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Activity Sheet-Quarter 2– Week 8
Proper Usage and Maintenance of
Drawing Tools and Materials when
Combining Multiple Images


Filipino 8


TLE/TVL- ICT (Illustration)
Activity Sheet No. 8
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 - Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 - Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or
mechanical without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 –
Western Visayas.

Development Team of TLE/TVL - ICT (Illustration) Activity Sheet

Writers: Gericel L. Humpay and Nilda D. Gallardo

Editors and Reviewers:
Erden Gentoleo, Mark Villalluz and Chimene Subere
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team: Erden Gentolea, Mark D.
Villaruz, Chimene B. Subere, Shirley A. De Juan, Rolando B. Jamora
Schools Division of Capiz Management Team:
Salvador O. Ochavo, Jr.
Nicasio S. Frio
Segundina F. Dollete
Shirley A. De Juan
Rolando B. Jamora
Regional Management Team:
Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma
Josilyn S. Solana
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine Abraham P. Imas
April C. Velez Gorgonio A. Batilaran, Jr.
Introductory Message!

Welcome to TLE/TVL-ICT (Illustration)!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts

of the Schools Division of Capiz and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western
Visayas through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division
(CLMD). This is developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers,
parents and responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the standards
set by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials

aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and
time using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also
assist the learners in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and
attitudes for productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The TLE/TVL-ICT (Illustration) Activity Sheet will help you

facilitate the leaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential
Learning Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter
between you and learner. This will be made available to the learners with
the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The TLE/TVL-ICT (Illustration) Activity Sheet is developed to help

you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material
provides you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent
learning. Being an active learner, carefully read and understand the
instructions then perform the activities and answer the assessments. This
will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.
Quarter 2-Week 8

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No.8

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________

Grade and Section:____________________ Date: _____________________


Combining Multiple Images

I. Learning Competency
LO 2. Use basic drawing techniques:
2.1 Perform safety procedures when using basic drawing techniques
when combining multiple images using Adobe Photoshop.
Code: TLE_ICTIL10DO-IIa-j-2

II. Background Information for Learners

Are you excited to know how to use the Adobe Photoshop when
combining multiple images using Adobe Photoshop? Layers in Photoshop
allow you to work on one element of an image without disturbing the others.
Artists consistently use them to make design workflow easier. Sometimes,
however, there's the need to combine or merge different layers together
either to work on the merged image or to flatten all layers to form a single
layer for the final project. Luckily, you have several options available to you.


Using Merging Options

1. Right click on a layer, or multiple

layers, to bring up your merging
options. Go over to your layers panel
and highlight the layer or layers you
want to merge together. Right-click
and peer down to the bottom of the
menu that appears. You should get
the options:
 Merge Layers (or, if you only selected
one layer, "Merge Down")
 Merge Visible
 Flatten Image

2. Select "Merge Down" to combine the

currently selected layer with the layer
immediately below it. The layers will
combine, taking the name of the lower
layer, into one. Note, however, that you
cannot do this if either layer is invisible
or locked.
 This option is replaced with "Merge
Layers" if you have multiple layers
 You can also
press ⌘ Command+E or Ctrl+E

3. Select multiple layers and use

"Merge Layers" to combine them
all into one layer. Shift-Click or
Ctrl/Cmd-Click on all the layers you
want merged to highlight multiples.
Then right-click on one of the layers
and select "Merge Layers" to combine
them all.
 They layers will merge into the top-
most layer, and keep that name.

4. Toggle layers on and off to use

"Merge Visible." This is a good way to
combine lots of layers quickly.
Instead of clicking all the layers you
want to merge, simply uncheck the
little "eye" to the left of each layer
you do not want to merge. Then
right-click on any still-visible layer in
the panel and select "Merge Visible."
Only those layers with the "eye" will be merged, the others will be left
5. Alt or Opt-Click on "Merge Visible" to
combine the layers into a brand new
layer, while preserving the old
ones. This combines all visible layers,
then copies them into their own layer.
Your smaller layers are all intact and
untouched, allowing you to keep them
for later if need be.
 For Macs, you hold the ⌥ Option.
 For PCs, you hold the Alt.

6. Choose "Flatten Image" to merge all

layers together, discarding anything
not visible. Flatten image is usually
reserved for the very end of the project,
right before saving the final, finished
image. It takes all visible layers and
makes them one combined layer. If you
have anything that isn't visible, it will
ask you if it should discard it. Basically,
Flatten Image takes everything you can
see on the canvas and combines it into
the only layer in the panel.

7. Understand that you cannot "un-

merge" layers once you've
combined them. Merging layers is
useful, but you will lose some of
your closer control over your image.
Make sure you merge layers only
when you're done working on the
individual pieces.
8. Know the alternate paths to
merge layers. There are two
other ways to get to these exact
same menus, so just use the one
you're most comfortable with.
 Click on "Layers" from the top
menu. Your options for merging
will be near the bottom.
 Click the small triangle and lines
icon in the upper right corner of
the layers panel. Merging will be
near the bottom.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Britt Edelen, wikiHow Staff Editor. April 9, 2020.

Activity 1. Mix Me!

Directions: Make a picture collage applying the topics being discussed.

Your output must be in a short bond paper digital or manual.

Activity 2. Directions:

Arrange the sequence of the techniques in merging multiple images in its

proper order by writing the correct number on the space provided.
____________1. Choose "Flatten Image" to merge all layers together, discarding
anything not visible. 
____________2. Know the alternate paths to merge layers.
____________3. Right click on a layer, or multiple layers, to bring up your merging
____________4. Understand that you cannot "un-merge" layers once you've
combined them. 
____________5. Toggle layers on and off to use "Merge Visible."
____________6. Select "Merge Down" to combine the currently selected layer with the
layer immediately below it. 
____________7. Select multiple layers and use "Merge Layers" to combine them all
into one layer.
____________8. Alt or Opt-Click on "Merge Visible" to combine the layers into a
brand new layer, while preserving the old ones. 
IV. Reflection:

Assuming that you are working in a big company of designing. How can you
assure that your design will stand out? Why?


V. Answer Key

Activity 2
Activity 1
1. 6
output may vary
2. 8
3. 1
4. 7
5. 4
6. 2
7. 3
8. 5

answer may vary

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