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SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semanti s

and Pragmati s of Dialogue

Edited by
Paweª Šupkowski and Matthew Purver

POZNA‹ 2010

ISBN 978-83-930915-0-8
This book ontains papers presented at PozDial, the 14th edition of SemDial, whi h
took pla e in Pozna«, Poland, 16-18 June, 2010.
The SemDial Workshops aim at bringing together resear hers working on the seman-
ti s and pragmati s of dialogue in elds su h as formal semanti s and pragmati s,
arti ial intelligen e, omputational linguisti s, psy hology, and neural s ien e.
SemDial Workshop Series homepage: http://www.ill

A knowledgements
Matthew Purver (Queen Mary University of London)
Andrzej Wi±niewski (Adam Mi kiewi z University in Pozna«)
Dale Barr (University of Glasgow)
Jonathan Ginzburg (King's College, London)
Jeroen Groenendijk (University of Amsterdam)
Henry Prakken (Utre ht University, The University of Groningen)
Ron Artstein (USC Institute for Creative Te hnologies), Ni holas Asher (CNRS Laboratoire IRIT),
Lu iana Benotti (INRIA Nan y Grand Est), Anton Benz (Syddansk University), Johan Bos (Univer-
sità di Roma "La Sapienza"), Harry Bunt (Tilburg University), Donna Byron (The Ohio State Uni-
versity), Robin Cooper (Göteborg University), Paul Dekker (ILLC/University of Amsterdam), David
DeVault (USC Institute for Creative Te hnologies), Jens Edlund (Royal Te hni al Institute (KTH)),
Raquel Fernández (University of Amsterdam), Mary Ellen Foster (Heriot-Watt University), Claire
Gardent (CNRS/LORIA), Jonathan Ginzburg (King's College, London), Eleni Gregoromi helaki
(King's College London), Joakim Gustafson (Royal Te hni al Institute (KTH)), Peter Heeman
(Oregon Health & S ien e University), Pat Healey (Queen Mary University of London), Anna
Hjalmarsson (Centre for Spee h Te hnology, KTH), Ruth Kempson (King's College London), Alis-
tair Knott (University of Otago), Alexander Koller (Saarland University), Ivana Kruij-Korbayova
(Saarland University), Ni olas Maudet (LAMSADE, Univ. Paris-Dauphine), John Niekrasz (S hool
of Informati s, University of Edinburgh), Stanley Peters (Stanford University), Ron Petri k (S hool
of Informati s, University of Edinburgh), Martin Pi kering (University of Edinburgh), Paul Piwek
(The Open University), Massimo Poesio (University of Essex), Hannes Rieser (Bielefeld University),
David S hlangen (University of Potsdam), Gabriel Skantze (Royal Te hni al Institute (KTH)),
Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh), Amanda Stent (Stony Brook University), Matthew
Stone (Rutgers University), David Traum (ICT USC), Marilyn Walker(University of Sheeld)
Katarzyna Budzy«ska-Nowa ka (Cardinal Stefan Wyszy«ski University in Warsaw)
Maria Golka (Adam Mi kiewi z University in Pozna«)
Dorota Lesz zy«ska-Jasion (Adam Mi kiewi z University in Pozna«)
Paweª Šupkowski (Adam Mi kiewi z University in Pozna«)
Jerzy Pogonowski (Adam Mi kiewi z University in Pozna«)
Joanna Szwabe (Adam Mi kiewi z University in Pozna«)
Mariusz Urba«ski (Adam Mi kiewi z University in Pozna«)


Copyright 2010 The publishers and the authors.

Printed from amera-ready manus ripts submitted by the authors.

Prefa e
The papers olle ted in this book over a range of topi s in semanti s and pragmati s
of dialogue. All these papers were presented at SemDial 2010, the 14th Workshop
on the Semanti s and Pragmati s of Dialogue. This 14th edition in the SemDial
series, also known as PozDial, took pla e in Pozna« (Poland) in June 2010, and
was organized by the Chair of Logi and Cognitive S ien e (Institute of Psy hology,
Adam Mi kiewi z University).
From over 30 submissions overall, 14 were a epted as full papers for plenary
presentation at the workshop, and all are in luded in this book. In addition, 10 were
a epted as posters, and are in luded here as 2-4 page short papers. Finally, we
also in lude abstra ts from our keynote speakers.
We hope that the ideas gathered in this book will be a valuable sour e of up-
to-date a hievements in the eld, and will be ome a valuable inspiration for new
We would like to express our thanks to all those who submitted to and parti -
ipated in SemDial 2010, espe ially the invited speakers: Dale Barr (University of
Glasgow), Jonathan Ginzburg (King's College London), Jeroen Groenendijk (Uni-
versity of Amsterdam) and Henry Prakken (Utre ht University, The University of
Last but not least, we would like to thank everybody engaged in the workshop
organization  the hairs, the lo al organizing ommittee for their hard work in
Pozna«, and the programme ommittee members for their thorough and helpful


Table of ontents
Dialogue a t models
Volha Petukhova, Harry Bunt and Andrei Mal hanau
Empiri al and theoreti al onstraints on dialogue a t ombinations 1
Alexander Koller, Andrew Gargett and Konstantina Garou
A s alable model of planning perlo utionary a ts 9

Gregory Mills and Eleni Gregoromi helaki
Establishing oheren e in dialogue: adja en y, intentions and negotiation 17
David S hlangen
Pra ti es in Dialogue 25

In rementality
Okko Buss and David S hlangen
Modelling Sub-Utteran e Phenomena in Spoken Dialogue Systems 33
Matthew Purver, Eleni Gregoromi helaki, Wilfried Meyer-Viol and Ronnie Cann
Splitting the `I's and Crossing the `You's: Context, Spee h A ts and Grammar 43

Rational agents
Matthew Stone and Alex Las arides
Coheren e and Rationality in Grounding 51
Katarzyna Budzynska and Kamila Dbowska
Dialogues with oni t resolution: goals and ee ts 59

Eroteti logi
Mariusz Urba«ski and Paweª Šupkowski
Eroteti Sear h S enarios: Revealing Interrogator's Hidden Agenda 67
Paweª Šupkowski
Cooperative answering and Inferential Eroteti Logi 75

Semanti s
Staan Larsson
A ommodating innovative meaning in dialogue 83
Robin Cooper
Generalized quantiers and lari ation ontent 91

Referen e
Florian Hahn and Hannes Rieser
Explaining Spee h Gesture Alignment in MM Dialogue Using Gesture Typology 99
Raquel Fernandez
Early Interpretation by Impli ature in Denite Referential Des riptions 111

Table of ontents
Dale Barr
On the distributed nature of mutual understanding 119

Jonathan Ginzburg
Relevan e for Dialogue 121

Jeroen Groenendijk
Radi al Inquisitive Semanti s 131

Henry Prakken
Argumentation in Arti ial Intelligen e 133

Ellen Breitholtz
Clari ation requests as enthymeme eli itors 135

Jenny Brusk
A Computational Model for Gossip Initiation 139

Nina Dethlefs, Heriberto Cuayahuitl, Kai-Florian Ri hter, Elena Andonova and

John Bateman
Evaluating Task Su ess in a Dialogue System for Indoor Navigation 143

Marta Gatius and Meritxell Gonzalez

Guiding the User When Sear hing Information on the Web 147

Maria H. Golka
Semanti s and pragmati s of negative polar questions 149

Volha Petukhova and Harry Bunt

Context-driven dialogue a t generation 151

Joanna Szwabe and Anna Brzezi«ska

The Communi ative Style of the Physi ally Disabled  a Corpus Study 153

Thora Tenbrink and Elena Andonova

Communi ating routes to older and younger addressees 155

Mar in Wªodar zak, Harry Bunt and Volha Petukhova

Entailed feedba k: eviden e from a ranking experiment 159

Mi hael Wunder and Matthew Stone

Statisti al Evaluation of Intention in Group De ision-making Dialogue 163

Empirical and theoretical constraints on dialogue act combinations

Volha Petukhova and Harry Bunt and Andrei Malchanau

Tilburg Center for Creative Computing
Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Abstract multifunctionality as a problem, both for the de-

velopment of annotation schemes and for the de-
This paper presents an empirical study and sign of dialogue systems (Traum, 2000). Infor-
analytical examination of the actual and mation that may be obtained through a multifunc-
possible co-occurrence of dialogue acts in tional analysis is often sacrificed for simplicity in
dialogue units of various sorts. We for- computational modelling. As a consequence, the
mulate semantic and pragmatic constraints actual multifunctionality of dialogue utterances
on dialogue act combinations for various are still understudied (though see Bunt, 2010).
types of dialogue unit. The present study is concerned with the forms
of multifunctionality that occur in natural dia-
1 Introduction logue and the relations between the communica-
One of the reasons why people can communi- tive functions of a multifunctional dialogue units
cate efficiently is because they use linguistic and (Section 3). In Section 4 we formulate the seman-
nonverbal means to address several aspects of the tic and pragmatic constraints on the multifunction-
communication at the same time. Consider, for ality of dialogue units. Section 5 ends with conclu-
example, the following dialogue fragment1 : sions and prospects for future research.

(1) U1: What is RSI? 2 Semantic framework

S1: RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury
U2: Yes but what is it?
We used the semantic framework of Dynamic
S2: Repetitive Strain Injury is an infliction where...
Interpretation Theory (DIT, Bunt, 2000), which
takes a multidimensional view on dialogue in the
Utterance (U2) in 1 indicates that (1) the user in- sense that participation in a dialogue is viewed as
terpreted the system’s previous utterance (S1) suc- performing several activities in parallel, such as
cessfully (signalled by ’Yes’); (2) the system did pursuing the dialogue task, providing and eliciting
not interpret utterance (U1) as intended (signalled feedback, and taking turns. The activities in these
by ’but’); and (3) the user requests information various ‘dimensions’ are called dialogue acts and
about the task domain. If the system does not rec- are formally interpreted as update operations on
ognize all three functions, it will most likely re- the information states of the dialogue participants
solve the anaphoric pronoun ‘it’ as coreferential and have two main components: a semantic con-
with ‘RSI’ and interpret (U2) as a repetition of tent which is to be inserted into, to be extracted
(U1), and thus not be able to react properly. from, or to be checked against the current infor-
This example shows that the multifunctionality mation state; and a communicative function, which
of utterances must be taken into account in order specifies more precisely how an addressee updates
to avoid errors and misunderstandings, and to sup- his information state with the semantic content
port a dialogue that is effective and efficient. when he understands the corresponding aspect of
While the multifunctionality of dialogue utter- the meaning of a dialogue utterance.
ances has been widely recognised (Allwood, 2000; A communicative function captures beliefs and
Bunt, 2000; Popescu-Belis, 2005), computation- intentions of the speaker. For instance, the precon-
ally oriented approaches to dialogue generally see ditions to perform an Answer are: (1) Speaker (S)
1 From a dialogue with the IMIX system translated from believes that Addressee (A) wants to have some
Dutch - see (Keizer & Bunt, 2007). information, and (2) S believes that the informa-

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
1 author(s)
© 2010 by the
tion is true. Applying this to a particular semantic 3.1 Relations between communicative
content type, e.g. Auto-Feedback, gives the fol- functions
lowing: (1) S believes that A wants to know about
The DIT++ tagset has been designed in such a way
S’s processing state, and (2) S believes that the in-
that two communicative functions which can be
formation about S’s processing state is true.
applied in the same dimension either (1) are mu-
The DIT taxonomy of communicative func- tually exclusive, or (2) one entails the other. Con-
tions distinguishes 10 dimensions, addressing sider, for example, the Time Management dimen-
information about the task or domain (Task), sion. The speaker may suspend the dialogue for
speaker’s processing of the previous utterance(s) one of several reasons and signal that he is go-
(Auto-feedback) or this of the addressee (Allo- ing to resume it after a minor or a prolonged de-
feedback), difficulties in the speaker’s contribu- lay (Stalling or Pause, respectively). Evidently,
tions (Own-Communication Management - OCM) stalling and pausing acts are mutually exclusive:
or those of the addressee (Partner Communication they both cannot apply to one and the same seg-
Management- PCM), the speaker’s need for time ment. In the case of an entailment relation, a
(Time Management), maintaining contact (Contact functional segment has a communicative func-
Management), allocation of speaker role (Turn tion, characterized by a set of preconditions which
Management), future structure of dialogue (Di- logically imply those of a dialogue act with the
alogue Structuring - DS), and social constraints same semantic content and with the entailed com-
(Social Obligations Management- SOM). municative function. For instance, more specific
Some communicative functions can be com- functions entail less specific ones, such as Agree-
bined with only one particular type of informa- ment, Disagreement entailing Inform, and Con-
tion, such as Turn Grabbing, which is concerned firm and Disconfirm entailing Propositional An-
with the allocation of the speaker role. Being spe- swer. This intra-dimensional entailment relation
cific for a particular dimension, these functions is called functional subsumption (Bunt, 2010).
are called dimension-specific. Other functions are A communicative function in one dimension
not specifically related to any dimension, e.g. one may also entail a function in another dimension.
can request the performance of any type of ac- This inter-dimensional entailment relation occurs
tion (such as ‘Please close the door’ or ‘Could between responsive acts in non-feedback dimen-
you please repeat that’). Question, Answer, Re- sions on the one hand and auto- and allo-feedback
quest, Offer, Inform, and many other ‘classical’ acts on the other. For example, accepting or re-
functions are applicable to a wide range of seman- jecting an offer, suggestion, invitation or request,
tic content types. These communicative functions answering a question, responding to a greeting and
are called general-purpose functions. accepting apology entail positive Auto-Feedback.
A functional segment may have multiple func-
3 Forms of multifunctionality tions by virtue of its observable surface fea-
tures (called independent multifunctionality), like
To examine the forms of multifunctionality that wording, prosodic and acoustic features or accom-
occur in natural dialogue we performed a corpus panying nonverbal signals. For example, ‘yes’ and
analysis, using human-human multi-party inter- ‘okay’, said with an intonation that first falls and
actions (AMI-meetings2 ). Three scenario-based subsequently rises, express positive feedback and
meetings were selected containing 17335 words. give the turn back to the previous speaker.
Dialogue contributions were segmented at turn A functional segment may also have multiple
level (776 turns); at utterance level (2,620 utter- communicative functions due to the occurrence of
ances); and at the finer level of functional seg- conversational implicatures. Implicated functions
ments (see below; 3,897 functional segments). correspond semantically to an additional context
The data was annotated according to the DIT di- update operation and are an important source of
alogue annotation scheme (DIT++ tagset3 ). multifunctionality. For example, a shift to a rele-
vant new discussion topic implicates positive feed-
2 Augmented Multi-party Interaction (http://www.
¯ ¯ ¯ back about the preceding discussion. In DIT++ ,
3 For more information about the tagset, please visit: five processing levels in Auto- and Allo-Feedback also have logical relations that turn up as impli-

Table 1: Co-occurrences of communicative functions across dimensions in one functional segment, expressed in relative
frequency in %, implied functions (implicated and entailed) excluded and included.
hhh segments in
hh hh form Task Auto-F. Allo-F. Turn M. Time M. DS Contact M. OCM PCM SOM
have function in hhh
Task independent 0 1.1 0 2.2 0.1 19.6 0 3.8 0 0
implied 49.8 47.9 24.9 97.5 2.4 31.5 0.4 69.6 0.1 0.7
Auto-F. independent 0.7 0 0 11.0 0.6 1.9 11.1 0.8 0 0
implied 38.9 100 0 88.7 11.4 11.2 20.2 11.7 65.0 8.7
Allo-F. independent 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0
implied 24.9 0 100 94.8 35.7 2.1 1.2 7.9 0.7 0.3
Turn M. independent 3.4 26.9 6.7 0 28.6 12.4 7.4 4.8 18.2 6.7
implied 76.0 66.2 19.4 0 42.9 14.6 13.8 99.6 27.3 10.5
Time M. independent 0.1 0.7 0 44.9 0 4.7 0 1.3 0 0
implied 28.2 11.3 7.8 98.6 0 1.7 0 83.2 0.5 0
DS independent 0.1 0.4 0 0.3 0 0 0.9 0 0 6.7
implied 3.2 58.3 29.1 87.5 4.9 4.6 25.0 3.7 0 12.5
Contact M. independent 1.7 0.3 0 3.6 0.5 3.7 0 0 0 1.3
implied 2.4 97.1 1.6 98.8 0.5 2.4 0 0.3 0 3.7
OCM independent 1.2 0.4 0 2.8 0.5 0 0 0 0 6.7
implied 82.2 2.8 2.5 96.9 7.8 3.9 13.5 0 0.9 7.6
PCM independent 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0
implied 11.8 65.0 11.8 79.1 12.2 0 0 0 0 0
SOM independent 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 2.7 0.3 0 0
implied 0.7 80.0 10.0 90.0 0 30.0 3.9 2.0 0 0

cations between feedback acts at different levels: that has a communicative function (and possibly
more than one)4 . Thus, the units of dialogue that
our analysis will be concerned with, are turns and
(2) attention < perception < understanding < evaluation
functional segments.
< execution
There are different forms of multifunctionality.
The implication relations between feedback at dif- Allwood in (1992) claims that if an utterance is
ferent levels are either entailments or implicatures. multifunctional, ‘its multifunctionality can be se-
In the case of positive feedback, an act at level quential and simultaneous’. Bunt (2010) examines
Li entails positive feedback at all levels L j where this claim using empirical data from several dia-
i > j; positive feedback at execution level there- logue annotation experiments and concludes that
fore entails positive feedback at all other levels. sequential multifunctionality disappears if we take
Positive feedback at level Li implicates negative sufficiently fine-grained dialogue units into ac-
feedback at all levels L j where i < j; for instance, count (‘functional segments’ rather than turns). It
a signal of successful perception implicates nega- was shown that even if we consider fine-grained
tive understanding. This is, however, not a logical units of communicative behaviour we do not get
necessity, but rather a pragmatic matter. For nega- rid of simultaneous multifunctionality. The min-
tive feedback the entailment relations work in the imum number of functions that one segment has
opposite direction. For allo-feedback the same re- in dialogue is 1.3 on average and this number in-
lations hold as for auto-feedback. creases when entailed and implicated functions are
taken into account.
3.2 Relations between dialogue units
Dialogues can be decomposed into turns, defined 3.2.1 Multifunctionality in segments
as stretches of speech produced by one speaker,
Our observations show that different functions in
bounded by periods of silence of that speaker.
different dimensions may address the same span
Turns consist of one or more utterances, lin-
in the communicative channel. This what is called
guistically defined stretches of communicative be-
simultaneous multifunctionality. Segments may
haviour that have a communicative function. The
have two or more communicative functions in dif-
stretches of behaviour that are relevant for inter-
ferent dimensions. For example:
pretation as dialogue acts often coincide with ut-
terances in this sense, but they may be discontinu-
(3) B1: Any of you anything to add to that at all?
ous, may overlap, and may even contain parts of
A1: No
more than one turn. They therefore do not al-
D1: I’ll add it later in my presentation
ways correspond to utterances, which is why we
have introduced the notion of a functional segment 4 These stretches are ‘minimal’ in sense of not being un-
as a minimal stretch of communicative behaviour necessarily long.

Table 2: Co-occurrences of communicative functions across dimensions in overlapping segments, expressed in relative fre-
quency in %.
hhh segments in
hh hh Task Auto-F. Allo-F. Turn M. Time M. Contact M. DS OCM PCM SOM
have function in hhh
Task 0 40.8 23.4 42.4 38.2 0 28.2 65.4 22.9 18.2
Auto-F. 10.5 6.7 16.9 16.9 19.1 18.8 19.1 14.2 54.8 9.5
Allo-F. 1.5 4.2 1.3 4.3 12.1 18.8 12.1 5.4 16.2 9.1
TurnM. 14.1 31.4 45.9 0 14.6 25.0 14.6 76.0 25.8 4.9
TimeM. 2.9 7.7 20.2 12.8 0 0 0.8 3.4 16.1 3.2
ContactM. 0.3 0.2 1.8 0.1 0 0 5.6 0 0 2.9
DS 2.1 6.9 11.4 0.2 3.9 37.5 0 5.6 0 8.2
OCM 4.6 3.8 5.8 4.4 2.3 0 2.2 0 0 1.6
PCM 0 0.9 0.9 1.2 0.7 0 0.7 0 0 0
SOM 0 0.1 1.3 2.1 0.3 23.3 0.3 0.2 0 0

In utterance B1 the speaker’s intention is to elicit time to gather his thoughts and wants to continue
feedback, and the utterance also has an explicitly in the sender role, may intend his stalling be-
expressed (‘any of you’) turn releasing function. haviour to signal the latter as well (i.e., to be in-
In utterance A1 the speaker provides an answer to terpreted as a Turn Keeping act). But stalling be-
B1. The speaker in utterance D1 gives no answer haviour does not always have that function; espe-
to B1, instead he indicates that he will provide the cially an extensive amount of stallings accompa-
requested information later in the dialogue (nega- nied by relatively long pauses may be intended to
tive Auto-Feedback act combined with Discourse elicit support for completing an utterance.
Structuring act). A segment may have one or more Co-occurrence scores are higher when entailed
functions by virtue of its observable features and and implicated functions are taken into account
one or more functions by implication. For exam- (see also Bunt, 2010). An implicated function is
ple: for instance the positive feedback (on understand-
ing and evaluating the preceding addressee’s ut-
(4) B1: Just to wrap up the meeting
terance(s)) that is implicated by an expression of
D1: Can we just go over the functionality again?
thanks; examples of entailed functions are the pos-
Utterance D1 in (3) is a request to shift the topic itive feedback on the preceding utterance that is
back to what was already discussed before. This implied by answering a question or by accepting
utterance by implication has a function of negative an invitation. Questions, which mostly belong to
feedback about B1, disagreeing to close dialogue the Task dimension, much of the time have an ac-
as announced in B1. companying Turn Management function, either re-
Table 1 gives an overview of co-occurrences leasing the turn or assigning it to another partici-
of communicative functions across dimensions for pant, allowing the question to be answered. This
one and the same stretch of communicative be- implicature, however, may be cancelled or sus-
haviour simultaneously as observed in features of pended when the speaker does not stop speaking
this behaviour, and when entailed or implicated after asking a question. Similarly, when accept-
functions occur5 . It can be observed that functions ing a request the speaker needs to have the turn, so
which address the same dimension never co-occur, communicative functions like Accept Request will
except for Auto- and Allo-Feedback where func- often be accompanied by function like Turn Ac-
tions are not mutually exclusive but entail or impli- cept. Such cases contribute to the co-occurrence
cate each other, and some general-purpose func- score between the Turn Management and other di-
tions addressing different dimensions (in our data mensions.
Task and Discourse Structuring) that are not mu-
3.2.2 Multifunctionality in segment
tually exclusive but a specialization of the other as
discussed in Section 3.1.
Some combinations of functions are relatively Participants do not limit their dialogue contribu-
frequent, e.g. time- and turn management acts of- tions to functional segments; their goal is to pro-
ten co-occur. A speaker who wants to win some duce coherent utterances. Utterances may be dis-
continuous, where smaller segments can be in-
5 Tables 1, 2 and 3 should be read as follows: from all
side larger functional segments. For example, the
identified segments addressing dimension in column, these
segments have also a communicative function in dimension speaker of the utterance in (5) interrupts his Inform
listed in rows. with a Set-Question:

Table 3: Co-occurrences of communicative functions across dimensions in a sequence of two functional segments in one turn,
expressed in relative frequency in %.
hhh segments in
hh hh Task Auto-F. Allo-F. Turn M. Time M. DS Contact M. OCM PCM SOM
have function in hhh
Task 26.5 36.5 33.3 33.5 42.4 0 15.4 21.6 20.0 46.7
Auto-F. 15.9 24.8 9.9 16.7 17.2 33.3 19.2 8.0 30.0 13.3
Allo-F. 0.4 1.1 6.6 0.6 0.6 0 0 0.5 0 0
TurnM. 59.7 38.1 36.7 53.0 44.2 15.3 61.5 69.9 50.0 33.3
TimeM. 27.9 20.4 20.0 30.9 18.8 0 15.4 55.4 0 26.7
ContactM. 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 34.2 0 0 0 54.6
DS 0.5 1.2 0 0.6 0.6 15.0 7.6 0.5 0 0
OCM 9.9 8.0 6.7 11.3 13.9 0 7.7 9.5 0 0
PCM 0.4 0.42 0 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.3 0 0
SOM 0.2 0.6 0 0.3 0.1 33.3 0 0.5 0 6.7

(5) Twenty five Euros for a remote... how much is that example, positive feedback implicated by shifting
locally in pounds? is too much to buy a new one to a new topic, related to the previous one, may
be expressed explicitly and happens very often by
Segments with different functions may overlap
means of discourse markers, such as ‘and then’,
(see Table 2). For example:
‘okay then’, ‘next’, etc. (see Petukhova&Bunt,
(6) B1: I think we’re aiming for the under sixty five 2009). More generally, any relevant continuation
D1: Under sixty five is a good constraint of the dialogue implicates positive feedback, such
Utterance D1 is positive feedback about B1 at the as question that moves the dialogue forward. But
level of evaluation, whereas the bold marked part this may also be expressed by repeating or para-
is an explicit feedback signal at the level of per- phrasing parts of previous utterances, or using dis-
ception. Such a co-occurrence is possible because course markers like ’then’. For example:
higher levels of positive feedback entail lower lev- (8) D1: This idea focuses on the twenty five age group
els of positive feedback. B1: Are we aiming at a fairly young market then?
The most important sources of overlapping mul- Functional segments following each other within
tifunctionality are entailed functions, but here they a turn give rise to sequential multifunctionality at
are expressed explicitly by means of certain utter- turn level. We analysed sequences of a length of
ance features. For instance, as mentioned above 2 functional segments for the most frequently oc-
answers entail that the previous question was suc- curring patterns of communicative function com-
cessfully processed. Answers often overlap with binations (see Table 3). It was observed that the
explicitly expressed positive feedback, e.g. when co-occurrence scores for Turn Management, Task
the speaker repeats (positive perception) or para- and Auto-Feedback with other dimensions are rel-
phrases the partner’s previous (part of) utterance atively high. This means that Task functional seg-
(positive interpretation) in a segment within his ut- ments are frequently preceded or followed by Turn
terance. Discourse markers may also be used for Management or Auto-Feedback segments or seg-
this purpose signalling that higher processing lev- ments that have functions in these two dimensions
els are reached (i.e. evaluation or execution). For simultaneously. For instance, a frequent pattern
example: for constructing a turn is first performing a turn-
(7) D1: Which is the clunky one on the left or on the right? initial act (e.g. Turn Take, Accept or Grab) com-
C1: The clunky one is the one on the right bined with or followed by an Auto-Feedback act
and one or more segments in another dimension,
The speaker of C1 could have said ‘on the right’
and closing up the turn with a turn-final act. This
which would be a perfectly acceptable answer to
pattern occurs in about 49.9% of all turns. For ex-
the question D1. Instead, he repeats part of the
question and thereby signals that his perception
was successful. In the same way, Accept and Re- (9) B1: well (Neg.Auto-Feedback Evaluation + Turn Take)
ject Offer, Suggestion and Request, but in fact any B2: Twenty five euro is about eighteen pounds, isn’t it?
responsive, which entail positive auto-feedback, (Auto-Feedback Check Question)
may overlap with such segments. D1: um (Turn Take+Stalling)
Another source of overlapping is pragmatic im- D2: Yep (Allo-Feedback Confirm)
plicatures. It is often possible to add explicitly Dialogue participants make their contributions
what is implicated without being redundant. For consistent. To perform a task act and then to ex-

plicitly take the turn would not be a logical thing across dimensions is, therefore, as follows: Task
to do, because by starting speaking one already dimension has 44 functions; Auto-Feedback - 54;
implicitly indicates that one wants to occupy the Allo-Feedback - 59; Turn Management - 50; Time
sender role. Similarly, to reject a request and then Management - 46; Contact Management - 46; DS
to accept it would be very unfortunate, unless the - 50; OCM - 47; PCM - 46; and SOM - 54. A
first act is performed by mistake or the speaker function, however, can be assigned not in each di-
changes his mind and withdraws the first act. mension. The total number of possible combina-
We often observed sequences where the speaker tions is the sum of the possible number of 10 tags,
performed a certain act and subsequently tried to the number of 9 tags, the number of 8 tags, . . . the
justify this by elaborating or explaining what he number of single tags. The number of possible
just said. For example: combinations of 10 tags is 44 × 54 × 59 × 50 ×
(10) A1: it ties you on in terms of the technologies 46 × 46 × 50 × 47 × 46 × 54 = 8.66 × 1016 ; adding
A2: like for example voice recognition the number of possible combinations of nine tags
A3: because you need to power a microphone or less gives a total of 8.82 × 1016 .
A4: so thats one constraint there In practice, it has been shown that 2 functions
per segment is a realistic number when we count
In example (10) discourse markers are used by the
functions expressed by virtue of utterance features
speaker to indicate the steps in a sequence of argu-
and implicated functions (see Bunt, 2010). This
ments: he makes a statement (Inform); then pro-
gives us (D1 × D2 + D1 × D3 + D1 × D4 + ...) =
vides an example for this statement (Inform Exem-
110, 605 possible dialogue act combinations.
plify); justifies his choice (Inform Justification);
and draws a conclusion (Inform Conclude). We analysed these function combinations and
determine whether there are additional constraints
4 Constraints on dialogue act on their combinations and what nature they have:
combinations do they have a logical or a pragmatic origin. For
each dialogue act we calculated logical entail-
A good understanding of the nature of the relations ments and generated dialogue act pairs, in search
among the various multiple functions that a seg- of logical conflicts between them. Entailments be-
ment may have, and how these segments relate to tween dialogue acts are defined by logical implica-
other units in dialogue, opens the way for defining tions between their preconditions. Calculating the
a computational update semantics for the interpre- entailment relations among dialogue acts through
tation and generation of dialogue utterances. In their preconditions ensures completeness in the
order to develop such a semantics, it is necessary sense of finding all entailments between dialogue
to investigate forms of multifunctionality that oc- acts. While entailments depend solely on the def-
cur in natural dialogue and the relations between initions of communicative functions in terms of
the communicative functions of a multifunctional their preconditions, implicatures are pragmatic re-
utterance. Moreover, no corpus is big enough lations between a dialogue act and a condition that
to examine all possible function co-occurrences; may be a precondition of another dialogue act, as
corpus-based observations call for an additional will be illustrated below, and are a matter of em-
analytical examination of the conditions for per- pirical observation.
forming a certain dialogue act.
The DIT++ set of 10 dimensions is orthogonal 4.1 Logical constraints
(see Petukhova & Bunt (2009)), thus, theoretically
it is possible that a segment has a communica- From a logical point of view, two communicative
tive function in each dimension (thus, 10 tags per functions cannot be applied to one and the same
segment). There are, however, certain constraints semantic content if they have logical conflicts in
on the use of functions within a dimension. The their preconditions or/and entailments. We anal-
following should be taken into account: (1) that ysed functional consistency pairwise between (1)
there’s at most one (most specific) applicable func- preconditions of F1 and F2 ; (2) entailments of F1
tion per dimension, and (2) the total number of and F2 ; (3) entailments of F1 and preconditions of
functions available per dimension. DIT++ tagset F2 and vice versa.
has 44 general-purpose functions and 56 dimen- The use of two functions (F1 and F2 ) applied to
sion specific functions. Distribution of function the same semantic content p is logically inconsis-

tent if there is a proposition q which can be de- request (like Can you tell me where Harry’s of-
rived from the set of preconditions P1 of F1 , while fice is?) does not have this preconditions; in-
¬q can be derived from the preconditions P2 of F2 . stead, it implicates that the speaker wants to know
This is for instance the case when we deal with al- whether the addressee is able to perform the action
ternative end-nodes in the tagset hierarchy. For ex- (wants(S, knowsi f (S, can do action(A, a)))).
ample, one cannot accept and reject an offer in one Similarly, questions and requests implicate that
functional segment: Accept Offer requires that the speaker wants the addressee to have the next
believes(S, will do action(A, a)); believes(S, can do(A, a)); turn, hence the speaker does not want to have the
believes(S, wants(A, believes(S, will do action(A, a)))) next turn himself: (¬wants(S, Turn Allocation(S))),
wants(S, plan do action(A, p)); for Reject Offer the whereas such acts as Stallings or Pausing, but also
same preconditions hold except for the last one acts like Self-Correction, Error Signalling and Re-
which is ¬wants(S, plan do action(A, a)). traction, implicate that the speaker wants to keep
Similarly, F1 and F2 applied to the same the turn himself: (wants(S, Turn Allocation(S)).
semantic content p are logically conflicting if Two dialogue acts cannot be combined in one
F1 has an entailed condition q and F2 has segment if an implicature of one act makes the
the entailment ¬A. For example, the entail- performance of another act impossible. For ex-
ments of an answer to a question expressed ample, positive auto-feedback acts at the level of
by utterance u (wants(S, knows(A, Interpreted(S, u)))) perception and lower do not satisfy the conditions
are in conflict with entailments of negative for the speaker to be able, for example, to assist the
Auto-Feedback at the level of perception and addressee by providing a completion or a correc-
lower (e.g. wants(S, knows(A, ¬Perceived(S, u))) entails tion of the addressee’s mistakes, because for being
wants(S, knows(A, ¬Interpreted(S, u)))). able to offer a completion or a correction it is not
Two acts are also in conflict if the entailments sufficient to pay attention and hear what was said,
of one are in logical conflict with preconditions of but understanding and evaluation are required, and
the other. The most obvious case is that of respon- positive perception implicates negative feedback
sive dialogue acts and negative Auto-Feedback at at these higher processing levels.
all processing levels. For example, in order to pro- As noted in (11), two acts cannot be com-
vide a correction the speaker needs to have paid bined in one segment if implicatures of one are
attention, perceived and understood the relevant in conflict with implicatures of another. For in-
previous utterance. stance, Contact Check carries an implicature of
Note that the combination of two acts in one negative perception of partner’s linguistic or non-
functional segment that share the same semantic verbal behaviour, whereas, for example, Opening
content are not necessarily in conflict if they re- carries an implicature of positive perception of
fer to different segments or acts in the previous partner’s behaviour. Similarly, Partner Commu-
discourse, i.e. if they have different functional or nication Management acts are pragmatically in-
feedback dependency relations, see Bunt (2010). consistent with dialogue acts like Opening, Self-
4.2 Pragmatic constraints Introduction, Greeting or Contact Check, because
PCM acts are performed in reaction to certain
Pragmatically speaking, two acts A1 and A2 are in- linguistic behaviour of the dialogue partner, and
consistent in the following to cases: therefore implicate higher levels of successful pro-
(11) (1) an implicated condition q1 of A1 blocks cessing of such behaviour, whereas dialogue ini-
the performance of A2 ; tiating acts implicate lower processing levels like
(2) an implicated condition q1 of A1 is in con- attention or perception, or elicit them. PCM acts
flict with implicated condition q2 of A2 . can be combined with responsive acts in these di-
mensions although we do not find examples of this
An example of the first type of pragmatic incon-
in our corpus data.
sistency is the combination of direct and condi-
tional (indirect) variants of the same act. For in-
4.3 Constraints for segment sequences
stance, a direct request like Please tell me where
Harry’s office is has the precondition that the ad- We discussed above logical and pragmatic con-
dressee is able to perform the requested action: straints for simultaneous multifunctionality. Since
believes(S, can do action(A, a)), whereas a conditional overlapping multifunctionality is a special case

of simultaneous multifunctionality; the constraints future work will be concerned with the automatic
discussed above apply in this case as well. generation of sets of dialogue acts for contribution
For sequential multifunctionality within turns planning; the formulation of rules assigning prior-
there are fewer and softer constraints on dialogue ities among alternative admissible dialogue acts;
act combinations than for simultaneous multifunc- and formulating linguistic constraints on possible
tionality. For example, the combination of two combinations of dialogue acts in a segment, an ut-
mutually exclusive acts in a sequence is in princi- terance, and a turn.
ple possible. A speaker who wants to constructed
turn coherent and logically consistent turns should Acknowledgments
not combine logically or pragmatically conflicting This research was conducted within the project
dialogue acts associated with segments within the ’Multidimensional Dialogue Modelling’, spon-
same turn. However, such combinations cannot be sored by the Netherlands Organisation for Sci-
excluded entirely, since a speaker can perform a entific Research (NWO), under grant reference
dialogue act by mistake and subsequently correct 017.003.090. We are also very thankful to anony-
himself. Hence we may expect sequences of the mous reviewers for their valuable comments.
following kind:

(12) 1. dialogue act A1 References

2. retraction of A1 Allen, J., Core, M. 1997. Draft of DAMSL: Dialog Act
3. dialogue act A2 Markup in Several Layers.
Jens Allwood. 1992. On dialogue cohesion. Gothen-
where A1 and A2 are conflicting. burg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics 65. Gothen-
burg University.
5 Discussion and conclusions Jens Allwood. 2000. An activity-based approach to
pragmatics. In H. Bunt and W. Black (eds.), Abduc-
The main conclusion from this study is that in tion, Belief and Context in Dialogue. Amsterdam:
order to define a multidimensional computational Benjamin, pp. 47-81.
update semantics for dialogue interpretation it is Harry Bunt. 2000. Dialogue pragmatics and context
important to understand the nature of the rela- specification. H. Bunt and W. Black (eds.), Abduc-
tions among the various multiple functions that tion, Belief and Context in Dialogue. Amsterdam:
Benjamins, pp.81-150.
a segment may have and how these segments re-
Harry Bunt. forthcoming 2010. Multifunctionality in
late to other units in dialogue. We investigated dialogue. Computer, Speech and Language, Special
the forms of multifunctionality that occur in nat- issue on dialogue modeling.
ural dialogue and analysed the obtained functions Rajdip Dhillon, Sonali Bhagat, Hannah Carvey, and
co-occurrence matrices across dimensions. Addi- Elizabeth Schriberg. 2004. Meeting recorder
tionally, analytical examination of act precondi- project: dialogue labelling guide. ICSI Technical
tions, entailments implication relations was per- Report TR-04-002.
formed. General constraints on the use of dia- Barbara Di Eugenio, Pamela W. Jordan, and Liina
Pylkkaenen. 1998. The COCONUT project: dia-
logue act combinations were formulated. These logue annotation manual. ISP Technical Report 98-
constraints are also general in a sense that they 1.
are not only applicable when using the DIT++ Simon Keizer and Harry Bunt. 2007. Evaluating com-
dialogue act set but also other multidimensional binations of dialogue acts for generation. In: Pro-
tagsets such as DAMSL (Allen and Core, 1997), ceedings of the 8th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse
MRDA (Dhillon et al., 2004) and Coconut (Di Eu- and Dialogue, Antwerp, pp. 158-165.
genio et al., 1998). These constraints are impor- Volha Petukhova and Harry Bunt. 2009. The indepen-
dence of dimensions in multidimensional dialogue
tant for efficient computational modelling of di- act annotation. Proceedings NAACL HLT Confer-
alogue and dialogue context, as well as for au- ence, Boulder, Colorado.
tomatic dialogue act tagging, in that it could fa- Andrei Popescu-Belis. 2005. Dialogue Acts: One
cilitate the effective computations and reduce the or More Dimensions? ISSCO Working Paper 62,
search space significantly. ISSCO, Geneva.
The results of this study do not only have conse- David Traum. 2000. 20 questions on dialogue act tax-
onomies. Journal of Semantics, 17(1): 7-30.
quences for the semantic interpretation of dialogue
contributions, but also for their generation. Our

A scalable model of planning perlocutionary acts

Alexander Koller and Andrew Gargett and Konstantina Garoufi

Cluster of Excellence “Multimodal Computing and Interaction”
Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

Abstract effects: If an utterance has not been understood, it

cannot be expected to have its intended effect.
We propose a new model of perlocution-
ary acts, in which perlocutionary effects of In this paper, we propose a new, general model
communicative actions are simply effects of perlocutionary effects based on AI planning. In
of operators in a planning problem. A plan this model, the speaker computes a plan of com-
using such operators can be computed ef- municative actions, each of which may have per-
ficiently, under the assumption that all per- locutionary effects, under the assumption that all
locutionary effects come true as intended; intended perlocutionary effects come true. That
the speaker then monitors the plan execu- is, we model the effect of uttering “please open
tion to detect it when they don’t. By scal- the window” as changing the world state such that
ing the complexity of the execution moni- the window becomes open. Because communica-
tor up or down, we can reconstruct previ- tive actions can fail to have the intended effects
ous approaches to speech act planning and (perhaps the hearer misunderstood, or is uncoop-
grounding, or build an instruction genera- erative), the speaker then observes the hearer’s be-
tion system with real-time performance. havior to monitor whether the communicative plan
has the intended effects. If the speaker notices that
1 Introduction something goes wrong, they can react by diagnos-
ing and repairing the problem.
The reason why people say things is the same as
why they perform physical actions: because they This model makes it possible to deliberately
want to achieve some goal by doing it. This is compute a sequence of communicative actions that
most obvious when the communicative action is is fit to achieve a certain perlocutionary effect.
an instruction which asks an interlocutor to per- Because the assumption that perlocutionary ef-
form a certain physical action; but it is still true for fects come true makes the planning easier, we
utterances of declarative sentences, which are in- can compute communicative plans efficiently; fur-
tended to change the hearer’s mental state in some thermore, our model can subsume communicative
way. The goals which an utterance achieves, or is and physical actions within the same framework
meant to achieve, are called perlocutionary effects quite naturally. By scaling the execution monitor-
by Austin (1962). ing module, we can trade off the precision with
which the hearer’s state is modeled against the in-
However, relatively little work has been done on
efficiency and model complexity this involves, ac-
precise formal and computational models of per-
cording to the needs of the application. We show
locutionary effects, and in particular on the goal-
how a number of existing approaches to speech
directed use of communicative actions for their
act planning and grounding can be reconstructed
perlocutionary impact. Mainstream approaches
in this way, and illustrate the use of our model for
such as Perrault and Allen (1980), which rely on
the situated real-time generation of instructions in
modeling complex inferences in the hearer’s mind
a small but fully implemented example.
and use non-standard planning formalisms, have
never been demonstrated to be computationally ef- Plan of the paper. We introduce our model in
ficient enough for practical use. On the other hand, Section 2, connect it to the earlier literature in Sec-
issues of grounding (Clark, 1996) are highly rele- tion 3, and show its application to instruction gen-
vant for the problem of modeling perlocutionary eration in Section 4. Section 5 concludes.

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
9 author(s)
© 2010 by the
2 A new model of speech acts moveto(x, y1 , y2 ):
Precond: agent(x), at(x, y1 ), near(y1 , y2 )
Effect: ¬at(x, y1 ), at(x, y2 )
We start by describing our model of speech acts,
which combines communicative action planning press(w, x, y, z):
with monitoring of the hearer’s actions. Precond: agent(x), ltswitch(w, z), at(x, y), at(w, y),
state(z, off)
Effect: ¬state(z, off), state(z, on)
2.1 Communicative planning
The fundamental idea of our approach is to model Figure 1: Physical actions for turning on the light.
a communicative act simply as an action in some
“press”(w, z):
planning problem. We take a communicative ac- Precond: ltswitch(w, z), state(z, off)
tion to be some act of uttering a string of words. Effect: ¬state(z, off), state(z, on),
Ultimately, an agent performs such actions in or- ∀w0 .w0 6= w → distractor(w0 )
der to achieve a (perlocutionary) goal which is ex- “the light switch”(w):
Precond: ∃z.ltswitch(w, z)
ternal to language. This could be a physical goal Effect: ∀w0 .(¬∃z.ltswitch(w0 , z) → ¬distractor(w0 ))
(the light is now on), a goal regarding the mental
state of the hearer (the hearer now believes that I Figure 2: Communicative actions for turning on
have a cat), or something else. In this sense, com- the light.
municative actions are exactly the same as physi-
cal actions: activities that are performed because
they seem suitable for reaching a goal. If there is a second agent B in the room, then
A can alternatively achieve the goal of switching
We model perlocutionary effects as effects of
l1 on by asking B to do it, using communicative
communicative actions in a planning problem.
actions along the lines of those in Fig. 2. Here
While we use classical planning throughout this
we add a further formula ∀x.¬distractor(x) to the
paper, the basic idea applies to more expressive
goal in order to require that the hearer can resolve
formalisms as well. A planning problem consists
all referring expressions uniquely. A valid plan is
of a set of planning operators with preconditions
“press”(b1 , l1 ) and then “the light switch”(b1 );
and effects; an instance of an operator can be ap-
this corresponds to uttering the sentence “press the
plied in a given planning state if its preconditions
light switch”. (We write the names of commu-
are satisfied, and then updates the state according
nicative actions in quotes in order to distinguish
to its effects. Planning (see e.g. Nau et al. (2004))
them from physical actions.) The first action al-
is the problem of finding a sequence of actions (i.e.
ready achieves A’s goal, state(l1 , on), but also in-
operator instances) which transforms a given ini-
troduces the atom distractor(b2 ) into the planning
tial state into one that satisfies a given goal.
state, indicating that the hearer won’t be able to
Consider the following example to illustrate
tell which button to press after hearing only “press
this. An agent A is in a room with a light l1 and
. . . ”. Since b1 is the only light switch, this atom is
two buttons b1 and b2 ; b1 will turn on l1 , while b2
easily removed by the action “the light switch”,
is a dummy, and pressing it has no effect. We can
which brings us into a goal state.
encode this by taking an initial state which con-
tains the atoms agent(A), ltswitch(b1 , l1 ) (i.e. b1 These two plans involve completely different
is the light switch for l1 ), and state(l1 , off) (i.e. the kinds of actions: One uses physical actions per-
light is off). Let’s also include in the initial state formed by A, the other communicative actions
that A is at location p1 and b1 is at a (different) performed by A intended to make B perform
location p2 , via atoms at(A, p1 ), at(b1 , p2 ) and appropriate physical actions. Nevertheless, both
near(p1 , p2 ). Finally, let’s assume that A wants plans are equally capable of achieving A’s goal.
l1 turned on. We express this desire by means We claim that communication is generally a goal-
of a goal state(l1 , on). Then one valid plan will directed activity of this kind, and can be usefully
be to execute instances of the operators in Fig. 1, modeled in terms of planning.
which encode physical actions performed by the
2.2 Plan execution monitoring
agent. Specifically, moveto(A, p1 , p2 ) and then
press(b1 , A, p2 , l1 ) will achieve the goal: The first One crucial feature of this model is that the
action moves A to p2 , establishing the precondi- “press” operator, which encodes the action of ut-
tions for the second action and turning on the light. tering the word “press”, has the effect that the light

is on. At first, this seems surprising, as if sim- in the earlier example, the hearer moves to a point
ply saying “press . . . ” could magically operate the where they can see both b1 and b2 , and then hesi-
light switch. This effect can be understood in the tates. In this case, a hesitation of sufficient dura-
following way. Assume that the hearer of an ut- tion is evidence that the hearer may not execute the
terance containing “press . . . ” which is complete instruction, i.e. that the plan execution didn’t have
in the sense that it is grammatically correct and the intended perlocutionary effect. The speaker
all referring expressions can be resolved uniquely can now analyze what went wrong, and in the ex-
understands this utterance. Assume also that the ample might conclude that the hearer didn’t know
hearer is cooperative and follows our request, and that b2 isn’t a light switch. This particular problem
that they manage to achieve the goal we have set could be repaired by supplying more information
for them. Then the communicative plan under- to help the hearer remove distractors, e.g. by utter-
lying the utterance will indeed have the effect of ing “it’s the left one”. Deciding when and how to
switching on the light, through the physical ac- repair is an interesting avenue for future research.
tions of our cooperative hearer.
2.3 A scalable model
Our communicative planning operators directly
contain the perlocutionary effects that the utter- Putting these modules together, we arrive at a
ance will have if everything goes as the speaker novel model of perlocutionary acts: The speaker
intended. This makes it possible for a perlocu- computes a plan of communicative actions that is
tionary effect of one action in the plan to estab- designed to reach a certain goal; executes this plan
lish the precondition of another, and thus to form by performing an utterance; and then observes the
communicative plans that are longer than a single hearer’s actions to monitor whether the intended
utterance; we will present an example where this perlocutionary effects of the plan are coming to
is crucial in Section 4. But of course, we must pass. If not, the speaker repairs the plan.
account for the possibility that the hearer misun- By making optimistic assumptions about the
derstood the utterance, or is unwilling or unable to success of perlocutionary effects, this model can
respond in the way the speaker intended; that is, get away with planning formalisms that are much
that an action may not have the intended effect. simpler than one might expect; in the example, we
use ordinary classical planning and move all rea-
Here, too, communicative planning is no dif- soning about the hearer into the execution monitor.
ferent from ordinary planning of physical actions. Among other things, this allows us to use fast off-
It is reasonable to assume for planning purposes the-shelf planners for the communicative planning
that the operators in the physical plan of Subsec- itself. As we will see below, even relatively com-
tion 2.1 have the intended effects, but the plan may plex systems can be captured by making the exe-
fail if A is not able to reach the light switch, or cution monitor smart, and even shallow execution
if she made wrong assumptions about the world monitors can already support useful performances
state, perhaps because the power was down. Infer- in implemented systems.
ring whether a plan is being carried out success-
fully is a common problem in planning for robots, 2.4 Limitations and extensions
and is called plan execution monitoring (Washing- The model proposed above is simplified in a num-
ton et al., 2000; Kvarnström et al., 2008) in that ber of ways. First, we have dramatically simpli-
context. Although there is no commonly accepted fied the planning operators in Fig. 2 for easier pre-
domain-independent approach, domain-dependent sentation. At least, they should distinguish be-
methods typically involve observing the effects of tween the knowledge states of A and B and per-
an agent’s actions as they are being carried out, haps their common ground; for instance, in the ef-
and inferring the world state from these observa- fects of “the light switch”, only objects of which
tions. Because there is usually some uncertainty the hearer knows that they are not light switches
about the true world state, which tends not to be should be excluded from the set of distractors.
directly observable, this can be a hard problem. Koller and Stone (2007) show how to extend a
A speaker who detects a problem with the ex- planning-based model to make such a distinction.
ecution of their communicative plan has the op- Although we have only discussed instruction-
portunity to diagnose and repair it. Imagine that giving dialogues above, we claim that the model
after hearing the utterance “press the light switch” is not limited to such dialogues. On the one hand,

declarative utterances affect the hearer through model the perlocutionary effect of a speech act
their perlocutionary effects just like imperative ut- REQUEST(P) as causing the hearer to intend to
terances do: They alter the hearer’s mental state, do P. However, this effect has to be justified dur-
e.g. by making a certain referent salient, or intro- ing the planning process by inferences about the
ducing a new belief. The role of the truth con- hearer’s mental state, in which the hearer first rec-
ditions of a declarative sentence is then to spec- ognizes the speaker’s intention to request P and
ify what perlocutionary effect on a hearer’s belief then accepts P as their own intention. Although we
state an utterance of this sentence can bring about. agree with the fundamental perspective, we find
On the other hand, we believe that other types this approach problematic in two respects. First,
of dialogue are just as goal-directed as instruction- the perlocutionary effect of REQUEST is mod-
giving dialogues are. In an argumentative di- eled as limited to the hearer: it is not that P hap-
alogue, for instance, each participant pursues a pens, but only that the hearer wants P to happen.
goal of convincing their partner of something, This makes it impossible to compute communica-
and chooses communicative actions that are de- tive plans in which a subsequent utterance relies
signed to bring this goal about. The role of exe- on the intended perlocutionary effects of an earlier
cution monitoring in this context is to keep track utterance, as e.g. in Section 4 below. Second, even
of the partner’s mental state and revise the com- if we limit ourselves to the effect on the hearer’s
municative plan as needed. Because both part- mental state, the formal approach to planning that
ners’ goals may conflict, this is reminiscent of a P&A take is so complex that computing plans of
game-theoretic view of dialogue. It is conceivable nontrivial length is infeasible.
that certain types of dialogue are best modeled Our model solves the first problem by model-
with more powerful planning formalisms (e.g., ing the intended physical and mental effects di-
information-seeking dialogues by planning with rectly as effects of the operator, and it solves
sensing), but all of our points are applicable to the second problem by using simple planning for-
such settings as well. In particular, even in more malisms. Compared to P&A, it takes a more opti-
complex settings the planning problem might be mistic stance in that the default assumption is that
simplified by moving some of the workload into perlocutionary effects happen as intended. Any
the execution monitor. reasoning about the hearer’s BDI state can happen
Finally, we have focused on plans which only during the execution monitoring phase, in which
contain either physical (Fig. 1) or communicative we can compute the expected step-by-step effects
(Fig. 2) actions. However, since we have blended of the utterance on the hearer’s state (intention
the physical and communicative contributions of recognition, goal uptake, etc.) as P&A do, and
those acts together (as e.g. with the communica- then try to establish through observations whether
tive act “press” of Fig. 2), we can also compute one of them fails to come true. This allows us to
plans which combine both types of action. This compute very simple plans without sacrificing lin-
would allow us, for instance, to interleave com- guistic correctness. We believe that similar com-
municative actions with gestures. In this way, our ments hold for other recent planning-based mod-
proposal could pave the way for a future unified els, such as (Steedman and Petrick, 2007; Brenner
theory which integrates the various kinds of com- and Kruijff-Korbayová, 2008; Benotti, 2009).
municative and physical actions.
We share our focus on modeling uncertainty
3 Speech act planning and grounding about the effects of communicative actions with
recent approaches to modeling dialogue in terms
We will now discuss how our model relates to ear- of POMDPs (Frampton and Lemon, 2009; Thom-
lier models of speech act planning and grounding. son and Young, 2009). POMDPs are a type of
The most obvious point of comparison for our probabilistic planning problem in which the ef-
model is the family of speech act planning ap- fects of actions only come true with certain prob-
proaches around Perrault and Allen (1980) (hence- abilities, and in which the true current world state
forth, P&A), which are characterized by modeling is uncertain and only accessible indirectly through
speech act planning as a complex planning prob- observations; the analogue of a plan is a policy,
lem involving reasoning about the beliefs, desires, which specifies what action to take given certain
and intentions (BDI) of the interlocutors. P&A observations. This makes POMDPs a very pow-

erful and explicit tool for modeling uncertainty ing to happen need not keep them from forming
about effects, which is however limited to very a communicative plan and attempting a promis-
simple reasoning about observations. Although ing speech act; after all, if the hearer does un-
our planning model is not probabilistic, we be- expected things, the speaker will be able to rec-
lieve that the two approaches may be more com- ognize this and react appropriately. In our per-
patible than they seem: Many recent approaches to spective, communication is not primarily a col-
probabilistic planning (including the RFF system, laborative activity, but is driven by each individ-
which won the most recent probabilistic planning ual agent’s goals, except insofar as collaboration
competition for MDPs (Teichteil-Koenigsbuch et is necessary to achieve these goals (which it often
al., 2008)) transform the probabilistic planning is). This seems in line with recent psycholinguistic
problem into a deterministic planning problem in findings indicating that a speaker’s willingness to
which probable effects are assumed to come true, select an utterance that is optimal for the partner is
monitor the execution of the plan, and replan if limited (Shintel and Keysar, 2009; Wardlow Lane
the original plan fails. This is a connection that and Ferreira, in press).
we would like to explore further in future work. We deliberately keep details about the execution
Grounding – the process by which interlocu- monitoring process open, thereby subsuming ap-
tors arrive at the belief that they mutually under- proaches where the speaker explicitly models the
stood each other – falls out naturally as a special hearer’s mental state (Poesio and Rieser, 2010),
case of our model. A speaker will continue to or only does this if necessary (Purver, 2006), or
monitor the hearer’s behavior until they are suf- which emphasize inferring success from directly
ficiently convinced that their communicative ac- accessible observations (Skantze, 2007; Frampton
tion was successful. This typically presupposes and Lemon, 2009). In this sense, the model we
that the speaker believes that the hearer understood propose is scalable to different modeling needs.
them; traditional classes of devices for achieving
grounding, such as backchannels and clarification 4 Communicative planning in practice
requests, are among the observations considered in At this point, we have argued that very expres-
the monitoring. Conversely, the speaker can stop sive execution monitors can in principle be used
monitoring once they believe their perlocutionary to reconstruct a number of approaches from the
goal has been achieved; that is, when their degree literature. We will now demonstrate that even a
of belief in mutual understanding is “sufficient for very inexpressive execution monitor can be useful
current purposes” (Clark and Schaefer, 1989), i.e. in a concrete application. The example on which
the current perlocutionary goal. Our prediction we illustrate this is the SCRISP system (Garoufi
and tracking of expected perlocutionary effects is and Koller, 2010), which extends the CRISP NLG
reminiscent of the treatment of grounding in infor- system (Koller and Stone, 2007) to situated com-
mation state update models, in which utterances munication. CRISP, in turn, is a planning-based
introduce ungrounded discourse units (Matheson reimplementation of the SPUD system (Stone et
et al., 2000) into the conversational record, which al., 2003) for integrated NLG with tree-adjoining
must be later grounded by the interlocutors. In our grammars (TAG, (Joshi and Schabes, 1997)).
approach, the first step could be implemented by
SCRISP generates real-time navigation and ac-
introducing the ungrounded unit as an effect and
tion instructions in a virtual 3D environment. The
then verifying that grounding actually happened in
overall scenario is taken from the GIVE-1 Chal-
the execution monitor.
lenge (Byron et al., 2009): A human instruction
In its reliance on planning, our approach is follower (IF) must move around in a virtual world
somewhat in contrast to Clark (1996), who fun- as in Fig. 3, which is presented to them in 3D as
damentally criticizes planning as an inappropri- in Fig. 4. The NLG system receives as input a do-
ate model of communication because “people . . . main plan, which specifies the (simulated) phys-
don’t know in advance what they will actually do ical actions in the world that the IF should exe-
[because] they cannot get anything done without cute, and must compute appropriate communica-
the others joining them, and they cannot know tive plans to make the IF execute those physical
in advance what the others will do”. We claim actions. Thus the perlocutionary effects that the
that this ignorance of speakers about what is go- NLG system needs to achieve are individual ac-

f1 b2 b3

b1 north

1 1 2 3 4

Figure 3: An example map for instruction giving.

Figure 4: The IF’s view of the scene in Fig. 3, as
rendered by the GIVE client.
tions in the domain plan. In the example of Fig. 3,
one action of the domain plan is push(b1 ), i.e. the
(“and”). Finally, introducing the noun phrase “the
act of the IF pressing b1 . A sequence of commu-
button” as the object of “push” makes the sentence
nicative actions that has a good chance of achiev-
grammatically complete.
ing this is to utter “turn left and push the button”.
In order to generate such a sequence, SCRISP
SCRISP can compute such a communicative act converts the lexicon and the perlocutionary goal
sequence using planning, and can monitor the ex- that is to be achieved into a planning problem.
ecution of this communicative plan. The average It then runs an off-the-shelf planner to compute
time it takes to compute and present a plan, on an a plan, and decodes it into sentences that can be
original GIVE-1 evaluation world (as represented presented to the hearer. The operators of the plan-
by a knowledge base of approx. 1500 facts and a ning problem for the example lexicon of Fig. 5 are
grammar of approx. 30 lexicon entries), is about shown in simplified form in Fig. 6, which can be
one second on a 3 GHz CPU. The plans are com- seen as an extended and more explicit version of
puted using the FF planner (Hoffmann and Nebel, those in Fig. 2. We do not have the space here
2001; Koller and Hoffmann, 2010). This shows to explain the operators in full detail (see Garoufi
that the approach to speech act planning we pro- and Koller (2010)). However, notice that they have
pose here can achieve real-time performance. both grammar-internal preconditions and effects
(e.g., subst specifies open substitution nodes, ref
4.1 Situated CRISP
connects syntax nodes to the semantic individuals
SCRISP assumes a TAG lexicon in which each el- to which they refer, and canadjoin indicates the
ementary tree has been equipped with pragmatic possibility of an auxiliary tree adjoining the node)
preconditions and effects next to its syntactic and and perlocutionary ones. In particular, the “push”
semantic ones (see Fig. 5). Each of these is a set of action has a perlocutionary effect push(x1 ).
atoms over constants, free variables, and argument
names such as obj, which encode the individuals in 4.2 Planning and monitoring perlocutionary
the domain to which the nodes of the elementary acts with SCRISP
tree refer. These atoms determine the precondi- Now let’s see how SCRISP generates instructions
tions and effects of communicative actions. that can achieve this perlocutionary effect.
For instance, the lexicon in Fig. 5 specifies First, we encode the state of the world as de-
that uttering “push X” has the perlocutionary ef- picted in Fig. 3 in an initial state which contains,
fect that the IF presses X. It also says that we among others, the atoms player–pos(pos3,2 ),
may only felicitously say “push X” if X is visi- player–ori(north), next–ori–left(north, west),
ble from the IF’s current position and orientation. visible(pos3,2 , west, b1 ), etc. As the goal for the
The position and orientation of the IF, and with planning problem, we take our perlocutionary
them the currently visible objects, can be modi- goal, push(b1 ), along with linguistic constraints
fied by first uttering “turn left”. The two utterances including ∀A∀u.¬subst(A, u) (encoding syntac-
can be chained together by sentence coordination tic completeness) and ∀u∀x.¬distractor(u, x)

S:self cond: player–ori(o1 ), “turnleft”(u, x, o1 , o2 ):
next–ori–left(o1 , o2 ) Precond: subst(S, u), ref(u, x), player–ori(o1 ),
V:self Adv eff: ¬player–ori(o1 ), next–ori–left(o1 , o2 ), . . .
player–ori(o2 ), Effect: ¬subst(S, u), ¬player–ori(o1 ), player–ori(o2 ),
turn left turnleft turnleft, . . .

S:self “and”(u, u1 , un , e1 , e2 ):
Precond: canadjoin(S, u), ref(u, e1 ), nextref(e1 , e2 ), . . .
Effect: subst(S, u1 ), ref(u1 , e2 ), . . .
S:self * and S:other ↓
“push”(u, u1 , un , x, x1 , p, o):
S:self cond: player–pos(p), Precond: subst(S, u), ref(u, x), player–pos(p),
player–ori(o), player–ori(o), visible(p, o, x1 ), . . .
NP:obj ↓ visible(p, o, obj)
V:self Effect: ¬subst(S, u), subst(NP, u1 ), ref(u1 , x1 ),
eff: push(obj) ∀y.(y 6= x1 ∧ visible(p, o, y) → distractor(u1 , y)),
push push(x1 ), canadjoin(S, u), . . .
“the–button”(u, x):
the N:self
Precond: subst(NP, u), ref(u, x), button(x)
Effect: ∀y.(¬button(y) → ¬distractor(u, y)),
¬subst(NP, u), . . .

Figure 5: A simplified example of a SCRISP lexi- Figure 6: Simplified SCRISP planning operators
con, focusing on pragmatic conditions and effects. for the lexicon in Fig. 5.

(encoding unique reference). serves the IF’s behavior in the virtual world to
The planner can then apply the action determine whether the intended effects actually
“turnleft”(root, e, north, west) to the initial come to pass. We achieve this through three sim-
state. This action makes player–ori(west) true ple submodules of the execution monitor. The “in-
and subst(root, e) false. The new state does not activity” submodule tracks whether the user has
contain any subst atoms, but we can continue the not moved or acted in a certain period of time, and
sentence by adjoining “and”, i.e. by applying the resends the previous instruction when this hap-
action “and”(root, n1 , n2 , e, e1 ). This produces a pens. Fresh instructions from the user’s current
new atom subst(S, e1 ), which satisfies one precon- location are issued when the “distance” submod-
dition of “push”(n1 , n2 , n3 , e1 , b1 , pos3,2 , west). ule observes that the user is moving away from
Because “turnleft” changed the player orien- the location at which they need to perform the next
tation, the visible precondition of “push” is physical action. Finally, the “danger” submodule
now satisfied too (unlike in the initial state). monitors whether the user comes close to a trap
Applying the action “push” introduces the in the world, and warns them away from it. It is
need to substitute a noun phrase for the object, clear that these three modules only allow the sys-
which we can eliminate with an application of tem a very limited view into the hearer’s mental
“the button”(n2 , b1 ). We are thus brought into a state. Nevertheless, they already allow SCRISP
goal state, in which the planner terminates. to achieve competitive performance in the GIVE-1
The final state of this four-step plan contains the task (Garoufi and Koller, 2010).
atom push(b1 ), indicating that if everything goes
as intended, the hearer will push b1 upon hear- 5 Conclusion
ing the instructions. Crucially, we were only able
to compute the plan because we make the opti- In this paper, we have proposed to model com-
mistic assumption that communicative acts have municative actions as planning operators and their
the intended perlocutionary effects: For instance, intended perlocutionary effects as effects of these
it is only because we assumed that uttering “turn operators; we further proposed that after uttering
left” would make the IF change their orientation something, the speaker then observes the hearer’s
in space that this action was able to establish the behavior to infer whether the utterance had the in-
precondition of the “push” action. A REQUEST tended effect. This moves the main complexity of
operator as in P&A, which only makes the IF want communication into the plan execution monitoring
to turn left, would not have achieved the same. module, where it can be handled with as much ef-
Having uttered these instructions, SCRISP ob- fort as the application requires, while keeping the

planning itself simple and fast. A. Koller and M. Stone. 2007. Sentence generation as
We see the most interesting task for the future in planning. In Proc. 45th ACL.
working out some of the connections we sketched J. Kvarnström, F. Heintz, and P. Doherty. 2008. A
here in more detail, particularly a full model of temporal logic-based planning and execution moni-
the P&A approach and an extension to declara- toring system. In Proc. 18th ICAPS.
tive utterances. In addition, it would be exciting to C. Matheson, M. Poesio, and D. Traum. 2000. Mod-
see how the notions of utility and uncertainty from elling grounding and discourse obligations using up-
POMDPs can be generalized in cases where a be- date rules. In Proc. 6th ANLP.
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retaining efficient planning.
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Acknowledgments. We are indebted to Luciana ysis of indirect speech acts. American Journal of
Benotti, Oliver Lemon, Ron Petrick, Matt Purver, Computational Linguistics, 6(3–4):167–182.
and David Schlangen for challenging and con- M. Poesio and H. Rieser. 2010. Completions, coor-
structive discussions on the topic of this paper. We dination, and alignment in dialogue. Dialogue and
thank our reviewers for their insightful comments. Discourse, 1(1).

M. Purver. 2006. CLARIE: Handling clarification re-

quests in a dialogue system. Research on Language
References and Computation, 4(2-3):259–288.
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Establishing coherence in dialogue:
sequentiality, intentions and negotiation

Gregory Mills Eleni Gregoromichelaki

Department of Psychology Department of Philosophy
Stanford University King's College London

Abstract tion of contributions, but also (b) it coordinates

content: the sequential relationship between
Communication in everyday conversation requires co- turns provides important constraints on utterance
ordination both of content and of process. While the interpretation. In Clark’s grounding model
former has been studied extensively, there has been a (1996), this approach is extended: a key concept
paucity of studies on the latter. This paper addresses is the joint project, which embeds verbal interac-
the question of how sequences of talk are established tion within the more general concept of joint
and sustained. We present evidence from a series of
activities, thus deriving the constraints on the se-
maze-game experiments that raise fundamental ques-
tions concerning the basic coordination mechanisms quential organisation of interlocutors’ contribu-
that are involved in this process. tions from the analytic structure of the common
goals that are pursued.
1 Introduction However, there are two main issues that arise
Dialogue, the primary site of language use, is in these approaches: (a) Despite these studies'
fundamentally part, and constitutive of everyday close analysis of how particular dialogue traject-
social settings. Interaction situated in these set- ories unfold during interaction, there has been a
tings is underpinned by constraints on expected paucity of studies that directly address how ad-
and permissible contributions which provide the hoc sequential organization emerges, becomes
foundation of interlocutors' meaningful exchange established and is maintained (b) Existing mod-
and effective coordination. An important com- els of dialogue provide conflicting accounts of
ponent of this foundation consists of the sequen- which mechanisms are employed by inter-
tial organisation of interleaved utterances and locutors to achieve the development of sequen-
actions over multiple turns by different speakers. tial organisation.
Sequential organization of interaction is per- 1.1 Development of sequentiality
haps most apparent in formal settings that require
strict adherence to a protocol of prescribed steps, In empirical investigations within CA, coordina-
e.g. religious ceremonies or court proceedings tion is established by interlocutors' turn-by-turn
(Atkinson and Drew 1979). However, dialogue displays of their construals of each other's utter-
research has revealed that sequential organisation ances. The structure underpinning such displays
is a principal means of achieving coordination in is the conversation analytic notion of adjacency
everyday conversation too, e.g. making requests, pairs. CA investigations show how interlocutors’
or entering and exiting phone conversations, utterances demonstrate acute sensitivity to the
(Schegloff 1979). unfolding sequential nature of the dialogue
A common thread running through these stud- (Schegloff 1972; Drew 1997). Here the emphasis
ies is the recognition that the unit of analysis re- is placed on the coherence relationships among
quired for examining these phenomena must be turns which is based on conditional relevances
sensitive to the relationship between turns (Drew set up among contributions: production of the
1997). In Conversation Analysis (CA), the role first part of an adjacency pair creates an expecta-
of turn-taking is emphasized as a locally man- tion that the second half will occur. Any re-
aged interactional system employed by inter- sponse will then be interpreted as pertaining to
locutors to coordinate their conversation. CA the second half through a system of inferential
analyses show that the sequential organisation of significances set up by this expectation. This loc-
turn-taking is the basis for establishing two types ally managed turn-coherence system results in
of coherence: (a) it manages the orderly distribu- global coherence through the hierarchical inter-

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by17
the author(s)
leaving of embedded sequences that take care of model does not appear ideally suited to account
local problems and disturbances by means of, for the development of sequential organisation:
e.g., clarification and elaboration (Levinson the establishment of routines1 and the signific-
1983; Clark 1996). ance of repair as externalised inference are noted
However, as CA's main objects of study have by Pickering and Garrod but it is unclear how
been single stretches of talk, such investigations these mechanisms could be extended straightfor-
seem to have neglected the interleaving of talk wardly to capture sequential structures that span
with action and the conditional relevances estab- multiple turns and organise the performance of
lished in the domain of joint activities in general the whole joint activity. 2
(Clark 1996). Moreover, as a methodological To address these issues concerning the mech-
premise, CA analyses concern “naturally occur- anisms that are implicated in the emergence of
ring” dialogue as their primary data, rejecting ex- sequential structure and the significance of the
perimental manipulation to probe specific predic- coordination devices interlocutors employ, we
tions (Schegloff 1992). As a result, CA research draw on the results of a series of maze-game ex-
has typically treated adjacency pairs as static ob- periments. In all of these experiments, parti-
jects, already shared by interlocutors, and, hence, cipants collaboratively develop sequences of
has not been led to any systematic investigation steps to solve the mazes, thereby providing a
of how they might develop during conversation. helpful means for analysing how sequential
structure becomes established.
1.2 Coordination mechanisms
2 Methods
Existing accounts of dialogue differ in their em-
phasis on which mechanisms are involved in co- The experiments employ a modified version of
ordination and how their systematic deployment the “Maze Game” devised by Garrod and Ander-
affects the course of dialogue. Formal ap- son (1987). This task creates a recurrent need for
proaches to dialogue that operate under standard pairs of participants to co-ordinate on procedures
Gricean assumptions (e.g. Grosz and Sidner for solving the mazes.
1986; Cohen et al 1990; Poesio and Traum 1997;
Poesio and Rieser 2010) see the formulation of
determinate intentions/plans and their full recog-
nition as the main causal mechanism underlying
dialogue comprehension and production. Per-
formance in joint tasks then relies on the co-
ordination of (joint) intentions/plans through ne-
gotiation and grounding that establish mutual be-
liefs and common ground. Similar prominence to
explicit negotiation is also given by the ground-
ing model. Here, the role of coordination
devices, the basis for interlocutors' mutual ex-
pectations of each other's individual actions,
(Clark 1996; Shelling 1960) is emphasised. Al-
terman (2001) also argues for the value of expli-
cit negotiation in the achievement of coordina- Fig 1: Example maze configuration. The black circle
tion. shows the player's current position, the cross repres-
In contrast, Garrod and Anderson (1987) ob- ents the goal point that the player must reach, solid
serve that explicit negotiation is neither a prefer- bars the gates and grey squares the switch points.
ential nor an effective means of coordination. If
it occurs at all, it usually happens after parti- 1
However, see Poesio and Rieser (2010) for an attempt to
cipants have already developed some familiarity reformulate their intentional account in terms of routinisa-
with the task; even when a particular approach to tion.
Garrod and Anderson's (1987) principle of input/output co-
the task is explicitly negotiated and agreed by the ordination, even though intended as a simple heuristic to re-
participants they do not seem to persevere with it place explicit negotiation, also does not seem to account for
for long. The Interactive Alignment model de- the development of sequential organisation. This is because
veloped by Pickering and Garrod (2004) emphas- its primary focus is on how single conventions, typically a
izes the importance of tacit co-ordination and referring expression or descriptive scheme, become estab-
lished through successive use. It is unclear how this could
implicit common ground achieved via the psy- be extended to capture sequential structures that span mul-
chological mechanism of priming. However, this tiple turns.

2.1 Materials Dual window (reduced sequentiality): 18 dy-
ads were assigned to this condition. Participants
2.1.1 Maze Game used a variation of the chat-tool design similar to
The maze application displays a simple maze Anderson et al. (2000). This version directly in-
consisting of a configuration of nodes that are terferes with the sequential coherence of the un-
connected by paths to form grid-like mazes (see folding dialogue by separating the chat-text into
Fig 1). The mazes are based on a 7x7 grid and two separate windows that only display chat-text
are selected to provide both grid-like and asym- from a single participant, thereby prohibiting any
metric instances. Participants can move their loc- interleaving between turns (see Fig 2, below).
ation markers from one node to another via the
paths. Each move is recorded and timestamped
by the server. The game requires both subjects to
move their location markers from a starting loca-
tion to a goal. Although the maze topology is the
same for both subjects, each subject has a differ-
ent starting location and goal, neither of which
are visible to the other subject. They are also not
able to see each other's location markers. Move-
ment through the maze is impeded by gates that
block some of the paths between nodes. These
gates can be opened by the use of switches (grey
coloured nodes). The locations of switches and
gates are different on each maze and are not vis-
ible to the other participant. Whenever a parti-
cipant moves to a node that is marked as a switch Figure 2: Dual window chat tool. Each half only dis-
on the other's screen, all of the other participant's plays text from one participant.
gates open. All the gates subsequently close
when they move off the switch. Artificial clarification requests: 26 dyads were
This constraint forces participants to collabor- assigned to this condition. Every (+/-) 35 turns,
ate: in order for participant A to open their gates, the server randomly generated artificial clarifica-
A has to guide B onto a node that corresponds to tion questions (probe CRs) that appeared, to par-
a switch that is only visible on A's screen. Solv- ticipants, to originate from each other. Overall,
ing the mazes (i.e. when both participants are on 219 clarification requests were generated. Parti-
their respective goal positions) requires parti- cipants’ responses to probe CRs were recorded
cipants to develop procedures for requesting, de- for analysis and were not relayed to the other
scribing and traversing switches, gates and goals. participant. After receiving a response to the CR,
the server sends an artificial acknowledgement
2.1.2 Chat tool interface
turn (“ok”, “ok right”) to the recipient and re-
Participants communicate with each other via the sumes relaying subsequent turns as normal.
use of a novel text-based experimental chat tool The clarification questions were of two types:
(Healey and Mills, 2006). All turns generated by Reprise Fragments (‘Frags’) that query a con-
the participants pass through a server that allows stituent of the target turn by echoing it and
for the introduction of artificial turns that appear, ‘Whats’ (e.g., “what?”, “sorry?”, “Ehh?”,
to participants, to originate from each other. “uhh?”) that query the turn as a whole. The ex-
cerpt below illustrates a typical fragment clari-
2.2 Participants and Design fication sequence:
56 pairs of native English speakers participants
were recruited from undergraduate students and A: I'm at the top Target turn
were assigned to one of three conditions
B: top? Artificial turn by server
(baseline, clarification requests, reduced se-
quentiality). In all conditions, dyads played 12 A: yes Response by A
randomly generated mazes. B: thanks Artificial ack. by server
Baseline: 11 dyads served as control group. No
experimental interventions were performed.

3 Results 3.2 Intention recognition
3.1 Sequentiality
To test whether reduced sequential coherence
makes the emergence of procedural co-ordina-
tion more problematic, all turns in the baseline
and reduced sequentiality conditions were classi-
fied with respect to procedural ‘co-ordination
points’ (Alterman and Garland 2001). These are
defined as points in a joint activity when parti-
cipants are interacting with each other in order to
develop a common course of action. Co-ordina-
tion points here where coded if they mentioned
“switch”, “gate” or “goal”. To provide a meas- EARLY LATE
ure of the difficulty of establishing procedural First 4 games Last 4 games
co-ordination, the log files were used to calculate Figure 4. Proportion of CR responses that clarify in-
the typing speed (characters per second) and the tentions in first 4 games and last 4 games.
number of edits (deletes per character) at these
co-ordination points (See Fig 3 below). To test the necessity of plan/intention recog-
nition for grounding utterances, participants' re-
sponses to clarification requests (CRs) were
coded for whether they were construed as con-
cerning the underlying intention of the queried
turn, e.g., “you have to go there to open my
switch” or “so that my gate opens”. All things
being equal, if plan/intention recognition is es-
sential to establishing coordination, participants
should clarify plans and intentions more fre-
quently in the early stages of the game than in
the late stages when the plans have become more
established. Comparing participants' responses in
the first 4 games with responses from the last 4
games yields the opposite: as task experience in-
creases, participants' responses to clarification
requests use significantly more explicit disam-
biguations concerning “intentions”, (chi² (1,
N=219) = 6.3, p <0.01) (see Fig 4 above).
Figure 3: Turn formulation difficulty (Deletes per
character) for turns that mention “switches”, “gates”, 3.3 Explicit negotiation
“goals” (Coordination point). To examine the role played by explicit negoti-
ation, the first mazes in all conditions were
Focusing on co-ordination points, subjecting coded for attempts to explicitly negotiate the se-
the number of edits to a one way ANOVA, with quence, for example, “first you go through the
Window type (dual/single) as between-subjects gate, then I get on the switch and then you tell
factor yielded a significant main effect of de- me when you’re through”. Examining these at-
creased sequential coherence on number of edits tempts yielded no dyad that was able to establish
(F=4.69, p <0.05) and also on turn formulation such a sequence through explicit negotiation
time (F= 4.01, p < 0.05). Interfering with sequen- alone.
tial coherence increases turn formulation time
(11.6 vs. 10.5 characters per second) and results
in more self-editing (0.12 vs. 0.17 edits per char-
By contrast, for turns that did not explicitly
mention “switch”, “gate”, “goal”, no effect of re-
duced sequentiality was found on typing speed
(F=0.13, p=0.17), or edits (F=0.012, p=0.91).

4 Discussion adequate procedural expertise which allows
The results outlined above present a problem for them to navigate the task with minimal conver-
existing accounts of dialogue that rely on inten- sational exchange. Of great interest at this stage
tion-recognition/planning: At the start of the ex- is the absence of any explicit requests, confirma-
periment, participants must interact with each tions or feedback.
other on how to develop procedures for solving In contrast, at a slightly earlier stage, the dia-
the mazes. However, examination of the data logues are less elliptical:
suggests that this interaction does not involve
straightforwardly articulated negotiation in the 1) A: I have switches at 1,2 2,6 1,4
form of plans and intentions (see also Garrod and 2) B: Where's your goal?
Anderson 1987). Instead, participants seem to
3) A: 5,6
develop gradually and spontaneously a structured
solution to the coordination problem the maze 4) B: mine are at 4,5 3,4 7,1 can you get to
game presents, a solution, moreover, which is any of them?
consistent across pairs of participants. 5) A: I can get to 4,5, can you get to any of
To illustrate how participants become pro- mine?
gressively more coordinated without relying on
6) B: I can get to 1,2
explicit negotiation, we focus on how their ex-
changes become progressively structured. For 7) A: I'm on 4,5 you can go through now..
reasons of space, we will examine in parallel 8) A: go to your goal
what effects this structuring has on coordination
as far as interpretation of turns is concerned. 9) B: Done
Excerpt 2: Less elliptical dialogue from late
4.1 Embedding moves in sequences stages of maze game
4.1.1 Effects on interpretation
Here it is much more apparent what the sequen-
In all three maze game conditions, as observed in tial import of each turn is: in addition to refer-
previous maze game studies, interlocutors fre- ring to spatial locations, the interlocutors have
quently take more than 120 turns to solve each developed a highly structured joint project for
maze (Mills, 2007). However, by the 12th maze, solving the mazes, consisting of the following
interlocutors develop sequences of highly formu- sub-projects:
laic, elliptical, fragmentary utterances, with very
complex context-dependent interpretations (see
1. State (and request) location of switches
e.g. fragments 1,2 and 4,5 in Excerpt 1 below).
2. State (and request) location of goal
For example, consider a typical full exchange
3. Signal accessibility
from one of the later games:
4. Move onto switch
5. Other moves through gate
1) A: 1,2 2,6 1,4 6. Move onto goal
2) A: 5,6
3) B: 4,5 3,4 7,1 In the light of this structure we can now inter-
pret Excerpt 1 as demonstrating how the se-
4) B: 1,4
quence of steps has become sufficiently estab-
5) A: 4,5 lished (routinised) to obviate the need for any
6) B: 1,2 explicit indication of what each turn is “doing”.
Depending on an utterance's sequential location
7) A: 4,5 within the joint project, the Cartesian co-ordinate
Excerpt 1: Highly elliptical dialogue from late fragments in Excerpt 1 will be taken to refer to a
stages of maze game switch, a goal, or to a participant's current loca-
However, participants are able to unproblematic- tion in the maze. Further, the utterance's sequen-
ally deal with these fragments, as in these later tial position also determines whether the men-
stages of the experiment, they have developed tioned co-ordinate is a request for the other parti-
cipant to move to that location, a confirmation of
Note that despite the difference in modality, res- having moved to a location, a statement where
ults obtained using the chat-tool interface have they are currently located, or where they are
been shown to replicate results from the original blocked (see Excerpt 3 below).
verbal task (see e.g. Healey & Mills 2006).

4.1.2 How structure emerges Space considerations preclude showing the pre-
The sequence in Excerpt 2 appears deceptively ceding exchanges, since for the first few mazes
simple: it is a straightforward exchange consist- games frequently take over 150 turns. Neverthe-
ing of spatial descriptions, requests, confirma- less, global inspection of the data shows that
tions. Despite this apparent simplicity, the res- there is no “shortcut” -interlocutors must pass
ults show that the interlocutors are unable to ar- through stages of progressively refining and
rive at this sequence through explicit negoti- shortening the sequence they develop.
ation.4 Instead, it is arrived at via a series of Importantly, this phenomenon of “telescoping”
longer, less elliptical, sequences of turns. Excerpt of sequences of actions is orthogonal to the con-
3 below shows a typical immediately prior stage traction of referring expressions on repeated use
in the development of the joint project: (Krauss and Weinheimer 1975; Brennan and
Clark 1996). This certainly does occur, e.g. (1,2)
1) A: I have a switch at 1,2
is a contraction of “1 across 2 along”, which in
turn is a contraction of “1 across from the left
2) B: I can't get there and 2 down from the right”.5 However, in the ex-
3) A: how about 2,6? cerpts shown above, the progressive contraction
of the sequences (telescoping) is a global pattern
4) A: If you go to any of them they will open
all of my gates of developing coherence that operates over
whole spates of talk that amount to the resolution
5) B: ok, can get to 2,6 of a single maze. Further, the data strongly indic-
6) A: Go ate that this contraction is not simply the verbal
7) B: Is your gate open?
exchange becoming shorter and more structured.
Instead, it can be seen that by the end of the
8) A: yeah...thanks..where are your switches? round of games played, all turns have become
(similar to sequence above, but moves in a game involving both utterances and
for opening B's switches) actions. Each move projects a next move, and
21) A: My goal is at 2,3 implicitly confirms completion of a prior move
(i.e. conditional relevances have developed).
22) A: I can get to 4,5 This, as explained below, can be discerned by
23) B: ok. can you go there to open my the participants' responses to the fake CRs gener-
switch? ated through the experimental manipulation.
24) A: on it your gate open? 4.2 Effects of high vs. low co-ordination
25) B: yeah, are you through? Closer examination of the data collected reveals
a differential pattern in CR responses in early vs.
26) A: yeah late games. During the first few mazes, when the
27) B: can you get to your goal? participants are relatively inexperienced in the
28) A: on goal
task, CRs are interpreted in familiar ways (Purv-
er 2004; Ginzburg and Cooper 2004; Schlangen
29) B: I'm stuck on 2,3..go back...I need to get 2004) as querying the referential import of the
through a gate that is between me and constituent concerned:
my goal..
30) A: where do you need me to go? 1) A: 5, 6
31) B: can you get to 4,5 and then reach your 2) Server: what? / 5?
3) A: 5 across, 6 along counting from
32) A: yeah, shall I go there? the left hand side of the maze
33) B: go Excerpt 4: Clarifying referential import
35) B: done
Excerpt 3. Less elliptical maze game dialogue. At late stages of the interaction though, CRs are
more likely to be interpreted as questioning what
the target-turn as a whole “is doing” in the se-
Note that the setting differs from Foster et al (2009), quence (see Drew 1997). Here both fragment
hence the distinct results: both participants here, even
though instructed of the general goal of the task, do not See also Garrod and Anderson (1987) and Healey (1997)
initially know what the problem involves and what for an account of the semantic development of spatial de-
strategy they should develop to deal efficiently with it. scriptions in the maze game.

and “What” CRs are interpreted significantly 4.3 Effects of sequentiality on coherence
more frequently as concerning the intention or
The data strongly suggest that in both early and
plan behind the target utterance:
late stages in the development of joint projects
1) A: 4th square along and their associated moves, sequentiality, that is,
the possibility of setting up conditional relev-
2) Server: what? / 4th?
ances between utterance pairs, plays a key role
3) A: because you've got to go there / as the progenitor of co-ordination.
you asked me to go there. On the one hand, in the later stages of the
Excerpt 5: Clarification request interpreted as maze game, highly elliptical exchanges (tele-
querying intention/plan scoping) as illustrated by Excerpt 1 are fully reli-
ant on sequential position for their interpretation
1) A: 5, 6 due to each move in the fully-formed joint pro-
2) Server: what? / 5? ject projecting completion of some prior and also
projecting the relevant next move (coherence).
3) A: that's where I'm blocked, can On the other hand, in the early stages of the
you get me out of there? maze game, while the nascent joint project is
Excerpt 6: Clarification request interpreted as still vaguely defined, interlocutors may still rely
querying intention/plan on explicit mentions of coordination devices like
“switch”, “gate”, “goal”. As shown by the results
Responses to these CRs reveal the participants' obtained in the reduced sequentiality condition
projected analysis of the structure of the joint (Dual window), at these stages, disruption of the
project into “moves” (sub-projects) through their sequential organisation can be seen to have detri-
explicit identification of the purpose of the target mental effects on coordination: interfering with
turn. This shows that at these late stages of the adjacency of turns has an adverse effects on ne-
interaction when sufficient coordination has gotiating these “co-ordination points” (see Fig-
emerged, participants are able to formulate expli- ure 3).
citly the plans and intentions underlying their ac- 4.4 Conclusions
tions and utterances. This contrasts with earlier These results appear to undermine accounts of
stages, where participants seem unable to formu- co-ordination that rely on an a priori notion of
late such plans as the underlying causes of their (joint) intentions and plans (see also Clark 1996)
actions, compounded by the observation that, and also accounts which rely on some kind of
even when participants attempt to co-ordinate in strategic negotiation to mediate coordination
this way, more often than not, these attempts (e.g. Alterman 2001 who claims that explicit ne-
prove unsuccessful. This result is compatible gotiation is the “co-ordination mechanism” par
with Ginzburg's (2003) observations that show, excellence to deal with coordination problems).
on the basis of corpus research, that recognition Instead, according to the the data, participants, at
of underlying plans and intentions is not neces- initial stages of the task, employ a minimal
sary for grounding . amount of explicit attempts at coordination, and
Looking then at the aetiology behind the de- these attempts are either ignored or fail. This and
velopment of the joint project (as illustrated by the pattern of differential CR interpretations
Excerpts 1, 2, 3), these results seem to suggest (early vs late) strongly suggest that planning and
that such intentions and plans emerged from in- intention-recognition are mechanisms only suc-
teraction, and did not precede it. This is substan- cessfully employed at late stages, once inter-
tiated by the observation that explicit negotiation locutors are sufficiently coordinated. These ob-
over developing a sequence of steps for solving servations seem consonant with an alternative
the maze is more likely to impede and be ignored approach to planning and intention-recognition
in the initial stages: according to which forming and recognising
such constructs is an activity subordinated to the
1) A: OK, first you’ve got to tell me where to more basic processes that underlie people's per-
go and then I can go through formance (see e.g. Agre and Chapman 1990;
2) B: where are your switches? Suchman 1987/2007). Taken cumulatively with
3) A: tell me where to go so I can get through the finding that reducing sequential coherence
makes procedural coordination more problemat-
4) B: I'm blocked by the gate in front of me ic, the results here strongly suggest that the tacit
Excerpt 7: Failure at explicit co-ordination co-ordination mechanisms of turn-by-turn feed-

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Practices in Dialogue

David Schlangen
Department of Linguistics
University of Potsdam, Germany

Abstract Agnes and Bert become, in some real sense, more

We explore the idea that conversational like each other while playing the game: the rep-
episodes not only ground facts, but also resentations that represent world and language to
establish practices (know how). We apply them become more alike. Unlike in Clark et al.’s
this idea to the well-studied phenomenon proposal, the assumption here is that this is an
of lexical entrainment. We provide a for- automatic process that doesn’t require reasoning
mal model of situations giving rise to lexi- about the partner.
cal entrainment, and use it to make precise In this paper, we explore an idea that to some
implications of extant attempts to explain extent is a synthesis of elements of both these pro-
this phenomenon (the lexical pact model, posals, namely the idea that rounds in the refer-
and the interactive alignment model) and ence game, and more generally, all kinds of inter-
to make precise where our attempt differs: actional episodes, establish practices (a notion we
it is an automatic and non-strategic, but take from anthropology, e.g. (Ortner, 1984; Bour-
goal-driven account, which has a place for dieu, 1990)), a form of know-how; they, automat-
partner-specificity and group forming. We ically and unreflectedly, establish a way of doing
define a learning mechanism for practices, something with someone, i.e., a way that is spe-
and test it in simulation. We close with cific to a (type of) partner. We make precise what
a discussion of further implications of the this can mean for the reference game, and specu-
model and possible extensions. late more generally on how this can complement
models of interaction.
1 Introduction
2 Lexical Entrainment in the Card
Agnes and Bert are playing a game. Agnes is de-
Matching Game
scribing a figure printed on a card to Bert, and Bert
is trying to find a copy of the card among several By lexical entrainment (a term coined by (Gar-
similar cards. They do this for a while, and begin rod and Anderson, 1987)) we mean here the phe-
to establish names for the figures, which they stick nomenon that pairs of interlocutors tend to settle
to during the course of the game. over the course of a conversation on a single de-
This of course is the well-known reference scription for a given object for which several de-
game first described by (Krauss and Weinheimer, scriptions would possible (understandable, allow-
1964), and made famous by (Clark and Wilkes- able by the language). This seems to be a very sta-
Gibbs, 1986; Brennan and Clark, 1996). The lat- ble phenomenon, observed in symmetric conver-
ter analyse this phenomenon as one of negotiating sations between players (e.g., (Krauss and Wein-
and forming a pact, where this metaphor is jus- heimer, 1964; Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs, 1986;
tified by observing that this ‘pact’ has parties for Garrod and Anderson, 1987; Brennan and Clark,
which it holds (in our example, Agnes and Bert, 1996)), in conversations between novices and ex-
but not Agnes and Claire, who wasn’t party to the perts (where the experts’ terms come to dominate;
conversation), and that a party that assumes she (Isaacs and Clark, 1987)), in “conversations” be-
has such a pact reacts to it being ‘broken’ by their tween humans and computers (where the strength
partner (Metzing and Brennan, 2003). of the effect depends on the human’s beliefs about
A well-known alternative proposal, that of Pick- the capabilities of the computer; (Branigan et al.,
ering and Garrod (2004), would assume that forthcoming)), and in conversations between ‘nor-

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by25
the author(s)
N tions of pairs of labels and entities). Second, the
question that we are interested in is why it is, if
they play this game repeatedly, possibly switching
a b
IG roles between episodes, that when nature picks an
element of O they’ve encountered before, IG be-
comes more likely to chose that element from her
1 ...
2 vocabulary that has been chosen in previous suc-
cessful episodes—and not any other one which she
a b has reason to believe could be successful as well.
a b (Remember that they assume all normal language
conventions hold.)
(1, 1) (0, 0) (1, 1) (0, 0)
2.2 Lexical Pacts
The model of Brennan and Clark (1996) is charac-
Figure 1: The game in extensive form
terised mostly by a list of features: it is historical,
meaning that previous choices influence the cur-
mal’ dialogue participants and participants suffer- rent choice, mediated by recency and frequency of
ing from severe amnesia (Duff et al., 2006). use, and also influenced by provisionality, that is
In this section, we provide a formal model of a the requirement of lexical choices to be sanctioned
situation in which the phenomenon has often been by the other party. An aspect that the authors stress
studied, and note some characteristics of extant ex- is that the model also assumes partner specificity:
planation attempts. speakers choose their wording “for the specific ad-
dressees they are now talking to” (Brennan and
2.1 The Game Clark, 1996, p.1484).
Nature picks one card from set O. Player A, in role The authors do not say much about how ex-
IG (instruction giver), observes this, but player B, actly a model with these characteristics might
in role IF (instruction follower), does not. IG plays be realised, apart from “[the results imply that]
from set VA , her vocabulary. (Note that this set is long-term memory representations are involved”
indexed by player, not role.) IF observes this, and (p.1486), and, from a follow-up paper: “entrain-
as reaction picks one card out of set O as well. ment is supported by an underlying episodic rep-
If IF’s pick is equal to nature’s pick, both play- resentation that associates a referent, a referring
ers win. Otherwise, both lose. Players are told expression (and the perspective it encodes), and
whether they have won or lost, and the game is other relevant information about the context of use
repeated. (such as who a partner is)” (Metzing and Brennan,
The similarity in the formulation above to sig- 2003, p.203).
nalling games (sequential games of incomplete in- The following is our attempt at providing a for-
formation) studied in game theory (e.g., (Shoham malisation of a model that at least is compatible
and Leyton-Brown, 2009)), is of course not acci- with the general tone of the description in the pa-
dental. Figure 1 shows the game in extensive form, pers cited above. It assumes that the episodic rep-
for O = {a, b}, and VA = {1, 2, . . .} (it doesn’t resentations are explicitly encoded, perhaps along
matter here what exactly is in this set). The set- the lines of the reference diaries from (Clark and
ting is slightly different, though, and we are in- Marshall, 1978), and that the rule “reuse of labels
terested in slightly different questions. First, un- maximises success” is explicitly represented and
like in signalling games, where the question is how used in making the decision. (That explicit infer-
stable signalling systems evolve, we assume here ence is involved in the model at least is a charge
that there are already conventions between A and that opponents seem to make often, e.g. “on their
B in place. Specifically, we assume that A and B, account, alignment is therefore the result of a pro-
by virtue of belonging to the same language com- cess of negotiation that is specialized to dialogue
munity (which they know they do), mutually be- and involves inference.” (Garrod and Pickering,
lieve that 1 and 2 are good labels for a, and not so 2007, p.2).)
good labels for b (and so on, for other combina- If there is reasoning involved, it must be a form

of practical reasoning, as the outcome is a way We now turn to our model, which, as we’ve
to act. The following formulates a schema in the mentioned, combines elements of both of these ap-
form of an Aristotelic practical syllogism which proaches.
could be assumed to underlie that reasoning.
a. I want to refer to object x for you 3 A Learning Mechanism for Practices,
b. I believe that honouring our pact regarding the Applied to the Card Matching Game
use of α as a label for x is the best way to do (a). 3.1 Modelling the Players
I believe that our last successful reference to x was We assume that there is an additional structure
with label α, and that re-using the last most recent that explicitly represents an agent’s associations
successful label is the best way to do a reference. between objects and labels. Formally, for each
c. Therefore, I honour our pact, and use α. player there is a map M, which is a matrix where
the rows represent the objects from O and the
This, then, is in this (interpretation of the)
columns represent the labels from V. Each cell
model the type of reasoning that IG must perform
Mo,v encodes the strength of association between
when it comes to choosing an action, and IF must
object o and label v. Together with a strategy
follow the corresponding version of this scheme
for using such associations, the maps determine
governing interpretation. In the course of play-
the interpretation of an observed label (looking at
ing several episodes of the game, the set of beliefs
the respective column), or the label to chose when
of the partners changes, to include beliefs about
wanting to refer to an object (looking at the row).
which terms were used successfully when.
Later, we will make the maps relative to partner
and situation types, e.g. ME .
2.3 Interactive Alignment
The interactive alignment model of Pickering and
Garrod (2004), which is positioned as a counter- 40 20 10 10 20 30 10 10 20 30
proposal to the one discussed above, is similarly
only characterised indirectly and not provided
with a formalisation. Its main features are nicely 22 33 22 11 11 25 25 12 12 25

summarised in (Garrod and Pickering, 2007, p.2):

“Our claim is that a major reason for this align-
11 22 33 22 11 22 33 22 11 11
ment is that the comprehension of chef (or alterna-
tively cook) activates representations correspond-
ing to this stimulus in B’s mind (roughly corre- 11 11 22 33 22 11 22 33 22 11
sponding to a lexical entry). These representations
remain active, so that when B comes to speak, it
is more likely that he will utter chef (or cook). 22 11 11 22 33 11 11 22 33 22
[...] We assume that this tendency to align is auto-
Applied to our formalisation of the game, it Figure 2: Two Maps (rows are objects, columns
seems that this model assumes that IG bases her are labels, numbers and colours represent associa-
choice on whatever is most strongly activated in tion strength)
her mind, and, if understood at all, this represen-
tation will increase in activation in IF, making him Figure 2 shows two maps MA and MB (values
more likely to use the label as well at the next are shown as number and are also coded in colour).
opportunity. Hence, what changes here over the It is read as follows: for object a (first row), both
course of playing the game are the vocabularies players rate label 1 (first column) highly; A prefers
of the players (or rather, the way they are repre- it, while B thinks label 5 is just as appropriate. All
sented in the minds of the players); beliefs with labels are somewhat acceptable to refer to a (and
propositional content and reasoning do not enter in fact, all labels are acceptable for any object).
in the description of the phenomenon. There does For objects c, d, e (rows 3 to 5), A and B have dif-
not seem to be room for partner-specificity in this ferent preferred labels, and if their partner picks
model. their preferred label to refer to any of these objects,

they would not pick out the same object, if they go IG
for their strongest interpretation preference. E.g.,
if A says 3 with the intention to refer to object c, α
B will understand d, if both go for their strongest
preference. (This is a fairly extreme example, with
lots of ambiguity, and differences in preferences;
we will use this below to show that our learning solve huh? β?
method can still lead to agreement even in such a IG
situation.) α γ yes no
3.2 Amended Rules of the Game, and IF
We define two versions of the game. In the sim- solve
ple version, the game is exactly as stated above in
Section 2.1. At each decision point in an episode,
the players choose greedily, that is, they go for the
appropriate cell with the highest value. E.g., if IG Figure 3: Extended action space for variant of
observes nature picking object a, she checks what game with Clarification Requests
the highest value is in the corresponding row, and
in this way finds the label she wants to use (as the
one corresponding to the column of the highest given an object) or interpretation (finding an ob-
value). IF now, on observing IG using the label, ject, given a label) for interpretation or generation,
checks in the column corresponding to the label respectively. This ensures, without further stipu-
which row has the highest value, and takes the ob- lations, that there is symmetry between interpreta-
ject corresponding to this row as his interpretation, tion and production: when they have used a label
which in this version of the game means that he successfully with a certain interpretation, they will
solves and picks this object. become more likely to use this interpretation when
The episode then closes with rewards being dis- they hear this label.
tributed to the players, as follows. The choice The second version of the game is somewhat
made by IG is always reinforced (the weight of more complicated, as it gives the players more op-
the cell used in deciding which label to use is tions for acting. (The extended action space is
increased by some factor), even if IF made the shown graphically in Figure 3, for one branch af-
wrong choice, and for both players. The idea here ter IG’s first action.) After IG has played (has pro-
is that the mapping IG has used is, once the game vided a label α for object o chosen by Nature),
has been revealed, mutual knowledge, and so IG IF can decide whether to solve (pick an object),
should be motivated to use it again, as should or make a clarification request (CR). It uses the
IF. Additionally, if IF made a wrong choice, this following rules to decide what to do: if there are
wrong choice is punished (the weight of the cell “distractor objects” for the label IG used, that is,
used in deciding which label to use is decreased if the highest weight in the appropriate column is
by some factor).1 not sufficiently far away from other weights in the
There is an interesting aspect of the game that column, then IF rejects, and ask a CR that could be
we have left implicit so far: when players switch paraphrased as “huh?”. If this is not the case, but
roles, they will use the map which in the previous there is another label that IF deems more appro-
episode they used for generation (finding a label, priate for the object that is the best interpretation
given this label (in the row in which the highest
This game is very similar to the one analysed by
(Argiento et al., 2009), who present a similar urn-based (i.e., weight of the column corresponding to IF’s label is
numerical weight-based) learning scheme; our game, how- found, there is another cell with a higher weight),
ever, diverges in two important aspects: we assume that then IF asks a reformulation CR, proposing this
players start with non-uniform distributions (they already
have preferences for labels/object combinations), and unlike other label.
(Argiento et al., 2009) we do not reward or punish both IG now reacts as follows to clarification ques-
players equally. These authors are concerned with analysing
whether a signal system can be learned this way, we are con- tions: In reply to a reject-CR (“huh?”), IG will use
cerned with whether an existing signal system can be adapted. the second best label for the object that is to be

named, if there is one; otherwise, it will just repeat As a second remark, the reader is advised to
the previous label. In reply to a reformulation-CR, note that the players at no point keep a model of
it will say “yes” if the proposed alternative label their partner. They always only keep their own
is within a certain range of the original label (for map; a feature of this model that brings it closer
object o), “no” otherwise. Back to IF: on hear- to the interactive alignment model than to the lex-
ing “yes”, IF will solve with the mapping it used ical pacts model.
for the reformulation. If IG said “no”, IF picks We now turn to simulation experiments with
the best interpretation for the original label (even this game and their results.3
though for that object IF thinks there is a better
name). If IG offers a reformulation, IF tries to find 3.3 Experiments, and Results
the object that is best for both labels, but if there is
none, he picks the first one. 75 25 0
● 0
● 0
● 50 50 0
● 0
● 0

Rewarding the players after an episode is some-

what more involved in this variant of the game.
We now potentially have several different cells in- 0
● 0
● 100 0
● 0
● 67 0
● 33 0
● 0

volved in one episode (for making the initial pro-

posal, for formulating a CR, for answering it). Re-
wards are now computed according to formula (1), 0
● 0
● 0
● 50 50 0
● 0
● 0
● 25 75

where cn denotes the cell used at step n, counting

backwards and starting with 0, so step 0 is the last
utterance of the player being rewarded. We use Figure 4: Two maps with less ambiguity. Three
hyperbolic discounting on the reward, with some objects, five labels.
discount factor δ; the rationale here is that the ex-
change towards the end of the episode is more im- We implemented the variants of the game in a
portant and impresses itself more on the players. computer program and ran experiments with two
different map sets, the one from Figure 2, and a
(1) cn ← cn + (1+δ∗n) smaller map set with less ambiguity (Figure 4).
As evaluation measures we use task success, and
We again follow the principle that IG is always re-
average map distance, which we define as the
warded, and IG’s choices—they are now transpar-
mean root squared distance between cell values:
ent for IF, since IF knows what IG’s goal was— P P q
are also reinforced for IF. IF’s own choices are re- ad(M , M ) = i k (Mαi,k − Mβi,k )2 ∗ i∗k
α β 1

warded or punished depending on the success of Figure 5 shows a plot of the average map dis-
the episode. tance in Experiment 1 (with the maps from Fig-
Before we turn to the experiments we per- ure 2), for the variant with clarification requests
formed with simulations of these games, two more (solid lines) and that without (dashed lines). Su-
remarks on the second variant of the game. First, perimposed are the successful episodes (green cir-
what is the idea behind these rules (which seem cles) and the unsuccessful ones (blue boxes). We
positively baroque compared to the austere rules see that in both variants the distance between maps
of Game Theory games)? They are meant to be decreases steadily (faster for the variant without
a relatively plausible model of how clarification CRs), and after some episodes, successes become
actually works (Purver et al., 2001; Purver, 2004; much more likely than failures (much later for the
Schlangen, 2004).2 They have the effect of letting variant without CRs). What may the reason be for
the participants more quickly explore their seman- the differences? In the variant with CRs it takes
tic maps, as we will see below. (This perhaps inci- the players longer to align their maps, because
dentally offers corroborating evidence for the the- there is more room for misunderstanding, as there
sis that clarification behaviour supports language is more exploration. The flipside of this is that they
construction (Ginzburg and Macura, 2006).) are faster to explore the whole map, and so have
heard all relevant labels used earlier. In the vari-
Of course, ideally, these rules would be learned as well; ant without CRs, each episode only teaches them
though not in the same game. We are assuming adult-level
language competence here. Learning clarification strategies, We would like to, but cannot at the moment offer a for-
perhaps modelling (Matthews et al., 2007), is an orthogonal mal analysis of properties of this learning method, and so can
problem. only look at how it fares on the task.


● ●



●● ●

● ●● ●●● ●
● ●●

● ● ● ●●●

average distance

average distance

● ● ● ●●

● ●●

● ●
●● ●●

● ●● ●
●● ● ●●
●● ● ●●
● ●● ●● ● ●●


● ●●● ●●● ●●●●●●

●● ● ●●●● ●●● ●●●●
● ●● ●●●● ● ●●●
● ●
● ●●
● ●●

● ●● ●●

● ●● ●●
● ● ●●
● ●● ●

●● ● ●● ●●
● ● ● ● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●
● ● ●● ●● ●
●● ● ●●●●
● ●● ●● ●
● ●● ● ●● ●

● ● ●●●
● ●●● ● ● ●●
●●● ●
●● ●●● ●●

●●●●● ●●
●● ●●

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

epsiode epsiode

Figure 5: Results of Experiment 1 Figure 7: Results of Experiment 2

about one mapping, and so it can happen even af- more representative of normal Matching Game
ter many episodes that they hit a pairing that they settings), the partners very quickly stop making
haven’t sufficiently learned. any mistakes.
We take these results as evidence that the learn-
ing mechanism does indeed lead to “lexical en-
64 10 5 5 15 54 3 7 10 26 trainment” between the partners: they come to be
much more likely to re-use successful labels, and
this indeed increases their success. So, from the
19 43 19 9 9 21 37 10 10 21
looks of it they do indeed form “conceptual pacts”,
but without any model of their partner, just by ac-
7 13 60 13 7 15 23 46 8 8
cidentally becoming more like each other.
“Is this not just priming, then?”, one may be
tempted to ask. If we understand the idea behind
6 6 11 66 11 7 14 14 59 7 priming correctly, then that is a mechanism driven
by occurrence, not by success. In our model, re-
ward is given (to IF) only when success is reached.
18 9 9 18 46 8 8 16 24 45 In that sense, our model is goal-driven, whereas
priming is not. Alternatively, our model may be
seen as a way to spell out what priming is meant to
Figure 6: The maps after 20 episodes achieve—we are not aware of much work on com-
putational models of priming with respect to this
Figure 6 shows the two maps from Figure 2 after phenomenon. (There is work by Reitter (2008),
20 episodes. The figure shows nicely how similar but that is modelling corpora and not providing
the maps have become. Note that the players have simulations. More closely related is (Buschmeier
aligned on player A’s map; this seems to be due et al., 2009), where alignment and priming is mod-
simply to the fact that A was IG first, and so had elled by activation functions. However, these do
a slight, but decisive, advantage in spreading her not take into account the role of clarification re-
preferences. quests and of success in reaching a communicative
Figure 7 shows the results for Experiment 2 goal.)
with the simpler maps. We see the same tendency In any case, however, what we have done so far
for the variant with CR to decrease less quickly; only provides half of the story. What will hap-
as the maps are so simple (but arguably much pen when a player encounter a new, naive agent,

or when a previous partner starts to ‘misbehave’? group (being in a situation / doing a certain activ-
This part we have not explored with experiments ity) then entails following this policy, this practice;
yet. As the setup is at the moment, players will re- and deviating from the practice rules out member-
act in the same way to a new partner using differ- ship, or leads to irritation when done by a member
ent terms and to their old partner suddenly using of the group. (I.e., practices are a form of situ-
different terms. This contradicts the findings of ated normativity, (Rietveld, 2008).) This is what
Metzing and Brennan (2003) discussed above. We a practice is, then: a policy that holds in certain
discuss in the next section how the model could be situations, for certain groups of agents.
made to account for this phenomenon as well. Returning to the more concrete subject matter
of this paper: how does this account for the phe-
4 Necessary Extensions
nomenon of partner-specificity of lexical entrain-
We list in this section extensions to the model that ment? It can explain the effect that “breaking the
are necessary to bring it towards more fully cap- pact” has, the irritation that the partner exhibits at
turing the phenomenon (and, more ambitiously, to this, if we assume that breaking the pact simply
making sense of the label practice). is not behaving in the way that the chosen policy
The first of those extensions will need to cap- for this situation (which includes this partner) pre-
ture the partner-specificity observed by Metzing dicts. If we assume as a further element that the
and Brennan (2003) (reactions to previous partner mechanism for copying and adapting maps is sen-
switching terms) and Branigan et al. (forthcoming) sitive to aspects of the situation, then we might
(different strength of alignment depending on be- have a handle on the fact that beliefs about the
liefs about capabilities of (artificial) partner). At partner can influence alignment with it. The re-
the moment, we can only outline the likely shape sults of (Branigan et al., forthcoming) might then
of this part of the model, and mention some re- be explained by differences in the assumptions of
quirements that we would like to see met. group membership: the computer believed to be
First, we widen the scope of the discussion. A more advanced is assumed to conform stronger to
different view of the maps from the previous sec- normal practices, whereas the simpler one does
tion: We have introduced them as linking objects not trigger strong presuppositions. Working out
and labels, but, viewed in a more general way, these rather general ideas will have to remain for
what they link is a way of performing an act of future work, however.
referring (or an act of understanding) to the goal We close this section by noting that the gen-
of making the partner pick out an object (or the eral ideas sketched here are far from being new.
goal of picking out the object the partner wants The godfather of this line of thinking of course is
me to pick out). The maps were a special case of Wittgenstein (1953) with the notion of language
what more generally we will call a policy, which game. The way we have restricted policies to sit-
is, then, a structure that links goals and actions. uation types (or rather, have stipulated that this
The idea now is that what is being modified dur- should be done) could be seen as one way of
ing the course of an activity is a “local” policy, spelling out this notion. The particular line on
particularised to the current situation. The policy Wittgensteinian thought I’m following here is fur-
from which one started remains stable, and a new ther represented by (Levinson, 1992) and (Bour-
copy is branched off for the current conversation. dieu, 1990) (from whom the label practice is
Some process of abstraction over situations then taken). More recently, the idea of conversations
needs to categorise and generalise: will the local establishing micro-languages explored by Larsson
policy be of use again, do the changes need to (2008) is very closely related; our understanding
merged with the starting policy? In such inconse- is that the ideas sketched here should be comple-
quential situations as the matching game, the pol- mentary to this approach. The precise connections
icy (the map) might be associated in memory with to this and other related work, however, need to be
a particular speaker, and then slowly be forgotten worked out more clearly in future work.
(or rather, regress to the base line map). But in
more weighty situations, a policy will become as- 5 Conclusions
sociated with a group of partners, or a type of sit- We have provided a formal model of a game which
uation; and conversely, a group is formed through has often been used to study the phenomenon of
the association with a policy. Membership in the lexical entrainment (Garrod and Anderson, 1987).

We have used this model to make precise some Simon Garrod and Martin J. Pickering. 2007. Automatic-
implications of the lexical pact model (Brennan ity in language production in monologue and dialogue. In
A.S. Meyer, L.R. Wheeldon, and A. Krott, editors, Auto-
and Clark, 1996), and the interactive alignment maticity and control in language processing, pages 1–21.
model (Pickering and Garrod, 2004), and our Psychology Press, Hove, UK.
own practice-based proposal, which we have also Jonathan Ginzburg and Zoran Macura. 2006. Lexical ac-
quisition with and without metacommunication. In The
tested in simulation, showing that it can model the Emergence of Communication and Language, pages 287–
process of aligning on language use in this very 301. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
simple game. Ellen A. Isaacs and Herbert H. Clark. 1987. References in
What we have provided here is quite clearly conversation between experts and novices. Journal of Ex-
perimental Psychology: General, 116(1):26–37.
only a first sketch of such a practice-based account
Robert M. Krauss and Sidney Weinheimer. 1964. Changes
of lexical entrainment (and, much more so, a first in reference phrases as a function of frequency of usage
sketch of a more general theory of the role of prac- in social interaction: A preliminary study. Psychonomic
Science, 1:266–278.
tices in conversation). It is our hope, however,
Staffan Larsson. 2008. Formalizing the dynamics of seman-
that our formalisation of the problem as outcome tic systems in dialogue. In Robin Cooper and Ruth Kemp-
of a kind of a signalling game already is a useful son, editors, Language in Flux – Dialogue Coordination,
contribution, and helps to better understand what Language Variation, Change and Evolution. College Pub-
lications, London, UK.
the debate actually is about—and that our sketch
Stephen C. Levinson. 1992. Activity types and language.
of a practice-based account has at least succeeded In P. Drew and J. Heritage, editors, Talk at work: Inter-
in positioning it as an alternative that would be action in Institutional Settings, pages 66–100. Cambridge
promising to work out further. University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Danielle Matthews, Elena Lieven, and Michael Tomasello.
2007. How toddlers and preschoolers learn to uniquely
Acknowledgments This work was funded by DFG Grant identify referents for others: A training study. Child De-
SCHL845/3-1, Emmy Noether Programme. velopment, 78:1744–1759.
Charles Metzing and Susan E. Brennan. 2003. When con-
ceptual pacts are broken: Partner-specific effects on the
References comprehension of referring expressions. Journal of Mem-
ory and Language, 49:201–213.
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Herbert H. Clark and Catherine R. Marshall. 1978. Refer- David Schlangen. 2004. Causes and strategies for requesting
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Modelling Sub-Utterance Phenomena in Spoken Dialogue Systems

Okko Buß David Schlangen

Department of Linguistics
University of Potsdam, Germany

Abstract ones (propositions as smallest unit).1

In this paper, we focus on what we label ‘sub-
Dialogue systems that process user contri- utterance phenomena’, and ask how we can equip
butions only in chunks bounded by silence dialogue systems with the capability to produce
miss opportunities for producing helpful and understand those. We discuss two possible
signals, such as backchannel utterances approaches, one where additional machinery takes
concurrent with the ongoing utterance— care of such phenomena, and another where the
to the detriment of interaction quality. We dialogue manager is adapted more fundamentally.
survey in some detail what we call ‘sub- As the latter is an approach that is less represented
utterance’ phenomena, which such an ap- in the literature than the former, we sketch an ap-
proach misses, and then discuss two ap- proach to dialogue management that promises to
proaches to overcoming this limitation. enable this strategy.
The first is to add a ‘reactive layer’ to an The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
otherwise unchanged, utterance-based di- lows. We first survey in some detail the phenom-
alogue manager. The other approach, less ena of interest, looking at what may be appropriate
often taken, is to make the dialogue man- reactions to user contributions that exhibit them,
ager itself capable of producing such re- and what may be internal events that might require
actions. To explore the viability of such a system to produce them. We then discuss the
an approach, we sketch a dialogue man- two approaches to modelling such phenomena and
agement strategy capable of working at a sketch our attempts at the second type of approach.
sub-utterance level.
2 Sub-Utterance Phenomena
1 Introduction
So far we have used the term “sub-utterance phe-
It is generally agreed that human language pro-
nomenon” informally. To make more precise what
cessing in dialogue proceeds continuously (i.e.,
we mean by it, we need to explain in a bit more
not at certain points in bulk, but at all times
detail the way that most current dialogue process
during the contribution of the other participant)
user contributions: In such systems, the speech
and incrementally (with new bits of information
recogniser delivers output only once it has de-
building on previous ones, forming larger units);
tected silence of a certain duration (often some-
see e.g. (Marslen-Wilson and Tyler, 1981). This
thing between 750 and 1500ms, (Ferrer et al.,
is a fact that manifests itself in subtle phenom-
2002)). Hence, the unit for processing for later
ena like eye movement patterns, studied in psy-
modules is a continuous stretch of user speech
cholinguistics (Tanenhaus et al., 1995), but also in
ending in silence. This segmentation is performed
‘surface-phenomena’ like backchannel utterances
without input from later modules (like parsers of
(“uhu”), studied in Conversation Analysis for ex-
dialogue managers), and those later modules only
ample (e.g., Schegloff (1982)).
see complete utterance units. “Sub-utterance phe-
Dialogue systems, but also dialogue theo-
ries, are, in contrast, more utterance-oriented. 1
With the notable exceptions of, on the theoretical side,
They typically discretise dialogue into utterance- PTT (Poesio and Traum, 1997; Poesio and Rieser, 2010) and
Dynamic Syntax (Cann et al., 2005), and on the implemen-
chunks, either for technical reasons (simpler seg- tational side (DeVault and Stone, 2003; Aist et al., 2007;
mentation boundary detection) or for theoretical Skantze and Schlangen, 2009).

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by33
the author(s)
nomena”, in our use of the term, then are all phe- (D3) does not require acknowledgement
nomena that make reference to units smaller than by the other.
such silence-bounded speech chunks.
Table 1 gives an illustration of the types of phe- From these descriptions, we can directly de-
nomena we are interested in here. We divide our rive what reactions of a dialogue system to user
analysis of the phenomena into what possible sys- backchannel utterances should be. First, they
tem reactions are to user-produced sub-utterance should not be taken as an attempt by the user to
phenomena, and what internal system events could take the floor (D3). This requires fast recognition
be that require a system to produce them. of the user utterance as a backchannel (and not an
interruption, discussed below). This would enable
2.1 System Reactions to User-Produced the system to simply ignore such utterances. But
Sub-Utterance Phenomena such a strategy would disregard observation (D1),
Hesitations The first phenomenon we look at, namely that these utterances nevertheless are reac-
hesitations, or more specifically, unfilled pauses, tions to the content of the system’s own ongoing
poses a direct problem to the approach to contri- utterance. It seems more appropriate, then, to take
bution segmentation sketched above. As this ap- into account the role BC plays for grounding, the
proach uses silence to endpoint the user utterance, process of reaching a common understanding of
there is a danger of wrongly endpointing during a the ongoing dialogue (Clark and Schaefer, 1989;
hesitation, and being left with an incomplete utter- Clark, 1996). At the very least, BCs signal ‘con-
ance (and confusion when the user then resumes tinued attention’, and it may be useful to represent
talking). Hence, as a ‘minimal’ type of reaction this fact in the system (perhaps in order to draw
to a hesitation we would ideally like the dialogue inferences from the absence of such signals). If
system to not confuse it with an utterance end, this effect is to be modelled, then timing informa-
and to simply wait for the speaker to continue. A tion becomes important, in order to determine to
more sophisticated system could offer signals of which parts of the utterance the BC may be react-
support, such as backchannel utterances, or even ing.
cooperative replies such as suggesting words the Interruptions Concurrent speech from the user
speaker may be looking for, or even completing that is not classified as a BC should be treated as
the utterance for her. (See for example (Clark, an interruption. Again, there are various degrees
1996) for a discussion of such strategies.) of sophistication possible in reactions to interrup-
A more subtle effect of hesitations, and disflu- tions. A sensible default behaviour perhaps is to
encies in general, has been discussed in the psy- simply stop talking. Ideally, a system would also
cholinguistics literature: under certain conditions, be informed where exactly, after which parts of the
dialogue participants seem to draw conclusions own utterance, the interruption occurred. How-
from the fact that a speaker is disfluent. When ever, an interruption need not necessarily lead to
producing descriptions of objects, disfluencies can a turn-change: in certain situations, a system may
be taken as indication that an object with a non- be interested in trying to hold the turn and to con-
obvious name is being described (Brennan and tinue talking.
Schober, 2001; Bailey and Ferreira, 2007; Arnold
et al., 2007); a system that can attend to sub- Turn-Taking One of the immediately striking
utterance phenomena could make use of such im- features of human–human dialogue is that transi-
plications (Schlangen et al., 2009). tions between speakers are often seamless, with
very little gap or overlap ((Jaffé and Feldstein,
Backchannel Utterances Backchannel utter-
1970; Sacks et al., 1974; Beattie and Barnard,
ances are “short messages such as yes and uh-
1979)). Such seamless transitions can obviously
huh”, which are given “without relinquishing the
not be achieved with the segmentation model
turn” (Yngve, 1970, p. 568). Ward and Tsukahara
sketched above, which relies on gaps to determine
(2000, p.1182) give a more formal definition:
whether a speaker wants to release the turn. Other
Back-channel feedback: cues within the utterance must hence be respon-
(D1) responds directly to the content of sible for the other being able to determine when
an utterance of the other, to take the turn. (This is why we include this
(D2) is optional, and under “sub-utterance” phenomena here, given our

Phenomenon Example
Hesitation (HES) A: From Boston uhm on Monday.
Backchannel (BC) A: From Boston on Monday.
B: Mhm
Interruption (INT) A: From Boston on-
B: Sorry, Boston airport is closed!
Turn-Taking (TT) A: From Boston.
B: Erm, hang on, I’ll check.
Relevant Non- A: From Boston on Monday
Linguistic Act (RNLA) Sys: [Boston lights up on map]

Table 1: Examples of Sub-Utterance Phenomena in Dialogue

endpointing-based definition of utterance.) There it is, that part of the utterance can be taken as un-
is a rich literature on what exactly the nature of derstood; if not, corrective measures can be taken,
these signals might be, syntax, semantics / prag- such as providing more information or directly
matics or prosody (see, inter alia, (Ferrer et al., correcting the user’s understanding.
2002; Ford and Thompson, 1996; Caspers, 2003;
Koiso et al., 1998; Sato et al., 2002; Ferrer et al., 2.2 System Conditions Triggering Production
2003; Schlangen, 2006)). Assuming that our sys- of Sub-Utterance Phenomena
tem could detect such signals, what would be the We now turn to a discussion of the conditions un-
appropriate reaction? Looking at human–human der which a system might want to produce such
dialogue, it seems that even in cases where a con- phenomena itself.
tentful reply isn’t immediately ready, it is a good
strategy to acknowledge the obligation to take the Hesitations Hesitations in human speech are
turn by producing non-committal “hedges” such normally seen as reflecting planning problems
as erm (Norrick, 2009), as in the TT example in (Levelt, 1989; Clark and Fox Tree, 2002), for ex-
Table 1. ample due to problems with lexical access. Given
current language generation architectures (The-
une, 2003) and how they differ to human language
Relevant Non-Linguistic Actions So far, we
generation (for example, with lexical access as an
have restricted the discussion to linguistic reac-
error-free database look-up, no incremental for-
tions. In situations where other modalities are
mulation, etc), there doesn’t seem to be a natu-
available (that is, in face-to-face settings), it can
ral reason for dialogue systems to produce hes-
also be appropriate to react non-linguistically to
itations. It is an interesting, but to our knowl-
ongoing utterances. An example for such a reac-
edge unresearched question whether simulating
tion is shown in Table 1. We will discuss more
such problems could have interactional benefits—
examples below in Section 4. (One could also sub-
one could speculate that inferences from the fact
sume under this heading non-verbal actions ex-
that production is disfluent (as mentioned above;
pression functions listed above, such as head-nods
a disfluent description might be of a hard-to-name
as backchannel signals. We however restrict this
object) could be usefully triggered in this way.
category here to actions that are non-linguistic in
a wider sense.) Backchannel Utterances The situation is dif-
With regards to their immediate discourse ef- ferent for backchannel utterances. Systems work-
fect, RNLA are related to (one aspect of) backchan- ing in more conversational settings may well profit
nels: they indicate some degree of understanding from being able to produce backchannel utter-
of the ongoing utterance. In fact, they give much ances. Mirroring what was said above about the
deeper evidence of understanding than BCs, in that interpretation of BCs, their production should ide-
they display what this understanding is (Clark and ally reflect a desire to signal the grounding status
Schaefer, 1989). A system capable of register- (as ‘acoustically perceived’) of material concur-
ing a user’s RNLA should then use them to check rently to the continuation of the utterance. Al-
whether the displayed understanding is congruent ternatively, one could tie the production of BCs
with the intended effect of the utterance-so-far. If closer to the user’s utterance, assuming that there

are indeed ‘backchannel-inviting cues’ (Ward and
Tsukahara, 2000; Gravano and Hirschberg, 2009);
we discuss this approach below.
Interruptions A system that is continuously
monitoring the user’s input may want to interrupt
for the same reasons that a human might do so: to
be able to immediately address some parts of the
utterance (for example challenging its truth), or to Figure 1: Schematic view of the architectural
make a choice in a long list of alternatives. An- choices
other reason for interrupting the user can be that
some other event occurs that requires notification
of the user with high priority; this could happen in collection of components) which a) computes ap-
applications where the system controls and mon- propriate updates to the context given the new in-
itors some real-world objects (Boye et al., 2000; coming material (which in traditional systems is
Lemon et al., 2002). As such interruptions are the- the endpointed utterance in one block), and b)
matically unrelated to the user utterance, they can computes the system reaction to this update. We
be performed without continuous understanding of can then characterise the two directions according
the user utterance. to what they modify. In the reactive approach,
the dialogue manager still works on full utter-
Turn-Taking Ideally, a dialogue system would ances only, but does not remain the only place that
plan its utterances in such a way that turn-endings computes reactions; rather, a further component
can be projected easily by the user. As discussed is added that works on sub-utterance information
above, there is a variety of candidate cues that may and controls some system actions. In the incre-
be appropriate here; one that may be in reach is mental DM approach, the dialogue manager re-
the variation of prosodic structure (e.g., using ris- mains the only module responsible for computing
ing pitch to indicate non-finality; see e.g. (Caspers, system behaviour, but the basis on which it does so
2003)). Moreover, devices for preparing for longer is changed, by allowing updates triggered by units
turns could be used (“Let me list the possible op- smaller than the utterance.
Figure 1 gives a schematic view of the two pos-
Relevant Non-Linguistic Actions Together sibilities: in a system with a reactive layer, con-
with BCs, RNLAs form the class of production tinuous information flows (along the dashed lines)
behaviours that seem most promising for systems from “input-side” modules (the boxes on the left;
in the near-term. If a modality other than speech let’s say speech recognition and natural language
is available, it may be advantageous to use it understanding module) to a separate reactive DM
for displaying understanding. We will discuss module. This module can decide independently
examples below. on the need for ‘reactive behaviour’, e.g. BCs.
Meanwhile, the usual utterance-sized information
3 Two Approaches flows along the normal channel (the solid lines),
Having surveyed the phenomena, we now turn to from the input modules into the dialogue man-
describing two possible directions for changes to ager, which computes system reactions concerning
the current dialogue system architecture model, the “official business” of the dialogue as in nor-
which relies on full-utterance-based processing. mal systems. In a fully incremental system, on
Our question will be to what extent these changes the other hand, continuous information can travel
bring the phenomena into the reach of the dia- along the normal pathway, and the main DM itself
logue systems—with the underlying assumption is reactive enough to decide on reactions like BCs.
that making systems capable of handling these
3.1 Keeping the Dialogue Manager, Adding a
phenomena will make them more natural (Ward
Reactive Layer
et al., 2005; Edlund et al., 2008). Before we do
so, we need to say just a little bit more about The strategy of adding a ‘reactive layer’ to an
one component of dialogue systems, the dialogue otherwise largely unchanged dialogue system ar-
manager. We define this as that component (or chitecture is the more prominent in the literature;

despite differences in detail, (Thórisson, 2002; shown that it is indeed possible, at least for short
Lemon et al., 2003; Raux and Eskenazi, 2007) whiles, to plausibly accompany user speech with
can all be categorised in this way. It is clearly BCs produced as reaction to such cues. How-
an attractive strategy, as it allows one to keep ever, there is a danger in decoupling BCs from
tried-and-tested traditional dialogue management actual grounding state. The reactive layer and
paradigms; we will explore here to what extent it the main dialogue manager can get out of sync,
can cover the behaviours listed in the previous sec- as illustrated in (1) (constructed; system is B), a
tion. situation where the reactive layer produced BCs
and hence signalled at least some form of under-
Hesitations We have explained above that hes- standing, which however isn’t backed up by the
itations pose a big problem for systems that rely main dialogue manager, which requests clarifica-
on silence thresholding for determining the end tion. This shows that some form of synchroni-
of a user contribution. A system with a reactive sation is needed in such an architecture, if be-
layer that has continuous access to more informa- haviours produced by the reactive layer commit
tion than just voice activity can improve on this. the system publicly to a certain discourse state.
Raux and Eskenazi (2008) describe such a sys-
tem, where continuous information from a voice (1) A: Take the green block
B: uhu
activity detector is combined with continuous in- A: and place i:t in the
formation from a language understanding compo- B: yeah?
nent that works on hypotheses of what was said A: middle of the board.
B: OK.
so far. Using a simple proxy for detecting se- B: I’m sorry, what did you say?
mantic completeness (“are expected slots already
filled?”), their system can classify silences and Interruptions, Turn-Taking From the perspec-
use optimised thresholds, overall improving the la- tive of a system with a reactive layer, these two
tency of the replies. Note that the architectural phenomena are flip-sides of being able to deal with
changes only concern the additional layer; once BCs and HES, respectively: if those phenomena
the endpointing decision is made, all further up- are classified correctly, appropriate reactions to
dates and computations of system reactions are these phenomena can be made as well. For INT,
made by the unchanged dialogue manager. that could be to stop talking (but again presumably
losing information about what did get said), for
Backchannel Utterances We’ve described TT this would be to start talking, or, if nothing is
above as one possible reaction to a user backchan- prepared, to produce a turn-initial non-committal
nel utterance to simply ignore them. For this, signal like “erm”.
a system with a reactive layer would need the
capability to quickly classify incoming audio from Relevant Non-Linguistic Actions This seems
the user during a system utterance as backchannel to be an area where just adding a reactive layer
or genuine interruption. A backchannel utterance cannot help. There must be a way to compute the
could then simply be withheld from the rest of relevance of such an action to what was already
the system. (Note that this strategy entails that said, and for this, it seems, proper context updates
none of the discourse effects of BCs described have to be performed on such partial inputs. This
above can be modelled.) We are not aware of any is what the kind of architecture we turn to next
implemented system that makes use of such a promises to be able to do.
3.2 Incrementalising the Dialogue Manager
On the production side, a reactive layer
could decide to produce a backchannel utterance With some reflection, it should be clear that a sys-
in response to so called “backchannel-inviting tem with an incremental dialogue manager (per-
cues” (Ward and Tsukahara, 2000; Gravano and haps fed with more than just output of what is typ-
Hirschberg, 2009), which are prosodic and lexical ically the previous module, NLU) can do at least
features of the utterance. (Their presence could that what was described above for the reactive-
presumably be detected on the basis of continuous layer approach, as it is a proper superset. As such
information comparable to what was described in an approach has, to our knowledge, not been de-
the previous section.) (Beskow et al., 2009) have scribed in the literature, the more interesting ques-

tion is whether something like this is actually prac- The items in this plan are questions that the sys-
tically possible. (There is important prior work: tem must get answered in order to handle the is-
(Allen et al., 2001) describe a general architec- sue of providing price information. Raising them
ture for dialogue systems that somewhat falls un- in the form of a sequence of questions, however,
der this heading; however, the focus there is more is what leads to the typical slightly rigid structure
on architecture and no general DM strategy is de- characteristic of dialogues with enquiry-based sys-
scribed. Similarly, (Skantze and Schlangen, 2009) tems (“how do you want to travel?”, “Where do
describe an implemented system that to some ex- you want to go?”, “When?”, etc. etc.). The as-
tent realises incremental DM, but again, the DM signment of each bit of necessary information to
strategy is not the focus of that paper.) a separate question, and hence a separate user re-
We hence will not go through the list of phe- ply, appears somewhat unnatural; and this is in-
nomena again but instead devote the remaining deed is reflected by the often made observation
space to sketching what a plausible incremental that human users tend to react to such restricted
dialogue management approach could look like. questions with what in the field of dialogue system
Before we turn to this, we should note that a pre- design is called overanswering, that is by provid-
condition of such an approach is that the modules ing more information than the question taken on
feeding into the dialogue manager also work in- its own asks for (McTear, 2004).
crementally; recent work suggests that this pre- If we remove the direct connection between the
condition can be met (incremental ASR (Bau- questions in the plan and expected utterances, and
mann et al., 2009); incremental NLU (Atterer and allow the user to address more than one of those
Schlangen, 2009; Schlangen et al., 2009; Atterer question within a single utterance, and without
et al., 2009); generation (Kilger and Finkler, 1995; them having been raised explicitly, we have made
Otsuka and Purver, 2003)). a first step towards an incremental dialogue man-
ager. We then also note that the utterance bits an-
4 Sketch of an Incremental Dialogue swering individual questions (e.g. “I want to fly...”,
Manager “...from Amsterdam...”, “...on Monday”) seem like
good candidates for chunks that can be acknowl-
For concreteness, we set ourselves the task here to edged by BCs.
model BC and RNLA behaviour with an incremen- Figure 2 shows an example of the information
tal dialogue manager. What is needed to achieve state format used in a system we are currently
this? First, a context representation that can be building.2 The domain of the system is construct-
updated with partial information and that tracks ing a puzzle, where the user controls the computer
grounding state (and how it is influenced by per- to select and move around pieces, getting imme-
forming BCs and also RNLAs), and second, rules diate visual feedback. The structure shown is our
that compute when to perform these behaviours. equivalent of a Question-Under-Discussion stack
Perhaps surprisingly, it turns out that not very (Ginzburg, 1996), and is to be read as follows. In
many deep conceptual changes are needed to get angle brackets, all information is grouped together
this from extant dialogue modelling paradigms. that the system needs to collect to perform one do-
(2) shows the structure of the plan of an infor- main action. Here, we have the actions take and
mation state update-based system to provide ticket delete; the curly brackets indicate that they are al-
price information (from (Larsson, 2002, p.52)). ternatives. I.e., the system needs to collect infor-
mation about which action to perform, and about
(2) ISSUE : ?x.price(x) which tile to perform it on. (Here, both actions
PLAN : h have the same parameter, but that is just a coin-
findout(?x.means of transport(x)), cidence). After the first semicolon, we specify
findout(?x.dest city(x)), what an appropriate RNLA is when the informa-
findout(?x.depart city(x)), tion chunk specified in this line has been provided.
findout(?x.depart month(x)), E.g., once we know that the action to perform is
findout(?x.depart day(x)),
findout(?x.depart class(x)), We should note that we are in the early stages of the re-
alisation of the system. While first experiments indicate that
consultDB(?x.price(x)) the concepts sketched here should work, the devil will, as al-
i ways, be in the details of the implementation.

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( 7 ; 8 execute(A,T) ; 9 U) >
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{< a ( 1 action=A=take; 2 prepare(A) ; 3 U),
( 4 tile=T ; 5 highlight(T) ; 6 U),
( 7 ; 8 execute(A,T) ; 9 U) >

< b (10 action=A=del ;11 prepare(A) ;12 U),

(13 tile=T ;14 highlight(T) ;15 U),
(16 ;17 execute(A,T) ;18 U) >}

Delete {del} neg.resolves 1, remove neg.res'd

pos.resolves 10 {< b (10 action=A=del ;11 prepare(A) ;12 RP),
(13 tile=T ;14 highlight(T) ;15 U), entries; for
-> "resolved, private"
(16 ;17 execute(A,T) ;18 U) >} pos.resd, add RNLA
adds RNLA to to TODO
TODO cursors turns
10.prepare(del) into cross
display of
{< c (19 10.correct=C=y ;20 ; I) > understanding successfull
< d (21 10.correct=C=n ;22 undo(11),reset; I) >} can be ACKd
execution of RNLA
{< b (10 action=A=del ;11 prepare(A) ;12 RD),
puts implicit corr?
(13 tile=T ;14 highlight(T) ;15 U),
ques on QUD
(16 ;17 execute(A,T) ;18 U) >}

green {t2,t4} relevant(13) !res(13) if topmost item is
relevant next contr., {< b (10 action=A=del ;11 prepare(A) ;12 RDA), impl-corr? question
downdates "corr?",19 (13 tile=T ;14 highlight(T) ;15 U), and input is relevant
(16 ;17 execute(A,T) ;18 U) >}
to item below,
downdate corr
cross {t2} res(13)
{< b (10 action=A=del ;11 prepare(A) ;12 RDA),
adds RNLAs (13 tile=t2 ;14 highlight(t2);15 RP),
to TODO (16 ;17 execute(A,T) ;18 RP) >}
(17, because
all pars are resd.) 16.execute(del,t2) 13.highlight(t2)

{< c
< d
;28 ; I) >
;29 undo(17),reset; I) >}
... {< c (23 13.correct=C=y ;24 ; I) >
resolves all implicit < d (25 13.correct=C=n ;26 undo(14),reset; I) >}
Great! {yes} qs it's relevant to ...

Example 1. Columns are, from left to right: user utterance, semantics, updates and resulting information state (consisting of
QUD and TO-DO field), system reaction, and comments. Utterance of delete eliminates other candidate (take) from QUD,
triggers visible action (cursor turns into cross), which implicitly raises question “was this correct?”. Question is answered by
relevant continuation (“the green. . . ”), and hence removed.

{< a ( 1 action=A=take; 2 prepare(A) ; 3 U),

( 4 tile=T ; 5 highlight(T) ; 6 U),
( 7 ; 8 execute(A,T) ; 9 U) >

< b (10 action=A=del ;11 prepare(A) ;12 U),

(13 tile=T ;14 highlight(T) ;15 U),
(16 ;17 execute(A,T) ;18 U) >}

green {t2,t4} relevant to 4,13, doesn't resolve either

cross {t2} resolves 4,13

{< a ( 1 action=A=take; 2 prepare(A) ; 3 U),
( 4 tile=t2 ; 5 highlight(t2); 6 RP),
( 7 ; 8 execute(A,T) ; 9 U) >

< b (10 action=A=del ;11 prepare(A) ;12 U),

(13 tile=t2 ;14 highlight(t2);15 RP),
Variant 1:
(16 ;17 execute(A,T) ;18 U) >}
provide BC-pos when
resolved, but only in
4|13.highlight(t2) 4|13.on_sil(BC-pos) silences
timeout triggers
execution of on_sil mhm
{< a ( 1 action=A=take; 2 prepare(A) ; 3 U),
action from TODO,
( 4 tile=t2 ; 5 highlight(t2); 6 RDB),
(exec of highlight ( 7 ; 8 execute(A,T) ; 9 U) > 4|13 now grounded through
triggers is-corr? q, display and backchannel
here left out) < b (10 action=A=del ;11 prepare(A) ;12 U),
(13 tile=t2 ;14 highlight(t2);15 RDB),
(16 ;17 execute(A,T) ;18 U) >}

(as in previous example)

Example 2. Columns as above. “the green cross” is relevant to both action alternatives (take and delete). Is uttered with rising
pitch (trial intonation), which leads to short timeout, at which a confirming BC is uttered.
Resolution / grounding states shown: U, unresolved; RP, resolved, but private (not grounded); I, implicitly raised; RD, resolved,
understanding displayed; RDB, resolved, displayed and BC offered.

Figure 3: Worked Examples

Splitting the “I”s and Crossing the “You”s:
Context, Speech Acts and Grammar
Matthew Purver Eleni Gregoromichelaki, Wilfried Meyer-Viol
Department of Computer Science, Department of Philosophy, King’s College London
Queen Mary University of London

Ronnie Cann
Linguistics and English Language, University of Edinburgh

Abstract tions. But given that such accounts employ gram-

mars which license strings of words, a direct ac-
The occurrence of split utterances (SUs) count for SUs is prevented, as the reference and
in dialogue raises many puzzles for gram- binding of indexical speaker/addressee pronouns
mar formalisms, from formal to pragmatic changes as the speaker transition occurs:
and even philosophical issues. This paper
(1) A: Did you give me back
presents an account of some of the formal
B: your penknife? It’s on the table.
details that grammars need to incorporate
in order to accommodate them. Using Dy- (2) A: I heard a shout. Did you
namic Syntax (DS), we illustrate how by B: Burn myself? No, luckily.
incorporating essential interaction with the A grammar must rule out the sentence did you
context into the grammar itself, we can burn myself? as ungrammatical if spoken by one
deal with speaker change in SUs: not only single speaker, but allow it as grammatical if the
its effects on indexicals I and you, but also identity of the speaker changes as in (2) – this will
the multiple illocutionary forces that can be hard for a string-based account. In (1), you and
arise. We also introduce a Split Turn Tak- your must be able to take different referents due
ing Puzzle (STTP) showing that the cur- to the speaker change between them. In contrast,
rent speaker and the agent of the resulting as DS defines grammatical constraints in terms of
speech act are not necessarily the same. the incremental construction of semantic content
(rather than through licensing strings via an inde-
1 Introduction pendent layer of syntax over strings), we show that
Split utterances (SUs) – utterances split across such examples are not problematic given an inde-
more than one speaker or dialogue contribution pendently motivated definition of the lexical en-
– are common in spontaneous conversation and tries for indexicals.
provide an important source of data that can be SUs can also perform diverse dialogue func-
used to test the adequacy of linguistic theories tions, with the speech acts associated with the in-
(Purver et al., 2009). Previous work has sug- dividual speakers’ contributions often being dif-
gested that Dynamic Syntax (DS) (Kempson et al., ferent – see (Purver et al., 2009). In (1)-(2),
2001) is well placed to analyse these phenomena B’s continuations seem to function as clarifica-
as it is strictly word-by-word incremental, allow- tions of A’s intended queries. Others have pointed
ing an account of speaker changes at any point out that continuations can function as e.g. ad-
(Purver et al., 2006) and interruptive phenomena juncts (Fernández and Ginzburg, 2002) or clari-
such as mid-sentence clarification sequences (Gar- fication requests (Purver et al., 2003); and Poe-
gett et al., 2009). However, other less incremen- sio and Rieser (2010) show how a completion (in
tal grammar formalisms have also been applied to their terms) can get its function in the dialogue (in
particular kinds of SUs: Poesio and Rieser (2010) their case, to act as a collaborative contribution to
use LTAG1 in an analysis of collaborative comple- a plan). A full account of SUs therefore requires
some representation of such dialogue function in-
Unlike DS, LTAG must be supplemented by a parsing
and/or generation model (a set of defeasible inference rules formation in the model of context that guides dia-
for Poesio and Rieser) to derive the incrementality required. logue interpretation and production.

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by43
the author(s)
“John arrived”
DS, however, currently incorporates no notion 7−→ ♦, ?T y(t)
of illocutionary force or dialogue act type, as it is
assumed that derivation of such information is not (4)
linguistically determined. In the case of SUs, it T y(e), T y(e → t),
F o(john′ ) λx.arrive(x)
has been assumed that the grammar itself provides Application of lexical actions is interspersed with
adequate means of continuing/taking over some- the execution of computational rules which pro-
body else’s utterance, and that this does not neces- vide the predictive element in the parse and pro-
sarily involve strategic reflection or fully-formed vide the compositional combinatorics. For exam-
intentions as to what function the utterance should ple, eventual type deduction and function appli-
perform: this provides the possibility for speakers cation is achieved by means of the rule of Elim-
to ‘blurt out’ utterances without necessarily having ination (5). This derives the value of a mother
any specific plans/intentions in mind, and for hear- node’s semantic type T y and content F o from
ers to respond without reflection as to the speaker’s that of its daughters, in (4) providing the values
plan. But, as pointed out in (Kempson et al., 2007; T y(t), F o(arrived(john)) at the top node:
Gargett et al., 2009), this is not an in-principle ob-
jection to the specification of speech act informa-
IF ?T y(T1 ),
tion as part of the representation derived by the
↓0 (T y(T2 ), F o(α))
parse of an utterance, as DS provides mechanisms
(5) ↓1 (T y(T2 → T1 ), F o(β))
for allowing the inclusion of optional inferred in-
THEN put(T y(T1 ))
formation. We present here an extension to DS
put(F o(β(α)))
which allows it to include such information explic-
ELSE abort
itly and draw the distinctions relevant for SUs.
We also show how this extension is motivated Grammaticality is then defined in terms of a re-
by the resolution of the Split Turn Taking Puzzle sulting complete (requirement-free) tree. Gener-
(STTP). This is a version of Ginzburg (1997)’s ation is defined in terms of parsing, and there-
Turn Taking Puzzle applied to SUs, where it ap- fore also functions with partial trees, uses the
pears that distinct empirical results are obtained: same action definitions, and has the same context-
given a SU split between two people, the possible dependence, incrementality and predictivity.
interpretations of a subsequent “Why?” depend DS is thus well-placed to account for SUs:
not on the most recent speaker, but on who can be equal incrementality in parsing and generation,
taken as the agent of the speech act performed – and the use of the same partial tree representations,
which may be distinct from the notion of ‘speaker’ allows the successful processing of “interruptive”
tracked by indexical pronouns like I and my. SUs with speaker changes at any point. As goal
trees (planned messages driving generation) may
2 Combining Dynamic Syntax with TTR also be partial, utterances may be produced be-
fore a total propositional message has been con-
2.1 Dynamic Syntax (DS) structed, and completions may be analysed with-
DS combines word-by-word incrementality with out necessarily involving “guessing”. The parser-
context-dependent, goal-directed parsing defined turned-producer has just to access a word that
over partial trees. Importantly, these trees are se- seems to them an appropriate completion, with-
mantic objects, rather than reflecting syntax or out necessarily considering whether it matches the
word order. Parsing in DS relies on the execu- previous speaker’s intention.
tion of licensed actions, as incorporated in lexical DS doesn’t incorporate a notion of dialogue act
entries (as in (3) below); such actions resolve out- type (in contrast to e.g. Ginzburg et al. (2003)) as
standing requirements (here, ?T y(e)) to decorate it is assumed that the linguistically provided infor-
the tree with information about semantic type T y mation is highly underspecified, namely just an in-
and content (formula) F o: dication of sentence mood as declarative, interrog-
john: ative, imperative.2 However, as the DS formalism
IF ?T y(e) 2
Such specifications are currently encoded as features
(3) THEN put(T y(e)) translatable into use-neutral procedural instructions, unless
there are “grammaticised” associations between moods and
put(F o(john′ )) speech acts, an empirical issue to be decided on a language-
ELSE abort by-language basis.

“John arrived”
is designed to interact with context incrementally (7) 7−→  
at any point, the possibility of deriving speech act x : john
♦, T y(t),
p : arrive(x)
information from context exists; although the in-
terface to enable this must be specified. For this
reason, we now turn to TTR, a transparent rep- T y(e),   → t),
T y(e 
   x : e
x : john λ x : e .
resentation format allowing the specification and p : arrive(x)
interaction of multiple types of information.
Function application and type deduction will now
2.2 Type Theory with Records (TTR) apply under a suitably modified rule of the DS
TTR has already been used in dialogue modelling Elimination process; see (9) below.
(Cooper and Ginzburg, 2002; Ginzburg, forthcom- 3 Utterance Events
ing). Tokens (records) and types (record types) are
treated uniformly as structured representations – An account of SUs must explain how indexi-
sequences of label : type pair fields – with the re- cal pronouns can assume distinct values around
sult that their interaction can be modelled in a sin- a change of speaker (and addressee). We
gle system, as required when dealing with meta- therefore require some record of the utterance
communicative uses of language such as ‘repair’- event/situation which includes information about
constructions or grounding. speaker/addressee identity. Note that the availabil-
Here, the attraction of TTR is that it allows the ity of utterance events to the semantics is inde-
stratification of multiple types of information, us- pendently motivated by e.g. event reference via
ing distinct field labels. The device of dependent anaphora (“what do you mean by that?”) (see also
types allows linking of information between fields, Poesio and Rieser 2010).
as types can depend on types occurring earlier in We assume that utterance events should at min-
the record (higher up in the graphical representa- imum record participant information and who is
tion). This allows us to separate contextual in- uttering which particular word(-string). We there-
formation (e.g. information about conversational fore introduce a partition within the TTR represen-
events, including speaker, addressee, time, loca- tation of content, with utterance event information
tion etc.) from the semantic content directly de- held in a context (or ctxt) field, and linguistically
rived from the linguistic string, but allow inter- derived semantic content in a content (or cont)
action between the two; this is what we need for field. The ctxt field is itself structured, contain-
phenomena like resolution of ellipsis or assigning ing the required information about utterance event,
values to indexicals and anaphoric elements. speaker and addressee; we assume this is available
directly from the real-time context of utterance:4
2.2.1 Using TTR in DS
 
TTR has not, however, been defined in an incre- a : participantA
mental manner.3 Here, then, we use TTR repre-  b : participantB 
 
sentations within the DS vocabulary of trees and (8)   u : utt − event 

actions, replacing the unstructured content of the  ss : spkr(u, a) 
F o() labels with TTR record types, and interpret- sa : addr(u, b)
ing T y() simple type labels (and requirements) as
In a fuller treatment, this utterance context in-
referring to final TTR field type. Compare the
formation should also include further information
modified lexical entry and eventual tree represen-
such as time of utterance, world etc, but we omit
tation below with the ones displayed in (3)-(4):
these here for simplicity.
The DS Elimination process must now perform
IF ?T y(e)
beta-reduction (as before) for the cont field, and
(6) THEN put(T  y(e))  TTR extension (i.e. concatenation (Cooper, 1998),
put( x : john )
shown here as ⊕) for the ctxt field, as shown in
ELSE abort
(9), (10). Parsing a two-word utterance John ar-
rived spoken by one speaker, A, will therefore now
Work is underway to introduce incrementality in the TTR result in a representation as in Fig 1.
model via the subtyping relation (White (in prep); Meyer- This is a simplification, of course: determination of ad-
Viol (in prep)). Here we pursue a more conservative strategy. dressee is not trivial – see (Goffman, 1981) amongst others.

Figure 1: Tree structure derived from John arrived spoken by a single speaker participantA
a : participantA
   
  u0 : utt − event  
 ctxt : ss0 : spkr(u0 , a)
   
  
♦, T y(t), 
  u1 : utt − event  

  ss1 : spkr(u1 , 
a) 

 x : john 
cont :
p : arrive(x)

 T y(e),    T y(e → t),  

u0 : utt − event u1 : utt − event
ctxt : ctxt :
 ss0 : spkr(u
 0 , a) ss1 : spkr(u1 , a)
  

cont : x : john cont : λ [x] . p : arrive(x)

Elimination: (2) now becomes almost trivial. While a syntactic

IF ?T y(T1 ), 
ctxt : c1
 account would have trouble explaining how my-
↓0 (T y(T2 ), )
cont: α  self can be co-referential with its antecedent you,
(9) ctxt : c2 there is no such problem here: as you uttered by
↓1 (T y(T2 → T1 ), )
cont : β 
 A and myself uttered by B annotate the trees with
ctxt : c1 ⊕ c2
THEN put(T y(T1 ), ) co-referential semantic variables. The lexical en-
cont : β(α)
ELSE abort tries for reflexives such as myself must check for a
  suitably co-referential subject elsewhere in the tree
ctxt : 
c1 ⊕ c2
♦, T y(t),  x : e

 (via the co-argument constraint ↑0 ↑1∗ ↓0 F o(x)),
cont :
p : f (x) and here, this will be available:
(10) (13) myself :    
T y(e),  T y(e → t), IF ?T y(e), ctxt : ss : spkr(u, x)
 ,
  ctxt : c1 ↑ ↑ ↓ F o(x)
ctxt : c2   0 1∗ 0
    x : e 
cont : x : e cont : λ x : e . THEN put(T y(e)), put(F o(x))
p : f (x)
ELSE abort
3.1 Indexical Pronouns
Importantly, the definitions of TTR mean that se- 4 Speech acts
mantic cont information can depend on values in Purver et al. (2009) show that SUs are often
the earlier ctxt context field (although not vice not straightforward in speech act terms: some-
versa). Given this, an explanation of the refer- times they continue/complete the original speech
ence of I and you becomes expressible. First- act; sometimes they perform a new one, clari-
person pronouns are defined to take their semantic fying/confirming a suggested completion; some-
value from the value of the speaker information in times they are ambiguous and/or multifunctional.
ctxt; second-person pronouns from the addressee In order to express these important differences,
(x and u are rule-level variables binding terms on we need the ability to represent and reason about
the nodes where the rules apply). speech act information (see e.g. (Ginzburg et al.,
(11) I:     2003; Asher and Lascarides, 2003)).
IF ?T y(e), ctxt : ss : spkr(u, x) Importantly, we would like any inferences about
THEN put(T y(e)), put(F o(x)) speech acts to be optional. A parser should enable
ELSE abort these inferences when the appropriate function of
the turn is at issue (e.g. in cases of ‘repair’), but
(12) You:5     they should not have to be derived for intelligibil-
IF ?T y(e), ctxt : sa : addr(u, x)
ity or the determination of grammaticality. They
THEN put(T y(e)), put(F o(x))
should also be derivable retrospectively: as a re-
ELSE abort
sult of an interlocutor’s feedback, one can assign
As grammatical constraints in DS are phrased a particular force (even to one’s own contribution)
in terms of semantic features (rather than syntac- that had not occurred to them beforehand.
tic features), the grammaticality of examples like Any computational rules that introduce such in-
ferences must therefore be available in the gram-
A more complex set of actions may be required to ac-
count for the fact that you may be singular or plural in refer- mar but optional (except where the association of
ence, may include the hearer or not and may be generic. a specific construction with a particular interpre-

tation has been grammaticised); and the result- tion p and speaker a, allowing one to infer the ex-
ing representations should be kept distinct from tra content assert(a, p):
those derived directly from the parsing of linguis-
tic input. DS already provides a mechanism which  
a : participantA
 
suits these requirements: the use of LINKed trees 
 ctxt :  u0 : utt − event  
(trees which share some semantic variable), as in T n(0), T y(t),  s : spkr(u0 , a)

  
the analysis of non-sentential fragments (Gargett
 x : john 
cont :
p : arrive(x)
et al., 2009) and relative clauses (Kempson et al.,
2001). This device of LINKed trees expresses the
cognitive reality of distinguished local domains as  T y(e),  T y(e → t), 
x : john p : arrive(x)
λ [x] .
evinced by standard syntactic tests, e.g. island-    
constraints and binding restrictions (see e.g. (Gre- a : participantA
 ctxt :  u0 : utt − event  
goromichelaki, 2006)). As TTR currently does not 
s : spkr(u0 , a)

 
provide the means for such syntax-semantics in- hLiT n(0),   
 x : john 
 cont : 
terface restrictions we retain the notion of LINKed  p
 ′ : arrive(x) 

trees here. inf : p : assert(u0 , a, p)
As speech act information can be highly under- 4.1 SUs and speech acts
specified and context-dependent, we do not wish Given this, we can outline an account of SUs in
to assume here either a fixed range of speech acts which the same linguistic input can be construed
or a fixed set of inferences from linguistic form as performing different possible speech acts (per-
to speech act type. We therefore take the rules haps simultaneously). Consider the simple (and
introducing such information to be of the form constructed) example in (16):
sketched in (14). When applied, this rule will in-
(16) A: John . . .
troduce a new LINKed tree and provide a F o value
B: arrived?
A(V, U, F(p)) where A is a metavariable rang-
There are (at least) two possible readings of the re-
ing over speech act specifications, V the agent re-
sulting collaboratively produced contribution: one
sponsible for the speech act, U an utterance event
in which B is (co-)querying whether John arrived;
(or sequence of events), and F some function over
and one in which B is clarifying A’s original
the semantic content of the utterance (p and x
speech act, i.e., B is asking whether A was asking
are rule-level variables binding terms on the nodes
that John arrived. The tree resulting from pars-
where the rules apply):6
ing (or producing) this SU will be similar to the
IF T y(x), F o(p) one in Fig 1 above, except that, due to the speaker
THEN make(L), go(L) change, the second utterance event u1 is shown as
put(A(U, V, F(p))) spoken by B (see the unboxed part of Fig 2).
ELSE abort Applications of computational rules as in (14)
In order to distinguish content that is derived di- above allow us to infer the speech act information
rectly on the basis of linguistically provided infor- corresponding to the two possible readings, deriv-
mation and content derived on the basis of such ing LINKed sub-trees which indicate speech acts
inferences we introduce a partition in the TTR rep- performed by whichever participant is taken as the
resentation: we take the cont field to indicate the agent. One possible rule would derive the simple
(linguistically-derived) truth conditional content “co-querying” reading (based on the interrogative
and introduce an inf field for the speech act con- intonation and the identity of the final speaker B)
tent derived by means of such rules (this roughly adding the speech act proposition that B is asking
corresponds to the explicature/high level explica- whether John arrived – see the upper box in Fig
ture distinction in Relevance Theory). So, for il- 2. An alternative rule would derive the “clarifica-
lustration, a suitable (optional) rule for assertions tional” reading shown in the lower box. Of course,
might perhaps apply to T y(t) trees with proposi- other inferences may also be possible.7
6 7
The nature of F will depend on speech act type; for an If such inferences become grammaticised, i.e. a particu-
assertion, it may simply be the identity operator; for irony, lar construction is associated with a particular act (e.g. clari-
negation (see e.g. Asher and Lascarides (2003) for sugges- fication), only one rule may be available. This is an empirical
tions on how speech act type may relate to semantics). issue which we set aside here, but see (Ginzburg, forthcom-

u0 : utt-event
   
 0 : spkr(u 0 , a)
 ctxt :  u : utt-event  
  
 1 
 
a : participantA
 
hLiT n(0), 

 s1 : spkr(u1 , b) 

  b : participantB  

 cont : x : john 

u0 : utt − event  p′ : arrive(x)
     
 ctxt :
    
 ss0 : spkr(u0 , a)   inf : p : ask(b, u1 , p)
T n(0), T y(t) 
   

 u1 : utt − event  

  ss1 : spkr(u1 , 
b) 

 x : john 
cont :
p : arrive(x)

 T y(e),    T y(e → t),  

u0 : utt − event u1 : utt − event
 ctxt :   ctxt :
 ss0 : spkr(u
 0 , a) ss1 : spkr(u1 , b) 

cont : x : john cont : λ [x] . p : arrive(x)
u0 : utt-event
   
 a : spkr(u0 , a) 
ctxt : 
 

 u1 : utt-event  

hLiT n(0),   b : spkr(u1 , b)
 
 x : john 
 cont : 
 p′ : arrive(x)
 

inf : p : ask(b, u1 , ?ask(a, u0 , p))

Figure 2: SU-derived tree

Note that Fig 1 and Fig 2 display representa- (18) Daughter: Oh here dad, a good way to get
tions of the final state that a parser might be in after those corners out
B’s contribution; from an incremental processing Dad: is to stick yer finger inside.
point of view, we are also interested in the state at Daughter: well, that’s one way.
the transition point (the change in speaker). With- [from (Lerner, 1991)]
out considering any speech act inference, the tree Such continuations can be completely the oppo-
at this transition point will be as follows: site of what the original speaker might have in-
tended as in what we will call “hostile continua-
(17) T n(0), ?T y(t)
tions” or “devious suggestions” – which are nev-
ertheless collaboratively constructed from a syn-
T y(e),
u0 : utt − event
  tactic point of view:
ctxt :  ?T y(e → t), ♦
 ss0 : spkr(u
 0 , a) (19) (A and B arguing:)

cont : x : john
A: In fact what this shows is
This tree is partial (i.e. incomplete, having as yet B: that you are an idiot
unsatisfied requirements), but in itself is enough (20) (A mother, B son)
for B to begin generating – provided that they have A: This afternoon first you’ll do your
some suitable message in mind (encoded as a goal homework, then wash the dishes and then
tree in DS) which is subsumed by this partial tree. B: you’ll give me £10?
There is no requirement for B (or indeed A) to Given a suitable model of the domain at hand, B,
complete this tree, or perform any inference about sometimes, will presumably be able to determine
speech acts, in order to begin generation (or, in the content of A’s intended speech act and rep-
A’s case, parsing). In cases where B’s continu- resent it as such, i.e., as a speech act emanating
ation matches what the original speaker A could from A, in their goal tree (see e.g. Poesio and
have intended to convey, the appearance would Rieser (2010)). We take this not to be an essen-
be one of “guessing”, even though B has not per- tial process for the production of SUs, although it
formed any kind of inference regarding A’s speech could be necessary in cases where B’s next move
act. In fact, as (18) shows, completions of another is specifically intended as a confirmation request
speaker’s utterance by no means need to be what for such a representation.
the original speaker actually had in mind:

4.1.1 The Split Turn-Taking Puzzle this act. In terms of (Goffman, 1981)’s distinctions
Ginzburg (1997) describes a Turn-Taking Puzzle among “speaker”-roles, the relevant agent is the
(TTP), which, he argues, shows that options for el- ‘Principal’. This can be evident in cases of SUs in
lipsis resolution are distinct for speaker and hearer. multi-party dialogue. Now the utterer of a comple-
This is illustrated by means of why-fragments: tion (the final “speaker” in the general sense dis-
cussed so far, and as indexed by pronouns like my)
(21) A: Which members of our team own a
can felicitously ask elliptical whymeta questions of
the original speaker (we will call this phenomenon
B: Why? (= ‘Why are you asking which
the STTP, or Split Turn-Taking Puzzle):
members of our team own a parakeet?’)
(24) A to C: Have you finished sharpening ...
(22) A: Which members of our team own a
B to C/A: my loppers? B to A: Why?
parakeet? Why?
(a) = ‘Why are you asking C whether she has
(a) = ‘Why own a parakeet?’
finished sharpening my loppers?’
(b)# ‘Why am I asking this?’
A to B: Because I want her to sharpen my
(23) A: Which members of our team own a secateurs too.
parakeet? Why am I asking this question?
We can explain B’s why-fragment interpretation in
According to Ginzburg, the reading in which why (24a) if we assume that although B’s fragment my
queries the intended speech act (the whymeta read- loppers? completes A’s question, B does not nec-
ing) is available when asked by B (21) but un- essarily assume responsibility for the performance
available when asked by the original speaker A of the speech act. That is, A must be taken as the
(22). However, this is not simply due to coher- agent of the querying speech act even though there
ence or plausibility, as it is available in (23) when is a sequence of utterance events which A and B
expressed by non-elliptical means. Its unavailabil- have performed severally.11 The availability of the
ity must therefore be related to the way context is whymeta reading then follows, even though appar-
structured differentially for speaker and hearer. ently in contrast to (22b).
Our explanation of this puzzle takes the In some cases, then, even though the turn is
whymeta interpretation as querying the inten- collaboratively constructed, the original speaker
tion/plan8 behind the original speaker’s speech maintains the authority or responsibility for the
act.9 Since ellipsis resolution requires the poten- turn even though it was completed by somebody
tial for immediate accessibility of a salient rep- else. In other cases, see e.g. the hostile com-
resentation, the infelicity of (22b) shows that the pletions (19) and devious suggestions (20), this
speaker’s own intention behind their speech act is, is not the case: the eventual content derived has
in general, not salient enough for them to question to be taken as solely attributable to the second
it through why-ellipsis10 (in Ginzburg’s formula- speaker. Notice however that in all cases (except
tion such a fact does not belong in the TOPICAL those of direct quotation), the content of index-
FACTS field; however, this fact obtaining is not im- icals like my and you tracks directly the actual
possible, as (23) shows). Under this explanation, speaker/addressee, irrespective of who is taking
the TTP then reveals which agent takes responsi- responsibility for the content (or speech act per-
bility for performing the relevant speech act, and formance). Even in helping out somebody to finish
hence can be queried about their intentions behind their sentence such indexicals will track the actual
Note that this approach does not necessitate that speech utterer/listener:
act and therefore intention information is available PRIOR to (25) Child (playing with toy garden tools): Give
the processing of the why-question: instead, seeking to inter-
pret such questions can be the trigger for optional (speech-act me my . . .
inducing) rules to apply. Hence, this approach is perfectly Mum: your secateurs. Here they are, in fact
compatible with the general view on intentions as post-facto
constructs (see e.g. Suchman (2007)) and the fact that con-
these are loppers.
versational participants negotiate the content of speech acts (26) A: Next cut it with your ...
with such assignments able to emerge retrospectively.
9 B: my loppers. No, this we cut with the
As (Ginzburg, forthcoming) notes, recognition of this in-
tention is not necessary for grounding. secateurs.
However, it is not impossible: 11
In fact, the specification of the why-fragment as
(i) A: Piss off. Why? Probably because I hate your guts. whymeta can be taken to trigger the inference that A is solely
responsible for the query as B dissociates himself from it.

This provides evidence for the dissociation of R. Fernández and J. Ginzburg. 2002. Non-sentential
speech act performance and performance of the utterances: A corpus-based study. Traitement Au-
tomatique des Langues, 43(2).
utterance event: these are two distinct actions
whose agent might coincide but not necessarily so A. Gargett, E. Gregoromichelaki, R. Kempson,
(these two roles roughly correspond to Goffman M. Purver, and Y. Sato. 2009. Grammar resources
for modelling dialogue dynamically. Cognitive Neu-
(1981)’s ‘Author/Principal’ and ‘Animator’). Most
rodynamics, 3(4):347–363.
accounts conflate the two: Lascarides and Asher
(2009) argue that each time a speaker makes a J. Ginzburg, I. Sag, and M. Purver. 2003. Integrating
conversational move types in the grammar of con-
conversational move they undertake a public com- versation. In Perspectives on Dialogue in the New
mitment. However, SU examples such as (1)-(2) Millennium, volume 114 of Pragmatics and Beyond
and (25)-(26) show that the person undertaking New Series, pages 25–42. John Benjamins.
the public commitment (the ‘Principal’) does not J. Ginzburg. 1997. On some semantic consequences of
necessarily coincide with actual utterer (the ‘An- turn taking. In Proceedings of the 11th Amsterdam
imator’). We therefore conclude that the notion Colloquium on Formal Semantics and Logic.
of ‘commitment’ should be correlated with some- J. Ginzburg. forthcoming. The Interactive Stance:
thing else, namely, who is performing (the agent Meaning for Conversation. Oxford University
of) the associated speech act (which could be the Press.
two speakers jointly but not necessarily and not E. Goffman. 1981. Forms of talk. University of Penn-
only for SUs). Speech act inference rules as out- sylvania Press.
lined in (14) must therefore maintain the flexibil-
E. Gregoromichelaki. 2006. Conditionals: A Dynamic
ity to assign the inferred speech act to any of the Syntax Account. Ph.D. thesis, King’s College Lon-
speakers involved, and not only the final one. don.

5 Conclusions R. Kempson, W. Meyer-Viol, and D. Gabbay. 2001.

Dynamic Syntax: The Flow of Language Under-
The STTP and the multifunctionality of SU frag- standing. Blackwell.
ments motivates our claim that information ma- R. Kempson, A. Gargett, and E. Gregoromichelaki.
nipulated during a parse has to be distinguished 2007. Clarification requests: An incremental ac-
at three levels: semantic content which is directly count. In Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on
derived on the basis of the linguistic input, context the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (DECA-
specifications arising from the utterance situation
(utterance events) and optional speech act infor- A. Lascarides and N. Asher. 2009. Agreement, dis-
mation. Formulation of this information in a DS- putes and commitments in dialogue. Journal of Se-
mantics, 26(2):109.
TTR combined formalism allows the interactions
required for appropriate processing of SUs. G. Lerner. 1991. On the syntax of sentences-in-
progress. Language in Society, pages 441–458.
Acknowledgments M. Poesio and H. Rieser. 2010. Completions, coor-
We gratefully acknowledge valuable support and dination, and alignment in dialogue. Dialogue and
Discourse, 1:1–89.
advice from Ruth Kempson and Greg Mills.
Thanks also to Pat Healey, Graham White, Arash M. Purver, J. Ginzburg, and P. Healey. 2003. On
Eshghi and Chris Howes. This work was sup- the means for clarification in dialogue. In Current
and New Directions in Discourse & Dialogue, pages
ported by DynDial (ESRC-RES-062-23-0962). 235–255. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
M. Purver, R. Cann, and R. Kempson. 2006.
References Grammars as parsers: Meeting the dialogue chal-
lenge. Research on Language and Computation,
N. Asher and A. Lascarides. 2003. Logics of Conver- 4(2-3):289–326.
sation. Cambridge University Press.
M. Purver, C. Howes, E. Gregoromichelaki, and
R. Cooper and J. Ginzburg. 2002. Using dependent P. G. T. Healey. 2009. Split utterances in dialogue:
record types in clarification ellipsis. In Proceedings a corpus study. In Proceedings of SIGDIAL.
of the 6th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmat-
ics of Dialogue (SEMDIAL). L. Suchman. 2007. Human-machine reconfigurations:
Plans and situated actions. Cambridge University
R. Cooper. 1998. Information states, attitudes and de- Press.
pendent record types. In Proceedings of ITALLC-98.

Coherence and Rationality in Grounding

Matthew Stone Alex Lascarides

Computer Science and Cognitive Science School of Informatics
Rutgers University University of Edinburgh
Piscataway NJ 08854-8019 USA Edinburgh EH8 9AB Scotland UK

Abstract The problem of managing understanding and

agreement in conversation is known as grounding
This paper analyses dialogues where un- (Clark, 1996). In the formal and computational
derstanding and agreement are problem- literature, previous approaches to grounding have
atic. We argue that pragmatic theories can focused either on discourse coherence or on cog-
account for such dialogues only by models nitive modelling, but failed to consider the inter-
that combine linguistic principles of dis- actions between the two. In this paper, we out-
course coherence and cognitive models of line how the two sets of considerations can be rec-
practical rationality. onciled. We regiment utterance content so that it
encapsulates the way dialogue moves are coher-
1 Introduction ently or rhetorically connected to prior utterances.
And we apply probabilistic reasoning to assess
Interlocutors in conversation have only indirect
speakers’ rationality in choosing to commit to spe-
evidence as to whether others understand and
cific contents. We analyse naturally-occurring ex-
agree with them. Take the joke about the old folks
amples involving implicit grounding, ambiguous
in the bus shelter:
grounding moves, misunderstandings and repair to
(1) a. A: Windy, en’it? illustrate the need for both kinds of reasoning.
b. B: No it’s not, it’s Thursday. Our work contributes to three different spheres
of investigation. Firstly, it helps to explain how
c. C: So am I. Let’s go and ’ave a drink!
it might be possible for interlocutors to draw pre-
Evidently B mishears windy as Wednesday and C cise conclusions about others’ mental states, de-
mishears Thursday as thirsty. Even when some- spite the complexity and indirectness of the lin-
body says they understand and agree, it’s no guar- guistic evidence. Secondly, it contributes to the
antee that they do. Gricean programme of analysing conversation as
Our judgements about (1) depend on principles cooperative activity, by showing how an important
of discourse coherence. B formulates (1b) as a de- and independently-characterised set of conversa-
nial of (1a), so B must think that (1b) is semanti- tional inferences might actually be calculated. (Of
cally incompatible with (1a). Knowing this, A can course, as in (1), these inferences need not always
infer information about B’s interpretation of (1a). involve Gricean implicature.) And finally, we par-
The implicit discourse relation connecting the two ticularly hope that our work will inform the de-
halves of (1c) similarly shows that C thinks the sign of more robust and powerful conversational
salient property B and C share gives them a reason systems, by correlating the architecture, reason-
to go have a drink. ing and knowledge that is realised in these systems
with the grounding those systems can do.
But there’s more going on. After all, (1) is not a
coherent discourse. Our judgements about (1) also
2 Examples and Perspective
rely on our knowledge of the kinds of mistakes
that people can make in conversation—hearing Following Clark (1996), we view grounding fun-
one word for another, for example—and our pre- damentally as a skill rather than as an epistemic
sumption that people choose their utterances rea- state. Interlocutors achieve grounding when they
sonably to fit the conversation as they understand can detect misunderstanding, clarify utterances,
it. Such inferences represent cognitive modelling. negotiate meaning and coordinate their responses

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by51
the author(s)
in pursuit of successful joint activity. They may grounding at Levels 1 and 2. Given the endemic
or may not thereby achieve common ground in the semantic ambiguity, vagueness, and other forms
philosophical sense (Stalnaker, 1978). Our view is of underspecification associated with utterances,
that the skill of grounding reflects the ability to en- interlocutors frequently also face transient uncer-
tertain multiple hypotheses about the organisation tainties about their partners’ contributions at Lev-
of dialogue and to rank these hypotheses quanti- els 3 and 4.
tatively to make strategic choices. Coherence and Interlocutors’ choices in conversation reflect the
rationality are both essential to these calculations. specific ambiguities they encounter and the like-
Dialogue (1) illustrates how principles of dis- lihood they assign to them. For example, when
course coherence contribute to inferences about interlocutors see their uncertainty about a prior
the nature of an implicit misunderstanding. Las- public commitment, or piece of logical form, as
carides and Asher (2009) use dialogue (2) from problematic, they can seek clarification, as the
Sacks et al. (1974, p.717) to illustrate how princi- sales assistant B does in (3b)—a simplified version
ples of coherence can also contribute to inferences of a dialogue from the British National Corpus
about implicit agreement and understanding: (Burnard, 1995) that is annotated with clarifica-
tion acts (Purver et al., 2003) (we thank Matthew
(2) a. Mark (to Karen and Sharon): Purver for pointing us to this example):
Karen ’n’ I’re having a fight,
(3) a. A: I would like one of the small reducers.
b. after she went out with Keith and not me.
b. B: One going from big to small
c. Karen (to Mark and Sharon):
or from small to big?
Wul Mark, you never asked me out.
c. A: Big to small.
Intuitively, Mark and Karen agree that they had d. B: Big to small, ok.
a fight, caused by Karen going out with Keith
(3b) is an example where specific clarification is
and not Mark. Thus implicatures can be agreed
sought on the intended meaning of small reducers.
upon—that (2b) explains (2a) goes beyond com-
In (4), from DeVault and Stone (2007), B seeks
positional semantics. Furthermore, agreement can
specific clarification on the illocutionary content
be implicated—Karen does not repeat (2a), (2b) or
of A’s utterance (4b) rather than its locutionary
utter OK to indicate agreement.
content: was it an Acceptance of (4a) or something
As in (1), the basis for recognising Karen’s
else, perhaps merely an Acknowledgement?
implicit acceptance stems from coherence, which
compels us (and Mark) to recognise the rhetorical (4) a. B: Add the light blue empty circle please.
connection between her contribution and Mark’s. b. A: okay
Here, the fact that Karen commits to (2c) explain- c. B: Okay, so you’ve added it?
ing why (2b) is true should be sufficient to recog-
d. A: i have added it.
nise that Karen accepts Mark’s utterance (2b).
Karen’s implicit endorsement of (2b) also seems In both cases, A’s response to B’s clarification re-
sufficient to conclude that she (implicitly) accepts quest is designed to help B resolve the specific am-
its illocutionary effects as well—(2b) explaining biguity that B has called attention to.
(2a). The fact that Karen chooses to accept these Of course, as Clark (1996) underscores, not
contributions, rather than to ask about them, for all uncertainty is problematic. If the issue is
example, offers very good evidence that she thinks sufficiently unimportant or a misunderstanding
she understands their content. is sufficiently unlikely, interlocutors can choose
Incrementally, as discourse unfolds, interlocu- to tolerate the uncertainty and proceed anyway.
tors have only partial information about these con- This is crucial in systems where modules like
tributions. As described by Clark (1996), ground- speech recognition never offer certainty (Paek and
ing requires interlocutors to manage uncertainty at Horvitz, 2000). But it could also be what B does
four levels: (1) the signals that they exchange with in (1) or Karen does in (2), for instance.
one another; (2) the words that are used; (3) the So overall, grounding moves and anti-
meanings that those words convey; and (4) what grounding moves can be implicit (see (2) for
commitments interlocutors make to these mean- grounding and (1) for anti-grounding) or explicit
ings. The joke in (1) trades on the difficulty of (see (3cd) and (4ab) for grounding and (3ab)

and (4bc) for anti-grounding). Moreover, a dialogue in terms of a separate layer of inferred
misunderstanding or lack of grounding can be grounding acts. We build on their account here.
mutually recognised (see (3) and (4)) or not (see Such models are good at characterising agree-
(1)). Even when a grounding move is explicit, ment but not as good at characterising uncertainty
there can still be uncertainty about both the level or misunderstanding. For example, in cases where
of grounding that the agent has reached—-e.g., interlocutors proceed despite uncertainty, neither
B is uncertain whether A’s explicit endorsement a pending status nor a grounded status seems ap-
in (4b) marks grounding at Level 3 or grounding propriate. On the one hand, interlocutors accept
at Level 4. There can also be uncertainty about that there may be errors; on the other, they act as
the semantic scope of the endorsement—e.g., though the likely interpretation was correct. Such
an utterance like I agree doesn’t make explicit models are also limited by their symbolically-
whether the acceptance is of all the clauses in the defined dynamics. Misunderstandings like those
prior turn or only the last clause (see Lascarides in (1) surface in the dialogue as inconsistencies
and Asher (2009) for discussion). that can potentially be corrected in a vast number
of alternative ways—some of which are intuitively
3 Challenges likely, others of which are not. Symbolic models
need rules to specify which hypotheses are worth
Our work draws on previous grounding models exploring—an open problem—while probabilistic
based on discourse coherence and those based on models naturally assign each one a posterior prob-
probabilistic inferences about strategy. Both of ability based on all the available information.
these traditions provide insights into the data of Probabilistic approaches to grounding were in-
Sections 1 and 2, but neither tells a complete story. augurated by Paek and Horvitz (2000), who de-
Coherence approaches start from the insight scribe the decision-theoretic choices of a spoken
that the relationships between utterances in dis- language interface directly in terms of Clark’s
course give evidence about mutual understanding. model of contributing to conversation. Paek and
An early illustration of this type of reasoning is Horvitz characterise their system’s information
the work of McRoy and Hirst (1995), who recog- state in terms of the probabilistic evidence it has
nise and repair misunderstandings in dialogue by about the real-world goals that users are trying
identifying utterances that are best explained by to achieve with the system. This evidence in-
assuming that the speaker’s public commitments cludes the system’s prior expectations about user
about the coherent organisation of the discourse behaviour, as well as the system’s interpretations
are in conflict with those of the addressee. of user utterances. Paek and Horvitz show that this
More recent work in the coherence tradition representation is expressive enough for the system
tends to adopt the influential approach of Traum to assess conflicting evidence about user intent, to
(1994), who posits specific categories of commu- ask targeted clarification questions, and to adopt
nicative action in dialogue, called grounding acts. an appropriate grounding criterion in trading off
The prototypical grounding acts model works by whether to seek more information or to act in pur-
modeling assertions as introducing content with a suit of users’ likely domain goals.
status of pending. Subsequent acknowledgement A range of related research has exploited proba-
acts may transfer that content out of what’s pend- bilistic models in dialogue systems (Walker, 2000;
ing and into what’s grounded. Important work Roy et al., 2000; Singh et al., 2002; Bohus
in this tradition includes both theoretical analyses and Rudnicky, 2006; DeVault and Stone, 2007;
(Poesio and Traum, 1998; Ginzburg, 2010) and Williams and Young, 2007; Henderson et al.,
system-building efforts (Matheson et al., 2000; 2008). However, this research continues to fo-
Traum and Larsson, 2003; Purver, 2004). cus primarily on inference about user goals, while
Lascarides and Asher (2009) simplify and ex- largely sidestepping the knowledge and inference
tend this idea. They analyse dialogue in terms of a required to relate utterances to discourse context,
single set of relational speech acts, formalised so as illustrated in dialogue (2). Moreover, because
as to represent what information each act commits this work is generally carried out in the setting of
its agent to, implicitly or explicitly. The account spoken dialogue systems, researchers usually for-
predicts facts about implicit grounding, illustrated malise whether the system understands the user,
in dialogue (2), without the need to describe the but draw no inferences about whether the user un-

derstands the system. Karen’s and Mark’s public commitments share la-
The present paper aims to reconcile these two bels a and b. This reflects the reality that an
perspectives in a common theoretical framework. agent’s dialogue move relates in a coherent way
to prior contributions. Assuming that agreement
4 Public Commitments (or grounding at Level 4) is shared public com-
We adopt from Lascarides and Asher (2009) a rep- mitment, LF (20 ) entails that Mark and Karen
resentation of the logical form (LF) of coherent agree that (2b) caused (2a). Lascarides and Asher
dialogue.1 This LF records the content to which (2009) infer that Explanation(a, b) is a part of
each speaker is publicly committed through their Karen’s commitment, given her commitment to
contributions to the dialogue. Commitments are Explanation(b, c), via default principles that pre-
relational. Each utterance typically commits its dict or constrain the semantic scope of implicit and
speaker not only to new content, but also to a spe- explicit endorsements and challenges. The rele-
cific implied connection to prior discourse (maybe vant default principle here is that an implicit en-
an utterance by another speaker), and perhaps in- dorsement of a prior utterance normally involves
directly to earlier content as well. The inventory acceptance of its illocutionary effects as well.
of these rhetorical relations maps out the coherent
ways dialogue can evolve—examples include Ex- 5 Strategy and Uncertainty
planation, Narration, Answer, Acknowledgement
and many others (Lascarides and Asher, 2009). The assumption that interlocutors are pursuing
Pragmatic rules for reconstructing implied rela- reasonable strategies for pushing the conversation
tions provide a defeasible mechanism for resolv- forward, given their information state, often al-
ing ambiguity and calculating implicatures. lows observers to draw powerful inferences about
More formally, the LF of a dialogue in Dia- what that information state is. For example, sup-
logue SDRT (DSDRT) is the LF of each of its pose Mark understands Karen’s move correctly in
turns, where each turn maps each dialogue agent (2), and thus assigns a high probability to the rep-
to a Segmented Discourse Representation Struc- resentation of Karen’s commitments that we have
ture (SDRS) specifying all his current public com- ascribed in (20 ). Mark can reason that since Karen
mitments. An SDRS is a set of labels (think of la- has accepted the meaning that he intended to con-
bels as naming dialogue segments) and a mapping vey, then she must have understood it. Thus, im-
from those labels to a representation of their con- plicit agreement—and even disagreement, as in
tent. Because content includes rhetorical relations (1)—should make it possible to draw conclusions
R(a, b) over labels a and b, this creates a hierar- about (implicit) grounding at lower levels.
chical structure of dialogue segments. SDRSs are In other cases, the representation of an agent A’s
well-formed only if its set of labels has a unique public commitments may feature a segment a ut-
root label—in other words, an SDRS represents tered by a prior agent B, and yet by the dynamic in-
just one extended dialogue segment consisting of terpretation of A’s SDRS A is not committed to a’s
rhetorically connected sub-segments. content or its negation. In such cases, observers
Abstracting for now away from uncertainty, may not be able to tell whether A has identified
Lascarides and Asher (2009) suggest that by the the content associated with the earlier utterance a.
end of dialogue (2) Mark and Karen are respec- In other words, the LF reveals a lack of grounding.
tively committed to the contents of dialogue seg- For instance, A’s public commitments may include
ments π1M and π2K , as shown in (20 ) (contents of a relation CR(a, b) (CR for Clarification Request),
the ‘minimal’ segments a, b and c are omitted for whose semantics entails that b is associated with a
reasons of space; we label the public commitments question Kb all of whose possible answers help to
of speaker s in turn t with segment πts ): resolve the meaning associated with utterance a.
(20 ) Mark: π1M : Explanation(a, b) Normally, A would make such a move only when
Karen: π2K : Explanation(a, b)∧ A was uncertain about that content. Seeing a CR
Explanation(b, c) thus allows interlocutors to infer a lack of ground-
ing at Level 3. Some clarificatory utterances, such
1 LF is a public construct like a game board, not a subjec-
as echo questions or fragment reprises have addi-
tive construct related to mental state. Though controversial,
this view is defensible—and it makes probabilistic modeling tional constraints on their use, which reveals even
a lot easier (DeVault and Stone, 2006). more about what an interlocutor did or did not

recognise at Level 1 or Level 2. See Purver (2004) sation as involving alternating contributions from
and Ginzburg (2010) for more formal details about two interlocutors A and B. We use the variables At
clarification requests and their semantics. and Bt to represent the subjective information state
In our view, these inferences are ultimately of these agents at time t. The models of discourse
about what it’s rational for a speaker to do. People interpretation yield updates in the interlocutors’
tend to avoid agreeing with something they know mental states as a function of their observations of
they don’t understand, or asking about something an utterance produced by their partner. They are
they know they do. Doing so doesn’t move the formalised as relationships P(At+1 |At , Et ) when t
conversation forward. In other words, these in- is even and P(Bt+1 |Bt , Et ) when t is odd. The mod-
ferences rest on principles of cognitive modelling els of discourse planning, meanwhile, describe the
which are different from, and complementary to, moves interlocutors make as a function of their
the principles of interpretation which characterise current information state, and who takes the turn
the possible logical form of discourse. to speak. We have P(Mt+1 |At ) when t is even
In Figure 1, we schematise our approach and P(Mt+1 |Bt ) when t is odd. Discourse coher-
to these inferences qualitatively in a dynamic ence takes on new force in these planning models.
Bayesian network (DBN). The model describes Rational agents strive to make coherent moves,
the discourse context as a public scoreboard that and thereby to commit to certain propositions that
evolves, step by step, as a consequence of the match their beliefs and interests.
moves interlocutors make to update it. Mt is the The network as a whole is analogous to a Hid-
move made at time t. We think of it as a relational den Markov Model, with the observable state
speech act; that is, as a bit of logical form with given by a sequence of utterances E1 through En ,
an intended rhetorical connection to the discourse and the hidden state at each time given by the joint
context. In other words, Mt completely resolves distribution over Xt , At and Bt . A probabilistic ob-
anaphoric reference, discourse attachment, and the server of a conversation reasons in this network
propositions expressed. The move for (2c), for ex- by observing the utterance sequence and reason-
ample, would include the rhetorical connections ing about the hidden variables. That’s the position
Explanation(a, b) ∧ Explanation(b, c) and the con- we’re in when we read an example like (1). The
tent of segment c. Xt is the discourse context at posterior distribution over the hidden state would
time t. We assume that it is a DSDRS, as illus- normally permit specific conclusions about Xt . If
trated in (20 ). Finally, Et is the observable utter- the model predicts that A follows this aspect of the
ance associated with the update at time t. Depend- dialogue state, the model derives a match between
ing on the modality of conversation, this might be At and Xt . If the model predicts A doesn’t follow,
typed text, acoustic form, or the observable corre- the model would associate At with a value or val-
lates of a multimodal communicative act. ues that don’t match Xt . The model can make the
The relevant dynamics involve two ingredients. same predictions even if it cannot pin down Xt .
A model of discourse coherence and discourse up- This situation would be realised by a broader pos-
date, expressed as Xt+1 = u(Xt , Mt ), describes how terior distribution over Xt and by correlations in
moves update the current context to yield a new the joint distribution over At and Xt .
context. This is the familiar update of dynamic The model would be used differently to imple-
semantics—when Xt and Mt are compatible, Xt+1 ment a participant in a conversation. A participant
is a new context that takes the information from in a conversation doesn’t need to draw inferences
both into account; otherwise, in cases of incoher- about their own mental state; they actually imple-
ence, presupposition failure and the like, Xt+1 is a ment particular interpretation and planning proce-
defective context that specifies the attempts made dures. These procedures, however, would have
and the fact that they failed. A model of language, a rational basis in the probabilities of the model,
expressed as P(Et |Xt ), describes the relationship if the agent takes not only Et but also the values
between utterance form and meaning; uncertain- for their own moves Mt as observed, and uses the
ties here reflect the variance in the way an utter- model only to draw inferences about their partner.
ance may be performed and observed. This point bears on the nature of models such
The cognitive model surfaces in Figure 1 as P(At+1 |At , Et ), and P(Mt |At ). They can implic-
through models of discourse interpretation and itly encode arbitrarily complex reasoning. Thus,
discourse planning. The DBN casts the conver- Figure 1 is best thought of as shorthand for a net-

At At+1 At+2

Bt Bt+1 Bt+2

Mt+1 Mt+2

Xt Xt+1 Xt+2

Et Et+1 Et+2

Figure 1: Fragments of the DBN indicating the probabilistic relationships relating one interlocutor A’s
mental state, the other interlocutor B’s mental state, interlocutors’ alternating discourse moves M, the
evolving discourse context X and the observable correlates of discourse update E (including utterances).
Solid dependencies indicate linguistic models; dotted ones, cognitive models.

work of influence diagrams (Gal, 2006). For ex- stands perfectly, or guesses interpretations at ran-
ample, suppose A tracks the hidden dynamics of dom. However, as familiar game-theoretic consid-
the conversational record by Bayesian inference. erations remind us, A might instead model B as
Then A’s information state at each time t includes another Bayesian reasoner. That model may even
expectations about the current discourse context describe B via a nested model of A! A useful as-
Xt given the evidence A has accumulated so far sumption is that agents are uncertain about the ex-
in the discourse OAt (a combination of observed act degree of sophistication of their partner, but
utterances and planned moves)—this serves as a assume it is low (Camerer et al., 2004).
prior distribution PA (Xt |OAt ) that’s part of A’s in-
formation state. A also has discourse expectations 6 Worked Examples
PA (Xt+1 |Xt ) and a linguistic model PA (Et+1 |Xt+1 ). We use the examples of Sections 1 and 2 to illus-
To describe the discourse interpretation of our trate the dimensions of variation which our model
Bayesian agent we use a standard DBN definition affords. To make the discussion concrete, we will
of filtering, as in (5). consider the reasoning of one interlocutor, typi-
(5) PA (Xt+1 |OAt+1 ) ∝ cally A, using a probabilistic model of the form
∑Xt PA (Et+1 |Xt+1 )PA (Xt+1 |Xt )PA (Xt |OAt ). illustrated in Figure 1. Thus the whole of Figure 1
is understood to encode A’s knowledge, with suit-
This posterior distribution describes A’s state at able variables (e.g., At , Et and Mt+1 ) observed and
time t + 1. This more specific model lets us flesh the joint distribution over the other variables in-
out how A acts to achieve coherence in planning ferred. We are interested in cases where A speaks,
Mt+2 . For example, if PA (Xt+1 |OAt+1 ) assigns a and then A retrospectively assesses B’s interpreta-
high value to DSDRS K, then P(Mt+2 |At+1 ) will tion of what A has said in light of B’s response. We
be low when u(K, Mt+2 ) is incoherent. will not assume that A maintains a detailed model
Similarly, A may have a substantive model of of B’s planning process. However, we assume that
B’s planning and interpretation. Then A’s infor- A tracks B’s probabilistic representation of the dis-
mation state will involve a distribution PA (Bt ) over course context, and moreover that A and B ap-
A’s model of B, and A will have expectations of ply a common, public model of discourse update
the form PA (Bt+1 |Et+1 , Bt ) and PA (Mt+1 |Bt+1 ) de- u(Xt , Mt+1 ) and of linguistic expression P(Et |Xt ).
scribing B’s interpretation and planning. These For simplicity in treating the examples, we also
models now underwrite A’s discourse expecta- assume that there are no pending ambiguities in
tions, allowing PA (Xt+1 |Xt ) to be described in the initial context, so that effectively X0 and B0 are
terms of PA (Mt+1 |Bt ). It could be that A has a very observed (by both interlocutors). Obviously, this
simple model of B. Maybe A assumes B under- assumption does not hold in general in the model.

A’s inference involves three mathematical con- where a is the immediately prior discourse seg-
structs. The first is A’s assessment of B’s interpre- ment and b says it’s Thursday. Our posterior dis-
tation of an initial move M1 made by A. A is un- tribution po(~z) factors in our prior estimate of B’s
certain about the probability B assigns to particular state, this evidence, and our model l(U2 |~z) of B’s
interpretations of the discourse up to time 1, given choice. Now u(K1 ,U2 ) is incoherent and u(K2 ,U2 )
B’s available evidence. This means the model has is coherent, so l(U2 |~z) is going to be very low if~z
a continuous random variable zi for each candi- assigns much probability to K1 . That’s how the
date DSDRS representation Ki for the discourse; model recognises the misunderstanding.
zi gives the probability that B thinks the interpre- Now let’s look at (2b). The model of lan-
tation of the discourse up to time 1 is Ki . If we guage should predict that any value U j for M2
take A and B to entertain N interpretations, ~z is a that features Explanation(b, c) as a part will be
vector in N-dimensional space, subject to the con- more likely than an alternative that doesn’t. This
straint that coordinates sum to one (a point on the entails at least a partial commitment to the prior
N − 1 simplex). B’s state at time 1 thus includes a utterance. If we assume that agents tend not to
vector~z and the model includes a prior probability commit in uncertain states—giving a low prob-
density over this vector, conditional on available ability to l(U j |~z) for such U j when ~z has high
evidence: p(~z|X1 , B0 ) which we represent mathe- entropy—then (6) sharpens our information about
matically as pr(~z). Assuming Bayesian inference ~z. Following Lascarides and Asher (2009), we
by B, it is derived from B0 via (5) by marginalising assume a further constraint on dialogue policy:
in expectation over E1 . if you only partially endorse the prior discourse,
The second key construct describes A’s expec- you tend to say so. So the model predicts further
tations about what B will do next. This is realised probabilistic disambiguation: among those U j that
in the model’s value for the likelihood P(M2 |B1 ). feature Explanation(b, c), those that also feature
Concretely, for each epistemic state ~z for B, the Explanation(a, b) will get a higher posterior prob-
model assigns a likelihood l(U j |~z) that B chooses ability than those that do not.
move U j in~z. For each epistemic state~z, the func- Next is (3b). Here the model of language should
tion l(U|~z) defines a point in the D − 1 simplex, if predict that any likely value U j for M2 will fea-
there are D possible next moves, representing the ture CR(a, b). Rationality dictates for such U j that
model’s expectation about B’s behaviour there. l(U j |~z) will be high only when~z has high entropy,
The final key construct is the model’s retrospec- and this is reflected in our updated posterior over
tive assessment of what B’s mental state must have ~z. Indeed, since the linguistic form of the clarifi-
been, given the move observed at E2 . That is the cation elicits particular information about the prior
posterior p(~z|X1 , B0 , E2 ). We abbreviate this as context, we can use similar reasoning to recognise
po(~z); it is another density over the N − 1 simplex. particular points of likely uncertainty in~z. A sim-
The model derives this by Bayesian inference: ilar analysis applies to (4).

(6) po(~z) ∝ pr(~z) ∑U j l(U j |~z)P(E2 |u(X1 ,U j )) 7 Discussion and Conclusion

The equation shows how an interlocutor gets ret- We have proposed a programmatic Bayesian
rospective insight into their partner’s mental state model of dialogue that interfaces linguistic knowl-
by combining evidence from the observed utter- edge, principles of discourse coherence and princi-
ance E2 and discourse coherence, with inference ples of practical rationality. New synergies among
about why the interlocutor might have planned these principles, we have argued, can lead natu-
such an utterance, l(U j |~z), and expectations about rally to more sophisticated capabilities for recog-
what their mental state would have been, pr(~z). nising and negotiating problematic interactions.
Let’s look at (1b). We track B’s interpretation Of course, we must still specify a model in de-
via a DSDRS K1 saying it’s windy and another K2 tail. We hope to streamline this open-ended effort
saying it’s Wednesday. We expect understanding, by capturing important correlations in dialogue,
so our prior pr(~z) naturally favors ~z where K1 has as found in alignment phenomena for example,
high probability. Now, given the utterance, we can through simple generative mechanisms proposed
assign high probability to an observed value U2 in Pickering and Garrod (2004). We also face diffi-
for the variable M2 with the form Correction(a, b) cult computational challenges in fitting our models

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Dialogues with conflict resolution: goals and effects

Katarzyna Budzynska Kamila Dȩbowska

Institute of Philosophy, Institute of English Philology,
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Warsaw, Poland Poznan, Poland

Abstract tinction of the two types of strategies for achiev-

ing conflict resolution: egoistic and collaborative.
The aim of the paper is to propose the While the first strategy enables an agent to strive
semi-formal model of dialogues with con- for his/her individual goal, the second one empha-
flict resolution. We focus on the speci- sizes the superiority of the collaborative CR. The
fication for goals and effects of this type importance of the individual standpoints for agents
of dialogue. Our proposal is based upon is significantly diminished in the second case.
the popular and influential model by D. Our contribution to the existing models of dia-
Walton. We show that this model, even logues is the proposal of clearly defined properties
though referring directly to conflict reso- of CR. The first part of the model specifies the
lution, does not allow to express its im- goals of dialogues with conflict resolution taking
portant properties. The paper proposes into account the pre-planned goals of system and
the model’s modification and extension, agents. The second part of the model determines
which enables describing various charac- the types of the effects which can be achieved
teristics related to the goals of conflict res- through a dialogue with the pre-planned conflict
olution. Moreover, we combine formal resolution. The effects are understood as degrees
and linguistic concepts to define different of achieving conflict resolution. The model uses
kinds of effects achieved in this type of di- both formal (e.g. dialogue systems) and linguistic
alogues. (e.g. topical relevance) concepts.

1 Introduction 2 Goals of dialogues with conflict

The paper proposes the semi-formal model of di-
alogues with conflict resolution (CR). The model In this section, we explore what goals the dia-
is to serve as a heuristic tool for the study of di- logues with conflict resolution have. We limit our
alogues aiming at conflict resolution. The proper- considerations to the initial goal of a dialogue, i.e.
ties of the heuristic tool are rooted in both interper- the goal related to the intention of initiating the di-
sonal dialogues and multi-agent systems (MAS). alogue. We start our consideration with the model
The paper is organized into Section 2 and Sec- proposed by Walton (Section 2.1) and then pro-
tion 3. In Section 2, drawing on the influential pose its extension which allows to enhance expres-
model established by D. Walton, we discuss the sivity and applicability of this model (Section 2.2).
possible goals of dialogues with conflict resolu-
tion. Considerations in Section 2 serve also as 2.1 Limitations of Walton’s model
underpinnings of our claim that Walton’s model Walton’s model was originally presented in (Wal-
should be extended to enhance its applicability. In ton, 1989) and further developed in (Walton, 1995;
Section 3, relying on the heuristic power of the Walton and Krabbe, 1995). Walton’s work is
model we have proposed in Section 2, we focus broadly studied in linguistics and selectively dis-
on the degrees of reaching the initial goal of CR. cussed in social psychology, while Walton &
Although Walton’s typology of dialogues takes Krabbe’s work is widely applied in the formal di-
into account the dialogue with conflict resolu- alogue systems and MAS.
tion, it omits its significant properties and aspects. In this model, the persuasion dialogue (also
More specifically, it does not allow for the dis- called critical discussion originally introduced by

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by59
the author(s)
(van Eemeren and Grootendorst, 1984)) is the only Limitation 2: the meaning of “main goal”.
type of dialogue that is meant to be related to The next limitation refers to the ambiguity of the
conflict resolution. There are other types of dia- notion “main goal”. It is not clear if the main goal
logues that have something in common with con- means: (1) that resolution of conflict is the basic,
flict, however, their goal is not to resolve it. Ne- but still individual aim of an agent, while his sec-
gotiation aims for conflict settlement, and eristics ondary aim is to persuade the other agent, or (2)
aims for reaching a (provisional) accommodation. it means the goal of the system of all participants
The other types of dialogues do not refer to con- (i.e. the joint goal of agents as a group).
flict at all (Walton and Krabbe, 1995, 80-81). Throughout the paper, we use the word “system
Walton specifies the dialogues by means of of agents” to denote the group of individuals (hu-
three properties: initial situation, main goal and man or artificial). That is, a system may be a group
participant’s aims. The initial situation of the per- of people (e.g. a council of doctors or a council of
suasion is a conflict of opinion. The main goal is war), as well as a multi-agent system.
to resolve this conflict by verbal means. The aim It seems that in Walton’s model meaning (1) is
of each participant is to persuade the other party to assumed:1
take over its point of view (see Table 1).
We must distinguish between the pri-
initial state main goal agent’s goal mary or main goal of a type of dia-
conflicting resolution persuade logue and the aims of the participants
points of view of conflict the other(s) (...). Thus, the primary goal of negoti-
ation could be characterized as “making
Table 1. The properties of persuasion dialogue a deal.” By entering into negotiations the
from (Walton and Krabbe, 1995). parties implicitly subscribe to this over-
all purpose. But, besides, each party
This model relates the persuasion dialogue to
pursues, within the dialogue, the partic-
the issue of conflict resolution. However, it has
ular aim of getting the best out of it for
some serious limitations if we want to analyze this
oneself (Walton and Krabbe, 1995, 67).
issue in a more detailed manner. Below, we dis-
cuss three of those limitations. A negative consequence of this interpretation is
discussed in Section 2.2 (see Proposition 1).
Limitation 1: conflict’s object. The first criti-
cism refers to the types of conflicts identified in Limitation 3: the scope of persuasion’s goal.
Walton’s model. It distinguishes only two types The last criticism refers to the relation between the
of conflict - with respect to opinion (the conflict main goal and participants’ aims. Assume the first
specific for persuasion) and interest (the conflict meaning of the main goal described above (i.e., the
specific for negotiation). Since the goal of nego- main goal means a primary, individual goal). Two
tiation is not to resolve the conflict, the only di- interpretations of the relation between the main
alogues with conflict resolution considered in this goal and the participant’s goal are possible: (1) the
model are dialogues that aim for agreeing on opin- narrow one: the persuasion dialogue has to fulfill
ions (i.e. resolving the conflict of opinion). both of those goals, and (2) the broad one: the per-
On the other hand, in the literature related to suasion has to fulfill at least one of them.
applications of dialogues allowing for conflict res- Both of the interpretations generate some prob-
olution, many other objects of conflict are dis- lems. If interpretation (1) is assumed, then collec-
tinguished and studied. Besides conflict between tive methods of conflict resolution are inexpress-
opinions (see (Prakken, 2006) for an overview), ible in Walton’s model (i.e when agents aim to re-
conflicts concern e.g. attitudes (Pasquier et al., solve a conflict and they do not care about their
2006), actions (Bench-Capon et al., 2005), be- individual victories). From the point of view of its
havior (Sierra et al., 1997), intentions (Dignum et important applications such as MAS, it is a strong
al., 2001), plans (Tang and Parsons, 2005), pref- limitation. The multi-agents systems have some
erences (Sycara, 1990) or permissions for gaining tasks to perform (e.g. to control the temperature
access to information (Perrussel et al., 2007). The in a building). A conflict among agents may be an
model restricted to conflict of opinion has, thus, a 1
Consider the goals of persuasion in analogy to negotia-
strong limitation in expressivity and applicability. tion.

obstacle in accomplishing those tasks: “Finding dialogue is denoted by Cd (i) (for i ∈ Agt). For
ways for agents to reach agreements in multiagent example, if i makes a move claim p at a dialogue
systems is an area of active research” (Parsons and stage d, then p is placed in his commitment store,
Sklar, 2005, 297). Typically, in MAS persuasion i.e. p ∈ Cd (i).
represented by Walton’s model is used as a tool We introduce some simplifications for the clar-
for conflict resolution. As a result, the collective ity of presentation. First, we limit our considera-
method for conflict resolution is entirely excluded tions to a system of agents S which consists of two
from the studies. Since in the narrow interpreta- players in a dialogue, i.e. S = {i, j} ⊆ Agt. We
tion an agent has to fulfill both of the goals, then use a symbol ī to denote an agent i’s adversary.
he is restricted to adopt an egoistic strategy. This It means that when i ∈ prop(t) (i is a proponent
makes impossible to express the cooperative meth- for t), then ī ∈ opp(t) (ī is an opponent against
ods of conflict resolution which from the view- t). Moreover, we assume that a conflict refers to
point of MAS should be equally (or maybe even one object (one belief, one attitude, etc.). This as-
more) desirable. sumption corresponds to a single type of dialogue
On the other hand, if interpretation (2) is as- (van Eemeren and Grootendorst, 1984, 80).
sumed, then both of these methods of conflict res-
olution (egoistic and collective) are describable in Conflict. First we specify the notion of conflict.
Walton’s model, however, they are undistinguish- The conflict in relation to t is denoted by {t, t̄}
able. If the word “persuasion dialogue” denotes (t̄ denotes opposing standpoint to t). A topic t
both of these strategies, then some additional sub- may refer to different objects, e.g. opinions, at-
classes of persuasion should be introduced to refer titudes, actions, intentions, preferences, and so on.
to a particular type of strategy. Moreover, for simplicity we do not consider “neu-
tral” commitments, i.e. we assume that there is
In (Walton and Krabbe, 1995, 66), the authors not such t that t ∈ / Cd (i) and t̄ ∈
/ Cd (i). Conse-
indicate that their aim is not to propose the exhaus- quently, {t, t̄} means that one of agents is commit-
tive typology of dialogues. However, the scope of ted to t, while his opponent is committed to t̄, i.e.
applicability of this typology (e.g. in MAS) nar- t ∈ Cd (i) and t̄ ∈ Cd (ī).
rows down the functionality of the models which Let S = {i, j} ⊆ Agt be a system of agents,
originate from the distinction. Therefore, despite and t ∈ Lt be a topic of disagreement between
its pioneering and important advances in the for- agents. We say that after a dialogue d a con-
mal dialectics, Walton’s model needs to be modi- flict {t, t̄} is resolved, when either both agents are
fied and extended such that limitations 1-3 could committed to t, or both are committed to t̄:
be avoided.
Definition 1 After execution of dialogue d, con-
2.2 Extension of Walton’s model flict {t, t̄} between agents in S is resolved, when
In this section, we propose the extension of Wal- exactly one of the following conditions holds: (1)
ton’s (1989) model. Let Agt = {1, . . . , n} be a set t ∈ Cd (i) and t ∈ Cd (ī), or (2) t̄ ∈ Cd (i) and
of names of agents. Our model is built upon and t̄ ∈ Cd (ī).
uses the standard notions from the formal systems
Observe that in this definition the disjunction is
of persuasion dialogue (see e.g. (Prakken, 2006)),
exclusive, i.e. it holds only if exactly one of the
in particular the model proposed in (Prakken,
elements that it connects is true (either first one is
2005).2 Let Lt be a topic language (a logical lan-
true and second - false, or the opposite way).
guage including e.g. p, ¬p), and Lc be a communi-
cation language (a set of locutions including e.g. Conflict resolution for system of agents. Now
claim p, why p). Each agent maintains a list of ut- we can specify the class of dialogues in which the
terances, called the commitment store. Intuitively, conflict resolution is the goal of the whole system
commitments are what an agent publicly declares of agents. We use the notion “conflict resolution”
as his beliefs, attitudes, intentions, plans, etc. A instead of “dialogue with conflict resolution”, if
set of an agent i’s commitments at a stage d of a there is no danger for confusion.
In the paper, a detailed formal specification for a dia-
logue system is not needed; for the full details the reader is Definition 2 Dialogue d is conflict resolution for
referred to the references. S in relation to t (denoted by d ∈ CRS,t ), when

the goal of S is to resolve conflict {t, t̄} between of d.
agents in S after execution of d.
Such dialogues are specific for cooperative sys-
We assume that a system’s goal is a joint pur- tems, while persuasion is typical for adversarial
pose of all agents in the system. For example, in domains. When doctors disagree and discuss what
MAS this goal may be a result of a need to ac- method of treatment to apply in a particular case,
complish a task by a system (e.g. to control the then they may adopt collaborative strategy of con-
temperature in a building). Since a conflict is an flict resolution. On the other hand, when an in-
obstacle for a system’s joint performance, its goal surance agent and a client disagree and discuss the
will be to resolve this conflict. Observe that hu- type of insurance the client should buy, then the
mans may be in some sense unaware of their joint agent (typically) adopts egoistic strategy.
purpose. Imagine that Bob and Ann have a walk in The goals of persuasion dialogues such as in-
the mountains. They approach the crossroad. Ann formativeness and the increase in understand-
thinks that they should go left, and Bob claims ing through the performance of maieutic function
they should go right. They may be extremely com- (Walton, 1995, 102-103) are specific for collabo-
petitive and willing to persuade the other party to rative rather than for persuasive CRS,t (see (Felton
take the path each of them have chosen, however, et al., 2009) for experimental results). Still, they
still their joint goal as a group is to move further are not the intended goals of CRS,t but constitute
and eventually come back home safely. some “extra” value.
Observe that persuasive and collaborative goals
Conflict resolution for individuals. From the
are not two mutually-exclusive strategies, but
point of view of the system’s members, the very
rather the prototypical forms representing the ex-
same goal (of conflict resolution) may be accom-
tremes of an intention continuum. While in MAS
plished in different manners. An agent may adopt
agents can be designed to behave according to
one of the following individual strategies of fulfill-
given definitions, then in natural contexts humans
ing the system’s goal: persuasive (egoistic), col-
may adopt strategies located somewhere between
laborative or passive.
those two extremes (a person may be more or less
The agent has a persuasive goal if he is inter-
persuasive, or collaborative).
ested only in such an outcome of a dialogue in
The last individual “strategy” in conflict resolu-
which his standpoint wins. That is, if in conflict
tion is passive. Intuitively, the agent is passive in
{t, t̄} an agent i is committed to t, then i executes
d, if he has no goal. He only reacts to the moves
persuasion when his goal is to make ī be commit-
executed by his adversary. In other words, such an
ted to t.
agent is an opponent against t, but not a proponent
Definition 3 Conflict resolution d is persuasion for t̄ (i.e., i ∈ opp(t), but i ∈
/ prop(t̄)). This type
for agent i ∈ S in relation to t (denoted by of goal can be described as follows: “the other par-
d ∈ CRPS,teri ), when the goal of i is that after ex- ticipant has a role of raising critical questions that
ecution of d, it holds: t ∈ Cd (i) and t ∈ Cd (ī). cast doubt on that thesis” (Walton, 1995, 100).

Definition 5 Conflict resolution d is passive dia-

The second strategy that an agent may adopt logue for agent i ∈ S in relation to t (denoted by
to achieve a system’s goal is collaborative. In- d ∈ CR∅S,t
), when i has no goal of executing d.
tuitively, the agent has a collaborative goal if he
is interested in such an outcome of a dialogue in Note that in d ∈ CRS,t , at least one agent cannot
which any party wins. That is, i is collaborative be passive.
when his goal is to reach an agreement regardless
of whether both agents will be committed to t or Subclasses of conflict resolution. In the formal
both will be committed to t̄: language of dialogue systems, no symbol repre-
senting a goal is specified. To account for our con-
Definition 4 Conflict resolution d is collaborative siderations, we introduce a preliminary version of
dialogue for agent i ∈ S in relation to t (denoted its specification. Let Gi,t (d) be a set of i’s goals
by d ∈ CRS,t ), when the goal of i is to resolve in a dialogue d ∈ CRS,t . We can distinguish the
conflict {t, t̄} between agents in S after execution following types of system’s conflict resolution:

• if (Gi,t (d) = {P er} or Gi,t (d) = {Col})3 , sets described above. Since the condition for P er
and Gī,t (d) = ∅, then d is asymmetric CRS,t is the first element of the exclusive disjunction for
(which corresponds to simple dialogue de- Col, then only this element will be true. It means
rived from (van Eemeren and Grootendorst, that Gi,t (d) is reduced to the set {P er}.
1984, 80)); Consequently, in Walton’s model the main goal
of conflict resolution is an (unintended) result of
• if (Gi,t (d) = {P er} and Gī,t (d) = {P er}),
an individual persuasive goal adopted by an agent,
or (Gi,t (d) = {Col} and Gī,t (d) = {Col}),
rather than an additional (primary, main) goal of
then d is symmetric CRS,t (which corre-
this agent. Moreover, a collaborative conflict res-
sponds to compound dialogue derived from
olution cannot be defined within Walton’s model.
(van Eemeren and Grootendorst, 1984, 80));
The solution that we propose in the paper is to ex-
• if Gi,t (d) = {P er} and Gī,t (d) = {Col}, tend this model with the separation of system’s
then d is mixed CRS,t . goal from agents’ goals, and the distinction be-
tween different individual strategies of reaching
Recall that we discussed a problem with inter- system’s goal.
pretation of “main goal” in Walton’s model (Sec- To conclude, the extension of Walton’s model
tion 2.1). We argued that the goals of persuasion generates five subclasses of the dialogues with
(plausibly) mean both resolving a conflict and per- conflict resolution for a system of agents:
suading the other agent (see Limitation 3). More-
∅ P er
over, those goals seemed to be individual aims of CRS,t = (CRPS,teri ∩ CRS,t

) ∪ (CRPS,teri ∩ CRS,t ī )
∅ Col
the dialogue’s participant (see Limitation 2). If ∪ (CRCol Coli
S,t ∩ CRS,t ) ∪ (CRS,t ∩ CRS,t )
i ī ī

this is the case, then an agent has two individual Col

∪ (CRPS,teri ∩ CRS,t ī ).
goals, i.e. {P er} ⊆ Gi,t (d) and {Col} ⊆ Gi,t (d).
Then, Walton’s persuasion would be a multi-goal The first subclass of conflict resolution is asym-
dialogue. However, it can be easily shown that the metric persuasive CRS,t , the second one - sym-
multi-goal d reduces to the single-goal d of per- metric persuasive CRS,t , the third - asymmetric
suasive conflict resolution (for a given agent): collaborative CRS,t , the forth - symmetric collab-
orative CRS,t , and the last one - mixed CRS,t . Ob-
Proposition 1 Let i ∈ S ⊆ Agt and t ∈ Lt . If serve that Walton’s model allows to express and
d ∈ CRS,t and {P er} ⊆ Gi,t (d) and {Col} ⊆ explore only two first subclasses.
Gi,t (d), then Gi,t (d) = {P er}.
3 Effects of conflict resolution
To prove the proposition formally, we would need
to introduce more precise specifications. For ex- This section determines the types of the effects
ample, we would have to decide how we want to which can be achieved through a dialogue with
understand goals (e.g. as formulas (Budzynska et the pre-planned conflict resolution. Four degrees
al., 2009), or as states (Tokarz, 1985; Tang and of accomplishing conflict resolution are distin-
Parsons, 2005)). However, such a level of formal- guished and exemplified: fully unsuccessful dia-
ization is outside the scope of this paper. Instead, logue (Section 3.1), partially successful dialogue
we will give the intuitions for such a proof. Say (Section 3.2), fully successful dialogue (Section
that an agent’s goal in a dialogue is understood as 3.1) and over-successful dialogue (Section 3.4).
a set of states which could be reached after the di-
alogue. Then, the goal P er is a set of states where 3.1 Unsuccessful vs. successful dialogue
the following condition is satisfied: t ∈ Cd (i) and Recall that Cd (i) means agent i’s commitment
t ∈ Cd (ī). Further, the goal Col is a set of states store at the stage of dialogue d. Following our
where the exclusive disjunction of the two condi- specification for the goals in dialogues with con-
tions is satisfied: (t ∈ Cd (i) and t ∈ Cd (ī)) or flict resolution, unsuccessful and successful CRS,t
(t̄ ∈ Cd (i) and t̄ ∈ Cd (ī)). If {P er} ⊆ Gi,t (d) may be defined. Let S = {i, j} ⊆ Agt and t ∈ Lt .
and {Col} ⊆ Gi,t (d), then a goal set of states
Gi,t (d) have to be an intersection of two of the Definition 6 Conflict resolution d ∈ CRS,t is
(fully) unsuccessful for system S in relation to t,
For simplicity, we do not introduce the precise specifica-
tion for goals. Intuitively, Gi,t (d) = {P er} means that i has when conflict {t, t̄} between agents in S is not re-
persuasive goal in d with respect to t. solved after execution of d.

Since in Definition 1 the disjunction was exclu- conflict {t, t̄} between agents in S is resolved after
sive, CRS,t is fully unsuccessful for S in two execution of d.
cases: (1) if t ∈ Cd (i), and t̄ ∈ Cd (ī), or (2) if
t̄ ∈ Cd (i), and t ∈ Cd (ī). Clearly, if i accomplishes a collaborative goal,
then he will accomplish the goal of a system. In
Definition 7 Dialogue CRPS,teri is (fully) unsuc- this case, the relationship in the opposite direction
cessful persuasion for agent i in relation to t, does hold.
when after execution of d, it holds: t̄ ∈ Cd (i) or
t̄ ∈ Cd (ī). 3.2 Fully unsuccessful vs. partly successful
conflict resolution
That is, a persuasive conflict resolution is fully un-
In formal approach, it is not possible to differ-
successful for i in three cases: (1) if t ∈ Cd (i) and
entiate partially successful CRS,t from the fully
t̄ ∈ Cd (ī), or (2) if t̄ ∈ Cd (i) and t ∈ Cd (ī), or (3)
unsuccessful CRS,t . Therefore, a need arises to
if t̄ ∈ Cd (i) and t̄ ∈ Cd (ī). In the cases (1) and
define partially successful dialogues in pragmatic
(2), an agent i is unsuccessful, since the goal of the
terms, using both Cartesian and non-Cartesian ap-
system is not accomplished. Thus, even though in
proach. Non-Cartesian approach relies on ratio-
(2) i managed to make ī be committed to i’s initial
empirical pragmatics which allows for gradualis-
standpoint t, he failed to resolve the conflict. In
tic reasoning and non-discreteness (Walton, 1995,
case (3), even though the conflict is resolved, i is
158)(Kopytko, 2002). Cartesian approach, as
unsuccessful, since he failed to make ī be commit-
(Kopytko, 2002, 523) indicates, refers to ‘discrete-
ted to t.
ness/categoriality of pragmatic phenomena’. To
Definition 8 Dialogue CRCol define partially successful dialogues we need not
S,t is (fully) unsuc-

cessful collaborative dialogue for agent i in rela- only discrete terminology (such as ‘move’, ‘goal’,
tion to t, when conflict {t, t̄} between agents in S ‘agent’), but also non-discrete procedures and con-
is not resolved after execution of d. cepts (such as ‘gradual reasoning’, ‘topical rele-
vance’). Consider the following examples (where
A passive conflict resolution for an agent i can- i1 means a first move in a dialogue performed by
not be successful or unsuccessful for i, since a set agent i):
of i’s goals is empty. In other words, there is no
goal to achieve for this agent in a given dialogue. (d1 ) Bob1 : Let’s go to the cinema today.
The definitions of successful dialogues are ana- Ann2 : No.
logical to Definitions 6-8: (d1a ) Bob3 : But Avatar is playing at the Odeon.
Definition 9 Conflict resolution d ∈ CRS,t is Ann4 : OK, but we’ll go tomorrow. I have no time
(fully) successful for system S in relation to t, today.
when conflict {t, t̄} between agents in S is re-
(d1b ) Bob3 : So let’s go to the theatre.
solved after execution of d.
Ann4 : OK, let’s go.
Definition 10 Persuasion CRPS,teri is (fully) suc-
Dialogue d1a and dialogue d1b are possible con-
cessful for agent i in relation to t, when after ex-
tinuations of dialogue d1 . They are sequential pro-
ecution of d, it holds: t ∈ Cd (i) and t ∈ Cd (ī).
cedures in which partial conflict resolution can be
described in terms of the non-Cartesian approach.
Interestingly, when d ∈ CRPS,teri accomplishes At the last stage of d1a and d1b , Ann is not commit-
individual goal of i, then d accomplishes a sys- ted to statement expressed in move Bob1 . At this
tem’s goal. Observe that the relationship in the point, it is essential to distinguish between the goal
opposite direction does not hold. That is, if a sys- of the system of conflict resolution and the topic
tem’s goal is accomplished, the persuasive goal of (t) of the conversation. In each case, topic t relates
i does not have to be fulfilled, since ī could be suc- to the positive attitude to going to the cinema today
cessful. while the goal of the system is a conflict resolution
on topic t. The effectiveness of the achievement of
Definition 11 Collaborative dialogue CRCol S,t is
conflict resolution is different in each case. In d1
(fully) successful for agent i in relation to t, when Ann rejects topic t and thus conflict resolution is

not achieved. In d1a and d1b , however, the partial means that depending on the context they can re-
accomplishment of conflict resolution occurs due late to the prototype topics or not. This can be
to the agreement with statement in move Bob3 . expressed by the formula Ti,t = T Pi,t ∪ T Ri,t in
It is evident in d1a and d1b that the moves refer which Ti,t is the set of topics relevant to t, T Pi,t
to a set of topics Ti,t which specify the area of are the prototype topics relevant t and T Ri,t are
i’s interest of conflict resolution with respect to t. the radial topics indirectly relevant to t. If the
The commitment of agent i to one of the possi- last move of Ann manifests both prototype rele-
ble topics from the set Ti,t (e.g. positive attitude vance (T Pi,t ) and radial relevance (T Ri,t ) and the
to going to the cinema tomorrow not today) in his radial relevance has a high degree of importance
last turn manifests topical relevance and partial ac- for agent i, then we can talk about over-successful
complishment of conflict resolution. CRS,t . Consider dialogue d2 :
In dialogue d1b , Bob divides his conflict resolu-
(d2 ) Bob1 : Let’s go to the cinema today.
tion into submoves. As the achievement of conflict
Ann2 : Why?
resolution is gradually strived for, in move3 Bob
Bob3 : Avatar is playing at the Odeon.
attempts to remain within the set of topic TBob,t .
Although topic t is rejected by Ann in move2 , Ann4 : OK and I’ll invite you for dinner after-
Bob in the statement in move Bob3 still tries to wards.
get some benefit for himself and be relevant. Ann Bob5 : OK.
treats the positive attitude to going to the theatre In d2 , move4 of Ann manifest both T Pi,t (the
(move Bob3 ) as an allowable alternative within positive attitude to going to the cinema to see
the set of topics TBob,t . Only if both move Bob1 Avatar today) and T Ri,t (the positive attitude to
and move Bob3 were acclaimed by Ann, the whole going for dinner afterwards). Since T Ri,t has
conflict in d1b would be successfully resolved. The a high degree of importance and acceptance for
accomplishment of part of i’s conflict resolution agent i we can observe over-successful CRS,t .
occurs since only the statement in move3 is ac-
cepted. Treating conflict resolution as related to a 4 Conclusions
set of topics Ti,t points to non-discreteness of the
process of achieving conflict resolution. Dialogues with conflict resolution play an impor-
tant role in different contexts. In MAS, the most
3.3 Over-successful dialogue important issue is the realization of system’s tasks.
A CRS,t dialogue enables to resolve a disagree-
Similarly, in formal approach there is no way to ment on t, which enhances a cooperative accom-
express over-successful dialogue. We have to take plishment of S’s tasks. The minor issue is how
into account that the topics in Ti,t differ in the the resolution of a conflict is achieved - either
degree of acceptance and degree of importance in an egoistic or a collaborative way. The con-
for agent i. If conflict resolution is achieved due flict resolution is also important in educational set-
to topical relevance and agent i is not only com- ting, since the collaborative goal of performing
pletely satisfied with the last move of agent ī but a dialogue supports teaching students of knowl-
also attributes the high degree of importance to it, edge construction through argumentation in sci-
then we can talk about over-successful conflict res- ence classrooms (Felton et al., 2009).
olution. From this point of view, constraining a model
We propose to draw the distinction between ra- to the subclass of dialogues that aim to resolve a
dial topics and prototype topics. The distinction is conflict in an egoistic manner is a serious limita-
motivated by the Lakoff’s categorization of con- tion. In Proposition 1, we show that the main (in-
cepts into prototypical and radial ones (Lakoff, dividual) goal of resolving the conflict is reducible
1987). In the approach we advocate, prototypical to the secondary individual goal of persuading the
and radial categories should not exclusively relate other party. As a result, in Walton’s model there is
to single concepts, but also to topics (opinions, at- no reason to consider the property of the main goal
titudes, actions, intentions, preferences, etc.). Pro- defined in such a way, since it does not provide
totype topics manifest essential, stereotypical and any additional information to the dialogue’s spec-
salient examples of topic t. Radial topics are in- ification beyond that information which is pro-
directly concerned with the prototype topics. It vided by the property of the persuasive individ-

ual goal. Thus, it is not clear in what sense Wal- through dialogue. Logic Journal of the IGPL,
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1995, 101). drecht: Foris Publications.
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interested only in such a resolution in which his Roman Kopytko. 2002. The mental aspects of prag-
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Erotetic Search Scenarios: Revealing Interrogator’s Hidden Agenda

Mariusz Urbański Paweł Łupkowski

'LEMV Mickiewicz
SJ 0SKMG University
'LEMV SJMickiewicz University
Poznań, Poland -RWXMXYXI
Poznań,SJ 4W]GLSPSK]

Abstract (for definiteness let my problem be expressed by

a question: “Who stole the tarts?”). In such a sit-
The way of formal modeling of a hidden
uation addressing the question directly may not be
agenda of an interrogator is described in
the most brilliant idea, unless the suspect is will-
terms of Inferential Erotetic Logic. Two
ing to plead guilty. If I am interested in some-
examples are given: one is based on a sim-
thing more than a declaration of a person in ques-
ple detective story, the other is based on an
tion I have to seek for a more or less indirect so-
analysis of a judge’s strategy in the Turing
lution by gathering evidence and by making infer-
ences on its basis. Description of this evidence
1 Introduction: erotetic basis and a plan for further inferences forms in this case
my hidden agenda. It expounds a) initial infor-
Wiśniewski (2003) defines erotetic search scenar- mation relevant to the case and b) inferential steps
ios (e-scenarios for short) within the framework made on its basis. Inferential steps involved are
of Inferential Erotetic Logic (IEL) as a possible possibly of two kinds: standard declarative ones
technique for solving problems expressed by ques- and erotetic ones. Erotetic inferences are these in
tions. He claims that: which questions play the role of conclusion and/or
When a problem is expressed by a ques- premises. Questions arise when there is a gap in
tion which has a well-defined set of di- available information (initial or derived), but from
rect1 [...] answers, one can [...] apply an the investigator’s point of view it is important to
e-scenario in order to find the solution pose only such auxiliary questions that are both in-
to the problem. Viewed pragmatically, formative and cognitively useful, that is, answers
an e-scenario provides us with condi- to which are helpful in answering the initial ques-
tional instructions which tell us what tion. This may be formally explicated in terms of
questions should be asked and when erotetic implication, an erotetic counterpart to the
they should be asked. Moreover, an e- entailment relation (Wiśniewski, 1995):2
scenario shows where to go if such-and- Definition 1 A question Q implies a question Q∗
such a direct answer to a query appears on the basis of a set of d-wffs X (in symbols:
to be acceptable and does so with re- 2
Our language is the language of First-order Logic en-
spect to any direct answer to each query riched with question-forming operator ? and brackets {, }
(Wiśniewski, 2003, p. 422). (call this language L). Well formed formulas of FoL (de-
fined as usual; additionally, we allow for names of formulas
Thus an e-scenario may be interpreted as a plan to appear as arguments of predicate symbols) are declarative
well-formed formulas of L (d-wffs for short). Expressions
for an interrogation (the questioned being a hu- of the form ?{A1 , . . . , An } are questions or erotetic formu-
man, a database, an Oracle etc.) that describes las of L (e-formulas for short) provided that A1 , . . . , An
a “hidden agenda” of an interrogator. are syntactically distinct d-wffs and that n > 1. The set
dQ = {A1 , . . . , An } is the set of all the direct answers to
Suppose that I am questioning a certain suspect the question Q = ?{A1 , . . . , An }. Thus an erotetic formula
in order to determine if this person is guilty or not ?{A, ¬A} expresses a simple yes-no question: “Is it the case
that A or is it the case that ¬A?”; this kind of questions we
Direct answers are the answers which “are directly and shall abbreviate by ?A. Let also the symbol T stand for any
precisely responsive to the question, giving neither more nor logically valid formula. Intuitively, T stands for the lack of
less information than what is called for” (Belnap, 1969, p. factual knowledge: a question of the form ?{A1 , . . . , An , T}
124). For the sake of generality they may be called principal reads “Is it the case that A1 or ... or is it the case that An or
possible answers (Wiśniewski and Pogonowski, 2010). no required information is available?” (Wiśniewski, 2007).

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by67
the author(s)
Im(Q, X, Q∗ )) iff Erotetic search scenarios may be defined as
sets of so-called erotetic derivations (Wiśniewski,
1. for each direct answer A to the question Q:
2003) or, in a more straightforward way, as finite
X ∪ {A} entails the disjunction of all the di-
trees (Wiśniewski, 2010, p. 27–29):
rect answers to the question Q∗ , and
Definition 2 An e-scenario for a question Q rel-
2. for each direct answer B to the question Q∗ ative to a set of d-wffs X is a finite tree Φ such
there exists a non-empty proper subset Y of that:
the set of direct answers to the question Q
1. the nodes of Φ are (occurrences of) questions
such that X ∪ {B} entails the disjunction of
and d-wffs; they are called e-nodes and d-
all the elements of Y .
nodes, respectively;
If X = ∅, then we say that Q implies Q∗ and we
2. Q is the root of Φ;
write Im(Q, Q∗ ).
The first condition requires that if the implying 3. each leaf of Φ is a direct answer to Q;
question is sound3 and all the declarative premises 4. dQ ∩ X = ∅;
are true, then the implied question is sound as
well4 . The second condition requires that each an- 5. each d-node of Φ:
swer to the implied question is potentially useful, (a) is an element of X, or
on the basis of declarative premises, for finding an (b) is a direct answer to an e-node of Φ dif-
answer to the implying question. To put it infor- ferent from the root Q, or
mally: each answer to the implied question Q∗ , on (c) is entailed by (a set of) d-nodes which
the basis of X, narrows down the set of plausible precede the d-node in Φ;
answers to the implying question Q.
Consider a simple example. My initial question 6. for each e-node Q∗ of Φ different from the
is; root Q:

(Q) Who stole the tarts? (a) dQ∗ 6= dQ and

(b) Im(Q∗∗ , Q∗ ) for some e-node Q∗∗ of Φ
Suppose that I manage to establish the following which precedes Q∗ in Φ, or
evidence: (c) Im(Q∗∗ , {A1 , ..., An }, Q∗ ) for some e-
(E1 ) It is one of the courtiers of the Queen of node Q∗∗ and some d-nodes A1 , ..., An
Hearts attending the afternoon tea-party who of Φ that precede Q∗ in Φ;
stole the tarts. 7. each d-node has at most one immediate suc-
Thus my initial question together with the evi- cessor;
dence implies the question: 8. an immediate successor of an e-node differ-
(Q∗ ) Which of the Queen of Hearts’ courtiers at- ent from the root Q is either a direct answer
tended the afternoon tea-party? to the e-node, or exactly one e-node;

If moreover I know that: 9. if the immediate successor of an e-node Q∗ is

not an e-node, then each direct answer to Q∗
(E2 ) Queen of Hearts invites for a tea-party only is an immediate successor of Q∗ .
these courtiers who made her laughing the
Definition 3 A query of an e-scenario Φ is an e-
previous day.
node Q∗ of Φ different from the root of Φ and such
then Q∗ and E2 imply the question: that the immediate successors of Q∗ are the direct
answers to Q∗ .
(Q∗∗ ) Which courtiers made the Queen of Hearts We shall elaborate the idea of representing in-
laughing the previous day? terrogator’s hidden agenda via e-scenarios on two
A question Q is sound iff it has a true direct answer (with examples. The first one is a simple detective story
respect to the underlying semantics). based on a Smullyan’s (1978) logical puzzle. The
This property may be conceived as an analogue to the
truth-preservation property of deductive schemes of infer- second one is an analysis of a judge’s strategy in
ence. the Turing Test.

2 Vampires, zombies and humans (These two rules could be expressed more suc-
cintly as an equivalence, but it is in our hidden
On a certain island the inhabitants have been be-
agenda to leave them in an implicational form.)
witched by some kind of magic. Half of them
The only problem is to operationalise the rules in
turned into zombies, the other half turned into
such a way that they will be applicable to ques-
vampires. The zombies and the vampires of this
tions. This may be done as follows:
island do not behave like the conventional ones
(if any): the zombies move about and talk in as 20 . For every native x, if x gives back a true an-
lively a fashion as do the humans, and the vam- swer to a posed question, then x is a vampire.
pires even prefer drinking strong mocca over any-
thing else. It’s just that the zombies of this island 30 . For every native x, if x is a vampire, then x
always lie and the vampires of this island always gives back a true answer to a posed question.
tell the truth5 . What is also important, both vam-
An important premise in Negombo’s reasoning
pires and zombies never miss a reasonable oppor-
is the following:
tunity to tell the truth or to lie, respectively. Thus
they always do their best to answer questions ad- 4. Eugene is a native of the island.
dressed to them.
A native named Eugene has been suspected of What remains is to find a suitable question. It
an attempt to break in an ATM near the police sta- would be useless to ask questions like: “Are you
tion. The case has been assigned to Inspector Ne- a vampire?”. Every native of the island would an-
gombo (a vampire) of local police force. His first swer this questions positively giving no clue who
task was to establish if the accused is a vampire or is lying and who is telling the truth. The point
a zombie. Inspector Negombo was clever enough is to ask a question with such direct answers that
to determine that Eugene is a vampire on the ba- both Negombo and the suspected will know their
sis of the suspected’s answer to a single question. truth values – as in the case of questions about
What was Negombo’s question? fairly simple logically true (or false) sentences.
There are many possibilities. The question Let us express Negombo’s hidden agenda in terms
could be e.g. “Is it the case that you a vampire of a formalized language (Wiśniewski, 1995).
or you are not a vampire?”: the positive answer Let V (x), Z(x), N (x) stand for expres-
identifies the answerer as a vampire, the nega- sions: “x is a vampire”, “x is a zombie”, “x
tive one identifies the person as a zombie. This is a native of the island” respectively, and let
solution may cause a usual astonishment of the U (x, Ai , ?{A1 , . . . , An }) stand for an expression
Watson-like audience as well as rise the admira- “x gives back an answer Ai to the question
tion of Negombo’s methods6 . However, its expla- ?{A1 , . . . , An }”7 (provided that i = 1, . . . , n).
nation would certainly cause as usual “It is pretty Finally, let the constant a represent Eugene. Ne-
obvious now” reaction. gombo’s agenda is depicted by the erotetic search
Let us reveal Inspector Negombo’s hidden scenario of example 1 (for brevity we assume that
agenda. He knows the following fact: R stands for the formula V (a) ∨ ¬V (a)).
Negombo’s initial question, “Is Eugene a vam-
1. Every native is either a vampire or a zombie. pire, a zombie, or no information is avail-
able?” is expressed by the first e-formula:
He knows also the following rules: ?{V (a), Z(a), T}. The inspector makes use
of four declarative premises. The first one,
2. Every native who is a vampire utters true sen-
∀x(N (x) → V (x) ⊥ Zx), expresses the fact
1, that every native is either a vampire or a zom-
3. Every native who utters a true sentence is bie. The second and the third premises express the
a vampire. rules 20 and 30 , respectively. The fourth premise
states that Eugene is a native of the island.
An important though tacit assumption is that both vam-
pires and zombies of this island reason in accordance with 7
In a formula U (x, Ai , ?{A1 , . . . , An }) the second argu-
classical logic. ment of the predicate symbol U is a name of a d-wff and the
Although if a reader would like to argue that on this par- third argument is a name of an e-formula. For the sake of
ticular island this should be something like a standard proce- brevity we omit the quotation marks, as no ambiguity arises
dure of interrogation, we shall agree. in this context.

Example 1 swers11 .
?{V (a), Z(a), T} One important property of e-scenarios is that
∀x(N (x) → V (x) ⊥ Z(x)) they are “conditionally safe”: if an initial question
∀x(U (x, R, ?R) → V (x)) Q of a given e-scenario Φ has a true direct answer
∀x(V (x) → U (x, R, ?R)) and if all the declarative premises of Φ are true,
N (a) then at least one path of Φ leads to a true answer
?V (a) to Q; what is more, all d-wffs of this path are true
?U (a, R, ?R) and all e-formulas of this path have true direct an-
swers as well. This is the essence of the Golden
U (a, R, ?R) ¬U (a, R, ?R) Path Theorem (Wiśniewski, 2003, p. 410–411).
V (a) ¬V (a) It would be quite simple now to solve the prob-
Z(a) lem: just ask Eugene if he really did try to break in
the ATM. But this simple plan has been ruined by
discovery that one premise on which Negombo’s
The initial question together with the first and inferences were dependent is false: Eugene was
the fourth declarative premise implies the ques- not a native of the island. He came there as an im-
tion ?V (a)8 . Observe that this question, though migrant from the nearby island, inhabited exclu-
implied, is not asked: it is not a query of the sce- sively by humans, who are totally unpredictable
nario9 . The question ?V (a) together with the rules as for the truth or falsity of what they tell12 . More-
implies in turn the next question in the scenario, over, Eugene refused to give any sort of testimony.
expressed by the erotetic formula ?U (a, R, ?R). A short investigation among Eugene’s friends (all
This question is a query: it is answered in the sce- confirmed being vampires by Negombo’s test) led
nario. The positive answer to it, expressed by the Negombo to establish the following rules:
formula U (a, R, ?R), together with the rule 20 en- 5. If Eugene did run short of money, then he
tails the positive answer to ?V (a) which is also attempted to break in an ATM or borrowed
an answer to the initial question. On the other some money from Eustace.
hand, the negative answer, expressed by the for-
mula ¬U (a, R, ?R), together with the rule 30 en- 6. If Eugene didn’t run short of money, then he
tails the negative answer to ?V (a) which, in turn, went shopping or visited his favourite pub.
together with the first and the fourth premise, en-
tails Z(a), an answer to the initial question10 . 7. If Eugene attempted to break in an ATM or
What this scenario shows is that the only ques- went shopping, then he has been seen in a lo-
tion that needs to be actually addressed to Eugene cal mall.
is the question ?R. What is more, this question 8. If Eugene borrowed some money from Eu-
and Eugene’s answer would form all the interro- stace or visited his favourite bar, then he
gation conducted by Negombo. However, ?R is hasn’t been seen in a local mall.
only mentioned and not used in the scenario (it is
neither the initial question nor an implied ques- On this basis Inspector Negombo devised the
tion). The scenario reveals also what conclusions plan for further interrogation of Elyssa, the only
will Negombo derive on the basis of his declara- of Eugene’s friends able to describe the course of
tive premises, questions and possible Eugene’s an- events of that particular day (cf. example 2; At(x)
stands for “x attempted to break in an ATM”,
In fact the question ?V (a) is implied by the question Sh(x) stands for “x ran short of money”, Br(x, y)
?{V (a), Z(a), T} on the basis of the empty set as well, but stands for “x borrowed money from y”, Sp(x)
this holds for trivial reasons. Questions with T as a direct
answer should be dealt with with some caution if one is not stands for “x went shopping”, P b(x) stands for
to fall into such triviality. One way to provide such caution “x visited his favourite pub”, M l(x) stands for “x
is to employ constructive erotetic implication, instead of the
standard one (Wiśniewski, 2007). 11
Van Kuppevelt (1995) presents somewhat similar ideas
However, this question is an important inferential step, of deriving questions (both explicit and implicit) from other
because erotetic implication is not transitive. questions and/or declaratives in the context of analysis of dis-
10 course structure. However, his informal account concerns
The relevant erotetic implications on which this and sub-
sequent scenarios are based may be found in (Wiśniewski, wh-questions only.
1995), (Wiśniewski, 2007), and (Łupkowski, 2010). Although still classically unpredictable.

Example 2 Example 3
?{At(a), ¬At(a), T} ?L(b, ¬M l(a))
Sh(a) → At(a) ∨ Br(a, c) U (b, ¬M l(a), ?M l(a))
¬Sh(a) → Sp(a) ∨ P b(a) ∀x(S(x, B1 , A) → L(x, A))
At(a) ∨ Sp(a) → M l(a) ...
Br(a, c) ∨ P b(a) → ¬M l(a) ∀x(S(x, Bn , A) → L(x, A))
?M l(a) ∀x(¬S(x, B1 , A) ∧ . . . ∧ ¬S(x, Bn , A) → ¬L(x, A))
?{L(b, ¬M l(a)), ¬L(b, ¬M l(a)), S(b, B1 , ¬M l(a))}
?S(b, B1 , ¬M l(a))

M l(a) ¬M l(a)
¬(Br(a, c) ∨ P b(a)) ¬(At(a) ∨ Sp(a)) S(b, B1 , ¬M l(a)) ¬S(b, B1 , ¬M l(a))
¬Br(a, c) ¬At(a) L(b, ¬M l(a)) ...
¬P b(a) ?S(b, Bn , ¬M l(a))

S(b, Bn , ¬M l(a)) ¬S(b, Bn , ¬M l(a))

Sh(a) ¬Sh(a)
L(b, ¬M l(a)) ¬L(b, ¬M l(a))
At(a) ∨ Br(a, c) Sp(a) ∨ P b(a)
At(a) Sp(a)
while saying A” and b stands for Elyssa).
Again, this scenario shows that the only ques-
has been seen in a local mall” and c stands for Eu- tion that Negombo should actually pose to Elyssa
stace). is “Has Eugene been in the mall?” (the one rep-
“If he’s guilty and if this is my lucky day, I’ll resented by the e-formula ?M l(a)) although it
send him to the court in two questions”, Negombo is known what will the answer be. All the re-
said to himself. “If he’s been in the mall but didn’t maining questions play the role of milestones on
run short of money then my information is insuf- Negombo’s way of thinking in solving the initial
ficient and I will need new evidence. If he hasn’t problem. Notice that they are concerned not with
been in the mall, he’s innocent. Well, we’ll see”. the content of Elyssa statement but with the way
He ordered one of his lieutnants to conduct an in- she provided that statement.
terrogation according to this plan13 . The lieutnant
Elyssa repeated her previous testimony that Eu-
soon reported the outcome: Elyssa answered first
gene has not been in the mall. But saying this
query with “No”. Eugene hasn’t been in the mall.
she expressed a set of behaviours characteristic for
He’s innocent!
a liar (say that they were microexpressions of her
However, it occured that Elyssa is a human, too.
lips indicating disbelief in what she has been say-
Unfortunately for Elyssa and Eugene, Negombo
ing14 ). On this basis Negombo determined that
studied nonverbal behaviour of human liars (Ek-
she is lying that Eugene has not been in the mall.
man, 2001) and has been identified as a “Truth
To finish his investigation quickly he decided to
Wizard”, that is, a person who can identify de-
employ ethically disputable means. He produced
ception with exceptional accuracy of more than
a fake witness (who testified that he has seen Eu-
80% (Harrington, 2009). Besides his natural tal-
gene in the mall) and confronted Elyssa with him.
ent he devised for himself a list of behaviours
Elyssa finally admitted that she was lying and that
that help identifying lies with satisfactory preci-
Eugene in fact has been in the mall on that partic-
sion. Negombo, highly suspicious as for the truth
ular day. Her statement has been recorded. The
of what Elyssa testified, decided to try to kill two
case has been sent to the court.
birds with one stone and possibly accuse her of
false testimony. Negombo repeated Elyssa’s inter-
3 The Turing Test
rogation, this time personally, having in mind an
agenda represented by the e-scenario of example 3 The idea of erotetic reconstruction of an inter-
(L(x, A) stands for “x lies saying A”, S(x, B, A) rogator’s hidden agenda comes from Łupkowski’s
stands for “x expresses the set of behaviours B (2010) analysis of a judge’s strategies in the Tur-
The reader may notice that both queries of this scenario, ing Test (TT).
that is ?M l(a) and ?Sh(a), might demand plans for investi-
gation in the form of e-scenarios on themselves. Such auxil- An interested reader may have a look at the example
iary e-scenarios can be incorporated into the main one by the of such microexpression on Paul Ekman’s page: http:
embedding operation (Wiśniewski, 2003). //

In the TT the judge (interrogator, J) poses ques- H(d) → C1 (d)
tions and his/her aim is to establish on the basis of H(d) → C2 (d)
answers received if an interlocutor (answerer, A) ...
is a human or not (in which case it is inferred that H(d) → Cn (d)
the interlocutor is a machine). It is reasonable to C1 (d) ∧ C2 (d) ∧ . . . ∧ Cn (d) → H(d)
assume that the judge would not ask questions at where H (standing for “... is a human”) is different
random, but will use some kind of a strategy. This from any of Ci (1 ≤ i ≤ n).
is due to the fact that it is the judge who is respon- The interrogator uses the necessary conditions
sible for the way the test is performed – J asks of being a human in this case. Fulfilling all these
questions and A answers them. It is J who also rules together is – in the interrogator’s opinion –
decides when the test will end. There are good a sufficient condition of being a human. The e-
reasons why it is beneficial for J to choose an e- scenario which might be used as a strategy for
scenario as a questioning plan in the TT: the interrogator in this case is presented as exam-
ple 4.15
• An e-scenario gives information when and
what question should be asked (relative to the Example 4
initial question and initial premises). ?H(d)
H(d) → C1 (d)
• What is more, it ensures that all subsequent H(d) → C2 (d)
questions asked would be relevant to the ini- ...
H(d) → Cn (d)
tial question (so we may say that no unneces- C1 (d) ∧ C2 (d), . . . ∧ Cn (d) → H(d)
sary information would be collected by J). ? ± |C1 (d), C2 (d), . . . , Cn (d)|
?C1 (d)
• E-scenarios also guarantee that each subse-
quent question asked is a step towards the an- C1 (d) ¬C1 (d)
swer to the initial question. ?C2 (d) ¬H(d)

• The Golden Path Theorem guarantees that for

C2 (d) ¬C2 (d)
a strategy expressed by an e-scenario there ... ¬H(d)
exist at least one such path that ends with the ?Cn−1 (d)
answer to the initial question which is true
(relative to the initial premises). Cn−1 (d) ¬Cn−1 (d)
?Cn (d) ¬H(d)
• A strategy presented by an e-scenario is flex-
ible in the sense that it can be modified and Cn (d) ¬Cn (d)
H(d) ¬H(d)
rearranged by the embedding procedure to fit
the J’s needs for the current interrogation.
The queries of this e-scenario should be treated
It would be useless for J to ask “Are you a hu- as questions asked by J to himself/herself. Again,
man?”, because everything he/she can get are just it seems fruitless to ask these questions directly
simply A’s doubtful declarations. A sound strat- to A. If J for example asks a question “Can you
egy for J is to devise a plan for an interrogation play chess?” and A answers “Yes”, J do not ob-
that is based on assumptions concerning criteria tain any interesting piece of information (at least
for being a human. The judge may formulate if we consider the Turing Test’s perspective). This
this criteria as sufficient and/or necessary condi- is the reason why we will treat the queries of an
tions, representing his/her expectations as for the e-scenario as only setting out the questions which
answers which would be given to his/her questions should be asked to the answerer.
by a human. 15
In this scenario we make use of a conjunctive question
One of the possible ways to put the judge’s be- represented by a formula ? ± |A1 , . . . , An | that should be
liefs might be the following: read: “Is it the case that A1 and . . . and is it he case that An ?”.
To grasp the idea, consider binary conjunctive question: “Is
“If d is a human, then d fulfils a condition Ci .” it the case that A1 and is it the case that A2 ?”. This question,
abbreviated by ? ± |A1 , A2 |, has four direct answers: A1 ∧
We may present the interrogator’s beliefs as a A2 , A1 ∧¬A2 , ¬A1 ∧A2 , ¬A1 ∧¬A2 . For precise definition
set of formulas of the following form: of a conjunctive question see (Urbański, 2001, p. 76).

Example 5 are used in the e-scenario as implied questions),
?H(d) while the second one are: Q1 , . . . , Qn (they are
H(d) ∧ F (w1 , d, Q1 ) → U (d, o1 , Q1 )
H(d) ∧ F (w2 , d, Q2 ) → U (d, o2 , Q2 ) only mentioned in the e-scenario as the third argu-
... ments of the predicate U ).
H(d) ∧ F (wn , d, Qn ) → U (d, on , Qn )
F (w1 , d, Q1 ) ∧ . . . ∧ F (wn , d, Qn )
When we take the Golden Path Theorem into
U (d, o1 , Q1 ) ∧ . . . ∧ U (d, on , Qn ) → H(d)) account, we may say that the judge carrying out
? ± |U (d, o1 , Q1 ), . . . , U (d, on , Qn )| the presented e-scenario will end the interroga-
?U (d, o1 , Q1 )
tion with accurate identification of the answerer.
Of course, we should still have in mind that this
U (d, o1 , Q1 ) ¬U (d, o1 , Q1 )
?U (d, o2 , Q2 ) ¬H(d) would be possible if all declarative premises of the
e-scenario were true (which is a rather strong as-
U (d, o2 , Q2 ) ¬U (d, o2 , Q2 ) sumption).
... ¬H(d) At this stage, one may clearly see that the final
?U (d, on−1 , Qn−1 )
result of the TT relies heavily on the knowledge
and beliefs of the interrogator (this is one of the
U (d, on−1 , Qn−1 ) ¬U (d, on−1 , Qn−1 ) serious issues of the TT’s setting). An e-scenario
?U (d, on , Qn ) ¬H(d)
ensures only that the interrogator will get the an-
U (d, on , Qn ) ¬U (d, on , Qn )
swer to the initial question of the e-scenario. This
H(d) ¬H(d) e-scenario, however, does not guarantee the true
answer, which is understood as an accurate iden-
To clarify the intuition of setting out the ques- tification of the answerer. The identification’s ac-
tions to be asked by some queries of an e-scenario, curacy depends on the set of premises on the basis
we will present some operationalisation. To do of which the interrogator builds his/her e-scenario
this, we assume that the interrogator will accept for the TT. This consequence might be seen as a
premises of the following form (here formulated weak point of the TT setting. However, when we
in a first person manner): take a closer look, it appears that the problem has
its roots much deeper, in the unclear and fuzzy cri-
(*) if d is a human and I formulate the condition teria of “being a human” (cf. for example consid-
wi (as a task’s condition) and then I ask d the erations on how we assign thinking to other hu-
question Qi , then d gives back an answer oi man beings presented by Moor (1976) and Stalker
to the question Qi . (1976)).
It is worth noticing, that for the real-life Turing
In this scheme oi is an answer to question Qi
Test, at least some elements of reasoning involving
such that (in the interrogator’s opinion) exactly
probabilities would be necessary. Some additional
that kind of an answer would be given by a human
statistical rules might be used e.g. to set a propor-
being, taking condition wi set for the task into ac-
tion of satisfactory to unsatisfactory answers ob-
count. We will write the scheme in symbols as the
tained by J. We may however imagine that a pro-
cedure of defining these rules might be something
(**) H(d) ∧ F (wi , d, Qi ) → U (d, oi , Qi ), like the proposal made by French (1996), i.e. the
so-called Human Subcognitive Profile. According
where F (wi , d, Qi ) stands for “I formulate the to French, it is possible to establish (using em-
condition wi for the task and then I ask d a ques- pirical procedures) the profile of human answers
tion Qi ”, and U , H are understood as before. to questions concerning low level cognitive struc-
Let us assume that the interrogator uses n such tures.
premises (where n > 1). Then, the strategy for
the interrogator is expressed by the e-scenario of 4 Conclusions and future work
example 5.
Due to this kind of approach, we obtain an easy Erotetic search scenarios allow for the formal
way of differentiating the questions which the in- modeling of an interrogator’s hidden agenda.
terrogator asks to himself/herself from the ones What is more they offer a possibility of a differ-
asked to the answerer. The first group of ques- entiation of questions posed by an interrogator to
tions are: ?U (a, o1 , Q1 ), . . . , ?U (a, on , Qn ) (they himself/herself from the ones that actually should

be asked to an interlocutor. However, adequacy Andrzej Wiśniewski. 2010. Erotetic Logics. In-
of resulting models is far from satisfactory. This ternal Question Processing and Problem-solving.
UNILOG’03, Lisbon, http://www.staff.
is due to the fact that the semantics of underlying˜p_lup/aw_pliki/Unilog.
logic is rather simple and that assumed inferential
relations (both declarative and erotetic ones) are Andrzej Wiśniewski and Jerzy Pogonowski. 2010. In-
relatively modest in character. Thus further devel- terrogatives, Recursion, and Incompleteness. Jour-
nal of Logic and Computation, 10:114, in press
opment of this kind of formal models of interroga- (doi:10.1093/logcom/exq014).
tor’s hidden agenda requires extension of the IEL
framework to logics offering deeper insights into
mechanisms underlying dialogue and argumenta-

Nuel D. Belnap. 1969. Åqvist corrections-
accumulating question sequences. In: Philosophi-
cal Logic. J. W. Davis, P. J. Hockney, and K. Wilson
(eds.), pp. 122–134. Reidel.
Paul Ekman. 2001. Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the
Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage. W. W. Norton
& Company, New York.
Robert French. 1996. The Inverted Turing Test: How
a Mindless Program Could Pass It. Psycholoquy,
Brooke Harrington (ed.). 2009. Deception: From An-
cient Empires to Internet Dating. Stanford Univer-
sity Press.
Jan van Kuppevelt. 1995. Discourse structure, topical-
ity and questioning. Journal of Linguistics, 31:109–
Paweł Łupkowski. 2010. The Turing Test. Inter-
rogator’s Perspective (Test Turinga. Perspektywa
sȩdziego, in Polish). Adam Mickiewicz University
Press, Poznań (in press).
James H. Moor. 1976. An Analysis of the Turing Test.
Philosophical Studies, 30:249–257.
Raymond Smullyan. 1978. What Is the Name of This
Book. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Douglas F. Stalker. 1976. Why machines can’t think:
A reply to James Moor. Philosophical Studies,
Mariusz Urbański. 2001. Synthetic tableaux and
erotetic search scenarios: Extension and extraction.
Logique & Analyse, 17–174–175:69–91.
Andrzej Wiśniewski. 1995. The Posing of Questions:
Logical Foundations of Erotetic Inferences. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht–Boston–London.
Andrzej Wiśniewski. 2003. Erotetic Search Scenarios.
Synthese, 134(3):389–427.
Andrzej Wiśniewski. 2007. Constructive Erotetic Im-
plication. (manuscript).

Cooperative answering and Inferential Erotetic Logic

Paweł Łupkowski
'LEMV Mickiewicz
SJ 0SKMG University
Poznań, Poland

Abstract In this paper we will consider, among others, the

following important aspect of cooperative answer-
This paper addresses the issue of ap- ing: providing additional information useful for
plicability of erotetic search scenar- a user confronted with a failure. As Terry Gaaster-
ios, a tool developed within Inferential land puts it:
Erotetic Logic, in the area of cooperative
answering for databases and information On asking a query, one assumes there
systems. Short descriptions of coopera- are answers to the query too. If there
tive answering and Erotetic Search Sce- are no answers, this deserves an expla-
narios are given. Some basic cooperative nation. (Gaasterland et al., 1994, p. 14)
answering phenomena are modeled within
the framework of Erotetic Search Scenar- We may consider a well known example here
ios. (cf. (Gal, 1988, p. 2)). Imagine that a student
wants to evaluate a course before registering in it.
1 Introduction He asks the secretary:
The issue of cooperative answering is important Q: How many students failed course number
in the field of databases and information systems. CS400 last semester?
Databases and information systems in general of-
fer correct answers (as far as these systems con- The course CS400 was not given last semester, so
tain valid data). The problem is to ensure that the the secretary would easily recognise the student’s
answers will be also non-misleading and useful false assumption and correct it in her answer:
for a user.1 To solve this problem certain specific
techniques were developed. The most important A1 : Course number CS400 was not offered last
are the following: semester.

• consideration of specific information about However, for most database interface systems the
a user’s state of mind, answer would be:
• evaluation of presuppositions of a query,
• detection and correction of misconceptions in A∗1 : None.
a query (other than a false presupposition),
Without additional explanations given, this re-
• formulation of intensional answers,
sponse would be misleading for the student, and
• generalization of queries and of responses.
thus uncooperative from our perspective.
A detailed description of the above techniques We will be addressing this issue, focussing our
may be found in (Gaasterland et al., 1994) and attention on the following cases: (a) the answer
(Godfrey, 1997). For their implementation in var- to a question is negative, (b) there is no an-
ious database and information systems see e.g. swer available in a database, and (c) the asked
(Godfrey et al., 1994), (Gal, 1988), (Benamara and question bares a misconception (i.e. it requests
Dizier, 2003b). for information impossible to obtain from the
database). We are going to make use of the
H. P. Grice in (Grice, 1975) points out three features of
what we may call a cooperative answer. It should be (i) cor- Erotetic Search Scenarios framework, developed
rect, (ii) non-misleading, and (iii) useful answer to a query. within A. Wiśniewski’s Inferential Erotetic Logic

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by75
the author(s)
(cf. (Wiśniewski, 1995)). The reason for this The exemplary e-scenario, as well other e-
choice is that Inferential Erotetic Logic provides scenarios, may be written in a formal language.
the concept of validity of inferences which involve Let us use here a language which we will call L2 ;
questions.2 this language resembles a language characterised
For the reasons of space, only an informal char- in (Wiśniewski, 2001, p. 20–21). The ‘declara-
acteristics of Erotetic Search Scenarios (thereafter tive’ part of L2 is a first-order language with iden-
referred to as e-scenarios) will be given here. tity and individual constants, but without function
The exact definition and many examples can be symbols. A sentence is a declarative well-formed
found in (Wiśniewski, 2001), (Wiśniewski, 2003) formula (d-wff for short) with no occurrence of
or (Wiśniewski, 2004). a free variable. The metalinguistic expression Ax
E-scenarios are defined in terms of syntax and refers to d-wffs of L2 which have x as the only free
semantics. But: variable. A(x/c) designates the result of the sub-
stitution of an individual constant c for the variable
Viewed pragmatically, an e-scenario x in Ax.
provides us with conditional instruc- The vocabulary of the ‘erotetic’ part of L2 con-
tions which tell us what questions sists of the signs: ?, {, }, S, U, and the comma.
should be asked and when they should Questions of L2 are expressions of the follow-
be asked. Moreover, an e-scenario ing forms:
shows where to go if such-and-such
a direct answer to a query appears to (i) ?{A1 , A2 , . . . , An }
be acceptable and goes so with re- where n > 1 and A1 , A2 , . . . , An are syntac-
spect to any direct answer to each tically distinct sentences of L2 ,
query. (Wiśniewski, 2003, p. 422)
(ii) ?S(Ax)
For instance, let us imagine that we ask if (iii) ?U(Ax)
a given system is valid and at the same time we where x is an individual variable and Ax is
construe the relevant concept of validity as fol- a d-wff of L2 which has x as the only free
lows: a system is valid just in case it works variable.
properly and is stable. How can one cope with
Direct answers are defined as follows. For a
this problem? A solution may be offered by an
question of the form (i), each of A1 , A2 , . . . , An
e-scenario. We can present this e-scenario as
is a direct answer to the question. For a question
a downward tree with the main question as the root
of the form (ii), a direct answer to it is a sentence
and direct answers to it as leaves. The relevant e-
of the form A(x/c), where c is an individual con-
scenario for our exemplary problem is:
stant. Direct answers to questions of the form (iii)
Is this system valid? fall under the schema:
This system is valid if and only if
it works properly and it is stable. A(x/c1 ) ∧ . . . ∧ A(x/cn ) ∧ ∀x(Ax → x = c1 ∨
Is it true that this system . . . ∨ x = cn )
works properly and it is stable?
where n ≥ 1 and c1 , . . . , cn are distinct individual
Is it true that this system constants.
works properly?
A question of the form (i) can be read, ‘Is it the
case that A1 , or is it the case that A2 , . . . , or is
YES. NO. it the case that An ?’. A question of the form (ii)
Is it true This system is not valid.
that this system
can be read, ‘Which x is such that Ax?’, whereas
is stable? a question of the form (iii) can be read, ‘What are
all of the x’s such that Ax?’.
For brevity, we will adopt a different nota-
This system is valid This system is not valid.
tion for some types of questions. A question
of the form ?{A, ¬A} (‘Is it the case that A?’)
For comparison of Inferential Erotetic Logic and J. Hin- will be abbreviated as ?A. The so-called (two-
tikka’s Interrogative Model of Inquiry (with interrogative
game as a central concept) see e.g. (Wiśniewski, 2004, argument) conjunctive questions, namely ?{A ∧
p. 139–140). B, A ∧ ¬B, ¬A ∧ B, ¬A ∧ ¬B} (to be read, ‘Is

it the case that A and is it the case that B?’), will
be abbreviated as ? ± |A, B| — cf. (Wiśniewski, if the main question is ?valid(s) and the
2003, p. 399). initial premise is
valid(s) ↔ prop(s) ∧ stable(s) then
Here is the exemplary e-scenario written in the
ask ?prop(s);
language L2 (valid stands for ‘system is valid’,
prop stands for ‘system works properly’, and
if the answer is prop(s) then
stable for ‘system is stable’; the letter ‘s’ is an ask ?stable(s);
individual constant, a name of the system):
?valid(s) if the answer is stable(s) then
valid(s) ↔ prop(s) ∧ stable(s) the answer to the main question is
?(prop(s) ∧ stable(s)) valid(s);
? ± |prop(s), stable(s)|
?prop(s) Algorithm 1: Instructions given by the
leftmost path of the exemplary e-scenario

prop(s) ¬prop(s)
?stable(s) ¬valid(s) sibly empty) set of d-wffs, X, and a question, Q1 .
Without going into details let us only say that Im
stable(s) ¬stable(s) ensures the following: (a) if Q has a true direct an-
valid(s) ¬valid(s) swer and X consists of truths, then Q1 has a true
direct answer as well (‘transmission of soundness
As above, the e-scenario has a tree-like struc-
and truth into soundness’), and (b) each direct an-
ture with the main question as the root and direct
swer to Q1 , if true, and if all the X-es are true,
answers to it as leaves. Other questions are aux-
narrows down the class at which a true direct an-
iliary. Either an auxiliary question has another
swer to Q can be found (‘open-minded cognitive
question as the immediate successor (cf. e.g.,
usefulness’). For details see (Wiśniewski, 2003).
‘?(prop(s) ∧ stable(s))’) or it has all the direct
Our exemplary e-scenario is based upon the fol-
answers to it as the immediate successors (cf. e.g.,
lowing logical facts (A and B perform here the
‘?prop(s)’). In the latter case the immediate suc-
role of metalinguistic variables for sentences of
cessors represent the possible ways in which the
L2 ):
relevant request for information can be satisfied,
and the structure of the e-scenario shows what fur- Im(?C, C ↔ A ∧ B, ?(A ∧ B))
ther information requests (if any) are to be satisfied Im(?(A ∧ B), ? ± |A, B|)
in order to arrive at an answer to the main question. Im(? ± |A, B|, A)
If an auxiliary question is a ‘branching point’ of an Im(? ± |A, B|, B)
e-scenario, it is called a query of the e-scenario.
Among auxiliary questions, only queries are to be 2 Erotetic Search Scenarios and basic
asked; the remaining auxiliary questions serve as cooperative answering behaviours
‘erotetic’ premises only.
In this section we will consider a very simple
An e-scenario consists of paths, each of which
(‘toy’) example of a database. The database will
leads from the main question through premises,
be in a deductive database form. This exemplary
auxiliary questions and answers to them, to a (di-
database (thereafter we will refer to it as DB) will
rect) answer to the initial question. Viewed prag-
serve as a testing field for e-scenarios applicability
matically, a path delivers some ‘if/then’ instruc-
in the domain of cooperative answering.
tions. For instance, the instructions given by the
leftmost path of our exemplary e-scenario are pre- Each deductive database consists of:
sented by Algorithm 1.
The key feature of e-scenarios is that auxiliary • Extensional database (EDB) — build out of
questions appear in them on the condition they facts,
are erotetically implied (in the sense of Inferen- • Intensional database (IDB) — build out of
tial Erotetic Logic). Erotetic implication, Im, is a rules,
semantical relation between a question, Q, a (pos- • Integrity constraints (IC).

For simplicity and notation coherence, we do
not use the Datalog notation usually applied in DATABASE DATALOG COOP.
similar contexts. Instead, we will be using the lan- ⇄ ⇄

guage L2 described in the previous section. IC
← user(p)
u(p) ¬u(p)
In our case EDB consists of the following facts USER
(where usr stands for ‘is a user’ and live stands Figure 1: Scheme of the cooperative database sys-
for ‘lives in’): tem using e-scenarios
usr(a) live(a, p)
usr(b) live(b, zg) Im(?A, C → A, ?{A, ¬A, C})
usr(c) live(c, p) Im(?{A, ¬A, C}, ?C)
usr(d) Im(?A, B1 ∧ B2 → A, B1 , A → B2 , ?B2 )
The IDB contains the following rules (where Here is the schema:
loc usr means ‘is a local user’):
loc usr(x) → usr(x) A → B1
A → B2
loc usr(x) → live(x, p)
B1 ∧ B2 → A
usr(x) ∧ live(x, p) → loc usr(x) ?{A, ¬A, B1 }
As for the IC, there is only one, saying that it is
not possible to live in zg and p at the same time. B1 ¬B1
?B2 ¬A
¬(∃x(live(x, zg) ∧ live(x, p)))
B2 ¬B2
Questions carried out against the DB may be
B1 ∧ B2 ¬A
polar questions asking if objects have some prop-
erties. For example, one can ask if object ai is
a ‘user’; this is expressed by ‘?usr(ai )’. A di- We may adapt the above schema to our specific
rect answer is either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ (expressed by needs, obtaining e-scenarios for the concepts that
usr(ai ) and ¬usr(ai ), respectively). But we may occur in DB. For instance, the relevant e-scenarios
as well ask about an example of an object satis- for questions of the form ‘Is ai a local user?’ fall
fying the condition ‘is a user’. This question is under the schema (we will refer to it as ESS1).
expressed in L2 by ‘?S(usr(x))’. We can also
ask of all the objects satisfying the condition ‘is ?loc usr(ai )
a user’, by means of ‘?U(usr(x))’. Then an loc usr(ai ) → usr(ai )
answer is supposed to list all the objects in the loc usr(ai ) → live(ai , p)
database having the property of being a user (e.g. usr(ai ) ∧ live(ai , p) → loc usr(ai )
‘usr(a) ∧ usr(b)’). ?{loc usr(ai ), ¬loc usr(ai ), usr(ai )}
E-scenarios are applied by a layer located be- ?usr(ai )
tween a user and the DB (let us call it a ‘cooper-
ative layer’). The layer proceeds a question asked
usr(ai ) ¬usr(ai )
by a user by carrying out the relevant auxiliary
?live(ai , p) ¬loc usr(ai )
questions/queries against the DB in a way deter-
mined by an e-scenario. The received answers to
queries are then transformed into an answer to the live(ai , p) ¬live(ai , p)
main question. The scheme of such a system is usr(ai ) ∧ live(ai , p) ¬loc usr(ai )
presented in Figure 1. loc usr(ai )
For the purposes of this paper we need to choose
some e-scenarios that might be used to work with Note that the IDB rules are used as premises of
the exemplary DB. Most of them will fall under the e-scenario.
a certain general schema; in designing the schema ESS1 should be regarded as a plan of question-
we rely on the following logical facts: ing for the main question. It tells us which sub-

sequent questions should be executed against the tive behaviors will be needed. First, let us consider
DB and in which order/when it should be done. the following question, ‘Is b a local user?’.
Let let us see how ESS1 may be executed Q2: Is b a local user?
against the DB. ?loc usr(b)
First, we consider an example of a question loc usr(b) → usr(b)
whose answer in view of the IDB is affirmative. loc usr(b) → live(b, p)
This will help us to understand how ESS1 is exe- usr(b) ∧ live(b, p) → loc usr(b)
cuted against the DB. The question is, ‘Is a is a lo- ?{loc usr(b), ¬loc usr(b), usr(b)}
cal user?’. The question is executed against IDB ?usr(b)
as follows:
Q1: Is a a local user? usr(b)
?loc usr(a) ?live(b, p)
loc usr(a) → usr(a)
¬live(b, p)
loc usr(a) → live(a, p)
¬loc usr(b)
usr(a) ∧ live(a, p) → loc usr(a)
?{loc usr(a), ¬loc usr(a), usr(a)} After ESS1 execution against the DB, one gets
?usr(a) the negative answer to the main question. How-
ever, negative answers to polar questions are of-
usr(a) ten less expected than affirmative ones; in some
?live(a, p) cases a negative answer can even be regarded as
a failure. But we can easily supplement a nega-
live(a, p) tive answer received with an explanation. We do
usr(a) ∧ live(a, p) it by making use of the path just executed and the
loc usr(a) premises involved. Here is an example of an ex-
answer: a is a local user (loc usr(a)),
since: answer: b is not a local user,
loc usr(b) → usr(b), since: loc usr(b) → usr(b),
loc usr → live(b, p), loc usr → live(b, p),
usr(b) ∧ live(b, p) → loc usr(b) usr(b) ∧ live(b, p) → loc usr(b)
and we know that: and we know that: b does not live in p
a is a user and a lives in p ?live(b, p): ¬live(b, p)
The explanation contains information about the
The diagram shows that only one path of ESS1 initial premises of the e-scenario (which reflect
has been ‘activated’ or ‘actualized’ in order to get IDB part of the DB) and confront them with
the answer (here the leftmost path). As long as gained pieces of information. What is more it
a successful execution of an e-scenario is con- points out the query that failed, so a user knows
cerned, this is always the case. To indicate the exactly what information was not obtained from
unrealized questioning options we left the corre- the DB.
sponding branches empty. For Q1 the process As the example shows, e-scenarios allow to
of ESS1 execution against the DB boils down, in generate explanations of this kind in a quite easy
essence, to carrying out two subsequent queries, way. The relevant procedure can be briefly de-
namely ‘?usr(a)’, and (after receiving the affir- scribed as follows.
mative answer ‘usr(a)’), the query ‘?live(a, p)’. We produce a list on the basis of the e-scenario’s
The answers obtained entail the affirmative answer part just activated. We enumerate elements of the
to the main question, which states that a is a local list consecutively; as a result we obtain an index,
user, ‘loc usr(a)’. This answer is then provided i.e. a sequence of indices.
(with additional explanations) to the user. Needles
to say, the answer received can be regarded as co- 1. ?loc usr(b)
operative. 2. loc usr(b) → usr(b)
Now we shall turn to other questions, chosen in 3. loc usr(b) → live(b, p)
such a manner that some more complex coopera-
4. usr(b) ∧ live(b, p) → loc usr(b)

5. ?{loc usr(b), ¬loc usr(b), usr(b)} Data: E-scenario path as a list with
6. ?usr(b) index (we will denote element
7. usr(b) of the list as e and element of
8. ?live(b, p) the index as i)
9. ¬live(b, p) Result: Additional explanations for
10. ¬loc usr(b) the answer to the initial
By means of the list we can identify the main 1 iq ← e with i = 1
question and the initial premises. The main ques- 2 answ iq ← e with max i
tion will be a formula of the form ? (i.e. formula 3 next q ← e of the form ? with min
beginning with the question mark ?’) with index i>1
number 1. Then we identify a formula of the form 4 inext q = i of next q
? that has the lowest index number greater than 5 premises ← e with 1 < i < inext q
1. Let the index number be k. All formulas with 6 f ailing q ← e of the form ? with
index numbers larger than 1 and lower than k are max i
the initial premises; we write them down consecu- 7 if ailing q = i of f ailing q
tively. 8 answer f ailing q ← e with
if ailing q + 1
2. loc usr(b) → usr(b) Algorithm 2: Generation of additional
3. loc usr(b) → live(b, p) explanations for the answer to the ini-
4. usr(b) ∧ live(b, p) → loc usr(b) tial question

The task of finding the next remaining element loc usr(b) → usr(b),
of the explanation reduces to the issue of finding, loc usr → live(b, p),
on the list, a formula of the form ? with the largest usr(b) ∧ live(b, p) → loc usr(b)
index number. In this way the last ‘active’ query and we know that: e is not a user
is identified. Then the query and the next element ?usr(e): ¬usr(e)
of the list (i.e. direct answer to this query) will be
used in the explanation. The next example illustrates how one can cope
with a misconception of a question asked by a user.
8. ?live(b, p) The question is: Does b live in zg and is a local
user? We apply an e-scenario of a slightly differ-
9. ¬live(b, p)
ent form than ESS13 , i.e.
A formal description of the procedure is pre- ?(live(ai , zg) ∧ loc usr(ai )
? ± |live(ai , zg), loc usr(ai )|
sented as Algorithm 2. ?loc usr(ai )
Let us now consider another example. By the loc usr(ai ) → usr(ai )
way, the example shows how e-scenarios can de- loc usr(ai ) → live(ai , p)
usr(ai ) ∧ live(ai , p) → loc usr(ai )
crease the number of queries executed agains the ?{loc usr(ai ), ¬loc usr(ai ), usr(ai )}
DB. The question is, ‘Is e a local user?’ ?usr(ai )
Q3: Is e a local user?
?loc usr(e) usr(ai ) ¬usr(ai )
loc usr(e) → usr(e) ?live(ai , p) ¬loc usr(ai )
loc usr(e) → live(e, p) ¬(live(ai , zg)∧
∧loc usr(ai ))
usr(e) ∧ live(e, p) → loc usr(e)
live(ai , p) ¬live(ai , p)
?{loc usr(e), ¬loc usr(e), usr(e)} usr(ai ) ∧ live(ai , p) ¬loc usr(ai )
?usr(e) loc usr(ai ) ¬(live(ai , zg)∧
?live(ai , zg) ∧loc usr(ai ))
¬loc usr(e) live(ai , zg) ¬live(ai , zg)
answer: e is not a local user (¬loc usr(e)), 3
An additional logical fact is used here, namely:
since: Im(?(A ∧ D), A, ?D).

Question Q4 is executed against to DB as fol- the process of ESS1 execution will always stay in
lows: connection with the main question. Consequently,
we may simply report the obtained answers to
Q4: Does b live in zg and is a local user?
queries to a user as a piece of information relevant
?(live(b, zg) ∧ loc usr(b)
to his/her question.
? ± |live(b, zg), loc usr(b)|
?loc usr(b) Q5: Is d a local user?
loc usr(b) → usr(b)
?loc usr(d)
loc usr(b) → live(b, p)
loc usr(d) → usr(d)
usr(b) ∧ live(b, p) → loc usr(b)
loc usr(d) → live(d, p)
?{loc usr(b), ¬loc usr(b), usr(b)}
usr(d) ∧ live(d, p) → loc usr(d)
?{loc usr(d), ¬loc usr(d), usr(d)}
usr(b) usr(d)
?live(b, p) ?live(d, p)
⊠ ⊠
¬live(b, p)
¬loc usr(b) answer: the answer is unknown, since:
¬(live(b, zg) ∧ loc usr(b)) loc usr(b) → usr(b),
A simple negative answer to the initial question loc usr → live(b, p),
will not make a user aware of the misconception usr(b) ∧ live(b, p) → loc usr(b)
in the question. But when explanations are added, and: query ?live(d, p) failed
a user can learn about the database schema and but we know that: d is a user
understand better the obtained answer.4
answer: no (¬(live(b, zg) ∧ loc usr(b))) 3 Summary and further works
since: b is not a local user (¬loc usr(b))
this is due to:
loc usr(b) → usr(b), I have presented here only some simple exam-
loc usr → live(b, p), ples of cooperative answering behaviours that can
usr(b) ∧ live(b, p) → loc usr(b) modelled by means of the e-scenarios framework.
and: ¬live(b, p) But, in my opinion, Inferential Erotetic Logic pro-
(correction of user’s misconception about the
DB schema) vides many useful tools for investigating the area
but we know that: usr(b) of cooperative answering. Erotetic Search Sce-
narios framework presented in this paper allows
Yet another example shows one of the possi- to join two focus points of cooperative answering
ble ways of dealing with information gaps in the research: question analysis and fundamental rea-
database. We ask if d is a local user. During ESS1 soning procedures — cf. (Benamara and Dizier,
execution against the DB a query fails since the re- 2003b, p. 63). It also allows to develop techniques
quested information is not present in the database which are domain unspecific (in contrast to limited
(this is indicated by the ⊠ symbol on the schema domains systems like the WEBCOOP developed
below). From this point, a further execution of by Benamara and Dizier (2003a), (2003b)).
ESS1 is no longer possible. However the exe-
cuted part of the e-scenario enables us to gener- Future works will concentrate mainly on in-
ate a sensible explanation of this fact and to report corporating techniques developed in (Gal, 1988)
the gained information relevant to the main ques- (based on integrity constraints processing) into
tion. Let us stress that the information gained in presented framework. Also new algorithmic pro-
cedures working on e-scenarios that enable imple-
At this stage of this research integrity constraints are not mentations of specific cooperative techniques will
employed in the process of generating cooperative answers
using e-scenarios. However concerning techniques and re- be developed. The area of automatic generation
sults presented in (Gal, 1988) it would be necessary to incor- of premises for e-scenarios using Formal Concept
porate IC into e-scenarios’ premises to obtain better cooper- Analysis will also be explored.
ative behaviours (especially when users’ misconceptions are

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Accommodating innovative meaning in dialogue

Staffan Larsson
University of Gothenburg

Abstract take on the meaning accordingly1 .

In the following, we will first introduce the ba-
Meaning accommodation occurs when a sics of the TTR framework (section 2). We then
dialogue participant learns new meanings review earlier work on learning meaning from cor-
by observing utterances in context and rective feedback, and discuss how various aspects
adapting to the way linguistic expressions of meaning can be represented using TTR (section
are used. This paper sketches a formal ac- 5). The following two sections show how we use
count of meaning accommodation, focus- TTR to represent multiple aspects of lexical mean-
ing on the detection of subjectively inno- ing, including “perceptual type”. Section 6 intro-
vative uses of an expression. It also pro- duces the notion of meaning accommodation and
vides an example of adaptation of lexical briefly describes an experiment demonstrating that
meaning to accommodate innovation. children can learn lexical meaning using meaning
accommodation. Sections 7 and 8 explain how
1 Introduction contexts are represented using TTR and provide
Two agents do not need to share exactly the same an example of “normal” contextual interpretation.
linguistic resources (grammar, lexicon etc.) in or- In section 9 we define a notion of innovation that
der to be able to communicate, and an agent’s we use to detect innovation in an example interac-
linguistic resources can change during the course tion where normal contextual interpretation breaks
of a dialogue when she is confronted with a (for down, and specify the meaning update resulting
her) innovative use. For example, research on from this interaction.
alignment shows that agents negotiate domain-
specific microlanguages for the purposes of dis- 2 TTR
cussing the particular domain at hand (Clark and The received view in formal semantics (Kaplan,
Wilkes-Gibbs, 1986; Pickering and Garrod, 2004; 1979) assumes that there are abstract and context-
Brennan and Clark, 1996; Healey, 1997; Larsson, independent “literal” meanings (utterance-type
2007). We use the term semantic coordination to meaning; Kaplan’s “character”) which can be re-
refer to the process of interactively coordinating garded formally as functions from context to con-
the meanings of linguistic expressions. tent; on each occasion of use, the context deter-
Several mechanisms are available for seman- mines a specific content (utterance-token mean-
tic coordination in dialogue. These include cor- ing). Abstract meanings are assumed to be static
rective feedback, where one DP implicitly cor- and are not affected by language use in specific
rects the way an expression is used by another DP, contexts. Traditional formal semantics is thus ill-
as well as explicit definitions and negotiations of equipped to deal with semantic coordination, be-
meanings. However, it also possible to coordinate cause of its static view of meaning.
silently, by DPs observing the language use of oth-
ers and adapting to it. We regard semantic coordination in first language acqui-
sition as a special case of semantic coordination in general,
This paper aims towards a formal account of wherethere is a clear asymmetry between the agents involved
learning meanings from observation and accom- with respect to expertise in the language being acquired when
modation in dialogue. The examples we present a child and an adult interact. However, we believe that the
mechanisms for semantic coordination used in these situa-
are from first language acquisition, where the child tions are similar to those which are used when competent
detects innovative (for her) uses and adapts her adult language users coordinate their language.

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by83
the author(s)
We shall make use of type theory with records as explanation of this notion:
(TTR) as characterized in Cooper (2005) and else- " #
where. The advantage of TTR is that it integrates ref : Ind h i
/ ref : Ind
logical techniques such as binding and the lambda- c : glove(ref)
h i h i
calculus into feature-structure like objects called ref=obj123 : Ind / ref : Ind
record types. Thus we get more structure than in a
traditional formal semantics and more logic than is Below, we will also have use for an operator for
available in traditional unification-based systems. combining record types. The ∧. operator works as
The feature structure like properties are important follows. Suppose that we have two record types
for developing similarity metrics on meanings and C1 and C2 :
for the straightforward definition of meaning mod- " #
ifications involving refinement and generalization. x : Ind
The logical aspects are important for relating our C1 =
cclothing : clothing(x)
semantics to the model and proof theoretic tradi- " #
x : Ind
tion associated with compositional semantics. C2 =
cphysobj : physobj(x)
We will now briefly introduce the TTR for-
malism. If a1 : T1 , a2 : T2 (a1 ), . . . , an : C1 ∧ C2 is a type. In general if T1 and T2
Tn (a1 , a2 , . . . , an−1 ), the record to the left is of are types then T1 ∧ T2 is a type and a : T1 ∧ T2
the record type to the right: iff a : T1 and a : T2 . A meet type T1 ∧ T2

l1 = a1
 of two record types can be simplified to a new
 l2 = a2  record type by a process similar to unification
in feature-based systems. We will represent the
 
 
 

 ln =

an  simplified type by putting a dot under the symbol
... ∧. Thus if T1 and T2 are record types then there
will be a type T1 ∧. T2 equivalent to T1 ∧ T2 (in the
is of type: sense that a will be of the first type if and only if

l1 : T1

it is of the second type).
 l2 : T2 (l1 )   
x : Ind
 
 
C1 ∧. C2 = cphysobj : physobj(x) 
   
ln : Tn (l1 , l2 , . . . , ln−1 )
cclothing : clothing(x)
Types constructed with predicates may also be
dependent. This is represented by the fact that ar- The operation ∧. corresponds to unification in
guments to the predicate may be represented by feature-based systems and its definition (which we
labels used on the left of the ‘:’ elsewhere in the omit here) is similar to the graph unification algo-
record type. rithm.
Some of our types will contain manifest fields
3 Learning compositional and
(Coquand et al., 2004) like the ref-field in the fol-
ontological meaning from corrective
lowing type:
" # feedback and explicit definition
ref=obj123 : Ind
This section gives a brief overview of the work
c : glove(ref)
presented in (Cooper and Larsson, 2009) , which
h i will be useful as a backdrop to the description of
ref=obj123:Ind is a convenient notation for
h i meaning accommodation. It will also introduce
ref : Indobj123 where Indobj123 is a singleton some important concepts which we will be mak-
type. If a : T , then Ta is a singleton type and ing use of later.
b : Ta (i.e. b is of type Ta ) iff b = a. Manifest Recent research on first language acquisition
fields allow us to progressively specify what val- (Clark, 2007; Saxton, 2000) argues that the
ues are required for the fields in a type. learning process crucially relies on negative input,
An important notion in this kind of type theory including corrective feedback. We see corrective
is that of subtype. Formally, T1 / T2 means that feedback as part of the process of negotiation of a
T1 is a subtype of T2 . Two examples will suffice language between two agents. Here is one of the

examples of corrective feedback that we discuss In the Gloves example, after the father’s
in connection with our argument for this position: utterance of “gloves”, Naomi could use syntactic
alignment to understand this term as a noun
“Gloves” example (Clark, 2007): with the corresponding kind of compositional
• Naomi: mittens " #
x : Ind
• Father: gloves. GloveCompSem =
cglove : glove’(x)

• Naomi: gloves. In this way, compositional semantics can be de-

rived from corrective feedback in dialogue. How-
• Father: when they have fingers in them they ever, compositional semantics of this kind does
are called gloves and when the fingers are all not reveal very much, if anything, about the de-
put together they are called mittens. tails of word semantics unless we add ontological
We think that an important component in cor- The ontological semantics of a lexical expres-
rective feedback of this kind is syntactic align- sion describes how the concept associated with
ment, that is, alignment of the correcting utterance the expression relates to other relevant concepts in
with the utterance which is being corrected. This an ontology. Provided that Naomi learns from the
is a rather different sense of alignment than that interaction that gloves are also a kind of clothing,
associated with the negotiation of a common lan- Naomi’s glove class after the first utterance by the
guage, although the two senses are closely linked. father is the following type
By “syntactic alignment” here we mean something  
related to the kind of alignment that is used in x : Ind
parallel corpora. It provides a way of computing 
 cglove : glove0 (x) 

parallelism between the two utterances. Syntac- cphysobj : physobj(x)
 
 
tic alignment may not be available in all cases but cclothing : clothing(x)
when it is, it seems to provide an efficient way of The father’s second utterance contains a partial
identifying what the target of the correction is. but explicit definition of the ontology of gloves
Following Montague (1974) and Blackburn and mittens:
and Bos (2005) compositional semantics can
be predicted from syntactic information such as • Father: when they have fingers in them they
category. For example, for common nouns we are called gloves and when the fingers are all
may use the formula put together they are called mittens.
When integrating this utterance, Naomi may
commonNounSemantics(N ) = λxN 0 (x) modify her take on the ontological semantics so
that after this update the meanings for “glove0 ’
or, using TTR, will be:
 
h i h )= i x : Ind
λr: x : Ind ( c : N 0 (r.x) ) c
 glove : glove (x)

 physobj : physobj(x)

cclothing : clothing(x)
 
There is an obvious relationship between this 

function and the record type chandclothing : handclothing(x) 
" # cwithoutfingers : withoutfingers(x)
x : Ind
c : N 0 (x) 4 Perceptual type
It is clear that the compositional function can In this paper, we will add a further aspect of mean-
be derived from the record type (but we will not ing, namely perceptual type (or perceptual mean-
provide a general definition of this derivation here ing).
due to space limitations). We will use the record For our current purposes, we will represent per-
type representation in the remainder of this paper. ceptual meaning as a record type specifying and

individual and one or more propositions indicat- 6 Meaning accommodation
ing that the individual is of a certain perceptual
type, i.e., that it has certain physically observable To show how meaning can be learnt by observa-
characteristics. tions of language use, (Carey and Bartlett, 1978)
The word “glove0 ’, for example, may be associ- set up an experiment based on nonsense words to
ated with a certain shape: mimic the circumstances in which children natu-
rally encounter new words. The subjects were 3-
" = # and 4-year olds. To enable testing for learning ef-
x : Ind fects, they used the nonsense word: “chromium”
cglove−shape : glove-shape(x) to refer to the colour olive.They use it in the nor-
Propositions, i.e., types which are constructed mal (nursery school) classroom activity of prepar-
with predicates, are sometimes referred to as ing snack time. In the experiment, one cup painted
“types of proof”. The idea is that something of this olive, and another was painted red. The adult test
type would be a proof that a given individual has leader says to the child “Bring me the chromium
a certain property. One can have different ideas of cup; not the red one, the chromium one.”. All chil-
what kind of objects count as proofs. For subsym- dren picked the right cup; however, this could be
bolic aspects of meaning, we are assuming that the done by focusing on the contrast “not the red one”
proof-objects are readings from sensors. Thus, we without attending to the word “chromium”.
assume that GlovePercType above will be inhab- The results indicated that a very low number of
ited if the agent detects a glove-shaped object in exposures (five) had influenced the child’s nam-
the context. ing of olive and had effected a lexical entry for
“chromium” which in many cases included that it
5 Aspects of meaning in TTR was a colour term, and in some cases knowledge
Since all aspects of meaning can be modified as of its referent. Some learning seems to occur after
a result of language use in dialogue, we want our a single exposure, at least sometimes. Based on
account of semantic innovation and semantic up- this, it was concluded that acquisition proceeds in
dates to include several aspects of lexical meaning. two phases. Firstly, fast mapping resulting from
In this section, we will show how multiple aspects one or a few exposures to the new word; this in-
of lexical meaning can be represented using TTR. cludes only a fraction of the total information con-
Each lexical meaning representation in the stituting full learning of the word, and typically
lexicon can be structured according to the above includes hyponym relations. Secondly, extended
aspects of meaning. mapping over several months, by which children
 
arrive at full acquisition, including the ability to
comp : GloveCompSem identify and name new instances. The experiment
[glove] =  class

: GloveClass

 demonstrates learning from exposure without cor-
perc : GlovePercType rective feedback, and shows that both ontological
information and perceptual type can be learnt in
A simplified representation can be obtained by
this way.
collapsing the distinctions between the different
In accommodating innovative meanings, the in-
aspects of meaning.2 .
novation can concern either a new word for the DP,
as in the experiment with “chromium”, or a known
. [glove] = [glove].comp ∧. [glove].class ∧.
word which is used in a new way. In the latter case,
[glove].perc =
  the needs to identify a way of using an expression
x : Ind
c 0 that deviates from the way that expression is usu-
 glove : glove (x)

ally used (in the DP’s subjective experience).

cphysobj : physobj(x)
 

cclothing : clothing(x)

 Below, we will propose a formalisation of the
cglove−shape : glove-shape(x) notion of innovative use of a known linguistic ex-
pression, in terms of a relation between the context
We define the operator as follows: of utterance and the meaning of an expression. We

: T1
 will also provide an illustrative example which in-
If T =  ... cludes the semantic updates resulting from the ac-
, then T = T1 ∧. . . . ∧. Tn .
`n : Tn commodation.

" #
7 Representing contexts in TTR BG = . . .
FG = . . .
To represent individual dialogue participants’
takes on contexts3 , we will use record types with λt/BG(FG)
manifest fields. This allows our context to be un-
derspecified, reflecting the fact that an agent may The functional version takes as argument a
not have a complete representation of the environ- record type t which is a subtype of the background
ment. For example, an agent may entertain some meaning of the uttered expression (typically a con-
propositions without necessarily having a proof text containing manifest fields representing ob-
for them, or know of the existence of certain ob- jects in the environment and propositions about
jects without having identified them. these objects), and returns a record type corre-
In first language acquisition, learning of percep- sponding to the foreground meaning. Contextual
tual type typically takes place in contexts where interpretation amounts to applying this function to
the referent is in the shared focus of attention and the context. After contextual interpretation, we as-
thus perceivable to the dialogue participants, and sume that the content of the utterance in question
for the time being we limit our analysis to such is to be added to the information state (Traum and
cases. For our current purposes, we assume that Larsson, 2003) of the interpreting agent, which we
our DPs are able to establish a shared focus of at- here will take to be identical the agent’s take on the
tention, and we will designate the label “focobj” context4 .
for the object or objects taken by a DP to be in To illustrate contextual interpretation, we will
shared focus. use a modified version of the “gloves” example,
We assume that a DP’s take on the context may where Naomi simply observes an utterance by
be amended during interpretation by checking the Father:
environment (Knoeferle and Crocker, 2006). That
is, the take on the context against which an utter- Modified “Gloves” example:
ance is interpreted and evaluated may not be iden-
tical to the DP’s take on the context prior to the in-
• (Naomi is putting on her new gloves)
terpretation process. We will not be going into de-
tails of incremental interpretation here, however.
• Father: Those are nice gloves!
8 Contextual interpretation for
non-innovative uses In this section, we will assume that Naomi is
familiar with the term “gloves” and assigns it the
As a backdrop for our discussion of how to de- standard (in the community of adult speakers of
tect innovation, we will first show how “normal” English) lexical meaning.
contextual interpretation, in the absence of inno-
vations, is assumed to work. V N aomi =
. [glove]
For our current purposes, we will not go into  
x : Ind
details of compositional analysis, but instead c 0
 glove : glove (x)

provide the resulting semantic representation of 
cphysobj : physobj(x)
 
the meaning of a whole utterance. We will follow

 
cclothing : clothing(x) 
Kaplan in assuming this result to be a function
cglove−shape : glove-shape(x)
from context to content. Parts of the meaning is
foregrounded, and which parts are backgrounded. We assume that Naomi’s take on the meaning of
Background meaning (BG) represents constraints the sentence uttered by Father is the following
on the context, whereas foreground material (FG) (using record type notation):
is the information to be added to the context by
the utterance in question. We can represent this [Those are nice gloves]N aomi =
either as a record or as a function:
In a complete model including both information sharing,
dialogue management and semantic coordination the infor-
Occasionally and somewhat sloppily referred to as “con- mation state would probably need to be more complex than
texts” below. this.

  
focobj : Ind We want a formal notion of innovativeness
c 0
 glove : glove (focobj) which we can use to detect innovative uses of
 
 
BG = cphysobj : physobj(focobj)
  
 
 linguistic expressions. The underlying intuition
 cclothing : clothing(focobj)  is that the meaning of an expression should say
 
h cglove−shape : glove-shape(focobj) something about the kind of context in which it
 
 i 
FG = cnice : nice0 (BG.focobj) can be (non-innovatively) used. But how, exactly?
Intuitively, contextual interpretation can go
Of course, we are skipping over a lot here, in- wrong in at least the following ways:
cluding a compositional analysis and TTR analy-
ses of “those”, “are” and “nice”. We also ignore 1. Some information presupposed by the ex-
the complication that “gloves” refers to a pair of pression contradicts some information in the
gloves. Furthermore, we assume that the deictic context; we refer to this as background incon-
“those” picks out the object in shared focus of at- sistency.
tention (focobj).
Now for the context. We assume that when 2. Some content conveyed by the utterance of
interpreting Father’s utterance, Naomi perceives the expression contradicts something in the
her gloves to be in shared focus. Her take on the context; we refer to this as foreground incon-
situation includes the fact that they are gloves, sistency.
that they have a certain appearance, and a certain
Formally, these intuitions can be captured as
ontological status.
follows. An expression e is innovative in context
c if there is a mismatch between e and c in either
cN aomi =
focobj=a : Ind
 of the following ways6 :
 c
 glove : glove0 (focobj) 
 1. c is inconsistent with the backgrounded
 cphysobj : physobj(focobj)
 
meaning BG of e, formally [e].BG . c ≈ ⊥
 V
 
 cclothing : clothing(focobj)
(background inconsistency)

cglove−shape : glove-shape(focobj)
This allows us to do contextual interpretation 2. the content [e]c of e in c is inconsistent with
c, formally c . [e]c ≈ ⊥ (foreground inconsis-
by applying (the function version of ) . [Those
are nice gloves]N aomi to cN aomi :
This definition follows naturally from how con-
[Those are nice gloves]N c
aomi =
textual interpretation works. Recall that meaning
[Those are nice gloves]N aomi (cN aomi ) =
h i can be seen as a function from context to con-
cnice : nice0 (focobj) tent, where background meaning serves as a con-
straint in the context. The definition of innova-
This record type can then be used to extend the tion checks that it will be possible to apply the
information state (context). Note that nice0 will meaning-function to the context, by checking that
now be predicated of the individual a labeled by the context is consistent with the constraints im-
focobj in the context. posed by the backgrounded meaning, and that the
resulting contextual interpretation will be consis-
9 Formalising innovation tent with the context.
This section provides a TTR analysis of the first In cases where an innovative use is detected,
part of meaning accommodation, i.e. detection “normal” contextual interpretation breaks down
of an innovative use. Detecting innovation when and needs to be fixed, either by objecting to
a word is completely novel is relatively trivial; or questioning this usage7 , or by adapting one’s
one only needs to recognise that it is not a word 6
Due to space limitations we do not formally define in-
one has heard before5 . We will instead focus on consistency here. For current purposes, it suffices to say that
a record type is inconsistent (equivalent to ⊥) if it contains a
the case where a known expression is used with a proposition and its negation.
(subjectively) innovative meaning. 7
Background and foreground inconsistencies differ in
how they can be rejected. While foreground inconsisten-
This is not to say that assigning a meaning to the new cies can be rejected by saying simply “that’s not true”, back-
word is in any sense trivial. ground inconsistencies cannot be rejected in this way. A more

take on the meaning8 . We refer to the latter as something like
meaning-accommodation. Modification by addi-
tion or deletion of fields may be necessary to make cN aomi = 
the meaning non-innovative. focobj=a : Ind
As an example of meaning accommodation that  physobj : physobj(focobj)

 clothing : clothing(focobj)

shows the relation between this kind of learning 
cwoolly−texture : woolly-texture(focobj)
 
and the case of corrective feedback described 

chandclothing−shape : handclothing-shape(focobj)
above, we will again use the modified “gloves”
example. Here, we wish to illustrate what happens cnot−shiny−texture : not(shiny-texture(focobj))
when a previously known word is encountered The cnot−shiny−texture field can either result
with a different meaning. We therefore assume, from consulting the environment by checking
for the sake of argument, that Naomi initially has whether a shiny texture cannot be detected on
a concept of gloves. We will assume that Naomi focobj, or by inference from the proposition in
takes “gloves” as having a perceptual type distinct cwoolly−texture .
for that of “mittens”. However, again for the sake Now, according to our definition of innovation,
of argument, we assume that she is mistaken as to Naomi will detect a background inconsistency in
the nature of this difference; for example, she may that [Those are nice gloves].BG . cN aomi = ⊥.
disregard the difference in shape and instead think The inconsistency of course stems from the pres-
that mittens and gloves have different textures ence of a proposition (shiny-texture(focobj)) and
(e.g. that gloves are shiny whereas mittens are its negation in the combined record. Contextual
woolly). interpretation will thus fail, since the meaning-
V function cannot be applied to the context9 .
[glove]N aomi = Figuring out exactly how to modify “glove0 ’ in
. 
x : Ind the above example is non-trivial and potentially
c 0
 glove : glove (x) depends on a complex mix of different contex-

 physobj : physobj(x) tual factors and other clues. It is fairly clear to

cclothing : clothing(x) English speakers what Naomi should do: the per-
 

ceptual type assigned to “glove0 ’ needs to be al-
 
cshiny−texture : shiny-texture(x) 
chandclothing−shape : handclothing-shape(x) tered by taking the difference in shape between
That is, Naomi thinks that mittens and gloves gloves and mittens into account, and by disre-
both have a common shape, but that they differ in garding the mistaken importance of difference in
texture. This means that the meaning of Father’s texture. Naomi would then arrive at the concept
utterance will be of “glove0 ’ presented above in section 5, which
would yield a meaning of Father’s utterance which
N aomi = would be consistent with Naomi’s take on the con-
[Those are
 nice gloves]
  text (which would now, as a consequence, dis-
focobj : Ind
regard texture but include that focobj is glove-
cglove : glove0 (focobj)
  
 

cphysobj : physobj(focobj)
 shaped). In fact, both meaning and context would
 
BG = cclothing : clothing(focobj)
 be as described in section 8.
 
 Note that as a result of contextual interpretation,
 shiny−texture : shiny-texture(focobj)
 
Naomi has not only interpreted Father’s utterance

chandclothing−shape : handclothing- 
  

  but as an effect of fixing an context-meaning mis-
 shape(focobj) 
 h
i  match she has also arrived at a new potential lexi-
FG = cnice : nice (FG.focobj) cal meaning of “glove0 ’.
When encountering Father’s utterance, we The different aspects of meaning of an expres-
take it that the relevant take on the context for 9
In this description, we are leaving out a complicating
evaluating and understanding the utterance is aspect of contextual interpretation, namely how background
fields may be coerced to the foreground if they do not cor-
appropriate reaction to a background inconsistency is to issue respond to anything in the context (Cooper, 2005). If one
a clarification request regarding the faulty expression, in our tried to apply a function with background inconsistency to a
example something like “glove?”. context this would trigger coercion of the inconsistent mate-
Arguably, a further option should be included: to adapt rial to the foreground (since it does not match anything in the
one’s take on the context. context) which would result in a foreground inconsistency.

sion are not independent. For example, additions Samuel Carey and E. Bartlett. 1978. Acquiring a sin-
to ontological semantics may be echoed by addi- gle new word. Papers and Reports on Child Lan-
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“when they have fingers in them they are called 36:157–82.
gloves and when the fingers are all put together Robin Cooper and Staffan Larsson. 2009. Com-
they are called mittens”, Naomi could use this as a positional and ontological semantics in learning
basis for constructing a “glove-detector” based on from corrective feedback and explicit definition. In
Jens Edlund, Joakim Gustafson, Anna Hjalmarsson,
existing knowledge of the appearance of fingers.
and Gabriel Skantze, editors, Proceedings of Dia-
Nevertheless, learning to properly identify gloves Holmia, 2009 Workshop on the Semantics and Prag-
may take some time and require many exposures matics of Dialogue.
to instances of gloves.
Robin Cooper. 2005. Austinian truth, attitudes and
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10 Conclusion and future work tion, 3:333–362.
The work presented here is part of a research Thierry Coquand, Randy Pollack, and Makoto
agenda aiming towards a formal account of se- Takeyama. 2004. A logical framework with de-
mantic coordination in dialogue. Here, we have pendently typed records. Fundamenta Informaticae,
focused on formalising a notion of (semantic) in-
novation which is central to meaning accommoda- P.G.T. Healey. 1997. Expertise or expertese?: The
tion. We have provided an example involving the emergence of task-oriented sub-languages. In M.G.
Shafto and P. Langley, editors, Proceedings of the
detection of a subjectively innovative use of an ex- 19th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science
pression, and the adaptation of a lexical meaning Society, pages 301–306.
to accommodate this innovation.
D. Kaplan. 1979. Dthat. In P. Cole, editor, Syntax and
Apart from filling in the details missing from Semantics v. 9, Pragmatics, pages 221–243. Aca-
the present account (such as a full compositional demic Press, New York.
analysis), future work on meaning accommoda-
Pia Knoeferle and Matthew W. Crocker. 2006. The
tion includes providing general formal accounts of coordinated interplay of scene, utterance, and world
(1) how to determine when to do meaning accom- knowledge: Evidence from eye tracking. Cognitive
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(as opposed to rejecting it), and (2) deciding ex- Staffan Larsson. 2007. Coordinating on ad-hoc se-
actly how to modify a concept to accommodate an mantic systems in dialogue. In Proceedings of the
innovative use. 10th workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of
Acknowledgments Richard Montague. 1974. Formal Philosophy: Se-
lected Papers of Richard Montague. Yale University
This research was supported by The Swedish Bank
Press, New Haven. ed. and with an introduction by
Tercentenary Foundation Project P2007/0717, Se- Richmond H. Thomason.
mantic Coordination in Dialogue.
Martin J. Pickering and Simon Garrod. 2004. Toward
a mechanistic psychology of dialogue. Behavioral
and Brain Sciences, 27(02):169–226, April.
Matthew Saxton. 2000. Negative evidence and nega-
Patrick Blackburn and Johan Bos. 2005. Represen-
tive feedback: immediate effects on the grammati-
tation and Inference for Natural Language: A First
cality of child speech. First Language, 20(3):221–
Course in Computational Semantics. CSLI Studies
in Computational Linguistics. CSLI Publications,
Stanford. David Traum and Staffan Larsson. 2003. The in-
formation state approach to dialogue management.
S. E. Brennan and H. H. Clark. 1996. Conceptual In Ronnie Smith and Jan Kuppevelt, editors, Cur-
pacts and lexical choice in conversation. Journal of rent and New Directions in Discourse & Dialogue.
Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Cognition, 22:482–493.

Generalized quantifiers and clarification content

Robin Cooper
University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg, Sweden

Abstract clarification data that Purver and Ginzburg cite.

We will first consider (in Section 2) the anatomy
Purver and Ginzburg introduce the Reprise of generalized quantifiers and the latest version
Content Hypothesis (RCH) and use it to of the Purver and Ginzburg proposal presented
argue for a non-generalized quantifier ap- by Ginzburg (forthcoming). We will then look
proach to certain quantifiers. Here we will at some theoretical possibilities for how general-
contrast their approach with an approach ized quantifiers might be clarified (Section 3). We
which employs a more classical general- will then review the data concerning the clarifica-
ized quantifier analysis and examine what tion of quantifiers that Purver and Ginzburg have
predictions it has for possible clarifica- presented (Section 4) concentrating mainly on the
tions and reexamine the data which Purver kinds of clarifications they involve whereas Purver
and Ginzburg present in the light of this. and Ginzburg concentrated on the types of clarifi-
cation requests. Finally, we will draw some gen-
1 Introduction eral conclusions about the relationship between
Ginzburg (forthcoming) and previous work clarifications and quantifiers in Section 5.
(Purver and Ginzburg, 2004; Ginzburg and
Purver, 2008) introduce the Reprise Content 2 The anatomy of generalized quantifiers
Hypothesis (RCH) and use it to argue for a
The anatomy of quantified propositions can be
non-generalized quantifier approach to certain
characterized using TTR (Cooper, 2005; Cooper,
quantifiers. RCH comes in two versions and is
forthcoming) and the analysis of non-dynamic
stated in Ginzburg (forthcoming) as
generalized quantifiers presented in (Cooper,
RCH (weak) A fragment reprise question queries 2004) as the type in (1).
a part of the standard semantic content of the  
fragment being reprised. restr : Prop
(1)  scope : Prop
 

RCH (strong) A fragment reprise question cq : q(restr,scope)
queries exactly the standard semantic content
of the fragment being reprised.
Here we use the idea from type theory that the
They argue for the strong variant and then use intuitive notion of proposition is represented by
this to draw consequences for the semantic con- a type (known under the slogan “propositions as
tent of quantified noun phrases in general, claim- types”). In particular we shall use a record type
ing that this provides a strengthening of the con- as in the TTR analyses we have been developing.
straints placed on semantic interpretation by com- The idea is that the proposition is “true” if there
positionality. is something of the type and “false” if the type is
In this paper, we will question this conclusion, empty. The first field represents the restriction of
arguing that a more classical generalized quanti- the quantifier (corresponding to the common noun
fier analysis, recast in terms of type theory with phrase such as thief ) which is required to be of
records, not only provides a more adequate cover- type “property”. We take Prop
h toi be an abbrevia-
age of the basic compositional semantics but also tion for the function type x:Ind →RecType, that
accounts in an explanatory way for the reprise is, the type of functions from records with a field

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by91
the author(s)
labelled ‘x’ for an individual to record types (cor- tague, (1974), Chapter 8: ‘The Proper Treatment
responding to the intuitive notion of proposition). of Quantification in Ordinary English’). So, for
The second field represents the scope of the example, the content of the noun phrase a thief
quantifier, also required to be a property. If the will be a function from properties to record types
quantifier corresponds to a noun phrase in subject where the scope field has been abstracted over:
position the scope corresponds to a verb phrase
such as broke in here last night. (3) λP:Prop 
The third field represents a constraint requiring restr=‘thief ’ : Prop
that a certain quantifier relation q hold between ( scope=P : Prop )
 

the two properties. For example, if q is the ex- c∃ : ∃(restr,scope)

istential quantifier relation (corresponding to the
English determiner a or singular count some) then It is normally an object like that represented in
the relation will hold just in case there is an object (3) that is considered as a generalized quantifier,
which has both the restriction and the scope prop- following the presentation of generalized quanti-
erty. q(restr,scope) also represents a type. We can fiers in Barwise and Cooper (1981) as sets of sets.
think of it as the type of witnesses for the quan- It is this view that Purver and Ginzburg seek to ar-
tifier relation holding between the two properties. gue against. However, it must be emphasized that
So in the case of the existential a witness would be the essential component of generalized quantifier
something which has both properties ‘restr’ and theory is the use of the relation between proper-
‘scope’. If there is no such object then this type ties (or sets) to represent quantification. The use
will be empty. of the lambda calculus in (3) can be regarded as a
An object will be of this record type if it is a kind of glue to get the compositional semantics to
record containing at least three fields with the la- work out. (This is the kind of view of the lambda
bels in the type (labels may only occur once in calculus as a glue language which is presented by
a record or record type) and values of the types Blackburn and Bos (2005).) If you have another
required by the record type. Thus if there is no way to engineer the compositional semantics then
witness for the quantifier constraint type ‘cq ’ then you could abandon the kind of lambda abstraction
there will not be anything of the quantified propo- used in (3) but still use the generalized quantifier
sition type of the form (1) either. A particular notion of relations between sets.
example of a quantified proposition will be a re- Now let us consider (4).
finement of the type in (1). If we represent the  " #
property of being a thief informally as ‘thief ’, the x:{Ind}
(4)  r:most(x,student) 

property corresponding to broke in here last night
as ‘bihln’ and the existential quantifier relation as cont:left(q-params.x)
∃, then the type corresponding to the proposition
corresponding to a thief broke in here last night This a representation for most students left pro-
would be (2). posed by Ginzburg (forthcoming) in his TTR re-
  casting of the Purver and Ginzburg approach to
restr=‘thief ’ : Prop quantification. It requires that there be a set ‘x’
(2)  scope=‘bihln’ : Prop which is what Barwise and Cooper (1981) would
 

c∃ : ∃(restr,scope) call a witness for the quantifier ‘most(student)’,
that is, some set containing most students. In
where the type Prop has been restricted to be the addition it requires that the predicate ‘left’ holds
singleton type which contains exactly the prop- (collectively) for that set (which we may inter-
erty ‘thief ’ in the restriction field and the prop- pret as the predicate ‘left’ holding individually of
erty ‘bihln’ in the scope field. Note that what each member of the witness).1 This analysis is,
makes this a crucially generalized quantifier ap- 1
Note that the notion of witness for a quantifier introduced
proach to quantified propositions is the use of the by Barwise and Cooper is different from the notion of witness
quantifier relation which holds between two prop- for a quantified sentence which we discussed above. The set
erties and not the use of abstraction over properties of witnesses for a quantifier is the set of objects which poten-
tially could be witnesses for the whole quantified sentence.
in the compositional treatment of noun phrase in- A witness for the sentence will be a witness for the quanti-
terpretations according to Montague’s style (Mon- fier, but a witness for the quantifier will not necessarily be a

then, also a generalized quantifier analysis. It dif- This separation of the glue function of the
fers from the previous one in that it emphasizes lambda calculus and the analysis of quantified ut-
the witness set and uses a different relation be- terances in terms of generalized quantifier rela-
tween sets for the quantifier relation, namely a tions between sets leads me to suppose that Purver
relation between a witness set and the set corre- and Ginzburg’s objection is not so much to gen-
sponding to what we called the restriction previ- eralized quantifiers as such as to the use of Mon-
ously. The witness quantifier relation is ‘most’ tague’s lambda calculus based approach to compo-
in (4). This analysis works well for monotone sitional semantics. This leads me to go back and
increasing quantifiers. However, as Purver and reconsider their data in terms of the original gener-
Ginzburg (2004) point out, it is more problem- alized quantifier relation. Whereas they focussed
atic with monotone decreasing quantifiers since their attention mainly on the clarification request,
there you have to check the witness set against we will focus ours mainly on the clarification it-
the restriction and the scope in a different way. In self.
that paper they go through a number of different
options for solving the problem, finally coming
to a preference for treating monotone decreasing 3 Potential clarification requests and
quantifiers as the negation of monotone increas- clarifications
ing quantifiers. That suggests to me that the repre-
sentation for few students left corresponding to the We might expect clarifications corresponding to
analysis in (4) should be something like (5). each of the three fields, that is, the restriction, the
  " #  scope and the quantifier constraint. In the case
x:{Ind} of the quantifier constraint we might expect the
(5) c:¬( r:many(x,student) )
 
quantifier relation to be clarified or the witness.
cont:left(q-params.x) We consider two kinds of clarifications: the re-
sponses given to noun phrase reprise clarification
that is, something that requires that there is no set requests and non-reprise clarification requests re-
x containing many students such that x (collec- lating to quantifiers. Responses to noun phrase
tively) left. Now the only way I can think of to reprise clarification requests are exemplified by
engineer the compositional semantics to achieve examples like
(5) is to have something along the lines of (6) cor-
responding to the noun phrase.

(6) λP
 :Prop
 " #  (7) A: A thief broke in here last night
x:{Ind} B: A thief?
(c:¬( r:many(x,student) )) A: a. my ex-husband, actually
 

cont:P (q-params.x) (witness)

b. burglar wearing a mask (re-
but this involves exactly the Montagueesque striction)
lambda paraphernalia that Purver and Ginzburg c. got in through the bedroom
wish to avoid. However, as before, if you have an window (scope)
alternative way of engineering the compositional d. two, actually (quantifier re-
glue then you can apply it here as well while still lation)
maintaining the anatomy of quantification based
on the witness quantifier relation.
Perhaps more difficult is the fact that the Purver-
Seeing as we are focussed on the clarification re-
Ginzburg analysis also has difficulties with non-
quest A thief? whose content is such that the scope
monotone quantifiers such as only students or an
field is abstracted over we might expect the scope
even number of students where it is not so clear
clarification above to be less acceptable than the
that the negation strategy is available.
witness for the sentence. However, this distinction seems dif-
ficult to tease apart when looking at the clarification data and Examples of non-reprise clarification requests
we will ignore it below. relating to a quantifier are

(8) A: Somebody broke in here last and B routinely talked about break-ins and had a
night checklist of questions which they normally asked,
B: a. (not) your ex-husband? among them whether the police was called. In this
(witness) case, of course, (9c) would not be a clarification of
b. burglar wearing a mask? the quantifier. Finally, (9d) is most naturally inter-
(restriction) preted as elliptical for with a scar over the left eye,
c. got in through the bedroom making it as a clarification of the restriction.
window? (scope) A central question is to what extent similar
d. just one? (quantifier rela- facts can be observed about generalized quantifiers
tion) which are not reducible to standard “referential”
quantifiers and whether different classes of quan-
Note that the availability (or not) of the restriction
tifiers behave differently with respect to the avail-
clarification question here could be important for
ability of clarification interpretations. Consider
distinguishing between a theory where clarifica-
tion options are based on the content (where the
restriction field is available) and a theory where
clarification options are based solely on syntactic (10) A: most thieves are opportunists
constituents of the preceding utterance, where in http://www.
this example there is no common noun phrase in
the relevant noun phrase somebody. summary_0286-33299010_ITM,
accessed 18th January, 2010
Intuitively it seems that clarifications not cor-
B: most thieves?
responding to a witness for the quantifier or one
A: a. successful ones (wit-
of the three fields introduced by the quantifier are
harder to interpret as a clarification of the quanti-
b. bide their time (scope)
fier. Consider
c. 80%, actually (quantifier re-
(9) A: Somebody broke in here last
B: a. maroon?
b. maroon sweater?
Here the witness and restriction clarifications
c. police?
appear to collapse since a witness set for the quan-
d. scar over the left eye?
tifier has to be a subset of thieves (i.e. the restric-
It is hard to give examples of impossible dia- tion) which contains most thieves. However, (10a)
logues since there is no notion of grammatical- does appear to be ambiguous between an interpre-
ity as there is with single sentences. What we tation corresponding to “successful thieves are op-
can examine is the most likely interpretation given portunists” (a witness reading) and “most success-
what we gather about the context from what we ful thieves are opportunists” (a restriction read-
know about the dialogue. (9a) seems hard to in- ing). Thus while the form of the clarification is
terpret at all unless, for example maroon is be- the same its interpretation is ambiguous between a
ing used (innovatively) as a way of characterizing witness clarification and a restriction clarification.
skin-colour, in which case it would be a clarifica- In all of these examples, it seems that potential
tion relating to the restriction. A natural way of clarifications relating to the scope are intuitively
interpreting (9b) would be as elliptical for wear- less likely as “clarifications”, as opposed to “addi-
ing a maroon sweater which would in effect co- tional relevant information”. This seems natural as
erce it to be a clarification of the restriction. De- the quantifier itself does not contain the scope and
pending on the political situation in the country it is therefore difficult to see information about the
the dialogue is about (9c) might be interpreted as scope as clarification of the quantifier as such as
a restriction clarification, i.e. Was it the police opposed to the sentence as a whole. Our predic-
who broke in?, or as a very elliptical way of ask- tion is thus that clarifications of quantified noun
ing whether A called the police. This latter in- phrases will fall into one of the following three
terpretation could be facilitated, for example, if A classes:

(11) Predicted clarification classes (ball→football) and a quantifier relation clarifica-
for quantified noun phrases tion if we analyze James [last name]’s as a de-
terminer representing a quantifier relation. One
• witness clarifications might argue that (12) is also a restriction clarifi-
• restriction clarifications cation if you have an analysis of the proper name
Chorlton as something corresponding to “the per-
• quantifier relation clarifi- son named Chorlton”.

4 Some data
In Section 3 we showed some predictions for 4.2 Restriction clarifications
clarification made by a generalized quantifier ap-
proach to NP interpretation. In this section we will
look at the examples that have been presented in The clear cases of restriction clarifications pre-
the literature by Purver and Ginzburg and see to sented below exhibit a number of different strate-
what extent they provide examples of the kinds of gies for relating the clarification to the clarification
clarification we have predicted. As expected the request or the original utterance which seem quite
Purver-Ginzburg data divides into witness clarifi- closely related to repair strategies that have been
cation, restriction clarifications and quantifier re- noted in the literature.
lation clarifications. The large majority of cases
are restriction clarifications. Scope clarifications
do not occur in their data. We give details of the
relevant examples below.

4.1 Witness clarifications (14) George: You want to tell them, bring the
tourist around show them the
(12) spot
Unknown: And er they X-rayed me, and
Sam: The spot?
took a urine sample, took a
George: where you spilled your blood
blood sample. Er, the doctor
Unknown: Chorlton? BNC file KDU, sentences 728–730
Unknown: Chorlton, mhm, he examined (Purver and Ginzburg, 2004)
me, erm, he, he said now
they were on about a slide
huncleari on my heart. Mhm,
he couldn’t find it.

BNC file KPY, sentences 1005–1008 Here additional material is provided which is to
(Purver and Ginzburg, 2004)
be added as a modifier to the restriction. Often the
entire noun phrase is repeated with the additional
(13) Terry: Richard hit the ball on the car. modifier inserted, as in the following examples:
Nick: What ball?
Terry: James [last name]’s football.

BNC file KR2, sentences 862, 865–

866 (Purver and Ginzburg, 2004)
(15) Terry: Richard hit the ball on the car.
Intuitively both of these examples appear to Nick: What car?
be witness clarifications, although one might ar- Terry: The car that was going past.
gue that this status is unclear. (13) might be ar-
BNC file KR2, sentences 862–864
guably a combination of a restriction clarification (Purver and Ginzburg, 2004)

(16) Anon 1: In those days how many (19) Anon 1: Er are you on any sort
people were actually in- of medication at all
volved on the estate? Suzanne? Nothing?
Tommy: Well there was a lot of peo- Suzanne: No. Nothing at all.
ple involved on the estate Anon 1: Nothing? No er things
because they had to repair from the chemists and
paths. They had to keep the cough mixtures or any-
river streams all flowing and thing huncleari?
if there was any deluge of
rain and stones they would BNC file H4T, sentences 43–48
(Purver and Ginzburg, 2004)
have to keep all the pools in
good order and they would In (20) we have a case where a modifier in the
Anon 1: The pools? original utterance is replaced by a new modifier in
Tommy: Yes the pools. That’s the the clarification, thus changing what was said non-
salmon pools monotonically, not merely further specifying what
Anon 1: Mm. was said.

BNC file K7D, sentences 307–313 (20) Elaine: what frightened you?
(Purver and Ginzburg, 2004) Unknown: The bird in my bed.
Elaine: The what?
Audrey: The birdie?
Unknown: The bird in the window.
(17) Eddie: I’m used to sa-, I’m used to
being told that at school. I BNC file KBC, sentences 1193–1197
want you hpausei to write (Purver and Ginzburg, 2004)
the names of these notes up
The whole of the restriction can be replaced in this
Anon 1: The names?
Eddie: The names of them. (21) Mum: What it ever since last Au-
Anon 1: Right. gust. I’ve been treating it as
a wart.
BNC file KPB, sentences 417–421
(Purver and Ginzburg, 2004)
Vicky: A wart?
Mum: A corn and I’ve been
putting corn plasters on it

BNC file KE3, sentences 4678–4681

(18) Nicola: We’re just going to Becken- (Purver and Ginzburg, 2004)
ham because we have to go
to a shop there. Even though a different noun is chosen to ex-
Oliver: What shop? press the restriction it can nevertheless be a refine-
Nicola: A clothes shop. hpausei ment of the original utterance. In (22) the natural
and we need to go to the interpretation is the director is a woman.
bank too.
(22) Stefan: Everything work which
BNC file KDE, sentences 2214–2217 is contemporary it is de-
(Purver and Ginzburg, 2004) cided
Katherine: Is one man?
(19) is different in that it is the dialogue partic- Stefan: No it is a woman
ipant who contributes the original clarification re- Katherine: A woman?
quest who provides alternative restrictions. Note Stefan: A director who’ll de-
that in this case the restrictions do not correspond cide.
to a syntactic constituent in the original utterance
BNC file KCV, sentences 3012–3016
(nothing). (Purver and Ginzburg, 2004)

(23) seems to be a case where the speaker is (26) Marsha: yeah that’s it, this, she’s got
searching for the right noun to express the restric- three rottweilers now and
tion. Sarah: three?
Marsha: yeah, one died so only got
(23) Unknown: What are you making? three now hlaughi
Anon 1: Erm, it’s a do- it’s a log.
Unknown: A log? BNC file KP2, sentences 295–297
Anon 1: Yeah a book, log book. (Purver and Ginzburg, 2004)

BNC file KNV, sentences 188–191

(Purver and Ginzburg, 2004) 5 Conclusion

The final restriction clarification example is a The data that Purver and Ginzburg present seem to
little difficult to classify. fit the predictions of the basic generalized quanti-
fier anatomy quite well. Those cases whose clas-
(24) Richard: No I’ll commute every day sification is unclear still provide alternative analy-
Anon 6: Every day? ses which are within the range of predictions of the
Richard: as if, er Saturday and Sun- analysis. What does this say about RCH? RCH is a
day hypothesis about the content of a reprise, not about
Anon 6: And all holidays? the clarification in response to a reprise which is
Richard: Yeah hpausei mainly what we have looked at. Nevertheless, it
would seem that the response to the clarification
BNC file KSV, sentences 257–261 question could provide clues as to how it can be in-
(Purver and Ginzburg, 2004) terpreted. Perhaps this shows that even if we strip
We have interpreted it as if it involves a discussion away the issues concerning the use of the lambda
of whether the restriction day is to mean weekdays calculus as a glue language, the original general-
or all days of the week and whether it is to include ized quantifier approach is only consistent with the
holidays. An alternative analysis might classify weak version of RCH. But it is not clear to me that
this as a quantifier relation clarification, that is, a the Purver and Ginzburg approach fares any bet-
discussion as to whether it really is every day that ter with respect to the strong version of the RCH
is meant. when you look at the clarifications themselves as
opposed to just the clarification requests.
4.3 Quantifier relation clarifications What conclusions can we draw from this? RCH
In the data that Purver and Ginzburg present there is, of course, not just a hypothesis about the con-
appear to be two clear examples of quantifier rela- tent of reprises. Purver and Ginzburg want to use
tion clarifications. it as a way to argue for what the compositional se-
mantic content of quantified noun phrases should
(25) Anon 2: Was it nice there? be in general. The fact that their analysis seems
Anon 1: Oh yes, lovely. to encounter problems with quantifiers that are not
Anon 2: Mm. monotone increasing thus represents a challenge.
Anon 1: It had twenty rooms in it. It seems unadvisable to introduce the RCH as a
Anon 2: Twenty rooms? constraint on semantic interpretation in addition to
Anon 1: Yes. compositionality if as a consequence you cannot
Anon 2: How many people worked cover all the basic compositional data. It prob-
there? ably is possible to find a more witness set ori-
ented analysis for non monotonic increasing quan-
BNC file K6U, sentences 1493–1499 tifiers (see for example the discussion of witness
(Purver and Ginzburg (2004) cite it
without the last turn)
sets for monotone decreasing quantifiers in Bar-
wise and Cooper (1981)) but it would probably in-
We included the final turn to strengthen the inter- volve a loss of generalization in the compositional
pretation that it is the quantifier relation which is semantics, namely the classical generalized quan-
being clarified. It seems hardly likely that the re- tifier analysis of all quantifiers in terms of relations
striction rooms is in need of clarification. between properties (or sets) no matter what their

monotonicity properties are. From Quantification to Conversation. University of
One of the advantages of using TTR is that Gothenburg, Gothenburg.
you get structured semantic contents. Instead Jonathan Ginzburg. forthcoming. The Interactive
of the unstructured sets and functions of classi- Stance: Meaning for Conversation.
cal model theoretic semantics, you get articulated
Richard Montague. 1974. Formal Philosophy: Se-
record types with labels pointing to various com- lected Papers of Richard Montague. Yale University
ponents. What the clarifications discussed in this Press, New Haven. ed. and with an introduction by
paper seem to show is that speakers pick up on Richmond H. Thomason.
these meaning components even when they are not
Matt Purver and Jonathan Ginzburg. 2004. Clarify-
represented by separate syntactic constituents. It ing noun phrase semantics. Journal of Semantics,
seems to me that this is an important part of a se- 21(3):283–339.
mantic theory of dialogue which is perhaps being
obscured if we adopt principles like RCH which
seems to be pointing to contents which you cannot
break apart.

This research was supported in part by VR project
2009-1569, Semantic analysis of interaction and
coordination in dialogue (SAICD). I would like
to thank Jonathan Ginzburg and Staffan Larsson
for useful discussion. This material was presented
at the Logic and Language Technology seminar in
Gothenburg and I would like to thank the audience
for lively discussion, particularly Dag Westerståhl
for pointing out an embarassing error.

Jon Barwise and Robin Cooper. 1981. Generalized
quantifiers and natural language. Linguistics and
Philosophy, 4(2):159–219.
Patrick Blackburn and Johan Bos. 2005. Represen-
tation and Inference for Natural Language: A First
Course in Computational Semantics. CSLI Studies
in Computational Linguistics. CSLI Publications,
Robin Cooper. 2004. Dynamic generalised quantifiers
and hypothetical contexts. In Ursus Philosophicus,
a festschrift for Björn Haglund. Department of Phi-
losophy, University of Gothenburg.
Robin Cooper. 2005. Austinian truth, attitudes and
type theory. Research on Language and Computa-
tion, 3:333–362.
Robin Cooper. forthcoming. Type theory and seman-
tics in flux. In Ruth Kempson, Nicholas Asher, and
Tim Fernando, editors, Handbook of the Philosophy
of Science, volume 14: Philosophy of Linguistics.
Elsevier BV. General editors: Dov M. Gabbay, Paul
Thagard and John Woods.
Jonathan Ginzburg and Matt Purver. 2008. Quantfi-
cation, the reprise content hypothesis, and type the-
ory. In Lars Borin and Staffan Larsson, editors,

Explaining Speech Gesture Alignment in MM Dialogue Using Gesture

Florian Hahn and Hannes Rieser∗

CRC 673, Alignment in Communication, Bielefeld University

Abstract (a) the types of gestures used and their function,

for example production of a one-dimensional
The paper discusses how a gesture typology can be line,
extracted form the Bielefeld Speech-And-Gesture-
Alignment corpus (SAGA) making use of the anno-
tated gesture morphology in the SAGA data. The
(b) the semantic value a gesture represents like
SAGA corpus is briefly characterized. Using a being the boundary line of an object,
portion of a MM dialogue, the interface between
speech and gesture is shown focussing on the im- (c) how the semantic value interfaces with an ac-
pact of gestures on lexical definitions. The inter-
face demonstrates the need for working out types of
companied natural language expression such
gestures and specifying their semantics via a par- as the church-window and,
tial ontology. This is started setting up a “typo-
logical grid” for 400 gestures. It yields a hierar- (d) how a multi-modal meaning can be built up
chy of n-dimensional single gestures and compos- from the meaning of the words and the ges-
ites of them. A statistical analysis of the grid results
is provided and evaluated with respect to the whole ture’s meaning in a compositional way,
SAGA corpus. Finally, it is shown how the typo-
logical results are used in the specification of the (e) how MM meanings behave in dialogue.
speech-gesture interfaces for the MM dialogue.
Keywords: completion, gesture typology, gesture- We want to an-
speech interface, partial ontology, SAGA swer question (b),
the semantic value
1 Motivation, Dialogue Example from represented, serving
SAGA, Plan of Paper as a precondition
for answering (c) to
Do referential and iconic gestures have a speci- (e), hence the in-
fiable meaning and function in multi-modal dia- terest in systematic
logue? Questions like these are normally han- typology. At the
dled in a descriptive way with respect to arbitrarily outset, we present
collected empirical data, for example in the ges- a dialogue exam-
ture research based on a semiotic tradition as ini- ple (Fig. 2) being
tiated by Ekman and Friesen (1969) and carried about two churches
on in McNeill (1992) and Kendon (2004). We and their windows
have built up a corpus of multi-modal data, the (Fig. 1) which il- Figure 1: Looking at the VR-
Bielefeld Speech and Gesture Alignment corpus, lustrates the func- representation of the churches
SAGA (see Lücking et al. 2010), completely an- tion of gesture and involved. The VR-stills show
the two churches mentioned in
notated for referential and iconic gestures to deal which will serve as the dialogue passage of Fig. 2.
with them in a systematic way. Below we give our reference datum The Router’s idea that the win-
a short characterization of SAGA. We investigate dows are gothic seems to come
throughout the pa- from the shadowing in the VR
several topics with respect to SAGA, focussing on per. window representation. Any-
gestures co-occurring with noun-phrases in MM The specific way, the gesture used to de-
dialogue: pict the windows is fairly cor-
SAGA setting for rect. This is indicated by the

the example used merge of the VR-window and
Names in alphabetical order, ‘MM’ abbreviates the Router’s gesture in the bot-
‘multi-modal’. Corresponding author: Hannes Rieser, has the following
tom still. caracteristics: Two

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by99
the author(s)
R1 R2 R3

Dialogue Part 1

Router-Speech: Beide Kirchen haben diese typischen Kirchenfenster, halt unten

Both churches have these typical church-windows, you know, at the bottom
Router-Gesture: Hedging R1 R1



Router-Speech: eckig, nach oben dann halt so gotisch zulaufend.

cornered, upwards moreover you know so gothically pointy
Router-Gesture: R1 R2 R2 R2 R3

Follower-Speech: gotisch
Follower-Gesture: Nodding Nodding

Figure 2: The Router describing the church-windows to the Follower with the crucial bend at the top (R3).

agents, a Router, wearing body trackers, describ- a hook R3, the top of a church-window.
ing a route through a VR town and a Follower, The Router-Follower-Interaction: The Router’s
trying to take up his description, face each other. drawing is faster than his speech production, in ad-
The Router describes a landmark, two churches dition, the German halt + so, engl. you know +
with gothic windows. The dialogue passage in so acts as a hesitation signal. Here the Follower
Fig. 2 contains his multi-modal description of comes in with her completion gothic. This is re-
the church-windows. We present the German paired by the Router extending it with gothically
wording, the English translation and the stills pointy (cf. Fig. 2).
showing the gestures in the way they accompany So much for the data. We’ll discuss the em-
the words; we will rely on the English translation pirical findings from the point of view of corpus-
in the rest of the paper. The churches involved are based gesture typology and partial ontology. Sec-
depicted in Fig. 1. tion 2 provides background information concern-
What can we observe in the dialogue example? ing SAGA. Then we come back to the dialogue
We treat the Router’s contribution and the Router- example again, investigating what we need for ex-
Follower interaction. plaining speech gesture alignment in the dialogue
The Router’s Contribution: The Router starts (Section 3). Three statistics sections follow, one
gesturing parallel to wording church-window. In- on the methodology of the typological grid (Sec-
tuitively, he marks with his left hand (LH) the on- tion 4), the other on the statistics of it giving the
set of an object and draws a line with his right hand frequency of types of gestures such as pointings,
(RH). The two-handed gesture R1 depicts some lines etc. in the grid (Section 5), and the third one
sort of corner. This goes on until the production an evaluation on how the statistical results for the
of upwards. Concurrently with upwards his RH grid can be generalized for the whole SAGA cor-
goes back to the onset held with LH and moves pus (Section 6). Finally, we describe how the ty-
up, generating R2. Parallel to so the Router draws pology is used to provide explanations for the MM

dialogue part in Fig. 2 (Section 7). on different structural levels. Consequently, some
gestures go with word meanings, others with the
2 Background on SAGA meaning of constituents, the meaning of dialogue
acts, of rhetorical relations and so on. In previ-
The SAGA corpus contains 25 route-description
ous papers we have shown how these various in-
dialogues taken from three camera perspectives.
terfaces can be constructed (Rieser (2004, 2010),
The setting comes with a driver, called “Router”
Rieser and Poesio (2009)) using type logics and
“riding in a car” through a VR-setting, passing
compositional DRT. In this paper we will remain
five landmarks connected by streets. After his
at the lexical and syntactic level. So, what we
ride the Router relates his experience in detail to
have to do is to observe the alignment of speech
a Follower supposed to organise her own trip fol-
and gesture in these three cases all bound up with
lowing the Router’s instructions. We collected
video and audio data for both participants, for the
Router in addition body movement tracking data Case 1: you know, at the bottom cornered
due to markers on head, wrist, and elbow and eye- R1 R1 R1
Case 2: upwards, moreover, you know
tracking data. The tracking data generated traces R2 R2 R2
in Euclidean space and provided exact measure- Case 3: so
ments for positions of head, elbow, and wrist. The R3
gestures in the dialogues have all been annotated,
We consider the two occurrences of you know as
the annotation predicates used like indexing, mod-
meta-communicative acts2 which can be inserted
elling, shaping etc. were rated.
in multi-modal face-to-face communication be-
The rating of these predicates is discussed in
fore any complex constituent. You know can e.g.
(Lücking et al. 2010). An example of a partial
be taken as an attention-securing device, asking
gesture annotation is given in Appendix, Fig. 3.
for acknowledgement or as focussing the relevant
The SAGA corpus contains ca. 60001 gestures.
encyclopedic knowledge, whichever, it should be
Roughly 400 gestures have been investigated in or-
separated from the constituents contributing to the
der to establish the typological grid described be-
information describing the relevant event, i.e. in
our case the Router’s ride. So we have to care for
3 What we Need for Explaining the speech-gesture alignment of the rest.
Speech-Gesture-Alignment in the
3.3 Fine Grained Word Meaning, Partial
Dialogue Example
Ontology, and Construction Meaning
3.1 The Router’s Gestures
After these considerations we turn to the details,
Consider Fig. 2. In R1, the Router’s LH marks first to the syntax of the router’s contribution. The
the left side of an object. Then he draws a hori- relevant part is shown in Appendix, Fig. 4. We
zontal line in three-dimensional space. R2 marks have an N followed by two attribute-phrases At-
a vertical line starting at the corner set by the hori- trPhrs conjoined by moreover. The construction
zontal line and the left hand side producing a lower in Appendix, Fig. 4 is incomplete: It closes with
right angle. The vertical line ends in a fairly sharp an AdjPh where only the Adv so is realized. A
bend. The only completely designed object is the completion is produced by the Follower. It is the
bottom left “corner”, all the other depictions are Adj gothic which completes the AdjPh, see Fig.
incomplete or underspecified. 4 for the cooperatively produced attribute. One
should be aware of the fact that the scope of the
3.2 Notes on the Speech-gesture Interface completion is the “gappy” attr-phrase under con-
We assume that gestures can be equipped with struction by the Router. Roughly, we have to fuse
meaning, as a rule with a partial one and that in the end the meanings of cornered at the bottom
gesture meaning interfaces with verbal meaning and R1, upwards and R2, and so and R3. Below
we provide lexicon definitions for church-window,
Due to filling gaps in our annotation and due also to re-
annotation of material having already been annotated, both of and the morphology of the gestures R1, R2, R3 in-
which change the segmentation of gestures, the figures given
for the number of gestures in SAGA have changed somewhat, A paradigm which focuses on “inter-leavings” of meta-
roughly from 5000 plus to 6000. communicative and base-line material is Ginzburg (2010).

volved with their respective partial ontologies as- tions indicate that gesture content operates on lex-
sociated (cf. ch. 7). ical content. In order to model that we would need
Due to limits of space we concentrate in this the most basic gestural features and how they com-
paper on the lexicon definition of church-window pose to make up gestures and their content. How-
and how it interfaces with the gestures R1-R3 ever, are there basic gesture features and complex
without going into much detail. ones observed by one speaker or even all speakers
at all?
Church-window: church-window(w) := window(w) ∧
part-of(w, wa) ∧ wall(wa, ch) ∧ church(ch) ∧
lower-part-of(lp, w) ∧ middle-part-of(mp, w) ∧ 4 The Methodology of the Typological
upper-part-of(up, w) ∧ lp ⊕ 3 mp = cub ∧ Grid
cuboid(cub) ∧ base(b1, cub) ∧ breadth(br, b1) ∧
breadth(br, s1) ∧ side(s1, lp) ∧ upper-part-of(up, w) ⇐⇒ The question we ended up with in the previous
(((prism(up) ∧ pointed(up) ∧ acute(up)) ∨
(cylindric-section(cls, up) ∧ round(cls))). section is: Are the gestures observed, sides, lines,
the three-dimensional entities arising, arbitrary to-
A church-window w is part of a church ch’s wall kens, sporadic whims of the CPs’ or are these
wa having a lower lp, a middle mp and an up- systematically used at least throughout one datum
per part up; the lower and the middle part form (here video-film V5) by two agents or through-
a cuboid cub with a base b1 of a certain breadth out the whole SAGA corpus by many or even all
br and a side1, part of lp, of the same breadth, agents? In order to investigate both these typolog-
the upper part up being either a pointed prism or ical questions we have set up a so-called typolog-
a cylindric section. This gives us two versions of ical grid for the datum V5 in the following way:
a church window, a gothic style one and a round intuitively, gestures build a space, consisting of
arched one as depicted in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, re- simple and more complex gesture-morphological
spectively.4 entities. The most fundamental entities we have
are the individual annotation predicates like hand-
shape, wrist-movement or palm-direction. For ex-
ample, for the horizontal line starting at the left
corner of the object in the example (see Fig. 2, R1
- R3, LH), we need the individual predicates hand-
shape, wrist-movement to the right and palm-
direction facing down or left. These are atomic
features of the gesture space represented by AVM-
Fig. 5: The Fig. 6: The
matrices (App., Fig. 9). Only taken together do
church-window as church-window as these single bits of information describe a hori-
depicted by the right depicted by the left zontal line, again represented by a matrix (App.,
term of the disjunction term of the disjunction
(cylindric- (prism(up) ∧ Fig. 10). The atomic features taken together form
section(cls, up) ∧ pointed(up) ∧ the most basic stratum of the gestural space (App.,
round(cls)) acute(up)) Fig. 17). They are derived from rated annotation
predicates. Next in terms of complexity are the
Fig. 7 represents the interface of speech and
clusters: Clusters are bundles of functionally con-
gesture in dialogue part 1. The arrows outside
nected features, cf. section 5.2 for further motiva-
the pictures pointing towards the lexicon defini-
tion. 0-dimensional entities are introduced via the
‘⊕’ indicates mereological addition indexing annotation predicate. 1-dimensional en-
One of the reviewers is right in assuming that the lexicon tities originate from annotation predicates draw-
definition is too near to the corpus data. A way out would be ing or modelling and from wrist-movements. 2-
to leave the upper section of the church-window underspeci-
fied as to shape and to assume that it is the Router’s gesture dimensional entities, i.e. locations, regions and
which resolves the underspecification with respect to pointed “more geometrical” 2D-objects are founded on in-
and acute. In Rieser (2010b) it is shown that the two agents
resolve the underspecification in different ways, the Follower
dexing, drawing and shaping. 3-dimensional en-
prefers the cylindric shape version which leads to a local in- tities are based on placing, shaping, drawing or
consistency in the dialogue. The strategy of using underspec- modelling.
ification techniques is different from the one followed in this
paper which attributes priority to verbal information and in- Lines come with different bends and directions.
vestigates how the gesture “catches up” with it. They form the one-dimensional layer below the

Interface: MM-N-Bar

N Interface: MM-AttrPhr

Interface: MM-AttrPhr Interface: MM-AttrPhr

PP Interface: MM-AdjPhr MM-AdvPhr Interface: MM-AdjPhr

P NP Adj Adv Interface: MM-AdjPhr

R1 Adj
Det R2 R3

church-window at the bottom cornered moreover upwards so gothic

Lex.-def. Lex.-def. Lex.-def.

Figure 7: Schedule for the MM contributions and their interfaces. The interface points are at the level of lexical semantics and
lead to MM phrases.

feature and cluster layers. The 0-dimensional enti-

ties represented by demonstrations have no spatial
chapel tree
extension (App., Fig. 11). Furthermore, there are
two-dimensional entities like rectangles, squares
and so on (App., Fig. 12), followed in complex-
left hand
ity by three-dimensional entities such as cuboids right hand
(App., Fig. 13). An interesting empirical fact is hedge
that we get composites of n-dimensional entities.
Fig. 15: Composite of Fig. 16: Composite of
The Router’s gestures R1-R3, for example, form two lines: LH modelling 3 three-dimensional en-
a composite of an object’s left side, a single hor- line orthogonal to path tities. LH holding a
izontal line and a composite line consisting of a drawn continuously by three dimensional entity
RH. The point of con- (chapel) and RH plac-
vertical part and the bend. The composite depicts tact produced is on the ing the tree and shaping
partial information about the upper part of a gothic orthogonal line. the hedge in front of the
church-window. There are many composites in
the V5 datum, the functionally most conspicuous 5 Statistics of the Typological Grid
ones being the following: line touching circle or-
thogonally from the outside (Fig. 14), horizontal Out of the grid data the statistics shown in ta-
and orthogonal line meeting (Fig. 15), two three- ble 1 was computed. First we have a look at
dimensional objects held and set into relation to a the differences in gesturing between the Router
third one introduced earlier on (Fig. 16). and the Follower. Consider the router’s RH: It
turns out that the Router mostly uses lines in RH
(48%). In the second place come 2D-objects (lo-
cations, regions, circles, rectangles etc., 28%),
three-dimensional objects in RH are next (prisms,
cuboids, cylindroids, spheres etc., 15%) followed
by 0-dimensional entities (abstract objects, 9%).
Fig. 14: Composite
of two-dimensional and The ranking of gestures for the Router’s LH is
one-dimensional entity. as follows: 0-dimensional entities (7 %) < one-
LH holding a round ob- left hand dimensional entities (22%) < three dimensional
ject, RH drawing the right hand
path touching the circle. entities (34%) < two dimensional entities (%

37). In the Follower’s RH one-dimensional ges- 6 Evaluation: Generalizing the
tures (lines, 40%) dominate. To a lesser ex- Statistical Results for the Grid for the
tent he uses two-dimensional (locations, 31%), whole SAGA Corpus
0-dimensional (abstract objects, 10%) and three-
The grid material provides a hierarchy of n-
dimensional (prisms, spheres, 7%) gestures. With
dimensional gesture categories. How can we use
his LH he only shapes 0-dimensional objects (ab-
the grid results in establishing the overall SAGA
stract objects, 50 %) and three-dimensional ones
statistics? So far, we can set up the following hy-
(prisms, spheres, 50%).

1. The grid categories can be used for other

5.1 Interpretation: The Global Picture data, even for those which do not belong to
the SAGA corpus.5
Generally speaking, the Router concentrates on
2. We know the AVMs for e.g. 0-dimensional
depicting routes, regions and locations as well as
objects, one-dimensional objects etc. in de-
objects as (parts of) landmarks. Composites con-
tail which we have to look for in annotated
sisting of n ≥ 2 gestures provide the possibility
material, presupposing, of course, similar an-
to “hold” the landmarks and sketch the route to
notation conventions. The assumption is that
them: at the same time both, landmark and route
we’ll get similar hierarchies for other (even
are relationally placed in Router’s gesture space
new) data as we have in the grid, i.e. 0-
(see Figs. 14-16). Interestingly, the Follower sets
dimensional, one-dimensional etc. objects,
up his interactive map using one-dimensional ges-
depending, of course, on the task. If we
tures most of the time. In other words, he concen-
had a task dealing with planar objects only,
trates on representing routes. With both, Router
we would presumably have not so many 3-
and Follower, the RH is dominating when gestur-
dimensional gestures.
ing (cf. table 1). The Router uses far more two-
handed composites than the follower. He popu- A cursory investigation of the variables in the
lates gesture space with more objects than the Fol- rest of the SAGA corpus has shown that this
lower does (cf. table 1). As a consequence, his is true. We do indeed have objects of the n di-
gesture space embodies more information than the mensions established for V5 in most of them.
Follower’s. However, most probably, V5 shows the hier-
archy in the most explicit way, in other films
some layers seem to be missing, e.g. there
are no 2- and 3-dimensional entities for the
5.2 Interpretation: The Role of Features in
Follower in V1.
3. Concerning the video-datum we started from
The five features, HandShape, BOHDirection, we can investigate whether the speech-
PalmDirection, WristPosition, and WristMove- gesture ensembles of the Router and the Fol-
mentDirection are most frequently used by both lower are structured in a similar way. This
Router and Follower in their LHs and RHs, respec- is important for research into inter-personal
tively. Hence, the annotationally motivated group- alignment and the role of gesture in interac-
ing of the features HandShape, BOHDirection and tion.
PalmDirection into one FeatureCluster at the out- 5
In reply to a question of one of the reviewers: So far, we
set of the typology work (cf. Figs 9 - 13 in App.) are sure that this hypothesis is true of the other video films
in the SAGA corpus but we have not tested it with respect to
gets statistical support. At the same time the large unseen data from different MM corpora. However, the hierar-
number of WristPosition features and WristLoca- chy extracted from the SAGA data is very general, leading to
tionMovementDirection features motivates the set the assumption that whenever a CP has a kind of linear infor-
mation he can use a “line”-gesture and similarly for the other
up of clusters for WristPosition and WristMove- dimensions. A restriction concerning generalisation we pre-
ment respectively. Both Router and Follower pre- sumably face could be due to the SAGA domain of concrete
dominantly use their RHs, to be inferred from the n-dimensional objects and routes between them. Whereas we
expect that the hierarchy can be used for geometrical objects,
greater number of feature clusters there (App., Ta- CPs discussing sets, functions and λ-terms could well use
ble 3). different gestures.

Table 1: Statistics of the gesture morphology in
the typological grid datum ordered by dimensions.

RH RH% LH LH% Composites TWH total total%
Router 14 9 5 7 – – 19 5
Follower 10 22 4 50 – 5 19 27

RH RH% LH LH% Composites TWH total total%
Router 75 48 16 22 7 5 103 28
Follower 18 40 – 0 3 0 21 30
RH RH% LH LH% Composites TWH total total%
Router 44 28 27 37 – 24 95 25
Follower 14 31 – 0 – 21 16 23

RH RH% LH LH% Composites TWH total total%
Router 24 15 25 34 – 67 116 31
Follower 3 7 4 50 – – 7 10

OH TWH total total%
Router – 40 40 11
Follower – 8 8 10
total total total OH Comp. total TWH Comp. total
Router 157 73 7 136 373
Follower 45 8 3 15 71
Note: Composites can occur without any corresponding single or one- handed ges-
tures. In that case the composites can’t be reduced to single or one-handed gestures.
Therefore in this column we have TWH Composites but no LH gesture.

Here we have examples which show that such 7 Application of Typology: Interfacing
an investigation makes sense. Verbal Meaning and Gestural Meaning
in MM Dialogue

4. We can investigate whether the speech- So far we have seen the following: A dialogue
gesture ensembles of other agents and of passage with gestures co-occurring with speech
other pairs of agents in the corpus are struc- and the gesture typology for one complete datum,
tured in a similar way. V5, which gives us a hierarchy of gestures rang-
ing from 0-dimensional entities to n-ary compos-
ites. The issue we face now is “How can we use
5. One can use the partial ontology set up for the typology in explaining the meaning of multi-
an n-dimensional gesture of the grid for a se- modal discourse?” We associate the gestures R1-
lected arbitrarily n-dimensional one from the R3 with their descriptions in terms of gesture mor-
rest of the corpus and test whether the former phology, both attributes and values. Attributes and
is adequate. values, for example HandShape-LH and Bspread
in R1 are fused into a new attribute where the orig-
This has been confirmed for lines and inal value is still “visible” as a suffix. This new at-
cuboids. tribute is given a stipulated semantic value side(s1)

∧ of(s1, z) ∧ brdth(br, s1), in terms of the grid hier- Linking up R1-R3 with the church-window
archy, a two-dimensional entity, a side s1 of some- Property:
thing z having a breadth br. In a similar manner, The overall speech-gesture meaning integration
the PathofWrist-attribute is associated with some can be derived from Fig. 7. We cannot show that in
length l1 and the TwoHandedConfiguration with a detail here. The final structure of the MM meaning
right angle. Of course, not every information con- of the N-Bar construction plus the accompanying
tained in the stipulation is derived from the typol- gestures is:
ogy but the typology serves as a precondition for
window(w) ∧ part-of(w, wa) ∧ wall(wa, ch) ∧
the partial ontology. church(ch) ∧ lower-part-of(lp, w) ∧
  middle-part-of(mp, w) ∧ upper-part-of(up, w) ∧
R1 lp ⊕ mp = cub ∧ cuboid(cub) ∧ base(b1, cub) ∧
HandShape-LH-Bspread side(s1) ∧ of (s1, z)∧  breadth(br, b1) ∧ side(s1, lp) ∧ (upper-part-of(up, w) ⇔
(prism(up) ∧ pointed(up) ∧ acute(up))) ∧
 
brdth(br, s1)
 
at(w, lp) ∧ lower-part-of(lp, w) ∧ side(s12, lp) ∧
 
 
∧ ∧
 
PathofWrist-RH- length(l1, bb)∧  right-angle(b1, ra, s12) length(l1, s12)
 
 of (bb, z) 
 height(h1, ss2).
 
 
TwoHandedConfiguration- right-angle(s1, ra, bb)
RFTH>BHA>RFTH>BHA Comparing this result with the lexicon-entry for
church-window introduced in 3.3 shows that the
brdth abbreviates breadth. LH signs a side s1 of lexicon-entry remained consistent. Only the por-
an object z. So, there is something z of which s1 tion marked by underlining is additional informa-
is a side. RH provides a path l1 emerging from the tion. It contains the information needed for the
side s1 to the right. Both hands produce the right lower part of the church-window. So we see that
angle of an object z shaped by the side s1 and the iconic gestures can highlight which aspect of word
planar object bb. Intuitively, we have depicted an meaning is intended from the CP’s point of view,
object z with a corner formed by the planar object thus supporting parts of the more analytic lexical
bb and the side s1. definition. This is especially clear from the dis-
  junction: Only the “pointed” and “acute” version
R2 is consistent with the gesturing.
 side(s1) ∧ of (s1, z)

∧brdth(br, s1)
 

 Acknowledgements
 height(h1, ss2) 

Work on this paper has been carried out in the
 
WristMovementDirection- height(h1, ss2)
 

RH-MU project B1, Speech-gesture Alignment, of the CRC
Alignment in Communication, Bielefeld Univer-
LH continues to hold the side s1. RH signs the sity. Support by the German Research Foundation
height h1 of an object ss2. The second and the is gratefully acknowledged. We also want to ex-
third attribute-value pair provide the same infor- press our thanks to our fellow researchers Kirsten
mation. Bergmann, Stefan Kopp and Andy Lücking, as
Note that it would be incorrect to identify vari- well as to three anonymous SEMdial reviewers.
ables s1 and ss2.


HandShape-LH- side(s1) ∧ of (s1, prr)∧
  Bergmann, K., Fröhlich, C., Hahn, F., Kopp, St., Lück-
Bspread brdth(br, s1)
 

 ing, A. and Rieser, H. 2007. Wegbeschreibungsex-

PathofWrist-RH- edge(e1, prr)∧

 periment: Grobannotationsschema. Bielefeld Univ.
 
LINE>LINE edge(e2, prr) 

 Bergmann, K., Damm, O., Fröhlich, Hahn, F., Kopp,
St., Lücking, A., Rieser, H. and Thomas, N. 2008.
 
WristMovementDirection- angle(e1, a, e2)∧ 
RH-MR/MU>MD/MR acute(a) Annotationsmanual zur Gestenmorphologie Biele-
feld Univ.
The side s1 is still held by LH. The RH produces Ekman, P. and Friesen, W. 1969. The repertoire of
two edges e1 and e2 of an object prr which form nonverbal behavior: categories, origins, usage and
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N AttrPhr

AttrPhr conj AttrPhr

PP Adj AdvPh AdjPh

P NP Adv Adv Adj

Det N

church-window at the bottom cornered moreover upwards so gothic

Figure 4: Represents the completed NP with the Follower’s gothic, triggered by the Router’s gesture, inserted. Observe that in
toto we have a cooperatively produced AdjPh.

Table 2: Non-zero-valued features used in the typological

left hand right hand two handedness

Features Router Follower F1 F2 F3 Fn Fn Fn feature level

PathOfWrist 3 3 2 3
C1 Cn Cn TWH n cluster level
WLMDirection 10 14 2 9
WLMRepetition 2 3 1 2
WristDistance 2 3 2 2 L1 Ln 1DIM
WristPosition 9 13 11 18
BackOfHandDirection 11 11 4 10
BOHMDirection 5 5 1 1 CL1
1DIM Com-
BOHMDRepition 1 1 1 1 posites

PathOfBOH 3 3 1 1
PalmDirection 14 13 5 12 R1 2DIM
PDMDirection 3 3 1 1
PDMRepitition 1 1 1 1
PathOfPalm 2 2 1 1 M C1
HandShape 22 22 4 12 Composites

HSMRepitition 1 2 1 1
HSMDirection 1 6 1 1 Figure 17: Section of gesture hierarchy (simpli-
PathOfHandshape 1 2 1 1 fied).
TemporalSequence 1 2 1 1
TWH Features both hands both hands
TWH-Configuration 13 9
TWH-Movement 6 3

Table 3: Clusters used in the typological grid.

Cluster Router Follower

PMovement 3 2 1 1
HSMovement 1 4 1 1
BOHMovement 4 6 1 1
FeatureCluster 71 109 6 33
Figure 3: Example of the gesture annotation. It
WristMovement 26 50 2 16 partially represents R1 and R2 from Fig. 2.
WristPosition 34 52 12 30
TWH Cluster both hands both hands
TWH-Cluster 35 19

   
R-Line-RH HandShape G
 

 R-FeatureCluster-RH-1a-cat Figure 9: Feature HandShape

 HandShape G  and its value G.
R-FeatureCluster-RH-1a   

PalmDirection P DN  

 BackOfHandDirection BAB 
 
 
 
 PathofWrist Line>Line>Line
  
 WristLocationMovementDirection MR>ML >MR  

 WristLocationMovementRepetition ∅ 

   

 WristPosition-RH-1a-cat 


WristPos CLW  

 WristPosDist DEK 

Figure 10: Gesture representing a horizontal line.

 
 

 R-FeatureCluster-RH-1a-cat 

 HandShape G  
R-FeatureCluster-RH-1a   

PalmDirection P DN  

 BackOfHandDirection BAB/BT L 
 
 
 
PathofWrist ∅
 
  
 WristLocationMovementDirection ∅

 WristLocationMovementRepetition ∅ 

   

 WristPosition-RH-1-cat 


WristPos CU P  

 WristPosDist DEK 

Figure 11: 0-dimensional entity direction.

 
 

 R-FeatureCluster-LH-1a-cat 

 HandShape B spread 
R-FeatureCluster-LH-1c   

 PalmDirection PTR  

 BackOfHandDirection BAB 
  

 WristMovement-LH-1a-cat 
PathofWrist ∅
 
  
 WristLocationMovementDirection ∅ 

 WristLocationMovementRepetition ∅ 
   

 WristPosition-LH-1a-cat 

R-FeatureCluster-LH-3c WristPos CLL  
WristPosDist DEK
Figure 12: 2-dimensional entity rectangle or side.
 
 

 R-FeatureCluster-RH-1az-cat 

 HandShape small C 
R-FeatureCluster-RH-1c   
 PalmDirection PAB  
 

 BackOfHandDirection BUP 
 
 
 
PathofWrist LIN E > LIN E > LIN E
 
  
 WristLocationMovementDirection M F > M B > M F 

 WristLocationMovementRepetition ∅ 

   

 WristPosition-RH-1q-cat 

R-FeatureCluster-RH-3c WristPos CC  
 
 WristPosDist DCE > DEK 

Figure 13: 3-dimensional 109

Figure 13: 3-dimensional entity cuboid.
entity cuboid.
Early Interpretation by Implicature in Definite Referential Descriptions

Raquel Fernández
Institute for Logic, Language & Computation
University of Amsterdam

Abstract of Hirschberg (1985)’s computational theory of

scalar implicature that allows us to compute im-
This paper discusses the processes by plicatures at the sub-utterance level can account
which dialogue participants incrementally for incremental effects observed in psycholinguis-
compute the conveyed meaning of referen- tic experiments.
tial descriptions. I show that some of the I start by giving an overview of previous work
phenomena observed in the psycholinguis- on the incremental processing of referential de-
tics literature can be accounted for by the- scriptions regarding both resolution and genera-
ories of conversational implicature that ex- tion. In Section 3 I survey experimental results
ploit ingredients from computational mod- that indicate that information that goes beyond
els of Referring Expression Generation. conventional semantic meaning is used incremen-
The result is a system that computes in- tally at the sub-utterance level. To account for the
ferences incrementally, from partial utter- pragmatic inferences observed, I explore an ac-
ances, without need to reason with hypoth- count that combines ingredients from generation
esized complete descriptions. models with a theory of scalar implicature. Af-
ter introducing the rudiments of such a theory and
1 Introduction some basic semantic processing in Section 4, I
It is widely accepted that utterances in conversa- sketch my proposal in Section 5 and apply it to
tion often communicate information that goes be- some examples.
yond the conventional meaning conveyed by the
2 Definite Referential Descriptions
linguistic expressions used. A good deal of the
processes that help dialogue participants reduce Referential descriptions in the sense of Donnel-
the gap between the conventional meaning of ut- lan (1966)—i.e. definite descriptions that serve the
terances and the enriched meanings actually in- purpose of letting the addressee identify a par-
tended by speakers has to do with inference—a no- ticular entity out of a set of entities assumed to
tion which is at the core of Gricean pragmatics and be in the current focus of attention—have been
the theory of conversational implicature (Grice, studied extensively in dialogue research, specially
1975; Grice, 1989). It is also generally agreed in the context of referential matching tasks such
that in conversation speakers and addressees pro- as those used in the psycholinguistic experiments
duce and understand language incrementally, in (at of Krauss and Weinheimer (1966) and Clark and
least) a word-by-word fashion rather than in one Wilkes-Gibbs (1986). Work within the collabora-
go once, say, the end of an utterance has been tive model of grounding put forward by Clark and
reached. The question thus arises as to whether colleagues (Clark, 1996) has emphasized the fact
theories of conversational implicature (which, as that the form and meaning of these descriptions of-
most semantic and pragmatic theories, were orig- ten depends on historic aspects such as conceptual
inally designed to operate at the utterance level) pacts established with specific conversational part-
can be accommodated within the incremental turn. ners during the course of interaction (Brennan and
In this paper I look into how dialogue partici- Clark, 1996). Thus these approaches have mostly
pants incrementally compute the intended mean- focused on subsequent mentions, i.e. descriptions
ing of referring descriptions (i.e. their intended that refer back to entities mentioned previously,
referent). I show that a slightly modified version or that refashion earlier descriptions that were not

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by111
the author(s)
grounded (Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs, 1986). stance, by DeVault and Stone (2003), who com-
In the present paper I concentrate on the ar- plement the conventional content with goal and
guably simpler case of first mention referential de- and plan-related inferences. I shall follow a simi-
scriptions. The main reason for this is that ex- lar approach and extend a constraint-based seman-
periments that study incremental processing at the tic model with scalar implicatures.
sub-utterance level—which is our focus here— A different trend of approaches (e.g. Roy (2002)
have essentially investigated first mention descrip- and Schlangen et al. (2009)) explore probabilis-
tions in simple tasks, where the referring goal can tic models of reference. In this case, the refer-
be achieved with little interaction,1 by means of a ential potential of linguistic expressions is learned
single referential description. Several approaches from data by exploiting statistical correlations be-
have investigated this kind of descriptions from tween the linguistic expressions used and partic-
the generation and the resolution perspective. In ular referential configurations (i.e. the context of
the remainder of this section, I summarize some utterance with its set of potential referents and
of them and then give an overview of some experi- knowledge about which referent is the intended
mental results reported in the psycholinguistics lit- one). Models of this sort thus do not make a
erature. clear distinction between semantics and pragmat-
ics: They capture expectations about linguistic
2.1 Resolution meaning and cooperative behaviour implicitly and
A good deal of computational work on incremen- with the same mechanisms.
tal interpretation of referring descriptions—such
as the early proposals of Mellish (1985) and Had- 2.2 Generation
dock (1989) as well as more recent approaches The Generation of Referring Expressions (GRE)
such as Schuler (2003)—models incremental ref- is one of the key areas within the field of Natural
erence resolution as a symbolic process of con- Language Generation. Traditionally, researches in
straint satisfaction, where predicates are associ- this area have attempted to generate minimal de-
ated with sets of constraints. The core idea is that, scriptions, i.e. the shortest possible descriptions
as a referring expression is processed from left to that succeed in uniquely identifying the intended
right, the constraints introduced by each predicate target referent in a given context. For instance,
in the expression progressively narrow down the if the context includes one black chair and one
set of potential referents. Consider, for instance, brown table, the description ‘the black chair’ is
the description ‘the black wooden chair’. Here not minimal, while the description ‘the chair’ is.
processing ‘black’ would eliminate from the set The idea is that minimal descriptions are consis-
of potential referents those elements in the con- tent with Grice’s Maxim of Manner, in particular
text that are not black; processing ‘wooden’ would with the Sub-maxim of Brevity: “be brief; avoid
narrow down that set further to the subset of black unnecessary prolixity” (Grice, 1975). Since the
elements that are made of wood; while finally pro- shorter description ‘the chair’ succeeds in iden-
cessing ‘chair’ would pick up the chairs among tifying the referent, the presence of the predicate
the black wooden elements. ‘black’ is considered redundant and hence suscep-
These resolution models thus focus on com- tible of generating false implicatures by violating
puting semantic denotation in a model-theoretical the maxim of Brevity.
way, largely ignoring any aspects related to prag-
The problem with this approach is that it does
matics and implicature. However, as we shall
not take into account the fact that interpretation is
see in Section 3, hearers can incrementally use
a continuous process and ignores the possibility
pragmatic information that goes beyond conven-
of reasoning incrementally: whether a predicate is
tional interpretations to identify referents at stages
considered redundant or not is determined by rea-
where there is semantic ambiguity, thus speeding
soning with complete descriptions. The predicate
up the process of establishing the speaker’s mean-
‘black’ is considered redundant in the complete
ing. Constraint-based models can naturally be en-
description ‘the black chair’ because there is an
riched with pragmatic constraints, as done, for in-
alternative, shorter, complete description that does
Although see Brown-Schmidt et al. (2005) for a promis- without it. This view thus misses the point that
ing attempt to use eyetracking methods in interactive settings. what may count as redundant upon completion of

an utterance can be informative during incremen- the target spoon and a comb—plus a tie and a
tal processing. bulb as distractors. As expected, upon hearing the
The seminal work of Dale and Reiter (1995) adjective subjects looked at the two objects that
addresses precisely this issue. The Incremental matched its semantic content (the spoon and the
Algorithm proposed by these authors uses prop- comb). The more interesting result was that in sce-
erties in a predefined preference order incremen- narios where a contrasting object was also in the
tally, as long as they have discriminatory power, display (e.g. a metal spoon) a preference for the
i.e. as long as they rule out some distractors— target plastic object could be observed before the
elements that are not the intended referent—from head noun was uttered, regardless of the seman-
the context set. For instance, in our earlier exam- tic indeterminacy. That is, in these scenarios the
ple, ‘black’ has incremental discriminatory power identification of the target object took place ear-
because at the point when the modifier is ut- lier, at a point when the ongoing utterance was still
tered it rules out the table, which is not black. semantically ambiguous. Experiments also show
Thus, if colour is a particularly salient property that this effect, let us call it “contrastive bias”,
(it is ranked high in the preference order), the does not obtain with all kinds of modifiers: hearers
use of a colour predicate such as ‘black’ can help did not show this kind of bias when interpreting
the hearer to more easily identify the intended colour adjectives, while they did for descriptions
referent—a point also made by Grosz (1981): “A with material and scalar adjectives.2
speaker should be redundant only to the degree With regard to an experiment that included
that redundancy reduced the total time involved also production, Sedivy (2003) reports that what
in identifying the referent.” The optimization of distinguished modifiers that gave rise to a con-
property preference orderings and the use of prop- trastive bias from those that did not was the fre-
erties that are redundant a posteriori but that do quency with which that kind of modifier was
have incremental discriminatory power are issues spontaneously generated to describe an object in
that are actively being investigated in GRE re- a context where modification was not required
search (Viethen et al., 2008; Krahmer et al., 2008). for unique identification. That is, modifiers
such as colour adjectives that are often produced
3 Psycholinguistic Evidence “redundantly”—redundantly a posteriori, but that
may still help to reduce the search space for the
In a series of experiments, Sedivy and colleagues hearer incrementally—do not lead to a contrastive
(Sedivy et al., 1999; Sedivy, 2003) have used bias, while those that are typically used only when
the eye-tracking paradigm to investigate how hu- they are needed for unique identification of the ref-
mans interpret instructions that contain referen- erent are understood as such and hence give rise to
tial descriptions with different types of modi- a contrastive inference.
fiers, including colour (e.g. black, red), mate- This latter result seems to indicate that the ob-
rial (e.g. plastic, wooden), and scalar adjectives served contrastive bias could be successfully mod-
(e.g. tall, big). In these experiments, subjects elled by a probabilistic approach that is sensitive
wearing a head-mounted eye-tracker are shown an to the statistical correlations in the data. However,
array of objects and are asked to pick up one of a follow-up experiment demonstrated that this is
them with instructions such as ‘Pick up the plastic not entirely trivial. Grodner and Sedivy (forth-
spoon’. Since subjects direct their gaze towards coming) found that when subjects were explicitly
potentially referred objects, the precise informa- told beforehand that the speaker suffered from an
tion provided by the eye-tracker offers direct evi- impairment leading to linguistic deficits, they did
dence about the alternative referents that are being not show evidence of a contrastive bias regardless
considered by a subject at precise points in time of the statistical patterns in the data.3 This seems
and about the point at which a commitment to an
interpretation is made. Throughout the paper, I will ignore scalar adjectives
and exemplify my points with colour and material modifiers.
The displays used in the experiments were such The special features of gradable adjectives, which I have ad-
that upon hearing the adjective, more than one ref- dressed elsewhere (Fernández, ms), are not critical for the
erent was possible while some referents could be approach presented here.
Results of a similar nature regarding disfluencies are re-
discarded. For instance, one sample scenario in- ported by Arnold et al. (2007): subjects who hear disflu-
cluded two objects that were made of plastic— ent descriptions infer that the referent is difficult to describe;

to indicate that the explanatory power of statistical scalar sub-formula in the logical form, (2) identi-
regularities is limited.4 fying the scale or scales that this subformula be-
In her discussion of the experimental results longs to, and (3) inferring negative implicatures
I have surveyed, Sedivy (2007) seems to appeal for alternate and higher values in the scale(s).
to an idea of redundancy that—in line with the I shall essentially follow this approach,5 but al-
point made in Section 2.2—relies on reasoning low for the possibility of incrementally comput-
with hypothesized complete descriptions: “Thus, ing scalar implicatures from sub-formulas as they
when the display contained a referent for which become available during incremental processing,
the use of a modifier was communicatively moti- and for the possibility of computing the implica-
vated, people showed a preference for this referent tures from formulas other than those strictly cor-
compared to displays in which there was no clear responding to the logical forms of utterances (this
reason to refer to the same target referent using should become clearer in Section 5.2).
a modifier”. Here I shall adopt a different per- As extensively discussed by Hirschberg (1985),
spective and show that these results, as well as the scales can be of several types. I consider two
differences observed for different types of modi- types of scales: alternate scales {σ, σ 0 , . . .} con-
fiers, can be accounted for by combining elements taining scalar expressions that are not ordered but
from computational models of Referring Expres- simply contrast with each other, and linear scales
sion Generation with ingredients from standard hσ, σ 0 , . . .i containing expressions that are linearly
theories of scalar implicature to arrive at a sys- ordered according to some suitable relation.
tem that operates incrementally, without the need The inference rule for scalar implicature I as-
to reason with complete descriptions. sume is the following, where ψ and ψ[σ/σ 0 ] are
identical except for the fact that all occurrences of
4 Preliminary Notions expression σ in ψ have been substituted by σ 0 in
ψ[σ/σ 0 ]:
Before moving on to sketch an account of the ef-
fects I have described, I shall first introduce the (1) SCALAR IMPLICATURE INFERENCE RULE
rudiments of scalar implicature theories, the nota- Given a formula ψ, a scalar expression σ in ψ,
tion I will use, and the basic process of incremen- and a scale S that includes σ:
tal semantic interpretation I assume. ∀σ 0 .((σ 0 ∈ S ∧ σ 0 >6= σ) → ¬ψ[σ/σ 0 ])

4.1 Scalar Implicature We can use the rule in (1) to compute, for in-
Scalar implicature is a kind of conversational im- stance, the scalar implicatures inferred from the
plicature (Grice, 1975) whose computation is de- utterances in (2) and (3) (indicated by ;) by con-
pendent upon the identification of some salient re- sidering, in the standard way, that ψ corresponds
lation that orders a concept referred to in an utter- to the semantics of the whole utterance.
ance with other concepts of the same type. The (2) Some people left the party early.
idea is that the use of an expression in the scale
a. S : hall, somei
(i.e. the ordering) implicates that (the speaker be-
b. ; Not all people left the party early.
lieves that) the other expressions in the scale (often
considered stronger) do not apply. (3) A: Do you have apple juice?
Following the seminal work of Horn (1972) and B: I have grape, tomato or bloody mary mix.
others such as Gazdar (1979), Hirschberg (1985) a. S : {grape, tomato, bloodymm, apple}
proposes a theory of scalar implicature that spec- b. ; I don’t have apple juice.
ifies the conditions under which a speaker may
license a scalar implicature and a hearer may in- 4.2 Domain Representation
fer it. In her theory, scalar implicatures are cal-
culated from surface semantic representations of I model the domain in a way similar to how input
complete utterances by (1) identifying a potential databases are modelled in GRE systems, i.e. char-
acterising entities in terms of attributes and values.
such inferences are however cancelled when subjects are told
speakers suffer from a linguistic impairment. 5
I employ a simplified version of the original approaches,
Or perhaps that an adequate probabilistic model should which amongst other things ignores epistemic operators, but
also take into account the cooperativity of the speaker. which suffices to illustrate the points that occupy us here.

I assume a first-order-logic system with all the 5 Early Interpretation by Implicature
usual logical symbols, including equality = and
In this section I show how we can use the main el-
a top > symbol; a domain of entities U ; a set of
ements of the theory of scalar implicature I have
relational symbols A corresponding to attributes
sketched to account for the early interpretation ef-
(such as colour, material, type); and a set of
fects observed in the psycholinguistic experiments
constant symbols V corresponding values (such
described in Section 3.
as blue, red, plastic, metal, spoon, comb).
A function Val : A → P(V ) assigns to each at- 5.1 Scales
tribute a set of appropriate values. Variables e, e0 Determining what is a possible salient scale in a
range over elements in U , variables att, att0 over given situation can be a tricky issue. In general
elements in A, and variables val, val0 over ele- expressions within an ordering share a common
ments in V . The interpretation function assigns to type (e.g. they are quantifier expressions, of juice
each att ∈ A a relation U × Val (att). I write types). But even so, it is not trivial to determine
att(e) = val (instead of the more standard nota- which elements of the relevant type can be consid-
tion for relations att(e, val)) to express that ele- ered part of a scale that is salient for both speaker
ment e is related to value val by attribute att. and hearer. This point is emphasized by Benotti
and Traum (2009) in their account of comparative
4.3 Incremental Interpretation implicatures, where they opt for deriving the sim-
plest possible scale hno, yesi for scalar adjectives
I shall use formulas att(e) = val as logical such as ‘safe’ in comparative constructions.
forms of adjectives and nouns in definite refer- I take attributes and values to be scalar ex-
ring descriptions. For instance, ‘red’ will be in- pressions, i.e. expressions that can be associated
terpreted as colour(e) = red; the extension of with a scale of related concepts. Values give rise
this expression is then the set of red elements in to alternate scales {val, val0 , . . .} containing dif-
the context. ferent values relevant for one attribute, while at-
The semantic interpretation of a description tributes take part in ordered scales hdim, dim0 , . . .i
such as ‘the red plastic cup’ then proceeds as that rank several attributes according to salience.
shown in (4). I use the symbol > to initialise the Here I shall directly borrow the notion of “prop-
existentially quantified formula introduced by the erty preference ordering” (or “list of preferred
definite article.6 properties” (Dale and Reiter, 1995)) from REG
systems and assume that the hearer’s representa-
(4) t0 The t1 red t2 plastic t3 cup t4 tion of the contextual domain (like the genera-
t1 : ∃e.> tor’s) includes such a scale of attributes. I will
t2 : ∃e.colour(e) = red however make minimal assumptions about the el-
t3 : ∃e.colour(e) = red ∧ ements that belong to a particular scale. By def-
material(e) = plastic inition, salient scales include the triggering scalar
t4 : ∃e.colour(e) = red ∧ expressions that have been overtly uttered. For in-
material(e) = plastic ∧ stance, an utterance of say ‘plastic’ with logical
type(e) = cup form material(e) = plastic can give rise to
two scales:
This incremental process is in line with the sym-
bolic constraint-based approaches to incremental (5) a. S1 : {. . . , plastic, . . .}
reference resolution described in Section 2.1. Ex- b. S2 : h. . . , material, . . .i
pressions add constraints that incrementally nar-
The question is then how these scales that are as-
row down the set of potential referents. My aim is
sumed to be part of the common ground of speaker
to complement this semantic process with default
and hearer are further populated. Since we are
pragmatic inferences that can be computed using
concerned with a visually shared situation, I will
the ingredients of scalar implicature theories. I
define default rules for including additional ex-
turn to this in the next section.
pressions into a scale that rely only on proper-
ties of the shared visual context.7 In particular,
I do not include the presupposition of unique existence
in the semantic representation. Of course other aspects may render expressions salient

we assume that if an expression is witnessed in can account for the contrastive bias that helps the
the shared visual context it can enter a contextual hearer identify the intended referent at an early
scale. Intuitively, a value such as red is witnessed stage, regardless of the semantic ambiguity. The
if the visual context includes an entity that is red. intuitive idea I want to explore is that these scalar
Similarly, an attribute such as colour is witnessed inferences are only drawn if the attribute evoked
if the context includes an entity for which that at- by a sub-utterance has incremental discriminatory
tribute is applicable. As mentioned, attributes take power, as introduced in Section 2.2—that is, if the
part in ordered scales—preference orderings. Pre- context includes another element that has a differ-
ferred attributes are those that are more salient. ent value for that attribute (and that hence would
Here I equate salience with ease of perception: in get eliminated from the set of potential referents).
a shared visual context, an attribute is salient if it More formally, an expression such as ‘plastic’ in
can be easily perceived (its values easily discrim- a partial utterance such as ‘the plastic...’ with se-
inated) by both speaker and hearer. I use >sal to mantics (7a) has discriminatory power if (7b) is
denote the preference ordering. supported by the context (where e 6= e0 ):
The following scale construction inference rules
make more precise what has just been explained (7) a. ∃e.material(e) = plastic
informally. Note that for ordered scales, the only b. ∃e0 .material(e0 ) 6= material(e)
attributes that are relevant are those that are more The SCALAR IMPLICATURE INFERENCE RULE
salient than the attribute evoked by the utterance (repeated below for convenience) can then be ex-
itself.8 ploited to enrich (7b).
Given a (sub-)utterance u with semantics Given a formula ψ, a scalar expression σ in ψ,
att(ei ) = val, and potential scales and a scale S that includes σ:
S1 : {. . . , val, . . .} and S2 : h. . . , att, . . .i: ∀σ 0 .((σ 0 ∈ S ∧ σ 0 >6= σ) → ¬ψ[σ/σ 0 ])
a. ∀ej val0 .att(ej ) = val0 ∧ val0 6= val
∧ ei 6= ej → val0 ∈ S1 The clause in the matrix of (7b) (material(e0 ) 6=
b. ∀ej att0 .att0 (ej ) = val ∧ att0 >sal att material(e)) acts as input formula ψ for the rule,
→ att0 ∈ S2 while the attribute material instantiates σ. Since
the inferred implicatures (¬ψ[σ/σ 0 ]) characterise
These two types of scales—alternate value scales both the intended referent and the additional ele-
and scales of preferred attributes—are of a rather ment required for the expression to have discrim-
different nature and I shall asume that they are inatory power, they fall under the scope of both
used in different ways by the SCALAR IMPLICA - quantifiers introducing these elements:
TURE INFERENCE RULE given in (1) above. The
implicatures inferred from value scales are the (9) ∃e.material(e) = plastic ∧
classic scalar implicatures computed from alter- ∃e0 .material(e0 ) 6= material(e) ∧
nate scales such as that shown in (3). These scalar ; ¬ [σ 0 (e0 ) 6= σ 0 (e)] ∧
implicatures are standard in the sense that they can ; ¬ [σ 00 (e0 ) 6= σ 00 (e)] ∧
be computed from input formulas ψ that directly ...
correspond to logical forms of (sub-)utterances In order to illustrate how this works with a con-
without any further assumptions.9 crete example, let us consider the sample sce-
5.2 Contrastive Inferences as Scalar nario described in Section 3. Recall that the vi-
Implicatures sual context contains at least three elements: a
plastic spoon, a plastic comb, and a tie—let’s as-
We will now look into how the machinery we have sume the latter is made of silk. Let’s also as-
in place allows us to infer scalar implicatures that sume that in this context, object type is a more
for both speaker and hearer. salient attribute (e.g. can be more easily perceived)
Note that these are only default rules. Certainly elements than material and that therefore upon processing
can be part of a salient scale for less overt and immediately the fragment ‘the plastic. . . ’ the preference scale
accessible reasons.
Besides those that allow us to construct the relevant htype, materiali is evoked. The conventional
scale. meaning of this fragment is shown in (10a). There

are two witnesses that make this formula true in ers do not exhibit any contrastive bias (i.e. no pref-
the current context—the spoon and the comb— erence for the red cup is observed).
and hence there is semantic ambiguity. However
the modifier has incremental discriminatory power (11) . . . the red . . .
since the context is consistent with (10b). Now, if a. ∃e.colour(e) = red
the hearer does not have reasons to believe that the b. ∃e0 .colour(e0 ) 6= colour(e)
speaker is not cooperative (or capable of being so), c. S : hcolour, typei
the SCALAR IMPLICATURE INFERENCE RULE can In this case, the scalar implicature is not inferred
be used to enrich (10b) with further inferences, as since there is no higher-ranked attribute that would
long as they are supported by the context. Given license the application of the SCALAR IMPLICA -
the preference scale htype, materiali, the rule TURE INFERENCE RULE .
can generate the implicature in (10c), which is
equivalent to type(e0 ) = type(e). 6 Conclusions
(10) The plastic . . . In this paper I have discussed how pragmatic in-
a. ∃e.material(e) = plastic ∧ ferences can be exploited during incremental in-
b. ∃e0 .material(e0 ) 6= material(e) ∧ terpretation in the resolution of first-mention ref-
c. ; ¬[type(e0 ) 6= type(e)] erential descriptions. I have concentrated on con-
trastive effects observed in the psycholinguistics
A context with an additional, contrasting element literature and have sketched a proposal that com-
such as a metal spoon would support the impli- bines elements from computational models of Re-
cature in (10c) and thus would allow the hearer to ferring Expression Generation with ingredients
disambiguate the semantics in favour of the plastic from standard theories of scalar implicature. The
spoon (since the only assignment that makes (10) result is a system that operates incrementally on
consistent with the context is one where the plastic partial utterances, without need to reason with
spoon is assigned to e). Thus, we are able to pre- complete descriptions. Clearly, the main burden
dict the contrastive bias reported by Sedivy and of the approach is the determination of the prefer-
colleagues and to account for the fact that hearers ence scale—a problem that REG models also face.
are able to make predictions about potential ref- Although the present paper offers only a prelimi-
erents incrementally, at a point when the ongoing nary account, it hopefully contributes to opening
utterance is still semantically ambiguous, without the door for investigating further how pragmatic
need to reason with hypothesized complete de- theories can meet the challenges imposed by the
scriptions. incremental nature of language use in dialogue.
Resorting to scales akin to the property pref-
erence orderings typically used in GRE models Acknowledgements
also allows us to account for the differences ob-
I am grateful to the anonymous SemDial review-
served with different kinds of modifiers. We can
ers for their comments. This research has been
explain this by appealing to the relative position
supported by a VENI grant funded by the Nether-
of different types of modifiers within the prefer-
lands Research Council (NWO).
ence scale, specially with respect to the attribute
type.10 If an attribute is highly prominent and
there is no other attribute higher up in the pref- References
erence scale, then it will not give rise to the con-
Jennifer E. Arnold, Carla L. Hudson Kam, and
trastive implicature, even though it may still have Michael K. Tanenhaus. 2007. If you say thee uh
discriminatory power. It seems reasonable to as- you are describing something hard: The on-line at-
sume that in shared visual situations often colour tribution of disfluency during reference comprehen-
is very salient, arguably even more salient than the sion. Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning
Memory And Cognition, 33(5):914.
object type (11c). Thus, as observed by Sedivy, in
a context with, say, a red plate, a red cup, and a Luciana Benotti and David Traum. 2009. A compu-
blue cup, upon hearing ‘Pick up the red. . . ’ hear- tational account of comparative implicatures for a
spoken dialogue agent. In Proceedings of the Eight
10 International Conference on Computational Seman-
At least judging from the limited experimental condi-
tions tested by Sedivy and colleagues tics, pages 4–17, Tilburg, The Netherlands, January.

Susan Brennan and Herbert Clark. 1996. Conceptual Laurence Horn. 1972. On the Semantic Properties of
Pacts and Lexical Choice in Conversation. Journal Logical Operators in English. Ph.D. thesis, Univer-
of Experimental Psychology, 22(6):1482–1493. sity of California, Los Angeles.
S. Brown-Schmidt, E. Campana, and MK Tanen- Emiel Krahmer, Mariët Theune, Jette Viethen, and Iris
haus. 2005. Real-time reference resolution in a Hendrickx. 2008. GRAPH: The costs of redun-
referential communication task. In JC Trueswell dancy in referring expressions. In Proceedings of
and MK Tanenhaus, editors, Processing world- the 5th International Conference on Natural Lan-
situated language: bridging the language-as-action guage Generation, Salt Fork OH, USA.
and language-as-product traditions, pages 153–172.
MIT Press. R.M. Krauss and S. Weinheimer. 1966. Concurrent
feedback, confirmation, and the encoding of refer-
Herbert Clark and Donna Wilkes-Gibbs. 1986. Refer- ents in verbal communication. Journal of Personal-
ring as a collaborative process. Cognition, 22:1–39. ity and Social Psychology, 4(3):343–346.
Herbert Clark. 1996. Using language. Cambridge Christopher S Mellish. 1985. Computer Interpretation
University Press. of Natural Language Descriptions. Chichester: El-
lis Horwood.
Robert Dale and Ehud Reiter. 1995. Computational
interpretations of the Gricean Maxims in the Gener- Deb Roy. 2002. Learning visually grounded words
ation of Referring Expressions. Cognitive Science, and syntax for a scene description task. Computer
18:233–266. speech and language, 16(3):353–385.
David DeVault and Matthew Stone. 2003. Domain David Schlangen, Timo Baumann, and Michaela At-
inference in incremental interpretation. In Proceed- terer. 2009. Incremental reference resolution: The
ings of ICoS 4: Workshop on Inference in Computa- task, metrics for evaluation, and a bayesian filtering
tional Semantics, pages 73–87, Nancy, France. IN- model that is sensitive to disfluencies. In Proceed-
RIA Lorraine. ings of the 10th Annual SIGDIAL Meeting on Dis-
course and Dialogue, London, UK, September.
Keith S. Donnellan. 1966. Reference and definite
descriptions. The philosophical review, 75(3):281– William Schuler. 2003. Using model-theoretic se-
304. mantic interpretation to guide statistical parsing and
word recognition in a spoken language interface. In
Raquel Fernández. ms. Semantics and Pragmatics in
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting on Asso-
Incremental Reference Resolution: The Case of Rel-
ciation for Computational Linguistics (ACL), pages
ative Gradable Adjectives. Unpublished manuscript.
529–536, Sapporo, Japan.
Gerald Gazdar. 1979. Pragmatics: Implicature, Pre-
Julie Sedivy, Michael Tanenhaus, Craig Chambers, and
supposition, and Logical Form. NewYork: Aca-
Gregory Carlson. 1999. Achieving incremental se-
demic Press.
mantic interpretation through contextual representa-
H. Paul Grice. 1975. Logic and conversation. In tion. Cognition, 71:109–147.
D. Davidson and G. Harman, editors, The Logic of
Julie Sedivy. 2003. Pragmatic versus form-based ac-
Grammar, pages 64–75. Dickenson, Encino, Cali-
counts of referential contrast: Evidence for effects
of informativity expectations. Journal of psycholin-
Paul Grice. 1989. Studies in the Way of Words. Har- guistic research, 32(1):3–23.
vard University Press.
Julie Sedivy. 2007. Implicature during real time con-
David Grodner and Julie Sedivy. forthcoming. The ef- versation. Philosophical Compass, 2/3:475–496.
fect of speaker-spefici information on pragmatic in-
ferences. In N. Pearlmutter and E. Gibson, editors, Jette Viethen, Robert Dale, Emiel Krahmer, Mariet
The Processing and Acquisition of Reference. MIT Theune, and Pascal Touset. 2008. Controlling re-
Press, Cambride, MA. dundancy in referring expressions. In Proceedings
of the Sixth International Language Resources and
Barbara Grosz. 1981. Focusing and description in nat- Evaluation (LREC’ 08), pages 950–957.
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B. Webber, editors, Elements of Discourse Under-
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Nicholas J. Haddock. 1989. Computational models of
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Julia Hirschberg. 1985. A Theory of Scalar Impli-
cature. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania,
Computing and Information Sciences.

On the distributed nature of mutual understanding
Dale Barr
University of Glasgow

Mutual understanding is one of the most important topics in the study
of language use; it is also one of the most perplexing. How is it that peo-
ple understand one another given the fundamentally ambiguous nature of
communication? Why do language users find conversation so effortless and
unproblematic, while theories of language use suggest that it requires in-
ordinately complex processes and representations? I will suggest that such
paradoxes arise out of a tendency to localize processes of mutual understand-
ing in the minds of individual language users. Instead, I will suggest that the
work of mutual understanding is distributed more broadly, over individual,
interactional, and cultural levels of language use. This approach offers a new
way of understanding of the functional significance of certain psycholinguis-
tic phenomena, such as apparent failures of perspective taking in referential

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by119
the author(s)
Relevance for Dialogue

Jonathan Ginzburg
King’s College, London
London, UK

Abstract considerable work has been done on one compo-

nent of the problem. Still, even restricted to this
Relevance in the sense of conversational domain, attempts at a comprehensive characteriza-
coherence is the most fundamental notion tion of relevance, difficult as they undoubtedly are,
for research on dialogue. It is the corner- are few and far between. Indeed, as I will explain
stone of theories of dialogue in the same below, most existing accounts are intrinsically re-
way that grammaticality is to syntax. In stricted in their ability to scale up.
this paper I restrict attention to relevance Beyond this, one issue to consider is whether
relating a query to a possible (felicitous) there really is a need for a single notion of
response. Still, even restricted to this do- relevance—whose restriction to query moves we
main, attempts at a comprehensive char- discuss here, internalized in some way within the
acterization of relevance, difficult as they theory of meaning.2 There is at least one substan-
undoubtedly are, are few and far between. tive argument for internalizing relevance, as well
Indeed, most existing accounts are intrin- as some methodological motivation. The substan-
sically restricted in their ability to scale tive argument is that a unitary notion of conversa-
up. I offer a number of arguments for the tional relevance seems to underpin certain types
need for a notion of relevance internalized of clarification questions—ones that arise when
in some way within the theory of mean- the coherence of an utterance seems unclear, as in
ing: relevance seems to underpin certain ((1)a).3 Similarly, as Grice famously pointed out,
types of clarification questions and lack of lack of conversational relevance seems to under-
conversational relevance seems to under- pin the inference that one does not wish to address
pin the inference that one does not wish a prior utterance, as in ((1)b):
to address a prior utterance. I sketch an
(1) a. Marjorie: Don’t touch that cos she hasn’t had it yet.
account of relevance within the dialogue
theory KoS underpinned by Type Theory I use ‘theory of meaning’ to avoid boring territorial dis-
putes between semantics and pragmatics. I attempt, nonethe-
with Records. less, to be reasonably explicit as to whether components of
the theory of relevance refer to public context or to agent–
1 Introduction internal parameters, which is essentially how I view the dis-
An empirical caveat is in order here. ‘What do you mean’
Relevance in the sense of conversational coher- is clearly NOT a purpose built CR for querying the relevance
ence is the most fundamental notion for research of an utterance. In practice, the vast majority of ‘what do
on dialogue. It is the cornerstone of theories of di- you mean’ CRs, at least in the BNC, seem to be about literal
content, NOT about coherence:
alogue in the same way that grammaticality is to
syntax. Indeed (Turing, 1950) proposed that the (i) Anon 6: No, there’s nobody here much Richard: What
do you mean there’s nobody here, it’s packed.
ability to evince relevance in approximately this
sense could be a plausible test for intelligence. In (ii) Cassie: You did get off with him? Catherine: Twice,
but it was totally non-existent kissing so Cassie: What
what follows, I restrict attention to relevance re- do you mean? Catherine: I was sort of falling asleep.
lating a query to a possible (felicitous) response.1
This is, in part, due to obvious considerations of Pretheoretically this is perhaps not surprising, given that
(perceived) complete lack of coherence is rare; whereas inde-
space, but also because this is a domain where terminacy of content is a consequence of lexical and phrasal
context dependence, but a detailed explanation is surely an
For a more detailed account see (Ginzburg, 2011). important desideratum.

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by121
the author(s)
Dorothy: Does she eat anything? Marjorie: What (e.g. (Groenendijk and Roelofsen, 2009; van Ben-
do you mean? (British National Corpus (BNC)) them and Minica, 2009)) and even (Asher and Las-
b. Dr. Grimesby Roylott: My stepdaughter has been carides, 2003), which has admirably wide cover-
here. I have traced her. What has she been saying age, seem intrinsically unable to scale up to deal
to you?
Sherlock Holmes: It is a little cold for the time of
with metacommunicative relevance. Characteriz-
the year. ing relevance requires a theory that allows on-
Dr. Grimesby Roylott: What has she been saying tology, grammar, and interaction to be encoded
to you?
Sherlock Holmes: But I have heard that the cro- within the interaction conventions. For this pur-
cuses promise well. (‘The Speckled Band’, Sir pose I employ Type Theory with Records (TTR)
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock (Cooper, 2005). KoS and TTR are introduced in
Holmes, John Murray, London.)
section 3. After which I sketch an attempt to com-
The methodological argument is that charac- bine the various notions of relevance so that they
terizing relevance pushes theories of dialogue to can be used to explicate examples of the type (1)
be concrete, forcing them to be precise about the above.
range of propositions they characterize as answers
2 A Five Step Approach to Analyzing
and to offer sources of relevance to utterances
whose relevance as an answer they do not under-
pin. It also enables one to operationalize the no- 2.1 Step 1: answerhood
tion of relevance for use in corpus studies and for In constructing our notion of relevance for queries,
other computational work. the first step is the most familiar. Any speaker
In this paper I sketch an account of rele- of a given language can recognize, independently
vance within the dialogue theory KoS (Ginzburg, of domain knowledge and of the goals underly-
1994; Ginzburg and Cooper, 2004; Larsson, 2002; ing an interaction, that certain propositions are
Purver, 2006; Fernández, 2006; Ginzburg, 2011; about or directly concern a given question. This,
Ginzburg and Fernández, 2010). The basic intu- I suggest, is the answerhood relation needed for
ition is that relevance of an utterance relative to characterizing interrogative relevance. It must be
an agent’s information state amounts to the possi- sufficiently inclusive to accommodate conditional,
bility of integrating the utterance into the informa- weakly modalized, and quantificational answers,
tion state; though as we will see this basic intuition all of which are pervasive in actual linguistic use,
needs to be refined to deal with cases like ((1)b). as in the following BNC examples:
I start by offering a more or less theory neutral
characterization of relevance, suggesting the need (2) a. Christopher: Can I have some ice-cream then?
Dorothy: you can do if there is any. (BNC)
to encompass (in approximate order of theoretical
difficulty) b. Anon: Are you voting for Tory?
Denise: I might. (BNC, slightly modified)
• q(uestion)-specificity—this includes both an- c. Dorothy: What did grandma have to catch?
swerhood and some sort of dependence or en- Christopher: A bus. (BNC, slightly modified)
tailment relation between questions,
d. Elinor: Where are you going to hide it?
Tim: Somewhere you can’t have it.
• metadiscursive relevance (a notion that un-
derwrites utterances like “I don’t know” and How to formally and empirically characterize
‘I don’t want to talk about this.”) aboutness is an interesting topic researched within
work on the semantics of interrogatives (see e.g.
• genre-based relevance, the latter much stud-
(Ginzburg and Sag, 2000; Groenendijk, 2006)),
ied in AI work on dialogue
though a comprehensive, empirically-based ac-
• metacommunicative relevance, a notion that count is still elusive.
underwrites clarification interaction.
2.2 Step 2: q-specificity
Thus, defining relevance involves interplay be- The second step we take is somewhat less familiar
tween semantic ontology, grammar, and interac- and already a bit trickier. Any inspection of cor-
tion conventions. Various frameworks where rel- pora, nonetheless, reveals the underdiscussed fact
evance merely ties in the content of utterances that many queries are responded to with a query. A

large proportion of these are clarification requests, Consequently, a number of researchers have ex-
to be discussed in section 2.5. But in addition to pressed doubt that it is dependence that under-
these, there are query responses whose content di- pins the requisite question/question (e.g. (Larsson,
rectly addresses the question posed, as exemplified 2002; Shaheen, 2009a). Instead, with (e.g. (Asher
in ((3)): and Lascarides, 2003)), they suggest that the req-
uisite relation is plan–oriented, as could be artic-
(3) a. A: Who murdered Smith? B: Who was in town? ulated in terms of the rhetorical relation Q(uery)-
b. A: Who is going to win the race? B: Who is going
Elab(oration) informally summarized in ((6)):
to participate? (6) If Q-Elab(α, β) holds between an utter-
ance α uttered by A, where g is a goal
c. Carol: Right, what do you want for your dinner?
Chris: What do you (pause) suggest? (BNC, KbJ) associated by convention with utterances
of the type α, and the question β uttered
d. Chris: Where’s mummy? by B, then any answer to β must elaborate
Emma: Mm?
Chris: Mummy? a plan to achieve g.
Emma: What do you want her for? (BNC, KbJ) This latter proposal, motivated by interaction
in cooperative settings, is vulnerable to examples
There has been much work on relations such as ((7)):
among questions within the framework of Infer- (7) a. A: What do you like? B: What do you like?
ential Erotetic Logic (IEL) (see e.g. (Wiśniewski,
b. A: What is Brown going to do about it? B: Well,
2001; Wiśniewski, 2003)), yielding notions of what is Cameron?
q(uestion)–implication. From this a natural hy-
pothesis can be made about such query responses, I leave the precise characterization of this class
as in ((4))a); a related proposal, first articulated by of responses as an open issue, which requires more
(Carlson, 1983), is that they are constrained by the empirical research, both corpora-based and exper-
semantic relations of dependence, or its converse imental, though for concreteness will assume an
influence. A straightforward definition of these account based on q–implication/dependence.
notions is in ((4)b). Its intuitive rationale is this: 2.3 Step 3: ability to answer
discussion of q2 will necessarily bring about the
The first departure from a notion determined by
provision of information about q1 :4
questions per se is what one might call metadis-
(4) a. q2 can be used to respond to q1 if q1 q– implies q2 . cursive relevance. Irrelevance implicatures
(Or q2 influences q1 ; Or q1 depends on q2 ) are an instance of metadiscursive interaction—
interaction about what should or should not be dis-
b. q2 influences q1 iff any proposition p such that p
Resolves q2 , also satisfies p entails r such that r cussed at a given point in a conversation:
is About q1 . (8) a. A: What’s the problem with the drains?
b. B: I don’t know.
Question implication or dependence seem to
c. B: You asked me that already.
constitute a sufficient condition for felicity of a
(non-metacommunicative question) response. It d. B: You can’t be serious.
does not seem to be a necessary condition. For e. B: Do we need to talk about this now?
instance, (3d) is felicitous but does not permit the f. B: I don’t wish to discuss this now.
g. B: Whatever. Millie called yesterday.
(5) Where Mummy is depends on what Chris wants for I will mention one possible proposal concerning
this aspect of relevance below. The crucial point
The definition of influence/dependence in ((4)b) makes metadiscursivity emphasizes is that a query intro-
reference to the answerhood notion of resolvedness, an duces the potential for discussion of other ques-
agent–relative notion of exhaustiveness, as argued in
(Ginzburg, 1995). Although for the moment I don’t spell this tions. Specifically in this case the need to address
out, this makes influence/dependence agent–relative rather the issue of whether a given question q should
than purely semantic notions, in contrast to aboutness. One be discussed at a particular point by the respon-
could eliminate this asymmetry by using a purely semantic
notion of exhaustiveness. This issue is further discussed be- der B, an issue we might paraphrase informally as
low. ?WishDiscuss(B, q).

2.4 Step 4: Genre specificity by metacommunicative responses, the two main
In the case of metadiscursive relevance the issue types being acknowledgements of understanding
introduced arises from the query interaction. An- and clarification requests (CRs). Here I mention
other source of relevance is the activity or genre a couple of salient facts that any account of meta-
type. Relevance driven by the domain plays an communicative relevance needs to address. First,
important role, as emphasized by a vast literature CRs come in four main types, one of which relates
in AI, going back at least to (Cohen and Perrault, to the phonological form of the utterance:
1979; Allen and Perrault, 1980). In (9) B’s per- (11) A: Did Jo leave?
fectly relevant response is not about the query A
asked: a. intended content queries:(Jo?),

(9) A: How can I help you? b. Repetition requests: (What?),

B: A second class return ticket to Darlington, leav-
ing this afternoon. c. Relevance clarifications: (What do you mean?),

The basic intuition one can pursue is that a d. Requests for underlying motivation: (Why?).
move can be made if it relates to the current ac-
tivity. In some cases the activity is very clearly Second, there exist syntactic and phonological
defined and tightly constrains what can be said. parallelism conditions on certain CR interpreta-
In other cases the activity is far less restrictive on tions:
what can be said: (12) a. A: Did Bo leave? B: Max? (cannot mean: intended
content reading: Who are you referring to? or
(10) a. Buying a train ticket: c wants a train ticket: c Who do you mean?)
needs to indicate where to, when leaving, if return,
when returning, which class, s needs to indicate
how much needs to be paid b. A: Did he adore the book. B: adore? / #adored?

b. Buying in a boulangerie: c needs to indicate what 3 Relevance in KoS

baked goods are desired, b needs to indicate how
much needs to be paid
As the underlying logical framework, I use Type
c. Chatting among friends: first: how are conversa- Theory with Records (TTR) (Cooper, 2005), a
tional participants and their near ones? model–theoretic descendant of Martin-Löf Type
d. Buying in a boulangerie from a long standing Theory (Ranta, 1994). What is crucial for current
acquaintance: combination of (b) and (d). purposes about this formalism, which takes situa-
tion semantics as one of its inspirations, is that it
Trying to operationalize activity relevance pre- provides access to both types and tokens at the ob-
supposes that we can classify conversations into ject level. Concretely, this enables simultaneous
various genres, a term we use following (Bakhtin, reference to both utterances and utterance types, a
1986) to denote a particular type of interactional key desideratum for modelling metacommunica-
domain. There are at present remarkably few such tive interaction. This distinguishes TTR from
taxonomies (though see (Allwood, 1999) for an in- (standard) Discourse Representation Theory,5 for
formal one.) and we will not attempt to offer one instance, where the witnesses are at a model the-
here. However, as we will see below, we can in- oretic level, distinct from the level of discourse
dicate how to classify a conversation into a genre representations. The provision of entities at both
and build a notion of genre-based relevance from levels of tokens and types allows one to combine
that. aspects of the typed feature structures world and
the set theoretic world, enabling its use as a com-
2.5 Step 5: metacommunicative relevance
putational grammatical formalism. The formalism
The final step for now will involve the most radical can, consequently, be used to build a semantic on-
moves, ones that are ultimately difficult for many tology, and to write conversational interaction and
existing logical frameworks. In other words as- grammar rules.
sessing which utterances are relevant as responses
to an initial query—or any other type of move for There are versions of DRT that do allow for the presence
of witnesses in the logical representation, e.g. Compositional
that matter—requires reference to more than the DRT (Muskens, 1996), employed to underpin the PTT dia-
query’s content. This is demonstrated most clearly logue framework (Poesio and Rieser, 2010).

3.1 Information States querying assertion
LatestMove = Ask(A,q) LatestMove = Assert(A,p)
On the view developed in KoS, there is actually A: push q onto QUD; A: push p? onto QUD;
no single context, for reasons connected primarily release turn; release turn
B: push q onto QUD; B: push p? onto QUD;
with the integration of metacommunicative and il- take turn; take turn;
locutionary interaction, which I will touch on in (15) make q—specific Option 1: Discuss p?
section 3.5. Instead of a single context, analysis utterance
take turn. Option 2: Accept p
is formulated at a level of information states, one LatestMove = Accept(B,p)
per conversational participant. The type of such B: increment FACTS with p;
information states is given in (13a). I leave the pop p? from QUD;
A: increment FACTS with p;
structure of the private part unanalyzed here, for pop p? from QUD;
details on this, see (Larsson, 2002). The dialogue
gameboard represents information that arises from As argued in (Ginzburg, 2011), the only query
publicized interactions. Its structure is given in the specific aspect of the query protocol in (15) is the
type specified in (13b)——the spkr,addr fields al- need to increment QUD with q as a consequence
low one to track turn ownership, Facts represents of q being posed:
conversationally shared assumptions, Pending and (16) Ask QUD–incrementation:
Moves represent respectively moves that are in the   
q : Question
process of/have been grounded, QUD tracks the pre : LatestMove = Ask(spkr,addr,q):IllocProp 
questions currently under discussion:    
effects : qud = [q,pre.qud] : list(Question)
(13) a. TotalInformationState (TIS):

dialoguegameboard : DGB
 The specification make q-specific
private : Private utterance is an instance of a general constraint
that characterizes the contextual background of
b. DGB = reactive queries and assertions. This specification
 
spkr: Ind can be formulated as in ((17)): the rule states that
addr: Ind  if q is QUD–maximal, then either participant may
c-utt : addressing(spkr,addr)
 

make a q–specific move. Whereas the precon-
Facts : set(Proposition)
 
ditions simply state that q is QUD–maximal, the

Pending : list(locutionary Proposition)
 
Moves : list(locutionary Proposition)  preconditions underspecify who has the turn and
QUD : poset(Question) require that the latest move—the first element on
the MOVES list—stand in the Qspecific relation
Context change is specified in terms of conver- to q:6
sational rules, rules that specify the effects ap-
plicable to a DGB that satisfies certain precondi- (17) QSpec
 h i 
tions. This allows both illocutionary effects to be preconds

: qud = q, Q : poset(Question)
modelled (preconditions for and effects of greet- 
  

spkr : Ind
ing, querying, assertion, parting etc), interleaved
 

 c1 : spkr = preconds.spkr ∨ preconds.addr 
with locutionary effects. How querying works in  

 addr : Ind 
this framework I will illustrate in the next section, 

c2: member(addr, preconds.spkr,preconds.addr )
once we have discussed q(uestion)–specificity.  
effects :∧ addr 6= spkr

 
 r : AbSemObj 
3.2 Questions in context  
 R: IllocRel 
  

The basic notion of relevance that has emerged so
 L

 Moves = R(spkr,addr,r) m : list(IllocProp) 

far can be summarized in term of the notion of q- c1 : Qspecific(r,preconds.qud.q)
specificity in ((14)):
The notion of q–specificity still needs some re-
(14) q-specific utterance: an utterance whose finements if it is to do its job of regulating re-
content is either a proposition p About q sponses that address a given question. The most
or a question q1 on which q Depends direct refinement concerns indirect answerhood:
This underspecification of turn ownership is the basis for
This can be embedded in 2-person interaction a unified account of question posing in monologue, 2-person
via a protocol as in ((15)): querying, and multilogue provided in (Ginzburg, 2011).

responses that provide an answer indirectly should
 
A, B : Ind
clearly be accommodated (Asher and Lascarides, t: TimeInterval 
c1 : Speak(A,t) ∨ Speak(B,t)
 
1998). This means relativizing aboutness by an 
facts : Set(Prop)
 
entailment notion based on common ground infor- 
qnud : list(question)
 
mation represented in FACTS.

  
c2: λP.P (A), λP.P (B) ⊂ qnud
moves : list(IllocProp)
3.3 Metadiscursive Relevance
A natural way to analyze such utterances is along b. BakeryChat:
 
the lines of the conversational rule QSPEC dis- A, B : Ind
cussed in section 3.2: A introducing q gives B the t: TimeInterval 
c1 : Speak(A,t) ∨ Speak(B,t)
 
right to follow up with an utterance about an is- 

facts : Set(Prop)
sue we could paraphrase informally as ?WishDis-

qnud : list(question)
 

cuss(q). Such a CCUR is sketched in ((18)):  
 λP.P (A), λP.P (B),
 

 
c2: λx.InShopBuy(A,x), ⊂ qnud
(18) Discussing u?  
 λx.Pay(A,x)
 

preconds : DGB
 moves : list(IllocProp)
 
 spkr = preconds.addr : Ind 

 addr = preconds.spkr : Ind

 We can then offer the following definition of ac-
tivity relevance: one can make a move m0 if one
  
 r : AbSemObj 
  
 R: IllocRel  believes that that the current conversation updated
 

Moves = R(spkr,addr,r)
 with m0 is of a certain genre G0. Making move
effects : pre.Moves : list(IllocProp) m0 given what has happened so far (represented
  
 c1 : Qspecific(R(spkr,addr,r), 

in dgb0) can be anticipated to conclude as final

  
 state dgb1 which is a conversation of type G0:
  ?WishDiscuss(pre.maxqud), 
 qud = 
  pre.qud  (21) m0 is relevant to G0 in dgb0 for A iff
: poset(Question) A believes that there exists dgb1 such that
(dgb0 m0) < dgb1, and such that dgb1 :

3.4 Genre-based Relevance G0

An account of genre-based relevance presupposes
3.5 Metacommunicative Relevance
a means of classifying a conversation into a
genre.7 One way of so doing is by providing the In the immediate aftermath of a speech event
description of an information state of a conversa- u, Pending
gets updated
with a record of the
tional participant who has successfully completed form sit = u (of type locutionary propo-
such a conversation. Final states of a conversation sit-type = Tu
will then be records of type T for T a subtype of sition (LocProp)). Here Tu is a grammatical type
DGBf in , here Questions No (longer) Under Dis- for classifying u that emerges during the process
cussion (QNUD) denotes a list of issues charac- of parsing u. The relationship between u and
teristic of the genre which will have been resolved T —describable in terms of the proposition pu =
in interaction:
sit = u — can be utilized in providing an
  sit-type = Tu
(19) DGBf in = Facts : Prop
QNUD = list : list(question) analysis of grounding/CRification conditions:
Moves : list(IllocProp)
(22) a. Grounding: pu is true: the utterance type
fully classifies the utterance token.
In ((20)) we exemplify two genres, informally
specified in (10): b. CRification: pu is false, either because
Tu is weak (e.g. incomplete word recog-
(20) a. CasualChat:
nition) or because u is incompletely spec-
For an application of genre-based relevance to the se- ified (e.g. incomplete contextual resolu-
mantics of Why-questions, see (Shaheen, 2009b). tion).

In case pu is true, pu becomes the LatestMove there exist c1 , . . . , ck+1 ∈ C, Tu ∈ G, k ≥ 0 such
and relevance possibilities discussed above come that c1 (I0 ) = I1 , . . . , ck+1 (Ik ) = Ik+1 , where
into operation. Otherwise clarification interaction C’s information state I0 satisfies ((25)a); where
ensues. This involves accommodation of ques- by means of a sequence of updates the locutionary
tions into context by means of a particular class of proposition pu = prop(u, Tu ) becomes the value
conversational rules—Clarification Context Up- of LatestMove (condition ((25)b); and the final el-
date Rules (CCURs), whose general substance is ement of the sequence of updates Ik+1 is such that
paraphrased in ((23)a), with a particular instance one of the conditions in ((25)c-f) is satisfied—u
given in ((23)b): is either q–specific, an appropriate CR, relates to
the issue of willingness to discuss q, or is genre–
(23) a. CCURi : given u1 a constituent of MaxPending,
accommodate as MaxQUD qi (u1), follow this up relevant:
with an utterance which is co-propositional with
qi (u1). (25) a. I0 .DGB.LatestMove = v; v.content = Ask(A,q),

b.  identification: Input: b. Ik+1 .DGB.LatestM ove = pu

Spkr : Ind
MaxPending : LocProp  c. pu .content is q–specific relative to I.DGB, Or
u1 ∈ MaxPending.sit.constits d. pu .content is CoPropositional with some question
  q0 that satisfies q0 = CCUR1.effects.
Output: MaxQUD = What did spkr mean by u1? maxqud(I0 .DGB.M axP ending) for some Clar-
LatestMove : LocProp  ification Context Update Rule CCUR1, Or
c1: CoProp(LatestMove.cont,MaxQUD)
e. pu .content is q0 –specific, where q0 is the question
CoPropositionality for two questions means ?WishDiscuss(B,q), Or
that, modulo their domain, the questions involve f. One of C’s beliefs in I0 is that: for
Lsome G0 there
similar answers. For instance ‘Whether Bo left’, exists dgb1 such that (I0 .DGB pu ) < dgb1,
and such that dgb1 : G0
‘Who left’, and ‘Which student left’ (assuming Bo
is a student.) are all co-propositional: A number of remarks can be made about (25),
(24) a. Two utterances u0 and u1 are co-propositional iff primarily about the relata of this notion.
the questions q0 and q1 they contribute to QUD are
co-propositional. • The definition is relative to both the set of
(i) qud-contrib(m0.cont) is m0.cont if m0.cont : conversational rules and to a grammar from
Question which the types Tu from which locutionary
(ii) qud-contrib(m0.cont) is ?m0.cont if m0.cont
: Prop8
propositions originate.

b. q0 and q1 are co-propositional if there exists a • Relevance is, by and large, DGB oriented.
record r such that q0 (r) = q1 (r). Only ((25)f) explicitly involves reference to
the entire information state.
In the current context co-propositionality
amounts to: either a CR which differs from 5 Using Relevance
MaxQud at most in terms of its domain,
or a correction—a proposition that instantiates In this section I offer one application of the inter-
MaxQud. nalized notion of relevance, formulating a rule un-
derwriting lack of wish to address an utterance.9
4 Combining Relevance A prototypical example in this respect is given in
((26)a). Two further examples from literary texts
What then does Relevance amount to? Pretheo-
convey a similar import:
retically, Relevance relates an utterance u to an
information state I just in case there is a way to (26) A: Horrible talk by Rozzo. B: It’s very
successfully update I with u. Let us restrict atten- hot in here. Implicates: B does not wish
tion for now to the case where the input context to discuss A’s utterance.
is a query. Given a set of conversational rules C, 9
In seeking to underwrite this inference via conversational
a grammar G and an information state I0 : T IS, rule there is no inconsistency with a Gricean view that such an
an utterance u is U(tterance)C,G I0 -relevant iff implicature can be explicated in terms of calculations made
by rational agents on the basis of apparent violations of the
Recall from the assertion protocol that asserting p intro- Cooperative Principle etc. This rule represents a “short cir-
duces p? into QUD. cuited” version of the Gricean account.

a. Rumpole: Do you think Prof Clayton emerges is primarily one grounded in publicized
killed your husband? Mercy Charles: Do contextual information, though it has some impor-
you think you’ll get him off? (‘Rumpole tant unpublicized components, primarily those re-
and the Right to Silence’, p. 100) lating to genre–dependent knowledge. I have mo-
tivated the need for a notion of relevance internal-
b. Harry: Is that you James? Stella: What? ized in the theory of meaning via its application
No, it isn’t. Who is it? Harry: Where’s in a class of clarification requests (‘What do you
James? Stella: He’s out. Harry: Out? mean’) and the celebrated Gricean implicatures of
Oh, well, all right. I’ll be straight round. lack of desire to address an utterance.
Stella: What are you talking about? Who KoS enables us to construct a potentially rich
are you? (Pinter, The Collection, p. 133) theory of relevance. But as I have made clear there
In current terms we could formulate the infer- is a slew of issues we are in the dark about. These
ence as in ((27)): include:

(27) ¬Relevant(u,I) 7→ 1. Empirical coverage: what aspects does the

A does not wish to address four cornered characterization offered above
I.dgb.LatestMove. intrinsically miss?

More formally, we can offer the update rule in 2. The nature of q-responsiveness: is there a
((28))—given that MaxPending is irrelevant to the clean way, analogous to answerhood, to char-
DGB, one can make MaxPending into LatestMove acterize the (non-metacommunicative) ques-
while updating Facts with the fact that the speaker tions arising from a given query?
of MaxPending does not wish to discuss MAX -
QUD : 3. Relevancial success: (Why) are there in
    practice few relevance CRs?
(28) I : TIS
preconds: c: ¬Relevant(maxpending,I) Acknowledgments

  
 LatestMove = pre.pending : LocProp 
I would like to thank Jon Shaheen for a series of
 
effects : Facts = pre.Facts ∪
  illuminating comments on an extended version of
¬ WishDiscuss(pre.spkr,pre.maxqud) .
this paper and Robin Cooper and Alex Lascarides
Note that this does not make the unwillingness for discussion of topics discussed therein.
to discuss be the content of the offending utter-
ance; it is merely an inference. Still this infer- References
ence will allow MAX - QUD to be downdated from James Allen and Ray Perrault. 1980. Analyzing intention in
the DGB via the general mechanisms that regu- utterances. Artificial Intelligence, 15:143–178.
late QUD downdate in conjunction with FACTS
Jens Allwood. 1999. The swedish spoken language corpus
update. at göteborg university. In Proceedings of Fonetik 99, vol-
ume 81 of Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics.
6 Conclusions
Nicholas Asher and Alex Lascarides. 1998. Questions in
Relevance is the most fundamental notion for re- dialogue. Linguistics and Philosophy, 21.
search on dialogue. Restricting attention here to Nicholas Asher and Alex Lascarides. 2003. Logics of Con-
the case where a query has just taken place, I versation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
have elucidated four dimensions of this notion: M.M. Bakhtin. 1986. Speech Genres and Other Late Essays.
responses that are question–specific, metadiscur- University of Texas Press.
sive, genre–specific, and metacommunicative. I
Lauri Carlson. 1983. Dialogue Games. Synthese Language
have formalized this notion, starting with the in- Library. D. Reidel, Dordrecht.
tuition that it amounts to a relation between an ut-
Philip Cohen and Ray Perrault. 1979. Elements of a plan-
terance and an information state where the utter- based theory of speech acts. Cognitive Science, 3:177–
ance can successfully update the information state 212.
whose most recent move is a query. using the dia-
Robin Cooper. 2005. Austinian truth in martin-löf type the-
logue theory KoS and the formalism of Type The- ory. Research on Language and Computation, pages 333–
ory with Records. The notion of relevance that 362.

Raquel Fernández. 2006. Non-Sentential Utterances in Di- A.M. Turing. 1950. Computing Machinery and Intelligence.
alogue: Classification, Resolution and Use. Ph.D. thesis, Mind, 59(236):433–460.
King’s College, London.
Johan van Benthem and Stefan Minica. 2009. Toward a dy-
Jonathan Ginzburg and Robin Cooper. 2004. Clarification, namic logic of questions. In Xiangdong He, John Horty,
ellipsis, and the nature of contextual updates. Linguistics and Eric Pacuit, editors, Proceedings of Logic, Rationality
and Philosophy, 27(3):297–366. and Interaction (LORI-II).

Jonathan Ginzburg and Raquel Fernández. 2010. Dialogue. Andrzej Wiśniewski. 2001. Questions and inferences.
In Alex Clark, Chris Fox, and Shalom Lappin, editors, Logique et Analyse, 173:5–43.
Handbook of Computational Linguistics and Natural Lan-
guage, Oxford. Blackwell. Andrzej Wiśniewski. 2003. Erotetic search scenarios. Syn-
these, 134:389–427.
Jonathan Ginzburg and Ivan A. Sag. 2000. Interrogative
Investigations: the form, meaning and use of English In-
terrogatives. Number 123 in CSLI Lecture Notes. CSLI
Publications, Stanford: California.

Jonathan Ginzburg. 1994. An update semantics for dialogue.

In H. Bunt, editor, Proceedings of the 1st International
Workshop on Computational Semantics. ITK, Tilburg Uni-
versity, Tilburg.

Jonathan Ginzburg. 1995. Resolving questions, i. Linguis-

tics and Philosophy, 18:459–527.

Jonathan Ginzburg. 2011. The Interactive Stance:

Meaning for Conversation. Oxford Univer-
sity Press, Oxford. Draft available from

J. Groenendijk and F. Roelofsen. 2009. Inquisitive seman-

tics and pragmatics. In Meaning, Content, and Argu-
ment: Proceedings of the ILCLI International Workshop
on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Rhetoric. www. illc. uva.

Jeroen Groenendijk. 2006. The logic of interrogation. In

Maria Aloni, Alistair Butler, and Paul Dekker, editors,
Questions in Dynamic Semantics, volume 17 of Current
Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface, pages
43–62. Elsevier, Amsterdam. An earlier version appeared
in 1999 in the Proceedings of SALT 9 under the title ‘The
Logic of Interrogation. Classical version’.

Staffan Larsson. 2002. Issue based Dialogue Management.

Ph.D. thesis, Gothenburg University.

R. Muskens. 1996. Combining Montague semantics and

discourse representation. Linguistics and Philosophy,

Massimo Poesio and Hannes Rieser. 2010. (prolegomena to

a theory of) completions, continuations, and coordination
in dialogue. Dialogue and Discourse, 1.

M. Purver. 2006. Clarie: Handling clarification requests in a

dialogue system. Research on Language & Computation,

Aarne Ranta. 1994. Type Theoretical Grammar. Oxford

University Press, Oxford.

Jon Shaheen. 2009a. Comments on Ginzburg’s paper, i:

Intuitions about query responses and hesitation marking.
Presented at the Michigan Fall Symposium on Linguistics
and Philosophy, University of Michigan.

Jon Shaheen. 2009b. Genre-based relevance and why-

questions. University of Amsterdam unpublished Ms.

Radical Inquisitive Semantics
Jeroen Groenendijk & Floris Roelofsen
ILLC/University of Amsterdam

In inquisitive semantics the proposition expressed by a sentence is viewed
as a proposal to update the common ground. Such a proposal may be inquis-
itive, in the sense that it may offer the addressee a choice between several
alternative updates. Propositions are modeled as sets of possibilities, where
possibilities are sets of possible worlds.
Radical inquisitive semantics enriches this notion of meaning by pairing
the proposition expressed by a sentence with a counter-proposition. The pos-
sibilities in this counter-proposition embody the ways in which the addressee
may choose to counter the proposal expressed by the sentence.
Whereas the proposition expressed by a sentence gives directions for pos-
itive responses that accepct the given proposal, the counter-proposition for
a sentence gives directions for negative responses that reject the proposal.
We will present a radical inquisitive semantics for the language of propo-
sitional logic, and illustrate its workings with a number of examples showing
how it accounts for positive and negative responses to sentences of natural
Much of our attention will be devoted to the treatment of conditional sen-
tences, both indicative conditionals and conditional questions. A remarkable
result is that ‘denial of the antecedent’ responses to a conditional are charac-
terized as negative responses to the ‘question behind’ that conditional.

Jeroen Groenendijk & Floris Roelofsen, Radical Inquisitive Semantics,

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by131
the author(s)
Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence
Henry Prakken
Utrecht University
The University of Groningen

Argumentation is a form of reasoning that makes explicit the reasons
for the conclusions that are drawn and how conflicts between reasons are
resolved. This provides a natural mechanism, for example, to handle incon-
sistent and uncertain information and to resolve conflicts of opinion between
intelligent agents. In consequence, argumentation has become a key topic
in the logical study of commonsense reasoning and in the dialogical study
of inter-agent communication. In this talk an overview will be given of cur-
rent research in AI on argumentation, with special attention for the dialogical
aspects of argumentation.

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by133
the author(s)
Clarification Requests as Enthymeme Elicitors

Ellen Breitholtz
University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg, Sweden

Abstract (1)
In this paper, we aim to establish a re-
lation between enthymematic arguments i A: Let’s walk along Walnut Street.
and clarification requests. We illustrate ii A: It’s shorter.
our discussion with examples where the
clarification following a clarification re-
quest, together with the problematic ut- Breitholtz and Villing (2008) suggested that the
terance, make up an enthymeme. We presence of (1)ii despite its informational re-
also suggest possible analyses of how dundancy (assuming both dialogue participants
conversational participants, in order to know that it is shorter to walk along Walnut
work out an enthymeme, draw on topoi Street), could be explained in rhetorical terms.
- notions or inference patterns that con- The informational content lies in that it refers
stitute a rhetorical resource for an agent to an enthymeme according to which, if suitable
engaging in dialogue. topoi are employed, Walnut Street being shorter
1 Introduction is a good reason for choosing that way to work.

Enthymemes, semi-logical arguments drawing This indicates that enthymemes may play a
on “common knowledge”, have evoked inter- role in other contexts than just disagreement, for
est among scholars within different fields: com- example contexts where an utterance needs to
puter science (Hunter, 2009), and philosophy be elaborated, explained, motivated, or in other
(Burnyeat, 1996) on the one hand, composi- ways supported in order for grounding to occur.
tion and cultural studies on the other (Rosen- In many dialogue situations, however, reference
gren, 2008). Despite this, the enthymeme has to an enthymeme is not given spontaneously - at-
not been studied to a great extent as a linguis- tention is called to the need for more information
tic phenomenon. However, there is at least one by the posing of a clarification request.
study that elucidates enthymemes as conversa-
tional phenomena - Jackson and Jacobs (1980). In this paper we will look at the rela-
Jackson and Jacobs, whose work is in the CA tion between enthymemes and clarification re-
tradition, claim that the enthymeme is linked to quests, more specifically how problematic ut-
disagreements and objections raised in conversa- terances and clarifications can be analysed as
tion, and therefore is best understood in terms of enthymemes. We will first give some back-
dialogue rather than monologue. We agree with ground information about Aristotle’s notion of
this, but would like to suggest that the role of enthymeme, then look at a few examples of dia-
the enthymeme is more fundamental. Consider logues where some sort of communication prob-
Walker’s (1996) example of an interaction be- lem is signalled by a clarification request that
tween two colleagues on their way to work: elicits reference to an enthymeme.

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by135
the author(s)
2 Enthymemes and topoi 3 Clarification Requests
An enthymeme can be described as a rhetori- Jackson and Jacobs (1980) argue that en-
cal argument rule similar to an inference rule in thymematic arguments result from disagreement
logic. In the Rhetoric (Kennedy, 2007), Aristo- in a system built to prefer agreement. This sug-
tle claims that learned, scientific argumentation gests that the enthymemes we use in conversa-
differs from argumentation concerning every day tion are often evoked by some kind of objection,
matters. In rhetorical discourse, it is inefficient as in Jackson and Jacob’s example in (2):
to present chains of logical arguments. Aristo-
tle therefore recommends shortening the argu- (2)
ments, which results in them not being strictly J: Let’s get that one.
logical. However, Aristotle still emphasises the A: No. I don’t like that one. Let’s go
logos-based, deductive nature of the enthymeme, somewhere else.
and calls it a sort of syllogism (Kennedy, 2007). J: Shower curtains are all the same.
Some enthymemes can be made into a logi- Jackson and Jacobs convincingly show that the
cal arguments by adding one or more premises, discourse of disagreement is indeed associated
which may be supplied from an agent’s knowl- with use of enthymemes. It seems to us, how-
edge of culture, situation and co-text (what has ever, that enthymemes are not just used in or-
been said earlier in the discourse), according to der to work out disagreements. They should be
argument schemes known as the topoi of the en- just as important in situations where a conversa-
thymeme. These patterns can be very general as- tional participant does not understand what an-
sumptions based on physical parameters such as other conversational participant is saying or why
volume (if x is smaller than y, x can be contained and how his/her utterance is relevant. The type of
in y), or more specific assumptions like the sky is utterance that would be used in this type of situ-
blue, dogs bark, etc. ation is a clarification request. Ginzburg (2009)
defines the posing of clarification requests (CR:s)
2.1 Topoi as a resource in dialogue
as the engaging in ”discussion of a partially com-
In his work on doxology, a theory of knowl- prehended utterance”. According to a corpus
edge concerned with what is held to be true study by Purver (2004), a little less than half of
rather than what is objectively true, Rosengren CRs have the function of questioning the seman-
(2008) employs rhetorical concepts to describe tic contribution of a particular constituent within
how common-sense knowledge and reasoning the entire clausal content (Ginzburg, 2009). This
are organised. To know a society, claims Rosen- function is referred to by Ginzburg as Clausal
gren, is to know its topoi. In a micro-perspective, confirmation. Ginzburg (2009) gives an exam-
we could say that an important part of being able ple of this type of CR, repeated here in (3). The
to handle a specific dialogue situation is to know meaning of the reprise fragment is to clarify if the
relevant topoi. Thus an agent involved in dia- rendezvous should really be in the drama studio,
logue has at his or her disposal a set of topoi, indicating that it is not an obvious place to meet
some of which pertain to the domain, some to the and that the suggestion of meeting there requires
topic discussed and a great number of others that an explanation.
the agent has accumulated through experience.
This collection of topoi could be regarded as a (3)
rhetorical resource, parallel to the way grammat- Unknown: Will you meet me in the
ical and lexical competence may be described as drama studio?
resources available to an agent, as envisaged by Caroline: Drama studio?
Cooper and Ranta (2008), Larsson and Cooper Unknown: Yes, I’ve got an audition.
(2009) and Cooper and Larsson (2009).

(Ginzburg, 2009), p 146 i A: Does the group have an office?
ii B: No.
The function performed by the clarification in iii C: We’ve got our plastic box!
(3), seems to us similar to that of “it’s shorter” iv A: Plastic?
in (1), namely to validate the proposition made v C: I know I know everybody will
in an earlier utterance in terms of its relevance be disappointed but I couldn’t get
in the dialogue situation. We would like to ar- cardboard ones.
gue that the clarification is validating precisely
because it gives reference to a specific rhetorical BNC, File F72, Line 283-287
argument, an enthymeme consisting of the utter-
ance that provokes the CR, and the clarification. First, the clarification (6)v) elicited by the
reprise fragment, points to two different argu-
3.1 Examples of Enthymematic ments. Let us first consider the second half of
Clarification (6) v, ”I couldn’t get cardboard ones”. The ar-
In this section we will consider two examples gument is that C could not get cardboard boxes,
where references to enthymemes are made ex- and therefore got plastic boxes. An important
plicit by CRs. The examples are extracted point to make here is that there are many possible
from the British National Corpus using SCoRE topoi that could be used to reach a certain conclu-
(Purver, 2001). First, let us consider (4), where sion. Also, it is not the case that one particular
a child is being questioned about a character in a topos makes sense in every possible argument -
narrative: even within a limited domain. Instead, the topoi
should be perceived as a resource from which an
(4) agent can choose and combine topoi according to
i A: Brave the situation. A set of topoi that could be drawn
ii B: Brave? on to resolve this enthymeme is:
iii B: You thought she was brave?
x is made of y
iv B: Why was she brave?
(7) y is bad
v A: She went into the woods.
∴ x is bad
BNC, File D97, Line 518-522 x is made of y
(8) y is good
In (4) we have an example of a clausal confir- ∴ x is good
mation CR - (4)ii does not serve to find out why
the character was brave in the first place (e. g. x is better than y
because she was born brave) but to elicit a moti- ∴ choose x!
vation to why A said the character was brave.
x is better than y
A topos that would make sense of the argu-
(10) x is unavailable
ment would be one concerning danger/courage,
∴ choose y!
for example:

x does A The topoi (8), (9) and (10) can be combined to

(5) A is dangerous instantiate the enthymeme
∴ x is brave
cardboard boxes were unavailable
∴ I got plastic boxes
Our second example works somewhat differ-
The function of the premise “I couldn’t get card-
(6) board ones” is, as in (4) to offer an explana-

tion to, or perhaps more correctly, a justification of Rhetoric, pages 88–115. University of Califor-
for, the first, problematic, proposition that plastic nia Press.
boxes had been purchased. Robin Cooper and Staffan Larsson. 2009. Com-
The other enthymeme in (6) is different in that positional and ontological semantics in learning
the first half of (6)v, that is elicited by the CR, from corrective feedback and explicit definition. In
constitutes the conclusion of the argument rather Jens Edlund, Joakim Gustafson, Anna Hjalmars-
son, and Gabriel Skantze, editors, Proceedings of
than a premise, and (6)v does not offer an expla- DiaHolmia: 2009 Workshop on the Semantics and
nation to (6)iii, but expresses a consequence of Pragmatics of Dialogue, pages 59–66.
(6). The argument could draw on the following
Robin Cooper and Aarne Ranta. 2008. Natural
topoi: languages as collections of resources. In Robin
Cooper and Ruth Kempson, editors, Language
x is made of y in Flux: Dialogue Coordination, Language Vari-
(12) y is bad ation, Change and Evolution, Communication,
∴ x is bad Mind and Language, pages 109–120. College Pub-
x is bad
(13) Jonathan Ginzburg. 2009. The Interactive Stance:
∴ x makes people disappointed
Meaning for Conversation.

The enthymeme in (6) is an instantiation of the Philippe Besnard & Anthony Hunter, 2009. Argu-
mentation in Artificial Intelligence, chapter Argu-
combination of (12) and (13).
mentation based on classical logic, pages 133–152.
a is made of plastic
∴ a makes people disappointed Sally Jackson and Scott Jacobs. 1980. Structure
of conversational argument: Pragmatic bases for
the enthymeme. Quarterly Journal of Speech,
4 Conclusions 66:251–265.

We have argued that enthymemes may have a Kennedy. 2007. Aristotle: On Rhetoric, a theory of
function in enabling the interpretation of dia- civic discourse. Oxford University Press.
logue contributions in cases where the relevance, Staffan Larsson and Robin Cooper. 2009. Towards
adequacy, or suitability, of an utterance proposi- a formal view of corrective feedback. In Afra Al-
tion in a particular situation is being questioned, ishahi, Thierry Poibeau, and Aline Villavicencio,
and that clarification requests may have the effect editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive
Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition.
of eliciting explicit reference to enthymemes. To
support this, we have used examples drawn from Matthew Purver. 2001. Score: A tool for searching
the BNC. In the examples discussed, we looked the bnc. Technical Report TR-01-07, Department
of Computer Science, King’s College London.
at how a set of possible topoi make up a resource
from which an agent could choose and combine Matthew Purver. 2004. The Theory and Use of Clari-
different topoi that could be used to work out the fication in Dialogue. Ph.D. thesis, King’s College.
enthymeme. Mats Rosengren. 2008. Doxologi : en essä om kun-
skap. Retorikförlaget.

References Marilyn A. Walker. 1996. Limited attention and

discourse structure. Computational Linguistics,
Ellen Breitholtz and Jessica Villing. 2008. Can aris- 22(2):255–264.
totelian enthymemes decrease the cognitive load of
a dialogue system user? In Proceedings of Lon- D Walton. 2008. The three bases for the enthymeme:
Dial 2008, the 12th SEMDIAL workshop, June. A dialogical theory. Journal of Applied Logic,
pages 361–379.
M F Burnyeat, 1996. Essays on Aristotle’s Rhetoric,
chapter Enthymeme: Aristotle on the Rationality

A Computational Model for Gossip Initiation
Jenny Brusk
School of Humanities and Informatics
Skövde University, Sweden

tential target; the news value of the gossip story;

Abstract and how sensitive the story is.
We have combined the theory of politeness
We are interested in creating non-player char- (Brown and Levinson, 1987) with research on
acters (NPCs) in games that are capable of en- gossip structure (e.g. Eder and Enke, 1991;
gaging in gossip conversations. Gossip could Eggins and Slade, 1997) applied on gossip con-
for instance be used to spread news, manipu- versations occurring in screenplays. In addition,
late, and create tension between characters in
we have used insights gained from conducting
the game, so it can have a functional as well as
a social purpose. To accomplish this we need a two surveys concerning the identification of gos-
computational model of gossip and such a sip.
model does not yet exist. As a first step in that
direction we therefore present a model for ini- 2 Background
tiating gossip that calculates whether it is ap-
propriate for the NPC to start a gossip conver-
In every social interaction the participants put a
sation based on the following factors: The great amount of effort in face management ac-
(perceived) relationship between the NPC and tions, i.e., actions that serve to protect one’s own
the player character (PC); the relationship be- and the other participants’ public self-image that
tween each of the participants and the potential they want to claim for themselves (Goffman,
target; the news value of the gossip story; and 1967; Brown and Levinson, 1987). Gossip has
how sensitive the story is. been described as containing “morally contami-
nated information…” which can damage the ini-
1 Introduction tiator’s reputation (Bergmann, 1993). Because of
this, the initiator must make sure that the recipi-
We are interested in creating non-player charac-
ent is willing to gossip (Bergmann, 1993) and
ters (NPCs) with the ability to engage in socially
that the relationship is sufficiently good to mini-
oriented interactions. In order for this to happen,
mize the threat to face.
the NPCs need (among other things) social
Brown and Levinson (1987) suggest that the
awareness and the ability engage in casual con-
threat to face a certain action has in a particular
versations, that is, conversations that are moti-
situation is dependent on three socially deter-
vated by “interpersonal needs” (Eggins and
mined variables: the social distance (SD) be-
Slade, 1997). One such type of conversation is
tween the speaker (S) and the hearer (H); the
gossip, broadly defined as evaluative talk about
hearer’s power over the speaker (P); and the ex-
an absent third person. Gossip could for instance
tent to which the act is rated an imposition in that
be used to spread news, manipulate, and create
culture (i.e., the degree to which the act inter-
tension between characters in the game, so it can
feres with an agent’s wants of self-determination
have a functional as well as a social purpose. For
or of approval) (I): Threat = SD(S, H) + P(H, S)
this to be possible we need a computational
+ I. They furthermore propose that the value of
model of gossip and such a model does not yet
SD and P, respectively, is an integer between 1
exist. As a first step to accomplish this, we here
and n, “where n is some small number” (p. 76).
propose a model for initiating gossip using Harel
Their description of I is too general to be use-
statecharts (Harel, 1987). The model calculates
ful for our purposes and does not take into ac-
whether it is appropriate for the NPC to start a
count the participants’ relationship to the gossip
gossip conversation based on the following fac-
target, for example; a factor that we mean is es-
tors: The (perceived) relationship between the
sential for determining whether it is appropriate
NPC and the player character (PC); the relation-
to start gossiping at all. Therefore, we start by
ship between each of the participants and the po-
exploring the preconditions for S (the NPC) to
even consider a gossip initiation by calculating

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by139
the author(s)
the interpersonal relationship (abbreviated to ρ) as soon as the state’s possible on-entry and on-
between S and H: ρ = SD(S, H) + P(H, S), where exit scripts have been executed. An arrow start-
SD and P, respectively, is an integer between 0 ing from a black dot points to the default start
and 3 (thus slightly different from Brown and state.
Levinson’s suggestion). A low ρ value means
that the relationship is sufficiently good for initi- 4 Initiating Gossip
ating a gossip conversation. In section 4 we will Bree: Tisha. Tisha. Oh, I can tell by that look on
discuss the additional factors that need to be con- your face you've got something good. Now,
sidered before introducing a specific gossip come on, don't be selfish.
story. Tisha: Well, first off, you're not friends with
Previous studies (e.g. Bergmann, 1993; Eder Maisy Gibbons, are you?
and Enke, 1991; Eggins and Slade, 1997; Hallett Bree: No.
et al., 2009) have shown that gossip is built Tisha: Thank god, because this is too good. Maisy
was arrested. While Harold was at work, she
around two key elements: An absent third per-
was having sex with men in her house for
son in focus (henceforth referred to as F) and An money. Can you imagine?
evaluation of F’s deviant behavior or of F as a Bree: No, I can't.
person. There are some reservations concerning Tisha: And that's not even the best part. Word is,
F: she had a little black book with all her clients'
• F must not be emotionally attached to S or names.
H, since that would make F “virtually” Rex: So, think that'll get out?
(Bergmann, 1993) or “symbolically” Tisha: Of course. These things always do. Nancy,
(Goodwin, 1980) present. wait up. I can't wait to tell you this. Wait, wait.

• F is unambiguously the person in focus. F The dialogue above is retrieved from Desper-
must for example not play a sub-ordinate ate Housewives1 and is an example of a typical
role as part of a confrontation, self- gossip dialogue. It has a third person focus
disclosure, or an insult. (Maisy), an evaluation (“this is too good”), and a
story in which Maisy’s deviant behavior is cen-
In addition, explanations are commonly (or tral (she has been arrested for having sex with
always, according to Eggins and Slade (1997)) men in her house for money while her husband
used in gossip conversations to motivate the was at work). Notice also that before Tisha initi-
negative evaluations – they substantiate the gos- ates the gossip she makes sure that the social dis-
sip. tance between the target and the recipients is suf-
ficiently high (“you’re not friends with…?”).
3 Harel Statecharts In the model we propose it is always the NPC
The model is presented using statechart notation that initiates the gossip, assuming that the infor-
(Harel, 1987), which is a visual formalism for mation may have a gameplay value for the
describing reactive behavior. Statecharts are player.
really extended finite state machines that allow In order to qualify as gossip, the story must
us to cluster and refine states by organizing them have a news value (see for example Bergmann,
hierarchically. States can also run in parallel, 1993), which in our model is stored as a parame-
independently of each other but capable of com- ter, NewsVal, with a value ranging between 0
municating through broadcast communication. It (“common knowledge”) and 2 (“recently gained
is also possible to return to a previous configura- information”). However, if it is indifferent for
tion by use of a history state. Within a statechart, the subject that the information is revealed or if
data can be stored and updated using a datamodel the behavior is generally acceptable within that
(a.k.a. “extended state variables”). culture (e.g. within the group, community, or
How to read the statechart: The rounded society) it is unlikely that it will be regarded as
boxes represent states, and states that contain gossip. In order to account for this, we have
another statechart represent hierarchical states added a sensitivity value for the proposi-
(compound states). The directed arrows denote tional content of the gossip story. Sensitiv-
possible transitions between the states. Labels ity is here specified to be an integer between 0
connected to transitions represent events and/or and 3, where 0 indicates a generally acceptable
conditions that trigger the transition. A transition
can also be “empty” (ε), such that it will be taken 1
Touchstone Television.

behavior. We assume that the value of sensi- each other and perhaps small talked for a while
tivity and NewsVal decreases over time. before gossip is initiated).
We propose that the social distance (SD) can S starts by searching for a potential gossip tar-
have one of the following values (with approxi- get (T) in the database (Get(T,DB)) according
mate correspondences): 0 for intimate relation- the specification presented previously, which is
ships; 1 for friends; 2 for acquaintances; and 3 performed on entry of the state SelectTar-
for strangers. The target is then selected on basis get. The story must not be about S him/herself
of the following factors assuming that there is an or about H (OP in the graph stands for Other Par-
NPC (S) who is talking to the player character ticipants, in this case OP=H). If such a target ex-
(PC) (H): ists in the database (DB), i.e., T≠void (and
• S perceives that the risk of losing face (ρ) assuming that T=F), a transition from Se-
is low in the interaction with H, i.e., the lectTarget to EstablishGossip is acti-
social distance between S and H is (per- vated. If there is no target that fulfills the initial
ceived to be) low and there is a (per- criteria, the gossip is cancelled (never initiated).
ceived) symmetric power relationship be- The default start state in EstablishGos-
tween them (ρ< 3). sip is GetGossipStory, in which a search
• S has new, sensitive information about F. for a story about T=F is conducted. The search
has two possible outcomes: there is a story about
• S knows F and believes that H knows, or F that fulfills the criteria (NewsVal=2 and
is acquainted with, F too, i.e. SD(S, F)<3 Sensitivity > 0), or it fails to find such a
and SD(H, F)<3.
story. If a story is found, the next step is to estab-
• S does not have an intimate relationship lish H and F’s relationship. If S is uncertain of
with F, and believes that the same holds their relationship, a transition is taken to the state
for H, i.e., SD(S, F) >0 and SD(H, F) > 0. EstablishId, in which S requests a clarifica-
• S believes that F cannot hear the conversa- tion that will help to establish the social distance
tion. between H and F, for instance as a question: “Do
you know F?” or “Have you heard about F”. If H
The model (see figure 1) works as follows: S responds with a request for clarification of who F
and H are engaged in a conversation. If ρ< 3, a is, then S can provide more information about F,
transition to the state InitiateGossip is which is handled in ExpandId. If S believes
triggered (The source state is unspecified, but we that SD(H, F)=0, i.e., that they are intimately
can assume that the participants have greeted related, S will choose to back away from the gos-

Figure 1. Model for initiating a gossip conversation.

sip and the gossip is cancelled (which corre- 3. Jerry: Can't believe your going out with him...
sponds to a transition to CancelInitGos- 4. Elaine: Why?
sip). Otherwise, S will spread the gossip (which 5. Jerry: I dunno. He's so strange.
is performed in the state Tell). If no story ex-
ists that fulfills the criteria, S will attempt to find Third, if the initiator misinterprets the target’s
a new target. relation to the addressee(s), it is the initiator that
is considered to behave inappropriately. Hence,
5 Discussion by making a mistake in the selection of the target
the initiator face the risk that the gossip gets back
One of the most important factors of gossip ini- at him or her.
tiation is the status of the relationship between
the gossipers and between them and the target. Acknowledgment
We therefore suggest that the following factors This work was partly conducted at and financed
determine whether the NPC can introduce gossip by Gotland University, GSLT, and USC/ICT,
at all: The (perceived) relationship between the respectively. The author would in particular like
NPC and the PC; the relationship between each to thank Dr. David Traum and the rest of the NL
of the participants and the potential target; the group at USC/ICT for all support and sugges-
news value of the gossip story; and how sensitive tions about my work on gossip. Thanks also to
the story is (culturally and personally). More the anonymous reviewers for helpful comments
specifically this means that the target must not be on this paper. The author alone is responsible for
intimately related to any of the participants and any errors and omissions.
that the participants must be friends or acquain-
tances. We have no restrictions concerning gos- References
sip between closely related participants, even if it
is unclear whether it should to be considered Jörg R. Bergmann. 1993. Discreet Indiscretions: The
gossip (see e.g. Bergmann, 1993). Such a restric- Social Organization of Gossip. Aldine, New York.
tion would be unnecessary since it just means Penelope Brown and Stephen C. Levinson. 1987. Po-
that the risk of losing face is very low. liteness: Some Universals in Language Usage.
There are many different forms of gossip (see Cambridge University Press.
for example Gilmore (1978)) and many forms in Suzanne Eggins and Diana Slade. 1997. Analysing
which gossip can be initiated. In the model we Casual Conversation. Equinox Publishing Ltd.
propose here we have delimited the gossip to be
sensitive news about an absent game character. Donna Eder and Janet Lynne Enke. 1991. The Struc-
ture of Gossip: Opportunities and Constraints on
The target is selected first (either by being men- Collective Expression among Adolescents. Ameri-
tioned in the previous discourse or by searching can sociological Review, Vol. 56, No. 4 (Aug.), pp.
the database on entry of SelectTarget), but 494–508.
it could equally well be the story that is chosen
David Gilmore. 1978. Varieties of Gossip in a Span-
first. There are a number of reasons why we
ish Rural Community. Ethnology, Vol. 17, No. 1
chose the former alternative: First, even if it is (Jan.), pp. 89-99.
the behavior that is being evaluated, it is always
a person that (at least) implicitly is being judged Erving Goffman. 1967. Interaction Ritual: Essays on
and thereby can be damaged by the gossip. Sec- Face-to-face Behavior. Pantheon Books, New
ond, the target may already be in focus or men-
tioned (for instance in a pre-sequence, see Berg- Tim Hallett, Brent Harget and Donna Eder. 2009.
mann (1993)), as in the following example, Gossip at Work: Unsanctioned Evaluative Talk in
where the actual gossip is initiated when Jerry2 Formal School Meetings. Journal of Contemporary
expresses his opinion in line 3 (we have removed Ethnography, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp 584–618.
a sequence in which the participants try to estab- David Harel. 1987. Statecharts: A Visual Formalism
lish the identity of the target): for Complex Systems. Science of Computer Pro-
gramming, Vol. 8, pp. 231-274.
1. Jerry: Hey, by the way, did you ever call that
guy from the health club? Marjorie Harness Goodwin. 1980. He-Said-She-Said:
2. Elaine: Oh yeah! Jimmy. Formal Cultural Procedures for the Construction of
[…] a Gossip Dispute Activity. American Ethnologist,
Vol. 7, No. 4 (Nov.), pp. 674-695.
From Seinfeld, Castle Rock Entertainment.

Evaluating Task Success in a Dialogue System for Indoor Navigation

Nina Dethlefs, Heriberto Cuayáhuitl, Kai-Florian Richter,

Elena Andonova, John Bateman
University of Bremen, Germany

Abstract 2 System Architecture

We base our study on data collected from a dia-
In this paper we address the assessment logue system that assists users in indoor wayfind-
of dialogue systems for indoor wayfind- ing using text-based natural language input and
ing. Based on the PARADISE evaluation output. The system architecture consists of
framework we propose and evaluate sev- four different modules for the tasks of Natural
eral task success metrics for such a pur- Language Understanding, dialogue management,
pose. According to correlation and mul- route instruction generation and Natural Language
tiple linear regression analyses, we found Generation. The following is a sample dialogue
that task success metrics that penalise dif- translated from German (S=System, U=User):
ficulty in wayfinding are more informa- S: Do you need a route description on this
level? Just write your question into
tive of system performance than a suc- the text field.
cess/failure binary task success metric. U: Where can I find room number 3180?
S: I have found the following rooms: b3180,
a3180. Which are you looking for?
U: b3180
1 Introduction S: Please turn around and go straight until
the next hallway on the left-hand side.
Turn left and go until the door b3180
Wayfinding in (partially) unknown environments on the right-hand side.
poses a considerable challenge for humans. Our Do you have further questions?
work addresses indoor navigation within com- Since the task success metrics proposed in this
plex buildings that present significant navigational paper aim to be independent of specific architec-
challenges to new and infrequent visitors. This ap- tural decisions, we refer the reader to Cuayáhuitl
plication scenario is of increasing relevance nowa- et al. (2010) for details on our indoor navigation
days, as building complexes become larger and dialogue system.
greater attention is paid to making them accessible
for a broader range of users. Despite this, auto- 3 Experimental Setting
matic systems generating natural language-based
in-advance route descriptions have received little 3.1 Evaluation methodology
attention to date. Previous work consists of ei- Evaluation of the system was performed using ob-
ther attempts to involve primarily visual support or jective and subjective metrics mostly derived from
the quality and effects of the language component the PARADISE framework (Walker et al., 2000).
are taken for granted (Kray et al., 2005; Callaway, We used the following quantitative metrics. First,
2007; Kruijff et al., 2007). In particular, there ap- the group of dialogue efficiency metrics includes
pears to be a lack of agreed-on evaluation metrics ‘system turns’, ‘user turns’, and ‘elapsed time’ (in
for assessing the performance of dialogue systems seconds). The latter includes the time used by
in the wayfinding domain. This paper addresses both conversants, from the first user utterance un-
this lack and suggests to employ metrics that are til the last system utterance. Second, the group
sensitive to task difficulty for evaluation of such of dialogue quality metrics consists of percent-
systems. We present a study that confirms the use- ages of parsed sentences, sentences with spotted
fulness of our proposed metrics. keywords, and unparsed sentences. Third, the

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by143
the author(s)
group of task success metrics includes the well resulted in a total of 156 dialogues. Dialogues
known success/failure Binary Task Success (BTS) consisted of differing numbers of High-Level in-
defined as structions (HLIs). High-Level Instructions (HLIs)
encapsulate a set of low-level instructions (e.g.,

 1 for Finding the Target Location (FTL), ‘go straight’, ‘turn left’, ‘turn around’) and are
with or without problems based on major direction changes. Two dialogue

 0
 otherwise.
tasks used 2 High-Level Instructions (HLIs) such
as those shown in the dialogue on page 1. Two
Because this metric does not penalise difficulty in other tasks used 3 HLIs, and two used 4 HLIs.
wayfinding, we propose and evaluate the follow- The tasks were executed pseudorandomly (from
ing metrics — referred to as Graded Task Success a uniform distribution), so that the order of task
(GTS) — that penalise with different values: execution would not impact on the user ratings.
The participants were asked to request a route

1 for FTL without problems from the system using natural language, optionally
GTSa =
0 otherwise, take notes, and then follow the system instructions
 closely trying to find the locations. They were
1 for FTL with none or small problems not allowed to ask anybody for help. Participants
GTSb =
0 otherwise,
could give up when they were unable to find the
target location by telling that to the assistant that

 1 for FTL without problems
GTS = 1/2 for FTL with small problems
 0
followed them. It was the task of this assistant as
well to judge and take note of the difficulties that

 1 for FTL without problems subjects encountered in their wayfinding task as
 2/3 for FTL with small problems

 described in the previous section. At the end of
GTSd = 1/3 for FTL with severe problems
each dialogue, participants were asked to fill in a
 0 otherwise.

questionnaire for obtaining qualitative results us-
ing a 5-point Likert scale, where 5 represents the
We coded difficulty in wayfinding, using the highest score.
categories ‘no problems’, ‘small problems’ and
‘severe problems’ as follows. The value of 1 was 4 Experimental Results
given when the user finds the target location with-
out hesitation, the value with ‘small problems’ was Table 1 summarises our results for the quantita-
given when the user finds the location with slight tive and qualitative metrics. It can be observed
confusion(s), and the value with ‘severe problems’ from the dialogue efficiency metrics (first group)
was given when the user gets lost but eventually that user-machine interactions involved short dia-
finds the target location. The motivation behind logues in terms of turns and interaction time. Once
using task success metrics that penalise differently users received instructions from the system, they
the difficulty in wayfinding was to discover a met- tended not to ask further. With regard to dialogue
ric that correlates highly with user satisfaction. quality (second group), we noted that our gram-
Such a metric aims to be more informative for as- mars need to be extended in coverage and that the
sessing task success performance than the tradi- keyword spotter proved vital in the dialogues. The
tional binary task success metrics. We tried four analysis of task success measures (third group) re-
different graded metrics, GTSa - GTSd , in order to vealed very high binary task success, and lower
find the metric that best predicted user satisfaction. scores for the other task success metrics.
For the qualitative evaluation we used the subjec-
4.1 Correlation analysis
tive metrics described in (Walker et al., 2000).
In a correlation analysis between task success
3.2 Evaluation setup measures and user satisfaction we obtained the
Twenty-six native speakers of German partici- results displayed in Table 2. This can be in-
pated in our study with an average age of 22.5 and terpreted as follows: while all metrics correlate
a gender distribution of 16 female (62%) and 10 moderately with overall user satisfaction, the met-
male (38%). Each subject received six dialogue rics taking task difficulty into account correlate
tasks, corresponding to locations to find, which higher. A more detailed analysis of the corre-

Table 1: Mean values of our evaluation metrics Table 2: Correlation coefficients between task suc-
for our wayfinding system based on 156 dialogues, cess and user satisfaction measures (significant at
organised in four groups: dialogue efficiency, dia- p < 0.05).
logue quality, task success and user satisfaction. Measure BTS GTSa GTSb GTSc GTSd
Measure Score Q1 .47 .44 .54 .49 .54
System Turns 2.30 ± 0.3 Q2 .20 .17 .19 .19 .20
User Turns 1.52 ± 0.5 Q3 .53 .67 .71 .71 .76
System Words per Turn 41.30 ± 4.0 Q4 .21 .26 .24 .24 .28
User Words per Turn 4.79 ± 2.1 Q5 .20 n.s. .17 .18 .18
Interaction Time (secs.) 22.14 ± 18.4 Q6 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.
Session Duration (secs.) 2014.62 ± 393.2 Q7 .31 .35 .44 .40 .44
Parsed Sentences (%) 16.7 ± 16.0 Q8 n.s. .39 .32 .40 .39
Spotted Keywords (%) 79.9 ± 17.0 Overall .43 .52 .55 .55 .60
Unparsed Sentences (%) 3.4 ± 0.5 Note: n.s. - not significant.
Binary Task Success (%) 94.9 ± 8.3
Graded Task Successa (%) 71.4 ± 15.0
Graded Task Successb (%) 87.8 ± 15.0 4.2 Multiple linear regression analysis
Graded Task Success (%) 81.4 ± 13.3 In order to identify the relative contribution that
Graded Task Successd (%) 87.6 ± 8.3 different factors have on the variance found in
(Q1) Easy to Understand 4.46 ± 0.8 user satisfaction scores, we performed a standard
(Q2) System Understood 4.65 ± 0.8 multiple linear regression analysis on our data.
(Q3) Task Easy 4.29 ± 0.9 According to the PARADISE framework (Walker
(Q4) Interaction Pace 4.63 ± 0.5 et al., 1997), performance can be modeled as a
(Q5) What to Say 4.66 ± 0.7 weighted function of task-success measure and
(Q6) System Response 4.56 ± 0.6 dialogue-based cost measures. The latter repre-
(Q7) Expected Behaviour 4.45 ± 0.8 sent the measures summarised under dialogue effi-
(Q8) Future Use 4.31 ± 0.9 ciency and dialogue quality above. We normalised
Overall User Satisfaction (%) 90.0 ± 7.3 all task success and cost values to account for
the fact that they can be measured on different
scales (seconds, percentages, sum, etc.), accord-
ing to N (x) = x−x̄
σx , where σx corresponds to the
lation between task success metrics and individ- standard deviation of x. Then we performed sev-
ual user satisfaction metrics revealed the follow- eral regression analyses involving these data.
ing. First, the binary task success showed lower Results revealed that the metrics ‘user turns’
correlations than the other metrics in the subjec- and ‘task success’ (for GTSa , GTSc and GTSd )
tive metric ‘easy to understand’ (Q1). Second, were the only predictors of user satisfaction at
while there is no correlation between the subjec- p < 0.05. The other task success measures were
tive metric ‘future use’ (Q8) and binary task suc- not significant (with BT S at p = 0.39 and GT S b
cess, the other metrics reveal a moderate corre- at p = 0.17). These results confirm our claim
lation. Third, while binary task success shows that task success metrics that consider difficulty in
a moderate correlation for ‘task easy’ (Q3), the wayfinding (specifically GTSa , GTSc and GTSd )
other metrics show a high correlation. Therefore, are more informative with respect to user satisfac-
we can conclude that the task success metrics that tion in the wayfinding domain than a binary suc-
penalise difficulty in wayfinding are more infor- cess/failure metric. Subjects seem to be sensible to
mative of user-system interaction performance for problems they encounter in their wayfinding tasks,
indoor wayfinding than the BTS metric. Further- which are expressed in their ratings of the system.
more, there was no correlation between the num-
ber of high-level instructions and overall user sat-
4.3 Estimation of a performance function
isfaction, i.e. user satisfaction was independent of
instruction length (our system performed equally We use the following equation to obtain a
well for short and long routes). performance function (Walker et al., 1997):

X 6 Conclusion
Performance = (α ∗ N (k)) − ωi ∗ N (ci ),
i=1 In this paper we addressed the assessment of di-
where, α is a weight on the task success metric alogue systems for indoor navigation using the
k (to be replaced by any of our proposed met- PARADISE framework and different task success
rics), and ωi is a weight on the cost functions ci . metrics. We found that task success metrics that
N represents the normalised value of ci . Based take difficulty in wayfinding into account correlate
on the results of our first regression analysis, we higher with overall user satisfaction than a binary
ran a second analysis using those variables that task success metric. In addition, a more detailed
were significant predictors in the first regression, correlation analysis for subjective metrics of user
i.e. the number of user turns and task success met- satisfaction confirmed that our proposed metrics
rics GTSa , GTSc and GTSd . We analysed the cor- are more informative of system performance for
relation between these variables, which resulted indoor wayfinding than the binary success/failure
in weak negative correlations. We obtained the metric. This result was confirmed by a multiple
following performance function for task success linear regression analysis that tested for the rela-
metrics GTSc and GTSd (because those two ac- tive contribution to variance in user satisfaction of
counted for most of the variance in user satisfac- different task success metrics and cost measures.
tion), where U T refers to ‘User turns’: Future work can apply these metrics to dialogue
systems with different input and output modalities.
Performance = 0.38N (GT S c,d ) − 0.87N (U T ),

suggesting that the more successful and efficient

the interaction, the better. These results show that Part of this work was supported by the DFG Trans-
GTSc , GTSd and U T are significant at p < 0.01, regional Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR8
and the combination of U T and each of GTSc and “Spatial Cognition”.
GTSd account for 62% of variance in user satis-
faction. This performance function can be used in
future evaluations of the system.
Charles Callaway. 2007. Non-localized, interactive multi-
modal direction giving. In I. van der Sluis, M. Theune,
5 Discussion E. Reiter, and E. Krahmer, editors, Proceedings of the
Workshop on Multimodal Output Generation MOG 2007,
The idea of taking different degrees of task dif- pages 41–50. Centre for Telematics and Information Tech-
ficulty into consideration in evaluation is not en- nology (CTIT), University of Twente.
tirely new (Tullis and Albert, 2008). However, Heriberto Cuayáhuitl, Nina Dethlefs, Kai-Florian Richter,
to the best of our knowledge, there have been no Thora Tenbrink, and John Bateman. 2010. A dialogue
previous studies that demonstrated that these met- system for indoor wayfinding using text-based natural lan-
guage. In International Journal of Computational Lin-
rics do indeed show a higher correlation with user guistics and Applications, ISSN 0976-0962.
satisfaction scores than the BTS metric, which is
Christian Kray, G. Kortuem, and A. Krüger. 2005. Adap-
typically used to assess task success. This find- tive navigation support with public displays. In Robert St.
ing was supported by an evaluation in a real envi- Amant, John Riedl, and Anthony Jameson, editors, Pro-
ronment using an end-to-end dialogue system, and ceedings of IUI 2005. ACM Press, New York, pages 326–
was based on PARADISE, a generic framework
for the evaluation of (spoken) dialogue systems. Geert-Jan M. Kruijff, Hendrik Zender, Patric Jensfelt, and
Henrik I. Christensen. 2007. Situated dialogue and spa-
The proposed metrics can therefore be regarded tial organization: What, where... and why? Interna-
as a useful and important step contributing to the tional Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 4(1):125–
understanding of the performance of situated dia- 138, March. Special Issue on Human-Robot Interaction.
logue systems. Further, our proposed metrics ad- Tom Tullis and Bill Albert. 2008. Measuring the User Ex-
dress the lack of standardised evaluation metrics perience: Collecting, Analyzing, and Presenting Usability
Metrics. Morgan Kaufmann.
in the wayfinding domain in particular. We pre-
sented a concrete performance function that can Marilyn A. Walker, Diane J. Litman, Candace A. Kamm, and
Alicia Abella. 1997. Paradise: A framework for evaluat-
help future system development in the domain by ing spoken dialogue agents. In ACL, pages 271–280.
allowing the estimation of relative contributions of
M. Walker, C. Kamm, and D. Litman. 2000. Towards devel-
different task success metrics and cost function to- oping general models of usability with PARADISE. Nat-
wards overall user satisfaction. ural Language Engineering, 6(3):363–377.

Guiding the User when Searching Information on the Web
Marta Gatius Meritxell González
Technical University of Catalonia
Barcelona, Spain

Abstract the query constraints and to state additional

This paper describes how we approach the
problem of guiding the user when accessing 2 Dialogue and Task Management
informational web services. We developed a
mixed-initiative dialogue system that The DS we developed consists of five
provides access to web services in several independent modules: the language
languages. In order to facilitate the adaptation understanding, the dialogue manager (DM), the
of the system to new informational web task manager, the language generator and the
services dialogue and task management were user model, used to adapt automatically the
separated and general descriptions of the dialogue strategies. Additionally, there are two
several tasks involved in the communication main data structures accessible for all modules:
process were incorporated.
the information state, representing the dialogue
context and the conceptual knowledge,
1Introduction describing the application domain.
The DM follows the information state update
This paper describes how we approach the model, which provides a complete separation of
problem of guiding the user when accessing dialogue and task management. The DM uses
informational web services. We designed a communication plans to determine the next
dialogue system (DS) for accessing different system actions that could satisfy user's
types of applications in several languages. The requirements. These plans are generated (semi)-
results of the evaluation of the first prototype are automatically when a new service is incorporated
described in (Gatius and González, 2009). In into the DS by adapting the general
order to improve both the functionality and communication plan for the service type to the
adaptability of the DS we have studied the most particular service specifications.
appropriate representation of the general and
application-specific conceptual knowledge
involved when helping the user to access
informational services.
When providing access to information-seeking
applications DSs use an underspecified set of
constraints to restrict the search rather than a
defined user's goal (which can be broken down Figure 1: Task Management in the Dialogue System
into tasks and subtasks). Hence, the main tasks
for DSs providing access to an informational Figure 1 shows task management in the DS.
service consist of guiding the user to give the Main tasks performed by the task manager are
needed constraints as well as presenting in an the following: identification of the required web
appropriate way the results. There have been service and the specific service task, completion
several approaches to face this problem ( Rieser of the data obtained from the user, access to the
and Lemon, 2009; Steedman and Petrick, 2007; service and presentation of the results.
Varges et al., 2009). Our approach consists of Once the communication starts and the first
separating completely dialogue management intervention of the user has been interpreted and
from task management (following other relevant passed to the task manager, it has to identify the
proposals (Allen et al., 2001)), and defining the service and the specific service task that has to
general tasks involved when accessing be accessed. Then, an instantiation of the specific
informational services. Besides, general task is generated. There are several general task
mechanisms using the two main knowledge descriptions for each service type, for the
bases of the system (the dialogue context and the informational services two tasks are considered:
domain conceptual knowledge) are used to relax find a list of items and describing an item.

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Finally, the task manager accesses the web updates the value for one or more of the
service and decides the most appropriate constraints. The conceptual knowledge base is
presentation of the results obtained. used to relax the constraints. If taxonomies
describing the domain have been incorporated, a
3 Accessing Informational Services class is substituted by the upper class (for
example, if the user asks for drama movies and
The tasks involved when the system guides the there are none, the upper class movies would be
user to access an informational service are shown used). Several strategies for data common to
in Figure 2. Circled blocks represent the specific several applications (such as dates and locations)
information the DM has to obtain from the user: are already considered.
the searched data (requestedData or output In the specific case that too many items are
parameters) and the data constraining the query obtained from the service, the system presents a
(queryConstraints or input parameters). summary of the results. Information suggesting
Rectangles represent the three different tasks possible additional constraint values could also
processing the resulting data: describing a be given to the use.
particular item, collecting a list of items and
summarizing the results obtained. Colored blocks 5 Conclusions and Future Work
correspond to the three different processes
considered when updating constraints: In order to improve the functionality and
relaxation, using default values and adding new adaptability of our DS when guiding the user to
constraints. accessing informational service we have studied
the general and the application specific
conceptual knowledge involved in the
communication process. In our system this
knowledge has been represented as a general
scheme from which the communication plans for
each informational service are generated and
general task that are instantiated for each service.
The resulting architecture facilitates the
Figure 2: The tasks involved in information-seeking integration of other application types into the
system since the task models can be easily
The process of obtaining the query constraints extended and adapted.
from the user could be complex, as they are not Future work could include the processing of
gathered in a predetermined order. The task user’s questions which answer involves the
manager determines whether a complete query processing of data obtained from several web
can be generated or if additional information has services.
to be obtained from the user. If the service's
definition includes default values, they can be References
included to complete the query. Parameter values
appearing in previous turns can also be used. J.F. Allen, G. Ferguson and A. Stent 2001. An
The information obtained from the service has Architecture for More Realistic Conversational
to be processed. Four different situations are Systems. Intelligent User Interfaces Conference.
distinguished: the result is only one item, the M. Gatius and M. González 2009. A Flexible
number of items obtained belongs to a Dialogue System for Enhancing Web Usability. 18th
predefined range, there are too many results and World Wide Web Conference.
there are no results. In case there is only one item M. Steedman and R. Petrick 2007. Planning Dialog
a detailed description of this item is given. In Actions. 8th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and
case the number of results is acceptable, a list Dialogue.
enumerating all of them is presented to the user,
V. Rieser and O. Lemon 2009. Does this list contain
suggesting him to pick up one. In the two latter what you were searching for? Learning adaptive
cases the constraints have to be updated. dialogue strategies for Interactive Question
In the specific case that there are no results, the Answering. Natural Language Engineering,
task manager can automatically relax the 15(1):57- 375. Cambridge University Press.
constraints and execute the query again. The
S. Varges, F. Weng and H. Ponbarry 2009. Interactive
constraints can be relaxed at the level of the question answering and constraint relaxation in
query and at the level of the parameter's values. spoken dialogue systems. Natural Language
In the former, the system removes one or more of Engineering,15(1).Cambridge University Press.
the query constraints. In the latter, the system

Semantics and pragmatics of negative polar questions

Maria H. Golka
Adam Mickiewicz
'LEMV SJ 0SKMG University

tive, passive, interrogative or negative clause)

Abstract seems to be something distinct and more difficult
to recall than its semantic content (Mehler,
This paper aims to provide a literature review 1963). Syntactically complex sentences, like
about the meaning and use of negative polar questions or negatives, require more capacity of
(yes/no) questions and complete it with some immediate memory. Sentences which are both
Polish data. Semantic and pragmatic factors interrogatives and negatives are the ones that are
will be discussed. Attention will be drawn to
the most hard to process (Savin and Perchonock,
the fact that most of research concentrate on
interrogatives themselves, neglecting their 1965). The usage of negative questions that are
possible answers, whereas the latter may be semantically equivalent to the positive ones but
very informative about the nature of the for- much more difficult to process can thus be ex-
mer. plained by pragmatic factors only.
Nevertheless, some approaches find the
1 Introduction nature of the distinction between negative and
positive polar questions semantic (e.g. Romero
From a logical semantic point of view, since a and Han, 2004). They are consistent with Ladd’s
polar question ?ɸ and its negative counterpart (1981) observations. As Ladd points out, nega-
?¬ɸ have the same answers, they are logically tive polar questions are systematically ambigu-
equivalent (Groenendijk and Stokhof, 1997). It is ous: in case of the “outside negation” reading the
obvious, however, that if we consider the natural speaker believes that the proposition under ques-
language use of negative polar interrogatives like tion is true, whereas in the “inside negation” one
for example the one in (2), we can not consider the speaker believes it is false.
them equivalent to positive ones, as in (1). In this paper we will discuss some ex-
(1) Is Jane coming? amples which show that in Polish Ladd’s ambi-
(2) Isn’t Jane coming? guity is much more difficult to capture. We will
also take into account the possible answers to
2 Pragmatic and semantic factors questions of this kind. It has not been done by
most of authors, but it turns out that if we con-
If negative and positive polar questions are se- sider the dialogic factors (which in case of ques-
mantically the same, why would we use both of tions seem to be very important), the nature of
them? Considering some common pragmatic in- negative vs. positive polar questions distinction
tuitions (captured by numerous concepts like appears to be pragmatic. We will argue that even
Principle of Economy, Principe of Least Effort, if the internal ambiguity of negative polar ques-
Gricean Maxim of Manner or the minimization tions is due to semantic factors, it is still likely
of cognitive effort in terms of Relevance Theory) that the distinction between positive and negative
negative interrogatives would not be used if their questions is pragmatic.
meaning were not at least pragmatically different
from that of positive ones. 3 Ladd’s ambiguity in Polish
These intuitions are confirmed by classic
experimental results in psycholinguistics. Syn- Most of the papers on the subject of Ladd’s am-
tactic transformations of kernel sentences into biguity (e.g. Romero and Han, 2004; Reese,
other structures like interrogatives or negatives 2006) discuss polar questions with preposed ne-
are rather charging for the cognitive system. The gation (English interrogative sentences with a
syntactic form of a sentence (whether it is an ac- negated auxiliary verb) as the one in (2) and ex-

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by149
the author(s)
clude from consideration interrogative sentences somehow trigger the outside negation or neutral
with non-preposed negation, as the one in (3) understanding of negative polar questions.
which permit a neutral interpretation in an unbi- (7b) Czy nie ma w okolicy wegetariańskiej re-
ased context. stauracji?
(3) Is Jane not coming? (8b) Czy nie ma wegetariańskiej restauracji w
Since in Polish polar interrogatives are okolicy?
formed by means of an interrogative particle czy Another very interesting phenomenon is
or with intonation alone, the distinction like that the use of the particle czyż. This form is used to
between (2) and (3) is nonexistent. Instead, we construct rhetorical questions and simultaneously
have only one type of structure which is rather deny the proposition under question. Hence, the
similar to the structure of an affirmative clause negative question preceded with czyż conveys an
and can by preceded (4) or not (5) with the inter- affirmative assertion. This kind of construction
rogative particle. This structure conveys all the seems to be a paradigmatic example of an out-
three readings discussed in the literature (Ladd’s side negation interrogative.
outside and inside negation readings, and the
neutral one). 4 Conclusions
(4) Czy Jane nie przychodzi?
As we have seen, the origins of negative polar
questions are hard to define. There is some evi-
(5) Jane nie przychodzi? dence suggesting that their nature is pragmatic as
Jane NEG come3SG, PRES. well as some other evidence, showing their se-
In Polish, the word order within a sen- mantic nature. In this paper we try to bring to-
tence is much less strict than the one in English. gether these two approaches. We provide some
Consequently, a Polish equivalent of an ambigu- evidence from Polish language, as well as evi-
ous negative polar interrogative, like (6) (the ex- dence about answers. Thus a mixed, semantic-
ample of Ladd, 1981) would be more naturally pragmatic model is needed to describe the mean-
represented by a pair of sentences with different ing and use of negative polar interrogatives..
word orders where (7a) expresses the outside
negation reading, whereas (8a) the inside nega- References
tion one. Groenendijk, Jeroen and Martin Stokhof. 1997. Ques-
(6) Isn’t there a vegetarian restaurant around tions. In van Benthem, J. and A. ter Meulen, edi-
here? tors, Handbook of Logic and Language. Elsevier,
Amsterdam, pages 1055-1124.
(7a) Nie ma w okolicy wegetariańskiej restaura-
cji? Ladd, Robert D. 1981. A First Look at the Semantics
NEG be3SG, PRES in neighborhoodLOC, SG vegetari- and Pragmatics od Negative Questions and Tag
anGEN, SG restaurantGEN, SG Questions. In Proceedings of Chicago Linguistic
(8a) Nie ma wegetariańskiej restauracji w okoli- Society, pages 164-171.
NEG be3SG, PRES vegetarianGEN, SG restaurantGEN, SG Mehler, Jacques. 1963. Some effects of grammatical
transformations on the recall of English sentence.
in neighborhoodLOC, SG
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior,
This difference in word order seems to corrobo- 2(4): 346-351.
rate Reese’s (2006) intuition that “there is no
semantic (…) difference between “outside” and Reese, Brian J. 2006. The Meaning and Use of Nega-
“inside” negation. Rather, what is at issue is tive Polar Interrogatives. In Bonami, O. and P.
whether negation targets the core meaning of an Cabredo Hofherr, editors, Empirical Issues in Syn-
utterance or some secondary meaning”. tax and Semantics 6, pages 331-354.
Further inspection reveals some prob-
Romero, Maribel & Chung-Hye Han. 2004. On Nega-
lems with the inside negation reading of inter- tive Yes/No Questions. Linguistics and Philosophy,
rogatives constructed with the particle czy. Inter- 27(5): 609-658.
rogatives like (7b) and (8b) are acceptable but
none of them can convey an inside negation Savin, Harris B. and Ellen Perchonock. 1965. Gram-
reading. It seems that the presence of czy can matical structure and the immediate recall of Eng-
lish sentences. Journal of Verbal Learning and Ver-
bal Behavior, 4(5): 348-353.

Context-driven dialogue act generation

Volha Petukhova and Harry Bunt

Tilburg Center for Creative Computing
Tilburg University, The Netherlands

1 Introduction alogue builds up a pressure on the addressee to

provide evidence in support of or against these ex-
Generation of dialogue contributions is a matter
of deciding which dialogue act(-s) are licensed
A reactive pressure (RP) is created when a di-
by the preceding and current context. This paper
alogue act is interpreted successfully, giving rise
presents a context-driven approach to the genera-
to the intended update of the addressee’s context
tion of multiple dialogue acts.
model. The addressee is assumed to strive to re-
The theoretical framework of Dynamic Inter-
solve RPs by performing a particular type of re-
pretation Theory (DIT) opens perspectives for de-
active act. Table 1 illustrates this for the example
veloping dialogue act generators that produce ut-
of a Question - Answer pair. The created pres-
terances which are multifunctional by design by
sures RP1 , RP2 and RP3 give rise to multiple reac-
viewing participation in a dialogue as perform-
tive acts: a Turn Accepting act, a Feedback act,
ing several activities in parallel, such as pursuing
and a task-related Propositional Answer.
the dialogue task, providing feedback, and taking
Participants are not always able to resolve pres-
turns (Bunt, 2000).
sures, e.g. the addressee may not know the an-
2 Multidimensional context model swer. This cancels the relevant pressure created
by the previous question immediately. Some pres-
An utterance, when understood as a dialogue act sures cannot be resolved in one turn, e.g. the ad-
with a certain communicative function and seman- dressee does not understand the question. In this
tic content, evokes certain changes in the partici- case the pressure PR3 cannot be relieved, conse-
pant’s context model that includes (1) his beliefs quently neither can pressure PR2 also, because this
about the dialogue task/domain (semantic con- implies PR3 . These pressures remain present until
text); (2) his model of the participants’ states of the addressee resolves the pressure PR3 , e.g. by
processing (cognitive context); (3) assumptions successful processing of the repeated question.
about available perceptual channels (physical con-
text); (4) beliefs about communicative obligations 4 Conclusions
and constraints (social context); (5) a model of the The context-driven approach outlined here enables
preceding and planned dialogue contributions (lin- the construction of genuinely multifunctional dia-
guistic context). logue contributions, and allows dialogue systems
3 Context update mechanisms to apply a variety of dialogue strategies and com-
munication styles, e.g. performing explicit vs im-
As a dialogue evolves, new beliefs are created; plicit dialogue acts making use of different modal-
weak beliefs may become strengthened to firm be- ities.
liefs; and beliefs and goals may be adopted or can-
celled (Bunt, 2005). References
Speakers normally expect to be understood and Harry Bunt. 2000. Dialogue pragmatics and context speci-
believed (expected effects). This is modelled in fication. H. Bunt and W. Black (eds.), Abduction, Belief
and Context in Dialogue. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 81-150.
DIT by the speaker having ‘weak belief’ that the Harry Bunt. 2005. Mechanisms for creating and updating
addressee believes the preconditions to hold (un- beliefs and goals through dialogue. Unpublished report,
Tilburg University.
derstanding effects) and the content of the dia-
logue act to be true (adoption effects). Every di-

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by151
the author(s)
Table 1: Example of updated context for Propositional Question-Propositional Answer pair
LC = Linguistic Context; SC = Semantic Context; CC = Cognitive Context; prec = preconditions;
impl = by implication; du = dialogue utterance; da = dialogue act; fs = functional segment;
exp.und = expected understanding; und = understanding; = expected adoption; ad = adoption;
bel = believes; mbel = mutually believed; wbel = weakly believes
Context num source S’s context num source U’s context
SC u01 prec wants(U, knowsi f (U, p))
u02 believes(U, knowsi f (S, p))
LC du1 U Is this a large sample?
LC f s1 current is, this, a, large, sample
da1 Task; PropositionalQuestion
Speaker:U; Addressee:S
da2 impl Turn-M.;Turn-Assign
Speaker:U; Addressee:S
plan Turn Allocation(S)
SC s1 exp.und:u01 bel(S, mbel({S,U}, wbel(U, u1 exp.und:u01 bel(U, mbel({S,U}, wbel(U,
bel(S, wants(U, knowsi f (U, p))) bel(S, wants(U, knowsi f (U, p)))
s2 exp.und:u02 bel(S, mbel({S,U}, wbel(U, u2 exp.und:u02 bel(U, mbel({S,U}, wbel(U,
bel(S, bel(U, knowsi f (S, p))) bel(S, bel(U, knowsi f (S, p)))
s3 und:u1 bel(S, wants(U, knowsi f (U, p)))
s4 und:u2 bel(S, bel(U, knowi f (S, p)))
s01 prec believes(S, ¬p))
CC s5 und:u3 believes(S,+ Interpreted(S, f s1 )) u3 exp.und: f s1 wbel(U,+ Interpreted(S, f s1 ))
SocC RP1 prec:u01-u02 Task;PropositionalAnswer
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: da1
RP2 impl:da2 Turn-M.;Turn-Accept
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: da2
RP3 exp.und:u1-u3 Auto-F.;Interpretation
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: f s1
LC da3 plan Turn Accept
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: da2
da4 Auto-F.;Interpretation
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: f s1
da5 Task; PropositionalAnswer
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: da1
LC du2 S Well, this is not large sample
LC f s2 current well
da3 Turn Accept
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: da2
f s3 this,is,large,sample
da4 Auto-F.;Pos.Interpretation
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: f s1
f s4 this,is,not,large,sample
da5 Task; PropositionalAnswer
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: da1
SC s6 exp.und bel(S, mbel({S,U}, wbel(S, bel(U, bel(S, ¬p)) u4 exp.und bel(U, mbel({S,U}, wbel(S, bel(U, bel(S, ¬p))
s7 bel(S, mbel({S,U}, wbel(S, bel(U, ¬p) u5 bel(U, mbel({S,U}, wbel(S, bel(U, ¬p)
u6 und:s6 bel(U, bel(S, ¬p))
u7 ad:s7 bel(U, ¬p)
SocC RP1 cancelled
RP2 cancelled
RP3 cancelled
RP4 exp.und:s6 Auto-F.;Interpretation
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: f s2 , f s3 , f s4
RP5 Auto-F.;Execution
Speaker:S; Addressee:U
antecedent: da5

The Communicative Style of the Physically Disabled – a Corpus Study

Joanna Szwabe Anna Brzezińska

Adam Mickiewicz
SJ 0SKMG University
Mickiewicz University

Abstract 2 Method
The research presented here focuses on the evaluation In the course of the present project realization the
of communicative abilities and communicative style of Corpus of Dialogs of Disabled Speakers (CDDS)
the disabled. The study is a part of a national project has been compiled and annotated. The corpus
devoted to the situation and needs of disabled people in
Poland. As a part of the project the Corpus of Dialogs
consists of transcribed and annotated group con-
of Disabled Speakers has been compiled and annotated. versations of 113 subjects. The CDDS language
The corpus analysis focused on differences in language is Polish. The video recordings of the conversa-
use between disabled speakers and controls as well as tions have been transcribed and annotated ac-
within the group of disabled speakers contrasting 6 cording to a tagset designed for the purpose of
groups of subjects with various disabilities. Dialogs
were analyzed with regard to syntactic, semantic and this study. The Corpus has 402 146 tokens, in-
pragmatic features and their relation to demographic cluding 225 299 words of raw text. The Corpus
factors. The corpus analysis shows that there are signi- is fully tagged with nearly 100 types of tags cod-
ficant differences as far as communicative style of the ing various parameters of language structure and
disabled people is concerned, expressed by excessive
use of non-standard forms, specific conceptual meta-
both verbal and nonverbal communication, in-
phors, over-passivisation, and other features. The res- cluding pragmatic annotation.
ults will be presented in detail on the poster. The corpus analysis focused on differences in
language use between disabled speakers and
comparatively controls as well as within the
1 Introduction group of disabled speakers contrasting 6 groups
of subjects with various disabilities pertaining to:
The present study is a part of a national project
motion, sight, voice, psyche, mind, and other.
devoted to the situation and needs of disabled
The utterances were analyzed with regard to syn-
people in Poland1. The goal of the research
tactic, semantic and pragmatic features and their
presented here has been the evaluation of com-
relation to a number of demographic factors, on-
municative abilities and communicative style of
set of disability, etc. Over 60 parameters have
the disabled. The language of the disabled is still
been examined of which here we mention just a
poorly understood. The literature dedicated to the
few. Additionally, on the basis of the Corpus the
subject is scarce not only as far as corpus studies
Affective Lexicon Index has been prepared and
are concerned but also when it comes to research
the question of language negativisation in the
on the adult disabled speech in general with the
speech of the disabled has been examined.
exception of the analysis of the language of men-
tally and psychologically disturbed (cf.. Happé
1993, Langdon et al. 2002, Woźniak 2000). At
the same time there is a growing social recogni- 3 Discussion of the results
tion of the problems specific to this group of Typically, disabled speakers live in small and
speakers. closed linguistic communities around social care
centers offering support. This practical solution
is undoubtedly advantageous for numerous reas-
ons but may affect their language development.
Despite social isolation related to disability lin-
The project has been financially supported by the guistic and communicative competence of the
European Social Fund.

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by153
the author(s)
disabled subjects in our study shows no signs of guistics and psychology. As the communicative
pathology. competence of the disabled speakers is not devi-
Nevertheless, there are significant differences as ating from the norm there is a chance for improv-
far as communicative profile of the disabled ing the present state. The studies like the one
people is concerned. The corpus analysis shows presented here may contribute to a better under-
that this diversity is not limited to few features standing of the language development under spe-
but affects the whole series of linguistic elements cific conditions of disability and help improve
on every level of language structure, so that we the situation of the disabled by greater integra-
can speak of communicative profile of the dis- tion of this group of speakers within the society
abled. as well as supporting their motivation for self-
One of the most alarming features is the excess- sufficient life, which is a prerequisite for a sense
ive use of original forms deviating from the so- of having control of their lives.
cially accepted standard variation such as lan-
guage errors, slang, regional forms, egocentric-
ally oriented neologisms. The remaining tenden- References
cies specific to the the disabled people have a
character of a communicative style and are less
disturbing as far as language as such is con- Baratta, A. M. (2009). Revealing stance through pass-
cerned. However, they signal very clearly the ive voice. Journal of Pragmatics, 41(7), 1406-
problems of psychological nature. The most sig- 1421.
nificant of this group are: firstly, the passive atti- Cameron, L., & Deignan, A. (2003). Combining large
tude expressed by syntactic and semantic struc- and small corpora to investigate tuning devices
tures, and secondly extensive use of figurative around metaphor in spoken discourse. Metaphor
language, a particular preference for non-explicit and Symbol, 18(3), 149–160.
expressions for the description of plain situ- Happé, F. (1993) Communicative Competence and
ations. The pragmatic level of language is not Theory of Mind in Autism: a Test of Relevance
impoverished despite social isolation resulting Theory. Cognition Tom 48; 101-119.
from disability but even dominates through over- Langdon, R. & Coltheart, M. & Ward, P. & Catts, S.
whelming use of non-literal utterances such as (2002). Disturbed Communication in Schizo-
implicatures, and especially numerously repres- phrenia: the Role of Poor Pragmatics and Poor
ented conceptual orientational metaphors. It is Mind-reading w Psychological Medicine 32; 1273-
worth noting that subjects with motion and sight 1284.
disability tend to use metaphors related to the ex- Sanso, A. (2006). Passive and impersonal construc-
periential basis they are deprived of, namely to tions in some European languages. In W. Abraham
walking and seeing. & L. Leisio (Eds.), Passivization and typology:
It was hypothesized that disabled people may be Form and function (pp. 232-272). Amsterdam/Phil-
at risk of perceiving themselves not in terms of adephia: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
agents but rather as objects of other people ac-
Wikberg, K. (2003). Studying metaphors using a mul-
tions. Indeed, the analysis of syntactic and se- tilingual corpus. In K. M. Jaszczolt & K. Turner J.
mantic markers of the phenomenon of passive- (Eds.), Meaning through Language Contrast (pp.
ness such as increased use of passive voice and 109–123). Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Ben-
gerund clause indicates that disabled speakers jamins Publishing Co.
tend to depict situation from the perspective of
Woźniak, Tomasz. (2000). Zaburzenia języka w
an object of action. On the level of utterance se- schizofrenii[Disturbed language in schizophrenia].
mantics, the same topics are differently correl- Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS.
ated in the speech of disabled speakers and in the
speech of controls. For instance, the topic of
problems and obstacles - belonging to the most
significantly represented in the speech of dis-
abled speakers from 40 topics tagged and ex-
amined in the corpus – is associated in the
speech of the disabled with acquiring help, while
in the speech of healthy subjects with active
problem solving. This clearly reveals problems
signaled in language but having roots both in lin-

Communicating routes to older and younger addressees

Thora Tenbrink Elena Andonova

University of Bremen University of Bremen
Bremen, Germany Bremen, Germany

and amount of detail about each spatial unit that

Abstract is provided by route givers. We hypothesized
that speakers may provide different amounts of
Our study addressed the extent to which route detail as a function of age of addressee.
descriptions reflect different concepts of ad- Interaction style and language use differ sys-
dressees as a function of age, with respect to tematically with elderly addressees to such an
route choice, semantic elaboration, politeness extent that elderspeak has been identified as a
forms and syntactic complexity. 55 native
special speech register. In elderspeak, speakers
speakers of German wrote route descriptions
for imagined addressees supposed to be either appear to adapt to the communicative and cogni-
25 or 75 years old. Results reveal that partici- tive needs of their interlocutors guided by as-
pants’ consideration of their addressee is re- sumptions about their limited language, cogni-
flected in their differentiated use of politeness tive, and/or physical ability. In a route drawing
forms, degree of syntactic complexity, and in task involving dialogues between older and
the ways in which routes were selected for younger speakers, Kemper et al. (1995) found
younger vs. elderly people. However, route that younger speakers simplified their speech for
descriptions for elderly addressees did not re- elderly addressees by talking more slowly, using
flect increased semantic elaboration (here: shorter sentences and fewer subordinate clauses.
providing more details about the route).
At the same time, they provided more informa-
tion about the routes to be drawn by repeating
1 Introduction utterances and using more varied vocabulary, as
Speakers are known to be sensitive to their inter- well as providing more location checks per map.
action partners' knowledge and ability. Route Addressing comprehension of route instructions,
descriptions are particularly suitable for investi- Kemper & Harden (1999) found that increasing
gating the extent to which the abilities presumed semantic elaborations and reducing use of subor-
on the part of the addressee are taken into ac- dinate and embedded clauses improved perform-
count, since they relate to a predefined spatial ance although reduced length did not.
environment as well as a clear discourse goal: to While earlier studies such as these provide a
enable the addressee to reach their destination. number of relevant insights about the types of
Here we address speakers' strategies when asked adjustments made for elderly addressees, they do
to write a route description for an addressee not build on research in spatial cognition that
about whom they know nothing except age and highlights how speakers' concepts of routes are
gender. Our aim is to contribute to research on represented in language. Previous research has
age-related talk, in particular with respect to the revealed a range of spatial aspects that speakers
extent to which speakers intuitively adhere to a typically refer to when describing a route to a
principle found to be useful for elderly address- wayfinder, such as the route's start and end
ees, namely, semantic elaboration – explaining a points, landmarks, directions, paths, actions, re-
particular piece of information in more than one gions, and distances (Denis, 1997; Tversky and
way (Kemper et al., 1995). This idea is in the Lee, 1998). Routes are sometimes described at a
present scenario represented by distinct levels of finer grained level than that dictated by the deci-
granularity as defined by Tenbrink and Winter sions to be taken along the way. Landmarks are
(2009). This framework distinguishes between mentioned not only at decision points but also in
crucial spatial units (segments of the route) and between decision points (Herrmann et al., 1998).
those that are not always mentioned explicitly in Also, additional path information may be pro-
route instructions, and differentiates the types vided even without a change of direction (Habel,

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
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the author(s)
1988). Such information keeps the traveler con- information to either younger or older address-
fident particularly in cases of potential sources of ees. We hypothesized that the amount of detail
uncertainty (Tversky and Lee 1998). conveyed about a route segment, which is influ-
The perception of what kind of supportive in- enced by features of the spatial environment,
formation may be required by a wayfinder can may be further mediated by the concept of an
differ widely across individuals and task situa- addressee of a particular age. Furthermore, route
tions. Since speakers are known to adapt their givers may select different kinds of routes for
language to the listener (Clark and Krych, 2004), their addressees depending on age.
any aspects known about the addressee could
have an impact on the spatial descriptions formu- 2 Route Description Study
lated for them (Herrmann and Grabowski, 1994).
2.1 Method
For example, the choice of reference frames and
perspectives is affected by interactive alignment, 55 native speakers of German who were familiar
adaptation, and interlocutor priming processes as with the Bremen university campus were re-
well as by the addressee's perceived abilities cruited via an email call and participated in the
(Schober, 1993, 2009; Watson et al., 2004). study by email (20 were male and 35 female; 4
For route descriptions, it has been established between 30–49 and 51 between 18–29 years old).
that levels of granularity or complexity may dif- Their task was to describe the route from the
fer according to the situation, for instance in rela- train station in Bremen to one of two buildings
tion to problematic segments or decision points on campus (the library or the Cartesium build-
(Tenbrink and Winter, 2009). However, only ing). The intended addressee of the route descrip-
little is known about speakers' flexibility in rela- tion was either male or female and either 25 or
tion to different addressees with respect to the 75 years old. Participants were assigned to condi-
communication of route-related details. While tions randomly. Thus, the design of the study
the studies by Kemper and colleagues above was 2 (addressee's age: 25 vs. 75 years old) x 2
point to a positive effect of semantic elaboration (addressee's gender: male vs. female) x 2 (desti-
on elderly listeners' comprehension that might be nation: the Cartesium or the library).
used to enhance the efficiency of automatic dia-
logue systems providing route instructions 2.2 Analysis
(Thomas, 2010), it is unknown to date what The route descriptions were annotated by coders
kinds of spatial concepts should be enhanced blind to the purpose of the study and the design
semantically. Also, the extent to which a sche- conditions. Since the majority of the participants
matic map scenario might transfer to a real-world chose the same routes for the library and the
scenario involving multimodal travel (i.e., public Cartesium destinations, respectively, we focused
transport in addition to walking) remains unclear. on these two "standard" routes and identified
A schematic map offers only a limited amount of others as exceptions (alternatives to these
information that could be verbalized; in contrast, routes). We addressed the distribution of spatial
the real world consists of an almost infinite num- details by first identifying the spatial units (Ten-
ber of features that might in theory be referred to brink & Winter, 2009) constituting the two stan-
in a route description. Furthermore, in natural dard routes: segments along the route that were
environments there is typically more than one described in a particular order by participants
option for traveling. A recent study set in a com- (the temporal order of route travelling). Next, we
plex city environment established that routes are identified the number of detail units (pieces of
chosen differently for one's own future naviga- information given in no particular order within a
tion than for somebody who is not familiar with description) within each spatial unit that were
the environment (Hölscher et al., subm.). It mentioned more than once (i.e., by different par-
stands to reason that route choice might system- ticipants). Spatial units that were explicitly men-
atically be affected by the age of the intended tioned by all participants were identified as cru-
addressee because of general assumptions of cial. This analysis yielded a semantically based
such an addressee’s physical, cognitive or com- hierarchical measure of crucial spatial units at
municative constraints. the highest level of granularity, followed by the
In our study we set out to investigate how number of spatial units referred to in a descrip-
speakers confronted with a route instruction task tion, and then by the number of (non-idiosyncra-
involving their own natural everyday surround- tic) detail units.
ings react to the requirement of providing route

We identified those parts of each description year-olds and 5 for 75-year-olds used an alterna-
that referred to spatial units of the same two stan- tive route. A 2 (younger vs. older addressee) x 2
dard routes, and normalized the measures by par- (standard vs. alternative route) chi-square analy-
ticipant by calculating the ratio of occurrence of sis showed a marginally significant association
each category for each participant. Our hypothe- between these variables (x =3.49, p=.062). Al-
sis was that, while the crucial spatial units and ternative routes for 25-year-olds consistently
the mention of a particular spatial unit should be concerned either walking diagonally across a
independent of age, the amount of detail should parking lot towards the Cartesium building, or
differ if people consider the requirement of se- following the tramline on a narrower path rather
mantic elaboration for elderly addressees. than walking directly from the tram into the main
Apart from this semantic analysis of spatial in- university entrance in order to reach the library.
formation provided along the route, we also cal- Both of these were only suggested in one de-
culated the average number of words per scription each for a 75-year-old; the remaining
(shared) spatial unit, capturing in this way also three alternative routes chosen for elderly ad-
the idiosyncratic cases in which further details dressees concerned variations of public transport
were mentioned by individuals for a particular that were never offered to younger people.
spatial unit shared across descriptions, and we In contrast to these consistent differences in
looked at the following features of (complete) route descriptions as a function of age of ad-
descriptions: dressee, the analysis of spatial units and density
- mean length of a sentence (the number of of details did not reveal any systematic differ-
words divided by the number of sentences), ences with respect to semantic elaboration. As
- relative frequency of syntactically simple vs. expected, the spatial semantics contained in the
subordinate (complex) sentences (leaving aside route descriptions were hierarchically structured,
co-ordinate sentences, which may be judged as independent of age of addressee. Neither the
intermediate concerning syntactic complexity), number of spatial units mentioned for the stan-
- form of address: informal "du" vs. formal dard route, nor the mean number of words per
"Sie"; further alternatives found were neutral shared spatial unit differed as a function of age
infinitives, and third person singular. of addressee. Descriptions for 25-year-olds con-
tained on average 7.74 spatial units with an aver-
2.3 Results
age of 16.40 words per unit. Descriptions for 75-
Route choices differed for younger and older year-olds contained on average 8.07 spatial units
addressees, and descriptions differed with respect with an average of 15.50 words per unit.
to politeness forms and syntactic complexity as a Across all shared spatial units, the mean num-
function of age of addressee. We ran a series of 2 ber of details mentioned per unit was 2.09 for 25-
(age: younger vs. older) x 2 (gender: male vs. year-olds and 2.11 for 75-year-olds. The number
female) analyses of variance on the variables of of details varied across spatial units, the highest
interest. We found robust main effects of ad- number was 4.48 details on average towards 25-
dressee age on the use of "Du", F(1,51)=21.84, year-olds and 4.11 towards 75-year olds for one
p<.001, as well as on the use of the polite "Sie", particular spatial unit; the lowest number (for a
F(1,51)=30.56, p<.001, and a two-way interac- different spatial unit) was 0.89 details towards
tion between age and gender of addressee on the 25-year-olds and 0.93 towards 75-year-olds. For
use of "Sie", F(1,51)=7.32, p<.01. We also found each single spatial unit, average numbers were
a marginally significant effect of age, similarly close, i.e., independent of age of ad-
F(1,51)=3.96, p=.052, on the simple/subordinate dressee, as in these examples. In other words,
sentence ratio. Elderly people (particularly men) participants did not provide an enhanced level of
were addressed consistently by "Sie" and de- detail for any spatial unit for elderly addressees.
scriptions tended to be syntactically simpler;
whereas young people (particularly men) were 2.4 Discussion
addressed informally by "du" (or in a neutral In our study, route givers wrote descriptions in
form), and descriptions tended to be syntactically different ways as a function of age of addressee.
more complex (particularly for young women). They not only adapted their route descriptions
Standard routes were preferred for elderly ad- with respect to politeness forms and syntactic
dressees; younger addressees received alterna- complexity, but also carefully considered which
tive, more challenging but possibly shorter routes route their addressee should take. This yielded
more often. Altogether, 11 descriptions for 25- systematic differences in route choices in spite of

the fact that the spatial environment apparently References
supported one feasible "standard" route per des- Clark, Herbert H. and Meredyth A. Krych. 2004.
tination which was used far more often across all Speaking while monitoring addressees for under-
descriptions than any other choice. standing. Journal of Memory and Language 50,
However, our analysis of semantic elaboration 62–81.
in terms of spatial granularity revealed no sys-
Denis, Michel. 1997. The description of routes: A
tematic differences as a function of age. This cognitive approach to the production of spatial dis-
result stands in contrast to earlier findings by course. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive,
Kemper et al. (1995), who found that speakers 16(4):409-458.
used semantic elaboration when addressing eld-
erly addressees. One reason for this difference Habel, Christopher. 1988. Prozedurale Aspekte der
Wegplanung und Wegbeschreibung. In: H.
may concern the fact that written descriptions
Schnelle & G. Rickheit (eds.), Sprache in Mensch
provide a permanent medium of communication und Computer. (pp. 107-133). Opladen: WDV.
to aid the recipient's memory. A further en-
hancement of already mentioned material, which Herrmann, Theo and Joachim Grabowski. 1994. Spre-
is easily accessible upon re-reading, would then chen. Psychologie der Sprachproduktion. Heidel-
berg: Spektrum.
appear redundant. As a result, semantic elabora-
tion effects may be particularly present in the Hölscher, Christoph, Thora Tenbrink, and Jan Wiener
spoken modality as a way of facilitating memory (subm.) Would you follow your own route descrip-
and (semantic) integration of information. An- tion?
other reason for the differences found between Kemper, Susan, and Tamara Harden. 1999. Experi-
our analysis and Kemper's work may concern the mentally disentangling what’s beneficial about eld-
analytical measures used. While Kemper and erspeak from what’s not. Psychology & Aging,
colleagues focused on formal measures such as 14(4), 656-670.
repetition and variability in word forms, our Kemper, Susan, Vandeputte, Dixie, Rice, Karla,
analysis was concerned with the conveyance of Cheung, Him, and Gubarchuk, Julia. 1995. Speech
facts, i.e., particular details about the environ- adjustments to aging during referential communi-
ment that may support the traveler in finding the cation task. Journal of Language and Social Psy-
correct route in addition to the communication of chology, 14, 40-59.
essential spatial segments and decision points. Schober, Michael F. 1993. Spatial Perspective-Taking
Our analysis revealed that, similar to earlier in Conversation. Cognition 47: 1-24.
research (Tenbrink and Winter, 2009), route de-
Schober, Michael F. 2009. Spatial Dialogue between
scriptions exhibited a hierarchical structure in
Partners with Mismatched Abilities. In Kenny
that some of the spatial elements were consid- Coventry, Thora Tenbrink, and John Bateman
ered so necessary as to be mentioned by every (eds.), Spatial Language and Dialogue (pp. 23-39).
single route giver and some (more complex ones) Oxford University Press.
were elaborated by many details, while others
Tenbrink, Thora and Stephan Winter. 2009. Variable
were left implicit in some descriptions and/or
Granularity in Route Directions. Spatial Cognition
enhanced by fewer details on average. These pat- and Computation 9, 64 – 93.
terns appeared to reflect solely the features of the
spatial environment rather than any specific re- Thomas, Kavita E. 2010. Dialogue systems, spatial
quirements attributed to the addressee. Thus, tasks and elderly users: A review of research into
elderspeak. SFB/TR 8 Report 021-02/2010, Uni-
while route descriptions systematically varied the
versity of Bremen.
levels of granularity in relation to the nature of
segments, route givers apparently did not expect Tversky, Barbara and Paul U. Lee. 1998. How Space
elderly wayfinders to require more details about Structures Language. In: C. Freksa, C. Habel and
problematic spatial segments than younger ones. K.F. Wender (eds.), Spatial Cognition. (pp. 157-
Instead, if they judged a particular spatial seg- 175). Berlin: Springer.
ment to be too problematic for an elderly ad- Watson, Matt E., Martin Pickering, M. J., and Holly
dressee, they rather suggested a different route. P. Branigan. 2004. Alignment of Reference Frames
in Dialogue. In K.D. Forbus, D. Gentner, and T.
Acknowledgements Regier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Annual
Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp.
Funding by the DFG (SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cogni-
1434-1440). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
tion) is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Ka-
vita Thomas and our assistants for their support.

Entailed feedback: evidence from a ranking experiment

Marcin Włodarczak Harry Bunt Volha Petukhova

Bielefeld University Tilburg University Tilburg University
Bielefeld, Germany Tilburg, the Netherlands Tilburg, the Netherlands, {harry.bunt,v.petukhova}

Abstract 2 Multidimensional Tagsets

Multifunctionality of utterances suggests that in

In this paper we investigate relation- an annotation task each utterance should be al-
ships between entailment relations among lowed to be labelled with more than one tag. This
communicative functions and dominance process is greatly facilitated if tags are organised
judgements in an annotation task in which into clusters such that only one tag for a cluster
participants are instructed to rank utter- can be assigned to an utterance (Allen and Core,
ance functions in terms of their impor- 1997; Clark and Popescu-Belis, 2004; Popescu-
tance. It is hypothesised that on aver- Belis, 2005; Popescu-Belis, 2008). Such clusters
age entailed functions should be assigned are commonly referred to as dimensions.
lower ranks than entailing functions. Pre- A conceptually-motivated definition of a a di-
liminary results of an experiment are re- mension was provided by Bunt (2006). He defines
ported for positive auto-feedback func- it as an aspect of participating in dialogue which
tions which are argued to be entailed by (1) can be addressed by means of dialogue acts
backward-looking functions such as Con- that have communicative functions specific for this
firm. purpose, (2) can be addressed independently of
other aspects. The first criterion requires that the
proposed aspects of communication correspond to
1 Introduction observable dialogue phenomena. The second re-
quires that the dimensions be orthogonal.
Since communication is a multi-faceted process
in which participants must monitor and manage 3 Semantic types of multifunctionality
several aspects of their behaviour simultaneously,
utterances which they produce are often multi- Bunt (2009a) distinguishes the following seman-
functional. Moreover, some of the utterance func- tic forms of multifunctionality: independent, en-
tions might entail or implicate other functions tailed, implicated and indirect.
(Bunt, 2009a). In particular, backward-looking
functions (Allen and Core, 1997), such as Con- 3.1 Independent multifunctionality
firm, Answer or Agreement, are claimed to entail Two or more communicative functions are inde-
positive feedback about some earlier utterance. pendent when each is expressed by some features
At the same time, it might be argued that some of a segment. An example could be “thank you”
of the utterance functions have a priority over spoken with cheerful intonation and high pitch,
its other functions because achieving some com- which might signal both gratitude and goodbye.
municative goals is of greater importance to the From a point of view of information-state up-
speaker in a given context. date approaches, such as DIT (Bunt, 1994), in
The paper explores the hypothesis that en- which a dialogue act corresponds to a context up-
tailed and implicated functions could be ex- date operation, indirect multifunctionality could
pected to be ranked lower than entailing functions. be interpreted as independent update operations of
Specifically, preliminary results for entailed auto- addressee’s information state, one for each func-
feedback are reported. tion.

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by159
the author(s)
3.2 Entailed multifunctionality 4 Ranked Annotation System
Entailed multifunctionality occurs when precondi- Ranked multidimensional dialogue act annotation
tions of one communicative function logically im- was proposed by Włodarczak (2009). It assumes
ply preconditions of another function. that while utterances are multifunctional, in a
Such relations usually occur between commu- given context accomplishing some of the speaker’s
nicative functions of which one is a specification goals is of greater importance than accomplish-
of the other (e.g Warning and Inform), and hold ing some other goals, and, hence, some utterance
between functions in the same dimension. In terms functions might dominate other functions.
of context update, the update operation of the en- The relative prominence of communicative
tailed function is subsumed by the update opera- functions was modelled by means of a greater or
tion of the entailing function. Such entailed func- equal prominence relation, where the term promi-
tions are, therefore, semantically vacuous. nence denotes the significance of a communicative
function relative to other functions of the same ut-
There is, however, a less trivial case of entail-
terance. It is assumed that prominences of any two
ment between functions, namely between auto-
functions of the same utterance are comparable,
feedback functions, which provide information
i.e. it is possible to decide whether one of the func-
about the speaker’s processing of some previous
tions is more prominent than the other or whether
utterance (Bunt, 2009b), and backward-looking
they are equally prominent. Since more than one
functions, such as Answer, Confirm or Accept Re-
function is allowed to have the same prominence,
quest, which “indicate how the current utterance
the relation in question imposes a non-strict linear
relates to the previous discourse” (Allen and Core,
order on the set of functions of an utterance. As in-
1997). Obviously, responding to some earlier ut-
dicated above, the ordering of functions is viewed
terance of the communication partner implies pos-
here from the speaker’s point of view, i.e. it reflects
itive processing of the utterance being responded
the hierarchy of speaker’s communicative goals.
to (or at least speaker’s belief that this was the
Importantly, the above framework offers more
case). Importantly, entailed feedback should be
flexibility than similar approaches (e.g. Dominant
seen as a real source of multifunctionality since it
Function Approximation, Popescu-Belis (2008))
involves an update of speaker’s assumptions about
by allowing more than one highest ranking func-
the processing of a previous utterance by himself
tion, and more than two different ranks.
and his partner.
5 Ranking and types of
3.3 Implicated multifunctionality multifunctionality
Implicated functionality is found when one of the Given that entailment relations between commu-
functions of a segment occurs by virtue of a con- nicative functions of utterances are formulated
versational implicature. It is, therefore, context- in terms of function preconditions and context
dependent and intentional, and corresponds to an update operations, and prominence relations are
additional context update operation. An example defined in terms of hierarchy of communicative
is positive feedback implicated by shifting to a goals, a connection between the two could be stip-
new but related topic. ulated. Namely, it could be expected that in an an-
notation task in which participants are instructed
3.4 Indirect multifunctionality to rank communicative functions of each utter-
ance, independent functions, expressed by seg-
Indirect multifunctionality is a result of an in- ment features and possibly corresponding to in-
direct speech act. It is argued, however, that in dependent, highest-ranking communicative goals,
information-state update approaches many of the should be in most cases assigned the same rank.
indirect speech acts can be analysed in terms of On the other hand, entailed and implicated func-
conditional dialogue acts. For example, an utter- tions, corresponding to subordinate goals (and,
ance such as “Do you know what time it is?” is at least for intra-dimensional entailment, seman-
analysed as “Please tell me what time it is if you tically vacuous), could be expected to be ranked
know.” It remains an empirical question whether lower than functions expressed explicitly by ut-
all indirect acts could be analysed in this way. terance features. Similarly, entailed auto-feedback

should in most cases be ranked lower than the en- other than map task dialogues.
tailing backward-looking functions. All annotators accomplished both tasks individ-
ually, having received the materials (transcriptions
6 Experiment and sound files) in electronic form. Time for both
Two experiments were conducted to find out tasks was not limited. To encourage high quality
whether the backward-looking Confirm function of annotations the students were motivated by an
is ranked higher than the entailed positive auto- award of 10% of the total grade for the pragmatic
feedback. In the first experiment, annotators were course.
asked to order functions assigned to segments with In both experiments the ordering was done by
respect to their relative prominence. In the second, assigning each function a numerical value from
the annotators were first asked to assign the (possi- the set of subsequent natural numbers, starting
bly multiple) applicable communicative functions from “1” as the most dominant function. More
to pre-defined segments and then assign a promi- than one function could be assigned the same nu-
nance rank to each of them. merical value.
Since in the second experiment the same dia-
6.1 Corpus and tagset logue material was used, a two week break was
HCRC Map Task Corpus was used in both experi- made between the experiments to avoid the anno-
ments1 . Map task dialogues are so-called instruct- tators being biased by the pre-annotated data from
ing dialogues in which one participant navigates the first experiment.
another participant through a map. The total dura- As pointed out in section 3, entailed auto-
tion of the data selected for the experiments was feedback is a source of true multifunctionality.
equal to 4 minutes and 43 seconds. Annotators were, therefore, asked to include it in
The tagset chosen for the experiment was the their annotations.
DIT++ dialogue act taxonomy (Bunt, 2009b). It
6.3 Results and discussion
consists of ten dimensions related to managing the
task domain (Task/Activity), feedback (Allo- and Table 1 presents inter-annotator agreement about
Auto-feedback), time requirements (Time Structur- functions assigned ranks of one, two and three for
ing), problems connected with production of utter- each annotator pair and for each experiment cal-
ances (Own and Partner Communication Manage- culated using Cohen’s kappa (Cohen, 1960). In
ment), attention (Contact Management), discourse the first experiment the mean kappa values for the
structure (Discourse Structuring) and social con- ranks of one, two and three were equal to 0.64,
ventions (Social Obligations Management). 0.62 and 0.85 respectively, which indicates a high
The data was segmented in multiple dimensions degree of agreement. For the second task the re-
according to the approach presented in (Geertzen spective values are substantially lower (0.42, 0.27
et al., 2007). 136 functional segments were iden- and 0.58 respectively) but it should be borne in
tified. For the first experiments the data was an- mind that these scores indicate agreement on a
notated by two expert annotators. Full agreement joint task of annotation and ranking, and that the
was established on segmentation and annotation annotators only had limited annotation experience.
level beforehand. Specifically, ten segments were In the first experiment the annotators reached
labelled with a Confirm tag. nearly perfect agreement about ranking the en-
tailed auto-feedback function lower than the en-
6.2 Participants, task and procedure tailing Confirm function. In the second task the en-
The experiments were performed by naive annota- tailed feedback was ranked higher in three cases.2
tors. The annotators were four undergraduate stu- Additionally, there were some cases in which the
dents. They had been introduced to the annotation annotators did not annotate the entailed feedback
scheme and the underlying theory while partici- at all, which in itself might indicate that it is
pating in a course on pragmatics during which they treated as less prominent by inexperienced anno-
were exposed to approximately three hours of lec- tators. Table 2 gives inter-annotator agreement re-
turing and a few small annotation exercises on data garding the relative ranks of Confirm and entailed
1 2
Detailed information about the project can be found at All these cases came from one annotator, and correspond to 27% of all Confirms identified by this participant.

Annotators Ranking of pre-annotated functions Annotation and ranking (joint task)
Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3
1&2 0.63 0.59 0.84 0.53 0.32 0.76
1&3 0.76 0.75 0.92 0.38 0.17 0.57
1&4 0.62 0.54 0.85 0.43 0.29 0.57
2&3 0.53 0.53. 0.82 0.51 0.19 0.57
2&4 0.59 0.55 0.83 0.34 0.21 0.61
3&4 0.69 0.71 0.86 0.34 0.44 0.42

Table 1: Cohen’s kappa scores for two rating experiments per annotator pair

Annotators Experiment 1 Experiment 2 References

1&2 1.00 0.29 James Allen and Mark Core. 1997. DAMSL: Dialogue
1&3 0.89 0.19 Act Markup in Several Layers (Draft 2.1). Techni-
1&4 0.74 0.37 cal Report, Multiparty Discourse Group, Discourse
2&3 0.89 0.93 Resource Initiative
2&4 0.74 0.60 Harry Bunt. 1994. Context and Dialogue Control.
3&4 0.89 0.48 Think Quarterly 3(1).

Table 2: Cohen’s kappa scores for relative ranks Harry Bunt. 2006. Dimensions in Dialogue Act Anno-
assigned to auto-feedback and Confirm for two ex- tation. Proceedings of LREC 2006, Paris.
periments per annotator pair Harry Bunt. 2009a. Multifunctionality and multidi-
mensional dialogue semantics. Proceedings of Dia-
Holmia 2009, Stockholm.
auto-feedback for each experiment and each an-
notator pair. Mean kappa values were equal to Harry Bunt. 2009b. The DIT++ Taxonomy for
functional dialogue markup. Proceedings of the
0.86 and 0.48 for the pre-annotated and not pre- EDAML@AAMAS, Workshop ”Towards a Standard
annotatated data respectively3 . Markup Language for Embodied Dialogue Acts”,
7 Conclusions
Alexander Clark and Andrei Popescu-Belis. 2004.
A strong tendency was found for entailed posi- Multi-level Dialogue Act Tags. Proceedings of SIG-
DIAL’04 (5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and
tive feedback to be ranked lower than the entailing Dialogue), Cambridge, MA.
Confirm function by naive annotators. This was
true both for dialogues in which functions were Jacob Cohen. 1960. A coefficient of agreement for
nominal scales. Education and Psychological Mea-
pre-annotated by experts and those in which anno- surement, 20: 37–46.
tators assigned functions to pre-defined segments
themselves. Jeroen Geertzen, Volha Petukhova and Harry Bunt.
Although the low number of analysed items 2007. A Multidimensional Approach to Utterance
Segmentation and Dialogue Act Classification. In:
does not allow to draw definite conclusions, the Proceedings of the 8th SIGdial Workshop on Dis-
results suggest that entailment relations might be a course and Dialogue, Antwerp, pp. 140–149.
major factor influencing relative promincences of
Andrei Popescu-Belis. 2005. Dialogue Acts: One or
communicative functions, with entailed functions More Dimensions? ISSCO Working Paper n. 62,
being perceived as less prominent than entailing University of Geneva.
Andrei Popescu-Belis. 2008. Dimensionality of dia-
Additionally, inter-annotator agreement about logue act tagsets: an empirical analysis of large cor-
ranking of pre-annotated functions was found to pora. Language Resource and Evaluation 42 (1).
be very high, with fair to moderate agreement in
the joint task of annotation and ranking. Marcin Włodarczak. 2009. Ranked multidimensional
dialogue act annotation. MA thesis, Adam Mick-
Since three annotators failed to rank functions of some iewicz University, Poznan.
utterances in the first experiment, kappa values are not pre-
ciselly equal to one.

Statistical Evaluation of Intention in Group Decision-making Dialogue

Michael Wunder Matthew Stone

Rutgers University Rutgers University

Abstract subjects’ information and decision making offer a

complementary perspective to previous studies of
We explore the dialogue implications of a collaborative dialogue (DiEugenio et al., 2000).
strategic voting game with a communica-
tion component and the resulting dialogue 2 Experiment: Voting Game with Chats
from laboratory experiments. The data re-
In two series of behavioral economics experi-
veals the role of communication in group
ments, five players were told to decide between
decision making with uncertainty and per-
two collective actions with different payouts.
sonal biases. The experiment creates a
conflict in human players between selfish, • Game 1: One Risky Policy, Vote Yes or No.
biased behavior and beneficial social out- Policy succeeds with probability p. If a group
comes. Unstructured chats showcase this votes yes, it gets average score p. If a major-
conflict as well as issues of trust, decep- ity votes no all get 0.5.
tion, and desire to form agreement.
• Game 2: Two Opposing Policies: A or B. If
1 Introduction a group votes A, it gets average score p and
otherwise 1 − p.
Communication has a long history within game
theory. From the earliest examples of signal- All players receive a noisy signal s that nobody
ing games (Lewis, 1969) to their most recent ac- else sees, drawn from a distribution centered on p.
ceptance as an essential component of interact- They converse with other players through anony-
ing computer agents (Shoham and Leyton-Brown, mous chat boxes, and then must vote on the policy.
2009), the exchange of information alters both In addition to s, players are given a bias, a per-
strategies and incentives. Natural dialogue shows sonal payoff adjustment ppa that shifts the amount
a human response to problem-solving situations. a player receives in the event the policy is passed.
Previous work has investigated information
3 Decision Factors
sharing among networks of individuals with par-
tial information (Choi et al., 2005) or a personal There are several key decisions to be made over
bias towards sending misinformation (Wang et al., the course of a single round. First, each partic-
2009). These experiments use the given task to ipant has the option to share their private signal.
explore how actors reason about the game. As a result of social pressure, a number is reported
In this work we discuss a task for a group to almost every time. Since a player controls only
make a simple binary decision with both of these this piece of information, there is an opportunity to
forces at work. Given noisy private signals about falsify what they say to push the group’s decision
a risky policy, players must decide whether to take towards an outcome that is personally beneficial or
the risky route. Players may be biased toward one beneficial to the score of a subgroup.
outcome and while most share their private data, The other major decision is the vote. Before the
they are not forced to report accurately. Before the actual vote, typically there is discussion about the
vote, there is an opportunity to chat with others merits of each choice, and some agreement may
using natural language. The data provides insight be reached. Two competing factors that affect this
into the various mechanisms of persuasion and decision are reliance on one’s known personal sig-
trust people bring to such games. Our insights into nal and the available public knowledge.

Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
© 2010 by163
the author(s)
Table 1: Percentage of voter type in experiments are adjusted in some way. There is also some evi-
Type of voter A/B Y/N dence that too much exaggeration can backfire on
Self-interest vote (s + ppa) 0.12 0.11 the liar as well as the group.
Vote based on group interest 0.14 0.19
Both factors align with vote 0.54 0.60 • What phrases do people use to push for one
Neither factor aligns with vote 0.20 0.10 result over another, and how do they affect
By isolating the information ultimately avail- votes and scores?
able to each player we identify the goal of most
Selfish voters and group interest voters differ
players (see Table 1). In most cases, the interests
somewhat in their choice of words used to indi-
of the individual and that of the group, measured
cate votes. For instance, when expressing a vote
by the average signal, line up with the chosen op-
for the public good, players tend to use the words
tion. When indicators conflict, players will choose
“we” and “everyone” more often.
one condition over the other. For the purpose of
modeling communicative strategy, it is useful to 5 Conclusion
know how the voting decision is aligned with the
phrases used to propose courses of action. In keeping with previous negotiation mod-
We have identified five major phrase types that els (DiEugenio et al., 2000) we can see our dia-
are used when someone would like to indicate vot- logues as playing out of a formal process involv-
ing preference, which are Declarative, Suggestive, ing a set of moves and arguments. Our data opens
Question, Imperative, and Everyone says. Dif- up the possibility to characterize how the specific
ferent forms can have very different connotations moves that people choose reflect their interests and
even with the same root words. The relative fre- expectations about reaching agreement, as well as
quency of such phrases answers questions about their interests and strategies for success in the un-
how people negotiate based on the expected out- derlying domain task.
comes. The types of utterances do indicate how
6 Acknowledgements
strong the evidence is, and in turn how committed
people are to the vote expressed in the message. In The authors are grateful for their support via HSD-
addition, we have found that people use different 0624191. We would also like to thank R. Lau, M.
negotiation tactics based on their interests, such as Littman, B. Sopher, D. Anderson, and J. Birchby
personal versus group. The poster presents results for their involvement in this project.
in detail.

4 Experimental Results References

Singjoo Choi, Douglas Gale, and Shachar Kariv. 2005.
We have posed a number of questions given the Behavioral aspects of learning in social networks:
corpus attached to this experiment. An experimental study. Advances in Applied Mi-
croeconomics, 13.
• How are conversations organized?
Barbara DiEugenio, Pamela W. Jordan, Richmond H.
Thomason, and Johanna D. Moore. 2000. The
Typically, there are three phases to each conver- agreement process: an empirical investigation of
sation. Players first exchange signals, then they human-human computer-mediated collaborative di-
discuss the merits of each choice. The reasons alogues. International Journal of Human Computer
discussed include the average signal, biases, and Studies.
riskiness. Finally they announce decisions by ei- D. Lewis. 1969. Convention. A Philosophical Study.
ther coming to an agreement or not. Mostly these
Y. Shoham and K. Leyton-Brown. 2009. Multiagent
tasks take much less time than is available and so
Systems. Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical
players also conduct side talk. Foundations.

• Who lies and how much does it pay off? Joseph T. Wang, Michael Spezio, and Colin F. Camerer.
2009. Pinocchio’s pupil: Using eyetracking and
We have found that liars do take advantage of pupil dilation to understand truth-telling and decep-
tion in sender-receiver games. American Economic
gullible partners occasionally. Somewhere be- Review.
tween 10% and 20% of the signals passed to others


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