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12 English Alive TG1 Answwer Key 28-03 24/11/06 09:55 Page 107

[page 6]
Unit 1 International Grammar
[page 3]
1 1 e 2 b 3 g 4 a 5 d 6 f
Vocabulary 2 1 Is Dublin the capital of Ireland? Yes, it is.
1 Africa: Morocco 2 Are you interested in basketball? No, I’m not / we aren’t.
Asia: Japan, China 3 Are your friends funny? Yes, they are.
Australasia: Australia 4 Is Rafael Nadal good at tennis? Yes, he is.
Europe: Great Britain, Ireland 5 Are Italy and Ireland in Asia? No, they aren’t.
North America: The United States, Canada 3 1 Who 3 What 5 When
South America: Brazil, Argentina 2 What 4 How
2 1 Canadian 4 Japanese 7 Brazilian 4 1 No, I’m not. 4 Is 7 it isn’t
2 Moroccan 5 Australian 8 Argentinian 2 Are you 5 it is 8 Are
3 Chinese 6 Italian 9 Irish 3 I am 6 Is 9 we aren’t
3 1 [Students’ own answer] is a Spanish TV programme.
[page 7]
2 [Students’ own answer] is a singer from the United States
3 [Students’ own answer] is a British football team 5 1 What nationality are you? 4 How old are you?
4 [Students’ own answer] is an Australian city 2 Where are you from? 5 What are your interests?
5 Chinese is the language of China. 3 When is your birthday? 6 What’s your favourite food?
6 [Students’ own answer] is a Brazilian river.
[page 4]
Grammar consolidation
Grammar 6 1 is 4 Are you 7 What’s
2 her 5 I’m not 8 Italian
1 1 ’s 4 isn’t 6 ’s 3 interesting 6 he is 9 Our
2 ’s 5 ’re 7 isn’t
3 ’re Dictation
2 1 My teacher isn’t Chinese. He’s / She’s [Students’ own answer]. 7 Hi, my name’s Andy. I’m from the United States. My parents aren’t
2 My best friend isn’t from Rome. He’s / she’s American. They’re Irish. I’m interested in music and sport. My best
[Students’ own answer]. friend is Pete. He’s funny. We’re in the same class.
3 My friends and I aren’t from Dublin. We’re from
[Students’ own answer]. [page 8]
4 China and Japan aren’t in Europe. They’re in Asia. Reading
5 I’m not twenty years old. I’m [Students’ own answer] years old.
6 Milan isn’t the capital of Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy. 1 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 T
3 Students’ own answers 2 1 She’s American.
2 She’s XXX years old. [Her birthday is 28th September 1987!]
4 1 you – your 3 she – her 5 we – our 3 She’s interested in gymnastics and swimming.
2 he – his 4 it – its 6 they – their 4 The language of Mexico is Spanish.
[page 5] 5 Maná are popular in the United States, Spain and Latin America.
5 1 Our favourite sport is tennis.
2 You’re from Spain. Writing
3 He’s good at maths. 3 1 fast 3 funny 5 great
4 Their favourite football team is Real Madrid. 2 nice 4 big
5 Her name is Karen.
6 I’m good at surfing. 4 1 difficult 3 small 5 serious
2 big 4 cold 6 red
6 1 your 4 your 7 their
2 My 5 they 8 your [page 9]
3 they 6 my 9 her 5 1 Sofia is Italian.
2 José is a funny person.
Vocabulary 3 Is Canada a big country?
4 Japanese is a difficult language.
7 1 happy 4 slow 7 sad 5 Dublin is an interesting city.
2 quiet 5 funny 8 easy 6 My brothers are Australian.
3 fast 6 difficult 7 Basketball is great!
8 Students’ own answers 8 Are Estopa’s songs popular in the United States?
6 Students’ own answers
7 Students’ own answers

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12 English Alive TG1 Answer Key 28-03 05/11/09 09:38 Page 108

Practical English [page 13]

8 1 Sorry? 3 Great, thanks.

6 1 there are 6 Is there an
2 There’s a 7 there isn’t
2 Can you spell that, please?
3 are there 8 there are some
9 Students’ own answers 4 There’s 9 are there
5 There are 10 There aren’t any
[page 10]
Progress check Vocabulary
1 1 Canadian 4 Brazil 7 Ireland 7 1 newsagent’s 4 sports shop 6 clothes shop
2 China 5 Japanese 8 Moroccan 2 shoe shop 5 pet shop 7 chemist’s
3 Australian 6 British 3 bookshop
2 1 good 4 interesting 7 loud 8 1 There are some footballs in the sports shop.
2 fast 5 easy 8 nice 2 There are some CDs in the music shop.
3 happy 6 funny 3 There are some bags in the clothes shop.
3 1 aren’t 3 isn’t 5 I’m not 4 There are some dictionaries in the bookshop.
2 I’m not 4 are 6 is 5 There are some animals in the pet shop.

4 1 you 3 she 5 they [page 14]

2 his 4 our Grammar
5 1 Is 4 they are 7 Are
1 (From left to right) David, Emily, Dom, Thomas, Lucy, Amy
2 it isn’t 5 Is 8 I am
3 Are 6 she is 2 1 David and Amy have got some DVDs.
6 1 Who is your best friend? 4 What’s your favourite food?
Emily has got some photos.
Dom and Lucy haven’t got any food.
2 How old are you? 5 When is your birthday?
4 Thomas has got some new CDs.
3 Where are you from?
5 Amy has got a book.
3 1 Have, got 4 ’s got 7 hasn’t got
Unit 2 In town 2
haven’t got
’ve got
Have, got
’s got
8 hasn’t got
9 haven’t got
[page 11]
[page 15]
Vocabulary 4 1 Has David got any DVDs? Yes, he has.
1 b post office 6 h skateboard park 9 2 Has Lucy got a mobile phone? No, she hasn’t.
c museum 1 i train station 12 3 Have you got a book, Dom? Yes, I have.
d sports centre 8 j restaurant 4 4 Have David and Emily got any pizza? No, they haven’t.
e shopping centre 10 k Internet café 3 5 Have you got a website, David and Emily? Yes, we have.
church 11
cinema 7
l park 5 5 1 Has Ben got a new mobile phone? Yes, he has.
2 Have Rita and Jamie got any classical music CDs?
2 Students’ own answers No, they haven’t.
3 1 next to 3 in front of 5 behind
3 Have you and your friends got any good computer games?
Yes, we have.
2 between 4 opposite
4 Have your parents got an old car? No, they haven’t.
[page 12]
Grammar Grammar consolidation
1 1 There are 3 There’s 5 There isn’t 6 1 any 4 an 7 isn’t
2 There aren’t 4 There are 2 are 5 some 8 there
3 ’ve 6 haven’t 9 Has
2 1 a 3 an 5 some
2 any 4 a
3 1 There’s an Italian restaurant.
7 There’s a big shopping centre in my town. It’s got some good
2 There are some parks.
games shops, but there aren’t any Internet cafés. We haven’t got a
3 There aren’t any beaches.
computer at home, but my school has got ten. They’re very fast.
4 There isn’t a train station.
Have you got any computers in your school?
5 There aren’t any sports centres.
4 1 Is there an 3 Are there any 5 Are there any [page 16]
2 are there 4 are there Reading
5 1 there is 3 there aren’t 5 there are 1 1b 2a 3c
2 There are 4 There are
2 1f 2e 3b 4d 5a
3 1 Yes, there’s an indoor skating park.
2 Yes, New York has got 20 skateboard parks.
3 It’s 10 kilometres long.
4 It’s in May.
5 There are 80,000 people.

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