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Philippine Literature

Activity 1
1.What is literature?
Literature is all about written work, a written work that make the author’s be more
attractive and exciting to all the readers. Literature will be an art form like prose fiction
like novel,story,legend and etc. Poetry form like Lyrics, Narrative, Descriptive and
Didactic Poetry, literature also used as figure of speech including sound and imagery.
In short, Literature has a broad description and meaning to be defined
2.What is the importance of Literature?
Literature important especially to us as a human. It is a part of our daily life because
Literature teach us to be more creative in many ways like in the form of speaking and
interacting to one another. It is also have the great contribution to our culture and
tradition and teach us to be a good person in our society.
3.How does Literature become part of your life?
Literature means a lot for me.Since I was a child and on the time I learned how to speak
and write, Literature have the big part of my life especially in terms of culture and
tradition. Literature also give me an idea that our life will be more exciting and worth in
many ways. Through Literature I realized that life will be more powerful and colourful
depend on how we interact and accept the facts that literature means a lot to us as a
4.How does Literature influence you as a person?
Literature influence me as a person in many ways, In the way on how to communicate
and interact to others. Literature make me realized that we have a different of culture to
be accept and tradition to be considered. Literature also influence me to be more
creative and entertaining, and teach me to be a good person and power to build a good
relationship to others.

Activity 2
Write your own story(fiction/non fiction) that you’ve heard from your hometown.

According to the history, Socorro was part of the Municipality of Pola and known as
Barangay Catiningan. And on June 22,1963 under House Bill No.132 and also known
as Republic Act No.3609 authored by Cong. Luciano Joson created Catiningan and
Southern part of Pola into an independent Municipality. The name Socorro was token
from the wife of Cong.Luciano Joson name “Socorro”.as the gratitude for sponsoring.
On July 27,1963 Socorro was officially inaugurated as a town under the Administration
of Mr.Paulino Cabrera who served as the first appointed Municipal Mayor. And won as
the first elected Municipal Mayor of Socorro on November 1963.
Socorro Municipality under RA 3609 was include the following
Dalig,Matungao,Calubayan,Tiwi,and Mamao a total of 26 Barangays and as of
now,some name of the barangays was changed.Socorro is an agricultural town where
rice and corn and fish are the major products.Naujan lake and Holy Parish Church is
one of the Socorro’s tourist spot.And yearly Socorreños celebrate the fiesta with
Pakapya Agtike Festival.The current Mayor of Socorro is Ma.Fe Brondial with Vice
Mayor Roy De Claro under Congressman Paulino Salvador Leachon.

Socorro was formerly part of Pola.It became a separate municipality on June 22,1963
under RA No.3609 and was inaugurated on July 27,1963. The town was named after
the wife of Cong.Luciano A.Joson,the filer of the bill creating the town.

Socorro is located at the junction of the Pola Road.

Luciano A.Joson
Socorro Joson
Paulino Cabrera
Ma.Fe Brondial
Roy De Claro
Paulino Leachon

Point of view
I think the story was true, because the story was taken from the elders of Socorro.And
also, based on my in laws this story is true because he is already a teenager on the
day Socorro was inaugurated as the Municipality.

Legendary or historical

Activity 3
My Supporter, my lover
I treasure you every time
Because you always makes me believe
That everything will be fine.
Be my forever partner and also a lover
And never get tired to reminds me
To keep on going.
I love you because you always prove to me

That you are my no.1 supporter.❤️

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