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Salient Point of each Literature

Indian Literature

Indian Literature give us a wide range of taste od different varieties of works in

differrent languages.And all these languages are famous for their works.Literature in
ancient India, was mostly dependent on Sanskrit. The two major epics, Ramayana by
Maharshi Valmiki and Mahabharata by Muni Ved Vyas were written in the Sanskrit
language. Abhigyanashakuntalam and Meghadutam by Kalidasa, are also the best
examples of Sanskrit literature.
The era of Indian modern literature began in the late nineteenth century. Bengali
authors, perhaps, were in the lead this time. In modern times Swami Vivekananda,
Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi and many others used the text to help
motivate the Indian independence movement. During this period, different types of
literature was produced in Sanskrit. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya, Rabindranath
Tagore, Premchand, etc. rank among the world's best literary personalities. With
advent of the British, English also became a common language to get connected and
share ideas and feelings.

The most famous writer is Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, who received the
Nobel Prize in 1913 for Literature. Tagore's own translation of 'Gitanjali' to English
brought him international fame. His 'Gora' is considered to be an exemplary novel in
Indian literature.

Hebrews Literature

Hebrew literature consists of ancient, medieval, and modern writings in the Hebrew
language. It is one of the primary forms of Jewish literature, though there have been
cases of literature written in Hebrew by non-Jews. Hebrew literature was produced in
many different parts of the world throughout the medieval and modern eras. Hebrew
writers had the advantage of possessing a rich tradition and a large corpus of
"classical" literature.The first modern writers of Hebrew were of European origin,
native to such areas as Austria-Hungary, Russia, Poland, and Lithuania. They were
among the first people to join the resettlement in Palestine. More recent writers are a
mixture of immigrants and native-born Israelis.

Persian Literature

Persian literature differs from the common definition of “literature” in that it is not
confined to lyrical compositions, to poetry or imaginative prose, because the central
elements of these appear, to greater or lesser degrees, in all the written works of the
Persians.Persian literature comprises oral compositions and written texts in the
Persian language and is one of the world's oldest literatures.The literature of Persia is
among the oldest in the world, spanning thousands of years, and has influenced the
literary works of many other cultures. The greatest and most influential work is the
Shahnameh – the Persian Book of Kings – written by the poet Abolqasem
Ferdowsi.One of the salient features of classical Persian literature is the way it
incorporates well-wrought and eloquent writings by historians and spiritual figures.
Literature allows a person to step back in time and learn about life on Earth from the
ones who walked before us. We can gather a better understanding of culture and have
a greater appreciation of them. We learn through the ways history is recorded, in the
forms of manuscripts and through speech itself.Literature is mirror to the society we
live in. It is the magic that powers the pen. Literature makes history and history
guides the future.

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