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Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 999–1004


Additional evidence for heme release in myoglobin-DDAB films

on pyrolitic graphite
Matheus T. de Groot a, Maarten Merkx b, Marc T.M. Koper c,*

Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis, Schuit Institute of Catalysis, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology,
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, P.O. Box 9502, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands

Received 25 March 2006; accepted 31 March 2006

Available online 11 May 2006


In a recent paper [1] we claimed that heme release can occur in myoglobin-DDAB films under certain conditions. Our conclusion was
based on the similar voltammetric response and electrocatalytic behavior of myoglobin-DDAB and heme-DDAB films. Our findings
were challenged by Guto and Rusling [P. M. Guto and J. F. Rusling, Electrochem. Commun., 8 (2006) 455–459.], who claim that heme
release does not occur in the pH 5–7 range. In this paper we present additional evidence for our heme release hypothesis and comment on
the points put forward by Guto and Rusling. Firstly, we show that the UV/Vis spectrum of a myoglobin-DDAB solution is virtually
identical to that of a heme-DDAB solution. Secondly, we show that the presence of apomyoglobin can explain the small differences
in voltammetric response between a heme-DDAB and a Mb-DDAB film. Thirdly, we show that the electron transfer rate constants
for Mb-DDAB and heme-DDAB films are similar. The thin layer behavior observed in these experiments cannot be rationalized for
intact myoglobin. All these results are in concordance with our heme release hypothesis.
Ó 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Myoglobin; Surfactant; Pyrolitic graphite; Voltammetry; UV/Vis spectroscopy

1. Introduction  The pH dependence of the midpoint potential of a myo-

globin-DDAB film is identical to the pH dependence of a
Over the last 15 years of didodecyldimethylammonium heme-DDAB film over a pH range of 3–10.
bromide (DDAB) films have been employed in the electro-  The electrocatalytic properties of both films towards NO
chemical study of various heme proteins [3–9]. In a recent and NO2 reduction are essentially identical. In both
paper [1] we compared myoglobin-DDAB films to heme- cases, we observe selective reduction of NO to hydroxyl-
DDAB films on pyrolitic graphite (PG) and noticed amine at low pH and to nitrous oxide at high pH. Also,
remarkable similarities between these films. From our the observed potential dependencies (Tafel slope, etc.)
experiments we ultimately concluded that heme release are identical for both films.
occurs in myoglobin-DDAB films on graphite. We based  The UV/Vis spectrum of a myoglobin-DDAB solution of
this conclusion on the following arguments: pH 5.5 in the absence of NaBr is very similar to the UV/
Vis spectrum of a heme-DDAB solution.
 The voltammetric responses for myoglobin-DDAB films  Much smaller voltammetric signals were observed for
and heme-DDAB films on PG are similar. other heme proteins such as cytochrome c and HRP, in
which the heme group is more tightly bound to the pro-
tein. Consistent with this observation, UV/Vis experi-
Corresponding author. ments showed no shift in Soret bands for these proteins
E-mail address: m.koper@chem.leidenuniv.nl (M.T.M. Koper). in DDAB solution.

1388-2481/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1000 M.T. de Groot et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 999–1004

The literature shows that surfactants are indeed able to 40 lm Al2O3 sandpaper and ultrasonicated in Millipore
induce the release of heme from myoglobin [10–12], result- MilliQ water for 5 min. The electrode was dried in a N2
ing in the incorporation of these heme groups in micelles stream for 10 s. Subsequently, 5 ll of the heme/protein-
[11]. It is also known that heme groups incorporated in DDAB solution was applied to the electrode. The electrode
micelles can exhibit a strong voltammetric response [13– was dried for 15 min in air, after which it was used for
15]. electrochemical experiments.
In our view the above findings provide sufficient evi-
dence to conclude that heme release can occur in myoglo- 2.4. UV/Vis spectroscopy
bin-DDAB films. However, our conclusions were
challenged by Guto and Rusling in a recent communica- UV/Vis spectroscopy was performed on a Shimadzu
tion [2]. They claim that heme release does not occur in Multispec-1501. Heme-DDAB and protein-DDAB solu-
myoglobin-DDAB films and solutions in the pH 5–7 range tions were incubated for a certain time to allow equilibra-
under any condition, substantiating their claim by provid- tion of the solution. To allow accurate absorbance
ing additional evidence, on which we will comment in this measurements, the solutions were diluted to a heme/pro-
paper. To further underscore our own heme release tein concentration of 5 lM just before measuring.
hypothesis we present additional spectroscopic measure-
ments on myoglobin-DDAB solutions and additional elec- 3. Results and discussion
trochemical measurements on myoglobin-DDAB films.
3.1. The effect of DDAB on myoglobin in solution as
2. Experimental evidenced by UV/Vis spectroscopy

2.1. Materials In our previous paper we observed that the UV/Vis

spectrum of a myoglobin-DDAB solution of pH 5.5 was
Hemin (Fluka, 98%), equine skeletal muscle myoglobin practically identical to that of a heme-DDAB solutions.
(95–100%, Aldrich), equine skeletal muscle apomyoglobin In our view this indicated that heme was released from
(Sigma), horseradish peroxidase (Fluka) and didodecyl- myoglobin. On the other hand, Guto and Rusling claim
dimethylammonium bromide (DDAB, 98%, Aldrich) were that UV/Vis spectroscopy of myoglobin-DDAB solutions
all used as received. All other chemicals were p.a. grade shows that the Soret band is always at 409 nm. They did
(Merck). Pyrolitic graphite (Carbone-Lorraine) was fabri- observe shifts in the Q and CT1 bands of myoglobin-
cated into homemade rotating disk electrodes. The geomet- DDAB solutions, but these shifts were reversible upon
ric surface area of the electrodes was 0.5 cm2. Buffer the addition of salt. In their view such reversibility excludes
solutions were prepared with sodium acetate (pH 4–6), the possibility of heme release from myoglobin and hence
sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate (pH 2–3, 6– myoglobin would stay in a near-native state.
8.5, 11–12)) or boric acid (pH 8.5–10) combined with con- We have not been able to reproduce Guto and Rusling’s
centrated solutions of hydrochloric acid or caustic soda observation that the Soret band always remains at 409 nm.
and Millipore MilliQ water (resistivity >18.2 MX cm). Fig. 1 shows that in our experiments the Soret band of a
myoglobin-DDAB solution of pH 5 shifts to a wavelength
of 396 nm. The entire spectrum is essentially identical to
2.2. Electrochemical apparatus and procedures
that of a heme-DDAB solution of pH 5, which implies that
the heme group in the myoglobin-DDAB solution is in the
An Autolab PGstat 20 potentiostat was used for cyclic
same environment as in the heme-DDAB solution. A
voltammetry. A homemade three-electrode cell consisting
straightforward explanation for this observation is heme
of a platinum flag counter electrode, a Hg|Hg2SO4 refer-
release from the protein. For a myoglobin-DDAB solution
ence electrode, and a rotating ring disk electrode was used.
of pH 6 the situation is different. The Soret band has
All potentials in this paper are relative to the standard cal-
decreased in intensity, but can still be found at 409 nm.
omel electrode (SCE). All solutions were deaerated by
We also see several CT1 and Q bands. This suggests that
purging with argon for 10 min. All electrochemical experi-
both native and heme-released myoglobin are present in
ments were performed at room temperature (21 ± 2 °C).
solution. Results at this pH are similar to the results pub-
lished by Guto and Rusling, which were measured at the
2.3. Preparation of protein-DDAB and heme-DDAB films same pH [2]. This shows that the pH of the solution has
a strong effect on the heme-release process as we already
Protein-DDAB and heme-DDAB solutions were pre- stated in our previous paper [1]. In that paper measure-
pared by mixing a 0.5 mM heme/protein solution of pH 5 ments were performed at pH 5.5, and we admit that the
with an equal volume of a 0.01 M DDAB suspension of Soret band for this experiment was not at 396 nm as incor-
pH 5 and were stored overnight at 4 °C to equilibrate. rectly stated in the paper. In fact the Soret band was at
The DDAB suspension was prepared by ultrasonication 406 nm, which is indicative of the presence of a small
for 3 h. Prior to use, the PG electrodes were abraded using amount of native myoglobin.
M.T. de Groot et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 999–1004 1001

indicates that under these conditions the heme released

0.7 0.08
state is thermodynamically the most stable. However, upon
Heme-DDAB, pH 5
the addition of salt the Soret, Q and CT1 bands start to
Mb-DDAB, pH 5
Mb-DDAB, pH 6 shift resulting in a spectrum that is similar to that of myo-
0.06 globin. This indicates that the addition of salt makes heme-

recombined myoglobin the thermodynamically most stable
state. These results confirm the observations in our previ-

ous paper that salt is able to stabilize myoglobin and also


0.3 show that heme release is reversible. We do not claim that
myoglobin unfolds or denatures, since heme release does
0.02 not have to be accompanied by unfolding of apomyoglobin

0.1 [20,21]. The presence of apomyoglobin in a native confor-

mation can explain why circular dichroism signals were
0.0 0.00 observed for myoglobin-DDAB films [2].
350 400 450 500 600 700
λ / nm λ / nm 3.2. Electrochemical measurements of myoglobin in DDAB
Fig. 1. UV/Vis spectra of myoglobin (  ), myoglobin-DDAB (3) and films on pyrolitic graphite
heme-DDAB (—) after 1.5 h incubation at 4 °C in 0.05 M sodium acetate
pH 5.0, solutions contain 0.25 mM myoglobin or hemin and 5 mM In our previous paper the conclusion that heme release
DDAB. Another myoglobin-DDAB solution was incubated at pH 6.0 (-- -).
occurs in myoglobin-DDAB films was drawn primarily
Solutions were diluted 1:50 in 0.01 M sodium acetate pH 5.0 immediately
before UV/Vis measurement. on the observation that myoglobin-DDAB films and
heme-DDAB films behave similar electrochemically. Guto
and Rusling challenged this conclusion by claiming that
It was argued by Guto and Rusling that the observed there are significant differences between the voltammetric
reversibility in the shifts of the Q and CT1 bands upon response of myoglobin-DDAB films and heme-DDAB
the addition of salt would exclude the possibility of heme films.
release. However, it is known from the literature that heme There are indeed small differences in redox potential and
can recombine with apomyoglobin to form myoglobin [16– peak shapes between myoglobin-DDAB and heme-DDAB
19]. The addition of salt can be the driving force to trigger films. However, these small differences can be explained by
this recombination. This is shown in Fig. 2 where we have the presence of apomyoglobin in the heme-released myo-
added apomyoglobin to a heme-DDAB solution and sub- globin-DDAB films. It is known from literature that the
sequently added salt. For the solution without salt, the presence of myoglobin affects the structure of aggregates
presence of apomyoglobin does not significantly change of cationic surfactants [12], and hence it might also have
the spectrum compared to a heme-DDAB solution, which an influence on the midpoint potentials. Fig. 3 shows the

Mb, pH 5

0.7 Heme-DDAB+ApoMb

i / mA



0.3 0.04 -0.05



0.2 Heme-DDAB
0.02 -0.10
0.0 0.00 -0.15
350 400 450 500 600 700 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
λ / nm λ / nm E /V vs. SCE
Fig. 2. UV/Vis spectra of myoglobin (  ), heme-DDAB with added Fig. 3. Cyclic voltammograms for films cast from a heme-DDAB solution
apomyoglobin (3) and heme-DDAB with added apomyoglobin and (- - -), a heme-DDAB solution with apomyoglobin (—) and a myoglobin-
50 mM NaBr (- - -) after overnight incubation at 4 °C in 0.05 M sodium DDAB solution (  ). Solutions contain 0.25 mM myoglobin or hemin and
acetate pH 5.0, solutions contain 0.25 mM myoglobin or hemin, 5 mM 5 mM DDAB in 0.05 M sodium acetate pH 5.0 and 0.25 mM apomyo-
DDAB and 0.025 mM apomyoglobin where applicable. Solutions were globin where applicable. Films were dried over a period of 15 min. Films
diluted 1:50 in 0.01 M sodium acetate pH 5.0 immediately before UV/Vis were cast on PG and were measured in 0.1 M acetate, pH 5.0, at a scan
measurement. rate of 500 mV/s.
1002 M.T. de Groot et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 999–1004

voltammogram of a film cast from a heme-DDAB solution -1

Heme-DDAB, k = 68 s
with added apomyoglobin compared to the voltammo- -1
0.00 Mb-DDAB, k = 97 s
grams of a heme-DDAB film and a myoglobin-DDAB -1
Mb-DDAB(pH 7), k = 78 s
film. The solutions from which the films were cast were -0.05
pH 5 without salt and hence no heme-apomyoglobin
recombination takes place (Fig. 2). The heme-DDAB with
added apomyoglobin film gives essentially the same result

E / V vs. SCE
as the myoglobin-DDAB film, which confirms that the dif-
ferences between Mb-DDAB films and heme-DDAB films -0.20
can be explained by the presence of apomyoglobin. -0.25
To provide additional evidence for the similarity
between myoglobin-DDAB films and heme-DDAB films -0.30
and hence for the heme release hypothesis we have deter-
mined the electron transfer rate constants between the elec-
trode and the heme group for both films. This was done by -0.40
measuring voltammograms at varying scan rates, as shown 1 10 100
in Fig. 4. From the anodic and cathodic peak potentials of ν / Vs

the FeIII/FeII redox transition of these voltammograms

Fig. 5. Trumpet plots for heme-DDAB (.) and Mb-DDAB (d) films on
Trumpet plots [22] were constructed (Fig. 5). From these pyrolitic graphite. Films were cast from solutions containing 0.25 mM
plots the electron transfer rate constants between the heme myoglobin or hemin and 5 mM DDAB in 0.05 M sodium acetate, pH 5.0,
group and the electrode can be extracted employing Lavi- and were dried over a period of 15 min. Cathodic and anodic peak
ron’s theory [23]. The rate constants are 97 s 1 and potentials were determined from voltammograms that were recorded in
68 s 1 for Mb-DDAB and heme-DDAB, respectively. 0.5 M acetate, pH 5.0, at a scan rate of 500 mV/s. The corresponding
electron transfer rates are also reported. One of the Mb-DDAB films (s)
The similar rate constants for the myoglobin-DDAB was cast from a Mb-DDAB solution in 0.05 M phosphate, pH 7. This film
and heme-DDAB films indicate that both films behave sim- was dried slowly over a period of 4 h. The voltammograms for this film
ilarly and hence support the heme release hypothesis. Addi- were recorded in 0.5 M phosphate, pH 7.0.
tionally, the observed behavior is typical of a thin film, as is
reflected in the peak shape (Fig. 4) and the linear depen-
dence of peak potential on the logarithm at high scan rates sponds to a protein coverage of 0.4 nmol cm 2, consis-
(Fig. 5), and this behavior cannot be rationalized for a film tent with results reported by Nassar et al. [24]. If one
containing native myoglobin. Thin layer behavior implies takes into account that a monolayer of small protein mol-
that no diffusion of protein molecules is involved. The ecules corresponds to 10–15 pmol cm 2 as has been
charge under the voltammetric FeIII/FeII peaks corre- reported for cytochrome c on gold [25–28], we can deduce
that at least 30 monolayers of myoglobin with a thickness
of at least 100 nm have to be in direct electronic contact
5 V/s with the electrode. Since electrons can only tunnel at signif-
0.20 20 V/s icant rates through proteins over a distance of 1.4 nm
70 V/s [29], this seems highly unlikely. One could argue that the
electrons hop from one myoglobin to the next; however
0.10 this explanation can be discarded, since this behavior
would be equivalent to diffusion in voltammetry [30]. On

iν / μCV

the other hand, heme release readily explains the high cov-
0.00 erage and the high electron transfer rate constant. Heme is

-0.05 a relatively small molecule (compared to a protein) and

hence much higher coverages per monolayer can be
-0.10 obtained. This implies that only 1–2 monolayers of heme
-0.15 have to be in direct contact with the electrode. This is sup-
ported by the fact that the observed total coverage is of the
-1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
same order of magnitude as coverages observed for
adsorbed heme [31]. Hence the distance between the elec-
E /V vs. SCE
trode and the heme groups remains below 1.4 nm, which
Fig. 4. Cyclic voltammograms for films cast from a Mb-DDAB solution allows for rapid electron transfer.
at 5 V/s (  ), 20 V/s (- - -) and 70 V/s (—). The casting solution contained We have to add that the thin layer behavior we observe
0.25 mM myoglobin/hemin and 5 mM DDAB in 0.05 M sodium acetate is different from the diffusion controlled behavior previ-
pH 5.0. Films were dried over a period of 15 min. Films were cast on PG
and were measured in 0.5 M acetate, pH 5.0, at a scan rate of 500 mV/s.
ously reported for thick Mb-DDAB films [8], but seems
Measured currents were divided by scan rate to allow for comparison to be consistent with the behavior reported for thin Mb-
between different scan rates. DDAB films [24]. Currently we have no explanation for
M.T. de Groot et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 999–1004 1003

the apparent discrepancy between thin and thick films. For impedes heme-apomyoglobin recombination. Hence, heme
this a more detailed understanding about the structural will be slowly released from myoglobin and will adsorb on
properties of DDAB films on pyrolitic graphite is neces- the electrode as is also reflected in the influence of film dry-
sary. It has been suggested that there are potential-induced ing time on peak height (Fig. 6). No recombination with
phase transitions occurring in the film [32], which could apomyoglobin occurs as the adsorbed heme is highly sta-
explain observations such as the irreversibility in the ble; heme release therefore only occurs on surfaces that
FeIII/FeII couple [1]. have a strong affinity to adsorb heme. On surfaces such
The discussion above concerns films, which are cast as quartz and glass spectroscopy has shown that myoglo-
from solutions for which we are convinced that heme bin retains a native conformation in the DDAB films [8].
release occurs (pH 5, no salt). In our view the evidence that Spectroelectrochemical results on tin-doped indium oxide
heme release occurs in these films is conclusive. However, (ITO) also show that native ferric myoglobin can be con-
does heme release also occur in films cast on pyrolitic verted to the native ferrous form in myoglobin-DDAB
graphite from solutions where myoglobin retains a native films [33]. In the studies in which these experiments were
conformation (solutions of high pH (>7) or solutions con- performed it was assumed that the fact that myoglobin
taining salt)? In our previous paper we concluded that retains its native conformation in DDAB films on these
heme release does indeed also occur for these films, which surfaces would imply that myoglobin also retains its native
we based on the similar electrochemical response of films conformation in DDAB films on pyrolitic graphite, an
cast from solutions with or without salt. As additional evi- assumption which we consider untenable in the light of
dence for this hypothesis we have determined the electron the above observations.
transfer rate constant for a film cast from a myoglobin-
DDAB solution of pH 7 (Fig. 5), which is 78 s 1. Based 3.3. HRP-DDAB films on pyrolitic graphite
on the similarity of this rate constant to the rate constant
of a heme-DDAB film we conclude that heme release also There has been some controversy about HRP-DDAB
occurs in this film. films on pyrolitic graphite. In our previous paper we
Apparently pyrolitic graphite is able to enhance the reported our inability to obtain significant voltammetric
heme release process in the presence of DDAB. This can peaks for HRP-DDAB films, which we ascribed to the fact
be rationalized based on the strong affinity of pyrolitic that the heme is more tightly bound in HRP than in Mb.
graphite to adsorb heme. Our UV/Vis measurements indi- Guto and Rusling found reversible voltammetric peaks
cate that heme release is a reversible process, which implies for HRP-DDAB films. In their view this new observation
that heme release occurs under all conditions. However, in contradicts our heme release hypothesis.
solutions that are of high pH or that contain salt heme- As shown in Fig. 7, we have been able to obtain voltam-
apomyoglobin recombination keeps most of the myoglobin metric peaks for HRP-DDAB films that are comparable to
in its native state. On graphite the small amount of released the peaks observed by Guto and Rusling [2]. Based on the
heme can be adsorbed irreversibly to the electrode, which similar peak potentials compared to a heme-DDAB film,
we think that heme release also occurs for this HRP-
DDAB film. The peaks are larger than in our previous


20 20
j / μA cm

j / μA cm


-40 -20

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 -30

E / V vs. SCE
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5
Fig. 6. Cyclic voltammograms of a film cast from a myoglobin-DDAB E / V vs. SCE
phosphate solution of pH 7 that was dried over a period of 15 min (—) as
compared to a film that was dried over a period of 2 h (  ). Films were Fig. 7. Cyclic voltammogram of a film cast from a HRP-DDAB acetate
cast on PG and were measured in 0.1 M phosphate, pH 7.0, at a scan rate solution of pH 5 that was slowly dried overnight. Film was cast on PG and
of 500 mV/s. was measured in 0.01 M phosphate, pH 5.0, at a scan rate of 500 mV/s.
1004 M.T. de Groot et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2006) 999–1004

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