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The Febrile Child A chili of 2% years old presents to you with a temperature of 38.0°C. The mother says that Ignats seems otherwise well. Please take a relevant history... Introduce yourself Been feverish for about 5 days now Fever has been high the whole 5 days Nothing relieves - paracetamol helped a little Nothing makes fever worse 1 mark Ye inack % mark ‘mark %4 mark No obvious associated features - a litle lethargic mark, Things have not heen getting worse Yemack No urinary symptoms % mark No bowel eymptoms mark No vomiting Ys mark No change in behaviour YA amark No change in appetite or Nuids Ye oak No apparent change in weight ‘mark No cough, sniffles or other respiratory symptoms. Y% mark No phowphobia 4s mack No toss of weight % mark Rest of family (mun, dad, sister 0€ 3 years) is well smash No contacts that are ill Ye mark Dad is a doctor, mum is a nurse Ye mark No pets va mark All bom in Australia Ye mark No recent O/S travel Ye mark No recent surgery % mark No history of congenital disorders (e.g. heart=>SBE, Renal disease=>UT!) mark Not taking any medications Ye mark Having taken a thorough history, perform a verbal physical examination to elicit any sign: General appearance good - color good, active and interacting, U mark Vital signs (Note: the figures below are average for a 2 sear old child) % mark - Ucar rate LS bpm add Yemark . Respiratory Rate 25/min add % mark . ‘Blood Pressure 95/60 add Ye mark Respiratory System . No flaring, grunt, cyanosis, retraction or accessory muscle useMax 2% mark . No abnormal percussion in chest mark . No abnorinal auscultatory signs va mark Abdominal Palpation . No distension, tenderness, guarding, masses or organomegaly Max. 2% mark . Bowel sounds present and normal Y% mark Dennatological Inspection . No skin rashes, petechiae or skin infections Max. 1% mark Joint and Bony Examination . No bonefjoint tenderness, swelling or erythema Max. 1% mark ENT . No otitis, mastoiditis. pharyngitis. rhinits. neck stiffuess or lymphadenopathy

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