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CCT College Dublin Continuous Assessment

Programme Title: PDSS BABS

Cohort: FT
Module Title(s): PDSS
Assignment Type: Individual Weighting(s): 80%
Assignment Title: Presentation Skills and Reflection
Lecturer(s): Alan Foran, Tracy Gallagher
Issue Date: 6th Oct 2021
Submission 1. Structure Document: 31st Oct 2021 (10%)
Deadline Date: 2. Presentation Slides & Reflection: 21st Nov 2021 @23:55
3. Live Presentation: TBC – a list will be uploaded to moodle.
Late submissions will be accepted up to 5 calendar days after the deadline. All late
Late Submission submissions are subject to a penalty of 10% of the mark awarded.
Penalty: Submissions received more than 5 calendar days after the deadline above will not
be accepted and a mark of 0% will be awarded.
Method of
2 Documents to be submitted: the structure document, and then the presentation
Instructions for
slides with reflection on last slides of the document. Make note of the submission
Results posted in Moodle gradebook
Feedback Date: 7 Jan 2022
Learning Outcomes:
Please note this is not the assessment task. The task to be completed is detailed on the next page.
This CA will assess student attainment of the following minimum intended learning outcomes:
1. Apply effective research methods and writing skills to academic and business requirements
(Linked to PLO 3, 6, 7: Know How & Skill Range, Competence Role & Competence
Learning to Learn);
2. Apply a responsible and ethical approach to all personal, academic and business related
activities (Linked to PLO 3, 5, 7, 8: Know How & Skill Range, Know How & Skill Selectivity,
Competence Learning to Learn and Competence Insight );
3. Develop effective presentation skills (linked to PLO 3, 6, 7: Know How & Skill Range,
Competence Role & Competence Learning to Learn);
4. Discuss the importance of effective communication skills for both business and personal life
(Linked to PLO 3, 6 & 7: Know How and Skill Range, Competence Role, Competence
5. Reflect on their own communication techniques – oral, written and verbal – to enhance and
improve their communication. (Linked to 7: Competence - Learning to Learn);

Attainment of the learning outcomes is the minimum requirement to achieve a Pass mark (40%). Higher
marks are awarded where there is evidence of achievement beyond this, in accordance with QQI
Assessment and Standards, Revised 2013, and summarised in the following table:

Percentage CCT QQI Description of Attainment

Range Performance Level 6, 7 & 8 awards Level 9 awards
90% + Exceptional Achievement includes that required for a Achievement includes that required for
80 – 89% Outstanding Pass and in most respects is significantly a Pass and in most respects is
and consistently beyond this significantly and consistently beyond
70 – 79% Excellent this
60 – 69% Very Good Achievement includes that required for a Achievement includes that required for
Pass and in many respects is significantly a Pass and in many respects is
beyond this significantly beyond this
50 – 59% Good Achievement includes that required for a Attains all the minimum intended
Pass and in some respects is significantly programme learning outcomes
beyond this
40 – 49% Acceptable Attains all the minimum intended
programme learning outcomes
35 – 39% Fail Nearly (but not quite) attains the relevant Nearly (but not quite) attains the
minimum intended learning outcomes relevant minimum intended learning
0 – 34% Fail Does not attain some or all of the Does not attain some or all of the
minimum intended learning outcomes minimum intended learning outcomes

Please review the CCT Grade Descriptor available on the module Moodle page for a detailed description of
the standard of work required for each grade band.

The grading system in CCT is the QQI percentage grading system and is in common use in higher education
institutions in Ireland. The pass mark and thresholds for different grade bands may be different from what
you have experience of in the higher education system in other countries. CCT grades must be considered
in the context of the grading system in Irish higher education and not assumed to represent the same
standard the percentage grade reflects when awarded in an international context.
Assessment Task
Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the
assessment task.

This assignment will involve assessing:

• Presentation Skills and

• Referencing Skills

• Reflection Skills

This assessment has two separate hand-in dates for:

1. the structure document, and

2. the finished slides.

You will create and deliver a presentation based on one of the topics below:

1. The challenges of studying and/or moving and/or working in Ireland (pick one of the 3).
2. The role of social media as a communication tool.
3. Presentations: a necessary evil or a great way to communicate ideas?
4. Pollution and Climate Change.
5. A Business Leader I Admire and Why.
6. My Favorite Artist.

You are free to choose one topic above that you wish to make your presentation on.


1. Structure document: It is necessary to think of the structure for your presentation and
what ideas it might contain.

In class we covered two structures:

• Field’s 3 Act Structure and

• Reynolds’ 5 Point Structure.

Choose one of these structure tools to use and on it state:

• Your chosen topic title.

• The main message/idea of your presentation in one sentence only. Give this good
thought. Can you summarize your overall idea in one sentence? What will your
presentation focus on? There is a temptation to restate the topic, but what is the
idea in your presentation. Remember,’ Lunar Mission’ wasn’t the big idea, what was
behind it became the idea.
The topic of your presentation cannot change once you have submitted this structure
document, but the ideas might as you work on it further. Showing that you used the tool
also shows that you considered the structure and your ideas beforehand.

A template for each is available on moodle, and once finished, your structure must be
uploaded to the structure submission slot on moodle (either as word document or PDF).
See the dates above.


The Finished Slides: Based on your chosen topic.

The design of your slides, your use of verbal and non-verbal communication, clarity, overall
preparedness for the presentation, and your use of the Harvard referencing style, will be
assessed in a live presentation.

You will include a reference section on the slide.

Presentations will occur during scheduled class times. If you have not submitted a set of
slides, you will not be able to present.

A schedule will be published on moodle closer to the date. You will present on the date you
are scheduled for. It is your responsibility to be there to make your presentation on the
stated day and time.

Time allowed for the presentation is 5 minutes only. Minimum 3 slides (not including
your reference slide) – there is no maximum number of slides.


On the final slide(s), after your reference slide, include a short reflection piece ( 500 words -
this can be in Arial/Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 spacing) on:

“How I have changed my approach to writing and the presentation process.”

Consider areas such as structure, research, the writing process, slide design etc
Marking Scheme:
Evidence of structure tool used (Field or Reynold’s) with ideas
arranged as per the tool – ie all areas used, no sections left out, easy
to understand, topic stated, message stated in one line. 8%
(To be uploaded separately and by the date outlined above)
Presentation Slides to Engage your audience:
Design, layout, font size, clarity, impact, flow of slides, use of images,
professional and engaging, spelling and grammar. 40%
(To be uploaded separately and by the date outlined above)

Communication - Ability to express ideas and engage audience:

Clarity, engaging the audience, delivery of message, nonverbal cues, varied
tone, pace of voice, intonation, engaging of speaker

Timing - completed presentation with the allocated time. 2%

Reflection piece (put this on the slides after the reference slide.
The reflection slide does not have to be presented!) 8%

References: minimum 3 7%
Submission Requirements
All assessment submissions must meet the minimum requirements listed below. Failure to do so may have
implications for the mark awarded.
Submission must:
• For slides – a minimum of 3 slides is needed
• Structure document can be submitted as word or PDF; Slides must be submitted as PowerPoint
• Be submitted by the deadline date specified or be subject to late submission penalties; there is also
a danger that with slides submitted late, you will not be on the schedule, and will go to the end of
the list
• Be submitted via Moodle upload, (faculty to specify submission method)
• Use Harvard Referencing when citing third party material
• Be the student’s own work.
• Include the CCT assessment cover page (not necessary for slides, but on first slide do include your
name and student number.

Additional Information
• Lecturers are not required to review draft assessment submissions. This may be offered at the
lecturer’s discretion.
• In accordance with CCT policy, feedback to learners may be provided in written, audio or video
format and can be provided as individual learner feedback, small group feedback or whole class
• Results and feedback will only be issued when assessments have been marked and moderated /
reviewed by a second examiner.
• Additional feedback may be provided as individual, small group or whole class feedback. Lecturers
are not obliged to respond to email requests for additional feedback where this is not the specified
process or to respond to further requests for feedback following the additional feedback.
• Following receipt of feedback, where a student believes there has been an error in the marks or
feedback received, they should avail of the recheck and review process and should not attempt to
get a revised mark / feedback by directly approaching the lecturer. Lecturers are not authorised to
amend published marks outside of the recheck and review process or the Board of Examiners
• Students are advised that disagreement with an academic judgement is not grounds for review.
• For additional support with academic writing and referencing students are advised to contact the
CCT Library Service or access the CCT Learning Space.
• For additional support with subject matter content students are advised to contact the CCT Student
Mentoring Academy
• For additional support with IT subject content, students are advised to access the CCT Support Hub.

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