Resh 401 Salvation History

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1. Is our freedom a good thing? Why is freedom important? Would it be better

for us not to be free? 
 Freedom is a good thing, it let us do whatever we want in life that can
improve our lifestyle. We have control of our actions and what we
want to accomplish in life. Freedom is important because it gives us
no restrictions to express ourselves which leads us to feeling good
about ourselves, empowered even. Having freedom doesn’t mean we
can do every possible thing; we must think of the consequences of our
actions also. Having freedom also can mean that we can do bad
things. God made us to have free will, we must not abuse it and
instead we must do good things for our environment and to other
people. Thus, it is better for us to be free if we know how to use our
freedom correctly.

2. What are some obstacles to God’s love that we see around us? 
 Some of the many obstacles to God’s love that we see around us are
the hardships that we encounter in life and temptations. Sometimes,
God give us challenges in our life that tests our faith in Him.
Personally, I would see this as an opportunity to strengthen my faith
to Him. Pray until my problem is resolved and do the work needed
(acceptance and forgiveness) to achieve peace of mind, heart, and
soul. Temptation is everywhere. Losing to temptation usually involves
disobedience from the Ten Commandments. Again, this tests our faith
and obedience to God’s teachings.
3. What are some of the ways people try to bridge the gap between them and
God? Do they work? 
 The only way I know how people try to bridge the gap between them
and God is through intercessory prayer. This means that we pray for
the sake of other people. We pray that they become closer to God the
way we do for Him. An example would be to pray for a friend who is
feeling sick. We ask God to heal him/her so that we can spend more
time with this friend of ours. For me, this method works because
prayer makes us closer to Him and we give ourselves and other people
peace of mind. This promotes good relationship with other people and

4. What does God ask of us? 

 God asks us to accept Him as our Savior from sins. I believe every
people already know about this phrase. What’s left for us is to truly
embed in our hearts that He is our Savior and act upon it because
some people only believe but doesn’t expect much therefore, they do
not put on effort in being good to others and themselves and to believe
in Him a bit more.

5. Why is the Church important? 

 I would like to start my answer by saying “We are the Church”. This
phrase has been taught to us by the nuns in my school ever since I was
a little kid, a mere 5-year-old kid. The church is not just the building
that people go to worship God, it is the foundation of truth and
religion, and it can be found in the people of God – which is us.
6. Why do many people choose to reject Jesus?
 Many people choose to reject Jesus because of social rejection. Most
of the people have different beliefs and some don’t believe in Jesus.
Which is why some believers choose not to express their love to God
to public and reject Him because they want to fit into the crowd. It
still boils down to what we choose to believe and how we choose to
act so if we love Jesus, we must not reject Him.

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