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Modern | Rip legy The “Astrologer’s Magazine” 4 (Established 1890) a mowrin.y uacazie pevoree 70 oceuLt TaovoKT * Ano tie eruby oF wubantty [BE WISE Koowadge pute an ond to gla" VOLUME xl. NEW SERIES [0d Soin, XXPL Containing all the numbers for the year 1915 Cal Ni BF 71651 6-12 Editor—ALAN LEO (Su-Baéitor—AueneD H, Bastsx) ; ‘‘Mopant Aeraatoay" Bysuisnise Orrice IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, LUDGATE CIRCUS Leno, EC. The Tendo Supplied by LL.M. FOWLER & 60, %, IMPHBIRL RHOADS, LONDOW, H.6 ERGA ae pe. Mx Yen, 2 Biseors Bots bo Mil scot Agta UR 315 T FROM SHRI DAII NAGESH APTE CONTENTS.—VOL. XII. (oR DETAILED INDEX SEE END OF VOLUME) Ailes ne Yang 3 Pei ten a teion casey a aa a ASTID at : a Soe lenin te Wt — Sawai otis Se aioe Got iy Soe are ‘pain Cas tat ts Deegan ned ed ice Sree ae pata eterna Sea figine aes, Pines od Le 9 aera Tee ceess Baton cy eos Dl 140,17 6028428 2) Aimoety End Soca Recast eis Mate Soh HSS" Diy wae Se ee Sina ster a a Baa nt Wy Ae Be n Basimaceeier ae . -. i oo ee Hasetde: ty Minne B, Theobald ‘Eneetion ken to our Views {Germanys Poon io the Great Wart 1117, (48,179, 180, 230, 420) by W. Becker ne - convents it ‘orescape tod Jagment = ‘ing Alber of Balause : 45 f 388) “Laos fot ater ‘Sets rata) Pe aa ace ee Mr Filet 27 aye il pth tae re Wa Ses abld es Aiia edcte e [Navona Astology -— stot erste hpn of 9) Sore om, lg ttindrncn sree pee ls Gr 6a eet Bad se rare savant Sel alr foe cyte gr Noress tnd the Kea: tyflna Le 7 NSA foam, Tae (nso) gc Ss aa Now Sona Rovrst Beem 5 Fe zeoast NomotcsiYaiocota Haste © <5 =, C340) Rad vae ihe ‘Observatory, The Bir’ SE siemeesaeaal eet ‘Shieh! Sercnetea! Peedtans dena 3 i sek ‘Reef Cala ae ane dog be 7) Thm Alea Wy contents Ober, Th tet = Sa swat te Jae Se Pesce sok Ss see Sei EE a ett ft Ritltad Woe Sst: The Ra ect Pierce Cri, Ceoth of has a Saray af she Preostal Epic a) Tema can, sh Bete Indes rn ep Hotcnesal Soral Aso 1 Seay (1s, Se ler Lae mt nA Lie ‘Sve Royal Hocoumnes Asay Si s Shitsortie Auminge, Tie!/sa input Decooa BE ‘Tie Omae - s 100 e 2 at ie rntae? Whe Ned te Contiions? > on 1k aly a a a a eae THE ASTROLOGER'S MAGAZINE Modern Astrology A Journal Devoted to the Search for Truth Concerning Astrology joan] = [Xo ¥Ostes JANUARY, 1915. Ghe Editor's Wbserbatory AN ASTROLOGICAL SURVEY THE Past Ene snsjaiy of Sbticnione tnd abt this Si of te yee svt be manly omaroed with reve of tho eves or th fatal ear {bts oad mony oon wl be expend fom voross plas of sews Te il be he liom pola and scl anoint Wels oir com wich th roblont fife wil be sen ano many wins posoos monty cdoued by penal o pry Bandy Wee of dived oor. Pre wow of ho alo student cus be me of en bass nd lot he ent, Since he ase for every we. {etree ota hough ell ednce, ‘Weve lnthe eens of he seer 1914 the fal otcme of free ied high human temptanenty and Sang até modted {rom the wating wl of Re WHER ase the chamels ret ‘cht poy flocs have bees Min ‘We ave say refered tbe year 1911 as bring onder the cove ndaece of he MARE play sere, Od hav woe ‘ron eos that this soa of Martial inacace is bee aickened sade mote active potent thoagh the cence of otpace andthe ste conjunctions afer the sign AQCARICS, te ign of dhe MAN. nd theft born ofthe Nevr Ea, We hare baat booing ovr this sgn of pial motions for many eas andihaveInown a aeteloscl stuns that the day of che ‘as coding aad the period ofa new order begining, Por years th word ha heen puasing trong the gent confit epooting foros symbole ta we by the oppsen of te eaters lanets Nope and Usensen the signe Cancer and Capcom a he soring ofthe yer 1506 Ursaus and Neptne came fate dict pponition in ase signs. At tat paid there commence x conflet brween ten etre feiss setting a maton the great east which pro all over the werd. Alba these to dst planets et a2 female and reciver for natite’s tine Toran they Brute oe tbe erie of vibatics hat ay eally tle the fore of the sak ad ght forces of maze, 25d in thie seme thse eppaiin eds with 2 svias of during and falc ncn, Tt was not anil the year 914 int the decinations of those soothessing planets wore out of orbr—aod hen the sain that had ten set bythe enposition barat with aly fry nr dhe geet njicton of Uranns aed Juiter,fellawsd by the faa eclipse of te Sun ar the Sed sar Regulas Just ms we view acts or the culmination of events through ‘ran of evi inftwace in «masa chat, sal te vations carbons of lescary infsences, cammencing wih the oppniton of Urs ‘and Nrptane ended the slr eepee of August 2, EL. Newly very tier ofthe wari nations wa, through his hotecope, fated ‘by this prclian eripee, which war pacike in the exe, This ‘cps faking pea inthe ied decane ofthe san or, the Lies who strngth i ered to be the grate of llthn Saat ae vie ‘ated the aphorism of tancont astrloges concerning iis donate who held hat it ied the dstrrton of ser ice, captivity sand the becesng of towns aod cen tgather with the pofoatn of ly paces. Tt was his iaacace whlch eoicdol with oe death of ‘8e Pope andthe destiction of Laarai, and of hs Cathe, “Ime xprron's opsnavarony 3 Tn view of the farreaching results of the ment opposition Detwewn the plnetry epherss of Uranus aad Nepean, it may be protiable 3 pauee and conser the utderying rearing wo ar ‘nein natn ‘Tho planet NEPTUNE signs univers ciao, cut of which ‘eventually order isto be prodaced, Neptne ia tht pet Sor hich the Moon hae always boen a sbette io exoterc avalgy, The Moon, rough its many mods and plas, syboies the forming prrsanaly, he mask or fersene forthe cutest life; wile Neptuse 's the aymbel of the conerte personality sumed up is what we term ‘hesubeonscious mind. In he Greek mythology Neptase i ay lied. Jn Endymion. Its th great fof son, the spool ofthe omerte lower sf formed by the fn ofthe sae. onalyconsidre, Neplane cura up the spn masses the popet%e who canant be awakened from ther apathy and lzdiera ce saceteosoh the fvence of the ewakeaet Usain. Ie thin sone, Neptune vepresets the deaceacy, of any form of democrat government. ‘Tho ign Cancer reracents the Mic agiaings of eveyihisg be Sint far of rroctin the eda of may, asd he ead of sll hat canbe mado afc nthe caczete sgn Capcom. “Fach sign of the 2nd tro ries 19 Vio bas the mission ‘thin i evolve eeerpeste that oppoate fnding Lae ot ihe ater mare the posi ot omlemenday sgse Th sign Canes ‘ereore, possesses all the tency of the evolving Caprio. Tit “denis covculed in llth various symbole of Caner nn Caprcor, eh 2 the ea, the at, the lt the sea goat, ce 1 te eericlly symbolised Inthe one werd geseerons, sebically described la The Tempiaton: “Aod the Devi king ‘Him sp into «high touts, shewsd cto Hin al te Kingdoms of {Ge work" ete. Is the mason afte ign Capccor to bade atid Separate All hing to inte and indvkinales evegthiog and is Gerlore ho apex smn of he sole a ov pres! siege of volition ‘The cyele of Cancer Cagticara i¢ raing dows, or slowing #0 so spat Tee fer the at tmothosand years witesed tho arse Indivikalsing process of Chestanity; and is eyeo i rxong ets sod the StcowD Conse, ora new exile pain, e baging 5 sonny asraoioc ‘Te new aris that of Leo aquatics, the opmbal of which Soins the Lion withthe ace cr © las In Toe the eli inner fe ceminarts im this ei thee acento be evoved in Aguains. Leo isthe soya sige ia hich rls the power to ale hers, Agee the advil gs In which there resides the ower to ale one's zl for ue whocnanct tle hinslf can hope to rele others seceealy. ‘Tho eld ener changes and we ae wiecnng th birth these the nat ales of nations have not rled sly, ele ave te oop sought sufiisty Leola thamealven, Hee the fat andor the zat of two fences complementary to eoch stor, wich lave beesascentusindeopportons nad of arenes a compleniy ‘or wun forces ‘Those who sft, balive the srin to Have ba to get for many wits eset stige of development; the Klee Being lnompetent to govern, and the raed fauciertly restrained to ule Ahemssles, At present we ae inthe mide of chace aad everyting is bei thvon nto the ling pt. Tes sad sate of fas when ‘are compaled to maintain despotic ral, esata thi ndcates the “niyo nation 9 ele themselves ‘The end of dsr tle hepa inthe year 1914. The eehomers, with abaornal anbion, have pote to thee own desrton. “he stars inl, they do mot compel"; and at no tne te the fas the compelling ftsesce, Tee cman who dans frm the Caleta epere the potent icence whic for his own dns see Iie abuses by employing for elgch ander! porpses Lets rviw tho rac in wehereer nay we will bl vase pdertand hyve at fated te paas thon cain and fle the iscomfors of rate ite edged acne with lite meri wil ‘eis thoughts ost ofthe cone and snk fo letra ace abot ‘te laws of God throue scales messengers. Wo now tat the irons certs of tare ae evened in tha ok of Tle, poorayed ia the battens: and we can ouly pst» these dent witness 6s ters evidence ofthe ih that the wice man rales ib efrs we te foo obeys then. he a) ‘un worrox's oasenvaross 5 u—THE ruTuRe Many stomps wil bs wa to forecast the etre oft wating ‘sation by al clases and cosdiiens of men rom the rsigine aod ‘ical abd sci points f view, and many of the opinions sored srillbe wary of erpect, especialy the of paycilogical cosas. ‘From th atopic ie pint we ve not 0 much soucaerd wits fe seco of concrete ovets inevitably ating oat ofthe: Great Was, ‘3 withthe reponse tat shuld be me to the higher lave. whel, ‘vera human progress rlghteament comes slow'y to the masse of men and women in {Weorinay course of events and dose nho do nt teniteshocle and ‘alms to make thes awace at evsltion in promtets can help fealse bow vety dense and limited ase the sade of the najocty, ort crnforaontl tree tat as regards a vat otaer of Ge soca mom and celiaus texches te case ofthe “blind leading the Sind! The sjstem of eduesin a resent adopt we imadeguae to foc the young and their Leads are cummed with odinaty eae insteadof the texehing= 2c 1 he fwginings aa the eadings of nas Ach mindipaeplaste und receptive as lye tat fit mpegs fave a lasting elec, bar unfrtmately we begin eden the ahd whnaitsmuer the mother whe reqies the fst eduetinn, Children ‘sr broght ino ts word indies and the isnronctligp at Bites sappaling to thee who lw the wife waste of the life ‘eres tat tales place in sosponsine paentage Macringes forthe ‘not fart ae bopaless muds, beeing ited an jelony, often test and ater all ease bind pnesien or canvaniner the sa ‘Aan, risinls aseneousaged to beste were ermial by ths ‘ch and fois natem of inpesonmett without the vary neccsay ‘mata edocation each requires. Criminals at fr tho met pt baby foul and sa mauue of coercion wil svat tach tom Gat tbe ‘actions rth rst ignocaaee that sc sfionsen thelr nat ae of ‘opensinen vale to thesselves apart fim being injrions to ote, ‘Then as wo oecaation, Aveeaion ar flamed by serscne oly 6 NODES Astroxcy after them and no ater sre madeto tet sbiliy before theusands ‘of youth are yoked to callings for which they beve not the lat ‘indiowion and in which thep neve sc interes save meneame What the matter wih the wer? Sheer gnorence of Nate Jaws aa dsl inthe spirtal forces which ate ever sling to Dui while men are wily or necigently working vo Seton. ‘The Spin Itetigente at ch cane of or unitrce sees Icsnity a corti smcut of free will ht asend of tong it wily ‘wins causes men 10 deny #0 ovn inher, WHAT can We sav or Tar FUTcKE IN TIE Pack oF rise ‘conmions? ‘Wecaa oly fepeat he pet ad follow te ol dct tha tory *epats ist unlecs — unless a thorough sed comlete change tec Bloei heinvecte future we tll be a5 we wie before SHALL WE RENAIY a3 We WEE muvoRE? ‘This is where we can dea wit the future with anasetnice that ‘0 other sieve sows, We Koow that the whole werd ill be ‘dnged. If we sndy closely the history of Atiology we aball fad ‘at the greatest changes the earth ts know have sinays Dear recede by agent mar, in which brothers f dhe sane race hare ong om aesite ses, ‘Wiy stould hs beso? Ite Becau ma ros aga his ‘wn flesh and Mca in his al stages before he begs to fig Himself Most en fel jected im gine suangers or fore ‘hey try a to keep peace wit ce een faron sa hin eft sey sig ar piv tango wen hong Me ure Doma, for bai thn geting very nen io mse. ‘The German snd Bisish ations are oft ane Testnis stk, whster they be Aris nod Scorpio divisions ct or not. They Bang ‘een en rvs in the crmetial-wonld and Lave adopted besnees ‘motos seralias tech, This rivalry bas tested such hea aspstiion dn jesloasy and envy lave acne in the minds of bs ‘ith the rest hit a9 ccumolagoa of bad felog has formed Sige vortex into which many cospeol of xexius slanctary ‘sfucoce hae Leen yous, which only recited 4 Hele mature a ‘Tue xprren's onsexwarory 2 ‘vere aspects fo cane an explosion, Th ealeton has com #t hus Hown anay many ofthe rsritonsfrnly existing betwecs ‘aes and thi wil allow a greater feed fc efor inthe erin of elarms, Whatever may be said froragtine he cosnuncrnent of the Aauarian ge, wo area all events very secs clin the eof that se Aguarian age bean wher th opposition of Crane sed Neste fom Cancer and Cepricorn ced. It was tet Ua rans the awaken, eriered the sigs Aaa ibe an We are in the ast dele with tis induence and cur ideas wil be famine co {howe who are sient, ‘The Aquarian age now ding involves the Ay pity ofthe, oli the signs Guo0N, Lipka and AguaRIUs ‘The Aiy Wiley is rea ore dietly co etbect sates tan ‘he pucly concrete or sali condition, and mach of its fora. bers sotiipted inthe ast by invent, scientists and pilsopere The edhe sists act the subooecioue mind sore a he bra, And the ser forms cf maifedaton ie than the coneee ‘Wices cegract, the Byng train, the telegraphic tcsuaion of holography snd olncr recent inveuion, ar anichations of the Aan age, We may predic come very smporant and arta ‘forms nthe social wood under thn Achalan inflame adocong tae eve Airy signe favo © Grats, —Great reforms in etaticn, beter tentmart of ‘te sot improved means of rans a Deiter understanding ith oor neghboucs anda sincete efor lo teat one neighbours se eevee, ‘= provement in Tierature, higher tone in write and 4 great dvoecieat of etal tenia, (8) Lipsa Reform in the marie laws. 3 beter nde steading of the sarees of racine grote dele of ex pai a ‘tempt to Yow more about th myateries of genercn, aod a far state esponsibility with regu to matentags. A higher saudand of tolon detveen the sexs and a mee open eapteson concesing ex ‘ates inlading the nena rcngiton of the etuality of wamer with men, (Gi) Aguantvs-—The lessening of ndisial interest a sendy increnae of communities, co opertins tt, compan al emia ‘teres im which the individual Is mate co-operation andee fated Geat federations; federated Earope, The advent of mote gees, Temata inventions, inersse of ut, terre and mace ‘The femansipaion of ince rom nner imitations: eco advance Dseelogy the more frecmentexakenng of elaiverest von aed’ ‘OW Geoeral coltation of he ind wit nerasd thought power, ‘These are but few ofthe changes that wl take plase in the immediate futere, for after the Gre War there willbe a very eviteat asd decided wort by apntally minded persone who wih eae that the tine ms come to mle mailet on cath the est Which say hve hitherto bebs forced ty amature age to keep {be ackeronad ©) Noewdecs coy thst Asiolgy wil ae ts ples in he niwring Sf Ge fire aud many of the seco and mysteries ef the most Aicen fal tho scenes wll be eeveled. One ofthe eho sts of Astro, in showing the rime thet shold be eliminated whete the seeeraive forees are cencered, will be appreciated by tho who realise the sesponsity of parentage. It will alo be extensively in the compaioon of horotcopen of intend eters and agai in the easing ad adication of eile, ey ‘This view of the future is netber utopian tot io hopell forecast of what 0b in the ner fare when Urants thease, Is fete ty thoce who are alot reapend to the Urania alae. ‘As te Stat ofthe Marl was seen bythe astrologers old we to Tne ten the Star ofthe Agsatian age A stony man wil arise wbiae powers of organisation and pverament will win hrm the coalesce of all ho desie ese feforms. There wil alo erise a Teaser of Mes who wil sound che ote ofthe new rian, ene Wsdoo coin, in which men will be {aught tat each man should love kis brntber 2s bine, got for enters, bot becrae thse i only One Sly and tht She tal ofthe Geat Arie! of te Univers, ‘Immeiatly ater the wtelation of tove dave shi the sum be Svkeed and the noon stall not give er fight [ecoes, and the ‘ars ll al fea Leven fom tie exaltation], and We. ponece th heaens sal bo alc (radate] “Ad then aball spear the sgn the Sen of Man in buaves (Aquis] + and ten tll all he iin of the enth moira an they "ne upeTox's onseuvaront 2 lll se the Son of Nan cain in the eoude of ‘wih power and great glory (Uranus. ‘And he sal sont his angela witha great souod of a aunty sod they stall gather together hilo from the four winds, fons cn fot af boven tot alee” (ath. wiv, 29.31) eu Aur H=PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE ‘Wo often tear the phase “ Iisory repens sl” and tie ‘mpl that if ve could ee the past we shoud probably know th facure Removed from the shadow of the earth, we shold remain in an feverasting day. Dawa appears when night(s past, abd day els go night wn the Sen appears ose. From thes facts we Snow ‘hat Timo isthe gest lason andthe erst sepacaoe ‘The slate sept of Actrogy dale wh his tne clone in alls deal viding aad cdviding the gat cil wie ince Dig and das ‘Tho ice of the zoias the apparent potaway of the Sua and ‘Moons plans ist tne mearaer for te stator and fei or Ma al het wn, i and eto Bey enc pct of tit cle ‘noenciag every ar paso tat bos pct and fre dap os ‘6 past tetve inthe pcan fe cond vidw the alice ile a6 the Bee Pees we should fave & bates warsaading of what ‘ye term pst and ‘fate and wa sonld leo havea ach clare eenton ofthe mating ofthe tere fae and reel. ‘Toe inital deulty in sedaraanding te sates of Actlogy ses from the anton wo have of separateness, intend of realise ‘at all 6 woity and that eparstenens the dncion Wa divide the ciclo into parts and ia the mullite of divisions ae a Selves while aalyiag these sepeata pare Daring tis prose sf analysis he eollacl cle appears 10 some as 9 great berkive, file wih acne workers and some drones: wile Yo eters se 2 [rt drama or wot play which boing eaactd onthe vet sage of Te. ‘Nomattr Low bigh nd lofty on vison of he aati way be, ‘we novo sncceed with # moral sind and bin sm seine the ole ofthe dams tbce depicted. Primary it repceente the Plan Ad the Will of the Great Being who Is ruler of the Univers, apd ‘iste in Tim we Ive nad move aad lwo our beng. Below the ‘Wise Intelligence who conceived the plan, ther are myriads of flees taking pat the play, sad engaged Sn careying nt pars of the plan in dener forms of anfesnce. The wills of bunan boirgs lo co mingle nd distor the ee fl ofthe orainal pan Ta the stad esence or Mona wf every human beng there ie dear pstve oft ong plan, whsedf& more or lees refracted ‘De soul as Eaage by the Gncst dread of marta Ifo to that spite esemen to began reacted by ee ano the personality i mien the sole masked. ‘On she great stage of fife there comes the yest amy of ator lad players each apgarully choosing the prt tbe played, which ie ‘moro oa hesony Wid the Divine Pl “Laced at from above more than from blow, it is the Sol wih nthe maori OF cases aes de cbuce of atin within the Fk of exiting poets; the pervnalty beng the mask which ‘he sol wares ator nthe world of actin. To the Soul tne ie the great kson, which ses athe epaate fm an appara series ‘of event, Bat othe pesoality tne ia great reality a sparse essa tecesity. The soo! is theefore sore fee aad less boon ‘han tha perso, wich ic mined up with de part it i plapieg Tris tre ha the Great Architect of te Universe has imposed ‘cra taionn, or Gin maassce, upon bik systom, and these we now as eels of tine. ‘Te planetary spirits knowing th oxen! plane alo nartoned thot Hmltstios and posed sealer time Inia, whic aasologerssdy nthe worenieat of tho Morn asd ‘he plants. Spice wit te Kimiing ates, aul oe with ite movements of the heavenly odie are the outmard and visile ‘markings of want we tr fate: and win thse nations we have the chcice we term Viki Tie can bo proved hy thote who ‘compare ii absiact and sbiective tate of consccanes withthe encate and objective estes The higher and mote feed oor ‘imeiousess the more eekly tine fies “Tae past sid tine ine ane dilded by the batween tim ‘ bbich we nae the premnt, A hott precedes a2 action) and ‘inveen the thought and tbe objet aration there iso aia 0: ‘le of dasite or aversion to Both. The thes factors ace relly San iia Tago three modes of expresions of, © pot he Les SEdcenty, tere oa begning ap an eto eerstbing, aod there is tka that wick s between th beginning and te eb. Ratonsy iva ge in ie a every earner stadent who can == tupast of tbe Divine plan in tbe zodiae aod inthe planetary spines, tee the infizence of she plan refracted in te esental nator: ‘le posing tough the rial eile. “The whole of evn (sa accession in apparent ine and mace of the fondamentl pan, working throuth varios rads of wanes «Sonn the eomolet= cle. ‘The wit ersewoe of very indvidal fra thought form, created from, and therefore one with the Ove Soprenie Tneligenes, nd endowed vith all th freedom of choice Sha cold be deed, The innumerable possibile ha reopen to ack con of God aan race see and fandom of action tas coo brat be tte ‘Thace are cartan sia steams of etluton and catan well ioe pat, but the ways andthe ands ao inf, TE Detwee he Besiasing andthe ening, or betes the amity of the Ono lite irre cpltadiesity of Ut One fein the Many, thatthe seat diny of nan evoision takes place, Ia the beginning, so hora one is slicicaly sdfconacins to eae and ndersand; bat at the ball isnan bens ill be eoperconsctons and will we the whole 25 complete atd on "Fe toms sige of concioaney is hat of wl conscines, se pros stage Now tai the wala plan of Divine sane ~ aned coat be changed e altered and human bung eter ware toh the plan or aganat @, eonsionly oc anoscily. Sei Etcomsess grows and expands with efor in either of these Gisctomn, Nether ie Begining aor the end of the pm can be sun, but between thece ample sop for nitive and aidan Miwa ovand the end: and (is stem to Be eommed up is “het ‘nati to be can bo, often anconsciosy expressed in smonaaping "att tobe wl be” Te is the wait of the Ths by individuals shat gives scope for all the foe wil “wbe desied, Providence ic tht wich she al thing vo psfect and. Life ie grant web fll af insurable crane al eesing deal aowiere, se exch one consected wih the whcle. “The grt sloor renee peblo fr amlogee = Bee Avtology, hich reveals the events pasty presenta etre fo het “depen os abty 2 interpret she handweting om the wal thease Ite qoenon 8022 9 be tho great payers on dh word stage We kaow he par ey se kely to play shen born unde een Catnagese of the motion! Inlstecop, bse wn do ot knoe fers Shay study of exotic aslocy the ident of the sod bain the sat of te porosity rapraied any parclar horesone “Viewed fio toe pact ofthe Bescning, and fhe Stare which the ulin, we shld Sor wh = hbint eaeh indice kero bot Isic man co tell he mtn ap oft posonalty sho is wang it at ‘he preset tie? in Ge cxcresion of event om hepa oth present thie wa -evey pouty of the great European war mck is oow the cet vent on the worlds sage. For hin grent sven ie afte ll only the "pte of far greater fa an Fata. [Bony nition pare rough series of evens Sod the birt inftaenes of tion Have all the clement of ts Gath or ending. “This i Dat « releeon of the radia! plan or we Ke tthe iene Aries aod Sania the buginings and ening of Avimal Man, Vey lide insight is reyaze to te the rlaoesip butwee the ence Gb Macy to Wr eran fhe great wat cf he press tp Bat Soderoand it in all ie bearings 1s a very dicen mato, for & eosideration of ‘which we sal hve 0 postone ether beri ot asotber face. Ts she meant she Kateri om ect, by is fom choosing the Swireme War Tas the head of he Pesan Milton; and hie permaty, oF 29 to epee aeolpially biz Sovescope, sums up the Das, and fue, af the Passlan War party, fe Se Seis ee he Woroscope of General Jolee “Ta tine of Geseral Joe's ith ukinown a pete thous ‘we ave ope hat t may eventnly be obtained, “This rescope of General Joe hashes carefull eed, and ‘rom this resifcation, baad epon a numb of even we being te tine of bith o 242 a Jeal tine, on the 12th Tantary 1852 at Rivestey, Pyrenres, Oretles, 425%, 57%. The scheme of ‘ttieation given the end of garlic “The map shows the second dovaate ofthe sign Scorpio upon the ‘crndant, and the benec phe Jopitervsing ety elxe to the ‘tsendant, The rio planet Mave ff he sign Le a parle with fe San, sad wil be toed tha the tar Regulus Ga S.2009 ie {ut on he Midinares. [wit sea be noice thn he rising Tier Ie tolivay between ine hivnaries ‘At the Guildhall Banquet 9th Novembis Land Kichener stecrited General Jt a “= gest mitarylader ad ee a” fd this hotonpe ofthe General cenaals corse that statement Wien hel by an id fend "ow things were going” be relied Laicse moi fare, ft Tes erignoto (Leave me lene, 'm nibVing Ftiena characte rely for aun Yavin bis peeialplane a | sien of faedearts ) eisai tat Joie ately seas on horseback, He spends “part ofeach day a ong lw api sere, vig the Hes. He fs Gorughly accented wih the county, all einer mominits aad “alleys bei dey enarara pons bia. ‘As Geowel he i trsted by the whole of his sal nd is ‘sopored by the bet lary braise in Fentce, He ie ake and “oso ll politics a2 mary lanoy, ad fs ds able fo employ "at mes for siltary pompoes. “throicope show Genel Je to bea rainat min. Sem, purpose, aod fearless Is the horoscope of solder who dy be lent and yet eerie in ten by hie Order of cho 1 uopeas aetaoLocy ‘Day a he tate f the Maro "You ment bo prorated mn die ater han yi ground Weakness wil nt be tested.” Genel Joe ea self-nudo man: be hax sen wth the uplty an eicigt man wo ec the gon before him and tad prseverns fomurd it. He wes a Packelor of Seance at sixteen and entered the olptechic at seveteca, In the war of 1870 bs diginguished ‘nell acon estnant and trough his able waren orion Scam & Capua at twenty-two. Ha object t all parade or pon dis fst plas soldier, modern snd scene, aad sams to Bare {he nay eit of blending be theo with he prateal “Tae Moon tre Suo fom he earthy triply ie anal ate ‘e bieatvy asf ln ater sang miday betmeen che Ses a Noon, Hie wart ialacsca cess and slicy; andi part lay ctretng tf eat the careful rectfeaton of thin, home the fixed and tara tar Regus upon the mec Tle war ot imowa tothe woe at large wat 1911, wh ‘Tus woRoscoP OF GENERAL JorPSE 15 placed tn chase ofthe Frosh Amy. But gaat wil be his gory at the clos of hie if sed Frazee sigseyforunste iu bavow ec a wie and slat Gener (Genenan Jovens’s DIRRCHONS 10K THE YEAR 1915 is not a ll marble fom an asrlorcal eanpsint that Goel Jot sho ave bon sr the primary infoece of 3S ‘2a 1" 89 dacing the your 1918, Th sqne aspect of Mass se To have beon the prominin nies in to progcetsed borsconer ‘of alt tho principals iayolved. the gest wat, and i i coe shat ihe vloace which the Bens of Mars denote, Just Twat clout bart the pivot Mercury la the Geoeral's cd bosons bad wet the ti (120 aspet of Jupiter, bat Hquicly peed to 32 allicion (135) of Mars in Ocbers the Sas tras also fa tho sare aspect to Mave (135) fo the sping of 1915 Be ie ete cee Be eS leis ae Beate. ‘The majo infivencte forthe year 1915 are a follows: fee EY ge we. HE 8 a te ota ees sed 6 omit aereoKonY ‘The propremal Lorcarps irags "L 7° on the meridian and Ye W3ion the ascendaot. pier = nthe micbesvn i 23°, si Masi setting ia ©2517." Tho Sus bas progrued to 25a “ pow beivees the tic asin of Jul ia salle aad Jupiter ‘rogreibed. ‘The Sun seater the tine arpet of Mar is th commer OF 1913 which shod bring victory tothe arms of France. 6dr cross feature of Genoa Joe's horesipe tht the grt ecie of agus last cook pace very gear to the seca of Is fasltyj abo shat Mars in bis ratty 1a the ple of Satu and ieee o te Gat ints Waters beeeeeaes We eg faunlise wit dese cncespondences in the hneesares of he ner sclors isthe erat war daa thst wo thi dy iat be ora Cae Cocdances ond econ erikng fo cavnct eve the seeps. Smee oF RecrisicasioN “There ae thot events where exact tes, ane give we wil deal van ser ie. 43. Made 205 eaten, 21/0/2670: Are 79°40. ‘Thon waa io Paris during siege. Prometion: but a mos exciting experience foe 4 young oice. Freacs Empire ov Republic peockined, Septeober 1870. Siege of Pas, cullog im sereader, Jeminry © Febraary, 1871. ‘The aces are carts. The M.C.cirected to if rules, may Mettom oe} atin) S08 x Sep 2 Made Genera), 1210/1901: are =agr4s) fon eg BP 8 Bes Appsated Sta. Geers}, 24/31 05: Ave= 5512 oes £2 oN ren “TIE HOROSCOPE oF GxvERAL JoremE % ‘Now some eats of which ony the yeu sve, Dot 29 dt 1. Bec cain in ary, 1876: Are 2Fr over. MC epmintn! Ine gen, Hare ‘2. Given" Lego of Honour" 1885 or threats oa 5 1891, © 4, Sent so saprvan rata ayia a Sodan, 1892. Paved « Made Calon, 1897. Voyage #9 Madagasar ven pace str wo 2. os coma ofa Any Com 1302: ro 5? or Bee See &Conunandersin- Chit, BL: Are 20" or ma ME gumimorw Wises eet Maras ao validity of she caensescon may be tested by any sender ‘ateesed, By mesa of te Speulue punted oa. 15 eters iia ini 2 os 2 ass ‘SssiSy woh clog adoration, “Thepare seat aad a coved ERS oa yt cea ral to steele Souter Gena “fei ‘ens oe fal epee ce ee ‘eer inh tes The bosk wil dobtes spp tothe deat of ‘ecletnchg ar vl ae gence tenete Ligh 0 8 ‘An American Astrologer on the War GAN GERMANY WEN? ‘hs fecacen by a fox gesine states of Astongy the Great ‘Bropenn War os been insramental a beagng astoogta) predic: tions to's climax, Dating the fist thes cots of the Wan, fetologes of repute aad eelanee were unanimows ia hat tne a the dneiion of tele peaictions: 9 auch was his the cian that Sangh manor of aie Gity aowepapert commerted pon th ft to aid a grst weir of press ug sent 1 MODEEN ASTROLOGY Office ear wines, Mos af shew predictions came from Baiisb astloges: bat towards tha cai of Over the Ameneans begin their medics: ra guts cated to ssoume dha» ceain ancunt of national Dias Should gobur the predictions of rth astrologers atau the ‘Whale the jamnons anpear 12 have been bared agen welHkowt Tres and were ins anen to comection by any ant who cold ‘hain Leven fo pre. “Comparing the many nace even of te assoloicl preditions ce sinter i evory sean 1 be sted wi the eas 39 fer as te Betis stringers ace conceal. Tt is however gue herent hen we come 19 anaiyos the statements made by eta SAmurcan radents ‘ho pinions sana to be stony Caged: by Gecsan pric Roe ie monies that i we ave gle benet with oestoes ture thle po sinagrooment nits road t the uinale end of fhe prem wit for, allninc for diference of teoperanent te inten of one etzloger shod in the mis be the same os vier provided the reazes are dh came, And ino apsion it etereine secius iatie 10 find an atrolos wo publahes Fonietens fundamentally difenag Crom the melon. "We sepore making ach enqucy ino the attra consistent ‘ih our thay to do 20 forse lod hat the les by mich the ‘at soca AgTROLOGER OX THE WAR 1» scyologer works shouldbe the mime forall if Asilagy 16:0 Be cose aeewce. Biaprof ment iby oto inl the ‘ely Ink of focusing pots, ace fal t0 which tbe aioe is ‘lila a the moll practioner or the lawyers be two dicsty Conflicting judgments bagod on the wellknown laws of Astology ‘anno beaded. [Let we oxamine the whole question upon is evs ‘The Britis stooges ave one ad alempnialy fated iat ‘he Kiar wll aot min vetny tn this grt Wat, They bave ai atl one tha he dona Un veiterin a ages call Phe Adept, being ermphatic n this epi, Hier sews ar embcd in ao atlo publisod in the Beaton Sundoy Globe, Oedber 25, 191, pent fe toe asual Americar tle Gt Sig eadlines and dealing with tbo Eaeopem Wee. The Boston (Globe erases the ariel follows ns THOMPSON'S PROPHECIES se Aenea efor nt i ole sae, SO Fe fae cl goonies Wok cs ey aa Apr aoe cie mai a arte aceon feast sieemes = fame tee, oe sae Pi er haalwl f aegetg ta i eam how ett Bey gis spite fein site em of blo cme, pp, at ae or Taca nla a ow eer mon wit nee oS ene ie ed cater hes ea tt SEE tape or, econ el pr ei ot prasigie, wiht hope seoten, nda of te Angle Sao Fgh ferely tert na Fe ee OPN at anh prt ain five nest ‘We have ne the sjsu at oar spol at prsent © pablsk the whole arise, which ie mecca f00 starting 9 lonore; for we

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