regarding the six murdered students, the academy will conduct a
thorough investigation on this matter. Should anyone have
information on the perpetrator, I hope you will speak to us…" Yan Fa
directed his gaze towards You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao.
The killer's target was in the north, and so was their mission. It was
no surprise that they were the prime suspects.
Following that, Yan Fa did a quick debrief of the trials. While the
competition was forced to stop midway, completed tasks were still
considered valid and those incomplete would receive the
appropriate compensation from the Academy.
Yan Fa then got an elder to keep a record of the extent of completion
for each mission.

Chapter 327: I'm so Nervous
Even though the Trials had only started four, five days ago, a quarter
of the tasks had already been completed.
Although, the most surprising fact was that all the top five tasks had
been completed.
The fifth task by Teng Yu, the fourth by Gao Yang, the third by Yin Ge,
the second by BaiLi TianYi and due to the sudden turn of events,
BaiLi made an agreement with Zhan YuXuan to exchange the life
crystal with what Zhan YuXuan wanted.
As for the first Task, no one thought Ling Xiao and his partner could
do it, but they did.
After Yan Fa had one of the Elder's record the results, he told
everyone to leave except for Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo, taking them
with him.
You XiaoMo felt butterflies in his stomach as he pondered whether
to speak of the incident with Dong Shen. He was hesitant since it was
related to his secret. If he chose not to tell and they came again, the
commotion would not go unnoticed by the Vice Principal.
You XiaoMo looked over at Ling Xiao, if he had known earlier, he
could've fully prepared a proper testimony with Ling Xiao.
That was when Ling Xiao spoke directly in his mind, "Just leave this to
me, you just need to nod."
You XiaoMo blinked in response, an indication that he understood.
A while later, Yan Fa finally brought them to their destination, a
meeting room. Inside, five people stood wearing serious expressions,
emitting a suffocating and oppressive pressure.
There was only one-person You XiaoMo recognized and that was the
Fifth Elder Dong Han.

As Yan Fa walked in, he gestured in obeisance towards the Elder who
stood in the center wearing a black cloak and spoke, "Grand Elder, I
have brought them both."
As the black cloaked Elder nodded with a frigidness, his piercing gaze
landed on Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo.
You XiaoMo felt his heart race as the tension caused him to break
out in a cold sweat. The Elder's imposing manner was so nerve-
wrecking that with just a glance, You XiaoMo's knees almost buckled
beneath him.
Ling Xiao too, showed a little sign of weakness as his face paled, to
not raise suspicion, but not to the point of You XiaoMo of course.
With the corner of his eyes, You XiaoMo caught this and couldn't
help but curse at Ling Xiao's award winning acting skills.
"In detail, recall the events you saw at Uneven Slopes," the Grand
Elder finally spoke, his voice didn't sound old, but instead a hint of
youthfulness in it.
As Ling Xiao was about to speak, the Grand Elder suddenly turned to
You XiaoMo and said, "You'll speak instead."
You XiaoMo's eyes widened immediately. Did they need to be this
He didn't dare look over to Ling Xiao since everyone was staring at
him, as if to find some sort of clue.
At this point, You XiaoMo was sweating all over. He quickly tried to
reorganize his scattered brain, attempting to find the right answer.
After a while he finally stuttered something out, "I-it's…a-a-
As Yan Fa listened to this horrific response, he felt the slight urge to
palm his forehead.
"Don't rush, talk slowly," he advised.

Instantly You XiaoMo turned to Yan Fa and responded, "You are all
looking at me and it makes me nervous."
The corner of Yan Fa's lip twitched.
The reality was, facing so many dignified Elders, You XiaoMo felt the
nervousness of being pulled out during class to recite a poem from
memory. To someone of little presence as him, that kind of
emotional pressure was beyond great. Not only that, he still hadn't
been able to organize his thoughts, much less communicate it.
After a few seconds of staring, the Grand Elder finally gave up and
turned towards Ling Xiao, "You speak instead."
With unchanging expression, Ling Xiao started, "Yes Grand Elder,
what happened was…" Ling Xiao's rendition of the events at Uneven
Slopes transformed them, the main characters, into bystanders. As
the two sides fought, they sneaky slipped in and when the level nine
demon beast went to spectate, they dug up the Ling Cao. As for who
was fighting? They had no idea.
Although when Dong Shen come find them again, the lie would be
exposed, but to deal the Grand Elder, this was the only answer. They
didn't have a better reason as to why they were able to complete the
"Is that all, were you able to catch their appearances?" Asked the
Grand Elder.
"No, it was too far away but this student did see a gigantic demon
beast appear above Uneven Slopes. That beast was of a deep blue
color, as were his eyes, very beautiful just like the Sirens. This
student can tell, it was stronger than the Bird of Pride of Uneven
Slope." Ling Xiao replied.
"Could it have been…the Netherworld Siren?" Yan Fa immediately
thought of this demon beast and according to his description, it was

most likely the case. However, how could an Emperor Beast appear
on Long Xiang Continent?
"Since that person dared kill one of our students, we will find them
no matter what!" The Grand Elder spoke turning to You XiaoMo and
Ling Xiao, "You may go now, remember, do not speak a word about
this to anyone."
Assenting to this, the two left.
After they walked out, then did the Second Elder speak, "Grand
Elder, do you think they lied?"
Before the Grand Elder replied, the Elder wearing yellow, the Third
Elder explained, "Why would they have an incentive to lie? I went
with the Grand Elder to the scene, according to the scent left behind,
I'm almost confident it was that Netherworld Siren."
"Those people wouldn't have appeared at Uneven Slopes without a
reason. For the time being, keep a close eye on it, if they have an
objective, they will appear again." Concluded the Grand Elder.
Once out of the meeting room, You XiaoMo let out a sign of relief.
Just as he was about to speak, Ling Xiao stopped him.
You XiaoMo instantly covered his mouth. He knew, the walls had
ears, although there were really no walls surrounding them.
In this unscientific world, something like science could just
Looking at his face that spelled "I know" across it, the corner of Ling
Xiao's mouth twitched a little, but he said nothing.
Once You XiaoMo saw the accommodation area, he couldn't hold it
in any longer, "Can I talk now?" He felt as if he was going to suffocate
to death with all the queries he had.
Ling Xiao looked over, "What do you want to say?"

As You XiaoMo opened his mouth to speak, the corner of his eyes
caught sight of everyone staring at them and quickly said, "Never
mind, let's talk later."
Just as if he saw an idiot, Ling Xiao looked at him and quickly walked
You XiaoMo rubbed his nose feeling a little guilty and followed suit.
Once they were back, You XiaoMo conscientiously closed the door
and just as he was about to walk in, there was a knocking sound.
Impatiently he turned to find Tang YuLin at the door, probably
seeking information.
Before he said anything, You XiaoMo spoke, "The Grand Elder told
me to not say anything."
Puzzled, Tang YuLin asked, "What 'thing'?"
Anxiously You XiaoMo replied, "What else could it be, it's about the
death of the six students!"
Tang YuLin looked at him hesitantly and said, "My deepest
condolence to you!"
You XiaoMo: "What?"
This sounded so familiar!
Tang YuLin patted his shoulder in comfort, "People can't come back
to life, I know you're sad, but you still have to give me your points."
As he spoke, he pulled out his magic bag. As You XiaoMo was
attending the Trials, he was gathering some high-level magic herbs
and it cost him a bunch of points. So, the moment You XiaoMo came
back, he rushed over for repayment.
You XiaoMo took a deep breath.
He was wrong, Tang YuLin was not on the same wavelength.

"Level Nine Magic Herbs were hard to find, it took me three hundred
points to get two immature stalks and twenty or so Level Eight Magic
Herb seeds." Tang YuLin spoke with glittering eyes as he stared at
You XiaoMo. One hundred and fifty points for one immature magic
herb stalk didn't sound that bad, but this was the result after his
constant bargaining. To obtain this deal for these two stalks of magic
herbs, he went to find the seller every single day to 'converse', and
only stopped until the seller sold to him.
The higher level the Magic Herb, the less likely it was on the market,
thus most of what Tang YuLin found were seeds. It was fortunate
that was exactly what You XiaoMo had wanted.
Including the delivery fee, You XiaoMo gave Tang YuLin five hundred
points in total. Level Eight Magic Herbs' seeds were worth a lot, but
also not that much since it took hundreds of years to blossom. It was
usually a hard sell so twenty or so seeds for one hundred points was
not cheap, and a hundred points were for the delivery.
Really, who could be this generous!
Tang YuLin was usually an opportunist.
Sending away the miser Tang YuLin, You XiaoMo was finally going to
lock the door, no matter who knocked, he wasn't going to open it.
But alas, as he was about to lock it, "knock, knock…"
You XiaoMo peeked out behind the door, as he saw Tong YueXu, he
laughed, "Tong-dage, are you here for gossip?"
Tong YueXu felt his words get stuck within his throat, "No…I'm just
here to see you."
"Well, you saw me."
"I won't see you out then!" With a slam, he shut the door.

Chapter 328: Nest Egg
As You XiaoMo returned to the the inner chamber, he saw LingXiao
sitting down by the table, sipping his water acting all cool and aloof.
You XiaoMo ran over to him, eagerly refilling his cup.
LingXiao raised his head and spared him a glance. There seemed to
be mirth in his eyes, but then again You XiaoMo could be mistaken.
Calmly, he returned to finish his drink.
You XiaoMo quickly pulled a chair over and sat in front of him, then
looked at him intently.
LingXiao put down his cup, looked at him and smirked, "Don't look at
me like that, I can't control myself." You XiaoMo blushed furiously as
he remembered the debauchery in the forest.
Feeling that he had teased enough, Ling Xiao magnanimously
decided to return to the point.
"If you want to return to the TianXin Sect to have a look, you need to
figure out how to get out of here."
Ward A had a rule that allowed the top one hundred strongest to
leave, but only for two days which was hardly enough at all.
"Do you have any ideas?" You XiaoMo looked towards him hopefully.
"Currently, no. Even if I did, we can’t leave now."
You XiaoMo was puzzled. "Why?"
"Six students from the Academy were murdered. If we leave now,
how do you think the old guys will react? They’ll most likely send
people to follow us. Unless someone sends us a message, we don’t
have a reason to leave."
"But who will send us messages?"

"No need to worry. If Ye Han really leaked our location, I’m sure it
won’t be long till he sends people for us." Ling Xiao replied.
"So all we can do is wait?" You XiaoMo was truly worried about his
seniors' safety.
"Or else what? The other person is already on the way here. This just
means whatever has happened, happened. Even if you rush back,
you won’t be of help. Speaking of which, can you even defeat them?"
Compared You XiaoMo's worry, Ling Xiao had an air of nonchalance
You XiaoMo had to admit that what he said was not wrong.
Ling Xiao stood up.
"If you have time to think about such things, you might as well think
about how to get stronger. You are levelling up fast, but the power of
a level seven Mage is still not enough. You’ll be entering the stone
chamber in three days and it’s your only chance. Miss it and you’ll
never have such an opportunity again."
You XiaoMo scratched his head frustratedly, "Ahhhh, never mind, I’ll
stop thinking about it."
Thinking about it was only adding to his frustration.
As LingXiao said, he should be focusing on getting stronger now.
The next day, You XiaoMo and LingXiao went to collect their reward
The choices of reward for first place were plentiful. Originally they
were aiming for the Red Card, but after this period of time, they
realised they didn’t need it anymore. Reason being You XiaoMo
didn’t only cultivate at the Cultivation Center. Cultivating there was
good and all, but if one levelled up too fast it would do some
damage. Occasionally he also had to refine magic pills, leaving no

time to go to the Cultivation Center. Hence, sharing the only Red
Card they had was the most suitable.
The most precious reward for first place was a recipe for a level nine
magic pill. Seeing there was only one recipe, You XiaoMo's hopes of
obtaining two recipes were dashed.
In the end, he picked a recipe for a magic pill and one of the
ingredients stated on it, a level nine magic herb. He really wanted to
ask the Academy for high level magic herb seeds, and knowing the
Academy, they probably would have a lot of those stored
somewhere. Yet, he ultimately wasn’t able to.
When You XiaoMo was collecting his reward, he met other people.
The one who got the most out of the Trials and put in the least effort
was Feng ChiYun.
Not only did he level up during the competition, he got a Flaming
Lion and a level seven magic pill recipe thanks to YinGe.
To You XiaoMo's knowledge, with YinGe's power, he hadn't even
needed help from Feng ChiYun.
There was also another person that made You XiaoMo particularly
envious. That person would be Tang YuLin, who was pulled over by
BaiLi TianYi.
BaiLi TianYi already handed over the Life crystal to Tang YuLin, who
originally intended to sell it to You XiaoMo until BaiLi TianYi stopped
Under the envious looks of others, Tang YuLin kept the Crystal of
Following that, BaiLi TianYi passed the rewards to him.
"Here are two level seven magic pills. You keep it, use it only when
you are ready to reach level seven."

TangYuLin stared at jade bottle pressed into his hands before
suddenly asking, "Can I exchange them for a level eight magic herb?"
The corner of BaiLi TianYi's lips twitched.
"No!" He didn’t even have to ask to know why Tang YuLin wanted to
trade for a magic herb.
It was definitely related to You XiaoMo. Reaching that conclusion, he
glared at You XiaoMo who was not far away.
It's all because of you, leading my wife astray.
What did I do? You XiaoMo felt wronged. I didn’t even do anything!
Clearly there was something wrong with how Tang YuLin thought.
"What a pity," seemed to be written all over Tang YuLin's face.
"What about you?" He asked randomly.
He finally cares about me! BaiLi TianYi thought excitedly.
"I have no use for the level seven magic pill already. Here are two for
you, no need to stand on ceremony."
Words started to fall out of Tang YuLin's mouth slowly. "No… What
I’m trying to say is, if it’s for me, is it alright if I sell it?"
"No!" He gritted out the word. BaiLi TianYi's face darkened. Just
when he was feeling his mood improve , he was pissed off again.
Tang YuLin made another face that said, "too bad."
You XiaoMo laughed so hard till he was almost out of breath. He just
knew Tang YuLin had this cute dumbness to him and didn't think the
way a normal person would. To put it bluntly, he was plain dumb.
What people wouldn’t give to make speedy progress in cultivation
and he just wanted to earn some points to live a stable life.
In the next two days, You XiaoMo trained at the Red Card Zone
accompanied by Tang YuLin. Tang YuLin didn’t have a Red Card, but

BaiLi TianYi did, which he got last year. BaiLi TianYi initially wanted to
get one for Tang YuLin during the Trials but after considering his
character, he gave up on the idea and chose the two magic pills
You XiaoMo took a look at an unwilling Tang YuLin who was sent
over by BaiLi TianYi. He sighed and asked, "What is your dream
exactly, Tang YuLin?"
Speaking of dreams, Tang YuLin was not the least bit unclear of what
he wanted. "I want to lead a stable and comfortable life."
What a peasant way of thinking. Unsurprised, You XiaoMo expected
it. He felt that for Tang YuLin to have such a thought, there must
have been something that happened in the past. For him to be so
caught up with living a "stable and comfortable life" that is.
You XiaoMo didn’t have to prod him further to find out. Tang YuLin
told him everything about his past.
Five years ago, Tang YuLin was still a normal, average human being.
He was born in a normal mountain village and his family lead poor
but happy lives. Such happiness didn’t last long. When he was four, a
catastrophe devastated the village. A huge flood inundated the
entire village and his parents and sister perished.
Four year old Tang YuLin was rescued by an old beggar and became
one too. The two depended on each other heavily and lived like that
for six years. When Tang YuLin reached the age of ten, the old beggar
passed in his sleep and he started living his life adrift as a vagabond,
until he met his Shifu. His Shifu took him in as a disciple and taught
him how to cultivate and write. Tang YuLin had a knack for
cultivation and made speedy progress. What took others four to five
years to reach, Tang YuLin only spent two years to reach the same

However, his life as a vagabond had left a deep impression on him.
His only dream was to live a stable and carefree life, which resulted
in him slacking off in cultivation later on. Always thinking about
saving up for his nest egg, planning to retire once he saved enough…
His Shifu tried everything to get him to cultivate, but he paid no
mind. A few years passed like this until his Shifu met his enemy, who
wanted to kill everyone close to him. Unable to guarantee his
disciple's safety, he decided to send him to DaoXin Academy.
The reason behind doing so?
Firstly, he hoped that the drive that students have there could
change his perception. Second being that the Academy could keep
him safe.
So, five years just passed like that. To keep him safe, his Shifu would
send messages to him every year. As for Tang YuLin, his thoughts
remained as resolved as ever.
After hearing his story, You XiaoMo was at a loss for words. Save up
enough for his nest egg then retire… Return to the little mountain
village to rest?
Seeing how much he didn’t care, You XiaoMo couldn’t help but say,
"Tang YuLin, have you ever thought that with your talent, if you
cultivated hard enough you wouldn’t even have to save up for your
nest egg! People will voluntarily send you money! That’s much better
than saving up for your nest egg bit by bit. You need to know, a
practitioner's lifespan is very long. Saving up for a few decades may
not even be enough."
Tang YuLin stopped in his tracks and turned to face him slowly.
You XiaoMo pressed on. "To tell you the truth, once you’ve reached
a higher level, neither would you age nor die. You don’t have to eat
or poop. Until you reach that point, you won’t even need a nest egg!

People will fear your power, and you can lead your stable and
comfortable life."
Suddenly someone came up to him and disrupted his plans, telling
him there was a better way. Tang YuLin's mind temporarily short-
circuited. However, his subconscious was telling him that You
XiaoMo made sense. Why choose the difficult option when there’s a
better one?
"You’re right."
You XiaoMo grinned. "You see, you don’t have to push yourself so
hard to earn points. But you can’t go back on your promise to help
me with the magic herbs."
"Don’t worry, I won’t go back on my promise." Tang YuLin nodded.
And thus, You XiaoMo was able to easily accomplish what BaiLi
TianYi and Tang YuLin's Shifu couldn’t for years.

Chapter 329: Elemental Essence
After confirming his future goals, Tang YuLin, for the very first time,
dragged You XiaoMo to cultivate.
In the blink of an eye, two days had passed and You XiaoMo had
witnessed the full potential Tang YuLin had for cultivation. It was
probably a mix of it being the first time Tang YuLin had entered the
red card zone, and with his natural talent, Tang YuLin managed to
breakthrough within two days.
No wonder Tang YuLin's master was desperate to change his
thoughts. With Tang YuLin's cultivation speed, it wouldn't be long
before another prodigy appeared on the Hundred Man Rankings.
You XiaoMo didn't distract Tang YuLin from his cultivation, closing
the door behind him as he left. After leaving the stone room, You
XiaoMo ran to meet up with Ling Xiao.
Today was the fourth day since the Trials ended, and also the day
that the top five had to go to the thirty-first room in the red card
zone. The meeting point was just outside the cultivation center, so
he saw Ling Xiao and the others already standing there as soon as he
came out.
You XiaoMo walked over and before he could speak, BaiLi TianYi,
who stood five steps away from Ling Xiao, spoke up first.
"Is YuLin still inside cultivating?"
Since he had always looked after Tang YuLin, You XiaoMo told him,
out of the kindness of his heart, "Don't worry, he's very eagerly
cultivating right now. When I left, he was still on it."
BaiLi TianYi looked at him in disbelief. It wasn't that he doubted You
XiaoMo's words, but because Tang YuLin was the kind of person who

could sit there and stare at nothing if you didn't push him into
You XiaoMo grinned, saying, "Anyways, you'll never have to worry
about him procrastinating on cultivating anymore. In contrast, you
might have to worry about him forgetting everything to cultivate."
BaiLi TianYi understood what he was implying, but no matter what,
he couldn't think of how You XiaoMo had managed to change Tang
YuLin's opinions.
You XiaoMo obviously didn't seem to want to continue, running to
Ling Xiao after finishing that sentence.
Ling Xiao glanced at BaiLi TianYi before asking quietly, "What's that
You XiaoMo laughed to himself, telling Ling Xiao everything,
including Tang YuLin's backstory.
After Ling Xiao heard, he said, "Tang YuLin doesn't seem like
someone who has experienced those things." Usually, when people
were struck down over and over like that, they would easily become
despairing or walk the wrong path.
You XiaoMo replied, "It might be because of his master."
From what Tang YuLin had told him, he could tell that the other's
master was a very optimistic and good person. Tang YuLin might've
been able to keep his forward looking attitude under his master's
careful guidance.
"Never mind him," Ling Xiao suddenly said, "I heard your master was
You XiaoMo perked up. He had wanted to talk about the Heaven Soul
Scripture, but then remembered that there were many people
around them and lowered his voice on purpose. "When did he get

Ling Xiao said, "Yesterday he came to look for you. After hearing that
you were cultivating, he asked me to tell you to go to the Magic Herb
garden tomorrow. He probably plans on handing you some training
You XiaoMo nodded hurriedly. This day had finally come.
After five minutes, Yan Fa finally came over.
The thirty-first room of the red card zone was very important as it
was to do with the Leyline core. That was why they had to be
The room was in the very center of the Cultivation Center. That was
something You XiaoMo had already known. However, he would've
never thought that a transport circle would be necessary to get
inside. Since the room was completely closed off, if one didn't use
the transport circle, you'd be forced to break through the wall to get
in. However, you'd probably be found out before you even had a
chance to try.
Yan Fa had everyone walk into the array before he began to
transport them.
It barely took a second.
All You XiaoMo knew was a flash of white light and then everyone
appeared in a dimly lit sealed room. The room was simpler than a
poor house with only four walls; there weren't even windows.
Yan Fa turned to look at everyone and said, "This is the thirty-first
room. Now, you all have two hours. After two hours is up, I will come
and bring everyone out."
And then he left.
Apart from You XiaoMo and the others who were here for the first
time, BaiLi TianYi and company had already been here last year. After

Yan Fa finished speaking, they each found a dais to sit down at, not
wasting a single moment to cultivate.
Though there was only two hours, it was enough to compare to a
over a month of cultivating in the red card zone. It could be seen
from this how precious these places were.
Feng ChiYun was pulled over to be with Yin Ge. The only reason Feng
ChiYun had a chance to be here was because of Yin Ge, so he didn't
BaiLi TianYi was a little disheartened. It was a shame he hadn't been
able to pull Tang YuLin over.
You XiaoMo pulled Ling Xiao over to two adjacent daises. No one
talked. Two hours seemed rather long, but in reality it would pass in
the blink of an eye, especially when cultivating.
You XiaoMo had wanted to speak to Ling Xiao, but the room was
extremely quiet. If he spoke it would seem abrupt.
Ling Xiao motioned for him to hurry up and cultivate and started to
do so himself.
You XiaoMo had no choice but to keep his words to himself, sitting
cross legged on a dais. These daises were different from the other
daises. There was no need for you to swipe your card first. Upon
sitting down, you could already feel the immense energy restlessly
flowing under you.
The Leyline Core was different from spirit gems, not only just
producing a large amount of spiritual energy. Like how spirit gems
were the sublimation of spiritual water, the leyline core was the
sublimation of spirit gems as well. However, the leyline core had
something of a soul. It was like a machine that could still run without
an engine.

There was a legend about the leyline core. It was said that the leyline
core was a cultivator's ticket to Divinity. With it, breaking through to
the Divine level wasn't a fantasy any longer. That meant, consuming
the leyline core guaranteed a breakthrough to the Divine level. In
addition, the leyline core was also a sacred item to mages, as well.
It's value was in that it could sublimate a mage's soul.
For example, if a mage's soul was purple and they consumed the
leyline core, there was a chance above eighty percent of their soul
becoming rainbow colored. This was an immense temptation.
Though talent wasn't the only deciding factor for a mage's success, it
did limit how far one could go. For example, for someone with a
purple soul, if they couldn't upgrade it, they would forever be stuck a
level ten mage. That meant the highest they could go was level ten.
It would be impossible to progress further.
Though DaoXin Academy didn't put so much of a focus on the souls
of mages, those who could achieve higher states must have better
souls. Even so, no one dared to try and steal DaoXin Academy's
leyline core.
This was because DaoXin Academy didn't just have one or two
powerhouses at its side. Just the five elders would be enough to
crush any challengers, never mind the Academy headmaster or the
level ten mage Duan QiTian.
The more powerhouses, the less chance of returning safely.
Taking a deep breath, You XiaoMo cleared his head of any unneeded
thoughts and focused on cultivating. As he began to absorb the
energy of the leyline core, he finally "saw" pools of green energy
entering his body.
This was the element of wood, the purest form of energy,
representing life. It was the gentlest of the five elements, able to be

put to use by anyone. No wonder people were unwilling to waste
even a second in the Trials.
With the help of the element of wood, there was practically a one
hundred percent chance of breakthrough.
You XiaoMo became excited as he thought of this. It would be a
shame if he didn't take the chance to absorb as much of this pure
Wood Element energy as he could. With a thought, the white
spiritual structure in his mind's eye began to move faster and faster
as it absorbed the Wood Element energy.
More and more energy creeped out of the white spiritual structure's
surface and it was quickly absorbed by the green spiritual core.
When the color on the surface became the deepest it could get, the
spiritual core suddenly split. By the time it had knitted itself back
together, the color had gone to a faint light blue.
With that, You XiaoMo found that he had broken through and
become a mid-grade level seven mage.
Since he had good foundations, breakthroughs for him were like the
flow of water.
That wasn't all. He realized that his Soul Force was approaching high
grade level seven. It wasn't fast, but the change was tangible. It
wasn't until a sound like booming thunder rose, as if exploding right
beside his ear. You XiaoMo was startled harshly out of cultivation.
Opening his eyes, he found that it wasn't just him who had been
dragged out of cultivation like this. It was only when he saw Vice
Academy Head Yan Fa that he realized two hours had passed. He
realized that the aura of spiritual energy around everyone had
changed slightly from before.
Those who were already very strong wouldn't be able to achieve
breakthrough in a mere two hours, but they would still have gained

something from this. Their presence was much more intense and
some even had obvious smiles on their faces.
After a moment, Yan Fa led everyone out.
It was only until after they left the others, that You XiaoMo asked
Ling Xiao, "How do you feel?"
Ling Xiao made a low hum in response, "There was too little time, so
it had little effect. However, it won't be long before DaoXin Academy
closes that room, if they don't want to let the leyline run dry."
The leyline core was also called the Elemental Essence, its element
was wood. As they used it, they were slowly depleting it. DaoXin
Academy having used it for so long, the Elemental Essence was
starting to burnout. If they didn't let it recover, the entire leyline
would be destroyed.
However, even if they let the Elemental Essence recover, it would
need a very long time to do so, unless they found another Elemental
This was the method You XiaoMo had asked about which could save
a leyline from drying out.
However, Elemental Essences were an extremely rare object, not
something you could find just anywhere. If LongXiang continent had
one, then it probably would've long since been taken by someone

Chapter 330: Inheriting Soul Training
The next day, You XiaoMo went to see the old man alone.
He originally thought that it would take half a month before the old
man came back, but he could guess the reason.
With such a major event having occurred at DaoXin Academy, and as
one of the eight heads, the old man had a responsibility to take on,
so of course he couldn't be lazy.
~Magic Herb Garden
You XiaoMo found the old man in the Pill Refining room, it had been
months since he had been back, at a moment of joy he rushed over
and patted the old man on the shoulder, "Shifu, I'm back."
Duan QiTian slowly turned his head around with an expression that
could only be described as ominous.
In surprise, You XiaoMo's hands jerked back and let out a dry laugh.
He had forgotten about the double personality. Waking up this early
with that kind of an expression, it had to be the second, ill-tempered
personality and he had just patted him on the shoulder.
With a snort and a face of displeasure, the old man said, "I don't see
you for a few months and you sure got courageous."
All You XiaoMo could do was let out a dry chuckle, and only that,
"No…Disciple’s got no guts, no matter how much guts I eat, it
wouldn't work either."
In anger the old man shouted, "Why are you still standing there
stupidly, come and help."

With a string of 'yes', You XiaoMo quickly followed. He wasn't about
to bring up the Heavenly Soul Scripture to the second personality,
who knows which one actually wanted to teach him that soul
training technique.
Before he knew it, four hours had passed working in and out.
You XiaoMo looked up to see the sun shining brightly and wiped the
sweat from his face. It should have been time for lunch, but he was
still working. He knew meeting the second personality was a bad
Just as he was muttering to himself, the old man's voice came
suddenly from the Pill Refining Room.
"Dumbass, what are you standing around for? Get over here."
You XiaoMo walked over compliantly. The old man's just being crazy
again, this was not the time to rub him in the wrong way, or else he
would drive him out.
As he arrived in Pill Refining room, the old man was not refining pills
or distilling herbs but rather drinking tea. Speaking of the tea room,
You XiaoMo really had to roast him. The second personality liked tea
more than the first! They say tea is good for self-cultivation, but he
felt the opposite, the more he drank the worse the temper.
You XiaoMo. Asked, "Shifu, what do you need me for?"
The old man shot him a look of disdain, "Didn't we get your
roommate to tell you yesterday? Do you not bring your ears
With happiness, You XiaoMo's ears excluded all the displeasing
content of that sentence. The old man was finally going to teach him
the Heavenly Soul Scripture. His four hours had not been wasted.
Excitedly You XiaoMo asked, "Shifu, when will we be start?"

The old man snorted and looked at him, "Half a year and you have
gotten a level higher, an okay speed. What soul training manual are
you using right now?"
You XiaoMo went blank for a second, shit, he couldn't say he was
practicing the Heavenly Soul Scripture.
Seeing that he wasn't getting a response, the old man narrowed his
eyes, a hint of light flashing in them, "What? You can't say?"
You XiaoMo quickly replied, "No, my current soul training manual is a
manual called I Ching, a low grade high level manual."
This was the manual he had gotten from the Paradise Realm,
although he had never used it, he had briefly scanned through it. If
the old man asked more, he could recall a few lines.
However, the old man didn't continue, instead he let out a snort and
tsundere like, "The manual is okay, but as my disciple, that's not
good enough. If people knew my disciple was using a low grade
manual, that would put shame to my name."
You XiaoMo's eyes sparked with that, he was waiting for this. Quickly
teach me that soul training technique.
As expected, the old man continued, "I have a better soul training
manual, take it and learn from it. Don't let anyone know, especially
your da shixiong Qiu Ran. You understand?"
"Understood!" You XiaoMo immediately nodded, but stopped half
way through, "Eh?"
Why couldn't da shixiong know about this? Didn't he learn the
Heavenly Soul Scripture too? Of course, he didn't dare ask that out
loud since it would take a while to explain how he knew.
The old man didn't see his confusion and threw him a jade drive,
"The content of that manual is all in this jade drive. Go through it
quickly and destroy it afterwards."

While You XiaoMo was holding the jade drive, he felt an
unexplainable feeling. After he finished talking, the old man got up
and left, leaving him in the tea room. You XiaoMo stood still staring
at the jade drive. It wasn't until half a hour later did his conscious
leave the drive and he took a deep breath.
This was an soul training manual called Buddha's Willow Standard.
Even if it wasn't the Heavenly Soul Scripture, he assumed that the old
man was going to give him a mid grade or high grade high level
manual, but not a low grade transcendent level soul training manual.
Although he was not originally from this word, living here for a few
years had taught him how rare transcendent level manuals were. It
was the equivalent to an Elemental Essence in value, but the old man
just tossed it over like it was nothing. You XiaoMo felt touched.
It wasn't the Heavenly Soul Scripture, but it was still a huge surprise.
No wonder he couldn't let Qiu Ran know, if he knew that theri Shifu
had a better manual, but didn't teach him, he might have other
thoughts. He didn't know what happened between them for them to
be so cautious of each other, but he was on the side of his Shifu.
After reading the manual in the jade drive multiple times and
remembering everything by heart, he followed the orders of the old
man and destroyed it. When he walked out, the old man was
standing in front of a bookshelf, facing away fiddling with something.
Once he walked closer he heard him talking. "Did you remember
"I memorized it, the jade drive has been destroyed too."
"Good, from now on train from that manual. If you don't understand
anything, figure it out yourself and don't ask me."
"…" Shouldn't you say, ask away?

The old man seemed to realize his phrasing was a little odd. He let
out a cough and explained, "Your shifu didn't learn that manual, so
you have to figure everything out yourself."
"But why didn't you learn this?" You XiaoMo asked carefully.
The old man wasn't going to hide anything about the topic, but he
did look awkward. That was so out of character that You XiaoMo's
eyes widened and he stared blankly.
The old man went from embarrassment to anger and screamed,
"What are you looking at? This is a dual cultivation manual! How is
an old man like me a good fit!"
You XiaoMo "…" Dual, dual cultivation manual? Don't think he was
illiterate. He knew very well what these words meant.
Ah, the reason he wasn't allowed to ask was this…dual cultivation, he
couldn't help but imagine the old man soul training with the
Buddha's Willow Standard, two old men…
My god it was horrid!
With this You XiaoMo could only stutter out, "Shi shi shi…shifu, if this
is a dual cultivation manual, w-w-why did you give it to me…?"
The old man flushed red with embarrassment and anger, giving him a
look, "Don't think I didn't realize you and that roommate of yours are
in that kind of a relationship."
You XiaoMo's face turned red. Although he wasn't hiding it, being
told out loud was still awkward. Especially because it was his Shifu.
The old man calmed down his tone, "Although, this manual doesn't
have to be dual, you can do it alone, but this will have a lesser effect.
If you really don't want to, then just train solo. Anyways, just get out
if you're done." With that he shooed him away.
As You XiaoMo was walking away, his head was still in shambles. An
elder knew about him and Ling Xiao's relationship and gave them a

dual soul training manual, it still felt unreal. In his mind, if people
didn't disprove of the relationship that was enough.
You XiaoMo stood still and turned around to look at the pill refinery.
Although dual cultivation was embarrassing, he did it often with Ling
Xiao, so it wasn't anything he couldn't accept. Better yet, he was in a
rush to get stronger, so this was welcomed.
By the time he got back to his room, Ling Xiao was already there.
When he saw You XiaoMo's face, he couldn't help but ask, "What's
You XiaoMo fiddled around for bit before hesitantly telling him about
the dual soul training manual. But just after he finished, he regretted
it as Ling Xiao's expression was very peculiar.
He swore he saw pink bubbles floating around Ling Xiao and that grin
was as evil as evil got. He couldn't help but feel an evil chill as if he
dug himself into a hole. From now on, Ling Xiao would have an
excuse to get him into bed whenever he wanted.
Ling Xiao put his hands around You XiaoMo's waist and tugged him
inside with a bright smile, "XiaoMo, come, let us get inside. Tell me
everything about the manual and we'll explore it together…"
You XiaoMo "…"

Chapter 331: Cultivation
Despite being a low grade transcendent level manual, the Buddha's
Willow Standard was introduced inside. If one practiced this soul
training manual with someone stronger than themself, especially
with a practitioner, then the effectiveness would be doubled and
could be on par with a mid grade transcendent level manual.
This was such an attractive method to cultivate. Sometimes You
XiaoMo wondered if Shifu wasn’t so old, and was slightly younger,
maybe even he would swallow his pride and cultivate this way.
Nevertheless, this soul training manual was simply tailor made for
You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao.
It said on the manual that one must find a strong partner to cultivate
with. The greater the difference in power, the better it was for the
Mage. With Ling Xiao's power, there was no doubt that it had
surpassed You XiaoMo's by a great deal.
Of course, Dual Cultivation, as one could guess from its name, was
meant to help take both parties to a higher level. Ling Xiao would
also benefit, but since he was so strong, it would hardly be
That night when the sky had just turned dark, You XiaoMo was
dragged onto the bed by Ling Xiao.
Since he decided to cultivate using the Buddha's Willow Standard, he
had no choice but to give up on the Heavenly Soul Scripture even if
he was reluctant to do so. After all, he had already cultivated till the
third stage and was reaching the fourth.
Ling Xiao was much more enthusiastic than him.
"Your Shifu certainly had the foresight. Who knew this soul training
manual would come in handy." Ling Xiao remarked.

The corners of his mouth twitched. You XiaoMo really wanted to
bash Ling Xiao from the bottom of his heart. The manual was not
even the slightest bit related to him.
Ling Xiao wrapped his arms around his waist and carried him to bed.
He smiled at You XiaoMo and said, "Every moment of the spring
night is worth a thousand pieces of gold. Let's not waste any more
time and begin."
Immediately after he finished he sentence, he reached over to strip
the clothes off You XiaoMo.
You XiaoMo slapped his hand away. "I’ll do it myself."
What a pity, Ling Xiao thought.
Hmph! You XiaoMo ignored him. While his mouth said no, his heart
was looking forward to it.
A minute later, the two of them had stripped off their outer coats,
leaving them in their underwear. They were sitting on the bed and
facing each other almost naked!
Embarrassment crept up You XiaoMo's face. On the other hand, Ling
Xiao had a face full of mirth.
The Buddha's Willow Standard had very strict requirements for
people doing Dual Cultivation. In particular, the pair had to be highly,
if not perfectly, compatible with each other. Simply put, the two
people must have chemistry. Without chemistry, the fullest potential
of using the Buddha's Willow Standard could not be realised.
Ling Xiao peeled the pants off You Xiao Mo's legs and couldn’t get
enough of touching his perky butt. This time around, they cut down
on the foreplay. When You XiaoMo was sufficiently stretched, he
buried himself deep within You XiaoMo's body.

Feeling stretched to the limit, You XiaoMo let out a huff of breath. He
raised one leg and forced himself to relax, wanting to get use to
organ that was getting bigger inside him.
Ling Xiao buried his face in You XiaoMo's neck and slowly expelled
the breath he was holding. Even when he hadn’t started moving, he
could already feel a numbing sensation within him.
Ling Xiao licked his lips. He really wanted to start thrusting now.
However, after seeing the youth's body beneath him flushed from
passion yet trying hard to suppress it, he decided against doing so.
Thrusting could wait until cultivation was over.
Ling Xiao pulled his waist closer and sat You XiaoMo on top of him,
closing the distance where they were connected. "Are you done?" He
asked, voice already husky from desire.
"Yea…" You XiaoMo huffed and let out a small moan as he slightly
readjusted his position.
While it was only a small movement, it still fanned his desire, causing
his member to widen in girth.He embraced You XiaoMo tightly. Being
able to enter but not devour him certainly felt horrible.
Considering it was their first time doing Dual Cultivation, they
weren’t very familiar with the steps but it’d get better with more
"Let's start." You XiaoMo said as he blushed.
In that moment, a pale blue crystal started turning in his mind. The
surface of his skin started to glow with many colors. His soul was
Ling Xiao lowered his head and kissed him. Following the instructions
on the Buddha's Willow Standard manual, they began to cultivate…
Deep into the silent night, moans of pleasure could be heard. Under
the moonlight, two silhouettes embraced tightly, tangled up in each

other’s limbs. Heated breaths brushed across a youthful face
drowned in passion. Accompanied by pleasured moans, tongues
danced sensually together between locked lips, only parting
unwillingly when You XiaoMo was out of breath.
Ling Xiao buried his head in the crook of his neck, lapping and
sucking at the expense of his nape hungrily. Everywhere he touched,
he left a trail of angry red love bites.
You XiaoMo parted his lips, panting hard.
The traces of pain and numbness on his neck blurred together. He
couldn’t help himself and let out a moan he wasn’t able to suppress.
The loud slapping of skin on skin never seemed to cease.
You XiaoMo finally couldn’t take it and pushed the body above him.
"Too… too fast… you…ahh…slow down…" he complained.
There weren’t many steps on the Buddha's Willow Standard,
therefore Dual Cultivation shouldn’t take long. They actually finished
cultivating two hours ago, but…
The friction from Dual Cultivation had awoken their desires, so
strong as if they were drowned by a crashing wave. You XiaoMo
wasn’t sure if it was because Ling Xiao had been pent up for too long,
as his movements became more forceful.
Hearing his pleas, a husky, desire laden voice spoke into his ear. "Do
you really mean it?" Ling Xiao chuckled.
As You XiaoMo wished, the aggressive thrusting slowed.
Yet, the movements that felt hundred times slower teased You
XiaoMo's senses even more. The tingling numbness felt like
thousands of ants crawling over his body, this might as well be
another form of torture.

You XiaoMo didn’t want to lose. He gritted his teeth and suppressed
his moans.
Ling Xiao laughed again.
Just when You XiaoMo was guessing what he would do next, the
stretch he felt behind was suddenly replaced with a hollow feeling
within. Ling Xiao had withdrawn his member.
You XiaoMo stared in shock.
In the next second, Ling Xiao entered him again. He pushed his
member in bit by bit, slowly rubbing against You XiaoMo's inner
walls. This time, the tingling numbness felt amplified by a few
hundred times.
The fact that his body was modified by spiritual water made him
more sensitive than ever. You XiaoMo couldn’t bear it anymore.
"Move it, you asshole… ahh…"
"Now do you still want me to slow down?" Ling Xiao laughed
devilishly beside his ear.
You XiaoMo blushed furiously. "No."
He suddenly regretted cultivating the Buddha's Willow Standard. If
every night was going to be like this, he might as well cultivate using
the Heavenly Soul Scripture.
Receiving the answer he wanted, Ling Xiao gave a satisfied laugh and
delivered one powerful thrust. Waves of pleasure coursed through
his veins from the delicious friction, seeming many times stronger
than what he usually felt. You XiaoMo screamed as he reached his
This is so not worth it. You XiaoMo thought bitterly.
As he was spent, his member had already softened. You XiaoMo was
debating whether to help Ling Xiao with his release when suddenly,

he was grabbed down there. A few strokes later and he was up
You XiaoMo stared at his hardened member frustratingly. Seems like
men really think with their dicks. In the past, he completely wouldn’t
agree with this statement. Now, he couldn’t even deny it.
The night went on until the the break of dawn.
When You XiaoMo woke up, he felt as if his body had been
dismantled and reassembled again.
His legs and the place where they were connected last night, he
couldn’t feel them anymore.
Noticing him stir, Ling Xiao returned from the outer chamber. He
handed a cup of water after seeing You XiaoMo's cracked lips.
You XiaoMo accepted it. His throat felt so parched as if it was on fire.
Must have been too loud last night… Suddenly, he thought of
something and spluttered, spraying water all over Ling Xiao.
You XiaoMo couldn’t be bothered about that. He grabbed Ling Xiao
by the collar and asked, "Did anyone hear us last night?"
He forgot that the dormitories of Ward A and Ward B were different.
The rooms were closer to each other and it wasn’t a small pavilion.
Just being slightly louder and others would hear. With how loud he
was being last night, he definitely had been heard by others.
Ling Xiao held his hands. "Don’t worry. I erected a barrier last night.
No one can hear."
You XiaoMo wasn’t worried anymore.
"Oh yes, you’ve levelled up." Ling Xiao said it so plainly as if he was
saying, 'Oh, have you eaten yet?'

You XiaoMo paused for a moment. Last night he was so focused on
something else he didn’t even take stock of the results from Dual
It couldn’t be that he’d levelled up to high grade level 7 in one night.
That was too fast.
You XiaoMo happily did a check and he was stunned.
In one night, he leaped from middle grade to low grade level 8. How
was that possible?
Seeing his stunned expression, Ling Xiao had expected it.
As he sat by the bed he said, "The difference in our levels is too large.
This result is expected, but I suspect the change in levels won’t be
that significant anymore in future. Doing it a few more times
shouldn’t be a problem."
You XiaoMo raised his head and looked at him before cursing, "Fuck

Chapter 332: Zhao DaZhou
From that day on, You XiaoMo was frequently dragged onto the bed
by Ling Xiao in the name of Dual Cultivation.
As what Ling Xiao said, leveling up became slower after the first time
they did Dual Cultivation. However, compared to the Heavenly Soul
Scripture, it was still faster.
You XiaoMo never stepped foot in a cultivation center after that.
These few days he was rapidly levelling up, from a low grade level
seven to low grade level eight. And it hadn’t even been a month or
two! Worried that there would be repercussions for his speedy
progress, You XiaoMo frequented the Old Man's Pill Refinement
Room daily.
After spending some time observing, Duan QiTian was finally able to
ascertain his third disciple's character. An idiot, that’s what he was.
But it was also the very same idiot that made him want to pass on all
his knowledge and wisdom to.
While he may scold him frequently, he was never half-assed when it
came to teaching You XiaoMo.
You XiaoMo worked for him willingly. One could even say You
XiaoMo was enjoying the process as his treasury in his dimension
grew. For example, a rare magic pill recipe that he lacked. The Old
Man's collection was not to be underestimated.
Ten days passed like that.
It had been half a month since the Trials. The Academy was still
investigating the murders at the Trials and so Gao Yang had also
became busy with work. As he was the leader of the patrol team, he
had to organise and send people out to patrol, with he himself going
on patrol occasionally.

On this day, You XiaoMo ran into Gao Yang, who happened to be
looking for him, when he returned. Gao Yang had already been
awaiting his return for quite a while.
"Gao-dage, What brings you here today?" You Xiao Mo looked
toward Gao Yang in surprise.
Gao Yang downed his cup of water before he began. He said, " You’re
finally back, Fellow You. Indeed, I have matters to speak to you
about. This morning, when my companions were out patrolling, they
met a guy who said he knew you and wanted to meet you. He asked
my companions to deliver the message to you. That person looked
suspicious but he doesn’t seem to be lying, so I thought about asking
if you knew him. If you don’t, then I’ll get people to get rid of him."
You XiaoMo looked towards Ling Xiao.
"That person is Zhao DaZhou." Ling Xiao answered.
You XiaoMo's eyes blew wide open.
Ling Xiao's words really came true.
No doubt Ye Han really sent someone to look for them. Zhao DaZhou
had already found them much earlier, but due to the Academy
restricting the movements of outsiders, he could only wander
around Yan city for days. It was until he could wait no longer that he
decided to look for an opening in the patrol patrol team.
Zhao DaZhou had luck on his side. Gao Yang just happened to be in
charge of the patrol team that day. While the second-in-charge was
suspicious of Zhao DaZhou's words, he still carried the word to Gao
Yang as he knew how close he was with You XiaoMo.
"Where is he now?" You XiaoMo grabbed Gao Yang's hands.
"I got my men to arrange for him a place to stay in a rest stop in Yan
City. The Academy doesn’t allow outsiders in, so if you want to meet
him, you have to go out."

You XiaoMo nodded his head. He never expected Zhao DaZhou to
come see him.
As both You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao were on the top one hundred
strongest, they were given the chance to leave the school one time
this month. Even if it was a measly two days, it was enough.
The next day, You XiaoMo ran to tell the Old Man he was taking two
days off. As expected, he got reprimanded and with the help of Gao
Yang, he and Ling Xiao left the Academy together.
This was the second time You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao entered Yan City.
Ever since he entered Dao Xin Academy, he had never gone out. This
time, he went out with a different feeling from before.
The rest stop that Gao Yang has arranged for Zhao DaZhou to stay at
was in the business district of the city.
Initially when Zhao DaZhou was being watched by Gao Yang's men,
he was held in a place where conditions couldn’t be considered
great. However, after finding out he was You XiaoMo's acquaintance,
Gao Yang had his men move him to somewhere with better living
On the day of visit, the crowd at the business district seemed larger
than before, especially nearer the Lei Tian platform.
Having his mind set on meeting Zhao DaZhou, You XiaoMo couldn’t
care less about the crowd.
Instead, it was Ling Xiao who took a glance in the direction of the Lei
Tian platform. Thinking he was interested, Gao Yang explained, "
Recently a few weirdos entered Yan City. They are always challenging
the strong ones in Yan city. It’s rumoured they haven’t lost once yet,
and very arrogant too."
"That good? Doesn’t Yan City have a lot of strong people?" You
XiaoMo turned around immediately.

"It is as you said. But amongst those weirdos, there seems to be one
person who is especially strong. Many have lost to him." Gao Yang
replied You XiaoMo.
"Where do they come from?"
"Not sure, they were only here a few days ago."
You XiaoMo stopped with his questions. They had already arrived at
their destination. In treating a friend of a friend, Gao Yang was very
generous. He chose the best rest stop in the business district for
Zhao DaZhou.
With Gao Yang leading them, You XiaoMo rushed to the room, only
to find it empty. Zhao DaZhou wasn’t in the room and not even Gao
Yang's men who stayed to keep watch could be found.
Just when everyone was still in shock, a waiter walked in and asked,
"Are you looking for the guests of this room?"
"Yes, do you know where he is?" You XiaoMo asked immediately.
The waiter fumbled for a piece of paper before handing it to him.
"The guest has requested me to pass this to you."
"What’s written on it?" Ling Xiao asked.
You XiaoMo crumpled the paper into a ball.
"Zhao-shixiong said he hasn’t visited Yan City before, so he got Gao-
dage's men to show him around. He said he’ll be back at about 9.45
Zhao DaZhou probably knew they needed time to get from Dao Xin
Academy to where he was but what he didn’t know was that they
were already there early in the morning. Faster than what he

"Don’t worry. If he still can leisurely stroll on the streets and shop
around, it means nothing major has happened to Tian Xin Sect." Ling
Xiao comforted him.
After thinking about that, You XiaoMo found that Ling Xiao made
sense and stopped worrying. However…
"Zhao-shixiong said he’ll be back around 9 to 11 am. It’s past 11
already and he’s not back. Do you think something could have
happened to him?"
"How about this, I’ll go ask around."
Gao Yang got his transmitter stone out. It was something that every
member of the patrol team carried around, main purpose being for
communication. Before Gao Yang even did anything, his Transmitter
Stone lit up, followed by a voice of a team member.
"Captain, it’s bad!"
He briefly asked a few more questions before hurrying to the Lei Tian
platform with You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao.
Good thing the business district wasn’t far from Lei Tian platform as
they managed to reach it in fifteen minutes.
The situation at Lei Tian platform was similar to the scene they saw
before. The crowds surrounded the stage and by looking up one
could see two people challenging each other up on stage. You
XiaoMo stared hard. Wasn’t one of them his Fifth shixiong Zhao
They were only a tad bit late and Zhao DaZhou had managed to go
from shopping on the streets to fighting on the stage. For one to get
into this much trouble, it could be considered a talent.
Gao Yang's team mate Ding Shi had long been waiting for them. He
looked utterly relieved when he saw them.

"You’re finally here, Captain. I was worried to death." He said
"So? What happened?" Gao Yang questioned.
"Recently wasn’t there a group of people who go around challenging
the strong ones in Yan city? When Fellow Zhao and I were out today,
we didn’t expect to meet those guys. Fellow Zhao had a brush with
them and somehow they ended up in the arena. They’re preparing to
fight it out now, but please try and talk to him, he can’t win!" Ding
Shi explained.
You XiaoMo immediately started to shove people out of the way to
get nearer to the stage. Ling Xiao followed closely behind, taking care
of those that were grumbling about being shoved. When they
reached the innermost circle of the crowd, You XiaoMo could finally
clearly see the people up on stage. In front of Zhao DaZhou stood a
young man, he was a practitioner no doubt about that.
You XiaoMo was filled with rage. He felt fire burning in his eyes at
what he saw. Zhao DaZhou was only a mage! His opponent was a
practitioner who was decently strong! How could he be so foolish as
to get involved with such an opponent and dare to challenge the guy
on stage!
Yet, You XiaoMo also knew that, without a special reason, Zhao
DaZhou wouldn’t seek the other party out to challenge him.
"Hng! An idiot who doesn’t know his limits! Let’s see who’ll save you
now!" The young man spat out condescendingly.
Backing down was never in Zhao DaZhou's vocabulary.
"How about you pray for someone to save your sorry ass, you piece
of shit.
The young man's face darkened.

While Zhao DaZhou's words were crude, people couldn’t help but
laugh at it. Some even laughed out loud, including You XiaoMo.
"You will pay for this." The young man spoke darkly.
Tch! Cutting all the useless talk, Zhao DaZhou summoned his
lifebound contract beast.
"XiaoHu, show him who’s boss!"
A mage's soul had the power to attack, but Zhao DaZhou didn’t learn
that. The only card up his sleeve was the Six-winged Divine Tiger that
You XiaoMo had gifted him in the past. Now, the Six-winged Divine
Tiger was no longer the ball of fluff it was before.

Chapter 333: Sneaky Actions
"Idiot. What’s so great about a high level demon beast? I can even
defeat you without my life-bound contract demon beast." The young
man scoffed as he saw Zhao DaZhou summon his contract demon
As a Spiritual five star practitioner, the young man could have easily
crushed Zhao DaZhou if not for the Six-winged Divine Tiger he had.
After all, he also had a life-bound contract demon beast of his own.
Hearing this, Zhao DaZhou rolled his eyes.
"Remember what you said. If you have the balls, don’t use your
contract demon beast."
"You want to goad me into doing that? As you wish then!" The young
man smiled evilly.
He knew what Zhao DaZhou was trying to get him to do. If Zhao
DaZhou was able to make such bold retorts, it would also mean that
he was confident of winning. Moreover, for someone as proud as the
young man himself, using his lifebound contract demon beast against
someone like Zhao DaZhou was nothing more than an insult to his
Zhao DaZhou was waiting for these very words. Of course, he knew
this young man was no ordinary guy. This guy must have been
extremely confident to lay down such claims. But Zhao DaZhou too,
had faith in himself.
From a normal person's point of view, Zhao DaZhou couldn’t even be
on par with the young man. But that was a given that it was a normal
Zhao DaZhou shouted out a command to the Six-winged Divine Tiger
in front of him. "XiaoHu, show him who he’s messing with."

The expression on the Six-winged Divine Tiger changed after Zhao
DaZhou gave the command. No longer the clueless little ball of fluff,
it seemed to have become more intelligent. It’s body grew to be
more than four or five times larger than Zhao DaZhou in less than
two years. And when it jumped, it reached heights of four to five
meters high. Now, this agile creature was charging towards the
young man not far away.
The young man snorted dismissively, easily dodging the Tiger that
threw itself at him. As if his contempt wasn’t evident enough, such a
move seemed to outrightly mock Zhao DaZhou.
Six-winged Divine Tiger's power was at level eight four star. While
the tiger's power looked like it’s lower than the young man's by a
star, demon beasts are naturally stronger than humans, which meant
the power difference could be easily compensated by their superior
physical build and bloodline.
In the first few exchange of blows, neither got the upper hand.
You XiaoMo watched on worriedly.
"Ling Xiao, do you think Zhao-shixiong can win?"
Ling Xiao seemed slightly bored by the spectacle but surprisingly he
gave You XiaoMo an unexpected answer. "Yes."
You XiaoMo whipped his head around to look at him. "What makes
you so sure?"
"Does your Zhao-shixiong look like the type to act rashly?" Ling Xiao
You XiaoMo gave it some thought. "Yea!"
"Oh alright! I meant that he was like that in the past. Now he looks
like he’s matured. Doesn’t seem to be a rash guy anymore." You
XiaoMo laughed awkwardly.

Ling Xiao gave him a side glance before saying, "On the surface it
may look like the Six-winged Divine Tiger is only a level eight four
star, but it’s not going all out yet. It’s true power probably can be
To be honest, for that cute little tiger to cultivate from zero to level
eight four star within less than three years since it was born was
considered quite fast. While such progress could be greatly
attributed to absorbing its mother’s concentrated spirit, its own hard
work and talent should also not be dismissed.
If what Ling Xiao said was true, that the power of the Six-winged
Divine Tiger was greater than level eight four star, then such growth
could be considered horrifying.
As they were having their conversation, the fight between the young
man and the six-winged beast was getting more and more heated.
The young man obviously underestimated the Six-winged Divine
Tiger as he was ultimately forced to take out his weapon—a long,
black bow with intricate details carved into its grip. There were no
arrows but as the young man drew the bow, a dark red arrow
immediately manifested between the bow and the taut bowstring.
The man aimed it at Zhao DaZhou who was standing on the edge of
the arena. The arrow zipped through the air and straight for Zhao
The Six-winged Divine Tiger immediately stopped its attack in midair
and ran towards Zhao DaZhou. The young man noticed and smirked.
He rushed to stop the tiger but the tiger barely spared him a look
before bursting into an even greater speed.
In almost a hundredth of a second, its speed increased more than
two times its original. The six-winged beast grabbed Zhao DaZhou
and dodged. However, it was as if the arrow had a built-in radar,
following Zhao Da Zhou wherever he went.

The six-winged beast put Zhao DaZhou on the ground immediately.
Its energy rose up suddenly as its level immediately broke out of four
star to five star, and yet, the progress hadn't stopped.
The Six-winged Divine Tiger didn’t bother to pull back punches
anymore. It roared before hitting the arrow flying towards them with
a punch. As the two forces collided with each other, the air
manifested into visible air streams and spread out in all directions
with what seemed to be the need to destroy. A few seconds later,
the arrow shattered.
The young man looked grim. He now knew where all that confidence
Zhao DaZhou had came from.
The Six-winged Divine Tiger's power actually rose from four stars to
seven stars! Three whole stars! Judging by the situation now, he was
the weaker one instead and the difference in power was definitely
greater than just one star.
Below the stage, the people who came together with the young man
looked no better. One of them even said, "We were wrong about this
one. This guy, Zhao DaZhou, is not that simple after all."
"Boss Cheng, if we let this continue, the young master will lose." The
youth beside him said worriedly.
Previously, the young master had promised not to use his contract
demon beast. Furthermore, his words were heard loud and clear by
everyone present. Should he go against his own words, he would
most definitely lose face. But if he were to lose to a level five Mage,
it would be a greater insult than the former.
The middle aged man clearly knew the severity of the issue. He
debated about what to do before finally giving the word.
"I know what to do. Later on if the young master can’t win, I’ll help in
the dark."

While there were many strong people in Yan City, the real strong
individuals would not personally stand out to help. There might be
many strong ones near Lei Tian Platform, but with their current level
of power, calling him out on his actions was nearly impossible.
The fight soon became a countdown match. Due to the Six-winged
Divine Tiger's surge in power, the young man was no match for the
beast. Even with his weapon in hand, the power difference of two
stars made it near impossible for them to be on par. Not only that,
the Six Winged Divine Tiger had unimaginably strong combat power.
While the young man might have been strong, it was clear he was
lacking in combat experience. Very soon he became the receiving
end of the attacks. With one hand placed on the edge of Lei Tian
Stage, the middle aged man secretly sent an invisible force towards
the six-winged beast who was currently having the upper hand.
As he expected, no one in the vicinity of Lei Tian Platform was more
powerful than him. Yan City wouldn’t send an Imperial or Emperor
level just for this brawl. One must also keep in mind that powerful
individuals like himself were basically considered the backbone of
powerful and prestigious families. Even if he were to manipulate the
situation from behind the scenes, it would be hard to tell.
However, he forgot about one person.
Ling Xiao couldn’t just sit back and watch Zhao DaZhou's demon
beast get defeated by some underhanded tricks. No matter what,
Zhao DaZhou was You XiaoMo's shixiong.
He already noticed when the middle aged man made his move.
In that instant when the tiger was going to finish off the young man
with a swipe of its paw, a loud sound could be heard. About four to
five meters away from where the man and beast stood, a slab of
stone exploded.
The sudden change stunned everybody.

The Six-winged Divine Tiger slowed down because of the commotion.
Seeing his chance, the young man seized the opportunity to retreat,
narrowly escaping the death blow.
"So this is how you guys defeat so many of Yan City's powerful
people on Lei Tian Stage? Use underhanded means when you can’t
win? How interesting!" A voice spoke mockingly.
The middle aged man's expression darkened. Never did he imagine
that he would be found out, and he couldn’t even find where the
voice came from!
It didn't take much for a person to put two and two together.
An explosion occurring on Lei Tian Platform for no apparent reason,
and coincidentally when the Six-winged Divine Tiger was about to
win? If not for the explosive destruction, the demon beast would
have crushed the insolent young man long ago.
Someone dared to cheat on the holy Lei Tian Platform?
The crowd started to buzz.
The people of Yan city saw the battles on Lei Tian Platform of nothing
short of holy. Such incidents had never happened before and now
these outsiders dared to do such a thing like cheating to desecrate
their holy stage. Hard to say, maybe even the past few battles were
won using such dirty tricks.

Chapter 334: Return
It was only after overhearing everyone's discussion did Zhao DaZhou
realize that someone had sneaked in and attacked them during the
duel. Fortunately, someone strong saved them, otherwise XiaoHu
and him could have lost.
Just as Zhao DaZhou thought to look for the person who rescued
XiaoHu and him, an excited voice arose from below the stage.
"Fifth-shixiong, we're here." The voice was exceptionally familiar and
Zhao DaZhou, for a moment, didn't react.
When he saw the person waving at him from below the stage, Zhao
DaZhou was so thrilled that he bounced over and even forgot to call
back his cute little tiger.
"Little-shidi, I've finally found you." Zhao DaZhou hugged You
XiaoMo with such eagerness that his eyes nearly fell out. Only
heaven knew the struggles he went through on the road from
TianXin Sect to Yan City.
You XiaoMo was also happy to be able to see a familiar face in a
foreign land. Like two overgrown kids, You XiaoMo and Zhao DaZhou
spun around as they hugged. This was a rare moment when Ling Xiao
did not stop him from getting too close to another man.
The Lei Tian Platform was naturally not a good place to talk and Zhao
DaZhou could be considered a main player during the incident so
there was many who were paying close attention. Therefore, You
XiaoMo refrained from the serious business and instead asked about
how he had started the feud with the youngster on the way.
The cause of this incident could be said to be due to Zhao DaZhou's
incitement, however, the continuation was not all completely his

It was the first time that Zhao DaZhou and the cute little tiger had
visited such a big city, so they were naturally shocked to witness such
a sight. It was rare for the cute little tiger was to be so interested,
thus the human and beast enthusiastically strolled around. During
that, the cute little tiger accidentally knocked into that youngster,
and even stained his clothes with something dirty.
As one could imagine, the youngster was not very forgiving. Zhao
DaZhou soundly apologized, but the youngster refused to budge on
teaching the cute little tiger a lesson. Zhao DaZhou took offense, thus
sparked the duel at the Lei Tian Platform.
Fortunately the incident had been resolved, and thus the youngster
and his entourage became but a brief interlude.
The party hastily returned to the inn. Since it concerned personal
business, on the way, Gao Yang and his teammates bid their
farewells and returned to DaoXin Academy.
Closing the door, You XiaoMo even let Ling Xiao put up a layer of
wards on the outside of the room to prevent others from
But Ling Xiao just looked at him with disdain.
"Fifth-shixiong, tell me quickly, what happened to the TianXin Sect?
Was it Ye-shishu who send you here?" Once he opened his mouth,
You XiaoMo shot out a barrage of questions.
Zhao DaZhou knew that his Little-shidi was very anxious. He had
been prepared to tell him about this matter, so he explained calmly
and thoroughly, "For the time being, the TianXin Sect is all right. You
don't need to worry. It is indeed Ye-shishu who sent me to look for
Originally, the best candidate to send over to You XiaoMo was Fang
ChenYue as he was more tactful. However, Fang ChenYue and Fu

ZiLin had left the TianXin Sect a year ago to go on a journey, and no
one was sure when they would be back.
Ye Han couldn't possibly have sent a random person to look for You
XiaoMo and Ling Xiao, therefore he could only resort to Zhao
DaZhou, the one who You XiaoMo was usually the closest to.
Zhao DaZhou did not disappoint him either. Knowing that You
XiaoMo could be in danger, he took on this task without demur and
did not even ask for a reason. However, Ye Han did fill him in a little.
You XiaoMo discovered that everything proceeded as per Ling Xiao's
speculations, and asked, "Then, it was Ye-shishu who revealed the
information that we're in DaoXin Academy?"
Zhao DaZhou was not thick, and he knew what You XiaoMo was
alluding to.
Zhao DaZhou said, "It was indeed Ye-shishu who revealed that
information. However, you should not blame him either, as he did it
for the sake of the TianXin Sect. Those people were just too strong. If
he did not reveal it, only destruction awaited the TianXin Sect."
"Then did he not consider our situation?" You XiaoMo said with a tint
of distraught.
Zhao DaZhou suddenly laughed, "Ye-shishu said that you guys would
be fine."
Actually, in the beginning, he did not believe it either as those people
were truly strong. Even the sect master and the great elders could
not beat them, but now seeing them completely fine, he believed in
Ye Han's words.
"What does that mean?" asked Ling Xiao.
Zhao DaZhou looked at Ling Xiao. He never understood why his Xiao-
shidi would be together with this person, but since this was his
choice, there was nothing Zhao DaZhou could say. And proven by the

situation, if Ling Xiao was not by his Xiao-shidi's side, his Xiao-shidi
would not have come out unharmed.
"Ye-shishu said you're stronger than those people, and you guys
were living in DaoXin Academy. No matter how strong those people
were, they would not dare to challenge the DaoXin Academy.
Therefore, even if he told them your whereabouts, they could not
have done anything to you guys either."
"He sure is confident." Ling Xiao said as he smirked.
This Ye Han was not to be taken lightly. In fact, he was more suitable
to be the sect master. Unfortunately, he had his ambitions
elsewhere; otherwise Zhou Peng would not be the one in the sect
master's position.
You XiaoMo also had to admit that Ye Han's actions were correct.
With one move, he could let them know that there were people
coming, harboring ill will, and protect the TianXin Sect - it was just
like killing two birds with one stone.
Although half of You XiaoMo's memories from the TianXin Sect were
not good, the current TianXin Sect was not the same as the past and
he no longer wished for the eradication of the TianXin Sect.
"In addition, Ye-shishu told me to convey something to you guys."
Zhao DaZhou continued, "Ye-shishu said that the reason those
people would have knocked on the TianXin Sect's door would be
related to your hometown, Peach Blossom Village. Furthermore,
Jiang Liu, who also originated from Peach Blossom Village and joined
the TianXin Sect together with you, disappeared after the event. Ye-
shishu also said that if you want to know the truth, it's best to head
to Peach Blossom Village. Maybe you'll be able to unveil the truth."
t/n: Jiang Liu first appeared in Chapter 1. He came from the same
hometown as You XiaoMo and was also the one who helped Tang
YunQi kidnap You XiaoMo in Chapter 71.

You XiaoMo felt deeply that he would have to make a trip back as
Ling Xiao was indifferent to it all. He had never objected to returning,
and they needed to get to the bottom of this matter. Otherwise, it
was not possible for them to determine the real objective of that
"How did Jiang Liu disappear?" Some memories surfaced for You
XiaoMo after hearing this familiar name once more. Naturally, the
memories were nothing good.
Zhao DaZhou shook his head, "We don't know, he just disappeared
suddenly." He had no real impression of Jiang Liu. The TianXin Sect
did dispatch some people to look for him after he disappeared,
however they were unable to find him.
You XiaoMo did not have a favorable impression of Jiang Liu and
simply asked out of a token of curiosity then stopped. For now, they
had to take leave as soon as possible for a trip back and to clarify the
sequence of events for them to deal with the aftermath.
After that, You XiaoMo felt worried about Zhao DaZhou, and told
Ling Xiao to take him into his dimension. For the time being, it was
inconvenient for him to know about You XiaoMo's dimension. Not
that he was afraid that Zhao DaZhou would reveal it, but he was
afraid that if he knew it, it would bring disaster upon him.
Zhao DaZhou also wanted to experience what an expert's dimension
was like so he agreed to enter into the dimension once they have
returned to DaoXin Academy.
When they finished talking, You XiaoMo accompanied Zhao DaZhou
out to Yan City on a stroll around the city.
He himself was not very familiar with Yan City either, so the two
went crazy for a whole day before showing some constraint.

They were unaware that others had been monitoring them for the
entirety of the day.
Only until You XiaoMo prepared to return to DaoXin Academy did
those people cease their surveillance, as there were many who were
strong in DaoXin Academy, their spies were unable to enter.
However, unbeknownst to them, after they left the inn, someone
visited the room that Zhao DaZhou stayed in. Yet they were
foreordained to miss the person they were looking for.
"Damn it!" The youngster ferociously punched the table. The table
was of good quality, but even so it was unable to bear the
youngster's strength and with a 'bang', it collapsed.
The youngster was the one from yesterday who got into a conflict
with Zhao DaZhou.
A middle-aged man spoke, "Master, there is no need to be angry
since they'll pay eventually. Although I didn't expect them to be
In a malicious tone the youngster said, "You're right, we'll get them
Back at Dao Xin Academy, You XiaoMo knew that two days weren't
going to be enough for his excursion, so he needed an extension. For
the application to go through immediately, he went to find the old
The old man was one of the Academy's head so if he approved, You
XiaoMo didn't need to go through anyone else.
For the success of getting the old man to approve, You XiaoMo
specifically waited till the day the first personality came out to speak
of him going back to his old home.
As expected the first personality was easier to convince then the
second, just after he told him of the issue the old man approved his

vacation. It was so quick and simple that You XiaoMo felt teary eyed.
He really treasured the first personality more.
Once Feng ChiYun and Tong YueXu found out he was going to leave
for a while, arrived a day before his departure to say goodbye only to
find he was already level eight. Then as silently as they came, left.
Tang YuLin didn't join them since he was still at the Cultivation
Center. He'd pretty much stopped eating and sleeping to train.
This almost made BaLi TianYi go insane. Although the problem of
Tang YuLin being too lazy to train was solved, another arose. If he
wasn't at the Gravity Mountain he was at the Cultivation Center a
direct cause of their plumping in-bed time. It must be said, once you
had experienced it once, quitting, like alcohol, was difficult.
On a morning two days later, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao left Dao Xin
Academy together.
The moment they made sure no one was trailing them, Ling Xiao
pulled Zhao DaZhou out.
"I'm never going in that dimension again." Exclaimed Zhao DaZhou as
he got out. Faced red from holding in his breath, he had thought that
the dimension was a magical place but instead there was nothing.
You XiaoMo glance at him, "Even if you wanted, there wasn't going
to be another chance."
Zhao DaZhou choked a bit.

Chapter 335: The TianXin Sect
From Yan City, the fastest way to return to the TianXin Sect was
through the use of a transport circle.
The current You XiaoMo was no longer the same old You XiaoMo. Be
it in strength or in the psychological aspect, all aspects had
increased. The transportation circle was no longer a hurdle for him.
The mode of transport used by You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao the last
time they came to Yan City was by riding the Gigantic Firebird. The
location they disembarked from the Gigantic Firebird was at the
outskirts of Yan City and the transportation circle they were going to
be travelling by was nearby.
The three immediately hurried out after exiting the city gates.
It took them less than half an hour to reach the transfer point.
The transfer point had many transport circles and the circles were
organized up based on the transportation distance. They were going
back to the South and would be covering a very long distance, thus
they needed to use the largest transport circle.
The price of using the transport circle was much more expensive
than what You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao paid when they first came from
NanYe City. They paid a hundred thousand gold coins at that time.
Such a sum was already considered to be expensive. But now, the
price had more than doubled and they were required to pay two
hundred thousand gold coins per person.
The upside was that Yan City's transport circle would bypass Hei Yin
Village and they would be sent directly to the in-the-middle-of-
nowhere Nan Ye City. Unfortunately, transport circles only ran one-
way, thus people were unable to be sent directly from Nan Ye City to
Yan City.

Zhao DaZhou was speechless when he heard this, "Although the
journey from the North to South is very far, but this price is too
outrageous. All the gold coins that I am carrying have been already
been spent."
Ye Han gave him a lot of gold coins before he sent Zhao DaZhou to
look for You XiaoMo.
At that time, Zhao DaZhou was surprised at the large sum. He was
only just going to find his little shidi. In his estimation, the journey
there and back should not cost that much gold coin. Contrary to his
expectations, all his gold coins had been nearly spent before even
finding the person he was tasked to. Furthermore, the commodity
prices in Yan City were too expensive.
Only then did he realize why Yan-shishu had let him carry more gold
You XiaoMo took out six hundred crystal coins and passed them to
the person in charge of the transport circle. One crystal coin was
equivalent to a thousand gold coins. Six hundred would naturally be
six hundred thousand. As he never had a need to use these coins, he
was still able to afford the measly sum of six hundred crystal coins.
The present him did not even feel that distressed about spending
this amount anymore, as he had never once used the crystal coins
since he had entered DaoXin Academy.
Zhao DaZhou was nearly drooling upon witnessing this scene.
He had heard of this stuff called crystal coins but had never seen
them before.
Seeing his little shidi take out six hundred coins in a blink of an eye,
he was envious to the max.

Zhao DaZhou was tempted and after hesitating for a moment, he
cajoled, "Xiao shidi, these crystal coins are very pretty. Can I have a
few of them?"
When he finished speaking, the mini XiaoHu riding on his shoulder
also cried out in echo of his request.
You XiaoMo's mouth twitched and he threw five crystal coins to him
in passing.
Zhou DaZhou was so fond that he could not bear to let go of the
coins and even threw one to XiaoHu to play with.
With two claws holding a crystal coin that was almost the same size
as him, the cute little tiger looked at it in a daze. He looked just like
the first time they met him, when the tiger used two claws to hug his
mother's life crystal. This gave one the impression that he did not
progress much.
You XiaoMo could not refrain from asking something he had always
been curious about, "Fifth-shixiong, how did XiaoHu's cultivation
base rise so high? Was there some stroke of luck?"
Zhao DaZhou breathed out on the crystal coins and used his sleeve to
polish them, looking just like a miser. You XiaoMo frowned as he saw
this. Only when Zhou DaZhou caught sight of his expression did he
say, "It's not a stroke of luck. However, the barrier to the Paradise
Realm disappeared a year after you guys left the TianXin Sect."
You XiaoMo was astonished, "What in the world happened?!"
Zhou DaZhou explained, "I’m also not too sure about it. After the
barrier disappeared, the entire Paradise Realm appeared in front of
everyone and many people ran over to hunt for treasure. There were
both humans and demon beasts going treasure hunting and it was
extremely chaotic. XiaoHu acquired an inheritance in the Paradise
Realm, that’s why he has his current cultivation base."

As for the method to conceal his cultivation base, it was also
included in the cute little tiger's inheritance. Therefore, this was the
reason that middle-aged man did not discover its true strength.
However, the opening of the Paradise Realm meant that it was no
longer a treasure that the TianXin Sect and the other great powers
could monopolize. Many wandering practitioners were attracted to
visit the famous location and came in droves. The TianXin Sect and
the QingCheng Sect were afraid to arouse public indignation, so they
did not limit those who could enter the Paradise Realm. This was also
the reason why the Paradise Realm was currently the most
dangerous place in the South.
You XiaoMo suddenly asked after a while, "Fifth-shixiong, did Da-
shisxiong and Second-shixiong say anything before they left the
TianXin Sect? Why did they suddenly decide to go on a journey?"
Zhao DaZhou deliberated, "I don't think they said anything. They had
already left when I knew of this incident. But you don't need to
worry, the one protecting Da-shixiong and Second-shixiong are
strong demon beasts. Nothing will happen to them."
You XiaoMo was actually worried that his Da-shixiong and Second-
shixiong had left TianXin Sect because they knew about the news of
the death of their teacher. However, that did not seem to be the
case from Zhao DaZhou's tone.
Just as he started musing over it, Ling Xiao abruptly grasped his
shoulder, "We can go now."
You XiaoMo and Zhao DaZhou then discovered that the people using
the transport circle had gathered. Yan City and the type of city like
Nan Ye City could not be compared with each other at all. There
were many people travelling all around every day, thus it was not
long before the number of people required to activate the transport
circle was met.

Just as they had left, the youngster and his entourage arrived.
Knowing that they were travelling to the transport circle in the
South, the youngster's group followed behind without further ado.
At the Nan Ye City transfer point three days later,.
Zhao DaZhou's two legs were weak and You XiaoMo had to support
him out of the transport circle. This was his first time travelling by a
transport circle for such a long time. In addition, his own strength
was not that high so he nearly vomited.
You XiaoMo could understand his feelings. That day, the three stayed
at an inn in Nan Ye City until Zhao DaZhou had nearly recovered
before they left.
As for the group following them, they had lost sight of their targets
when You XiaoMo and the other two left the transfer point.
You XiaoMo and the other two finally returned to the TianXin
Academy two days later. Their arrival did not incite any waves at the
TianXin Sect as they had secretly returned.
Zhao DaZhou went back to Capital Peak to report his well-being to
his father, while You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao went to Yun Shui Peak to
see Ye Han. Ye Han was much the same, other than enrichment in Ye
Han's cultivation base, there was not a large difference. He was not
surprised with their arrival.
"You guys arrived faster than I thought," Ye Han laughed. Ye Han was
after all an elder. You XiaoMo did not dare to be impudent in front of
him, so he could only look at Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao was not so scrupulous and he got right to the point, "Let's
put aside the pleasantries. Do you know where those people came
Ye Han replied, "Looks like you guys have crossed paths with them. I
presume that Zhao-shizi had already told you guys of this matter.

However, I suspect that the people looking for you are not just that
group of people. There should also be another group. You have to be
mentally prepared."
You XiaoMo cursed after hearing that. To think that there were still
some more! He felt that he had played his part of 'You XiaoMo'
perfectly since he was transmigrated here. But he did not know if the
past You XiaoMo was restless or not.
After getting the answers they wanted, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao
were not in a hurry to head to Peach Blossom Village. You XiaoMo
wanted to have a little rest. According to his version of events, they
had travelled non-stop for many days and he was tired.
Ling Xiao did not doubt him. In any case, he was also not in a hurry.
The next day, You XiaoMo took the chance when Ling Xiao and Zhou
Peng were reminiscing together to secretly sneak out to inquire for
information. That's right, secretly, because he simply did not know
where the Peach Blossom Village was. He had asked Jiang Liu about
the location of the Peach Blossom Village before, but it was quite a
long time ago. Under the assumption that there would not be any
reason for him to return in this lifetime, he forgot about the
Jiang Liu had already disappeared so it was not possible to ask him.
Therefore, he could only look for those fellow villagers who had
joined the TianXin Sect together with him.
You XiaoMo quickly found one with Zhao DaZhou's help. This person
was the only one who had become an inner sect disciple besides him
and Jiang Liu. The rest had either left the TianXin Sect, or had
transferred to the Commerce Department.
The name of the fellow villager was very ordinary - he was called
Jiang Da.

Everyone in Peach Blossom Village was surnamed Jiang. However,
You XiaoMo was the exception as he took on his father's surname
and his father was not from Peach Blossom Village.
Jiang Da was panic-stricken upon knowing that You XiaoMo was
looking for him.
Two years had passed since that war was over, but You XiaoMo had
long left a deep and indelible impression in the hearts of his fellow
villagers. Jiang Liu had once bullied 'You XiaoMo' and was afraid that
You XiaoMo was there to take revenge. In truth, he was overthinking
"Relax, relax, I just want to ask you something." You XiaoMo
immediately knew that he had frightened his fellow villager when he
saw that Jiang Da was as mute as a fish.
"What-what thing?" Jiang Liu stuttered out.
You XiaoMo lamented a little. It was always him who was stuttering
at other people. Who would have thought that there would be a day
where someone was stuttering at him, "Actually, it's not a big deal.
It's just that I had accidently knocked my head before and can't really
recall the things in my past. Therefore, I wanted to ask you where
our native place, Peach Blossom Village, is at."
Jiang Da sighed in relief.
After getting the answers he wanted, You XiaoMo placidly went
back. Ling Xiao was not back yet and You XiaoMo did not wish to
wantonly publicize the news that they had returned. Currently, their
enemies were hidden in the dark while they were in the light and
acting too ostentatiously was detrimental to them. Ling Xiao
returned in the afternoon.
You XiaoMo temporarily stationed the Bird of Pride at the TianXin
Sect before they left.

Although nothing seemed to be happening to the TianXin Sect now,
it was difficult to guarantee that some groups of people would not
come knocking. In addition, Ye-shishu had also said that there was
not only a single group looking for them.
It was only after ensuring the safety of the TianXin Sect that they left
for Peach Blossom Village.
Peach Blossom Village was not far from the TianXin Sect. They only
needed half a day to reach it.

Chapter 336: Peach Blossom Village
Peach Blossom Village was a beautiful place surrounded by peach
trees. Around March, when they blossomed, these petals filled up
the sky as they danced, a once in a lifetime sight. This attracted many
tourists for sightseeing, making this time of the year the busiest.
Around November, when the peaches started to grow plump and
juicy, they filled the mountain with mature peach trees. The villagers
lived modestly, when the peaches weren't sold, they were given as
gifts to tourist, thus spreading their name far and wide.
You XiaoMo's mother was a beauty birthed from this Peach Blossom
Village and was known as the Peach Blossom Goddess. With
numerous followers and suitors, she had a beautifully sounding
name, Jiang TaoEr.
Jiang TaoEr was attractive and lovely, growing up in the village, she
never took a step outside. Since her father, the previous village
mayor, protected her so well that even she was untainted.
Sadly, since the incident, Jiang TaoEr was slowly forgotten.
Once in a while, looking at the flowing petals in the sky, people
would remember the Peach Blossom Goddess who danced beneath
the peach trees.
Although Jiang TaoEr was forgotten, the villagers couldn't forget
about what happened that year, it left such an everlasting
For You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao, it was easy to find out what happened
twenty years ago.
Twenty years ago, when Jiang TaoEr was seventeen, in her prime,
and at the time able to marry, her father was reluctant give her away
so easily.

Jiang Hai was forty when his baby daughter was born and because
his wife was too old when she gave birth, she became bedridden
right after. It wasn't long before she died, leaving the daughter and
father by themselves.
Even though Jiang Hai had always pampered Jiang TaoEr,
miraculously she didn't grow out of shape but prettier by the day
with a doting personality too. In a year's time, from when she was
sixteen to seventeen, those who wanted her hand at marriage didn't
But, because Jiang Hai kept rejecting those suitors, some with ill
intentions decided to deceive Jiang TaoEr into leaving the village.
Being as naïve as she was, and fond of the outside world, she was
successfully fooled.
What happened was easy to guess, they tried to rape her. However,
their plan was fooled. Someone came and saved Jiang TaoEr and
funnily enough, they fell in love at first sight. They kept it a secret
from Jiang Hai and by the time they were exposed, she was already
Thinking family matters should be kept secret, and not wanting to
ruin his daughter's name, he had to approve of their marriage,
although unwillingly.
Once they became married, they were very much in love and the
man had talent too. He was the one who built up the tourist industry
in Peach Blossom Village. Although it wasn't until much later did
Jiang Hai approve of their love and treated him as his son.
Sadly, all goods things must come to an end as the man disappeared
when You XiaoMo became a month old. Nothing was heard of him
since and no one had seen him either.

Some say he was tired of the life in Peach Blossom Village, others
said he was destined for greatness so he wouldn't be satisfied with
such a tiny village and thus left his wife and son.
They would also say he was but playing with Jiang TaoEr and he
became bored, then he left. There was also some who said he died.
Numerous rumors were there but the truth was that he never came
Jiang TaoEr soon became depressed and at the tender age of twenty,
two years after the incident, left. Still she was beautiful as a flower
and unlike three years ago had a hint of mature appeal, leaving a
lasting impression in the villagers.
The old mayor soon died of grief, leaving the small You XiaoMo later
being taken in by his grandfather's father and mother's uncle.
A comedic story, but with a bitter end.
All those who heard the story couldn't help but sigh.
Once upon a time, there was a goddess beneath the peach blossom
The elderly who took You XiaoMo in was one who believed that his
father had died so that wasa what he had told You XiaoMo. That was
what many villagers believed too.
When You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao were listening, the version of the
story they heard the most was - the man died!
If one asked anymore, the elders would most definitely start
swearing since Jiang TaoEr's death was directly connected to him.
Jiang TaoEr left such a strong positive impression on the villagers.
"Looks like we have to find my Great Grandfather." You XiaoMo said
In the end, it was still a beautiful story since before the man left
without a word, he had done no harm to Jiang TaoEr.

You XiaoMo thought such a man, one who was so good to his wife
and her family, was not one to abandon them. He must have had a
reason and that reason should be what they were searching for.
Ling Xiao looked at him, "That's what you should have already done."
You XiaoMo touched his nose feeling slightly guilty. He didn't go
because he had never seen his grandfather's father, he was afraid of
identifying the wrong person and being exposed.
As to not waste more time, they went directly to Jiang TaoEr's uncle's
The uncle's house was easy enough to spot. After the old mayor
passed away, he became the next mayor.
The Peach Blossom Village had an old tradition of having every
mayor living in the Peach Blossom Compound. Their family could go
too, but once the mayor passed, they had to move out. The rule had
never been broken.
It was easy to spot, beside the compound were two one-hundred
year old peach trees and only those two bloomed all year round. This
year was not the blossoming season, so they were more apparent.
As You XiaoMo stood in front of the compound thinking of an
approach, unbeknownst to him, Ling Xiao was looking at him, deep in
"XiaoMo?" That was when, by his ear, a puzzled voice sounded.
You XiaoMo turned to look and that was when he noticed a forty or
so middle-aged man looking at him quizzically with an expression of
He didn't know how to respond since he couldn't recognize this
His mother's uncle was only older than Jiang Hai by a year but had
many children. Comparatively Jiang Hai had only a few descendants

and even the original You XiaoMo, who had died, was at two ends of
the spectrum.
The uncle's house, other than the two sons who left to go work, all
stayed in the village. Even with that his close family had a dozen
members. As if he could tell who this person was.
So, You XiaoMo had to awkwardly ignore the name and answered,
"Eh…it's me, I'm back."
Good thing the middle-age man didn't fuss over it and once he
confirmed it was You XiaoMo, showed a face of delight. Immediately
he walked over and pulled You XiaoMo's arm towards the compound
as he said, "Ever since you were taken in by the TianXin Sect, Great
Grandpa has missed you. If he saw you coming back, he would be
really happy."
Great Grandpa, the one who took in You XiaoMo was already eighty
or so of age.
At this age and still remembering You XiaoMo, he really was loved.
By You XiaoMo's belief, if he took the place of the original then he
was obligated to treat his relatives well, since he did give him a body.
So, without a word of complaint, he let the man drag him into the
compound. At least it was a good excuse.
Ling Xiao followed with little presence.
Even before they were in, the middle-aged man's excited voice could
be heard, "Dad, Grandpa, come out, look who is here to meet you."
The first to come out running was a middle-aged woman with an
imposing manner, as if she was ready to swear and yell given the
chance. However, when she saw You XiaoMo at the rear, her
reaction became the same as the middle-aged man and she ran back
in excitement to report his coming.
What a passionate family!

You XiaoMo felt the sweat forming on his back.
Once they were inside, everyone had already rushed over to the
living room. Pairs and pairs of bright eyes stared at You XiaoMo.
Jiang TaoEr's uncle came from the back supporting an elderly man.
Even though the elderly man looked like he was in his sixties, You
XiaoMo knew this was his Great Grandfather.
Once the elderly man laid eyes on You XiaoMo, the look of
excitement was stronger than anyone. He walked over and with
emaciated arms gently held his hands, as he spoke "Child, Great
Grandfather being able to see you again in this life, it's wonderful!"
Ever since You XiaoMo was taken away, the TianXin Sect had told
them that it was likely he would never see him again. For
practitioners, time was the least valuable item. That was why when
they saw You XiaoMo they were so excited.
In the beginning, You XiaoMo felt slightly uncomfortable but the
elder's words infected him, from his trembling hands a wave of
emotion washed over. This was kinship, in his past life, even when
his parents were alive, he rarely felt it.
"Great Grandpa, I'm back."
With these words, the elder's eyes were filled with hot tears.
This was his second son's only grandchildren. The one he raised.
Even though he was reluctant a few years back about sending him to
the TianXin Sect, he knew You XiaoMo missed his father. How could
he stop him from searching for his only father?
"Sweet child, quickly, come inside." The elderly man guided him

Chapter 337: More Than Two Groups
You XiaoMo easily managed to fish for the information he wanted
from them.
There had definitely been some people who came to Peach Blossom
Village to look for information a while ago. The one who met them at
that time was the second son of Jiang TaoEr's uncle. This was also
the middle-aged man who had recognized You XiaoMo, Jiang Tao.
Although Jiang Tao was already forty plus years old, he seldom left
Peach Blossom Village and was inexperienced in the ways of the
world. He divulged about everything once those people started
fishing for information. However, even if he did not spill the beans,
the affair about Jiang TaoEr was not a secret in Peach Blossom
Village. They would also be able to get the same information if they
randomly asked someone of the older generation.
As they had suspected, those people had come searching for You
XiaoMo and even asked if You XiaoMo's father had left anything for
his son.
But Jiang Tao did not know about that as they did not live under the
same roof in the first place. However, some information was still
leaked out. For example, the information that You XiaoMo had been
taken away by people from the TianXin Sect. This was also the reason
why those people would come knocking on the TianXin Sect's door.
Jiang Tao did not know that You XiaoMo's great grandfather knew
about this matter.
However, his great grandfather would probably not speak about this
even if he knew, as this was something that happened a long time
ago. In addition, it was also something that concerned their own
family and there was no reason to tell outsiders about it.

You XiaoMo did not dare tarry too long in Peach Blossom Village. He
was afraid to implicate them and after getting the information he
wanted, he left together with Ling Xiao.
Before leaving, he left some low-grade magic pills for his uncle's
family as they were unable to use middle-grade or high-grade magic
pills. Those magic pills were all beneficial for the body and some
could even extend one's life, letting them really live to be a hundred
years old.
The old man was reluctant to part with You XiaoMo but he still
allowed him to leave.
On the day they left, the old man specially accompanied him to the
entrance of the village.
You XiaoMo repeatedly turned to look back at every step. Within a
few short hours, he had already regarded the old man as his great
grandpa. Finally, he had been carried away by Ling Xiao while in the
midst of being reluctant to part.
"Put me down, I can walk by myself." You XiaoMo protested.
Ling Xiao turned a deaf ear. Only when they had walked till the Peach
Blossom Village could not be seen did he let You XiaoMo go.
With an ' ouch', You XiaoMo landed butt first on the ground.
Ling Xiao ignored his plaintive gaze, and thoughtfully said, "Seems
like it is as Ye Han had said. There are definitely two or more groups
looking for us."
You XiaoMo swallowed back the questions he was preparing to ask,
and instead questioned, "Why do you say as such?"
Ling Xiao replied, "You dunce. If that Dong Shen was the person who
came to Peach Blossom Village, he should have known your name.
But from the circumstances at that time, it was obvious that he did

not know. Therefore, the one who gathered information from your
uncle should be from another group."
That was reasonable!
You XiaoMo nodded, "Then my dimension should be what they are
looking for."
The most valuable thing on the genuine You XiaoMo's body before
he joined the TianXin Sect was that blue teardrop dimension. He did
not find any valuable things other than that.
Therefore, he was certain that they were aiming for his dimension
and this dimension was probably the only keepsake that his so-called
father had left for him.
"Let's talk about this when we get back." Ling Xiao said, "Speaking of
that, I do have a question."
"What question?" You XiaoMo did not understand so he asked.
Ling Xiao beamed as he looked at You XiaoMo, "You appear to be
quite unfamiliar with Peach Blossom Village. Is this not your
hometown that you've lived in for over ten years?"
You XiaoMo tried his best to affect a clam expression and used an
indifferent tone to say, "Oh, that's because I accidentally knocked my
head in the past. I was in a daze after waking up for some time and
there are some things which I can't remember clearly. I even forgot
how I entered TianXin Sect and it was Jiang Liu who told me about it
It was not wrong to say this. The first person he saw at that time
when he woke up was his fellow villager Jiang Liu. Some of the things
he knew were obtained from him.
Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes, "How did you hit your head?"
You XiaoMo scratched his head, "I don't remember it too clearly, but
I think that I accidently tripped over a stone."

Ling Xiao abruptly injected, "To even be able to trip while walking,
it's really your style."
You XiaoMo, "…"
He believed it just like that?
On account of him getting through this hurdle, You XiaoMo decided
to pardon Ling Xiao for implying about the fact that he was stupid.
The two picked up their pace. Ling Xiao had intended to directly
return to DaoXin Academy, but You XiaoMo wanted to personally say
goodbye to Zhao DaZhou and the rest. Thus, the two returned to the
TianXin Sect again.
At the same time, the group that had followed You XiaoMo to the
South went to look for the TianXin Sect again. The middle-aged
man's indomitable strength instantly alarmed all the experts in the
TianXin Sect.
Zhou Peng immediately led his people and hurried to the plaza. This
was the same plaza where the war where the Qing Cheng Sect came
to attack the TianXin Sect occurred and was also the place where
Tang Fan died. His heart sank after he saw four familiar faces in the
plaza, "It's you guys again? My Ye-shishu has already told you guys
about the whereabouts of You-shidi. What else do you all want?"
The youngster scornfully glanced at him, and soon coldly stated, "Call
Zhao DaZhou and You XiaoMo out." They had already figured out
that one of the people Zhao DaZhou had returned with was the one
they were looking for.
That's right. This group was the one that came knocking on the
TianXin Sect's door!
But this time it could be said that the phrase 'one will search high
and low only to find it when one least expects to' really applied to
their situation. They had been fretting about how they could

infiltrate DaoXin Academy. Who would have thought that their target
would actually walk out?
"You guys better not bully us so excessively."
Once Zhou Peng heard what they said, he theorized that they already
knew about the return of You XiaoMo and the rest. Although he did
not know how they got the information, don't think that they would
compromise again this time. They had disclosed the information the
last time as they had no choice.
After the middle-aged man heard this, he calmly remarked, "This
insignificant TianXin Sect dares to be so impudent in front of this old
fellow. Looks like you people want to refuse a toast and be forced to
drink a forfeit."

t/n: to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit means to

hesitate to do something until one is forced to do even more.
Zhou Peng suddenly stared at the middle-aged man in fear.
They would not have yielded the last time, if not for the middle-aged
man being too strong.
Although they desperately trained after that encounter, an expert
that could go head to head with him had still not appeared in the
TianXin Sect. The strongest was only a peak seven star Imperial
Realm practitioner, but this middle-aged man was an Emperor Realm
expert. The disparity was just too large.
Zhou Peng spoke with an unchanging expression, "Sire, I admit that
you are really strong. Although the TianXin Sect is just a speck in your
eye, it is also not a bone that's good to gnaw on. If this one may offer
a bit of advice, there's still time for you to leave. Otherwise you
would be reaping what you sow should you choke on this bone."
The hand that the middle-aged man lifted paused and his reserved
eyes stared at Zhou Peng with a trace of surprise.

This person seemed to be a little different compared to before. He
had more self-confidence and a hint of pressure. Why had he
changed so much? Could it be it was because that mage You XiaoMo
was back so it made them feel at ease?
The middle-aged man felt that this idea was too ridiculous. He glared
at Zhou Peng and coldly snorted, "What a bluff. Since you are all
looking for death, this old fellow will fulfill your wish."
"Fulfill what, you old ignorant man? If you want to deal with the
TianXin Sect, you'll have to go through me first." At this moment, a
sound akin to the clap of thunder resounded in midair.
Everyone was stunned. In an instant, a red shadow similar to a
meteor streaked across the horizon and flew in front of everyone.
Wearing a red brocade robe and with a ridiculous dressing style, it
was the Bird of Pride, the new member of the Qiu team - LanQiu.
Other than Zhou Peng, everyone was gawking.
The middle-aged man's face slightly twisted. With his judgment, he
could naturally see through LanQiu's original form and strength. They
did not see this Bird of Pride before and abruptly had a bad
premonition. The man had always felt that the development of
things would not be that simple, and now things seemed to have
exceeded his expected range.
The people from the TianXin Sect were already having a lively
discussion about LanQiu's origins.
"You ugly thing, don't interfere in this matter between the TianXin
Sect and us. Since you are a Seven Sins Beast, then you must have
heard of Yin Yang Valley. If you don't wish to be killed by the Yin Yang
Valley, scram before this young master's sight."
The youngster was slightly startled when heard from the middle-
aged man that the one who had arrived was the Bird of Pride. But he

soon snorted in disdain, so what if it's a Seven Sins Beast? Even the
Emperor Beast had to show the Yin Yang Valley some courtesy.
Yin Yang Valley? LanQiu's expression changed slightly.
He had come down from a higher realm and had naturally heard of
Yin Yang Valley. But what had truly alarmed him was not these three
words but some great power behind Yin Yang Valley.
Things would be troublesome if they were from Yin Yang Valley.
"If you're scared then you should hand the person over. This young
master may even think about letting the TianXin Sect off." The
youngster had caught the change in the Bird of Pride's expression
and could not help but let out a contemptuous smile. As he had
expected, this was only a group of inferior beings.
A murderous intent flashed through LanQiu's eyes. The thing he
hated the most was when others called him an ugly thing. So what if
they were people from Yin Yang Valley?! This was a Middle Level
Realm! A brat stinking of breast milk actually dared to throw his
weight around in front of this uncle?!
"Watch out!" The middle-aged man suddenly shouted and his figure
immediately appeared in front of the youngster to block LanQiu's
sneak attack.
Carrying a strong corroding nature, an ash gray radiance that was
difficult to perceive emitted out. A hole was instantly corroded in the
defense shield that was condensed from the middle-aged man's
spiritual power.

Chapter 338: The Captured Young Master
A few hours later Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo reached the TianXin
Sect's territory. A little further was the grand plaza, but that was
when Ling Xiao slowed down his flying speed.
You XiaoMo realized this abnormality and surprised, looked up and
asked, "What's wrong?"
Ling Xiao slightly squinted his eyes, "Don't you see that the
atmosphere around the TianXin Sect changed?"
Hearing that, You XiaoMo took a deep breath and just as he was
about to speak, 'bam' a hand gently hit his head…
"That hurts…" You XiaoMo said as tears flowed down his face like
noodles and covered his head.
"Stupid, you think you can smell atmosphere?" Ling Xiao laughingly
You XiaoMo looked at him piteously, he was being creative okay!
Just in the two days they had left, someone had come to make
trouble for the TianXin Sect and the place of the incident was that
grand plaza. Even from far away they could tell there were two sides
facing off and one, obviously, was Zhou Peng and the others.
Once You XiaoMo could see clearly who those picking a fight was, his
jaw nearly dropped to the floor.
"You're kidding, why would those people be here?" You XiaoMo
exclaimed as he realized that those who should have been at Yan
City were, in fact, here at TianXin Sect. He couldn't have been seeing
ghosts in the middle of the day, right?
Ling Xiao quirked his eyebrows and said, "Look like they followed us

You XiaoMo replied in disbelief, "If they were following us, how could
you not know?"
Hearing this Ling Xiao explained, "Transport circles have different
timings, no matter how far-reaching I am, I wouldn't be able to find
out that they were on a different transport circle."
Once they had arrived at the South they didn't find anyone stalking
them so that was the only explanation.
The middle-aged man was about as strong as Dong Shen, there was
no way he would miss them.
You XiaoMo reluctantly accepted this explanation, but if that was the
case then they could be fairly certain the one who came to pick on
the TianXin Sect last time was them too.
They arrived not too early and not too late. The fight at the plaza was
reaching its climax. Even though the TianXin Sect had the help of the
Bird of Pride, they were still at a disadvantage. This was only because
the young man had a life-bound contract level nine demon beast and
there was an Imperial level practitioner too. The set-up was very
Although LanQiu was level ten, he was still lower than the middle-
aged man. It was only because he was a demon beast that he could
even compete with the man, however as time went on, the
difference was becoming more apparent.
Seeing this, the young man smiled triumphantly, "By opposing this
young master, your fate has already been decided. Even if you get on
your knees and beg now, it would be of no use."
"Really?" Suddenly, a light laugh could be heard beside his ear.
The young man's face changed. As he was about to dodge, a sharp
blade pressed against the skin on his slender neck. The cold yet sharp
reflection felt as if it would slice through his flesh.

That laughter sounded again, "Eh? Young Master, why aren't you
The young man's face turned livid.
You XiaoMo walked over to the young man and showed a brilliant
smile, "By opposing this young master, your fate has already been
decided. Even if you get on your knees and beg now, I wouldn't let
you go easily."
In return the young man stared at him ruthlessly.
You XiaoMo smiled. He loved using their words against them, you
can't not be pissed.
As he finished, he shouted towards the others who were still fighting
ferociously, "That uncle over there, stop fighting or else I'll make a
mistake and leave a wound on your young master's neck."
Seeing the young master in the enemy's hand, the middle-aged man
showed a slight mishap and LanQiu took the opportunity to attack,
making him throw up blood. When LanQiu wanted to continue, the
middle-aged man did not want to fight anymore.
"Leave young master alone!" a teenager shouted towards You
XiaoMo who was holding the young man hostage.
You XiaoMo looked at him with contempt, only an idiot would let go.
Suddenly Ling Xiao spoke, "Ah, sorry, my hand shook a little."
As the teen saw the young master's neck being slashed by the blade
and hot red blood dripping, he immediately stopped talking. He
didn't dare make anymore rash movements.
Laughingly You XiaoMo said, "That's how it should be, if we must
talk, it should be done seated. Why all the yelling, don't you know we
are easily afraid?"

The teen felt blood in his mouth. You are easily scared but kept the
young master hostage?
"What do you guys want?" The middle-aged man had an ugly
expression. Of course, anyone who had the absolute advantage
before suddenly losing it to the enemy probably wouldn't have a
good expression.
You XiaoMo replied, "Simple, just surrender."
Before the middle-aged man could speak, the young man angrily
replied, "In your dreams."
You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao moved the blade threatening the young man away, and his
surprised expression showed as one of his hands was cut off. Fresh,
red blood shot out, a little chilling.
The young man let out a sound of horror.
Even You XiaoMo trembled a little, he just wanted Ling Xiao to show
the young man a little something, but he didn't think Ling Xiao would
shred off his right hand.
A shrilling and cruel voice sounded out by the young man, "Uncle
Cheng, kill them for me, I want them dead!"
After he finished, his other hand was also cut of by Ling Xiao. This
time slower as he first cut off each finger one by one before slicing
off the whole hand. That way, the pain was intensified a hundred
The middle-aged man was assigned to protect the young man, so he
couldn't watch him get hurt. In the end, he still surrendered, not
before LanQiu gave him a slap.
The young man was still screaming, so You XiaoMo raised his hand to
give him a knock on the head. All was silent again.

Ling Xiao sealed the spiritual power of the middle-aged man and two
other Imperial practitioners then threw them into an underground
So, like this, the grand battle seceded.
Originally Zhou Peng thought that it was going to be a tough fight,
not expecting Da ShiXiong to arrive on time. If it wasn't for them, the
TianXin Sect could have suffered severely. And those who threatened
the TianXin Sect were finally eradicated, so the tension from over the
past few days was removed. Zhou Peng and Ye Han's hearts could
finally be at peace again.
After You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao consolidated with each other, they
decided to take the young man's group with them. They didn't plan
on staying for long anyways. They had only a month of break.
The next day, before You XiaoMo left, he shoved a bottle of magic
pills to Zhao DaZhou. Those pills could help him train, to level up, as
well as the cute little tiger.
So, after bidding farewell, they left the TianXin Sect, but they weren't
in a hurry to return.
On the road to Nan Ye City, Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo went into the
dimension together. In there were the four prisoners who had their
spiritual power sealed.
They still hadn't recovered from the shock yet.
The middle-aged man looked at Ling Xiao with fear. He actually
misjudged, this masked man was actually a practitioner above him.
He could tell from the dimension.
"That day on Lei Tian Platform, the one who ruined our plans was
you?" as he remembered their relationship with Zhao DaZhou, the
middle-aged man finally remembered this incident.
"You're correct, it was me." Ling Xiao generously admitted.

The young man regretted his decision. If he had known the TianXin
Sect had someone this strong, he wouldn't have followed so
ruthlessly. He had always thought that Uncle Chen's strength was the
pinnacle at this realm.
Knowing that they had no advantage, the middle-aged man asked,
"What do you guys really want?"
Ling Xiao let out a laugh.
You XiaoMo said with a little smile, "I almost forgot, my name is You
The group of four, "…"
As if he had saw nothing, You XiaoMo went on, "I heard you guys
were looking for me, what is it that you want?"
The middle-aged man's expression shifted a little, as if he
remembered something.
You XiaoMo knew they weren't going to talk so easily but, he was in
no hurry, they had plenty of time.
Ling Xiao went straight to the point, "I'll ask, and you answer. If you
don't or you lie, one question is one hand. If we run out, it'll be your
feet next."
Remembering how this man, with an unchanging expression cut off
his hand, the young man shivered and bought himself closer to
himself. Although he could grow it back with Bone Growth Pill, it
would still extremely painful. Growing up without a worry, he
wouldn't be able to tolerate that kind of pain.
Before Ling Xiao spoke again, You XiaoMo had a lightbulb moment
and stopped him, "I have a good idea that can prevent them from
In return, Ling Xiao rose an eyebrow, "What idea?"

You XiaoMo answered, "We each interrogate one, if their answers
are different then they're lying." Only the young man and the
middle-aged man seemed to know something, so they just had to
focus on them.
With a little laugh and a smirk Ling Xiao said, "Not a bad idea."
Then Ling Xiao took the middle-aged man to another room for
With this, You XiaoMo walked over to the young man who was pale
from blood loss and said, "Where did you guys come from?"
The young man closed his eyes, he thought You XiaoMo was going to
ask why they captured him and answered, "A higher realm."
The answer might as well be blank, both useless.
So, You XiaoMo asked again, "Why do you want to capture me?"
The young man, "…"
Not knowing what the young man was thinking, You XiaoMo
assumed that he didn't want to answer and continued, "I have never
cut of someone's toes before, I might be a little clumsy, so bear with
me okay?"
Immediately the young man replied, "Because you have a treasure
on you."

Chapter 339: Forced Confession
You XiaoMo was inwardly shocked, but didn't let it show on his face.
He acted calm and asked, "What do you mean? What sort of treasure
could I have that would lead you to come down from the Higher
Realm just for it?
The young man bluntly replied, "I don't know."
You XiaoMo was surprised. "You guys came just to capture me and
yet you don't know anything? Is there some mastermind behind this,
and they didn't tell you anything?"
The young man immediately said, "I guess there's nothing I can do if
you've found out."
You XiaoMo looked at him with contempt. "Do you take me for an
The young man, "…"
You XiaoMo then continued, face serious, "My patience is limited. If
you dare to keep beating around the bush and not giving me a
straight answer, I'll cut off one of your toes."
Of course, he wasn't actually so cruel, but threats and execution
were different. The young man's eye twitched. Wasn't it you who
had been talking in circles all this time? You XiaoMo then said, "Ok,
now I'll officially start asking questions…" Before he could continue,
someone tapped his shoulder.
You XiaoMo turned and startled at seeing Ling Xiao. "Huh, how come
you're here?"
Ling Xiao looked at him as if he were stupid. "I've finished my
You XiaoMo smiled, strained, "… So quickly?"

He had only just begun to ask… Ling Xiao said, "Don't compare me to
you. One idiot is enough."
You XiaoMo, "…"
Ling Xiao then said, "Move, let me do this."
You XiaoMo pursed his lips. "You don't need to, I can manage fine…"
Ling Xiao glanced at him and said, unsympathetic, "With your IQ,
you'll probably just get played by him. Plus, I have a plan in mind
How annoying! How could he attack You XiaoMo's IQ? You XiaoMo
ended up moving to the side dejectedly. However, he knew that Ling
Xiao was right. Disregarding the comment about IQ, Ling Xiao was
also from the Higher Realm, so he would be better able to extract
Ling Xiao looked at the reluctant You XiaoMo for a moment before
turning a meaningful gaze onto the young man. "Ok, you can say it
The young man seemed apprehensive of him. "Say what?"
Ling Xiao looked down at him from above and suddenly said with a
smile. "Say everything you know. I don't want to have to ask you all
those questions. Do you want to know why?"
The young man was immediately afraid. As expected, this man
wasn't just anyone. He was much more powerful than You XiaoMo,
who would go off on a tangent as he spoke.
Facing this man, he didn't dare tell a single lie. Even if he knew that
Uncle Cheng would lie, they hadn't come up with a cover story
together. If any of their lies were different, this man would probably
strike at them.
"Like what I just said, I truly don't know what kind of treasure You
XiaoMo has on him. He overheard this, that's why we came to find

him…" The young man was from the same power as Dong Shen,
which was the Vermillion Blood Clan behind Yinyang Valley. In the
Vermillion Blood Clan, the core members went by the same
surname, and that surname was You XiaoMo's You. Only students of
the core members and those who made great contributions to the
family could gain this surname.
The Vermillion Blood Clan was an immense power in the Higher
Realm. Their family and influence were massive, so naturally there
was a lot of competition within. Twenty years ago, the family head
suddenly announced that he was going to choose a successor to the
family. Considering the position the Vermillion Blood Clan had in the
Higher Realm, anyone who became the family head would become
someone with immense power, reigning over hundreds of thousands
of people. So when this news came out, the entire family was in
The Vermillion Blood Clan was a huge, tangled system and there
were many ambitious members hiding within, eyes set on the
position of family head and all very powerful in their own right. So,
that was why the family head had gave a requirement.
Whoever could find the lost family treasure would be named the
family head of the Vermillion Blood Clan. However, since those in the
Vermillion Blood Clan were good at keeping this secretive, very few
people knew what the lost family treasure was, only knowing that it
was something that looked like a blue gemstone.
For the position of family head, these people frantically searched for
information. Twenty years later, they finally managed to catch a trail.
The family treasure had been taken by a core student to the Middle
Realm and left the family treasure there, passing it down to his child.
The young man was the son of the head of the YinYang Valley,
accidentally overhearing his father speak of this to some other

people and offered to take on the job, bringing the middle aged man
and two bodyguards to the Middle Realm with him.
Since this wasn't something that had to be done secretively, the
young man's father was afraid of other people finding out and only
gave him vague information. That was why the young man didn't
know much. He was planning on capturing You XiaoMo and forcing
him to give up whatever treasure he had. He had never expected
that he was fail and end up in an even worse situation.
You XiaoMo's surprise was visible. If the young man was telling the
truth, then that meant that man had a reason for leaving his wife and
child behind, because twenty years ago was exactly when he had left
Jiang TaoEr and her child.
So, it seemed his background was much more complicated than he
first believed.
"So?" You XiaoMo looked to Ling Xiao.
"They gave more or less the same information," Ling Xiao said with a
Neither of the two could be certain if the other would lie, so they
could only tell the truth. Hearing this, the young man sighed in relief.
"I've told you everything I know already. Now, you can let us go,
Ling Xiao said, "No, if we let you go, you'll tell other people when you
get back."
The young man's face darkened. "You can't be thinking of silencing
us. Don't forget, we're members of the Vermillion Blood Clan. If my
father finds out, you had better be prepared to be hunted down for
the rest of your lives." The reason why had had told them about the
Vermillion Blood Clan before was to intimidate them and make them
let the two go.

However, this guy didn't seem prepared to let them go. Ling Xiao
smiled, eyes curving. "I know about the Vermillion Blood Clan you're
talking about. It's not like I've never heard of them. We can let you
go, so long as your reply satisfies me and you make an unbreakable
oath to not tell anyone about us."
The young man was conflicted. This was the first time anyone had
tried to force him into an oath, but… "Alright, so long as you don't
take back your words either."
Ling Xiao smiled. "Don't worry, the words I say will be like spilled
No! You XiaoMo felt like in this unscientific world, there was
definitely a way to take back spilled water. He didn't know if Ling
Xiao was messing with people again or not.
The young man clearly wasn't someone you could easily mess with.
He said, "Make an oath."
You XiaoMo: "…" My friend, oaths aren't reliable.
Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes at the young man, his smile mocking.
"Don't try to take more than what I'm giving. Your life is still in my
hands right now." The young man's face paled. Ling Xiao then
continued, asking, "That guy called Dong Shen, what is his position in
the Vermillion Blood Clan?"
The young man's expression twisted into shock. "You've already
fought him?"
Dong Shen's strength was definitely in the top ten of the Vermillion
Blood Clan, and he even had an Emperor Beast. If they had already
fought, that meant Dong Shen might've already lost to him.
Ling Xiao said in disappointment, "It's a shame he managed to run."
The young man was taken aback, completely thunderstruck by this
information. He calmed himself the best he could, too afraid to

continue negotiating the terms of their release with this man and
said, "The Vermillion Blood Clan has four gods(Shen), North(Bei)
East(Dong) South(Nan) West(Xi). Among them, the North God(Bei
Shen) is the strongest, while the East God(Dong Shen) is the weakest.
However, Dong Shen is infamous in the Vermillion Blood Clan. He
answers directly to the fourth son of the family head and the fourth
son is very much in the running for the position of family head. He
was the one who made it known that you were in the Middle
You XiaoMo didn't want to just stand to the side and listen to the
two talk and cut in before Ling Xiao could speak. "Apart from you and
Dong Shen, who else is coming from the Vermillion Blood Clan?"
The young man shook his head. "That, I don't know. The Vermillion
Blood Clan is very complicated, and you often can't trust what
people portray on the surface. They each have their own sources."
They asked a few more questions. The young man didn't have much
valuable information, but they knew their enemy's identity now. In
the future, if they went to the Higher Realm, the Vermillion Blood
Clan had a 99.9 percent of being their enemy.
After that, Ling Xiao had the young man and his three followers
swear oaths before telling them to immediately leave the LongXiang
The failure of their mission was disappointing for the young man.
Before coming, he had been full of confidence. Though it was
disappointing, he extinguished any further thought of it, knowing
that even Dong Shen had lost to this man.
The family treasure could put the lord that his father supported on
the seat of the family head, but it wasn't worth his life.

You XiaoMo looked in the direction the two had gone in and then
turned to look at Ling Xiao. "Is it really ok to just let them go like
Ling Xiao smiled. "If you want to silence them, I can go and kill them
You XiaoMo could practically feel black lines on his face. "That's not
necessary. As a person, we shouldn't go back on our word."
"Oh?" Ling Xiao looked down at him from the corner of his laughing
eyes, "What a shame. My original form is a Demon Beast."
You XiaoMo: "…" He had always thought of Ling Xiao as a person and
had gotten used to thinking that way. It was hard to react quickly,
suddenly knowing that Ling Xiao's original form was a demon beast…

Chapter 340: Cudgel One's Brain
Before leaving the South, Ling Xiao pulled You XiaoMo over to make
him do a briefing of their trip. His attitude was as if it was an annual
report, by You XiaoMo standards that was highly suspicious.
What was there to conclude? So, You XiaoMo asked in confusion,
"Do I really need to?"
Ling Xiao nodded seriously, "Yes, let me hear your thoughts."
"Ehhhh…." You XiaoMo scratched his head and said, "I'm happy to
see my relatives, knowing the whereabouts of my father makes me
happy, and…and…"
And what?
Sneakily, You XiaoMo peeked at Ling Xiao, "Do you want to add
Ling Xiao became angry to the point of laughing. He knew he couldn't
count on You XiaoMo's brain and instead went straight to the point,
"About the TianXin Sect, what are your thoughts?"
You XiaoMo blinked a little, "The TianXin Sect huh…My thought is,
it's too bad we didn't get to see Da ShiXiong and Second ShiXiong. I
wonder where they went for training, I want to meet them again."
Squinting his eyes Ling Xiao asked, "That's it?"
Seeing the dangerous expression, he was making, You XiaoMo knew
he didn't get to the point but no matter how hard he tried, he
couldn't think of anything else. Out of ideas, he carefully asked,
"Maybe, you can give me a hint?"
Ling Xiao rubbed his hair and answered, "Is your way of treating
people to treat them back double if they're nice to you?"
You XiaoMo replied obviously, "Of course, it isn't this normal?"

In his previous life, he didn't have many friends, you could count
them with one hand. It wasn't because he was a loner but because
his family was strict. They kept a tab of who he became friends with
so when he just start a friendship with a classmate, his family would
scare them away.
Especially his devil like brothers, for some reason they had to test all
of his friends, too see if they were worthy. Of course, that just scared
them away.
Whenever he remembered this he became super frustrated, those
two were such a pain!
But it was because of that he treasured his friends very much.
So, Ling Xiao continued asking, "Your lingering feelings towards the
TianXin Sect, is it because of your three ShiXiong?"
Without thinking You XiaoMo said, "Of course. If Zhao ShiXiong left
as well, then I wouldn't have a reason to go to the TianXin Sect."
After he said this, he looked over at Ling Xiao suspiciously, "You're
really weird today, why did you bring this up all of a sudden? Is there
something you're not telling me?"
Suddenly Ling Xiao laughed and raised his finger to hook You
XiaoMo's nose, "Seeing that you've suddenly became smarter, I'll let
you in on a secret."
You XiaoMo's eyes went wide. There really was something?
Ling Xiao whispered to You XiaoMo's ears, "About two years ago,
when we left the TianXin Sect, I told a secret to your Da ShiXiong and
Second ShiXiong."
You XiaoMo froze. It took a second before he found his voice again,
"Wha-What secret?"
"What do you think?" Ling Xiao asked in return.

You XiaoMo stayed silent for a while before asking, "You actually told
them? It's not a prank, right?" There was too much precedence for
You XiaoMo to not be vary.
"Why would I lie, it's not like I get to eat your saliva."
You XiaoMo didn't blush, instead he rubbed his hand together
nervously, "Umm…What were they're reactions?"
Ling Xiao looked at him expressionlessly and suddenly smiled.
As if a bucket of cold water was dumped on him, You XiaoMo felt
cold inside out, was he tricked again?
Ling Xiao said, "Actually I didn't say everything, I just told him that
Kong Wen had died. He set his eyes on someone else's treasure and
wanted to kill for it, but instead he died. Although…"
Just as You XiaoMo let out a breath of air, the 'although' made him
panic again. Stuttering he asked, "Although what?"
Ling Xiao continued, "Although it would seem as if they guessed it
already. Want to know their reactions?"
You XiaoMo kicked him.
Ling Xiao grinned, "Fang ChenYue blanked for a second, Fu ZiLin just
let out a 'oh' sound and they both left after acknowledging they
knew. Looking at them, it seems like they were unsurprised."
Blinking You XiaoMo asked, "That's it?"
Ling Xiao nodded, "That's it, but I think they were playing dumb."
Playing dumb seemed like a good option, if You XiaoMo was in that
situation, he would probably do the same. As long as everyone had a
mutual understanding, it seemed like he didn't need to worry

Looking up, You XiaoMo stared at Ling Xiao with sparkling eyes. Ling
Xiao rubbed his head in return, "Yes, you don't have to worry about
it anymore."
You XiaoMo responded by putting his hands around his waist and
laughing. It was so great to let go of a burden.
After he finished, Ling Xiao chilled his excitement, "After this, if there
is no need to, don't get into contact with Ye Han."
A sudden stop came to the laughing, You XiaoMo threw over a
question, "Why?"
Ling Xiao continued matter of factly, "If he can sell us out once, he
can do it again. Ye Han's roots are at the TianXin Sect so regardless of
me being there, strong or not, his only has one option and that's to
protect the TianXin Sect."
You XiaoMo paused for a moment, he had never thought about this
before. When he met Zhao ShiXiong, he told him the reason Ye
ShiShu revealed their location was because he knew Ling Xiao was
strong enough to deal with them. Everything was built on that notion
that Ling Xiao was stronger.
This was what Ye-shishu told Zhao ShiXiong to relay. After Ling Xiao
gave the hint, he realized he was tricked.
Since it was told by Zhao ShiXiong, who he hadn't seen for two years,
when they met, his attention wouldn't be on the conversation and so
he would have no suspicions. But if it was someone else, like those
other fellow disciples who he was not close with, the situation would
be very different.
The most important thing though, he realized, by Zhao DaZhou's
strength, this task of going to DaoXin academy was too much for him
to handle..

He was just a level five mage with no fighting power. Enough with
the cute little tiger, humans were deceptive, and Zhao DaZhou was
not very clever. If he got tricked by someone with ulterior motives,
he'd be dead. For the TianXin Sect, Ye Han-shishu would cudgel his
brain out.
Seeing his troubled face, Ling Xiao knew he understood, "I won't
object to you meeting with your seniors but only as pure friends.
Anything related to the TianXin Sect you shouldn't be involved with."
You XiaoMo looked at him listlessly, "Okay, but didn't you help Zhou
Peng-shixiong get to where he is now? He seems like your little
At that, Ling Xiao raised his eyebrow, "That's his path to take, I just
gave him an opportunity. Even if he destroys it, it has nothing to do
with me."
You XiaoMo bared his teeth, he thought that Ling Xiao wanted to
make the TianXin Sect be his first place of power in this middle level
realm since he wasn't one to help without a reason. But it seemed
like he was wrong, Ling Xiao didn't plan on having any influences on
Long Xiang Continent.
Seeing that Nan Ye City was up ahead, You XiaoMo remembered a
question. Ling Xiao had said before that he came to a middle-levelled
realm for to find someone, and that someone was him.
To be honest, he was certain they had no interactions before this and
as for the original You XiaoMo, if Ling Xiao knew him, he would know
his identity. Clearly, he didn't, so it was most likely Ling Xiao found
him by his soul.
"Ling Xiao, what you said in the trials, about my past, its it true?"
After the atmosphere was silent, for a while, You XiaoMo couldn't
help but ask. Ling Xiao didn't seem like one of those evil-doers with a
terrible past. Also, if he really were to fight with the QiLin Clan and

the Demon Phoenix Clan, shouldn't he develop his influence or
recruit some underlings? The more he thought, the more things
didn't add up, the chance of this being a lie was very high.
Ling Xiao let out a sign, "What is there to lie about? It's not like
you're going to give me your heart. Seriously, I tell you the truth and
you don't believe me. Do I have to lie for you to trust me?"
You XiaoMo felt a little guilty, "That's because you had such a bad
record previously. But what does your past have to do with you
finding me?"
Ling Xiao said, "When did I say these two things were related?"
Now You XiaoMo was confused, "Then why did you come find me?"
From the corner of Ling Xiao's eyes, he could see You XiaoMo's face
shine in expectation and said, "The reason…I can't tell you right
This got You XiaoMo's interested and he said impatiently, "Why can't
you say?"
Ling Xiao replied warmly and caringly, "I'm afraid you'll feel
pressured. The reason I found you is not simple, if I tell you now, it
might be a hindrance to your training so it's best if you stay oblivious
to it."
You XiaoMo felt his mouth twitching, he really didn't like this
conclusion one bit, "Fine, let's not think about these questions
anymore. See, we are at Nan Ye City already."

Chapter 341: Boundless Sea
When You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao reached Hei Yin village, four days
had already passed. Hei Yin village was the same as before; it was
still a dreadful place as expected, but it seemed worse than the first
time they came. Mostly, it was due to the people who were entering
and leaving the village.
You XiaoMo clearly remembered the previous events here, especially
the teleportation spot, as it was their first time in the village.
Previously, they went to the Gigantic Firebird square. The
teleportation spot was just next door and even during its peak
period, it wasn’t so crowded to the point there was no place to even
stand. Furthermore, wasn’t the transport circle very expensive? So
why was it so crowded? A sea of black hair, bodies colliding into each
other … and smell of the unbearable stench of sweat.
You XiaoMo covered his nose. He was starting to get a little
lightheaded and his eyes were losing focus. Ling Xiao fared no better
as he was actually a bit of a clean freak. Not long after, the both of
them stepped out of the transport zone. While they could squeeze
their way through, the stench was too overpowering. Furthermore,
something felt amiss with the place being so crowded.
Unsure of what to do, You XiaoMo looked towards Ling Xiao and
asked, "What now?"
There were so many people. If they were to queue up, god knows
how long it would take. They might have half a month left, but time
was not meant to be wasted here.
Ling Xiao lowered his eyes. "Seems like something big happened."

"Don’t know. Let’s ask around and we’ll know soon enough." Ling
Xiao replied.
Speaking of getting information, inns, restaurants and others of that
sort were naturally the best place to go. In the ancient world, a
brothel would also have made for an excellent intelligence center
but You XiaoMo discovered much earlier that this world didn’t seem
to have one.
The two quickly found a restaurant near the transportation zone. The
restaurant could only be considered mediocre at best in Yan City, but
in such a lawless place like Hei Yin village, it was already pretty
When they arrived, the restaurant was already filled with people.
Luckily for them, the restaurant was big enough and a table of
people left after paying just when they arrived. You XiaoMo
immediately rushed forward and occupied the empty table, while
others who shared the same intentions, but missed their chance
ground their teeth jealousy.
You XiaoMo smiled at them.
So what if you have that many people! You’re still not as fast as me,
too bad!
"Hey brat, get up!" Triggered by his dazzling smile, a tall, burly man
shouted at him. Feeling challenged and slighted, the man was having
none of that. He walked up to You XiaoMo and slammed the table
with his palm.
"No!" You XiaoMo simply declined.
The burly man rolled up his sleeves and flexed his beefy arms.
"Say that again, one more time."
"It’ll be the same no matter how many times I say." You XiaoMo

They had already gained an audience as people around had started
noticing. Fist fights arising from verbal provocation was the norm in
Hei Yin village.
The burly man's eyes revealed his killing intent.
"You brat! I’ll grant you your death wish for refusing my kindest
A lazy, exasperated voice rang out from behind the man. "To whom
are you granting that wish?"
The man jumped in shock. He saw a man cloaked in white, with a
hideous mask on his face who had an air to him.
When faced with the man who suddenly appeared behind him
without being noticed, the burly man was no naive fool. He could
already guess that the man was stronger than him.
Furthermore, people in Hei Yin village were all crouching tigers and
hidden dragons. Anyone on the streets could easily be a powerful
person who had yet to reveal themselves.
"Ling Xiao! Come sit over here!" You XiaoMo smiled and beckoned
Ling Xiao over.
Ling Xiao stuck out a finger and pressed it onto the other man’s
shoulder, albeit with a face of disgust. The man quickly sat down on a
chair, as if he had done it willingly. Only the burly man himself knew
the crushing force of the finger on his shoulder. The clothes on his
back were already drenched in sweat.
Surprised, You XiaoMo questioned, "What are you doing?"
"It’s not everyday someone offers themselves to you. Might as well
make the best of them." Ling Xiao sat down.
You XiaoMo shifted his gaze to the burly man who broke out in cold

He chuckled, "You’re right, how smart of you! Like this we don’t have
to search for people anymore!"
"That’s because you’re too dumb." Ling Xiao casually added on.
You XiaoMo rolled his eyes.You really don’t give any mercy.
"What do you guys want?" The burly man shouted, trying to put on a
brave front yet failing as he eyed Ling Xiao fearfully. His companions
had already taken off. As he was the strongest among his group, the
others felt they had no chance of winning if even he could not defeat
Ling Xiao.The audience felt cheated. There was nothing to watch
"Nothing much. Just answer a few questions and we’ll let you off."
You XiaoMo said.
"What questions?"
"What day is it today? Why are there so many people at the
transport zone?"
The burly man heaved a sigh of relief. So it was this matter.
It was no secret, the whole Hei Yin village knew about it.
"It’s like this. Ten days ago, shocking news came from the Boundless
Sea. The news spread very far and many people are dying to go there
to have a look. The Gigantic Firebird is too slow and by the time it
reaches everything might be over already."
"What news?" You XiaoMo asked.
The name "Boundless Sea" seemed familiar.
"It’s rumoured that an Elemental Essence appeared there."
You XiaoMo blinked a few times before processing what the man
said. "What exactly do you mean?"

The burly man explained cautiously, "To be honest I’m not very sure
either. I just know that someone discovered an underground leyline
under the Boundless Sea. I’ve heard people say that the
underground leyline could be bigger than the one at Dao Xin
Academy." Dao Xin Academy sitting on a leyline was no secret, but it
was hardly mentioned by people.
"I’ve also heard that the superpowers in the north have already set
A leyline that was bigger than the one at Dao Xin Academy
discovered after they left!? Ten days had already passed, had it been
snatched? You XiaoMo's worries were written all over his face.
"The Boundless Sea is no ordinary place, is it?" Ling Xiao asked
He had a better memory than You XiaoMo. When the burly man
spoke of the Boundless Sea, he immediately remembered the Flying
Fish Sect people they saved at the Trials. A person called ZhouLin did
talk about the Boundless Sea.
The man immediately replied, "Yes, the Boundless Sea is very vast
and incredibly dangerous. While someone has confirmed there is a
leyline under the sea, the exact location is not clear."
You XiaoMo's eyes lit up. Not clear of the location meant that they
still stood a chance. The Elemental Essence was a huge temptation,
but there was only one of it. Some people who knew they lacked
power would be aiming for the spirit gem. If the leyline was large,
then there would be plenty of spirit gems.
You XiaoMo could more or less be sure that all the powerful clans
and strong individuals in the Long Xiang Continent were rushing to
the Boundless Sea now after hearing the news.

"Ling Xiao, let’s go there now." You XiaoMo exclaimed excitedly.
"Calm down. Even if a human practitioners discovers the existence of
the leyline, he or she definitely can’t venture too far into the
Boundless Sea in a short time. Going there earlier or later by a few
days doesn’t matter."
Ling Xiao was not in a rush at all.
"That’s right, the Boundless Sea is fraught with demon beasts. If a
human can notice it, so can the powerful demon beasts living in the
Sea. If a human wants to go under the Boundless Sea to search, his
greatest enemy would be the demon beasts in the sea." The burly
man added on.
Ling Xiao was very satisfied with his answer, so he magnanimously let
him off. The man took off immediately.
You XiaoMo ordered something to eat and left after they were
The transport zone was no different from how it was in the morning.
Even after a few hours, the place was still as packed as ever. Just as
the saying goes, 'even money can make a ghost do work for you', You
XiaoMo unwillingly parted with a few Crystal Coins to pay to leave
through the teleportation portal that day.
For such a short distance, he spent nearly two hundred crystal coins!
The person in charge at the transport zone really knew how to bleed
him dry, making use of the situation to earn so much.
Yan City and Hei Yin village were the same. The human traffic was
heavier than normal as Yan City was the only way to the Boundless
Walking on the streets and seeing streams of people walking past
them briskly, You XiaoMo picked up his pace to catch up with Ling

"Ling Xiao, do we go back to Dao Xin Academy first, or head directly
to the Boundless Sea?"
"Go to the Boundless Sea. We still have ten days break. If we go
back, we may not be able to come out."
While the top ten in Ward A might be strong, they were nothing
compared to those seasoned individuals who had already earned
their fame many years ago. That was why the Academy had at least a
fifty percent chance of not letting them go.
"Then let’s get moving." You XiaoMo hugged Ling Xiao's arm and
dragged him along happily.
Ling Xiao pressed a hand on You XiaoMo's head. "Idiot, do you know
the direction of the Boundless Sea? Do you know how to go?"
You XiaoMo stayed silent for a moment before he spoke, " … isn’t it
just north?"
Ling Xiao gave him a look. "Yes, it’s at the northernmost most part.
But the Boundless Sea is so vast it stretches out towards both east
and west. Do you know where the human practitioners are
You XiaoMo laughed awkwardly, "How about we go buy a map now
and find out where the transport circle to the Boundless Sea is."
"Let’s go."

Chapter 342: A Familiar Person
A year since the last time they came to the Xian Ji Building.
Many people rushed over to the Boundless Sea upon hearing the
uproar about the incident. The sales for maps of the Boundless Sea
were beyond previous sales levels as the Boundless Sea was too vast.
The map from Xian Ji Building was most the complete and detailed
map in Yan City's and they could also gather information about
where the origin of the leyline there, but it was awfully expensive.
The grand Xian Ji Building was filled with people was as raucousness
as a food market.
You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao squeezed inside until they could finally see
an enormous screen in the hall. There were numerous news
displayed on the screen. There was a large amount of information
concerning the incident in the Boundless Sea on the screen as it had
been widely circulated recently.
You XiaoMo looked carefully at the news. There were five types of
maps for the Boundless Sea and the prices varied for each one.
The first type was extremely expensive and it needed fifty thousand
crystal coins. The price was so expensive that it was outrageous and
the map was also not very comprehensive. Only seventy percent of
the area of the Boundless Sea was marked out. As for the remaining
thirty percent, even Xian Ji Building was unable to be completely
map it out.
The prices for second and third type were thirty thousand and ten
thousand crystal coins respectively.
You XiaoMo immediately passed over these three types. He once
again experienced the feeling of having a shortage of money, as all

the crystal coins he was carrying would total up to less than ten
In the end, he selected the fourth type which had a price of five
thousand crystal coins. This purchase also happened to empty out his
entire fortune.
You XiaoMo shook his magic bag upon exiting from Xian Ji Building.
Now he really was penniless.
Seeing his mournful expression, Ling Xiao said, "Don't you still have
magic pills on you?"
You XiaoMo shot him a look of accusation, "They were all eaten by
you so there's not much left." However, he was not ready to rely on
magic pills to earn money even if he had pills.
Ling Xiao realized that justice was not on his side.
You XiaoMo suddenly remembered a problem and stalled. Ling Xiao
discovered his strange action, "What is it?"
You XiaoMo replied, "I don't have crystal coins anymore. We can't
take the transport circle or ride on the Gigantic Firebird. We can't go
to the business district and there's no way even if we wanted to buy
magic herbs."
Ling Xiao paused, "There's a trading area here. Let's go there to take
a look."
The trading area and the business district were different as
transactions there were mainly done through bartering. However,
one also could not exclude the use of crystal coins for doing business.
Crystal coins would be used to exchange for some items with a
relatively small value. The two roamed the area before finally
deciding to set up a stall in a corner.
You XiaoMo first took out a piece of cloth from his dimension and
spread it on the ground. Just as the other people were assuming that

he was preparing to take out some items to display, he pulled Ling
Xiao down to sit on it. Then he took two transparent jade boxes out
from his dimension. There was a stalk of level eight magic herb in
one box and a level seven magic herb inside the other box. Then he
put the jade boxes on the bare ground …
The mouth of everyone who saw this scene incessantly twitched.
Normally, when one spread a plain cloth on the ground, it was for
the purpose of placing a treasured object on it. Instead, this guy
went the other way.
You XiaoMo was not aware of what the other people were thinking
because this was their first time setting up a stall here. There would
definitely not be a lot of customers in the beginning. To attract
customers, he made a small sign and displayed it on the side. Written
on the sign was - high-grade magic herb, purchases only made
through crystal coins! The gazes of everyone who were looking at
You XiaoMo suddenly became the gaze of people looking at an idiot.
High-grade level seven and eight magic herbs were very expensive.
Sellers would generally choose to barter for them, as crystal coins
were unable to accurately measure their genuine value.
Furthermore, crystal coins could be earned at any time. Yet, high-
grade magic herbs were not available at all times.
So the biggest difference between the two lay in the fact that the
latter had no specified price and no market. Sure enough, this move
was super effective! It was not long before customers arrived one
after another. However, most were only here due to curiosity.
Among all these people, those who had money were only a few.
Even if they had money, they would not be able to afford it, as You
XiaoMo's opening price was thirty thousand and fifty thousand for
one stalk. This price was simply unaffordable to many! They had still
not met a customer with deep pockets after manning the stall from
morning till noon.

"Do you want to take a break?" Ling Xiao asked as he rested his chin
on one hand and looked at the sweat beading You XiaoMo's
"No!" You XiaoMo firmly shook his head.
"You're sweating." Ling Xiao lightly touched on a problem.
"It's ok, I can still carry on." It would be strange if there was no sweat
when they were under the sweltering sun for the whole morning.
There was shade from the buildings around when he was manning
his stall in DaoXin Academy. Therefore, this was his first time setting
up his stall under the scorching sun, but he was still able to bear this
level of discomfort.
Ling Xiao leisurely stated, "Did you not think of using your spiritual
power to block the sun?"
You XiaoMo experienced a blue-screen-of-death for a second, "…
…You can use spiritual power to block the sun?"
Ling Xiao replied, "To be more accurate, it's not blocking the sun.
When you envelope your entire body with spiritual power, you can
withstand the heat of the sun and you won't feel very hot." Was that
to say, he had actually been carrying an air conditioner everywhere
he went, only he was not aware of it?
You XiaoMo fell silent for a moment, "Why did you not say it
Ling Xiao shot a glance at him, "I just didn't think that your IQ was
actually negative."
You XiaoMo, "… .." Why did he have a feeling that he was unable to
refute that?
Ling Xiao looked at him contemplatively. Why did he still seem like a
fool even though it had already been a few years? But Ling Xiao had
to admit that this was also his charming point.

A certain person who frequently bullied You XiaoMo expressed his
joy. You XiaoMo, who suffered a blow, did not have any reaction. In
any case, he was used to it. After performing the familiar action of
cloaking his whole body with spiritual power, he immediately felt
cool and relaxed as a slight chill suffused him from head to toe. It
was as if the sun over his head did not exist.
Time passed in a flash and dusk was soon approaching. Finally their
stall welcomed a wealthy…familiar person.
Silver-colored long hair was unusual and eye-catching and attracted
even more attention as compared to Ling Xiao's Ogre mask. It framed
an extraordinarily handsome face. This person was none other than
Yin Ge. Although they did not know why, he ran over here too. A hint
of surprise flashed through Yin Ge's eyes upon seeing them, but it
quickly disappeared again.
Appearing like a leisurely person, he walked to them, "How much are
you selling the Shapeshifting Herb for?"
Seeing that he was not prepared to 'talk about former times', You
XiaoMo simply declared, "Thirty thousand crystal coins."
You XiaoMo was afraid that Yin Ge might have thought that it was
gold coins and specifically emphasized the last two words, although
such a mistake was unlikely to occur. Yin Ge straightforwardly paid
the crystal coins and then he took the Shapeshifting Herb and walked
You XiaoMo looked at his retreating back, "Ling Xiao, what do you
think Yin Ge is buying that Shapeshifting Herb for? Does he have a
contracted demon beast?"
Ling Xiao indifferently replied, "Who knows? Maybe he bought it for
someone else."
The chance of successfully changing one's form with a high-grade
Shapeshifting Herb was more than eighty five percent. Generally

speaking, as long as the rank of the demon beast was not so inferior
that it was hated greatly by both man and God, most demon beasts
would be able to successfully shapeshift. You XiaoMo felt that he had
just seemed to have glimpsed an insight into this, but it soon
vanished in the blink of an eye. After selling a stalk of level seven
magic herb and seeing fewer and fewer people in the trading area,
You XiaoMo decided to pack his stall up as it was unlikely that more
customers would come.
They stayed at a nearby inn for a night. The next day they hurried to
the business district. Thirty thousand crystal coins may look like a
large sum, but it certainly would not be able to last long. To avoid the
situation that happened yesterday, he decided to take advantage of
this opportunity to sell a few more stalks of magic herbs. Xian Ji
Building's price was too high for the news regarding the underground
leyline in the Boundless Sea. He could not afford it so he gave up.
Walking out of the Magic Herb Pavilion, You XiaoMo's waist purse
had an additional twenty something thousand crystal coins.
Originally he had planned to exchange more crystal coins, but Ling
Xiao stopped him, saying that he should wait till he needed it to
exchange the herbs for coins as if there was too much they would
not be able to finish using it. You XiaoMo had been mulling over this
sentence on the whole journey, he only figured it out when he knew
that they had arrived near the transfer point.
"I know! You said that we would have no use for it, are you saying
that the currency in the Higher Level Realm is not crystal coins?" You
XiaoMo excitedly ran to Ling Xiao and asked.
Ling Xiao showed a smile, "Yes."
You XiaoMo was obviously not satisfied with his answer, and gave a
slight complaint, "Why are you…"
Ling Xiao, "Why am I what?"

You XiaoMo reconsidered, and swallowed back his sentence of 'Why
are you not boasting about my cleverness?' Under Heaven and
Earth's witness, he had the feeling that he would be disdained if he
said that out.
You XiaoMo resentfully asked, "Then, what's the currency used in the
Higher Level Realm?"
Ling Xiao gave a profound smile, "Spirit gems."
You XiaoMo was momentarily surprised, "Are you serious?" He had
finally gotten a spirit gem after much difficulty. To think that is was
actually the currency in circulation in the Higher Level Realm. Ling
Xiao did not continue the topic and walked off without a word to the
transfer point. You XiaoMo quickly caught up to him.
The situation at the transfer point was different from the past. In the
past, the Four Big Clans from Yan City took turns to guard the
transfer point. Recently, due to the incident in the Boundless Sea,
the Four Big Clans decided to recruit able people via means of the
transfer point, so they separately dispatched people to guard and
defend the transfer point.
Once the two went in, they immediately saw four registration points.
Those interested could go over to register and colleagues were also
eligible to receive remuneration. You XiaoMo discovered the one
who gave the most remuneration was the Teng Family. They were
only recruiting practitioners with cultivation levels above the
Spiritual Realm. The remuneration was in magic pills and magic
herbs. If one was a practitioner at the Imperial Realm, the
remuneration could be negotiated.

Chapter 343: Saliva
After looking for a while, You XiaoMo lost his interest. Though the
reward the Four Great Clans were giving wasn't small, anyone could
guess that you'd be nothing but canon fodder if you accepted and
weren't at least an Emperor level powerhouse.
Nonetheless, many people were still lured over by it, especially for
the Teng Family, as they had a very long line in front of the sign-up
area. The smallest lines belonged to the BaiLi Family and Tong
Family. The rewards they were offering weren't low, but weren't high
either, so less people were willing. Their line wasn't that long, and
soon it was their turn. Giving the transportation fee over, the man
operating it immediately transported them out of Yan City.
The destination of the transportation was the only town near the
Boundless Sea. To get there, you'd have to travel thousands of
kilometers over the deep mountains. However, with the powers of
Yan City needing to have close dealings with the town, the Four
Great Families had to talk things out with them upon arrival. Tile
house roofs of the same color, people bustling in the streets, there
was a tense atmosphere across the town. This was Boundless Town,
named after the Boundless Sea.
Standing on the street, You XiaoMo took a deep breath. The
atmosphere here was even more tense than Yan City, people talking
about the Ley Line everywhere. However, the most crucial aspects
were never brought up in these conversations, such as how the
location of the Ley Line was found to be in the Boundless Sea.
They did, however, mention where the powers of Yan City had
settled, along with the various powers of Boundless Town.
"Where should we go now?" You XiaoMo gazed at Ling Xiao as he
walked backwards.

"Let's go and gather some intel first," Ling Xiao replied.
You XiaoMo agreed with an 'oh'. Gathering intel naturally meant
going to a place with many people. The inns at Boundless Town were
rather old, not blanketed with extravagance like the ones in Yan City.
They hadn't even gone in when they heard the cacophony of voices
from inside. It was even more crowded than Yan City. Pretty much all
the tables were squeezed full and there were no spare chairs left.
You XiaoMo had only just walked in when he walked out again. He
wasn't a clean freak, but hygiene was still important to him. The two
could only find another inn. In the end, they found some space in the
most expensive inn in Boundless Town. Because it was expensive,
there weren't too many people and those that were here were rich,
so it wasn't as crowded as the other inns. An attentive fellow came
over with a pot of hot tea.
"What would you two like to order?"
You XiaoMo replied, "Is there a menu?"
The man said, "Yes. Please wait for a moment; I'll bring it to you at
You XiaoMo was surprised. He had asked that at random, but there
really was one. In his eyes, this world's culture was like ancient times,
so he hadn't expected there to be anything like menus. Not long
later, the man brought them the menu. The menu was a slab of
wood about the size of two palms of an adult. On it, all the dishes the
inn offered were carved there. The font was a little small, but still
clear. Next to the names, there was prices just like in the modern
Looking at the menu, You XiaoMo couldn't help but widen his eyes in
shock. No wonder there were far less people here than everywhere
else. There was a reason for it; almost half the prices listed here
were calculated in Crystal Coins.

Seeing the look on his face, the waiter immediately knew what he
was thinking and explained, "You probably think the dishes are very
expensive? There's actually a reason behind that."
You XiaoMo raised his head to glance at the waiter. "What reason?"
The waiter pointed to the dish calculated in Crystal Coins at the top
of the menu. "The ingredients these dishes are made with are no
ordinary ingredients. For example, the Egg Rolls listed here use the
eggs laid by the level six demon beast Crushing Claw Vultures.
Crushing Claw Vultures only ever lay eggs in September and they
don't lay very many either. In addition, to get them, you'll have to
enter the deep mountains. That's why the price is so high."
You XiaoMo nodded his head. This was obviously something made to
be eaten by the rich. You XiaoMo sadly thought to himself that he
was no rich man.
"Then we'll have a plate of Egg Rolls and this Toffee Fruit…" Hearing
the man's explanation, Ling Xiao began to order. He picked the two
absurdly expensive dishes without sympathy. You XiaoMo
immediately glared at him. The person who didn't earn any of the
Crystal Coins was spending them so liberally. Even if he thought
didn't feel pained by it, You XiaoMo did.
Ling Xiao said, "We can just earn more Crystal Coins if we run out.
We won't come here often, so we might as well try out the local
specialties while we're here."
That was true. In the end, You XiaoMo caved. At his level, he didn't
need sustenance all that much anymore. Yet it was precisely because
of this that he missed the feeling of eating food. It had been a while
since he had experienced the taste and texture.
Ling Xiao's Toffee Fruit reminded him of all sorts of caramelized
treats, such as toffee apples. The restaurant was very fast at making
their dim sum, getting it ready in under five minutes.

"Enjoy your meal." The waiter placed the two plates of dim sum on
the table and then asked, "Would you like some wine with that?"
You XiaoMo startled for a moment and then quickly shook his head,
"No…" He didn't drink.
"We'll have a flask," Ling Xiao cut him off. You XiaoMo glared at him
with hidden bitterness. At the very least ask for the price first!
The waiter quickly brought a flask of wine up to their table along
with two cups. The sweet smell of alcohol filled their noses before
the flask was even unsealed. Even You XiaoMo, who had never drank
alcohol before, enjoyed the smell.
The waiter said with a smile. "This is the most popularly sold treasure
of our store, Razor Wine. It has a very pure taste, and when you first
taste it, it'll be like a fire burning. However, after a while, you will be
able to taste its true flavor."
Since it had already been brought to the table, You XiaoMo poured
him and Ling Xiao each a cup. He didn't drink it and pushed the other
cup to Ling Xiao.
"Try it out." Ling Xiao raised the cup and sniffed it first before taking
a small sip. You XiaoMo immediately asked, "How is it?"
Ling Xiao's eyes narrowed, looking like he was enjoying it and replied
after a moment of silence. "Not bad at all, as expected of their
restaurant treasure."
Hearing this and seeing his expression, it seemed very delicious. You
XiaoMo hesitantly licked his lips, but couldn't help his curiosity and
took a light sip… and then there was no more "and then".
The amusement in Ling Xiao's expression was obvious. "How is it?"
You XiaoMo spat it all out, the wine mixed with his saliva, all
splattering over the Egg Rolls and Toffee Fruits on their table. The
surrounding people immediately looked on with disdain.

You XiaoMo wiped his face with his sleeve and then said with a
stutter, "N-not bad."
Following that, he quickly picked up his chopsticks and shoved a
piece of the sweet Toffee fruit into his mouth, not caring if it was
dirty or not. It was his own saliva, after all. He ate until all he could
taste was that sweet flavor. Raising his head, he saw Ling Xiao
watching hm. You XiaoMo rolled his eyes in thought and pushed the
wine over to him. "These Egg Rolls and Toffee Fruits have my saliva
all over them. I'll have them, you can have the wine."
Ling Xiao ate an Egg Roll right under his nose before asked, "So what
if it has your saliva?"
You XiaoMo: "…" This guy's skin was too thick.
Soon enough, he realized something was wrong. Wasn't it a little too
quiet? You XiaoMo discretely glanced around and saw that everyone
was looking at Ling Xiao in shock, occasionally glancing over at him.
This meal was a trying one for You XiaoMo.
It finally came to an end and the waiter very, very attentively ran
over to give them the bill. "That will be a total of eleven Crystal
Coins." Eleven Crystal Coins was equal to eleven thousand gold coins.
This was most definitely the most expensive meal You XiaoMo had
ever eaten, You XiaoMo paid the Crystal Coins indignantly and the
two decided to settle in the hotel.
That evening, You XiaoMo was dragged onto the bed by Ling Xiao, to
"cultivate", and was then devoured inside and out, his struggles
disregarded. It wasn't until half way through the night that their bed
stopped creaking from all the swaying.
You XiaoMo lay on top of Ling Xiao, exhausted, with the bottom half
of his body a sticky mess. It was very uncomfortable. Nowadays,
doing it once felt just as tiring as doing it twice or thrice.
You XiaoMo said tiredly, "Hey, get out."

"Hm, wait another moment." Ling Xiao spoke in a low, sexy tone.
You XiaoMo rolled his eyes. If he kept waiting, he suspected that Ling
Xiao would want to go again, because the desire inside him was
beginning to bare the hints of reawakening.
It was then that a noise came from next door. The fitful bursts of
sound was very familiar. After listening for a while, You XiaoMo
suddenly felt black lines on his face. This was the same creak that the
bed had made just now when he and Ling Xiao were exercising on it.
He climbed down from on top of Ling Xiao, shuddering as the other's
desire left his body.
After hurriedly cleaning off the stickiness on his skin, You XiaoMo
returned to the bed to see Ling Xiao still naked, unmoving and his
face half shadowed. He didn't know what the other was thinking. You
XiaoMo put on his clothes as he called to the other, "Hey, you…"
"Sh!" Ling Xiao suddenly made a shushing motion at him. You
XiaoMo was a little taken aback.
"What are we doing?"
Ling Xiao said, "Listen closely."
You XiaoMo obeyed in confusion.
Creak~ Creak~

Chapter 344: Ugly
You XiaoMo wasn't a virgin anymore and so just by listening for a
little bit, he knew what the people on the other side of the wall were
doing. It was something they had done just a moment ago, although
they seemed to be much more intense, he could hear the bed
With a face of surprise, You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao and said,
"Could it be…You have a peeping fetish?"
Without changing his expression Ling Xiao replied, "Peeping from a
wall away?"
"But then what are you doing?" You XiaoMo asked.
Ling Xiao, "Eavesdroping."
You XiaoMo's mouth twitched and he threw a piece of his clothing at
Ling Xiao while saying, "Then what did you hear?" He couldn't be
wanting to learn from them, could he? What a scary thought!
The next day, to avoid being recognized, the two put on a disguise
before leaving the room. At the same time, the neighboring door
opened. Out came a neat and tidy man with a hint of grace around
him. Following him closely was a glamorous woman with a peach red
blush and eyes that seemed to hold spring water.
You XiaoMo froze instantly, now he understood why you couldn't
judge a book based on its cover.
The two, especially the man, definitely did not seem like the type
who would be intense in bed.
Noticing his gaze, the man turned around and gave him a light smile
and a nod before walking away escorting the women downstairs.
There weren't many people eating breakfast so as You XiaoMo and
Ling Xiao came down, they were coincidently seated next to the two.

The two seemed like a happy couple. During the meal they were
laughing and chatting, the women often broke out into a charming
Looking at this couple You XiaoMo couldn't help but contemplate on
his own. This was his image of an ideal 'dating' experience before
Ling Xiao came along. He looked at Ling Xiao who was pouring tea for
him, a blockhead that liked to tease him, so annoying!
"What are you looking at?" taking a sip of the tea Ling Xiao asked
"Nothing." You XiaoMo replied avoiding his gaze.
"They're relationship isn't what you think it is." Suddenly Ling Xiao
"What do you mean?" asked You XiaoMo blankly.
"You'll see soon enough." Ling Xiao leaving him hanging.
You XiaoMo showed a face of suspicion as he remembered last night.
Although Ling Xiao eavesdropped for a bit, the other two didn't
speak a word. All there was, was moaning and the bed creaking. At
that condition he couldn't have possibility heard some secret code
could he?
About fifteen minutes later You XiaoMo realized the wonders of Ling
The atmosphere suddenly changed. Just a moment ago the two
seemed so lovey-dovey and inseparable wer now distant and polite.
They stopped smiling too, with one graceful while the other cold.
You XiaoMo hurriedly tugged at Ling Xiao's shirt, "What just
Shrugging his shoulders Ling Xiao just told him to keep watching.

About five minutes later, at the inn's door arrived a group of men
carrying weapons. These men all had one similarity and that was the
handle of their weapons had a yellow tassel.
A young girl that was charming but pampered looking, after seeing
the two had her face immediately lit up and ran over to them. "Hai-
gege, Lan-jiejie."
t/n: gege: brother, jiejie: sister. These can either use for sibling or
close relationship.
The girl, without reserve, sat next to the man and intimately hugged
his arm.
Hai Le didn't struggle and Lan YiLan, who sat across from him, didn't
react either, as if it was a normal thing.
Hai Le looked at the young girl dotingly, "Little Yu, why did you come,
didn't shifu tell you to stay in the sect? If he realized, you'll get a
scolding again."
The young girl stuck her tongue out cutely while looking at Hai Le
admirably, "I don't care, shifu loves me most. He wouldn't scold me."
You XiaoMo looked at the scene dumbfoundedly. This scenario
looked like a love triangle but was also not really a love triangle. He
seemed to understand a little of what Ling Xiao meant. The two were
probably sharing an hidden love affair and didn't dare let the young
girl know.
During this moment, the girl called 'Little Yu' saw You XiaoMo, who
was staring and gave a smile, "What are you looking at, ugly?"
The young girl, when saying this line, had a voice that was soft and
sweet. If one ignored its contents, You XiaoMo would have found
this girl to be cute and even pitied her.
However, when he heard that word 'ugly', he couldn't react.

Looking at himself, he knew he wasn't handsome but at least he was
okay. Most definitely not ugly. However, the girl just straight up
called him ugly, did she think her looks could cause the downfall of a
kingdom? Even though she wasn't even as pretty as her 'Lan-jiejie'
she dared to call him ugly! That meddling woman!
You XiaoMo looked over at Ling Xiao, "Am I ugly?"
Ling Xiao said, "Very handsome."
You XiaoMo blushed a little before giving a sigh of relief, "That's
good, looks like it isn't my problem then."
Ling Xiao added viciously, "Looking normal doesn't mean the brain or
eyes are normal too."
You XiaoMo couldn't help but let out a 'pfft" before saying,
The young girl stood up with a bang, her delicate features slightly
twisting, but before she could rage, Hai Le, who was beside her,
grabbed her arm and said, "Little Yu, don't make trouble, later we
still have to meet up with shifu. If we are late, he wouldn't be happy
with us."
"But, how dare he yell at me." The young girl continued on
relentlessly. Although she did not pounce over, she stared at You
XiaoMo and Ling Xiao with a fiery glaze.
"If you didn't insult them first, why would he retaliate. Little Yu, you
should really control your temper." Hai Le spoke in a resigning
manner. Little Yu, due to her shifu 's doting, never controlled her
temper and insulted people left and right. If it wasn't for this, he and
YiLan wouldn't have to resort to being underground lovers.
The young girl looked at him in disbelief, "Hai-gege, how could you
help an outsider? I'm your shimei, you should know that."
Hai Le was speechless, shifu pampered her too much.

Lan YiLan put down her teacup and spoke with her brows slightly
furrowed, "Little Yu, stop with this tantrum."
Being scold at consecutively by two of her closest people, she gave
You XiaoMo a look before walking away angrily.
Weary of what she might do, Lan Le and Lan YiLan had to bring the
rest of the disciples to follow her. Looking at them, one could tell
they were used to the young girl's troubling personality.
Only once they left did the people in the inn talk freely again.
"Looks like that evil-girl is out again scourging others."
"I really don't understand why Elder Hei Yun loves her so much. Isn't
her talent just slightly better than others? Her personality is really
awful. I'd say Lan Le and Lan YiLan are much better. If it wasn't for
the evil-girl, they would already be together."
"Who knows what Elder Hei Yun is thinking."
"Stop ruining the mood, I heard that from Yan City came a lot of
strong practitioners. There is the Four Great Clans and Dao Xin
Academy. Looks like this fight for the leyline is going be a tough one."
Although the Great Four Clans were very strong, the people of
Boundless Town were nothing to fret about either.
"I heard the one who found the leyline was the sect leader of the
Flying Fish Sect?"
"The Flying Fish Sect is just a second rated force, their sect leader has
already been controlled by the Boundless Town's top three strongest
The contents of the chatter and whispers did give some hints to You
XiaoMo and Ling Xiao.

They were originally troubled by how to approach this, now they had
a direction. Although it would be difficult take an advantage with so
many strong people around.
You XiaoMo couldn't help but ask a question, "How did you know
their relationship was troubled?"
Ling Xiao looked at him, "You weren't watching? Their relationship
seems good but between the eyes there was a hint of distress and
strain. The two also looked towards the door multiple times, clearly
waiting for someone."
You XiaoMo rubbed his nose embarrassingly, he really wasn't paying
attention to their expressions.
At this moment, Ling Xiao abruptly got up and grabbed You XiaoMo's
arm before walking quickly to the second floor. Before he could ask
why, a familiar voice could be heard and just as he turned to look,
Ling Xiao grabbed his head and turned it back.
You XiaoMo, "…"
Ling Xiao pushed him inside the room before walking in himself and
closing the door.
Although he didn't see clearly, You XiaoMo knew that voice. It was
BaiLi TianYi and he didn't seem like he was alone either.
Just as You XiaoMo was about to ask, Ling Xiao took off his mask.
That's when he realized their getup had some problems.
Before, when they didn't want to be recognized, Ling Xiao's ugly
mask got changed back to the silver one and their clothes changed
too. He himself had a change of clothes, his hair was also down, their
style was very different compared to before. It really wasn't suited to
greet them.
"Now what should we do?"

Ling Xiao took the ugly mask and wore it, "Tomorrow we'll find a
moment to meet them 'coincidently'."
You XiaoMo raised an eyebrow at that, "If we go with Dao Xin
Academy, wouldn't that restrict our actions?"
"No, we are going to muddy the waters and take the prize."

Chapter 345: "Coincidental meeting"
Taking advantage of a crisis for personal gain was a skill!
The second day, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao changed back into their
original clothing. They intentionally left the restaurant earlier than
BaiLi TianYi to loiter around the prearranged meeting point,
preparing to stage a coincidental meeting later on. It was as if they
were serial stalkers. You XiaoMo felt especially guilty.
However, after walking around, You XiaoMo started to shop around
instead of stalk. The Boundless Town had developed differently from
Yan City. They started off developing their economy from seafood
and it hadn’t changed till now. As a result, most of the goods sold in
the town were related to the aquatic creatures that dwelled in the
depths of the Boundless Ocean. In all their sales, seafood took up as
much as seventy percent, whereas the rest were hunted from the
An hour later, the both of them walked towards a large harbor
where they guessed BaiLi TianYi and his group would be heading to.
The fisherfolk of Boundless Town were already there early in the
morning, setting up their stalls and laying out their catch to sell.
Those that were selling the seafood were mostly ordinary people,
while those setting sail out to sea to catch demon beasts were clearly
practitioners with the exception of a few mages. Due to the recent
incident regarding the Leyline, there was an increasing number of
people heading out to sea. Those dependent on catching demon
beasts from the sea for a living were more or less affected.
"Do half demon beasts like the water demons live in the Boundless
Sea?" Along the way, You XiaoMo discovered that there were a lot of
aquatic demon beasts, most of them he hadn’t seen in his scroll.He
couldn't help but thinking about the water demon live in the Shallow

Shore, they also seemed like the type of demon beast spending their
life away under water.
"No, water demons can only survive in ten thousand year old frozen
lakes with ice poison in them." Ling Xiao explained. "Water demons
are a highly contagious species, even if they existed in the Boundless
Sea, it would soon be obliterated by the strong fighters of this area."
You XiaoMo took a look around. Not even a single thing sold at the
harbor caught his interest. High and middle level demon beasts
generally could not be found at the stalls.You XiaoMo suddenly
tugged at Ling Xiao's sleeve. "Do you think I can contract an aquatic
demon beast?"
Ling Xiao gave him a side glance. "The demon beasts that you have
contracts with, which one of them doesn't know how to swim?"
Especially PiQiu and MaoQiu, they had fun daily in the lake. He
reckoned it wouldn't even be a problem to get them to dance on

T/n: It's a wordplay. 水性(shuixing) can mean aquatic or

懂水性(know how to swim). In this case, LX thought he meant the
latter meaning.
You XiaoMo ignored his teasing and immediately started correcting
"I’m talking about the demon beasts that live in the water. It would
be easier to go to places with oceans in the future."
"Then we'll do something about it when the time comes." Ling Xiao
"You XiaoMo, fellow Ling?" A voice behind them called out in

You XiaoMo jolted to his senses. He unknowingly forgot his objective
of coming here in the first place. He was so engrossed in shopping
that it became BaiLi TianYi finding them first instead.
You XiaoMo turned around and smiled brightly at them.
"What a coincidence! What are you guys… ah?" He greeted them,
only to be stopped halfway through his speech when Ling Xiao gently
pinched his waist.
"What?" BaiLi TianYi raised his eyebrows slightly.
You XiaoMo hurriedly slapped Ling Xiao's hand away and replied,
"Nothing, I’m just being weird. Why are you guys here?"
Gao Yang's loud laughter could be heard from the back.
"If we didn’t come, how would we know you two came here on your
break. But I didn’t expect you two to return so early. In fact, you guy
came back right on time."
Dao Xin Academy didn't really restrict its students' movements.
Those who wanted to take the opportunity to train and level up
could sign themselves up. Tempted by this rare opportunity, Gao
Yang and his group came over. Yin Ge and the rest also walked
towards them. He slightly nodded his head in acknowledgment of
You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao.
An XinRui had her eyes trained on Yin Ge whereas Chen Zhao, the
top on the list of the hundred strongest Mages, had his eyes on her.
Both of them did not speak.
Realising that a few people were missing from the group, You
XiaoMo was surprised. He asked, "The academy only sent you guys
Not getting the message, Gao Yang replied, "Not only us. Shifu and a
few elders will be bringing the others over to meet us. There’s other
fellow schoolmates, but they have places to be at."

You XiaoMo nodded in understanding. He knew the Academy's
underground Leyline was already reaching it limit, so obtaining the
Elemental Essence was absolutely necessary. To ensure that the
Academy could secure the Elemental Essence, Yan Fa was personally
attending to the situation. As for the schoolmates, most likely Teng
ZiXin and the rest, they were probably heading back to their clans.
Which was a good thing as they wouldn’t have to face them later on.
After the "coincidental meeting", You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao started
tagging along with the rest of the group. Gao Yang and the rest had
their minds set on training themselves as those who were vying for
the Elemental Essence were at least Imperial level or above. If they
were to compete with those superpowers with their current level of
cultivation, there was no doubt they would be crushed in an instant.
In order to prevent unnecessary casualties, Yan Fa had already
warned them long before they set off.
When they were returning to the inn, You XiaoMo purposely walked
beside BaiLi TianYi.
"Where’s Tang YuLin? He didn’t come this time?"
BaiLi TianYi couldn’t help but sigh when he was reminded of Tang
YuLin. "I did drag him here, but he’s cultivating in the inn now."
You XiaoMo couldn’t hold back his snort. From a money addict to a
cultivation obsessed fellow, You XiaoMo could already predict this
outcome when he persuaded Tang YuLin. Tang YuLin's personality
was honestly easy to understand. He was both devoted to and
perseverant in achieving his goals. Once he had his mind set, unless
there were better reasons to convince him otherwise, he would not
budge despite reaching dead ends.
"Stop laughing already. Do you have any ideas on how to make him
not so obsessed with cultivation?" BaiLi TianYi responded.

In truth, BaiLi TianYi was quite grateful to You XiaoMo. Compared to
being a money addict, he’d much rather Tang YuLin become a
cultivation fanatic. But that didn’t mean he should cultivate till no
end. If this continued, BaiLi TianYi couldn’t hold it in much longer.
"Oh…" You XiaoMo smiled knowingly. "It’s actually very simple.You
just have to tell him the flaws of cultivating in isolation for a long
period of time and lie a bit. If not you can always think of another
way to raise his level without cultivating in isolation."
For example, Dual Cultivation.
However, You XiaoMo was not so kind as to reveal this to him.
BaiLi TianYi looked at him skeptically. Levelling up without cultivating
in isolation, he must be joking right?
He probed, "What methods do you have?"
"What methods can I have? I’m just giving you suggestions, you think
for yourself." He answered straightforwardly. You XiaoMo could tell
BaiLi TianYi about Dual Cultivation, but being a bottom himself, he
didn’t want BaiLi TianYi to take advantage of a fellow bottom so
easily. What he didn’t think off was that the more a man was pent
up, the one who gets hurt was most definitely the one at the bottom.
But now, You XiaoMo didn’t think that far ahead. He had unwittingly
made the situation worse for Tang YuLin.
When they finally reached the inn, the sun had almost set. You
XiaoMo and Ling Xiao pretended that it was their first time in the inn.
Having checked out of their rooms when they left in the morning,
they had to check in to a new room again. Luckily, the innkeeper did
not recognise them. Most probably it was because many people
were entering and leaving the inn in a day and they even made the
effort to disguise themselves.
"You’re only getting one room?" Gao Yang looked at them in

Ling Xiao turned back and replied, "Yes, we can save on Crystal coins
like this."
Finishing his sentence, Ling Xiao walked into his room and shut the
door in Gao Yang's face.
Gao Yang was still in shock. He originally wanted to say "I can help
you pay for it" but didn’t have the chance to get the words out of his
mouth. Thinking about it, those words felt inappropriate and he
eventually gave up on saying them.
Zhan YuXuan had observed everything at the back. He chuckled and
spoke to Yin Ge who was beside him. "I didn’t expect Gao Yang to be
such a naive person. They were already being painfully obvious and
he still didn’t get the message."
Yin Ge just glanced at You XiaoMo's and Ling Xiao's room before
returning to his own without a word.
It wasn’t the first day Zhan YuXuan knew him, he understood his
personality and stopped speaking. Zhan YuXuan couldn’t help but be
reminded of Feng ChiYun. Whenever Feng ChiYun was around, Yin
Ge seemed to talk more?
By nightfall, everyone stayed in their own rooms.
The next day, everyone gathered punctually in the lobby. As there
were many people in the group, they were split up into three tables.
An XinRui hadn’t given up at this point, she followed Yin Ge and
shared the same table with him. Yet, the latter showed no change in
his expression. Clearly, he couldn’t be bothered. Chen Zhao chased
after An XinRui and went over to that table.
At that table sat four people, the fourth being Zhan YuXuan. You
XiaoMo found the relationship between them very intriguing indeed.
An XinRui liked Yin Ge and Chen Zhao liked An XinRui, but Yin Ge
didn’t reciprocate An XinRui's feelings. Their relationship felt like a

marathon. It was a simple concept, but the people involved never
seemed to notice or understand.
When breakfast was served, You XiaoMo ate and watched Ling Xiao
enquire about information of the Elemental Essence from GaoYang
and his group discreetly. However, it was a pity that even the insider
information that Gao Yang and his group had was not very clear.
Nevertheless, Gao Yang was the only disciple of Yan Fa, he would still
know about things that others didn’t. For example, the Flying Fish
Sect Leader who discovered the underground leyline. Despite him
being hidden by the superpowers in the Boundless town, their
actions were still found out by Dao Xin Academy and the Academy
was able to track down the whereabouts of the leader.
"Shifu only told me to not go near the Mirage Sand Sea. I believe the
the Elemental Essence should be there." Gao Yang recalled.

Chapter 346: So Hungry and Thirsty
The Mirage Sand Sea was a part of the Boundless Sea, but this area
was famous for being treacherous.
Besides the dangers posed by the environment, there were also
many strong and powerful demon beasts hidden inside. It was
reported that the kingpin of the Mirage Sand Sea was a level ten
demon beast. This demon beast was known for years in the Mirage
Sand Sea and even the three strongest experts in the Boundless
Town were afraid of incurring its wrath. Therefore, those from
Boundless Town who came out to sea to fish would not got to the
Mirage Sand Sea and would even deliberately make a detour when
they passed by.
But because of the Elemental Essence, everyone was willing to barge
in even though they clearly knew it was a chasm for dragons to hide
or a cave for tigers to have their lair. Yan Fa finally arrived with five
elders at about nine in the morning. Their rendezvous point was the
inn. Everyone immediately discovered them once the group came in.
"Shifu." Gao Yang stook up and called out to them and gave his seat
up to his shifu. Yan Fa gave a faint nod and took the seat. The others
had also originally planned to give up their seats to the rest of the
elders, but the elders took off towards an empty table to sit.
You XiaoMo, who had planned to follow Gao Yang's example to
respect the elderly, stuck his butt back onto his chair. Yan Fa held up
the cup of tea that Gao Yang poured for him and took a drink. Gao
Yang asked, "Shifu, the Elemental Essence has attracted a lot of
experts. It would not be easy for us to attain it. Why not let your
disciples help you?"
Yan Fa did not even consider it for a moment before rejecting it, "No.
In order to vie over the Elemental Essence, all parties would need to

sally forth in full strength. You would be of no help even if you went."
Gao Yang knew that his Shifu was saying this for their benefit.
Ling Xiao indifferently stated, "Vice Principal, we are here to learn
through experience." The others suddenly turned their attentions
towards him.
Yan Fa frowned slightly, but after a while he sighed, "Fine, since you
are all raring to go, I will no longer stop you. But you should all note
that once the Elemental Essence appears, it will be impossible for the
elders and me to take care of you."
Gao Yang beamed, "Shifu, please rest assured, we will be careful."
Ling Xiao smirked. Tilting his head he saw You XiaoMo blinking at him
with an 'I know what you're getting up to' expression. You XiaoMo
was indeed not wrong, Ling Xiao indeed had some motive to say as
such. If Gao Yang and his group really followed Yan Fa's instructions
to stay away from the Mirage Sand Sea, there would be no point in
following Gao Yang and his group. However, this was the only
reason. As he had said, they were here to learn through experience.
Their path of cultivation could only end here if they retreated at the
slightest hint of danger.
Yan Fa had agreed as he was probably also thinking of this point. The
hall was not an ideal place to talk. Boundless Town and Yan City's
Four Big Clans were paying extremely close attention to matters
concerning DaoXin Academy because their biggest competitor was
not each other, but the colossal monster called DaoXin Academy.
Therefore, there was always someone paying attention to each and
every action of theirs. A few minutes later, a crowd gathered in Gao
Yang's room. Yan Fa specially sent two elders to guard the outside to
prevent people from eavesdropping.
Since they were going to let Gao Yang and the others participate in
the fight for the Elemental Essence, Yan Fa did not want to waste this

fighting strength of theirs so they were currently drafting out a plan
before the general assembly which would be beginning three days
later. It was fortunate that they were all at the level of a Spiritual
Realm practitioner. Yan Fa looked at everyone present and a hint of
relief flashed through his eyes. Everyone here was a powerhouse on
DaoXin Academy's top hundred rankings. Besides BaiLi TianYi who
was part of the BaiLi Family, the rest did not belong to any other
forces and this gave him some degree of peace of mind.
Of course, this did not mean that Yan Fa was uncertain about BaiLi
TianYi; his personal character was very trustworthy. "Three days
later, the powerhouses from Boundless Town will be holding a
general assembly at JingHua Island. I will represent DaoXin Academy
to attend the assembly. You will all be heading there with me. But
there's one thing of note. To prevent underhanded actions, try not to
act alone when we reach there."
JingHua Island was an important gateway which leads to the Mirage
Sand Sea. As Boundless Town's three experts had assigned people to
a co-guard the island, whoever wanted to head to the Mirage Sand
Sea would need to gain their consent. Naturally, this only applied to
the weak parties. For parties such as Yan City's Four Big Clans and
DaoXin Academy, there was no need at for them to gain consent
from those people if they wanted to go to the Mirage Sand Sea.
However Yan Fa did not wish to breed enmity with the experts from
Boundless Town at the moment. As said, 'rabbits will bite if they are
anxious'. Although the experts from Boundless Town did not dare to
directly oppose DaoXin Academy, but if DaoXin Academy really did
not give them any face, it was very possible that they would
remember the slight when the students from the academy came into
the mountains to gain experience in the future. Starting a feud is a
small matter, but losing students would be a big issue.

Yan Fa continued, "Boundless Town has tripartite forces. They are
the Black House Square, the Hibiscus Valley and the Flying Scorpion
Stronghold. Each fraction has an Emperor Realm expert. The Black
House Square is under Old Hei Yun, Hibiscus Valley is under Fairy Fu
Rong, and Flying Scorpion Stronghold is under Thunder Fei Xie. I will
pass the information on these three and their men for you all to look
at later. If you encounter them in the future, it's best to avoid them if
possible." You XiaoMo was stunned for a moment upon hearing a
familiar name.
As expected, the Old Hei Yun they heard of from the mouths of those
people was not an ordinary elder. No wonder those people would
dare to discuss that only when the maiden and her group left.
However, since these people were experts of the Emperor Realm,
this force consisting of Yan Fa and five elders that DaoXin Academy
had sent did not seem to be enough. Ling Xiao had told him before
that Yan Fa was the weakest among the Academy’s Eight Giants. His
cultivation base was only that of a seven star Emperor Realm.
Although it was quite good, he certainly would not be able to gain
the upper hand against Old Hei Yun and his men. You XiaoMo did not
know what DaoXin Academy was thinking. Perhaps, they would be
sending more people over secretly?
If even You XiaoMo could clearly understand this, then the others
would be able to understand it much better. But despite that, there
was not one who raised a question. "Vice Principal, please rest
assured. We would definitely avoid people from Hibiscus Valley if we
meet them." BaiLi TianYi meaningfully said.
You XiaoMo could not refrain from shooting a puzzled look at him
when he saw that BaiLi TianYi had specifically mentioned the
Hibiscus Valley. Tang YuLin followed his action. They were both new
students and were totally unfamiliar regarding the matter with
Boundless Town.

BaiLi TianYi had originally wanted to stop a story at climax to keep
the listeners in suspense, but he could only explain upon seeing that
Tang YuLin was also curious, "Hibiscus Valley only takes in female
disciples. But due to their special cultivation method, each and every
one of those women are all extremely hungry and thirsty. Once they
see a man, they would seduce him. It is rumored that the every
woman from Hibiscus Valley…cough…has slept with three or more
men before." A layer of goose bumps formed on You XiaoMo's skin.
This number was just too alarming! Every single one, and even more
than three! There must be many female disciples in the sect since
Hibiscus Valley was one of three powers of Boundless Town. He
suspected that about half of the men in Wu Jin Town have had some
relations with the women from Hibiscus Valley.
"That is nothing. I've heard that that Fairy Fu Rong has a harem of
three thousand male pets. It's not known where they were captured
from, but all the men are very pretty. It's rumored that all who she
had taken a fancy to were unable to escape her clutches. Every year,
the men captured by her number no less than a hundred." The one
who said this was Zhan YuXuan. He had come to Boundless Town
together with Yin Ge before and they had heard many things about
Fairy Fu Rong's affairs at that time.
You XiaoMo did not think that the one who would be continuing this
topic was Zhan YuXuan and blurted out, "That many?! Then wouldn't
she be unable to finish one complete round every night?" This
remark caused everyone to fall silent. It must definitely be more than
three since one per night is obviously not enough. But what sort of
direction is this topic heading in?
The only one who agreed with You XiaoMo among everyone present
was Tang YuLin this adorkable person. He said, "One is not enough
You XiaoMo did not react for a moment, "What's not enough?"

Tang YuLin replied, "Since she's so hungry and thirsty, one is
definitely not enough to satisfy her. She needs five at the least."
You XiaoMo, " …" How do you know this?
Everyone, "…"
"So what? I've heard all the disciples in the Flying Scorpion
Stronghold are male. Their cultivation method is also quite special
and it needs such methods like collecting yin to nourish yang. Similar
to the female disciples from Hibiscus Valley …"
"Ah? Then why don't they simply pair up together?"
"Because Hibiscus Valley and the Flying Scorpion Stronghold don't
get along well…."
Yan Fa cleared his throat, "All right, that's the end of this topic. We
will be next discussing other plans… …" Such an explicit topic, this old
man can't eat too much of it. They cannot take this lightly as there
were many people fighting over the Elemental Essence this time.
When the meeting was about to end, You XiaoMo suddenly
remembered a problem and asked, "Vice Principal, will my Shifu be
there?" He felt that the old geezer may have conflicting interests in
his heart, as the Elemental Essence was very important to him, but
the academy also had more need for it than him.
Yan Fa replied, "He will be coming over together with the Great Elder
three days later. You'll be able to see him when we reach JingHua
Island." Everyone could not help but be startled. They did not think
that the academy would send out that person and the Great Elder
who was as shrouded in mystery as the Principal. It seemed like the
academy was determined to win the Elemental Essence.
The Great Elder and the Principal were all mystical characters and
few had seen them before. The reason that nobody dared to provoke

the academy and why they were able to stand tall till now was all
due to the two's great achievements.
Yan Fa stood up, "The meeting will conclude here. Everyone is
dismissed. Be sure to remember to gather tomorrow afternoon at
the hall downstairs." With that, he took the lead and walked off with
other Elders. Gao Yang had booked rooms for them yesterday the
rooms were located just next door. Gao Yang hastily stood up and
followed them.
Yin Ge was not a person who loved to join in the fun and was
immediately ready to leave. You XiaoMo was faster than him by a
step. Only, he suddenly turned back when he walked to the door,
and exposed a smile that took joy in calamity and delight in disaster
to everyone, "Speaking of, every one of you are a giant among men.
After we reach Jing Hua Island, remember to be careful of Fairy Fu
Rong, ha."
Everyone, "…"
Ling Xiao had long guessed what he wanted to say upon seeing that
devious expression of his. He calmly walked out of Gao Yang's room.
He was wearing a mask and totally did not need to worry about it.

Chapter 347: Fairy Fu Rong
The afternoon of the next day, everyone gathered downstairs in a
timely manner.
Seeing Tang Yulin, You XiaoMo almost began laughing uproariously,
because the other's face had an extremely ugly mask covering it. So
that was what BaiLi TianYi had dragged Tang Yulin out so early for.
After asking after it, You XiaoMo found out that the reason for the
mask was because BaiLi TianYi was afraid that Fairy Fu Rong would
go after Tang YuLin. You XiaoMo felt that BaiLi TianYi was the one
who should be wearing the mask. Fairy Fu Rong had become
infamous a long time ago and was a merciless woman. She probably
wouldn't be attracted to a delicate person like Tang YuLin. Though he
didn't want to admit it, neither he nor Tang YuLin had an impressive
and imposing air.
Since the Gigantic Firebirds weren't appropriate for oversea travel,
their choice of transport this time was a different Demon Beast, the
Ocean Rocs which usually resided in the skies over the Boundless
Sea. They were extremely fast, even faster than Gigantic Firebirds,
and you didn't have to worry about them getting lost over the sea.
However, even with the Ocean Rocs, they still needed three or four
days to get to the JingHua Islands.
During the journey, You XiaoMo grew bored and fell asleep in Ling
Xiao's embrace. Seeing this, Tang YuLin dragged BaiLi TianYi over to
be a pillow, copying You XiaoMo and lying in his man's arms to sleep.
It was rare that he didn't take the chance to hurry and cultivate;
probably because You XiaoMo's lessons were paying off. The single
men weren't envious at all.
There was a lot of mist in the skies above the Boundless Sea and they
could only see the environment within a thousand meters from
them. If they looked down, they could see the Demon Beasts in the

ocean swimming about. Due to how high up the Ocean Rocs flew,
even massive Demon Beasts looked like nothing more than tiny fish.
After a few days, the Ocean Rocs arrived at their destination. They
were able to see the massive island from very far away. There were
many practitioners patrolling the skies above the island; the security
was very tight. As they approached, the patrols rose their guards,
and a tense air arose.
"Who are you and why have you come?" a middle-aged man dressed
in a deep red robe and holding a long spear yelled as the Ocean Rocs
approached. The surrounding people all readied themselves for
battle. You XiaoMo was startled awake by this voice and only
realized they had arrived after rubbing his eyes. A black tablet flew
out at the middle-aged man.
The middle-aged man caught it and took a look. The two red words
"DaoXin Academy" were written on it. His expression changed and
threw the tablet back after getting his subordinates to make way.
Only after the Ocean Rocs had disappeared into the islands below
did he say to the people around him, "Go and tell the three Island
Masters that DaoXin Academy's people are here. The person leading
them should be the vice-principal Yan Fa."
JingHua Island was split into a total of seven small islands. In the
middle was the largest, and it was surrounded by six smaller islands.
The largest island's area was almost ten times each of the small
islands. The Ocean Rocs landed in the massive plaza on the outskirts
of the biggest island. They had come rather late and tens of Ocean
Rocs had already landed in the plaza. Familiar and unfamiliar people
gathered in a huge group. Yan Fa was the first to come down from
the Ocean Roc and many recognized him immediately. You XiaoMo,
Ling Xiao and the others climbed down after.
They hadn't realized it while in the air, but this island really was
massive. Just the plaza for Ocean Rocs was as large as several

football fields. Not long later, the person managing this came over to
welcome them, greeting Yan Fa with false enthusiasm before leading
them to the meeting. After an hour, they arrived at the meeting
place. The meeting was held in a large open space. It wasn't very
grandiose, and instead rather plain. It was separated into several
sections, and each power had their own section with a few tables
and chairs. However, Old Hei Yun and the other two Island Masters
didn't dare to neglect the DaoXin Academy representatives.
You XiaoMo looked towards the section for the Academy and didn't
see his master or the First Elder there. It seemed like they had yet to
"Yan Fa principal, it's been a while, hasn't it? I've missed you so
much." As they sat down, a voice that was seductive to the point of
causing goosebumps, suddenly rose. Everyone looked over and a
figure that was enough to be a scene of beauty on its own drifted
over. It was an extremely beautiful woman. The woman looked only
twenty or thirty years old, with an almond shaped face and peach
colored cheeks, eyebrows like the new moon, spring in her eyes and
a shapely figure, like a blooming lotus in the water. The woman wore
a charming expression, her clothes slightly revealing, though she
seemed very mature. She was the topic of You XiaoMo and co's
discussion a few days ago, Fairy Fu Rong.
Yan Fa's expression tightened, subconsciously reminded of the
discussion his students had been having a few days ago. It was good
that he had long since cultivated his composure and this tightening
of his expression lasted only for an instant. Not even Fairy Fu Rong
could tell that there was anything wrong. However, his students
weren't unaffected. Gao Yang and the others had seen Fairy Fu Rong
before. As soon as she arrived, almost everyone's gaze went to her,
and they all seemed to be doing their best to control some sort of
urge. In the end they couldn't help but look away. This was all
noticed by Fairy Fu Rong and she couldn't help but feel a little

confused. Since she didn't know why they did this, she attributed it
to the fact that she was too beautiful and that made them stare
Fu Rong flicked her beautiful hair, immediately becoming charming,
her seductively smiling eyes swept over Gao Yang and the others, a
sort of calculating look, making people feel rather uncomfortable.
Everyone's expressions tensed, unable to help but think of a few
days ago what You XiaoMo had said when he had left Gao Yang's. He
must have jinxed it; she hadn't really set her sights on them, had
That was when Fu Rong laughed lightly, saying, "Principal Yan Fa, the
students of your school, really are getting more and more
Yan Fa's expression cooled, replying mercilessly, "As handsome as
they are, they aren't people you can go after."
Fu Rong didn't mind the mockery in his voice, saying with another
laugh, "Vice principal you really are rather serious. I'm just joking.
How could I possibly dare intend to do anything to the students of
your school?"
Though Yan Fa's power wasn't anything to be afraid of, there was a
person stronger than her backing him. No matter how confident she
was, she didn't dare do anything to offend Yan Fa. She didn't know if
Yan Fa would be forgiving or not either, so she didn't continue
speaking with him. Fu Rong didn't want to stay here, bored, so she
turned to leave. Suddenly she felt a gaze secretly alight on her and
glanced over. It was a young man she had never seen before, his big
dark eyes watching her in curiosity.
"Little guy, if you keep staring at me, I'm going to start thinking you
like me." Fu Rong blinked towards him, her beautiful face giving
another seductive smile and her voice holding an alluring charm.

You XiaoMo came back to his senses abruptly and realized that
everyone was looking at him, hurriedly waving his hands and saying.
"No no, I'm not interested in old women at all."
The crowd looked away and Fu Rong's face darkened.
She hadn't heard anyone call her an old woman in ages. After she
became an Emperor level powerhouse, not even the Old Hei Yun or
Thunder Fei Xie called her that to her face before.
"Oh? So you mean if she wasn't an old woman, you'd be interested in
her?" A lazy voice drifted over calmly, with a hint of inattentiveness.
You XiaoMo wanted to cry. Ling Xiao was pulling aggro for him here,
but if he didn't reply, Ling Xiao would definitely be unhappy and he'd
be done for tonight. "I… I can't possibly be interested in her. As for
the reason, you all know why…"
Everyone around him immediately understood.
Fu Rong' face darkened further, her dark eyes giving You XiaoMo a
vicious glare. She whirled around and left. Now he really had
completely offended her.
Gao Yang walked over to comfort him. "Don't' worry, her target is
the Elemental Essence, so she won't have any time to come after you
for this."
You XiaoMo glared at Ling Xiao. As time went on, more and more
people arrived at the meeting place. The Four Great Clans opposite
them had about all arrived and You XiaoMo realized that Teng ZiXin,
Chai Zheng and Tang MengCheng were all there. Teng ZiYe hadn't
come. He heard that the day before the news of the Elemental
Essence got out, he had sealed himself in his Family's Forbidden
Heritage Site.
Though they were also students of the DaoXin Academy, they
weren't coming as a representative of the Academy and the

Academy didn't force them to stand by the Academy either. Chai
Zheng saw him and glared at him coldly before looking away and
lowering his head to speak with the elderly but imposing man beside
him. After a moment, the elderly man looked over at him. Bitingly
cold, even with several meters between them, he could feel the
intense and suffocating pressure that came with the elderly man's
A hand suddenly came down on his shoulder and You XiaoMo knew
it was Ling Xiao without looking. His body immediately felt lighter
and the pressure disappeared. Ling Xiao bent down and whispered in
his ear, "This person must be the famous elder of the Chai Family."

Chapter 348: Bossy Hei Tian
You XiaoMo immediately remembered Chai Jun, who they had
disabled. After the Chai Family knew of the incident, there was no
way they would let them go. If it wasn't for DaoXin Academy's
protection, this Chai Family elder would have been here much
Now there was also Duan QiTian, making the Chai Clan elder even
more cautious. Thus, he didn't dare do this and resorted to using the
pressure of an Emperor Practitioner on them. Really, no grace at all.
Not soon after, the two other Island Master of JingHua Island arrived.
The moment they arrived, the room quieted down. The first to enter
the public eyes was a tall and muscular man whose face was half
covered by a short beard. His expression gave off a sense of
stateliness without resorting to anger. His bare shoulders were
tattooed with an almost realistic scorpion. As he walked in, an
immense pressure followed, leaving everyone breathless.
This was Thunder Fei Xie, it was rumored that his ability was just
below Old Hei Yun. Beside him, the one cloaked in black with a flame
embroidery was Old Hei Yun himself. Even his face was covered by a
mask, that was his trademark. No one knew of his real face, even his
disciples. All people knew was that every time he arrived, this was his
getup, highly secretive but no one dared to comment. As the two
were seated, other than Duan QiTian and the Grand Elder, almost
everyone arrived. Old Hei Yun barely talked so the ones who did the
opening small talks were Fu Rong Fairy and Fei Xie. The greetings
continued for a half-hour before getting to the main point.
The general meeting was not about the Elemental Essence because
the leyline was underwater in the Boundless Sea, they couldn't use it
like DaoXin Academy did with theirs. All they could do was dig out
the spirit gems but that meant all of the forces wanted their share of

the pie. The spirit gem wasn't like the crystal coins, although they
were both currencies in the higher realms, only the spirit gem could
help with training. The crystal coins were just for show. Through
their testing it would seem that the leyline below the Mirage Sand
Sea was not very small, in fact, it was many times larger than the
underground leyline of DaoXin Academy.
So, this meeting had two objectives, one was how to distribute the
spirit gems and the other was how to defeat the level ten demon
beast resting in Mirage Sand Sea. Although multiple Emperor-level
Practitioners were present, that demon beast's reputation far
succeeded any of them. It wasn't something easily defeated,
especially since it had many strong demon beasts and helpers. Who
would fight it? How to fight it? These were all tough questions.
But before they could even get to the second point, the first had
already caused a divisive split. With Yan City's Four Great Clans,
Boundless Town's top three Forces, and DaoXin Academy made the
split with ways. However, the top three forces wanted twenty
percent each, leaving DaoXin Academy and the Four Great Clans only
forty percent, which meant their share would only be eight percent
each. The unfairness was extraordinary, so of course the Four Great
Clans were unhappy and although Yan Fa hasn't said anything, it was
apparent he wasn't either. Just this question caused everyone to
start arguing, no one was willing to step down.
"Why aren't they talking about the second question first?" As You
XiaoMo listened to their argument, at this rate, there wasn't any
need to even talk about the second point.
"If you don't split the loot first, how could they calmly work
together?" Ling Xiao answered.
"That's true, but aren't Old Hei Yun and the others way too greedy?
It’s not like the Boundless Sea is theirs, asking for that much." You
XiaoMo mumbled.

"Just a little more percentage is a huge fortune. Since they are so
greedy, of course they want the biggest piece. It’s just too bad
that…" Ling Xiao's lips curled to a sinister smile.
You XiaoMo turned around to ask what is 'too bad' when up in the
sky two sounds broke through causing waves of sound ripples.
Coming closer and closer and, in seconds, it arrived on top of the
meeting ground. As everyone looked up, there were two elders, one
with a blue patterned robe, his whole body emitting a feeling of
kindness, which was a façade. The other, was covered in cool, black
clothing, eyes cold and expression of vicissitude. However, that could
not cover the alarming pressure they brought. Fairy Fu Rong and the
others' faces changed instantly. The two were none other than
Grand Elder Hei Tian and Duan QiTian. DaoXin Academy sending two
strong fighters was unexpected. Even though Duan QiTian was a
mage, his strength was nothing to be calm about, it was even above
normal Emperor Practitioners. Of course, with Hei Tian, it was
rumored that his strength was just slightly below that of the
president of the academy. With these two, there wasn't anyone here
who could win.
"Dao Xin Academy wants thirty percent." Hei Tian said floating in
mid-air, hands behind his back, giving off the aura of strength. His
pitch-black eyes glanced over to Fairy Fu Rong and others as well as
the Four Great Clans. After he spoke, a wave of silence washed over
the area. Even Fairy Fu Rong had done her share to ask for twenty
percent, but Hei Tian went even further, straight up asking for thirty
percent before doing anything. You XiaoMo covered his mouth with
his hands and whispered in excitement, "The Grand Elder is so cool!"
When he first met with the Grand Elder, he thought he was a cold
person, but he didn't think he could be this cool too. Just throwing a
bomb like that out of nowhere. After Gao Yang heard him, he
couldn't help but laugh, "This is nothing. The Grand Elder is just that
type of person, not asking for forty percent is already holding back."

The Four Great Clans didn't say a word and just shook their heads.
They had all been in contact with Hei Tian before, if he said he
wanted thirty percent, he would get that thirty percent. If one
disagreed, he would beat you until you did. That was the reality!
Not only that, their clan's disciples would all enroll in DaoXin
Academy one day, even if Hei Tian asked for thirty percent, it
wouldn't really harm their profits. The Four Great Clans could still get
ten percent so they didn't need to offend Hei Tian over this. Of
course, it was a different story for Fairy Fu Rong and the other three.
From twenty to ten percent, one could not underestimate that ten
percent as it would lead their powers to another level, building
stronger practitioners.
Fairy Fu Rong spoke first, "Hei Tian, aren't you asking for too much?
There are eight families here, but you alone want twenty percent,
don't you think that's going to far? I cannot agree."
"I also don't agree." Fei Xie said somberly.
"This old man here doesn't mind." A cold raspy voice surprisingly
sounded. Fairy Fu Rong and Fei Xie turned towards Elder Hei Yun
shockingly. They couldn't believe it came out of his mouth. Their
faces turned dark, without Hei Yun, even if the two of them worked
together, they had less than a thirty percent chance of winning.
Hei Tian looked over at Elder Hei Yun for a few seconds before
moving to Fairy Fu Rong and the other two, "I'll give you guys a
chance. If you win against me, DaoXin Academy will give you guys
ten percent." This seemed like a wonderful deal, but neither Fairy Fu
Rong nor Fei Xie were stupid. If they get hurt here, they wouldn't
recover in time to fight for the Elemental Essence. They wouldn't
want to risk the big prize for the little advantages. After they realized
this, the two couldn't only sit back angrily. Without shedding blood,
DaoXin Academy got thirty percent.

No wonder they were the number two of the eight heads, exclaimed
You XiaoMo.
After dealing with the first question, the meeting could finally start
on the second stage. Since there was only one Element Essence, the
conclusion was that first come first serve. Lastly was the level ten
demon beast of Mirage Sand Sea. Although it was strong, they had
nine Emperor level practitioners, dealing with it would be easy.
However, the question was who? Fighting with a level ten demon
beast, no one would come out unharmed, but if they were hurt, that
weakened their chances of getting the Elemental Essence. That
wasn't something any side wanted.
"DaoXin Academy asked for thirty percent, I here believe that Grand
Elder Hei Tian should take part for getting that percentage, wouldn't
you all agree?" Fairy Fu Rong still held a grudge about the earlier
incident, so she couldn't let Hei Tian stay out of this.
As she finished, immediately there were voices of approval, even the
Four Great Clans. Their thoughts were the same as Fairy Fu Rong and
not only that, Hei Tian was much stronger than Duan QiTian, so
without him, they had a greater chance of winning.
An hour later, it was finally settled. Hei Tian would fight the level ten
demon beast while the others fought its helpers. It seemed as if they
got the better end of the stick but this was not really so as the
demon beast gathered strong fighters as well.
You XiaoMo surprisingly found out that the old man had not spoken
a word since the very beginning. His face was gloomy, and he
couldn't tell what he was thinking. By the looks of it, it was the
second personality. When the meeting dispersed, You XiaoMo
hesitated a bit before finding him with Ling Xiao.

Chapter 349: Beast Transfiguration
As they were setting off the next day, Fairy Fu Rong ordered her
servants to prepare rooms for them. Due to the limited number of
rooms available, two had to share a room, but this was only the case
for them. The Great Elder and Duan QiTian each had a room to
themselves. Even the interior decorations of their rooms were not as
minimalistic as they looked on the outside.
The Old Man’s room wasn’t hard to find. Just grabbing any passing
disciple to ask would do the job.
Both the Old Man’s and Great Elder's rooms were situated right
beside Fairy Fu Rong's, either for convenience or some other reason.
Ten minutes later, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao found the Old Man's
From afar, they saw a glowing figure standing right outside a room.
Who else could it be other than Fairy Fu Rong, who appeared to be
knocking on someone’s door.
After a while, the door opened.
As You XiaoMo strained his eyes to see. It was actually the Great
Elder's room!
Hei Tian had an expressionless look on his face. They seemed to have
conversed briefly, barely a few lines, before Fairy Fu Rong suddenly
leaned in towards Hei Tian's chest. Of course, she didn’t succeed.
Instead, she was pushed a far distance away.
Ling Xiao rubbed his chin and smiled meaningfully.
"I didn’t expect Hei Tian to be the first person that Fairy Fu Rong
tried courting."
You XiaoMo remained silent throughout. On closer inspection, the
Great Elder was indeed a looker. If he was younger, he would

definitely be a pretty boy. Cold and aloof pretty boys were the most
attractive. Seldom could anyone pull away from the attraction to
pretty boys. No wonder Fairy Fu Rong was infatuated with the Great
Fairy Fu Rong had lived for so long, she must have witnessed his
beauty when he was younger.
At this moment, the door from the adjacent room swung open. Duan
QiTian walked out looking immensely irked before yelling at Fairy Fu
Rong without second thought, "Bitch, you want to be a hoe do it
somewhere else!"
A feisty temper. Definitely his second personality. You XiaoMo
Fairy Fu Rong wasn’t affected the least by his harsh words. She
smiled prettily at him and replied, "Old geezer, I hope you remember
the mirror flower island is my territory. Where I, the owner of the
island, want to be is none of your business. If you’re unhappy, you
can always leave. I won’t stop you."
Seeing the Old Man on the verge of losing the argument, You XiaoMo
quickly intervened.
“Shifu, please calm down. We shouldn’t waste our breath and energy
on an old woman who’s been ridden by many men. This will only
make us seem uncultured. People who don’t know any better may
think us on good terms with her.” The Old Man wasn’t the only one
who was fiercely protective of the people he knew.
Duan QiTian’s anger vanished. The more he thought about what You
XiaoMo said, the more it made sense to him. He then replied
gleefully, “Well said my dear disciple! We have not sunk so low as to
squabble with a loose woman.”
Fairy Fu Rong’s hands were shaking from anger.

So these two were actually Master and disciple! No wonder both of
them were equally hateful!
“Fairy Fu Rong, if there’s nothing else, we won’t see you out!” Hei
Tian, who had remained silent throughout, finally gave the order to
leave. After making his point, he returned to his room and slammed
the door in everybody’s faces.
Not only had her attempts at seduction failed, she was utterly
insulted by the master and disciple duo. Fairy fu Rong glared
menacingly at them before storming off.
After she left, Duan QiTian looked towards You XiaoMo and his
demeanor took a hundred eighty degree turn. "What are you doing
here? What do you need me for?"
You XiaoMo immediately reverted to being cautious. He tried to
placate his Shifu and said, “Shifu, I saw that you weren’t in the best
of moods this morning so I came over to ask. Did something bad
Duan QiTian didn’t expect him to look for him because of this reason.
“It doesn’t concern you, don’t ask so much.” He scoffed.
“Shifu, you’re here for the Elemental essence too, aren’t you?” You
XiaoMo stared hard at the old man’s face.
Duan QiTian frowned but had an unexpected answer. “Nonsense! Of
course I’m here for the Elemental essence! DaoXin Academy must
have it at any cost.”
“What about you?” You XiaoMo questioned.
The Old Man was a level ten mage. If he could obtain the Elemental
Essence, his soul could improve further, thus, achieving higher level
wouldn't be a dream.. Not only that, it could even cure the issues
caused by his double personality. You XiaoMo never forgot that

point. It was one of the reasons why both he and Ling Xiao were at
the Boundless Sea for.
t/n: A little reminder, one that not possess a rainbow color soul
cannot progress further than level 10 due to the limitation of the
soul. However, soul color can advance through multiple methods.
The Old man took him in as a disciple and taught him many things. If
not for him, he would still be figuring out what to do himself and
even less likely to be at the level he was today.Therefore, after
knowing the uses of the Elemental essence, he wanted to repay his
Duan QiTian contemplated before giving his answer.
“The academy needs the Elemental Essence more than me.” His trip
here was to help the school obtain the Elemental essence and had
nothing to do with himself. But there was another reason he was
unwilling to divulge.
“Alright that’s enough. If you have nothing else to say, you should
also leave.” Duan QiTian shooed him out impatiently, unwilling to
speak to him anymore. Like Hei Tian, he shut the door.
Shifu, please don't use the word "also".
When the both of them went back to their room, Ling Xiao saw a
gloomy You XiaoMo and said, "Your Shifu has a lot on his mind. He
most likely has some secrets he can’t tell."
"Shifu still has something that troubles him?"
"Most probably something related to you shixiong Qiu Ran." Ling
Xiao sat down in the only chair in the room.
Hearing what Ling Xiao said, You XiaoMo was reminded of a matter
that didn’t seem to make sense.

Qiu Ran was also a level ten Mage. He had already reached the peak
with what he had achieved so far in life. If he wanted to progress, the
only way was through the Elemental Essence. That was why logically
speaking, he should be rushing here the moment the news of the
Elemental Essence was out. Yet, they hadn’t heard a word from or
about him till now.
You XiaoMo doubted Qiu Ran would give up on pursuing the
Elemental Essence. Even after meeting Qiu Ran only once, he could
already tell that he was an ambitious man. Since he had yet to
appear, he was most probably hiding and waiting to make his move.
"Ling Xiao, what do you think Qiu Ran could be up to?" You XiaoMo
couldn’t help asking.
"It doesn’t matter what he’s up to, his goal is definitely the Elemental
Essence." Ling Xiao stood up. "Don’t think about it anymore, he will
show himself in the next few days. Get some rest, we're setting off
tomorrow and we need all the energy we have to fish in the troubled
That night, Ling Xiao didn’t insist on doing Dual Cultivation and You
XiaoMo was able to get a restful sleep. The second day they both
woke up early. Similarly, others did too, with some who couldn’t
sleep a wink last night.
At 7.20am, people gathered at the square as planned. As people
started talking, the crowd sounded no different from the noisy port
of Boundless Town. The chatter only died when Fairy Fu Rong and
the rest of the superpowers arrived.
Due to the unique conditions of the Mirage Sand Sea, they couldn’t
use the Ocean Rocs this time, having to rely on one's own ability to
fly there. But people also had the option of getting someone to bring
them there, albeit this method was a bit embarrassing.

Seeing everyone else flying on their contract beasts, You XiaoMo's
original intention of getting Ling Xiao to carry him started to retreat.
Mages and practitioners were different. They needed to rely on
external forces to lift themselves off the ground so the only way he
thought of was to get one of the Qius from his pocket dimension.
"Get LanQiu out." Ling Xiao whispered into his ears.
"Why choose him?" You XiaoMo looked up. LanQiu's traits were too
distinctive and many knew of his existence. If they were to be
discovered, how should he explain?
"You haven’t learned any legitimate Beast Dominion Laws, so you
wouldn’t know a contract demon beast still has another important
use, such as Beast Transfiguration." Ling Xiao explained.
"What is Beast Transfiguration?" You XiaoMo curious.
Ling Xiao answered, "A mage's contract demon beast and a
practitioner's one have a very large difference. And that is the power
of the soul which cannot be obtained from cultivating. It can
transform the demon beast into any weapon or form you wish. That
is Beast Transfiguration. Long Xiang Continent has this, but it’s less
commonly seen than in a higher Realm."
You XiaoMo couldn’t wait to try it out but when he thought of a
problem, he calmed down a fair bit.
"Is it too late to learn it now?" They were setting off already.
"No." Ling Xiao continued, "There are many different types of Beast
Transfiguration, ranging from easy to difficult. The difficulty level is
determined by the what you want to transfigure the beast into. The
simpler the transformation, the easier to learn."
You XiaoMo's eyes lit up, "Hurry up and teach me how to use Beast
Transfiguration to fly!"

"LanQiu can be considered a bird so you can make him your wings.
This kind of transfiguration isn’t hard, you only need to say one
sentence. Come closer, I’ll tell you." Ling Xiao urged.

※※ ※

It was one sentence indeed, but that sentence was a bit long, and
also insanely hard to pronounce. Most importantly, it wasn’t even in
the same language. He needed to practice regularly to familiarize
with it and also get the power from his soul to cooperate. In reality it
seemed impossible.
You XiaoMo repeated the line a few times with much trouble in his
mind. It was time to set off.

Chapter 350: Unfortunately, it's Not
Included in the Set
In the end, You XiaoMo let Ling Xiao carry him for the moment, he
would be learning it while on the road.
Since there were only a few people who needed to be carried, You
XiaoMo's situation was fairly eye-catching, causing the old geezer at
the front to glare at him in dissatisfaction. Shifu, I am not trying to
deliberately disgrace you. The distance between Jing Hua Island and
the Mirage Sand Sea was a two day journey. He could take advantage
of this opportunity to practice. But that verse was indeed quite hard,
and it was in a language that he was unfamiliar with. After You
XiaoMo studied it for a few hours, he finally managed to barely chant
it out in a coherent manner but the speed was a little slow.
In the midst of battle, it was possible that he would be rapidly
dispatched by his opponent if he was even slightly slower by a
second. Therefore, no matter whether it was mentally or verbally, he
needed to study it until he could rapidly chant it once through.
"Although some people have excellent talent, they are still a useless
person who needs others to carry them." A ridiculing voice was
heard from the front. The person who spoke was Chai Zheng. The
ridicule on his face was even more obvious when he saw You XiaoMo
look over. Tang MengCheng was beside him. He did not speak, but
his eyes that were looking at You XiaoMo held the same disdain.
Almost all the people around heard it as Chai Zheng did not
deliberately lower his voice. You XiaoMo swept a glance over them,
and then he nonchalantly moved his line of sight away shortly after.
This evidently gave off a feeling of contempt for the opposite party
and the impression of beneath one's dignity to converse with them.
Compared to this, Tang MengCheng and Chai Zheng's childish and

provocative behavior was just sub-par. The two were immediately
maddened till their faces twisted in anger.
So full of yourself,huh? We'll definitely make sure you're gone
forever during this journey to the Mirage Sand Sea, the two
maliciously thought. Chai Zheng looked ahead at the old ancestor
from the Chai Family in relief. It was clear that this old ancestor was
both his hidden trump and his biggest guarantee. After a while, Gao
Yang who was at the front suddenly made an about-face and flew
"XiaoMo, you need not care about what they say. Chai Zheng and
Tang MengCheng have always been petty-minded. It's not necessary
to disturb your frame of mind because of them." Gao Yang consoled.
You XiaoMo had been practicing chanting that verse. He was slowly
becoming a little more familiar with it, and he estimated that he
would be able to recite it out in less than a second within the next
hour. He froze for a moment upon hearing Gao-dage's words, "Gao-
dage, what are you talking about? I don't care about what they said
ah!" He felt that he would be aggravated to death on a daily basis if
he really cared about such things.
"Didn't you just… …" Gao Yang was stumped. Looking at his open and
candid expression, it seemed that things were really not what he
thought it was.
You XiaoMo *he-he* as he laughed, "Sorry, I was thinking about
other things and accidently got caught up in my thoughts."
Gao Yang smiled, "That's good." When he saw You XiaoMo with his
head lowered while he was at the front, he had thought that You
XiaoMo was affected by the two's words and was feeling deeply hurt.
"It seems your Gao-dage really cares about you." Ling Xiao suddenly
interjected after Gao Yang left.

You XiaoMo had just relaxed and when he heard this sentence, and
guiltily replied, "Really? I feel that it's normal. We ought to be
concerned about each other. After all, we are friends." He came to
his senses after saying that. What was there for him to feel guilty
Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes. In the end, he let You XiaoMo go, and
did not continue this topic. He asked, "How's your training going?"
You XiaoMo, "It's acceptable. I've nearly got it, but it still needs more
Ling Xiao, "En, bring out LanQiu and give it a test. Remember to have
him mask his aura lest he be discovered."
You XiaoMo was also thinking along the same line. He was the
master of the dimension and only needed a thought to pass a
message on. LanQiu transformed into his animal-form, a red-colored
bird, after he appeared in order to not be discovered.
At a speed visible to the naked eye, LanQiu quickly transformed into
a beam of red light and threw himself towards You XiaoMo's back.
After a moment, there was an additional pair of… …dull and gloomy
wings on his back. They deliberately flew behind the procession so as
not to attract too much attention. Everyone was occupied with
hurrying on or chatting to pass the time. Thus, not many noticed this.
You XiaoMo turned and looked at the dusty grey wings. This color
was really ugly. Don't tell me that it was still related to the body of
the original form?
Ling Xiao instructed, "Trying flapping them to see if you can fly.
Remember to visualize the wings as part of your body. This will make
it so that you can do half the work with twice the effect."
You XiaoMo closed his eyes to concentrate on feeling his wings out.
His body and the wings and were connected through his soul power.
It was no wonder that only mages could use this. Soul power was

equivalent to the soul, using it to connect to the wings would cause
the wings to turn into a part of your body. This method of flying was
much more convenient than the practitioner's method of using their
spiritual power to fly, and it also consumed less soul power.
The Heavens were really fair. You XiaoMo picked it up very quickly
with Ling Xiao's directions. Half an hour later, he was already able to
fly by himself without Ling Xiao's help. This feeling was more intense
than being carried by others. In his previous life, he had dreamed
that he could freely fly through the sky. In this life, his dreams were
finally fulfilled.
"Ha ha! Ling Xiao, look, I can finally fly now!" You XiaoMo flew hither
and thither around Ling Xiao. Only until flying so many laps around
Ling Xiao that he was nearly dizzy did he stop. Yet the excitement on
his face never diminished.
Ling Xiao also let out a smile upon seeing that he was so exhilarated,
"Next, just practice more and you will be able to have a better grasp
on the speed and direction."
You XiaoMo vigorously nodded like a good student, and soon
exclaimed in excitement, "Do you still have any more Beast
Transfiguration method? Tell me all you know!"
Ling Xiao shrugged, "There's none left. I only know this one."
His original form was a demon beast. No matter how bored he was, it
was impossible for him to intentionally take the effort to learn these
things. The Beast Transfiguration method that he told You XiaoMo
about was known to him by chance. In addition, due to some reason,
he was also not that willing to tell You XiaoMo about it.
Though You XiaoMo was a little disappointed, he was still very
excited. He could now fly about anytime in the future and would not
need to depend on Ling Xiao. In order to retaliate against Chai Zheng,
he specially dragged Ling Xiao and flew to the front of the

procession. Although his wings were grey, it was particularly
conspicuous when he plunged into the middle of the crowd. There
was always someone looking at his wings in astonishment as he flew
to the front.
Chai Zheng was talking to Tang MengCheng when he suddenly
caught sight of You XiaoMo's figure from the corner of his eyes. Just
as he was about to coldly snort in disdain, his entire body stiffened as
he suddenly saw the wings on You XiaoMo's back. Tang MengCheng
discovered his strange action, following his gaze to look over, his face
unsurprisingly darkened.
You XiaoMo provocatively looked back at them and needled, "Aren't
you two still being carried by your own contracted demon beast? If
you have the skill then you should fly by yourself like me ah."
Tang MengCheng and Chai Zheng were so furious that they were
spouting smoke through the seven orifices. These sentences were
much more acerbic than what they said before. You XiaoMo's action
of directly singling the two out was so brazen that it made people
detest it even more.
"You XiaoMo, don't think that I won't dare to touch you just because
there's someone supporting you. If you really want to fight, I'll
accompany you to the end!" Chai Zheng furiously snarled.
You XiaoMo heard this and he was delighted instead of being
frightened. The present him had no need to fear Tang MengCheng
and Chai Zheng. Just as he was about to take the opportunity to
reply, an imposing voice was abruptly heard from the front. "Zheng-
er, come back here!" The voice seemed to have sounded just beside
his ear. You XiaoMo had only felt a ringing near his ear but was
nearly deafened. Then he felt a heavy gaze falling on his body. You
XiaoMo's scalp tingled. He could vaguely feel that the gaze was
coming from the very front, and it was probably from Chai Zheng's
old ancestor.

Ling Xiao pulled You XiaoMo behind himself and that gaze
disappeared. The hair on his arms had risen from the gaze and You
XiaoMo breathed a sigh of relief with it gone. It was unfortunate that
he did not manage to mess with Chai Zheng.
"A lofty ancestor actually bullied a younger generation. This is really
shameless." Duan QiTian's voice was suddenly heard as he rudely
mocked the old ancestor from the Chai Family.
The Chai Family's old ancestor was not shamed into anger after being
mocked but calmly said, "Duan QiTian, you actually took in such a
good disciple. His schemes are so profound that he actually thought
of luring my great-grandson into a trap." With his experience and
vision, he could naturally see through You XiaoMo's strength. Chai
Zheng would definitely suffer losses if he was to go up against You
Duan QiTian sneered, "Then you could only say that your great-
grandson is an idiot!"
The old ancestor from the Chai Family coldly glared, "Duan QiTian,
do you want to fight with me? This old ancestor is not afraid of you."
Duan QiTian shot a glance of contempt at him, "Let's fight it out if
you want to fight!"
"You both should stop your quarreling. We're reaching the Mirage
Sand Sea soon. If you want to fight, you can do it later. There's plenty
of time to let you guys fight to your heart's content." The old man
from the Tong Family, who had always been the 'mediator', spoke up
to smother the sparks between them.
"Old Tong is right. There'll be a tough battle coming up." BaiLi
TianYi's great-grandfather placated as he smiled and stroked his
snow white beard.
Duan QiTian gave a cold snort but did not add anything else.
Although the face of the Chai Family's old ancestor was still twisted

in anger, he was also a person who knew how to take the big picture
into consideration. The embers were suppressed before they
The Mirage Sand Sea was finally sighted after flying for two days.
However, the Mirage Sand Sea was different from other places in
that only the landscape within a hundred meter radius could be
seen. This was because the density of the white fog saturating this
place was four to five times thicker than other places. Not only that,
the white fog here was also poisonous. This was also why they could
not ride the Ocean Roc to the Mirage Sand Sea.

Chapter 351: Causing Trouble
Mirage Sand Sea was a dangerous area of the Boundless Sea, easy to
defend and hard to invade.
However, so long as you managed to get through the toxic gas
surrounding it, you would be safe inside, but many humans and
demon beasts had fallen prey to it. What looked to be normal,
common, white mist was actually immensely poisonous. As soon as a
little was breathed in, the weaker victims would immediately die of
the toxicity, so only those Spiritual level and above would be able to
pass through safely.
"Then what about mages?" You XiaoMo asked, hearing them talk
about practitioners and wondering if there were no limitations for
"There are limitations for mages as well, but it's not according to
your level. You'll know when we get in; it won't have any effect on
you, though." Ling Xiao hadn't done any research beforehand, but he
managed to guess the way it worked upon taking a look.
To confirm how many helpers the level ten Demon Beast had, Fairy
FuRong had sent her people to slip into Mirage Sand Sea some time
ago. After the sacrifices of several female disciples, they had finally
obtained reliable information. The level ten demon beast knew he
couldn't monopolize the entire ley line, so used the ley line as a lure
to get nearby level ten demon beasts to help. Boundless Sea had
more level ten powerhouses than even the North Continent. To
secure the Elemental Essence, the demon beast had invited a total of
ten level ten demon beasts, promising them each a tenth of the
Spirit Gems.

Luckily, those invited demon beasts weren't stronger than that
demon beast, but with him included, there was a total of eleven. As
for them, their side only had eight Emperor level elites. If each of
them took on one Demon Beast, there would be two left over. It was
a good thing that they had discussed this yesterday.
"I've already given you all the data we could get on Mirage Sand
Sea's demon beasts. After entering, everyone should go and find
their own opponent. If you have any problems, use the Transmitter
Stones. If no one has any objections, then let's begin this operation."
Fairy FuRong said in a tender tone. Since the information had all
been obtained by Fairy FuRong's people, it was agreed that she
would be given a whole percent for her work at the meeting. After
that, everyone split into groups.
There were only eight groups at first, but DaoXin Academy split into
three groups led by Hei Tian, Duan QiTian and Yan Fa. Yan Fa actually
wasn't as strong, and would have a hard time against a level ten
Demon Beast, so most of the students would be with him. Then, it
was time for the Emperor level powerhouses to open up a path,
leading the ten groups inside Mirage Sand Sea.
Though Mirage Sand Sea only had the poisonous gas on the outer
edges, the outer edge continued for over ten thousand meters,
consuming a lot of Soul Force. You XiaoMo finally understood why
Ling Xiao said the poisonous gas barrier had no limits for levels,
because it mostly just consumed one's Soul Force. If you could
replenish your Soul Force whenever, even low leveled mages could
enter and exit at will. Ten thousand meters wasn't too far to go. It
was barely an hour before they reached the other side.
Instantly, their eyes met wide open space, blue skies and seas, and a
row of red crowned cranes even flew overhead. It looked like
paradise. It was hard to believe that a bloody battle would soon
erupt here. By then, the ten teams had already separated. Yan Fa

had taken them to some shallows, surrounded by quiet mountain
ridges. White fog blanketed the area and the sound of waves was
audible. With the warm ocean breeze, everyone felt rather drowsy.
You XiaoMo closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and feeling the
dregs of sleep cling to him. Suddenly, there was the thwack of a slap
and he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Ling Xiao. Holding his
burning cheek, he asked in anger, "Why did you hit me?"
Ling Xiao sighed. "This is an illusion."
You XiaoMo was stunned for a moment. "Illusion? No way, it doesn't
seem like it."
Ling Xiao replied, "That's because the one casting the illusion is a
level ten demon beast, of course you wouldn't notice." It wasn't just
them, even Yan Fa hadn't realized. What good luck, meeting a level
ten demon beast so quickly!
As they spoke, Yan Fa finally noticed and quickly broke through the
illusion with the other elders. The blue skies and seas disappeared
from before their eyes, replaced by large stones covered in moss
beneath them. In front of them, there was a withering, rotting forest
with no hint of green grass or life.
"Heheh… I hear you're the vice-principal of the DaoXin Academy, Yan
Fa. Seems like the rumors weren't false. You're truly very strong, able
to break through this little lady's illusion's so quickly." With the
alluring laugh and voice, everyone noticed a group of people
standing on one of the hills. The person heading the group was an
extremely beautiful woman, even more seductive than Fairy Fu
Rong, wearing naught but a fine veil on her body. She had
remarkable breasts, long slender legs, a fine specimen. A level ten
demon beast, one that was proficient in illusions, no less, this must
be one of the only two female level ten demon beasts - the Monster

The Monster Fox's name was simply just Monster Fox, a fox demon
beast just like CatQiu, but with a less impressive bloodline. CatQiu's
ancestors were the ancient Nine-tailed Demon Foxes, so as long as
she continued to cultivate, she would achieve a strength that even
Monster Fox wouldn't be able to ever achieve. Monster Foxes had
one tail and that tail was their life. If they ever lost it, not only would
they lose all their spiritual power, they wouldn't be able to regain it
in ten thousand years, a harsh consequence. So Monster Foxes
always took great care of their tail. The woman in front of them wore
a revealing red veil in a human form, but behind her swayed a
massive white tail. Though their tail might've been their weak spot, it
was also a great boost to their combative ability, so that's why she
dared to keep it out. If she hid it, she would only lose quicker.
"Leave this Monster Fox to me and the three elders. The others are
up to you to deal with." Yan Fa's expression was extremely severe.
Though they had more people, their opponent was a level ten
demon beast. The gap between a level was nothing like the gap
between a star; it was immense.
"Shifu, don't worry about us and focus on the Monster Fox," Gao
Yang called out. Yan Fa nodded at him and led the three elders to
meet Monster Fox.
Monster Fox was a ruler of a section of the Boundless Sea and had
many powerful soldiers under her command. Among them, were
three level nine demon beasts. The remaining two elders took a level
nine demon beast each as their opponents, leaving the last one to
Gao Yang and the others. It was good that they had all fought against
level nine demon beasts before and weren't at any disadvantage
when facing it together.
The battle erupted and soon became chaotic. You XiaoMo might not
be very strong, he wanted to contribute, but…

You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao, who was standing beside him, with
black lines on his face. "What did you come here for? Aren't you
going to help?" With Ling Xiao's power, it was a waste to fight these
small fry. However, if he didn't go, people would talk, because he
wasn't low on the hundred man rankings.
"Why so serious? They'll win," Ling Xiao replied lightly.
Monster Fox hadn't brought many helpers, and Yin Ge and the others
weren't normal Spiritual Level experts either. They all had powerful
ace techniques, and many methods for keeping themselves from
certain death. You XiaoMo was speechless. Of course he knew they'd
win; that wasn't what he was worried about.
Ling Xiao kicked a person who wanted to sneak attack You XiaoMo
and sent them flying. Then, he took You XiaoMo in another direction
and kicked another enemy flying. It was uncertain if it was on
purpose or not, but the enemies that were sent flying streaked
towards Monster Fox like falling meteorites. The human ammunition
hadn't even gotten close before they were blasted into smithereens
by Monster Fox. Though it was an insignificant attack, it gave Yan Fa
and the others a small window of opportunity…
You XiaoMo said, "You did that on purpose, right?"
Ling Xiao glanced at him. "Do you have any objections?"
You XiaoMo slowly bit out, "No, I wanted to say, kick another few
"Fine…" Because of Ling Xiao's interruptions, Monster Fox was
unprepared for the attacks, letting Yan Fa and the others take the
upper hand. If this continued, victory was certain.
After blasting her own underlings for the tenth time, Monster Fox
was angry enough to start blowing steam, her figure not nearly as
casual as before, but rather inelegant. She glared over at Ling Xiao
and You XiaoMo, who had caused all this, having noticed them. It

wasn't just Monster Fox that noticed this, but Yan Fa and the others
as well.
Some people wanted to copy Ling Xiao, but… They didn't have the
skill. A battle between level ten powerhouses wasn't something you
could easily influence. The slightest mistake might cause trouble
instead. Monster Fox had wanted to shake off Yan Fa and the others
to kill Ling Xiao, but was continuously seen through by Yan Fa and
was clung to, unable to shake them off.
Eventually, she couldn't bare it anymore and hollered out in anger,
"Frost Lion, until when are you going to stand there and watch for?
Come out and help already!"
"Haha, Monster Fox, I can't believe that a ruler of Boundless Sea like
you would be pressured like this by some younglings. How
embarrassing…" A man had walked out at Monster Fox's yell. He had
blue hair and an intense aura, marking him as a level ten demon
beast for sure. He was exactly as the information they had gotten
said him to be. He was the Celestial Frost Lion they were told of.
Everyone widened their eyes. Why was the Celestial Frost Lion here?

Chapter 352: (Cat) Catching the Mice
There was only one explanation. One level ten Demon Beast they
could deal with, but two, that was dangerous for everyone. Yan Fa
was already having difficulty dealing with Monster Fox, looking
around, no one was free to fight the Celestial Frost Lion. Yan Fa and
the others were caught by surprise and had to stop.
"What are you rambling on about, just get rid of them, quickly."
Monster Fox became embarrassed to the point of anger as the
Celestial Frost Lion's words hit at her sore spot.
The Frost Lion snorted and said scornfully, "What are you afraid of?
We got this in the bag. There isn't even an Emperor level
Practitioner. And you're still worried about them escaping?"
The Monster Fox's expression turned cold, and said, "With this
attitude, if something goes wrong, you want to take full
The Frost Lion furrowed his brow, and said impatiently, "Fine, just
leave Yan Fa and those old people to me, you get the others. Good
enough for you?"
Monster Fox nodded in satisfaction and turned her chilling cold gaze
towards Ling Xiao. Her red pupils seemed to be surrounded by a
murderous aura that raged like a hurricane. As if she wanted to skin
Ling Xiao alive, she said, in a ghastly tone, "Let me see you try to
As she finished, her figure disappeared and ran towards Ling Xiao.
Yan Fa cursed under his breath before shifting to block her. But the
Frost Lion was faster and with lightning speed, stopped him.
Bombastically he said, "Yan Fa, don't be in a hurry, play with me a
little. I hope you can hold on for a long while." With that Yan Fa's
face turned eerie.

On the other side, as Monster Fox moved in for the attack, Yin Ge
and the others intended to help Ling Xiao. In their point of view,
even if Ling Xiao could fight one on one with a Level Nine Demon
Beast, it would be impossible with a Level Ten Demon Beast.
However, they got caught up with Monster Fox's underlings and
could only watch as Monster Fox approached Ling Xiao. As for Ling
Xiao he just grabbed You XiaoMo and…ran!
Monster Fox let out a cold laugh before chasing without hesitation.
By her perspective, Ling Xiao wanted to escape the fighting area to
prevent friendly fire or reduce their pressure. Thus, he decided to
run as far away as possible. That kind of thought was pure idiotic!
Thus, a game of chase began! Monster Fox wanted to see their
painful, struggling faces so she deliberately slowed down. Thus, with
one in front and the other following, one chasing and one running,
they fled thousands of miles.
In a white, hazy part of the sea, not sure of which corner of the
Mirage Sand Sea, with no islands in sight but pure sea water, it was a
great place for criminal activity. That was when Ling Xiao finally
stopped, and put You XiaoMo down, "Okay, this should be enough
Behind them, Monster Fox realized that they stopped, and a flash of
puzzlement appeared on her face but she didn't think much of it. She
just thought they had realized it was inescapable and thus decided to
take a final stand.
Monster Fox's speed was extremely fast, in less than five seconds
after they had stopped, she arrived. Her silhouette appeared a few
meters away.
You XiaoMo looked over at Monster Fox who appeared very pleased
and said to Ling Xiao, "Don't tell me you already knew that Frost Lion

was waiting for a moment to attack so you purposefully made her
angry to lure out the Frost Lion? And then use it as a way to escape
from Gao-Dage and the others?"
Ling Xiao didn't object, "Don't you think its an good opportunity?"
You XiaoMo looked at Monster Fox with pity, she probably still
thought she was the cat chasing the mouse…
"Although it's a good opportunity but isn't that Frost Lion stronger
than Monster Fox? Wouldn't that put the Vice Principal and others in
a dangerous spot?"
Ling Xiao answered, "If there was danger, there is still Yin Ge. He's
very not normal, he wouldn't turn a blind eye to it. Also, Yan Fa is no
pushover either."
You XiaoMo looked with a face of surprise, "How is Yin Ge not
Ling Xiao hold down his shoulder but had his gaze fixed on Monster
Fox, and smiled gently, "About that, I'll tell you later. First, we
should…get rid of her, right?"
Seeing the man's lip curl to a smile without a hint of distress about
their situation widened her feeling of unease. She couldn't
understand why; did they think success was luring her here? Monster
Fox couldn't think of answer and just forgot about it. As she turned
back to being full of confident, she said to Ling Xiao in a sinister tone,
"Seeing as you're a student of DaoXin Academy, I'll give you a
chance. Kill your friend and I'll let you die a quick death."
Ling Xiao ignored her and turned towards You XiaoMo, "Let Lan Qiu
out first."
Although You XiaoMo was confused, he did as he was told and let
Lan Qiu out. Immediately the grey wings disappeared and in front of
him appeared a bright red human figure. As the Bird of Pride

appeared, the pressure of a Level Ten Demon Beast spread with
incredible speed across the sea.
"A level Ten Demon Beast's pressure?" Monster Fox's pupils shrunk,
no wonder they weren't worried, they had a level ten contracted
Demon Beast. But she quickly calmed down and said, "What if it's a
Level Ten Demon Beast, it's still just level ten."
Monster Fox was low on the eleven demon beast's power tier but
not the last because she had Level Ten Two Star strength. At their
level, every difference in Stars were huge.
Lan Qiu looked at her like a idiot, an idiot at the blink of death. Ling
Xiao turned to Lan Qiu and said, "Protect him, I'll be right back."
With great respect Lan Qiu replied, "Yes, Boss Ling Xiao."
Boss Ling Xiao? A Level Ten Demon Beast is that respectful to that
man? Monster Fox's expression was filled with shock. Of course, she
wouldn't know Lan Qiu did it purposefully for show, although it was
true. Monster Fox wasn't stupid and quickly realized the strangeness
of the situation. From the beginning to the end, they had not
expressed a hint of panic, they were as calm as if she was the mouse.
This attitude had only one explanation.
Realizing this, Monster Fox's desire to live out weighted pride and
her skinny fingers quickly formed a few hand seal. In a tender tone
she shouted, "Water Mirror Moon Flower."
That was Monster Fox's ultimate move, an extremely powerful
attack, a mirage that would attack and defend. Since it was an
ultimate move, she didn't use it often. The man got pulled into the
mirage and around him was a sky of Peach flower petals, decorating
a beautiful world. A world that looked peaceful but in fact every
petal was a weapon, instantly giving off a sharp shine. The sea of
petals flied towards the man.

In a devious grin, the man's thin lips let out a single word, "Break!"
With this sound, all of the flower petals disintegrated with a small
purple flame. The mirage broke. This was a destructive way of
breaking the spell cast, Monster Fox had almost never meet
someone who could destroy all of the petals at once.
The moment the man came out of the mirage, Monster Fox had
already escaped. The reason she had unleashed her ultimate move
first was to trap the man for a while, so she could have time to run.
But out of her calculation was the speed in which the man broke the
mirage. From beginning to end it wasn't even three seconds. Looking
at the disappearing silhouette, without a second of doubt the man
You XiaoMo quickly turned to Lan Qiu and said, "Quick, bring me, I
want to see."
Lan Qiu replied, "Boss Ling Xiao will come back."
You XiaoMo replied with, "I want him to travel less, is that not
Lan Qiu, "…Okay."
Ling Xiao's speed was as lightning fast as before. By the time they
had arrived, the two were standing on an unnamed island. Monster
Fox was weak with no one to rely on and in a sorry state under the
base of Ling Xiao's foot. No longer was she high-spirited and vigorous
but weak to the point of almost turning to her original form.
"Your excellency, if you have any questions please ask. This fellow
here will tell you everything she knows, just if your excellency will
spare this poor woman." Monster Fox said sobbing. The charming
face turned delicately pitiful, making one want to cherish them.
You XiaoMo who had came with Lan Qiu coincidently saw this scene
and his expression turned to a daze until a scream of pain erupted.

When he came to his senses, he saw Ling Xiao without any
tenderness, step on Monster Fox's…breast.
With a face of malice, he smiled and said, "The next time I see you
use Bewitching Spell I'll peel your face off. Do you want to give it a
Monster Fox pleaded, "I won't do it anymore, please."
So rough!
But You XiaoMo didn't sympathize with her, she had almost had her
way with him. Ling Xiao turned around, almost surprised as to why
he came but didn't ask. Instead he said, "You guys came just in time, I
was just about to ask her some questions."
"What do you want to ask?" You XiaoMo walked in front of him and
eyed the sadden state of Monster Fox. He already had a fox Demon
Beast, so the thought of forming a contract didn't cross his mind.
Also, he wasn't fond of the scent on Monster Fox thus contracts and
things had to consider fate too.

Chapter 353: Lies
Ling Xiao had a no-nonsense attitude and went straight to the point.
“Where is the Elemental essence?”
The Monster Fox was not surprised. Shaking her head, she said,
“Good Sir, I don’t know where the Elemental Essence is. The Azure
Sea Dragon is extremely suspicious. Ever since he knew of the
existence of the ley line, he suppressed all news about it. We may be
in a partnership but he hides many secrets from us. But…”
The Monster Fox watched him cautiously, afraid of giving him an
unsatisfactory reply. Things were already this terrible, she couldn’t
afford to make it worse by lying to Ling Xiao.
“But what?” You XiaoMo interrupted.
The Monster Fox glanced at him briefly before lowering her gaze.
“I have heard that the Azure Sea Dragon may appear to be a seven-
star level ten, but in reality, he is already halfway to level eleven. If
he gets the Elemental Essence, he can transform into a dragon as
soon as he touches the water. When that time comes, I’m afraid only
the principal of DaoXin Academy can be his match. Of course, not
forgetting you too, Good Sir."
The last sentence was rather flattery. To be honest, she didn’t think
that Ling Xiao could be more powerful than the Azure Sea Dragon. If
such an individual existed on the Long Xiang Continent, she would
have already received the news.
"And?" Ling Xiao asked plainly. This time, he didn’t bother to probe.
"I suspect the origin of the ley line is most likely about a few
thousand meters away from Azure Island, under the Blaze Island.
Even if it’s not, it’s definitely near the Blaze Island."
"Why are you so sure?"

"Because ever since news of the ley line got out, the Azure Sea
Dragon suddenly sent troops and heavy reinforcement to guard the
Blaze Island. Anyone who steps foot on it gets killed! If there’s
nothing suspicious about that place, why would he suddenly do all
this! The Blaze Island is scattered with volcanoes, they erupt every
now and then and hardly anyone goes there. Suddenly sending
troops to guard, even two of his right-hand men, doesn’t it say
something about the Blaze Island?" The Monster Fox frowned. If not
for the hiccup along the way, she would have liked to go down
personally to take a look.
Ling Xiao asked a few more questions and the Monster Fox answered
to the best of her knowledge.
They were ambushed this time due to the oversight of the Academy.
If they were able to obtain information of Mirage Sand Sea, so could
their enemies. Furthermore, the other party had two additional level
ten fighters and they were planning to take advantage of that by
finishing them off one by one. So ever since they entered Mirage
Sand Sea, they had already been monitored.
"Where is that Azure Sea Dragon now?" Ling Xiao asked out of the
blue when he was almost done with questioning.
"Most likely on Azure Island. He knows that Hei Tian from Daoxin
Academy will surely look for him so he decided to just stay on Azure
Island and wait for Hei Tian." The Monster Fox answered with her
head bowed.
The Monster Fox couldn’t resist raising her head and asked
hopefully, "I have told you everything you wish to know, Good Sir.
Can you let me go now?"
Ling Xiao paused for a moment before smiling back at her. "Of
course, how about I send you off."

The Monster Fox's eyes widened. Two balls of purplish red flames
were reflected in her eyes.
The next second, the flames reached her and soon she was engulfed.
The heat was too much, it scorched her skin and she felt as if the was
going to melt in the next second. The Monster Fox screamed in pain.
her screams were heard far away, frightening.
"Why! Why?" The Monster Fox roared angrily.
The man’s voice murmured from above her head. "Why? I thought
you knew."
The Monster Fox had a face full of shock.
Burned by the flames, the Monster Fox couldn’t hold on any longer
and revealed her true form. Her body started to melt, first was the
fur, then the flesh and blood and lastly her bones. Soon after, the
Monster Fox had been reduced to a pool of bloody water. She had
met her fiery demise. Even the pool of blood had evaporated.
It was worse than dying without a complete body. Not even a hair
was left behind.
This was the first time You XiaoMo witnessed such a cruel way of
killing. His legs had given way.
It was only with Ling Xiao's help that You XiaoMo managed to remain
You XiaoMo felt he wouldn’t be able to eat anything for a period of
time, he couldn’t keep anything down his throat after a scene like
that. Seeing a demon beast being melted by the flames, up close too,
left a deep impression.
"Are you afraid?" Ling Xiao stood flush against him, speaking softly
into his ear.
"Of course I’m afraid!" You XiaoMo gulped.

"But this is the real me…" Ling Xiao's voice rang out, devoid of any
You XiaoMo turned his head to look at him and blinked. "I know, you
don’t have to specially remind me. That said, weren’t you originally
like this?"
"Didn’t you say you were scared?" Ling Xiao hesitated before
replying to You XiaoMo's question.
"I believe I’ll get used to it someday." You XiaoMo replied without
thinking. Ever since he got together with Ling Xiao, he had witnessed
many gruesome things. Furthermore, with Ling Xiao always speaking
the names of people whom he killed into his ear, he was already
relatively immune to Ling Xiao's kills.
Ling Xiao was silent before continuing, "… Do you still want to see me
kill people?"
You XiaoMo was stunned for a moment. Oh yeah, he could have
totally avoided seeing such a disgusting image. "How about you give
me a heads up before you decide to torch anyone next time."
Ling Xiao decided to put an end to this conversation.
"Oh yeah, what were you guys saying in the last few sentences, a
riddle? How come I don’t understand anything?" Seeing that he was
unwilling to speak, You XiaoMo decided to change the topic.
Ling Xiao rested his chin on his shoulder and said, "She was lying. I
originally intended to leave her a complete body when I killed her."
"How would you know?"
Ling Xiao didn’t answer his question directly. Instead, he shot a
question back at You XiaoMo.
"If it were you, would you declare to others where the treasure is
hidden if you clearly knew where it was?"

"Of course not! I’m not an idiot… so you’re saying, the Monster Fox
was lying when she told us that the Elemental Essence was under the
Blaze Island? That all this was the Azure Sea Dragon's ploy?"
"That’s right." Ling Xiao nodded.
"The Monster Fox had already thought of this point. She was so
confident in telling us that the Elemental Essence was at the Blaze
Island. No doubt it was a ploy to lure us there."
"Then where is the real Elemental Essence?" You XiaoMo asked.
"It should be on Azure Island. Azure Island Is the Azure Blue Serpent's
main camp. With two emperor level powerhouses fighting there, the
Island would definitely be affected. The Sea Dragon isn’t that dumb.
Under normal circumstances, he should have left the island." Ling
Diao explained.
"But he hasn’t. He stayed there instead, so something's fishy." You
XiaoMo caught his drift.
"But then again, won’t he be afraid of being found out by the Grand
Elder? With the Grand Elder's familiarity with the Elemental Essence,
it’s not possible that he hasn’t discovered."
"Clever!" Ling Xiao beamed and tapped on the space between his
"If the Elemental Essence is at Liu Li Isand, Hei Tian will definitely find
it. But if the Elemental Essence is still hidden within the ley line, even
with Hei Tian's capability, he stands no chance."
"Then what are we waiting for, let’s go to Azure Island. Someone
must have guessed this too. If they find it first it’ll be troublesome."
You XiaoMo was starting to get agitated and Ling Xiao responded
accordingly by flicking his forehead.
"What are you rushing for. Even if someone guessed it, it’s highly
impossible to sneak passed the Sea Dragon to get in. The best time

to take action is when the Azure Sea Dragon and Hei Tian are busy
fighting it out. Judging by the time, they won’t be fighting that soon."
Before they set off, Ling Xiao got You XiaoMo to summon SheQiu and
the rest. A single file of all the Qius assembled together, although not
a neat row. This was the second time that You XiaoMo summoned all
of them at once, the first time was to defeat Kong Wen.
Even SheQiu was a little excited when he heard about the whole
Ever since they became You XiaoMo's contract demon beasts, they
were hardly given any orders or summoned to work. Being battle-
thirsty was more or less part of a demon beast's nature, even the
cute ones like CatQiu who looked incapable of doing damage were
jumping for joy.
The six people were divided nicely into three groups. Taking into
consideration the less powerful PiQiu and CatQiu, You XiaoMo paired
them up respectively with SheQiu and LanQiu. Whereas Xiao Hei and
MaoQiu formed a team on their own.
"Master, I don’t need a team?" Lan Qiu had his hairs on his skin
raised when he saw CatQiu looking at him all teary eyed and ready to
burst into tears any moment. The corners of his mouth twitched, this
little thing would only hold him back. He had no intention of
becoming a nanny.
You XiaoMo hesitated.
"The Thousand Illusions Cat Qiu seems to have a decent special
ability, why not put him together with Xiao Hei and MaoQiu." Ling
Xiao said.
The Thousand Illusions Cat Qiu was a master of shapeshifting. He
could change anyone into how he wished them to look. And as he
got more powerful, his shapeshifting skills would also improve.

Xiao Hei and Mao Qiu were already level eight demon beasts,
however, it wasn't enough for the Mirage Sand Sea. With Cat Qiu
tagging along, it provided them with added safety.
Seeing as it made sense, You XiaoMo agreed.
Lan Qiu heaved a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, Hei Qiu stared at Cat Qiu with a look of despise. Cat Qiu
pressed his lips together.
I don’t like Xiao Hei, he always bullies me.

Chapter 354: Spring Lake
Everyone else had also discovered that DaoXin Academy met an
ambush too at the time when You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao were
hurrying to Azure Island. It was just that they were more fortunate,
as they did not have two level ten powerhouses appearing
simultaneously. As for the situation on Yan Fa's side, just as Ling Xiao
had said, Yan Fa was not an ordinary seven star Imperial Realm
expert. He was already half a step into the Emperor Realm, and he
was able to seriously injure the Frost Lion; as for Yin Ge, the secret of
him having half the bloodline of a demon beast was revealed.
Meanwhile, on the south side of the Mirage Sand Sea, at Jing Feng
Jing Feng Island was famous for having no flow of air. Thus, there
was not much spiritual energy on the island and none of the
practitioners were willing to stay on the island. At that moment, the
corpses of many demon beasts were strewn about in disorder at the
shore of the island. There was a small portion of corpses which
belonged to human practitioners. These corpses trailed from the
shore to the inland of the island. A few minutes later, the tranquility
of the island was broken by a burst of sound.
Two streaks of light, one black and one red, were seen flying quickly
out of the center of the island. The streaks of light had reached the
far edge of the island a few seconds later. Their speed could only be
described as swift. However, a fiery red feathered arrow shot out
from an unknown direction and with an uncanny course, it pierced
the black streak of light. With a 'Pu-chi', it ran through the streak.
That person released a blood-curdling scream and fell from the sky, it
was unknown if he survived. The other person was frightened upon
witnessing this and immediately put on a burst of speed, vanishing in

an instant. His original form was that of a Lightning Sable, and his
speed could not be compared to an ordinary person.
It was not long before three figures following a trail appeared at the
place where the other fell. These three were none other than Fairy
Fu Rong, Old Hei Yun and Fei Xie. They should have originally been
acting separately, but who knows why they were gathered together.
"It's a pity that the other ran away. Will this pose any problem to our
plan?" Fairy Fu Rong frowned as she looked at Old Hei Hun.
Old Hei Yun said, "It is of no importance. That person does not know
of our plan."
"This is all thanks to Hei Yun-laoxiong. If not for you, we would not
have been able to easily kill and behead two level ten demon beasts.
Those people never dreamed that you're not only a level ten expert,
but you're also a peak seven star." Fei Xie smugly laughed.

t/n: laoxiong means brother; old chap; buddy; mate (a familiar

form of address between male friends)
"That's right. When Hei Tian and the Azure Sea Dragon have a battle
to the death, there will not be any one who is able to match Hei Yun-
laoxiong at that time. We will be able to fish on the sidelines." A
calculative gleam flashed through Fairy Fu Rong's pair of beautiful
Though they had an agreement with the Four Big Clans and DaoXin
Academy, they had never thought of sharing the leyline with them.
Everything was just a delaying tactic and it was nothing more than a
way to exploit them for the purpose of removing obstacles.
"All right, let's get rid of the remaining person, then we can proceed
to the next step of the plan." Old Hei Yun spoke and then he turned
and flew down. Fairy Fu Rong and Fei Xie secretly glanced at each

other, then immediately nonchalantly looked away, and followed Old
Hei Yun down.
Although Old Hei Yun's arrow had hit that person, the vitality of
some demon beasts were very strong. A single arrow may not have
thoroughly ended the other person. To be safe, they needed to go
down and check it out. After resolving all the problems on the island,
the three transformed into three streaks of lights and flew out of Jing
Feng Island, rapidly heading towards the direction Azure Island.
However not long after they left, an immense silhouette suddenly
appeared below the surface of the sea.
Duan QiTian also had the same objective as them. Many fractions
were rushing over to Azure Island and one could imagine how
unusually 'lively' Azure Island was. At this time, You XiaoMo and Ling
Xiao who had been the first to set off had already arrived at Azure
Island. For the purpose of drawing the people's attention to Blaze
Island, the Azure Sea Dragon slightly weakened the defensive
perimeter of Azure Island. Thus, they managed to easily slip inside
without disturbing a single person.
SheQiu and the rest had already gone separate ways before they
stepped on the island, and they were to approach the objective
separately from different directions. Once they discovered any news,
they would use the transmitter stone given by You XiaoMo to
transmit the information. Azure Island was more than ten times
larger than the biggest island on the Jing Hua Islands. Thick and
dense jungles surrounded the periphery of the island and many low
and mid-level demon beasts could be found throughout the area, but
they were not of a high enough level to constitute any danger.
After passing through the jungle, they were met with rugged and
lofty mountain peaks that criss-crossed. The top of these mountain
peaks were filled with the Liu Li Fire Dragon's hidden sentries. If an

intruder was found by one of them, all the hidden sentries would
know of the intruders.
However, the hidden sentries were too weak and they were able to
slip through without alarming a single one. Just as they were
preparing to head toward the Liu Li Fire Dragon's Palace, the ground
suddenly shook for a moment. It was followed by an extremely loud
rumbling sound, and a raging wave of powerful pressure erupted
from the center of Azure Island, rapidly expanding out all around.
Those weak practitioners were immediately knocked out.
"What is this?" You XiaoMo clutched his chest in shock.
Ling Xiao whispered, "It should be the Liu Li Fire Dragon. It looks like
he finally started fighting with Hei Tian."
You XiaoMo questioned, "Then let's go quickly."
The destruction brought about by the battle of the two great
powerhouses had practically destroyed the heavens and scorched
the earth. Half of the Liu Li Palace was destroyed, and even the
ground had split open. Crumbling fences and dilapidated walls were
everywhere. The servants and guards inside the palace cut a sorry
figure as they fled in all directions. Those who were too slow to flee
met their ends by bleeding from the seven orifices or being crushed
to death after dropping into the fissures.
After You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao entered the Liu Li Palace, they
coincidentally witnessed a huge perimeter wall falling from above,
crushing a fat old man with a grizzled beard underneath. Then an
address of Your Excellency was heard from an unknown direction… …
Your Excellency? The address of 'Your Excellency' was directed at the
fat old man. You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao looked at each other. Since he
was addressed as 'Your Excellency', he should hold a relatively high
position in the palace.

The two walked over. Ling Xiao lifted the perimeter wall crushing the
fat old man, but what met his sight was the place where the fat old
man was crushed had changed into small round spheres of
meatballs. Without anything crushing it, the meatball immediately
dashed out from the pit. He did not even have the slightest trace of
hesitation as he thought of making a getaway.
Ling Xiao reached out and grabbed a smooth and slippery tail. You
XiaoMo took a closer look, "A li-lizard?"
To be more accurate, it was a large version of a lizard. Similar to
PiQiu, it was quite elastic. Ling Xiao directly threw him back into pit
and the lizard immediately turned back into a fat old man, looking at
them in fright with wide eyes.
"Wh-Who are-are… …are you-you-you? Wh-what… …are you up-up
to?" The fat old man stammered out.
You XiaoMo squatted near the pit and asked, "Just now, someone
called you 'Your Excellency'. Your position in Azure Island should be
very high right?"
The fat old man's eyes darted all around, "You're mistaken. My
surname is actually Your, and given name is Excellency."
"So it's like that, ah!" You XiaoMo raised his head and looked at Ling
Xiao. Ling Xiao smiled, and then he released his hand. With a 'boom',
the huge perimeter wall once again crushed the fat old man.
"Wah! Save me!" The fat old man did not have enough time to
change his form and was crushed underneath again. His five viscera
and six bowels were nearly squeezed out, "Wa-Wa-Wah… …I'll talk,
I'll talk… …"
Ling Xiao lifted the perimeter wall again. The fat old man quickly
gasped for a couple of breaths, and then he confessed, "I'm the
supervisor of the Liu Li Palace. I'm in charge of all the large and small
matters in the palace. Whatever you two courageous heroes want to

ask, please do not hesitate. This little old fellow will definitely speak
without reserve."


After fifteen minutes, the fat old man sat on the perimeter wall,
panting. He looked in the direction that Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo
left in and clasped his hands in prayer in front of his chest. With a
look of hope he prayed, "May the heavens bless the Master that he
will be sacrificed in this battle. Otherwise, if the Master knew that I
told those two of that thing, he would definitely kill me." Then he
slipped away.
Azure Island had a lake called the Spring Lake. Just like a hot spring,
the water in the Spring Lake was warm all year round. The only
difference between them was that the Spring Lake would never be
cold. In addition to this, the Spring Lake also had another feature -
that is, there were two different densities of water in the lake. The
water was divided into two layers and the layers would never
integrate with each other for eternity.
The water at the top layer was transparent. One could clearly see the
scene of two liquids of different densities intersecting when standing
on the lakeside. It looked just like a shallow lake; in reality it was very
The bottom layer consisted of sea blue-colored water. The depth of
this layer was unknown because it was directly connected to the
entire Boundless Sea.
The lake had always been sealed under the orders of the Azure Sea
Dragon to prevent demon beasts with hostile intentions from
sneaking into Azure Island from the lake. This continued until some
time ago, before the news of the leyline had been spread, when the
Azure Sea Dragon suddenly changed his attitude. Every day the
dragon travelled to the Spring Lake. There was even a period of time

where he went there for five to six days, and when he returned his
entire body was all wet.
The fat old man was the supervisor of the palace, thus he was one of
the few who knew about this. However, the Azure Sea Dragon did
not continue to go to the Spring Lake after the news of the leyline
was spread out. Furthermore, he gave an order that no one was
allowed to approach the Spring Lake and even assigned a massive
military force to guard the lake. There was once a servant who had
carelessly lost their way and ended up at the Spring Lake, and they
were promptly killed for the trespass. It was because of this that
everyone knew that the situation was very serious.
This matter left a deep impression on the fat old man, so he believed
that there should be something under the Spring Lake that the
Master was very concerned about. The Spring Lake was behind the
palace in Azure Island and they would have to pass by the battlefield
to reach there. To prevent being discovered, they intentionally took
the longer route. At the same time, XiaoHei and the rest had also
sent news about the Spring Lake. As they had entered Azure Island
from a different direction, they had discovered the existence of the
Spring Lake earlier.

Chapter 355: Each with Their Own
Ulterior Motives
By the time You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao arrived, the guards at the
spring had been mostly wiped out by XiaoHei and the others. The
remaining rather hardy ones were easily destroyed by Ling Xiao. The
spring wasn't very large, only a third of the size of the lake in You
XiaoMo's dimension. The bank was immediately visible, and several
corpses floated within. After a while, the corpses sunk into the
"I interrogated a guard. He said Azure Sea Dragon used to often go
down, but not to bathe in the hot springs, but to dive into the sea
blue lake water, often only coming out after twenty something
hours. Every time, he'd seem very excited about something," XiaoHei
reported methodically. You XiaoMo felt the corner of his lips
twitching. Humph, try talking to Ling Xiao with that expression if you
dare. Don't bully weaker people.
XiaoHei then said, "Master, are you doing down there with the
Ling Xiao said, "Yeah, we'll go down and look first. You guys can wait
nearby for us or go and meet up with SheQiu. It's your choice. If
anything is wrong, leave the island immediately. I don't want to have
to rescue you later." You XiaoMo had thought Ling Xiao would want
to go down by himself, having been about to speak up.
XiaoHei took out a pearl and handed it to them. "We found this
Waterproofing Pearl on the guards. A Waterproofing Pearl lasts for
four hours, but we only found one." One was a good haul already.
You XiaoMo took it at once. He wasn't very good with water. After
sending XiaoHei and the others off, he and Ling Xiao dived into the
lake together.

After entering the lake, it felt like they were much closer to the place
where the two kinds of water overlapped, but as the fat old man
said, it was rather deep. They only entered the ocean blue water
after swimming down for about 500 meters. Here, they could see
what was happening down there. You XiaoMo immediately took out
the Waterproofing Pearl. The Waterproofing Pearl was a white,
marble-like object. When used, it would create a sphere around a
meter in diameter, keeping the water out. However, after four hours,
the effects would disappear.
At the same time, the others were arriving at the island one by one.
However, some did fall for Azure Sea Dragon's trick, thinking that the
Elemental Essence was at Blaze Island, locked in an intense battle
with the people at Blaze Island. When Fairy Fu Rong and the other
two arrived, Azure Island's hidden sentries had already left and Azure
Island itself was wrecked. Azure Sea Dragon and Hei Tian had
disappeared somewhere to fight. The three managed to get to their
destination without hindrance.
"Fairy Fu Rong, are you sure it's in the spring?" They hadn't seen
anyone on their way over, but there were many corpses, so Fei Xie
couldn't help but voice his doubt.
Azure Sea Dragon was extremely careful; would he really leave Azure
Island without worry?
Fairy Fu Rong said, "I'm certain. One of the guards of the spring is the
lover of one of my disciples. Azure Sea Dragon values the spring
immensely, so there's a high chance it's the entrance to the ley line."
"We'll know if it's the spring or not once we get there," HeiYun Elder
said in a low tone. Fei Xie knew, too, that it was the only way to
confirm it and the three rushed towards it without pause. Though
they had the source of this info, it was hard to be certain if anyone
else knew about this, so they had to strike while the iron was hot.

However, when they arrived at the spring, all they saw were fallen
guards scattered everywhere. It was obvious that this wasn't natural.
Fairy Fu Rong found her disciple's lover among these guards, but
unfortunately, he had been dead for a while now. No wonder she
couldn't contact him before. Seeing this, Fairy Fu Rong's pupils
shrunk slightly, forgetting her composure and yelling, "Could there
be someone who got here before us?"
She always thought they would be the first to get to the spring. Even
if the others were smart, they wouldn't be able to immediately link
things to the spring, unless they were like her and had sent people to
scope out Azure Island long ago.
Fei Xie said with displeasure, "Fairy Fu Rong, didn't you say we would
be the first to know the secret of the spring? Why is someone even
faster than us?"
Fairy Fu Rong harrumphed coldly. "How would I know? This sort of
thing isn't a guaranteed secret. Who knows? Maybe the Four Great
Families and DaoXin Academy had already made plans, just like us."
"What we should prioritize now is getting down there, fast, to
prevent the Elemental Essence from being taken by whoever is down
there. We don't know who it is, so if we miss this chance they'll be
hard find." HeiYun Elder's voice held a hint of impatience. He was
unable to stay calm any longer. A flash of doubt appeared in Fairy Fu
Rong and Fei Xie's eyes. Their impression of HeiYun was someone
mysterious and unreadable. No one ever knew what he was thinking,
and he never lost his cool. This was the first time they had ever heard
impatience in his voice. Though they were working together, when it
came down to something that concerned their own gains, there was
no such thing as wholehearted cooperation. Secretly, everyone
would have their own ulterior motives.

The three dived into the spring. They had long since gotten a grasp of
the situation of the spring lake and had prepared sufficient
Waterproofing Pearls. To catch up, they intentionally sped up as
much as possible. Not two minutes after they dived in, a figure that
had followed them here quietly slipped in as well, laughing sinisterly.
"What an unexpected gain, god must be on my side today. Wait till I
get the Elemental Essence, then I'll get stronger and won't be afraid
of being defeated by that person anymore."
After a few seconds, a cautioning voice sounded in his ear. "Be
careful, don't get found out."
"I know."


At the bottom of the ocean, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao followed the
currents of the ocean and dived to a sea level of negative twenty
thousand meters. There was no sun, only complete darkness, and
that was when they finally reached the bottom and managed to feel
the presence of the Ley line. The pressure at twenty thousand
meters down was enough to squeeze your organs from your body. It
was a good thing that they had a Waterproofing Pearl. It prevented
the water from submerging them and helped them take the
Looking around at the dead, darkness of his surroundings, You
XiaoMo couldn't help but shudder, feeling goosebumps on his arms.
"It seems really scary!" You XiaoMo buried himself further into Ling
Xiao's embrace. At this depth, they couldn't even see any demon
beasts of the sea anymore. Low level demon beasts couldn't take the
pressure and without sunlight, high level ones didn't want to some
"As expected, this ley line was really hidden quite deep. No wonder it
went undiscovered. Digging out from twenty thousand meters under

the sea isn't an easy task," Ling Xiao exclaimed. No wonder Azure Sea
Dragon hadn't been able to do anything despite his efforts. With just
him, it would indeed be extremely hard to find the Elemental
Essence hidden at the very bottom of the ocean.
"What do we do now?" You XiaoMo asked.
"Find the opening first," Ling Xiao replied. The reason why the ley
line was discovered was because there was an opening from which
spiritual energy was escaping. If they could find the opening, they
wouldn't have to make another. You must know that ley lines were a
whole. If you weren't careful, you might accidentally cause the
spiritual energy to drain from it rapidly and change the structure of
the ley line. The worst-case scenario was that the entire ley line
would die out, and the Elemental Essence would change as well. If it
escaped into the Boundless Sea, it would be extremely hard to find it
Ling Xiao said, "Try and push your Soul Force out in front of you and
use it to sense what's there."
You XiaoMo hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Ok."
Pushing your Soul Force out was much easier than layering it over
your body, but trying it once told him that it wasn't as easy as it
seemed. The water pressure of twenty thousand meters of water put
pressure on his Soul Force, too, as if a weight had been put onto his
Soul Force. It was a good thing that the pressure wasn't too big, so
You XiaoMo quickly got used to it. This sensation wasn't alien,
because he had experienced it at Gravity Mountain already. The Soul
Force of a level eight mage wasn't something to laugh at. After
becoming a level eight mage, he hadn't had a chance to test the
limits of his Soul Force, but now was a great chance.
The thin Soul Force spread forwards like a spider web. He could feel
the hair-raising silence of the ocean bottom, and almost snatched his

Soul Force back several times. It was only until about two thousand
meters ahead that something felt different; his Soul Force had
contacted a small bump. His Soul Force had been lured over by an
intense spiritual energy.
"Found it!" You XiaoMo retracted his Soul Force immediately,
exclaiming with pleasure. Two thousand meters wasn't far, and there
they found a stone hill, twenty meters tall and ten meters wide.
Something green and hairy was growing all over it, and it looked a
little disgusting at first.
It was very dark around here, but with their ability, they could clearly
see the environment within a few hundred meters. The stone hill
was cracked and, approaching it, they could feel the leaking spiritual
energy. It was more than twice as dense DaoXin Academy's… Ling
Xiao suddenly frowned. This spiritual energy seemed strange.
You XiaoMo asked in excitement, "Now what are we going to do?"
Ling Xiao said. "We can't calculate the position of the Elemental
Essence while at the bottom of the sea, so we can only strike here."
They were going to go in? No way! You XiaoMo looked to the crack
that was about as large as his palm. Could they really squeeze in?

Chapter 356: There Were Actually Two
“We don’t need to go in." Ling Xiao said.
"Why?" You XiaoMo asked quizzically.
"The leyline is one entity, if we rush in, there will be problems. Also,
we don't know exactly how big the leyline is, we need some other
method of luring out the Elemental Essence."
"Ah? You can lure out the Elemental Essence?" This was the first time
You XiaoMo had heard of this and he was very surprised.
"Not a normal Elemental Essence of course, but this leyline is
different. Even if it doesn't have the lifespan of the Boundless Sea,
it's still been here for hundreds of billions of years. The Elemental
Essence must have grown some spiritual awareness."
"So, your point is to use this to lure it out? But how?"
"This Elemental Essence is of the Nature element. Wood breathes
life, so it has a strong life force and thus it's very sensitive to Life
"What are Life Souls?"
"Life Souls are crystals. However, only where the Soul Spirit is highly
concentrated is it crystallized and formed. It's only formed every ten
thousand years and is extremely precious but also something the
Elemental Essence loves."
"But…where are we going to find a Life Soul? Isn't it too late?"
Ling Xiao laughed and touched the tip of his nose, "If it's any other
person it would be too late, but you have it."
"I do?" You XiaoMo's eyes widened in disbelief. How was this
possible? He knew everything that he owned but there definitely

wasn't something called a Life Soul. He couldn't have remembered
Ling Xiao wasn't surprised at his response and continued, "Do you
still remember what I said about the requirement to birth a Life
"I remember, you said only when the Soul Spirit is highly
concentrated…" as he said this, You XiaoMo suddenly stopped. He
turned to Ling Xiao in wonder, "You…can't be talking about the
Spiritual Water Lake?"
The fact was, Spiritual Water Lake was the product of concentrated
Spiritual Energy to Spiritual Water. A leylines Spiritual Energy was
concentrated but not to the extreme, or else it would not be an
Energy but rather Water.
Although a Soul Crystal takes ten thousand years to bear, You
XiaoMo's dad had left him with a dimension that was of a High Realm
from the Vermilion Blood Clan. It was also their heirloom, passed on
for tens of thousands of years, so if some of the Spiritual Water Lake
crystallized, that was not much of a surprise.
"But I have never found crystals in the lake?" You XiaoMo thought of
this issue.
Pi Qiu and the others often played in the lake, if underneath it
existed the crystal, they would have told him already. It couldn't
have been hidden for this long.
"Have you forgotten that there is a spring source under the water?
The crystal is probably in that spring." Ling Xiao said.
You XiaoMo eventually went in to check. Without surprise, he did
find an ultra-thin piece of crystal. It was only half the size of a nail,
slightly translucent just like a white, but see through, glass piece. If it
wasn't for his good eyesight, it was very possible that he would miss

The crystal was so thin and small that with the carelessness of Pi Qiu
and the others, even if they played around here every day they
wouldn't find it.
You XiaoMo gave the crystal over to Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao threw the crystal towards the crack and the tiny crystal just
floated on top, giving off a blinding light. Some sort of smell seemed
to spread as well.
You XiaoMo gave a few sniffs only to smell nothing.
Ling Xiao said, "Are you a dog? Why do you try to smell things every
time? The crystal has no smell, only the Elemental Essence is able to
detect it."
You XiaoMo gave an awkward laugh.
The two silently waited for about two minutes before the Spiritual
Energy around the cracks acted abnormally. As if something inside
caused a turbulence in the Spiritual Energy and highly concentrated
Spiritual Energy rushed out from the cracks.
A while later, when the crack acted again, within the dense white
Spiritual Energy came out an azure beam of light. With amazing
speed, it pounced on the crystal, but that was when Ling Xiao moved
As if the crystal had consciousness, it dodged backwards, avoiding
the beam of light.
Slowly, the beam of light revealed itself. It was a pretty color, like a
firefly, about the size of You XiaoMo's fist and the azure light
Although the Elemental Essence had self-awareness, but like a
newborn baby, it could only act on basic instincts. Therefore, when
the crystal avoided it, it quickly pursued and by the time it realized
something was wrong, it was already caught by Ling Xiao.

When it began to struggle, Ling Xiao instantly threw it into his
Since they had little time to prepare, they didn't have a place to put
the Elemental Essence. Thus, the dimension was a good choice,
convenient and safe.
You XiaoMo didn't get to see it clearly but catching the Elemental
Essences this easily made him very happy. Just as he was about to
voice it, Ling Xiao covered his mouth.
You XiaoMo followed his line of sight to find him still looking at the
crack. Other than the Spiritual Energy speaking, there wasn't
anything else there.
Just as he was questioning it, Ling Xiao spoke in a slightly excited
tone, "This is…a second Elemental Essence?"
It was rare for Ling Xiao to be this excited but once You XiaoMo
heard what he had said, he couldn't help but be the excited as well.
Didn't they say a leyline could only bear one Elemental Essence?
Ten seconds later, the second Elemental Essence that Ling Xiao was
talking about appeared staggering out of the crack, lured by the
crystal. But then something strange happened.
Just when Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo had thought it was also coming
for the crystal, that Elemental Essences took a sudden turn and made
a run for the outside.
Clearly this Elemental Essence's Intelligence was much smarter than
the first.
It had probably guessed that it was trap, likely it was hiding way and
saw what happened.
To be able to do this, it's Intelligence should be near fully developed.

Just as You XiaoMo was about to ask Ling Xiao if they should follow
or not, Ling Xiao, without warning dragged him into the dimension.
Stone Mountain returned to its deafening silence.
In three seconds, three beams of light hurriedly went to catch up to
the Elemental Essence. The three was Fairy Fu Rong and the others.
Originally, they were still planning how to catch the Elemental
Essence when they felt its presence. Immediately they rushed over
and saw the lingering shadow of the Elemental Essence. Without
hesitation they rushed other.
"What's going on?" You XiaoMo exclaimed.
"I knew something was going with Old HeiYun and the others from
the start. It looks like they had prior knowledge that underneath the
spring lake was the leyline." Ling Xiao replied.
"They're sure sly."
"Whatever, let's leave that Elemental Essence for them to fight over.
With its intelligence, it would probably take a while before anyone
catches it. However…" As Ling Xiao approached the end of his
sentence, he stopped.
"However, what?" You XiaoMo asked.
"If DaoXin Academy doesn't get the Elemental Essence in the end,
even if we give ours to your Shifu it wouldn't amount to anything."
The moment You XiaoMo thought about it he knew what Ling Xiao
meant. Shifu would give the Elemental Essence for the future of the
Academy so if they gave him the Elemental Essence, he would give it
away. So, in the end their goal would be left unaccomplished.
"What should we do?" You XiaoMo asked anxiously.
Dao Xin Academy was a good place to study but his emotional
attachment to was not as strong as with the old man. If he was to
choose, without hesitation he would pick the old man.

Ling Xiao answered, "The only thing we can do now is help DaoXin
Academy obtain the Elemental Essence."
You XiaoMo stopped for a moment, not happy but instead worriedly
said, "Is this too…"
He felt that this should be his responsibility, but every time it would
involve Ling Xiao. Having Ling Xiao work this much, he was a bit
The one who knew You XiaoMo best? Ling Xiao!
That someone looked at his expression and knew everything. He
said, "My dear wife, as your husband I'm aware of my
You XiaoMo, "…"
Once they finished talking and came out of the dimension, half an
hour had passed. Underneath the sea was an eerie stillness. Old
HeiYun and the others were long gone, and the crack still fumed the
color of Spiritual Energy.
You XiaoMo guessed that the Waterproofing Pearl had just about an
hour left and said, "We should hurry up and leave."
"No rush." Ling Xiao replied, "Don't you want the Spirit Gems from
the leyline?"
"Eh?" You XiaoMo blinked in response.
Ling Xiao continued, "The ones above, on land, should all be fighting
for the Elemental Essence. DaoXin Academy has HeiTian and Duan
QiTian, even if we are a bit slow to arrive, there shouldn't be an
issue. Rather we should take the chance when no one is around to
dig out the Spirit Gems since we won't get another chance."
Once everything was finished, those above would surely come down
to dig out the Spirit Gems.

You XiaoMo replied in horror, "You want to dig out all of the Spirit
Ling Xiao just rolled his eyes and gave him a knock on the head, "You
think that's possible?"
"Eh…." You XiaoMo answered feeling awkward, "Not likely."
In terms of time, that wasn't possible. For a leyline to bear two
Elemental Essences, the amount of Spirit Gems must be extremely
large. Therefore, they just had to dug out as many as possible.
Thus, the great plan to hand-dig Spirit Gems was initiated.
As they were working hard, up above, an extremely entertaining
fight for the Elemental Essence was happening too. Once the
Elemental Essence appeared, it was immediately detected by every
strong practitioner, even HeiTian and Azure Sea Dragon had stopped

Chapter 357: Friends Turned Enemies
Spirit Gems were hard to dig out, especially deep underseas. It was
impossible for an ordinary man, but luckily Ling Xiao was there.
He used his power to create a field in which he repealed the sea
water. Since they were so deep beneath the ocean, the pressure was
so strong that even Ling Xiao couldn't hold it for long. An hour was
the most he could do.
Once the time was up he must retract his field or else it would hurt
his core and he wouldn't be able to help DaoXin Academy with
getting the Elemental Essence.
You XiaoMo recognized the urgency and quickly took out a bottle of
Spiritual Water, ready to replenish his Soul Power at any time.
Especially because he was the only one digging.
Spirit Gems were extremely tough, not to mention deeply buried,
making it difficult to dig out. With the first Spirit Gem You XiaoMo
realized this and therefore he must use Soul Power while digging.
Good thing he was a Level Eight mage.
For efficiency, he could only be a little rough with how he did things.
He spread out his Soul Power like a fishing net and dug. In less than
two seconds, the ones that were dug out were put into his
dimension. Rinse and repeat.
After a long time working as hard as he could, drinking Spiritual
Water as well, it was impossible to obtain his desired amount with
just one person.
In the end, You XiaoMo couldn't even get a thousandth of the Spirit
Gems available.
Once Ling Xiao retracted his field, they left immediately.

It didn't take long before they saw the light and decided to go back
to Spring Lake, the starting point.
You XiaoMo still felt disappointed as he shook off the water from his
In the hour they left, Azure Island had become extremely quiet.
There was the rubble left from ruined architecture everywhere and
Old Hei Tian plus the others were nowhere to be found.
After a while, XiaoHei and the others came to find them. They were
never too far from the Spring Lake and kept in contact with She Qiu.
"Master you finally came out." Cat Qiu ran to them crying. Pouncing
onto You XiaoMo's legs as he continued, "Cat Qiu was really scared,
there were so many strong people."
You XiaoMo lifted him up. Cat Qiu looked like this rabbit pillow he
had in his previous life. Circular, flat, with two rabbit ears and so You
XiaoMo couldn't help but rub his hair, "What happened?"
The tsundere XiaoHei said, "When we had arrived at Spring Lake,
Boundless Town's three Practitioners came too. From their
conversation we could tell that they knew of the secret beneath the
lake and hadn't planned on telling the others."
At the time, they feared being discovered, especially since they're
levels were so different. Good thing they were very far away and
were in a hurry that no one was found out.
Ling Xiao replied, "We figured the same."
XiaoHei continued, "There was one more thing, it seemed that there
was someone tailing Old Hei Yun and the others. They followed them
in pursuit."
Ling Xiao raised a brow at that, "Do you know who he is?"
XiaoHei shook his head, the master did not give him information on
someone like that, "It's a young man wearing a black cloak."

Speaking of a cloaked man who was young and could follow Old Hei
Yun without being found, thereby being a level ten practitioner,
there was someone who fit.
No wonder that person seemed to have disappeared for a while. He
came to the Boundless Sea to rob the Elemental Essence. This time
there would be no return for him, Ling Xiao thought as his lips curled
into a sinister smile.
"What's the situation right now?" You XiaoMo also figured it out but
he didn't really pay any mind to it. Even though that person was
strong, with this many strong practitioners at Mirage Sand Sea, even
if he worked with the Netherworld Sea Siren it wouldn't be easy.
"Lan Qiu gave a message not long ago that those people were still at
Mirage Sand Sea's South side on West Sand Island. They're fighting
for the Elemental Essence up in the air." Mao Qiu replied.
Ling Xiao said, "We'll go look. You guys don't need to come."
You XiaoMo nodded in confirmation, "Also, there shouldn't be too
many people at Azure Palace, you guys can go treasure hunting. If
you don't like that, two thousand meters away from Spring Lake is
the place of Spirit Gems produced by the leyline. If you guys are
bored, you can go and dig some up, but don't stay down for too
As he finished, he and Ling Xiao left, leaving the three behind with
XiaoHei wearing a blackened expression on his handsome face.
Beneath the Mirage Sand Sea lived many Demon Beasts, if they went
in, they would be fish dinner for sure. Especially since the water was
so deep that before they could dig anything, their lives would be
Although the first suggestion was not a bad idea, but XiaoHei was not
interested in it. Mao Qiu and Cat Qiu on the other hand were both

Mao Qiu could be girl or boy, but she preferred being a girl and so
mostly appeared as a girl in human form. Generally, girls like sparkly
items so she was interested in the treasures. Cat Qiu on the other
hand called up Pi Qiu with a Transmitter Stone to ask if he wanted to
come. Right after hearing this, Pi Qiu left She Qiu and ran over.
West Sand Islands was an attraction in the Mirage Sand Sea.
There were numerous islands with many sizes. Almost every
thousands of mile you could see another island. Not only that,
surrounding them were all kinds of corals in a rainbow of colors, all
very beautiful.
Mirage Sea Island and Boundless Town transacted economically in
coral currency.
As the two continued onwards, alongside the roads were many coral
patches. Very pretty, but only for looking and not eating, thus You
XiaoMo didn't feel the need to collect them.
An hour later they finally arrived on top of West Sand Islands.
In a sea of white clouds there were three silhouettes looking at each
other from afar. The atmosphere wasn't tense like enemies fighting,
but still very ominous.
You XiaoMo took a good look before recognizing one of them. Just as
he was about to shout out their name, Ling Xiao, in quick response,
covered his mouth.
"Mnnmmm…" You XiaoMo rolled his eyes a little, what's wrong this
time? Every time he seemed to get his mouth covered.
Ling Xiao explained, "Do you not realize the one who is standing
beside Old Hei Yun is your Shi Xiong Qiu Ran?"
You XiaoMo's eyes widened in disbelief. You are lying, Old HeiYun
and Qiu Ran?
To find out the truth, they decided to wait and react accordingly.

"Shifu, since I was figured out, I suppose there is nothing more I can
do. You are correct, Hei Yun is my Life Bound Demon Beast. I was the
one who told him to establish the Black House Square. What's the
difference of you knowing or not knowing?" Qiu Ran spoke
uninterestedly. His original plan was not to let Duan QiTian know,
but even if he did, it didn't matter.
Duan QiTian responded blankly, "Yes it doesn't amount to anything.
Although there was this question I had wanted an answer to since
the beginning. Tell me honestly, were you the one who harmed Wei
Qiu Ran was silent for a moment before giving a snarky laugh, "You
were always suspicious of me, weren't you?"
Duan QiTian confirmed unapologetically, "Correct, ever since your
Second Shidi went missing I had the suspicion it had something to do
with you."
Qiu Ran let out a cold laugh. Staring sinisterly at Duan QiTian, he
spoke one word at a time, "Since you really want to know, I'll tell
you. Don't want to you turn over in your grave. You are right, you're
precious Second Shidi was harmed by me. Too bad he's lucky and got
away, but I'm sure he's broken at this point."
"You bastard!" Duan QiTian yelled angrily.
With an expression of ease Qiu Ran replied, "If you want to blame
someone then blame yourself. I'm your disciple too but all you cared
about was Wei Bai. You gave him everything. But me? Even the
Heavenly Soul Scripture I had to find myself. Now, even Xiao Shidi
you just accepted is treated better than me."
When he had first heard from his disciples that Shifu allowed Xiao
Shidi in his treasured library, even though he had acted as if he didn't
care, he was filled with jealousy like back with Wei Bai. From then
on, he knew Shifu had never once liked him.

Duan QiTian answered, "You're the one harboring ill intentions, but
you blame me, your Shifu. Why don't you reflect on what you did
Qiu Ran gave a cold laugh, "At this point it's useless. You're precious
Second Shidi will never come back. As for You XiaoMo, you better
keep a close eye out because I can't guarantee he won't follow Wei
Bai's old path."
Duan QiTian started shaking in anger, "If you dare move even on hair
on his body, your Shifu promises you he will take your life with his
own hands." He had already lost one, the same tragedy will not
happen again.
"Take my life? HAHAHA!!!!" As if he had heard something funny, Qiu
Ran burst out into laughter. It took a while for him to calm down
before looking at Shifu menacingly, "Old fella, you think you can still
walk out of this Mirage Sand Sea alive? Today is the day of your
"Heh, you think you can win against me?" Duan QiTian snorted in
"Old fella, don't think because you hid it well that I don't know. In
reality…your soul has been long damaged, right? And, it can't never
return to your prime?" With a face that says he had won, Qiu Ran
Duan QiTian's eyes widened.
You XiaoMo's eyes also widened.

Chapter 358: Lure
There was a problem with Shifu's soul?
He remembered that when Shifu had told him about his dual
personalities, he had only talked about how it affected his ability to
refine pills, and did not say anything about his soul having a problem
He could not understand this, but Qiu Ran did not look like he was
Ling Xiao whispered in his ear, "Looking at your Shifu's expression,
Qiu Ran seems to have hit the nail on the head. He had probably not
even told Hei Tian about this."
You XiaoMo gritted his teeth, "If there's really a problem with Shifu's
soul, then will the Elemental Essence be able to repair his soul?"
Ling Xiao chuckled, "Of course."
You XiaoMo grabbed Ling Xiao's arm, "Then we should help the
academy to snatch the Elemental Essence."
This was the only way that Shifu would accept his Elemental Essence.
He could not help the surge of bitterness in his heart at the thought
of Shifu knowing that his favorite Second Disciple had been harmed
by his First Disciple.
Ling Xiao gave him a severe stare, "Are you sure that it's 'we' and not
You XiaoMo dryly laughed, "I will cheer you on."
"How did you know of this?" Duan QiTian was shocked by Qiu Ran's
words, but he quickly calmed down. He knew that concealing it
further was of no use anymore upon seeing Qiu Ran's confidence.

"Don't think that I can't see through your act if you conceal it well.
After all, we have been master and disciple for so many years." Qiu
Ran enjoyed the shock on Duan QiTian's face. He really could not see
through it in the beginning, but the longer they interacted, the more
he felt that something was fishy. After some investigation, he was
finally certain of what had happened to Duan QiTian.
For the purpose of repairing his damaged soul, Duan QiTian had been
running around here and there all these years, unceasingly searching
for things related to the soul. As a result, Qiu Ran was able to figure
this out.
Duan QiTian's face was gloomy, "Even if my soul has suffered
damage, it is still more than enough for me to teach a bastard like
you a lesson."
"If you were planning to rely on your life bound contract beast…ha
ha…" Qiu Ran let out a strange laugh, "It's impossible for me to come
here without a plan. Since I'm here, it means that your life bound
contract beast already does not pose a threat to me."
Old Hei Yun tore off his black robe and finally revealed his identity.
He was judged to be elderly from his usual hoarse voice. But the
truth was not as such. This was a young man with a head of waist
long red hair who was bursting with vitality. His eyes were as red as
blood and he had a pair of red, sharp eyebrows inclining towards his
Duan QiTian pupils abruptly contracted, "This aura! Could it be that
you are close to breaking through the tenth level?"
Hei Yun, or Hong Yun to be more accurate, looked at Duan QiTian
with cold eyes. Hearing his words, Hei Yun's gaze indifferently shifted
to the bizarre thing on Duan QiTian's shoulder and replied, "That's
right. The Aberrant Blood Vine is no longer my opponent now."

The Aberrant Blood Vine on Duan QiTian's shoulder suddenly opened
its eyes. An enchanting pair of gem-like verdant eyes were now
brimming with a chilling killing intent, concealing an element of
"Cut the crap. Since you want to, let's fight."
"What's going on?" You XiaoMo who was hiding far away looked at
Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao, "Qiu Ran's life bound contract beast is an Emperor Beast
called the Savage Crow and it is also known as the Five-Colored Bird.
It is a divine bird belonging to the phoenix class. Although it is
inferior to the Ancient Demon Phoenix, it’s ranked quite high on the
latent potential rankings of the Emperor Beasts."
You XiaoMo looked over in shock.
He had been following Ling Xiao all this time and had come to
understand the strength of Emperor Beasts. If it was indeed as such,
old geezer would not be able to win even if he risked all on his life
bound contract beast.
Ling Xiao continued, "Qiu Ran has probably hatched a plan already.
He had long harbored hatred for Duan QiTian and it is possible that
he would use this chance to kill your Shifu."
You XiaoMo was horrified. No matter what, the old geezer was his
greatly respected teacher. To plan to murder one's teacher was such
a great treasonous, heretical act. Qiu Ran would become DaoXin
Academy's number one enemy if it was leaked out. Was he not afraid
that DaoXin Academy would never let him off?
He did not wish for the old geezer to die. The old geezer could be
considered his first genuine master. He had learned and gained many
things from him these two years. For example, he had dug up many
high-level pill recipes from the old geezer and managed to make up

for his issue of having a surplus of magic herbs, but a lack of pill
"What is that Aberrant Blood Vine that he is talking about?"
"The Aberrant Blood Vine is a plant-type demon beast. Its potential is
higher than an ordinary Blood Vine as it is a variation. Thus, it could
be considered as half an Emperor Beast."
A half Emperor Beast and a full Emperor Beast were definitely not
comparable. He was already suppressed solely based on the
bloodline. Not to mention that the opposition's strength was also
higher. Chances of victory were slim.
"What should we do now?"
"Wait and see."
The Aberrant Blood Vine and Duan QiTian had the same temper. This
was also probably one of the reasons why they had come together.
They would lose most of their reason once they flared up and even
the surrounding spiritual energy would also become violent.
After he said that, the vine transformed into his original from. The
original form of demon beasts were more powerful than their human
forms. Since his strength was not a match for the opponent, then
there was nothing to hide.
The Blood Vine filling the whole sky was just like a pit of writhing
snakes, producing bursts of abnormal hissing roars. The entire body
of the Blood Vine was verdant in color and transparent blood vessels
were wiggling about under that layer of thin skin.
Hong Yun did not underestimate the Aberrant Blood Vine. No matter
how he felt that the Aberrant Blood Vine was not his match, he did
not dare to look down on a half Emperor Beast and revealed his
original form at once.

A screaming Five-Colored Crow with a blood orange crest on the top
of its head was revealed. With a fully-fledged bright five-colored
plumage, Hong Yun's original form was not any smaller than the
Aberrant Blood Vine. Just by spreading his wings, his size was close
to a hundred meters long.
The Savage Crow's vigor was indomitable. He was already releasing
the pressure of an Emperor Beast even before making a move and
his bloodline was suppressing the Aberrant Blood Vine. But the
Aberrant Blood Vine was not a newborn calf. With ample experience,
he was able to ignore the pressure of an Emperor Beast.
"Hong Yun, resolve this quickly." Qiu Ran called out to the Savage
Crow in slight anxiousness before the battle began.
Their aim was the Elemental Essence. If not for the old man rushing
out suddenly to hamper him, he would have run over to participate
in the struggle for the Elemental Essence.
The ginormous head of the Savage Crow slightly nodded. Then it
started to sing.
The Aberrant Blood Vine did not give him a chance. Three Blood
Vines gathered together to change into a sharp weapon to pierce the
Savage Crow from different directions… …
Qiu Ran watched the two beasts battling. Although the opponent's
strength was lower, the Aberrant Blood Vine was still the old man's
life bound contract beast. After following the old man for so many
years, his combat experience was far more abundant than Hong Yun.
A short amount of time was probably not enough to tell the outcome
of the battle.
He then turned his gaze to Duan QiTian. The old man's soul was
suffering damage. Right before his eyes was a chance to get rid of
Duan QiTian. When he thought of this, Qiu Ran's expression slightly
twisted, his eyes even reflected a malicious gleam, his killing intent

gradually rising. He lifted his two hands to chest-level and rapidly
made a complicated hand seal. A majestic soul power bubbled out
from his body.
Duan QiTian had long discovered this and his face was as black as
In the beginning, he should not have taken in this dog lung ingrate
that bit that hand that fed it.
<t/n: dog lung: In ancient times, something-dog meat means that it
was the least valuable, for example, to hang a sheep’s head while
selling dog meat means to cheat. Dog lungs are even more worthless
than dog meat. This refers to a person who is ungrateful, as people
were obviously kind to you, but you don't appreciate it (being a dog
Just as he thought that, Qiu Ran's attack had come.
Duan QiTian put away his extraneous thoughts and formed a simple
hand seal at a faster speed. His soul power was like a tornado as it
consumed Qiu Ran's attack and rapidly diffused the energy. Qiu Ran's
attack seemed just like a measly knife and did not have much of an
You XiaoMo let out a sigh of relief upon seeing it.
But Ling Xiao interjected, "Qiu Ran's move was only just to test the
waters. It's easy for your Shifu to neutralize that attack with his skill."
You XiaoMo scratched his head, "Then do you have an idea to help?"
"I do have an idea. LanQiu should be nearby, call him over." Ling Xiao
You XiaoMo immediately took out the Transmitter tone.
LanQiu was indeed nearby and SheQiu was also with him. As for
PiQiu, he had long run off to the Azure Palace after receiving CatQiu's

After the two came over, Ling Xiao asked where the others were
struggling over the Elemental Essence. Then he ordered, "Pass the
Life Soul over. You guys wait here for me, I'll be back soon."
You XiaoMo had suddenly guessed his objective and immediately
passed the crystal to him.
Ling Xiao quickly reached the battlefield where Hei Yun and the rest
were fighting over the Elemental Essence, which was also the
airspace above the West Sand Islands.
Excluding Duan QiTian and the two others, there were still more than
a dozen people fighting over the Elemental Essence.
In the center of the battlefield, the Elemental Essence was being
besieged by everyone. However, even under this barrage, it was
merely floating silently in the sky as the green radiance emitting from
its body twinkled. It seemed as if it was thinking about how to
succeed in escaping.
Quite a period had passed, from when the Elemental Essence had
been discovered to now, but none had been able to snatch the
Elemental Essence. It was not that their strength was too low, but
every time someone was able to snatch it, another would obstruct
them. The situation was woununtil it was extremely tense.
Ling Xiao glanced at people who were awfully busy fighting each
other and smoothly fished out that piece of crystal.
Contrary to expectations, the radiance emitting from the surface of
the crystal was not as dazzling to the eyes under the sunlight.
Just as the crystal appeared, the Elemental Essence which had been
calmly floating in the sky suddenly moved. After a while, it shot out
like an arrow from a broken bow string.

Chapter 359: Ling Xiao Strikes
Everyone could feel it as soon as the Elemental Essence moved.
A part of their attention was distributed to the Elemental Essence, so
it couldn't move without alerting them. Thinking that it wanted to
escape, several people quickly set off in pursuit of it. Some of them
were a little slow and were immediately engaged by the experts that
Azure Sea Dragon had invited.
Seeing that the lure worked, Ling Xiao immediately returned with the
Soul Crystal. The Elemental Essence followed him, not at all slow
either, and they soon arrived at where Duan QiTian was and he
immediately put the Soul Crystal away.
Having lost the scent of the Soul Crystal, the Elemental Essence
paused in confusion, unsure what to do.
In that moment, Qiu Ran spotted the Elemental Essence, his
expression immediately twisting in shock, and losing his composure
and yelling, "The Elemental Essence?!"
Duan QiTian thought he was trying to divert his attention,
immediately taking this opportunity to make a hand seal, attacking
the other's soul.
An opening was created when Qiu Ran spotted the Elemental
Essence that suddenly appeared. He might've dodged most of it, but
his soul was still hit, his face paling and body swaying.
It was only then that Duan QiTian realized something was wrong and
turned his head, eyes widening involuntarily.
Hei Tian and Azure Sea Dragon had arrived by the time the two
recovered from their shock.
Seeing Duan QiTian and Qiu Ran, Hei Tian's sharp gaze swept over
them and then fell onto Hong Yun, who was engaged in a fierce

battle with the Aberrant Blood Vine, his low voice ringing out across
the sky, "Old Hei Yun."
When the others arrived and heard this, their complexions all paled
Duan QiTian immediately recalled Aberrant Blood Vine. Though he
didn't know why they were here, Hei Tian's arrival did take a lot of
pressure off his shoulders.
Seeing Hei Tian, Qiu Ran's complexion turned ugly and Hong Yun
retreated to his side.
"What is this?" Hei Tian asked.
"It's as you see. Old Hei Yun is, in reality, Qiu Ran's Life bound
contract demon beast, Hong Yun. What happened to XiaoBai is his
doing," Duan QiTian said coldly.
Hearing the what he referred to Qiu Ran as, Hei Tian knew that they
were over and said coldly, "This is good, too. I've thought that Qiu
Ran wasn't anything good for a long time now. After this is over, I'll
report back to Han Gong."
Han Gong was the legendary principal of DaoXin Academy.
Just as everyone was busy being shocked over Qiu Ran and Duan
QiTian's drama, a person that had been hiding in a dark corner
lunged at the Elemental Essence while everyone was distracted.
He was swift and timed his lunge well. The Elemental Essence was
caught before it could react. In the next moment, he turned to run.
However, the others weren't weak. Fairy Fu Rong and Fei Xie almost
instantaneously appeared in front of him to block his way.
When they saw his face, confusion flashed through their eyes and
they asked, near simultaneously, "Who are you?"

Hei Tian looked over. This person's presence felt familiar to him, but
he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.
Seeing the powerhouse that suddenly appeared, pretty much no one
recognized him, but Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo who were hidden in a
corner recognized him at once.
It was none other than Dong Shen who had been following Fairy Fu
Rong and company.
Seeing that he had been foiled, Dong Shen gritted his teeth and
threw the Elemental Essence out with all his might.
Right now, whoever held the Elemental Essence would become a
target. Out of those present, none had the power to fight everyone
else all at once, not even Hei Tian, Azure Sea Dragon or Hong Yun
dared to try. Plus, Hei Tian and Azure Sea Dragon were both injured.
Staring at the Elemental Essence that arced through the sky,
everyone was restless, but none dared to be the first to try and
snatch it.
The Elemental Essence, now free, didn't dare to hesitate any longer,
swerving in the air and fleeing in a direction with no people.
Fairy Fu Rong couldn't help but be the first to pursue it. Her delicate
hand was about to touch the Elemental Essence when an axe
suddenly came down at her from one side.
To avoid it, Fairy Fu Rong could only give up.
Turning around, she saw BaiLi family's gentle looking family head.
The person blocking her way was BaiLi Yang. Seeing her look over, he
smiled, "Fairy Fu Rong, I'm very sorry, but I can't let you have the
Elemental Essence."
Fairy Fu Rong was enraged, and said, "BaiLi Yang, you might be able
to stop me, but you won't be able to stop the others. You won't be
able to get the Elemental Essence either."

BaiLi Yang smiled, uncaring. "I know, but I'll stop who I can." What he
was implying was that he didn't care about getting the Elemental
Essence anymore.
Fairy Fu Rong immediately became anxiously angry.
But it wasn't unreasonable. In the BaiLi Family, he was the only
Emperor level practitioner, and he wouldn't be able to get the
Elemental Essence on his own. He couldn't die either, otherwise the
impact on the BaiLi Family would be apocalyptic. So, instead of trying
the impossible, he decided to have DaoXin Academy owe him one by
helping them out.
Tong Family's head evidently had the same idea, blocking Fei Xie's
path to the Elemental Essence.
It was the Chai and Teng family that hesitated.
The Chai Family had a grudge against You XiaoMo and he was Duan
QiTian's pupil. He couldn't accept siding with DaoXin Academy.
Teng Family's head hesitated because of Qiu Ran. Qiu Ran was Teng
ZiXin's mentor and he was personally close to the Teng Family. With
Qiu Ran and Duan QiTian now enemies, the Teng Family had to
decide soon.
With that, it was DaoXin Academy that had the most people.
Azure Sea Dragon might've invited a lot of powerful helpers, but
many were injured in the previous battles and some even gave up
working with him. With this cooperation in shambles, he ended up
on the side with less powerful people.
However, DaoXin Academy's situation wasn't optimistic.
The Azure Sea Dragon stood in Hei Tian's way. "Even with the BaiLi
and Tong Families' help, don't even dream of getting the Elemental

Hei Tian looked at him with a dark face. "If I can't have it, then
neither can you." After saying that, he glanced towards the two
demon beasts that were being stalled by the Chai and Teng families.
Azure Sea Dragon had invited so many powerful beasts, yet only
three were still able to fight now.
Azure Sea Dragon harrumphed coldly. "Not necessarily."
Even though there were only three left on his side, that didn't mean
he would lose for sure.
Hei Tian knew what he was talking about, his cold gaze sweeping
over Lightning Sable, who was standing not far off.
Lightning Sable was the level ten demon beast that had successfully
escaped out of Fairy Fu Rong and the others' hands. Seeing the
others paired up and in intense battle, delight rose in his heart and
he darted off towards the Elemental Essence without hesitation.
However, he had forgotten someone everyone had ignored. That
someone was Dong Shen, who struck when Lightning Sable was
about to touch the Elemental Essence.
"Ah!!" Lightning Sable cried out in pain.
He hadn't noticed Dong Shen's movements because of his
excitement and was hit by the sneak attack, a bloody wound
appearing on his back.
Lightning Sable glared at Dong Shen, furiously roaring, "I'm going to
kill you!"
Dong Shen's lips curved up in a barely perceptible angle.
No one noticed that something was quietly approaching the
Elemental Essence.
Though the Elemental Essence had developed spiritual awareness, it
had only evolved to around the level of a seven or eight year old kid,
curious about everything around it. Seeing everyone fighting, it

hadn't escaped, but was floating in midair, as if spectating. The green
flash that occasionally surrounded it sped up.
Hidden away, You XiaoMo gazed over the stable battle situation,
feeling as if something was wrong.
LanQiu suddenly said, "That Netherworld Siren hasn't appeared."
You XiaoMo immediately looked towards the Elemental Essence, a
pulse of spiritual energy going to his eyes. Then, he saw an invisible
hand stretching out to the Elemental Essence. The Elemental Essence
hadn't noticed at all, and his heart leaped into his throat. Where did
Ling Xiao go?
Just as the thought passed through his head, the hand grasped the
Elemental Essence.
After having it in his grasp, the first thing he did was flee. This was
level ten Netherworld Siren, having been forgotten in his absence. If
a level ten emperor beast wanted to hide, then it would be simple
over the ocean. Plus, no one knew about his existence, so they didn't
know what to look out for.
"Shit, the Elemental Essence is gone." Qiu Ran was the first person to
notice. Hearing his shocked voice, some of the fighters quietly
paused their battles and looked around. The Elemental Essence
really was gone.
At the same time, Dong Shen, who had been fighting with, and
winning against Lightning Sable, quickly pulled away and darted in
the direction Netherworld Siren had fled in with immense speed. To
others, it seemed as if he was pursuing the Elemental Essence. Very
few would've thought he had something to do with the person that
had taken the Elemental Essence.
As You XiaoMo prayed, an overwhelming presence appeared from
thin air, rolling in from the direction Netherworld Siren had fled in.
Its pressure was immense, and the terrifying presence locked

Netherworld Siren in place, forcing him into becoming visible once
"Di-divine level?"

Chapter 360: My wife doesn’t like you
Hei Tian muttered the last sentence. In front of this familiar pressure
of a Divine level practitioner, his composed expression was soon
replaced with shock. Throughout the entire Long Xiang continent, he
only knew one Divine level practitioner, the principal, Han Gong. Yet,
this pressure was obviously not from Han Gong, but a stranger.
He wasn’t the only one who was taken aback, Fairy FuRong and the
others were also unable to move under such pressure. Their faces
were overflowing with fear. A Divine level powerhouse had been
beside them all this time they been fighting each other?
You XiaoMo grabbed LanQiu’s arm tightly in excitement, his nails
almost sank into flesh. This pressure was Ling Xiao’s, he finally made
a move.
LanQiu looked at his arm being wrecked and couldn’t help but roll his
eyes. Boss Ling Xiao’s strength should be something you have long
known, yet you still become this agitated. Even so, don’t take it out
on him, although it didn’t hurt him even a little bit.
Behind the clouds and mist, a figure vaguely appeared.
Under everyone’s gaze, the black shadow came out from the mist
and appeared.
The man that stepped out was unexpectedly an outstanding,
handsome man. Between his eyebrows was an embellished purple
symbol of fire. It looked as if it was alive, blazing in between his
eyebrows. The symbol added a touch of wickedness to his handsome
face, a face no one would ever forget even with just one glance.
In addition, on his right ear was a purple earring…
The man wore a black brocaded robe while his demeanor gave out a
cold and ruthless intent. No one would dare to make a pass on him

just because of his handsome face. However, those black pupils of
his were flashing with a hint of smile, yet not a smile. His overall
temperament was somewhat harmonious yet left an odd feeling.
This was a side of Ling Xiao You XiaoMo had never seen before.
When he saw Ling Xiao appear, he quickly covered his mouth, his
face was covered with astonishment.
This was the first time he ever saw Ling Xiao wearing black clothes.
Even the Fire symbol between his brows was a first. Compared to
before, he looked even more charming. Seeing Ling Xiao like this
made his heart thump and he blushed.
“Boss…Was he always this…handsome?” LanQiu hesitantly asked
with a bit of jealousy. He liked beautiful people, but his “inborn
condition” wasn’t enough. And so, every time he saw a man more
beautiful than him, he couldn’t help but feel jealous towards the
Back at the time he lived in the mountains, he had killed plenty of
handsome fellas who intruded into his territory.
You XiaoMo’s lips twitched, he could roughly guess LanQiu’s
thoughts. He lifted his head, “No, normally he wasn't this slutty.”
LanQiu, “…”
SheQiu, “…” How can you say those words? If boss ever heard this,
he will kill you.
You XiaoMo paused then said, “I’m okay with you guys hearing those
words, but remember never tell Ling Xiao.”
The two, “…”
For the Netherworld Siren that was being forced to reveal his
appearance, after he felt the pressure aura of a Divine level
powerhouse, his expression changed. But since Ling Xiao had slightly

altered his aura, both him and Dong Shen only felt that it was a little
The Netherworld Siren decided, he chose to give up on the Elemental
Essence. However, Ling Xiao didn’t want to let them go so easily, he
wanted to kill them.
When the Netherworld Siren threw away the Elemental Essence, Ling
Xiao didn’t chase after it. Instead, he went after them, as his body
weirdly disappeared on the spot.
This time, Ling Xiao directly locked them up and didn't let them have
a chance to escape like the first time.
Both Netherworld Siren and Dong Shen felt a chill up their spines.
They were horrified when they found out this man wanted to kill
them, but why?
They couldn’t figure out the reason. If it was because of the
Elemental Essence, this action simply wasn’t necessary. Moreover,
his strength was clearly far more superior than anyone at the place,
taking them all on by himself shouldn’t be a big problem. However,
he didn’t appear until the very last minute. Just why?
Questions kept coming in his head, but — Dong Shen frowned and
looked at the man. He always felt that he had met this man
somewhere, but if he had seen him before, he would never forget his
face. But then, his figure somehow looked like, like…
As if he just thought of something, Dong Shen suddenly widened his
eyes. Could he be that man?
Ling Xiao squinted his eyes, judging from Dong Shen’s expression,
seemed like he had been found out.
Ling Xiao had no intention to let Dong Shen have a chance to open
the mouth. Without any warning, he took a step forward, red flame
immediately rose from beneath his feet. Within the next second, his

appearance soon vanished like a ghost and appeared right next to
Dong Shen. His fist carried the red flame as it slashed through the air,
heading toward Dong Shen's head.
With such dreadful speed and power coming toward him, Dong
Shen’s pupils suddenly shrank, but he was too late to make a move.
Dodging was his only option. He leaned back his body, trying his best
to avoid the fist, but he could only avoid half of it…
The flame fist carried both strength and killing intent, leaving him no
space to dodge and hit his head. The dizziness instantly stopped all
his nerves for two seconds.
It could be say that the head was everyone’s weak point. No matter
how strong one could be, it was impossible for one to train their
heads to become impenetrable.
Ling Xiao coldly laughed. Like that old saying, 'take the chance and
kill the man when he is sick", he wouldn’t let such an opportunity slip
out. His next blow immediately broke through Dong Shen’s defense
and once again went towards his head.
His fist was wrapped in a blazing hot fire. The color of the fire was
neither purple or red, more like a fusion of the purple flame and red
flame. It was his strongest fire. Even though Dong Shen was an
Emperor level powerhouse with an extraordinary defense power, his
head was bashed in half…
With an explosion, pieces of bright red brain matter burst into the air
like firework sparks, as Dong Shen’s body powerlessly fell.
“Ahhhh!! I will kill you!” The Netherworld Siren screamed in anger.
His eyeballs almost bulged out. His flame of anger was scorching as if
it could burn everything. Seeing his contractor being killed in front of
his own eyes almost pushed him to madness. But the next second,
he suddenly coughed out blood, his body was on the verge to

Since they had a life bound contract relationship, their lives were
linked together.
As soon as Dong Shen died, he also got a backlash. Being bitten back
by the life bound contract, his cultivation was forced back to level
“Kill me?” As if he just heard a funny story, Ling Xiao laughed, “With
your current level, you still want to kill me?”
Netherworld Siren’s eyes reddened, filled with murderous intent,
“Don’t get too proud of yourself. Once this matter is reported back
to our superiors, soon, they will send stronger people for you, and by
that time, it will be your time of death!”
By the time his sentence ended, his body suddenly swelled up. This
was the prelude to a self-detonation.
Everyone got frightened and quickly retreated. Although his
cultivation was decreased, the power from a self-detonation was
enough to injure those Emperor level powerhouses.
Ling Xiao’s eyes were cold. He wrapped his fire around the
Netherworld Siren's body that was about to explode and let its inside
his body. In the next few second, his self-detonation action was
stopped as his body fell to the ocean along with Dong Shen.
Two powerhouses were killed in a swift instant like that of the
sudden appearance of a mysterious man.
Everyone looked toward the man with fear.
Ling Xiao didn’t pay attention to them. He sucked the Elemental
Essence toward his hand, the Elemental Essence struggled a little bit
before finally settling down on his palm.
After finishing this matter, Ling Xiao moved his eyes toward the Chai
clan’s ancestor.

Aware of the sight laid on him, the Chai clan’s ancestor felt a tingling
sensation along his scalp. He didn’t have any connection to this man,
why was he looking at him?
Ling Xiao squinted his eyes and showed a happy face, “You of Chai
clan, I give you an opportunity, as long as you able to take on one
move of mine, I will spare your life.”
“Why? I seem to have no grudge against you, sir.” Chai Clan's
ancestor tried to suppress the anger. He hadn’t encountered such a
thing for many years. If it wasn’t because of the opponent’s strength,
he would kill him without a thought.
Ling Xiao squeezed the Elemental Essence, indifferently glanced at
him and laughed, “You and I have no grudge, but…my wife doesn’t
like you.”
The wife that was used as an excuse, “…”
The Chai clan’s ancestor’s face sunk.
Ling Xiao said, “One word, accept or not.”
The Chai clan’s ancestor had no other choice, because if he didn’t
accept, the man would certainly kill him on the spot. The ancestor
directly used actions in replacement for answer. His power rose up
immensely as his put up his defense.
Ling Xiao moved the Elemental Essence to his left hand. He lifted his
right hand up high. A sparking sound suddenly came out from his
palm. A red flame gushed out like a volcano eruption. Within a
moment, it formed into a big fireball.
But it wasn’t over yet. The fireball suddenly whirled around, then, a
sharp and loud hoot came out of the fireball. One second later, a pair
of fiery wings suddenly spread out. A fire phoenix appeared in front
of everyone, its aura made people’s hearts skip a beat.

In front of this scene, Hong Yun’s pupils widened, “This…the aura of
an Ancient Demon Phoenix?”

Chapter 361: Conditions for the Exchange
"Hong Yun, what are you saying?" Qiu Ran, who stood closest to him,
asked when he heard him mumbling under his breath. He couldn’t
catch what Hong Yun had said. With all his attention turned towards
the Fire Phoenix, Hong Yun's words barely registered in his mind. All
he knew was that Hong Yun had uttered something weird.
With a hand on his face, Hong Yun's panic-stricken eyes peeked
through the gaps between his fingers.
"I can’t have guessed wrongly! This presence definitely belongs to
the King of Emperor beasts, the Ancient Demon Phoenix!"
Had the Ancient Demon Phoenix wanted to subdue him, he could
have easily been made to submit just from its bloodline alone. As
they were both demon beasts of the Phoenix species, it could be said
that they were closely related by blood. Hence, the added
oppression would be felt from the bloodline.
Qiu Ran was shocked as he looked towards the man who had a Fire
Phoenix in his hand. He was an Ancient Demon Phoenix? Or was it
his life bound contract demon beast that was an Ancient Demon
Phoenix? Regardless of the answer, it was a hindrance to obtaining
the Elemental Essence.
While he was deep in thought, Ling Xiao was already on the move.
The elegant and beautiful Fire Phoenix rose into the sky and spread
its magnificent wings before swooping down towards the elder of
the Chai Family who had already gone on defense.
Cracks started to appear on the shield before it eventually shattered.
The Fire Phoenix hadn’t even expended much of its energy as it
continued to charge towards the elder of the Chai family. The elder

had already expected that it was impossible for the shield to
withstand the attack. Just a few seconds before the shield shattered,
he immediately whipped out his weapon for defense…
Five minutes had passed. A charred corpse dropped off onto an
island below. It was the elder Chai. The rise and fall of his chest was
hardly visible anymore and it was as if he was hanging on with his
last breath. Soon, he would be at death's door.
At this moment, the elder of the Teng family suddenly swooped in
towards the elder Chai, picking him up and making a speedy escape.
You XiaoMo found it unbelievable.
He had heard about the matters between the Teng and Chai families.
While they weren’t on such horrible terms to be called enemies, the
relationship between the two families wasn’t exactly great either, to
the extent of buying pants for each other to wear. So why take the
risk to rescue him?
"I have heard some stuff about the Teng and Chai families." Lan Qiu
said suddenly.
"Which is?" You XiaoMo turned to look at him.
"If the elder of the Chai family was left to die here, the Chai family
will be kicked out of the Great Four Family Clans. The Teng family will
have to deal with the BaiLi and Tong families on their own once the
Chai family is gone. The BaiLi and Tong families are on good terms,
sometimes they are even as close as siblings. They will definitely join
forces to suppress the Teng family, so the elder of the Teng family
rescuing the elder of the Chai family is an expected outcome."
You XiaoMo remembered how BaiLi XiaoYu and Tong YueXu behaved
as if they were biological brothers. It seemed it was indeed the case
as explained by Lan Qiu.

After the two of them vanished, the surrounding became eerily
Ling Xiao's swift and decisive, yet ruthless methods had struck fear
into their hearts. That was why subsequently after the elder from the
Teng family, the men that the Azure Sea Dragon had employed all
left. They wanted to live and knowing who the Elemental Essence
would end up with, there was no point in staying anymore.
Seeing as his men left, the Azure Sea Dragon was enraged. In order
for him to evolve from a sea dragon to a full-fledged dragon, the
Elemental Essence was essential to him.
It hadn’t even been an hour when almost half of the strong ones left.
Only the BaiLi and Tong families, powerful individuals from the
Boundless Sea, the DaoXin Academy and the Azure Sea Dragon
Qiu Ran was also unwilling to give up on the Elemental Essence. It
was not like he hadn’t considered attacking the Academy. But with
superpowers like Hei Tian overseeing the school, the chances of
success were slim. He reckoned it was less than twenty percent. All
he could do was wait. And he had, for the last few hundred years. He
had waited so long for this Elemental Essence to appear and he was
definitely not offering it to the school without a fight.
"Everyone! I think we should put aside our past grudges and work
together to defeat this guy. Or else none of us can even think of
having the Elemental Essence." Qiu Ran shouted, in hopes of fanning
the flames.
He knew very well that both the Azure Sea Dragon and DaoXin
Academy needed the Elemental Essence desperately as he was only
half sure that they would agree.
His words received a mixed reaction.

Ling Xiao might be a Divine level powerhouse, but if they joined
forces, they might still stand a chance of winning.
As the saying goes, even ants could kill an elephant when they
worked together.
It was precisely this logic in the current situation.
With the Elemental Essence in hand, Ling Xiao looked darkly at the
Azure Sea Dragon. When the latter turned to face him, he smiled.
"Speaking of which, I remembered my wife once told me he wanted
to contract a Lord of the ocean. How about…"
The Azure Sea Dragon's face immediately changed. He glared at the
man darkly. He had a tiny bit of true dragon's blood in him. While it
may be little, he still had the pride of a true dragon. Obviously, he
wouldn’t submit to a mere mortal. But after listening to the man
speak, he had guessed that the man had the intention of making him
form a contract with the wife he spoke of.
"No!" You XiaoMo was the first to reject the suggestion.
She Qiu was puzzled. "Why?"
The Azure Sea Dragon was decently powerful. Though not an
emperor beast, he could one day reach Divine level judging from his
current situation. With him around, he could provide added
protection in dangerous situations when they travelled to a Higher
Realm, even without Ling Xiao around.
"Anyway my answer will still be 'no'."
Worried that Ling Xiao would really force him to enter a contract
with the Azure Sea Dragon, You XiaoMo got his communication stone
Ling Xiao glanced at You XiaoMo before slowly retrieving his glowing
communication stone.

"What is it?"
"I don’t want that Sea Dragon." You XiaoMo gripped his
communication stone tightly.
"Why?" The exact same thing that SheQiu had asked.
"Because he’s too old."
"What’s bad about being old?" Ling Xiao couldn’t understand why
You XiaoMo was so adamant on not taking the Sea Dragon.
"… I just don’t want an old grandpa."
"I understand."
"You understand what I’m trying to say?"
"If you don’t want it then so be it. But currently we haven’t found a
suitable one till now. Looks like you can’t form a contract this time."
"That’s okay, we still have next time."
"…The voice from the communication stone, is a man?" Everyone
else had the same thought in mind.
Blissfully unaware that he had just revealed his gender, You XiaoMo
happily kept his communication stone. It was a pity, but he wasn’t
the least bit interested in a demon beast that looked like an old
Said old grandpa that was despised for being too old was so furious
that not even words could describe how he felt. Yet, he could do
nothing about the person who had thoroughly insulted him.
"Azure Sea Dragon, they have mocked you and you did nothing but
bear it. If the other strong individuals of the Boundless Ocean hear
about this, your reputation will be tarnished." Qiu Ran took the
chance to stir up trouble.

The Azure Sea Dragon gave him a disgusted look before spitting out,
"You don’t need to goad me."
"I can’t believe the hegemon of the Mirage sand Ocean also has
something he’s scared of." Qiu Ran casually said.
The Azure Sea Dragon snorted.
"Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to. You only want to use
me. What I should do, I will decide for myself. No need for your
Qiu Ran's face turned grim.
Ling Xiao shifted his gaze to Hei Tian. The latter's cold and collected
eyes had betrayed a hint of a struggle. He had been debating
whether to attack Ling Xiao or not. To be honest, Ling Xiao genuinely
admired Hei Tian. He calmly looked at Hei Tian before saying, "Do
you want the Elemental Essence?"
Hei Tian fixed his composure before replying, "Indeed. DaoXin
Academy needs it urgently. Would you be willing to give it to us?"
"I can give it to you. But there are conditions." It was as if Ling Xiao
had thrown a grenade at them.
"What conditions?" After the initial shock, Hei Tian asked calmly. He
knew things weren’t going to be that easy. And true to his belief, Ling
Xiao’s words confirmed his prediction.
You XiaoMo was equally stunned. He didn’t remember Ling Xiao ever
talking to him about conditions.
Ling Xiao smiled and said, "My conditions are simple. With DaoXin
Academy’s ability, I doubt it’s difficult to satisfy. I want seventy
percent of the leylines spirit gem. I’m exchanging an Elemental
Essence with seventy percent of the spirit gems, isn’t that a good
deal for you?"

Hei Tian lowered his eyes, "It is a good deal, and I agree to the
conditions. But…"
People were waiting with bated breaths. Not only was this a good
deal, the Academy had practically benefitted immensely. The
Elemental Essence was worth more than a few spirit gems. In fact, it
could even be considered priceless. And yet this man was exchanging
it for the spirit gems? Did he have an ulterior motive?
"But what?" Ling Xiao asked.
"Why would you use an Elemental Essence to exchange for spirit
gems? With your experience, wouldn’t you know how precious the
Elemental Essence is?" Hei Tian voiced his suspicion.
"Of course I know." Ling Xiao laughed out loud, humor evident in his
"But, compared to the Elemental Essence, my wife prefers the spirit
Said wife who was used as a shield again was speechless.
Hei Tian became silent. So, did everyone else.
Based on what he and his wife had talked about over the transmitter
stone, it seemed like these were things that his wife would have said.
Even a powerful demon beast like the Azure Sea Dragon was
despised and rejected because he was found to be too old. How
ridiculous was that?
She Qiu looked at the fuming You XiaoMo and sighed lightly.
"Master, you don’t have to get so angry actually."
You XiaoMo whipped his head around to look at him. "And why is
"Think about it. If you were given the choice of the Elemental
Essence or that many spirit gems, which one would you have

"Ehh…." Now that he thought about it, he most likely would have
taken the spirit gems too…

Chapter 362: So, There's Still a Secret
Actually it's not that there was a chance, but it was that You XiaoMo
would choose the spirit gems. After choosing the spirit gems, he
would lament for a moment over the Elemental Essence that he had
a brief encounter with. Then, immediately forget about this in a few
seconds and hug a pile of spirit gems while grinning like a fool. This
was something that You XiaoMo would do.
SheQiu had indicated that he had already had a thorough
understanding of his family's master, so he did not feel the Boss Ling
Xiao used Master as an excuse as this was simply the truth.
You XiaoMo who had suffered a blow by SheQiu immediately ran to
a corner to grow mushrooms.
"Wait a minute!" Just at this moment, a person raised their
objection. A lovely voice that was raised broke the silence.
Shockingly, it was Fairy Fu Rong.
Everyone's attention moved onto her.
Fairy Fu Rong somberly looked at Hei Tian, "Hei Tian, we had an
agreement with DaoXin Academy at JingHua Island that we would
get thirty percent. Now you're promising to give them seventy
percent. What do you mean by this? Are you cutting us out of our
"Agreement? The ones who first broke the terms of the agreement
were you guys." Hei Tian's hands were behind his back. His cold gaze
indifferently swept over her and his voice was cold and detached
enough to kill.
Fairy Fu Rong's expression slightly changed, "What nonsense are you
sprouting? When did we break the agreement? I think you're just
trying to find an excuse for yourself!"

"You guys are aware whether it's an excuse or not." Hei Tian said,
"From the beginning, you all did not intend to cooperate with us, am
I right? Since it's like this, why should I abide by the agreement with
Hei Tian did not have more information than them. What he said was
merely his inference from all the indications he had seen.
Furthermore, they did not formalize their agreement, so it was easy
to renegade on it.
Fairy Fu Rong grinded her teeth in anger.
She did not want to fight with DaoXin Academy and Ling Xiao. But
since the man wanted seventy percent, they would certainly have no
share in the reminding thirty percent. She was not willing to go home
"Fei Xie, what do you say?"
Fei Xie looked at Qiu Ran who was also unwilling to give up,
"Naturally, I object too. But even if the Azure Sea Dragon agreed to
cooperate with us, our chances of victory are not high."
Fairy Fu Rong's expression twisted slightly. If not for a Divine Realm
expert suddenly appearing here, their odds of winning would reach
seventy percent. Everything was completely ruined because of him
at this moment. They had never heard of his name before. What in
the world was this man and the two strangers who had suddenly
appeared and were killed by the man instead? Everything was a
"I somehow feel…" Fei Xie suddenly injected.
"What?" Fairy Fu Rong bitterly asked. She was now in a bad mood.
"I feel that this man seemed to be helping DaoXin Academy. It's like
he knows them." Fei Xie doubtfully commented, but the impression
that they gave to him was indeed as such.

Fairy Fu Rong was taken aback. However, she quickly calmed down
and deduced, "It's not 'like'. He was basically helping DaoXin
Academy. Otherwise it's impossible for him to give up the Elemental
Essence that he attained. Maybe he was sent over by Han Gong, or…
…he's Han Gong himself."
"That's not possible." Fei Xie immediately denied this conjecture, "If
he was Han Gong, Hei Tian would have recognized him. There's also
no need for Han Gong to hide his identity."
"Then what do you say we do? Could it be that we have to give up
both the Elemental Essence and the spirit gems?!" Fairy Fu Rong spat
in fury.
Fei Xie looked uncertain. After quite a while, he relaxed his taut
muscles slightly, "I've decided to give up!"
Fairy Fu Rong's eyes bugged in shock, as she lividly shrieked, "Do you
know what you're saying?! Fei Xie, are you a man or not?!"
Fei Xie was not angered, "If you guys can guarantee that the man
would not make a move, I would naturally have no objections." He
still had many free and unfettered days ahead of him and did not
want to die in the Boundless Sea.
Fairy Fu Rong expression abruptly fell. She had no way to guarantee
Fei Xie did not bother about the gazes of others as he turned and
As he left, the scales suddenly tilted towards DaoXin Academy. The
situation changed in a split second.
Qiu Ran's face was as black as a caldron's bottom. He was still trying
to persuade the Azure Sea Dragon. If he had known earlier that Fei
Xie would give up, he would not have had a faint hope in him. Who
would have thought that Fei Xin was such a cowardly person?

"This old hand has had enough too!" After Fei Xie left, the Azure Sea
Dragon suddenly roared out.
He was not a person without any brains. Not only was there no
benefit to cooperating with Qiu Ran, he would even be shooting his
own leg by giving himself in as compensation. Speaking of retreating
ten thousand steps, even if they were lucky enough to defeat DaoXin
Academy, he would not able to defeat Qiu Ran and Hong Yun by
himself. Why should he participate this sort of business transaction
that was a loss?
The scales of victory had already completely tipped toward Hei Tian's
side with one leaving after another.
Qiu Ran did not dare to tally upon seeing that most of the people
were gone. Taking advantage of the period where everyone's
attention was on the Azure Sea Dragon, he secretly relayed a
message to Hong Yun and intended to quietly flee.
But his actions did not escape Duan QiTian who had been keeping an
eye to him. Seeing that he wanted to run away, Duan QiTian
immediately bellowed, "Qiu Ran, don't you dare run!"
His voice immediately drew everyone's attention back on Qiu Ran.
Hei Tian's actions were even quicker than Duan QiTian's. A black
shadow flashed, and he appeared in front of Hong Yun. At the same
time, he lifted his leg and kicked at Hong Yun. A black gale that
appeared to have ripped apart the very space flew towards Hong
Hong Yun had no choice but to stop.
On the other end, Duan QiTian and the Aberrant Blood Vine had
already stopped Qiu Ran.
"So handsome!" You XiaoMo's eyes glittered as he looked at Hei
Tian. Who would have thought that the actions of the Great Elder,

who looked past his prime, were so much more handsome than the
others? This easily caused one to overlook his outer appearance of
being past his prime.
"Who did you say was handsome?" A voice suddenly sounded beside
his ear.
"Of course it's Great Elder Hei Tian. His kick just now was really
cool!" You XiaoMo did not even stop to think before he answered.
After he said that, he discovered the mood was so quiet that it was
He turned his head a little and saw SheQiu and LanQiu with a 'you're
so dead' expression.
You XiaoMo gave an uneasy smile, "Just now, you guys are the ones
who asked me right?" Hurry and say yes ah!
SheQiu said, "Yes…my ass."
"Ouch!" You XiaoMo stood up. He was forced to as his ear was
pinched by his 'husband'. It hurt so much till he nearly squeezed out
two crocodile tears.
"My bad, I didn't hear it clearly just now. Could the wife repeat it
again for this husband?" Ling Xiao gave a human and animal-friendly
smile and even graciously gave him a second chance.
You XiaoMo was in pain, "It's you…you are the most handsome in the
Ling Xiao smiled, "Is this sentence by the wife genuine?"
You XiaoMo, "It's even more genuine than the Renminbi!"
Ling Xiao asked, "My dear wife, what is this Renminbi?"
You XiaoMo, "…A good thing that everyone wants and needs, just
like things such as gold coins and crystal coins."

Ling Xiao broke the earthenware pot, "Why does the wife use
Renminbi to describe this?"
t/n: break the earthenware pot and ask to the end means to get to
the bottom of something.
t/n 2: Renminbi, or Rmb, or CNY is china currency. And china is
famous for its counterfeit stuff.
You XiaoMo looked at him with grief laden eyes, "Will you believe
me if I say it's a slip of the tongue?"
Ling Xiao gently smiled, "Naturally I'll believe. But this husband has
also confirmed one thing. It seems that the wife still has a secret that
has not been told to this husband."
You XiaoMo, "…" Hey, hey, what kind of sensitive thinking is this?
You XiaoMo once again completely lost in a single conversation!
"Have you given the Elemental Essence to the Great Elder?" You
XiaoMo rubbed his ears. He had been paying attention to other
people just now and did not notice the transaction between Ling
Xiao and the Great Elder.
"I have. I've already discussed the details with him." Ling Xiao raised
his head and looked up at Qiu Ran who was being impeded by Hei
Tian and the rest.
You XiaoMo hesitated for a moment, "By the way, why did you only
ask for seventy percent of the spirit gems?"
Ling Xiao looked askance at him and asked in amusement, "You want
You XiaoMo guiltily rubbed his nose, "No, I'm only curious." Ling Xiao
did not seem so good-hearted as to leave a little for others.
As expected…

"We can't take everything. Although we can store it in our
dimensions, but for such a large leyline that's situated twenty
thousand meters below sea level of the Boundless Sea, even if a year
may not be enough to dig all up unless they increase their
"But didn't we dig up quite a lot in the last hour?" You XiaoMo
uncertainty asked.
Ling Xiao looked at him in disdain, "Do you feel that DaoXin
Academy's principal will be like me and escort the person digging out
the spirit gems?"
You XiaoMo was choked by Ling Xiao's words. Indeed, there was no
powerhouse who would be like Ling Xiao and use a sledgehammer to
crack a nut.
"We've done all we came to do, let's go." Ling Xiao urged.
"The old geezer, he …" You XiaoMo hesitated for a moment.
"Don't tell me that you still want to stay and watch?"
"Don't forget. We still have a lot of terrible messes to clean up. For
example, how we can escape unscathed from the clutches of that
uncanny fox. One wrong move and they will suspect us."
You XiaoMo's head started to hurt once he brought this up.
Ultimately, he had no choice but to leave with Ling Xiao. Although
Qiu Ran and his contracted demon beast, Hong Yun were strong, no
matter how strong they were, they were not stronger than Hei Tian
and Duan QiTian's combination.
On their way to find Yan Fa, they rendezvoused with XiaoHei and the
rest who had finally finished plundering the Azure Sea Dragon's
palace. The Azure Sea Dragon had many hidden treasures. You
XiaoMo was so envious at their haul that he requested they share

the booty on the spot and was despised a million times by XiaoHei. In
the end, it was only PiQiu and CatQiu who 'bestowed' him with two
treasured objects.

Chapter 363: Different Opinions
When You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao found Yan Fa, they were still on the
island that had borne the brunt of the battle. Apart from them, there
were also a few people You XiaoMo recognized.
There was the shixiong and shijie pair that would be able to win an
Oscar, wait no, that were forced to hide their relationship because of
their xiao shimei, as well as the said shimei.
What was strange was that this xiao shimei looked immaculate.
Compared to her, the others looked worn, obviously having
experienced some sort of huge battle not long ago.
Seeing them come back, everyone was shocked.
Being able to return in one piece from getting hunted down by a
level ten demon beast was nothing to scoff at.
Just as everyone was feeling shocked, an astonished voice spoke up
"You two, humph, you dare appear in front of me again?" The xiao
shimei first expressed her surprise and then gave a strange laugh, as
if spotting prey that had come to her of its own volition. Her
behavior was as discomforting as ever.
"Xiao Yu, please stop," The observant Lan YiLan spoke up to stop her.
If it was Hai Le, she might listen.
"Why should I? These two dared to insult me in the tavern. Now that
I've managed to bump into them again, I won't let them go so
easily." The young martial sister watched them with malice, ignoring
Lan YiLan's words completely.
"Eh?" You XiaoMo seemed to only just notice her presence, saying in
surprise, "Aren't you that woman who had something wrong with
her head and eyes?"

"Who are you saying has something wrong with their head and eyes,
ugly?" The corner of the other's lips curled up, smiling softly as she
"…" You XiaoMo was about to reply when he stopped himself
abruptly. This sentence… really gave him déjà vu. He hadn't thought
this dumb-looking woman was quite smart. He didn't know if it was a
Ling Xiao suddenly leaned down to his ear and said with a smile,
"This woman seems to be even smarter than you."
When she was angry, her tone seemed laughing and warm. She
didn't seem to be the kind of reckless person the citizens of
Boundless City said she was. This could be seen from her status. She
was immaculate. Either she hadn't fought, or she was rather
"How could you boost the enemy's morale and put out your own?"
You XiaoMo objected.
"Then keep going," Ling Xiao said, uncaring.
You XiaoMo gazed at the woman who showed no anger whatsoever
on her face, yet her words could easily enrage another. No matter
how he looked at her, she seemed to give off a strange feeling.
"Whatever, a gentleman doesn't fight petty women."
Ling Xiao looked at him with a smile.
You XiaoMo looked away guiltily.
It was then that Yan Fa walked in front of them. "Weren't you two
being hunted down by the Monster Fox? How come you're here? Did
something happen?"
Ling Xiao explained without a hint of unease, "We were being
pursued by the Monster Fox, but as we ran we met a guy in black.
We don't know where he came from, but he was powerful, and he

killed Monster Fox with one move and then ran off, ignoring us
You XiaoMo stood beside him nodding in agreement
Before getting here, they had gone over their alibis together. All he
had to do was turn all the questions to the flashy Ling Xiao, and let
the Grand Elder confirm their statements.
Yan Fa didn't continue to interrogate them. These were strange
times. Suddenly having another powerhouse appear out of thin air
wasn't anything strange.
However, Yin Ge, who was leaning against a rock and resting from his
injuries, suddenly opened his eyes to glance at them when Ling Xiao
said this, before turning away without care.
DaoXin Academy didn't have any casualties, but some were injured
rather seriously, such as Yin Ge and two of the elders who had been
injured in their fight to defeat Frost Lion.
After around two hours, Hei Tian and Duan QiTian came to regroup
with them.
The BaiLi and Tong Family heads had left with their people after
getting their promises.
As for Qiu Ran, he still managed to escape in the end. He had come
prepared this time, sacrificing his arm to escape the Mirage Sand
Seas with a heavily injured Hong Yun. It was a little disappointing
that they didn't manage to kill him here.
When Hei Tian said that Old HeiYun was Qiu Ran's Life Bound
Contract beast, everyone's gaze fell onto Hai Le and the other two
Duan QiTian, seeing everyone's strange behavior, looked over as
well. "What? What's up with those three?"

You XiaoMo scuttled over to him. "Master, they're the disciples of
Old HeiYun. Especially that woman in red. I hear she's Old HeiYun's
most treasured pupil. If we use her, we might be able to lure Qiu
Ran-shixiong out."
Duan QiTian looked at them in surprise. He would, naturally,
scrutinize this person that his youngest disciple pointed out. This
young lady gave him a strange feeling, a bit like Qiu Ran when he was
Duan QiTian suddenly shook his head.
You XiaoMo was about to ask why, when there was a suddenly
movement from the other side.
When they looked over, two figures, one white and one blue, flew
out at them, but their positions were a little strange. And that Xiao
Yu had disappeared.
That was when Hei Tian made a noise of derision and sent a palm of
energy out at the ocean surface. The seawater erupted, and a
terrible scream rang out from down below. That part of the ocean
was tainted red with blood.
"What a cruel woman. No wonder Hong Yun treasured her," Duan
QiTian sighed out. She had thrown her shixiong and shijie out to
provide cover to give herself time to escape. Her methods were cruel
and sly, like Qiu Ran and Hong Yun. However, she was very brave to
run right in front of all of them.
You XiaoMo could only feel cold. It seemed like no matter how much
she liked her shixiong, he wasn't nearly as important as her own life.
"You see? Even the person closest to you could betray you. So, you
shouldn't trust so easily in the future. For example… You and DaoXin
Academy, if you let your master choose between the two, which do
you think he'd choose?" Ling Xiao's voice suddenly rang softly in his

This was a razor-sharp question!
It's like asking, 'if your lover and mother both fell into the water, who
would you choose?'
You XiaoMo felt that his situation was more complicated than this,
because he was one of the choices. The more he thought about it,
the more he believed that his master would choose DaoXin Academy
and that feeling… it was a devil that tempted him to darkness.
"This problem won't even exist. It's impossible that I'll ever have any
sort of clash with DaoXin Academy," You XiaoMo hurriedly answered
before his mind twisted into knots.
"How is it impossible? The future isn't certain. You just don't want to
admit that Duan QiTian would definitely choose DaoXin Academy,
no?" Ling Xiao slowly began to smile a strange smile.
You XiaoMo was silent for a while. "Do you think that I shouldn't give
the Elemental Essence to the old man?"
Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes, saying in a vague manner, "More or
You XiaoMo then said, "Do you think I'm a bit of a goody-two-
Ling Xiao said, "Yes."
You XiaoMo replied, "… You should at least hesitate for moment."
"Ok, I'll hesitate. Er… You are!"
It took a while for them to return to the topic at hand. In reality, You
XiaoMo understood Ling Xiao's opinion. After being together for such
a long time, he knew Ling Xiao was the kind of person who only did
good on a whim, so he wouldn't easily give other people things he

However, he was different. He didn't like owing other people and he
had the mindset of someone from the twenty first century. He
wasn't like people here who wouldn't easily trust anyone. So, when
he met someone who was good to him, he would subconsciously try
to return it. This was a deeply ingrained mindset of his!
"Then what do you propose?" You XiaoMo threw the question back
to him.
"If I say anything, would you change your mind?" Ling Xiao was
You XiaoMo flushed, turning his head and refusing to look at Ling
Xiao, stuttering, "It-it's important to keep peace in the family. When
husband… husband and husband disagree, ahem, we can discuss it."
In his past life that's how his mother and father did it. If they
disagreed, then they'd have a family meeting. The entire family
would sit together and discuss a certain problem, and they had to
solve it on the day to avoid it affecting their life. This was a rule in
the You family and he had attended several times in the past, but
usually was on the losing side.
Ling Xiao was stunned for a moment, before suddenly smiling.
You XiaoMo felt deeply uncomfortable with this smile.
All he was doing was giving some advice from his past life, was there
a need to smile so… alluringly? His heartbeat had sped up.
By the time they returned to DaoXin Academy, it had been five days.
These days really were quite chaotic. During the time they were
absent, DaoXin Academy had been attacked. It came from the
Demon Beast Gathering in the deep mountains. They had probably
gotten wind of Hei Tian and Duan QiTian's absence.

Chapter 364: Disturbed Harmony
Once they got back to DaoXin Academy, both Hei Tian and Duan
QiTian went into seclusion in order to heal their wounds.
A few days later Hei Tian came out of his closed door cultivation, he
released some good news. Due to the fact that the Academy had
solved the problem of the leyline about to run dry, the Cultivation
Center was opened for a month. During this time, there was no need
of a Purple or Red card to enter the restricted card areas and even
the required points were reduced by one-third.
When the news was announced, the whole academy boiled with
It appeared that everyday students arrived at the Cultivation Center
like ants; unendingly. Both the Red and Purple card areas were
always at maximum capacity.
Other than that, Hei Tian also sent people to start digging Spirit
Gems at Mirage Sand Sea.
Since the Leyline was below Azure Island, Hei Tian and the Azure Sea
Dragon made a pact to give seventy percent to Ling Xiao and the rest
of the thirty percent to be equally split among the BaiLi Family, Tong
Family, and the Azure Sea Dragon.
A few days later, You XiaoMo, under the pressure of Ling Xiao had
their first 'husband-husband' family meeting.
"Last time we were at Mirage Sand Sea you said that if we had a
disagreement we should hold a family meeting, right? So, before
Quan QiTian went out from his closed door cultivation, we should
decide on a solution, right." Ling Xiao asked while smiling.
You XiaoMo avoided his gaze and with a darkened face questioned
what he was going to do with such an excited tone.

You XiaoMo give a few dry coughs before speaking, "Then let's start."
Ling Xiao nodded with a smile, "The topic of this family meeting is
about whether or not we should give the Elemental Essence to Duan
QiTian or not, right?"
"Yes…" You XiaoMo's mouth twitched as he questioned why he was
so good at this…
"Then, about this topic, do you have anything you want to add? Little
You?" Ling Xiao Asked.
Hearing this You XiaoMo felt his forehead veins pop. Unable to
tolerate it, he kicked Ling Xiao and said, "Can you stop with this kind
of language?"
With this he felt as if the one in front of him were his parents and he
thought he could use Ling Xiao's unfamiliarity with 'family meetings'
to guide the flow of conversation. In the end, from beginning to end
it was him who dictated the meeting.
"Okay then I'll use a more formal tone." Ling Xiao took his advice
then looked at him with a serious face, "Dear wife, what are your
thoughts about the ownership of the Elemental Essence?"
He, he went into the mood immediately!
You XiaoMo looked at him with his mouth dropped open.
Ling Xiao looked at him seriously, "Dear wife, please answer."
Trying to calm down, You XiaoMo took a deep breath before talking,
"If…you have other uses for it, I have no problem." After speaking, he
uncomfortably looked around. It was just that when Ling Xiao asked
this, he knew there must be other uses.
From Ling Xiao's handsome face appeared a wide smile, "If that's the
case, dear wife has decided to let your husband make the decision,

"Okay, then your husband will tell you the answer."
You XiaoMo tilted his head to look at him.
Ling Xiao said, "Let's leave the Elemental Essence for now, I have a
better use for it. As for your ShiFu's Soul, you don't have to
mindlessly worry anymore."
"What do you mean?" You XiaoMo asked.
Ling Xiao continued to explain, "Actually there is another effective,
but slow approach. I told you before that the Elemental Essence is of
the nature element, nature represents liveliness. As long as you train
beside it, your Soul will be nourished. The problem will be solved
eventually, it is just a matter of when. He has lived with it for this
long, I'm sure he will have the patience to wait for a few more
You XiaoMo blinked a few times before asking, "If that's the case
then why didn't the old man train beside the Elemental Essence at
DaoXin Academy?"
"Are you stupid?" Ling Xiao said as he knocked You XiaoMo on the
head, "Didn't I tell you, DaoXin Academy's Elemental Essence was
almost used up. Once Duan QiTian trained beside it, it would
definitely use up more of its energy. If that's the case, then the
Elemental Essence would be depleted of its energy even faster."
You XiaoMo looked at him with bitter grudge as he covered his head.
He knew his IQ was already in the negatives and still knocked his
head? What if it becomes double digits?
This is what You XiaoMo would like to say but predicting Ling Xiao's
response, he could almost guarantee he would reply with, 'wasn't it
already in the double digits?'
That would be asking for it!

"If you already knew of this possibility, why didn't you tell me
sooner? You made me think all this time consuming the Elemental
Essence was the only way to restore the old man's soul." You XiaoMo
Giving him a side glance Ling Xiao replied, "Why do I need to tell you,
isn't the outcome the same?"
That is true, but the feelings were completely different! He wasted
so much emotion thinking this time he would get the old man to owe
him a huge favor. The old man was not straightforward that even
giving him something would be a lot of fuss.
"You just said that the Elemental Essence has other uses, so if there
wasn't two this time, were you just not going to help DaoXin
Academy?" You XiaoMo asked spontaneously.
"Depends on the situation." Ling Xiao answered, giving him a deep
contemplating look.
"What situation?" You XiaoMo suddenly felt that their wavelengths
were not connecting. Although they never connected in the first
"If I felt the necessity of getting that Elemental Essence then I
absolutely would not have helped DaoXin Academy."
You XiaoMo felt that this sentence contained too much information
and he couldn't sort through it all. But he was certain that maybe
even heaven was helping DaoXin Academy. They just had to meet a
leyline with two Elemental Essences.
Now that he thought about it, the people Ling Xiao killed at the
Boundless Sea, not one was for helping DaoXin Academy. Like
Monster Fox, Dong Shen and the other, and Chai Family's Elder. At
most he lent a Divine Level Practitioner title to DaoXin Academy,
although it was a really useful title.

"Hey wife…"
Once You XiaoMo came back to his senses, he saw Ling Xiao's face in
close intimacy. In shock he asked, "Wh-What are you doing?"
Holding up a finger Ling Xiao continued, "Since we finished with the
first family meeting topic, let’s start with the second one. The most
important one."
You XiaoMo was dumbfounded, he couldn't remember when they
had another important question to discuss.
In a deep voice, Ling Xiao said, "The center of our second discussion
is: husband-husband harmonious relationship. Our most recent
sexual lifestyle has left your husband very unsatisfied."
You XiaoMo, "…"
Ling Xiao continued, "Thus, as your husband, my suggestion would
be, at best, to do it every day. My wife, what do you think?"
You XiaoMo held everything back before finally spitting out, "Get
In a serious response, Ling Xiao said, "Dear wife, it was you who said
when there is a difference in opinion, we should hold a family
meeting and it must be resolved immediately. Are you going back on
your words?"
Suddenly, You XiaoMo felt as if he had carried a rock over only to
smash himself in the toes, really digging his own grave. He regretted
it now, if he knew how Ling Xiao was so adaptive he wouldn't have
given this suggestion.
"My wife, don't think about backing away, otherwise your husband
here wouldn't discuss anything with you anymore."

Ever since then, Ling Xiao seemed to become obsessed in holding
family meetings. No matter how small the issue, he would joyously
bring it up to discuss. And as You XiaoMo discovered, he was as
much of a failure in family meetings in his previous life as he was in
The fervor behind Boundless Sea seemed to also have died down
with time.
But the digging of Spirit Gems continued with order, and there was
finally some progress.
When Ling Xiao listed his demands to Hei Tian, it was promised that
when they dug up ten percent, they would put it in a magic bag and
bring it to a designated spot. Thus, this would repeat seven times
until he received the full amount promised.
Half a month later, they finally dug up ten percent.
After You XiaoMo asked, he realized Ling Xiao told the Academy to
put the magic bag in Yan City's shopping street. Hearing that made
You XiaoMo want to go too, so Ling Xiao thought of a middle ground.
Usually in Ward A, students only had two ways of leaving the school.
One was to enter the one hundred People Rank and the other was to
receive quests.
The first one was not possible since it was a sensitive time and they
almost never took an absence leave. Therefore, the second option
was the least noticeable.
Once the announcement of the Spirit Gems came out for three days,
Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo took a quest to the outside. The objective
was a High-Level Demon Beast's baby, the difficulty was upper-
middle, and the reward was a magic herb.
It was one that You XiaoMo didn't have, he had a lot of different
herbs in his dimension, so it took them awhile to find this one. He

wouldn't need to lie either. However, upon hearing this, Yu TangLin
actually came to join the party.
Once Yu TangLin was there, BaiLi TianYi tagged along too.
Feng ChiYun didn't get to go to the Boundless Sea the last time, so
hearing they were going to the deep mountain, he decided to join.
Also, for some reason, Yin Ge followed suit.
Now a two-man trip became a six-man expedition.
You XiaoMo swore that once they entered Deep mountain he was
ditching them all.
Then, the crew left with great strength and vigor.

Chapter 365: The Symbol of A Clan
Shaking them off had been easier than expected. Without You
XiaoMo even mentioning anything, they suggested splitting up. In
three different directions they went, and soon they were all gone.
You XiaoMo had to admit he was surprised, but that surprise was
soon tossed to the back of his mind. They had decided to put the
mission on hold after some discussion. First, they had to head to the
business district of Yan City to retrieve the spirit gems. It seemed
troublesome, but since news of whatever Ling Xiao had done had
already spread, the only thing they could do now was to be more
"Do you still want to change into the disguise we used the other
time?" You XiaoMo peeked at Ling Xiao. He never noticed Ling Xiao
actually had an earring. Previously they had some distance between
them so he couldn’t take a closer look. And that flame symbol
between his brows, where did that come from?
"Naturally." Ling Xiao pulled out the set of black clothing they wore
the other time.
"How did you end up looking like that?"
"I didn’t tell you before?" Ling Xiao turned his head around.
"No…" Tell me what, that you actually like such a slutty getup?
Ling Xiao took out the earring and said, "That’s how I dressed when I
was in the Higher Realm. The flame between my brows is the symbol
of the QiLin Clan's coat of arms. It’s the mark of a clan member. As
for the earring, it’s my Mother status symbol in the clan. Every time a
Demon Phoenix is born, the demon Phoenix clan will take a drop of
the newborn's blood and make it into a demon Phoenix earring. The

lighter the color of the earring, the higher the status of the person in
the Demon Phoenix clan."
You XiaoMo inspected the earring that was handed to him. It was
silver and very pretty. Ling Xiao's mother must had been rather
highly ranked in the Demon Phoenix clan.
"This is your mother's earring? What about yours?" You XiaoMo
Ling Xiao might have only been half Demon Phoenix, but he still was
a descendant of the Demon Phoenix clan nonetheless.
"I don’t have one. Didn’t I tell you before? Both the Demon Phoenix
clan and the QiLin clan are highly particular about the purity of their
bloodlines. That’s why they won’t acknowledge my existence and
give me a Demon Phoenix earring. As for the flame symbol, every
descendant of the QiLin clan is born with it. We can choose to hide it
or leave it as it is." Ling Xiao explained.
"If the Demon Phoenix clan didn’t make you one, why do you still
wear your mother’s?"
You XiaoMo didn’t understand. To his understanding, Ling Xiao
wasn’t the type to care about what others thought. He wasn’t proud
because he had Demon Phoenix blood in him.
Ling Xiao raised his head and revealed a crazed smile. "Don’t you find
this interesting? The Demon Phoenix clan doesn’t want to
acknowledge my existence and yet I’m wearing their earring. How do
you think they’ll react?"
You XiaoMo had nothing to say. If it were him, he supposed he would
get mad.
The clan didn’t want want to recognise him as one of their own and
yet he was prancing around and showing off the symbol that proved
him one. That was a greater insult than straight up challenging the
clan itself.

But compared to the Demon Phoenix clan, the QiLin clan had it
worse. As the flame symbol was something that every descendant of
the QiLin clan was born with, even if they hated to admit it, the
flame was proof that Ling Xiao was part of them. It wasn’t something
that could be erased.
Not long after, Ling Xiao had finished changing.
Up close, Ling Xiao was heart-stopping.
You XiaoMo suddenly turned his back towards Ling Xiao,
"What’s wrong?" Ling Xiao saw his trembling shoulders and asked.
"Nothing… I’m thinking of what to wear."
"Anything's fine."
The Deep Mountains were far away from Yan City. They spent half a
day and finally reached the city in the evening. Once they entered,
Ling Xiao could sense the presence of numerous powerful
individuals. Looked like they were waiting for them.
But it didn’t seem that the the news had spread too far. The people
of Yan City hadn’t known that somewhere in the business district, a
Divine level powerhouse would come to pay a visit. Not long after,
they were standing in front of a familiar inn in the business district.
Seeing the endless stream of people, You XiaoMo's mouth twitched.
"Why did you pick this location in the first place?"
He thought at least there would be less of a crowd.
"Because I only remembered the name of this inn." Finishing his
sentence, Ling Xiao walked in first.
You XiaoMo hurriedly trailed after him. He knew it would be like this.
This inn was the one that Gao-Dage had arranged for Zhao Shixiong
when he came looking for You XiaoMo. It hadn’t even been a month

"Dear guests, are you here for a meal or planning to stay over?"
The manager noticed them immediately and when his eyes landed
on Ling Xiao, he clearly paused for a moment before he lowered his
voice and asked. "Are you here to retrieve something from Sky suite
number one?"
You XiaoMo was surprised and immediately understood. Seemed like
the Great Elder had already instructed the manager of this inn on
what to do. But he most likely hadn’t told him what was the item to
"That’s right. Someone told you?" Ling Xiao replied.
"Three days ago someone reserved Sky suite number one and said
another person would come here to pick up something. He briefly
described how you look."
"Then I’ll trouble you to bring me there."
"No problem. This way please."
After the manager left, Ling Xiao's eyes shifted to the tightly closed
doors of the sky suite number one room.
Seeing as he hadn’t made a move, You XiaoMo extended his hand
and felt something thin and soft. It was a barrier, most likely set up
by the Great Elder himself. That was why even if others knew of the
treasures in the room, it was useless if they couldn’t break the
barrier. Furthermore, they didn’t have to worry about someone
daring to break it. The Great Elder had everything thoroughly
thought out.
Ling Xiao didn’t spend much effort breaking the barrier.
You XiaoMo pushed open the door and walked in. The bag that
stored the spirit gems was left on the table and he saw it as soon as
he walked in.
The two of them didn’t stay for long and quickly left the inn.

You XiaoMo originally intended to shop around a bit more in the
business district but with Ling Xiao's distinctive getup, heaps of
people stared at them wherever they went. They had no choice but
to return home.
After spending some time to complete their mission, the two of
them met up with Feng ChiYun and his group at the place they
agreed on and heaved back to Ward A together.
After submitting the task, the both of them went back.
Recently, DaoXin Academy had this celebratory, happy mood going
around, but there were some that were feeling dead on the inside.
Namely the Chai, Tang and Teng families.
Rumor had it that after Ling Xiao blasted half the life away from the
Chai Elder, he had tried many methods but wasn’t able to recover. It
was even said that he had entered into a coma which caused chaos
within the family. Chai Zheng had it rough for the past few days.
While the Teng elder didn’t get injured, he had been desperately
finding ways to help the Chai elder to recover. In the short span of a
few days, the BaiLi and Tong families had already joined hands to
suppress them.
In the next few days, You XiaoMo heard that Teng ZiXin had left the
Academy because of her Shifu. As her Shifu was QiuRan, the traitor,
Duan QiTian announced that he had banished him from their master-
disciple relationship not long after he returned. Furthermore, he put
out a bounty on Qiu Ran at Xian Ji building and in just one day, this
news spread far and wide.
And then, You XiaoMo heard some exciting news. For some unknown
reason, Xian Ji Building cancelled all the tasks with rewards that
QiuRan had put up many years ago. In the next half a month, the
nosy urge had started to die down.

This was the third time You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao went to the inn to
collect the spirit gems. When they returned, You XiaoMo suddenly
remembered the spirit gems he dug out previously were still
randomly piled up in his dimension.
He went to the trade corner and used up a hundred points in
exchange for two rather large storage bags. Then he emptied three
bags full of spirit gems into the larger storage bag which filled up one
bag nicely. Having a previous encounter with his storage bag stolen
by Teng ZiXin, he opted not to carry the bag on him.
Thinking about it, the gems in the pocket dimension needed to be
packed too. You XiaoMo shouted at Ling Xiao who was standing
outside, "Ling Xiao, I’ll be in my dimension for a while."
Without waiting for Ling Xiao's reply he entered his dimension. In the
past, he didn’t have to tell tell Ling Xiao he was going into the
dimension. But ever since he did some stupid things and got himself
into some family meeting, coupled with Ling Xiao constantly bringing
up that event, it ended up how it was now. Now, You XiaoMo
occasionally had thoughts of digging a hole and burying himself.
You XiaoMo stood beside the spiritual lake and sighed.
"Master, the pair of Hidden Dipper Stink Bugs in the magic herb
fields have already entered their third metamorphosis." MaoQiu
walked over and reported.
You XiaoMo perked up and quickly asked, "What’s the situation like
"The Hidden Dipper Stink Bug's third metamorphosis is the most
crucial one, and also the hardest. Many Hidden Dipper Stink Bugs
don’t make it past this stage but this is also largely due to the Dipper
herbs. But that is not a problem for us."
"You are referring to the quality and quantity of the Dipper Herbs?"
You XiaoMo immediately guessed what MaoQiu was implying.

By ensuring a continuous supply of the seven star plant for the bugs,
it could increase the chances of them surviving the metamorphosis.
Many Hidden Dipper Stink Bugs couldn’t even reach the third stage
because there was a lack of Dipper Herbs. The quality of the plants
were also of utmost importance. He had checked various books and
it’s said that if one continuously fed the worms with high grade
Dipper herbs, the chances of the Hidden Dipper Stink Bug making it
through the change could jump from ten to fifty percent. The
difference was huge but also very difficult to achieve, resulting in
many taking alternative approaches.
"Yes, but with just a fifty percent chance of surviving is not enough.
The probability of failure is still too high. I know of another method
to raise the success rate by another twenty percent."
"What method?"
MaoQiu instantly looked in a certain direction.
Following her line of sight, You XiaoMo's eyes landed on a pile of
glittering spirit gems.
"Don’t tell me you’re thinking of using the gems?"
Worried that he wouldn’t agree, MaoQiu tried to explain herself.
"The third metamorphosis requires a large amount of spiritual
energy. We could put them in the spiritual lake…"
"Stop. Use as many spirit gems as you need." You XiaoMo
interrupted her and agreed without hesitation.
If the spiritual lake shrank by half again, he would jump into the lake
and drown himself.
Unnoticed by You XiaoMo, a faint smile spread across Mao Qiu's

Chapter 366: A Chicken
"Little eggy, what are you doing inside?" Just as they were talking, a
crisp sound suddenly rang out from PiQiu.

You XiaoMo followed the noise and looked in that direction, but
only saw PiQiu and CatQiu standing not far before the pile of spirit
gems. They seemed to be looking at something through the gaps. He
informed MaoQiu before walking over.

"PiQiu, what are you guys doing?"

CatQiu immediately jumped in front of him, "Miaow miaow

miaow~" Dashing to him, he miaow-ed for a long period of time,
appearing to be explaining the reason to him.

You XiaoMo mouth twitched. Truly sorry, but he doesn't understand


You XiaoMo immediately looked towards PiQiu, "PiQiu, you say it.
Remember to speak human."

CatQiu curled up into a ball in grievance.

PiQiu extended out his fleshy claws and pointed at a gap in the pile
of spirit gems and answered, "The little eggy is inside but I don't
know what it's doing in there!"

You XiaoMo moved closer and curiously looked into the gap. It could
be because he was in too much of a hurry in the beginning, so a small
space was formed inside. That demon beast egg was lying in that
space. The surface of the egg shell seemed to be even more smooth

and shiny than before, and its colors were becoming more vivid.
However, he kept feeling that there was something weird.

"What is going on, why is it inside there?"

"Don't know." PiQiu bit his fleshy finger, "But SheQiu said that the
little eggy may be hatching soon. I wonder what does he look like
after hatching?"

You XiaoMo was stunned after hearing that, and suddenly shouted
out loud without any warning. He had finally remembered what was
weird, "When did it go in?! Didn't I lock it in the beast cage?"

"Miaow miaow~" CatQiu was not willing to be ignored, and worked

hard to raise its presence.

You XiaoMo finally understood this time. There were only two words
after translating - it broke.

Unfortunately that shitty egg actually broke the beast cage. You
XiaoMo clenched his fist. With flames shooting from his eyes, he
menacingly ordered PiQiu and CatQiu, "Dig it out."

Just as his tone dropped, a 'ka-cha' was heard from inside.

One human and two beasts looked over simultaneously. The egg
had cracked and several strong rays of light emitted from inside the
egg. The spirit gems above had been knocked off, and they jingled
and tinkled as they rolled down, nearly burying them beneath.

This movement suddenly alarmed SheQiu and the rest.

SheQiu walked over. Seeing the demon beast egg had cracked, he

exclaimed, "Sure enough, an ordinary demon beast is not able to
emit this radiance."

"It should be an Emperor Beast." LanQiu felt the pressure that came
off the egg while it was hatching. Although it was a little faint, there
was definitely no mistake based on his experience. Who would have
thought that there would be a descendent of an Emperor Beast
hidden here?

"What breed is it?" XiaoHei walked over.

"It's not clear yet." LanQiu shook his head.

Thus, the shell of the egg gradually fell off under the gazes of one
human and six beasts, revealing the true identity of the little demon
beast. The bald wings on both sides fluttered, and it appeared to
gracefully land on the ground. Yet with a stagger, it fell down. The
little demon beast climbed up, its body was still wobbling as it looked
at them. The little demon beast spit out a spark, and gave a crisp cry.


Everyone, "… …" You XiaoMo swallowed his saliva, and took a long
while to digest the facts before his eyes, "This is… …a chicken?"
Though the feathers had not grown in yet, its appearance was
extremely similar to a chicken. It was just like a chicken plucked bare,
ready to steam and eat.

LanQiu said, "No… ..I think that it possibly has some relation to the

You XiaoMo was astonished, "Do you mean to say that it could be an

Ancient Demon Phoenix?"

"It's not certain. Don't forget that Old Hei Yun is also an Emperor
Beast. His original body is a Five-Colored Bird, and it's also a demon
beast of the phoenix class." SheQiu said.

"No wonder it was not frightened at all when I threatened to roast it

with fire before." Phoenixes were creatures of fire, and were born
from fire. If even they were afraid of fire, then everyone in this world
would be afraid of fire.

At this time, MaoQiu held a spirit gem in her hand and walked over,
"Master, I'm afraid that I have to inform you of an unfortunate

You XiaoMo's gaze immediately moved to the spirit gem in her hand.
The spirit gem had become somewhat transparent and it appeared
that the energy inside had been sucked up. He looked at the other
spirit gems. As expected, the situation was the same as the one in his

"Forget it." You XiaoMo took a deep breath.

Other than LanQiu and SheQiu, everyone was staring blanking upon
hearing this.

You XiaoMo took out the magic bag filled with spirit gems and took
out another empty magic bag. He shifted a portion of the spirit gems
inside, passed it to MaoQiu, and solemnly declared, "You take these.
But by all means remember not to give a single gem to a certain

MaoQiu did not speak as she looked at the magic bag place in her


"Chirp~ Chirp~"

A chicken was flying in mid-air and with incomparable precision, it

landed on the top of You XiaoMo's head while chirping lively.

You XiaoMo pulled it down. The chick flapped extremely vigorously

in his hand, and even pecked his hand. The pain on the back of his
hand caused him to subconsciously throw the chick on the ground.

The chick fluttered its wings and took advantage of his distraction to
fly onto his head.

You XiaoMo threw him down, the chick continued to fly up, he
continued to throw, and it repeated in this manner… …

"So he's currently taking your head as its home?" Ling Xiao
restrained his laughter as he looked at an impatient You XiaoMo with
a chicken nesting on the top of his head.

"I don't feel that my head resembles its nest the slightest bit." You
XiaoMo gnashed his teeth. Who knew if the chick would defecate? If
he shat on his head…he would definitely steam him.

"Relax, he will not be able to nest on your head when he grows up."
Ling Xiao nonchalantly stated.

"But the problem is, he will continue nesting on my head before that
happens right?" You XiaoMo was not satisfied with this result. The
top of his head was not a bird's nest. For which reason should he let
this chicken that sucked up half his spiritual lake and used so many
spirit gems, make the top of his head its home? He still hadn't gotten

his payment for that out of his hide yet.

"If you really dislike it, then throw him into your dimension."

"I also want to, but his claws keep holding onto my hair. That's right.
Do you know what breed he is?" The chick had clearly been going
against him from the beginning, and even wanted to make a home
on top of his head now? No way, buddy.

"Him? Ah." Ling Xiao looked at the chick, "He is probably an Ancient
Demon Phoenix. This was also one of the reasons why he could
survive for so long in the Paradise Realm. The vitality of Ancient
Demon Phoenixes are very tenacious. Oh yes, Yin Ge is also a demon
beast, but he only holds the bloodline of half a demon beast."

You XiaoMo was astonished, "Since when did Yin Ge have the
bloodline of half a demon beast?" This was his first time hearing this.

Ling Xiao calmly said, "From when he was born."

You XiaoMo embarrassedly smiled, "Then what kind of demon beast

bloodline does he have?"

Ling Xiao gave a smile that was yet not a smile and glanced at him,
"I've heard it's a snake, and his bloodline should be higher than
SheQiu's. Zhan YuXuan and he entered into the academy at the same
time and it's rumored that they were already good friends before
this. Both their origins are unknown."

You XiaoMo rubbed his chin with a look of thought.

Seeing that he had completely forgotten all about the chick, Ling
Xiao did not bring it up again.

Peaceful days continued one after another. The incident in the
Boundless Sea had already faded from the memories of the forgetful.
Replacing it was the fierce dispute in the north with the Four Big
Clans, but the Teng Family and Chai Family were nevertheless
retreating in defeat step by step.

This continued till half a month later, as Qiu Ran who had a bounty
abruptly emerged, and staged an extraordinarily beautiful
counterattack. Not only did he injure sixty to seventy percent of the
practitioners, he even brought two experts who wounded the BaiLi
Family's old ancestor. Finally, the BaiLi Family had to ask DaoXin
Academy for help.

When You XiaoMo saw Tang YuLin, it was a rare case of BaiLi TianYi
not being with him.

When he asked, he found out that BaiLi TianYi had taken a long
leave to return to the BaiLi Family. BaiLi TianYi was already chosen as
the BaiLi Family's future head so he also needed to participate in and
decide on the matters of the BaiLi Family.

"Oh yes, did BaiLi TianYi tell you who the two experts that Qiu Ran
invited were?" You XiaoMo remembered the words spoken by the
Netherworld Siren before it died. It had been several months since
that incident.

"Nope. Those two experts are very strong and their origins are
unknown." Tang YuLin replied.

Yet another one with unknown origins. After You XiaoMo bid
farewell to Tang YuLin, he ran over to find Ling Xiao and told him of
this matter. It was really too coincidental for these two to appear


Ling Xiao thought over it for a while after hearing his news, "Seems
like trouble has come knocking on our door."

The situation in the north deteriorated two days after Ling Xiao said
this sentence.

The cause of the incident was the leyline in the Boundless Sea. Not
only did Qiu Ran and the two experts wound the Azure Sea Dragon,
they also performed a hostile takeover of the remaining thirty
percent of spirit gems.

During this period of time, the other three families had already
taken their share and it was only DaoXin Academy who had not
finished mining. So Qiu Ran's move was actually a provocation
towards DaoXin Academy.

Initially, Qiu Ran would not be able to shake up DaoXin Academy

even if he had two extra helpers.

But there were rumors that DaoXin Academy's principal, Han Gong,
had left for a Higher Level Realm due to a restriction on the Middle
Level Realm. Therefore, for Divine Realm practitioners to have an
opportunity to breakthrough, they had to leave the Long Xiang
Continent to go to a Higher Level Realm. As for Duan QiTian, he was
in secluded cultivation because of his soul. Thus, there were only the
Five Elders left in the academy. Other than Hei Tian who was a peak
seven star practitioner, the rest all had cultivation bases below seven

You XiaoMo was so anxious that he was running around in circles

after hearing this news. Those spirit gems belonged to DaoXin

Academy in name, but they were his in reality.

Chapter 367: A Pessimistic Situation
DaoXin Academy's situation was a little strange.

You XiaoMo had originally hoped that the Grand Elder could send
people to take back the spirit gems, but then he realized that the
elites of the school couldn't be sent out.

Hei Tian couldn't deal with Qiu Ran's group alone and the other
elders couldn't leave. They had to defend DaoXin Academy and
prevent the Demon Beast Tide from the deep mountains from
invading. This was also the true reason behind why the Academy
only had Duan QiTian and Hei Tian to oversee the Boundless Sea

So, considering the current situation, DaoXin Academy probably

couldn't take back those spirit gems.

"Now what? Are we just going to 'gift' the spirit gems to Qiu Ran?"
You XiaoMo hurriedly ran in front of Ling Xiao. It felt terrible to have
to 'gift' their spirit gems to someone they hated, and thirty percent
was way too much. One piece was more like it.

"Then what do you want to do?" Ling Xiao asked lazily.

You XiaoMo paused before remembering the family meeting he

really loved recently and his excitement calmed a little. "Why do you
think Qiu Ran's first move would be to steal those spirit gems?"

Hearing this, Ling Xiao's devil-may-care attitude immediately

changed, asking in amusement, "What you actually wanted to ask
was how can we get those spirit gems back, right?"

You XiaoMo retorted seriously. "What are you talking about? I can
think, too."

Ling Xiao looked at him in doubt. "Is that so? But doesn't thinking
require a brain?"

You XiaoMo: "Are you implying I don't have a brain?"

Ling Xiao unexpectedly shook his head, saying with a smile, "No. The
fact that you can think of implications means that you have
something in there."

Fuck, that double meaning!

No matter how you interpreted it, it was still saying he didn't have
any brains.

You XiaoMo once again was given a demonstration of Ling Xiao's IQ

and mean personality.

You XiaoMo selectively ignored his words. If Ling Xiao refused to

answer, then he'd think for himself. He didn't believe he wouldn't be
able to figure it out. When there's a will, there's a way.

"Hey, do you think Qiu Ran stole those spirit gems because of the
two powerhouses he had brought with him? His appearance couldn't
have been a coincidence and Qiu Ran had taken so much damage.
The grand elder said he'd need several years to recover, yet his
status is already much improved. Is there any connection between

Ling Xiao poured a cup of water, handing it to him. "Drink some first,

take it slow."

"Oh, thanks!" You XiaoMo drank the cup of water in one go and
returned the cup to Ling Xiao, continuing to speak. "And last time, at
the Boundless Sea, Netherworld Siren said that they had told their
higher-ups about us. It's already been almost four months, so how
come the Vermillion Blood Family still hasn't sent anyone? Or have
the people they sent already arrived?"

There were too many questions, You XiaoMo felt…

"Is your brain in knots yet?" Ling Xiao asked, smiling.

You XiaoMo, "… It is."

Ling Xiao supported his chin in one palm. "I only just realized that
being simple-minded isn't always a god thing."

You XiaoMo could feel black lines on his face. It was clear that Ling
Xiao was talking about him.

Ling Xiao then continued. "Actually, you don't need to think in such
circles, just assume that the two powerhouses Qiu Ran called over
are the people Netherworld Siren was talking about, no?"

"True. Their presence was too strange and I hear no one's seen their
true face. If they were powerhouses from the LongXiang continent,
then someone must know something about them, but there's been
no word whatsoever." The more You XiaoMo thought, the more
possible it seemed.

Ling Xiao said, "So, it's very likely that Qiu Ran provided them with
intel and they helped Qiu Ran face DaoXin Academy, taking the

chance to try and force us out, but…"

"But what?"

"But there's good chance that they aren't the people Netherworld
Siren was talking about."


Ling Xiao gave him a meaningful look, as if he was getting anxious

about You XiaoMo's intelligence.

Ling Xiao sighed. "You've forgotten, Netherworld Siren knows our

names. If they had told their higher-ups about us, then those people
must know what sort of role we have in the DaoXin Academy. If
that's true, then they wouldn't need Qiu Ran to give them intel, so
they might have something to do with the people who were chased
off at the TianXin sect. However, this is all a guess; I can't be certain

You XiaoMo was enlightened. Ok, he got it now.

The reason why Qiu Ran stole thirty percent of the spirit gems was
to try and see if he could force them out of hiding, because those
people didn't really understand their situation, so this was their only


"Then don't we only have two choices here? One is to expose

ourselves and steal the spirit gems, the second is to just 'gift' them
the spirit gems." You XiaoMo looked at him plaintively.

Ling Xiao sighed lightly. "Who told you that we only had two
choices? Isn't there a third?"

You XiaoMo's eyes lit up, "What is it?"

"It's, of course, temporarily storing those spirit gems there."

"But we can't just sit here and wait, right?"

"Yeah, true…"

After that, another five days passed. Hei Tian had gone to test out
the powerhouses Qiu Ran had brought with him and found that their
strength was on par with his. One of them was at the same level, and
other was only weaker by a star. Under this situation, the only way to
proceed was if Duan QiTian helped out.

Then, Hei Tian returned to DaoXin Academy and never left again.

You XiaoMo could guess the Grand Elder's intentions and actually
wanted to tell Ling Xiao that while they couldn't get the spirit gems
back now, the grand elder probably wouldn't just leave it at that.


Not long later, the situation changed in a way even Ling Xiao hadn't

They heard that one of the powerhouses Qiu Ran had brought left
and that person was the one who had gone to Boundless Sea for the
spirit gems.

After You XiaoMo heard this, he immediately jumped to his feet.

"They actually went there!"

Ling Xiao pressed his hand against his forehead. "Yeah, seems like
their IQ is even higher than yours."

You XiaoMo glared at him. You just can't go a day without insulting
my intelligence, can you? "You said we were going to store the spirit
gems there temporarily, but what do we do now that one of them is

"Alright, I know, then let's go and take it back," Ling Xiao said

"Then when do we strike?" You XiaoMo asked him in excitement.

"When? Wait a day or two first." Ling Xiao hid his face behind his
hand, his eyes seeming to hint at some deeper thought behind the
gaps between his fingers.

You XiaoMo didn't understand. If they waited a day or two, that guy
might've gone back already. However, he restrained himself, because
he knew that Ling Xiao had to have some sort of plan.

"Chirp~chirp~" The little chick, seeing that the two had finished
talking, suddenly flew up, letting out two excited cries and spitting
out two embers as if burping.

You XiaoMo took this chance immediately, wanted to take him

down from atop his head, but… "Ow~" The little chick didn't forget to
keep a grip on his hair. He had really made his head into a nest.

Ling Xiao laughed aloud at this.

Two days passed by quietly…

On that day, CatQiu slowly walked in from outside on his short legs.

There was a whirl of wind and CatQiu disappeared…

"So?" You XiaoMo asked impatiently, holding up CatQiu's fluffy


"Chirp?" The little chick looked at CatQiu in curiosity.

CatQiu blinked his big, round eyes. He had been sent to do

reconnaissance because he could transform into anyone and imitate
their presence. This was his strength. After You XiaoMo and Ling
Xiao's discussion the other day, Ling Xiao had sent him into the Teng
Family, where Qiu Ran and the other two were.

"They're all there," CatQiu replied.

Ling Xiao, who had just sat up on the bed, lay down again. "See, it
was a trick, as expected."

You XiaoMo put CatQiu down. "How do you know?"

Ling Xiao said, "It's simple. During this special period of time, they
wouldn't dare to operate alone. If one left, they'll only have four
people left if you count the Teng family head. If DaoXin Academy, the
BaiLi family and the Tong family teamed up, do you think Qiu Ran
and the others would have a chance?"

"So you mean that this was a trap to lure us out." You XiaoMo's
spirits fell immediately. "But even if they all worked together, they

still wouldn't have a chance against you, right?"

"That's true." Ling Xiao crossed his legs. "What I'm worried about
isn't them, but those who are hiding in the shadows. Their target is
you and they know that we're in DaoXin Academy. What's worse,
they even know our names."

"Then what do we do?" You XiaoMo felt that the situation was
becoming more and more complicated.

"Try to stay close to me and, in the near future, reduce the amount
of times you go into your dimension. They probably can't confirm
that it's on you and are probably keeping watch on you even now."

"Ok, anything else?"

"Also, my shoulders ache a little, come and give me a massage."


Chapter 368: Rebirth
After that day, You XiaoMo's attention shifted.
Before that, came the annual Ward B exam. The exam spanned two
days and just three days ago it had ended. That day was the first day
for new students of Ward B.
After hearing that BaiLi XiaoYu, Jiang XiaoFeng, and Liu Le all passed
the exam, You XiaoMo decided to personally welcome them. After
all, the three had been with him for a while, making them kind of like
his underlings.
"Didn't they say only those selected can go?" Ling Xiao asked casually
after listening to him talk.
"No need, I already talked with Elder Liu and he agreed to let me go.
The time is today, in the afternoon, at ten past three. I heard that
this year we are getting some good seedlings." You XiaoMo replied
"I'll go with you."
At two thirty p.m. in the afternoon, everyone gathered by the plaza
on the dot.
After Elder Liu did a headcount, he brought them over to the
meeting place. It was the five small fighting platforms they had
experienced when they arrived. Those of Ward B had yet to arrive.
Everyone began to quietly talk among themselves.
"Did you hear, this year there was a full-marks honor student." A
well-informed student exclaimed in an excited whisper.
Actually, the voice wasn't very quiet, You XiaoMo was four to five
meters away and he could hear it. The Elders probably heard it too,
they just didn't want to be bothered with it.

Speaking of full-marks, You XiaoMo thought of his own exam rules.
The first and second round's highest points were six, the last round
of mixed fighting was five points max. A full-mark would mean
seventeen in total. It really was impressive to stand out with all those
One could consider BaiLi XiaoYu as a small genius, ever since You
XiaoMo left, BaiLi XiaoYu's improvements had been visible. Even
then, he was just third place.
"I heard that in Block One there is also a super powerful first place.
Although, Block One doesn't have a specific point system in place,
that person seemed to have defeated the top five on the rankings
board. Especially during the battle royal phase, he supposedly had a
one versus five. So, in the end, his points exceeded the second place
by a huge margin."
"Wow, that's amazing."
"Do you know their names?"
"Block One was Yu WenNan, and Block Two was Chen QingEr."
One of the made a thinking face, "Don't think I have heard of them,
where did they come from? How did they become the dark horses in
the exam?"
You XiaoMo also perked up his ears in attention.
The other just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Actually, I don't
know either. The two seemed very low key during their stay in Ward
B. Their performance was mediocre, nothing special. It was only
during the exam that they suddenly exploded, although it was
nothing too surprising, didn't something similar happen before?"
Understanding his hint, everyone subconsciously turned towards the
direction of You XiaoMo.

You XiaoMo, who was just listening intensely a moment ago realized,
all of a sudden, everyone's attention was on them. However, most of
the gazes landed on Ling Xiao, who was beside him. Speaking of a
'dark horse' Ling Xiao was 'darker' than him.
"They're here." Spoke out one of them.
Turned towards the entrance of the barrier, You XiaoMo indeed saw
Vice-Principal Yan Fa bring along a group of people. Although…this
year the number of students who passed seemed a little low
compared to before.
Only once they got closer did he see clearly, the number fell at least
one-third from before, especially for Block One students.
No wonder he felt something was off before, it was this. Once the
accepted Ward B students decreased, Ward A students, who are
dispatched here, also would fall.
"Ling Xiao, do you know why this year there is so few people?" You
XiaoMo couldn't help but ask him.
Ling Xiao threw him a glance, he really thought he was a know-it-all
huh, but…
"Probably because of the one who they were just discussing about."
"What do you mean?"
"The first round of Block One's competition is a battle royale format.
Although the rules state that if there are twenty people remaining
they can pass, if someone is kicked off the platform, that probably
counts as a fail. That person must have taken advantage of that to
kick off the competition one-by-one, so there were less than twenty
You XiaoMo couldn't help but be amazed, that person was really
ruthless, striping away other's opportunities as well.

"Look, over there, those two are Yu WenNan and Chen QingEr." A
student pointed towards the man and women standing behind Yan
You XiaoMo followed his gaze over and the two had very plain
features, the type that would disappear into a crowd. But, one
couldn't deny that their aura was very different from the rest, and it
was because of that that he could immediately differentiate them.
"I keep feeling something off about them, do you have this feeling
too?" You XiaoMo looked over at Ling Xiao.
"Yes, it’s pretty weird." Ling Xiao looked at the two and discretely
squinted his eyes.
At this moment Elder Liu announced the beginning of the test and in
the first round of five, Yu WenNan was one them.
In the competition, he could fight off the top five by himself, his
strength was no joke. Therefore, Elder Liu sent out the number
fiftieth member of the Hundred-Men Ranking to cut off his drive.
The conclusion however was unanticipated.
Yu WenNan won and cleanly because the practitioner was instead
kicked off the stage during the second round.
The plaza became silent an Yu WenNan walked down the platform,
expressionless, ignoring everyone's gaze.
After him another two students also passed, although not in the
same exaggerated manner as Yu WenNan. Once the last of the Block
one students were taken off the stage, it was finally time for Block
Two to begin.
Chen QingEr was the first to be called over by Yan Fa. The women,
like Yu WenNan, was always expressionless and even had a hint of

"This round you go." Elder Liu said as he suddenly turned to look at
You XiaoMo who was very much out of it.
You XiaoMo made an 'Ah' sound in surprise. He hadn't heard that he
also had to go up, and against that Chen QingEr. "Elder Liu, did you
get something wrong? It’s not me, is it?"
"I know, but if Chen QingEr, like Yu WenNan hid their true strength,
the one I originally put up against them wouldn't be enough. Those
two are too arrogant and need to be brought down to earth." Elder
Liu said with a hint of caution, while stroking his beard.
"Okay fine, but if it doesn't work, don't blame me, Elder Liu." You
XiaoMo said as he had no choice but to accept.
"You brat, with your skill as a level eight mage, if you lost, don't you
think that a bit shameful?" Elder Liu didn't know if he should laugh or
be annoyed at this statement.
Although, if Chen QingEr's strength was that high, then this person
would be highly suspicious.
"Anyhow, you just need to do your best." Elder Liu said.
As You XiaoMo was about to walk over, Ling Xiao suddenly grabbed
hold of his arm.
You XiaoMo turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"
Ling Xiao glanced over at Chen QingEr, "If you find something wrong,
go to the dimension immediately, even if you are exposed it’s fine."
"If you say it like that…I already feel like something is off."
"I'll make sure to be careful, now can you let go of my hand?" You
XiaoMo realized that everyone was looking at them since they were
already in their seats, leaving him alone.
"Never mind." Ling Xiao said as he let go.

Walking onto the platform You XiaoMo saw Chen QingEr staring at
him with a gaze that seemed bottomless. Her plain features gave off
an eerie feeling, as if she was…smiling?
Chen QingEr twiddled around with a strand of her hair as she
suddenly gave off a light smile. The ominous gaze stared directly at
You XiaoMo as she said, "The Academy really thinks highly of me,
sending a level eight mage to fight me, a level six."
You XiaoMo was astonished, she could actually tell?
It was not impossible for a level-six to see through a level seven, but
skipping two levels? That seemed improbable, especially since he
tended to conceal his presence.
Even then, Chen QingEr could see through it. It was just as Elder Liu
said, her real level is much higher than it appeared.
"Please go easy on me, senior." Chen QingEr said, still keeping a
gentle smile on.
Senior, huh? This Chen QingEr seemed older than him by a few
years. Being called 'senior' by someone who was older was a first-
time experience for You XiaoMo.
"Don't be so formal my junior, maybe you are even stronger than
me." You XiaoMo replied smiling as well.
Hearing what he was alluding to, Chen QingEr's smile became even
"Please go first, senior."
"Then don't mind if do." You XiaoMo accepted it bluntly, since
normally, lady's first. But he continued on very casually, leaving Chen
QingEr, who thought he wouldn't agree, speechless.
"Heh, senior, no need to be polite with me."

Chapter 369: To Catch Off Guard
With the spectators' attention fully focused on them, the two started
to battle.
There was a reason why You XiaoMo agreed to the match so easily.
He wanted to take the opportunity to test out the second seal of the
Sumeru Seals, the Black Seal.
The Black Seal was the second Seal he learned after he returned
from the Boundless Sea. However, he hadn’t used it on anyone when
in combat up till now. You XiaoMo was totally clueless about the
power of the Black Seal.
Since there was something fishy about Chen QingEr, he decided to
take the chance to try out the Black Seal on her.
The earth-shattering Soul Power was like huge waves that rolled
towards You XiaoMo, gathering before him menacingly. A golden
Yellow Seal spun in front of him and everyone could feel a powerful
force resonating from within it.
It was only the first move and he already used the first Seal of the
Sumeru Seals, stunning everybody watching.
Either You XiaoMo thought very highly of Chen QingEr or he just
wanted to intimidate her and give her a rude awakening. Or else why
would anyone use such a powerful move that was usually saved for
Regardless the reason, many were taking pleasure in her misfortune.
Evidently, Chen QingEr needed to work on her public relations.
Chen QingEr frowned slightly as if she didn’t comprehend his actions.
The corner of You XiaoMo's lips curled up slightly. A few seconds
later, the Yellow Seal in front of him was complete. The immense
power from around him gathered within the Yellow Seal.

You XiaoMo looked towards Chen QingEr and smiled. "I’m starting
my attacks, you better watch out."
Hearing what he said, not only did Chen QingEr not take up a
defensive stance, she even replied You XiaoMo softly, "Thanks for
the advice, senior."
A gust of wind circled his legs and You XiaoMo vanished on the spot.
The crowd oohed and ahhed. They thought You XiaoMo was
preparing to throw out the Yellow Seal on his palm. Never did they
expect him to disappear.
In the next second, You XiaoMo reappeared right before Chen
QingEr. What followed after wasn’t the Yellow Seal but a swift leg
that had enough strength put into it to slice through the air, a kick
directed towards Chen QingEr.
The series of unpredictable attacks saw a crack in Chen QingEr's
expression. Even after blocking his kick, she still had to be constantly
aware of the Yellow Seal in his palm. What she found shocking was
that despite the delay, the Yellow Seal didn’t seem to weaken even
the slightest bit. Not only that, You XiaoMo's speed and strength was
not what she expected. In fact, she underestimated him.
After blocking his leg sweep, Chen QingEr's expression suddenly
changed as she quickly retreated.
As if You XiaoMo would let her escape. Using the leg that had landed
on the ground to push himself off the stone floor, a blue figure
followed behind her closely as a shadow would.
Undeniably, Chen QingEr was fast. You XiaoMo had to use all his
strength to barely keep up with her. If he couldn’t catch up to her
speed, then his plan would come to naught.
Unwilling to let his plan fail, You XiaoMo raised his left hand and
moved his fingers. Slowly, his soul power concentrated at his

fingertips to form a dark glow and he flicked it towards Chen QingEr's
back. As she felt the threat coming from behind, Chen QingEr had no
choice but to slow down. You XiaoMo immediately caught up.
After Chen QingEr defended against one blow of Resonance Finger,
You XiaoMo followed up with another, taking the chance to get
closer to her. At the same time, the Yellow Seal that had everybody’s
attention had yet to be thrown out as an attack.
"My god, he hasn’t performed the hand seal?"
At that moment, some people had already noticed. A normal attack
would require one to perform a hand seal, but You XiaoMo hadn’t.
He even managed to pull it off twice without doing so.
Chen QingEr had fallen prey to his plan. As You XiaoMo had a Yellow
Seal in one hand, everyone thought there was no way he could use
both hands to do the hand seal. And without that, he couldn’t use
any other tactics to battle.
And that was where everyone else was wrong. Having miscalculated,
Chen QingEr was now busy dealing with his blows. You XiaoMo's
Resonance Finger was a far cry from the Sumeru Seals, so it’d
definitely wouldn’t be too difficult for her to handle. But his
Resonance Finger shouldn’t be disregarded either. Or else why would
there be a need for Chen QingEr to block it.
Generally speaking, everyone would take appropriate defensive
measures or devise counterattack strategies when responding to an
opponent's attacks. That was You XiaoMo's agenda. Chen QingEr
must have noticed something was off and thus put distance between
You XiaoMo and herself.
She might have tricks up her sleeve, but You XiaoMo also had his
own set of trump cards.
Once the smoke had dispersed, Chen QingEr's figure could once
again be seen, appearing in the center of a large black pit. She didn’t

look the least bit battered. Her white clothing fluttered gently in the
wind, with her gentle smile wiped off her face and her expression
unfathomable as she stared at You XiaoMo who was five to six
meters away.
A hint of surprise flashed across You XiaoMo's eyes. Chen QingEr got
hit by his Yellow Seal in close range and still managed to remain
unscathed! No doubt she had her true powers hidden.
"You are strong indeed." You XiaoMo praised.
"Nonsense. It’s Senior who is the most powerful person. You can
actually think of such a strategy. You have QingEr's admiration."
Chen QingEr's smile once again returned to her face.
"Now it’s my turn to attack. Watch out, Senior."
You XiaoMo was on his guard immediately.
Chen QingEr raised her right hand and slightly moved her fingers as a
strand of strange, silken thing appeared between her fingers. It was
pink and transparent and it looked really like a silk ribbon. You
XiaoMo estimated it to be five meters long.
You XiaoMo was shocked to discover that this silk ribbon was most
probably formed with condensed soul power. Yet there was
something different. It couldn’t be… She was planning to use the silk
ribbon as a weapon?
Chen QingEr's thin lips curled up at the corners. Grabbing the head of
the silk ribbon, she lightly swung it towards the floor a few times.
It might have looked light, yet deep white marks ran along the floor
where the silk ribbon touched. And Chen QingEr barely used any
strength this time. If she were to swing it hard, he reckoned the floor
would crack.

Still deep in shock, the silk ribbon flew towards him without warning,
aiming to deliver a swift strike to his face.
The silk ribbon hit the ground and a pit immediately formed from the
collision, at about one metre in diameter.
After You XiaoMo dodged, the silk ribbon took a turn and assailed
him once more as if it had eyes of its own. If he were to let this
continue, there would be no end.
This time round, You XiaoMo chose not to dodge or hide. A strong
burst of soul power exploded from within him and split into two. One
part of his soul power battled with the silk ribbon whereas the other
bit took the chance to trap it. Having met with obstacles, the silk
ribbon's movements finally slowed down but it could be still seen
inching its way towards You XiaoMo.
You XiaoMo wanted to try severing the silk ribbon like how he did
when he was dealing with ChaiJun. But obviously, ChaiJun could not
compare to Chen QingEr. Not only did her silk possess an astonishing
ability to attack, it was also relatively good at defence too. He
couldn’t do anything about her anytime soon.
In theory, this was impossible. No matter how strong the soul's
ability to attack or defend was, a level six upper Mage's soul power
should be no match for an opponent who was a level eight Mage. At
this rate, all level six mages could become gods. Unless her power
was on par with his, if not, above him. Reaching that conclusion, You
XiaoMo recalled his soul power.
Without the soul power to hold it back, the silk ribbon once again
charged towards him, with You XiaoMo dodging it again. It had now
become a game of cat and mouse.
The spectators all knew of You XiaoMo's power. But seeing him being
chased across the arena by Chen QingEr's silk ribbon, all of them
expressed their shock.

About five minutes had passed before You XiaoMo suddenly stopped
in his tracks. Just when everyone was puzzled by his actions, he took
a sharp turn and dashed towards Chen QingEr with a speed that
seemed faster than before. It was as if he would reach her in the
blink of an eye.
Chen QingEr's eyelids twitched. It wasn’t You XiaoMo that got faster,
it was because they were only less than three meters apart! He
actually used dodging to narrow the distance between them! Upon
seeing the golden Seal in his palm, she finally realized his plan.
Chen QingEr hurriedly withdrew the Silk Ribbon and transformed it
into a pink shield in an instant. You XiaoMo raised his right hand and
slammed the Black Seal onto the shield without hesitation. One on
the attack and one on the defence. The impact was so powerful that
it even resulted in the rippling of spiritual energy of heaven and
earth. You XiaoMo took advantage of the winds that rose to retreat
The Black Seal easily tore the shield apart and went straight for Chen
QingEr. A split second later, a loud explosion could be heard from
where Chen QingEr was standing. Rocks were blown to smithereens
and some people almost fell to the floor from the impact.
You XiaoMo was dumbfounded at the sight.
This was the first time he used the Black Seal and according to
records on Sumeru Seals, as one continued to cultivate, the power of
every Seal would increase many times over. Judging from the
damage he did, he dare say it was more than just a few times more
This time, he didn’t use the spiritual energy from heaven and earth
as he didn’t want Chen QingEr to discover the Black Seal in his palm.
Every technique used needed to be aided by the spiritual energy
from heaven and earth before even beginning. This made the

process of developing different moves much easier. However, by
relying solely on soul power, it made it more difficult to compress
and thus, much more demanding on the person's control.
Wanting to catch his opponent off guard, You XiaoMo chose the
latter option. And because of that, Chen QingEr only managed to call
her Silk Ribbon back. Under the immense force of the Black Seal,
there was no way she could escape unharmed this time.
As expected, when everything had settled, the dust cleared to reveal
an exhausted and battered Chen QingEr. Her white dress was dirtied
and torn in a few places. Where the crowd couldn’t see, a hint of
cruelty and ruthlessness flashed through her lowered eyes.
Reminder note: Resonance Finger, more widely known as LingXi
Finger, which is where you gather spiritual energy into your fingers
and use it to do stuff like shoot it out as a bullet or catch a sword
between your fingers.

Chapter 370: Rage
"This match ends now. The victor is You XiaoMo." Just as this
moment, Yan Fa's dignified voice rang out as he simply stopped the
The spectators instantly cheered aloud. BaiLi XiaoYu, Jiang XiaoFeng
and Liu Yue were the most excited among them. They were already
very excited when they had heard that You XiaoMo was Chen
QingEr's opponent, and almost could not wait for You XiaoMo to give
her an immediate smackdown.
Chen QingEr was clearly stunned for a moment. The sinister light in
her eyes was instantly replaced by something else and they gleamed
as they fixed onto You XiaoMo. She appeared to be in a joyful mood,
"You…are You XiaoMo?"
You XiaoMo was baffled by her expression.
Just as he wanted to say 'You recognize me?", Chen QingEr suddenly
made a move. Appearing to teleport, her figure disappeared in a
strange manner from its original position, and she actually re-
appeared behind You XiaoMo.
The whole process did not even take a tenth of a second.
Don't even talk about reacting; You XiaoMo totally did not realize
that Chen QingEr had disappeared.
"Be careful." Yan Fa's sharp eyes had discovered her actions and
detected Chen QingEr's malice. He wanted to immediately rush over,
however, Yu WenNan who was standing at the side suddenly dashed
out before he could make a move. His target was not Yan Fa, but Ling
Xiao instead. That expressionless face had been replaced by one
containing a hint of malevolence as the aura of a powerhouse burst
out from him.

Even stupid people would realize that there was now something fishy
about Yu WenNan and Chen QingEr.
The scene instantly fell into chaos.
Chen QingEr did not delay. She lifted her hand and was about to
strike You XiaoMo's body when a red figure appeared from thin air
and a muscular arm simultaneously blocked her hand. A trace of
corrosive aura appeared in a split second and spread up Chen
QingEr's hand.
However, Chen QingEr was not the least bit alarmed. As if she had
long been expecting it all along, a layer of white soul power
appeared on her palm and obstructed the corrosive aura.
The red figure used this opening to grab You XiaoMo and
immediately retreated.
Chen QingEr relentlessly followed. Her strength seemed to be above
the red figure, and it took her but a moment to catch up to them.
Her gaze fell onto the red figure as she gave a smile that was yet not
a smile, "Bird of Pride, no matter what, you're not my match.
Obediently hand him over and I will let you go."
LanQiu did not reply and directed the corrosive energy surrounding
his whole body to attack her.
Chen QingEr was not angry when she saw this, as she gracefully
avoided his attack.
You XiaoMo now realized that Chen QingEr and Yu WenNan were the
people whom the Netherworld Siren said would find them in the
future. Although he had expected this day to come, he did not think
that they would actually disguise themselves as students of the
academy to sneak in.

"LanQiu, be careful. She should be a level ten mage and may even
have a contracted demon beast hiding in a secret place." You XiaoMo
hurriedly urged.
Chen QingEr was all smiles as she looked at him, "Little boy, you're
really keen. Unfortunately, it's too late."
You XiaoMo's intuition instantly rang. In the next second, he felt
something binding around his waist. Looking down, he only saw a
white rope-like thing, and then he was pulled backwards as he flew
"Master!" LanQiu turned back in shock, reaching out in an attempt to
grab him, but meeting empty air instead.
He was in a hurry to chase after You XiaoMo, but how could Chen
QingEr allow him to ruin their plan? She immediately used the ribbon
in her hand to hinder him. At this moment, Chen QingEr displayed a
strength which evenly matched LanQiu. Don't think you can easily
break free!
On the other hand, Ling Xiao had been stopped by Yu WenNan.
Seeing that You XiaoMo had been pulled away, his expression was so
black that it was dreadful. A purple and red flame appeared above
each of his hands with a 'pu-chi'.
Yu WenNan's sinister expression abruptly changed after seeing the
two types of flames, "Two types of sacred fires? Didn't the
information say it was just one?"
Ling Xiao fused the two types of sacred fires together under his gaze,
transforming it into an aberrant flame which was formed by mixing
two types of flames together. It was the same flame that had
appeared in the Boundless Sea.
In the next second, the rolling aberrant flames turned into a gigantic
fiery phoenix. Emitting a terrible aura, it roared and swooped down
towards Yu WenNan like a living phoenix.

Yu WenNan expression finally changed.
Ling Xiao seized the opportunity to break away from him, and his
figure instantly disappeared from his original place.
This commotion had long alerted everyone in Ward A. Even all the
practitioners cultivating in the Cultivation Center were so alarmed
that they retreated from their state of cultivation. Innumerable rays
of light quickly flew over. Among those, there were more than a
dozen rays of light that were faster than the rest.
Except for Duan QiTian, who was still in the midst of secluded
cultivation, Hei Tian and the Five Elders had appeared too. From a
distance, they could see a fiery phoenix constructed entirely from
fire entrenched in the air, and it seemed to be in a stalemate with
This strange fire creation immediately caused Hei Tian to recall that
mysterious Divine Realm practitioner from that time. Although the
might of the fiery phoenix was different from that time, but he could
tell that they were created from the same type of flames.
However, just as Hei Tian approached, he found another familiar
aura and his gaze searched the sky. He immediately discovered the
man battling with Chen QingEr, and his pitch-black eyes immediately
sharpened, "The Bird of Pride?"
"There's no mistaking this aura. It's definitely that missing Bird of
Pride. Why would he appear here?" The Third Elder was stunned.
The others had also arrived at this moment. The second group to
arrive was Yin Ge and the rest.
However, they did not dare to go too close to the battlefield. The
pressure and temperature emitting from the fiery phoenix made
their hearts palpitate, one after another they looked astonished.
"What is going on?"

There was no answer as the others were also not certain of what was
going on.
Just at this time, two violent energies screamed through the air and
collided. A tremendous wind pressure was created and rolling
shockwaves spread throughout the surroundings.
When the two shadows separated, their features were immediately
visible to everyone. They were Chen QingEr and LanQiu.
Chen QingEr was a mid-grade level ten mage and she seemed to be
stronger than LanQiu. But mages were originally not skilled in
battling, and it was even more unlikely for their overall strength to
be too much higher. Therefore, LanQiu was taking advantage of the
big bargain over her and both parties were presently fighting to a
"You dirty whore." LanQiu menacingly cursed as he spat in her
"You are courting death." Chen QingEr's expression chilled in a split
"Fuck you, it's not predetermined who's the one looking for death."
LanQiu felt the disgrace from having his master snatched, and his
temperament became irascible. With that, he rushed directly at her.
His actions that disregarded his life was very similar to Chen QingEr's
'fight till you die and I live' manner.
Meanwhile, the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider who had snatched
You XiaoMo immediately attempted to break open the enchantment
and rush out. But this enchantment was personally put up by Han
Gong, how could it be easily broken? Even the weakest part of the
enchantment needed time to break through. They had miscalculated
Ling Xiao's strength, who would have thought that Yu WenNan
would be obstructed by the fiery phoenix?

Before the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider could break open the
enchantment, Ling Xiao was already in front of her. The terrifying
and imposing manner she was face to face with caused the Thousand
Faces Purgatory Spider to tremble with fear whilst her five fingers
adorned with scarlet fingernails grasped You XiaoMo's neck.
"Stop or I'll kill him now." The Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider
threatened, as her scarlet fingertips nearly pierced into the tender
flesh of You XiaoMo's neck.
Ling Xiao immediately stopped moving.
Triumphant joy flashed through the eyes of the Thousand Faces
Purgatory Spider at once, "Now move away from here and go down."
Ling Xiao did not say anything, nor did he move either. A black fog
seemed to have emerged from his pitch-black eyes, transmitting an
extremely dangerous aura that caused the woman opposite to feel
more and more disturbed.
"What right do you think you have to say this sentence in my
After hearing this, the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider was
enraged. This man actually dared to look down on her! In that
case…her hand suddenly grasped You XiaoMo's neck a little harder.
You XiaoMo's expression immediately twisted in pain.
Just as the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider was about to laugh, the
aura from the man became extremely chilly in a split second. His long
black hair wantonly rose. Beneath his mask, the hidden violet flame
symbol appeared on his expressionless face. In the blink of an eye,
black pupils changed into brilliant amethyst pupils, similar to a
heavenly emperor descending onto Earth.
Directly feeling the pressure of that man's terrifying Emperor aura,
the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider immediately turned as white as

paper as her body froze. The fingers grasping You XiaoMo's neck also
could not move.
Ling Xiao rescued You XiaoMo from her clutches in a split second,
and simultaneously set the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider aflame.
The latter howled shrilly, but did not forget to run away from Ling
"Hurts…" You XiaoMo suddenly cried out in pain.
Ling Xiao looked down and saw that the two puncture wounds made
by the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider were now a greenish-black
color. It was obviously due to poison and he immediately tore off the
cloth beside him, as his lips covered the wound to suck the toxin out.
The sacred fire immediately refined the toxin once it entered his
body. Only until the wound returned to a bright red color did he
After losing some vital essence, You XiaoMo dizzily leaned into Ling
Xiao's embrace.
Ling Xiao gave him a deep look. Only after determining that You
XiaoMo was fine did he turn his attention to the Thousand Faces
Purgatory Spider in the distance. The latter had been burned for a
while by the sacred fire and layers of black ash fell off her body.

Chapter 371: Identity Exposed
After Ling Xiao rescued You XiaoMo, the fiery phoenix was dispersed
by Yu WenNan, as its power had been depleted.
But Ling Xiao had never thought of just defeating Yu WenNan with
that fire phoenix. After all, no one was controlling it and it was made
out of flame, so it couldn't perform to its best. He had only intended
to stall Yu WenNan with it.
Yu WenNan and Chen QingEr immediately went to the Thousand
Faces Purgatory Spider's side.
Chen QingEr looked at Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider in worry.
"How are you?"
"I'm alright. Luckily, I'm wearing armor made from Purgatory Silk. It's
just unfortunate that the Purgatory Armor is destroyed now. As
expected of Sacred Qilin Fire." The Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider
had escaped death by the skin of her teeth. Though she was sad
about her Purgatory Armor, she contained her sorrow in her heart.
"It doesn't matter if it's destroyed. It's better than having you dead."
Chen QingEr let out a breath of relief. The Thousand Faces Purgatory
Spider was her lifebound contract beast. If anything happened to
her, Chen QingEr would face a backlash of power and her strength
would decline, causing their situation to worsen.
"Come on. Let's figure out how we're going to complete this mission.
That man called Ling Xiao isn't a normal Emperor Beast, but a Qilin,
the head of the Four Great Spirits." Yu WenNan looked towards Ling
Xiao solemnly. That other red flame also interested him.
Before they could discuss their plans, a loud bang came from above.
DaoXin Academy's strongest barrier began to vibrate faster and
faster until with a boom, it shattered. The immense sound made
people wish they were deaf.

In the sky, intense sunlight shone inside.
The roars of demon beasts also echoed inside.
Someone actually managed to break such a strong barrier.
The expressions of Hei Tian and the five elders twisted. This barrier
was what was separating Ward A from the deep mountains,
protecting the school all these years. Once it broke, Ward A was very
likely to be attacked by the demon beasts of the deep mountains.
Without prompting, Gao Yang immediately turned back, rushing to
guard the exits with the security team.
In the moment the barrier broke, several beams of light darted in
from outside and appeared in the skies above. The first was Qiu Ran
and then there were the two powerhouses that were working with
him and their demon beasts. Apart from that, the Teng Family head,
Fairy FuRong and FeiXie had all arrived as well.
"NanShen, seems like you're having some trouble, too. How about
we cooperate?" That was when the man on Qiu Ran's left spoke up,
looking towards Yu WenNan and his companions. From his tone,
they sounded like they knew each other.
Yu WenNan glanced at them with an empty smile. "His lordship even
sent the two of you here. He's really putting down all his cards for
this middle-plane person."
"If it really is what we think, then there's no reluctance to be had.
Aren't you the same? Even sending DongShen in the beginning. What
a shame that he died." The middle aged man smiled, reveling in this
"Anyways, if we're going to cooperate, I'll have to make something
clear." Yu WenNan didn't want to keep talking bullshit with his guy.
"That man is extremely strong. None of us have the strength to

oppose him. If you want to complete the mission, then don't play
around or hold anything back."
The middle aged man and his companions followed his gaze to Ling
The middle aged man observed for a few seconds before saying, "No
matter how strong, he's just one man."
Though he could sense that this person was special, he still wasn't
willing to feel threatened by a person from the middle-plane. After
all, he was a member of the Vermillion Blood family.
Hearing this, Yu WenNan didn't react and didn't seem to intend to
"If so, then how about you two deal with him?"
"Wait." The middle-aged man was about to agree when his
companion suddenly stopped him He looked at NanShen and said, "If
he's strong, it's not fair if you don't help out."
Yu WenNan shrugged, his eyes filled with humor. "Sure. Then I'll
leave the others to you."
While they discussed their tactics, Ling Xiao didn't bother with Qiu
Ran and the others that had broken in, but alighted on the ground
with You XiaoMo.
The Academy people didn't dare approach him, watching him from
afar, probably because of his display of power in the air just now.
Ling Xiao had wanted to place You XiaoMo in his dimension, but he
would worry if You XiaoMo was there alone. SheQiu and the others
were in the other dimension and he wasn't the owner of that one so
he couldn't call them out.

"Chirp~ Chirp~" As Ling Xiao was thinking, a chicken flew over
unsteadily from out of the crowd.
Ling Xiao had almost forgotten him.
Because they were coming over, You XiaoMo had left the little
chicken in the room.
He wasn't willing, so You XiaoMo had Ling Xiao scare him. It was only
then that he unwillingly let go. Now, he had probably ran out, taking
advantage of the lack of people.
"Come over," Ling Xiao ordered.
"Chirp~" The little chicken immediately flew to him in joy.
Ling Xiao spoke gently to it. "Protect your master. If even a single hair
on his head is harmed, I'll pull out a feather for every one you grow,
"Chirp~" THe little chicken sadly pecked at his bald wings. He had
only been born a few days ago.
That was when another person walked over, saying, "I'll look after
him for you."
Ling Xiao looked over. The newcomer had startlingly silver hair. It
was the now recovered Yin Ge and behind him was Feng ChiYun,
Yang YuLin and You XiaoMo's other friends.
"What happened to him?" Feng ChiYun asked.
"Nothing really. He's just lost a bit of energy. He'll be fine once he
rests up." Ling Xiao carefully placed You XiaoMo on the ground,
leaning him against a large rock.
"Boss…" LanQiu walked over.
Ling Xiao stroked You XiaoMo's cheek and said without raising his
head, "If I want you to protect him with your life, can you do it?"

LanQiu nodded, "Yes."
After getting this agreement, Ling Xiao stood and turned to look at
Yin Ge and the others. "I'll have to trouble you with this." His
expression was hidden by the mask, but he was accepting Yin Ge's
Yin Ge nodded calmly.
"I'll help, too." BaiLi XiaoYu ran over, Liu Le and Jiang XiaoFeng
following. Though they didn't speak, they had the same idea as BaiLi
"Nonsense." BaiLi TianYi said, walking over. "With your current
strength, you'll only get in the way. Go wherever its calm. You aren't
needed here."
"Second brother…" BaiLi XiaoYu pouted, glaring at him in complaint.
"It won't work even if you call me dad. Now scram, or do you need
me to help?" BaiLi TianYi wasn't having it, cracking his knuckles.
Call you dad? Keep dreaming.
Jiang XiaoFeng pulled, whispering, "Forget it XiaoYu. With our
current power, there is nothing we can do. Let's go, don't cause
them anymore trouble."
Even his good friend said so, BaiLi XiaoYu had no other option. In the
end, those three could only leave.
Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at You XiaoMo. His feet lifted
up a bit before his figure vanished mysteriously. Within the next
second, his figure appeared above the sky, standing on the opposite
side of Qiu Ran's party.
On his right, not far behind him was Hei Tian and the Five Great
Elders. Qiu Ran had destroyed DaoXin Academy's barrier, this feud
was not exclusively between Duan QiTian and his first disciple

Ling Xiao placed his palm on his mask. Under the presence of many
people, he took off the mask and an extremely handsome face
appeared before everyone.
Looking at that familiar face, Hei Tian's eyes flashed, but his
expression remained unchanged. However, on the opposite side, Qiu
Ran's expression was clearly showing a sign of change. After all, the
thought that a Divine Level powerhouse was hiding inside DaoXin
Academy had never occurred in his mind before.
"This man, was he the one who appeared at the Boundless Sea?" The
middle-aged man beside Qiu Ran saw the slight change in Qiu Ran's
expression, and he could roughly guess what happened.
"Correct. Back then he didn't display all of his strength, so, I'm not
sure about his true power. You better be careful." Qiu Ran nodded
his head and warned. Even though there were more people on his
side, he still felt cautious.
Standing not far away, when Yu WenNan saw Ling Xiao, despite his
expression still looking the same on the outside, his brain had started
searching for memories of people he had seen in the Higher Realm,
especially those that were related to the QiLin Clan. But no matter
how hard he tried, he still couldn't find a match.
Yu WenNan couldn't help but doubt the answer he had come up
with. He wasn't from the QiLin Clan? Thinking over again, this could
never be, because the symbol between his eyebrows was definitely a
QiLin Clan's trait.
Ling Xiao conveniently threw the mask into his dimension. His calm,
clouded eyes swept across the distance and directly fell on the
Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider's body. Within a blink of an eye, his
eyes shot out a freezing, spine shivering, murderous intent.

The Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider felt the it running from her
feet to inside her brain. She knew, if today she didn't fight with all of
her power, she couldn’t even think about leaving this place.
While she was tangled with her thoughts, she found out the man on
the opposite of her had disappeared.
The Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider's expression changed
drastically, no way would she forget the scalding pain from the
Sacred Qilin Fire.
At the time of Ling Xiao's disappearance, Yu WenNan and the
middle-aged man both took action right away. Three dark shadows
clashed above the sky and parted instantly…

Chapter 372: Sacrificial Blood Rite
The purple aura, which represented Ling Xiao, didn't back down, not
even one step, staying where the three had collided. The other two
auras had instead been pushed back to twenty meters away.
In the first round, the middle-aged man and Yu WenNan both lost, a
highly surprising conclusion. Even they were shocked.
Yu WenNan's surprised look was the most apparent because the
Netherworld Siren's report had not included Ling Xiao's level as
Divine. Even though the rumors of the North's Divine Leveled
Practitioner were all over the place, he had not put the two together
since there was no evidence for it.
"Nan Shen, looks like its about time to bring out your contract
demon beast. Don't you think so?" The middle-aged man turned
towards Yu WenNan, with an eerie expression.
Yu WenNan glanced back coldly, "I don't mind, I'm just afraid about
your life-bounded contract demon beast."
The smile disappeared off the middle-aged man's face as he said,
"What are you implying?"
Yu WenNan continues, "His abilities come from the Qilin, the leader
of the four ancient beasts. If yours isn't an Emperor demon beast,
the moment it comes out, it will be suppressed. That will cause even
more trouble."
The middle-aged man looked at Ling Xiao in shock, "Isn't he part of
the ancient race of Ancient Demon Phoenix? How did he become a
Shocked as well, Yu WenNan questioned, "What did you say?"
The expression on the middle-aged man's face turned umbrageous,
"That man called Qiu Ran told me Ling Xiao was an Ancient Demon

Phoenix of the four ancient beasts because he had a five-colored bird
who was highly attuned to Demon Phoenix's aura. Not only that,
they had fought before so there shouldn't be any errors."
Although the Ancient Demon Phoenix race was one of the four
ancient beasts, compared to Qilin, it was still lacking a bit. Because
the Qilin were the leaders, its ability to suppress and pressure was
slightly stronger than that of the other three.
Now Yu WenNan finally came to realize what the red flame was.
He wasn't a pure breed Qilin, but a mix of Qilin and Ancient Demon
Phoenix. If that was the case then there were only two options of
mixed blood, one was mutation and the other was no mutation.
With no mutation and with a tainted bloodline, the Emperor demon
beast's potential and power would be slightly worse than that of a
pure breed.
However, if there was a mutation, then that was something to be
Since the ancient times, mutated demon beasts were always
stronger than the original. In other words, a complete revitalization.
He couldn't help but remember that ancient legend from the higher
realms, but that should be impossible.
"Be careful!" the middle-aged man's distressed voice sounded
Yu WenNan immediately broke into cold sweat, he had made a grave
sin of being distracted during a fight. Looking over, the man's demon
like pair of purple eyes stared down coldly at them. In his hand were
two flames; one purple, one red. Even from meters away he could
feel the heat of the flames.
If what he speculated was correct, then it was likely that this man
was a mutated Emperor demon beast.

The situation just became much more complicated.
"Since you took your time to come, it would have been better if you
had just stayed." Ling Xiao said as he lightly curved his lips upward.
His pitch-black eyes had two dancing purple flames ignited within
them. His perfect features were giving off a mysterious aura by the
light and a sense of danger.
As he finished his sentence, the two flames in his palms seemed to
dance in anticipation, growing much larger. And under his control,
slowly combined…
Yu WenNan and the middle-aged man quickly shared a glance before
separating in understanding, one towards Ling Xiao and the other
towards the protected You XiaoMo.
If they weren't a match for the man, then he should start from
somewhere else.
Seeing the previous scene, Yu WenNan already knew that the one
called You XiaoMo was his weakness.
But his plan failed.
Ling Xiao had intercepted Yu WenNan midway, his right flame turned
to a roaring fire Qilin. The pressure from a Emperor beast spread out
across the sky, that overwhelming weight made people's soul
Even humans became like this, much less the demon beasts. Even
their movements were stalled.
Hei Tian and the others took this opportunity to critically injure their
opponents' demon beasts, cutting their fighting power.
But there was one who escaped that, like Qiu Ran's life-bound
contract demon beast, Red Cloud. Because Qiu Ran knew Red Cloud
would be suppressed, he didn't dare bring him out. Although that cut
his fire power by a lot, it was now clearly the right choice.

The middle-aged man and Yu WenNan, who planned to bring out
their demon beasts, couldn't help but stop that train of thought.
Once he had summoned the fire Qilin, Ling Xiao suddenly cut open
his finger and dripped a drop of life blood onto the center of the
Qilin's brow. A few seconds later, on his forehead appeared a similar
fire pattern. The majestic Qilin, as if given life, suddenly opened its
eyes, and those eyes shared a human like quality.
Abruptly Yu WenNan's faced changed, in horror he exclaimed, "This
is the sacrificial blood rite?!"
Sacrificial blood rite was a hidden ritual of the Qilin Clan. With one
drop of life blood, it could summon a Qilin of the owner's power
level. It was a hidden ritual that defied nature.
But there were two after effects, one was that the owner's power
level would be affected. For example, backlash and restrictions, but
that wasn't the most critical. The second effect was that it would
reduce the cultivation level, maybe one star, but it might also be two
stars. Even a gifted clan like the Qilin were unwilling to take that risk,
making the people who used it less and less.
What caused Yu WenNan's horror wasn't this.
The Qilin Clan once had a super genius who didn't like the
consequences of the ritual and thus, using hundred of years,
changed it.
In the end, the Qilin who used the sacrificial blood rite would still
drop in level, but the summoned Qilin had an extra ability and that
This was what he dreaded and was frightened of.
The ones who were devoured by the fire Qilin, their strength and
cultivation could be absorbed by the owner. A terrifying power.

Later on, due to the fear of the other three ancient races, they forced
the Qilin Race to seal away this rite.
Ever since then, no one of the Qilin race had used this sacrificial
blood rite. Now, even the ones who had heard of it were getting
smaller and smaller.
Although the man could very well be using the original sacrificial
blood rite, Yu WenNan had a sinking suspicion that the fire Qilin in
front of him was the devouring kind.
"Okay then, let's get the show on the road." Ling Xiao said with a
The ones who felt his gaze, the middle-aged man and Yu WenNan, all
felt a chill go down their spines.
The man was already stronger then them, now with a similar leveled
devouring Qilin the balance had tipped completely out of their favor.
Yu WenNan and the middle-aged man both saw the resignation in
each other's eyes.
"Go, my devouring Qilin." Ling Xiao spoke in his even paced, clear
and warm tone. Unless one saw with their own eyes, no one would
believe that behind such a pretty voice laid such a gruesome scene.
From the throat of the devouring Qilin came a dangerous roar. It
inherited all of Ling Xiao's strength and went straight to the enemy
with unimaginable speed. The spot in which it disappeared was left
with a small whirlwind.
"AHHHHH!" The first sacrifice appeared.
That was the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider, being a demon beast,
it was much suppressed by the devouring Qilin and being weaker,
before it could move, it was eaten with a face of horror.
With a scream, the Thousand Faces Purgatory Spider disappeared.

Not far from here, Chen QingEr vomited out blood. Just like the
Netherworld Siren, if the life-bounded contract demon beast dies,
the owner would suffer a heart-wrenching pain. As if the soul was
being torn apart.
In a hurry, Chen QingEr took out a pill and swallowed it. Although it
could not solve the problem, it relieved some of the pain. Her face,
however, was still pale, as if she had just experienced a massive fight.
Seeing what happened to Chen QingEr, those with a life-bounded
contract demon beast immediately recalled them in fear. However,
that didn't solve the root of the problem, if the Qilin devoured the
owner, then the contracted demon beast was still dead.
With the instructions of Ling Xiao, the devouring QIlin turned its
attention elsewhere.
When You XiaoMo woke up, this was the image he saw.
A Qilin whose whole body was on fire, chasing after people who
were escaping in all directions. The sky was chaotic, filled with
screams of terror, of anger, and of fear.
What chaos!
You XiaoMo straightened himself up and searched for Ling Xiao.
Pretty quickly he was able to find Ling Xiao and Yu WenNan wrapped
up in a battle next to the Devour Qilin.
For some reason the middle-aged man and Yu WenNan really feared
The first to realize that he was awake was Yin Dai. Although he was
watching the sky, part of his attention was on him. When he realized
he was awake, he didn't say anything, after all he wasn't good with
his words.

"Xiao Mo, you're finally awake." The second to realize was Tang
YuLin. He didn't care much for the battles and tilting up one’s head
for a long time made it really sore. "How do you feel?"
"I'm fine, what's the situation right now?" You XiaoMo asked as he
got up.
"Your man is giving them a walk." Tang YuLin said.
You XiaoMo's mouth twitched.

Chapter 373: Feng ChiYun Is Kidnapped
Yu WenNan didn’t look too good. He took a quick look at the other
battlefield and found that the Fire QiLin had already swallowed three
people, two of them being Chen QingEr and the FeiXie.
Speaking of which, FeiXie was actually stronger than Fairy Fu Rong by
a bit. However, during the crucial moment Fairy Fu Rong pulled a
trick on him which resulted in his plight of being gobbled up by the
Yet, after swallowing three powerhouses, the Fire Qilin's imposing
and powerful presence couldn’t compare to how it was before. Its
strength had clearly weakened by a lot and its aura seemed to have
withered a bit. As the Fire Qilin had to digest the cultivation of the
three people it ate, it used up quite a fair bit of energy doing so.
Nonetheless, even in its weakened state it still posed a significant
Yu WenNan did the mental calculations. Looked like they wouldn’t
be completing this task.
After realizing that Ling Xiao was going to be a tough nut to crack,
this was the first time Yu WenNan had thoughts of retreating.
Additionally, he found the need to investigate that person's
background. If he's somehow involved with the Qilin Clan and the
Demon Phoenix Clan, then it would make his goal of obtaining the
Clan Treasure even more difficult.
"NanShen, don’t even think of escaping." It took the middle aged
man just one look to read his intentions of running away. He
immediately shouted, alerting everyone else of Yu WenNan's
intentions and drawing their attention to him.
Yu WenNan cursed before glaring daggers at the middle aged man.
The latter immediately reciprocated with a look that said, "Don’t

think of escaping alone." Ling Xiao couldn’t be bothered to pay them
any mind at the moment. You XiaoMo had woken up.
He turned around and looked below to see You XiaoMo surrounded
by Lan Qiu and the rest. Seeing You XiaoMo staring at him all wide-
eyed and amazed, he couldn’t help but smile.
After realizing that Ling Xiao was looking at him, You XiaoMo
touched his nose sheepishly.
Ling Xiao retracted his gaze before raising his palm in the direction of
the Qilin.
"Return." He commanded.
As if it could read Ling Xiao's mind, the Qilin stripped itself of a Qilin's
appearance and transformed into flames before returning to his
hand. It disappeared within a moment.
Judging by how things were playing out, Yu WenNan feared for the
worst. If Ling Xiao were to convert the cultivation of the three people
the Qilin swallowed for his own use, none of them would even stand
a chance of escaping.
Yu WenNan slipped something that looked like a jade stick out but it
was actually a Dimension Seal. Dimension Seals were split into three
different grades, the high, medium or low grade. The one he had in
his hand was a high grade dimension Seal. Only Sacred level
powerhouses who were very experienced with using the power of
dimensions could refine it as it had the ability to teleport between
Realms. Even in the higher Realms it was a priceless piece of work.
Originally, the Dimension Seal given to him by his higher ups was
meant for teleporting that person's descendant to a high Realm in
times of emergency. Looking towards the heavily guarded You
XiaoMo, he had no choice but to use the Seal on himself. To think
that he had to end up using it, he was definitely going to be punished
when he returned. One had to understand that the master he was

serving had spared no costs in order to bring You XiaoMo back, even
to the extent of using a high grade dimension Seal.
No one noticed Yu WenNan's actions, not even the middle aged man
who prevented him from leaving.
After Ling Xiao recalled his Qilin, QiuRan and his group barely had
time for a breather before they had to deal with HeiTian and the
rest. With elder Teng no longer wishing to trust Fairy Fu Rong
because she pushed FeiXie out, the group was caught up in internal
turmoil. Losing was just a matter of time.
"It seems like we have no other choice but to work together this time
round, MuShen. How about this, we put the past behind us for now
and focus on dealing with the matter at hand. What do you say?" Yu
WenNan shouted at the middle aged man.
The middle aged man was surprised by what he said but indeed they
had no other option but to cooperate. He replied, "How do you want
to do it?"
"Simple. You go distract him and buy me some time. I want to use
that thing." Yu WenNan had a crafty smile plastered on his face.
The middle aged man just wanted to reply before he suddenly
realized the man opposite him had disappeared. His expression
changed and he immediately mustered all his strength to get away as
far as possible from the spot he was standing. As he had expected,
red flames appeared at the place he had just stood. However, there
was no trace of the man. Just as he began to search, an explosion
could be heard from where Yu WenNan was at. From his peripheral
he could see the man clashing together with Yu WenNan. He was
moving so swiftly that he barely managed to catch a few glimpses.
"Can you hurry up?" Yu WenNan yelled at the middle aged man.
An odd look flashed across the middle aged man's eyes before he
made his decision a second later. Just when everyone else thought

he was going to help Yu WenNan, the middle aged man suddenly
transformed into beam of light and shot to the sky. A spinning black
whirlpool appeared in the sky and his voice boomed as he spoke.
"NanShen, don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to. What working
together? You just want to use me. You can dream on!"
Yu WenNan looked absolutely horrible. He was actually fooled by
At this very moment, a purple blade flew out from nowhere and hit
the middle aged man’s body which had not fully entered the black
whirlpool. Fresh blood spurted out and the middle aged man didn’t
even have time to scream before he was sucked in by the whirlpool.
As for the middle aged man's companion, after he saw that he had
escaped, he lost his bearings. Hei Tian saw the chance to tear
through his defences and ripped out his heart.
The shock on Yu WenNan's face had yet to leave as he saw Ling Xiao
charging towards him as quickly as possible from the corner of his
eyes. This time, he had an odd looking fan in his hand. In a panic, he
crushed the Dimensional Talisman he had in his hand and the space
around him warped. The spacial force pulled him in and he
Ling Xiao appeared dumbfounded for a moment before snapping his
gaze towards You XiaoMo in the next second. Yu WenNan, who had
disappeared into thin air less than a moment ago, was currently
standing among the crowd. Ling Xiao's eyes widened as
unadulterated fury burned within them.
"Watch out!" You XiaoMo heard Feng ChiYun's voice and before he
had time to react, he was pushed aside. Amidst the chaos, he saw
Yun Ge's expressionless face morph into one of shock as he dashed
towards a certain direction.

"Damn it all!" Yu WenNan spewed a string of curses. Indeed, he had
planned to use the Dimensional Talisman to leave the middle realm
but he was unwilling to give up just yet. So he tried and failed
unfortunately. You XiaoMo turned his head around only to find that
together with Yu WenNan, Feng ChiYun had also vanished for some
unknown reason.
You XiaoMo hadn’t even processed what had happened before he
was drawn tightly into a familiar embrace. It was as if the person
wanted to crush his waist.
"What…what happened?" He received a response in the form of a
tighter hug by Ling Xiao. This time his waist wasn’t just snapping in
half, he couldn’t even breathe.
"Fuck, are you trying to crush me to death?" You XiaoMo started
Ling Xiao sighed from above his head.
"It’s such a good atmosphere. Don’t you know how to savor the
Good atmosphere?
You XiaoMo surveyed their whereabouts only to find chaos running
amok. The corner of his mouth twitched. Good atmosphere my ass,
more like all hell has broken loose.
"Alright, stop with the jokes. What happened to Feng ChiYun?”
"He’s kidnapped by Yu WenNan." Ling Xiao simply said.
"How’s that possible?" You XiaoMo looked at him in shock.
"He has a Dimensional Talisman so he can teleport around easily.
And it looks like he has more than one of them. His original target
was you, but Feng ChiYun pushed you away and took your place.
Since his Dimensional Talisman was already activated, Yu WenNan
didn't make it in time to capture you." Ling Xiao explained.

You XiaoMo's mind was blank. Feng ChiYun was captured because he
tried to save him. He hesitated for a while before asking, "Will Feng
ChiYun die?"
Ling Xiao understood how he felt.
"Don’t worry, Yu WenNan may not be very clear of your relationship
with Feng ChiYun, but since he saved you it shows that you’re more
than just acquaintances. And his target is you, so Feng ChiYun will
not be in danger for now."
"You aren’t lying to me right?" You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao answered in the form of a smile before catching him off
guard by smacking his head from the back.
You XiaoMo grabbed his head. He already tried to anticipate it, but
he was still unable to escape from having his head smacked.
"I’m really glad that you weren’t the one taken. Or else I would
definitely kill my way to the high realm." Ling Xiao hugged him.
You XiaoMo was very touched. "Mhmm, I believe you would do just
that. But I still feel we should go rescue Feng ChiYun."
Ling Xiao remained silent for a while before saying, "You know, you
should be running into my arms all touched and hug me and kiss me
fiercely now."
This would have been an emotional scene if not for Ling Xiao saying it
out loud. He made it sound so dumb if they were to do that.
As they talked, the battle had already come to an end. Due to their
main force running away, Qiu Ran and the rest who remained
naturally couldn’t hold their enemies off. There were also some who
had the foresight, such as the Teng elder. Clearly, he feared death. At
the sign of something wrong, he immediately packed up and fled.

However, if the Teng family ever wanted to gain a foothold in Yan
City, it would not be easy.
As for Fairy Fu Rong, she even went so far as to bare her naked body
for others to see in order to escape. With her top half naked, it got
people blushing till their ears were red. What was more tragic was
that when she battled the Third elder, she was berated for having no
Fairy Fu Rong might have made it out alive, but her reputation
definitely had been thoroughly destroyed.
FeiXie could rest in peace now…

Chapter 374: An Auspicious Day
"Then what about Qiu Ran?" Duan QiTian had just come out of
secluded cultivation when such explosive news reached his ears.
However, he did not have the slightest reaction at all, and instead,
started asking about Qiu Ran.

If You XiaoMo was here, he would definitely be able to tell that Duan
QiTian's entire personality had changed after he came out of
secluded cultivation. In the past, You XiaoMo would still be able to
tell his moods, but it was somewhat hard to tell now that he was
more reserved.

"His lifebound contract beast, Hong Yun, saved his life. But it's
absolutely impossible for him to completely recover after two
consecutive serious injuries this time. He probably wouldn't show up
again in the next few years."

The one who replied was the Second Elder, as he was the one
guarding the hidden thirty-first room in the Red card area, and Duan
QiTian had been in secluded cultivation all this while inside this
hidden room.

Duan QiTian struck the table as he muttered to himself, "If it's like
this, wouldn't it be very difficult if I want to find him later?"

The Second Elder sighed, "This can't be helped. The Long Xiang
Continent is so huge. It's generally quite difficult to find a level ten
mage who is deliberately hiding. Oh yes, have you heard about the
matter with your disciple?"

Duan QiTian, "Are you talking about that dunce?"

The Second Elder discovered that Duan QiTian's temper was always
very spirited in the past when he would scold using this word,
"dunce". It was unlike the present, where there was completely no
expression on his face when scolding people. It looked like the
results of cultivating these few months in the hidden room were
quite good, but it is possible that Duan QiTian may have overdone it
a little.

"It's your third disciple."

"What's up with him?"

"Do you still remember that Divine Realm practitioner that appeared
in the Boundless Sea? He's the Ling Xiao who is always with your
little disciple."

"To think it's him." Duan QiTian narrowed his eyes. Although he had
always felt that that man was a little strange, he had never thought
that Ling Xiao was actually a Divine Realm expert who had been
residing inside DaoXin Academy all along.

"It's hard to imagine right? Who knows what his motive is." The
Second Elder questioned in concern. The principal was currently out
of the academy. If he really harbored harmful motives towards
DaoXin Academy, they would not be able to stop him with their
current strength.

"You don't have to worry that he will harm DaoXin Academy." Duan
QiTian had seen through his thoughts in a single glance, "If he had
such motives, he would have made a move long ago. Is there
anything else?"

"En, I have discussed with the Great Elder to prepare to let you
negotiate with him. You are You XiaoMo's shifu and I believe that he
would give you some face." The Second Elder immediately explained.

"I know, if there's nothing else… …"

"Okay, I'm going now." The Second Elder took the initiative to leave
before he was chased away. Though there were a few changes, his
innate character still had not changed.

When the incident involving You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao swept over
the North, no one within DaoXin Academy even had the leisure to
gossip as there were demon beasts bursting through Ward A every
day since the barrier had been destroyed. So as to resist the demon
beasts from the mountains, everyone had to run to the frontlines to
help. Currently, the entire Ward A was so busy that they were beaten
black and blue.

However, there was still a clear change.

There were now more people peeping at them. In the past, those
people would be gossiping in front of them, but they did not dare to
do so now, and would only converse far away from them.

Each and every one of those who had grudges with You XiaoMo and
Ling Xiao seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth.

For example, Tang YuCheng and Chai Zheng. Many people who didn't
like them popped out now, mocking the two.

You XiaoMo had not thought about them for a long time. They had
already tasted defeated at his hands. If he continually thought of
them, would he not be dragging himself down to their level?

They had a few relatively quiet days after that.

Ling Xiao had been meditating in the room to transform Chen QingEr
and the others cultivation bases into his own.

There were many that made an excuse to find You XiaoMo for the
purpose of catching a glimpse of Ling Xiao, fooling them to kill some
time was fun enough for You XiaoMo. However, he had expected
that the first who would knock on his door would be the old geezer
instead of Yin Ge.

You XiaoMo immediately thought of Feng ChiYun upon seeing Yin Ge

and felt depressed.

"Will you guys be going to the Higher Level Realm?"


"Will you rescue Feng ChiYun?"


"That's good, I will go with you too."


"YuXuan and I were originally from the Higher Level Realm. We had
to come to the Middle Level Realm because of some circumstances.
If you want to know anything, I will tell you everything I know about


You XiaoMo was still a little surprised to know that they were from
the Higher Level Realm. It seemed that everything that happened
recently had some connection to the Higher Level Realm.

"I've heard that you hold half the bloodline of a demon beast."

Yin Ge fell silent, "That's right. My father is the Nine-Headed Serpent

King, and my mother is a human practitioner. Due to some internal
problems, I had no choice but to come here."

You XiaoMo felt that the Heavens sprinkled some dog-blood drama
in front of him again. It was definitely due to some issue like the
bloodline not being pure enough or so on and so forth. However, the
Nine-Headed Serpent King was not an ordinary demon beast. The
Nine-Headed Serpent King was like the Four Ancients Clan, they were
born as ruler. Their position was extremely lofty among the demon

<strong>t/n: dog-blood means melodramatic, contrived.</strong>

You XiaoMo said, "I don't know when we will set off. It'll depend on
Ling Xiao."

Yin Ge, "Then I'll trouble you to speak with him."

"Okay, I will."

After sending Yin Ge off, You XiaoMo walked into the bedroom to
take a look at Ling Xiao's situation. It appeared that the cultivation
bases of three Emperor Realm practitioners were not easy to digest.

Over the past few days, he learned from others what had happened
during the period he was unconscious, and the whole battle sounded
just entirely one-sided. However, You XiaoMo could not shake the
feeling that there was some problem with Qilin that swallowed Chen
QingEr and the two others. Otherwise, it was impossible for Ling Xiao
to be sitting still on the bed for several days in a row.

You XiaoMo worriedly looked at Ling Xiao who had his eyes closed.

According to Tang YuLin's description, that person called Yu WenNan

did indeed say these two words 'blood sacrifice rite ' when Ling Xiao
summoned the fire Qilin out.

Upon hearing something which had both “blood” and “sacrifice”

within its name definitely did not mean anything good.

You XiaoMo sighed.

"What are you sighing about again?" A hand suddenly clapped on his
head and pushed him down until his stature immediately shrank a
little. It was with astonishment that he discovered this voice was
from Ling Xiao whose eyes had just been closed.

"You're all right now?" You XiaoMo pulled his hand off and happily

"How can anything happen to this husband of yours? Or do you

hope that something would happen to me?" Ling Xiao unconcernedly
stated as he put on his shoes before he came off the bed.

You XiaoMo decided not to dispute over these trifles with him, "Yin
Ge came to look for me. He said that he wanted to go to the Higher
Level Realm with us. And he also said that he and Zhan YuXuan both

came from the Higher Level Realm."

"If he wants to follow, let him follow." Ling Xiao indifferently replied.

"So when are we going to leave for the Higher Level Realm?" He was
completely unclear about this aspect of the matter and could only
depend on Ling Xiao to make decisions.

"Then let's find a day."

"What day?"

"An auspicious day."


Duan QiTian came knocking just as the two came to a decision. You
XiaoMo really missed the old geezer quite a bit and he also wanted
to know how well the old geezer's soul was recovering. But he did
not dare to be too enthusiastic as he did not know whether the first
or second personality would appear.

However, after You XiaoMo saw Duan QiTian, he covertly moved

closer to Ling Xiao's ear and whispered, "Ling Xiao, do you think that
the old geezer has been switched?"

"The possibility is low." Ling Xiao told him after observing for a

"Why?" You XiaoMo asked.

"Because the look of disdain in his eyes is exactly the same as



"I've already heard about your situation." Duan QiTian walked in

without leave, and got right to the point without any superfluous
words. He was so frank it gave the impression that they were
chatting about domestic matters.

You XiaoMo simply did not know how to react to this, but he felt
that the old geezer was a little weird today. His expression and voice
still had the same terrorizing force, but he was colder than usual.

"Shifu, I did not mean to deliberately conceal it from you." You

XiaoMo quickly apologized.

Duan QiTian immediately glared at him, "I'll pluck your head off if
you did it on purpose!"

You XiaoMo blushed with shame. Actually one could also say that he
had deliberately concealed it.

Duan QiTian ignored him and shifted his attention to Ling Xiao, "My
disciple is not free for you to kidnap."

Ling Xiao gave an indolent smile, "Then I'm sorry to say that he had
already been kidnapped by me before he became your disciple."

Duan QiTian choked.

You XiaoMo secretly gave a mental 'thumbs-up' as the tiny him in his
heart laughed till its teeth were showing. Ling Xiao was really too
cool, to completely defeat the hot-tempered old geezer in one


However, could they refrain from using such a word like 'kidnap?
That just makes him look stupid.

Ling Xiao continued, "Duan QiTian, don't push your luck. It's not
because I respect you or the others that I helped DaoXin Academy to
seize the Elemental Essence. If not for your little disciple, I couldn't
be bothered."

Duan QiTian swelled with so much anger that his mustache puffed

He had another purpose for coming to find them, but he really felt a
little unhappy about handing that matter over when seeing this
man's attitude. He could only fiercely glare at his little disciple; it's all
because of your man!

You XiaoMo was baffled by his glare.

Chapter 375: Sealed Jade Drive

Chapter 376: Trans-Dimensional Tunnel
The connection between a higher plane and a middle plane was
something called a Trans-Dimensional tunnel.
A dimensional tunnel was different from a transport circle, both due
to the concept and the level of danger.
A transport circle was a constant form of transportation using spatial
powers. In terms of danger, on a scale of a hundred, it was at about
The Trans-Dimensional tunnel, on the other hand, was different.
Similarly, it was a connection formed between two realms and
creating a path between them. However, due to the imbalance
between the two, the connection would be shaky, thus, very risky.
On a percentage scale, about eighty percent risky unless five or more
Divine Level Practitioners worked together to form a relatively stable
one. In that case, the risk was about fifty percent.
Yu WenNan and the others came to the middle realm with a fifty
percent risk.
It must be said, their luck was pretty good, and they got the fifty-fifty
The problem facing Ling Xiao and the others was precisely due to the
Trans-Dimensional tunnel. They had to create one between the two
This was when You XiaoMo asked his question, “When Yu WenNan
and the middle-aged man left, did they go through the dimensional
tunnel too?”
“It’s not the same.” Ling Xiao explained, “What Yu WenNan used was
a Dimensional Talisman. A high grade Dimensional Talisman can be
used to travel between two realms. It’s much better in terms of

safety and stability compared to a dimensional tunnel. But, a high
grade dimensional talisman is hard to come by, not only because it
can only be made by a Sacred-Level Practitioner, but also because it
is difficult to create. Maybe once in every ten times will it be
That means it’s possible that everything you put into it would go
down the drain!
“Then the middle-aged man left using the Trans-Dimensional
tunnel?” You XiaoMo asked.
“Correct, but the one he used was restricted, and after this many
days, that tunnels connection to Long Xiang Continent is probably
With a face of disappointment, You XiaoMo said, “That’s too bad, but
if that’s the case then don’t we have to create one ourselves? But
you are the only Divine-Level Practitioner, and Principal Han Gong
from the Academy is not here, otherwise he could help out too.”
“Don’t worry, I can do it alone, but I’ll need some time.” Ling Xiao
answered, curling his lips upward, “A Trans-Dimensional tunnel
requires a lot of energy and time.”
“That’s fine, whenever it is completed, is whenever we leave.”
Although You XiaoMo wanted to go save Feng ChiYun immediately,
he knew they couldn’t rush it.
Clearly, Yin Ge was aware of this as well and thus for the next month
or so, he didn’t bother them.
A normal Trans-Dimensional tunnel would take three Divine-level
practitioners to complete, using one or two months. However, since
Ling Xiao was alone, the time would be extended to double the

During this time, the chaos that occurred in Yan City had calmed
Although DaoXin Academy was faced with another difficult problem.
Ever since the barrier broke, the demon beasts from the deep
mountains were set loose. There were cases of demon beasts
attacking a student every once in a while.
Since the barrier was set by Han Gong, Hei Tian did not have the
ability to set one as strong as before and thus had to make do with
what they had. Therefore, the barrier around Ward A was one that
could only protect against attacks from beasts level eight and below.
But that was just a temporary measure.
Demon beasts of level eight and above would still invade and the
Academy had to organize all of the students together.
Although Ward A was deep in the mountains because of the
environment the areas in which people could come and go was
limited. There were only eight entrances. Therefore, by using points
as rewards, the Academy began encouraging strong students in Block
One and Two to help guard the entrances.
You XiaoMo was in the Block Two Hundred-Men Rankings, although,
only as the fifty first place. However, with his talent as a level eight
mage, getting to the top three was definitely possible.
Due to this, the Academy didn’t exclude him from the list as well as
his relationship with Ling Xiao. Today was his turn with twenty-four
other students to guard the entrance. Since they had a remote
entrance with little demon beasts coming, there were fewer people
on guard duty.
To prevent the problem from last time occurring, Ling Xiao told You
XiaoMo to bring out all of his demon beasts.

Ever since his identity was exposed, She Qiu and the others had no
reason to stay in the dimension anymore. Since they became free to
roam, everyone except the mature She Qiu and Lan Qiu all ran
away…even the little chick he told specifically to not build a nest on
his head.
You XiaoMo felt a little sour, thinking back, that little chick was
pretty much glued to him. His two claws were almost grown into his
hair, no matter how hard he pulled, it wouldn’t let go. Now, even he
went wild and left.
“She Qiu, Lan Qiu, you guys are the best.” You XiaoMo looked at the
two who stayed, feeling moved.
In a lazy manner She Qiu replied, “That’s because Boss told us that
we couldn’t leave you for a second, or else.”
Lan Qiu nodded vigorously, in actuality, he wanted to explore the
deep mountains like Xiao Hei and the others. Especially the Uneven
Slopes, he wanted to know if his old nest was taken up by some
other beast.
Exasperated, You XiaoMo thought, ‘these assholes.’
Once they departed, the three made their way to the meeting place.
You XiaoMo saw the list before, and the students were sorted by
strength to fill each time slot, but on their list, there were only three
who had any reputation within Ward A. He also didn’t know any of
He had initially thought that he would be with a few familiar faces,
but he didn’t expect there to be none at all.
“Look guys, that’s You XiaoMo.”
As he arrived, the chatter quieted. A while later it continued, but
much softer, they suppressed their voices, probably afraid that he
was going to overhear.

“Man, having a patron is really different, huh? He even brought two
“Ah, I’m so jealous. If only I could meet a man like Ling Xiao.”
“Tsk, what is there to be jealous about, someone like him…” A male
who couldn’t help his jealousy said, but before he even finished,
many turned to look at him, each with a strange expression. Even
knowing that You XiaoMo had a patron who was tougher than
diamonds, he dared to speak ill in front of him. He was very
But the man who spoke up couldn’t continue with everyone staring
and, with a scrunched neck, he shrunk back into the crowds without
another word.
Feeling the atmosphere, You XiaoMo looked sadly upwards at a
forty-five degree angle.
Please don’t be obsessed over me, I am but a myth!
Remembering such a familiar phrase, You XiaoMo couldn’t help but
laugh inwardly. He didn’t think he would get to use this one day.
Both Lan Qiu and She Qiu looked elsewhere at the same time.
Meaning—We don’t know this thing, don’t group us together.
Not long after the leader for their group, Elder Ye came.
Immediately, You XiaoMo became his main focus.
The time spent guarding was very tedious and You XiaoMo wasn’t
someone that could stay still, so he told She Qiu to replace him as
guard. With Lan Qiu at his side, You XiaoMo very openly took a
break, but no one could say anything against it.
A day’s time passed with him refining pills.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Elder Ye told everyone to get
ready, twenty-five minutes later the next group would be taking over
their shift.
You XiaoMo packed away his cauldron and stood up, patting away
the dirt from his pants.
Speaking of cauldrons, he believed that he might need a new one.
Although the one that Vice Principal Yan Fa gave him wasn’t bad,
with his skills in multitasking developing, he wanted a bigger
cauldron. However, it might be difficult.
It wasn’t long before the other group came to switch with them.
Still, You XiaoMo didn’t find a single familiar face among the mix, so
he just left with She Qiu and Lan Qiu. The day was both tedious and
boring, not even a silhouette of a demon beast and even if there was
one, before they got to You XiaoMo, it would have been taken cared
of by his two ‘bodyguards’.
When the gang went back to their room, Xiao Hei and MaoQiu were
already there. Whereas PiQiu took MaoQiu and little chick
somewhere and still wasn’t back yet.
You XiaoMo walked into the inner chamber to find Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao was meditating inside, since he had just used up a lot of
energy to build the dimensional tunnel.
In the past two months, he saw the hardworking side of Ling Xiao.
“What’s wrong?” Ling Xiao said, as the moment he opened his eyes
he saw You XiaoMo in front of him with a scrunched-up face.
You XiaoMo took out, from his dimension, the pills he had been
refining during his shift as guard and stuffed it into Ling Xiao’s hands.
“These are the level eight pills I refined today, here, take all of it. If
you eat these, you should recover faster.”

Ling Xiao’s lips curled up as he said, “Could it be you’re worried
about me?”
You XiaoMo replied while grinning, “Correct, don’t you feel very
Suddenly, Ling Xiao tipped his head upwards and gave a devious
smile, “Honored not so much, but I wouldn’t mind if you used a
different way to reward me.”
You XiaoMo’s faced flushed red and eyes darted everywhere, “Then,
I’ll be waiting.”
In a dead serious tone, Ling Xiao said, “Wife, you are tempting me.”
You XiaoMo felt the corner of his mouth twitch, was he?
But regardless if he did or not, Ling Xiao, who had been saving up, in
the broad daylight, took the half-compliant half-rejecting You
XiaoMo to bed. Their ‘exercise’ caused him to have to lie in bed the
next day. For that, You XiaoMo complained about it for a long time. If
that guy still had so much energy, he shouldn’t have felt sympathetic
at all.

Chapter 377: Setting Off
After spending two and a half months, Ling Xiao finally completed
the Trans-Dimensional Tunnel. It was completed one and a half
months earlier than expected, but in order for the spatial force to
stabilize, they had to wait a few more days. Then, as Ling Xiao said,
all they had to do was to pick an auspicious day to set off. But before
that, they still had one more problem to solve.

The Trans-Dimensional Tunnel had an infinitely strong spatial force

field. If a normal person were to enter, say someone of You XiaoMo's
level, no doubt they would be shredded to pieces by the spatial
force. You XiaoMo had Ling Xiao, so that wouldn't be a problem. But
that was a different story for Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan.

Luckily, Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan had already taken this into
consideration. Furthermore, they had also experienced it before. So
when it was suggested to them to set off together for the High
Realm, they had already taken this aspect into their consideration.

True to his word, Ling Xiao picked out an auspicious day three days

The auspicious day, which was also the eleventh day since the
completion of the tunnel, was the time when the spatial force field
reached an equilibrium point and was the safest to travel.

Before they set off, all of You XiaoMo's friends turned up … in his
and Ling Xiao's room to send him off. Reason being Ling Xiao had
built one end of the tunnel there… The originally spacious room
quickly became cramped as BaiLi,Tian Yi and a few others entered.
Seeing that his house was stuffed full of people, You XiaoMo walked

into the inner room and complained to Ling Xiao.

"Couldn't you have picked a larger place to work on the tunnel?"

Ling Xiao lazily glanced at him before replying, "The fewer people
that know about the Trans-Dimensional tunnel, the better. Even
though it will automatically disappear after a while, it'll still be
troublesome if someone with ulterior motives were to get their
hands on it. Ward A may have Hei Tian and the rest, but they can't
possibly handle everything."

You XiaoMo touched his nose. So there was an underlying reason for
doing this.

Previously he heard Ling Xiao talk about how the Trans-Dimensional

tunnel the middle aged man tried to leave through vanished
immediately. Apparently, this one wasn't the same. He reckoned not
many would even think of searching their room for the tunnel.

"XiaoMo…" BaiLi XiaoYu's voice drifted in airily.

You XiaoMo walked out only to find that BaiLi XiaoYu was not alone,
but with BaiLi TianYi and Tang YuLin.

"What's up with you guys?"

"Are you guys… really going to the High Realm?" BaiLi XiaoYu asked

"Of course, we've prepared everything already." You XiaoMo


Baili XiaoYu decided to try his luck. "Then, is it possible if…"

"No." Before he even got the chance to finish, BaiLi TianYi shot him
down resolutely.

"But second brother!" BaiLi XiaoYu glared at him unhappily.

"It's no use even if you call Mother. BaiLi XiaoYu, don't think I don't
know what's going on in your head. With your current level of
power, do you even think you stand a chance in the High Realm?
You'll be dead. And also, they're not there to have fun." BaiLi TianYi
said firmly.

"XiaoYu, you want to come with us?" You XiaoMo asked, surprised.

BaiLi XiaoYu's lips pressed into a thin line, unwilling to speak.

Taking his silence for a yes, You XiaoMo told him regretfully, "I
understand how you feel, but I'm afraid you can't come along this
time. The conditions don't permit it."


"Because I cannot guarantee your safety." Zhan YuXuan walked in

with Yin Ge by his side. Clearly, the two of them had heard their
This time, only Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan were going with You XiaoMo
to the High Realm. Not because they were the only ones who came
from the High Realm, but because they possessed something called
the Space Stone. The Space Stone was a very precious item produced
only in the High Realm and they were extremely rare. They served an
important purpose of protecting them from the destructive spatial

force within the dimension tunnel.

When Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan initially came to the Middle Realm,
they brought along four pieces of Space Stone, two of which they
used along the way. Currently, they were only left with two, so they
really couldn’t afford to bring anyone with them.

BaiLi XiaoYu never thought it was so dangerous. Seeing You XiaoMo

being very relaxed about the matter, he thought that traveling
between two realms was going to be a piece of cake. Without having
to be persuaded, he gave up on tagging along.

Gao Yang had originally intended to send You XiaoMo off, but
unfortunately, he was on duty that day. In addition, he was also the
captain of the team, so he couldn't take leave. He had no other
choice but have BaiLi XiaoYu deliver his words to You XiaoMo.

"Gao-Dage has always been a busy guy. When I leave, please give
him my thanks." You XiaoMo realized that ever since he entered
Ward A, the times he saw GaoYang were few and far between, which
was rather regretful. Gao Yang was already a brother figure that he
looked up to even before he entered DaoXin Academy.

"Ok, I'll send him your message." BaiLi TianYi replied.

Fifteen minutes before they set off, Hei Tian and Duan Qi Tian finally
showed up. Hei Tian got everybody to wait outside and made You
XiaoMo bring them to see Ling Xiao in the inner room. However, Ling
Xiao wasn't going to entertain them easily.

Ever since Ling Xiao's identity was revealed, neither Hei Tian nor
Duan QiTian brought up the matter of him lying about his age to

enroll into the Academy. While rules were meant to be obeyed, it
was the fist that made the rules in the real world.

"We've come to speak to you about Principal Han Gong." Hei Tian
took the lead to speak. With his face as expressionless as ever,
anyone could tell with one look that he was a man of strict self-

Ling Xiao raised a brow. "Han Gong?"

"That's right." Hei Tian nodded.

"Principal Han Gong has gone to the High Realm and has not
returned to the Long Xiang Continent for close to two thousand
years. As for the reason, you probably know."

Ling Xiao thought about it before answering, "The Long Xiang

Continent has restrictions on the levels one can attain due to the
Realm it is in. Emperor level powerhouses who wish to have a
breakthrough and reach the Divine level would face much greater
difficulty than in the High Realm. Furthermore, for a Divine Level
powerhouse to level up here would be equally hard. Is this why he
left for the High Realm?"


"So? What's the point of telling us this?"

Hei Tian took out a normal looking jade slab. "This is Han Gong's
portrait. I want to ask a favor of you. If you ever meet Han Gong, tell
him about DaoXin Academy's situation."

Ever since the barrier was broken and dissolved, the situation did
improve but it wasn't a long term solution. The high level demon
beasts in the Deep Mountain seemed to be on the move already so it
was imperative that they erect a new one quickly.

You XiaoMo didn't expect Ling Xiao to agree, but to his surprise he

"I will pass the message if I see him." Ling Xiao said. Meaning, if he
didn't see Han Gong, he wouldn't go out of his way to search for him.

It was as Hei Tian expected.

After they were done talking, Duan Qi Tian walked up to You XiaoMo
and grabbed his hands emotionally.

"My dear disciple…"

You XiaoMo felt goosebumps all over his body.

Duan QiTian didn't seem to notice as he continued, "The High Realm

is very different from the Long Xiang Continent. There are
powerhouses everywhere and many stronger than Ling Xiao out
there. You have to be careful there. If you feel something's wrong,
run immediately. Understand?"

"I…I understand."
This must be the Old Geezer's first personality, You XiaoMo thought
to himself. Looks like the problem with his soul had been more or
less fixed, but nothing had changed about his dual personality.

"If Ling Xiao dares to bully you, tell me." Duan Qi Tian said.

"ShiFu, are you going to avenge me by bullying him back?" You
XiaoMo was touched.

"No, your ShiFu will help you curse him."


"Dear disciple, you need to empathize with your ShiFu. I can’t defeat
him." Seeing as You XiaoMo showed no signs of speaking, he thought
that he had utterly disappointed You XiaoMo.

You XiaoMo couldn’t stand his Shifu's gentle and mushy tone
anymore. He reckoned he must be a masochist. Why else would he
miss the Old Geezer's second personality or the times he got a

"Shifu, I know you can’t defeat him. But don’t worry, I won’t make
you hit him for me." You XiaoMo said understandingly, trying his best
to ignore the goosebumps rising on his skin. Duan Qi Tian was so
touched that his tears spilled forth.

"My good disciple ahhh…"

You XiaoMo continued, "I’m afraid that he’ll beat you into a pulp.
That would be disgraceful for me."

"…" Duan Qi Tian was at a lost for words. The Shifu was an idiot, so
was the disciple.

Like Shifu, like disciple. Ling Xiao knew it would end like this, but it
brought him great joy every time the idiot duo talked. From the crack

in his stern demeanor, this must have been the first time Hei Tian
saw Duan Qi Tian acting so dumb.

After the master and disciple finished their talk, the time to set off
had finally come. As they had to keep the Dimension Tunnel a secret,
not many knew they were leaving the Long Xiang Continent apart
from a few close friends.

After Hei Tian and Duan QiTian left the room, Yin Ge and Zhan
YuXuan came in.

"Where are the rest?" You XiaoMo asked.

"The Great Elder got them to leave." Zhan YuXuan answered. Having
too many people gathering outside would make it too conspicuous,
so they were chased back reluctantly.

Ling Xiao walked over and looked at all of them.

"Since you’re ready, then let’s go."

In that moment, the mini whirlpool that was silently floating mid air
suddenly had a gigantic outburst of power. It started to enlarge and
spun faster and faster as a suction force sucked the tables and chairs
in the room in.

Ling Xiao grabbed You XiaoMo's waist and turned back to give the
other two a command, "Go!"

A moment later, all four of them had disappeared. The whirlpool

within the room returned to its normal size about half an hour later
and silently spun around in the air.

Chapter 378: Jinx
The Trans-Dimensional tunnel was a place filled with boundless
darkness. Like a monster in hibernation, it was filled with infinite
spatial force that made one's heart palpitate. Just a tiny bit of force
was enough to kill a Spiritual Realm practitioner.

You XiaoMo had a sense of deadly crisis coming from all directions
when he entered the tunnel. He could only see an area within a
hundred meters radius. Despite this, it was enough to shock him.

You XiaoMo enveloped his eyes with his soul power and was now
able to see the constant pressure of the spatial force. It was as if
there were tiny and incorporeal sharp weapons. All the things
floating in the space were swept over and shredded into dust in a
split second. If that had been a person, there was bound to be no
bones left…

You XiaoMo turned back and looked at Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan.

A faint layer of milky white light was released from their entire
bodies. This should be the effect of the Space Stone. The two did not
panic as they had already experienced this once.

However, You XiaoMo did notice that Yin Ge's appearance was
slightly different from usual.

The biggest difference was in his eyes. The color had changed from
black to silver and his round black pupils had changed to vertical silts.
Though there was no expression on his face, those pair of eyes still
showed a hint of ferociousness that belonged to the Serpent King.
Yin Ge's strength steadily rose after rousing the bloodline of the

Serpent King in his body, and directly skipped over the eighth level.
He was now at the threshold of the ninth level, and was even faintly
approaching the tenth level.

"Ling Xiao, how long will it take for us to reach the end?" You
XiaoMo withdrew his gaze and lifted his head to look at Ling Xiao.
Three days had passed since they entered the spatial tunnel. But not
even a slight hint of light could be seen from the front. It was evident
they were quite a distance from the exit.

Initially, he had been worried that Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan could not
take it anymore, but when he saw their leisurely behavior, he knew
that his worries were superfluous.

"At our current speed, we'll take one and a half months to reach the
end. Bear in mind that this is a conservative estimate." Ling Xiao

"This is just too long ba!" You XiaoMo disappointedly exclaimed.

"Provided there are no unforeseen events, this is already the fastest


"What do you mean by unforeseen events?"

Zhan YuXuan's voice drifted from behind, "It means a spatial storm.
Spatial storms are characteristic to the spatial tunnels and it's
extremely dangerous. I've heard that spatial storms are constructed
entirely of spatial forces. It'll appear once every year. Even an
Emperor Realm expert will find it hard to survive once they
encounter this kind of thing."

You XiaoMo mused and happily replied soon after, "Since it occurs
once every year, then our chances of encountering this spatial storm
is very low. There's no need to worry about it."

"That's right." Zhan YuXuan smiled and nodded, "It's impossible to

encounter it unless there's a character so inferior that they are hated
greatly by both man and God."

"Seems like there's definitely someone among you both whose

character is so inferior that they are hated greatly by both man and
God." Zhan YuXuan had finished speaking when Ling Xiao's voice
languidly drifted over as they stopped progressing.

The three looked in the direction he was gazing at. At about hundred
meters in front, the spatial forces were like a gale as they tore each
other apart. An ear-piercing sound emitted as it rotated without
stopping like a tornado. This whirlwind was getting larger and larger
as the distance drew nearer.

This was a spatial storm!

Zhan YuXuan and You XiaoMo looked at each other.

Zhan YuXuan gently chuckled, "I think my character is not so bad. I

didn't meet any spatial storms the last time."

You XiaoMo ducked his head, "My character has always been good."

The two simultaneously looked at Yin Ge after shirking

responsibilities. Although they did not say anything, their meaning
was very obvious - you are the one.

Yin Ge calmly shot a glance at the two, "Jinxes."

The two, "…"

"What do we do now?" You XiaoMo resignedly broke the silence

after a long while.

Ling Xiao closed his eyes and when he opened them again, the color
of his eyes changed into a deep and mysterious violet, "Everyone
stand behind me."

This was the spatial tunnel, which was filled with spatial forces all
around. Thus, one could not open their dimension even if they had
one as it would cause a disruption in the space. Such a disruption had
a high probability of collapsing the spatial tunnel.

Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan followed his instructions and flew behind
Ling Xiao. You XiaoMo was then temporarily passed over to the two.

You XiaoMo promptly urged, "Ling Xiao, you be careful."

Ling Xiao looked back and faintly nodded his head.

The front of the tunnel was blocked entirely by the dense spatial
storm. Even a chink could not be seen. It was impossible to take
another route, so there was only one method - that was to force
their way through.

Ling Xiao said, "I will use my flames to create a two meter wide fire
dome. Remember not to take a single step out of the fire dome.
Otherwise, even I would not be able to save you."

The three solemnly nodded.

Just as they had finished speaking, the spatial storm had drawn
nearer and was just ten meters ahead. The powerful gravitational
force seemed as if it was going to suck them all in. Except for Ling
Xiao, You XiaoMo and the two hurried to stabilize their footing.

Just at this moment, a blood-curdling shriek sounded out with no


The sound came from their left. Following that, not only was there
one scream, a series of screams were heard. However, it disappeared
after a few seconds and only the howl of the fatal spatial storm

"W-w-w …what happened? There're still people here?" You XiaoMo

was so scared that he started stammering.

Ling Xiao replied, "Someone encountered a spatial storm like us. It

seems like they're all dead."

You XiaoMo wiped his cold sweat. This was too savage!

"Everyone be careful, the spatial storm is about to hit us." Ling Xiao's
stern voice suddenly sounded. There was a seriousness in his voice
that was usually not present, it appeared that he was paying great
attention to the threat of the spatial storm.

Just as he finished speaking, the spatial storm howled and engulfed

the four inside. Purple flames were torn apart inside the storm, but
the dome of flames still progressed forward at a uniform velocity no
matter how it distorted.

If someone saw this, they would definitely be gobsmacked.

To be so calm even when encountering a spatial storm, this person
was definitely a phoenix feather and unicorn horn existence.

t/n: phoenix feather and unicorn horn means an extremely rare


Unfortunately, those who could become eyewitnesses were all


A thin layer of sweat appeared on Ling Xiao's forehead after four

hours. Regardless of how capable he was, even he would find it
difficult to release his lifebound flame for a constant period to ward
off the spatial storm. Furthermore, the rate of the consumption of
his spiritual energy was too fast.

You XiaoMo was incessantly worried upon seeing this. Thinking

about the spiritual water in his dimension, he was in a flurry as he
immediately took out a bottle of spiritual water from his magic bag.
There were only ten drops inside, but it was better than nothing.

Ling Xiao could feel his internal spiritual energy starting to recover
after drinking the spiritual water.

Ling Xiao redoubled his efforts and after an hour, they had finally
passed through the spatial storm. The devastating spatial storm
gradually drifted further behind them.

You XiaoMo and the two momentarily sighed in relief.

"Ling Xiao, are you okay?" You XiaoMo asked anxiously as he made
Yin Ge release him before throwing himself onto Ling Xiao.

"I'm all right. I just used up too much spiritual energy. I'll be fine

after resting." There was a faint smile on Ling Xiao's face. Although
only five hours had passed, his spiritual energy had been depleted by
ninety percent. There would be no problem as long as they did not
meet another spatial storm.

You XiaoMo frowned, "If I knew about this earlier, I would have
prepared more spiritual water."

Ling Xiao unobtrusively glanced at Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan at the

rear upon hearing this. The two looked the same, as if they had not
heard what You XiaoMo had said. Ling Xiao assured, "It's of no
matter. I'll still have a way even without spiritual water."

Be that as it may, You XiaoMo was still awfully upset.

After the spatial storm passed, the next portion of their journey was
much smoother. They did not run into any unforeseen events as
dangerous as the spatial storm and Ling Xiao's spiritual energy had
also recovered.

They finally saw the exit of the tunnel after a month and a half.

A small bright spot of light was flashing in front of them and You
XiaoMo's long repressed tension finally released.

Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan were also relieved.

"We're going to exit soon. Be careful, bear in mind not to be

reckless." Ling Xiao instructed the three. As long as they still had not
exited, they may also fall short of success for lack of a final effort
even if the exit was right in front of their eyes.

The three once again roused their spirits.

The exit may seem just right in front of their eyes, but there was
actually still a ways to go.

The spot of light was two times bigger after an hour, but it was still
some distance away.

Excluding You XiaoMo, Ling Xiao and the two others appeared very
calm. This situation could be considered as an invisible test of the
spatial tunnel. Letting one think that the exit was just right before
one's eyes, giving rise to impatience. You XiaoMo now had this
feeling, but seeing that Ling Xiao and the rest were all very calm, he
had no choice but to repress this emotion.

This continued till the exit was less than a hundred meters away.

You XiaoMo beamed in joy at Ling Xiao, "Look, look…"

Seeing his smile, Ling Xiao also could not refrain from smiling. Just as
he was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed. A cry for
help suddenly sounded from far and drew nearer before he could


Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan's expressions had changed too. They did
not even look at the person crying for help, and like Ling Xiao, put on
a burst of speed without further ado. Only You XiaoMo was unable
to make heads or tails of the situation.

The person crying for help had seen them and immediately rushed
towards them while waving in pleasant surprise.

"Big bros, help!" Accompanying his excited yell was a clamor of
tremendous noise. Even an earthquake was not as loud. The spatial
tunnel violently shook and swayed, as if it was about to collapse in
the next second.

You XiaoMo stared so intently that his two eyeballs nearly popped
out of their eye sockets. Chasing that person was a pack of
malevolent-looking monsters. Tentative estimates showed that it
was a horde of at least a hundred beasts behind him, and the
strength of every one was actually -

Level ten!!!

Chapter 379: Dao Yun
A level ten beast, on top of that, there were hundreds of them.
Anyone with a brain would know the only choice was to flee.
Although, with Ling Xiao's strength, this shouldn’t be something to
be afraid of, but the Trans-Dimensional tunnel was very fragile. Once
one encountered a severe collision, it might lead to a second spatial
storm, or cause the tunnel to collapse. Which was why most normal
people would choose to run if they met such a situation.
The one who cried for help was a young man who appeared to be
twenty-five. The most noticeable thing about him was his bald head.
What kind of ability did he have to be able to attract hundreds of
beasts. In short, no one cared about him.
However, mishaps still happened.
The man ran over with the hundreds of beast right behind his back.
This massive disturbance eventually caused the tunnel to fall apart
like a broken mirror. All the broken shards were engulfed in the
spatial force.
The last thing You XiaoMo saw was Yin Ge and Zhan YuXuan being
flushed away and swallowed by a ray of light before disappearing.
The next second, they were also being gobbled up by that ray of
light. The roar of those beasts was immediately cut off.
This was a vast, never ending barren land covered in red sand. The
sky was bright, the sun was hellish hot, as if it could burn the ground.
There was no sight of plants or humans within one kilometer.
You XiaoMo was lying on Ling Xiao’s body. It took him awhile to
finally react. The first thing he did was try to find Yin Ge and Zhan
YuXuan, but that was no luck. Instead, he found a “corpse” ten
meters away from him, unknowing of the life or death status of it.

“Those two, they couldn’t be…” You XiaoMo silently stared at the
"corpse" for a moment before he raised his head up anxiously.
Ling Xiao pat his back and comforted him, “Unlikely. The exit may
have strayed off the original path due to the impact, however, those
two should have landed safely within the Higher Realm now.”
You XiaoMo instantly felt at ease. When he thought of the hundreds
of beasts, his heart went rampant. If their current spot was far from
the exit, they might really have met death.
“What are those beasts?”
“They are spatial beasts.” Ling Xiao had yet to speak a word and the
“corpse” not far away from them suddenly moved and looked at
them with a pair of glistening eyes.
You XiaoMo recognized this man. This was the main culprit of the
collapse of the Trans-Dimensional tunnel, he was still in one piece!
Knowing that this one was the reason they were separated from Yin
Ge and Zhan YuXuan, he really wished this man never made it out of
“The spatial beasts and the spatial storm are two specialties of the
Trans-Dimensional tunnel. But the probability for the former to
appear is less than 1/1000 compared to the latter." The youth
continued, "Moreover, the spatial beasts only appear in groups, if
one encounters them, the probability of death from a spatial beast is
higher than the spatial storm by two hundred percent, and the
chance of survival is one in billion.”
You XiaoMo replied in a loathsome tone, “Then why are you still alive
The youth was stupefied a bit, then laughed thoughtlessly, “Because
I am that one in the billion chance lucky guy!”
You XiaoMo narrowed his eyes, “I think you won't be so lucky soon.”

His sentence ended and the youth jumped up crying out loudly as if
he was stabbed by a needle. After a while, he suddenly bent down
and coughed out blood. The red blood was absorbed by the sand in a
You XiaoMo was slightly taken aback. He hadn’t made any move yet.
When he looked down and saw Ling Xiao slowly withdrew his hands,
he suddenly understood.
“My two doughty warriors, please spare me. I won’t do it again.”
After that spit of blood, the youth immediately begged for
forgiveness. His glistening eyes became quite dispirited as he looked
toward Ling Xiao, obviously the youth knew who did it.
You XiaoMo soon knew, if this youth could rush into the Trans-
dimensional alone while being chased by hundreds of level ten
spatial beasts and survive, his ability mustn’t be that weak.
“I could spare your life, but…” You XiaoMo said.
“But?” The youth hastily asked.
You XiaoMo asked without expecting anything, “Do you know where
this is?”
“This must be your first time at TongTian Continent, no wonder…”
The youth was surprised a bit before suddenly changing the tone of
his voice, “This place must be the most famous uncivilized territory
of the TongTian continent, Bei Dong, which is also the most chaotic
place of the TongTian continent.”
The TongTian continent was the name of the Higher Realm. Usually
one referred to this place as TongTian continent instead of the
Higher Realm, unless one was from a Middle or Low Realm.
You XiaoMo didn’t expect the youth could answer so fluently, and he
couldn’t help but ask, “You know this place quite well, huh? Are you
perhaps a citizen of the TongTian continent?”

The youth shook his head, “I have a map of the TongTian continent
that my master gave to me. I studied it before coming over. Bei
Dong has a famous place called the Red Shoal, the sand of this place
is red.”
You XiaoMo's eyes immediately sparkled and stared at him
The youth suddenly felt a drop of cold sweat.
He felt that this expression behind his eyes was especially familiar,
because he looked like his master every times he found a treasure.
“If you two sirs want, I can give you a copy of this map…”
The youth took the initiative and offered the map of the TongTian
continent to them. Not like he had any other option. The man next to
that young boy was looking at him with a terrifying look in his eyes.
He had a premonition, if he dare to say one word of refusal, this man
would definitely kill him.
You XiaoMo instantly showed a bright smile and gripped his hand,
“You are such a good person.”
The youth hollowly laugh after being given a “good person” card.

t/n: Being given a "good person card" from another could be

understand as you has been friend-zoned.
If it wasn’t himself in the wrong first, the youth would never give out
the copy of the TongTian continent map to anyone without any
conditions. One must know that the territory of the TongTian
continent could be described as immeasurable, plus, there were too
many complicated forces on the TongTian continent. Therefore, until
now, no one could draw the map of the entire TongTian continent
perfectly, even his master couldn’t.
Although the map he owned wasn't the most complete, it had many
places that other maps didn't have.

His master once said to him, he had to risk his life in order to inquire
information of many places on this map, so he asked him never to
show it to any stranger easily. However, he had to give his map away
right after he landed on the TongTian continent for the first time. If
his master knew about this, he would surely scold him to death.
After he copied the map, the youth gave a jade drive to them.
You XiaoMo joyously received the jade drive and then ran toward
Ling Xiao to take credit for it, “Great, we have a map now.”
Ling Xiao didn’t say a word, but his eyes were smiling.
Even though Ling Xiao used to live in the TongTian continent, he
hadn’t visited many places. The reason was because he left the
TongTian continent when he had just reached a hundred years old.
Within one hundred years, it was impossible for him to visit a place
like Bei Dong. Therefore, even though he knew plenty of things, they
were by ear.
“Good, you can go now.” Putting the jade drive away, You XiaoMo
drove the youth away at once.
The youth gave a flattering smile, “You know, there is the thing
called, our paths only cross if fate brings us together. Since we were
able to meet here, this can be considered as fate. So how about …
we go together?"
You XiaoMo observed him from head to toe, then smiled, “This is
more like a shit fate. However, I don’t think we are going the same

T/n: Fate(Yuanfen 缘分) and ape’s dung (yuanfen 猿粪 ) are

“You haven’t asked me yet, how do you know we are not going the
same way?” The youth was disheartened, he knew he had left them
a terrible first impression.

You XiaoMo felt that his sentence made sense, so he asked, “Fine,
where do you want to go?”
The youth replied instantly, “The reason I came to the TongTian
continent is to find my master.”
You XiaoMo, “… So where is your master?”
The youth answered, “No idea.”
You XiaoMo, “…”
“Who is your master?” Ling Xiao finally spoke up.
The youth was surprised a little, then hurriedly said, “My master is
the Thief God, one of the ten Divine gods of the TongTian continent.
His surname is Dao, his first name is Zu. The map I gave you was
drawn by my master of the places he has been.”
“Dao Zu? What a special name.” You XiaoMo said.
“Of course. Dao Zu also implies the founder of thievery. My master in
the Tong Tian continent is also a famous thief.” The youth answered

t/n: Dao (盗) means thief, Zu(祖) means ancestor, founder. His title
as Thief God also has the word Dao in his surname.
Ling Xiao, “Since your master is the Thief God, he must never stay in
one place then. Where will you go to find him?”
The youth knew there was hope for him if he followed them, so
answered right away, “My master has indeed never stayed in a fixed
location. He usually never stays in one place for more than a month,
but I know, where there is a treasure, there is my master. So, I want
to go to TianXiang city of Bei Dong to inquire about him."
You XiaoMo saw Ling Xiao had taken the initiative to talk to the
youth, he understood that Ling Xiao had permitted the youth to

follow them. It probably had something to do the with his master,
Dao Zu.
“That right, my name is Dao Yun. How can I call you?” After talking
for so long, the youth finally remembered he hadn’t introduced
“I’m You XiaoMo.” Then he pointed at Ling Xiao, “He is Ling Xiao.”
In the end, they went the same way together.
You XiaoMo was looking at the map while listening to the youth
talking about Bei Dong.
TianXiang city was the largest city of Bei Dong. It rose to become
famous, not because of the glorious prosperity of this city, but
thanks to the ten forces that surrounded the city.

Chapter 380: The Thief God of the Ten
Divine Gods
Bei Dong was a well-known wasteland on the Tong Tian Continent,
mainly for outcasts and wanderers. By now, they had grown massive
enough to become ten different forces; each distinct from one
another causing small conflicts.
However, the area of Bei Dong was vast and even if it was controlled
by the ten forces, there were still areas that had smaller forces
surviving. Even if Bei Dong was just part of the Tong Tian Continent,
compared to the Long Xiang Continent, the difference was tenfold.
This was all explained to You XiaoMo by Dao Yun.
Although it was the first time in Tong Tian Continent for Dao Yun too,
from the stories of his master Dao Zu, he knew about the place since
a young age. It became his aspiration to visit.
Thus, when talking about Bei Dong, Dao Yun could speak with
Dao Yun told You XiaoMo that he was also from a middle plane,
although not the same one as Long Xiao Continent; a different one.
There was only one higher realm, and that was the Tong Tian
Continent, however, there were more than just one middle and
lower planes. In particular, there were the most lower planes,
supposedly in the hundred millionth.
"Your master is the Thief God of the higher plane, yet you are from a
middle plane. That doesn't seem right, how do you communicate
normally?" You XiaoMo asked curiously, he felt that Dao Yun really
knew a lot of stuff.
Dao Yun replied with a chuckle, "That's because my master
purposefully went to the middle plane to recruit apprentices. But I'm

not the only apprentice my master has, supposedly there are nine
more, although I have never seen them."
You XiaoMo became speechless after hearing that.
At first, he thought that Dao Yun was the only apprentice of the Thief
God, but actually he was just one of them.
"What's going on, why have you never seen them before?"
Dao Yun replied, "Because they are from a different plane than me. It
just heard of them occasionally from my master." Speaking of that,
his eyes dimmed.
"Your master wants to find a true successor out of you ten, right?"
Ling Xiao, who had said nothing before suddenly turned around and
gave him a knowing look.
Retracting the downcast feeling from his eyes, Dao Yun asked in
astonishment, "You are right, but how did you know?"
Before Ling Xiao spoke, You XiaoMo explained, "That was an easy
guess. Your master is the Thief God, with his status, there was no
need for him to go to a middle plane much less finding ten
apprentices from ten different planes. If he just wanted an
apprentice, he didn't need to make it that complicated. Therefore, it
must be that he wanted to test the ten of you to see who could really
continue his legacy."
With smiling eyes, Ling Xiao nodded, "Not bad."
Dao Yun felt a little down, because they guessed it all correctly, but
he had only figured it out three years after being told he had nine
other Xiong Di.
"You guys were right, master did want to find a true disciple among
us ten. The Tong Tian Continent was the first test, the Trans-
Dimensional Tunnel I went through was left by my master. Half a

year ago I came to find him on Tong Tian Continent, I think his other
disciples got a similar message."
"Your master is really cruel." You XiaoMo said, "If you died in the
Trans-Dimension Tunnel then you’re out of the contest?"
Dao Yun nodded solemnly, but even with that he wanted to come
and see the Continent. Not only for his master's words, he had
wanted to visit for a while, but…
He had followed his master from a young age, one can say that he
was brought up by him. He had always thought his master as his
closest family, but suddenly knowing he had other plans for adopting
him…it would be a lie to say he was not a little sad.
Seeing that he wasn't in a good mood, You XiaoMo switched the
topic, "You said earlier that your master was one of the ten Divine
gods, what do the ten Divine gods mean?"
Immediately Dao Yun became excited, "What we call the 'ten Divine
gods' is essentially the top ten Divine Level Practitioners of the Tong
Tian Continent. Within the ten, except for two who are six and five
stars, the rest are all at the peak seven star Divine level. With the
Tong Tian Continent being so large, there must be more seven star
Divine level practitioners, but these ten are unanimously considered
the strongest. Supposedly, below the Sacred level there is no one
who is their opponent."
"They're that strong?!" You XiaoMo exclaimed as he subconsciously
looked over at Ling Xiao. Although he was also a Divine level
practitioner, he didn't know what star he was or if he was stronger
than the ten Divine gods.
"What are you looking at?" Dao Yun questioned and by the time he
noticed You XiaoMo getting distracted, he had taken his gaze away
from Ling Xiao.

You XiaoMo shook his head and replied, "Nothing, but if what you
said is true, how do the ten Divine gods get their rankings? It can't be
that all of the peak seven star Divine-level practitioners gather
around and have a fight, right?"
Dao Yun rejected this idea immediately, "Of course, that's
"Then how did they do it?" You XiaoMo asked again.
"This…" Dao Yun said as he scratched his head for an answer, "About
this, I'm not really sure either. Master didn't tell me in detail, I just
know this has something to do with a massive force within the Tong
Tian Continent."
Seeing that he was so informative about the Tong Tian Continent,
You XiaoMo thought he knew everything, however this force did
seem like Xian Ji Lou.
"It's the Cang Alliance." Ling Xiao said casually, "The Cang Alliance is
the only force on Tong Tian Continent that focuses on selling
information. This force should be in Southern Continent. The
rankings of all of the strongest practitioners in Tong Tian Continent
should be done by by estimating their total strength then giving a
Ten thousand years ago, when Ling Xiao left, the Cang Alliance had
already existed.
In his memory, this was the role the Cang Alliance played, although
what changed now, he didn't know.
In the span of ten thousand years, a lot would change.
"Is Southern Continent the south of TongTian Continent?" You
XiaoMo asked, unsure since the naming in Tong Tian Continent is a
bit odd.

T/n: Nan Lu (南陆): literally means Southern Continent. Also, Bei in
Bei Dong means North, which mean they are at the North side.
Ling Xiao nodded in reply, "Southern Continent is in the south of
Tong Tian Continent. It is the main gathering place of humans, most
of the human forces are there too, like the Vermilion Blood Clan."
Hearing the phrase 'Vermilion Blood Clan', You XiaoMo's expression
However, Dao Yun shouted in excitement, "I know this Vermilion
Blood Clan, they were supposedly a very big one. The family has a lot
of talented people generation after generation! They have a big
influence in the Tong Tian Continent, but it seems that they are very
mysterious. The two forces representing them are the Yin Yang
Valley and Yu Xian City.
Hearing a familiar word for the second time, You XiaoMo realized
that the Vermilion Blood Clan was a huge beast that was hard to
chew down. If they wanted to save Feng ChiYun from then, it was
going to be hard.
Ling Xiao knew that You XiaoMo wanted to hear more so he
explained, "Yin Yang Valley focus on mages, whereas Yu Xian City
focus on practitioners. Every year the Vermilion Blood Clan sends a
representative to these two places and chooses those with talent to
bring back. Only if they pass the test there, will they be given the
clan's surname."
"Big Bro Ling you really know a lot." Dao Yun exclaimed looking at
Ling Xiao. He had thought that they knew nothing, but Ling Xiao
knew something that even he didn't know.
You XiaoMo did a fake cough and said, "Before we came, we did a
little homework, knowing this is not too much of a surprise."
Dao Yun didn't question it.

The three talked and walked towards Tian Xiang City, however,
because it was so far, thus even after half a day, there wasn't even a
shadow of a city. If it was like before, You XiaoMo would have
probably died by now.
It wasn't without reason that Bei Dong was called a wasteland, the
climate here was a bit strange, with only summer and winter. During
the summer, it was so hot you would be sweating buckets, while the
winter was so cold that the ice could freeze up to three feet.
However, mostly Practitioners visited there was very few who
actually cared about the climate.
"How long do we have to walk to get out of the Red Shoal?" You
XiaoMo couldn't contain it anymore, it was so hot, and he had used
up a lot of soul power.
Dao Yun scratched his head, he didn't know either.
It was Ling Xiao who gave the answer, "It should be soon, just endure
it a bit longer."
Hearing that, You XiaoMo could only continue enduring it.
After a while, they finally saw the edges of the Red Shoal. A little
further were clusters of buildings and architecture, all looking very
You XiaoMo exclaimed with a face of surprise, "We finally walked out
of this Shoal!"
Because the sand was so red, now no matter what he saw, it
appeared as a field of green.

T/n: this is an eye's false perception of color after seeing a certain

color for too long. Eyes respond to three type of lights, red, blue and
green. After seeing a certain color of those three for too long, your
eyes become fatigued and too tired to respond to that color again,
and will see things in the other two colors. That is why a doctor in an

operation room must wear either green or blue in order to avoid this
false perception because of blood.
Understanding, Ling Xiao's lip curled up.
Right at this moment, in front of them appeared three silhouettes.
The three quickly charged in their direction, and of the three, two
looked like guards, holding a weapon while protecting a young man
of seventeen or eighteen. They frequently looked back with ashen
faces and expressions of anxiety.
It didn't take long before the three arrived in front of them. The
young man tripped and fell face first in front of You XiaoMo. As if he
was holding to a life saving straw, he grabbed You XiaoMo's right leg
and said with a face of panic, "Please save us, I'm from the Duan Mu
Family, if you help us, my father will not treat you poorly."

Chapter 381: Family Feuds
The DuanMu family?

You XiaoMo had a huge question mark in his mind. He hadn’t heard
of this family before, but that was a given since it was his first time
on the Tong Tian Continent. Judging from the youth's tone, this
DuanMu family could most likely be one of the powers of Bei Dong.

Before he could even reply to what the youth had said, the people
who were after their lives had caught up with them. The first to
arrive was a middle aged man with a fully grown beard who had
quite the presence. The thick, metallic smell of blood had yet to
come off his skin. A clear justification of the numerous lives he took.

Behind him, there were more than ten people dressed in blue, each
armed with a long sword. Their long swords were coated with blood
that hadn’t fully dried, dripping down the length of their swords onto
the red sand below. With blood on red sand, one could hardly tell
where the drops had landed.

Seeing that three more people had popped up, the middle aged man
casually looked at them without uttering a word. "Finish them all off.
Spare no one." He ordered the people behind him in a cold, harsh

You XiaoMo tsked. That middle aged man was the most
unreasonable person he had ever met who didn’t even bother to
speak to them. The least he could do was to ask them who they
were. After the people in blue received their orders, they charged at
them with killing intent without further ado.

These people were decent, power-wise. Each had a Spiritual level
cultivation and the middle aged man himself was a six star Imperial
Level. No wonder the youth and his two bodyguards couldn't defeat
Ling Xiao's aura was almost non-existent, so the middle aged man
couldn’t assess his power. If he had known, he probably wouldn’t
have said those words. Yet, even without Ling Xiao protecting him,
You XiaoMo could deal with his enemies on his own. When more
than ten people in blue charged towards them, he immediately
released eight beams of soul power which were as fine as needles
made from cow's hair. Without hesitation, he aimed those beams at
eight of the blue shirt people who were at the forefront and pierced
their souls.

Halfway through their charge, eight different pained voices cried out
one after another. One by one, they fell to the ground and started
rolling around in pain. Their faces had gone deathly pale and all of
them broke out in a cold sweat. Having one's soul attacked all of a
sudden was no joke, no one could expect to be fine after such a

The remaining people in blue were frightened by the sudden turn in

events.They quickly stopped moving and started to retreat one by
one. The middle aged man's eyelids twitched as he cast a shocked
gaze towards You XiaoMo.

"A level eight Mage?"

Just after he finished his sentence, the remaining people in blue

suddenly cried out in agony. The weapons in their hands were gone
and all of them were kneeling on the ground with faces twisted in
pain. Thinking that this was yet another masterpiece by You XiaoMo,

the middle aged man's face darkened.

At this moment, DaoYun started to giggle.

"Hehehe, what’s this? I thought you guys were powerful? Seems like
you’re just so-so."

Everyone looked towards him. Below his feet was a heap of

weapons that the people in blue had lost. Obviously, he was telling
everybody that it was his work.

You XiaoMo had a lot of admiration for him. DaoYun was no doubt
the disciple of the Thief God. To be able to take care of the remaining
people in blue so quickly and steal their weapons without being
noticed, that required some skills.

"Who are you people? How dare you interfere with the SiKong
family matters !"

Knowing that he had messed with the wrong people, the middle
aged man quickly brought up the family name to intimidate them.
However, for people like You XiaoMo who knew nothing about the
SiKong family, it was impossible to scare them off.

"Uncle, you’re very interesting." Dao Yun smiled as he said.

"Ain’t that right! A few moments ago you wanted to kill us and now
you turn around and interrogate us? Hey uncle, are your brains fried
from the sun?" You XiaoMo chimed in.

"I’m eighty percent sure." Dao Yun nodded with surety.

"You want to die?!" The middle aged man gritted out with a cold,

intimidating look on his face. He couldn’t believe that even after
using the SiKong family's name, they still had the nerve to insult him.

After he laid down his threat, the middle aged man suddenly
vanished on the spot, only to reappear in close proximity to them. He
raised his hand and planned to strike You XiaoMo with his palm. If
You XiaoMo really got hit, he would be halfway dead even if he
managed to survive.

You XiaoMo didn’t move a single step. Instead, he quickly performed

Hand Seals with both of his hands. These were Hand Seals to attack
the soul, something that he picked up later on. He had used his
remaining points on his card to exchange for the Seals and even
though they weren’t high level techniques, they could have
unexpected outcomes.

Dao Yun watched in fear and trepidation as You XiaoMo was about
to get hit. Just as he was going to warn him, a person immediately
stood in between them and blocked the middle aged man before
whacking him on the back of his head.
The middle aged man heavily crashed into the sand with half his
body buried. Either Ling Xiao used too much strength or for some
other reasons, the middle aged man didn’t stand up immediately.
The lower half of his body spasmed and after a while, his body
became stiff.

The youth and his two bodyguards were completely shell shocked.

This group of people who forced them into a hopeless situation

were so easily finished off!

Previously, while the youth had begged You XiaoMo and the rest for
help, he didn’t have high hopes they would help him. But when he
heard that man wanted to finish them all, he knew he was saved.
However, he didn't think that those three would settle this so fast.

"Thank you, all three of you, for saving our lives!"

The youth quickly cupped one hand in another to show his

gratitude. It didn’t matter if they only took action because they had
no choice. The three of them had indeed saved the youth and his
bodyguards and the three of them seemed stronger than the
average person. No way was he going to let them just leave like that.

You XiaoMo didn’t turn him down and instead took the initiative to
speak with the youth. Occasionally, he would try to obtain
information from him.

The youth must have noticed, as he gave detailed answers to You

XiaoMo's questions.

The DuanMu and SiKong families were two of the ten powerful
families in Bei Dong, but they were at the bottom of the list in terms
of ranking among the ten forces. The DuanMu and SiKong families
were ranked nine and ten respectively. While this might be the case,
the power and influence these two families had were not to be

In another two months, it would be Tian Xiang City's ranking

competition that was organized once every ten years. The ten forces
would participate, but the competition wasn’t restricted to the ten
forces only. After the competition was over, they would reorder the
ranking based on the top ten that emerged from the competition.

This kind of ranking competition posed a very precarious situation
for the families that were ranked at the bottom. They could be
eliminated easily by other clans or families who caught up with them.
And once they were outed, not only would they lose their benefits of
being in the top ten, they would lose their honor and glory.

In order to secure a place in the top ten, the SiKong family struck out
at the DuanMu family. And the person representing the DuanMu
family in the competition was the youth that You XiaoMo had saved.

The youth was called DuanMu Qing. He was the most talented one
the DuanMu family ever had in the past few hundred years. Unlike
the young master of the SiKong family who only knew how to party,
DuanMu Qing could definitely get into the top ten if no accidents
happened along the way.
As the SiKongs were the arch enemies of the DuanMus, they
naturally couldn't stand to see the DuanMus better off. By killing
DuanMu Qing, not only will the DuanMu family lose a gifted
individual from the younger generation, they could also force them
out of the top ten. It really was killing two birds with one stone.
Before You XiaoMo met DuanMu Qing, DuanMu Qing and his men
were being ambushed by people from the SiKong family. They didn't
expect the SiKongs to have the audacity to attack when they were
already so near Tian Xiang City, but they did anyway. All he could do
was flee with his two surviving bodyguards to where they were now.
"What's the use of this ranking competition?" You XiaoMo asked
"Of course it has its use! This ranking competition is directly related
to the benefits that the ten forces enjoy. One of them involves the
issue of Dimensional Teleportation." Duan MuQing explained

"The Dimensional Teleportation portals were left behind by the
people of the Light. BeiDong has ten of them in total but they differ
in the distance they can teleport. For example for my family, we
have an inferior Dimensional Teleportation portal compared to the
others because we are ranked low. The teleportation range is short
Travelling by Dimensional Teleportation portals was a commonly
used teleportation method across the Tong Tian Continent, whereas
it was rare to see Teleportation Checkpoints like those on the Long
Xiang Continent.
As the Tong Tian Continent was very vast, travelling via the
Dimensional Teleportation portals could greatly reduce travelling
time. Hence, its popularity. Despite being rather pricey, many still
travelled using them.
The DuanMu family might not own the best Dimensional
Teleportation Portal but they still profited quite a fair bit from it over
the years. For this reason alone, they were even more unwilling to
lose the chance at securing a Dimensional Teleportation Portal at the
ranking competition.
"If we want to get from BeiDong to Southern Continent, can we just
use the Dimensional Teleportation portal?" You XiaoMo asked.
"Of course you can. But BeiDong is quite a long distance away from
Southern Continent. My family's Dimensional Teleportation Portal
may not work." Duan MuQing thought for a while before he nodded.
"Because of the distance. Our Dimensional Teleportation Portal's
range is only within BeiDong. If you want to teleport to Southern
Continent directly, there's only one way. You have to use the biggest
Dimensional Teleportation portal, but that is controlled by BeiDong's

strongest force. If you want to use it, I'm afraid you have to go
through them." Duan MuQing explained.
"Are you implying that it's difficult?" You XiaoMo asked,
"No, that's not it." Duan MuQing shook his head.
"The main reason is that it's too expensive to use Dimensional
Teleportation Portals, especially for long distances like from BeiDong
to Southern Continent. The expenses are beyond just expensive."
Oh, so it's the travel costs. You XiaoMo didn't find that a problem.
After a while, Duan MuQing's voice could be be heard, pleasantly
"We've reached Tian Xiang City!"
t/n: Bei Dong(北动) mean Northern Movement, and NanLu (南陆)
literally translated as Southern Continent. You can get the sense of
direction through the name.

Chapter 382: Auction
Tian Xiang City was located in an oasis looking like a colossus.

Whenever there were any major events, the powers in Bei Dong had
long reached a consensus that they would gather in Tian Xiang City.

Recently, Tian Xiang City had been livelier than usual. Enthusiastic
hawking of wares was heard from both sides of the streets and a
dazzling line-up was displayed in the stalls, so much so that there
were customers frequently hovering in front of the stalls.

DuanMu Qing introduced the affair in Tian Xiang City while he

brought them to the DuanMu Clan's property.

Although the general headquarters of the forces in Bei Dong were

not in Tian Xiang City, each of the forces would more or less have
some properties there. The open strife and covert maneuverings of
every major force had long ceased to be a secret.

They stopped in front of an inn after an hour.

The inn was the property of the DuanMu Clan. The shopkeeper
recognized DuanMu Qing and quickly arranged a private room for
them on the second level. He had even prepared a table full of good
wine and good food.

Before dismissing the shopkeeper, DuanMu Qing directed him to

arrange three rooms for them.

"Two rooms are enough." Ling Xiao indifferently interrupted.

DuanMu Qing was stunned and after recovering he said, "My
benefactors, there's no need to worry. There are still many empty
rooms in this inn and there's absolutely no problem with reserving
three rooms."

The shopkeeper standing at the side nodded in agreement.

Ling Xiao silently shot a glance at them.

DuanMu Qing shivered and hurriedly corrected, "Then two rooms

are enough."

Dao Yun looked at You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao. He naturally would not
assume that one of them would want to sleep in the same room as
him. It was only a little unexpected that their relationship was
actually so close for them to sleep in the same room.

DuanMu Qing left for a while and after coming back he revealed,
"My three benefactors, I have already asked someone to tell my
father of the situation. In addition, I have also asked my father to
inquire about the Dimensional Teleportation. I believe that it will not
take long before we get an answer."

Originally, they did not have to jump through so many hoops if they
wanted to use the Dimensional Teleportation. Unfortunately, the
powers controlling the Dimensional Teleportation recently
temporarily closed the transportation. They had to have some
connections if they wanted to immediately leave Bei Dong.

Dao Yun nodded to express his understanding.

"Didn't you say that the qualifying tournament was in two months?
Then they shouldn't be in such a hurry to prepare right? Why does it

look as if there is going to be some lively thing occurring in Tian Xiang
City?" You XiaoMo asked as he stuffed food into his mouth.

He had seen several people wearing the same attire while walking
on the street before, looking similar to guards. Tian Xiang City had so
many powers that it was not necessary for guards to patrol, instead
this could be said to be useless.

DuanMu Qing replied, "What you're talking about should be related

to the auction three days later. Speaking of which, Sir Benefactor's
luck is quite good. Tian Xiang City holds a large-scale auction every
few years, and the host of the auction is not any of the powers in Bei
Dong, rather they are the Southern Continent's Cang Alliance."

You XiaoMo's heart thumped, "Why would this Cang Alliance run all
the way to Bei Dong to host an auction?"

DuanMu Qing was not at all surprised by his question and simply
explained, "Sir Benefactor may not know, but the reach of the Cang
Alliance is not only limited to the Southern Continent but they
practically cover the entire Tong Tian Continent. This is an
exaggeration of course, but you would definitely be able to see Cang
Alliance's shadow in any place with a lot of talents."

"The Cang Alliance seldom holds an auction. Every time they hold
one, the goods in the auction are sure to be some type of quality
goods. This time, Bei Dong has managed to be the place where the
Cang Alliance's auction will be. Naturally, there would be many
people arriving after hearing the news."

You XiaoMo still look forward to auctions, and immediately looked

at Ling Xiao in excitement, "Shall we go take a look too?"

Seeing his shining eyes, Ling Xiao knew he would say as such and
laughed, "Then let's go and take a look."

DuanMu Qing quickly interjected, "Sir Benefactor, actually not just

anyone can attend the auction held by the Cang Alliance. Compared
to other auctions, the Cang Alliance has stricter restrictions on who
can attend their auction."

You XiaoMo was disappointed right from the start upon hearing this.

Ling Xiao asked, "What are the requirements to attend?"

DuanMu Qing explained, "The Cang Alliance would issue a black

invitation card a month before the auction is held. You would be able
to attend once you acquire a black invitation card. One card can
bring in three people to the auction."

"Then how would we be able to get a black invitation card?"

"Sir Benefactor, please rest assured. It's easy to get the Cang
Alliance's black invitation cards with the influence of my DuanMu
Clan. I will put in an order now, it should be sent over after two

After that, DuanMu Qing proceeded to explain some things

regarding the auction to them. Only after the sun had set did he
leave. You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao returned to their rooms once he
left. Dao Yun was embarrassed to follow after them, so he also
returned to his own room.

The two finally had some time to themselves.

You XiaoMo immediately threw himself onto the bed. The room that

DuanMu Qing arranged for them was the biggest and best in the inn.
The bed was also very big and three people would have no problem
sleeping on it.

After rolling about two rounds on the bed, You XiaoMo lay stomach-
down on the bed as he looked at Ling Xiao.

"Why did you let Dao Yun follow us?"

Ling Xiao took off his outer robe and hung it on the screen to the
side in passing. Then walked to the bed and sat down, and he asked,
"Other than being good at stealing, do you know what other things
thieves are good at?"

You XiaoMo touched his chin to create an appearance of him

pondering over it, "Is it agility?"

Ling Xiao shook his head, "No, it's not agility. It's information. Since
Dao Yun's master has a particular love for rare treasured objects, he
would definitely gather information about it from all over. In all
probability, he should know information that not many know about."

"Oh." You XiaoMo half-comprehended as he nodded, then he

suddenly reacted, "You want to get information from his master?"

Contrary to expectations, Ling Xiao denied this, "That Thief God is

not as dumb as Dao Yun. It would be as difficult as ascending to
heaven to get information from him. However, even though we can't
ask, Dao Yun will be able to."

You XiaoMo suddenly saw the light. So Ling Xiao planned to make a
move through Dao Yun, no wonder…

"Then what kind of information do you want to inquire about?"

"Do you still remember that Wood Elemental Essence that we

acquired in the Boundless Sea?" Ling Xiao said.

"Of course I remember. You said that the Elemental Essence has
other uses, so you kept it." You XiaoMo immediately replied.

"The Elemental Essence can be divided into different types based on

the five phases of Chinese philosophy. They are classified into Metal,
Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. In the inherited memory of the
Ancient Demon Phoenix Clan, as long as the five phases of Elemental
Essence are gathered, one would be able to breakthrough the
shackles of a Sacred Realm cultivation base with the support of the
power of the five phases of Elemental Essence, however…" Ling Xiao
hesitated to continue.

"’However’ what?"

"In the inherited memory, none of the former generations of

Ancient Demon Phoenixes were able to collect all five phases of
Elemental Essence, so this is only a legend. I also do not know if we
will be able to find the remaining four phases of Metal, Water, Fire
and Earth Elemental Essences." Be that as it may, but Ling Xiao still
wanted to take a gamble, so he kept that Elemental Essence.

"Then let's take it slowly, since we still have time. When the time
comes, I can also help you sound out Dao Yun." You XiaoMo crawled
up and hugged Ling Xiao's arm.

Ling Xiao suddenly glanced at him and commented, "I think it's
better if I do it by myself ba."

You XiaoMo's mouth twitched. He dared to guarantee that this
sentence of Ling Xiao's was definitely a disparaging remark against
his IQ, although it was much more restrained now compared to the
past. Should he rejoice about this or not?

"Oh yes, isn't the Cang Alliance one of the top information brokers?
Can't we buy information from them? If the Cang Alliance is really as
powerful as what DuanMu Qing said, it may be possible that they
have information regarding this." You XiaoMo suddenly thought of
this point.

"That's no use." Ling Xiao answered, "It is possible that Cang Alliance
may know this, but they will not easily sell such important
information to others. However, we can find out information about
the Vermillion Blood Clan from them."

"Moreover there's still Yin Ge. We don't know where he and Zhan
YuXuan ended up. Could they have appeared somewhere other than
Bei Dong?" You XiaoMo worried that they may have missed them.

Ling Xiao said, "No, Bei Dong is the area where the veil between the
realms is the weakest in the Tong Tian Continent. So most who want
to establish a Trans-Dimensional tunnel can't help but choose Bei
Dong. Although we were a little off the exit at that time, but they
should still be somewhere in Bei Dong. We'll meet them sooner or

You XiaoMo thought over it for a while before he understood.

Previously, he had always felt it was a little weird.

So it turned out that was why Dao Yun would actually appear in their
spatial pathway - everyone's exit was at Bei Dong.

"Okay, let's sleep. We'll head out tomorrow for another look." Ling
Xiao embraced You XiaoMo and immediately lay down. They had too
many things to do, even a short time was also precious now.
This night was a rare case where Ling Xiao did not torment You

The two slept until dawn. The pounding of footsteps on the stairs
never stopped. Not long later, Dao Yun's clear and loud voice drifted
in from outside the room.

"Fellow You, are you awake?"

You XiaoMo was immediately roused. Although he was woken up

early by the noises, his quality of sleep last night was quite good and
he woke up full of energy.

Dao Yun had already occupied a table on the first floor. He was
already below when You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao came down. The table
he got was by the window, and one could both clearly see the crowd
on the street and the people walking in from the entranceway from
the table.

About an hour later, DuanMu Qing finally hurried over with a


Chapter 383: The Commerce District
Following DuanMu Qing to the inn was an old man with an imposing
manner. He didn’t look like a guest of the DuanMu Clan, more like an
elder of the clan, because DuanMu Qing was looking at him with a
After entering the inn, DuanMu Qing had planned to go upstairs to
find them, however, he unexpectedly saw You XiaoMo sitting in the
lobby by the window, so he immediately said something to the
elderly man.
The elder looked toward You XiaoMo’s direction. His glance was
indifferent toward You XiaoMo and Dao Yun. Then his eyes fell on
Ling Xiao’s body and stopped for two seconds before coming over.
DuanMu Qing strode over in front of You XiaoMo, “My benefactor,
this is my uncle. He knew my three benefactors have saved my life,
so he especially came here to express his gratitude.”
“My name is DuanMu Zhen. It should be little Qing's father to
personally pay a visit, but the clan leader happened to be involved in
some business and is unable to come over, so I personally came
instead to greet you. I hope you sirs won’t mind.” DoanMu Zhen
cupped his hand and said, his aloof expression was replaced with a
sincere regret.
Dao Yun saw that both You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao didn’t say anything,
so he quickly replied, “Sir DuanMu, you don’t have to be polite, it
wasn’t that much of an effort to save him.”
Both sides exchanged some greeting lines. Dao Yun was a talkative
person. Regardless of the target, he always spoke frankly with
assurance and therefore, he quickly broke the ice with DuanMu

“About the Dimensional Teleportation portal, I have heard from little
Qing. This matter surely is not a problem, I wonder when will you
ready to leave Bei Dong?” DuanMu Zhen shifted his eyes toward You
XiaoMo and Ling Xiao, he felt that those two must be the ones to call
the shots.
You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao, seeing him not saying a word, he
answered in return, “Probably after the auction. Before that, sir
DuanMu, I have a thing I want to request.”
DuanMu Zhen politely said, “Sir You, you don’t have to polite, you
are my little nephew’s savior, don’t say one request, even if there
were two or three more, as long as it is within DuanMu clan’s
capability, we won’t refuse.”
You XiaoMo smiled with his eyes closed, “So, before we came here,
we had two more companions that we were separated from. Those
two should also arrive in Tian Xiang City one way or another, but we
don’t really have time. If we were to leave first, I want you to help us
keep an eye out for them. If you see them, tell them our
Such a small matter, of course DuanMu Zhen accepted at once. He
then asked for their names and any distinctive features of their
appearance. You XiaoMo told them everything.
Yin Ge had very eye-catching silver hair. On the TongTian Continent,
a person would rarely appear with silver colored hair. As for Zhan
YuXuan, his temperament was also unique, it shouldn’t be that hard
to recognize them.
The next day, as expected, the DuanMu Clan sent over a black
invitation card.
The black invitation card was the size of two adult hands. It was
made from unknown materials and engraved with an extremely

beautiful white calligraphy. On the bottom right corner were the two
words: Cang Alliance.
This black invitation card belonged to the DuanMu Clan, but they had
more than one invitation card, so giving them one wasn’t that much
of a loss.
DuanMu Qing wanted to create a relationship with them, so he
offered to guide them around Tian Xiang City.
Although Bei Dong couldn’t be compared with the Southern
Continent, its long history of development made its reputation not
that terrible. Tian Xiang City was such an example; or else the Cang
Alliance wouldn’t hold an auction there.
Dao Yun didn’t follow them. He was a thief, and prefered going to
places alone. So they went their separate way after leaving the inn.
You XiaoMo didn’t hold him back as he guessed that Dao Yun might
have gone to inquire about his master.
As for DuanMu Qing, You XiaoMo politely rejected his good
intentions. But he asked him for the most bustling place of Tian Xiang
City, and then left with Ling Xiao.
DuanMu Qing guessed that they might want to go alone, so he didn’t
say anything further and just told them the location of the
Commerce District of Tian Xiang City.
This type of commerce district could be found in plenty of regions.
The commerce district was not far away from the venue where the
Cang Alliance’s auction was to be held, which was right behind it.
To reach the commerce district, one must pass over the auction
house. Since the auction would be held tomorrow, the surrounding
area had already been tightly guarded.
You XiaoMo couldn’t help but gasp in surprise the moment he saw it.

The venue was really big. Compared to the two auctions he had been
in on Long Xian Continent, this venue was a dozen times larger. Its
solemn ambience made a distinct contrast with the lively streets
surrounding it.
Beside the tightly closed gate, there were several small doors and
occasionally people were seen coming in and out of the venue.
After taking a peek, You XiaoMo looked away and left with Ling Xiao.
In less than fifteen minutes, they reached the commerce district.
The commerce district had always been the most bustling and
prosperous place of every city. In front of them were wide streets
with endless flows of people and noise. Just like what DuanMu Qing
had said, the place was extraordinarily lively with noise and
“The commerce district of Tian Xiang City is truly livelier than those
on the Long Xiang continent. There are so many great things here,
lots of high level magic herbs and magic pills with plenty of
varieties.” You XiaoMo went running in excitement toward busy
vendors. Ever since he became a level eight mage, because of all the
messy situations, he rarely had time to stroll around commerce
districts. Even if he did have time, there usually wasn’t anything
worthy enough to buy. Although the Long Xiang Continent was a
Middle Realm, in the end, it was still far inferior than the Tong Tian
Continent which was the Higher Realm.
However, You XiaoMo was still slightly surprised.
On his way, he found out spirit gems were really used as currency,
and the price of most items was definitely not low.
“Let’s see if there is anything good.” Ling Xiao let him wander
around, nevertheless, he still managed to follow right behind.
You XiaoMo immediately freed himself and ran toward vendors he
was interested in. Although the place was crowded, it couldn’t stop

his enthusiasm. He went from east to west and bought so many
different items.
He could refine the magic pills himself, so all the magic pill vendors
were totally ignored by him, because if there were magic pills from
level eight to higher, there was no way it would appear in this place.
But his unrestrained spending really made people blind with
Bei Dong was a wasteland, so most people weren’t rich. For normal
people, a few hundreds spirit gems were enough for them to get by
for a few years.
One could see how poor Bei Dong was, no wonder many people
were jealous of them.
Some wished that all of You XiaoMo’s spirit gems would become
You XiaoMo didn’t notice, but Ling Xiao, who was following him, saw
everything. Thus, he released a faint pressure. When they felt that
pressure, no one dared to offend them despite still being quite
envious of them. The people in Bei Dong were considered outcasts
and wanderers, they didn’t have any mountains at their backs to
support them.
You XiaoMo put all the materials he just bought into his dimension,
but there was one thing he felt regret about.
Not a single magic herb seed was being sold in the commerce
district. Not even a half-mature magic herb. All of them were mature
stalks of magic herbs. At the very least, most of the magic herbs on
the market were mid grade and high grade, although the quantity of
the latter was relatively small. It completely wasn't like the Long
Xiang continent, as there was no sight of high grade magic herbs.

You XiaoMo didn’t want to waste the spiritual water to soak the
herbs so he went and directly bought high grade ones. His action left
people in awe and admiration.
The price between high grade and mid grade magic herbs was as
different as the sky and earth, yet, he could casually buy a great
quantity of high grade magic herbs with just a swing of his hand. This
situation wasn't rare, but it was still an eye-catching scene. As a
result, more and more people with bad intentions flocked around
them without You XiaoMo noticing. It was just that no one dared to
approach since Ling Xiao had scared them away.

(Ra: personal bodyguard and bed warmer, what a multi-functional

“Sadly there isn’t anyone selling cauldrons.”
You XiaoMo had wanted to use this chance to find a good cauldron,
but he had come across over twenty vendors and the number of
cauldron sellers were pitifully low, only one or two. Not to mention
that the quality of those cauldrons were way lower than the one the
vice principal gave him. He couldn’t help but feel deep regret.
Ling Xiao came over to comfort him, “Most people here in Bei Dong
are practitioners, even if they have a good cauldron, it won’t show
up here. If you really want to change your cauldron, wait until we go
to the Southern Continent.”
You XiaoMo knew being persistent wouldn’t help anything, so he
didn’t grieve over it for long as his spirit quickly sprang back and he
started dragging Ling Xiao to another vendor.
This vendor was a bit different from the others. Displayed in front of
him was a bunch of junk and miscellaneous items. They weren't
magic pills or magic herbs, instead, they looked like small toys.

The seller was a thievish-looking man. From his appearance one
could tell he was not a good sort of person. A smile quickly appeared
on his face, “Hey there big bros, feel free to look at them. I have
some good items here, definitely not some shady junk to trick you.”
The man had noticed their existence, his eyes especially fell on You
When he was trying to figure out a way to lure them over, they came
to him on their own and saved him from a huge deal of trouble. Their
unexpected visit gave him a very pleasant surprise.
You XiaoMo casually viewed all of the items.
Every single item here was trash, how could he call them good
The man saw the dissatisfaction in You XiaoMo's eyes, he quickly
gave an explanation, “Hey big bro, you can’t judge everything by its
outward appearance. My stuff might not be pretty to eyes, but they
are all good stuff. For example, this thing on my hand, don’t see it as
some sort of thin layer, this is a silk cloak made by the famous master
Yong He of the Tong Tian continent. You only need to cover your
head with it and you will become transparent.”
Master Yong He? Who?

Chapter 384: The Heavenly Cauldron
Master Yong He? Who was that?
The question surfaced in You XiaoMo's brain, no matter how famous
they were, he didn't recognize them.
The man was afraid that he didn't believe him and thus test it out
himself. He draped the silk cloak above his head and a second later
he disappeared. When he took off the silk, he reappeared.
With a face of wonder You XiaoMo said, "This seems pretty fun and
interesting, let me see it."
The man immediately handed it over.
As You XiaoMo took it, he pulled hard at it. It was very tough but also
light. If one didn't try touching it, they wouldn't know it was actually
light as a feather. Although it was good, it was not useful. When the
man was testing it out, You XiaoMo purposefully used soul power to
try detecting him. The results were that he could find his existence,
although faint, but clearly this silk couldn't completely hide
someone's presence.
As he was about to give it back, he had a casual look over the stand
and caught sight of something blocked by a few small items. His
pupils shrunk in response.
Averting his eyes, You XiaoMo asked the man, "What's the price of
this silk?"
The man seeing his interest, perked up and responded, "Because this
silk was made by master Yong He…but since it’s your first time here,
I'll give you a discount, just two hundred spirit gems. Originally it
would be five hundred."
With a face of disbelief, You XiaoMo looked over and said, "Even one
hundred and I'd still say was too expensive, and you are asking for

two? I'm telling you, this thing seems good but it's not very practical
and it's easy to discover. I feel like you're just cheating me because
I'm a new face, right?"
"No, that's not it." The man quickly added, not thinking his greed
would backfire on him.
You XiaoMo replied in a slow and deliberate tone, "You here, I'm
actually interested in buying this silk, however your price is a little
high. You know what, lets both give a little, I won't argue with you
over the price, if you say two hundred, its two hundred, however, I
want another thing from your stand."
As he finished, he conveniently took something from the stand.
"How about it I take this item?"
The man hadn't process it at first, but when he looked at the item in
front of him, his original hesitation disappeared. But he still
pretended to be making a tough choice and said, "Then, okay, I'll just
let you have the better end of the deal."
You XiaoMo gave him the two hundred spirit gems, and took the
item, leaving with Ling Xiao.
The man looked at their backs and finally showed a smile of
complacency, he was really an idiot who thought he was clever. That
silk and that felt combined was not even close to two hundred spirit
gems. He didn't really think they would fall for it.
The reason he accepted the deal so quickly was because of what You
XiaoMo picked had little value.
Speaking of You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao.
When they were out of the commerce district, You XiaoMo quickly
took out the piece of felt.
After a careful inspection, he immediately started laughing like an

"What are you laughing about?" Ling Xiao asked speechless. Since
the beginning his words and actions started to become weirder and
weirder, his guess was that it had much to do with the felt in his
You XiaoMo waved the piece of felt, "Do you know what this is?"
Ling Xiao's gaze shifted to the felt for a few seconds before saying,
"This thing, I seemed to have seen it before?"
You XiaoMo took out another felt from his dimension and said with
triumph, "Look here, aren't these two felts of the same material and
the pattern is also similar?"
The felt he took out was a quarter of the sheepskin map they got
from Wu Feng Town. At that time he was even scolded by Ling Xiao
so he stopped thinking of finding the treasure from the map but still
kept it. When he did, he still held a slim hope.
(Reminder note: the incident took place in Wu Feng Town appear
from chap 116 to 118).
But now, he found something of a similar material in Tong Tian
Continent and the pattern could be linked. What did this mean? It
meant that what he thought was a 'treasure map' might actually
When he thought of it like this, You XiaoMo got excited, he didn't
misread this, even if it wasn't a treasure map, there must be
something else to it.
Even Ling Xiao didn't think they would find the second piece here.
Then it may be the case that You XiaoMo was right, no wonder he
would buy that piece of impractical cloth, it was for this felt.
"Looks like this map may be from the Tong Tian Continent." Ling Xiao
said stroking his chin.

You XiaoMo nodded in agreement, "Too bad we still need two
Ling Xiao said, "These kinds of things can only be left to luck. With
the Tong Tian Continent being this huge, if we search for it, it would
be like finding a needle in the sea. Not only that, it might catch the
attention of unwanted people."
"You're right." You XiaoMo said, he didn't plan on forcing it anyways.
"Now then, are we still shopping?" Ling Xiao asked.
"No, let's just get home." You XiaoMo led him outside the market. A
normal person would have kept hunting during a lucky day but he
felt like a person's luck could not continue forever. What was his,
would eventually be his.
When the two arrived at the inn, Dao Yun wasn't back yet.
Hearing them return, Duan MuQing quickly came over and brought
over good news.
"Savior, this is the list for tomorrow's auction, please check to see if
there is anything you wish for. If you do, then you can take this time
to prepare."
Duan MuQing handed a red booklet to You XiaoMo. Although the
auction was held by the Cang Alliance, they would always give a list
of items to the major forces so that they could prepare the money.
You XiaoMo opened the booklet, there weren't a lot items up for
auction, but just like Duan MuQing said, it was all because of the
Other than the familiar magic herbs, pills, soul training manuals, and
skill training manuals, there were many priceless and rare items such
as weapons and armors. All of which were good items.
You XiaoMo's gaze kept moving downwards, but suddenly stopped at
a certain point.

"What is this?"
Duan MuQing's sight landed on the last auction item and he
explained, "This is the Heavenly Cauldron, is the last heavy-weight
item and the main event."
You XiaoMo swallowed hard before asking, "What is the Heavenly
Ling Xiao suddenly snatched the booklet from his hand and before
Duan MuQing could say anything, said, "The Tong Tian Continent has
a Cauldron ranking. It has a record of every single cauldron, the
higher the rank, the better the cauldron and the Heavenly Cauldron
is ranked seventh."
Before You XiaoMo always thought that cauldrons were cauldrons,
although there were good and bad ones, they weren't inherently
different. However, he never thought that the Tong Tian Continent
would have this ranking, they couldn't rank it on quality, right?
Ling Xiao knew of his bepuzzlement and explained, "The cauldrons
on the ranking are different to the ones you use. The biggest
difference lies in the fact that yours is of good quality, but no added
"What does that mean?"
"Let's use the Heavenly Cauldron as example, according to the
legends, the one who created it was a ancient blacksmith. At that
time, many skills were not a lost art and thus when that blacksmith
created the cauldron, he added a special array. That array can gather
spiritual energy thus increase the chance of a pills success rate and
quality. Not only that, when refining high-graded magic pills, these
pills can fly out of the cauldron. The higher the level, the stronger
they are, for example, a level ten and above pill even has attack
power. However, the Heavenly Cauldron can trap them inside."

You XiaoMo's mouth slightly gaped open, that's such an amazing
cauldron but even so it was just ranked seventh, the six above must
be really amazing then.
But just as he was thinking of switching cauldrons, the Heavenly
Cauldron appeared before him, he couldn't let this opportunity pass.
"I'm definitely going to get this cauldron." You XiaoMo said
enthusiastically with a fighting spirit.
"That…may be difficult." Duan MuQing saw his enthusiastic face,
although he didn't want to bring him down, he still had to say
something. Although his view on Ling Xiao changed in surprise, he
had always thought it was their first time on the Tong Tian
Continent, thus it wasn't weird of them to have never heard of the
Cang Alliance. However, that man was so informative about the
Cauldron ranking and of the Heavenly Cauldron, he couldn't help but
be confused.
You XiaoMo looked at him and asked, "What's the difficulty?"
Ling Xiao said, "Probably because a lot of people want the Heavenly
Cauldron, right?"
Seeing that he guessed it, Duan MuQing stopped hesitating and said,
"The top ten cauldrons, no matter which one, are what all mages
long for. Although I don't know why the Cang Alliance would put the
Heavenly Cauldron up for auction at Tian Xiang City, but because the
news had spread out already, the ones competing are not just forces
of Bei Dong. Other than Bei Dong, there definitely will be others who
bid for it as well, the competition would be fierce."
"So?" You XiaoMo blinked a few times.
Duan MuQing choked on that expression, "When those people
appear, the price of the Heavenly Cauldron will rise to a very high
number, so if saviors want to compete for it, you must quickly raise
some spirit gems."

But according to him, wanting to gather a large sum of spirit gems in
one day is almost impossible.
The second day, the auction proceeded as hoped.

Chapter 385: Two Young People
Early the next day, a crowd had appeared on the streets of Tian Xiang
City. Most people were heading in the same direction, and that was
towards where the Cang Alliance had organised their auction—the
Goshawk Auction Hall.
Duan MuQing had already prepared a horse carriage just when the
sky started to turn light. He then hurriedly brought his men along to
fetch You XiaoMo and the rest from the inn. Not long after, a
luxurious carriage pulled up near the main gate of the Goshawk
Auction Hall. It was the exact same auction hall that You XiaoMo and
Ling Xiao had passed by the day before.
The once empty area outside the gates of the auction hall was now
packed like sardines. Carriages of all sizes were parked along the
wide street, making it hard for a person to even move an inch. While
Bei Dong's population wasn't much compared to other places, they
could still tell the area for the auction was huge.
After getting out of the carriage, You XiaoMo and the rest walked for
some distance before finally reaching the smaller gate beside the
main gate. The smaller gate was for VIP access only, only those who
were powerful in Bei Dong had the exclusive right to walk through it.
Compared to the enormous and boisterous crowd outside the main
gate, the area outside the smaller gate was no doubt quieter and
relatively more spacious. It was only every once in a while when a
group of seemingly prominent and powerful people walked through
the smaller gate. The middle aged man who was guarding the gate
was neither obsequious or haughty, showing no sign of sucking up to
Just when they were about to pass through the gate, a few people
suddenly popped up and intercepted them. In fact, there were two

groups of people who were heading towards the small gate at the
same time.
The small gate could only allow up to two people to pass through at
any one time. Yet, both groups of people all seemed to want to pass
through first. As a result, both groups ended up stuck outside the
gate. The air crackled with tension. A hint of gunfire seemed to drift
through the air.
"Tang Hao, it's you after all!" The person who spoke was a young
man who was walking on the right and he looked around the age of
twenty-five. However, it was impossible to judge a person's age
based on appearance in the Tong Tian Continent. Many who looked
young were already more than a thousand years old!
Behind the young man, two men of powerful presence flanked him.
Judging from their appearance, one of them must be at least an
Emperor level and the other, an Imperial Level. Seemed like those
two were the bodyguards of the young man. To have the protection
of two powerhouses, the young man definitely wasn't an ordinary
The person addressed as Tang Hao looked similar in age as the young
man, his handsome features tinged with a sense of self-importance.
Similarly, he had two bodyguards at his side.
After hearing the young man speak, Tang Hao shot him a cold look
and gritted out, "Hu Feng, you again. Looks like you want to vie with
me again."
"I should say, you want to vie with me instead." Hu Feng
reciprocated with a smirk.
Tang Hao scoffed. "Since you're also here for that thing, then may
the most capable win."

"Then I hope you prepared enough spirit gems. Don't want you
chickening out when you see my bid." Hu Feng's eyes turned stone
cold for an instant before returning to normal.
At this moment, a voice rang out from the side. "Excuse me, could
you please let us pass?"
The sudden interruption caused the two people to turn towards the
source simultaneously, only to find an eighteen or nineteen year old
teenager standing not far away. From his aura, they could tell he was
a mage. But as for the people beside him, one of them made the two
do a double take.
Standing beside the teenager was a man with looks that could rival
the gods. He was elegantly dressed in white and even with his lazy
posture, they could feel power rolling off this man. He seemed as
powerful as the men they brought along.
Despite knowing that, the two still frowned.
"Scram!" Hu Feng shot back impatiently.
You XiaoMo obviously wouldn't scram. They all arrived at the same
time and those two just had to block the entrance by squabbling
there. They didn't want to enter, fine, but others did. Since they
didn't receive his polite way of asking well, he had no choice but to
use another method.
"I'm sorry, but if I remember correctly, the Goshawk Auction Hall
isn't owned by you guys." You XiaoMo said.
"I dare you to say that again, brat." Hu Feng's expressions turned
sour. Without bothering to listen till the end, Tang Hao's face
hardened. Both his expression and his voice turned dark and when
he looked at You XiaoMo, it was as if he was shooting cold lightning
bolts with his gaze. It had been a long time since someone dared to
speak to them like that.

"Doesn't matter how many times I say it, it'll still be the same. You
guys are blocking the entrance and not letting anyone enter. Is there
anything wrong in asking you to move aside and let us pass? If you
tell me this stretch of road was opened for you by the Cang Alliance,
then I have nothing to say." As if he had not noticed the foul look on
their faces, You XiaoMo rambled on with his hate-inducing words.
The other two couldn't even rebut him.
DuanMu Qing, who was at the back of the group, had no time to stop
him. After hearing what You XiaoMo said and seeing how Tang Hao's
and Hu Feng's expressions darkened, he could tell the situation was
going awry. He knew who those two were and knew very well not to
offend them.
The Cang Alliance definitely wouldn’t open up this stretch of road
specifically for the two of them. The Alliance wouldn't do it even for
people of a higher status than them, let alone Hu Feng and Tang Hao.
Hu Feng's and Tang Hao's faces flushed as they glared at him.
Just when they were getting ready to yell at You XiaoMo, the middle
aged guard at the gate spoke up.
"Young Master Hu, Young Master Tang, this sir is right. If you're not
planning on entering, then please give way. It would be unsightly to
have a huge group of people stuck outside because they are blocked
by you. If the auction is delayed, I take it that you two are taking
Hu Feng and Tang Hao's faces went pale and green simultaneously
upon hearing his words.
They didn’t speak to him with the same attitude they used with You
XiaoMo. After all, the middle aged man represented the Cang
"Whatever are you talking about, good sir? We'll be going in now."
Tang Hao expressed awkwardly.

He then looked at You XiaoMo and snorted coldly. Clearly, he had
put the blame of getting reprimanded by the middle aged man on
You XiaoMo. Tang Hao proceeded to the auction hall with his men
trailing behind him. Hu Feng glared hard at You XiaoMo and soon
followed after with his two bodyguards.
You XiaoMo was not the least bit stressed, not even after offending
two highly prominent people in the short period of time. They were
the ones being petty and despising others.
Instead, it was DuanMu Qing who broke out in a cold sweat. When
they entered the auction hall, he quickly grabbed You XiaoMo.
"My benefactor, this is bad!"
"What's bad?" You XiaoMo had no choice but to stop when he was
pulled by DuanMu Qing.
DuanMu Qing explained anxiously, "The two that just went in, I told
you about them yesterday. They're the forces from the Southern
Continent. They definitely won't let you off after you offended them
The Southern Continent? What a coincidence.
"Don’t worry, we're leaving Bei Dong in the next few days. Even if we
are heading to their territory, we might not even see them since the
Southern Continent is so huge." You XiaoMo said. If all else failed,
they could just change their appearances. He and Ling Xiao had
originally planned to do that when they reached the Southern
Continent, lest people of the Vermillion Blood Clan recognised them.
"But what if…" DuanMu Qing still had something to say, but You
XiaoM and Ling Xiao had already entered the small gate. He could
only catch up to them.
The Goshawk Auction Hall was very large, it was like half a gigantic
bird's nest. The auction hall was deep underground and the seats

were organised into rows on elevated levels. At the top, different
rooms were prepared for each of the forces. The rooms were
allocated based on the black invitation letters given.
The black invitation letter the DuanMu family gave them was for a
single room. As everyone needed their own privacy, they specially
gave him a room of his own. After leading You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao
to the room, DuanMu Qing went to the room next door.
The room was transparent from all angles so they could clearly see
the people from the DuanMu family next door. After he went over,
they saw DuanMu Qing speaking into the ear of a middle aged man
who looked similar to him. They were unsure of what the middle-
aged man said, but DuanMu Qing's brows furrowed at his words.
You XiaoMo might have limited IQ but he could guess what they
were talking about, most likely what just happened outside. Dao Yun
also noted what he saw before walking towards You Xiao to take a
seat beside him. Suddenly, he realized someone was staring at him.
He turned his head only to see Ling Xiao watching him
Dao Yun felt a shiver run down his spine. He straightened his body
which was already halfway in the sitting position and forced a laugh
before moving to the next seat.
"Fellow You, you're really not worried they’ll take revenge on you?
Those two don’t look ordinary to me." Seeing You XiaoMo's excited
expression, he couldn’t help but ask.
Hearing his question, You XiaoMo nonchalantly replied as he laid
against Ling Xiao's shoulder, "There's nothing I can do. I've already
offended them."
To say such a thing so lightly, You XiaoMo had DaoYun's admiration.
From his observations, the two of them were most likely from the
top force in the Southern Continent. The bodyguards they brought

along was one factor, another being their clothing. It wasn’t just the
usual expensive stuff. The accessories they adorned looked very
valuable and definitely not what a person from an average force can
Without a doubt, those two must be rich and powerful people.
As they were talking, You XiaoMo saw the room opposite from them.
It was Hu Feng and Tang Hao's room. Despite being separated by two
layers of glass-like walls, You XiaoMo could see the flames of fury in
their eyes.
You XiaoMo's heart thumped a beat as he shot them a brilliant smile.
As expected, those two were pissed off.

Chapter 386: Finale
As more and more people entered the venue, the time for the
auction to begin drew nearer.

Below, the seats within the stall area were almost full of people.
Those in private boxes were already seated and the entire venue was
bustling with noise and excitement until the sound of a small gong
rang from the stage of the auction.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Goshawk Auction House. I

am the auctioneer for this auction, Yue QianShan. With regards to
the rules of the auction, I'm sure that many know them already, so I
will say no more. I now declare the opening of the auction."

It was not known when a man, with handsome and bright features
who was wearing a cyan-colored brocade robe, had appeared at one
side of the auction block. He looked to only be about thirty years old
and the aura from his whole body was extremely valiant. He was a
seven star Emperor Realm practitioner, and this was absolutely
enough to make everyone in the venue fear the consequences of
their actions.

The Cang Alliance actually sent out a seven star Emperor Realm
expert as an auctioneer. With him overseeing this, it may be
assumed that there would be no one who would dare to seize the
treasures at the scene, or be unwilling to comply with the rules of
the auction house.

"Yue QianShan, this person's identity is no small matter. I've heard

that though his strength is not in the top ten in Cang Alliance, he is
still a disciple of the head of the Cang Alliance and many people want

to curry favor with him." Dao Yun said.

You XiaoMo looked in Dao Yun's direction. This guy had only been
out for a day, yet he actually even managed to gather information on
the people holding the auction. No wonder Ling Xiao said that
information gathered from a great thief is faster and more abundant
than the average person's. It seems that Dao Yun had attained his
master's genuine handed-down techniques too.

"Other than this, what other news do you have?" You XiaoMo asked.

Dao Yun could not help but become radiant with delight when
speaking of his job, "The Cang Alliance is different from the
Vermillion Blood Clan. It is said that the founder of the Cang Alliance
is a Sacred Realm expert and this expert took in close to a hundred
disciples in all. Each and every one of these disciples has pretty good
accomplishments and the reason that the Cang Alliance is able to
develop to its current state has an inextricable relation to his

A light bulb flashed in You XiaoMo's mind, and he tentatively

questioned, "Then did you manage to gather information about your

Dao Yun could not refrain from wearing a defeated expression,

"How could it be that easy? It's not possible to inquire about
master's whereabouts within the short period of one day. I've not
been here long enough, and am currently unable to gather further

The implication was he did not get any information on where there
were any rare treasures.

You XiaoMo still wanted to say something, but a hand suddenly
slipped around his waist and slightly pinched it.

You XiaoMo let out an 'ai yo' and his entire body became limp.

Dao Yun looked over in surprise, "What happened to you?"

A slight blush suffused You XiaoMo's cheeks. Hearing Dao Yun's

words, he quickly shook his head, "No-nothing… …the competition is
starting, let's watch it."

Dao Yun did not doubt him and as expected, he seriously started to
pay attention.

Seeing that his attention was finally directed away, You XiaoMo
immediately slapped off that salty pig hand wrapped around his
waist as he turned his head and glared at Ling Xiao, "Keep your hands

<strong>t/n: salty pig hand means pervert (esp. one who gropes
women in public)</strong>

Ling Xiao gave a low chuckle, "My dear wife, you cannot stop your
husband from exercising his right as a husband."

You XiaoMo's mouth twitched, what kind of right was this? "You
have your rights. I also have my human rights. Now, I am protesting."

Ling Xiao lightly laughed, "Protest overturned."

You XiaoMo was dissatisfied, "On what basis?"

Ling Xiao said, "If you marry into a chicken's family follow the

chicken, if you marry into a dog's family follow the dog."

<strong>t/n: if you marry a chicken follow the chicken, if you marry

a dog follow the dog means a woman follows her husband no matter
what his lot is.</strong>

You XiaoMo blushed and refuted, "Who married into your family?"
He was clearly a man, how could 'marry into' be used to describe

<strong>t/n: There's jia and qu (嫁 and 娶) in Chinese, both mean

marry, but jia (嫁) is to marry off a daughter or wife marrying into
the husband's family while qu (娶) is to take a wife. Since You
XiaoMo is a man, he should be the one taking a wife instead of being
married off.</strong>

Ling Xiao earnestly replied immediately, "Dear wife, my body and

heart, and all my firsts have completely been given to you. You have
to take responsibility for me till the end."

You XiaoMo gnashed his teeth and glared at him, "Whose first time
was it too? So many of my firsts have also been given to you, why
don't I see you taking responsibility for me till the end?"

When he finished speaking, You XiaoMo wanted to bite his own

tongue off.

Ling Xiao's eyes were filled with laughter and he had an expression
of having gotten exactly what he wanted, "Since the wife has said as
such, then I will definitely take responsibility for you till the end.
Please rest assured my darling wife."

Thus, the salty pig hand once again touched his waist and even
wanted to move downwards this time.

You XiaoMo was alarmed and grabbed his hand, "Stop messing
around, there's so many people watching." He would not need to be
so anxious if the box was not transparent.

"Relax, they're all watching the auction and won't notice." Ling Xiao
whispered in his ear as his right hand started headed between his

You XiaoMo immediately clamped his legs shut, "That's not okay."

There were so many experts here, which one would not be aware of
everything in all directions? Maybe there may even be one who
wasn't too interested in the auction and was instead watching the
people all around. Though those who came to participate in the
auction would normally be very interested in it, there was no lack of
people who are not interested in the beginning, as he was also one
of them.

"Okay, I get it."

Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo confronted each other for a few seconds
before the former gave up.

You XiaoMo was finally relieved.

At the time of their dispute, the auction below was already

underway in full swing. The atmosphere of the venue was extremely
intense and many were competing with each other. The price of
every item in the auction steadily rose and the highest hammer price

was forty four thousand spirit gems. However, the auction was only
two thirds of the way in. Thus one could imagine how the prices of
the next items would climb once again.

The items sold in the Cang Alliance's auction were all good quality so
the price would remain high every time. Some small groups who did
not have enough spirit gems could only watch the proceedings while
green with envy.

For the fifth to last item, You XiaoMo saw a beast cage was brought
onto the auction block. There was actually a Thousand Illusions Cat
Ball inside and it was even an adult one. Its level was definitely
higher than his CatQiu.

"Other than being able to freely transform into the appearance of

the person you want, an adult Thousand Illusions Cat Ball also has
one more skill. That is the creation of a dreamland. Generally, even
Emperor Realm practitioners are not able to perceive it. The auction
for this item starts now and the starting price of the item is fifty
thousand spirit gems." Yue QianShan's clear voice introduced the
data on the Thousand Illusions Cat Ball. This type of demon beast
was not very common in the Tong Tian Continent because their
reproduction was difficult. An adult Thousand Illusions Cat Ball was
even rarer.

This was the first time that You XiaoMo had heard that an adult
Thousand Illusions Cat Ball actually had the ability to create a

Looks like he would have to frequently supervise and urge CatQiu's

cultivation and let him grow up as soon as possible.

After Yue QianShan finished speaking, there were people putting out

bids immediately. A dreamland that even Emperor Realm experts
could not detect was a treasure that was absolutely hard to come by.

"Sixty thousand spirit gems."

"Seventy five thousand spirit gems."

"Eighty thousand spirit gems."

Once one person started bidding, the other clans also scrambled to
keep up. After a couple of raises, the price had nearly doubled from
its starting price. However there were no signs of it stopping and the
price was still rising. Some people were competing so hard over it
that they were red in the face, and slowly, those with not enough
financial resources to fight with had no choice but to step down, only
leaving a few clans with strong and solid strength.

You XiaoMo discovered that Hu Feng and Tang Hao in the box
opposite seemed to not have put in a single bid from the beginning
till now. It looked like they were really only interested in the later

Finally, the Thousand Illusions Cat Ball in the beast cage was sold for
one hundred and fifty thousand spirit gems. The one who won it was
a female cultivator.

Next was a low-grade high level cultivation skill manual for mages.

A soul cultivation manual for mages was much better than a skill
cultivation manual. However, high level manuals were scarce. As
long as it was a high level manual, the people at the auction would
always fight over it till they were red in the face and it was no

exception this time.

There were not many bidders left after the biggest power in Bei
Dong, the XiaEr Clan, put in a bid. When some groups saw the XiaEr
Clan making a move, they withdrew one after another. Finally, it was
sold off to the XiaEr Clan for a high price of two hundred and thirty

"Next, I believe that everyone has been waiting long enough. That's
right, the next item will be the last auction item and it is also this
time's finale. I believe that everyone seated here has already heard
of it." Yue QianShan had a faint smile on his face as always. Soon
after, he ordered the people to bring in the Heavenly Caldron.

A tray with a red cloth over it was carried out and the item beneath
the red cloth did not seem to be very large. Then, Yue QianShan
pulled off the red cloth. A football-sized red colored caldron stood
still on the tray.

You XiaoMo was completely astonished, "This is the Heavenly


This was his first time seeing such a small caldron. This thing, can it
really refine pills?

Ling Xiao replied, "It is the Heavenly Caldron. Don't judge it based on
its appearance. Essentially it can change its size from big to small,
and it is an awfully convenient item."

You XiaoMo looked at the Heavenly Caldron with wide eyes.

With the appearance of the Heavenly Caldron, the attention of

everyone in the boxes was concentrated, and many people

unwaveringly stared at the Heavenly Caldron as if they were itching
to carry it home now. This was especially so for the mages at the
venue as a good caldron was a necessity.

There was no shortage of mages participating in the auction and

many had rushed here for the Heavenly Caldron. Once they saw the
true form of the Heavenly Caldron, their breathing suddenly became
heavier. If not for the Cang Alliance deterring them, there might have
been someone jumping up to snatch the caldron this moment.

At the box opposite You XiaoMo, Hu Feng and Tang Hao suddenly
became very energetic and a glint of determination to win flashed
through their eyes.

"It's certainly the Heavenly Caldron. Who would have thought that
the Cang Alliance would actually be willing to auction off the
seventh-ranked Heavenly Caldron? I must definitely get it and gift it
to that great person." Tang Hao clenched his fist. There was a hint of
deep fear and yearning in his voice when speaking of that great

Hu Feng who was opposite him also had the same objective. Both
parties harbored a determination to win the Heavenly Lord Caldron,
but there was only one Heavenly Caldron.

You XiaoMo who was opposite them took note of their expression.

It looked like their objective was really the Heavenly Caldron as well.

Chapter 387: Add One More Spirit Gem
"Seems like there won't be that many people bidding this time." Ling
Xiao said, opening his half-closed eyes and sweeping his sharp gaze
over the people in the box.
"Why won't there be many?" You XiaoMo asked in surprise. He had
thought there would be a lot of people bidding for this, if the hungry
wolf-like gazes that the majority were directing at the Heavenly
Cauldron were any indication.
Ling Xiao said mildly, "Look at this situation. That Hu Feng and Tang
Hao definitely came for that Heavenly Cauldron. The people here all
seem to know that they're from a large power in the Southern
Continent. The prestige and influence the forces of the Southern
Continent possessed wasn't anything to scoff at and their financial
power was far greater than those of Bei Dong. If they can't be
beaten, then why compete at the risk of angering them?"
That was very true.
You XiaoMo glanced around the box. Though the people inside were
looking at the Heavenly Cauldron with visible desire, their gazes also
held a touch of defeat. Seems like they had long since decided to
give up.
Seeing everyone's covetous gazes, Yue QianShan looked up at the
boxes above. He could feel several intense gazes coming from the
boxes. A bloody battle was soon to come. He nodded in satisfaction
and said, smiling, "The Heavenly Cauldron starts from five hundred
thousand spirit gems, please, begin."
"Five hundred thousand spirit gems?"
The hopeful powers that heard this number were all shocked to the
point of barely being able to breathe.

The powers of BeiDong were truly lacking in financial power. Some
groups didn't even have five hundred thousand spirit gems when
including their assets. Even if they did, they wouldn't have anything
more than a million spirit gems, so this starting price had already
eliminated them.
However, the Heavenly Cauldron was truly worth the price, or rather,
this price was actually lower than the market price.
It should be known that to mages, any cauldron that ranked in the
top ten would be priceless.
That the Cang Alliance would auction off the Heavenly Cauldron was
truly something unexpected. The other forces that resided in far off
places naturally wouldn't expect this, so when Hu Feng and the
others heard of the news, they had come over immediately.
Hearing this price, Hu Feng and Tang Hao's expressions didn't waver
at all.
This wasn't the first time they had attended an auction of one of the
ranked cauldrons. They had been present for the auctioning of the
fifth ranked cauldron, the Thunder God's Cauldron. Back then, the
Thunder Cauldron's starting price was over five times the starting
price of the Heavenly Cauldron, and the price had increased over
tenfold over the progression of the auction, so five hundred
thousand really didn't mean anything.
"A million spirit gems." After a while of silence, Tang Hao was the
first to bid a price, and added five hundred thousand spirit gems all
at once. The entire room quietened.
Many of the groups had their passion extinguished in that instant. As
expected from someone from the Southern Continent. He let his
wealth speak for him, and they wouldn't even be able to catch up to
that on horses.

Hu Feng glanced at Tang Hao who was sitting in the next box over,
coldly harrumphing. He didn't blink as he said, "One million and five
hundred thousand spirit gems."
He had also added a full five hundred thousand spirit gems. As
expected, only these two would be left to compete.
The groups in the other boxes all sighed in awe.
That was when Duan MuQing looked over into the neighboring box
and, seeing that You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao didn't seem to intend to
compete, couldn't help but sigh softly. Seems like the starting price
was beyond their expectations.
Hearing Hu Feng's voice, Tang Hao's expression cooled, his eyes
taunting. He knew that the person who would be competing with
him would be Hu Feng, so he had fortunately prepared himself and
brought plenty of spirit gems. There was no way that Hu Feng would
"One million seven hundred thousand."
"One million eight hundred thousand."
"Two million."
The entire place was dead silent. Everyone was struck speechless by
these absurd prices.
The two competing voices were neck and neck, neither willing to
step down at all. With the continuous increases, the price had long
since left the scope of BeiDong's previous auctions, but neither
seemed to have the intention of stopping.
Though there were only two groups bidding, the situation was

"Five million spirit gems." As Tang Hao gave this shocking price, the
price of the Heavenly Cauldron finally reached tenfold its original
price. Though the price had yet to go over their expectations, it was
almost there.
When Tang Hao gave this price, Hu Feng's expression had already
drawn tight. It was clear that he was almost at his limit. After a while
of silence, he gritted out, "Five million and one hundred thousand
spirit gems."
Tang Hao's eyes flashed and, five seconds later, he said, "Hu Feng,
I've brought six million spirit gems with me this time. If you can offer
more than six million, I'll be willing to let you have the Heavenly
Cauldron." Then, he turned to eye Hu Feng smugly.
Hu Feng's eye twitched, almost jumping up off his seat.
Tang Hao's words caused his eyes to go red, flashing with murderous
green light. His expression was ugly, as if he had swallowed a fly. He
had somehow been beaten by Tang Hao. All he had brought this time
was six million as well, no more no less.
What he hadn't expected was that Tang Hao had the same as him. If
he offered six million, then Hu Feng couldn't also offer six million.
Looking at Hu Feng's expression, he knew that the other didn't have
it and couldn't help but feel triumphant.
His bet had paid off. Hu Feng had brought either the same or less
than him. No matter which it was, he had won.
Seeing how Hu Feng didn't give a price, Tang Hao spoke with a smile
to Yue QianShan down below them. "Lord Yue, I believe you can
begin counting down, no?"
Yue QianShan looked at the two of them and, seeing that it seemed
to be over, raised his voice and yelled, "Six million going once!"
"Going twice!

"Six million and one spirit gems!" That was when a clear and crisp
voice interrupted.
Tang Hao's smile froze on his face.
The voice came from inside the box. A commotion immediately rose
from the audience that had been quietly watching the two compete.
It had just been about to end when an outsider had suddenly cut in.
What was going on?
After a while, everyone's gaze converged on the box the voice had
come from. They were all curious about the person that dared to
show up Tang Hao and Hu Feng from the Southern Continent.
In the transparent box, the one that had raised his hand and called
out a price was an unfamiliar young man. Some sharp-eyed people
recognized him immediately though.
"It's him!"
"Who is he?"
"He's the young man that started an argument with the people from
the Southern Continent. It was because they were blocking the
entrance, that young man asked them to move and offended them."
"Holy crap, he sure is daring. He went against people from the
Southern Continent twice in a row; has he gotten tired of living or
something? Though BeiDong isn't their turf, it'd still be easy for them
to kill him."
"Who knows? He might be someone with a background too. Why
else would he still go against them despite knowing who they are?
Not all people with backgrounds like that are high profile."

Everyone talked amongst themselves and the entire place was filled
with a cacophony of voices. The silent auction had finally returned to
being alive with noise.
The Heavenly Cauldron was at the precipice of falling into his hands,
yet at the last moment, a person, bidding a measly one spirit gem
higher than him, had bid for the cauldron. He had fallen from that
feeling of delight to the very bottom in an instant. The immense
contrast was terrible to bare; it felt like he had been lured into a
Tang Hao expression had twisted, his murderous gaze landing
directly on You XiaoMo. Squeezing his hands into fists, his nails had
sunk into his palms, causing them to bleed.
"You again!"
You XiaoMo stared back without fear.
The auction didn't have a rule for a minimum increase in a bid, so
even increasing the price by a single spirit gem was allowed.
Tang hao knew this, so he was even less willing to accept this, his
hatred for You XiaoMo boiling over.
However, there was one person who was delighted by this. That
person was Hu Feng. The more frustrated Tang Hao was, the happier
he was. Of course, it wasn't because it was You XiaoMo, but because
he didn't want Tang Hao to have anything he couldn't. So what was
better than this?
Plus, he had just been baited and trapped by Tang Hao, so that rage
hadn't calmed yet. Seeing this guy receiving a humiliating defeat was
exactly what cheered him up as he reveled in Tang Hao's misfortune.
"Tang Hao! I never would've thought it would come to this for you!
Congratulations!" Hu Feng couldn't help but say, delighted at the
other's misfortune.

"Hu Feng!" Tang Hao was enraged, with that insult, Hu Feng had
added to his injury, his eyes seeming close to spewing fire as he
roared out a warning.
Hu Feng seemed to remember something and suddenly retracted his
laughter, giving a cold huff and stopping himself from rubbing salt in
the other's wounds further.
Tang Hao held back his rage the best he could, throwing the spear tip
back to You XiaoMo and said, harshly, "Brat, listen carefully, if you
piss us off in YinYang Valley, I'll assure you that you won't have a
good time in the TongTian Continent."
This was a blatant threat, using his own identity to intimidate an
opponent. This was something that happened quite often in
auctions. Most people who were on the receiving side could only
retreat and think themselves unfortunate. Since the auctions really
didn't have any rules against threatening other people, it was fine so
long as one didn't start a physical fight. That was why Tang Hao
dared to say something like this in front of Yue QianShan.
The audience looked towards Yue QianShan and saw that, as
expected, he didn't have any reaction. It seemed like, so long as Tang
Hao didn't actually attack anyone then he wouldn't step in.
After Tang Hao said this, the young man in the box fell silent. After a
while, when the audience thought that You XiaoMo had been scared
by those words, he spoke again.
"Alright then, I'll add one more spirit gem to my bid."

Chapter 388: The Man Who Intervenes
Once Again
Silence, dead silence…
Below them, a few seconds later, multiple waves of intakes of breath
sounded. Everyone looked at You XiaoMo with unconcealed
astonishment in their eyes.
"They're actually from the Yin Yang Valley, no wonder they're so
"My God this kid is going to get it."
"Knowing his identity and that he can still say those things, looks like
they really don't care about the Yin Yang Valley. Courageous,
In such an openly public area the young man had paid no mind to the
reputation of the Yin Yang Valley. Not only that, his words were like a
firm slap to the face for Tang Hao. That was more effective than any
poisonous words and drove Tang Hao mad.
But no one noticed that Hu Feng's expression changed too, he was
now gloating over Tang Hao's misery.
"Hey, you, I dare you say that again." Tang Hao's angry voice
sounded again, his whole face blackened as he turned to You XiaoMo
with murder in his eyes. His two guards behind him also stood up,
emitting a strong pressure.
You XiaoMo just thought of it as funny. Making him repeat himself,
even though he already said that no matter how many times he
repeated himself, it would still be the same.
But he didn't think he would meet someone from the Yin Yang Valley
here. He didn't know if they had some type relationship with that
middle-aged man Mu Sheng. Maybe they could start with him.

Actually, You XiaoMo was over thinking this, as very few knew of the
Vermillion Blood clan's trip to the Long Xiang Continent and about
the heritage treasure. It in itself it was a top hidden secret.
Otherwise, if more knew of it, people outside of the Vermilion Blood
Clan, like Dao Yun's master, would know of it too.
"Hey big bro over there, isn't an auction a fight with money? Since I
already gave my price, if you can't bid higher then that is your
problem." You XiaoMo said smiling.
Tang Hao was so angry his nose went crooked. There was nothing
wrong with what he said, but with Tang Hao's pride, getting his prize
snatched at the most critical moment, how could he be okay? He was
itching to kill.
"You brat, I'm going to say it one last time, if you mess with the Yin
Yang Valley, that's also offending the Vermilion Blood Clan. Even
then, are you still going to fight with me over the Heavenly
Cauldron?" Tang Hao's eyes held with a cold light, staring intensely at
You XiaoMo. If it wasn't the auction house of the Cang Alliance, he
would have made a move already. Otherwise, there was no way he
would let someone like this be so arrogant in front of him.
You XiaoMo nodded, "I know you're from the Yin Yang Valley and it
has the Vermilion Blood Clan as backing. You don't have to tell me,
I'm not illiterate. But even so, then what? Can you disregard the
auction house's rule just because you have really strong backup?"
Once again, Tang Hao was enraged by his casual way of speaking to
the point of his eyes turning red and body slightly shaking, all signs of
immense anger.
"Okay, let's stop the nonsense now, young master Tang, if you can't
give a higher price then I'll announce the ownership of the Heavenly
Cauldron." At this moment, having watched enough of the spectacle,
Yue QianShan finally spoke.

Once he spoke, the auction house quieted down and Tang Hao's
reason came back from his angered state. His brain told him that he
could not make a move at the Cang Alliance's auction, otherwise he
would be forever banned as a customer and his face would be
thrown out the window to the Southern Continent.
Tang Hao took in a deep breath and looked at You XiaoMo with
enmity, "You brat, just you wait!"
When he finished he took his two guards and walked out of his
booth, leaving the auction house. It was true that he couldn't give a
higher price, if he stayed, he would just be making a fool of himself.
But most importantly, he couldn't kill in the auction house, if he
wanted to make a move it would have to be done outside.
Once the troublemaker left, Yue QianShan immediately announced,
"It looks like no one else can give a higher bid, then I announce…"
"Hold it." Just as everyone thought the auction was finally over,
another voice interrupted Yue QianShan. The voice was a bit low, but
you can tell it was a woman.
Once again something unexpected making everyone at the auction
As people turned towards the source of the voice, they saw someone
suddenly standing up in a corner of the auction house, wearing a
grey cloak that covered their entire body. She was probably the one
who spoke up. Not knowing her intentions, everyone watched
holding their breath.
You XiaoMo didn't know whether to laugh or cry at someone
mimicking his tactics.
Also making trouble at the critical, final moment. Before it was
always them who would come out last and 'take over'. To their
surprise it was the opposite this time, kind of refreshing.

Ling Xiao stroked his smooth chin as he looked down at the person
below, he slightly narrowed his eyes.
As if she didn't notice all of the gazes, after she stood up she said, "I'll
give seven million spirit gems."
After she said this, the crowd all exclaimed in surprise, six million
spirit gems was already not a low price, but to add another million on
top of that. What was going on today? Why were there so many
super rich people? Compared to them, they were just fooling
You XiaoMo felt a tiny, tiny understanding of Tang Hao's emotion.
But since he wasn't someone narrow-minded and like he said, at an
auction, one competed with riches.
Since they had already given a price, he couldn't be like Tang Hao
and threaten them, not to mention he had no status to show off, at
most he had Ling Xiao beside him.
"Ten million." Suddenly Ling Xiao spoke up, he didn't use You
XiaoMo's tactic and just added on three million spirit gems,
successfully being the most amount of spirit gems added in one go
for this auction.
You XiaoMo almost lost his temper and quickly asked in a hush tone,
"Why did you add so much at once?"
Ling Xiao replied, "This person is not simple, if she can add one
million then clearly she has not reached her limit. Adding a little at a
time would be a waste of time, might as well make it simpler."
However, from five hundred thousand to ten million was definitely
unheard of in Bei Dong.
The other party seemed surprised at that.
The crowd was dead silent, they were almost used to it by now.

In the booth beside You XiaoMo, the Duan Mu Family was
completely speechless, especially Duan MuQing who became
stupified as he remembered what he told You XiaoMo, that Tang Hao
had brought a lot of spirit gems.
As for Dao Yun, since the beginning, his mouth was wide opened in
astonishment. He didn't think someone he had spent three days with
had this much money, ten million spirit gems just thrown out there
with a single word.
The women with the cape hesitantly said another number, "Ten
million and two hundred thousand spirit gems."
This number was clearly a sign of the last struggle as she was
unwilling to give up, however, it was really too bad.
Ling Xiao said, "Eleven million spirit gems."
The caped women stayed silent and eventually shook her head. In
disappointment she sat down, she had given up, even if she could
add more, it was clear that her wealth could not compare. When
they added spirit gems, there was no hesitation, even three million
was thrown out like nothing, there was no point in fighting anymore.
"Going once for eleven million!"
"Going three times for eleven million! Sold!" As Yue QianShan said
'sold', it meant that the auction was finally over, although there were
little accidents along the way, You XiaoMo still got the Heavenly
This price was actually not unjustifiable, since the Heavenly Cauldron
was still ranked seventh and the spirit gems came so easily. Since it
wasn't earned by You XiaoMo himself, his heartache was just for a
moment before being washed away by the joy of getting the

After Yue QianShan announced that the auction was over, he told
everyone to go backstage to pay the spirit gems and take their item.
You XiaoMo told Dao Yun and the people of the Duan Mu Family to
go on ahead, he and Ling Xiao would go backstage to receive the
Heavenly Cauldron. Initially, Dao Yun wanted to go with them to
check it out, but seeing their determined faces, he could only give up
on the idea.
When they arrived backstage, some of Bei Dong's forces were there
as well.
Among them were the Si Kong Family who had hunted the Duan Mu
The Si Kong Family had already known that the people they sent out
to kill Duan MuQing had died. They also knew that You XiaoMo and
Ling Xiao had something to do with it too, since Duan MuQing came
back that day with them.
Initially they were going to make trouble for them after the auction,
but they didn't think something that unexpected was going to
happen. If they dared offend the Yin Yang Valley and could casually
bring out ten million spirit gems, they weren't someone they could
mess with.
Once You XiaoMo gave the spirit gems, Yue QianShan got someone
to bring the Heavenly Cauldron over.
The red cauldron was even smaller than what You XiaoMo had seen
on the stage. It went from the size of a soccer ball to a fist, it was
very mini and easy to carry around.
"This is your cauldron." Yue QianShan said as he handed it over.
You XiaoMo happily took it, he couldn't believe that just as they
arrived on Tong Tian Continent that they would get a Heavenly
Cauldron. Really, their luck was abnormally good.

Joyously taking his item, You XiaoMo pulled Ling Xiao along to leave.
"Wait a moment." Yue QianShan suddenly stopped them as they
were about to turn to leave.
You XiaoMo turned his head to look at him.
Yue QianShan reminded them, "You two should be careful leaving,
both Tang Hao and Hu Feng are people who seek revenge for the
smallest grievances. They probably won't let you guys off." He had a
favorable impression of them, so he made a point to remind them.
You XiaoMo replied with a smile, "Thank you!"
And then he and Ling Xiao left the backstage area of the auction hall.

Chapter 389: Dao Yun's Departure
Just when You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao were leaving the auction hall
through the backstage door, they were surprised to see Dao Yun
leaning against the wall.
"Dao Yun, didn't we tell you to go back first? Why are you waiting for
When Dao Yun saw them, he shrugged and said, "It seems like you
guys are still unaware of what happened when you went backstage."
"It's something to do with that Tang Hao isn't it?" Ling Xiao had a
look of understanding as he stated plainly.
"That's right." Dao Yun looked at Ling Xiao cheekily.
"What happened exactly?" You XiaoMo asked.
"After that Tang Hao left the auction hall, he got people to spread
the word that anybody who sided with us would be going against the
Yin Yang Valley. The DuanMu family was afraid of bringing trouble to
themselves so they cut all ties with us. I'm afraid we can't go back to
the inn anymore." Dao Yun explained.
While You XiaoMo understood that the DuanMu family had their
own reasons, he was still slightly displeased at their actions. They
didn't even let them stay at the inn anymore! At the very least, they
saved DuanMu Qing's life. They deserved at least that much!
"Then what about the Dimensional Teleportation portal? Won't that
mean we can't use it anymore?" You XiaoMo could understand why
the DuanMu's did what they did, and honestly, he wasn't surprised.
What he was really worried about was the XiaEr family refusing to let
them use their Dimensional Teleportation portal because of this.
That would be troublesome.

"That may not be the case. Actually, before the DuanMus left they
passed me an invitation letter from the XiaEr family. They even told
me that they have told the XiaEr's about the Dimensional
Teleportation portal and they agreed. Even if that Tang Hao found
out, I doubt he will stop us. In fact, he may even welcome it." Dao
Yun walked in front of them and said.
After You XiaoMo digested what he said, he instantly got what he
Tang Hao was from the Yin Yang Valley and the Yin Yang Valley was
one of the strongest forces on the Southern Continent. Once they
were in his territory, killing them would be much easier.
Presumably, Tang Hao must hate them to the bone, so he wouldn't
let them die so easily. Therefore, it was most likely that he would
only attack when they reached the Southern Continent.
Ling Xiao scanned the surrounding. There were fewer and fewer
people on the street but he could sense that some were watching
them. "Since they're so eager to see us go to the Southern Continent,
then as they wish, we'll go to the XiaEr's tomorrow." Ling Xiao spoke
as if it wasn't a matter of concern.
Since You XiaoMo wanted to leave BeiDong as soon as possible, he
Dao Yun had no objections.
That night, they found another inn to settle down for the night. Not
long after, they heard news of Tang Hao and Hu Feng leaving
BeiDong, apparently quite hurriedly too. This utterly disappointed
those who wanted to watch some drama unfold but there were also
some that had the same speculations as Dao Yun.
Just before he went to sleep, You XiaoMo picked up an almost
inaudible sound from the next room, all thanks to his Soul Power. If

not for his Soul Power getting more sensitive by the day, he might
not even have noticed. That sound was coming from Dao Yun's room.
"It's so late already, why is Dao Yun even going out?"
Ling Xiao laid on the bed and replied lazily, "Dao Yun isn't as simple
and harmless as he looks on the surface. Previously when you tried
to probe him about some matters, he definitely didn't tell you the
You XiaoMo frowned. From an outsider's point of view, Dao Yun and
them seemed really chummy but they had only known each other for
a few days. Dao Yun definitely wasn't as simple as he appeared to be
if he could be taken in as a disciple by the Thief God, one of the Ten
Divine Gods of the Tong Tian Continent. He could even have been
guarding against them from the very start.
You XiaoMo couldn't help but feel helpless. He still wasn't used to
seeing others in a negative light.
"Believe it or not, he could already gotten some information about
his master. Maybe he may even suggest splitting up with us
tomorrow." Ling Xiao continued. While he wanted to obtain
information from Dao Yun's master through Dao Yun, the Thief God
route was not the only way for him.
"If he really said that, then there is nothing we can do about it." That
was all that You XiaoMo could say. They couldn't possibly just tie Dao
Yun up, it wasn't their way of doing things and unnecessary to say
the least.
"Actually that would be good too. Him following us around is
somewhat unnecessary." Ling Xiao stated plainly.
"What do you mean by unnecessary?" You XiaoMo didn't

Ling Xiao sat up and glanced at him, then he smiled. "He's
unnecessary alright. Ever since he joined us, you never let me kiss
you in public anymore. I've long wanted him gone." YouXiao Mo
should be glad he didn't say Dao Yun was an eyesore.
Boss, even if Dao Yun wasn't here, I've never let you kiss me in
public, okay?
The second day, Ling Xiao's words held true.
Dao Yun came to find them even before the two of them left their
room. You XiaoMo remembered the conversation he had with Ling
Xiao yesterday, but it didn't show on his face. Instead, he spoke to
Dao Yun very naturally, "Dao Yun you're up early! We're not done yet
though. Why not wait for us in the big hall downstairs?"
"No, I have something to tell you." Dao Yun was slightly
uncomfortable as he spoke, his face apologetic.
"What is it? Say it." You XiaoMo knew Ling Xiao hit the bull's eye
when he saw Dao Yun's expression.
"It's like this. I've already obtained some information on my master,
but he doesn't seem to be on the Southern Continent. I guess this is
where we separate." Dao Yun had a face full of regret. Previously, it
was him who decided to tag along and now he was going back on his
words. He didn't know how to face them.
You XiaoMo was stunned for a moment before replying, "Oh. Since
you've gotten news of your master, then finding him is more
important, of course. Don't worry about it."
"I'm really sorry, I didn't expect things to turn out like this." While he
was talking about leaving them, Dao Yun felt really sorry towards the
two of them. Talking about leaving now was as if he was cutting all
ties with them.

"You don't have to apologise." Ling Xiao walked over with a cold
demeanor. "We aren't that close. Wherever you go is none of our
business, you don't have to tell us specially."
Dao Yun's face tensed. "That's true…" He mumbled.
You XiaoMo wanted to facepalm himself. Ling Xiao was too blunt. He
immediately tried to salvage the situation by explaining, "Dao Yun,
don't pay him any mind. He's just like that."
"I know. Then I'm off now, you guys take care." Dao Yun nodded. He
might not have spent a long time with those two but he more or less
figured out Ling Xiao's character.
"You take care too!" You XiaoMo watched as Dao Yun left, only
turning his attention back to Ling Xiao when Dao Yun finally
disappeared at the end of the street.
"Why did you have to say that? Even though he didn't tell us the
truth, he also didn't do anything to harm us. Maybe we could even
be friends in the future!"
Ling Xiao glanced at him. "Didn't you say I was this type of person?"
You XiaoMo choked for a moment. He actually used my own words
against me!
"Tell me honestly, were you planning something?" You XiaoMo
definitely didn't believe Ling Xiao would say those words for no
reason. He already guessed that Dao Yun would come to look for
them the day before, so why would he spout such caustic words?
"Tsk, Tsk. Since you've already noticed, then it can't be helped."
Surprisingly, Ling Xiao laughed with a rather annoying smile on his
face. You XiaoMo felt that Ling Xiao had reverted back to his hateful

Then, he remembered. Ever since Dao Yun appeared, Ling Xiao had
been hovering around him like a guardian spirit. He didn't talk much
too but after Dao Yun left, he immediately showed his true colours.
"Then hurry up and say it." You XiaoMo definitely wouldn't admit it,
but he missed it a lot.
"Actually, even if Dao Yun didn't leave, I would still find an excuse to
make him go. Don't forget, we have many secrets that others can't
know. The Vermillion Blood Clan must be searching for us now, so if
Dao Yun knows about that, even if he doesn't have his eyes on their
clan treasure, the same can't be said for his master. Furthermore,
once we reach the Southern Continent, we have to change into our
disguises. It won't be suitable if he's here." Ling Xiao explained his
plans when You XiaoMo was about to bristle.
Luckily, Dao Yun left early. If he had stayed around longer, You
XiaoMo reckoned things would get ugly if Ling Xiao had to chase him
away. And not just that, while Ling Xiao previously said that they
could obtain information about the Thief God through Dao Yun, Dao
Yun was not a man that could be easily fooled. Ling Xiao and You
XiaoMo could more or less tell that was the case as they had never
heard him reveal anything related to his Shifu at all during the past
few days they spent together.
"I’m done talking. Let’s go to the XiaEr family." Ling Xiao walked out
of the room and You XiaoMo hurriedly caught up with him.
The XiaEr family's forces weren’t in Tian Xiang City but where the
Dimensional Teleportation portal they controlled was. There were
many powerhouses from the XiaEr family guarding the portal and
many feared them. As long as someone heard of the XiaEr family, no
one dared to forcefully go against them.
After they left the inn, You XiaoMo hired a horse carriage nearby.
The Dimensional Teleportation portal was too far away from the inn

they were staying at. Not only that, Tian Xiang City didn't allow
powerhouses to fly in the sky so the only way to get other places was
by carriage.

Chapter 390: Departure
The carriage finally brought them to a large manor after two hours.
The manor stood alone. There were no other buildings surrounding it
and it was built on a spacious, empty field. It was solitary but the
atmosphere surrounding it was solemn. There were layers upon
layers of experts guarding the area inside. This was where the
dimensional teleportation that You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao were
looking for was located.
You XiaoMo paid the driver one spirit gem. The driver may have been
too excited when he left. The carriage was visibly shuddering as it
was driven away, as though it would come loose at any moment.
Ling Xiao glanced at the manor a couple of times. Other than the
layer upon layer of guards outside, there were also many experts
keeping watch inside. If not for the DuanMu Clan's acting as a go-
between, they may probably had to have forced their way in.
"Is that Dimensional Transportation portal really inside there?" You
XiaoMo stretched his neck and peered in the direction of the manor.
It looked just like a residence and did not seem like there would be a
Dimensional Transportation porta inside.
"There are a few hints of spatial forces leaking out from the manor.
There's definitely a Dimensional Transportation portal inside. Let's go
take a look." Ling Xiao said as he walked towards it.
Before they could walk in, one of the guards outside suddenly came
forward, "Halt. This is the territory of the XiaEr Clan. Come no closer.
Otherwise, don't blame us for using force."
You XiaoMo immediately took out the invitation card that the
DuanMu Clan gave them and passed it to the guard, "This big
brother, this is our invitation. Please verify it."

The guard looked at the invitation and glanced at them with surprise,
"Come with me."
Walking past the manor, You XiaoMo saw a ten meters long and
wide stone platform that had been standing for an eon in a place
similar to a garden. The stone platform was engraved with densely
packed vein-like patterns. The space above it had a slight wrinkle
which spread into a circular black hole. A hint of familiar spatial force
leaked out from inside the black hole.
This was the Dimensional Transportation portal. The powerhouses
from the XiaEr Clan had already surrounded it. The guard was so
tight that even a housefly was unable to fly past.
They soon met the person-in-charge of the manor.
When the doddering old man with a head of grizzled hair saw them,
his muddy eyes instantly radiated a brilliant light while separately
sweeping over them.
"Are you two the people that the DuanMu Clan mentioned? This old
fellow heard that there were three people. Why did it become two
now? What about the other one?"
Ling Xiao's expression was tranquil and calm as he replied, "He left
already. We are not familiar with him."
The old man muttered to himself for a few seconds, "Never mind.
The XiaEr Clan would open the dimensional transportation portal for
the both of you because of the DuanMu Clan's request. But the fee
would come out of your own pockets. I believe that the both of you
do not lack this bit of spirit gems." The old man pointedly stated. He
had obviously heard of what they had done at the auction.
"May I ask how much the fee is?" You XiaoMo asked.
"Five thousand spirit gems per person."

You XiaoMo blinked and thought that he had misheard it. He
remembered that the price per person in Bei Dong was lower.
Moreover, this was just a transportation from Bei Dong to the
Southern Continent, wasn't this price too high?
"It's not high." The old man clearly saw his doubts, "If you fly from
Bei Dong to the Southern Continent without taking the dimensional
transportation, it would take more than a hundred years to arrive
while travelling at the speed of an Imperial Realm expert. The price
would naturally be much lower if you were travelling within the
borders of Bei Dong."
The price really did not seem to be that high based on the distance,
but it was still outrageously high for most people. It was also because
of this that the flow of people to and from Bei Dong was low.
"If it's five thousand, so be it. When will the Dimensional
Transportation portal be opened?" Ling Xiao had lived in the Tong
Tian Continent before and he knew how precious spirit gems were.
Regardless of whether he did or did not have spirit gems on his
person, his brain never contained this word called 'valuable'.
Seeing that he was so frank and straightforward, the old man stroked
his beard and said with a smile, "It can be opened now if you two are
in a hurry to leave."
Truthfully, they had already begun to prepare the Dimensional
Transportation portal before the events at the auction had spread.
Since someone who was able to pay a bid of ten million spirit gems
for the Heavenly Caldron would absolutely not be stingy about five
thousand spirit gems.
Don't think that it seemed like five thousand spirit gems were very
little. Actually this was already a large sum to the XiaEr Clan, as even
though they were the ones in control of the Dimensional
Transportation portal, very few people were able to afford the fee of

using it. In fact, this was one of the reasons why the XiaEr Clan would
agree to let them use the Dimensional Transportation portal.
The old man brought them to the garden, which was also the
location of the dimensional transportation.
He took out an enormous leaf from his magic bag, "This is a boat
made from a single leaf of the Eternal Evergreen Tree. This type of
leaf naturally possesses a strong sense of spatial force. If you use this
leaf when travelling by the dimensional transportation portal, you
will be able to shorten your travelling time by nearly half."
You XiaoMo's eyes shone and he quickly asked, "How much is this
A merchant must be crafty. You XiaoMo believed that it would
definitely not be cheap.
The old man beamed, "Ten thousand spirit gems."
You XiaoMo felt that it was really expensive, but he still bought it as
the benefit of shortening travelling time by a month really attracted
him. Although they were travelling by the dimensional
transportation, they would still need three to four months to reach
their destination.
Twenty thousand spirit gems were earned in a moment. The amount
was equivalent to the total profits earned by the XiaEr Clan in a year,
as after deducting various kinds of expenses, the XiaEr Clan did not
earn much spirit gems yearly.
After sending the two off, the old man felt that it would be really
good if there were a couple of people like them coming every year.
The theory of the dimensional transportation was different from the
theory of the Trans-Dimensional tunnel.
The Dimensional transportation was similar to an immense ocean
current as there was an automatic motional force. Even if one stood

there and did not move, the dimensional transportation would still
send the people inside to their destination. So the whole thing was
akin to a steady and flowing ocean current.
You XiaoMo took out the leaf boat after entering the black hole.
The enormous leaf boat let off a faint clean and fresh spiritual
energy. This spiritual energy wrapped them up and gave rise to a
resonance with the 'ocean current'-like spatial energy and nearly
doubled their speed all at once.
"What is the Eternal Evergreen Tree?" You XiaoMo sat in front of Ling
Xiao and turned back to ask him to his face.
Ling Xiao lowered his head, "It is a type of spiritual tree that has
survived from ancient times. It only exists in dimensional crevices
and its leaves are green all year round. Moreover, it will never
"So if we go to other realms next time, wouldn't we be able to use
the leaf of the Eternal Evergreen Tree?" You XiaoMo was pleasantly
surprise as he schemed.
Ling Xiao smirked, "That's not possible as the Trans-Dimensional
tunnels are unstable. If we use the Leaf Boat, it may possibly bring us
to another place. If our luck is good, it would bring us to another
realm. If our luck is bad, we may possibly end up in a place full of
spatial storms."
You XiaoMo remembered the time where Ling Xiao exhausted so
much of his spiritual power to ward off that spatial storm they
encountered in the Trans-Dimensional tunnel. If they really ended up
in a place filled with spatial storms, they would not be able to
"I'm going to cultivate." You XiaoMo was suddenly embarrassed after
staring at Ling Xiao, who had been staring into his eyes. He withdrew
his line of sight and turned around after saying that sentence. The

time he had for cultivation had decreased ever since the incident in
the Boundless Sea.
However, he would take some time out everyday to cultivate, so
although he was currently still a level eight mage, he was already a
high-grade level eight mage. He intended to use this chance to break
through the ninth level. He had been having a premonition that
something was going to happen, so he had a pressing need to raise
his strength.
Ling Xiao drew You XiaoMo into his embrace and rubbed his cheek
on You XiaoMo's head, "XiaoMo, do you want to try it once here?"
"No, I don't." You XiaoMo turned his hand over and swatted Ling
Xiao's head. This animal was able to go into heat everywhere! After
swatting, he immediately felt fear in his heart, as this seemed to be
the first time that he had swatted Ling Xiao's head.
Ling Xiao used his forehead to softly knock on the back of his head.
The knock caused You XiaoMo to lean forward, but then he was
gathered back into Ling Xiao's embrace again. He wanted to
complain, however the hit suddenly knocked a matter loose, "Are
you able to undo the seal on the jade drive that the old geezer gave
me now?"
Ling Xiao regretfully replied, "I can't."
"Why? Didn't you say that you would be able to do it after three
"Because this husband has been busy with waiting upon the wife."
You XiaoMo's mouth twitched, "…I'm asking you seriously."
Furthermore, he did not feel that Ling Xiao was busy with waiting
upon him. It was more like he had been busy oppressing him.
Ling Xiao used a kind of 'you don't understand humor' expression to
look at him, "That was a conservative estimate. We had always been

in a hurry these few months. Where was there time to digest the
cultivation bases of those people? There's still more than half which
haven't been digested. I still need to spend quite a lot of time to do
You XiaoMo touched his chest, "Then it's fortunate that there's time
now. Let's cultivate together."
Ling Xiao immediately hugged him as his eyes brightened, "That's
great, ah, let's do it together."
You XiaoMo coughed, "I'm talking about cultivating separately."
Ling Xiao had a serious expression, "Wife, this lord is more than
willing to ride with you."
You XiaoMo could not get rid of that scene in a moment and his
nosebleed nearly sprayed out. Sure enough, this animal was such a
scourge, "If you don't want to cultivate, you can watch me cultivate. I
don't mind."
After speaking, You XiaoMo ignored him and sat crossed-legged and
began to quietly meditate.
Ling Xiao supported his chin with one hand as he looked at You
XiaoMo's face with burning eyes.
After five minutes, You XiaoMo's eyelids twitched.
After ten minutes, You XiaoMo's cheek spasmed.
After fifteen minutes, You XiaoMo grimaced and opened his eyes.
Flying into a rage out of humiliation, he whacked Ling Xiao, "Are you
going to cultivate or not?!"
Ling Xiao laughed so hard that his shoulders were shaking, "Didn't
you say that you don't mind me looking at you cultivating?"
You XiaoMo glared, "You really believed it!"
Ling Xiao nodded, "Of course, I must believe in what my wife says."

You XiaoMo frowned, "Then are you going to listen to what your wife
Ling Xiao fell silent for quite a while before he reluctantly nodded,
You XiaoMo directly ignored his reluctant expression, "This is what
you said. You better close your eyes now and cultivate. Don't look at
me again."
"Your husband obeys…"

Chapter 391: Trouble Caused by Pimples
Half a month went by swiftly. On this calm day, the inside of the
Dimensional Teleportation portal suddenly began to tremble softly.
Ling Xiao noticed this abnormality and opened his eyes, seeing that
the space around You XiaoMo, sitting opposite him, had changed. He
was probably about to breakthrough, and when breaking through, he
needed to absorb a lot of spiritual energy, thus the vibrations in the
However, there was a huge problem with breaking through inside a
teleportation portal.Dimensional Teleportation portals contained
only infinite spatial force and almost no spiritual energy.
It was a good thing that Ling Xiao has considered this beforehand
and made You XiaoMo stash tens of bottles of spiritual water in his
bag for emergencies.
Ling Xiao took out five bottle of spiritual water and placed them next
to him. He turned his palm up and five small flames sprung forth
from his palm before flying into the bottles of spiritual water at his
Not long later, milky white spiritual energy floated out from the
openings of the vials. As if sensing You XiaoMo's need for it, the
spiritual energy swerved towards and into You XiaoMo's body as
Half a day passed liked that.
Seeing that the water in the bottles were almost used up, Ling Xiao
took out another five bottles and used the same method to create
more spiritual energy.
After fourteen hours, You XiaoMo's motionless body suddenly

In the next second, the spiritual energy that had been created from
spiritual water whirled into You XiaoMo's body even more intensely,
like a small tornado, fighting to get there first.
After about another two hours, the absorption of spiritual energy
finally began to peter out before coming to a halt entirely.
You XiaoMo opened his eyes and immediately saw the magnified
view of Ling Xiao's face, causing him to jump. "What are you doing so
Ling Xiao didn't blink as he replied, "A red nub like thing appeared on
your face."
You XiaoMo immediately grabbed his own face, calling out in shock,
Ling Xiao asked curiously, "What are pimples?"
You XiaoMo answered, "Pimples are something that prove you're
Lign Xiao rubbed his chin in thought, "So it's like that. Then why don't
I have any?"
You XiaoMo couldn't help the sound of laughter that came from his
mouth. His gaze rolled to the side in thought before he said,
delighted at a chance to mess with Ling Xiao, "Because you're very,
very old already. You're an old man, so of course you wouldn't have
Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes, "You find me old?"
You XiaoMo felt the hair on his arms stand up at this gaze and
couldn't help but backpedal in regret for his words. "Of course not,
I'm just stating a fact." He would never tell Ling Xiao that people with
good skin wouldn't get pimples, otherwise Ling Xiao's head wouldn't
be able to fit through the door anymore.

Ling Xiao suddenly smiled. "But… I was messing with you when I said
you had a pimple. So that means you're an old man, too."
You XiaoMo: "…"
T-tricked again!
After half an hour, Ling Xiao seemed to begin to delight in calling him
old. Every time he addressed You XiaoMo, he had to add "old man"
to it at the beginning. Like now.
"Old man, we still have a day before we arrive at the Southern
Continent. Why don't you start preparing? The Southern Continent is
in a more chaotic situation than Bei Dong and the population is ten
times Bei Dong, too."
You XiaoMo: "…"
After a while.
"Old man, after getting to the Southern Continent, let your contract
beasts out. Having fed and housed them for so long, it's time that
they work to pay us back."
You XiaoMo was now deeply experiencing the feeling of dropping a
stone on his own foot. He regretted it.
You XiaoMo gripped Ling Xiao's arm, crying tears and snot as he said,
"I was wrong. I'll never try and mess with you again."
Being called old man all the time, even as a joke, felt way too weird.
Plus, if he didn't surrender, Ling Xiao would probably continue and
might even call him that in front of other people. All he did was play
one prank; did Ling Xiao really have to get his revenge in such a way?
Ling Xiao cupped his face and said, smiling, "My dear wife, trying to
change after knowing you're wrong is one of the best things a person
can do."
Best things, your ass!

If it wasn't for you messing with me first, then I would've never tried
to mess with you.
Of course, You XiaoMo didn't dare say that aloud. Otherwise, Ling
Xiao would keep dragging things out. It wasn't like he wasn't used it,
anyways, surrendering first he meant.
"My dear wife…"
Hearing the other, You XiaoMo raised his head.
Ling Xiao lowered his head and kissed him on the lips, "A kiss first…"
The slow, soft, gentle kiss tickled at his heart like a feather. It was so
gentle that it felt like you could squeeze water from it. You XiaoMo
felt like he was getting drunk.
After the kiss, You XiaoMo collapsed into Ling Xiao's embrace, face
"What are you laughing at?" You XiaoMo raised his head, looking at
him in frustrated embarrassment.
The corner of Ling Xiao's lips curled upwards bewitchingly as he
stroked You XiaoMo's face with a hand. "My dear wife, you're as
pure as ever, even after having done it so many times."
You XiaoMo flushed again, slapping his hand away. "Do you think
everyone is shameless like you?" Then he quickly switched the topic.
"You said we'd get to the Southern Continent in a day right? Then
let's get into our disguises now."
You XiaoMo sat up straight, taking out their disguises from his bag.
Ling Xiao had used an ugly mask in the DaoXin Academy, but the
Vermillion Blood Clan knew about that already, so they couldn't use
that anymore. The silver mask had been used at the Boundless Sea,

but Yu WenNan and the middle aged man had seen it so they
couldn't use it either.
"How about you use Lin Xiao's face like you did at the TianXin Sect?"
You XiaoMo suggested, looking at Ling Xiao's face.
"No," Ling Xiao rejected it, "All I have to do is make some small
adjustments to my original appearance. It's not like I can only
transform to Lin Xiao's face."
"Then transform for me to see."
Ling Xiao raised a hand over his face and his appearance suddenly
Seeing this face that wasn't much different from his original
appearance, You XiaoMo made a sincere suggestion, "Can you make
yourself a little more average?"
Ling Xiao glanced at him and continued to change his appearance.
You XiaoMo continued to speak, "Just a little more average…"
Ling Xiao accepted the suggestion with an open mind. He changed
his appearance again. Afterwards, he looked at You XiaoMo with an
unfathomable look. "Am I good to go now?"
The corner of You XiaoMo's mouth twitched, "…You're good."
Then it came to clothing. Since not many people would look at one's
attire, Ling Xiao wore what he originally did. However, in the future,
he couldn't just wear that white robe. He had to wear the set of
black clothing occasionally as well. Of course, this was just a personal
suggestion of You XiaoMo's, but You XiaoMo wouldn't tell him that.
You XiaoMo then took out a ribbon he had found in his bag. "Tie this
ribbon around your head. That way, it can change your demeanor."

Ling Xiao tied the band around his head skeptically. Pairing the dark
purple ribbon with the black clothing added a hint of solemnity and
coldness to his demeanor. If he showed less emotion, he's definitely
be one of those abstinent cool types.
"So handsome!" You XiaoMo praised his own sense of style.
Ling Xiao's eyes narrowed. "Who are you calling handsome?"
Alarm bells rang in his head as You XiaoMo saw the expression Ling
Xiao wore and hurriedly added, "Of course it's you! No matter what
you're like, you'll always be the most handsome to me!"
Ling Xiao was only satisfied then.
You XiaoMo packed away the rest of his stuff.
Ling Xiao asked, "Aren't you doing to go into disguise?"
You XiaoMo shook his head. "I don't need to. After getting to the
Southern Continent, I just need to get CatQiu to change my
appearance. His cultivational level has improved quite a lot. Very few
people will be able to see through his illusions."
Ling Xiao said, "After you learn Beast Transfiguration, you can turn
him into a mask."
You XiaoMo immediately thought of the Beast Transfiguration Chant
that could turn LanQiu into a pair of wings. It was unfortunately that
he only knew one chant. "Where can I learn Beast Transfiguration?"
Ling Xiao said, "I'll give you a basic rundown of TongTian Continent
first. Apart from Bei Dong, the Southern Continent, Xi Jing and Dong
Zhou, there's also a Zhong Tian. Zhong Tian is the only place in the
TongTian Continent that doesn't have a dividing line. There are three
great powers there: the Mage's Guild, the Beast Transfiguration
Guild and the TongTian Palace. Amongst them, the TongTian Palace
is the religion that presides over all of the powers in the TongTian
Continent. Even the Four Ancient Beasts Clans can't touch them."

T/n: here's is the gist of the TongTian's map through location name.
Bei Dong (北动): Northern Movement
NanLu(南陆): Southern Continent
Xi Jing(西境): Western Border
Dong Zhou(东洲): Eastern Continent/Island
Zhong Tian(中天): Sky Center, in this case it's mean that TongTian's
You XiaoMo blinked. "Religion?"
Ling Xiao nodded. "That's right, but the one I want to talk with you
about is the Beast Transfiguration Guild. If you want to learn Beast
Transfiguration, you can only go there. They have the most
comprehensive collection of Beast Transfiguration in all of the
TongTian Continent."
You XiaoMo sighed softly. Seems like this would have to wait.
Ling Xiao ruffled his hair. "After rescuing Feng ChiYun, we can go to
Zhong Tian to have a look."
You XiaoMo frowned. "It'll probably be very hard to rescue Feng
ChiYun, right?"
They were completely clueless about the Vermillion Blood Family
right now and didn't know where Feng ChiYun was either. If they
wanted to rescue him, they'd have to first figure out where he was
being kept.
Ling Xiao said, "If we go around asking about it, we might alert the
Vermillion Blood Family to our actions. It's not just us who want to
rescue Feng ChiYun. Let's regroup with Yin Ge and the others before
planning this out."
Yin Ge was half of a Nine Headed Serpent King, and they were the
leaders of all serpents with hundred of thousands of snakes under

their command. They would have a much easier time gathering intel
about the Vermillion Blood Family.

Chapter 392: Conflict
The Southern Continent was a larger landmass than Bei Dong, thus
there was more turmoil in its overall political situation. Amongst
them was the Vermillion Blood clan, who could almost be considered
as the number one family in the south. They held strong for many
years and were very prestigious.
Although the main family of the Vermillion Blood clan didn't make an
appearance often, their left and right hand 'men', Yin Yang Valley
and Yu Xian City, were very reputable. It was common for them to be
the topic of conversation, it was actually rarer to hear conversations
discussing the main family.
However, compared to the Cang Alliance, the Vermillion Blood clan
was actually less renowned.
With the strength of the Cang Alliance, almost of all the Southern
Continent had their scouts, countless ones so that even remote
places were filled with rumors of them.
Amongst them, the liveliest was the June Mountains.
The June Mountains were one of the danger grounds of the Southern
Continent because it produced multiple levels of magical herbs and
was filled with demon beasts. This drew a lot of people over and
developed the land. At this point, even though the place was remote,
there was a large flow of people and the scale of the city was
At dusk, a city basked in the sunset glow that looked like an ancient
murderous beast lying in wait, was the June City. This was the capital
of the June Mountains, it contained many different forces and was
always bustling with action.
At a street corner was a hotel shaped like a tower. It was seven floors
tall, the top four were for accommodations whereas the bottom

three each contained a small tavern. Currently all three taverns were
filled with people chatting and bustling with noise.
However, this atmosphere quieted down a lot when a group of
people walked in.
In a remote mountain range like the June Mountains, it was rare to
meet an Emperor or Divine levelled practitioner, but the first one to
walk in did emit a strong aura of pressure. His slim figure presented
an oppressing sensation for strong and powerful. His eyes and brows
were slightly on the gentle side, giving his supposed to be masculine
face a few touches of delicacy.
When the man walked in, the everyone's gaze focused in on him and
some of the Imperial levelled practitioners watched with hidden
astonishment. They could feel that the man was probably of the
Emperor level and of a high star rank too.
As the man walked in, the people behind him walked in one by one
as well.
Looking over, people became even more shocked as they were all
practitioners above the Spiritual level. Amongst them, just the
Imperial level they had five or six, and almost ten for Spiritual level.
With this many strong practitioners, in the June Mountains they
could become their own force.
The man's gaze swept across the tavern, those who met his gaze felt
as if they were pricked by needles, their scalp felt numb and had to
hold in a strong desire to run out the door.
That was when the owner came rushing out to the man in sweat,
while wiping it off he said in a humble tone, "Dear guest, are you
here to stay or to have a drink?"
"Both, get it both prepared." The man opened his mouth to speak,
his voice was just as his face expresses, not the masculine rough and

bold voice but instead had a hint of sharpness and softness. From the
voice it was clear that he wasn't someone to mess with.
Today there was a lot of guests at the bar, almost all three floors
were filled. There still were open spots but they had brought in at
least ten people, there wasn't enough vacancies.
But before the owner said anything, a few people automatically
moved to quickly free up room.
The man seemed pleased and his mouth crooked into an arrogant
smile. As he was about to walk over, from the door sounded a loud
"Brother Hu Yin, Yu Xian City did send you over." As the one talking
walked closer, everyone saw a man wearing an elegant robe with
gold linings wearing a purple jade crown. The first impression of him
was extravagant, his whole body sparkled in gold.
Hu Yin's eyes flashed with a hint of displeasure but that disappeared
after he saw man who was talking. His face regained a glimmer of a
smile and turned to the incoming man, "I see it's brother Dong Qing,
long time no see, hope you are well."
"A while no see, it seems that Duan Yin brother's level increased
quite a bit." Cheng DongQing walked over and took a look at him, his
eyes flashed with a hint of intelligence/thoughtfulness.
Hu Yin roared with laughter and said, "Nonsense, Dong Qing brother
is the one who has improved. The last time I saw you, you were just
level ten low grade, and now you have reached middle grade.
Nothing less expected of Master Dong Le's proudest disciple, the
Mage Guild's number one genius."
Cheng DongQing replied laughingly, "You flatter me Hu Yin brother,
compared to my Master, I'm nowhere close."

Although that was what he said, his expression told a different story.
His smile showed an unapologetic complacency, clearly liking Hu
Yin's flattery.
"I seldomly get to meet Dong Qing bro, so why not have a drink
together." Hu Yin and Cheng DongQing's personality were very
similar, therefore he understood the other well. Not only that, to
connect with someone of the Mage Guild was more favorable than
Cheng DongQing also had the intention of associating with him and
accepted his request.
But here laid the problem.
The space made for them before was only four tables, each could sit
four people and so only sixteen seats were available. However,
Cheng DongQing also brought a lot of men, with the two groups
together, there were at least thirty or so people, not nearly enough
Clearly the two realized this as well.
Hu Yin's smile gathered a little whereas Cheng DongQing had a proud
expression and looked at others with a hint of scorn. His sense and
expression of superiority was off putting for everyone who saw.
However, there was nothing to be done, one was from Yu Xian City
and the other from the Mage Guild, neither of which they could
offend. Not only that, they brought many strong practitioners too, so
even if they were unwilling, they had to comply and make room.
With a feeling of being wronged, the people around consciously
shuffled out.
Quickly, another four tables were cleared.
But once they moved out, a table with only two became very out of
place. It was stuck between the eight tables, very noticeable.

Not only did those in the bar realize, Hu Yin and Cheng DongQing
saw it too. They both furrowed their brows at that, if the two had
moved out of the way then they would have exactly enough for
thirty or so men to sit. However, it would seem that someone didn't
want to give face to Yu Xian City and the Mage's Guild.
Hu Yin turned and gave the one behind him a look. Understanding
the signal, the man walked in broad strides toward the two.
Hu Yin and Dong ChengQing swaggered over to their seats instead.
The owner knew he couldn't offend any one of them and thus, while
wiping away sweat, called upon the waiter to bring some good wine
over. He even personally poured it for them.
Meanwhile, Hu Yin's henchman had already walked over to that
table and said in a blunt manner, "You two, go sit somewhere else,
this table's ours."
The handsome man who was drinking, halted his action and his
gemstone like black eyes stared straight into his, sending a chill to his
heart. Then feeling vexed, he was about to take action before the
person beside him suddenly spoke up.
The young man lifted his head, showing a face that was about
twenty-five years old, very plain with a blush that seemed to say he
was drunk. Currently this face looked at him perplexed, as if
surprised by his words, "Why do we have to move if you guys want
to sit? Is it that you were here before us? No, if I remember correctly,
we have been sitting here for almost half an hour."
Immediately Hu KangNing's face darkened in displeasure, and in a
rough voice said, "I'm telling you to move so move. Saying so much
rubbish, do you still want your life?!"
After he finished, he even slammed down towards the table hard.
The wind hitting the table caused a 'bang' and all of the wine glass
and tea sets broke.

"Ou-ou-ouch…" The young man straightened himself up and rubbed
his temple with his index and middle finger.
Complaining to the handsome man, he said, "If I had known sooner I
wouldn't have drank this much, it's all you, you kept telling me to
The handsome man put down his wine glass and said apologetically,
"It's my fault, let me help you massage it."
The young man instantly leaned over.
And the handsome man did in fact help massage his temples, and the
two just completely ignored their surroundings.
Hu KangNing looked on stupefied, the ones waiting for the drama
were also dumbfounded. Some dropped their wine glasses to the
floor and didn't react, others were even more direct, spitting wine
onto another’s face. What was even more rare was that the one who
got spit on didn't even complain…
Two men leaning towards each other, staying together intimately.
Some onlookers felt goosebumps all over, it was hard for them to
imagine this kind of image, it just had a feeling of being struck by
Hu KangNing finally came back to his senses and seeing that the two
completely ignored him, his nose almost went crooked from the
immense anger. Hu Yin and the others were still watching, this was
the time for him to demonstrate his abilities. Making up his mind, he
turned to the two and said with a cold snort, "Since you want it the
hard way and are looking to die, let me help you with that."
As he finished, with a flash Hu KangNing appeared before the two
and lifted his hand, focusing his force then with a slam, hacked away
at their heads.

He was an Emperor leveled practitioner. With his strength, he could
be considered one of the top dog in the June Mountains, any normal
person would weigh themselves against him before picking a fight. If
they were hit, if they didn't die then at least they were half-way
there. However, that was for people weaker than him.
When everyone thought that they would be hit, a 'boom' sounded,
and a force of great magnitude, as if pulling out a mountain range,
instantly exploded.

Chapter 393: Retreat In Defeat
The whole inn was charged with a stronger pressure and was like a
raging storm; the two pressures battled and collided with each other
inside the small inn. Some were so startled they fell off their chairs
and landed with their bottoms on the floor, each wearing stunned
expressions on their faces. Hu KangNing, who was in the path of the
two pressures, was the first to be hit.
When faced with such an aura, the Imperial level powerhouse was
like a dinghy weathering out the storms and winds on the ocean.
Without the chance to retaliate, he was thrown out of the inn by the
immense force of the aura. His battered body hit the opposite stone
wall like a rag and then crashed, rolling a few rounds on the ground
before coming to a stop. By then, the guy was already breathing
Deathly silence swept across the inn. A few seconds later, a sharp
intake of breath could be heard throughout the inn, followed by
many more to come. The looks that everyone gave to the handsome
man and the youth immediately had more fear and respect in them.
While they didn't know who attacked, it was definitely one of the
two and many were leaning towards the handsome man had
committed it.
Just when everyone else was still caught in a state of shock and
confusion, a loud sound suddenly caught their attention. The source
of the sound had originated from the side and everyone turned to
face it. Unsurprisingly, they saw Hu Yin, who wore an expression as
dark as soot. His right hand was clenched tightly into a fist as he
slammed it on the table. Clearly, he was the one who made the
sound. He glared coldly at the handsome man and the youth, just like
a venomous snake would with its prey. It was as if any second now,
he would crush their bones and swallow them whole.

The people from Yu Xian City standing behind him were also shooting
them icy stares as if they were watching corpses. They were ready to
stir up trouble from the looks of it and it seemed like they might
attack anytime.
"The two of you belittle my Yu Xian City too much. You dared to hit
my people in front of me. If I don't get an explanation today, then I'll
take it as the two of you want to challenge Yu Xian City."
Hu Yin stood up and the aura of a powerhouse immediately burst
forth from within him, followed by frenzied Pressure that swept
towards them like a storm. The handsome man lifted his eyes and
lazily glanced at him. Hu Yin's aura was timely blocked by an invisible
wall and could not get any closer.
After a while, the aura that Hu Yin had intentionally let burst out
from himself had bounced back at him. Not only did he not gain the
upper hand, his face paled instead. The him right now no longer had
the smugness and arrogance he had previously as he stared at the
handsome man in aghast.
By solely comparing auras alone, he was completely floored. One
could also say he was utterly defeated by the handsome man. Hu Yin
was an Emperor level Three Star powerhouse and for someone to
defeat him using aura alone, the person must either be an Emperor
level Seven Star or Divine level powerhouse. No matter which one he
was, the handsome man was far superior than him in terms of
On the sidelines, the plastered smile on Cheng DongQing's face
disappeared and was replaced with a grim look on his face. He gave
the handsome man a complicated and fearful look as he stared at
"Looks like this sir really wants to become enemies with Yu Xian City.
Since it's already like this…"

While Hu Yin had Yu Xian City backing him up, he didn't dare to act
recklessly before the others from Yu Xian City arrived. Should the
other party intend to kill him because of that, then it would do him
more harm than good. But still, he was unwilling to lose the war of
The handsome man smirked and finally spoke his first sentence.
"You've been yapping non-stop about Yu Xian City. Do you know how
to say something else? If you feel that I've slighted or challenged Yu
Xian City, then why not take action against me now? Or am I right to
say that you're afraid of me?"
After hearing what he said, Hu Yin's face turned green.
What he said was the truth. Indeed, Hu Yin couldn't defeat him and
feared his power. But to lay it bare in front of everyone else at the
inn, how could he not be embarrassed.
Hu Yin clenched his fist. With eyes were aflame and with a twisted
look on his face, he screamed at the handsome man.
"If you have the balls you stay here and don't leave! Wait till Yu Xian
City's elders come and teach you a lesson! I'll see if you’re still so
arrogant then!'
"You're mad!" The youth beside the handsome man quipped. The
look he gave Hu Yin was one full of frustration. His head hurt. This
guy never stopped talking. After he was done talking, the youth no
longer paid any attention to Hu Yin. He buried his face in the arms of
the handsome man and mumbled something, making others wonder
what he was complaining about.
"What did you say?! If you have the guts I dare you to say it again!"
Hu Yin's sharp and piercing voice could be heard once again. It
already pissed him off enough to have one person insulting him and
now this seemingly weak youth had the gall to reprimand him! How

dare he despise him just because he had a powerful companion with
Being repeatedly slighted by the other party set all of Hu Yin's
rational thoughts on fire. He was almost at the end of his fuse and he
really wanted to slaughter them.
"Captain, calm down. You are not his match as of now. It's never too
late to take revenge."
The two Imperial level powerhouses who sat at the next table were
also Hu Yin's men. Seeing as he almost lost all rationality to his anger,
they quickly came up to hold him back for fear that he might just
charge ahead.
At this moment, Cheng DongQing suddenly cut in, "Brother Hu Yin,
what they said is reasonable. Please don't act recklessly, that man
might really kill you. There's no need to risk your life over a fit of
anger. You have a bright future ahead and if you die here, it really
won't be worth it. Let's just leave him to the elders."
Cheng DongQing's words were like a pail of water that doused the
fire in Hu Yin's heart. The flames of fury had mostly been put out. He
might not have listened to his two underlings, but Cheng DongQing
was different. He was the disciple of Master XiLe, who was one of
the board members of the Southern Continent Mage Guild. As the
saying went, "Not for the sake of the monk, but for that of the
Buddha." Even if he didn't want to listen to Cheng DongQing he had
to, in order to give face to his Master. Furthermore, what was most
important was that he had a way out without embarrassing himself
too much.
"Hng! Since Brother DongQing has already said so, I'll do it for
Brother DongQing." Hu Yin acted all high and mighty as he said, then
grunted coldly when he looked at the two of them. What a prideful
guy. Despite clearly being on the losing end, he still had to find words

to salvage his hurt pride. Didn't he realise he was making himself
more of a joke to others? What a classic 'turn tail and run' situation.
After he delivered what he had to say, Hu Yin got his men to carry Hu
KangNing who was outside and left.
He couldn't stay in that inn any longer. Even if he wasn't pissed to
death, he had lost all face there. He had lost all face to remain there
anymore. Neither did Cheng DongQing stay behind.
The inn once again resumed its peace. After a while, people started
to whisper and discuss. The Yu Xian City which had had their way on
the Southern Continent for many years had finally met its match in
this inn. Not only were they unable to fight back, they even had to
flee from the inn in defeat. This was the first time in history that such
a thing happened.
After the initial stages of shock…
"Back to the topic, why would people from Yu Xian City and the
Mage Guild be in June City at the same time? Judging from Hu Yin's
tone, it seems like some elders will be coming over. Don't tell me
something big happened? But why haven't we heard anything about
Not long after, the crowd's attention was redirected.
"I don't think the Yu Xian City and the Mage Guild are here to train.
Something must have happened and the news was contained. That's
why we know nothing about it."
"If the Yu Xian City and the Mage Guild are here, then the other
forces are sure to follow."
"This sure gets people pumped! I wonder what will happen this
Just when everyone was busy buzzing around, the handsome man

and the youth stood up. Their every move was scrutinised by the
people there and when they stood, the noise died down a bit.
The handsome man helped the slightly tipsy youth up the stairs and
they were instantly hidden away from the inquiring looks others gave
them. Yet, the crowd still refused to give up as they stared in the
direction they left.
When they returned to their room, the youth suddenly lifted his
slightly flushed face and wrapped his arms around the man's neck.
Then, he kissed him.
The youth nipped at his lips clumsily as they shared a drunken kiss
that tasted of wine. While it was sloppy and slightly painful, it had
undoubtedly fanned the man's desire. He quickly bent down to
gather the youth in his arms and carried him to bed.
As the man laid on top, he suddenly reached out to grab a ball of
white stuff before conveniently throwing it out. Following this series
of actions, the youth's appearance underwent a drastic change.
The ordinary face transformed into one with fine and delicate
features as the youth turned into a teenager. And that teenager, was
no other than You XiaoMo.
Said white ball of stuff that was tossed away by the man landed on
the ground lightly. It meowed resentfully at the two on the bed
before hopping its way out of the room.
Seeing as the person under him was still dizzy, the man took
advantage of it and leaned down to seal the teenager's lips with his.
He easily pried open his clenched teeth and his tongue eagerly swept
over every corner of his mouth. Teasing as he sucked on the
teenager's tongue, the man kept his hands busy by sliding them
under the teenager's shirt. And when he found that nub, he pinched
it forcefully.

You XiaoMo couldn't suppress his moan when he felt the stimulation.
In return, he wrapped his arms even tighter around the man.
In the next second, his lips were captured once again by the man and
his moans were swallowed in the kiss. You XiaoMo was already
drunk since earlier on. His body had gone all soft and weak and ready
for the man to have his way with it.
The man released his lips and brushed his cheek.
"Looks like you only behave slightly more passionately when you're
drunk." The man gently smiled.
At that moment, You XiaoMo suddenly lifted one leg. His knee just
brushed against the bulge between the man's legs which sent a wave
of heat coursing through his body. Meanwhile, the person who
started it was laughing out loud inconsiderately.
The man sucked in a breath before lowering his head to kiss him.
"You little imp!"

Chapter 394: Money Making Method
You XiaoMo let out an uncomfortable groan and slowly rolled over as
he unhurriedly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was an
unfamiliar handsome face. Shocked, he sprang up into a sitting
position on the bed, and was suddenly wide awake.
You XiaoMo did not even have the time to understand what
happened before a dull pain came from his head. There was also a
trace of stinging pain from that hard to speak about place below, "It
A pair of hands abruptly stretched over and pressed his temple. The
strength was even, neither too light nor too heavy. He lifted his head
upwards and let out a happy sigh.
"Is it better?" The man's familiar voice slowly and lazily echoed
beside his ear. The deep voice carried the languidness of one just
having gotten out of bed, making him feel comfortably warm.
You XiaoMo had already regained his senses. He leaned against the
man's body on the spot and roguishly said, "No, my head is still very
heavy. Next time I definitely won't drink."
"Okay, then don't drink." The man said with a laugh.
You XiaoMo opened his eyes and glared at him, "You still dare to
laugh. If not for you urging me on to drink a little more, I wouldn't
have such a headache now."
The man innocently replied, "If you feel that the wine was not tasty,
will you drink it if I pour it for you?"
You XiaoMo gave a dry cough, "That wine…was really quite tasty."
The tavern also had many varieties of wine. However, it was best
known for its fruit wine. It was said that the fruit wine was June City's

specialty. The flavor was not spicy and also not strong, rather it had a
faint fruity flavor. It tasted good, and one would not feel tired of it no
matter how much was consumed.
You XiaoMo had thought that fruit wines would be very strong-
tasting in the beginning. After drinking it, he discovered that it tasted
just like fruit juice. Ling Xiao also frequently poured the fruit wine for
him, so he drank cup after cup and unwittingly finished several pots
of wine.
"Oh yeah, something seemed to have happened when I was drunk
yesterday. What was it? My head is still dizzy now so I'm not too
clear about it. You explain it to me."
You XiaoMo felt a little guilty so he quickly changed the topic. He
took a moment to recall what had happened yesterday. Although he
remembered that the YuXian City was present and there was that
something Mage Guild, but he couldn't remember several details.
Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes. His finger skimmed You XiaoMo's cheek
as he laughed, "Can't you remember? Yesterday you obviously made
Hu KangNing and Hu Yin choke until they could not even refute a
single sentence."
You XiaoMo had an uneasy expression on his face as he pushed Ling
Xiao's hand away, "I said I don't remember, so I don't." He gave the
slight impression of trying to hide it but made it more conspicuous
Ling Xiao did not continue to tease him upon seeing that he was
about to flare up, "Yesterday, the people from YuXian City and the
Mage Guild appeared in June City. From their conversation, it
appeared that there would be more people arriving. I suppose that
there's something here in this side of the mountain range in June
City which has attracted them."
"Do you know what it is?" You XiaoMo asked.

Ling Xiao shook his head, "I don't know yet. Their secrecy is actually
very tight. Other than themselves, all the people in June City do not
appear to know what it is about."
You XiaoMo replied, "Maybe there's some sort of treasure here."
Ling Xiao chucked, "No matter what treasure it is, this situation is a
good opportunity for us. We do not need to specially run to the
territory of the Vermillion Blood Clan and their branch forces to
Be that as it may, but it was a fact that the people from YuXian City
and the Mage Guild appeared in June City at the same time after all.
Two great powers together would draw a lot of attention and they
were not the only ones curious about this. The people who were
present at that time also were wondering about it, so someone went
to investigate that very evening.
After a whole night, the news that the YuXian City was waiting for
their forces to arrive had spread throughout June City. Moreover, it
was also rumored that the members of the Vermillion Blood Clan
would also be sent over.
The two changed their clothes and You XiaoMo called for CatQiu to
return again.
After dressing up, he changed his appearance into yesterday's
ordinary-looking youth once more.
Although CatQiu's strength was in the lower range in his Qiu team,
his transformation techniques were unusually top-notch and it was
hard for people to see through them. Just like Hu Yin from yesterday,
he had an Emperor Realm cultivation base, but even he did not see
through his disguise.
Then the two went out.

Many people poured through the gates to June City in the early
morning after the events yesterday. They had all hurried over
because of the news. It appeared that many wanted to know why
the YuXian City and the Mage Guild would come here.
From time to time there would be a crowd hurrying past them.
Just as You XiaoMo was having some misgivings, a peal of hectic
footsteps abruptly sounded from behind. He saw a group of people
rushing over once he turned back.
"I've heard that someone knows why they would come to June City."
"Is that true or false?"
"Of course it's true, because the people from the Cang Alliance are
also here."
"That's great…"
You XiaoMo saw this group of people running past him at a high
speed, as though they would miss the opportunity if they were late.
In the beginning he did not understand, but after thinking about the
nature of the Cang Alliance's influence, he then understood.
Ling Xiao wore white from head to toe today and he was holding a
fan in hand. With a graceful and elegant demeanor, he smiled,
"Interesting, let's go take a look too."
There would be no lack of the Cang Alliance in any place that was
bustling with noise and excitement. In the Tong Tian Continent, this
point could practically be said to be a common understanding.
Furthermore, many secrets would no longer remain as secrets at any
place that had the Cang Alliance present. This was because other
than collecting information, the Cang Alliance would also engage in
the sale of all kinds of information.
When You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao arrived, they saw an enormous
demon beast in a huge plaza.

The appearance of the demon beast was very similar to a tortoise. It
stood about fifty meters tall and was about five hundred meters
long. The shell of the tortoise was green and it carried a building
similar to a house on top of its shell. There were delicate and
beautiful carvings on the building and with a look, and one would
know that it's a thing of aesthetic pleasure.
Those people who had just run past You XiaoMo were now
surrounding one side of this tortoise as they continuously chattered
in discussion over the matter.
Ling Xiao walked over and cleared up his confusion, "This Green
Tortoise is from a branch bloodline of the Psychic Black Tortoise from
the Four Ancient Beasts Clan. Rumor has it that the head of the Cang
Alliance subdued the entire clan of Green Tortoises. Henceforth, the
Green Tortoise Clan began to serve the Cang Alliance for many
"To even was able to subdue the branch bloodline of the Psychic
Black Tortoise, the head of the Cang Alliance is really too amazing."
You XiaoMo gutsily exclaimed in admiration. Furthermore, this way
of thinking of using the tortoise as a means of transportation was
completely new and original. At least to a person like him who had
wholeheartedly believed that a tortoise was a very slow animal, he
thought as such.
People jumped down one after another from the back of the Green
Tortoise just as they were talking.
There were more than a dozen people were in the same attire, only
the clothes of the person taking the lead was different. His aura was
very strong and his body was so sturdy that he seemed to be able to
carry a mountain on his shoulders. His silhouette was unwavering
and determined as the edge of a blade. On his back was a
broadsword without a scabbard.

This was an expert who used swords!
"It's Lord Xiong Xiao, who would have thought that the Cang Alliance
would actually send him over."
"Ah-ah-ah, Lord Xiong Xiao is the twenty-first expert on the Tong
Tian Rankings. Sure enough it's really different once an idol appears!
He's so mighty and domineering."
"I've heard that Lord Xiong Xiao was the eighth disciple that the head
of the Cang Alliance took in. He also has a high status in the Cang
Alliance. However, the head of the Cang Alliance really deserves his
name, each and every one of the disciples he took in are all
formidable and extraordinary."
"I wonder how much the price for the information this time is going
to be?"
"Based on the degree of confidentiality of the information, the price
should be high. Looks like not many would be able to afford it."
The chatter of the crowd discussing had not stopped ever since Xiong
Xiao jumped off the Green Tortoise. Though it was noisy, it let You
XiaoMo know a lot of information.
Ling Xiao whispered an explanation in his ear, "The Tong Tian
Ranking is the rankings of the experts in the Tong Tian Continent. The
rankings are judged based off their overall strength. Basically, those
in the top hundred are all the powerhouses of the present age. This
Xiong Xiao is ranked at the twenty-first place, so his cultivation base
should around one star Divine Realm."
Both were handsome guys, but the first impression that this Xiong
Xiao gave them was much better than Hu Yin and such.
Xiong Xiao swept his eyes over everyone present, his eyes was as
sharp and penetrating as a blade. Each and every one of those who

he saw felt their breathing become sluggish. His stature was very tall.
After reaching the ground, he was still a head taller than everyone,
easily giving others a feeling of oppression.
The plaza suddenly quieted down, all kinds of noises were ceased
with his glance-over.
After the crowd quieted down, Xiong Xiao's clear voice got right to
the point, "With regards to the rumors of a treasure in the mountain
ranges of June City, it's confirmed to be true. In accordance to the
past rules, those who want to know the news can purchase the
information jade drive from me."
As soon as this statement was made, alarmed clamoring suddenly
rang out.
Originally, they were not sure whether it was true that there was a
treasure in the mountain ranges of June City. Now it was confirmed
with Xiong Xiao saying as such. Never did they think that the news
would be so closely guarded that they would have heard of it only
when the other forces from the YuXian City had rushed over.
If not for the Cang Alliance, they would probably have still been left
in the dark this time.
"Haha, Xiong Xiao-laoge, it's really true that you can see the shadow
of the Cang Alliance wherever you go. Looks like this time the Cang
Alliance would be able to earn a large amount of spirit gems. How
then would this price be calculated?"
Just when everyone was spiritedly discussing, a candid laughter
abruptly sounded from the rear. Everyone turned their heads and
looked over, discovering that it was from a refined youth in white.
The youth was beaming from ear to ear was he walked towards
Who else was this youth but the Beast Transfiguration Guild's Qiao

Chapter 395: Not Expensive At All
Qiao WuShuang was one of the young and popular leading figures
within the Beast Transfiguration Guild. Rumor had it, he was only
second to that person in the ZhongTian Headquarters of the Beast
Transfiguration Guild. Though he wasn't the one and only, his name
was widely known, especially throughout the Southern Continent.
The Southern Continent's Beast Transfiguration Guild was a branch
of ZhongTian's. Qiao WuShuang was mostly active in the Southern
Continent, so he was more renown there. He was also a powerhouse
on the TongTian Rankings. He ranked a little under Xiong Xiao, but he
was also younger than Xiong Xiao.
When he appeared, everyone's attention shifted.
There were rumors that Qiao WuShuang was on friendly terms with
the people in the Cang Alliance, but they never had proof because
almost no one had seen Qiao WuShuang walking together with
people of the Cang Alliance. However, judging by how he referred to
Xiong Xiao just now, they could be certain that the rumors were true.
After Yu Xian City and the Mage's Guild, people from the Cang
Alliance and the Beat Transfiguration Guild had appeared, too.
People from the other guilds would probably be arriving soon.
"Does Qiao-laodi intend to buy it, asking after the price?"
t/n: laodi: affectionate form of address for a male who is not very
much younger than oneself.
Xiong Xiao and Qiao WuShuang really did have quite a good
relationship, thought they weren't friends that would lay their hearts
bare to one another, Xiong Xiao had often had dealings with Qiao
WuShuang. This refined looking person was actually rather candid
person. Upon seeing him, that stern and solemn expression had
warmed up a little, though he still looked quite serious.

Qiao WuShuang could tell though. He shook his head and smiled,
saying. "I have no intentions of buying. I can't afford the price of a
jade drive like that. Plus, why would I spend spirit gems to buy
information I already know? I, Young Master WuShuang, am not an
idiot. If I really did buy it, there'll probably be people saying I've been
kicked in the head by a donkey."
"Qiao-laodi jokes. Who dares insult Young Master WuShuang, after
all?" Xiong Xiao began to laugh. He liked people who spoke openly
like WuShuang; this was what he admired about WuShuang the
Qiao WuShuang also laughed a little before saying, "Xiong-laoge,
there's no need to entertain me further. Your business is more
t/n: laoge: affectionate form of address for a male who is not very
much older than oneself.
Xiong Xiao didn't reply, but it was clear that Xiong Xiao's opinion of
WuShuang had gone up.
In the audience, You XiaoMo couldn't help but envy this sort of
person. He lived carefree; that was what life really was about. People
who did nothing but plot against others only did it because they had
nothing better in their lives to do.
As opposed to people like Cheng DongQing and Hu YinNing, Xiong
Xiao and Qiao WuShuang had an easier time getting people to like
It wasn't just You XiaoMo who was envious. Others had the same
"Let's cut to the chase. I believe everyone knows how valuable these
Jade Drives are. The price this time isn't the highest the Cang Alliance
has ever set, but the price isn't low either. A Jade Drive is one
hundred thousand spirit gems," Xiong Xiao declared.

With these words, many people were struck dumb by this price of
one hundred thousand.
Though the South Continent was much wealthier than Bei Dong,
those who truly were rich with spirit gems were few and far
between. A hundred thousand spirit gems was quite a fortune for
most people, so who would spend it on information?
So, after Xiong Xiao's words fell, he received no response.
Xiong Xiao seemed to expect this situation and didn't feel surprised.
This was a price he had came to after discussing with the others.
When considering the information inside the Jade Drive, it really
wasn't very expensive, but only those who decided to spend their
fortune on it would known if it was worth it or not.
When silence had fallen, laughter suddenly came from the back of
the crowd. It was especially abrupt in the silence and the owner of
the laugh wasn't at all courteous, his laughter mocking.
You XiaoMo felt that this voice seemed familiar. He had heard it
somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where and turned his
head in the direction of the laugh like everyone else.
A kind of familiar man, with a group of people clustered around him
like stars around a moon, came over.
Those in his way moved to the side without prompting.
This man was none other than Cheng DongQing who had been in the
bar yesterday. You XiaoMo had been drunk then, so he didn't have a
very deep impression of the other.
Cheng DongQing walked up to Xiong Xiao and Qiao WuShuang,
smiling lightly. "Seems like the Cang Alliance is the same as always,
unable to escape their love for wealth. I can't believe you have the
face to sell information that someone else gleaned. In any case, you
actually dare to sell just a little Jade Drive for a hundred thousand

spirit gems. You lot really have gone crazy for spirit gems. Now you
can't even sell it, how embarrassing."
Xiong Xiao glanced at him coldly. "Mind your own fucking business!"
Cheng DongQing's smile fell instantly.
Someone in the crowd couldn't help but laugh.
In the silence, the chuckle was exceptionally loud.
Cheng DongQing's face, having had only just been cursed at,
immediately darkened. He couldn't vent his anger out on Xiong Xiao,
so he decided to take it out on the person who had laughed. His cold
gaze immediately shot in the direction of the laugh, but, blocked by
the crowd, he didn't know who it was that had laughed. At that
thought, he was even more pissed off.
The people behind Cheng DongQing knew that he was getting angry.
One of the men immediately pulled out his weapon, pointing it at the
crowd and yelling, "Who laughed just now? Get out here at once."
The crowd was afraid of getting caught in the crossfire and hurriedly
backed away, revealing You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao. With the empty
space around them, it was like they had been ostracized.
The man saw them and decided that they were the people who had
laughed. He was about to yell again when he suddenly noticed a
familiar handsome face. The other was watching him with something
like a smile. The scene from the bar yesterday surfaced in his mind
and the man couldn't help but shudder.
The state Hu YinNing had ended up in after fighting this guy was still
etched into his mind. The man knew he was no match for Ling Xiao
and his words seem to be lodged in his throat, preventing him from
speaking. He turned to glance at Cheng DongQing in uncertainty.

"It's you!" Cheng DongQing saw them and immediately knew what
had happened.
Only these two would dare laugh at them, others wouldn't dare
laugh, knowing of his identity.
"Who are they?"
Seeing how Cheng DongQing knew the two, confusion flashed
through Xiong Xiao's eyes. The two sides seemed to have bad blood
between them, too, if the tone he had used and the way he grit his
teeth was any indication.
That was when a green-clothed person came up to him and
whispered into his ear, explaining what had happened and the fight
in the bar. With the information network the Cang Alliance had, they
had known of this incident the day it happened.
Qiao WuShuang was close to them and also heard, immediately
shooting a surprised look at the two. They hadn't even gotten here
two days and were already making enemies with the Mage's Guild
and Yu Xian City. These two were quite talented, weren't they?
Seeing how they were discovered, You XiaoMo waved at them,
smiling. "Hello, we meet again."
Cheng DongQing's expression turned even uglier, looking like he
wanted to tear that smile apart. However, he looked at the man next
to You XiaoMo with trepidation. He would destroy them some day.
As he thought that, the two walked towards Xiong Xiao.
"Hey dage, I would like to purchase a Jade Drive." You XiaoMo said
with a smile, stopping in front of Xiong Xiao.
In reality, he hadn't wanted to get this sort of attention, but no one
else had responded and the whole thing had been suddenly
interrupted by Cheng DongQing. They still had something to do, so
he decided to act first.

Xiong Xiao hadn't thought that the first person to come and buy the
Jade Drive would be such a young man. Plus, Cheng DongQing had
only just been mocking them about their lack of customers. Now that
he had stood out from the group, Cheng DongQing was very likely to
take his anger out on this person. He didn't think the two hadn't
considered this. If so, then to still do such a thing was a brave act
Xiong Xiao couldn't help but warm up to them a little and
unhesitantly took out a Jade Drive, tossing it over. "Here you go."
You XiaoMo caught the Jade Drive and then paid him a hundred
thousand spirit gems. He glanced at Cheng DongQing, whose
complexion had gone pale green, and suddenly said with a laugh, "A
hundred thousand spirit gems for this small Jade Drive? Aiya, that's
not expensive at all."
Hearing this, everyone sweatdropped.
For the rich, a hundred thousand spirit gems wasn't very expensive,
but instead rather reasonable.
Wasn't it worth being able to gain information that no one else knew
by spending a hundred thousand spirit gems?
However, for them, who had never saved more than a few ten
thousand, a hundred thousand wasn't just expensive. Even if they
sold everything they had, they probably wouldn't be able to afford it,
so they were just here to watch the drama.
Cheng DongQing almost spat blood.
He had just said that Xiong Xiao's Jade Drive lacked customers
because it was too expensive, but now this person was slapping his
face by saying that in front of everyone. He had done it several
times; did he really think that Chang DongQing didn't dare act?
"Watch yourself, brat!"

After leaving behind that chilling warning, he whirled around and left
with his followers.
It wasn't a small thing to have bad blood with one of the people of
the Mage's Guild. The Mage's Guild was one of the greatest powers
of the TongTian Continent and their presence was scattered all
across the continent. Plus, in order to ask the high ranking mages of
the Mage's Guild for help, many practitioners would try to curry their
favor. So, making enemies with them meant to make enemies with
the majority.
The crowd couldn't help but glance at You XiaoMo in sympathy. He
really had guts.
However, the handsome man beside him didn't even act to stop him
at all. Where were all these recklessly brave people coming from?

Chapter 396: Metal Swallowing Beast
"You two, please hold on."
After purchasing the jade drive, You XiaoMo was just about to leave
with Ling Xiao when Xiong Xiao, who was behind them watching,
suddenly called out to stop them. The two both stopped.
Xiong Xiao walked over, paid obeisance and said, "I'm Xiong Xiao, us
meeting was meant to be, how should I call you?"
Those who were about to leave, after hearing this, all stopped dead
in their tracks and turned to look at Xiong Xiao, who had a courteous
expression on, with astonishment. Xiong Xiao was ranked twenty-
first on the Tong Tian Rankings, for him to initiate in small talk, that's
really giving them face!
The Cang Alliance was rich and powerful, there were many who
would want to associate themselves with them. Like the Vermillion
Blood Clan and the Beast Transfiguration Guild, even they would
want to befriend the Cang Alliance.
However, only very few could catch their attention. It was not that
they were prideful and unwilling to befriend the other, rather, they
were all a bunch of oddballs who didn't care about one's
background. If they don't like someone, no matter who they had as
backup, they wouldn't care.
Like Cheng DongQing for example, Xiong Xiao didn't like him, so he
rebutted him without remorse, without giving him face. Although, it
was the former who provoked first, however, even if he hadn't,
Xiong Xiao still wouldn't have had a better attitude.
You XiaoMo was also surprised and continued thoughtlessly, "I'm
You Xiao….Ah!"

Before he could finish, a hand groped his waist at his ticklish stop,
slightly scaring him a little.
"You XiaoAh?"
Right then Qiao WuShuang walked over and after hearing the name,
made a weird expression. It was the first time he had heard of a
name so strange, pairing it with the person, it was an odd sensation.
Seeing that the two looked over, he said, "I'm forgetting to introduce
myself, I'm Qiao WuShuang."
You XiaoMo sweated a little, "Hello."
"It's not You XiaoAh, but You XiaoHa." The reticent Ling Xiao slightly
t/n: Ha in laughter, like ahahaha >_> ………Poor lil Momo.
With a guilty conscience, You XiaoMo agreed, "Yes, yes, yes, it's not
Ah but Ha."
"Not matter if its Ah or Ha, it’s just a name." Xiong Xiao said brightly
and turned to look at Ling Xiao, "How would you like me to address
With solemnity Ling Xiao replied, "Ling Mo."
t/n: Ling in Ling Xiao, Mo in You XiaoMo, and you got Ling Mo, which
btw is a very beautiful name >_> at least better than someone which
the onomatopoeia of laughter.
You XiaoMo, "…"
Xiong Xiao didn't realize the weird atmosphere between them and
happily made obeisance while saying, "Ah, I see, fellow Ling Mo,
being able to meet you two means that today has not been a wasted
You XiaoMo finally came back to his senses and said, "We are happy
to be able to meet you too."

Xiong Xiao calmed down a bit and his expression turned serious
again. In a serious tone he said, "Fellow You XiaoHa, today you
offended Cheng DongQing, from now on, you should be more
careful. With his narrow-mindedness, he will definitely come and
take revenge given the chance. If you guys decide to go to that place,
then be careful of him and Hu Yin."
Hearing the words 'You XiaoHa', You XiaoMo felt a little
embarrassed. He imagined that 'the place' he mentioned was the
place of the hidden treasure. He felt a slightly moved and replied,
"Thank you Xiong-dage for the warning, we will be careful."
It was after a little more chit-chat that You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao left.
Qiao WuShuang looked at them thoughtfully before saying, "Xiong-
laoge, this is the first time I've seen you be so interested in two
"Actually, I don't know the reason either, I just find them pleasing,
especially that You XiaoHa, I'm especially fond of him." Xiong Xiao
shook his head and couldn't help but laugh despite himself.
Qiao WuShuang knew that this feeling was hard to explain and didn't
push any further, "Xiong-laoge, did you pay attention to that Ling
Xiong Xiao immediately stopped smiling and muttered, "Of course I
noticed him, however, I couldn't detect his level. If he didn't use any
technique to hide his presence, then his power should be above
mine. I believe it's the latter, since they dare to challenge Yu Xian
City and the Mage Guild. If he was just at the Divine level, that
wouldn't be enough."
Qiao WuShuang said, "Hopefully they won't meet any strong
practitioners from those two forces anytime soon. However, I did
hear that a young master of the Vermillion Blood Clan was coming, is
that true?"

Xiong Xiao knew he was trying to sound out the truth but didn't pay
any mind, "Since Qiao-Laodi already has the answer, why would you
need to ask me?"
On the other hand, You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao did not hurry back to
the hotel.
They wandered around June City for a while and bought a lot of
souvenirs before going back.
Once they were in the room, You XiaoMo took out the jade drive, it
was black with a crystal glow flowing through. It did not have any
restrictions so it was easy to read the information inside.
He wasn't in a hurry to dissolve the information and handed the jade
drive to Ling Xiao first.
As per usual, Ling Xiao was faster than him.
You XiaoMo said in astonishment, "It's unbelievable that beneath the
June Mountain Range there would be such a huge natural
underground palace and it could nurture a Metal Swallowing Beast."
Although You XiaoMo was not an extensive reader, he still had heard
of the Metal Swallowing Beast.
It was a demon beast that could attack and defend, especially its
defense was incredibly strong. However, it depended on what it had
devoured, the rarer and stronger the metal, the better its defense
would be. That would also increase its levels, so basically a demon
beast that relied on eating rare metals.
As for its attack, that also had to do with it consuming metals.
The Metal Swallowing Beast had the metal element thus any physical
damage would not affect it. Instead it could control the metal
elements within a human. Killing without drawing blood, that was
the real power of the demon beast.

Even if it wasn't an Emperor beast, its attack and defense was
stronger than most, thus people would call it a false Emperor beast.
"By the looks of things, everyone is here for the Metal Swallowing
Beast." You XiaoMo thought of the power of the demon beast and
couldn't help but be a bit tempted. However, he knew he couldn't
push it, the jade drive didn't mention its power level, he didn't want
to find an uncertain fight.
Ling Xiao said, "About the Metal Swallowing Beast, there is actually a
legend about it."
"A legend?"
"The legend says that the Metal Swallowing Beast is a god blessed
special beast. If one could capture it, they would be above all living
things. It is a symbol of power, riches, and status."
Hearing that You XiaoMo's eyes glowed, "It's that amazing? Then, if
everyone had a Metal Swallowing Beast, wouldn't everyone be at the
Ling Xiao looked at him with disdain, "What do you think the Metal
Swallowing Beast is, a low-levelled demon beast that you see
You XiaoMo let out a dry laugh, he was just making a joke, "Then,
according to you, the number of the Metal Swallowing Beasts is as
low as the four great Emperor beasts?"
Ling Xiao said, "The four great emperor beasts are rare, but the
Metal Swallowing Beast is even rarer, one of a kind. It will only breed
once in a trillion years, what do think is its rarity?"
You XiaoMo swallowed hard.
Once in a trillion years? By then it was all too late.

"However, it’s not that easy to breed a Metal Swallowing Beast, so
there is something that's been bothering me." Ling Xiao suddenly
said in contemplation.
You XiaoMo asked, "What is it?"
Ling Xiao replied, "I'll tell you once I confirm it. If it’s as I expect, then
we have to take of a piece of the pie this time."
You XiaoMo got antsy just hearing it, "Can you tell me now?"
Ling Xiao, "No!"
You XiaoMo asked again, "Why not?"
Ling Xiao looked at him and with a smile said, "Because I know you
would really like to know right now."
You XiaoMo, "…"
You XiaoMo's feeling of resentment was as deep as the black hole
after being tricked. Didn't he know that he was very curious? To
purposefully not tell him because he wanted to know…if he had
known that, he would've said he didn't want to know, although that
sounded like a very dumb idea.
For the next few days, they stayed at the hotel. Beneath the hotel
was a bar, there was always someone talking about the ins and outs
of June City. So, even without going out, they had learned a lot.
Both the Vermillion Blood Clan and the Beast Transfiguration
Association arrived the day before in June City. It was said that they
both dispatched a Divine levelled practitioner, clearly with getting
the Metal Swallowing Beast in mind.
You XiaoMo had initially thought that Hu Yin and Cheng DongQing
would come to the hotel to seek revenge, however since then there

had been nothing. He almost thought that they had a change of
However, Ling Xiao told him that it was because the departure day
was coming close. Neither of the two Divine levelled practitioners
would want to divert their attention so they didn't come find them
"When are we leaving?" After a few more days You XiaoMo couldn't
help but ask. It seemed like the Vermillion Blood Clan was already on
the move while they still hadn't done anything.
He thought that Ling Xiao would know, however he said this instead,
"How would I know? Didn't the jade drive say that the entrance was
randomized? If you want to go in, you need to find the entrance." He
said in a very uncaring attitude.
You XiaoMo pounced on him while making threatening gestures,
choking him as he yelled, "How do you not know, aren't you
supposed to be very strong?"
Ling Xiao let him choke him, but one of his hands slide down to hold
his bottom, and replied in a gloating way, "The reality is telling you
that your man isn't invincible. He also has things he cannot do.
However, I didn't think my wife here thought so highly of me. As your
husband I feel very honored, and thus your husband has made a
decision, let's dual cultivate!"
You XiaoMo wanted to bite him to death, this sex-driven bastard.
And so, that was what he did. Without hesitation, he bit Ling Xiao's

Chapter 397: Imposter
The next day, Ling Xiao's neck was horribly bitten. Most people
would immediately remove the traces, but Ling Xiao did not. He saw
the bite marks on his neck as a mark of You XiaoMo's love for him.
With that thought in mind, he appeared unabashedly in front of

Said other person was a staff of the hotel.

Since then, the staff had been looking at You XiaoMo more and
more strangely. He was shocked at first, but afterwards he looked at
him as if he was a monster and dared not come back.

You XiaoMo utterly regretted his actions. He should have known

better than to compete with him in terms of who was more thick-
skinned. He would never win. After all, he knew Ling Xiao was no
ordinary person.

You XiaoMo ended up having to beg him to remove the marks on his
neck. You XiaoMo tearfully swore he would never do this sort of
thing again. After agreeing to a number of unequal terms, Ling Xiao
finally dismissed the idea of walking around with the marks for show.

He would definitely get back at him one day!

After another two days had passed, You XiaoMo had a small
discussion before finally deciding to broadcast the information he
saw in his jade drive regarding the Metal Swallowing Beast.

The news spread like wildfire, and in less than half a day, the whole
of June City knew about it. Everyone was talking about the Metal

Swallowing Beast.

However, this move did not jeopardize the interests of the Cang
Alliance. This was because as early as the day before; Xiong Xiao had
already stopped selling the information jade drive. Those who
bought the jade drive were also wary of the Vermillion Blood Clan
and were unwilling to freely divulge information they bought with
spirit gems. So in the end, nothing got out.

But one thing did change. After You XiaoMo leaked the news, the
Vermillion Blood Clan and the other forces lost their privileges.

The Metal Swallowing Beast symbolised power and status and

almost no one could resist this temptation. Driven by their desires,
some people relentlessly probed around for information on where
the entrance to the natural underground palace was.

As the saying goes, "When there's a will, there's a way." Eventually,

someone really did find out where the entrance was located.

In reality, the Vermillion Blood Clan and a few other large powers
already had a plan in mind. All this time, they hadn't taken action
because they were observing how the underground palace moved.
From their observations, they discovered that the next time the
entrance would reappear would be at the south-western part of June
City's mountain range, along Broken Valley.

But time was very limited. The underground palace's entrance only
stopped for seven minutes or so before shifting again. If they
couldn't get in within this time frame, the location of the entrance
would shift once more and no one knew where it'd end up next or
how far away it'd be. Basically, they only had one shot.

That being said, there was still no news on which day and what time
it would make an appearance. You XiaoMo was also starting to get
anxious. He felt it could be any day now.

If he couldn't obtain information on the exact whereabouts of the

entrance, it would be useless to search the whole mountain range of
June City. The entrance would have long since disappeared.

"What now?" Although Ling Xiao had already said that he wasn't
omnipotent, You XiaoMo still asked him out of habit.

Ling Xiao rubbed his clean shaven chin before suddenly smiling after
a moment.

"I reckon the Vermillion Blood Clan would has taken precautions
after the information leaked the last time. They won't let many
people know about it to ensure nothing is leaked a second time. It's
useless to rely on others. In this case, we can only find out about it

"How?" You XiaoMo asked with interest.

"Killing and arson," Ling Xiao replied.

Soon, it was nightfall and what better time to set fire and kill people
than on a dark, stormy night. In the darkness of the night, dozens of
figures were on the move. These people were heading in one
direction and that was the June City's Lord's Mansion.

That day, Hu Yin was leaving the inn after being irritated by You
XiaoMo. He then accepted the invitation from the city's lord and
proceeded to lodge in the Lord's Mansion with his entourage. After

that, people from the Mage Guild also moved in. This gave the lord
great honor. The smile never left the lord's face.

As to why they chose to deal with the Vermillion Blood Clan and the
Mage Guild instead, it was because they couldn't afford to offend the
Cang Alliance. They had an intelligence network all across the Tong
Tian Continent and if they dared to lay a hand on their people, they
wouldn't even how they ended up dead. The Cang Alliance was
known to be extremely protective of its own people.
They couldn't offend the Beast Transfiguration Guild either. They
were renowned for their beast taming techniques across the Tong
Tian Continent. From the high level demon beasts down to the
lowest level ones, one might never know if they were being watched
by demon beasts as they made their move. The risks were too high.
Hence, they settled for the Vermillion Blood Clan and the Mage

While they couldn't afford to offend the two forces either, it would
be difficult to trace the attacks back to them if they were more
careful. Not long after, a group of people arrived at the heavily
guarded Lord's Mansion. It was as if these people already had it all
planned out. They regrouped before dispersing again, sneaking into
the mansion from different directions.

Fifteen minutes had passed.

A powerful aura from within the mansion rose to the sky. Pained
moans and cries rang in succession. Soon after, they were silenced.
The dark night once again resumed its peace and quiet, as if nothing
had happened.

"As expected, they don't stand a chance when faced with a Divine

level powerhouse." From the darkness, Ling Xiao's voice could be
heard with a hint of foresight as he spoke.

You XiaoMo, who was laying on Ling Xiao's back, looked towards the
brightly lit Lord's Mansion. It seemed like they already knew that the
night wasn't going to be a peaceful one. No one was planning to go
to bed as they waited for their prey to show up at their doorsteps.

"Hu Yin probably hasn't gone to sleep. Are we really going to start
with attacking him?"

"Hu Yin may be a genius in Yu Xian City but he is nothing compared

to the Vermillion Blood clan's member. The Divine level powerhouse
is probably beside that clan member and guarding him now. So we
can only target Hu Yin."

"Can't we target Cheng DongQing?"

"Hu Yin and Cheng DongQing. Which one do you hate more?"


"Choose one first. We'll deal with the other one another time."

"Then, let's stick with Hu Yin."

"Make up your mind next time."


The courtyard that Hu Yin was staying at was in the west wing of the
mansion. They already surveyed the place during daytime and for
some reason, he wasn't in the same place as the others. This only

made it more convenient for them to attack. However, afraid that Hu
Yin would be disturbed, the lord deliberately sent people to guard
the west wing closely. On the surface, indeed it looked like not even
a fly could get in.

Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo snuck past the guards and defence lines
with ease and finally located Hu Yin's residence—an exquisite

The outside of the compound was surrounded by the Guards of the

Lord's Mansion whilst the inside was people brought by Hu Yin.
Other than Hu Yin who had an Emperor level cultivation, there was
another person who was at the same level. The difference being the
person had a stronger presence than Hu Yin and he probably was a
four or five star.

Ling Xiao quickly knocked that person out.

You XiaoMo took over by stuffing the guy under the bed. Even if
someone came in, they won’t be able to see him. Then, he got
CatQiu to transform into the sagging old man under the bed.

"Like this you've really become an old man." Ling Xiao joked.

You XiaoMo rolled his eyes at him before starting to carry out the

In order not to alarm other people, they thought of using this

knocked out old man's identity and have You XiaoMo take on his
appearance to deceive the others. The results were successful. You
XiaoMo only had to say to them he had important matters to speak
with Hu Yin and asked them and the lord's guards to stand guard
outside, which they easily obeyed.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in." Hu Yin answered.

You XiaoMo immediately pushed the doors open and entered. He

gave the room a sweep before concluding that it was indeed

As expected, Hu Yin hadn't retired for the night. He was drinking and
his brows were set in a deep frown, as if he had remembered
something unpleasant. When he saw him entering, he didn’t even
suspect anything.

"Uncle Lu, do you need me for something?"

You XiaoMo gave a slight cough before speaking, "I have something
important to tell you."

With his wine-addled brain, Hu Yin couldn’t tell what You XiaoMo
said sounded very different from the usual Uncle Lu. When he heard
there were important matters, he asked about it.

"What is it?"

"Actually, I just want to tell you there’s someone standing behind

you." You XiaoMo smiled.

Hu Yin froze for a moment before noticing that the Uncle Lu in front
of him was a little odd. Before he could even give a deep thought as
to why he found him odd, he felt something strange from behind

He turned around sharply only to find a familiar handsome man
before him. The man was smiling at him, which sent shivers down his
spine. He opened his mouth to speak but not a single word fell out.
Hu Yin's eyes never left that man.

Ling Xiao didn't give him a chance to speak before knocking him out
like he did with Hu Yin's Uncle Lu. No one caught him so Hu Yin just
fell to the ground. His eyes that were staring wide open a moment
ago were now closed

"This is easier than I thought."You XiaoMo exclaimed.

Ling Xiao glanced at him.
"You can change back now." He was not the least bit interested in
seeing the old man's face, not when that old face was making
expressions that he was familiar with.

You XiaoMo grumbled quietly before doing as told.

Ling Xiao squatted beside Hu Yin and stuck out his right index finger.
A nail that wasn’t long but had a sharp glint cut a deep wound into
into Hu Yin's neck. Blood spilled forth and soon the floor was covered
by a pool of blood. And just like that, Hu Yin was killed while he was
still unconscious.

You XiaoMo gulped.

He felt nervous and thrilled at the same time.

Chapter 398: Biggest Problem in Life.
Ling Xiao absorbed Hu Yin's memory after he died.

Whether they were dead or alive, Ling Xiao could absorb the
memories of people, but there was still a difference.

An instinctive resistance would be produced in the person's memory

when absorbing the memory while they were alive. This was not
conducive for absorption and also wastes time. However, after dying
the consciousness would dissipate. As long as the time of death was
not more than one day, the memory would remain in the mind. Just
like ownerless goods, the memory stored in the mind would be
easier to absorb.

This was not the first time You XiaoMo saw Ling Xiao do this.

Every time he saw this scene, he felt that it was like Ling Xiao was
eating people.

Ling Xiao had thoroughly absorbed Hu Yin's memory after a few

minutes. He found the answers they wanted in his memory, then
said, "Let's go."

You XiaoMo nodded.

Ling Xiao set off a fire after walking out of the room, then the two
left as easily as they entered.

Fifteen minutes later, the fire had spread and the west rooms of the
City Lord's mansion were alight with the blaze. The fire was very
large and there were signs that it was spreading in the other

directions. Moreover, they were unable to extinguish the fire no
matter what was done. The entire City Lord's mansion instantly sank
into a panic, and roars were heard coming from inside from time to

The news that the mansion of the City Lord had caught fire spread
on the morning of the second day.

It was said the fire did not go out until the morning. It was only that
nearly half of the City Lord's mansion had been burned down by

There were not many casualties because it was discovered early. But
amongst the several number of dead was the insufferably arrogant
Hu Yin and the other was an Emperor Realm expert. The Divine
Realm expert from the Vermillion Blood Clan was very furious about
this matter and stated that they would definitely catch the murderer.
However, whether they could catch the person was another different

In the afternoon, the news of the when the entrance of the

underground palace would appear spread like wildfire.


Inside the City Lord's mansion, a tense atmosphere pervaded the

entire place. This was especially apparent in a hall which had not
been burned from the fire. The people from the Vermilion Blood Clan
were gathered here and there was fury on their faces no matter who
they were.

You Ming, who was that Divine Realm expert from the Vermilion
Blood Clan, looked towards the man with the highest rank amongst

them, "QingShan, what do you think about this matter?"

The QingShan that You Ming addressed was the third son of the
current head of the Vermilion Blood Clan. His looks were handsome
and his talent was one of the very best in the clan. His status was
higher than You Ming. He was the one who had the most say
amongst all the people there. Even You Ming had to listen to him
most of the time.

You QingShan muttered to himself irresolutely, "The cultivation base

of the one who infiltrated into the City Lord's mansion last night is
bound to be above Uncle Lu. Otherwise it would be impossible for
him to kill Uncle Lu soundlessly without a fuss. As for Hu Yin, we still
can't find him until now?"

"We have searched everywhere inside and out. There's indeed no

trace of Young Master Hu. We suspect that he probably has already
been killed." Hu Yin's subordinate respectfully replied.

You QingShan rapped the tabletop, "That person killed Uncle Lu, yet
he took Hu Yin away. Could it be that person that has some sort of
grudge with Hu Yin?" Since they could not find Hu Yin's body, they
unanimously determined that Hu Yin had been kidnapped.

"Fifth Young Master, if the other party really had a grudge with
Young Master Hu, I know of two suspects who fit the bill." Hu
KangNing who had just recuperated from his injuries immediately
stood up when he heard this sentence. When he spoke of those two
people, a trace of bitter resentment exuded from his eyes.

You QingShan gave him an indifferent glance, "Are you referring to

what happened at the hotel?"

He had heard of this incident when he reached June City a few days

Hu KangNing's scalp tightened when You QingShan's eyes were on

him, and he cupped his hands and stated, "Yes! The strength of one
of them was above Hu Yin. At that time, Young Master Hu did not
even have slightest power to retaliate. So I believe that his strength
is probably also above Senior Lu."

A bodyguard ran in just at this moment.

The bodyguard cupped his hands and reported, "Young Master,

there's been some progress in the search. We found Young Master
Hu Yin's dimensional ring in the ruins. Underneath the ring was a pile
of black ash. This is probably Young Master Hu Yin's clothing and
other personal items."

"Could it be that the reason why Hu Yin disappeared was actually

because he had been burned to ashes by the fire?" You QingShan
frowned. A dimensional ring was an item that was of a much higher
grade than a magic bag. With Hu Yin's status, it was not unexpected
for him to own one. If he had been kidnapped, it was impossible that
the dimensional ring would be left behind untouched. In addition,
with there was that pile of black ash, Hu Yin's disappearance would
be reasonable if it was interpreted this way.


You Ming heavily hammered the table as he darkly seethed, "Truly

well done, to even dare to kill the heir of YuXian City. Apparently the
fact that the Vermilion Blood Clan has made no big moves in these
years has let everyone mistakenly believe that we are sick cats.
Where is the dignity of the Vermilion Blood Clan if we don't kill that


You QingShan's expression was unfathomable.

"That person will definitely appear tomorrow. At that time we will

see who is the most suspicious." Hu KangNing clenched his hands. No
matter whether those two were the killers or not, he would never let
them off.


Before noon the next day.

The valley in the southwest corner of the mountain ranges of June

City was full of people.

Almost all the experts in June City had arrived. The densely packed
crowd was jammed into a pile, the mountain range which had always
been desolate was brimming with an inhabited atmosphere.

Everyone was chattering in discussion when You XiaoMo and Ling

Xiao arrived.

At this moment, there was only half an hour till the emergence of
the entrance of the underground palace.

"There's so many powerhouses, ah!" You XiaoMo excitedly

exclaimed. Although the news had been released quite late, there
were many powerhouses concealed beneath the surface in the
mountain ranges of June City, so there was still quite a significant
turnout here. Thus, everyone who was stronger than Uncle Lu were
all suspects.

"Don't be careless." Ling Xiao cautioned.

"I know. Hey, is that valley the entrance?" You XiaoMo said as he
curiously pointed at the precipitous terrain in front.

The mountain range ahead had a tremendous fracture about two

hundred meters wide. This was precisely the fractured valley they
had heard through word of mouth today. It was rumored that a long
time ago, there were two exceptional experts who fought here and
this dangerous mountain stream was the masterpiece of one of the

As a result of their impressive destructive power, there was a place

inside the fractured valley where the space was torn apart. After
years of precipitation, this fractured valley became a famous
dangerous spot in the mountain range of June City. The fractured
valley was filled with hurricanes of thick ice as sharp as blades. There
were even a few traces of spatial forces mixed inside the hurricane. It
was able to easily split open the defense of a Spiritual Realm
practitioner, so only those experts who were Imperial Realm and
above could enter.

"The people from the Vermilion Blood Clan and the Mages Guild
have arrived!"

Just then, the crowd in the front burst into an uproar.

You XiaoMo glanced in the direction they were looking at. Ten rays
of light rapidly streaked across the sky. The rays drew closer from far
to near and were soon before them, before descending onto an open
space that no one dared to approach.

He did not recognize the rest other than Cheng DongQing and Hu


You XiaoMo originally thought that Hu Feng and Tang Hao who he
met in Bei Dong's Tian Xiang City would also be here. He determined
that they really did not come since he still had not seen a trace of
their figures until now.

He did not know that Hu Feng and Tang Hao had been in
confinement because they did not complete their Heavenly Caldron

Continuing after them, Xiong Xiao's Green Tortoise had also

appeared. The gigantic Green Tortoise obscured the sky above,
plunging the ground below into shadows. The Green Tortoise
searched for a piece of vacant area before descending.

Xiong Xiao and Qiao WuShuang simultaneously jumped off the back
of the Green Tortoise. Whether it was a coincidence or not, they just
happened to land near where You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao were
standing, and had long caught sight of them.

"Fellow Ling Mo, fellow You XiaoHa, we meet again."

Xiong Xiao strode over, his stalwart face involuntarily let out a hint
of cheer.

You XiaoMo was once again embarrassed by his address of 'You

XiaoHa'. He would not have let Ling Xiao speak first if he had known
earlier. In the end, it became something like You XiaoHa. Ling Xiao's
alias was great. Using one of the letters from his name, Ling Mo Ling
Mo, it even sounded good too.

Ling Xiao casually replied, "We just arrived."

Qiao WuShuang saw that You XiaoMo's face was crumpled into a
ball and asked with a touch of care, "Fellow You, what happened to

You XiaoMo was comforted at once by his address of 'Fellow You'. It

was so much better than You XiaoHa and he smiled in satisfaction,
"Nothing, I am just pondering over the biggest problem in my life."

Qiao WuShuang discreetly asked, "Dare I ask what the biggest

problem in your life is?"

You XiaoMo sighed, "My surname is You. The main family from the
Vermilion Blood Clan is also surnamed You. I say, you do think that I
could be one of their clansmen that was stranded outside?"

"Er… …" Qiao WuShuang was stunned.

"It seems like there are all kinds of people in the world now. Any
Tom, Dick or Harry also dares to pretend to be a person from the
Vermilion Blood Clan without even considering their own status. On
what basis are you worthy?!"

A mocking sneer abruptly sounded by his ear. The malicious tone

and deliberate pitching of voice was a personal attack directed at
You XiaoMo that was brimming with malevolence.

The crowd looked in the direction of the voice. It was an

'acquaintance' who had been sent flying with a kick by Ling Xiao - Hu

You QingShan and You Ming were beside Hu KangNing. The

expressions of the two were cryptic and it was hard to tell what they

thought about the words that had been said to You XiaoMo. But it
was apparent that they also approved of what he said, seeing as they
did not tell off Hu KangNing.

You XiaoMo eyed them before he nonchalantly recalled his gaze and
continued to look at and talk with Qiao WuShang, "I say, do you think
I should change my surname? Otherwise, other people may think
that I have some relation to that group of people who only know
how to look at people through their nostrils. Then wouldn't the one
at a disadvantage be me?"

Qiao WuShang could only give a hollow laugh.

Chapter 399: You'll Get Pregnant
The expressions of the "nostrils-for-eyes" Vermilion Blood Clan
twisted as one.

You XiaoMo's words truly showed his talent for offending people.
Though he hadn't specified who he was talking about explicitly,
anyone would know who he meant. Plus, these words were even
said in front of very people he was talking about, so the effects were
even more impactful.

The only one who knew the full situation was Ling Xiao, who silently
gazed skywards.

Yet, what was unexpected was that the Vermilion Blood Clan's
people didn't erupt in rage then and there.

Hu KangNing's complexion had turned ugly, but, as if being held

back by someone, didn't act despite how he was trembling with rage,
red-eyed, and looking as if he wanted to rip You XiaoMo to shreds.

The person who was stopping him was You QingShan.

It was then that Cheng DongQing from the Mage Guild glanced at
You XiaoMo with an insincere smile and said to You QingShan,
"Brother QingShan, I truly admire your restraint after being insulted
like that by this buffon!"

You QingShan was unmoved, mildly replying, "You said yourself that
he was nothing more than a buffoon, so arguing with him is just
going to bring us down to his level. I don't have the time for that."

Cheng DongQing's complexion shifted slightly, remembering how he
had argued with You XiaoMo before. But it couldn't really be
considered arguing, and he quickly pushed it out of mind, agreeing
with the other weakly, "Brother QingShan is very right."

This was the first time he had received such a counterattack by an

opponent and You XiaoMo didn't know how to react..

After a moment, You XiaoMo looked at Ling Xiao with wide eyes.

Ling Xiao sighed softly. "Didn't I tell you that you shouldn't talk to
people with 'nostrils for eyes'? But you didn't believe me. Don't you
know that talking with them can get you pregnant?"

"Pfft-" You XiaoMo laughed so hard that his chest hurt.

He was wrong; this was the real final boss!

Around them, the expressions of those who heard this twisted.

You'd get pregnant hearing someone talk, that truly was a new
phrase. Most people were like You XiaoMo and couldn't hold in their
laughter. However, they were more reserved, turning to chuckle into
their hands.

Hearing this sentence, You QingShan's gaze turned cold enough to

create ice. Yet he didn't want to get into anything with them,
because of what he had said before. This was the fabled, "digging
oneself into a ditch."

"No need to bother with them. It's almost time. Let's go."

Ling Ming came out to help him the out of the awkward situation.

Cheng QingShan glanced at You XiaoMo darkly, his gaze baring
murderous intent. Though he hadn't acted, he had etched You
XiaoMo and Ling Xiao's appearance into his mind.

If You XiaoMo knew what he was thinking, he would tell the other
that their appearances were fake.

Xiong Xiao and Qiao WuShuang looked at You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao,
not knowing if they should cry or laugh. It was hard to believe they
could come up with something like that. They had managed to
completely destroy any chance of a good relationship with You
QingShan today. None of the Vermilion Blood Clan's people were

Xiong Xiao was the first to let go of his reservations. In reality, he

had long since began to look on the clansmen of the Vermilion Blood
Clan with distaste. They were all arrogant like they had gotten ten
thousand two five eights*. If it wasn't for his position, he would've
done something like that ages ago.

"You two really exceeded my expectations." Xiong Xiao was

exuberant, laughing freely. "But that was great!"

"It was nothing!" You XiaoMo said humbly, smiling so much that his
eyes were slits.

Qiao WuShuang shook his head with a smile. After entering the
Underground Palace, the Vermilion Blood Clan would certainly come
after them, yet they could still smile like that.

As the time got closer, tension began to fill the air.

Qiao WuShuang seemed to see someone he knew and suddenly

said, "I have something to do, so I'll be taking my leave."

After that, he began to walk towards a group of people on a distant

mountain. They were powerhouses that had just appeared, radiating
an intense aura.

Xiong Xiao said, "They're from the Beast Transfiguration Guild."

You XiaoMo's eyes lit up. "Qiao-dage is from the Beast

Transfiguration Guild?"

Xiong Xiao replied with surprise, "That's right. You don't know?"
Qiao WuShuang was very famous in the Southern Continent.
Logically, there shouldn't be anyone who hadn't heard of him.

You XiaoMo laughed and said, "Now I do."

This really was an effortless find when they had no idea how to
proceed. With their relationship with Qiao Wu Shuang now, it'd be
easier for him to learn Beast Transfiguration.

Xiong Xiao glanced over at the Broken Valley, saying to them, "The
entrance of the Underground Palace is about to appear. You guys be
careful. I need to go and meet up with the others, so I'll be taking my

You XiaoMo waved at him.

There were many people who had rushed here to the June
Mountains. Apart from the a superclan like the Vermilion Blood Clan,
there were quite a few other groups, all powerful sects of the
Southern Continent and some infamous names, too. As time went
on, these people all pressed towards the entrance of the Broken


You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao were rather far back, but they had an
eighth of an hour, so they weren't very worried.

After about ten minutes, an excited voice yelled out from the front,
"The entrance to the Underground Palace has appeared!"

As the voice rung out, the crowd raced forwards with impatience.

The crowd swarmed into Broken Valley like ants. Even the weaker
practitioners and mages ran towards their deaths as if bewitched.

The result was as expected. None of them lived and were all torn
asunder by the sharp winds, falling at the entrance in gruesome
pieces. The people's minds finally cleared at seeing this, sorrowfully
looking at the already dead people and afraid to reckless charge
inside. All they could do was stand at the entrance looking and

As for the Vermilion Blood Clan and other groups, they darted inside
under the guidance of their elites.

You XiaoMo hurriedly pulled Ling Xiao over. They hadn't even
entered the Broken Valley when they felt a cold, dark presence, as if
their very souls were trembling.

After entering with the others, two towering cliffsides appeared in

view, covered in moss that formed jagged shapes on the walls,
looking foreboding. In front of them were the raging winds, emitting
chilling howls like screaming ghosts.

You XiaoMo raised his head and looked up, seeing a small crack in

the air as he had thought he would.

This crack had been here for many years and more and more Spatial
Force drifted out from the crack, so only Emperor Level and above
cultivators could endure it.

No one dared to approach the crack, avoiding it with their lives.

You XiaoMo could see the Vermilion Blood Clan at the front, their
figures blurring. The others followed them like an osseous disease.
They were all so careful, terrified of getting lost.

But this was understandable. Though everyone knew that Broken

Valley was where the Underground Palace would appear, the valley
was massive. From the outside, it might only seem two hundred
meters wide, but it was thousands of meters deep and the
dangerous winds raged everywhere. They couldn't find it by walking
through the entire thing. So the best method was to follow the
Vermilion Blood Clan.

"Let's go." Ling Xiao grabbed his hand and pulled him forwards.

You XiaoMo followed at once. Though they already knew where the
entrance was, they couldn't show it or else the Vermilion Blood Clan
would suspect them to be the perpetrators of the incident at the

They didn't know this, but You Ming, near to the front, was indeed
observing them.

When he saw You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao, they immediately caught
his attention, especially that Ling Xiao. This man made him feel as if
he could see through the other, yet as if he couldn't at the same

time, enveloped in a mirage and difficult to identify.

Though he wasn't sure if it was them that killed Hu Yin and Hu Lu, he
was already suspicious of the two.


As everyone advanced, a sharp scream suddenly rung out. Two

seconds later, with the poof of a small explosion, the scream came to
an abrupt halt.

Some poor guy had managed to get himself carried over to the crack
by the winds. He had only just approached when the special force
coming out of the crack killed him. The air was filled with blood, the
winds carrying it further. Some people didn't dodge in time and was
splattered with a face full.

You XiaoMo hid behind Ling Xiao, using him to block the blood.

Of course, the rain of blood didn't touch Ling Xiao, not even the
corners of his clothes.

After a while, You XiaoMo was dragged back in front by Ling Xiao.

"My wife, it's just a death. It's not like you haven't witnessed death
before. This is just a small thing; there's no need for fear."

You XiaoMo rolled his eyes. "But it's still disgusting."

Human bodies were still fragile. Organs like the liver and guts had
been blended into the rain of blood as well. If it really had splattered
on his body, he would be sick for days.

Ling Xiao smiled. "You'll get used to it."

You XiaoMo replied, "I'd rather never get used to it." That was
because getting used to it meant that he might be met with even
more similar situations.

That was when the crowd came to a halt.

It seemed that the entrance to the Underground Palace had been

found. The powerful groups, including the Cang Alliance and Beast
Transfiguration Guild, gathered around. The large group seemed to
be confirming if this was the entrance to the Underground Palace or
not together.

Chapter 400: A Rare New Metal
"On the border of this tunnel is an unrecognizable metal element
mineral. This old fellow here has seen some books about the Metal
Swallowing Beast's habits. It likes to stay in places of the metal
element minerals, so this should be the right place." Huang FuLi of
the Beast Transfiguration Guild said first while stroking his beard.
As he finished, You Ming walked in, taking the Vermillion Blood clan
members with him.
Seeing this, others couldn't help but swear under their breath, clearly
You Ming knew beforehand this was the right tunnel, but he didn't
say anything. It wasn't until the Beast Transfiguration Guild members
said it before he moved, his motive was clear as day.
No one was willing to fall behind and went in one after another.
It wasn't long before the people surrounding the tunnel entrance
depleted by half.
Due to the time restraint, even those further away from the entrance
hurried over. Some, who were too impatient, were almost cut by the
strong wind.
By the time You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao arrived at the entrance,
members of the forces were almost all gone.
"Doesn't this hole look like CatQiu's mouth?" You XiaoMo tilted his
head up to see the shape of the tunnel entrance. It was a rare
circular shape, it felt similar to how CatQiu looked while yawning.
However, as they were about to go hunting for treasure, he was a bit
Ling Xiao looked at him and said, "CatQiu hasn't fully developed yet."
You XiaoMo ignored him.

The two followed everyone and walked in. The inside was still
relatively bright; however, it wasn't long before it suddenly dimmed.
When everyone looked back, the entrance had disappeared.
Half an hour hadn't passed by before the entrance disappeared, it
was two minutes early, leaving those outside, who were about to go
in, speechless.
"Good thing we came in early." You XiaoMo said feeling relieved.
Everyone else felt slightly worried as well, it was a good thing that
they had the foresight to come in first. However, it also meant that
the treasure inside had nothing to do with those outside. Everyone
felt some slight relief that there was less competition. However,
unbeknownst to them, who knows which group would be luckier!
Afterwards, the lucky ones quickened their pace to catch up with the
main group. The rushing footsteps created a large echo.
You XiaoMo was not as impatient as them, as he walked along with
Ling Xiao, he was also eyeing the situation inside the cave.
As Huang FuLi said earlier, the Metal Swallowing Beast did like to
stay where there were metal element minerals. Therefore, here one
could see all sorts of minerals and the deeper in, the darker the
About a thousand meters in, they finally arrived at a split juncture.
There were three routes, on the right was a road filled with the
metal element minerals they saw before, giving off a slight
fluctuation of soul force.
On the left was a yellowish-brown road, with the entrance covered in
a yellow sand-dirt. It didn't seem like there would be treasures.
Last but not least was the middle, this was the plainest, pitch dark
and with nothing.

Without a doubt everyone chooses the right tunnel because the
Metal Swallowing Beast ate metal element minerals and only the
right-hand tunnel had it, so it must be that the beast was inside.
You XiaoMo thought the same as them when suddenly Ling Xiao
grabbed a hold of his hand and whispered, "We are going to middle
"Why?" You XiaoMo asked quietly.
Ling Xiao said, "Because the Vermillion Blood Clan also went with this
You XiaoMo lifted his head, "How do you know?"
Ling Xiao replied, "This route has leftovers of their scent."
You XiaoMo bit his lower lip and very sensibly kept the 'are you a
dog' comment to himself.
Ling Xiao, as if noticing something, lowered his head and stared at
him with his black eyes, "What did you want to say earlier?"
With a cough You XiaoMo said, "Nothing…"
Just when they thought that only they would walk the middle path,
after they went in, a few more people followed them. It seemed that
they were all solo practitioners, all with their heads down, trying to
not make eye contact.
You XiaoMo glanced over before continuing. It didn't take long
before the view in front of them suddenly became clear.
It was a huge, as if endless, karst cave. Both the top and bottom
were filled with stalactites of all shapes and sizes. There were no
boundaries in sight and the dark undergrounds were illuminated by
these stalactites.

No wonder there were people who called the June Mountain Ranges
an underground palace, if it was filled with these kinds of karst caves,
then it really does look like a natural palace.
The karst cave seemed to have existed for more than ten thousand
years. Wherever they walked, it was all sort of stalactites eroded to
different shapes and sizes, all beautiful. It itself was a sight to behold.
It was the first time that You XiaoMo had seen a karst cave this big,
taking in the view, even the smallest stalactite was twenty or so
meters long. The biggest were well over hundred meters and the
stalactites above periodically dripped water creating a rhythmic on
the ground.
Everyone had a fast pacing thus it took just about an hour to reach
the end of the field of stalactites to a bizarre world of stone flowers.
From the wall to the ground were patches of stone from black
sediments. These rocks had the shape of a flower thus it was known
as stone flowers.
Seeing this scene, those behind You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao finally
became impatient.
There was nothing of value here, their goal was the Metal
Swallowing Beast, they didn't have time to waste here. At the same
time, they were regretting their decisions, they should have gone
with the others to the right-hand path.
Once they left, You XiaoMo immediately ran over to a meter-long
black stone flower and examined it closely. Absorbed in thought he
said, "There seems to be something inside these stones."
"Let's see, use your soul force and cut it open." Ling Xiao walked over
and said.
You XiaoMo had the same idea in mind, however this black material
was unusually hard, he was dripping in sweat before it finally
opened. Not only that, this was the smallest stone flower.

"What is this small thing?" You XiaoMo took out a black material
from within the stone flower, it was the size of a thumb, way too
Ling Xiao stroked his chin and said thoughtfully, "If my guess is
correct, this is a newborn black metal element mineral, from many
years of mutation."
You XiaoMo tried cutting this black stone however all that was left
was a white streak. It was so hard that even he couldn't do anything
about it, his expression shifted to one of happiness rather than
"If we get a few more of these black rocks, couldn't we use it to lure
the Metal Swallowing Beast?"
"We can give it a try."
And thus, the two split their work while cooperating. Ling Xiao was
much faster than You XiaoMo, by the time he cut opened the second
one, Ling Xiao was already on his tenth.
When You XiaoMo turned around and saw this, he just left it to him
and instead ran behind him collecting rocks. The stone flowers Ling
Xiao choose were all relatively big, with the biggest in the double
digits. From the biggest he dug up a stone with a diameter of twenty
centimeters, the others were all around ten.
It was after they had dug up twenty pieces, when Ling Xiao stopped.
You XiaoMo weighted it and also felt that it was enough.
Walking further ahead, they noticed the large amounts of shattered
stone flowers with the black stones inside dug out. Clearly, someone
else also knew of the contents inside.
By the time they walked out of the stone flower cave, in front of
them was, once again, five narrow passages headed towards five
different directions. This time it was even harder to choose.

Once again Ling Xiao used his sensitive…sense to find out the route
that the Vermillion Blood clan took. It was the third route, also the
middle one. However, what surprised him was that the other forces
had took different paths. There was only one explanation, there was
a division of ideas among them.
Realizing this, Ling Xiao stopped hesitating and randomly choose a
After walking for ten or so minutes, an echo came from ahead. It was
the sound of a lot people talking and by the time they arrived at the
end of the passage, they could finally see what kind of situation it
In an opened space with the size of three soccer fields, there was
around two hundred people, all ones who had gone in the
underground palace. However, that were still less than before and as
expected, the Vermillion Blood Clan and the other forces were there.
It seemed like the five routes appeared to be leading to different
directions but actually had the same exit.
"What is going on, why is everyone gathered here?" You XiaoMo said
quietly to Ling Xiao, not only that, this open area didn't seem natural
at all. The walls clearly had man-made prints on them and the tens of
meters tall door, no matter how amazing nature was, it couldn't
make a door appear.
Ling Xiao replied, "They're probably thinking of how to push open
that open."
That door seemed to be made of a special material as a Emperor
level practitioner went ahead to push it but it didn't budge and
instead his face went red from pushing.
Now, the big forces were gathered around debating on how to open
this door, Xiong Xiao and Qiao WuShuang were included too.

Although the two were young, in Tong Tian Continent age didn't
matter as long as you had the strength to back it up.
"Ling Xiao…" You XiaoMo's voice sounded, quiet as a fly's buzzing.

When Ling Xiao turned around to look, he saw him plastered to the
wall like a gecko. Seeing that Ling Xiao turned around, he giggled and
waved him over, eyes shining.

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