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First Sequence Evaluation Class 3

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Exams No
Write True or False against the following statements
1) The computer is a traditional ICT device ________________________
2) With a mobile phone we can call and talk to our friends and relations in a different
town ________________________
3) We can watch the news on a fax machine ____________________________
4) The Web camera is a modern ICT device ____________________________
5) We can type and edit letters using the computer _____________________
6) It is advisable for pupils to use their mobile telephones in class because it is a good
communication device _______________________
7) It is not advisable to make or receive calls while driving ______________________

Moral Education helps children and young people to acquire a set of belief and values
regarding what is right or wrong. Values such as Love, honesty, respect, trust and
generosity are aspects that all societies and the World as a whole needs. With the
knowledge acquired during this class lessons, answer the following questions by filling the
gaps with either YES or NO.
1) Respect means to treat in a special way ______________________
2) One way we can show respect to our parents is by running errands for them
3) Social norms are those statements of behavior that are acceptable in a particular
society _________________
4) An honest person do not help, respect and always tell lies about others __________
5) Generosity means to show wickedness to others ________________
First Sequence Evaluation Class 3
Name Score
Exams No
1) National Emblems or symbols belong to a state. What are National Emblems?
a) These are unique symbols that distinguish a particular country from another
b) The flag of a nation
c) Peace-Work-Fatherland
2) The motto of Cameroon is :
a) Hard-Work-Success
b) Peace-Work-Fatherland
c) The seal and the coat of Arm
3) Below are some national Emblems :
a) The flag
b) The seal
c) The motto
d) The anthem
i) Which one is a patriotic song of a nation? _______________________________
ii) Which of the above emblems has three colours and a star in the middle?
4) A school is where teaching and learning activities takes place. It has it’s rule and
regulations to help in the day to day activities. One rule of a school is that :
a) Come early to school
b) Come late to school
c) Fight in school
First Sequence Evaluation Class 3
Name Score
Exams No
A- Underline the uncountable nouns in the following sentences below
1) Water is very necessary for life
2) My sister needs some rice for the party
3) The Limbe beach is full of sand
4) The boys who were punished are cutting grass
5) My father bought some palm oil for Christmas celebration

B- Underline the verb in the following sentences

1) My mother cooks in the kitchen
2) Messi plays football very well
3) The dogs run across the street
4) I can write better than Rose
5) I lean my shoes every day.

C- Underline each pronoun in the following sentences

1) Hold it very well
2) Do not give her much food
3) People thought she was a ghost
4) We go to church on Sundays
5) I take breakfast every morning.
First Sequence Evaluation Class 3
Name Score
Exams No
1) ____________________________________
2) ____________________________________
3) ____________________________________
4) ____________________________________
5) ____________________________________
6) ____________________________________
7) ____________________________________
8) ____________________________________
9) ____________________________________
10) ____________________________________
With the help of the letters and sounds below. Form any 5 word of your choice.
ea i a
1) _________________ ____________________ ___________________
2) _________________ ____________________ ___________________
3) _________________ ____________________ ___________________
4) _________________ ____________________ ___________________
5) _________________ ____________________ ___________________
First Sequence Evaluation Class 3
Name Score
Exams No

1) What is Geography?
a) It is the study of the country
b) It is the study of the earth surface
c) It is the study of Geography
2) Weather is the atmospherical condition of a place over a short period of time. Two
elements of weather are _________________________ and
a) Cloud and thermometer
b) Climate and Temperature
c) Temperature and wind vane
d) None
3) Watch column A with answers from column B using letters a, b, c, d, e, f in the
answer column.
Column A Answer Column Column B
1) The study of the Clouds
atmosphere for a
long time is
2) Which clouds Climate
indicate rain
3) A mixture of Temperature
gases, smoke
particles, moisture
and dust particles
is called
4) An instrument for Wind vane
temperature is
5) It is how hot or Thermometer
cold a place is
6) Instrument use to Nimbus
show the direction
of the wind
First Sequence Evaluation Class 3
Name Score
Exams No
1) A person who studies History is called a Historian. What do you understand by the
word History?
a) The study of past events
b) The study of present events
c) The study of future events
d) None of them
2) The best type of History is
a) Written History
b) Traditional History
c) Dug up History
d) Story telling
3) A family is the basic unit of the human society. A family having only three members
is called __ a) Nuclear family b) Extended family c) relative d) none of the above
4) The brother of my father or mother is my uncle. My father’s or mother’s sister is my
___________ a) nephew b) cousin c) aunty d) Niece
5) The first discovery of the early man was _______ a) farming b) fire c) hunting
6) The early man was a wanderer and used crude weapons. A tool used by the early
man was _______ a) gun b) cutlass c) sharp stones d) hoe
7) The first animal friend of the early man was a) goat b) dog c) cat d) lion
8) A place where the early man lived was called a) building b) forest c) kitchen d)
9) An example of a type of dress used by the early man was ______ a) clothes b)
leaves of plants c) food d) none

Answer all questions
1) Name two parts of the body you know _______________________________ and
2) The head is a part of the body that consist of other parts such as the eyes, ears,
mouth, nose, hair etc. the inner most part of the head that is used for thinking and
directing the other body parts is called : a) the brain b) the forehead c) the hair
3) The various body parts have their special ways in which they are being cater for.
One way we can cater for our teeth is by : a) biting strong bones b) brushing c)
not brushing our teeth
4) An example of a toilet is pit toilet and water closet. One way we can take care of a
water system toilet is by: a) spitting on the floor b) flushing c) dirty the floor
5) On way of caring for a pit toilet is by a) mopping b) by not sweeping
8) First Sequence Evaluation Class 3
Name Score
Exams N
Answer all the questions; Underline the correct answer
1) What is an environment?
a) It is where organism lives
b) Environment is the place where only plants live
c) None of the above
2) How many types of environment do we have a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 20
3) The two types of environments are :
a) Closed and open environment
b) Church and market
c) Rivers and sand
4) One characteristic of living thing is
a) They breath
b) They do not eat
c) None
5) One characteristic of a non-living thing is :
a) It grow
b) They do not breath
c) They move from one place to the other
First Sequence Evaluation Class 3
Name Score
Exams No
Underline the correct answer
1) What is needle Work?
a) The sewing of clothes and garments
b) The sewing of crops
c) The sewing of bags only
2) A woman who sew dresses is called
a) Seamstress
b) Tailor
c) Driver
3) A man whose job is to sew dresses is called
a) A tailor
b) A seamstress
c) A farmer
4) The tailor or seamstress uses some tools when sewing. One of the tailor tool is :
a) Thread
b) Shoes
c) Text book
5) An example of a temporal stitch is
a) Tacking and dusting
b) Cross stitch
c) Zig-zag
First Sequence Evaluation Class 3
Name Score
Exams No
Underline the correct answer
1) What is music?
a) Music is a set of sounds arranged such that they are pleasant to the ear
b) Sounds that make us angry
c) Songs that are sang to babies only
2) Where can music be played?
a) In our homes
b) Inside the river
c) In the toilet
3) Two types of music are :
a) Gospel and makossa music
b) The anthem and flag
c) The flute and drum
4) How many groups of musical instrument do we have?
a) 2
b) 10
c) 5
5) We have African and Western musical instrument YES or NO
Human Right is the study of the rights and duties of people. With this knowledge, things
like rape, mob justice and female genital mutilation can be easily avoided in the society
and the World at large. Use this knowledge to answer the following questions
1) When a child knows his/her rights, it helps the child to study well ___________
2) One fundamental right of a child is the right to education __________________
3) Sandra was sick in a small village called Kineko, the aunt did not rush her to the
hospital and as a result, she died. Which right of Sandra is being violated?
a) The right to health care
b) The right to Education
c) The right to shelter
4) State two right of a child ____________________ and _______________________
5) State one responsibility of a child towards the parents ________________________
First Sequence Evaluation Class 3
Name Score
Exams No
Use scrap papers to solve and then write down the right answer in the blanks
1) 102 in words is, One hundred and two. Write 42 in words _____________________
2) Write in figure One hundred and forty ____________________________________
3) 5 x 6 x 0 = ___________________________________________________________
4) Addition and subtraction are brother signs in Mathematics. Solve : 8 + 3 + 4 – 5 = __
5) 10 divided by 2 is 5. What is 28 divided by 4 ________________________________
6) What is the sum of these single digit numbers. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = ____
7) 7 x 4 = ______________________________
8) A set is a collection of well defined objects which of these is the correct symbol of a
set? ( { }, €) underline the correct answer _________________
9) Use : € or € to fill the blanks : A = {1, 3, 5, 7}
a) 2 _______________ A
b) 5 _______________ A
10) Given two sets M = {1, 4, 6} and N = {2, 3, 5}. Find
i) M n N ____________________________________________________
ii) M u N_____________________________________________________
11) 18 – 12 + 6 = _________________________________________________
12) What is the place value of the underlined digit.
i) 834
ii) 404
13) Write in figure :
i) One hundred and twelve _______________________________________
14) A subset is a set that is contained in a bigger set or power set. Write C or C in
the blanks to complete the following statements.
i) {1, 2, 3} __________________ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} _____________________
ii) {orange, apple} __________________ {kinds of fruits}
iii) {10, 12, 14} __________________ {}10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
iv) {a} ________________ {vowel letter
First Sequence Evaluation Class 3
Name Score
Exams No
1) Study the venn diagram below and answer the questions that follow :

List the elements of the following sets :

i) A = __________________________________________
ii) B = __________________________________________
iii) A n B = _______________________________________
iv) A u B = _______________________________________
v) Even numbers = ________________________________
2) Numbers can be added vertically under TH, H, T, U. add the following:
i) TH H T U ii) TH H T U
3 8 9 3 9 4 2 6
+ 1 1 0 5 + 2 6 2 4

3) Decompose means to expand. Decompose these numbers to write out their place
a) 3 8 2 6 = __________________ units
b) = __________________ tens
c) = __________________ hundreds
d) = __________________ thousands
4) Given the following set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18}
List :
i) All the even numbers ________________________________________
ii) Odd numbers ______________________________________________
iii) Prime numbers _____________________________________________

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